HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Legal Description 1900-1-1 ; .. " . . ..I' . LEGAL DESCRIPTION fOR CENTER DEV[LOP[~NT WASH., LTD. SPRINGfIELD MALL ( . 60ginning at a point uhich.is 1355.96 foet North 00 03' East end 37.40 foet ~orlh 890 57' West of the Southoast co~ne~ of the A. M. Po~e~a Oonalion Land Claim No. 69, in Township 17 South, Ronge 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; ~unnin9 thence North 890 57' West, 917.55 feet to tha Easterly right-of-way line of 18th street; thence alon9 said risht-of-way line North Do' '03,c-East-320;62__feet;o-th_ence rlo~th 160, DO' 43" Eest, 76.29 feet; thence on a 95.0 foot radius cu~ve to the left, throug~ a central ~ngle of 660 08' 56" (chord bea~s North 2Jo 13' 57" West, 76.66 feet) a distance of 76.51 feet to the Eastorly risht-of-way line of Mohawk Boul~vardi thence along said right-of-way line North 290' 07' ~5" East, 11.22 feet to the Southe~ly right-of-way of the "Q" Street rloodwaYi thence along said right-of-uay line as follows: on a 181.47 foot radius curve to the left, through a central angle ,of 420 55' 07" (chord bears to the left_North 850 II' 26" East, 132.78 feet) a distance of IJ5.92 feeti ~ thence No~th 6Jo 43' 53" East, 402.22 feeti thence on a 294.53 foot radius cu~ve to the right, through a centr~l angle of 1160 19' 07" (Chord bsars South 580 06' -33" Last, 500.42 feet) a distance of 597.92 feet; thence South 00 03' West, 352.10 feet; thence en a 398.10 foot radius curve to the loft, through a central . angle of 60 35' (chord baars South JO 14' JO" East, 45.72 feet) a distance of ~5.7s feat to the point of besinning, in Lane County, O~egoni EXCEPiING that port in tha Southuas~ Corne~ conve~od to the City of Springfield, fo~ roaduay by doed recorded August 1~, 1973 Rocoption ~o. J7409, Lane County Orogon nocords, in Lana County, Orogon. .' EXHIBIT "A"