HomeMy WebLinkAboutRegulatory PLANNER 7/20/2009 FedEx. US Airbill Express "'" 31 Traoking w CJ Numbe, 0757 9078 From Plm6pritrrfildprU8h8fd. 'Me 7-20-2009 Sender'sFtldEx Account Number 1054-6085-6 ~~r;:::(s, Andy Limbird Pho,,( 541) 726-3610 Com""CITY OF SPRINGFLD/DEV SVCS Add"" ;~25 N 5TH 81' DeplJfloorlSullll/Room c",SPRINGFIELD State OR ZIP 97477-4671 2 Your Internal Billing Reference litst24charocllu.willapp..,on,"""""" l.lPTlliNAl 3 To ~~:':''''' Plan Amendment Specialist pho,,1 503 I 373-0050 COm,,".Department of Land Conservation and Development ,,,ipi,"', 635 Capitol Street NE, Suite 150 Address W.c.n"Otd.llv.rtnP.O.bc....rP.O.ZlP'od... Oejll./fbl,/Si.OI8IRoom Address T....cu.st.p.ck.g.b.h.la.t..p.cif'cF.dExloeotien.printF1ldEx.ddreuhot.. C'" Salem OR 97301-2540 St", ZIP 0368751909 .'i!'S~n't{&lli~~at''''il:k1r~ritnld~6.' 1;4 t~"~;'"""~~~'~~f!\"~~,fi~~y)!'it;}#B&~~A$rrl~,' ~~,!~p!ifV,;Y-2-~~P~!.~~_~.!!I~~~~!i!E!Z!.~.~!L,,~~, 4a Express Package Service o ~;~~o~~~~~~ht 0 ~~~~~~~~onO.vemight .r;pmentswillbedelivemdooMoodU'f s"l1>"1l....0......iVNQT...,I.bI. unl...SAruROAYp,"iIlaIyis'.~. Dr.,,,,,,, S.,condbo""",,"d"Y.'Thursd"Y ~~~~O~Y"t=~,~::' L--.:: fOOfxErMoIoo.mol1lll,vail.ablo,M'on;mwnch.'Qo:Ono-o<lundrate. -----l O FedExExpressSaver . "r':~:"~~~OTBviI~bIe. 4b ExpfessFreightService D ~~p:~~e~~ shipments1Mllb.d....'acI""MorllIay unl...S.ATU~DAYD."""!'f;.,.J.<:lOd . Ca~fu, Coolkmat-'- D ~~~~~7.;lP~~~ stOp...nts",Ubld.5oN.d""Mo<-olov unI....S.ATUl1DAVDaliY8!'f;'seIIlCMO. 5 o Packaging FedEx Envelopll* Of""P," Dr.,,, , 1""lud..fedExSmaiIPat ' Box f<<jExLil"l.Psk,.ndFedExSwrdy-P.k. Packages up lll' 150 Ibs. O FedExFirstOvemight E8~'""'''''xtb....,ess''''''''rr''l deliv<<ylOsel.ctloc.""n..' Sarunl8vOaliveryN0T8II&'obl.. .T........~ Packages over 150fbs. D ~~~~:r!.~ight SaUKdOVO"""!'fNOTO\<llI.ble. -T._locllli..... D ~~;X DOther "O.cloraclwilJ.m.illO!iOO. 6 Special Handling Inetude ;:nr.~K .dd.... in S.ction 3, 1 SATURDAY Delivery I, HOlD Weekday 0 HOLD Samrday D NOTAvailablefor D"atFedExlocation at FedEx location ~~~~:~~d"t~~'d'&Ex~'SS ~OJ~aJ!:~:~o! Available ONLY for Saver,"'FedExW'l'fFrelght. ,~ ~~~i~~~=tt:~ DoastltisshipmentcOlltltindangaroosgoods1 Oneboxn,ustbaCheckeil. I D ~:eratlac"d, D ~~.f'OOClaratioo Shippe{,O.tl.r,Mn. ..olreQ",e<L o""",,",,",goorlsll1clu<lirtgd!'fic.lc,nnottrasl1i!lpadioFadExpaokaging. '0 No D ~~'~~9~UNl845 _,_kg DCargoAlrcraftOnly 7 Payment Bf!!!!!i:--- EntelFedExAcct.No. .rCllld~CardNo. below. -----, D Sender . D Recipient D ThirdParty D CredttCard D CashfCheck AoctNo,mS.ctIOn. I Willb.oOlod. FoOExAoctllo. er.ditCardND. Total Packages Total Weight Total DeclllredValuet $ '" Om ,00 t~~~~~~~~:~~k~~:~~~~~~a~~~U~:f:d~s~i::G"1d.~~I~~~:':=~~~~:lhe 8 Residential Delivery Signature Options II\'<Il!roq"i,"...;g"lln,ch.c~Oi~orlndi"'cl Direct Signature O Som,","..t"'~Iill<lnr., .d<Jro..mOY"g1lfor deIMl!'f.Feupplu... No Signature D ~.~~~~~~Yb.loh lWIwotollloining. "WJ1i1llre1ord"","iV, R...O,t&ltlf[N;of.otll!illV9'1)I994-lOOlifO<lEx'PRINTEDINU.S.A.'SRS IndirectSicJOature O Nnoon.'iuw.if'ble't rocr;x.fll"sodtl'....SMIIlon. U.~g.odr...rnllv .;gnfordo"""!'f.fe<eppli= " --'.-. Date Reiceived:'f/~/,N#~ Planner: AL " 15191 5 1 DLCD Notice of Proposed Amendment in person 0 electronic 0 mailed 0 THIS FORM MIlST HF. RECEIVF.D BY DLCD AT LEAST 4S DA'(S r~lInlF9ltll) FIRST EVIDF.NTI~IJY t\F;-\I1ING PEt{ ClkS ~7,61 ,ClAR CHAPTER 660, D1V1Sll'J'r--J IA For DLCJ) Use Onl}' Jurisdiction: City of Springfield Date of First Evidentiary Hearing: October 6, 2009 Local File Number: ZON2009-00014 Date of Final Hearing: October 6, 2009 Is this a REVISION to a previously submitted proposal? DYes (8JNo Date submitted: July 20, 2009 D Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment D Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment D Land Use Regulation Amendment (8J Zoning Map Amendment D New Land Use Regulation D Urban Growth Boundary Amendment D Transportation System Plan Amendment D Other: Briefly Summarize Proposal. Do not use technical terms, Do not write 'See Attached'(limit 500 characters): A planlzone conllict has been identified for a residential parcel located at 5940 Main Street in Springficld. The parcel is currently zoned Low Density Residential (LDR) and the Metro Plan designation is Medium Density Rcsidential (MDR). The property owner has requested rezoning to bring the parcel into conformity with the adopted Metro Plan designation and to facilitate future site development. Has sufficient information been included to advise OLCO of the effect of proposal? DYes, text is included For Map Changes: Include 8Yz'x11" maps of Current and Proposed designation, (8J Yes, Maps included Plan map changed from: To: Zone map changed from: LDR To: MDR Location of property (do not use Tax Lot): 5940 Main Street, Springfield Previous density: 1-10 upa New density: 11-20 upa Acres involved: 0.54 ac Applicable statewide planning goals: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ~~DDDDDDD~D~D~DDDDD Is an exception to a statewide planning goal proposed? DYES (8J NO Goals: Affected state or federal agencies, local governments or special districts (It is jurisdiction's responsibility to notify these agencies. DLCD only records this information): ODOT Local Contact: Andy Limbird, Urban Planncr Address: 225 Fifth Street Fax Number: (541) 726-3689 Phone: (541) 726-3784 Extension: City: Springfield Zip: 97477 E-mail Address:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us OLeo file No. Date Received:~/2"1.Nz>.L Planner: AL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS This form must he received bv DLCD at least 45 davs nrior to the first evidentiarv hearinfJ' per ORS 197,610 and OAR Chanter 660. Division 18 I, This form must be submitted by local jurisdictions only (not by applicant), 2, When submitting, please print this form on light green paper, 3. Text: Submittal of a proposed amendment to the text of a comprehensive plan or land use regulation must include the text of the amendment and any other information the local government believes is necessary to advise OLCO of the effect of the proposal, "Text" means the specific language being added to or deleted from the acknowledged plan or land use regulations. A general description of the proposal is not adequate. Do not submit this form without supporting documentation. 4, Maps: Submittal of a proposed map amendment must also include a map of the affected area showing existing and proposed plan and zone designations, The map should be legible and on 8Y, x II inch paper. Please provide the specific location of property, such as an address and/or tax lot number. Include text regarding background and/or the justification for the change, such as the application accepted by the local government. 5. Exceptions: Submittal of proposed amendments that involve a goal exception must include the proposed language ofthe exception. 6, Unless exempt by ORS 197.610(2), proposed amendments must be received at the OLCO's Salem office at least 45 days before the first evidentiary hearing on the proposaL (The clock begins on the day DLCO receives your proposaL) The first evidentiary hearing is usually the first public hearing held by the jurisdiction's planning commission on the proposaL 7, If you have an electronic copy of the proposal, we would like you to submit one electronic copy [email, CO, or upload to OLCO (for submittal instructions, see # 4)] and ONE PAPER COPY of the proposed amendment to: ATTENTION: PLAN AMENDMENT SPECIALIST DEPARTMENT OF LAND CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT 635 CAPITOL STREET NE, SUITE 150 SALEM, OREGON 97301-2540 8, Electronic Submittals: One hard copy must be sent by mail or in person, by either email to larrv.french@state,or.us. On the same day, please mail [I] hard copy to our office. 9, Need More Copies? You can now access these forms online at httn://www.Icd.state.or.us/. Please print forms on 8-1I2x11 green paper only, You may also call the DLCO Office at (503) 373-0050; or Fax your request to: (503) 378-5518; or Email your request to larrv.frenchraJstate.or.us, httn://www.led.state.or.usll.CD/fonns.shtm I . Updated March 16, 2009 Date Received:, r"u'ldd"'f Planner: AL CURRENT ZONING FOR SUBJECT SITE 5940 MAIN STREET, SPRINGFIELD (MAP 17-02-34-32, TL 800) --- SITE QJ u co c.. 5 o <0 5940 118 5944 6002 ~ Main Street (Highway 126) 5925 ~"~( ~"" 5975' 5987' 5995 ' 6005 602 110 - QJ QJ ~ U5 0> '" en Aster Street I I Low Density Residential D Medium Density Residential . Community Commercial . Public Land and Open Space Neighborhood Commercial . General Office Date Received: 7!J./;}tnJ7 Planner: AL ..' s PROPOSED ZONING FOR SUBJECT SITE 5940 MAIN STREET, SPRINGFIELD (MAP 17-02-34-32, TL 800) - I i I SITE I i ....tP.~L I Q) o III c.. 5 o <0 118 5944 6002 5879 5887 5925 5937 5951 Main Street (Highway 126) 5975 I 59871 5995 r-oOT!6 6 110 - Q) ~ U5 CD U') rn Aster Street I Low Density Residential D Medium Density Residential . Community Commercial . Public Land and Open Space Neighborhood Commercial . General Office Date R.eceived: .-;j ~/ rP'1 Planner: AL "0. s