HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1992-3-3 '1 ~. , )J6eV AO/;ees-I' r/ te . SPR.IELO -- j :'.f;:i~."iteM;1,t.i;J ;11 N ei ~! ~~~lf~Q);1 ~!f.()) .~#t'j ~J~?lAfcI.'-:f..;~~.'1fuJ. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES . "t*i1 ~~. &J;~ . 225 ~/FTH ~~_"'i.:~ PUBLIC WORKS""f~'.,-, . SPFJldGFldD. Or. ~"" METROPOLITAN lIl~STEWATER MANAGEMENT (503) 726.3753 ~larch 3, 1992 Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bright 1391 Olympic Street Springfield, O~ 97477 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Bright: Thank you, Mr. Bright, for attempting to contact me again after our initial conversation last month. Recognizing that your out-of-town employment for the next month or so will make it difficult for you to come to this office during regular business hours, I have enclosed applications for the required permits. A third form is also enclosed. It is required whenever property owners choose to be their own contractor. please complete the forms and return them to this office with a check or money order made out to the City of Springfield in the amount of $199.88 for the required permit fees. Doing so will provide you with valid permits that will enable the required inspections to take place. when you return to the area next month, please contact me so arrangements can be made for you to meet with the City Building Inspectors. They must be able to verify that the new construction meets the Code requirements ~hich were in effect at the time the conversion ~ork was done. Your continued courtesy and cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, ~w---7?k Donald J';oore Construction Representative ce. Dave ?~ent, Building Official Jim nayes, Slectrical Inspector Tem Marx, Euilding Inspector .. ... RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Illspections: 7:!G.37Gn Ollicc: 72G'Jl~\J . SPRINGFIELD LOC^TION OF PflOPOSED WOflK: _..L~ q) I ^SSESSORS MAP: -/-1/) ~ ?_ S '<, LOT: ~ BLOCK: OWNER: _MARK-~_IS:H'~L~"f3RL4f:lT ^DDflESS: _._.___~MLE:. CITY: ..____ _n__..... ____n__ _______ .________ . . JOB NUMBEIl____...._.. 225 Fifth Slmet SprinGfield, OICtlUIl !Ji"177 TAX LOT: _L.C?_7.~ <2_ SUBDIVISION: PHONE: __ _ ----- -- . smTE: ______._.....________ ____n ZIP: .______.. DESCRIBE WORK: _Ct2NJLER..fl!J>---WBTJ-l2I...).. OF . 4k~€-.__TQ_J..IJ!J.Nc(____'5I?d-e.e.. NEW ____ IlEMODEL _~ ADDITION ___ DEMOLISH ___ OTHER CONTflACTorr~; N^ME OWN E:R-- -.-... ------. ^DDnESS CONST. . CONTIl^CTOn . PIIONE GENEIl^L: PLUMBING: .. ...-.-.----.- --- -----...-----.-.---..--.-------... '---.--- ELECTRICAL: . ~\,(/ UE..Q MECHANIC^L: ....__._____________ .-------------.-----....----- QU^D AflEA- . OF BLDCS: _ OCCY CflOUP: ____ . OF STORIES: WATER HEATEfl' - OFFICE USE - LAND US". . OF UNITS: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: RANG'" EXPIRES FLOOD PLAIN: _____ .___.._____._ ZONINC CODE: __._.____ . OF BDflMS: SECONDARY HE^T: SQU^RE FOOmCE: ._.__.______._ To request an Inspection, you must call 726.3769. This Is a 24 hour recording. Alllnspcclions requested before 7:00 n.m. will be nHlde the same working day. Inspecllons requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. 1=1 Tcmpormy Electric D Sito Inspection - To be made niter excavation, but prior 10 selling 'orms. D Undersfab Plumblngl Eleclricull Mechanical - Prior to cover. D Footing - After trenches arc excavated. D Masonry - Steel location, bond beams, grouting. D Foundation - After forms are erected bul prior 10 concreto placement. D Undorground Plumbing - Prior to (illlng trench. D Underlloor Plumbing/MechanIcal _ Prior to Insulation or decking. D Post and Beam - Prior to (Ioor Insulation or dccl<ing. D Floor Insulation - Prior 10 decking. D Sanitmy Sewer - Prior to filling trench. [J Storm Sewer - Prior to filling trench. D'- Watcr Line - PrIor to Iilllng trench. D Rough Plumbing - Prior to covef. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS D Rough Mechanical - Prior to cover. ~ Rough Electrical - Prior to ~ cover. D Electrical Service - Must be approved to obtain permnnent electrical power. D Fireplace - Prior to (acing materials nnd framing Insp. D Framing - Prior to cover. KA'Wall/Celllno Insulation - Prior to ~cover. ~ Drywall - Prior 10 taping. D Wood Slovc - After In~til"ation. D Insert - After fireplace approval anti Instullallon of unit. D Curbcut & Approach - After forms are erected but prior to placement 01 concrete. D Sidewalk & Driveway - Alter excavation Is complete, forllls and sub.l..Jasc material in place. D Fenco - When completed: D Streot Treos - When all fCqulred lflwS arc planted. D Final Plumbing - When all plulllbing worl~ I~; cOlllpldu. ~ Final Electrical - When nil )LS.J electrical worlt i~ eOIll$Jlcte. D Fimll Mechanical - When ;IJl mechanical worl( Is complete. ~Flnal Ouilding - When all ,...~ ~equlrcd inspections have been approved and bllildinU Is completed. DOlher MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Blocking and Set.Up - When 311 blocking Is complele. D Plumbing Connections - Wilen home has been connected 10 water Lind sewer. D Electrical Connection - Wlwn blocking, sel.up. antI plllfllbiflU inspections Iwve been appfovlHI and the home is connected 10 the SCfvice panet. D Final - After all required inspections arc approved and porches. sklrtlno, decl<s, nnel vcntinu have been installt)tl. Lot filees Lol TYP. Interior Lol :.;q. flg. Lot coverage Corner TopourapllY Panhandle Total height Cul.de.sac BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. X $/SO. FT. Main --~--- Garilgu Carport , . . ~ es THE PROPOSED WORK IN THE HIS'IOr~ICAL DISTrllCT. OR ON THE HISTOnlC^L REGISTER? ____..._ If ye:;. this appllcalion must be signed and ilpproved by the Hlstorlcill Coordinator prior to porlllil Issuance. Setbilcks r---r----'--'-.l _ p.~,- 11SE GM3.,-^Cc:;_ N ------ s .-----.- .---- --,--_. ---- W -.----.-- .APPROVED' ._L_._~____..____ VALUE _t!lNf/.64,T, .~1~L- _;z~_t!?_ -~33~~() Total Value Building Permit Fue Stall: :':,urcharOf: Total Fcc (^) j;;/k~~ _3J~ -- 6S. ~3. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) --N/A...-- PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Flxlures Acsi<Jcnlial Balh(s) N' Sanilary Sewer FT. Water FT. Storm Sewer FT. Mobile Homc Plumbing Pennil' Slale Surcharge' Tolal ChilrnC (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT FUlnilGU Exhau5t Hood Vent Fan N' ..,--,-..._. Wood 8tl..lvullllGmt/FhcplaGc Unit Oryer Velll Mechanical Perlnlt IssUilnce State Surcharuc Total Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home StLltC ISGuance State Surcharge SidewfJlI( It Curbcul ..._____ tt Delllolilion Slate SurcharHr: ._'BWo P.-FeE:-- Tot;11 Mi:;GellilrWOWi Permits FEE --; / / ( H~2.h~~ (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excilldlnu elec;lrical) /2.8.!3. (A, 0, C, Dt and. E Combined) BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is granted onll1e express condition thDtlhc said construction shall, in all rcspccls. conform to tho Ordinance adoptcd by the Cily or Springrleld. including the Development Code, rcgul<lting the construction and lIse of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violilllon of any provisions of said ordinances. - Plan Check Fcc: _____.___ Date Paid: fleccip! NUIT1LJer:~ ._m_._ Received By: ...^IO _p~S' Plals'l-Flcvicwcd Uy Dale Gy~.ICIIl:; OCVdOPlIlf:llt r:harOf! i5 due on all lIncluvnloped properlic~i wilhin the City Iimils which arc !Join\) improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS By signature, I state and agree. thai I have carefully examined the completed appllc;ltion and do hereby ccrllfy thnt all Information hereon it> lrut) ilnd correcl, ilnd I further cerlily Ihat any and all wotl~ pcrlorrned :;halluc dono in ;1t;cOfuance willi the Ordin;1l1cc:,; of lho City of Springfield; ;111(.1 the Law:j or the Slalo of Grenon portilining to the wOI'I( c1e!.crlhed heroin. OInd 1Iw.1 NO OCCUPANCY will VI: lIH1de 01 any structure without permission of lhe Building Safety Division. I further certify that only contractors and cmployees who arc In cornP!,ianc.c wllh ORS 701.055 will be used on this projecl. I further agree to ensure that all reQuircd inspections arc requested at tho proper time, that oach address Is readable from the streot, that the permit card Is located at the front or the property. and the approved set or plans will remain on the sile at all limes during construction. Xi9naluro Dale VA t nE DA S / c:;1() AW .H&,.E RE 225 FIFTD STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 City Job Number OFFICE: 726-3759 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION !-:J..C/-J ()'-YMPI ('~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION ! 71]7, 2 ~ ~?- / D 1 () 0 JOB DESCRIPTION t'/NA&E7'JI-II//AltA ~ ~ Permits are non-transferable and expire if york is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if york is suspended for 180 days. 2. CO~CTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Electrical Contractor ~VV~ Address City Phone Supervisor License Number Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number Expiration Date Signature of Supervising Electrician Ovners Name t1..A~/Ci-HT Address I~C;/ OLYMPIc' City ;)jO~ Phone OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: ~ ------------------------~-------------- DATE: RECEIPT 1I: RECEIVED BY: 3. COHPLETE FEE SCIlRDULR BELOII Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included: A. Items Cost Sum 1000 sq.ft. or less $ 85.00 Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof $ 15.00 Each lianuf' d Home or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder $ 40.00 B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 volts D. Branch Ci rcuits S 40.00 $ 55.00 S 80.00 see "Bn above Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circu i t --1- S 35. 00 ':i~ tI'D Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Comm 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge TOTAL I2>WOP FeE- -r-"","-A. / not included) S 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 ~ C) <N> - 1,7~ 2/'..,7S' _-or- 3S00 -::: ~/7 J.75