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Permit Correction Notice 2009-12-28
'''$- r :'f~ ,.A'-t,UI-7,A,.",. .00j:1 ~"""'-" ';"" " -':;..If. ,~.~ . ,t'~;';:~:lrY"I':;-':-:i ~"~~~""" """,. ,\,~-; '..... '. ~...~ ,.'. . ''t, ~.;;..~..... '!i{~.;;\"'...... &~, t ~..1'-i'}!-.~'<'l'.....l"""",rl....,,~,..J"''''''--:'''''1 ~""~'Jo <'It ^.~.,"'tl>'"""""}','..~F ;:;0. J, ....~.... "........ ....,...... ''''-~r, '~'7""+",,,.,. i'I~-~""'" ,n..'_ Y~.. ,,~..,,~'.'. 'f' , .," r,,..:.,.; ..,..... hi 't,:" ,', '. '~ ;.\, ;.t[ " :.: City of Springfield/Development Seniicl!ls':, ,', . Building Safety .' 225 Fifth Street "'<:i':.. ~':. . , u i7 v '-. . Corrections and reinspeflion request shall be made w!thin, '7.0 calendar days. , Call for reinspection llI'yes DNo Inspector.J~ _Date: " NNNNNNNNNNNNNCal1 for inspection 726-3769NNNNNNNNNNNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN ..' ~'" ......~,,;....."~,.~:. ",',' ," ~