HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Field Test & Inspection Report 2003-7-28 07/28/2003 09:09 5414858384 SSW ENGINEERS PAGE 01 ~' . ss;,I 9nc....Engmee,-s SURVEYORS f PLANNERS 2350 Oakmont Way, Sufte 105, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 485-8383 . Fax (541) 485-8384 emaU@SSW-Englneer.com , fac!simile "2-0 q 0 <; ftJ/TC ,4 (jI--YMPfC To: Tom ~Iarx Fram: Rillph Wilson City 0' 5prlngfleld "ax: 72G-~tG7G 5S$,w Inc. - Engineers pa..s: I Phone: 72G-<!GGG Date: 7/28/03 ReI Craft \'''orld / Gen X cc: Mcintyre Construction .lob: 03-5/!,30-IO Fax: 343-G752 o Urgent o Please Reply x For Your Review o No Priority In FEI report tile. 20:37099, Dale Webber indicates that the A325 bolts en the east side of each connectiO'n am in a lmug-tight conditiO'n but that the bolts on the west side were not accessible. (It is ......,.......~:ed that the contractor tightened all bolts equally.) The UBC requires that all A325 and higher streng!'1 bolts be inspected by a special inspector. Due to' the bearing type conditiO'n of these conneclions it is not critical to' have these bolts tighter than snug-tlghl. As the engine:lr of fl'lCOrd. I accept the bolted connection and the FEI report. Please call if )'00 have any questions. ~, . . ~. . MIl McINTYRE CONSTKUCTION INC FAX To: Tom Marks City of Springficld FAX: 726-3676 From: OM McIntyre McIntyre CODSb1lction, Inc. Date: 7/24/03 Re: Permit No. C0M2003-00207 Craft World Enclosed are revised calculations and inspection reports from FEI Testing and from Ralph Wilson, SS&W Inc. - Engineers. If you have any comments or questionsfter reviewing these documents, please feel free to contact me on my cell at 915-30&7. Thank you. f t\ ~ . .- Mcintyre Conslnlctio., ,.... P.O. Bor2S23, Eugene, OR 97402 . Phone (541 I 687-284t fu(541134J.6752 CCll IIOJSSO 1 'd 2SL9-E:"E:-l"S-j U"j~...ew eSE:'BO E:O "2 jnc . . r. . 5711GI2e03 15:49 , 5.1.El5B311~ Ml"lm)("'D ~ :iostr:ucu."'" ___ _CtBftworld '~pn V , .__$J1ril\gtjeJj1,:,~" Fr- '.c: ASL= OL- I_L" . . ssw ENGl!'.EERS PAGE az SI:iEET. NO. ~ ^, PIlOJC:CT NO. 03.S83/1-4n DATe ~12SIl)3~v: FlW Reviocd 7/1012003 FOOTINQ . ,. C._r SUPP!!." 80.000 psi pm'"" 0.0033 2,_ psi P tnDX= 0.0134 1,000 psf Load= 21,37!> Ib 1 S psf DL: a,Ol11 Ib '25 p;( LL- 13,359 Ib 21375 I :aua,I'f. Fcotinq : VdtM.ntIr. 4.62 i"i 5.00 Ft Squa,. 1.357 psI 21.200 'lklps as psi , ~.I!_e_ele IlR!i!1. lrplift= M-Ftti= !Nt. SIll>" [oatal 'M.' I ~\)PRQh } - ~Yf~\'l '''IN~~ i ~ ...' ~. ~ l ?i. U.G~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ).tr;o~,#,/ J Z of' ~"'~! "'{p I ,~\\."> [ ASL= W. .. I [IL= I 1.1.= EXPIRES ~ /%--h:.v : .~ Footina ~Vdlhllnth' 2_67 FI hS8 3.00 Ft Squatf '~not= 1,257 psI u= 4,242 "kips .( U" 22 psi , - -r '~"~I= 4 u'" hr- : l~~eek Ij:)!in ~plilt= 'kit. Fig: . hll. :lInt>< 'r'oatal 'M.' t ! Slab lhickn o Ib 3.750 Ib .l! Ib 3,750 Ib Ftg Tlllte 1.00 Ft d:; 0.50 in USE m= p= As Reqd= As 413'p= As P mi"~ AS max" ~ 20_24 0.0011 0.56 0.75 1.70 6.81 .H @ach wav Rebar Qly As: ft4 5 0.20 . 0.98 QIS , O"in.' > o ~ FOOTING 1# 2. End Su"lW! ' 00,000 psi Z,6OD ins 1,000 psi 15 psf 25 psf !!!5 Slab thieler. o II> 1.350 Ib 210 1.~50 Ib pmi"= 0,0033 ... Fiji'riii.> p max= 0,0134 Load: 7.125 Ib 1.00 Ft DL= 2.812 Ib d" LL- 4,453 Ib 8.50 an 7125 ......-.. ... . .. m" 2lI.24 Rebar . 4 IF 0.0004 Qty B As ReQd" 0.11 As'" 0.20 As 413"P= O.tS O.S~ As P miq= 1.02 Q!S ,Asm..... ".09 ._ . H . ._.. ~ . .! ..H ..ach WJIY o in. > o Q!S 5UDDOrt on too of eJ:btl!ul footlnl;\. . .10FTG.xts .- SS~W 9nc..;=ngineen; .." ... .... -." .." ......._~----_. -'-..--"'_'.______ .... ... ,-- ............_..__.__M._..__ ~1..i~vf!YC~s ~ Di...ANN~Q!; 2350 Oakmanl wrrr;. SulIlI 105 F..UOOl'la. OQ 0140' S'''' 2Sl.S-el>e-tI>S-t ul'q J.....W "21>'80 eo 1>2 tnc r . e7/18/2ee3 le:4~ . 5414856384 SSlY ENGli'EEI<:S . PAGE el . . CCfW.gnc;-engtneen SURY,;; I <A<.:> f ~ 2350 0'*'-'1 W",/. SuIll105. EUlI-. OR 117.01 (541)48!HI3lI3 . F_(541)~ emeII(glSSW-Englneer.c:otYl facsimile To: Dan 1-.1:1 ntyl'~ From: IQlp~ Wdson Mclnt:re Cc'nlltruct.on 55.w Inc. - ~neers F.JC 343-l:;752 ....-: 2 .~ (,87 -:~64 I ~ 7/1 bI03 Re: er"ft .VorIO I Gen X cc: .... 03-5.~030- 10 OUJ" o Please Reply x ForY_R. ~.. CHop.,,',.J Included;s a '::op)' of , ,:..,":calWalions using.......J:! fm= 2500 psi. There is no c:" ..' in !he siZe 0/ !he fOe ling 01' !he amount of reinforCing requWed. Please call it ~iOU hs.... any questia1!l. Ralph . .- !>'c1 2Sl.9-eH:- tt>S-{ Uh{~"'''W "{!>'BO eo !>2 {nc r - 07/23/03 09:45 FE~STJt>6 ""'0 IN1>I't.CIILtol IN<.:' 1 ""'1 .J<lS. NJ.4"(\1 ~'lI1tJ.C: . . Off) Page 1 Of 1 :,111,1,1,'" . I. G;. ,;,', :.J&CalslIII:iln~ Report of Inspection Servlen WelcllnaIHl9h-Strenalh BoItlnA CUIllt: Mr. Dan MclnlYl'll Mcll\l)'fe ConSlrUC1ltln P.O. 8oll2523 Eugene, Oregon 97402 PrtIJlCt: CnIlIworld 20110 Olympic Sl A SprlnglIeIll. Oregon D.., '"'Jeat No.: Report No.: bal. IlH<I 07/21103 2037Ollll E03078 D. Webber 103334&-85 leBO F1eId G'J CI8ar 0D207 IDNo.: I...PAtlon of: Wl:IdmenlSlHigII Strenglh BollS FIIIrlcIdot Of Erector: GIbson SloeI C .. , ." , MclnI)fe Conalruction 11110,0 BPNo.: Met an-SIItI wIUl ., ,; ,. .'. to.. \,' inl,.. .'"" on ~ Delm III COILImn connlCllOlla per de\lllls 1 antl2 Oll S S 'W,Inc. ItNClutllli.. , : dated 04111103. Tile 3/4' A325 bolla on the eMI side 01 Dach CONlDdian W8rII checked Ind I,. In . snug-tight candltlon ""lh matetlal surfacel in lull conltlcl. Bolts on tile _t Ilclll of tile connecllOnl BtI behind waD lIUrflll:es lIIld I,. not IICClelISible. Can\r8cklr advised to obl8in final ace. 'I.'''' .... tram . ',= I .; of record. . TIle _ (2) faDricllled "rUCllnl SUleI eolulllns we'e previously inspeeled at Gibson Stut plant. WelllmenlS ~ checked for sizo. lengdl. prof. IlId ~ion. To lhtt bIls1 01 OLl/' knowledge. tile work chetked IS In ecnrormllllOl with G/llwlnge and aPPlicable AWS Dl.1 af'Il A.I.S.C. manllll, lIlCCePl a8 nolBd. Contraclor _ 31klld to notify our orrICO whon eddllional seMCll$ are needed. Respectfully, 1~~ TectlnJcal MIItlager c: S5& W, tne. CIt, of Springfietd MLM:jw ntltr.wn~eN;lDlMlIiIl"III" _, ",. '" ,an:menvOl_~IOIIItOIft'iI""""lM~tolM~ orOAamow 1ftIMNI......... AI...,.....,.een OOJIIIiNd'-lllI'l MIll_be ~---In"" fit "-.mIoIMr PM. _110. .. "......Dtl"""",oII_......._ ..,.. ... fr/l)NN QIreI-"', CIlNlk 0Illgtn1r.l3O' ctcn(541)m'418' lIx(541)'Ili7-n1l1l ::l954OBIIi ,. '. .1...0epIl7G.PD'8l541)llM3IMlI....(641)~1 .-- E'c:/ 2S1.9-EI>E-YI>S-Y uJ:;I'....eW eYI>'BO EO 1>2 ynr . . . . " 2'''' O"~~/~go~ ~b:~~ ~.n_o. ,......... ...... . ~ C.I"~""CLA.:J --CflV g"C'.-eng/"ee~ 5U!M:YoRs 1 PVWNERS 235OO*nanIWay. SlIIlIl lOS, Eugene. OR 97401 (541)48508383 . F8X(Ml)48~ emailOSSW-EngIneer.com llesimile To: Dan ~ d ntyr.: Fronv Ralph WlbQn MClr.!; Ire: CC115tructlOn 55~W Inc. . En9tnee~ Fax: .343.':752 ....-s: I ,'-' "87.;'841 a.to: 7/23103 .. C",ft World / Gen X cC: "'* 03.5i~30. I 0 o urgent o ...... Reply o No Plt~ K Pot Your ReYlew In FEI report 1<<J. 2""'u,,:i. DaIeW"~.~:. mcate:s that lhcJlW25 bolts an lIle east sido ~oach !Xl. ,.:., 81") in a snug-tight condition but that the bolts on the west :side were notlJCQeSSible. (It is expeclec that \h8~, .u-.Dl' tightened all bolls equally.) The UBC nlQUil'O$ \hQt all !>;32S 3M higher strenglh bOllS b9 inspeded by a specia/ inspector. Due to the bearing type lXlndilion of these oonnec ians it is not crlllcal to have these b01\$ tightar than !nU\}"Iigtll Please call if:rou have any questions. ~PtRES:-l/~~-f" . .- 2Sl.9-€H:- as- t u!;tJ..lew et~180 €O ~2 tnc