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Permit Electrical 2002-8-29
UO/V~/V~ 1"IU IJ:lli l"AA ;J/illlOJOOlf 1.11l: ur ;:'Y1UNbt'.lt:.UJ __ . The following prolect as SUhmit~e:e~~~t~:n.ng ~ 225 FIFTH STREET zOning, and does not reqUlfeELECI"RlCAL PERMIT APPUCA TrON approval -f4Iri SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 9747/ ..... , 0)03/-0 I INSPECTlONREQUEST: 726-3769 ZOning c:l y~ 'fiJltOl/liJunbcr O?- OFFICE: 726-3759 Date '~ 0< /AI 3S COMl'gn FEE snn:n~w 1. LOCATION OFTNSTALLAffljWized IgmrrOT' I?:;;LO OLVrnP/C- 577<.Ef:T A. Ne..Residential-Singleor , Multi-Family per dwelling unit. Servi.e Inoluded: ~ LEGft~~ / 077CJO Items Cost Sum JOB DESCRlPll0N ,j}LA-f<-m S_L/Slc IYJ I-1bDJ770to.! 1000 "I.ft. or Jess Each additional 500 sq.:il or portion thereof Each Manufd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $106.00 Permits are llOD-transferablo and expire if work is nOI started within 180 days of ;ssu=e or if work is suspended for 180 days. S 19.00 $ 50.00 2. CONTRACTOR INST AlLA nON ONLY Electrical Controctor HONEYWELL B. Services or Feeders Inslllllation, Alterations or Relocation: Expiration DOle_1 / 31 / 20,06 }"};7f;t.- r Owners Name_W 1 /Ilea Address 15495 SW Sequoia Pkwy.. #100 200ampsorless t'\~~, $63.00_ 1 d 201 amps 10 400 amps ~~~~$75.oo. City Port an Phone 503-968- 3300 40lamps to 600 amps ~'\~ ~ ~ _$125.00-= 60] amps 10 100?~ ~~~ <cL SI63.oo_ Supervisor License Number ~ 41 J LE Over 1000 an~~ ~y ~~~ _ S375.00__ Expiration DotcjQ -/ - 0 "2...... ~COD!JC~~"~ ~~'Vr;s _ $ 50.00__ \fV~1;;.,..,'l c;)~-t~~~~es or Feeder. Cons1,. Contr. Number~ 0 191 ~~"\;~ ~~'f~~~~on or Reloution ,,~ "~~~-.l9.~ ~~' ' ~~Q ....... less ~~~\~s to 400 amps - ~er 40] 10 600 amps ~ Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see "B" above >:,'1.0 ,,0 .:\\cl 1\"\ D. BnneIJ Cjr.uits~"" \:)~ . o~ Fa ODS New Alterotion oS-EXtc:oSion po} p",,"ei N ~~0 0~<>"''(}0 "b'lf'~ 'Q Address PO BoX r:::.7..:'?b OncCir&il'1>\~e ~0'" ~<(-q, ~,~e c $43.00_ "" ,j 7d -'7'15 0(;$ I\'Q', 0~Y) ",0 ,~0 ,&.o".O~ City l3 0 /5 '7I:/)Phone 'S y/ - -,./ -of ~~AdditioDlil'CirCUit or~with,S'2rv;ce~ - - - -<,Cor F;f'derie;mif"v''';\0''' ~e\:~.o~~'v $ 3.00 >.' "t\'" ~". C"~' ,-- - OWNER INSTALLATION ,<c.-" ,s.ec, (.0(;'. (\1:\ ~,~ C; =-'1.0' <$..I!.~ ,,~,\' The install.tion is being made on ,s, *' ~ J. MisiellaDeOU5,(Servieiilfeeder not intluded) propc'Tly I own which is not intended ',0~0. c~' ,Ea~rinst\;ij'atioD 'f::~,o~ -ntj,t;. for sale, lease or rent. ,o~' ~~"6r ~~tiQ1l0 .,~(yJ _ $50.00 _.. " O~ Sig.",Ofitlme,l:ightingO $50.00 . RlI:\i:.uni~d!Iili~ )Res S25.00 ::P T' 0' .1lY _'_ CI.i~l>:d Energy/Corom --'-.. $45.00 ~ 00 ~\>' Minimum Elec:trie Permit Inspection Fee i5 $45.00 + Sureharge5 $50.00 $69.00 $100.00 OWDUI Signature: [90 1:i3IH8\:!:J : ci9N\:!H:J ~r;:g $ G: G:J3(j lW\:! GaoG LG 9n\:!:31\:!G OviJOTOO- TO :Al(lli~~~12oo2 13: 31 4. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% State Surcbarge S% Administrative Fee 1f 5.00 . 3./ '? 3. '"0 TOTAL 5/-"7:5 5417263689 . P.01