HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1996-12-18 Tt,~ t~l, 0 prolact as submitted haS leo' ow,~ t,,;-..I!:I uf'ld do~ no1 re'quJie specific land use oPP,Qvul.. C . .' V . J ~.;nljrQJd Jo . . . . D"t,,~fI' .... " 9A4i7,r],lzed \>lgn8l.;'. c...L. nil J j ;f.~ 726-3769 ~. 225 FrITH srREET SPRINGFIELD. OREGON INSPECTION REQUEST: . OFFICE: 726-3759 1. . .I:.OCATION OF INSTALLATION .P7n CL"{MP/(. ~-.;' 'LEGAL DESCRIPTION . 1r1 fl 'h '7A/7 'h I ;, 1-r0lJ ELECTRICAL.PERMIT APPLICATION, . Ci ty Job Number . ift.! I ftej. V , 3. COMPLETE FEE. SCHEDULE BELOll ,. A_ Ney Residential-Single or Mul ti-Family per .'dvelling uni t. Service Included, . , . JOB DESCRIP:rION I, I ,. . . '" ~ ta:lIs~.Il~Alll ~lblJl w~MA/-I- . Permits are non-transferable and expfre '. if :york is' not started. yi thin 180 days " of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. . . 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY '. Electrical Contrac.to.r ~A~ Address t.il1I ~.L fTf ~ . Ci ty 13i-xq;- J;l:> Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number Phone' 2~ff'3Yr.l/o%.o . l'3e~~,_" 101, (CfQ M,,~ qq'J ,.Supervisor License Number 1000 sq.ft. or.less Each additional 500, s~. ft or portion thereo f . Each Manuf'd Home. o~ Modular 'O\leliing Service or Feeder .B. Services or Feeders Installation,. Alte.rations or Relocation', . Items. Cost Sum 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400'amps . 401 amI's to. 600 amps . 601 'amps to. 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $ 85.00 S 15.00 .: $ 40:00 $ 50..00. S 60.00 S100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00' C.' Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation Expiration Date S;;~a.o~ SilZ11J;an OWners Name~la::o;,~. , . Address ~I S~..s,~ Ci ty ~ . Phone {gflJ s:o.-olCD OIlNER INstALLATION .(9 The installation is being made on property I ovn Yhich is. not intended for sal~. lease or rent. 9vners .Signature:' ---------7./----- DATE: I?A/~ ,1lt , BECEIl:'1'f:. ~,- RECEIVED BY: .. 'U.IJII'{ ,"'.... . .. I':.',".> "__. . .."..,~ '. -'." ".. .-. .'. D', 200 amps"o-r less . . 201 amps. to 400 amps Over 401 to .600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 Branch Circuits $ .40.00 $ 55.00 . $ 80~00 vo.L ts ,see '!B" a~ -. Ney, Alteration or Extensiori Per Panel One Circuit Each Addi tional Circuit.oryith Service . or Feeder Permit $ 35-.00 $ 2.00 not included) Misce~laneous (Service/feeder -Each installation' Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting I. Limited Energy/Res Limited Ener~J/Comm 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State. Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee TOTAL ,. . --.... .- .. . . S 40.00 $ 40.00 'f:JJM(} $ 20,00 $36.00 _, '-/0.00 . z..OV -t..t,.-t; f ,'VO $ '-13, ~1. ik1J.O fi '1ho tollo\. project as G~bril.itted has.the following. -. . l:oning, and does not require. specific land uoe pet:... ""~~t, tL . 225 ~IFTIi STREE'l' o.t.4/1-(P~'. . . " SPRINGFIELD, OREGON l~il;47.ihd Signalure ' ''X--- . INSPEC'rION REQUEST: 726-3769 . -. . OFFICE: 726-3759 '. ," . . . 3. COllPLE'IE FEE. SCHEDULE BELOY 1. . .LOCATION OF INSTALLATION 1J7n CL~..d"" 5r~' LEG4I. D;:SCRIPTION '.' n 0 '1] 'Jd'J 'lJ 10 Tl Ct() . JOB DE5CRIPTION . . . ~fib)c ~UlI~6S1~S" permi.ts are non-transferable and expi're '. if york is' no t started. vi thin 1:80 days " of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. . . 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY : Elecuical Contrac.tor :JJJ.kF...~ Address t/LIII r;.k fTf ~ ci ty ~ 7;;t) Phone' t,rt-3'I!:"-1.//J'l.o . '3B~I4I,.- /01, /q", ConsU Contr. Number "W(,~ -qq'1 "Supervisor License Number Expiration O!lte Expiration Date S;:~a,:~ Sl1~IlW' Owners Name~C.M'~' .' . . , Address 5&.01 .s1Jkl';"<:>t~ Ci ty ~Phone {gfl) $11-D/(1) oVNER INstALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn 'ilhich is. not intended for sal!!, 'lease or ren t. ' Owners .Signature:' 8tf1 (v(j~l~':u - , RECEll'T!: . 1\ i f'7 ~~IVED BY:'~J'i/ DATE: ._.n."...... -.. ...". .'. ....:..; /'/~_.~~___--:.:-_..-::....,_____-'::~.'::""._n_. ...' ELECTRICAL.PERMIT APPLICATION, . Ci ty Job Number.. . Ci (p / r.n y .' ,. ..' A_ Nev Residential-Single or Mul ti-Family per .'dvelling uni t. Service Included: . Items. Cost Sum 1000 sq. ft. or.less 5 85.00 Ea.:h additional 500, sq. ft or portion thereof S 15.00 Each Manuf'd Bo'me. or. Modular. 'O\lelling .; : s 40:00 Service or Feeder --- ,B. Services or Feeders Installation.. Alte.rations or Relocation: 200 amps or less . S 50..00. . 201 amps to 400'amps S 60.00' 401 amps to. 600 amps 5100.00 . 601 'amps to. 1000 amps 5130,00 Over 1000 amps/volts . 5300.00 Reconnect Only 5 40.00' C. : Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation C'. 200 amps"or less . . 201 amps. to 400 amps Over 401 to .600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 Branch Circui t.s 5 40;00 S 55.00 . 5 80~00 vOJ. tS . see I~BIf above '. Nev, Alteration or Extensiori.Per Panel One Circuit Each Additiona1 Circuit.or.vith Service. or Feeder Permit 5 35'.00 5 2.00 .{9 not included) Misce~laneous (Service/feeder -Each instal~ation' Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Comm 5 40.00 S 40.00 5 20.00 5.36.00 .~ 5. SUBTOTAL OF.ABOVE 5% State. Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee TOTAL 1./0.00 ".' z..OV -t.-t,;{, -f. ~ .. tj3..:u,,-Lf-5; ~ ... ',-: .. lr. ",,,If.. " I . k: ~ .:~:i:Wt Cre."p.ec:!/c land u~ /'\) CJ. ~ulel5:f J~~. " .' 225 FIFTH STREET uthonzed SlgnEitur~~LEcrBJ.CAL. PERHlT APPLICATION, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477.. '. ' . . . . . . INSPECTION REQUEST:' 726-3769' ... _ . City Job Number. . qf.t !lP0( OFFICE: 726-3759 1. 'I;OCATION OF INSTALLATION ~ ri c;t..~",f"(, :So___" LEGAL DESCRIPTION . . 1-1 h 'h '//1')1, I ,,-11OD 1'.I..~~OB DESCRI~ION . .lAIJ6WII.1~~ "~s,~" Permi.es are non-transferable and el<:pi're '. if :"ork is no t star ted "i thin 1:80 days '. of issuance or if "ork is suspended for 180 days. . . 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY '. Blec'eric-al Cont:-actor ~.~ Address WI! r;.JJu.", ~ / - Ci ty ~cr;.II> Phone' 2,f{-Jtlr.I{O'Z.O . 136 "::lU:l.". ,01, Iqq Constr Contr. Number PbtI{,~ r;jq'7 ?upervisor License Number Expiration Date 3, COMPLETE FEE. SCHEDULE BELOY ,. ..' A. Ne\l Residential-Single or Multi-Family per ,'d"elling uni t. service Included: '. . Items. Cost 1000 sq.!t. or.less Each additional 500, sq. ft or poition thereo f . Each Manuf'd Home. or Modular. 'Dyelling Service or Feeder .B. Services or Feeders Installation" Alte.rations 6r Relocatio~: . Sum $85.00 S 15.00 :$ 40:00 S 50..00 S 60.00' 5100.00 5130.00 .5300.00 S 40_00' C. :Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocatlon Expiration Date S;:~a _.~~ S71~Illan Owers Name .' . Address ~l S~-s,~ City ~Phone(gpj~-Dlt:O OIlNER INstALLATION The installation is being made on property I o\ln "hich is not intended for sale. . lease or rent.' 9vnersSign~ture: . DATE: RECEIl'T!: . RECEIVED BY: I..... . . '.' I,:.,",>:._..:......~.. . ?t:Fil Ii ~ II'tM /I 0:., . ('30&/ 200 amps or less .201 amps to 400'amps 401 amps to. 600 amps . 601 amps to. 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only C'. 200 amps"o. less . : 201 amps. to 400 amps Over 401 to .600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 Branch Circuits S 40.00 . . $ 55.00 . $ 80~00 V01tS.see ~B. above. , .. '. Ne\l, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit Each Addi tionlll Circuit .or.with Service or Feeder- Permit ,0 S 35'.00 s 2.00 no t included) Misce~laneous (Service/feeder -Each installation' Pump or irrigation Slgn/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res Limi ted Energy/Comm . 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE Sr. State, .Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee TOTAL ...'_...,...... _c.._~.:.;.:.:.:'.~~-=-_ S 40.00 S 40.00 5 20.00 S 36~OO .~ t./O.oo '.' z..OV . ....t;t.' 1..1..0. ~.h't:L .11'z,o ,., ....