HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous License 1988-6-3 . . jQZO O~~G M E M 0 RAN DUM City of Springfield June 3, 1988 TO: Finance Department "P"'.'.'~ FROM: Planning & Development SUBJECT: SPECIAL COMMUNITY EVENT LICENSE FOR SPRINGFIELD MALL - CARNIVAL The standards below need to be observed by the Funtastic Shows, Inc. as part of their approval for the Special Community Event License. 1. All temporary electrical service and electrical extension cords shall be inspected and approved by the Springfield Building Safety Division prior to commencement of the carnival. Applicant shall coordinate this inspection with the Building Safety Division. 2. Driveways from Olymlpic Street shall remain open at all times. 3. Advertising signs located on the property shall conform with temporary sign standards of the Springfield Development Code. The signs are limited to 8 feet in height and a total of 32 square feet per sign face. Applicant to coordinate signs with Assistant Planner Doug Rux. 4. Springfield Mall Manager Robert Pittman has indicated that approximately 70-80 of the 700 parking spaces will be used for this event. It is the responsibility of the Springfield Mall to maintain adequate parking for existing businesses in the Mall and adjacent businesses. . TO: Karen, Police;~indie. OCED; Mike. Dennis, or Dick. Fire FROM: Jana.~~ SUBJECT: SPECIAL COMMUNITY EVENT LICENSE FOR SPRINGFIELD MALL - CARNIVAL application for a Special Funtastic Shows, Inc. in the Springfield Mall's Attached is a copy of an Community Event License. is setting up a carnival parking lot. A plan showing how the carnival will be set up was not included with the application. The contict person for Funtastic Shows. Inc. is Ronald Burback, 1202 SE Chelsea. Vancouver. WA 98664 (1-231-0498). The contact person for the Springfield Mall Association is Robert Pittman (726-1567). Please review the application and approve/approve with conditions/deny the license and return to me. (Each department is receiving a copy of the application - routing is not necessary). Thanks. ........, "'~.. ( -, '.. CITY OF SPRINGFIELO APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COMMUNITY EVENT LICENSE I. PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION REGARDING THE SPONSOR ANO EACH OF THE INOIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE FOR ORGANIZING THE EVENT: C;) NAME~ . I a<1 LOCAL ADDRESS LOCAL PHONE 1jI!}.1*'c _7TMIt,u ./--J-LJ/) l'!u.l(J1J8.r 'S. r '/,]/_ _ 15-6. "7 . . /) o J, 2. EVENT FOR WIlICH LICENSE IS SOUGHT (;A-P!JIIJ14L (5Aft'IAI t!etlA..."AJ,rV EU'OJT) EVENT DATE(S) -SuAJe" 4- I 7_ I q ~p. IS SPONSOR A NOT-FOR-PROFIT TAX EXEMPT ENTITY? )ltr~ 4. PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING SPECIFIC INFORMATION REGARDING EAC!I OF THE ACTIVITIES ANTICIPATED TO OCCUR AS PART UF JIIE EVENT (Attach Additional Pages if Necessary) ACTIVITY LOCATION DATEfS) TlMEISl 6412/JllJA-1 -;:::'P/T) IVlA LL ~~ 0,.-/ L ' 5, PLEASE PROVIDE A CLEAR STATEMENT OF THE SPECIFIC REASONS YOU BELIEVE TIlE EVENT WILL SIGNIFICANTLY CONTRIBUTE TO AND BENEFIT THE SPRINGFIELD COMMUNITY (Attach Additional Pages If Necessary) WiLl. A'f'rilltf l--MrnPu~ F/7,,1'n A IHI Dn AR...l': "7"'1') t'?A.v1,s' ~ ~ :'"">0/7 ,JlJt;;J/<TU) 6. PLEASE PROVIDE A CLEAR STATEMENT OF THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR CITY-WIDE CITIZEN PARTICI- PA ON IN T/I EVENT: r. 7. HAS L1A ILlrY INSURANCE BEEN OBTAIN D FOR THE EVENT1 F;.---YEs NO. IF SO, PLEASE INDICATE: FACE AMOUNT OF THE POLICY I. ~.~_~ POLICY HOLDER(S) ,:ilAl'TIlf..T'{ ADDITIONAL INSUREDS '5Pi:?/~ FJ m.o /VI A 1,( . B. WILL THE EVENT INCLUDE: A CARNIVAL: ,/YES NO A CIRCUS: YES V NO IF SO;-PLEASE INDICATE THE DATE(S) AND LOCATION(S) FOR EACH -::iuIlJK q -I <:. ~f) J114::::t/ / \ , I .>:' , ,- " , " . ..0 "- . .' '. 1- " PLE/l.qll IlJmrIfY 1111l WClITlrn IINlJ NlI1IlEI\ (l' FJV.l1 (l' 1111l fULlLliJ.Ul 1'YPES (l' llU111fl NIl VEIUJllS , , NI' 1118 EVENI'. 1NFUImTIQltoL 1llX11119. DlSPU\r 1lU111I9, nxv, .-..:..i:~."'lENr 1JJC7J11S. NIS.DtENr STNIJS. S'J1U-T VfH.XJnS. ) allIER fUn-PIU'IT 1lU111IS, lWEI' I1I\1SIOO roum9 OF' IOI-P1U'IT OIlJ1\NIZ1\TICRh alllm 1lOO111S. IUIIlFn NlI1IlEI\ NlI1IlEI\ NlI1IlEI\ NWBm NlI1IlEI\ ='100(9) UlCl\TIoo IS) LO<:J\t'loo (S) UlC/I'l'loo(9) 1lJC1\TIW tS) UlC/I'I'loo IS) NWBElI Illtlllm LO<:J\'I'IUHS) LU::J\TIoo(S) Do WILL I\UXIIkJl.1C bEVEI,^= nil AV1\l11llJ1E lIS PNII' IF tllll EVillI' Nt' umEn tlll\ll 1lfl.,'UllIHLY IJCfR1m I\NU PElltW<ENI'LY LO<:J\'IW EBt'1IOL1SIINbNlS7 ns V 16;---11'00; Nl'J1\U1 A lJ1JIGlW1 lNUlCATltu (n) DlsrEmu..~ lCCNrl0N9, (bJlmliffis/oon1:.SS nikl (e) 1u:J\'I'l00 CYlmaiRi1.Y PEls.:If- NEL I\NU JmlC1\tE BEU:M tIlE l\1UWGMI'Nm roo III\VIl IWJE fUR 11/E fULI1MJ.Ul. SEOJR11'Y. ~rn W\ Q.U CCItF:lNfMENr. 'r'u,vfA"b7"lr VlSPf.NSlW, .Cu.~<"'1""J<_ 1. .PJ...FJ\SE lJESCIUUB N1Y I\IUtNI.lEMENnJ WlIlOI IU\VE IJF.UI tWJE Hnll IU:;SPECr '1U FJ\a1 tF 'UtE fULI.OUlJl (Use JIddl UOllal Pages If Necessary). , 111/\fFIC Wfltn.. A) / ,(\ FIJ1S S\Jl'PRfSSlUh Jlj- / A. ,~.....Jl9. f2JJ ~ I rt3' ?CIA<;., A DD/7u')IJ/l I ICf"MPnlU1l'2.)/ CR:Ml> u:t(l'R)LI It1.A Ill- )1.. S I,t(' I I J a. I r \.1 , IlUJCIUN) St'_IS'. j.J t~ BWCKlOO /lLLEYS. tlJA Il1LXltlOO BIJJaiI\UUl. AJ / U USE (l' Clt'Y Fl\ClLlTlES. it) / n LIt'1ER UMlroL. ~pm JV1"C:>.1 J SUE OEI\NUPI r:'J.AX;"^<!.'r/./ _, ,1111\S1I 11fUNAL. "SA-~ - tH_d '.l.II\~, - -. I. , 1>'ItE. - ~ _ C; - ~ ".' '.1. ,-,- , , ,"1, -1"- .. , fUll U1'> 'IfU)lUJI::n'ifUffic1iiL-uliiruiL'il Ill'XUflI:llLWlt'lUlS. I'OL1CE. G1l1Wl' DillY G1Wl1' WItIl lXXlJITIUlS FIRE ~ G1l1Wl' IJENY G1l1Wl' Wltll'lXXIJITlCJlS- '\../ G/Wl1' DElIY G1l1Wl' liI'llI a:tllJITICJlS PllBL1C tAJIUCS. G/lIWl' DillY G/lIWl' WI'IlI UNlITlCJlS 1\C1'1Ul. '-- GJWJl'ID, DElIlWI G1l1WIW WItIl a:tllJl'I'IUlS (AT1TOI) 1>'I111. Clt'Y ItELUllllUI. \..-1 '-------~ .--:;1 8-7 - 1 . . 8-7 - 5 Springfield Code C HAP T E R VIII. BUS I N E S S ARTICLE 7. AMUSEMENTS--TRANSIENT 8-7-1 Carnivals; Circuses--Licenses. No person shall engage in pro- moting, sponsoring, or carrying on any carnival or circus exhibition frequented by the general public, without first having obtained a license therefor and having paid to the city the license fee prescribed in Section 8-7-5 of this code. B-7-2 Carnivals; Circuses--Licenses--Issuance. Licenses shall not be issued for more than three carnivals or circuses annually in the city, and none of the three licenses shall be issued within 30 days of the other. 8-7-3 Carnivals; Circuses--Licenses--Aoolications. Any person desiring to show or engage in the operation of a carnival or circus shall, prior to opening the same to the general public, make an application to the city recorder for a license in accordance with this article. The application shall state the name of the carnival or circus, the sponsoring organization, and the location of the carnival or circus, and shall also state what sanitary conditions are either carried with the carnival or circus, or are provided for at the place the carnival or circus is located within the city. The application shall also state the number of days and the dates when the carnival or circus will be shown. Upon receiving the application, the city recorder shall forthwith present the application to the Council for its approval or rejection. 8-7-4 Carnivals, Circuses--Licenses--Issuance; Disolav. If the application for a license to promote, sponsor, or show a carnival or circus is approved, the city recorder shall issue a license to the applicant and shall at that time collect from the applicant the license fee prescribed by Section 8-7-5 of this code, based on the number of days mentioned in the application. The person receiving the license shall at all times keep the same where it may be inspected by the chief of police or other city officers upon demand. 8~7-5 Carnivals; Circuses--Licenses--Fees. (I) For the protection of the pUblic and for the reason that the city is required to provide additional police and fire protection and other services in connection with the operations of carnivals and circuses, a license fee of $240 per day or any portion of a day, payable in advance, shall be paid to the finance department of the city for any carnival or circus showing in the city. This license fee shall be collected for as many days or portions of days as the carnival or circus shows in the city. (2) A cash deposit of $240.00 shall be deposited with the finance department by each carnival or circus organization desiring to operate within the City of Springfield at the time of license application, in order to assure the proper cleaning and restoration of the premises on which the carnival or circus is to be held. The deposit shall be refunded by the Finance Department upon proper notification by the building in- spector of the city that said grounds are in satisfactory condition. 12/81 . . 8-7-6 Springfield Code 8-7-9 ~, 8-7-6 Carnivals; Circuses--Aqents' Liabilities. The agent of a non- resident proprietor of owner of a carnival or circus brought into the city shall be liable for the license fee levied in this article and for the penalties for failure to pay the fee, to the same extent as if he were himself the owner. .- 8-7-7 Carnivals; Circuses--Permanent Structures. This article shall not apply to carnivals or circuses which are held and confined within the limits of a permanent structure within the city. 8-7-8 Carnivals; Circuses--Inspection. The chief of police, chief of the fire department, health officer, and building inspector, or their duly authorized agents, are hereby directed and empowered to investigate and-exar.1ine all carnivals and circuses which show in the city, for the purpose of determining whether they are being conducted in a safe and sanitary manner. A written statement and report of each such investigation shall be made to the city recorder, and the report shall specifically state whether the operation of the carnival or circus is dangerous and detrimental to the public health and safety or likely to become a menace. 8-7-9 Carnivals; Circuses--Notice of Noncomoliance. If it appears from the written report of any of the persons mentioned in the preceding section that the operation of the carnival or circus is or is likely to become dangerous and detrimental to the public health or safety, the city recorder shall be authorized to cause to be served forthwith upon the organization sponsoring the carnival or circus, a written notice of failure to ccmply with the terms and conditions of this article. If compliance with the article is not made within 24 hours after service of this notice, the license granted under this article shall then be null and void. (Section 8-7-4 amended by Ordinance No. 2112, dated April 25, 1966; Sectitin 8-7-2 amended by Ordinance ilo. 2494, dated April 27, 1979; Section 8-7-5(1) and (2) amended by Ordinance No. 3991, dated November 9, 1978; Section 8-7-5(1) and (2) amended by Ordinance 110. 4907, dated July 6, 1981). '-~ ~