HomeMy WebLinkAboutAIS PLANNER 11/16/2009 Meeting Date: 11/16/2009 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Andy Limbird, DSD Staff Phone No: Ext.3784 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G FIE L D Council Goals: Maintain and Improve C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE Case Number LRP2009-0001O Conduct a second reading and adopt/not adopt the following ordinance: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DlSCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 4.1-11 O.B, 4.3-11 O.A, 4.3-11 O.B, AND 6.1- 110 OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE TO INCORPORATE THE ADOPTED STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT PLAN, BY REFERENCE, AND DEFINING THE TERM STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT PLAN, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE The City Council conducted a public hearing and gave first reading to the ordinance on November 2,2009. No testimony was submitted at the public hearing meeting. Upon second reading, the City Council can act on the proposed Development Code text amendment and adopt or not adopt the amending ordinance. In response to concerns expressed by County landowners and the Board of County Commissioners, staff recommended text amendments to the adopted Stormwater Management Plan and the Springfield Development Code (SOC). The Stormwater Management Plan amendments were adopted by City Council on September 21, 2009. City Council also adopted the Metro Plan and PFSP amendments that same night. The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed SDC text amendments at a public hearing meeting on October 6, 2009 and adopted a recommendation of support for the amendments. Staff is now presenting the proposed SDC text amendments for consideration by the City Council. Attachment I: Staff Report Attachment 2: Planning Commission Recommendation Attachment 3: Ordinance The proposed SDC text amendments introduce a definition of the City's adopted Stormwater Management Plan and provide explicit references to the Management Plan in various sections that address storm water management regulations. The proposed SDC text amendments do not change the adopted policies and practices currently in place for the management of stormwater in Springfield. Therefore, this proposed ordinance would not change the way the City conducts business, and should have no quantifiable financial impact. Udt~ . ,,,cl;:lved /0~- Planner AL " ATTAC/iMENT 1 SDC TEXT AMENDMENTS STAFF REPORT & FINDINGS APPLICANT . '. City of Springfield - Case Number LRP2009-0001 0 REQUEST The Springfield City Council is asked to consider adoption of the following Springfield Development Code (tOG) Text Amendments: Section 4.1-110.B,lnfrastrui::ture Standards - Reference Standards; Sections 4.3-11 O.A and 4.3-110.B, Infrastrui::ture Standards,... Utilities; and Section 6.1-110, Definitions. ", BACKGROUND The proposed SDC text amendments incorporate ref~rences to the City's adopted Stomiwater Management Plan ("Management Plan"). The proposed amendme'nts arise from testimony and concerns expressed by Lane County property own~rs and the Board of County Commissioners during the public hearing for amendments to the Public Facilities and Services Plan. The proposed SDC text amendments describe and reinforce the interrelationship between the City's adopted Development Code and stormwater management policies and procedures contained in the Stormwater Management Plan.' ' SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE CRITERIA FQR SDC AMENDMENTS Section 5.6-115 of the Springfield Development Code establishes criteria that must be met in order to approve this request: ' "In reaching a decision on these actions, the Planning Commission and the City Council shall adopt findings which demonstrate conformance to the following: . A. The Metro Plan; B. Applicable State statutes; and C. Applicable State-wide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules." A. The Metro Plan "The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan [Metro Plan] is the official long-range general plan (public' policy document) of metropolitan Lane County and the cities of Eugene and Springfield. Its policies and land use designations apply only within the area under the jurisdiction of the Plan. The Plan sets forth general planning policies and land use allocations and serves as the basis for the coordinated development of programs concerning the use and conservation of physical resources, furtherance of assets, and development or redevelopment of the metropolitan area." P. 1-1 Staff Response and Findings The proposed Development Code text amendments are intended to define and reference the City's adopted Stormwater Management Plan in various sections of the Code that address stormwater management requirements. The SDC describes general requirements for stormwater management procedures in the urbanized and urbanizable area. However, the adopted Management Plan guides Springfield's stormwater policy in accordance with City Council's seven Datel Neceived:-!.0f~_ Planner: AL Attachment 1-1 Key Outcomes for Stormwater. The Management Plan also outlines activities to ensure compliance with State and Federal Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act requirements. The proposed SDC text amendments "Close the loop" on these interrelated City regulatory and policy.documents to ensure specific stormwater policies and provisions in the Managemerit Plan are cited in the relevant Development Code sections. ' The proposed text amendments are not designed to add, delete or'amend the intent, purpose or meaning of any of the SDC or Management Plan provisions: regulations, policies, or standards. In addition, the proposed amendments will not change any policies or the implementation of poliCies held forth in the Development Code (or adopted Storm water Management Plan). The Springfield Development Code implements Metro Plan policies, and the proposed text amendments doniJt rise to the Metro Plan policy level (and, in fact, are the result of testimony and concerns expressed by property owners and elected officials in the review of Metro Plan amendments). The proposed text amendments, as with the adopted Development Code, would continue to implement the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan as demonstrated in the findings of Planning Case LRP2007-00015 adopted on September 17,2007. Therefore,there are no applicable Metro Plan policies that apply to these proposed text amendments. ' . . B. Applicable State Statutes Staff Response and Findings As stated under Criterion A, above, the proposed.SDC text amendments insert'a definition for the City's adopted Stormwater Management Plan (Section 6.1-110) and provide references to the Management Plan in relevant sections of the Code that address stormwater management regulations (Sections 4.1-110.B, 4.1-130.A, and 4.1-130.B). The City's Development Code (Section 2.1-115.B) refers to compliance and conformity with adopted City regulations and policies, which includes the adopted Storm water Management Plan. ' Nothing contained in these proposed amendments is of sufficient magnitude, impact or effect to rise to the level of assessment intended by the application of state statutes. In accordance with ORS 197.610, notification of the proposed Development Code text amendments was sent to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) on August 19, 2009, more than 45 days before the first evidentiary hearing on the matter. The DLCD will receive notice of adoption upon final reading of the Ordinance arid signature by the Mayor. The public hearings for the proposed text amendments (Planning Commission - October 6; City Council - November 2) were advertised in the Register Guard newspaper on September 23, 2009. C. Applicable State-wide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules Goal 1: Citizen Involvement - OAR 660c015-0000(1) Goal 2: Land Use Planning - OAR 660-015-0000(2) Goal 3: Agricultural Land - OAR 660-015-0000(3) Goal 4: Forest Lands - OAR 660-015-0000(4) Goal 5: Natural Resources, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Open Spaces - OAR 660-015-0000(5) Goal 6: Air, Water and Land ResourcesQuality - OAR 660-015-0000(6) Goal 7: Areas Subject to Natural Hazards - OAR 660-015-0000(7) DateH.eceived: II/~/Jdd? Planner: AL Attachment 1-2 " Goal 8: Recreational Needs - OAR 660-015-0000(8) Goal 9: Economic Development - OAR 660-015-0000(9) Goal 10: Housing- OAR 660-015-0000(10) Goal 11: Public Facilities and Services - OAR 660"01.5-0000(11) Goal 12: Transportation -OAR 660-015-0000(12) Goal 13: Energy Conservation- OAR 660-015-0000(13) Goal 14: Urbanization - OAR 660-015cOOOO(14) Goal 15: Willam~tte Riv~rGreenway -OAR660-015-000(15) Goal 16: Estuarine Resources - OAR 660-015-000(16) , Goal 17: Coastal Shorelands - OAR 660-015-000(17) Goal 18' Beaches and Dunes- OAR 660-015-000(18) Goal 19: Ocean Resources - OAR 660-015-000(19) Staff Response and Findings Goal 1 Citizen Involvement: The public hearings to consider thE:se amendments were advertised in the Register Guard newspaper on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. The public hearing conducted by the Planning Commission was held on October 6, 2009, and a public hearing before City Council is scheduled for November 2, 2009. Additionally, the proposed Development Code text amendments arise from testimony provided in the public hearings for amendments to the adopted Public Facilities and Services Plan - a functional plan of the Metro Plan. This complies with State-wide Planning Goal 1, Citizen Involvement. Goal 2 Land Use Planning: Although these text amendments are additions to an existing land use document, that document was adopted in compliance with the Goals; implements an acknowledged comprehensive plan in compliance with the Goals; and therefore furthers the state's interest in the proper and appropriate observation of land use planning goals and .guidelines. Goals 3-15. These amendments do not change any of the provisions, standards or regulations in the adopted Development Code. Additionally, these amendments do not rise to the level of assessment of impact or relation to the Goals contemplated by the state legislature or the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission. Goals 16-19. These goals do not apply because there are no coastal, ocean, estuarine, or beach and dune resources within the City's jurisdiction. There are no State-wide Planning Goals or Administrative Rules that apply to this amendment or that this amendment seeks to implement other than compliance with Goal 1 , Citizen Involvement, vis-a-vis public notice for these proposed amendments. Notice of the Planning Commission public Date Received:....fr1"/~f Planner: AL Attachment 1-3 ,. hearing was printed in the Eugene Register Guard on September 23, 2009 and placed on the City's web site. ' ' CONCLUSIONIRECOMMENDATIONIREQUESTED Ac'f10N Staff has demonstrated consistency with criteria of approval listed in SDC S'ection 5.6-115; with Metro Plan policies; with State statutes; and with State-wide Planning Goals and Administrative Rules where such law applies to these amendments. The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed SDC text amendments at a public hearing meeting on October 6, 2009 and voted unanimously to forward a recommendation of support to the City Council for adoption of the proposed amendments to SDC Sections 4.1-110,.4.3"110, 4.3-130, and 6.1-110, The City Council conducted'a public hearing and gave first reading to the ordinance on November 2,2009. ' Staff advises that the net effect of the ordinance will be to guide development by clarifying the stormwater policy interrelationships between the City Couricil's Key Outcomes 'for Stormwater, the , Springfield Development Code, and the adopted Stormwater ManagemenlPlan. Staff ' recommends adoption of the attached, Ordinance by signature of the Mayor. J Attachment 1-4 Date Received: /01J~ Planner: AL / . RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ' DEVELOPMENT CODE TEXT AMENDMENT TEXT AMENDMENT TO SECTIONS 4.1-110,4.3-110 AND 6.1-110 Case Number: LRP2009-00010 ( ( ( ( ( RECOMMENDATION TO , THE CITY COUNCIL 'NATURE OF THE APPLICATION. ' " ' , , ",' The proposed Developmenl Coc;le text amendment will define and reference the City's adopted Stormwater Management Plan in various Code sections that address slormwaler management policies and regulations. 1. The above referenced Developmen! Code text amendment action was initiated in conjunction with Ihe adoptipn of amendments to the Public Facilities and Services Plan and stormwater Management Plan in . September, 2009. Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Springfield Development Code Sei::tion 5.2-115, has beenprovldeq. . ' ' 2. The Development Code text amendment action is consistent with provisions of the adopted Metro Plan, and applicable Oregon'AdministrativeRules and Oregon Revise.d Stalules as described in the attached staff report. ' , . ' 3. On October 6, 2009, the Planning Commission held a public hearing regarding the proposed Development Code text amendment. The staff notes, findings and recommendation together with the orallestimony and ' written submittals of Ihe persons testifying at that hearing have been considered and are part of the record 'of this proceeding.' , CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, the proposed Development Code text amendment is consistent with the criteria of SDC Sei::tion 5.6-115.A-C. This general finding is supported by the specific findings of fact. and conclusion in the Staff Report and Findings. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council to approve the Development Code text amendments, Case Number LRP2009-00010, as recommended herein and as more particularly described in. Ihe adopting Ordinance, at their N?vember 2,2009 meetin9W' , ", '-----// / -til , P1ar9 9Jo~ion Chairperson ATTEST: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: B l (') Planning Commission Order LRP20D9-QOOI0 October 6, 2009 Page 1 of! Attachment, 2-1 Date Received:Jfb/~t_ Planner: AL' , ! ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 4.1-110.8, 4.3-110.A, 4.3-110.B, AND 6.1-110 OF TIIE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE TO INCORPORATE THE ADOPTED STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT PLAN, BY REFERENCE, AND DEFINING THE TERM STORMW A T~R MANAGEMENT PLAN, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. '-- , ' THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section L Section 4.1-11 O.B is amended as follows: 4.1"110 Applicable Documents B. Construction and design references for public improvements under Ciiyjurisdiction. Specifications for the. design, construCtion, reconstruction, or repair of stre,ets, alleys, , sidewalks;'bus turnouts, accessways, curbs, gutters, street lights, traffic signals, street, signs, sanitary sewers, storm water management systems, street trees and planter strips 'withiri the public right-of-~ay, medians, round-abouts and other public improvements within the city li~its,and the City's urbanizablearea are as specified in this Code, the Springfield M~nicipal Code, 1997, the Stormwater Management Plan, the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedui'es Manual, and the Public Works Standard Construciion Specifications. The Public Works Director retains the right to modifY the cited references on a case-by-case basis without the need of a Variance when existing conditions make their strict application impractical. ' Section 2. Subsections A and B of Section 4.3-110 are amended as follows: 4.3-110 Storm water Management A. Storm water management regulations. By implementing the policie~ set forth in the currently approved Stormwater Management Plan, provide for the effective management of storm water and drainage from the City into the groundwater and watercourses within the City and its urbanizing area; minimize demand on the City's stormwater management system, and alleviate future costs of treating the discharge; promote water quality; preserve groundwater and the vegetation and rivers i\ supports; reduce peak storm flows; minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions; and minimize storm water discharge impacts on water quality and quantity and stream flow patterns, including peak and base flows in intermittent and perennial streams, within the McKenzie River and Willamelte River watersheds. B. The Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/or private storm water management systems provisions have been made as determined by the Public Works Director, consistent with the policies set forth in the Slormwater Management Plan and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. The stormwater management system shall be separated from any sanitary sewer system. Surface water drainage patterns shall be addressed on every Preliminary Site Plan, or Tentative Partition or Subdivision Plan. Date, Received: 1/40~! ~ /'" - Planner: AL Attachment 3-1 " Section 3. Section 6.1-110 - Meaning ofSp~cific Words and Terms is amended b)i adding thereto the following definition for the t~rm Stormwater Management ~lan: Stormwater Management Plan. A policy document adopted and, as modified from time to time, approved by resolution of the City Council setting forth the policies and procedures to be used in reviewing development proposals that alter or affect the natural, pre"development flow of storm water. These policies and procedures are to be applied to public and private improvements and allow City staff to provide certainty to developers and consultants to permit them to design and submit for approval safe, ' efficient, and cost effective stormwater managemimt system projects within ihe City and its Urban ' GroWth Boundary. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect on the thirtieth day after it shall have been adopted by the Council and approved by the Mayor." . , ADOPTED .this '---- day of no. " . 2009, ~ councilors voting yes ahd _ council6~s voting, APPROVED by ihe'Mayor of the City of ~pringfield this ~ day of ,2009, Sidney W. Leiken,' Mayor A TrEST: Amy Sowa, City Recorder U~:~f~:-.'! 'L~';,~ !,;",c-Ltt~'[) t...:3 "il,-) ;:OH:i1 .J:=q'~_-,l.L....", ~\ rii\IT . \ a \ 22\0') 1'.',1:1';1"1: t:-:i:-~~l !::--l::'X"I"TI.'I-I'I~II-\' . ".. ',' ,.J" II I) '.' Date Received:. I{I~"~, Planner: AL Attachment 3-2