HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-7-22 . . " ......'f ,-- ," INFOR.'lATION: n6-HSl CITY O~ SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELO. OREGON 97477 CITY OF SPRe:GFIELD SIG~ CO~STRUCTIO~ ~'D ELECTRICAL I~STALLATIO~ CO,"BINATION Al'Pl[CATIO~/PER.'IlT \'" IXSPEcrIOS P..EQUESTS: ,,1::6-3~o9 LOCATIO.' OF SIGN(ADDRESS] ,..:.':: '/ 3 x.,Z;!(./M.m..~. .,fT, ~">'(_::" J' ILicAL(6f~cR'i'PTlo~:".:../~ti r' /u'- /:{ /::;;{ ,!)(':/t:fj tA',:J~<i.,.l1r. _S'I/A~_"/I\/I.r'/C'A/ TAX LOT.~ '/:,!:.//lt7(' _1-/1"".1 ()() " .. .... ,,/.. ,.:J. _'~ ~ /' '",,' '. I' OItSER OF PROPERTY .....-'.',_~/'.....:-:.~"..I-1.~. .-r,,',Z'L'Z~l_,./o-~ dP...#.d//";..,.?//",./.<,~{"",~,,',,/':i(~....,PHO~E ~4r::'; 3 "//7 I_~ ADDRESS f7L~ "l..{(..J ;(ir.;./>/ n'If., .~.> (/,</(.7"7 c:) 7';.'..::,-7 ;-.:ry-.," ZIP c17,:J..rP. 0, ' O:."XER OF SIG~(II' O1l<ER ntA.' PROPERTY OI,}lERl Ql ADDRESS NA.'IE OF 60SI~ESS, FIR.'I, ETC. PHO~E /'" ',. ," II . ./', ___ { , "/ -, /.--; ., ~f,:A..7/C/.t..~..z (~4./ TYPE OF BUSI:-iESS ..,Jd~A.c-/,' ....."'"I~.. ~ b--(1!-,! M~O ,?~-.....(;. IA.~. ~Jd/-/~'-r}O <".:4--- c- /1~:L...L-/(/. ';"" .. . I. TYPE OF SIG~:: if.. SrG~j CHAR.-\CiER (CHECK AP?LIC.\BlE ITE~!Sl: - TYPE OF :"'ORK: .of ERECT RELOCATE ALTER on'ER "ALL vi FREESTA.~DING ./ IDENTITY NON-IDE.'lTln ROOF PROJECTING PROJECTI'G SECO'DARY - MARQUEE READER BOARD INCIDE~TAL SINGLE FACE OTIiER BILLBOARD ./ ooUBLE FACE fIULTI..FACE VE~OORS, CO~;TR.\CTQ~~: / 1_/" ~c_Y_~-I.4'(G ~) j~"--r.I-h"__ ~~/)L.6"""'/ SIGN ERECTOR I/""'"" l-/ / ADDRESS -. ) / -:-) ~C::: ,>-<;I-L.-~/.m_, ;;J,I'I ,:,/1), i.";.M """.11';.; ~ CITY LICE~SE ,lJ)IBER j/ / SIG~1 llA.'OFAcruRE~ (IF OTIlER TIL'-' EREcrOR) ADDRESS ELECTRICAL CO:<TIUCTOR ADDRESS PHONE L/7,:Z."; ~') .3 / CJ7/..2.Y. ,cf-,{. ~XP. OATE PHO~E PHONE .LICENSE NlDlBER '(I DI:-tE:-\SIO::S, I~ST.UL-\Trm; :\~o CC:~STRUCTION INFORH.\TIO:'l: 7' ~ ,...... ,~~ '" "At: , 0'/ " , TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE ~ VERTICAL DIl~~SION OF SIGN HORI:ONTAL WIDTIi OF SIGN t:- !<z DI~IESSION Fi\O~1 C;tAUr. TO BOITO~1 OF SIC~ /;1 , TI-lICK:\E55 OR DEPTH OF SIGN / /1i' 'r ooES SIG~ PROJECT BEYO~D PROPERTY LINE YES.L NO IF YES. DIl~~SION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NO..: IF PROJECTIO~ IS ~,:ORE TII"" I:" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THE SIGN ERECTOR ~:UST FILE '''TII THE BOILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY ,1.'0 PROPERTY DA.'L~GE INSUR.I.~CE POLICIES. HILL SIC.' HAVE ELECTRICAL I"RI~G? IYES -"0 IF YES, hliICH APPLY? _ELECTRICAL SIGN ;;LLUm~ATED (INOIRECTLY LIGHTED] DESC!U8E TYPE O,:-?TF.!U..\LS S)G~! I~ CQ~!ST?IJCTE~!= . ... __ -~:~/ f..Y /f,l.pf d_ - ~ .0'"'/7/ - ,. ..r'f/d ,c.7Z:"; ~ . l.) PROVIDE UL .1J>IBER IF APPLICABLE VALUE OF SIGN yZ'.::;L,() f,/!) , ~SITE INFOR.'~TION (~'D USE]--EXISTI'G USE OF BOILDING OR ~'D (OR LAST USE,!F VACA.'!): r.. ) ,,- '. . f' -, ' ,IJ . r ' r . , _ ( ,- .. ' I L ..~. ___ ~i I' /\ ~,~ ' \.t l #' J .""' /" .. /., l- ~ . I PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR ~D: ,-...-:'h -"p't...t.//.."1 #-, ,-;-: r:-..".....J ,~I >>-<1.___".--; ,/ CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: .:..:iNOOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOOR lIERCHA.'DISING ARE TIiERE EXISTING SIGNS? _YES 'LNO IF, YES, DESCRIBE ~.EXIsr~NG,S[~N~..F9R ~US.I~E,SS. EXISTING SIGNS (SiGN CODE): FlR.". ETC.-; .., ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PRElllSES (SANE TAX LOT): I HAVE CAREFULLY E~IINED the completed application for permit ~nd do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. tbe Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the C1 of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certil that my gn Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect a5 required by Springfield - Code -6(~1 and 9.]-20(21. I will request all required sign inspections listed on the aryroved permit. _ - NAME(PLEASE PRI~)/L)/....j-i.l.-'/'<' 2 ,-I 6..7 (~!:: ,"}-&:)<-:.....-.SIGNATORE ) ,~ ...~~,. "'::DATE~ ;':-/<71 ~ . ./FOR OFFICE USE O~LY , SIGN DISTRICT ,... r:.\"\ "\\~\'(:'(Li; ZONE DISTRICT.. TOTAL SQOARE FbOTAGE OF SIGN- INSPECTIO~S REQOIRED: _SITE/LOCATION '/FOOTING OR ~IETIIOD OF ArrACH.\lEN-r v'EiECTRICAL vfi~AL _OTIiER FEES: SIG~ PERHlT: CHARGES: .;t :2 ? () ELECTRICAL PER.'IIT: CUARGES: STATE SORCHARGE: ~// fl. {)() " j ..;.' {-'i TOTAL FEE FOR PER.IIIT: y5 E:, '1', .:./.. cJ " ...... .. . . ',., (/. . ;.' PLEASE. ;..~..\.() I) . iet J PERm! \',\LIO"',j[C~: I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD City Hall Springfield, Oregan Department of Public Work. - OFFICIAL RECEIPT [" Seo.u:He Si~n .\0:)1 ic:Jti~n: A separ:Jte applic:ltion is required for each separ~te ~l~n ~s Jetlnca in the Sign Code. 2) Electri~al: Any perDit issued under this 3pplic3tic iog 1n or on sign stru~ture, the supply wires for c( covered on an electrical per~it. Electrical connect only by J. St.ne licensed Electric:11 Contractor.. III intern~lly and cxternJ.lly) ~ust conform to Sections 9-7-13 of the Sprin~tield Sign Ordinance. 3) Plans ~eQuired: This 3pp1ication is to be submitted sets Ot plans dra~n to sCJ.le, showing dimensions and vertisin~ Dessa~e on sign; location of sign on prope to prorerty lines. structu31 details of support fram footings: r:atcri315 of constructio~ for sign and sig. trical equir~ent anJ lighti~g; size and 10c3tion of proper:y for the S~~e business, all as required to d with t~e Sprir.;iiclJ Si5n Ordinance (Article 1 of th, Code). Also, show the following infomation on the 1 showing property lines and location of signs): .) b) Show the location of all existing sign(s)' as well Show th~ lengt~ of the street frontage builJins. Show the location of entrances open to taken up t c) the public 4) When required. because of design, si:e, etc., enginee c:J.lcul.1tions ::lust be prepJred by a licensed engineer (~~ to dC~l;~ ~t3ndardi en =ile ~t t~e e~ildir.~ Divi~io~ S) Plans oc insufficient clarity or detail will be retur plicant with no per~lt being issued. ( 6) Signs ~ust ~eet corner vision clearance requirements Fi.. 9 of the Springfield Cooprehensive Zoning Code. , 7) :\OTS.: :\0 sign Day b.: erected which is less than 12 f. or-;ertically fro~ overhead electrical conductors in I volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction from overl lines which are energi:ed at less than 750 volts. 3) If :1 si;:1 is not ins':alled tdthin 60 days after the do: this pe~it. the pe~it shall be void. 9) [nSDect ions: .) Site',rn'l:)~ction - to be made before the sign is pI the FOO:ln~ In~=ection (if applicable) may be ~3.de ti~e'3.s tn~ Slte Inspection. The Footing Inspecti =~Je:3fter hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the concrete. ( ( (v, No. B Date ')- ~I 199/_ Reed Fromti..m r'1.-xsMvk ~~~I('~""1.i:t Address ~.I ~_c) ._~:fc: ~rTh~, ) ~\\J~...J--...../ I"'----J S6999( (~. ( .( Received For: c ( oJ.rp' POI-r~ -P,..;;,5? . CO c ( , G" JJn I /O,()O ,(/0 ( 47v ( ( ( c Amount Received 3)( '-/0 ()f C!url~ (' (i";" 8V ... -e ( AUTHORIZlED 510NATUIU: SM&HO...YUOl...U.... .."'''filii.. tl:UG."1 0" .'.0' ..s".' ~ c) FinJ.1 r~sDection - to bo made upon completion of a Co. ElectTical - All electrical signs QUst be lnspecteJ-Ior eLectrl~ ca! hoox up after the sign is erected and before the sign is turned on. b) CALL FOR TI1o, REQUIRED I~SPoCTIO~S ON TIlE 24 ,HOO1j, INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769. SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO Bo SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTI~N OF SIGN: ADDITIONAL INFO~'~TION NooOoD BEFORE PEt~IT f~Y BE ISSUED: PUNS REVW'oD BY: .' .\ DATE . __ _ ~Jo.. ....:--_,~ ,....