HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Correspondence 1977-2-1 I. .I VANCOUVER 693.6495 . . . . C. E. JOHN CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. City of Springfield Building Department 346 Main Springfield, Or.97477 Attention: Arlo Dear Arlo, 7601C N.E. Hazel Dell Ave. VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON 98665 February 1, 1977 In compliance with the inspection report made by S. Johnson of your office, the following information is submitted: The water fountain installed (NSF-14) in the Payless Drug Store at the Springfield Mall is a U. L. a~~~vyed appliance. This is indicated on page five of the enclosed Sun Roc Western catalogue. BAld Enclosure cc: Orran \festburg Sincerely, C. E. JOHN CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. ~{2tL Bill Abella PORTL.ANO 265.7621 265.0335 ~ . ... ~. , . ~ I . fi~.<*..." > t '. I ~ . , .t .: ' \ ".' ~; I' ." 'C ~11\. .. . i: !. , , f . . ~ . . . ~, \ II , I .-.. ... v .~ .., " '~1. ~ ,~ ..... ,. - ,~ '", \:: '\I~'\ " I '" .. :;;.',' ". III I.~ ,~ . C~l ~;'. '~ "',.' . ~ ,,~ , ~: . .". ~I~'~.,t.#~ ~~, ;;;: ~.?: I I . . SUNRoe . Sumoc Corporation has been a leading manufacturer of water coolers since 1922. Sumac wafer coolers are designed to fit every conceivable requirement, This catalog quickly and clearly illus- trates the many models available for your applications. Sumac water coolers are built to the high standards of Underwriters' Lab- oratories. and they meet every Federal. State. and local sanitation code. Furthermore. every water cooler shown is ARI certified to assure that all coolers meet the performance standards set up by the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute, Every Sumac cooler is guaranteed for a minimum of one year. with the cooling system guaranteed for 5 years. Technical intormation and detailed specification sheets are available for all models by simply contact- ing Sumoc Corporation or your local factory representative. Make your next water cooler a Sumac. and learn first-hand why It's as dependable and refreshing as a mountain spring. Inspired by the beauty of a mountain spring. Sumac developed natural colors for ,ts water coolers. Now you may specify one of six beautiful vinyls for your individual decorating needs. and there is no additional charge for this option, Most Sumoc,water coolers incorporate a hammertone gray baked enamel cabinet and a char- coal gray vinyl laminated steel front panel. With the Sumac system you may take your pick of these durable. good-looking vinyls and achieve a perfect installation, Isn't it time you mixed performance with beauty? . Charcoal VinyllCV Sunlight White/WHY Moon Beige/TV Starlight Silver/GV . Natural Walnut/WV Photographed at the Inn of the Four Falls, Conshohocken, Ps. . . FULLY RECESSED . MODELS Sumoc's fully recessed water coolers are the answer where space is at a premium and un- obstructed hallways and corridors are a must. Recessed 11 Y2 inches into the wall, this Roto- Gloss finish stainless steel cooler hts into any decor and makes for easy maintenance. A steel mounting box is furnished. The un, derside of the fountain is completely sound dampened. Available in 8 gph and 13 gph cold water capacities. these models are equipped with Sumoc's remote packaged cooling unit which can be removed as a unit - without dismantling or disturbing the fountain, These units are suggested for hospitals. schools. public lobbies, office buildings and nursing homes. Moon NfR.8 'fR.I]' Gl'l101 SO".,lef SH""" .n." IlS 1" ""'" "' 1" I" 11 IB OFIC\lIlSIfPl'"",'pllonsol!lO"fdrlnk,n.WI'.delJWfedpefllourb.5edDll6O"Jl.splll lllroulhpre-cooler hledtnlCtOld.tICt"'lhARIStlnd"dIOlo.-llICCllf~n.IoASHllAESI.Ild.nlll.10 <W f@\ @ . SIEMI- RECESSED MODELS These semi-recessed water coolers protrude only 8V, inches trom Ihe wall. so they are ideal for lobbies, hallways, and reception areas. Beaulifully styled in satin finish stainless steel with standard charcoal vinyl laminated apron, these models are furnished with a separate mounting box and refrigeration unit. Remov- able apron provides easy access tor installation and maintenance. The apron is available in five attractIve vinyls at no extra charge. Satin finish stainless steel is available at add,tional cost. Cup and carale flller are also available at extra cost. MOO" SRC8A SRC-12A. ",""Of SO. WATER 81 120 $HIPPIP+(; wtlGiT 82 " MOTOR HP 11. 11. .Flf:lJftsrl!Pr!'ie"IHJIIonsoISO.fdU"~IItI".Il!r~peIhoul based on 60\ Sj)llt ItlrouKtlprr.cdf . R.l~ I" .<<ord.1llCl! "Ith ARI ~,nd.ld 1010-73 KCordl"1 10 ASHRA[ SI.nd.1rdI8-70 @)f@\@ !l- . , ~ , .1 L.J..:.. - === === ==== === .--- --- === === --- == === === - - == -= - - ===~ = ::- - ;::- , \ I . \ ~ - .- ~ . .~ .,., "- -:: -,. . . . .' ,~",~,/ ~~~~'...".~ ~.,~ r.... -1.. .lr'..._..._,~...- !:'~I.~ '.-i ,.if'", , . Su~raULATEIIJ RECESSm MODELS , . Wall mounted on a simple bracket. the s,mulated recessed water cooler looks semi, recessed but is actually wall hung. This unit mounts anywhere-no matter what the wall thickness-and ends wall cut,outs, Furnished w,th a one'piece satin t,nish stain- less steel back and standard Tan vinyl apron. the simulated recessed model is perfect for new buildings or as a replacement model in older buildings. Apron is also available in five attractive vinyls at no extra charge, Satin finish stainless steel is available at add,tional cost. MOOEl PSR8 PSRI2" GPHOf SQ"WAl(R 80 Il.~ SHIPf'ING WUGHl 6B 70 MOTOR HP II' II' . flgur~ I~pfel,enl l,11ons 01 SO. f drln~ml ...lel debverNl pt. hou' blsed0ll6O'!ll~llthloulhpre-tooIer Rated ." JctOfda/ICt "'IIh ARI $Ialldard ]010.]3 .((O/dlng 10 ASHRAE S~nd.ird 18-70 <W f@\ @ . WALL HUNG MODELS Wall hung water coolers are popular because they are easy to mount. can be installed at any height. and simplify maintenance, Sumoc's wall hung models have a welded steel cabinet with a hammertone gray finish. A removable charcoal Vinyl front panel is standard. with five other colors of vinyl available at no addi- Iional charge. A hot water dispenser is avail- able on the NSW series at an additional cost. This will provide hot water tor up to 30 six ounce cups per hour. Finally, a stainless steel cabinet is optional at extra cost. Wall hung models are excellent for installations where maximum sanitation is required. MOTOR HOI SHIPPING HP wmR WEIGHT II' N. 86 II' V" " - II' No " - II' V" .. - GPH Of MODEL 50" WATER NSW8 82 NSW8H 81 NSW-W 14.3 NSW,14H" 143 NSW-16" 161 1/4 No 101 "f1iuresftpll!:ltnl i'lIons 01 SO" F dlln.,ng'uter del'W!ledoer hour. ba:.ed on 60'.\ spll 'hfough prHooIel Riled lf1 ICCOld"nu .rth ARI SWld"rd 1010.13 ,culfd'"llo ASHRAE SI.oo"dI8.10 @) f@' @ . DELUXE FWSH TO WALL e7w'ilODELS Models available in four cold water capaci, ties. Standard options include hot water d,s- pensers (up to 30 drinks per hour) and water cooled condensers. Dual control foot pedal (shown) available at no charge, Concealed plumbing and electrical connections allow allraclive lIush,to,wall installation. Hammertone gray steel cabinet furnished with removable charcoal vinyl front panel. Choose from five allract,ve vinyl front panels at no add,tional cost. Stainless steel cabinet altered at extra cost. These models are excel- lent for tactory or olt,ce applications. GPHOf MOTOR HOl 'Ye' Of Moon ~W"TER H' WATER CONOt:NSER NSf-8 82 '" NO AIR NSf8H '1 Ii' YES AIR U""':;) 10 '" NO AIR NSf-14H. 10 II' YES AIR NSf.16W4 160 Ii' NO WlTER N51-1O . 191 liJ NO AIR NSJ.1CJHo 191 liJ YlS AIR NSf.1OW* 195 liJ NO WAllR OFlgu'es rrplewnt IllIons at so. OF dllnk'nl ..tl!'f dehll!ftd pel houl baloed on6O'\splllhrooghprHooItt Raled In ~COflWlKe .,111 ARI Standard 1010-73 KCtll'df"f to ASHRAE S~nd lid 1870 - I@) I~\ V e STANDARD FWSH TO WALL ~1"i1)lEl Sumoc's standard flush to wall water cooler ,s Model NSF-4, Designed for rugged condi- lions and relatively low capacities. this full-size water cooler is attractive, economical, and practical, The hammertone gray cabinet finish makes the NSF-4 pleasing in almost any lo- cation. The removable front panel provides easy installat,on and service, The NSF-4 is excellent for applications where low usage and budget are primary considerations. GPH 01 I SO.WAIER '0 I MOOEL MOTOR H' SHIPPING WEIGH! NS14 " Ii. Raled In aaOldloce ."h ARl SUncUrd 1010.1] Ictordlne 10 ASHRAE 51''''',,'1810 ~ I@\ @ e I · i-'" . je ,. ~ " ,; ~ l ...lI . . . - ~ 'J~'i" .^ . I i ,. - .~ .i "_~_~". . ,""ltr..:-..-;. . "C ~ ,,'" l FISH TO WALL TALL'N'SMALL MODELS . Sumac's Tall 'N' Small water coolers for flush to wall installation are an ideal and prac- tical way to serve cold water to children and adults. This series has a removable charcoal vinyl front panel. Five optional colored vinyls are available at no charge. A stainless steel cabinel is available al extra cost. The small fountain (on the left) ,s available with all NSF series coolers, An insulated cold water line is connected to a remote outlet of the NSF water cooler. Thus. this model teatures two water coolers and one refrigeration un,t. The wasle line carries waste water tram Ihe larger cooler to a Irap on the smaller fountain, The Tall 'N' Small can be furnished w,th a dual control foot pedal at no extra cost. Ideal for schools. hospitals. and reta,l establishments. GPH 01 MOTOR fOOl PHlAt $HIPPING MODll ~O. WATER HP AVAilABLE WEIGHT NSf8T " II' Y.. 112 NSf.l4I" 10 II' Y.. 116 NSf.1{)To 195 1/3 Y.. 119 . figures rePfesenl &.1I0IlS 01 ~. f dun),llla ..lrr deolllttrtd ptf hoUI biwdon6O'll.spllltlloughprHooIPr R.led III KWldance "llh ARt St.nd.rd 1010-13 KCOldmC 10 ASHRA( ,,,",,,,'1810 @) 1@5\ @ . WALIL HUNG TALL'N'SMALL MODELS This series of bi-Ievel water coolers is similar to the ones above except they are wall hung for easy cleaning. Exceptional applications tor these water coolers are found in schools and hospitals. Available in three cold water capaci- t,es, these Tall 'N' Small models fealure two coolers and one refrigeration unil. The attrac- tive charcoal vinyl front panel is standard and is easily removed for installation and mainte- nance. The cabinets are furnished in hammer- tone gray. However, five colored vinyls for the front panel are available at no charge. A stainless steel cabinet is available at extra cost. ""'01 MOTOR SHIPPING Moon SO-W"1[R HP WEIGHT NSW-8T " II' 105 NSW.14f. lO 1/' "2 HSW-161- 161 II' 120 .rlgufn'epi"esenlg~llonsoISO-fdf1nkmg"lI'eldetlveledpel"houl . blIsedon60-.SplllthrOllghple<OOle1 RlIled In KCOldance "Ith "RI Stllndllfd 1010-13 1I00J1"dmg 10 o\SHR"[ St""", 1870 @) 1@5' ~ . COOL-R-FRIDGE MODELS . Sumac manufactures four differenl Cool- R-Fridge or compartment Iype water coolers, Each model has a built-,n reI rig era tor 10 hold food and beverages, Each un,l also has an unrefrigerated compartment for convenienl storage, Model PC-H (shown) is equipped 10 serve bolh hot water for up to 30 hOI drinks per hour and cold water. The companion to Ihe PC,H, Model PC produces only cold water, Anolher style of compartment cooler is Ihe bailie cooler'refrigerator Models BC and BC,H (shown) include all Ihe fealures of Ihe pressure coolers described above. except they utilize a 3 or 5 gallon bollle, All models are finished in hammerlone gray and have a one cubic fool refrigerator capacily, The bottle is not fur- nished w'lh Models BC-H and BC. The BC and BC-H are ideal where plumb'ng connections are not available. @) . MlHEEL CHAIR MODEL This wheel chair level waler cooler mounts al Ihe correcl height for wheel chair palienls. II offers conlemporary design and oulstanding performance for hospitals. public buildings. and all lacil,lies frequented by the hand,- capped, No wall cut,ouI is required because of one piece wall bracket Model SWC-8 fea- lures a lever extension on Ihe bubbler for convenient side or lOp operation. This model has a one piece. die-formed stainless steel basin, The wheel chair level water cooler del,vers 7.5 gph and helps comply with public law 90-480. The apron and cabinet on the SWC,8 are finished in hammertone gray. Salin finish stainless sleel is available at exlra cost I CPH Of I MOTOR Moon W WATER HP SWC8 75 114 SHIPPING WElGn 79 R.lt<! In ,ccoldance With ARI Sl.n~fd SI.ndardI8.1O 1010-13 KCordllll 10 ASHRAf @) . ~ - ~ ......- . ... -' -' '-" , t-- ~ "-" .~-~~ " ,:':,~~~'~:: . ~~ I - l ~ ._~- \ - ) .....r IU , ~,,~ .. \.l" ~) J J ,- '" ,r .. '..,~ ) , ~ mMP~u WALL HUNG MODELS . The CSW series of water coolers supply 8 and 13 gallons of chilled drinking water per hour. Furn,shed w,th heavy Tan vinyl tront and side panels as standard. these units are a mere 22 ,nChes in overall height. They are attractive and ideally used in banks. retail stores, schools. hosp'tals. and small oft ices. Wall hung installation provides for easy maintenance and varying mounting heights, Five colored vinyls for front and side panels are available at no charge, A stainless steel cabinet is available on the CSW series at extra cost. MOIlEl CSW8 CSW13. Gl'HOf SO-W"r[R 82 130 SHIPPING WEIGHT 16 81 MOTOR HP 1/4 11' O'lfUfeSlepl'twnl I.llonsol!)l)" F dllnl""I",.lrf deIl...eredptrhoul' tN~DtIro-.~lllhrllUl:hprHoolel Riled ,n ICCOI'dince with ARI SI.ndJld 1010-13 KCOldlng 10 ASHRAE StlAWrd 1810 ~{@\@ EXPLOSION PROOF MODEL For use in hazardous locations. the explo- sion proof Safe II is the answer. This water cooler has a special water cooled condenser and an explosion proof motor compressor that is completely wired in condulet with explosion proof junction box, Safe tt is double baked with positive seal primer and hammertone gray enamel. It ,s floor mounted and listed by Underwriters' Laboratories for use in the fol- lowing areas: Class 1. Groups C & 0 and Class 2. Groups F & G. The front panel on this water cooler may be removed for easy access. Safe II provides economical. safe water service where dangerous atmospheres exist. "IDEl I W~TER I ~TOR 160 1/5 SHIPPING WEIGHT 1<3 Sale 110 . flgurts Il'pl'l'wnll.tlons o! SOo r dnnklng ..lel dl'll~'ed pl!1 hour ba-.edon6O'\sp~I'hIOUghPfHooIef R.lledll'l.ctOldlnct .,th ARI SIIoo.Id Slllldardl8-10 101013 1CC00d,ng to ASHRAE ~;:;::....... ""~'\' ~L ~ ~ ~ SUNROC CORPORATION RT 452 . GLEN RIDDLE, PA 19037 TELEPHONE: (215) 459-1100 Fonn No SC-676 PflnlednUSA ~ 0, ~ . . Ii " ..,4 it .- _1,_ ..:~~ . ~~ .. . .. e . . . . I ~M0PELgsW-8 ~.., t" Y - - . -- '- -- - .;- ..;:. ',"".". .~ .... -'-\ ' I~[.]I]~