HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-7-20 07/21/03 MON 13:03 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~002 ~ . . .~.":.. ::" :'~ .;.,..,' ,:,P , :'( /. ... . \ :'. ' ,. '. I" . .... ~._,.....,.~...'..~.~.".. 'f\.:: '--'J- -- .1.' .... .... 1: -................ __i,_ :;..-....~: (': ~..."..;!.,,:..: ."l,. ."",:~..:,,;,,:.1';,,....:,,:,..,,,. '. . '"'' " ...:..:-.... " ~', :._. .,.~;_!... ~_--: 11S FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . l'1-l:(S41)726-37S3 'lMA\lI~A~7,M,j~~~3 b' . ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ~~~~~g. ~nd d09S not ~9S:UI~il~~~~I~i~ t,~~~o~owing City Job Number ElEZOD3-ooi77 Date 7/2.1/03 va.. /1. II 59 ZOning ( ~ "- 3. ;1:~:L~!~~~!~t~~fr~;:i~~~.~:~:../::::~t:~: A. :[~Nc~ R~d,~!lllal;"SiDgI,,~ic:~lj19;Fa\'.II!j' P'CJ::c1\v~Uinil,llnit::, i:~,::' . ". "." ......"..,.......'. . 'c'" ,.....1.. .~ _,' P'," .. .... ..,. L'~,"'" ~.. L.. n",.. ... 0'- .... -r.... '. ".r;, 200 ^mllS or les., S 63.00 201 Amps to 400 Amps $75.00 401 Ampslo 600 Amp' S125.00 601 Amp'~I000 ~*' SJ63,00 Ph,'ne (SLlI)'lz.!.4S4"-\ Over 1000 l~~'\ $375,00 Re~~~t i\~'\" ~~ $ 50.00 .~\.~~"'<:.,~'~"-- '....".-- ,-_.- ."'-<>,,-- ",,- ~-"-"'"" CJ(JLJ LF 1\ .,. ,-1,~ ~~~'!f!if" tmccs."or:EeeC;crs ~t:~f'-~:'_ ';'-::;r,~.'dfj~iJj;!~~_i;~~.s~~~ ~\..;... ~\\ 'O'<~'i)'i;.'\\('-~~~... , n c,.-.~'"~ '---..', -~-="""""'--,..- . .. ',,"." -,"-'< '..., 10/1 /0 ~~'\S ,?'i;.~lJ..'i:.'i) \) ~'\l>.~t~~tion, Alteration or nelocation \ \ ~~'\ ",\)" ~c.'i:.'\) ,?~~p, orles. S 50.00 LlO'Sq.-,\,~,,\\~~ ~'# 201 Amps 10400 Amps S 69.00 q /-z:8/03~~'(\ 401 Amps 10 600 AnlpS $100.00 O~~.~.~JlS.O!_I~'y_ol!Ssee"n'.'.~bc?ve.. ... ... "___n.''" D. .tL!Jl~~~~~4:!~f~J~~f.~~:~~?0~~ff#~~~~W;~~1~R~fff;~fij~~~?"{t~f~:~J6:~ 1. .~?h~~!R&i?.f:!ci~~f~~:iA:ijQ&;.~~~1iif1\{~~! '2090 C O/ymp,-'L i<.\vrL LEGAL DESCRIPTION 170325')1 0770( JOB DESCRTPTJON ~u..(";~ ~'"'-\(" rYl Permits are nOD-trao."fef'2ble u.nd f!J'pire if work is not started within 180 d.ys of i.suance or if work i, Suspended'for \80 days. 2. ~!;Sq8i~f!?'~%i.g~:ij~~~iC.ri~ . Elec:tricaI COnlr"ClOr ~:~ A\6JW\ ,Gvp- Address L.17 Mo.;", "S+ ~ E Ci.ty A\~J Supcrvi50r license Number Expitalion Dmc CODSIr. Conlr. Number Expiration Dale Mtll~fsupcrviSing Electrician ~~- . L Owner.; Name .HI c...KA:T 1;., ...t<J.rCd I- L1- L Address 7350 OA-k"...+ wAy Cily ~t:7VE Phone OWNER INSTALLATION TIle installation is ~inB Dlade on ptOperty I own which i~ not' intended for sal~, least or rent. Owners Signature: Inspeetion Requesl; 726.3769 Service 'neluded 1000 sq. n. or 'ess Each additional 500 sq. ft, or portion thereof Each MMUfac,'d Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder SIOfi.OO S 19.00 S~O.oo B. ~~~~f~~{t:fll~~~~i~~J*~Vi~;E-1~g~~~~Jt~~fftt~~~~j~~~~~~~~i New A1teratiou or Extension Pe, Panel One Cin:uil ,)\~.OO Each AddItionsl Circuil 01' with leS 'lU \~~. Service or Feeder Permi. ~ IE. ",' II .' >JS: \ol'll ':. "~":;':'~>';;;:;:-~~~~2!.~'l?~\m'c" ':1,~,:V"""",; E. :,~ti\~C:i9'le~~~'W~~~~0;lt~~~~1~~1,i~.~~ ~ 0l'~lKtJO~91."1; \"IOU~ _ n\ \"E'$~1909 ~iJllt~t~~.~~ingi)O'\ ~l\ co9\"'~ ~'" \91~,~~O' \ #iJ1C;;'tnftf}im.. ~denrMI\ ~O\9-' ~;''''~'S~5.00 .,;~ ~m '0l.~ ~\\.. AfJ.. LI&.... 0 L,i,mired.E'1f:IliYICQn~lle"'lal 9"01' ~.S". 5.00 . u.o nf\Q,Q. . ... \"'" ,",,,g~:;~ MInl""mi"E~~ ...\51[IJ...~"""r= .. S4S.110 + Su.'Char:es f'F, ,"n ".;.""~~,,j:;''''I\~l,ljL.-....,- ".. _.C_'_-_~''',..' 4. tSii.81DJ'A1i6BA'Rori'",;,.,;-;."\-::t,;i';';,:'_::{-)--~:. -" ':..-. ._-:.-::t'_~.~l-:_ -.1 ,..:~);:;......=- -,": ,".:, ;~~.;:; :~~~~~''-J::~:';~,~~:-::}~!~~T'' 7% Sene Surcharge 10% Ad1'Dini$tr~\livc Fee __,_..2l..~_ <-/':';0 "SL.bS" TOTAL Shand Dlivc{T:)/Buildin:; l~unm'Hkctricul Permit App1icntinn 1-1~3,dnc ,,' , Status: Issued 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line . . City of Springfield Electrical Permit Attachment PERMIT NO.: ISSUED: APPLIED: EXPIRES: ELE2003-00177 7/29/2003 7/24/2003 1/29/2004 SITE ADDRESS: 2090 OLYMPIC ST B ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1703253107701 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: OWNER/APPLICANT: MCKAY INVESTMENT COMPAN 2350 OAKMONT WAY EUGENE OR 97401 Descriotion + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surchar~e Low Voltage - Commercial Indus Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Addition TYPE OF USE: Commercial Security system ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: MARTINVE5T INC 541-928-4544 217 MAIN 5T 5E ALBANY OR 97321 CCB # 40591 Expiration Date: 09/28/2003 Amount Paid Date Paid Receint Number 4.50 3.15 45.00 07/29/2003 07/29/2003 07/29/2003 1200200000000001842 1200200000000001842 1200200000000001842 To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. Reouired Insoections: 1 Low Voltage: Prior to cover. By Signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the comPlet$d\8b~~cation and do hereby certify that all information hereon Is true and correct, and I further certify that al,Q.\IlIla"!!}I\jjm.'R~rformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the (\!al~~(~tei?>\n eel:Mlpjng to the work dcscribed hercin. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are.i\\st!/il~~anl:e'?wl~10RS<bl})'.05'5~i11 be used on this project. I further agrce to ensure that all required inspections are requ~elt'ii'i t\1.eilroP'!\\";Iti~\!.h.'i"ea,\,&'lftfuress is readable from the street, and that the approved set of plans, if applicable, \wtl,!:.i'~h,aiy\O'i\qb.. <<t~jftJl!l;iWe~~\lrThg,,~li~rl1ction. l'- tU\'" e~'" \0 \\" \as 13\13": ~.o\\ \O\\~~I\\\ol'_CI\O\ .~,~l' CO~e" \'(\13 ~o~'\C'3' ~O\\'. ~~';l~ Il-'l"- 0t.~O U\\I'~" \l' ~~ :~OU :13 C0:~ta~~~,~~1:" r;JJ 1l-\~'6'9J \ot \'t\ . S \.'0 C ~et ~et\ l'U~ vel' Owner or Contractors Signature \)'\l-'C'o ,\'?>~ ~ ~\)'\ ~ '" ~ ,<0 ~"'\>'''' \>"'~~\ ,,\)~ . ~'?--\.\. ,\,?>'<O ~~",'V r..,,\\C~:-,,~~ \~'V"'~ '?--~'?--~'V ~\J \>'()' ",'V \J ~ ,<0 ,\,?>\S ~CI~\-C ~\l \) ~\CI\l' ,?--'0\~~"'~\~ \>~ c,~~'{ \ 'O~ Page 1 of I 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number ELE2003-00 177 ELE2003-00 177 ELE2003-00 177 Payments: Type of Payment Check ~j Receipt #: 1200200000000001842 Description + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Low Voltage - Commercial Indus Paid By MARTINVEST INe Received By djb Check Number Batch Number Authorization Number City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department' Public Works Department , Date: 07/29/2003 9:38:50AM Amount Paid Item Total: 4.50 3.15 45.00 $52.65 How Received In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid $52.65 $52.65 . .