HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1999-2-23 ~ ... . . SPRINGFIELD approval ~ ATTENTIO ~ J' N:Oregon law requires you to z~n~ ./ Inlln... .. ,I,,~ ~rI"pted b th 0 f\ , I . . . y e regon Utility DateN- . ~l NotIfication Center. Those rules are set forth Authorized Signatur.lk\ ~ O~~ ~52-001-U01 0 through OAR 952.Q01- 225 FIFTH STREET 33".', t.u '",u, ,-,...tain copies of the rules bllLECTRICAL PERIilT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 'i,fif1}'f9 the center. (Note: the telephone INSPECfION REQUEST: '1P6~'31J189 the Oregon Utility Notification Ci ty Job Number 0/90 Z S 7- OFFICE: 726-3759 Center is 1-800-332-2344). 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE HELO~ 200 amps or less $ 50.00 NO'i'/CI< 201 amps to 400 amps $ 60.00 541-92,6.:t:Z~: 401 amps to 600 amps $100.00 ,nTIjPE:RMITSJ 601 amps to 1000 amps' $130.00 3257S\/I""-'D=--o I'IALLO'J;'W'/r:M)Q.O a.!:lps/vol ts $300.00 .. flu.t:D UNDt:#j.con'mlE:tTH:JnIJ.lUJRK $ 40.00 lo-arQiJ1MF^,f'I:D' HIS PeRMit I.~ AI" 't/', n - CeUs IT:i;Il1l),,~Fl'i.Y. Se'tiil'lTes or Feeders 22-1SC lP, P~"/3r;fi:llpl InstanVa.DiIdllf,f Alteration or Relocation . . 1O.Q1-99 200 amps' 'or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see "B" above 1, LOCATION OF INSTALLATION 2005 Olympic LEGAL DESCRIPTION Snrin"fi"l<l rilli:lJgo~ /7/)325 '(1 ~ofZJb -!Ol} 9ESCRIPTION I I'h/pf !We) Cou.... 5 Permits are non-transferable and expire if ~ork is not started ~ithin 180 days of issuance or if ~ork is suspended for 180 days. JOB /I 69902-19 2. CONTRACfOR INSTALLATION ONLY Electrical Contractor E C CarpanY'" Albany Address POBox 925 Ci ty Albany. OR 97321 Phone Supervisor License Number Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number Expiration Date ~t~~;:?J"f. Supervisin ~-X/.-'\...\ OIJners Name p/tJj J UAlRhlllf I Address '}.O{)~ a/, h-,1'1'L Ci ty <;/JfIA-,{r,l) Phone , / OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I o~n IJhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: ----------------------~- -- ----------- DATE: ).. tlf1 RECEIPT H: _I; 'j'lM...li.l- /, Rr.r.r.TVED BY: . A. NeIJ Residential-Single or Multi-Family per d~elling unit. Service Included: Items Cost Sum 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home, or Modular 'DIJelling Service or Feeder S 85.00 $ 15.00 $ 40.00 B. Services Or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: $ 40.00 S 55.00 $ 80.00 ~D. Branch Circui ts .' Ne~, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit Each Add it i onal Circuit Or ~ith Service or Feeder Permit 1 $ 35. 00 35..00- 1 $ 2.00 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) ...Each installation Pump or irrigation $ 40.00 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 40.00 Limited Energy/Res $ 20.00 Limited Energy/Comm $ 36.00 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee TOTAL 37.00 1 A< , " ':In nt:. . . ,- .. I~.' ilJOTlc~. THIS p~ . AU RMIT SHALL E ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 97477 THORIZ~D XPIR~/FT. 726-a7.f!.?V1~NC UND~R THIS Pg HF&fJ.R/{lob Number '?/O 2.S' 'J:- ., 'I, ~D OR IS RMIT IS No .. ' lr~ f1i:' P~ AL::31NDllWHl)LETE 'FEE SCHEDULE BEL01J 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION ' '_RIO'" '" "OR 2005 Olympic A. Nev Residen tial-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included: DATE: 02-05-99 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON INSPECTION REQUEST: OFFICE: 726-3759 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sori.ru?field Cill€!MS 1103 z.S" '11 6DSDC, Sum Items Cost $ 85.00 JOB DESCRIPTION I 1000 sq.ft. or less ArI.I I'Anu Ctll (;.. t S Each addi t ional 500 . "1lt121V sq. ft or portion Permi ts are non-transferabl& ~d~\Ji(j)4':O thereof if vork is not started vi thi'RtiNIJ9t'&'~do regOnlH,ch Manuf'd Home or of issuance or if vork is B'il~~gqp(f'll}jt :Otedby;M661AAf.r Dvelling 180 days. 090 y, <<'001 er. thos ~eydg."'!.161[JI!')eeder JOB 1/69902-19 cali, OUrnay~0010throeru/esaronUtilit 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATIOfMJ1iJs'l? the CentbtainIt'o:oIf;@rr:;A.flsSOjfo~lfeders rforthe er. (IVOI !%GJtih1:ElP~, Al tera t ions Electrical Contractor "" rr.qp=jgerllAiji1!egonu:'!Ysfflf.f'ol:tloJsiB,n: '800-3 tlllly/xo ~~hone :v Address D" D_.. M< 3<<.~ \V~io9,r less 20I~'amps to 400 amps Ci ty Albany, OR 97321 Pho'1e 541-926-4266 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Supervisor License Number 12'i"(S Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $ 15.00 $ 40.00 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 '- . Expiration Date 1(\",,/)1.../"'11 C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 22-1SC Constr Contr. Number 10-01-99 $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 see liB" above 200 amps' 'or less 201 amps to 400 amps Signature of. Supervising Electricia,n J 8n '" Over 401 to 600 amps ? ~ ~ /2JAHtxlt) Co '~Over 600 amps or 1000 volts I D Branch Circuits Ovners Name 5J;1J-,,... ksf/ c-/~ RIl4c./ C,t:JeF:ia' i I Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel Address '].005" tJ/Y/I1,or c:.. Expiration Date " $ 35.00 . .JS..OO- One Circuit Each Additional Circuit or '.lith Service or Feeder Permit 1 Ci ty SfJ!2tKf{;oz,,/' Phone $ 2.00 2.00 01JNER INSTALLATION E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ 40.00 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 40.00 Limited Energy/Res $ 20.00 Limited Energy/Comm $ 36.00 The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: 37.00 1.tl~ 1.11 39.96 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee TOTAL -------------------------------r.------- DATE: oz,/;'3tf'f RECEIPT~: (j ~'l.'i""z... . if " Rvr.nVF.O BY: '4' W;>P