HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Occupancy 1975-2-10 ~~~~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~. ~ llCerttftcate of <!l)uupal1tp . ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~ 1>1, ""'pea" i""'" P.",.on~~I,~~~~q~;,~,~~~~;:,~~: J06 .J ,', U.ifm, B,,;!d;"K I Code certifying that at the time of issuance this st1'llcture was in compliance with tile various l<'l ~ , ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: 1<>"1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I u u u, @1 m @1 @1 [>1 [>1 I 0". G~", N '''' Co.."""," m , [>1 ~ ~ ~ i 'c1~-- ~ II POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ~ ~ -~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fi re Zon"" III C-2 '1se Zon'" . Owner of Buildin~Center Development of Bressler's Ice Cream Building,Addrp.. 2050 Olympic Street Wa. Addres. Vancouver. Washington Bldg. Permit No 6191 By' "7J1 a'~'J' ~.<A4"n-1 /. . , Z-/D -?J Oato. ID~@@~~ ~ ((erttficatt of ~ttupant!' @ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT' Tlzis Certificate iSJlled pursuant to tile requirements of Section 306 of tile Unifonlz Building Code certifying tllat at tile time of issuance tllis stmcture was in compliance witll tile various ordinances of tile City regulating building cOllstruction or we. For tile following: ~ I ~ ~ I I I 1< /b:.,/ .:4~,y(.c a....._L-ootp. ~ 'Building OfficiaJ/ m \ POST I~ A CONSPICUOUS PLACE l<:> ~~~~~~~~~@~P@~~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~ I . V-N Rated Type ConstructIon ,fire Zon!'" .Use Zona C-2 III F-2 Occ. Grou"' Owner of Buildin'] C. E. Johns Development 6,ddre.' Vancouver. Washington "Idg. Permit N- 6191 Building Addre" 2050 Olympic Street (Photo Factory) Bu. t:fl7/i ~(~Jd4'J.t-M- 'L - 2- 7 -7.5 .. .. ___ J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~~~~0~~~ ~i ,. ~ I <tettmCl3!tt @f ~cnupl3!Uttp ~ ~' CITY Of SPRINGFIELD II ~. BUILDING DEPARTMENT ~ @, ~ ~ This Certificate issl/ed pl/rSltal/t to the requirements of Section 306 of tile Umforlll Buildil/g ~ ~:.' Code certifying that at tile time of isSlta~lce this structure was in compliance witli tile variol/s ';.: @: ordinances of the City regulating building cOIIStmction 01' lISe. For tile following: : ~i ~ ~i ~ ~i Occ. Grou~ F-Z Type Construction V-N RatedFire Zon~ III Use Zonp C-2 ~ ~!. Owner of BuildingC E, Johns Develooment Addres- Vancouver. Washinl!ton i~ ~ Building Addre-- 2050 Olympic Street I\ldg. Permit No 6191 ~ (P;", Tco.) : @ B". 71110~-( /,fk-t"~"<,,,,,,- ~ ~ j1^ ~ ~ * .~. "~~~'v. ~~'~ ~,. ~~/ / -(0 -75 ' ,:, ~ (/ ,-.~,,;. :. r'~~/.~-.- Dotp. &::> @l . '---t'::... BUilding Of7101 ~I @ ~I ~ ~, ~ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. . ~ ~~~~@@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @ @ @ .~ ~ , {terttfitatt IOf ~CtUpantp CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT <>, @; @: @\I POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE j<> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @ @! ~I ~ ~I @ Tllis Certificate ismed purmaJ/t to the requiremeJ/ts of Sectioll 306 of tile Ullifonll Buildillg Code certifyillg tI,at at ti,e time of ismance tllis structure was ill compliallce 'With the various ordillances of the City regulatiug buildillg coustruction or we. For the following: Type Construction~te.qlire Zone_III Use Zone !:-? Occ. Group_F-? Owner of Building_C;E;." Johnc:; nP..\f~ 1 n~mpn f" Address--Y.ancOlJ.\ler-.-wA Building Address 71)<;n nJ~,r "'''-ee' (Health Food Store) Bldg. Permit No /;101 ,,'7J!~ jri..-." . Ae~L/L"" ------Date. t, - rr - '7 S . U B~'ding OffitioV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I - - ..-,-.-. -, @ @ ~ I~ >" I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @ ~ ~ ~ Occ. Grou~ F-2 @ @ @ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE :., ~@@@@@~~~@@@@~~~~~@~~~@@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ({ertificate of ~ccupantp CITY Of'SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT Tllis Certificate issued pursuant to tile requirements of Section 306 of tile Unifo17n Building Code certifying that at tile time of issuaJ/ce this st17lcture was in compliance with tile vanollS ordinances of ti,e City regulating building comtruction or use. For the following: Type Constructior V-N RatedFire Zone C-2 III Use Zon~ Owner of Buildin: C. E. Johns Deve 1 opment Addrp<< Vancouver, WA Building Addres. 2050 01ympi c Street lYarn Cottage) " ..(;;~', 9C::';v~_~-~'DW' fn - d.. t) -75 . ' '~ Building Offici.tJt" . . Bldg. Permit N~ 6191 ~ ~ '~ ~ i~ ~ @ ~ I '" ~ , , @ '" , .. .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ - ~ ~ (!ertifatate JOf ~tlt1Utpam1(tp ~, ~ I@ ( IT Y 0 F S P R I N G fiE L D ': BUILDING DEPARTMENT . : ~ I ~ .~ i Tilts Certificate iSSl/ed purSl/ant to tile 1'equirements of Section 306 of the Unifonll Building Code certifying tlwt at tile time of iSSl/ance this structure was in compliance with tile various ordinances of the City 1'egulating building construction or use, For tile following: . Occ. Group_E -2....-Type Construction \/-N Rated.Fire Zone_I" Use Zone_C.-? '. Building Address <>i' Ui t'ii" 'i;".. @ @ ~~ @ <~~ c.1 ~ _/,--,.:, t/ ,--;7~;/' ~ 1/ ----.' ,. ~ . V . Building Of~icial ~ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE l~ ~ ~, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Owner of Building C.'E: John 5 Dp"p' 1 opmp.n t Address \/ancov,er...-wP Bldg, Permit N,.. lilql 7050 01\'-,'-:- (Ha l1mark Shop) By: ~U~ ~__ C 7-3 -15 Dot~, .. .. ~"'~~~"'~"'~"-~~j~~'J;.r:~J'I.~JI..~j"o.~)~~)",~~~fc;)QC)~12lf.l~l~l~Y~)(c;)~fc;)~fc;)~~ ~ ~ (!Certificate of <lE'ccupaucp CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT T/zis Certificate issued pursuant to tile requirements of Section 306 of t/Ze U nif017ll Building Code certifying tllat at the time of issuance this st17lcture was in compliance with the various ordinances of tile City regulating building cOllStruction or lISe. For the following: I<i Occ. Grour F-2 Type Construction V-N RatAd Fire Zon- 111 Iloe Zone--C-~. Owner of Building..b.f, .Inhns Deve 1 opmAnt Addre,. ""I"co.'O" I./~ Building Addre,. 20<;001""lPic (Korn-Kettle) Bldg. Permil No ~lpl By' ~~ ;/--- 1- ;1- .!? Iii .~ DOle. POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE , r0~~~~~ J<1 l'I~lYl~l'~jJi~jtt~JIlq~/fJ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ @ '2) ~ @Certificate of *ccuparmp e ~ CITY OF SPRINGfiELD ~ ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT ~ @ ~ ~ T/lis Certificllte iJSlIed pursullnt to tile requiremeJ/ts of Section 306 of tile Uuifoml Building ~ ~ Code certifying t/lIlt at tile time of i~SlIance tllis stmcture ~vas in compliance ~vith tlu various ~ ", e> ~ ordinances of tile City regulating building cOlIStruction or use. For tile following: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Occ. Grou:, F-2 Type Construction V-N Fire Zone III Use Zonp C-2 ~) ~ Rated ~ ~ Owner of Buildinc C. E. Johns Development Addres' Vancouver. WA @ ~ ~ /7;1, 2050 01 . 6191 ,~ "'"' Building Addre" vmp~c Bldg. Permit N" e> @ (Marge's Gift Shop) , @ @ ~ @ @ @ @ ~ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ,'" ~\I ,~j ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~~ Bu. '7)1 tfVvil-v. * ~~. ._~...--/ V..-< /'} ~-' / ~'- _~? ./ lC--'G;-v ,-"-'.- { / Building Offitiar l . , . Datp- '7-~1-7S- .. -' , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DEPARTMENT This Certificate iSSlIed pursuant to the requirements of Section 306 of tile UmfoJ7J1 Bnilding Code certifying that at tile time of issuance tllis structure was in compliance with tile various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or lISe. For tile fol/owing: Type Construction V-N Rateq,ire Zon. III Use Zone C-2 Occ. Grou:, F-2 , , ~ ~ ~ C.E. Johns Development Addr~" Vancouver, WA Owner of Buildin'2' 2050 Olympic (Kinney Shoes) Bldg. Permit N^ 6191 Building Addre" By.'/j1 v,./~ (jAJ~-o->--- / %' ~ 1-7..J--- , ~i @ @ /0. //~ ~' ,~/?3? /!;~~~~ Dat~. II ~ Building Official ~ . / ~ '- ~ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ .~ID@@~~~'~~@~~"~~~~~ff~~ ~I ~ ~ . (!tttificatt of ~uupancp .. .~ ~. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT ~I yJ I~ I.U: ~.. I~ I~ F 2 V N ~i ace. Grou:" - _Type Construction _ I~ I ~ Owner of Buildin:! I~ -1;>, ~ ~ ~ ~ II ~ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ~ -y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@@@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Certificate iSSlled pl/nuaut to ti,e requirements of Section 306 of the Unifol7n Building Code certifying tllat at the time of iSSlltlnce this structure was ill compliallce witll the various ordinallces of tI,e City regulating building construction or use. For ti,e followillg: Fire Zon'" III Use Zonf" C-2 C ,E. .Johns Develonment Addrcs' Vancouver. WA Building Addres. 20~0 Olvmoic (Source Shop) "Idg. Permit N~ 61ql By: /1( /;,1tHl 1d/{f..:,U-z.. .1 ' <6-/:<-'7S * k/}/'~~-----Dote' U 'l.-/Bu;fding Of~;.,( -- @ @ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ t<'" ~l WI ~l ~l I., I I., I 1 I ~@~'~~~~~l~~ ~ <!erti{icate of ~ctupantp ~ ~, I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD :<> BUILDING DEPARTMENT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I This Certificate issued pursuallt to the requirements of Section 306 of the Umform Buildillg Code certifyillg that at tile time of iSJ/lallce tllis structure was in compliallce with tlze various ordillances of tlze City regulatillg buildillg cOlIstruction or use. For the following: II, ~ ~ ~ .., "" f!~ "" ~~ ~ Oce. Grour' F-2 ~. ..I ~ ..I ~ ~ Building Addre" ~ @ @ ~ @ ~ ~ ~ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@@~~@~~@~~~ Type Construction V-N Rated Fire Zonb I'se Zone C-2 In Owner of Building C. E. Johns Deve100ment Address Vancouver. IvA 2050 Olvm~ic Street (Tallman's Organ) 6191 Bldg, Permit No '7J1~ n rfl.... By. 'ju O-c--J.....,.. (/ ~-7-?:i) " r;:; -A /, . ~./-:'-- -- " 5/...f:!{7A /::'/24/.'.." /' / -,. /. - .-- t/ V- Building <;!!iclal 0...1'."., I~>~~~~~@@@@~ I (:ertificate of ll&uupancp I ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ," ~ BUilDING DEPARTMENT ~ This Certificate iSJ/led purmant to the requirements of Section 306 of the Uniform Building @1 Code certifying that at the time of issuance this structure was in compliance with the vanollJ ~ @1 ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: @1 @1 ~ Occ. Group F-2 Type Construction V-N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @1 I @. ~ @ @ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE @. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~@@~~~~~@@@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fire Zone III C-2 I ~se Zonp Owner of Buildin,:: C. E. Johns Deve100ment Addre" Vancouver. WA Building Addre" 2050 01 vmoic Street OMcE1hany's Shoe) 6191 Bldg. Permit No By. ~ DatA. June 28, 1976 Building Official - "'- - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~@~~~~@~ ~ @ ~ ({ertifilCllJtt ~f ~lCtta1l1lm1rf(ltm ~ ~ 1{'" C I~ ~ I ~ CHY Of SPWUN(if~EUD ~ m BUILDING DEPARTMENT ~ 1'/1t's Certificate inued purmllut to the require/lleJIts of Section 306 of tile Umfol7ll Building (iiI. l;; Code certifying tllllt at the time of issullnce tflis .rtructure ~l)as in compliance with tlze vllrious ~ ,r' ~ ordinances oJ tile City l'egulllting buildiug const17lction or use. For the following: ~ ~ @ @ ~ l;;1 ~ ~ @ ~ @ m _tfrr ~AJ- ~ ~~ la @ I ~ I J":':."l POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE I ~ .a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@@~~~~~@~@~@@~~@~@@@~@@~~@@~ Occ. Group F-2 III C-2 V-N Type Construction Fire Zon"" ['se ZonA Owner of Buildin: C. E. Johns Development Addres" Vancouver, ~vashington Building Addre.< 2050 01 ympic Street (The Book Lounge) 8949 Rldg. Permit N^ By, '/}'/f;f1~~.:nA -r-K-,4~ Do1e: ~ ,~ ~IPa 'a , I I ~~.a 'a i I ~~~@@@@~@@@@@!l~@~~~~~~@~~~~~~~@~~~@~~~~~ i (:crtificatc of ~ccupanc!, i I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT ~ W, ~ w, @I ~ ~ Occ. Grou~ F-2 @I @I @I @ @ ~ ~ ~. I ~ @ _ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ~ ~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Certificate ismed purmant to the requirements of Section 306 of tile Uniform Building Code certifying that at the time of ismance this stntcture was in cOlllpliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating bnilding construction or use. For the following: Type Construction V-N III C-2 Fire Zone Ilse Zon~ Owner of Buildin,::C. E. Johns Development Vancouver. WA Addre<< Building Addres' 2050 Olympic Street (Stu's Sport Shop) 6191 Bldg. Permit No. By. ~ Oat.... June 28. 1976 Building Official - @ @ @ @ ~ '" I