HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-8-25 r.ity\~')f springfield 225 n. 5th street . SPRINGFIELD . INFO RMATION: 726-~7S3.' INSPECTIONS. 726-3'169 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCATION OF SIGN (ADORESS) ICf 1. "I (')..o<r---f'/-"~ LECAL OESCRlPTION~Ll' T tL 4/~ V I~ 11'J.) ";l )1:> LTAX LOT -!.'~ 'mlllER OR PROPERTY (]...~ h~'Y I':~~'. . . PHONE ADDRESS /41 /) /7 1J. ~A' ~( < -S, 12Jl.....f) ZIP '1/1./ 7 J . -) J()' OImER OF SIGN (IF OTHER T~ll PROPERTY OWNER) . ADDRESS PHONE NAME OF BUSIllESS, FIRM. ETC. (jJ"""""'-1"':" I, t>~ r-'-'~TYPE OF .BUSIrlE5S J""",,,,~ L~' B. TYPE OF WORK: L.~RF.CT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTHER I C. STRUCTURAL TYPE 'OF SIGN:. XUALL _FREE5TANDIllG _ROOF _PROJECTING _MAR(lUEE UNDER 11AROUEE - . _OTHER [). USE AND CP~RACTER OF SIGN: LlDENTITI . INCIDEllTAL _DOUBLE FACE _SINGLE FACE -,'!\.ILTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOARD E. VENDORS. CONT~CT01W: 17 S . , . SIGN ERECTOR 11 tl'A K... f'J-u..-L c................ L-- . . - /);2 , L- . /'). . .1.DDm;;SS ~"IL/ .).~". ..~_ .~ I'/~",_._ , /~ CITY LICENSE llU!1BER 11' r/ EXP. DATE SIGN HANUFACTURER (I; OTHER TIIAN ERECTOR) G..' _ _ {J 0;:;", ~ C~-'-- 11 /' /) J / d- ADDRESSI.O ~d)t-1qq Ut.-IoI K=-v:...~___ 1"1..1 t..37<'l.PHONE~ _."'\.JI.J,:::')OL~ - . I - PIlON!: 3 r .f. ' n ~ 9 ZIP 97 '-10 ~ ~ , . . F. DlliEllSIONS, U1STALLATIOll & CONSTRUCTION , TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DlliENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDTH OF SIGN DUlENSION FROM GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN la' ~' :)" I/J't," /0 ( I J. .' C;. EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERE ANY EXIST!!lG ~IG11~? _YES 1s,.po 11Ul.1BE~_ SIZE IN SO. FTG. ALL EXISTING SIGNS I I . FOR BUSINESS. ETC. i : TIIICKllESS OR DEPTH . DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES ~NO IF YES. DIMENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE, IF PROJECTIOn IS !lORE THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THE SIGN ERECTOR l'lUST FILE WITH THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HER LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DAHAGE INSURANCE POLICIES. H. UI~L SIGN HAVE ELEr.TP.!CAL lHRIllG? 1~ . V- YES. WHICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGU QILLll!lINATED (INDIREC-n:v LIrfTE,~ /71 ELECTRIC~/C9.1lTP.A~TOJ1:.ifre.Iv..e.....J.I. .' Bdl____ <' . ADDRESS 10 oS liwll5Q : 7dJ/lJ-U . LISC.NUMBER_'l.;l.~-5 PI~O~~&-.J I?S"( J. SITE INFOPllATIOll (LAND USF.) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDIMG)ORo~(l( R LAST USE IF VACANT) fA,L..-JJ-flJ!., ..: . J . . ! . ! : , 1 . J. DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS CON~TR~Cll~ OF;) . ti<r>r;;' ~ . r>,,~-!I!..j) y..-.~ ~/U~J':1 ~t7J~j~ 11 .,. V ;, ~. VALU'E ,OF SIGN:> ',yP)C'!l; ,.' J<> \'r ~.~. .~ '" '::'1~,...~r .... < ' AINDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOO:t l'ERCHAllDISING PROPOSE~~J9F HUILD!NG OR LAND, /'1/ 'A....X . , .. ~~ , , , l. i' ~VE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance, the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Soringfield.and all other Ordinances of the City of Sprin~field and the laws of the State of Ore~on per'taining to t~le work described l'\taeJ.n. t further certify that t!'ly f.!:!.r,n Co"\tractor Li- cense with the City of Sprin field is in full force and effect as required by Sprinr.field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). wi requze \1 required sign inSDections listed on the approved permit. ~ "- . NAME (PLEASE PRINT) Y--J, _ _ G' %-,,", /7 P/1 C.., -( i, SIGNATURE c:- \ --q;, I DATE if - I ( , 37 _ ...,," ..,...., ". ..1. \ ..1..", 'K:.., I . , ~ I ... , , '" '..'I..;"I~:!.~'m"-....",,,,,,.,...,,,;....,..,,-,:t\ ...:~:l.~l!.lNU' ~ ......" I ,,,", .'~:';..l.DI.:2::"j:,:&~'-'''--''''''''j, ... 1...'...''''I!lI'f'I:II'DI'I!:El....w;..._I..j,.&~I.i~ spnlNCFIELD .., . INFOflMMION: 72G-J7:;) ! c i t yo I' . 5 P l' i II g fie I" 225 n. 5th street . INSPEC'TIONS: 726 -J 7 6~ SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION TAX LOT )1 OHNER OR PROPERTY PIIONE ADDRESS O\INER OF SIGH (IF OTIIER THAN PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS NANE OF BUSIllESS. FIRJ-l. ETC. .ZIP pHONC TYPE OFllUsrrlESS B. TYPE OF lIORK: C. STP.UCTUHAL TYPE OF SIGN: D. USE Arm CI~RACTER OF SIGII: _ERECT ALTER _RELOCATE _OTHER _HALL ROOF FREEI;TMIDItlG IDEI1TITY PROJECTING INCIDl::tlTAL _DOUBLC FACE SINGl.E FACE -"IAR()UEE _UNDER IIAIWUEE OTHER _~IIl.TI-FACE _READER BOARD BILLBOARD E. VENDORS. CONTRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR PilOt![: .f.DD~~S~ .2rp EXP. DATI': CITY LICI::NSE IIU"IBER SIGN I.IANUFACTURER (IF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) ADDP.F.SS Pl!OtlE F. DUIEIISIONS. IlIST,Il.LATION t, CONSTl\lJCTIOll G. EXISTElG SIGNS TOTAl. HI::IGHT ACOVE GiVIDE VEP.TICAl. DUIENSION OF SIGH HORlZOI-ITAL WIDTH OF SIGN OHIf.r'JS lOti FROH GRADE TO BOTT0!1 OF SIGN ARE THERE M1Y EXISTInG ~IOIS? YES 110 Iru)mE~. S T.ZE IN SO. FTG. ALL EXISTING STCr.lS FOR r.U~)H1ESS. ETC. TIIICKlIESS OR DEPTH DOr.S SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _yr.s NO IF YES. DUlENSION BEYOND PROpCRTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS !lORE TIIAN 12" QVElt PUBLIC PROPEP.TY TEf': SIGN ERECTOR I.IUST FILE WITII THE UllILDINf: DIVISION COPIES OF 11l~;/I1ER LIMHLITY Al'lD PROP- ERTY DAHAGE H15UIU\~]CE POLICIES. H. Ull:L SIGN HAVE ELEGTP.ICAL IHRWG? IF YES. \nlICI' ~.PI'LY? ELECTP-ICAL SIGlI _ILU~lINATED (INDIP....CTLY LIGHTED) . ELECTRICAL COIITP.ACTOr. ADDRES~: LI~;C. NUI.IBI':R PI:mlr. I. DESCltIRE TYPE OR ~'J\TERIAl.S SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF. J'SITE IlIFOPJIATlOl1 (LArID IWf.) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDHIG Olt LAND (IJR LAST USE IF VACANT) INDOOR nUSHN,SS OIJTDOO?, PERCllAlWISlIlG K. VALUE OF SIGN: PROPOSED USE OF fiL'ILD!NG OR LAND: L'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAt"llrlED the completed :lppli.c:ll:ion for permit ;lnu do hereby certify that nIl information is true an<\ correct, and I further certify that all work ~erformed sllall ba done in accordance with the ::iprineEicld Sign Ordin;:!ncc. the Uniform Sign Code ns :tdoptcd by the City of Snrin~fi.cld nnd all other Ordinances of the Cir:y of ~;rri"t1~ficld and the lnw~ of the State of 8regoll per"taining to t~lC worl~ ocscr-i..bcd ilt:~cl.n. 1 further certJ.fy tha'; PIV ::::';:.!'"l. CO'1tractor Li- cense with the City of Sprin~fiel{! is ill Elll.1 forcl: :lt1ll effect as re~uj"rcd by Sprin~ficld Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all re(I\lircd sign inspection5 listed on the npprovcd \ permit. NAflE (pLF.ASE PRINT) . SIGNATIJRE PATE . j ! , " , :! i .! .j ; ~ , ~ . . . I . . . . . i ~ 1 , ~ . . 'W I . i . . ~ ] J i . ~ i . i' . PLEASE ReO , .1 _ __.. . 1) Separate SiRn Apolication: A SC{laratc application is required for"caell separate sign as defined in the 5ign Code. Electrical: Any permit issued under chi!; .1pplication will i.nclude wiring in or on slen structure. the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical t>crmit. Elcctric.11 connection must be>madc only by <1 State Liccn~icJ Elcctri.cal Contractor. Illuminated sir-os (both intcrnolly and ex'ternally) must conform to Sections 9-7-', (I.) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance,. 2) 3) Plans ReQuired: 11\15 application 13 to be suumitted with two complete sets of pinos showing di- mCllsiollS and heiGht of sign; advertising messace on sign; location of sien on property with di- mensions to property lines, str\lctur~l dctniln of sUllport framing, bracinB aIld footiI1~~S; materials of construction for sicn and sign structllrc; electrical equipment and lighting: size and location ofaxis,ting signs on property for the same busienss, all ,J.S required to determinq com!>liance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,. show the follow- ing information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): 4) a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wall signs, show the length of the building frontaGe. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. \.Jhcn required, because or Josign, size, etc., engineered drawings and c.1lculatiolls must be pre- pared by 3 licensed engineer or shall conform to dL:sign standards on file at t:-tc Building Divi- sion Office. Plan~ of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicnnt with no perolit beillC issued. Signs must meet corner. vision clt::~r<Jnce requirement:; as described in Figure 9 of the Sprincfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign r.lay be erected which i:. less thnn 12 feet hori7.ontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or 1('.:;:, than 5 feet in any direction [roo overhead electrical lines which are encq:;izeJ at less tiwn 750 volts. If a si.gn is not installed within 60 days artel' the date of issue of thi9 permit, the permit shall be void. , Inspections: 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) Site Inspection - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footing Inspection (it applicable) may be mnde at the S;'lIne time as the Site Inspection. The footing Inspec- tion is to be made after h01e(s) is c;~cavat;ctl, uut prior to the placement of concrete. b) Final Inspection - to be made upon completion of all work. c) Electrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up nfter the sien is erected and before tile sign is turned on. CALL FOR THE REQUIRED U1Sl'ECTIONS ON TIlE 21, HOUR INSPECTION LWE AT 726-3769 FOR OFF lei'; U:;I~ ON!. 'i SIGN DISTRICT~ ZONE DISTRICTCA'Y!;J2..., TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN ,({l_ '0. (0 REQUIRED INSPECTIOnS, ~TE/LOCATlOH t..AQOTING OR HETJIOD OF ATTACIlHE['IT ~CTRICAL %AL OTHER JOB 0 R'1o ?lV/ SIGN PERl-lIT FEE, J()OO ELECTRICAL PERl-lIT FEE, /6. ui) '~ STATE SURCHARGE: 17,') ;1o.7S- TOTAL: DAT~ ~ RECEIPT-1~~') 1M) CLERK ~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTIOH OF SIGH, ADOITIONAL INFORl-lATlON NEEDED BEFORE PERHIT f~\Y BE ISSUED: APPROVeD BY, (~~ \'O,OOjO SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE f DATE '8'z-,'~'7 Sl::CTION: 0,1...". _'.'~'." '.1., ,~,' I '.,