HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-10-28 . " - - ~. . - -- RESIDE L -- CO~BINATION/APPLlc ION CITY OF SPEll/GFIELD 225 :~'ORTH 5TH $':.~EE'f SPRl:1GFIE!.D, OREC.oN 97477 8uitdi.,..g DivisUr.: 726-J753 Job Location: \~\C\ Q .u If'{\. f'\\ (\ ) (j \ ~O()-t) ~-~ 0fl fED) 1981 f ~ n f"\M J. Qc) f1 \r\ f\rl \?--,\C\ ((Jl~ \rN\(\\f'l ~ ;IWl-?W~\ ~n Jll~~~~ Zip CffiCrL- Subd:.vt" sian: .4.S8::18801"8 Hap /I am... .4tidN.. City n n n --- .- J_'. . . . "",,,,,"': -......~-;, PERMIT . RECEIPr ,I f=..,.,SLlR' ~:;.. T= Lot # DBscl'iC. Wo..k Add:';' tion ~~ It is tbe responsibility of the permit holder ~ see th3t all i~pections are made at the proper readable mm the street, and tM': the permit card is located at the front of the property. 6 All manholes and eleonouts are to be adjusted ,at no cost to the City O SITE nrSPECTICN: To be made after 0 FIREPLACE: Prior to excavation. but prior to set up of materials and before fon'o..s. don. o"Ir..' .~enro<U t Contractors Namr AddH.. CDI,raL I'twnbing ~'f.4ctri oat \\'{\ \\ f\\\1\ 0 'hl Cu 0 IIschamac:t CcnJltru--tion Lander 0 UNDERSLAB PLUMBING '- tL!CT~IC."'L & 0 MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. 0 FOOTING & FOUNOATION, To be made after trenches are e:~cAvAted and forms a~ erec't~d. but prier to pouring concrete. D UNDERGROUND PLUHBUlG. SEllER. WATER. 0 DRAIlfAGE: To be made prior to fil- ling 'trenches. 0 UNDERFtOOR ?tUHBING . MECHANICAL: To be made prior to install~tion of floor insul.1t ion or decking. 0 POST & BEAM: ~o be made prior to 0 inS'tllllation of floor insulation or 4eeking. o ROUGH PLUMB!NG1 tLECTP~CAL & HECH- ANCI~L: No work is to be covered until these inspectior~ have been . made and approved. o . UseR Ezpi..e. Plum. M L\-\ ~ \ "?=- " L')-t- t\ 0 0 j:- \ l\ -:'"j -1 ~\.\ c: REQUIRED WSPECTIONS time. that each address is placing facing D fra!Ding inspeo:- WOODSTOVES: After inst:allation \ ~s completed. FR.o\HDlG: Must: be reques'ted after 0 approval of rough plumbing. electri- cal & mechanical.. All roofing, bracing G. chimneys, etc. must be completed. No work is to b. con... 0 cealed until this inspection has been made and arr.~.~J. CURB & APPROACH APRON: After fo~ are erected but prior to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK Go DRIvt7wAY: For all con- cret:e paving within stree't right~ of-way. to be cade after all exca- vating c~mplete & form work & sub- base materi31 in place. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION, To be made after aJ.l insulation and required vapor barriers are in place bu~ berore any lath. gypsum board or wall covering is applied. and beforeo any inSulation is concealed. \. -" OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance with Building Coce, to be indieate~ in rLa~~ or by no- tice from Building Inspector. DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be mde after all drywall is in p1Qce, bu't prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel beams, grouting accordance wi'th 2~1S. loc3t1on I bond cr verticals in U.B.C. Sec'tion o D All project conditions, such as the ins'ta11ation of street trees. completion of the required landscaping, etc., must be sa'tisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspec'tion must be requested a:ter the Final Plumbing E1cc~ical, and Mechanical Inspections have ~een ma4e and approved. FINAL PLUHBZNG o F!NAL ELtCT~ICAL No occupancy or the premises C~n be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and appro~ed, and a CERTIFICATE or OCCUPANCY HAS B~~ ISSUED BY THE BUILDlt~ DIVI- SION ~~D POST~D ON THE PR~ISES. ~ FINAL MECHANICAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RECUEST: Call 726-3769 (rec~rder)state your City designated job number, job adcre~s, type of inspection requested and when you will bo ready for ins~ec- tion, Contractors or Owners name and phone n~~ers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the saT.e day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day. YOUR CITY DESIGlIATED JOB NlJH~ER IS, ~ \lJ"\ \ ol 0 ?a.ge 1 of 2 -:~7..:,...t(~.~-.:'.:~::i~~'k*~~~'~'~~;:~.:~~~~~S~U~;:..;:~i:"~:~;:,;;;{~,;;:;I~~~"':::;tz.:..:..:}.~r.:~'~:;;Z:':::~?('~~~jF5t:~~~?~~~ji~%...~;~1 .:....... : ..{~. ..~ . .,_.:.;:... .,:, ~,.. , ': ;':") '..:. ,;~',~_.. . I P.:1ge 2 I , , , ,.' , h';""- lJOB MlJ}!EER 8l01lo( () I ZONE OCCUPANCY C-ROUP REFERENCE NI'MBERS TYPE.' COT<STl1.tJCTION L-COr. i! BEDROO!'!S LOt Squaro gtg. ~. ~f' Lot C01Js1'rld f;~ 0 t' S~OM.1l8 TotaL Hll'ight ':o';Jography Lot Ty,o Sotbaako IntsM.oI' Lot Faces: COl7llr P. f.. I Houa6 'Ara(lc Acc":!SiJ PanhandLe NOI'~h I Oth.,. Eas t I Sauth I . West I I ':f~" I ;\'!:ter Hea.ter I ,~a1'.ge I Poo! I EJ~ergy So:~oaes I J I I: kr t"f.l"l'_ ',t'in Sq. .='tg. Gar-'"...gs Sq. Ftg. Car;~ Sq. Ftg. A:cs:;so:oy So. F~a. Val.us FEES .:--:'':''i:'~c=a I ;';oc:.. 5;';;0. . I .;,o~.::' I I I J BUILDINt; VALvE/PERl-1!T .. D .: D 7'1t!.:s pcl'f1'lit is grant~ on tns erpr648 ,,~~i-:~n that the said construction shaH. in aL: l'f1e=ec:~, confo'!":':': to ths Ordi..'1ar.ces adapted by ths Ci.":J 0"; Sp2...;.ngfield, incl.udin,g the Zoning Ordirumcs, rB~,l.Lat{.ng ~;:.e oon- 8tr'mtion and us. of u,.liLdings, and."TaY ~s ~..lB~er.dsd 01" 1'fI"JOksd a: any tims U?O'l violati.;n of an:-' ?1'Cvi~ siens of Raid OrdinancSB. r - r - .: f I i I Plan CMck Pes Dat. Pcid Recnpt , Pflrm t CJtar:7e 8 St."!t4 SU~f!"mvut TOTAL CHA.qCES IS!/Btem D6V,1.ar:mlt1tt Ch~,7e 11.5:= Yal:"B i PlUMBINC PERMIT NO; I !"EE I CHARGE ~i:tuJ'tlB No pBrBon shaH construat~ ::nst~z.z, :%L:8:2' or change arty I1BU or er:.sting pLumbing or dr::::.nagQ SY.~sm in whotQ or in part, lDluse BUch perea!': is ~hs !Qgal. poBseSBor of a valid pbmber's Liasr08s, UCI?t tha't a psrson may do pLumbing ~'Ol"'1c: to prcr;er::-.f whi.ch is o:.mod, !saud or oporatod by tho cz;:;Eccnt. f/atBl' Service 5am.ta:r-c/ S(/IJta' SIIBTOT.4L Stat. Surchargo TOTAL CHARGES , I I I NO. I I I I ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE CHARGE SU!!TOTAL Tihsrs Stats ~, rsquirss that ths sZsotricaZ work bs dons by an Etsct:f"icaL C71ltractol"1 ti:g lI;'flDtr-:.caZ. par- ti= of thio pormit .haI~ not bo va,id until tho la- bol has balm aignsd by ths ~ctri~i. Cantrc;.::or. ThE F!.ecmcaL 5af.t;y LalJ does not rsqu-:.rll ::: ';8:'Bon to obtain a li!:ens. ae an '3uctricr:.cn ar.d./ar dllc- triea! co'ltr::zctor to maJee an sLect~cat. -:.ns:.:Ltation on prapfll'ty which is ouned by himas:l or a ....:zmbs:" of his irmtediats family which is not -:.r.:sn::sd :~;r saLe~ leaas or rant. 53. Footaae NtlIJ or e.-etensicn/Ci~.n:t Te"."rOOraJ""-l C~st!'uc:ion Stl1.t;~ Surchazoa6 TOTAL CHARr:eS I ':1''''' I I I I MECtIA.UC.u' PERMIT " FEE I I I i II I II 0 .00 I . ((j../ If{ O.WU CH!JIGE ~"!Ilt~.Jff'UrS Erhawlt Hood V.mt Fan Wood Stavo/R<ltJter SUI1rOTAL Stato Stl1'cha1'tlO TU!At. CHA!lGES ENCROACIINE!IT I 50"","- ty Ooposi t I St~_o Il,.tzinclUI'tCs IPo""';t, I tOT.'IL AHOU!lT DUE 1 I C'..IrblJUt I Sid_~k IF'fmc~ I,Iootl'i""l Labo! I PLan Ezorrri.."1n' Dat4il I HAVE C/U/EFULLY 8.TAMINED tho aomp!stod application for po""';t, and "" ;; heraby certify that all. information hBreon is trua and aOr1'Qot, and I . further oertifY that any and aH ""rk pcrf=rrod shaH be dons in aceor- I da=o "tih tho Ordi=os of tho City of Springfio!d, .nd th. Laws 'of tho ,. Stato of Ol'Ogon pol'taining to ths r.;ark dssoribod heroin, and that NO OC- = CTJPANCY "";H bo I1rItU of any otro"oturs "";thout po:omi.ssion of tho Building . : Division. I fW'th6r asr'tify that only aontractoJ"S and empLoYS88 who are _ in oompLianas wi.:h ORS 701.055 !Jill bs Wled on :hi.3 pro3BCt. 'tOTAL' AMOUtIT DUK .cI QL;; /p,. :z.'l- ~I .Jt.gnea .. Lla~6 Building DilJision appl"'trJfJd pl<vt shall rflmlZin on the Su1.lduzg Sits at aLl. times.