HomeMy WebLinkAboutCode Enforcement Complaint 1989-11-9 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING I BUILDING PUBLIC WOFlKS METROPOLITAN V.-:4STEWATEP. "":.t..i{!.GE!.1ENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPFlINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726.3753 .' .." November 6, 1989 CERTIFiED LETTER Business Manager Texaco 2303 Olympic Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Business Manager: A complaint was received and has been reviewed by the City of Springfield. The property listed on the attached form is in violation of a Springfield City Code and/or Ordinance. Rather than issuing a citation or taking immediate legal action, it is the City's standard practice to inform citizens of the violation and request that it be corrected within a reasonable time. The attached form specifies the violation, the corrections necessary in order to comply with the applicable Code/Ordinance, and the date by which your corrective action must be completed. In the event that you have not taken corrective action by the assigned time, deadline, a civil infraction citation will be issued to the resident/and or property owner. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions regarding this letter, the violation, or the required correction, please contact the Springfield Development Services Department at 726-3759. ~~)tP1C Cynthia L. Harmon Planning Technician Code Enforcement copy: Jackie Murdoch, Code Enforcement Officer Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney . I , ..'DER: Complete ite"1s 1 and 2 when additional services are desired. and complete items l~d4. Put your address in the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you. lThe return rer:e~ot fee will qrovide you the name 0' the oerson delivered to and lhe date of deliver~ For addItIonal fees the fOllowmg services are available. <.;onsuh postmaster for fees ana cneCk Doxlesl for additional service Is) requested. 1. 0 Show to whom delivered. date. and addressee's address. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery (Extra charge) (Extra charge) 14. ~.~ ~.r[~;:} I Type of Service: o Registered ~ertified o ExprtJ&s Mail cJ e;mCo .. a30~ O~cSi ~ OC q/LfT7 ~~ 3. Article Addressed to: I I I I I : .te f! .Relivery I /f-/--i7 'S Form 38; 1, Apr, 1989 5. . Sig~ - Addres2Pe -? ~--::"rl-~J1 .,.......- 6. SIgnature - Agent ~ ~ *-L/4'?1 iSR D Insured Deoo o Return Receipt for Merchandise Alwey~ obtain signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. 8. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Cnnli\I",r-I~T n ,..,--. -: ~~ '" ,~ f~~--.\~I .:J~Y)\"""~,, . ,,_ I . ":~~"'vJ?;; , , ~ , - ", / I ""'~ I' I d Va \I I L.S.MAIL I I ,) I ... ,.if PENALTY FOR PRIVATE II USE. $300 I I I I I I I I I I I ""-'''-'-; . UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE ,'v -.;;.. -, OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your name, addre.. and ZIP Cod In the space below, . Complete Item. 1. 2. 3. and 4 on the reverse. . Attech to front of article If space permhs. otherwise affix to beck of article. . Endorse IIIrtlcle "Return Receipt Reque.ted" IIIdiKant to number. RETURN TO .. Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. ~....---. ~ '''-j~J1)....,...'''t.i;tfilt'f;jl:iIt'"l..!'.j;.,:(tf6J( \.-:'~:.-::-;;,., _,'. '--'...__......~....... DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FI FTH STREET . SENDER: Complete items 1 and 2 when additional services are desired. and complete items 3 and 4. P~t your address in the "RETURN TO" Space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent this card ,from being returned to you. The return rece~pt fee will {!rovide VOIJ the namp nf tho."erson delivered to snli the date of delivery:' For additional fees the fOllowing services are available. Consult postmaster for tees ana cneCK DoxIes, for additional service Is) requested. . 1. 0 Show to whom delivered. date, and addressee's address. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery ... (Extra charge) (Extra charge) '3. Article Addressed to: ~~ -r.-t.-)( oLo & A. 236') bLWCf$ ''2f1t1.d tJL q 7LJll I 1 ~.nature - Addressee I ~ s~d Agent -;;?/~ I TO.ie ~/l:::l- ((!/ I PS Form 3811. Apr. 1989 14, A'4lil7mbXq (J K2I Type of Service: o Registered 0 Insured ~ertified 0 COD . 0 Return Receipt Express Mall for Merchandise Always obtain'signature of addressee or agent and DATE DELIVERED. B. Addressee's Address (ONLY if requested and fee paid) DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your neme. addr... and ZIP Cod. in the apace below. . Complete Items 1. 2. 3. and 4 on the r.v...... Attach to front of article If space permhl. otherwise affix to back of article. . Endor.e article "Return Receipt Requa.ted" adJacent to numbar. I. J .. m~ e Jni~' U.5.MAIL Vi I PENAL TV FOR PRIVATE I USE, $300 I I I I I I I I I I 1 . ... , RETURN TO .. Print Sender's n_am,~' ~ddress.~f)~.dAj[l.the space below. I _ ': '.'A~~)~""!:i'l:/f!L~J.~j~.~l;I:M=:'!. . ,_ . ~ -~ -- . II "1 J?:'", , ~O~;I I Ji"'iVI~I'Ji SERv 1\:,;:.6 ',"q ~T~1~'n' -, n, OR ~7/iTI . . . City of Springfield Development Services Department . 225 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 DATE: LOCA TI ON: SPECIFIC VIOLATION: REQUIRED CORRECTION: INFORMAL CONFERENCE: DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: .. INSPECTOR: CASE #448 ~ - ~.- . -... o ~. . _ '.. . '. November 6, 1989 2303 Olympic Street, Springfield, Oregon Section 37.040(9) of the Springfield Deve I opment Code (copy attached). The use of a portable sign. Because portable signs are not permitted the sign must be permanently removed. If you wish to meet with the Code Enforcement staff to further discuss the violation, you may attend an informal conference on November 9, 1989. at 9:00. a.m. at the Development Services Department, 225 North 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon (726-3759). If this time is not convenient and you wish to schedule another time, you must do so prior to 4:30 p.m. of the day of the scheduled conference. The sign must be removed irrmediately. .1, . " Cynthia L. Harmon . " -------, ~ t 41 CASE # , . . . . .' . .. .' W.CiT . # CIT . - A.I.R.S. # COURT # DOCKET # -- . PLANNING & BUILDING CO~PLAINT INFORMATION & INSPECTION FORM ADDRESS: c9~O~ m{~_~ 0 CASE 11U1"BER,jljf ZONE: OiINER: RESIDENT D. O. B.: \.~ U(n (\ I) -- . . ADDRESS: D.O.B,: PHONE: PHONE: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COI'.PLAINAIH: ilATURE OF CO:':PLAlNT~ . 7i~ ADDRESS: PHOljE: NOTIFIED: DATE: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DESCRIPTION OF OBSERVATIOIj . . 1st Inspection CODE SECTION: Il~SCtroK SIGNAIUKI:. , Jlh/f9' /IJAvt VALID VIOLATION? YES NO COMPLIANCE LETTER DATE COMPLIANCE DATE CONFERENCE DATE TAPED VOLUNTARY CO~:PLIANCE AGREEMENT NOTIFY COMPLAINANT REVISED COMPLIANCE DATE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// . .... .) ~. . '. . . 2nd Inspection . COI"PL IAIKE lN~PlLIUK ~lGNAIUKt UAlt THANK YOU LETTER /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WARNING CITATION # COMPLIANCE DATE: DATE NOT I FY DCA ACM W.C.DELIVERED F.!. IJOTIFY COl1PLAINANT '''AILED ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 3rd Inspection . lN~PtLIUK ~lGNAIUKt UAlt COMPLIANCE THANK YOU LETTER CITATION # DATE PHOTOS NOTIFY DCA ACM F.I COMPo VERIFIED CO~'PLAINT AFFIDAVIT DISPOSITION REPORT All INFORMATION FORWARDED TO POLICE DEPARTMENT (5 ITEMS) ARRAIGNMENT DATE PLEA REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL TRIAL DATE NOTIFY DCA . ACM FI COMP JUDGMEtH NOTI FY DCA COI1PL lANCE ACM FI COMP Form #214 . . CITY OF 8PRIN13FIELO 225 5th Street Springfield. Oregon 97477 . 1_"'" /2..-.,- I , Dear Business Manager: Thank you for your cooperation in removing all portable signs from your property. In response to citizen complaints the City will maintain an ongoing program of identifying and ensuring compliance with the City's Sign Code. Cordially, C~mrr ....-----:,-..... :"-~.... ~ ~.-'.,.,J.. --~ ---.-- ..-~..~.... . "," TEXACO 2303 OLYMPIC STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 " '.' "I.' .., '~':" .\ .,.,~.p.-'..:.~ . t'.:. ~_. ,.. ....: ...,;: ".,' " .., ;', .' '. . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING / BUILDING PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREE T SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726.3753 WARNING CITATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NAI1E TEXACO D.O.B. ADDRESS 2303 OLYMPIC STREET CITY C:PPT""r.~T~TJ) STATE m~J:'r.m:r ZIP Q7A1'? LOCATION 2303 OLYMPIC STREET DATE 11/15/89 TIME 3,00 'l..Jll. VIOLATION(S) : SECTION 37.040(9) OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE. .THE USE OP A PORTABLE SIGNIS). Potential Scheduled Forfeiture $150.00 If compliance is not achieved within citation, a citation will be issued. r A ,^,,:H1-'f),; rl.cth.wU11'\ II 'Y~-Wector ys from the date of this warning Case # 448 L ;/11 f:U:'-./!.V./ f/ i{...u~J Enforcement Officer