HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 9/18/2009 ~ GUAI> PUBLISHING COMPANY &?;~ h~o', &:::ao P.O. BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485-1234 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ATTN LESLIE WILSON CC BRENDA JONES 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ~S::ICC.\'NE.o Legal Notice Advertising t'\'-" ,l;. S~\l~ :~p..N~v'\BtS ~ ~f\S"'f'\l' f3.,ccOU ,,' Leg,al 4390742 Notice t1/:Jt. I? q. d$ J # - PU8UC HtAKlNG NOTJCf CITY Of SPRINGflnD PLANNING COMMISSION I, CASE NUMBER: lON:2l109-4OO14 . APPUCANT: Don Hortoa . NATlJRE OF mE ~CAnON: Type III . Zonfng Map .'. . ' Proposal to re- ZOnt i 0.54 am parcef low Denstty I ResIdential (lDR) to MedJum DeRSlty ResIdential (MDR) In order to be consls- tmt wtth the M!tro Plan zoning lSesjgna- lion. _ Al . '.L.~. USES: Uses In tf.e "'DR' '''''''''''_",edbySprl_... Y~opment Code (SOC) SectIon ].2-210. available for revfew In City Hall or online .. "'''/.-.wc:od<slspri_ '-, APPUCABlE CRITERtA: In reaching I decWon on. these actions, ttIt PlannIng Commbskln shall, adopt findings that ............ ",' 'I'" willi $DC S.2Hl5.e: (1)",\ Jut. ", wM lppb b1eUetroP\anpolidesandtheLretroPlln '''''.,n; (2) Consistency willi _ Reffnement Plans. Plan DistrIct maps. CoflCe9tua11 . ... , . Plans and func- tt.... '''''' and (1) Th. .....ny b pm- .orily.-witll l1' ",bllc:fKlll- ...._andl\, , ..1_ to 5tIpport the use, f hcilltles, Hr- ..... and 1\,1\\'1,{ _.,. ....".. to .. .,.,.,ed COIlCUmntty willi the development of the property. (4) Lrt- IsIatlv1!ZonlngMap '''.. thIIln- wolve .. Metro Pian DiAgram ",. ,.'P" ,,' shall: L Meet: the approval critMI'sped- fted In S<<tIon 5.14-100: and b. Comply wItfI Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, where applJc.able. ;... SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION: S940 Mala S~ (Map 11-02-34-32. Tax lDt 100); . ." DATI. T1f.4E,~AND LOCATION Of THE HEARINGS: October 6. 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at Springfleld Ctty Hall Council ctlambers, 22S FffthSlreet. Springflekt, Oregon. .J' .ADOmONAL INFORMATION: T1te appII- catton. iU documents IIId f't'Idence SQb- mitted by or on btohaIf of tilt lppIleant and the application criteril are available for Inspection atctty HaJI at nocostlnd will be provldl!d at a n!asonab~ cost. Sevtn daY5 prior to the bearing l copy of ... ,,,".....,..11 I!:;""'......... The> Pknning... III decbIon will constItutetheflnal onthlspro- ....... - CONTACT PERSON: Andy Umblrd at (S4I)726-]784.Send:t~by rtgular maD to: .., "I. . _City.,,,, 22SFIftIl Strtet. SprtngfIeId. Oregon 974n; or by . emalI to:: anmbl~ngfIeld.or.us; or ~ndthemeetlngsandstateyourvlews. P\eue reference Pfannlng Ca5e ZOHl009-00014 on all written tntimony Tho h_ ..II .. conducted .. ..,..,: dance wItfI SDC 5<<don 5.2.100. FAILURE TO RAISE ISSUE: FaDm of III lssutto be raised It the hwfng.lnper.. son or by letter,otfalluretoprovlde' -."""......""'-"'1111. ""lh'__~,,,.r~,to -.......... _to' thtUndlMBoard ~onthl.tls- .... AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ss. I, Wendy Diamond , oeing lirst duly aifirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193,010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive Day(s) in the following issues: September 15, 2009 . OFFICIAL SEAL ' TAMARA ANN CLARK , '. i NOTARY PUBUc-<lREGON '. ... COMMISSION NO. 435088 C~" '.' :~l~~~~'.~~;;_~~~~ {AWr l. - 0 Subscribed and affirmed t efore me this September 15, 2009 /7 ,i7 t1... ./'- N-otary Public of Oregon My commission expires: December 15, 2012 Account #: 1000218 INVOICE 4390742 Case: Type III Zoning Map Amendment Amt Due: $200.00 No. 43907C2 - September 15. 2009 Date Received:~t',..o Planner: AL I