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Permit Correction Notice 2010-1-4
"~_{'J~'~~..~-~i'>;o....t".I:1\~'f"'''''~'''~~~~''''" '''.!.\l:;'-~~X'}. . '.~.. ..',,:~. .. '\j ~, i"! i ~ ,. ji,., ",," .", I<li; '-. - <... ~.-."~" "_ .,..... ....^-'-'~l.~..~.fi!~'.,...>t;f '^' -, . ".:.1" '1 ... '-",_\" M.......'.'.I\-.~.!!'K........,.p,.....lf-'];'~~...".. "W .....'"l'.~r'! ",,."h-, ~('.~-' ..),...'_....',-1_..'."". .~..~..-,..{"),'.~f.. \,-'1".' .., ....,.-y~ .' '~'"\.,,. City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street . ~) rJI"'\<' V'o~) ,0 ~(; ,,1<\' Date: o~" ,\ TO: (. hy;~ ""'1I1/1:Y G/'ul..;c I ,-.iL/ If) Job# Cq - J6i6 Address: ~4'"Zt; ?'If'- 5'1-. Inspecti~n Type:f'.......L EI1:",f",? /IICc,3#t!.3 (BJ ; 'lV(J.l'1C'-/ (.~yc".;J.. /Jd~ fJ<./'o PluJ MtJ//c .IJ/I't7W1 ~b-P/; Co ,4,.,.e'/ k ~UB-jJd"'~ / I1Ce-r;l5 10 hCLlJ( l1~u.jv~ iP,"vc.. .f (tJI?I?..",I,';... mtJ/I~d.";" {'.....,-Pl'".,.../. ,,: ,- ~'" .~: " " corre~ions. and re.i.~~~ion req.uestShan be in~,Withii1 ~('~Iendar'days.:, . Call'for reinspecti,on }(Ires DNo Inspector. '11M>? ~'rhavvlf II? V7 _Date: 1- ~ -/0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Call'for inspection 7-26-3769~~~~^'~~~~~~Questions 726-3759~~~~~"';~~~ , \ , ,~, ',:. . .. _,,~ 'U'''''..' ~ .." ,..:,',. ,"~ ,.: .~,,..; \~. ~~~. -..... .~.: .' ".l '..: t. "_" . ,:-,:." -"~~..., "/. ..:_.n;';;"_~'''_'':'J:_''.''_': "c,' ,~.:. '".--..'