HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-11-10 .. RESID~T1AL.. APPLICATIONjPER1lIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding, Division 726-3753 Job Location: /3 5 ~ &f. /Jv1 /1/:"./ I rt 03 ;;( 5 3) ( Tc=: l<Jt# o ~rfJli) ASOeSD01"C Nap H Subdivtsiorl: Ct.mer: b- /r-: /?s L/ ) ~N4A7~ ML-10v1 I/O(:" 0' / ;;;~~ ~ 7-?nC~ ' I/-I 0 ~r7 vatuell fJ1JtJ Address: City: n n n n '1"'.' Addi ticr! Remo.:!cZ .'!ob{'le 80m3 Date of ApplicaticrI t:ont:rac:;ors Genera 1 Plwnbing Electrical Mechar.ic::l '1 i- t :dhwCUt/A / I Constructi.", Lendw Phone: 1t/~ -ZIa 90 , Rcce;pt ~ IO~8d- Zip: AcidreS3 ~/Fj. .&1 ~/~"~O , cgj I III J t/ Si(Jr.ed: (' (~ Datc: ((-10 -R1 Lise. P. E::::.ir::s Piton:: It ill tJuJ ,.espcmtti.biZity of the permit holder to BStJ that aIt inDpections are r.uuis at the proper time... tr.at ~h :;ddrs88 is zoea.:!ab;" [roan t1vl stroBst, and that the permi t card. is 'Located at the fJ"C'flt of the propezoty. -Bui?di.!1g I>i.vi=i.or. apprOt:ed plan shc.z.z. remain on th.i BuiLding Sits at aU timss. PROCSDUP.E For? INSPEr:TrOrr R!'C'U!'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state &IOUI' Citll desiar..:zted joe nw::ber~ job adi:rcss~ type of in:;pcc-:icn requested a~.a W::en you lJil.l. oe ready for ir.spcction~ Contractors 0;' Ot.me:'s~ name ~r.d Fhone nu.:~bCZ'. Requesn received cefero 7:00 c:': :.>iZZ be made the Bame dcy~ requests meae aftt:.1' 7:()O a'7J uizz. ba made the nczt :.JOrkir~ day. R..!!..oui"e:1 TPO...~"!...,.r.ir.,,,.q o SITE I/.'SPEC':IO,\': To be r.xzde after ercav.:z:;ion~ but prior to se-: up of forms. UNDERSLAB PL(}!.f9INC. ELECTRIC,lL & 1.!ECH.~::IC:'L: To be made oefore any work ill ~overed. [] =:J FOOTING ~ FOUND.1TIC!l: To be rrade af:;er :;renchcs are excavated ar~ forms are erectcd~ but prior to pou:rir.g ccncret;;. UNDERG.rWU.'.'D P~W.fBIl;C. SEw:;.==!. W.1TE.9. DHAIlJ!..GZ: To be ma..:e prior :;0 ii~- .l.ir.g trenche~. =:J :=J UNDERFLOO,~ PLW.'BI.'lG t. f.!E:CHAl:ICAL: To be made prior to in$:aL~tion of 11001' inBu~tion 01' decking. POST AI.'D BEAt.!: To. be made prior to instaLL~;icn of floor ins~La:ior. or deckin;. :=J :J ROUGH PLrP.!BI.'.'C. E:f.E:C'!'P !C,~!.. I; lfECY- AOICAL: lio work is to bc covered ,ur.til these inspec:ior.s h.:zve beer. made ar.d approve::. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir~ facing materiaLS and before framing incpec- tior.. :J FRA!~rr:r;: Muct be recue:Jted af:cr approvuZ of rough pl~hing. electri- cal "mec;umi.::aZ. AI! roofir.g bracing & chimneys, ct~. nr~st be ;. compl.eted. 110 lJork is to bc con- ......cBaled until thiD inspection has . bt>en made and approved. :J .Your City Desigr.4ted ~ob Numba' IfJ: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I,']SPECTION: To oe made after all insul.=ti.?n. w..d required vapor harriers are in place but before any la.th~ gypsum beard or uall covering is applied~ and belore any inaulation is conceaZed. 81(i713 I DEl:~LITIO!} OR .~:Ot'E:; BlJILDI:.'GS ~ Sani:ary Se".JC'r capped o::t rn:'pcrt-~ Zir.e ~ Septi:: tank ;r....-;:p~d a:".d fiIZll~ with gra~e; :J Final - Ilhen ab.::ve ita:::s are cc.orrpletcd ar-d when dc~olitior. is complete or struc- t.ure moved ar.d premi3es ::leaned up. I Nobile hemec ::J Blocking and Set-~p ::J Plumbing connections 6~cr and water ::J Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking~ set-uF and plumbing connections r.r~st be approv(~ before rcquest~ng elec:rical ins?cc:io~ ~ Ac::es=o1""o1' Buildi.ng :J Final - I.ft~r porcr.es~ etc. are camplet~d. skirtin9~ decks~ o DRYWALL IIlSPECTION: Tc be made after all drywall is in pla.ce~ but prior to any tapir~. D All project condieions~ auc~ as the installation of s=reet trees, co~letion of the required Zandscapir..g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before tl:e BUILDI/;C FINAL can be request:zd. :=J FIlIAL PLUI,!BlJiG =:J FINAL t.fE':HA.'lICAL =:J FINAL l:L!:C'7'8ICAL =:J o FINAL BUILDINC: Tho FinaZ Building Inspection must be reque3tea altero the Firul PZumbir13 EZ.ectrical~ CI1'Id Mechar.ical Inspectio7W have been made and approot/2d. O MASONRY: Steel bea::;:;~ o'1"Outina accoradnce IJ"'~ th 2415. ~WOODSTO'lE: After instaLlation is ccmpletcd. 1; O CURB & APPFWACH APRON: are cre~ted but prior con.::rcte. location~ bona 01' verticals in U.B.C. Section Aftc:, forms to pouring o SIDF;WALK ,.( DRIt'E!.',a: Foro all con- crete paving within ctreet right- of-wcy~ to be made after all exca- vating cunplete & fo~ w'1"k & zub- baae ma.terial in pZa~e. "A~L UA!:H~l.ES AN:> CLEA.\'OUTS m.l~T BE ACCES~IBl.E~ ADJt:S:!!E.',''!' TO BE f.~1DE 1.7' /:0 C='ST TO C~Y I P:J~e ! of 2 o PENCE: '-'her: compl~te -- Provide gates 01' movable sections througr. P.U.l:. o I JOB NO. Z?D 113 SOLAR "'ESS REQ,- I ZoP:l": Occ:upQ7tC:J Cl"'O'J:J: . L-COC'" T;ope/Cor.st: Be::.roor:s: Interi.ol' Comer Panhandle C'u l-de-sQc P.L. IUorth lEast ISOl'th West F:!es I House I I Setback.'> l Caraoe I I I I Access. II II II II I: II E11(!r,'f'.J SO".I1'Cp.s Hca: Watp!" .4~a~r'!" lfan;:c F'irevlacf> Waoa.:;tot:e TII~f" Lot Sq. Ft;. s ~f tot C""e""go .f of Stories Total Height I Tupogra;:hy I LCT TYPE Lot Faces - I!':'E.'.! I Main x I I I I I I I I I I I This perrrr:.t tD g7'Gntcd on the express condition that the said, con.!tl"Llctior. shall, in all respcct3, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning C'rdinanca, regulc.ting the ccnstr....:ticn and use of buildings, and m:zy be suspended or revokec. at c:r.y time upon vic- Lation of any pr~visior.s of said Ordir4nces. l I i S~.F"!'G Value Building Value & Permit Gc::ra::l' CarDert Acccssortl TOT,lL VALUE IS.D.C. t1Jc."u.:; 1.$ :r . Total C"na.:"gea . IPlan Check Fp.p.: I Cote Paid: IRecdpt II: ISi~ed: Building Permit State Surch::r:rf1e II'J'!N 1 Fi--n.res !Residential (1 bath) lsanit:zru Set.Jer , Wcte..... ".';}. FE C;.:;"F.:;~ Plumbing Permit No percon ::haH construct. ins::at!. aUer or ciumge any r.e:J cr e...-isting pl~~ing or drainage Byst~ in ~hole or in par:. unless such Ferson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. except tr~t a pe~son may do pl~bing work to property which is awned. leased or operated by the appli- ~t. ~ Pl:Ar.lbing Perd. t I .J .1 , I i :1 State Su:rcJ-.a:IV!e Teta! CJ-'=1"oas J ''7'.~' I Res. Sc. f't::. I N;:u/E:tend Cir::ui ts , I Temp:Jra:ry Seroice I:... ..;:".~...:::'" Electrical Perm it Where State LaJ.J reau.i'res t;.~t the electrical 10101'.< be done o:J an EZ.e~trical Con~rac:c~. the eZec:~;ca' por:ion of :his pe~it shalZ r~t'ce valia until the label has been si!"t.ed by 'the Electrical ~onrra:~or. Elc;!t1"ical permit State Sur::harae Total Charces 7';":;"'.' :;:;.1 F-" C}f;.RC~ Mechanical Permit , ilaodsto:Jc / I I I I I I I / s::. . b'O I r .7SI-~ ( S. 7<::;-1 . I I I I /'Lal1 t.xc:7nt.ner UQtC I I Pl..l:M1:ree ~U'S ! E:::haust Hoo.i , Vent Fan Pel"r!:'it" 13suanec He:nanic.::l Pcn:it State Surchc.r:7C' T()~~! c;.~'1~"ro"'t t::CROACHJ.!~:':'l' Se~~ritu D~~c~i~ Storace Tote l Lrtarol'7r.!: I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.V.INED the compleud application for pen:1i:, and do hereby certify that aLL i:-:fc~.ation hereon is trLll? ar.d correct, cm.:J. I further certify that any ar~ all work pcrfor.ncd sr~ll be do~e i~ accor- aance ~th ~ha Ordin~nces of the City of SprinJjic!d, and th= ~B of tho State of Oreg~n p=rt~ining to the uarK desc~ibed hcre~n, cr~ :r~: NO OCCU- PlYCY will be made of an~ srrLlctura uitho~t parmis3io~ of the 5uildinQ Di- vision. I further certify that o~Zy contra=tors al~ ~L~yecs ~r.o are in ~pliance uith ORS 701.0S~ wiLL be used on this project HClintenar.:r Pc~t Cur';CLl~ Sidm.>alk ~,.n:c Electrical Label ,"Iobile H:;me ~t //-/0 -::f7 :"OTAL >>!Ott.",.,!' DU;.". ;S.7s . Signzd ll:ite I _