HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-7-13 I INSPECTION LINE 726-3169 I Job Addre~' I LltgaJ Oescriotion I - 2~73 OC.T/YIF'7C. t..<>r /.~ f.?4-L/-A#<:" , r~~D. , <::??&7 . Construction lend.r Add,.n CESIGN TEAM (name) Primary B;:?tlLe ~""'''fJkc..~,,~^,.,J./.A SlructurClI electrical CITY OF SPRINGFielD COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT I ENERGY SOURCES: Heat I Water Heat.r Ranae 57. Phone (oddreu) 7.., ~f'.-V,.=. /7 :.::J ,.;'v.~,. Mechanical CONTRACTORS (nome) (address) Go"'ol rJ3'~/4.:}-)[ p f~--U~ Plumbina .:> M~ -{"-{.,,,n-vt-:-"'''--:l' Electrical /~~~.-/ )'0" 2 0/t.--l..L91. Mechanical PLUMBINC NO. i / Each sinal. fixture RelocaTed building (new fi.... additional) S.F. Residence (1 bOlh) Duol.. (1 balh) each Additional balh Water ,.,...ice Sewer Storm Sewe, TOTAL CHARGES I I I I I I I 5:""""'1 ELECTRICAL Residence of __.__~o,:ft. New circuits, alterations or e.tensions SERVICES Temporary Construction Amps. FEEDERS Ampl. TOTAL CHARGES . INFORMATION LINE 726-3753 , I Sq. ftg. Main Sq. Ftg. Accen. Sq. fig. Other _New _Add _Alter _Rep. __Fence_Demo_Chonge/ Use _Other ~ Ii 1 \J (Iics. no.) 1J>/7;J7~.~~~ . (..pires) (Iics. no.) (e.pirel) ,;70 -y P' B ,;1 D~ 3) C C;/C/o FEE I CHARGE I I/j-:"'~ I I I I I I I I I I I "I I I I I I IS 00 G - ..30-;,"l. b - 3o....J12 !?-/7-Y/ MECHANICAL NO. I furnace/burn.r to 'II,TU'I I Appliance vent separate Stationary evap. cooler Vent fan with sin~l. dud I. V.nt system apart from hoatinQ or A.C. I M.chanical exhaus' hood and duct I Wood stove/heat.r I Heat Puma I Air handler to 10,000 CFM Air handler over 10.000 CFM !/Y,4c. P'-''''''T/r'''''~J,.- I I I I (phonll no.) :;:)9-7S-~:\; I (ohone no.1 L to ,)'7 -./2 ,.y , 3'13.)-'-011 3 tj.?-.2/43 7-!..b-8'9-.?( FEe I CHARGE. I I I I I I I I I I I /6."",.01 I I i I~ue of Work: Ow... 8.:Sv./"l/,Iyr'H r??/i-J-,,"U.../N ~~_r 4{.~1 .y'17~/J- ~ J.J-~' ./ ~.J - I Building Permit Info: Describe Work (Le., Build Sing I. Addreu -.."/ ~ Lt,( '-~UM~..d. Phone ~ -,8...t2/C=; Forni Iv Residence With ~t1ached GorJ:lq~ . ~:ZS'8 I <,-~~.zl.(:...-d 1[,1.'-aJt./k,"f.. I ' '']'7<#/ / "" )' " -f.J -<''','0---<:.( ,') .4 A-.-<''-'Zh I ".Y (/ '~jJ' 71- I l , _'....<~M_..l."'.. ,[3 /!-<.L.-M'-../- I fEE i ~~:E i NO'1 10'" I I I I ~- ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TOTAL CHARGES -- /tP."" /{,. ~ WHERE STATE LAW REQUIRES that the Electrical war. b. dona by tho Elet~,ical Contractor, the .lectrical portion of this permit shall not be yalid until 0 lobel hOI be.n signed by an Electrical Controctor and attached 10 tho electricol panal. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED th. completed application for permit. and do hereby certify that all information her.on i. true and correct, and I furth., certify that arty and 011 work performed sholl be don. in accordance with the Ordinances of tho City of Springfield Gnd the Lows of the State of Orcg!:'n pertaining to the work described herin, and that NO OCCUPANCY will b. mod. of any structure without the permission of tho Building Divilion. I furthor certrfy that my r.gistration with the Builder's Boord is in full force Gnd eff.ct os required by ORS 701.055. that if exempt the bOlis for ....mption is noted heron, and that only subcontracton and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will b. used on thi. project. Basis for Builder's Board ...emption: NAME (plto.. p".') G<.{ l' '< E 'T}, 0 m P,<:'O t1 c--:< Type/Con.t. :11:- /.11__< ~drooms Ion. Fir. Zone Flood Plain c"'ri.- q. BUilDING PERMIT Chorges and Surcharges /B! """"" 7. -;; 'I 5",-""0 ~"" PLUMBING PERMIT Chargel and Surcharge, ELECTRICAL PERMIT Charges and Surchcrges / J-' _0 -~('.? ~ o 'GNAYURE duf OA/~ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Units ....'cy Load ~'!~ "ccy Group 1?.. :2 I Plan Ck. Comm/lnd 65%/ Bldc Pet fee I Plcn Ck. Res 30%/ alda Pet Fee C--:. Ftg. Main Sq. Ftg. Acc.n Sq. Ftg. Other e "~'~"hOATE7-)3~?1 . Yalue Yall.le .IC "clue YOYAL VALUAYlON '-117. /$1';>, "'"'" 1//7-c;..,-f3;.-I.2-0 I Sy"om.Oo-;:lopmt.t /). P_ Charae (1.5,..1 I I I Fenc. Demo Sidewcdk MECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Su,chargel A/C Pavina ;6 ' ~o I Cu,b Cut ..-----.-6'(-1 . I '17, ?~8. --- I 7/~, ,,-=< I I 1 ~z.S',6S I I' l Total Comb, Permit I I I I TOTAL # CJ ,/(.90 I J I .J. 'I. Applica~ to furnish A. Job Address B. legal Description I. example'lax lot 100, lane County Map Reference 17 03 43 2. example.Lot I. Black 3. 2nd Addition to Springfield Estates C. Name. etc. of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources 1. examole-heat/electrical ceilinQ/or forced air gas 2. examole.~afer heater,' electrical/or solar . E. Square footage or valuation, etc. 1. examole..I250 sq, foot house. 500 sq. foat 9ara9' { 2. exam pie-if new project, check new.if addition, cr. add. elc. F. Building permit information: 1. examole-construct single family house wi"lh an at ;t. Dote goroge 2. exomole.remodel existing garagE:. into family roc .r Rec'd 3. exampie~converr single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (0) of the Siructurol Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction dl;"lo)'s, Building Div Staff must be Cible to contact approF-'ril.lte persons re C'" design information or job site \;orrec-Hons, etc. COMBINA nON APPlICA nON/PEA (CAP) II. Abbreviated Plumbing. Mechanical & Electrical Sched~1 A. Except where blank spaces occur :n the description, or the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the cppi need fill-in only the No. Boxes adiC1cent io the Orpj, item(s} to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Mechonical. and Electrical ~chedules ore ovuiloble at the Building Division 1. To conserve spoce on the parmit form the schech hove been obbrevialed ~. If the item{s} to be instaHed c:r~ not C(\vered or: t aled schedules you should consult the full sched, C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL CUT ALL FEES CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES 111. Applicant to sign and dote Whenever possible. the initial application will be used worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Staf prepare 0 typewritten copy and return it to the opplicc the time the actual permit is issued for his signaturE. IV. Fees and Charges Pion check fees ore due and payable at the time of thf and no plans will be processed until these fees are pai ('I. other fees and charges ere due and payable when the /'" is issued. 4-- '- ~ v; FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ~- '.'~........__-_-_..c....._-.' PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: / - 07'(r,;' Z;:: ;:~/. ... . PERMIT VALIDATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD City Hall Springfield, Oregon Deportment of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT ( No. B 1981 P t:eJI'LI, frY. ('('OnrCf, ~yt- -'S Xj-en<::. 7-cJ~ 56950( from mon':I.~\ .:(' Address LYt) I \ Received for: hn fRIQO 7 -J.L! SO/:; ,2() /_J"'. ()j .t/JO /['1.00 .loti 7 /0,d, ~ /.f( , C/. qc,j " L/ / ) ~~'::~..=-::~ ( /1' - ( J/1(') { .v AUTHO"IZ[I) SIGNATU"I[ ( ."[Lto".tU"".ULL ....'..t.."5 . [UG...... 0" .".G' ...".. " ( Lj 7(, ~ic ilo ( L/7., ('. , --:;,0 I ( ~7v c. (hI) ( r?' '-19 ;) SDL :~: . Amount Received" " , " ( ~~. < _J Permij. Clerk _.-~__-..-,-:-.::o.:.." __.... >0.."-""""__._"_._ __ /. ~.. ~. . .-' -- -; ,... ...f".... /Jo'''~_'''-'''_' .,. . ...... ,"\t'" m",J, /:r'~?:; . Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY, / c,=>"I-.,J;: ;-"-:~.c cR name .:..- .,/, , "ignctur.... , I I I ;alf" 7 - -:2.0-8 , .