HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1982-3-23 916-N (A ) - . .~- .::;.--- II~FO~~TIO~: 726-3753 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 I~SPECTIOS ~QUESTS: 726-3769 CITI' OF SPRI~GFIE LD SIG~ CO~STRUCTIO~ ~~D ELECTRICAL I~STALLATIO~ COMBINATIO~ APPLICATIOS/PE~\IIT -I LOCATIO~ OF SIG~(ADDRESS) 7.1 IQ t)l0MPt (.; s1" I LEGAL DESCRIPTIOS 17 C> ~ Z- ..5 TAX LOT' '< L-,O vOlmER OF PROPERTYJ%1lZ.I().I-rrr.:R.I"lbWliS U(>+ITll\/7"OAl)l;:: ~r:; PHO~E~~S.-Y_ -:LJ ADD~SS 1..26 OL'-f'WlIPIC-' . ZIP_--!lZt.fT? _ 'J OI"~ER OF SIG~(IF OTHER TH~~ PROPERTY 0"~ER)_i?,iz.161-lrr:=:~ r=lD/1)("::JeC, / ~:::Ne(.S 9;Of>'r::1IL.. _ ;2) V ADD~SS_ ~~ 8L '1' jA,q?C~ _ _ _ _ _ __PHONE...2?IR.::./ut:7dou _ C I NAHE OF BUSISESS"FI~\I, E'CC..J3IlIl..url-tL I)~_TI'PE OF BUSINESS~.()I2\"'\J . .a TYPE OF WORK: t...-"f~CT RELOCATE ALTER onIER TYPE OF SIGN: -- .~LL ~ ROOF MARQUEE OTHER F~ESTANDING PROJECTING ~ADER BOARD BILLBOAW S I G~ CllAMCTER ~DENTITY PROJECTING [CHECK APPLICABLE ITE~IS): NON- IDE~'CITY SECO~DA~Y INCIDEIH'AL DOUBLE FACE 1::"""5INGLE FACE ~ruL TI - FAce VENDORS. CONT~\CTORS: .SIG~ ERECTOR ~~ ..."N.t'C. @16li>l ADD~SS z. q 4D--.W. I J (J':. CITY LICE~SE Ntr.-lBER {nS(7.'f2(<J SIGN HANUFACTURE~ (IF OTllER TItA.~ ERECT.Q!!L_ ADDRESS I \ ELECTRICAL CONTMCTOR ADD~SS GY">, r=O r i-c:=: w 10' _ .. . Q7'1{JZ- , _PHONE~~..::t:L~_ .. EXP. DATE "3 ~ r:: PHONE PHONE___ LICENSE NUHBER DIMENSIONS. INSTALLATICN" 1\.l'\1D CO~STRUCTION INFORMATIO~: TOTAL HEIGIlT ABOVE GMDE III VERTICAL DUlENSION OF SIGN I Z/' HORIZONTAL WIDTIl OF SIGN '2..4 J DH-IENSION FROM GMDE TO BOTTml OF SIGN q I TIlICXNESS OR DEPTIl OF SIGN "7/" II DOES SIG~ PROJECT BEYO~O PROPERTY LINE YES ~ IF YES, DI~lENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE /iOTE: IF PROJECTION IS I.IORE mAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTI' TIlE SIGN ERECTOR MUST FILE IHm TIlE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ~~D PROPERTI' D~tA.GE INSU~CE POLICIES. WILL SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL WIRING? _YES 0'0 IF YES, WHICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN ILLtr.-IINATED (INDI~CTLY LIGIlTED) DESCRIBE TYPE OF ~~\TF.!UALS SlG~! IS CO?-!ST!'.'JCTED OF PROVIDE UL NUMBER IF APPLICABLE VALUE OF SIGN ~~I).lX.J. SITE INFO~tA.TION (~~D USE)--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACANT): . PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LANO: / CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: "INDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR MERCH~~DISING ARE TIlERE EXISTING SIGNS? YES t.-<o IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL EXISTING SIGN~JOR BUSINESS, EXISTING SIGNS (SIGN COOE): FIRH, ETC.: ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREMISES(S~IE TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sigo Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield ~y (;ZOde -6(3) and 9_1_20(2}. I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit.~, '. ... J.. _ L ~AME(PLEASE PRINT) LArlOc.< 'i?Q.BJ.N.~I!N SIGNATU~;-/.W!(/ ~PA ~DATE ~$3/&-z:.... -- I ( FOR OFFICE U~NLY / SIGN DISTRICT~~~ ZONE DISTRICT e -4.{ TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN -$I' f1 {iJ INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: _SITE/LOCATION _FOOTING OR ~lETIlOD OF ATTACH~lENT _ELECTRICAL )LFIN~L _OTIIER FEES: SIGN PE~IIT: CHARGES: P~. d'O ELECTRICAL PE~IIT: CHARGES: V STATE SURCHARGE: ~ TOTAL FEE FOR PE~IIT: 116, 00 . PLEASE hEAD I) Separate Sign'Application: A separate application is required for each separate sign 3S defined in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this, application will include wir- ing in or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4)&(5) and 9.7.18 of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans ReQuired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans drawn to scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad- vertising message on sign; location of sign on property with dimensions to property lines. structual details of support framing, bracing and footings; materials of constructio~ for sign and sign structure; elec- trical equipment and lighting; size and location of existing signs on property for the same business, all as required to determine compliance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also, show the following information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) When required. because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be prepared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at the Building Division Office. S) Plans of insufficient clarity or "detail will be returned to the ap- plicant with no permit being issued. 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Fig. 9 of the'. Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. ?) NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally o-r'-vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or les's than 5 feet in any direction from overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. S) If a si~n is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void. 9) Inspections: a) Site InsJPection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually. the Footin2 Inspection (if applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be made after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placement of concrete. b) Final I~spection - to be made upon completion of all work. c) Electrica-l - All electrical signs must be inspected for electri- cal hook up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR TIlE ~QUI~D INSPECTIONS ON TIlE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769. - -. I PERMIT V:\LIDATIO~ CLERK DATE SPECIAL C2l'lPI1;~ONS TO BE SATISFIEDJlEFORE EIjECTIO~Oh SIGN;, ~ f) p tWO WI4L'- ~/tON$ .......{5'"'...,...6 - AJ T liG R ,J:". i;) . SIt:; I'll S . ~ 14 V AJ () T t+-A- (.) e-/fIJ.P ADDITIONAL INFO~\U\TION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT ~tA.Y BE ISSUED: PLANS ~VIEWED BY: .f~~0 I DATE .5-71-02-- .. PLEASE hcAD 1) Seearate Si~n APplication: A separate application is I separate sign as deiined in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this application ~ log in or on sign structure, the supply wires for conn( covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connectior only by 3 State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Iilumi internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9-: 9~7.1S of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans Reauired: This application is to be submitted wi sets of plans drawn to scale. showing dimensions and h( vertising message on sign; location of sign on propert) to property lines, structual details of support framinl footings; materials of construction for sign and sign ~ trical equipment and lighting; siz~ and location of exi property for the same business, all as required to detl with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the ~ Code). Also. show the following information on the pl{ showing property lines and location of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well C 'rr b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by building. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public ( (dr 4) When required, because of design, size, etc., engineerl calculations must be prepared by a licensed engineer 0] to design standards on file at the Building Division OJ (e~ 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returnl plicant with no permit being issued. . 6) 'Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements al Fig. 9 of th~ Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. . 7) NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 fef o-r---vertically from overhead electrical conductors in eJ volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction from overhl lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. 8) If a siGn is not installed within 60 days after the da1 this permit. the permit shall be void. , '. CI~OF SP'RINGFIELD .- City Hall , ;i7q~ 77 Sprlngllald, Oregon [J-' , Department o' Public Worka OFFICIAL RECEIPT No. B 58808( c (" Date :<-::31- ,1')_ e Rec'd From ;:;~ h~ Lfc21S UJ. s---A ~ 19 (>2 Address , I. ('.. " Received For: ~AI' ),/J,A/!/(* .0 I . ./U 3<'" J r f) ).,A/WL* ( fI. 6-, tJ-tJ ....L;"; tm -, --=....:...-- It/D,LJ.?-, ( c ~. ( , ( ( ( - ( ~ 14/ [), ~ Amount Received , ~.?r ( )a1';;;;..OR1ZfOSlGNA"'RE /" ~.~~ <. \ ( ,,"IOOS PIIIINTERS/LlTHOORAPHI[RS. EUGENI:. ORII:OOH ~) Inspections: a) Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footin2 Inspection (if applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be made after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the placement of concrete. CLERK b) Final I~soection - to be made upon completion of all work. DATE c) Electrical - All electrical signs must be inspected for electri- cal hook up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR TIlE ~QUI~D INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769. SPECIAL CONDI,IONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFO~ ERECTION OF SIGN: 1) p lWO W~ U... :j-/~ /\,}$ ';'K...ET(.,ISB' - "r T ;;G R ..:J:. ;;; . :5 t't::; /1./ S . J-! 19 t( AJ rJ T tl-A- {/ e-/fIJ Y ADDITIONAL INFO~\IATION NEEDED BEFORE P~IIT ~tA.Y BE ISSUED: P~~S ~VIEWED BY: f'./J~~..- I ~ QATE 5-?9-BZ-- , - .. '.J7A1J3 - ~ 916-N (A ) I 'I~FORMATION: 726-3753 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 IXSPECTIOS ~QUESTS: 726-3769 CITY OF SPRI~GFIELD SIG~ CONSTRUCTIO~ AND ELECTRICAL I~STALLATIO~ COMBINATIO~ APPLICATION/PE~~IT -I LOCATIO~ OF SIG~(ADDRESS) 7J lO D.' .'ftI.rl PI (.; I LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~ 1 7 c>:;;' Z- ..::) TAX LOT . '< bO' VOItNER OF PROPERTY.,y,lZ.J(\'14~R. ~Wlt:. U(>+IT'l\/~OAl)I;:: ~t~ , PHONE '7t(t>.:..Z~5te....R;7 ADD~SS 1..20 OL'-f'Wl/PIC- , ' ZIP q...zt.fT?, _ J OI'~ER OF SIGN(IF 011IER ~~ PROPERTY OII'NER) \7,iZ,1G-I,H'ER. OA>< r=lDwf~ / ~~els ~'Y)P'.s('..... _ _ ;2) VADD~SS 2/B L?>L'1'LMt?I~_ _____. /, _PHONE...2?IL.I-67..t.,___C N~IE OF BUSINESS,.FI~\I. ETC..J3Il\(~n=tL O~_TYPE OF BUSINESS--E.()!2\c,'J _ _ -\..0 TYPE OF WORK: TYPE OF SIGN: SIGN CI~RACTER r~HECK APPLICABLE ITE~~): (..;"'(~CT ALTER ~LL F~ESTANDING ~OENTITY NON-IDEWfITY ~LOCATE OTHER -"- RDOF PROJECTING PROJECTING SECONDA~Y _ __, . MARQUEE ~ADER BOARD INCIDEHI'AL 1::"""5INGLE FACE OTHER BILLBOAW DOUBLE FACE !RJLTI-FACE VENDORS. CONTRACTORS: .SIG~ ERECTOR~~~.\\I.I'C., @I{):~" CV"> ADD~SS z.q 4()! ll.\, (I [T; GO(J1."""';,~\If':"- CITY LICE~SE Ntr.-IBER c.Sf.7.ifZ<<'J SIGN !L\NUFACTURE~ (IF OTllER TItA.~ ERECT.Q!!L_ "3~r:: ADD~SS I \ ELECTRICAL CONTMCTOR ADD~SS , . q7(//J7~ .... _PHONE~~ -~~_.. / , EXP. DATE_ PHONE PHONE LICENSE NUHBER DUIEXSIO:-JS. INSTALI.ATIC~ AND CO~STRUCTION INFORMATION: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE II' VERTICAL DUlENSION OF SIGN I Z/I HORIZONTAL WIDTIl OF SIGN 2.4 I OIHENSION FROM GRADr TO BOTTOll OF SIGN q I TIlICKNESS OR DEPTIl OF SIGN "7/" II , DOES SIG~ PROJECT BEYO~D PROPERTY LINE YES ~ IF YES, DI!lENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTION IS ~IORE TIlAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THE SIGN ERECTOR ~nJST FILE Itl'l11 TIlE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ~~D PROPERTY D~tA.GE INSU~CE POLICIES. WILL SIGN HAVE ELEcTRICAL ItIRI~G? _YES 0'0 IF YES. WHICH APPLY? _ELECTRICAL SIGN _ILLUMINATED (INDI~CTLY LIGHTED) DESCRIBE TYPE OF ~\TF.~I^L5 SIG~ IS CO~ST~UCTED OP , PWVIDE UL NUMBER IF APPLICABLE VALUE OF SIGN ~)~I).lX.J, . SITE INFO~tA.TION (~~D USE)--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LANO (DR LAST USE ,IF VACANT): ; EXISTING SIGNS 01; FIRM. ETC.: (SiGN CODE): / OlECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: V INDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR llERCHilNDISING ARE THERE EXISTING SIGNS? YES t.-1fci IF YES, DESCRIBE ALL ,EXISTING"SI(;N~..F~R BUS~~ESS. ,PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREMISES(SAME TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY E~IINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of . the State of Oregon! pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the . City of Springfield" is in full f.orce and effect as required by Springfield C y t;Zode .6(~1 and 9.7-2U(21. I Wi.ll request : all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. .... ........ . _ 1-7 L : ''-,!,AME(PLEASE PRINT).J.,AtZQ.t< i?Q61~t>l'" SIGNATU. ,-::/dU--f b~ ." "DATE 5/Z.7'/&-z.. '/ FOR OFFICE U9I;-uNLY / SIGN DISTRICT'ClI7(U': ZONE DISTRICT (' -'I TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: _SITE/LOCATION _FOOTING OR METIlOD OF ATTACHl-lENT _.ELECTRICAL ..y n in XFINAL _OTllER FEES: SICN PERHIT: OlARGES: " ~. .(/ 'D ELECTRICAL PE~IIT: CHARGES: V STATE SURCHARGE: -e- TOTAL FEE FOR PERHIT: $6", 00 .. ~'"~ ,5R""K~";_'<""'___~''''''''''''''''~>---<i''''''-'''''''~-. - "-11111 !IlI- -;t...''',<~'''''''''"-'*,..,<.,..,.- "";,, --..:' ~""""""'-'-";""""- .--.-." . ',~"., "..., '" - _......,....~".., ,::L ;},' }{!f: ",,} " -:~\1~) ~ arc:..v; .1t" '.::..j.', - ~ . ,. . " ~ ", - . '- , '.,: . . I :.I~ .~ _.. ',., .' ,ii.\ , '. , . ~ .. '" . -z51'. . ~ -, , ~ - - lTl, .--r '-',t '. ..A.._._-.~ - ~~'._" ;A: , ; I -..2"t _J , ._~: ~<tG1fllE:B,[<D~- ~l[cilg\~)R~ $1..~ -rs.--?::.=----- ~~- . ';\,':', . ~ '0 I. . /. "'. . .. . . ~ . " . '. , ~ ~ " ',j' ,~ ;L, . ~'. .~ ."":. '" "'~ .,' , . " -,.~_. '.-, '., .".... .... " -... -----.- - ' ,'. " / . /l'. .. . I! -Ii. '. n~/. . ~., :' , . .. . ..-7 ~ - " .~..'., ,~. . L t;.:.~ ~- - , ,. ...; ',:1.'. - , -.'- ':1,' .- i -. ...., --'.. '.' ..... J ~: . " " .- .' .' . '..':'-.-- ,.," " :" " r- >~ .. ti= ~:. ;,. '. '. .' ~ ,~. . .-.......: . ,- ; . .~.. . ~ '-' . - ... 1-4: ,. :- .~ <>w' . ,~ . ~ ,,~ ,,~ ' ~ ? " - ""'\ , --'~~" TD ' Wit"" .4"- [\:Pp~~v~o "'." ..:-, ~'"~~.1". W;'~ t. ~" '_, ,- , ,<' ~Sj~~ed ...cf(l~:I/ ~ :'. ,.' '," ~r.:~' I,." ." . .4.' ..., ... , ' . 'P" 1 f , f 1 ~~$ ,'l" ~ I . \ - , ~ ;, /. . ,. '~' ..-.. .<-..,.'.,;.-fj.., .\~. ,~~ . "', . . ~ -,.; - ". DA~F. _~.."cIEVF.-,,3 . 2.~~- J:OB N:o. u02.Y:f ZONE t.. -~ OCCUPANCY GROUP - . UNITS OCCUPANCY LOAD - - TYPE CONST. STORIES - \ , _ \ 1 THE CON'!"F.NTS HE. OF H.AVE 8F':N REVIEWED, WITH ALTERATIONS INDICATeD IN CCLOR~D PENC!\... CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS MADE AFT':R DATE BELOW SHALL. BE APPROVED BY THE eUILO\N3 OFFICIAL. OREGON DATE ~ -2--'" fPz,...- APPROVED --- -" -', ^.'-_.~ - - , Gt6rJ(B ') ~ . I I~FO~~TION: 726-3753 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 I~SPECTIO~ ~QUESTS: 726-3769 CITY OF SPRI~GFIELD SI~~ CONSTRUCTIO~ ~'D ELECTRICAL I~STALLATIO~ COMBINATIO~ APPLICATIO~/PE~~IT LOCATIO~ OF SIG~(ADDRESS) '21 \ CI. OLYvu 1PI C I LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~ TAX LOT' .l)Q OI~NER OF PROPERTY /blZIMfl1-:vz. \.Ih1.IAfEo Lt'.,.j..m N.6-- / DAUlS L~r:=: PHONE 7t.1 t. . 2c..-.,z:~ r~ AOD~SS LZ0 DU....'Ml?IC ZIP_ez7t//7Q -t6 Oh~ER OF SIG~(IF OTIIER TllA.~ PROPERTY OIl'NER)_~X:~~Lr' 1CJ (2W,Vl':lec; '?" O~ IC'rS _.,J:: ADO~SS _ .2.\1 Cf OL l.( V14. PIC- _ _ _. __.. . PHONE _ ..Q N~lE OF BUSI~ESS, FI~'I, ETC. 6121('lf.lIY:'-:t2. Q'A(( .fl.J)f1)!-=.j~~PE OF BUSI~ESS l=(Qgt.SL_- TYPE OF I~ORK: ~~CT ALTER RELOCATE OTHER TYPE OF SIGN: ~LL ROOF MARQUEE OTHER FREESTA."lDING PROJECTING ~ADER BOARD BILLBOARD SIGN CIIAMCTER [CHECK- APPLICABLE iTE~IS): . IDENTITI' 4.--NON-IDE~CITY PROJECTING SECONDARY INCIDENTAL ~LE FACE DOUBLE FACE ~ruLTI-FACF. VENDORS. CONTRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR_ _r:::t)(>lJ~ 9,.1~N ,C.{.), ADO~ss--2~..cL..1 · }, II-Lf.:- r:;:~I!\JV=- CITI' LICENSE Ntr.-IBER . SIGN ~tA.NUFACTURE~ (IF OTllER TltA.~ ERECTOR) ~I/I.I1 r.=. ADO~SS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ADD~SS , CI 7~(? 2- / PHONE_g~~""6...-Y~-. EXP. DATE PHONE PHONE LICeNSE NUMBER OH1ENSIONS. INSTALLATION AND CO:-lSTRUCTION INFORHATlON: TOTAL HEIGllT ABOVE GRADE I (I VERTICAL DUlENSIO~ OF SIGN 1211 HORIZONTAL WIOTll OF SIGN -z.V I DIMENSION FRO~I GMDE TO BOTTO~I OF SIGN q / TIlICKNESS OR OEPTIl OF SIGN ~ / / ~-- DOES SIG~ PROJECT BEYO~D PROPERTY LINE YES........-nO' IF YES, DUlENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE ~OTE: IF PROJECTION IS ~10~ TIIAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTI' TIlE SIGN E~CTOR ~ruST FILE IHTII THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ~'D PROPERTY D~~ INSU~CE POLICIES. WILL SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL WIRING? __YES ~NO IF YES, WHICH APPLY? __ELECTRICAL SIGN __ILLUMINATED (INOI~CTLY LIGHTED) DESCRIBE TYPE OF ~~\TE!UAtS SIG~! IS CONST~.lJcrF.D OF ~ PROVIDE UL NUMBER IF APPLICABLE SITE INFO~tA.TION (~~O USE)--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND VALUE OF SIGN 0,'-:->0, (OR LAST USE IF VACANT): ()'..../ . PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: ./ CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: t1NOOOR BUSINESS OUTDOOR MERCHANDISING EXISTING SIGNS (SIGN CODE): ARE TIlERE EXISTING SIGNS? _YES vNQ"" IF YES, DESCRIBE ~,EXISTING SIGN~..FOR BUSIN.ESS. ~ FIRM, ETC.: ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREMISES(S~lE TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY E~fINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City COd~S 8. 46(3) and 9_1_20(2). I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. _ ~ ~~ ' NAHE(PLEASE PRINT) c,{AU?lf?<r> L'LD1P71 V\IC/)AJ SIGNATU~.a..u:u' Vc: W~ DATE FOR OFFICE U~NLY ,I' SIGN DISTRICT c..~ "'1 H, ZONE DISTRICT /,,- "-I TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: _SITE/LOCATION _FOOTING OR METIlOD OF ATTAl>>lENT _ELECTRICAL q II t:?IJ ~FINAL- _OTllER FEES: SIGN PE~IIT: OlARGES: sZ S; dO ELECTRICAL PE~IIT: ~ CHARGES: ~ STATE SURCHARGE: ~ TOTAL FEE FOR PE~IIT: t ~..tJ tJ . ~ PLEASE hcAD PER>IlT \',\LID"TIO~ 1) Separate Sign AEPli~ation: A separate application is required for each separate sign as defined in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this. application will include wir- ing in or on sign. structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Iiluminatcd signs (both internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4)&(5) and 9.7.18 of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans ReQuired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans drawn to scale, showing dimensions and height of sign; ad- vertising message on sign; location of sign on property with dimensions to property lines, structual details of support framing. bracing and footings; materials of constructio~ for sign and sign structure; elec- trical equipment and lighting; size and location of "existing signs on property for the same business. all as required to determine compliance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also.' show the following information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) When required, because of design. size. etc.. engineered drawings and calculations must be prepared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at the Building Division Office. 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the ap- plicant with no permit being issued. 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Fig. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. 7) NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than.12 feet horizontally or-Yertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts. or less than 5 feet in any direction from overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. 8) If a si;n is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void. ~) Inspections: a) Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footin~ Inspection (if applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be made after hole(s) is excavated. but prior to the placement of concrete. CLERK b) Final Iospection - to be made upon completi~n of all work. c) Electrical - All electrical signs must be inspected for electri- cal hook up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. DATE CALL FOR TIlE ~QUI~D INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769. SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE E~CTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFO~IATION NEEDED BEFD~ PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: , ") fr rt.-J/) eJPi ~ L- :s If tJ..$ A;ee; {):!€ 1/- hI\} Y' t) / d'~ -?:~ p, S',141l.J ~ _ }-l14 V /Jor tWWF PLANS ~VIEWED BY: /f1. UATE ;3'- 2. '7- El? I' - g(6~\jCB ') ,~ . ~ IISFO~~TION: 726-3753 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 ISSPECTION ~QUESTS: 726-3~69 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SIGS COSSTRUCTIQ~ AND ELECTRICAL I~STALLATIOS COMBINATIO~ APPLICATIO~/PE~~IT LOCATIO~ OF SIG~(ADDRESS) '21 \ C{ OLYlMtPf C. I LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~ TAX LOT . l)Q OIINER OF PROPERTY fS.('16-I+f1-::I'L IJ('>.{ W~ L~:)..l...m N.L~ / DAUlS u~F. PHO~E 7t.1-f.'" ~~z.-" !Q ADD~SS LZ(J DL'-<IJU)?IC ( ZIP C:f7Q/7? QS O\>'llER OF SIG.~(IF OUIER UlA.~ PROPERTY OWNERU~Kili.[t.;~n/l+~' FI DIJ.Jr~,1e'; 'l'" O-i ICT"S. __ J; ADDREss_.2.llct OLL.(VI4PIC-_____.... . _PHONE _ _ "".:0 N~lE OF BUSISESS, Fml, ETC. 6el("-ITI-=t? Q'ACf FlDf1)!~~PE OF BUSISESS aQgt.SL_. TYPE OF h'ORK: ...!"E~CT ~LOCATE ALTER onIER TYPE OF SIGN: ~LL ~ ROOF MARQUEE OTHER F~ESTANDING PROJECTING ~ADER BOARD BILLBOARD SIGN CllAMCTER [CHECK APPLICABLE ITEMS): IDENTITY ~ON-IDEN"ITY PROJECTING INCIDENTAL DOUBLE FACE SECONDARY L--S-tNGLE FACE ~IULTI-FACF, VENDORS. CONTMCTORS: SIGNmCTO~_.. l:::L)rw=:..1A1.~=- 41{,..N ,C?r), ADD~ss-2fl4D-.11 ), II-L*": E~Y::: CITY LICENSE Ntr.-1BER . SIGN ~IANUFACTURE~ (IF OTllER TItA.~ ERECTOR) ~/"/l /"'=. ADDRESS ELECTRICAL CONTMCTOR ADD~SS . 4 7~ 2- / PHONE_g~-5....~-?_ EXP. DATE_ PHONE PHONE LICENSE NUl-lBER DnIEXSIO~S. INSTALL\TION" AND CO~STRUCTION INFORHA.TIO~: TOTAL HEIGllT ABOVE GRADE I II VERTICAL DUlENSION OF SI~ 1211 HORlZO~TAL WIDTIl OF SIGN Z'I' DUlENSIOS FRml GRAD!: TO BOTTO~I OF SIGN q I TIlICKNESS OR DEPTIl OF SIGN ~ 1 J . DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYO~D PROPERTY LINE YES ~ IF YES, DII-lENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE /iOTE: IF PROJECTION IS MORE 11IAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTI' TIlE SIGN ERECTOR ~IUST FILE \11111 THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ~~D PROPERTY D~tA.GE INSU~CE POLICIES. WILL SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL 11IRWG? _YES ,LNO IF YES, WHICH APPLY? _ELECTRICAL SIGN _ILLUl-lINATED (INOI~CTLY LIGllTED) DESCRIBE TYPE OF ~\TERIALS SIGM IS CO~ST~UCTED O~ .;....:.....:.. , PROVIDE UL NUMBER IF APPLICABLE , SITE INFO~tA.TION (~~D USE)--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LANO VALUE OF SIGN nJ,"'--.,O (J.J. _ - c:;'_ (OR LAST USE IF VACANT): PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: ,..- OIECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: ",:,INDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR,MERCHANDISING ARE TIlERE EXISTING SIGNS? YES l.'NO IF YES, DESCRIBE ~,EXISTING SIGNS F~R BUSIN.ESS, , EXISTING SIGNS (SiGN CODE): (FIRM, ETC.: ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREHISES(S~re TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY E~IINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the , Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City COd~S 8- -6(~1 and 9.,-20,(21. I will request all required sign inspections listed on the approved permit. ~ // ..~. .. NAME (PLEASE PRINT) t,(AU?f7<r' t'U)/p'I /llfCLJ~1 SIGNATU7 _ :"vUt'-;/ Yc: 7hM~' "DATE FOR OFFICE U91YONLY / SIGN DISTRICT C-C! ~ H I ZONE DISTRICT /. - '-' TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN INSPECTIONS ~QUIRED: _SITE/LOCATION _FOOTING OR I-lETIlOD OF ATTAcmlENT _ELECTRICAL ~~ C1 ~FINAL. _ OTllER FEES: SIGN PERHIT: CHARGES: d 5:- c)o , ELECTRICAL PE~IIT: n- CHARGES: ~ STATE SURCHARGE: ~ TOTAL FEE FOR PE~IIT: 15""-- tJ 0 . PLEASE !-"AD 1) Separate Sign ~pplic3tion: A separate application is separate sign as defined in the Sign Code. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this application I ing in or on sign. structure. the supply wires for conne covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connectiol only by 3 State Licensed Electrical Contractor. lilum: internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9-: 9.7-18 of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans Required: This application is to be submitted wi sets of plans drawn to scale. showing dimensions and h( vertising message on sign; location of sign on propert) to property lines. struttunl details of support framin~ footings; materials of constructio~ for sign and sign! trical equipment and lighting; size and location of'exi property for the same business, all as required to detE with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the ~ Code). Also, show the following information on the plc showing property lines and location of signs): a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well a- b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by building. ( c) Show the location of entrances open to the public a 4) '~hen required, because of design, size, etc.. engineere calculations must be prepared by a licensed engineer or ~' to design standards on file at the Building Division Of S) Plans of insufficient clarity or 'detail will be returne plicant with no permit being issued. 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as Fig. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. , 7) NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than.12 fee' or-Yertically from overhead electrical conductors in ex, volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction from overhei lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. , I, CI~OF SP'RINGFIELD (' , City Hall afiq~ 77 Springfield, Oregon ( Department of Public Worka OFFICIAL RECEIPT , No. B 5B808( c 19 !?2.. Date :< - :3/- R2- (. Rec'd From ~. h~ 'I .fl' 4,1, 15 to, s-'ti:t ~ c - ( { C c ( ( ( , ( -( Address Cl' c. Recalved For. A..tr~ ;'n,.vu~* . f ' A-i 3<'" ~!' IJ J.. H\1-t-J;- ...../1: f}i'J 1110, ;;;: n 6'. 1M C~ ," l, ( ~ 11/ (). diJ Amount Received ( ~Or=O"GH'TU.E \ ~'" !!......t' '1 ~I <. iuuoGS I"RINTElttllUTHOORAPHE"S, EUOENE. OREOON. 8) If a si;n iS,not installed within 60 days after the date'Qx ~ssue ot this permit, i'the permit shall be void. ~) Insnections: a) Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the FootinR Inspection (if applicable) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be made after hole(s) is excavated. but prior to the placement of concrete. CLERK b) Final I~spection - to be made upon completion of all work. DATE i'l/4. V tJ 0 r tf-;:k/F I I !I I i .i I, c) Electrical - All electrical signs must be inspected for electri- cal hook up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. CALL FOR TIlE ~QUI~D INSPECTIONS ON nm 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769. SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFO~ ~CTION OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFO~tA.TION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: , ") .z:,e:; TtV() e....)/-'T ~ ~ S t<f,J..s ,A,ei: OS€" 1",,- ,I1-NY t)T~ J:-P, 5?41tJ~,.... PLANS ~VIEWED BY: /f1. (j~/V~ I DATE ;3'- ~ 7- 8'? , . -- ~ ." v-; .-- . ~ ($) l3b\<;;rr,::,1 r:=v ~.. -~ ,< ,..!;-' < \ \. /' , i - ". .;/~::-:~__, ;'I~ .I2SI'_ .. ,'j .- ~ ~'l j 'I f I · '~L h ~ _A~"= -r i ,~~ 100 ~-.i- .... __.-~-:,::.;:;..-.--- _.=:;::;""--.:.....::.~:-::- ~.....;.;---.-:;-~. 1 " ~ -.-:--_::-::-'7:_-........3'"><~=;__... :;.z."'. .-. -_' ~_. '_.~. '" li1--.:J) II ~. ~J i :1 -.-1~,-- 1;::, '__ 1=';;" ------ j ~ ~- i' ~,,-:-_"eF~~' ...u.. . ...'''' t?:.../!-;r'~ ~ 060 1- I '.:."-:';~-:-.1'.1i " ~-r----:" '_p'..___'--'__~'''_ "' . ~. .~ 1 . .., ~ :.~...v ,.' .' ,<.....' '. . ./ ".1_. --r-,'')- ,- . '. t.' ". ";:, ~ ,}. , ,- .~, ,t '.' 'jt..-, I J , , , i . [ " I , r - , , "'-~"'" ----- i i ~ , /: .' " , . L Z'fl /i ..;:;@ r~p G 'rn~K-'-'--\7' Y:::LDV.J8C'--~ -~--JS-;L,/ ,. \~.L_H____._ UA:l ;:..~ bC::\ E _ft_.__ I II 1 t. 1 p>'-'- 'A DPROVED -:~ /..f:" " .~ 2...},t#' . 19 rJ z" . /1/1 /.' ."--:::>, Sig~ed'~(~ /. II -.+, .....,:.. . . -'"- , II !If . : _,::: -1 '-' ....L., \/ . , - "T- -..._.. l'-'~ ~: ;,-. --.. 1'-; :. )- ~~- )~! '. t .~'.' ro'" ,i - .. . <\...: --...... ....... . . " , ....j -. " tr -. · ,- .,-..;) ~.. , ,. , . , '" " -. ",;~,,'.; ;-~-...;.-~.- -.._0I1f~~ (1 JK!t?;:_~:'{~;:~';l..~~.:,::>:~-i}0:::~i~~~-=:!_YP~Hliti{~--c'-__:'.;~~~'..~;){~\~:'~',:~ _~~ci';,,~:'.;: _'~' ,.: ":":~:::~",,-.-7Ai."if' . DATE RECIEVEO 3.2:\. Rg JOB NO.@OO!Ei ZONE c.-c..f OCCUPANCY GROUP ~ UNITS ---- OCCUPANCY LOAD STORIES - TYPE CONST. LEGAL DESCRIPTION /"7 t) f:l J!- ~ -";:~~;~;S t!:'- \ C\ ~L ~ ) OWNE~ l6l\): l: ~(\~ THE CONTENTS H RE OF HAVE BEEN REVIEWED, WITH ALTERATIONS INDICATED IN COLORED pENCIL. CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS MADE ^FT~R OATr.:. eELOW SHALL. BE APPROVED BY THE 8UILDIN~ OFFICIAL. CITY OF ~J)NG.FIELD. OREGON ApPROVED By f.:-4I~ ~ DATE .,g-~<? . '1' 2-- , ~ ..