HomeMy WebLinkAboutCode Enforcement Correspondence 1988-10-7
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d'ff OF SPRINGFIELD ())flr/-rzJ. {J\ s ~LIlJ _
Office of Community & Economic Development U Planning and Development Department
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CERTIFIED LETTER @ ~ UoJi ()Y\- ~ x:.?fI WtL .
October 7, 1988
Dear Resi dent:
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Resjdent.-- 'U .~
\.1278 Olympic StreetJ~
Springfield, OR 97477
Recent complaints received by this office indicate that you are operating a
business from your residence at 1278 Olympic Street. The City of
Springfield requires that businesses operating in residential zones (your
property is zoned Low Density Residentia1l adhere to specific requirements
in order to be compatible with the character of residential neighborhoods. '
Those requirements are listed on the enclosed Home Occupation Agreement.
The Springfield Development Code requires that all legitimate home
occupations be registered with the City. The registration is a one time
process with a fee of $25. As long as no complaints are received and the
business complies with the conditions of the Home Occupation Agreement, it
will be considered a legal home occupation.
Potential problems your business might have in meeting the Home Occupation
requirements are as follows:
1. The Home Occupation standards state that there shall be no outside
storage of material.s. It is my understanding that a "bobcat" and
sometimes a backhoe are parked at the residence.
2. The standards state that mechanical equipment shall not be permitted
except that whiCh is compatible with residential purposes. The
information I have is that heavy equipment is stored at the residence..
3. The standards also state that the operation shall not create hazardous
traffic conditions or unduly burden on-street parking areas. Part of
the complaint we have received deals with problems navigating the street
when your equipment is present.
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
If you feel that meet the conditions of the agreement, fill out the
application (be very specific about the workings of your operation! and
return it to the Springfield Planning & Building Department, 225 5th Street, .
Springfield, Oregon 97477 along with the required fee (this fee is non
refundable!. Your application will be reviewed and you will be advised if
you Qualify.
If you are unable to comply with the requirements of the Home Occupation
Agreement you wi 11 need to make arrangements to relocate your busi ness to
the proper zoning district immediately.
Please contact this office to discuss this matter.
Si ncere1y,
(1, , (fA-<.-' ----;z~kv~
~~ Murdoch
Associate Planner/Code Enforcement
cc: Cynthia L. Harmon, Development Permit Coordinator
Cynthia McClenathan, Assistant to the City Manager
Office of Community & Economic Development
Planning and Development Department
October 7, 1988
1278 Olympic Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Dear Resident:
Recent complaints received by this office indicate that you are operating a
business from your residence at 1278 Olympic Street. The City of
Springfield requires that businesses operating in residential zones (your
property is zoned Low Density Residential! adhere to specific requirements
in order to be compatible with the character of residential neighborhoods.
Those requirements are listed on the enclosed Home Occupation Agreement.
The Springfield Development Code requires that all legitimate home
occupations be registered with the City. The registration is a one time
process with a fee of $25. As long as no complaints are received and the
business complies with the conditions of the Home Occupation A9reement, it
will be considered a legal home occupation.
Potential problems your business might have in meeting the Home Occupation
requirements are as follows:
1. The Home Occupation standards state that there shall be no outside
storage of materials. It is my understanding that a "bobcat" and
sometimes a backhoe are parked at the residence.
2. The standards state that mechanical equipment shall not be permitted
except that "hich is compatible with residential purposes. The
information I have is that heavy equipment is stored at the residence..
3. The standards also state that the operation shall not create hazardous
traffic conditions or unduly burden on-street parking areas. Part of
the complaint we have received deals with problems navigating the street
when your equipment is present.
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
If you feel that meet the conditions of the agreement, fill out the
application (be very specific about the workings of your operation! and
return it to the Springfield Planning & Building Department, 225 5th Street, .
Springfield, Oregon 97477 along with the required fee (this fee is non
refundable!. Your application will be reviewed and you will be advised if
you Qualify.
If you are unable to comply with the requirements of the Home Occupation
Agreement you will need to make arrangements to relocate your business to
the proper zoning district immediately.
Please contact this office to discuss this matter.
(1, , (fA-<.-' ----;z~4-c.'~
~~ Murdoch
Associate Planner/Code Enforcement
cc: Cynthia l. Harmon, Development Permit Coordinator
Cynthia McClenathan, Assistant to the City Manager
Office of Community & Economic Development
Planning and Development Department
October 7, 1988
Ms. Jeanine Stewart
P. O. Box 1444
Springfield, OR 97477
Dear Ms. Stewart:
Thank you for the copy of the letter which you sent to the City Manager
concerning your complaint regarding your neighbor at 1278 Olympic Street. I
stopped at your house on September 19th and left my card with Cecilia
Stewart. I asked her to have you call me. Since I have not heard anything
further from you I am writing you this letter.
In answer to your letter, yes, there are laws in Springfield which regulate
and in many cases prohibit operating a business in a residential
district. As you know, I had contacted the residents of 1278 Olympic Street
in June in response to your complaint. A Mrs. Jensen told me they did not
operate a business from their home. Since receiving your letter, I have
done numerous drive-by inspections of 1278 Olympic. At no time have I
observed the conditions you described in your letter. I have gone by the
property at various times during the day and on different days of the week,
but have not seen anyone operating equipment at this address. I have
however, written to the residents at 1278 Olympic Street, notifying them
that I have received another complaint and asking for an explanation of any
business they might be operating.
I will keep you informed of progress on this complaint. Please be sure to
ca 11 me at 726-3759 if 'you wi sh to di scuss the matter further.
(1-L i/t-t-<.-: 7;ia..."!.,ic-e-IV
'~:kie Murdoch
Associate Planner/Code Enforcement
cc: Cynthia McClenathan, Assistant to the City 11anager
Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney
225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 ·