HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 12/8/2009 '.' MEMORANDUM , J; II II Citvof Snringfield DATE: December 8, 2009 TO: Molly Markarian / Mark Metzger, Urban Planner FROM: Eric Walter, Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ZON2009-00025, St Vincent De Paul Community Center II" The subject application involves a proposed 3500 to 4000 sq. ft. Veteran's Sencice and Community , Center with 50 to 60 units of affordable housing for veterans and families. Applicant's Questions: : 1. Per the Gateway Refinement Plan, up to 40% of the area within the "Q" Laura Street Subare'a (14 acres) is allowed to be developed as CC uses. Is it possibleithat ttlis would permit the development of the two parcels as proposed (mixed use withcomrri~rcial and residential), given that the proposed Veterans Service / Community Center is ':. permitted use in the CC zone, as is residential with specific development standards? I Planning will respond to this question. . . , 2. If a Zoning Map amendment is required, is this. a quasi-judicial Zoning Map process- a Type III review process - or would this also require a Metro Plan Diagram Ainendment, raising the process to a Type IV Review? If so, please confirm our understanding of the quasi-judicial Type IV process and timeline, as outlined. " Planning will respond to this question. 3. Is the continuation of Lochaven Ave. as a ,public street (and thus a ROW dedibtion) required to develop the parcels? If connectivity is required, can this be"develclped as a private street or driveway? Transportation will respond to this question.. Ii " il II 4. Are there any existing or additional ROW dedicatio.ns or easements required ~Iong Laura Street or through the site? , ,; " A 7' wide public utility easement will be required along the entire Laura Street frontage, Transportation will review the required right-of-way width for Laura street improv~ments. There is an existing east-west easement running along the entire northerly edge of~roperty for the existing 48" sanitary sewer trunk line. The City does not appear to have, any additional information regarding existing easements but all recorded easement documents and deeds should be obtained from Lane County for ensuring there are no further land use redtri~tions. . ,_'ilIA, ,~u:~4 M'EM' II! '.~ tanner: ,I 'I I 'I II -- ,'.. I! . . I 5. Where and what size are the nearest water, storm and sanitary service,adjac~nt to the property'! A City sewer map will be brought to the Development ISsues Meeting. This map indicates all storm and sanitary services within the vicinity of the proposed development. I: " " Sanitary Sewer Service: It is recommended to connect to the existing 10" concrete pipe located , east of property in Laura St. as there are two existing laterals already stubbed out to serve this property. Just north of property located in an adjacent easement, there is an existi&g 48" trunk line but it is not recommended to connect tothis trunk line due to size and qepth of pipe. If grades are sufficient; another option for sanitary sewer service is connecting to th~' existing 8" PVC sanitary line that terminates at the west side of the property located in'Lochayen Ave. Storm Water Management: The site is relatively flat and there are limited existing storm water systems available to serve the proposed development. Because of the deptn of existing adjacent storm water pipe, there may be challenges with grade but as part of any new comriiercial site developments, a storm water analysis will be required to demonstrate code confonhance with the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. St~eet improvements will be required along Laura Street fronting the subject property that will include new street pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks, street lights, and street trees. If g~ades are sufficient, it is recommended that site drain to this new curb and gutter system am\' discharge to the an existing 12" concrete pipe system in Laura Street just south of the property.:, The new site will be required to meet the storm water quality requirements that include treating ,pO% of the parking lot area by vegetative means such as a water quality bio-swale. II I' " Water: Springfield Utility Board should be contacted for questions regarding water service. " Date Received:.ltl~)(J "I Planner: MEM II II i: II