HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1999-7-16 ../1 , 6/24/99 12:47PM; .Jun-24-99 12.,25P J.~~ . ~ SIGN PERMIT ;ppi.IC'm~~' ~'\ ...-"\ -> ULTRANEON .. , . ..( .-' t ' SIGN CO; Page 3 Received: 225 Filth Street $j'lIinuflCld, OR 97477 lOCA TlON OF PROPOSED WORl<, ~""1 C ASSESSORS MAP, I{ 0 3 as 0, I ..~ ~ .." '. P 03 I.....;.. . JOB NUMBER QQO'f51-_ Inspection Line: 726.3769 OUice: 726.3759 DLlAtn,,,,,h ~+'_ tAXLOt" _ PHONE, (6' +0 0. :rl ()() <J.fl';- 471!.......__ OWNER, Me. 1< ~~ .:rt\V""+m~""i'" ADDRESS, _"t.itC.c t!J4. J:' rn 611 T- w.. '" City, Euc:-.,.., ... '-"-'-'-.- BUSINESS NAME, FIRM ETC.: ~ F=AG/",e '" .J.. StAtE, ~1Z."rD..J u.. ~~ ZIP, _C) 7 'f-c / DESCRIPTION OF PFlOPOSEO SIGN(SI: jplease check aM Complcle aU tlPproprlate informarionl e i,IS+ in':' __ FreestandihQ _~Wall _ Plojecting. Roof MiJrQuee Single FiJCtl DOuble Face SquClre FoorllQC: ~:1. p __ I Vcrlical Dimension of sign or enclOSure: ..3 Billboord Othf!r '___'._ _,_._ T~tnl Height above Grade: ..1 tq J._ _._ _ HOrijfOrlt81 Width of siUIl orenclos\.lre: ~~~~.~ _ Dimension from Gradtl I C I 10 bottom of Sign: N1. Electrical Ins lallation: Yes No Ilf yes additional permitTs reQuifeCii'" MalIHi,,' Sigu is constructed of: S'h.,. e+ /'Y)e..+ tttJ. ~-L4AJ VALUE, :1 P-t> e>~~~_ , Un ALL e)(isting signage and attach a photograph of each sign: 1" Tvp, rn,~C"~!:. F~ 4-6 ~ Ibl typo Ie) Type SQ. Frg. laI Type Sq. Flg.__ SQ. FlO. CONTRACtOR/lNSTALLER, /l/~n.'Md S,!o<J La ADDHESS, db? a..~lu...:ti:.d~ C,ry, S4..J. ~., " __..__ __LStAtE'~~.._ ZI?'_'..2.}~ ~ Q <:ONSrRUCtlONCONTRACTORSREG'STAAtlON NUM"ER'---%_.,~...L~Lr (" ~.: )_EXPIRES', ~ ..1...::... ~,I ,~ ~ _._-pf1J~~.J..2JL --"--'.- CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUM~EFI: ____.....~ .EXPIRES: Sigl1 OistriCI:..co~lI\A..L~1..ot /J!JVK- Zooio" (l {l (\ Sign Permil Fee4t"'R'D . OFFICE USE Land Use: S' ~ 0 0 Quod Area: C,d. Section, <g.:t II- ~ ( 1'\ APP,ovcd By, _~ Lu~ 1 C-k,) 0 DATE' ......1.:...!.3.=.h.. REQU'RED INSPECTIONS, __Sileo [U bO ma9c prior to sign j)lacemenl Footillg prior 10 placement ot concrete ~ttachmont ai'te;:-;asteners 8re installed/prior to cover _E1ect/ieal prior to energizing ~n" ~Ietion 01 sign ins lallation ^d~itiOl1l1l CommentS and/or Conditions: By sign:UUfe, I sune llnd agree, thai I hllvo carefully e)(ami/\ed 1he Completed llPplication anti do hOrebv certify thOt all inlormlltion Ilertlin IS true and correct, [tnd I further certify thaI ony and all work ptlr10rtned sh(llJ be done in aCCllrdance with tho OrdinO(lCtls 01 \he City (II S~lingfield, and the lows of 1he Stllte of Oregon pCr1ai(ling to tho work described horein. I funher certify tn.t only C01\traC\Ors nnd cm~lovC!cs whO are in compliance Wi1h ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I furthcr al,ltee 10 ensure that all required inspections are requeSted Olll1e proper time:, that projeCt llddress is rellCloble trom (tUt streol, lhill lilt! permit card is located ot lhe front of the prOperty, and the approvc-d setel alamo will rem"in on the site at 811 times during Ih" instnllation 0' the sign!s). Sion""rer ~ .ft.<.~ 0"0 V"ridation: Amount Received: <:/t;'{{ tJ . Receipt Number: .3 tf t 0; c:( Date Paid: Received By: 7- /Ir C; 'f Wt.<J