HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-2-21 . - ~ 6 Rcc.~pt .j - SPRI~GFIElD- /a: 3~5 .. RESlrAJTlAL.. COMEINATIONA11lrCATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 k~ .lob Loc.:ztian: /~~ A~""'~~c:::::. .-<~... V' "-;C:Z-':"_'-'-~---'1:"T\t \ A..mora Ibp' I fJ D '3 d Q~ ~ T~ Lot I 0'6 Q UU SlJxliviaion: Q.m.r: r/E'/IoAl/AI~ 5~~#/"I'-r-. Addzo...: /~t:!)~ ('?"'-.o//h./&YC ~ ~.' l?hon.:r~ ~~~ ~:>" - - - # City: ~l?P?D ~./'1>. Zip: r ........ eLMJ DBacribs Work: .n "Addhicn I~I R~ol .-:~'pp 17/4i~ ;;>-.~ ~Y.oS? . .CY~77#C-:> ~t#-7 ~~~. n ."1obi Is Hom; Dat. of APpticaticn~?-9d1 'vatu.':2 8c::>c:>. -.;;:. Contractors AaarBB3 L~sc.' E~trDB C.".Mt"-::A-.lJL eie-/'JB~::.lf'A;-~fj'>?~.f~ ~~/.:a}. f-r~r;j75"~.. Ptumbing . . ~':~: '~l) Phone t9~a!>.?Y .- Electrical ,'.fsckar.ic.:: t Sunervisina'E~ectrician It is ~M ""pDnoibiUty of ths pemt holder to se. that all. inop.ctiona are mads at ehs p~ time, t1:at each .:ddrGlJD is r.a.:4~!' f""'" tho .tJ'..t. I21Id that .th. panrrit 0GJ'd i. !..>Gated at th. fl'01lt of tlul prop.J'ty. .Sui!.di..'1g Diui:::ior: appr01:ed plan shatt rsmain on tJwJ Building SiCa at aU timGs. PR()($DU,~E POR INSPECTrON RE"QUEST: catt126C37~9 "'""o,.,w.) .tat. YOW' city d..ignat.d job ......b.J'. Job aMN.., type of in.p.ctien raquG8C4I'd ar.d w.....n !fa" ,^U b. ready fo'l' inspection, ContJoaotors OJ" a.m.r. name and pM'"' number. R4I'quceCs NC.i.Ued b.fcl'1I 1:00 a":'I .>in be ntJd. the .am. d&.y. l'Squ..ta mad. aft... 7:00 em ",,;n b. ntJd. tlul """t ""'J'king d&.y. R.~{\~-Jt T~;~~~M:~~ . 0: err! INSl'EC':'ION: To b. ma.&I. aft.,. "CtW.:rtion, but pric.,. to lh,t up of . fo,.... . UNDERSLAB PWH1JING. ELECTRICAL & HECHAlIICAL: To b" mad. bsfor6 any work is .;lotlar<<l. o o rooTINC f POUNDATICN: . To b. ntJd. aftar tNnchaB arB azcauat.d and forma a.r. .r.ctlld, but prior to pouring ccnar.C,:. U.YD'i:RCROU~D PWNrJINC, Sf:llEH. ~.lTE,~, D,QAI/JAGE: To bB trr:Ulfil prior to fil... ~ ir.g tranch.s. o D UIIDE.~PWOR PWI.$ING ~ /.IEC!lAIIICAL: To bs mad. p~r to inata'Latton of fLoor insulation or dBCking. D POST AND BEAM: To b. ntJd. P"':"J' to instaLl.::hcn of floor insulation or decking. O '1PJ.'<iR PUr.,'RI!!G. f[.eCTIJ.!CA' A MECN- ANICAL: No :JOl'1c is to bc cOl1erea ur.cit thOB. inspec:ionB have been t7kJIis and"appl"Ouad. . O PI.~EPUCE: . Prior to ptaoir.g facing mc:tanals and b.~for.. framing inspec- t1.Or.. : " . 1\71 PRAI!INC: Hurlt b. r.qu..ted af~.J' ~ approNt of rough ptwr.bing. ot.ctri- cat & macho.ni.:Gt. At! roofing bracing ~ Oh~Y8, et.:. nr"urt b6 compLetod. No work is to be con-. cflcled'untit thiD inspe"ticn has . been mad4 am! approved. lOW' City D"iiI=ted Job Numb... Ie: . ...... .~-.... O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER L'l:'~~:.'(...'~lUl': To be made aftsr all. inBul..:1ti"n a."'Id requi.red T1CZpOJ" I;arzoiers aJ"e in p lac. but before any lath, gypsum board or wU covering i. appli.d, and before any. inoulatwn is ccmc6aZed. O DRYWALL IllSPECTION: To be rrt1de after all dryuIZZ is in place, but prioJ' to GTlY taping. O HASONRY: St.d to.."t1tion, boiuI . b~ama, grou~ing or verticals in aacordancs ~th U.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTO'If:: After installation is ccmpl.et€d.. . O CURB & APPROACH AP.~N: After forms . are tJreatsd but prior to pouring ~~retfl. O SIDEflALK & DRIVEJlAI: For aU con- crete paving within stretJt ~ght- of.-wc.y, to bo mads aftllr aU uca.. voting ccrrrpZste I form L.1Ol"k & sub- base material in place. O . fENCE: l'her. compwte n Provid. gates 01" movable sections through P.U.I:. o 9/..:::'~"7 . I DEJ.fOZ-ITIO!l OR .'=Ol'!" 3iJIr.:::ICS :J Sani~ SfZU"Z' cC?PtlC ::t p:.oP~:ot"i Ur.e ~ S"pt~ tank p-.omp.:d tr."'...! ~;t:lJd :.lith ;ra:Jdt ] final.. .Int.n aDoVII iti!.~8 are c:;r.rpleted . ar.d whlln demcUtior. i, cor.J?lllt. 01" struc- tur8 moved ar.a prcrri.3.. ci.lIans:! up. I Nobi Le Hemes :J B!..>Gking I21Id s.t-"P :J Plumbing connections ... 8~er ~ wa:Sl" :J Eleotriccl Ccnn8otion - BLockir4, set-up and pLumbing conr.scticns n:"":3t .:. a??J"OVIlO before requssting sl"J:l'icaL ir.spoc:ion . :J AOCSOGOP:i Bui:df.~ ] F~L - I1ft::l" .?Ol"Cf:8S, sk:rti"f!, decks, etC. are aarrp:.~tta. o AU projeot conditions, such as tM inetallatioll 0; B:N.t tr.eB, ccmpl.Jti"n at :it# roqui,.,d Landscapi,..g, Gto., must bs sa.tisfiod bofors tJ-.. BUILDI.-:C FI.7AL .:an ;e zolqu.sud. ~PI/lAL PW/(fJINC' D. PINAL ~IIANICAL o PINAL'EU;CT.~ICAL o ~. FINAL BUILDINC,. The FinaL Building Inspdotion must bo rllqUflotll:J a.ftezo :~. Final ?lumbing EZBctrical, and MechanicaL Inspectiono haUD been mad. and approu.d. . .AU IIANHCLES AND CU;ANClITS IruST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD./USTIIE,NT To BE H.4DE 'AT NO COST TO CI~Y I P;,. of: .. :1 1.1 ob Numb~~: I Zone: ILot Sq. Ftg. ,~ ~f lot C~"erage H of Stcri.. Total H.ight jTOpography I lITEM I Main I Caraae I Caroo~t IAcce~80rll I I OCcupancy c. LOT TYPE Interior COl'7Jer Panhandl. Cul-de-sao S~.FTG TOTAC VAWE Is.D.c. eva'uc} 1.5., . . Building P8l'mit State SuPcharge Total Charg.. lITEM I Fixturos IR..idential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer I Watp.;. NO. FEE .... , ~]) Ji<ref' II1!fN'(S) Plwnbing P.rrr.i t State Surc1-.a.rgs Totat Charaos iITEftl I Res. Sa. ftfT. I NOLJ/Extsnd Circui ts I Temporary Servioe I NO. FEE I" Elo~tl'ical Permit State SurcharGe Total Char(;68 IITON I Furnace l!TU'S I E::haus t Hood .. , NO. Vent Fan W.7odstove Permit I3suanoa Me~hanic:J.l Permi t Stato Surcharae Total CharaeD -- t'NCROACHMENT -- I SOC""Iritlf D2PDsit I Stcl'ogo I/taintenanoo I pcrmit Total ChaMtlS I Curbcut ISidew.,lk I Fen~(J I Electrical Label '.Mobi lo Home I I I TOTAC AMOUNT DUE:' ..- Faes I I I I I I '.2500~': N/A I. , ::s ~ ,",0 I Inl Af) 4.31,,- _ 7[/, . I x Value CHARGE /~f~O .1~ 15.75 CHARGE . FEE CIIARCE 5'~ I ~ Refcl'er.ae Numbers: C-coc H: I [,at Face. - I I P.C. North East South I/{est Type/Cor.st: .. Bedrooms: . Ener!{1I Source8 Heat Access. Watel' Yp.ntp.r Rangs Fil'eDlace Wood3tove Tune Setbacks House Garage I, Building'Value & Permit This permit is granted on the uprsss condition that the said construotion. shatl, in all respects, oonform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating tho oonstruction and UDB of buildings, and M:1.y bs suspended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any pr.7visions of said Ordinances. ., , ,. . , .' - I .1 I I Ipl.an Check Fee:?_~, ~ i:? Date Pai.d: 2-7-4/ . IR.odpt H: L?"2.// ~ . ISigned: /' i,... . :-.'_~ ,r/.., _h_ ,_. ._ ~. . ~ ;, . " p'lumbing Permit No person shall. construct, install.. atter or change any ~ or existing pt~ing or drainago systen in 'lJhols"or in part.. unless such person is the legat possessor of a valid plwnber'8 '1,.icense.. pcept that a person may do ptumbing work to property which is owned.. leas-ed or operated by tho appti- 'cant. ~ . ~- ~ '. I ) ~ . ....,- -,. ~,. ,. .- . ....., \...... -;, .-..:' . I I I I I I I I. I I I Electrical Permit Where State Law requires that the alectrical work be done by an Electrical Controotor.. the electmal portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has baen Digned by ths Electrical Contractor. . Mechanical Permit I. P~Ie<'nmx- U(n~/1,5/7 J I HAVE CAREFUCCY eXAMINED the campl.ted application for p.rmit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct.. and I furthe'l' csrtify that any ar.d all work performed shall be done in accor-, OOnoo IJith the Ordinances of the City of SpM.ngfiotd.. and the La:Js of thG -4 State of Oregon pertaining to the work d08cribod herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be mde of any structura without po-mission of ths Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~Zy contracto'l'S and ~loyee8 who arB in compliancs with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project C(k.Q ~~ Signed o:tob. '21, I"OL Oat.