HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/23/2009 :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Property Line Adjustment f!.~IiNIU ,b::, P(..J:..IJ/"")__ AvPll '-I,IIUAJj IAPPlicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: , IAPPlicant's Rep.: Icompany: IAddress: , James Hoffman Phone: 741-2629 Fax: 35123 McKenzie View Drive Springfield, OR 97478 Dan Nelson, LSI Phone: 746-0637 Branch Engineering, Inc. . Fax: 746-0389 310 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 I PROPERrr 1 IAssessors Map #: 17-03-34-24 Tax lot #: 600 I Property Address: 571 Aspen Street Springfield, OR 97477 I Property Owner: same as applicant Phone: Icompany: Fax: IAddress: , I IAssessors Map #: 17-03-34-24 I Property Address: 563 Aspen Street Springfield, OR 97477 I Property Owner: John Parish I Company: /Address: , I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: To adiust the common line between parcels 105 reet west, enlarging tax lot 602. Si natures: Please si PROPER,..., 2 Tax lot #: 800 Phone: 72h- b 7D"2., Fax: 563 Aspen Street Springfield, OR 97477 '. . .. . . - . . . Associated Applications: Icase No.: IAPPlication Fee: $ b FEES: , I Date: I Revie-lVed by: ITechnical Fee: $ . Postage Fee: $0 I '2.W9s:r ~_M8ER: - .~ Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian JUL 2 8 2009 1 of 4 Signatures The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Applicant: ~ <=>v---- '-^- d-! c?1~ Signature j) 1.- ...... Date: 1/2-.'7. / C) ~ James Hoffman Print If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Property Owner 1: --- ct! A1~ ;g~ ~ -LJ) Date: II,-J...~ James Hoffman Print If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf, Property Owner 2: J /) ,') /) ,4 /-1(. ~ 3/~ ~ignature Date: '71 i c _:J::;J.. ,.-:JLz) I I I John Parish Print Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 4 Property line Adjustment Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Property line Adjustment Application to the Development Services Department . The application must conform to the Property Line Adjustment Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 4 of this application packet, . Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required items listed in the Property Line Adjustment Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted, . Applications missing required items will not be accepted for submittal. 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check . Planning Division staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of submittal. . The assigned Planner notifies the applicant in writing regarding the completeness of the application. . An application is not deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts, and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. . Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. 3. City Staff Review the Application & Issues a Decision . This is a Type I decision and thus is made without public notice and without a public hearing since there are clear and objective approval criteria and/or development standards that do not require the use of discretion. . Decisions address all the applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, . Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied, . The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed, . The decision issued is the final decision of the City and may not be appealed. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of 4 Property line Adjustment Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula, A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ~ Property line Adjustment Application Form ~ Copy of the Deed for all properties involved in the property line adjustment. ~ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances for all properties involved in the property line adjustment, WilL \-\~\JE. i\ ~t-W oE..~T ~ ALL I)Ae.u.L~ A<;Ap ~ Draft of the Property Line Adjustment Deeds in compliance with ORS 92.010 and 92,190(4), Recording of these deeds with Lane County shall be a condition of approval. ~ Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with SDC 5.16-125, Property Line Adjustment Criteria, ~ Three (3) Copies of a Preliminary Survey including the following: ~ Prepared, stamped, and signed by an Oregon licensed land surveyor ~ Scale appropriate to the area involved and the amount of detail and data ~ North arrow, date of preparation, and title, Le, Proposed Property Line Adjustment Survey ~ Boundaries of the lots/parcels involved, including dimensions and area ~ Zoning and plan designation of the lots/parcels ~ Existing property line and proposed property line, clearly differentiated by line type ~ Location and outline to scale of all existing structures, including required setbacks from current property lines and proposed property lines ~ Location, widths, and names of all existing streets, alleys, or other rights-of-way within or adjacent to the lots/parcels and the location and width of driveways ~ Location of all public and private easements and utility lines within or crossing the lots/parcels. For properties outside the city limits, location of all septic tanks and drain fields. ~ Reference to the recorded Subdivision or Partition by name or reference number and blocks, lot/parcel numbers, where applicable Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of4 ' NARRATIVE PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT FOR HOFFMAN FAMILY TRUST The property line to be adjusted is between Tax Lot 600 and Tax Lot 800, Tax Map 17-03-34-24, Both properties are zoned LDR - Low Density Residential. Both tax,lots are occupied with single family residences, The purpose for this property line adjustment is to increase Tax Lot 800 in exchange for an access easement to Tax Lot 600, The approval criteria set forth in SDC 5,16-125 are addressed as follows: The Director shall approve, 'approve with conditions, or deny the Property Line Adjustment application based on compliance with the following criteria: A, Create a new lot/parcel No new lots or parcels will be created B, Create a landlocked lot/parcel No new landlocked parcels will be created, C. Reduce an existing lot/parcel below the minimum size standard or reduce setbacks below the minimum established by the applicable zoning districts in SDC. After the adjustment, Tax Lot 600 will still exceed the minimum dimensions and area, Also, no structure setbacks will be reduced below minimum, D, Violate any previous conditions the Approval Authority may have imposed on the lots/parcels involved in the application, The properties are not known to be subject to any previous conditions, E, Detrimentally alter the availability of existing public and/or private utilities to each lot/parcel in the application or to abutting lots/parcels, Utility service to surrounding lots will not be impacted by the adjustment. Utility service to both adjusted properties will be improved, Neither property benefits from a utility or access easement. F, Increase the degree of non-conformity of each lot, parcel or structure that is non- conforming at the time of application, " 7-l~ -oct No non-conformities are known to exist on either property, " Date Received: i Planner: SH '. .., ,; '~) TL r- 9746585 After re:eording, return tOt R. CONRAD SCHULTZ At torney a t Law 969 Wil1agillespie Road Eugene, OR,97401 Until a change is requested. mail all tax statements to: NO CHANGE WARRANTY DEED JOHN R. PARISH and MARY L. PARISH, husband and wife, "Grantors" ,: hereby convey and warrant to JOHN' ROGER PARISH and MARY LOUISE PARISH,' Trustees, or~heir successors in truet,' under the PARISH LIVING TRUST Dated n~' I. <K . 19~7, or any amendments' thereto, nGranteesll the fOllowing real property. free of:, encumbrances except. for matters of public record: ' SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO * ..** * * * * * * * * * * * .'. * * . * * * * * * * * * * * * * THE LiABILITY AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE GRANTORS TO GRANTEES AND GRANTEES', HEIRS AND A:';' :;IGNS UNDER THE WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN OR PROVIDED BY LAW SHAh BE LIMITED TO THE EXTENT OF COVERAGE THAT WOULD BE AVAILABLE TO GRANTORS JNDBR A STANDARD POLICY OF l'ITL!:: INSURANCE: CONTAINING EXCEPTIONS, FOR MATT~ OF PUBLIC RECORD. THE LIMITATIONS COtrrAINED HEREI!'l EXPRESSLY 00 NOT RELIEVE GRJ\NTORS OF lIN'! L!lIBILITY OR OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS INSTRUMENT" BUT, MERELY DEFINE THE SCOPB, tlATURE, AND AMOUNT OF SUCH LIABILITY OR OBLIGATIONS. ~ r _ _ * * * * _ . * . .'. . . . _ * * * * * * * * * * * _ * * * * THE, TRUE CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCS'IS $-0-, THIS IN"'........,""'._.. WILL NOT ALLOW USE Oll' THE PROPERTY DESCRmED IN TiltS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLSLAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING 'tHIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING PEE TI'rLK TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CI'lY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPAP.'rni:UT 'to VERUY APPROWD USES AND TO DET&RMINE ANY LIMI'I'S ON LAWSOITS AGAINST FARMING OR PORESt PRAC'l"tCSS AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930. TUB PROPERTY' DESCRIBIm IN 'l'HlS INSTRUMEUT MAY NOT BE WI'rBm A FIRE PROTECTIOtl DISTltICT PROTECTING STRUCTURES. 'l'HB PROPBRTY IS StmJECT TO LAND us&: LAWS AND REGULATIONS lmICH. rn FARM OR POREST zomS. MAY NOT AUTHORIZE CON"'..................d OR SITING OP A RESIDSNes: AND WHICH LIMITS LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR POREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 IN ALL ZONES. BEFORE SlaNINa OR ACCBPTING THIS INS..............,... THE PERSON ACQUIRING PEB TITLB 'to THI!: PROPBRty SHOULD" CHECK WXTH TlUC APPROPRIA'l'B CITY' OR COUNTY PLANNING DBPAR'IMENT 'to VERIP\' APPROVED USES AND EXlSTENC,B OF - PIRE PROTEFON PO,' ,.:r......."..,., ^IS. ' _ _ ~JUL.11.97f104REC 'I 10.00 Dated this I"/) day' of. ' . 1997, 2!!.JUL.lI '97ftoqPFWD" 10.00 . ~JUL.1I'97ft04A&T Fl~O 20,00 ~O~;/ ~-. L.\-,~_,':O J R, P RIM MARY L,' PARISH ' "'.' State of Oregoa. County of Lane) ss. T~~trument waS acknowledged before me ~n t, he ~ day of V." . . 1997, by J01Z P~5:~- . Notary Publ1c for oregon" . II} R,=:,:;'n,TZ NlJTARVPUBUC.ORfG(Il .-' cow.ussKlNNO.~I32 -- - U'/'COLWISSIOIlEXPl'lESOCT.1l.1m ';;;=-.;~;:'TT;> ., ."m'.,-Ij'''_:-:' ..-). ....' ....l.~ " . 1)' -"f' ':::.~. ..:'~:.;.". ., ..;,c - _ , .. ~ ; ~;a.::;f~<';Q:f.Wl..(.".;~::~.",..,;,:~~","...:~~:.t!i':: I ; bOO i ; i I [ " !:. , i i,', r ! i, i..," ... " l ,., , [', . 1:' J. i I." , i , L,... L.:' " ,.-. . " \ i , " I ;~y(rij, Date Received", ; p\zlOner: SH L .'~;.4..i,I,~~~",,;,,;,~:j., ......,:i.i1.....~~...iili'~.;.i.'....",'.,.~,ll"d",,,' ,i"..l "......... . ...", ,. ,.,._....... "',. ,;,.;,." """,,_,. _ '."';' ., ,~","'",__ ..,....'_,.,~ "..,'. ,,_,,_ "C' ..~ ...... . . ,,,,,,,..,. ... "",.,.".."."u..,.~..,,,,,., ..."...,.,..,._._...." .._ ,,, .~...,,,. ",,'''.'' '~_'."."""""~"."_'_""H.""" .........."_._"...,,, ... ....._.. ...~,.... ,.",.. I I I I 1 I ','4 , ~ '~ i , ,.1 < j , " '. ;i ~ ! " , ] ] -] i ..Jj ~ ...,"~".....,,~~; t~. ,r "r' L .. .. 9746585 EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at a' point in the East line or the Robert E.. Campbell and wife Donation Land Claim No, 59, 312,25 feet North of the second or central Southeast corner thereor, being also the corner in'angle or Lot No, I, in Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West or the WiIlamette Meridian; and running thence East 742,17 reet: thence South 58,8 feet; thence West 10,0 reet; thence South 58.21 feet to the South line or the property conveyed to I.D, Collier by deed recorded November 30, 1925, in Book 144, Page 497, Lane COllnty Oregon Deed Records; thence West 408,10 feet; thence North 0 degrees 10' East parallel with the East line of said Claim 101.02; thence North 89 degrees 25' West 334,07 reet to the East line or said claim: thence North along the East line or said claim 16,0 rcet to the place or beghining, in Lanc County, Orcgon, State of Oregon County of Lane - 55. I, lh~ County a~rk. In ilnd for the s~1d . Coonly:do hcr~1>ycl:rrl'ylh~llhle \.\Illhln ln$tr\lfNnlwillrccelvcdrorrecQidilt '97 JUL 11 ~~11:25 0", 2314R lwc County OffiCIAL Rtcords lm:'lCOUTllYClelk U;,jl A --1,..f-Y . By: COIlnlyOcrk ffM(;'t:;;:1:"\i~~",,:,',ii ,",~,',~\,,,,!lihti ,,. ;;""':,!l1I ' E~5'~;:~':.:L~tM~..",:" ....~,~.~~,---~.:~(.~ ,,: ~- . ....$i'W,~,.,:"-),.. ~'-c'~'''~~l:.Jl J ..... l~lu ~,,-l/itfIttIMIfrl.''''lt. '_ E _ , ...u.~~~...........~.;._..."......~,...,""',~._,.._~.._ .,....._."...I.~...~_........ .... ,.. . I ~ ! L I rl" '. ". .5 :';' .'. ~ " ~ . ~ ~ ":" . " , ".- ., . . ",.",l '.-:.] .~ 'i .. ".., ,.. ....., ,. .,.. .", . ,., ..... .. ''''.n ..".. ""'''.' ..".".,,", ...,.,~. "........ .., .".'~...... . _..., _ ... ..,." '.~."h'" ..... ..' .... ,,_ ".. ... ".' ..~ ......",,, ....,...1. ..,...,.. . . ...., ... n' "..B" ,...., ..... ._.. ,~''',... ......, c......... .. ~_.__.____,. .".._. ........,._.... M""'."'" ....,. I III. ,., , "y', TLbOO Grantor's Name James M. Hoffman and Debra J. Hoffman, husband and wife,.astenants by the entirety and Address: 571 Aspen Streel Springfield, OR 97477 Grantee's Name: James Michael Hoffman and Debra Jean Hoffman, as Trustee of the Hoffman Family Trust, UITIA dated September 27, 2005 ' ' and Addres.: 571 Aspen Street Springfield, OR 97477 AFTER RECORDING, RETURN TO: ' Howard,F. Feinman. 975 Oak Street, Suite 700 Eugene, Oregon 97401 I Division 0' Chis' Deputy Clerk ,Lane County Deeds and Records ~OO.~'9'~~ 1"111111111111111'1111111111111111111111' $31.00 "...392b2,0!k;'7" 6 ;0,.....'.'..."10/06/200503:58:13 P" RPR-DEED Cnt=1 Stn=8 CASHIER 01 $10.00 $11.00 $10,00 , D~....."'"'R"'""l=nl"" UI~.= ~'._\"'v. _,,' _: '\ \:) ,l,,- Until a chango Is requested, aU tax statements shall be sent to the following address: James M. Hoffman and Debra J, Hoffman 511 ASpen Street Springfield, OR 91477 WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM James M, Hoffman and Debra J. Hoffman, husband and wife, as tenants by the entirety, grantor, conveys and warrants to James Michael Hoffman and Debra Jean Hoffman, as Trustee of the Hoffman Family Trust, UfT/A dated September 27,2005, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as speCifically set forth herein situated In Lane County, Oregon, to-wit:, SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A Commonly known as 571 Aspen Street, Springfield. Oregon 97477 Tax Map Key 17 03 34 24 00600 I Tax Account No, 0299055 The said property is free from encumbrances except easements, conditions, and restrictions, and liens of record, The liability and obligations of the Grantor to Grantees and Grantees' heirs and assigns under the warranties and covenants contained herein or provided by law shall be limited to the amount, nature, and tenns of any right or Indemnification available to Grantor under anY title insurance policy, and Grantor shall have no liability or obligation except to the extent that reimbursement for such liability or obligation is available to Grantor under any such title Insurance policy. The true consideration for this conveyance is other than money. Dated this 27'" day of September, 2005, .......... ~\..AJ~ "'" <:::>....-: "'" 'N.-"" v ~ , Jrm'es M. HOff~ar, V1iJlV " \ )j~~. /. , Debra J, Hoffman I' - THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK wrrH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930. STATE OF OREGON, County of Lana; 55. This Instrument was acknowledged before me on September 27: 2005, by James M, Hoffman and Debra J, Hoffman, ~ . OFFICIAL SEAL --- - 7 '" ~oet , HOWARD F FEINMAN Notary Pu Icior Oregon 1 ~ v ~ \"./ NOTARYPUBUC-OREGON My CommiSsion Expires: 1-/5 -o,lI' r>o'\"eO:~ COMMISSION NO, 381412, ' ~~_,~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 15,2008 oate "-. s\-\ p\annet. I, ~II~II.'", 1...,.111111.;1111 11,1 Ii J ,I " 1.111.."" II I"~ '" 1 ".,1,1111111111, 1101." I _'illi, .' 1 I." 1111. Illll.1I ,1111II~1I.,,,,, I 110.0111.. I" II ., 1~..1l I (I 1,,11 I ~ 1111 1I111lLII III... II II 1IIIIIIIIiIIIlii.IOII.IIIUIIIlIII I:MI 1.1111 111111 .' Exhibit A . Tax Map Key 1703342400600 Tax Account No. 0299055 , Il"llinning "10 a point 429.53 feet North 00. 1)8' 20" East of tbe centr~ SO~.t,h~Bt coruet uf the Robert E. CaIIIpbell Donotlon Land Claim No. 59, Township P South, ,Range ~ Weill: of theWillamette Meridian; thence on a bearing of South 89. 25' ~8t '8 dls~~ee, or 240;00 feet: to the TlUJE POINT OF llEGINlIING of this desedp.tiDn; thence :j,p.uttl U., ,~5 r , East a distan~e of 472.11 feet to a pointj thence on a beariilg' of S~ut:1i 001' 08,', "t{)!~,~ " West a distance of 117.29 feet to a point: tbence ,?na bear:wg. ofllo'l'th $9"'.25.'" iWe'st, a, distance of 472.17 feet to a ,point;' thence on ti. bearing oCNort!>' 00. 08" 2:Q!/ ElJ:st:' II: distance of 117.28 feet to tbe' true point of beginning, all .in Section"')4 Qf,ss:U ' ' TO\lnsb1p and Range, in Lane County, Oregon; ',",' ' Exhibit A Warranty Deed ,. , RfJURN TO EVERGREEN lAAD TITlE CO, "'Z-L'I-- 200(-<>(( , After Recording return to and Send Tax Statements to: James M, Hoffman and Debra J, Hoffman 571 Aspen Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 , -, / Division of Chief Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records 2~~I.~2J20J 111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111 $31.00 , 1/I11D79 '52 11/1.1/I12..2031/1 j210~2 04/23/2001 01: 12: 13 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=1 Stn=3 CASHIER 01 $10,00 $11,00 $10,00 ...........; QUITCLAIM DEED LANE COUNTY, a political subdivision ofthe State of Oregon, hereinafter called GRANTOR, for the true and actual consideration ofTen Thousand Dollars, does hereby release and quitclaim to JAMES M. HOFFMAN and DEBRA J. HOFFMAN, husband and wife, all its rights, title and interest in that real property situated in Lane County, State of Oregon, described as follows: A parcel of land lying in the Southeast one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter (SE Y4 NWY4) of Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willametle Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, and being all of that property described in that certain deed to LANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, recorded August 24, 1960, on Reel 158, Recorder's Reception Number 8209, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, being more particularly described as follows: "Beginning at a point 429,53 feet North 000 08' 20" East of the Central Southeast corner of the Robert E, Campbell Donation Land Claim No, 59 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West ofthe Willametle Meridian; thence on a bearing of South 890 25' East a distance of 712,17 feet to the true point of beginning; thence on a bearing of South 890 2Y East a distance of 30,00 feet to a point; thence on a bearing of South 000 08' 20" West a distance of 117,28 feet to a point; thence on a bearing of North 890 25' West a distance of 30,00 feet; thence on a bearing of North 000 08' 20" 'East a distance of 117,28 feet to the true place of beginning all in Section 34 of said Township and Range, Lane County, Oregon." This conveyance is subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth in that certain deed conveyed to Lane County, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, recorded August 24, .1960, on Reel 158, Recorder's Reception Number 8209, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, c THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRlBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING INTEREST TO THE, PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS, DEFINED IN O,R.S, 30,930. Page 1 of 2 QillTCLAIM DEED S059-01QC West D Street - rrlies - 03/12101 17-03-34-24 602 Date Received: 1- Z 'S - {/J Planner: SH '. IN wrJ\~~s WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this instrument this of 1i(./K../ L.- . 2001. 4Th day ~ ~s.. tJ~~dj ~ ~Jo g Qd,VC<Jlf commissioned' .. C Commissioner APfl::S\",:,":"; f..~; ':-,~: r ,.;' ..'.:~ STATE OF OREGON ) ) County of Lane ) ss, DEla Y+: I r. c> / "" , 'j'" .."\. " ~4-_A4?:_ C,::L'. '''':,: I " On 4,;,:2.[' L, Lj , 200 l, personally appeared MI1..A- /fLoy;' ~Yl , bJL)66~ -6x. f-f~, Sd:., (;;t.O Lf A;fz-Us;.L'~ V; ErL, who, duly Ming sworn, did say that they are memllers of the Board ofCommissioriers of Lane County, Oregon and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of Lane County by authority of its Board of Commissioners; and they acknowledged said instrument to be its voluntary act and deed, Before me: I) OffiCIAL SEAL ' .' 1'l MEl./SSAAZlMMm , ',! NOTARY flIllUC - OREGON " ,',/ COMMISSION NO, 313320 MYctJMMlSSiON EXPIRIS J\JNE 8, m " Yhc~s~ (l2rnnu-J Notary Public for Oreg"j My Commission Expires: Gut\! (, d-Q);::Y-- , j' , Page 2 of 2 QUITCLAIM DEED S059-01QC West D Street - rr/jes - 03/12/01 ]7-03-34-24 602 ' Date Received' 7 - Z ~ ~ cJ~ Planner: SH , , ,;. -" Recorded at the request or and after recording return to: for Lands described in Exhibit A Send Tax Statements to: for Lands described in Exhibit B Send Tax Statements to: Branch Engineering, Inc, 3 10 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Jim Horfman 35123 McKenzie View Dr, Springfield, OR 97478 John Parish 563 Aspen Street Springfield, OR 97477 The true consideration for this conveyance is $ PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED The parties, to this transfer are (1) James Michael Hoffman and Debra Jean Hoffman, as Trustee of the Hoffman Family Trust, UITIA dated September 27,2005, hereinafter referred to as Party I and being a Grantor herein and (2) John Roger Parish and Mary Louise Parish, trustees of the Parish Living Trust dated June 18, 1997, hereinafter referred to as Party 2 and being a Grantee herein, This Deed is intended to adjust the boundary line between a parcel of real property owned by Party I and an adjoining parcel of real property owned by Party 2, The parties are entering into this Deed to agree on the property line separating their parcels to comply with City of Springfield Land Use Regulations and the provisions,of Oregon Revised Statutes 92,190(4), The legal description of Party I's property prior to this adjustment is all of those lands conveyed in that Statutory Warranty Deed recorded on October 6, 2005 as Reception Number 2005- 079768 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records, The legal description of Party 2's property prior to this adjustment is all of those lands conveyed in that Warranty Deed recorded July 11, 1997 on Reel 2314R as Reception Number 9746585 in , the Lane County Oregon Official Records, The line being adjusted herein is the easterly 104,89 feet ofthe common line between the lands owned by Party I and the lands owned by Party 2, WHEREAS the Parties desire to adjust said common line and WHEREAS the Parties are agreeable to execute a transfer of property through means of an approved Property Line Adjustment and this Deed, THEREFORE, for purposes of accomplishing this Property Line Adjustment: Party 2 hereby transfers and conveys all of its right, title and interest in and to the property described on "Exhibit A" to Party I as said exhibit is attached hereto and made a part hereof, And Party I hereby transfers and conveys all of its right, title and iriterest in and to the property described on "Exhibit B" to Party 2 as said exhibit is attached hereto and made a part hereof, The description of Party I's property after this adjustment is described on "Exhibit A" attached hereto and mad~ a part hereof. The description of Party 2's property after this adjustment is described on "Exhibit B" attached hereto and made a part hereof, ' Before signing or accepting this instrument, the person transferring fee title should inquire about the person's rights, if any, under ORS 195.300, 195.301 and 195.305 to 195.336 and Sections 5 to II, Chapter 424, Oregon Laws 2007, This instrument does not allow use of the property described in this instrument in violation of applicable land use laws and regulations, Before signing or accepting this instrument, the person acquiring fee title to the property should check with the appropriat~ city or county planning department to verify that the unit of land being ~ ' T~'~rcJ Property Line Adjustment Deed t Recei"ed:~ Page 1 of 3 ~~a~{\er. s\-\ " transferred is a lawfully established lot or parcel, as defined in ORS 92,010 or 215,010, to verify the approved uses of the lot or parcel, to determine any limits on lawsuits against farming or forest practices, as defined in ORS 30,930, and to inquire about the rights of neighboring property owners, if any, under ORS 195.300, 195.301 and 195.305 to 195.336 and Sections 5 to II, Chapter 424, Oregon Laws 2007, Dated this day of ,2009, Party 1 James Michael Hoffman, Trustee Debra Jean Hoffman, Trustee STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane )SS On , 2009 personally appeared the above named James Michael Hoffman and Debra Jean Hoffman, as trustees of the Hoffman Family Trust, VlT/A dated September 27,2005, and acknowledged the foregoing to'be their voluntary act and deed, Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: Party 2 John Roger Parish, Trustee Mary Louise Parish, Trustee STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane )SS On , 2009 personally' appeared the above named John Roger Parish, as trustees of the Parish Living Trust dated June 18, 1997, and acknowledged the foregoin~ to be their voluntary act and deed, Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: Property Line Adjustment Deed Page 2 of3 " EXHIBIT A LANDS OF PARTY 1 AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SITU A TED in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon in the ,Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and described as follows: BEING all those lands conveyed in that Statutory Warranty Deed to James M, Hoffman and Debra J, Hoffman, as Trustee of the Hoffman Family Trust, U/T/A dated September 27, 2005, recorded on October 6, 2005 as Reception Number 2005-079768 in the LIme County Oregon Official Records, EXCEPTING therefrom the easterly 1 04,89 feet, by perpendicular measurement. EXHIBIT B LANDS OF PARTY 2 AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SITUATED in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon in the Southeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 34, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Will~ette Meridian and described as follows: BEING all those lands conveyed in that Warranty Deed recorded July 11, 1'997 on Reel 2314R as Reception Number 9746585 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records;" . ALSO the easterly 1 04,89 feet, by perpendicular measurement, of those lands conveyed in that Statutory Warranty Deed to James M, Hoffman and Debra J, Hoffinan; as Trustee of the Hoffman Family Trust, U/T/A dated September 27, 2005, recorded on October 6, 2005 as Reception Number 2005-079768 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records, Property Line Adjustment Deed Page 3 of3