HomeMy WebLinkAboutRegulatory DLCD 11/5/2009 ~'\. , ,";r; , <' L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: DeVito, Janice Uanice.devito@state.orus] Wednesday, November 04,2009 11 :14 AM JARVIS-SMITH Cheryl (OR); E. Sullivan; Gerry Uba; Paulette Copperstone; REYNOLDS Richard D (OR); FROST Russell G; KAUTZ Sharon L (OR) L1MBIRD Andrew; MOORE Ed W (OR); Gardiner, Gloria Springfield 004-09 DLCD ADOPTION Notice 11_05-2009 Springfield_004-09 _ADOPTION.pdf Cc: Subject: Attachments: (])L(JD :Notice of JId"opted"JImend"ment Date: November 5, 2009 The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) received the attached notice of adoption for Springfield 004-09 . If this document will not open for you, please update your Adobe reader to version 9.0, and try it again. This e-mail is being sent on behalf of: Larry French I Grants Administrative Coordinator, DLCD. Janice A. DeVito I Program Support . Planning Services Division Oregon Dept. of Land Conservation and Development 63S Capitol Street NE, Suite 1S0 I Salem, OR 97301-2540 Office: (503)373-0050 ext. 318 I Fax: (503)378-5518 ianice.devitoi1ilstate.or.us I www.oreoon.oov/LCD Date Received:_ ';/s/J<r-1 I / Planner: AL 1 '. ,'" .' " ;~tl" ~'- OregQP.:' ,Theca R. Knh~5ki,Go"'mir_ " . , Department of~ari~ Conservation and Development . ; '.;: '.' 635 Capitol SJreet, Suite 150 , . ',,: . .Salem, OR 97301-2540 "_ , . _ .".. ;.... :'(~03)373,O050 . " ......, ;' ::'.' 'F,x(5.o3)'378-5518 " " ," ';. '." 't;;'\w~)c4!state.or.us: ,:. ,....". .,"'.-'. .",: "" ",." "";' ".". <. ',. .'. ".' . . , N(in~E OF ADOPTEP AMENDMENT I 1/5/2009 TO: Subs~rib'm; toNotice of Adopted Plan or Land Use Regulation Amendmimts . . ,. ,. FROM: . ' . . .' . ."'. t " . Plan Ame~dment Program Speci~list .' . , .' .', .' " '. "./ .,: ..' .', ..' , . " SUBJECT; 'Cityof Springfield Plan Amendmerit ., ,; . " ;" . ' DLCD Fil6 Number 004-09' ", '.: .... "', ... ,...., ",..' ','".. ":.'. ,.-;;.... _.:' ...';-. ':-;, .....: :" ' ';',,'" ,," I ,:'..'~ .,. ...." ',"_!;' ". ~:'" .' '>'.." : . " .' .Th'e Department of Land Coriseryation arid DeveI6prrient(DLCD) received the attilched'notice ofaooption. .' A Copy oithe 'adopted plan arr;~ndm~~t is avaii'abie for review at the b!:CDoffi'ce in'Salem and the 10c~1 . ". govern~entoffice. This amendment wils subinittedwithout a signed ordinance. '.). ". .,. . . , . " '. .' ",.. '., " ;. " ,';" , .'- . '.' "', ,":" '. "", ,.J, . '" i( " AppeaIPr.;~edures*" . ',' '-" DLCbA~KNowLEDdMENT or DEADLINE TO APPEAL;: Fr'ictay, No.~emb~r 27, 2009 , .'. "...,' .'.' .-", " .' . ", ',' "",'.' '.' :,,' , , ' '.' 'L ' ..' -' ,,',', Tliis amendment was submitted to. DLCD for review prior to adoption: Pursuant to ORS 197;S30(2)(b) ',' only persons'who participate.d in the loc~l government proceedings lead.ing to adoption Mth~ amendment . .,'". are eligible to appeal this deCision to the: Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). ' " .'( , " " " ., , ' - ' , .. If you wish to appeal, youmu~t file a notice of intent to' appeal with the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) no later than 21 days fron; the date the decision was mailed to you by lhe local government. If' you have questions', check with the locil! government to determine the appeal deadline. Copies 'of the notice ofintent to appeal must be served upon the local government and others who received written notice of the final dec'ision from the local government. The notice of intent to appeal must be served and filed in the form and manner prescribed by LUBA, (OAR Chapter 661, Division 10). Please call LUBA i1t. . 503-373-1265, if you have questions about appeal procedures. *NOTE: THE APPEAL DEADLINE IS BASED UPON THE DATE THE DECISION WAS MAILED BY LOCAL GOVERNMENT. A DECISION MAY HA VE BEEN MAILED TO YOU ON A DIFFERENT DATE THAT IT W AS MAILED TO DLCD. AS A RESULT, YOUR APPEAL DEADLINE MAY BE EARLIER THAN THE ABOVE DATE SPECIFIED. Cc: Andy Limbird, City of Springfield Gloria Gardiner, DLCD Urban Planning Specialist Ed Moore, DLCD Regional Representative <paa> Y A DateReCei>!13'i:-#~1 Planner: P,l.. .. , .! :.'r:;~.::i ':': ,'. .( , .;,- -?' .'1: ' " .,'.. ., BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON REQUEST OF ZONE CHANGE + + + CASE NO. ZON2009-00014 FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATION NATURE OF THE APPLICATION Zone change from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential for Assessor's Map 17-02-34-43, Tax Lot 800, municipally addressed as 5940 Main Street. 1. On May 11, 2009 the following application for a Zone Change was accepted: Rezone approximately 0,54 acres of land from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential, Case Number ZON2009-00014, Do~ Horton, applicant. 2, The application was-submitted in accordance with Section 5.4-105 of the Springfield Development Code, Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Section 5.2-115 of the Springfield Development Code, has been provided, 3, On October 6, 200g a public hearing on the zone change request was held. The Development Services Department staff notes including criteria of approval, findings and recommendations, together with the testimony and submittals of the persons testifying'at that hearing have been considered and are part of the record ofthis proceeding, CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, the requested zone change application is consistent with the criteria of Section 5,22-115 of the Springfield Development Code, This general finding is supported by the specific findings oftact and conclusions in the attached staff report (Exhibit A) and aftached hereto, ORDER It is ORDERED by the Planning Commission of Springfield that Case Number ZON2009-00014, Zone Change Request, be approved, This ORDER was presented to and approved by the Planning Commission on October 6, 2009, ATTEST AYES: '" NOES: ~' ABSENT: I ABSTAIN: (zJ P1anr Date f'~eceived: II IT /~? .. I Planner: AL Attachment 5-1 ATTACHMENT 1 Staff Report and Findings Planning Commission Zone Change Request (Horton) Hearing Date: October 6, 2009 , Case Number: ZON2009-00014 'Applicant: Don Horton Site: 5940 Main Street (Map 17-02-34-32, Tax Lot 800) Request The application was submitted on May 11, 2009 and the public hearing on the matter of the Zone Change request is scheduled for October 6, 2009, The City typically processes zoning requests seeking redress of planlzone conflicts on a quarterly basis, Site Information/Background The property that is the subject of the Zone Change request is located on the north side of Main Street (Highway 126) opposite the intersection with South 59th Street. The Assessor's description of the property is Map 17-02-34-32, Tax Lot 800, The subject property comprises approximately 0,54 acres and contains an existing single-family residential dwelling, Access to the site is provided by a developed curb cut and paved driveway onto Main Street. Current zoning for the property is Low Density Residential (LDR); however, the Metro Plan designation for this property and contiguous properties to the north and east is Medium Density Residential (MDR), Some properties in the vicinity of the subject site have been zoned MDR to achieve PlanlZone conformity. Other nearby LDR parcels could be rezoned to MDR on a case-by-case basis when application is made for more intensive development or redevelopment of the property. To facilitate'site redevelopment, the property owner is required to apply for a Zone Change for the , subject parcel in accordance with provisions of the Springfield Development Code (SDC), The current Zone Change request is being processed as a Type III Zoning Map amendment. The applicant is requesting rezoning of the property to MDR in order to allow for additional dwelling units to be constructed on the property, ' The current LDR zoning does not permit a second detached dwelling being constructed on a single parcel, Notification and Written Comments Notification of the October 6111 Planning Commission public hearing was sent to all property owners and residents within 300 feet of the site on September 14, 2009, Notification was also published in the September 23, 2009 edition of The Register Guard, Staff responded to one telephone inquiry about the proposal. No written comments were received, Criteria of Approval Section 5,22-100 of the SDC contains the criteria of approval for the decision maker to utilize during review of Zoning Map amendment requests, The Criteria of Zoning Map amendment approval criteria are: SDC 5.22-115 CRITERIA C. Zoning Map amendment criteria of approval: 1. ' Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan diagram; Attachment 1-1 Date r~eceived:-LL/...,~::/)rt>, Planner: AL. request as the proposal meets the slated criteria for Zone Change approval and would bring the property into conformity with the Metro Plan diagram, Conditions of Approval SDC Section 5,22-120 allows for the Approval Authority to attach condnions of approval to a Zone Change request to ensure that the application fully meets the criteria of approval. The specific language from the code section is cited below: 5.22-120 CONDITIONS The Approval Authority may attach conditions as may be reasonably necessary in order to allow the Zoning Map amendment to be granted. Staff has reviewed the Zone Change request and supporting information provided by the applicant, and conditions of approval are not warranted, Any future site development will be subject to the provisions of the SDC for the applicable residential zoning district. The Planning Commission may choose to apply conditions of approval as necessary to comply with the Zone Change criteria. Additional Approvals The subject application is the first step for the applicant to proceed with development plans for, the subject site. Upon approval of the Zone Change request, the property will be in conformity with the Metro Pla'n'diagram and subject to the MDR provisions of the Springfield Development Code, An application to place additional dwellings on the sUbject site then could be reviewed in accordance wnh relevant provisions of the Development Code including but not limited to Sections 3.2-200, 4,7-100 and 5,17-100, as applicable. Attachment 1-3 Date Received: I(~/ """'L- Planner: AL ADOPTED ZONING FOR SUBJECT SITE 5940 MAIN STREET, SPRINGFIELD (MAP 17-02-34-32, TL 800) / , '" U <1l a: ~ ,0 <0 5944 , 118, .~q~ . j -= Main Street (Highway 126) 1~ 5975' 5987' 5995. 8005 , ' Low De'nsity Resfdential . Community Commercial Medium Density Residential Public Land and Open Space Neighborhood Commercial Date ~eceived: 1/ /s-/J-rrrJ Planner: AL I I 9:,,' w ..:.'.:,', ,", " . ,~. . ". ~. .-:.. . .. ,. -<":" ,."," ,~ General Office :lOO '" ~ M ~ o <0 ~ .n " .f' o '" o o '" E o u X '" "0 OJ ~ .~-'- ~~l:r~DJ;~ ..~.~~,-,-~"'~~ "':.1: 'bBli:" fedEx. USAii;bill , . Express.. ,"' , Fn)l',l",tJu:-pCtQimQllibt1ill~hirnM:lpWil('rilcnnilt; ~1l~llL~:~.L:~;~ '1,jt^:' - 'j;'f;t~~~~r:a~.!!gJ~~E!.r '.db ftJt.U" ""..,.. 8631 0757 863107579159 tw. cU:'~ ,uH %, ';~.: (~/ '-~:; 'z: >-W; :ii:' ;;; 'W :'" .Sender's !'lame '/I,ldi'J;,..i.'ill1h.f,'ri Phl?"a'. .lit!'l' ..71~'_ ~lif.:rL- ComOaiwC:J 1""""-{ :'1" DEV ~I A~dre~s tlooI4l~.....~~ Sl~;~ OR 2 YOllf Imemal Billing Reference 3 ro 'Recipi&m's ~~lt. PJnj;( {\rih'H;jj:~m!lt. 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