HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 3/11/2009 .}'RE-SUBMI'P-7' AL DISTRIBUTION LIST: , RE~E:"u\JED \J ..",,9 . Date Distributed: 3-1\-d1 . If,':'~ II 2009 /' DavePuent-Building By:t>~- P~.. -./ Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire ./ Jon Driscoll- Traffic ,/ Matt Stouder - Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst/Chris Moorhead, Surveying. Planner, ~ J ~ U City of Springfield Development Services Departinent 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number Assigned:PRE2009-00006 Date Submitted: 3/10/2009 Proiect Name: VERIZONIEUG BALDY VIEW TOWER. . Project Description: Pre-Submittal Meeting to discuss Site Plan Review and Discretionary use for Installation of a new 65' Wireless Communication facility and ground equipment. Application Type: Site Plan Review Job Address: ".t Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1703220000904 DISCLAIMER.: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments' th~t may occur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for Development Review, Please contact our ,office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns. A Planner will be assigned tbe following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and ti,?e. P R-S lnrA -fYYlO cf . PRE..SUBMITIAL REeD lylAR 1 0 Z009 PlanJobPrintrpt 3/11/2009 7:26:46AM Pre-Submittal Meeting Development. Services Department Room 615/616 PRE~SUBMITT:A1 MEETING DATE: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 1. PRE-SUBMITIAL MTG #PRE2009-00006 (Site Plan Review) VERIZON/SUB Assessor's Map: 17-03-22-00 TL 904 Address: 3365 Game Farm Road Existing Use: Spfld Utility Board substation Applicant submitted plans install a new 65' wireless communication facility and associated ground equipment on the Spfld Utility Board Game Farm substation site. Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, March 17,2009 11:00 - noon DSD 616 Planner: Steve Hopkins P~<E.SUBM!IT;L\l REC'D MAR 1 0 Z009 . ~ iCity of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SPRINGFIELD ~*' Site Plan Review AODlicant Name: Ic.omoanv: c/o Heather Campbell Phone: Fax: Verizon Wireless 5430 NE 122nd Avenue, Portland, OR 97230 IAoolicant's Reo.: Icompanv: !Address: I Prooertv Owner: Icompanv: Sharon Gretch Phone: 541-844-5478 Technology Assodates International Corporation Fax: 541-935-0923 PO Box I Phone: . IFax: 541-746-8451 Contact: Jeff Nelson City of Spingfield, Springfield Utility Board OR IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-22 ITAX LOT NO(S): 904 I Prooertv Address: 3365 Game Farm Road, Springfield , ISize of Prooertv: 2.32 Acres cg] Sauare Feet 0 I Proposed Na.me of Project: EUG Baldy Vie"!.. l>\"rtVH"'i";"";';":';;;">$"'Z~"'''''J"'~;;''''"';:;'''=''I"i'\"%?''~';''_t~~"'d1~eiiH';''':''''''mFl,~=,,'cm,WlIil~'''''',",iH :'/ii'~"''''.Iit~'''>;)'*''>:'~;WiF;:.:dv'''':~~e%<i"''';';''''''''''mn''''ro""'"",,,:;;,,;r"""~;W;~~'_;;;;=m;;;;m;w",,,,~,,,,.,~: ~ [Description ,of If you ar~ filling in thiS, for~ by hand, please attach your proposal descrIption to this'application. Proposal: Installation of a new 651 Wireless Communication Facility and associated ground equipment. I Existing Use: Springfield Utility Board substation INew Imoervious Surface Coverage (Including Blda. Gross Floor Area): 312 sf Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the a riate box on the next Associated Applications: Signs: I Pre-Sub Case No.: PRE2.00Q:COOOIp Date: '6 -10-01 Reviewed by: ~ Icase No.: Date: Reviewed by: IAPPlication Fee: $ ?:>L\ loOO ITechnical Fee: $ . ~ I Postage Fee: $-e-- ~ j . 1~~~~~;a".2i~~__,,"___.__.~,?l~=.E:~~~22.~~~,,, pf(t.~L1~M!l i,~L f<K'D Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian . . 1 of 10 MAR 1 0 2009 . , Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature ,^!i11 not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. Owner: Si9~~- Date:. 11" rr~ 5 7~ J Jeff Nelson, Springfield Utility Board Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm theinformation,identifjed by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be proVided if not"otherwise contained within the submittal, and 'the City may: begin processing the application wit~ the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: Signature Jeff Nelson, Springfiel?, Utility Board Print PRE-SlIBMIITAl REC'D 1\'1AR 1 0 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . VICINITY MAP PRE2009-00006 3365 Game Farm Road ~ I OCL.'-Ut<lE-Ru I . r PRE.SUBMl1iAL REC'D ,MAR 1 0 2009 ~ ~ \~ SITE Map 17-03-22-00 Tax Lot 904 . + North ~ ~,~.~ "' SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD .\1,\1:-'; OFI'I<.;E 250 A Street. PO Box 300 Springfield, OR 97477-0077 Tel 541.746.8451 Fax 541,746.0230 TDO 541.744.3659 www.subutll,c:om March 4, 2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 5111 Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: EUG Baldy View: Cell Tower Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal SUB's signature on the Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal for a telecommunications tower on SUB property is being done at the request of Verizon Wireless and their agent, Technology Associates International, for the expressed purpose of complying with the City of Springfield land use application requirements. Verizon has approached SUB to build a telecommunications tower on property currently used as a substation (tax lot 17-03-22-00-00904) and SUB is in ongoing discussions with Verizon Wireless regarding their proposal. Springfield Utility Board "SUB", as property owner, has signed a Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal in order for Verizon (and their agents) to conduct a review of materials gathered to date and seek input from the City on a more formal Site Plan Review Submittal and any other land use application requirements. SUB staff will be presenting the telecommunications tower proposal to SUB'sHoard of Directors for their consideration. The current plan is to provide a review the proposal to SUB's Board at the April 2009 board meeting. Any further land use applications by SUB other than the Pre- Submittal would be contingent on the outcome of the Board's direction on this project. Springfield Utility Board has an existing Discretionary Use approved for the tax lot in question (Jo. No. 96-06-118) and much of the lot contains SUB's Gateway Substation. This substation use would be an ongoing use and SUB would appreciate the City direct any comments on SUB's approved Discretionary Use to me at (541) 744-3779. Sincerely, ~~, PRE-SUBM!1TAL REC'D 1,j,~\R 1 a 2009 Jeff Nelson Springfield Utility Board r ~.. ver'mDwireless Technology"AssOtiates International CQrpotetlon VERIZON WIRELESS TYPE III REVIEW for EVG Baldy View Submitted to the City of Springfield Planning Department March 10, 2009 I. GENERAL INFORMATION. Landowner: City of Springfield 250 'A' Street, Springfield, OR Applicant: Verizon Wireless c/o Heather Campbell 5430 NE 122nd Avenue, Portland, OR 97230 Tax ID Number: Sharon Gretch, Technology Associates International Corporation PO Box 953, Veneta, OR 97487 Mobile: (541) 844-5478 17-03-22-00-00904, 2.32 Acres I Agent: Current Zoning: Medium Density Residential (MDR) 3365 Game Farm Road, Springfield, OR97477 Address of Project: Current Use: ~pringfie]d Utility Board power substation. II. PROPOSAL A. Project Description Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC d/b/a Verizon, Wireless, is requesting approval to install a wireless .communication facility (WCF) on private residential land loc"!ted in Springfield, OR. The applicant is proposing to establish a WCF within a 40' x 30' fenced area consisting of a 65'foot monopole with antennas flush mounted at two levels (55'and 65') on the pole and a 12' x 26' pre- fabricated equipment shelter. The enclosure will be surfaced with gravel, with all plant materials removed. The lease area will be surrounded by a six-foot cyclone fence and three strands of barbed wire for security purposes. The fenced area will be surrounded by a new landscape buffer and will be accessed by an existing drive off Game Farm Road'. Great care and expense has been taken by the applicant, Verizon Wireless, IB ,design the facility to meet or exceed all applicable Code Criteria, and minimize the perceived Visu~~;i(ripact of this site3. . . 1 See, Title Report, Deed & Assessors plat map w/site location, attached ~s Exhibit I. 2 See, Architectural Drawings, attached as Exhibit 2. 3 See, Photo simulations, attached as Exhibit 3. P,.,.. f.' ""'/"""f I ''In'''"D ,"l~""",,',/~E)~l!d hJq b::~l\_~ I \ too ti'r... ,.~ .^ ,. h '.."~ ",.,,,","'" MAR 1 0 Z009 VERIZON WIRELESS DISCRETIONARY ApPROVAL - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD EVe - BALDY VIEW . Page 2 B. Svstem Information Verizon Wireless is upgrading and expanding its physical system network throughout Oregon. Upon completion of this update, Verizon Wireless will operate a state of the art digital network of wireless communication sites throughout Oregon, and in connection with other nationwide Verizon Wireless market areas. Technology Associates International Corporation (TAlC) is responsible for the development and redevelopment of many of the Verizon Wireless sites and provides a broad range of professional services; including program management, land use planning, site acquisition, construction management, and technical services. TAlC, on behalf of Verizon Wireless, has submitted this application. The need for specific service is determined by market demand, capacity requirements for a specific geographic area, and the need to provide continuous coverage from one site to another in a particular geographic region. Once the need for additional capacity or enhanced coverage in a particular area has been established, Verizon Wireless Radio Frequency (RF) engineers identify a target area ("search ring") to locate a new facility. The required site location and antenna height is determined by an engineering study" This study evaluates radio signal propagation over the desired coverage area based on topography, geographic features and possible signal attenuation due to seasonal changes in vegetation. It is desirable to have direct line of sight from the base station antennas to the required coverage objectives. This proposed development would allow Verizon Wireless to continue to provide the needed service to the CitY of Springfield and surrounding area. It is crucial for Verizon Wireless to have adequate coverage in this area in order to serve customers in cqmpliance with its FCC license regulations. C. Network Overview Since their introduction, wireless telecommunications systems have proved to be an ,invaluable communications tool in the event of emergencies (traffic accidents, fires, etc.) and natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, etc.) where normal land line communiCations are often disrupted, overlooked, or inaccessible during and after an event has occurred. This service and similar technology are, utilized by numerous governmental and quasi-governmental agencies that provide emergency service. Wireless telecommunications systems, including cellulai telephones, have also proved to . be invaluable tools in business communications and everyday personal use. In this sense, wireless telecommunications system networks have proved to be desirable in the interest of public convenience, health, safety, arid welfare. .. . . Wireless communication is accomplished by linking a network of radio wave transmitting devices such as portable and car phones, to the conventional telephone system through a series of short- range, contiguous cells. Similar to a honeycomb pattern, a' wireless system is composed of many neighboring and interconnecting cells called, "cell sites," covering specific geographical areas. Each cell site contains transmitting/receiving antennas and radio transmitting equipment. As a customer enters one cell and exits another, the call is transferred between the cells by a computer at the main switch station. Calls are transmitted or received on a cell phone, PDA or other wireless devices as each cell site share a fixed number of frequencies on the network grid. A caller may initiate a call 4 See, Letter from RF Engineer, Mark Tuttle, attached as Exhibit 4. This document details the existing and anticipated . coverage from the site proposed herein and alternate locations that were rejected. Areas shown in red,tlu:o~yellQw . indicate ideal coverage; green through dark blue is unacceptable coverag~ as it is weak and degradecft(~"~Ur;;rV~ri r~~~~L "".""U" to,' :"c I. ~ .,',J"y MAR 1 0 2009 VERlZON WIRELESS DISCRETIONARY ApPROVAL - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD EUG - BALDY VIEW . . Page 3 from within the radius of one cell antenna, as the caller travels through the network, the call is transferred from one cell to the next, thus enabling continuous, uninterrupted transmission. Wireless technology operates on a line of sight, as such, the antennas must be mounted high enough to overcome. challenges posed by local topography, existing vegetation, avoid interference with other wireless infrastructure, and surrounding structures/development The distance between cell sites will normally range from y" mile to 9 miles, depending on the population density, consumer usage, existing vertical elements, and the geographical terrain. The required height for antennas is , usually proportional to a combination of the distance each cell site can service and the customer demand within their sphere of influence. Typical placement for antennas is on freestanding towers, guyed towers, and lattice or self-support .towers. Antennas can also be placed on rooftops, integrated into the building's architecture, and other building features if the structure has sufficient height to meet the needs of the service area. Wireless facilities located throughout the service area are intended to provide seamless call coverage, capacity ard.quality to its network. The following are some of the basic types of cell sites: Coveraae sites serve to expand coverage in large areas or in areas with difficult terrain and to enhance coverage for portable systems. Coverage sites allow users to make and maintain calls as they travel between cells. CaDacity sites serve to increase the capacity when surrounding sites have reached their practical channel limits. . As the years pass, the number of subscribers increases exponentially creating a strain on the existing network. In order to alleviate this strain, capacity sites are implemented into the systems network to accommodate the increase in customer demand. D. Site Information The subject property is zoned MDR and is currently utilized by the Springfield Utility Board for a power substation. The proposed lease area is vacant and near several evergreens that provide . natural camouflage for the communications facility.. The area will be surfaced with gravel, with minimal plant materials removed. Underground utilities will be run to the lease site and the existing driveway wili be extended. to the area. The surrounding area is a mixture of undeveloped parcels, residential homes, churches, medical care providers and commercial properties including the Sacred Heart Medical Center at River Bend. Unlike other land uses, which can be spatially determined through the General Plan or other land . use plans, placement and implementation of wireless telecommunications facilities are based. on technical requirements, which include service area, geographical elevations, alignment with neighboring sites and customer demand. Site selection within the .rural or urban .environment is dependent upon these requirements, as well as, tr!l availability of property within the geographical area, and willing property owners who will allq.Jv !heincorporation of an unmanned wireless telecommunications facility on their property. '11 ! Wireless telecommunication facilities are built adjacent to and within all major land use categories including residential, commercial, industrial, open space, ek. proving to be cqmpatible in a variety of situations. Wireless facilities are unmanned, have no impact on existing circulation systems, generate no noise, odor, smoke, or any other adverse impacts to adjacent land uses. Wireless facilities will allow commuters and residents within the coverage area wireless access to the rapidly expanding communications infrastructure by providing voice and data transmission services not S-C~!~ t::~ FF, f~:i'T/'t_; ;<~,F qj~ r t" """..".",..,.' I~",r." U 't.rn ~W-',,'r'-':\. ,,; '.l:~ I\F::-V MAR 1 0 2009 VERIZON WIRELESS DISCRETIONARY ApPROVAL - CITY OF SPRiNGFIELD EUG - BALDY VIEW Page 4 currently available by other systems. Wireless telecommunications facilities operate in full compliance with all state and federal regulations as provided by the Telecommunications Act of 1996. E. Federal Reaulations Verizon Wireless is a registered public utility, licensed and regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Verizon will comply with all FCC rules governing construction requirements, technical standards, interference protection, power and height limitations, and radio frequency standards. In addition, the company will comply with all Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules on site locations and operation. Power levels emitted by the transmitters to be used at the proposed cell site are considered low- powered. The license the applicant has received .from the FCC limits each of the cell sites to 100- Watts Effected Radiated Power (ERP) or less. The equipment used by the applicant will generate 100-Watts ERP or less and therefore complies with the FCC license requirements. Further, FCC regulation of radio transmissions mandates that the proposed facility shall not interfere with surrounding properties or their uses. The FCC has determined that the power levels emitted by wireless communications facilities (less than an average light bulb -100 watts) is well below the minimum safety standards established for continuous exposure to Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF). The extremely low output of power from the proposed facility, in conjunction with FCC regulation, will ensure there is no interference with surrounding properties electronic equipment, 2-way radio transmissions, computers, satellite antennas, televisions and telephone transmissions. F. Benefits to the Communitv Wireless technology will provide many benefits to the residents, businesses, and motorists that travel or live near the proposed project site. These benefits include: . Quick access to 911 Emergency, even in remote regions, allowing motorists to summon emergency aid and report dangerous situations. . Support for emergency services by providing wireless communications access to paramedics, firefighters, and law enforcement agencies that use this technology. . A backup system to the land line telephone services in the event of power outages, natural or man-made disasters. . . 'The ability to transmit data over the airwaves allowing for immediate access to vital information to emergency services. . . Provide quality wireless communications including voice, paging, and digital data capabilities for email, facsimile and Internet access. . Enhance the communications systems of residents and business around the project coverage area. , ~~r ,..,,,, "='1 !!rCiD f.,101"]p I;"".~.,,';i".;)~l~\.'. .'..~~ ' '~l(b n~hn>VH ( J'V", "'~",, . IMAR 1 G 2009 ,-- VERIZON WIRELESS DISCRETIONARY ApPROVAL - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD EUG - BALDY ViEW Page 5 III. ApPLICABLE CRITERIA Code Section 4.3-145 permits this type of development via a Type III review process. TAlC on behalf of Verizon Wireless is submitting this narrative and Site Plans for review by the Planning Department prior to application for a Building Permit 4.3-145 Wireless Telecommunications Systems Facilities . The siting and review process for WTS facilities is based on the type of facility (monoDole, stealth design or collocation) and its proposed location in a Preferred Site (SHI, HI, LMI, QMO or PLO Districts), Acceptable Site (CC or CI Districts or BKMU Plan District) or Conditionallv Suitable Site (NC, MRC, GO, LOR, MDR and HDR Districts or MS, HD, HS, WG, FP, UF-10 or H Overlay Districts). . A: The development review process for wireless telecommunications systems (WTS) facilities is as follows: , 1. Building and Electrical Permits Only (Type I Review). a. An attached WTS facility (existing structure, including collocation on cell tower) on a Preferred Site, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land line switching/connection equipment b. A detached WTS facility (monopole designed for collocation) on a Preferred Site, set back from all property lines a distance equal to or greater than the height of the tower, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land line switching/connection equipment c. A detached, stealth design WTS facility on a Preferred Site not abutting residential districts, observing all setback and height limits of the underlying zone, and all setback limits of the underlying zone unless it is. demonstrated that locating the proposed facility within the required setback area will take advantage of an existing. natural.or artificial feature to conceal the facility or minimize its visual impacts, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS I~nd line itching/connection equipment d.. An attached WTS facility on an Acceptable Site, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land line itching/connection . equipment . e. ' A WTS facility, including antennas and switching/connection equipment to land lines, affixed to an existing utility pole, but no higher than 10 feet above the height of the pole. FindinC1: . The site proposed herein does not comply with a Type I review as it is identified as a monopole within a Conditionally Suitable Site that exceeds the underlying zone height requirements. IlJj\/b"q {.~\i;r;Ti.,! 'I~}~('T~ . u.. '.J~/ i;d'... H ~ U .v;~ ','~ 'i~ V MAR 1 0 2009 VERIZON WIRELESS DISCRETIONARY ApPROVAL - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD EUG - BALDY VIEW Page 6 2. Site Plan Review (Type II Review). In addition to Subsection 1. above, the following standards apply: a. A detached, stealth design WTS facility on a Preferred Site, that abuts a residential district, but is not set back a distance equal to'or greater than the height of the structure, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land line switching/connection equipment, unless it is demonstrated that locating the proposed facility within the required setback area will take advantage of an existing natural or artificial feature to conceal the facility or minimize its visual impacts. b. A detached, stealth design WTS facility on an Acceptable Site, observing all . height limits of the underlying zone, and all setback limits of the underlying zone, unless it is demonstrated that locating the proposed facility within the required setback area will take advantage of an existing natural or artificial feature to conceal the facility or minimize its visual impacts, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land line switching/connection equipment. c. An attached WTS facility on a Conditionally Suitable Site, no higher than 10 feet above the existing structure, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land line switching/connection equipment. d. A detached, stealth design WTS facility on a Conditionally Suitable Site, observing all height limits of the underlying zone and all setback limits of the underlying zone, unless it is demonstrated that locating the proposed facility within the required setback area will take advantage of an existing natural or artificial feature to conceal the facility or minimize its visual impacts, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land line switching/connection equipment. e. All detached WTS facilities, on any site, within 1,000 feet of an existing detached WTS facility. 1. All detached WTS facilities 50 feet or taller, on any site, and not designed or intended for collocation.. Findina: The site proposed herein does not comply with a Type II review as it is identified as a monopole within a Conditionally Suitable Site that exceeds the underlying zone height requirements. 3. Discretionary Approval (Type III R!l.yiew). In addition to the standards specified in Subsections 1. and 2. above, the following;standards also apply: if; a. All WTS facilities in the Willamette River Greenway Overlay District. Findina: The site proposed herein is not within the Willamette River Greenway Overlay District. f]fj,f: C~I~f~fi;'nf1[\ r;~.r\\iJf' I 'c. 0.'"""",.,:, "~,!. I.:.'~L i~,... V~.'''''''' ,1.., """ '.,..""'" MAR.1 (l 2009 . VERlZON WIRELESS DiSCRETiONARY ApPROVAL - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD EUG - BALDY VIEW Page 7 b. All wrs facilities that exceed the height limit of the underlying zoning district on any site, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing wrs land line switching/connection equipment, unless height limit provisions are exempted elsewhere in this Code. Findina: The monopole proposed herein exceeds the 35' height limit of the underlying zone (MDR). c: All detached non-stealth design wrs facilities on any site abutting a residential district when the height of the structure exceeds the height limit of the residential district and the setback of the wrs facility is less than the height qfthe structure, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing wrs land line switching/connection equipment. Findina: The site proposed herein abuts a residential district (MDR) to the west, exceeds the 35' height limit; however, the tower is over 80' from the west property line. d. All detached wrs facilities on any site located within 1,000 feet of an existing wrs facility that was designed to accommodate multiple users and that has space available. Findina: There are no other sites located within 1,000 feet of the proposed site location. e. All detached WTS facilities located within Public Street or railroad rights-of- way where the actual location of the proposed WTS facility immediately abuts residential districts. Findina: The site proposed herein is not located within a Public Street or railroad right-of-way. f. Lattice towers in any zoning district. Findina: A lattice tower is not being proposed. ~-~ fl'-' ,.--,., - '-,,"'t, .... '1"1;::...",-,,1. ~""'-'''~D. "r'"'''' '" ..J;"ill~r.~hr I.q . -,. eo,. '" '" ~1.' b' !. ,c,., ~ . -. ~ """ -I..."".: '.~ ' ~ I ; ,; '> : "1'.,.,.,,,", 10 fIR 1 P, ?OUnO ,1-1.. ..!l. \, "._ .,.J VERIZON WIRELESS DISCRETIONARY ApPROVAL - CITY OF SPRlNGFIELD EUG - BALDY VIEW Page 8 1. WTS facilities in the Historic Overlay District subject to the applicable provisions of Section 3.3-900 and other Sections of this Code. Findina: The site proposed herein is not located with a Historic Overlay District. 4. Prohibited WTS Facilities. a. Any WTS facility, other than whip antennas and switching/connection equipment mounted on existing poles, in the Historic Overlay District. b. Any WTSfacility in the public right-of-way that severely limits access to adjoining property, which limits public access or use of the sidewalk, or which constitutes a vision clearance viola~ion. c. Any detached WTS facility taller than 150 feet above finished grade at the base of the tower. Findina: The site propos!ld herein is not located in.the Historic Overlay District or within a public right-of-way and will not exceed 150 feet above finished grade. B. Standards for siting WTS facilities are as follows: 1. All WTS facilities shall observe minimum lot/parcel size, lot/parcel coverage, building height and building setback standards of the underlying zoning district unless specifically exempted or otherwise regulated by this Section. Underground facilities may encroach upon required yards or may be placed in appropriate easements. Findina: The site proposed meets or exceeds all standards. 2. All WTS facilities shall be landscaped at the base of towers/poles, and completely around equipment shelters. Lighting of towers shall be as required by the FAA All other lighting shall be deflected away from adjoining property. findina: The perimeter of the site will be landscaped as per page L 1.0 in the architectural drawings. 'PT~E";;UF~v~n'f/\I" R~C;D Nit,R 1 Q 2.009 VERIZON WIRELESS DISCRETIONARY ApPROVAL - CITY qF.SPRINGFIELD EUG - BALDY ViEW Page 9 3. Any wrs facility sited on, or designed with any of the following attributes shall first receive FCC approval, as specified in FCC Rules 1.1301 through 1.1319, as a conditionof City approval, prior to construction: Wilderness Area; Wildlife Preserve; Endangered Species; Historic Site; Indian Religious Site; Flood. Plain; Wetlands; High Intensity V\lhite Lights in Residential Neighborhoods; Excessive Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure. .Findina: This criterion does not apply. C. Application requirements for wrs facilities are as follows: 1. wrs providers whose proposal conforms to the provisions of Subsection A.1., above requiring building and el~ctrical permits only shall submit the following information with the application for permits: a. A copy of that portion of the lease agreement (or lease memo) with the property owner, that includes collocation provisions (where applicable), facility removal within 90 days of abandonment, and a bond to guarantee removal shall be submitted for review prior to development permit approval. Findina: A copy of the draft lease is enclosed herein as Exhibit 5. The lease does not . preclude collocation and Paragraph 14 of ~he lease address the removal of the facility. The lease is still under negotiation and one ofthe deal points agreed to by Verizon includes allowing a municipal entity to cOllocate.,on the tower. A bond for tower removal shall be submitted prior to permit approval. b. A signed statement from the applicant agreeing to allow collocation on the applicant's structure (where applicable). Findina:. . The lease is still under negotiation and one of the deal points agreed to by Verizon includes allowing a municipal entity to collocate on the tower. c. A map of the City showing the approximate geographic limits of the "cell" to be created by the facility. This map shall include the same information for all other facilities owned or operated by the applicant within the City, orextending within the City from a distant location, and any Elx;~ting detached wrs facilities of another provider within 1,000 feet of the prop'?~ed site. . ; . Findina:. See Exhibit 4, attached herein. r,~- ,'",,' "TI'. --n ':"(J;; ~'-'~l,:;~,~j'r'.:v rh s- iD i'~l~6'"1)1)~;,:~iH ~ ~,;~~~ F~t~ fviAR 1 () ZOO~l VERIZON ATIRELESS DISCRETIONARY ApPROVAL - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD EUG - BALDY VIEW Page 10 d. An engineer's analysis/report of the re~ommended site location area for the proposed facility. If an existing structure approved for collocation is within the area . recommended by the engineer's report, reasors for not collocating shall be provided demonstrating at least one of the following deficiencies: i. The structure is not of sufficient height to meet engineering requirements; ii. The structure is not of suffiCient structural strength to accommodate the WTS facility; III. Electromagnetic interference for one or both WTS facilities will result from collocation; or iv. The radio frequency coverage objective cannot be adequately met. Findina: See Exhibit 4, attached herein. There are no sites within the. area that are available for collocation. e. A plot plan showing: the lease area; antenna structure; height above grade and setback from property lines; equipment sheliers and setback from property lines; access; connection point with land line system; and all landscape areas intended to screen the'WTS facility. Findina: See architectural drawings attached herein as Exhibit 2. f. The method of stealth design (where applicable). Findina: Not applicable. g. An engineer's statement that the RF emissions at grade, or at nearest habitable space when attached to an existing structure complies with FCC rules for these emissions; the cumulative RF emissions if collocated. Findina: See NIER Report attached herein as Exhibit 6. h." A description of the type of service offered (including, but not limited to: voice, data, video) and the consumer receiving equipment. findina: See NIER Report attached herein as Exhibit 6. 1-:fiC' r.'"., '''C-T' "- -"l~'b,.,.'\.1g..~;~1'fi-~"t:I'~ Dc;."'- ';D .,6 ,,,.h!:I)~~'f','~r' t !'::};~ " MAR 1 () 2009 VERIZON WIRELESS DlSCRETIO.NARY ApPROVAL - CIT'y 'oF SPRINGFIELD EUG - BALDY VIEW Page 11 i. Identification of the provider and backhaul provider, if different. Findina: . Qwest j. Provide the RF range in megaHertz and the wattage output of the equipment. Findina: 880 -,890 MHz 1965 -1970 MHz . 100 Watts 40 Watts Total wattage = 140 Watts k. Provide the facilities maintenance schedule. Findina: Typical maintenance occurs once a month. I. Provide the zoning and Metro Plan designation of proposed site. Findina: Zoned: MDR Metro Plan:MDR m. Provide any required FAA determination. . Findina: A FAA determination has been requested but not received to, date. Attached as Exhibit 7 is the TOWAIR decision showing that the structure does not require registration. 2. wrs providers whose proposals conforms with the provisions of Subsection A2., above requiring Site Plan Review approval shall submit, in addition to the requirements of Section 5.17-120, the following information. a. Items a. through d. and f. through m. in Subsection C.1., above. b. Photo simulations of the proposed wrs facility from the 4 cardinal compass points and/or abutting right-of-way, whichever provide the most accurate . representation of the proposed facility from a variety of vantage points. Findina: . Photo simulations are attached herein as Exhibit 3. - --,.... r."~ ~ ~ r ,.:;- r, ~ r:" II'- f(:", ,~~ 'F:tu~i~i:t~ I . ~ LJ . 'I" "',~",_",,"..,<."~, ,.~ I,!'~ii-.J.,., ''''' '.... ,...,. 'I' ;..' , ",' .~- . ...... MAR 1 0 i009 r-' VERIZON WIRELESS DISCRETIONARY ApPROVAL - CITY OF SPRiNGFIELD EUG - BALDY VIEW Page 12 c. The distanc~ from the nearest WTS facility and nearest collocation'site. Findina: Based on the FCC database, the closest WTS facility is 3.5 miles southwest owned and operated by Cingular. This site is too distant and is not a viable collocation location. 3. WTS providers whose proposals conform with the provisions of'Subsection A.3., above requiring Discretionary Use approval shall submit the following information: a. Items 1-3 in Subsection C.2., above. b. Responses to the following Discretionary Use criteria: i. An engineer's statement demonstrating the reasons why the WTS facility shall be located at the proposed site (including, but not limited to: . . . service demands, topography dropped coverage); ii. An engineer's statement demonstrating the reasons why the WTS facility shall be constructed at the proposed height; and Findina: See Exhibit 4, attached herein. III. Verification of good faith efforts made to locate or design the proposed WTS facility to qualify for a less rigorous approval process (building permit .or site plan approval). , Finding: ' No viable collocation facilities are located within 3 miles:: of the site proposed herein nor are any structures of sufficient height to. meet the coverage objectives. The site proposed herein is designed to provide the minimal impact on the surrounding area by proposing the minimal height necessary, by locating it near existing vertical elements and flush mounting the antennas to the pole. IV. CONCLUSION' Based on the information provided in and with this document the request of Verizon Wireless should be approved. The site proposed herein has been designed to have minimal impact on the surrounding and.abutting parcels and complies with the applicable criteria. Further, the proposal shall enhance basic community functions and provide an essential community service. All applicable approval criteria have been met. [W~~: ~f l~r,Dt-n'-rJ r::~~('.~~LJ'~ f."Ji:," l~'''',ol: !'! ;:11,'1,-, ,,,,,,10 .' " .,\.. .' ': r ~ .,. ,",,' _ ~ ,:., \~ -."', ' . ,~, ',"Ie<" MAR .1 (j Z009 .~. From: To: STOUDER Matt "sharon.o retch({i)taic. net": Verizon Wireless Stormwater Seeping Sheet Friday, February 27,20091:41:27 PM Subject: Date: Hi Sharon, As we discussed on the telephone today (2/27/2009), I do not see the need for a. stormwater scoping sheet for your site based upon the proposed scope of work (new cell tower and.generator). Thanks, Matt Stouder, P E Supervising Civil Engineer City of Springfield, Engineering Division Ph (541) 736-1035 Fax (541) 736-1021 mstouder@ci.springfieldor.us P. ::;'!;:nSi lHfV]ml~\! R,~EC'D ,,\1.,,. ~J"Y ..(, 'r .., ~~. .."."", .- MAR 1 [) 2.009 --, . Page 1 March 9, 2009 ..'" . verl70llwireless 5430 NE 122"d Avenue Portland, OR 97230 March 9, 2009 Greg Mott City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ,-,-,!,.. ['-." ......;... [":"-7",;' f"~.""l;7'1 . ,='t~i:"~U;;;V;;: ~~~~ 1'.~~~ LJ tviA~ 1 0 Z009 Greg Mott: This letter is in regards to a potential site, EUG Baldy View, located at 3365 Game Farm Road, Springfield, OR 97477. Verizon Wireless currently provides wireless service in the cities of Springfield, Eugene, and the surrounding areas, however, there are gaps and weak areas within the coverage foot print. As service and customer trouble tickets are evaluated, Verizon Wireless tracks the areas and the circumstances. The area of norther!) Springfield has been brought to our attention due to the large businesses, the hospital and medical care providers. These large structures are inherently unfriendly to wireless signals and impede users within these buildings from accessing wireless services. Referring to a drive test of the Current Coverage Plot in Figure1, the Red through Yellow represents Excellent to Good Cellular Service for in- building signal. The Green through Dark Blue represents poor to very weak signal and degraded service levels . With the growth that has occurred, and continues to occur, in northem Springfield and with the coverage complaints received, Verizon Wireless began the process of finding a location for a new site to meet our customer's needs. . . Design Criteria and Results When designing coverage for an area, existing towers and buildings are considered first. Verizon Wireless will attempt to utilize these existing sites and structures. However, if adequate coverage cannot be obtained, new towers will be proposed. This type of design standard reduces dropped call and access failures that customers routinely experience with cellular networks. Following this method the area with coverage issues was researched for existirig towers for collocation. No existing towers within a viable range were discovered. Without any existing towers to collocate upon, locations for new towers were researched. Four potential locations/alternates were determined. All four. altemates were modeled to make our initial assessment. From these models we determined A1temates 1 and 2, located 1 .~ / . Page 2 March 9, 2009 on International Way, could be treated as the same location and that We could proceed by testing Alternates 2, 3, and 4: With potential candidates chosen, utilizing a crane to elevate a transmitter to the desired heights, we can approximate the resulting coverage by driving the area in question and log the signal strength received from the transmitting antenna.. The drive tests for alternates 2 (International Way) and 4 (Pheasant Blvd) are plotted in Figures 2 and 3. When we evaluated these two locations, it became apparent that Alternate 2 (Figure 2) lacked the signal strength needed to provide the flexibility needed within the existing network. Alternate 4 (Figure 3) provided too much. signal and was located such that the overlap received from it into near by sites would not be containable and would increase capacity issues. Figures 4 and 5 are of two tests perfonned at Alternate 3, the site proposed herein. Figure 4 is of the transmitting antenna raised to 60 feet, and the test perfonned in figure 5 was with the antenna raised to 75 feet. After comparing these plots, Alternate 3 was found to be the best option, fitting into the current network by providing signal where it is needed, yet remaining the most confined to the area in need. Due to the importance of the signal source being raised above the immediate structures, from the drive tests in Figures 4 and ,5, we found it necessary for all of the antennas to have tip-heights above 55 feet: Multiple frequencies require multiple antennas, in this case 2 per face. In order to minimize visual impact the antennas will be flush mounted to the pole. Flush mounting each frequency requires two antenna centerlines on the tower, one at 55' and one at 65'. Combining the two requirements, we found the tower must be 65 feet. Summary Having reviewed the several locations available and the corresponding drive tests, we found . that Alternate 3 at a tower height of 65 feet meets the signal and data needs of Verizon Wireless's customers within northern Springfield. Sincerely, .h ~-:AV"' Mark Tuttle RF Engineer r :-'., .,,~ ~~,~.r:'I:'T,;"; "'"";.:-l,.....;~ ._";l::-.,~,.,,,h:".':".I'il'l'.- !..,~~, lJ I" r~i.. "'\Ji..!'i,:'tiJ;H ;;:";,1,. l~,~i",.- Iv1AR 1 () 2009 2 . Page 3 ,March 9, 2009 '" , Current Coverage - 2126/2009 Figure 1 '.' \ ' \ \ ' ,. ~..""' . 'L?- ~:''- :.. ,~. " ~" ' ,,, . '.) ",.,1' ,~, I,: :".1.,;. ,-1.,)1 ~".~. \. I ~.,;,.",.",,,- . " " . . . , . .' .:'. ," , ' . 2CCeC€04p1217CCCO_ BakjyV iaw _Ah2J! " Balow .105.co (0) . ,= . 105.(XHo < ,100.00 (0) . ;w= -100.00 t~ <.: .95.00 {3) Cl >= .95.00 to < ,90.00 (246) 8 ;0= ~90.00 to <.: .85.CO (644) >= -85.00 to < .80.00 (725) . >= .80,00 to < ,75.00 (396) . Aoo.e-75.oo (430) ',", -'f ~ 4(J " . ..' .t {,,':. - c. ;;'~'~' :.~:"7>'- r:!:~j~~,.,':j ;;; ~;,;::';f ~.;' l ~t.b \h.Hii~d~ ~""'.\ L~~~t",} l..) MAR 1 (j ZG09 3 '. ..Page4 March 9, 2009 EUGBaldyView-Alt2- 75ft Figure 2 ~.-= ," ;~. '.' ,.j, , , . .' .'..',~ ': 20000604p12170C100~S.llyV... _A112]5. '" s.lcw -11:6.00(1) . ;.= -105.00 to 0:: -10000 (2) o =-100.0010 <-95.00(32) . = -95.00 to < .00.00 (189) o =.9J.001o<.85.00 (532) ". >; .ffi.OO to < .8(100 (fall . >=-aJ.001o<.-75.00(294). . Abare -75.00 (894) <'"'" 0<...' . , "^' ,-.,..,-' " ,.' ,'i~ .' , .' , ."'~. " ;- "----/ , " ....(). '.-1., t ""', I~.:I:...'.:.' "'.;' . .'., -,:" ,;:;. , t' '. L_ ..___.....,J.\:c..... '- 1..'fY. c.'f;.,:, ,J",,',,",,,' ~.; ;. _,' ,.~, r. :r 'hb. \('ki~;i~ ~i ~ ";ii ;~ OJ;)'. '-,' . I.""""" li!AR 1 0 Z009 . 4 i . Page 5 March 9, 2009 o EUG Baldy View - AIt4 -1 OOfl Figure 3 \,~' ..,':..,-.':.. ; ..' ,,' ',. ,-., ,~ ,,"'::.::.:J 20000527pl607<XXXl_BaldyViaw _AlIA ill ~ -105.00 (0) .7=-105..00tD<.HX)JX)(1) o ...= -100.00 to <. -SQ..DO (3) 0=-95.0010< -9:l.O0(16) 0=.90.0010< -ffi.OO(43) ;0; -85.0010 <. -8100 (156) . = -80.00 10 < - 15.00 (225) . Alx>r. -75.00 ('5S6) ~ '\"".'~ ~,.., '...'-' ','~ -.,,' ' . . '. ,_ ...' <.'1 ';' .~. . ", .j'. ,,- . " ., " ,'" - ~ . ", ,,'.f\.. :. ( \. '--/ ~ ." .,. .~:' i ~ :-1. :~ - ~i ~ r-T~E~SU~:'~V~;'1f: . '. '~'l'i \.;J U MAR 1 0 Z009 5 . Page 6 March 9, 2009 r.::J EUGBaldyView -AIl3 - 60ft ~\~~- I "~ I I .\ ......~..~~. ,~-'\ '---'~ -( ~""'-' ,J" \\~ - " i~ \ \. '-..I r:/ , \\. , I, I ..---, i'i '~ "\ \ l l ' . '"' .'\ . ~ \. '."''' .-", I". \;\\. .', "I ' \\, . .. Figure 4 \.\t> , :i_. =27p11230lXXUlatlyViow _AIt3_ 6O~ 1 (} Below -105JlO (24) . ><= -lOS.00 to < - 100.00 (90) . >= -100.0010<.95.00(228) e >=-95.0010<-90.00(567) e >= .9(UXHo<-85.00 (1164) , >= -85.0010 <-00.00 (1150) G >= -80.00 10 <.75.00 (553) G Above. 75.00 (638) ~ I"'~.'"""..'- f. ... . , , ( \ '-...;--/, '. ..,(j '. l -,', ;~-..:;r;,~"', '.\ _. ..r~3~f!tLs.\i:\ : . oj'#>>: ~ f,i~r~:n'~f F:;i;:j:;-,-; f 'I nb. \Jr,.,.;!,nl"i~; t~ ';, p- ,. t.. '., \_c 1\': ~ ') " '"i 0~U00 ,,,t\ .,Ii. U. Lb' :J 6 . Page 7 March 9, 2009 EUG Baldy View - Alt3 - 7SR ' FigureS ...... .\,~,.?.. ,-, .,. . ..~ ~ ,.J" ,'- - 2ool!0527pQ~70oo0_BaIiyV... _AI13_ Q Babw .105.00 (1) . ~.1G5,OO"'<.100.oo(23) . ~.100.00"<:95.COI174) e >= .9500 10 < .90.00 (Zl5) o >= .90.0010 < .B5.oo 1300) >= -B5.00to< .80.00 (869) . >= .80.00 to <: .75.00 (845) . Above .75.00 (1873) ~ ~. , \. ': ' , .. ( \ ~ .1 ..~ '\ __.,> n,_ .', , .; ., "-'-' ;-, ., ~ ' I .' -.~ ) q', '.' .'.:~:::~:::': . r..;;r;-- {"~i;:'j- ::~.._;:..,;; "'"",'- '-\,...,., ,,,,,,1-"'."'" -\",q;" r '. Ii I hl.,' \J'-;J-,;,Jp~n !rt~" ~,'~L~7'~ [vi/;R i 0 2009 7 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Discretionary Use Phone: Applicant Name: c/o Heather Campbell Company: Address: Verizon Wireless Fax: 5430 NE 122nd Avenue, Portland. OR 97230 IAPPlicant's Rep.: Sharon Gretch Icompany: IAddress: , I Property Owner: City of Springfield ICOmDany: IAddress: , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17.03-22 I Property Address: 3365 Game Farm Road ISize of Property: 2.32 , . ., Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Installation ofa new 65' Wireless Communication Facility and associated ground equipment. I Existing Use: Springfield Utility Board substation Si natures: Please si . Phone: 541-844-5478 Technology Associates International Corporation Fax: 541-935-0923 PO Box 953. Veneta, OR 97487 Phone: 541-746-8451 Springfield Utility Board, c/o Jeff Nelson Fax: 250 A Street, Sl'rin'?;field. OR ITAX LOT NO{S): 904 Acres IX1 Square Feet D Associated Applications: Signs: Icase No.: .1 Date:' Reviewed by: IAPPlication Fee: $ ITechnical Fee: $ Ipostage Fee: $ 1T.~!J\~F~~S:c$." ... . ... " " W" "._< ,,_" I PROJECT N~MBE~: .. _ .,....' .... l\lilW,"""~",..,~~..J!'!'~..,.~.'1,'~h~(t'.,""",lil~.~~~,~~~,,~,,;O:j;,1:;'~"'^!tl""-"...~",,)l%~~'Ojj'~~,'1!'!!S~,,,"~.,,!lE9\~.~~~ ~_,,,,,~'_"_<,_;t!W~_~"'t:"F",,,,,';itr:~.~~~~~f;'. IN f'oR\VI.ATIOr0f\L Lop", 0"'-\) P~,- ~.,.~- "'~.. ~r01D t!f'.'l! liifV!il'1{!.\1 ',',", fl.". " .... "t.\ ... ~~ I ,,~ v MAR 1 0 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 4 I . lES~OR5 LEGAL DESCRlPTON' BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF COUNTY ROAD NO.3, SAlO POINT BEING SOUTH 26'42" EAST 981.42 fEEl. SOUTH 69"56' WEST 1488.79 rEEl, SOUTH 0"04' EAST 188.2 Ft:ET. AND SOUTH 89'56' WEST 457.5 FEEl FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER Of' THE WilliAM STEVENS DONA liON LAND CLAIM NO. 46 IN TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANG( J ~ST. W/LlAM'ETTE UERIDIAN; FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING RUN SOUTH 3'52' EAST ALONG THE CENTERLINE Of COUNTY ROAD NO.3 A DISTANCE OF' 430.48 rEET; THENCE NORTH 69'58' EAST 457.5 rEET; THENCE NORTH 3'52' WEST 430.48 FEET; THENCE SOUTH a9'56,' wEST 451.5 fEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING. All IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. EXCEPTING THE SOUTH 20 fEET THEREOf. ALSO EXCEPTING THE WESTERLY 35.0 FEEl lYING WITHIN GAME f'ARl,lI ROAD (COUNTY ROAD NO.3) LEASE: AREA DESCRIPTION- BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF' THE PROPOSED VERtZON WIRELESS LEASE AREA, A POINT 'MilCH BEARS S81'35'1S.E 282.20 fEET fROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER Of" THE PREVIOUSlY DESCRIBED LESSOR'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION, THENCE NB7'42'4S.E 40.00 HET; THENCE 502,7'15.E 30.00 fEET; THENCE S87'42'4~.W 40.00 FEET; THENCE N02'7't5"W 30.00 fEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ACCESS EASEUENT tlESCRIPTlON' A STRIP Of LAND 20 ITET IN WIDTH. MORE OR LESS, FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS, IrotORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOlLOws. BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED vERI10N WIRELESS LEASE AREA, A POINT WHtCH BEARS S02,7'lS"W 5.00 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER Of" THE PREVIOUSlY DESCRIBED VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE: AREA; THENCE 52' 17' 1~n 20.00 FEET: THENCE 589' 58' 31"W 23.06 FEET: THENCE 51' 25' 35"E 30.49 FEET; THENCE N90' 00' OO"W 4.50 FEET: THENCE 51' 25' 35"E 241.54 FEET; THENCE S46' 52' 29.E 58.63 FEET: THENCE 552' 4~' 59"w 68.58 ITET; THENCE N6Q' 01' 22.W 104.49 fEET; THENCE N8S' J2' 05"W 110.52 FEET; 1HENCE H2' 04' 54"W 20.0'" fEET; THENCE 588' 32' 05.E 113.25 FEEl; THENCE 580' 01' 22"E 97.23 FEET: THENCE NS2' 45' 59"E 36.15 F"EEl: THENCE N48' 52' 29"w 43.32 FEET: THENCE Nl' 25' 3S"W 305.90 fEET: THENCE N89' 58' 36"E 2....51 fEET; THENCE 51' 25' 24"[ 5.00 FEET; THENCE 589' 58' "'8"[ 22.76 fUT TO THE POINT Of" BEGINNING. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS i \~~- I.."'l : ~ ~ .. .......-.. _'"_'oO\ofL~"""""'.lJ. , -" " G!:) .. c-e. , ...... r .I t . i "-....'1.. f'-'" w__-' . W", ~"'lo 1.-" J --"""'1 0$.....'" .."4 . ...,--:} I. -- r ,~~, ............" I......... I' .......~,., ,_\.',\ "01 ""'_01. . --..... to.. ; _0 ~'....q -. ..~S'TE ~"i I ... r . .J 1- I ~~. 1--. ~' I.; ! .~"'....- J _., 1.:::':: - ! "".2"';.-." i '-- -.. I f r 6 DRMNG DIRECTIONS- fROM THE PORTLAND SWITCH, START ouT GOING NORTHWEST ON NE WHITAKER WAY TOWARD NE 122ND BLVD, 0.0. TURN RIGHT ONTO NE 122NQ BLVD, 0.3, TURN LEn ONTO NE AI~POR1 WAY. 1.0 1011. MERGE ONTO 1-205 51 VETERAN5 MEIrotORIAL HWY TOWAAD PORTLAND/ 5o'.LEM, 24 MI. MERGE ONTO 1-5 5 VIA THE EXIT ON THE LEn TOWARD SALEM. 94 1011. TAKE EXIT 195A TOWARD N. SPRINGFlELD/ GATfYNAY MALL 0.2 M. MERGE ONTO BElTUNE HWY E, 0.3 Ul, BELTUNE HWY E BECOMES BnTlINE RD. 0.4 Ml. BELTLINE RD BECOMES l.4ARTIN LUTHER KING JR PKWY. 0.3 MI. TURN RIGHT ONTO CARDINAL WAY. 0.1 1041. TURN RIGHT ONTO GAME fARM RD S. 0.1 lwll - TAKE 1ST RIGHT UNTO DRIVEWAY TO SUBSTATION GATE ACCESS REQUIRED FROIo1 THERE. END AT 3385 GAME f"ARIrA RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477-7521 VICINITY MAP . verl70nwireless EUG BALDY VIEW SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 l i i SITE ADDRESS: 3365 GAME fARM ROAD SPRINGfIELD, OR 97477 TAX LOT: 17-03-22-00-00904 LAT: ...4' 04' 57.52" N LON: 12J' 01' 53,31" W OCCUPANCY: TOWER: U SHELTER: 5-1 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: TOWER: 11-8 SHELTER; V-B JURISDICTION: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ZONING: MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTiAl SITE INFORIo4ATION: TOWER SETBACKS: FRONT: 10' SIDE: '0' HEIGHT Ul.tITS: 35' REAR: 10' p~JECT PARCEL AREA; 4 ACRES: PROPOSED LEASED AREA: 1200 SQ, Fl, REOUIREO SETBACKS, FRONT: 10' SlOE: REAR: 10' ADA COIo4PLlANCE: THE fACILITY IS UNSTAf"FED AND UNOCCUPIED PROJECT SUIo4Io4ARY: THE PROJECT IS FOR A NEW VERIZON WIRELESS TELEC0Ir.4l.tUN1CATIONS SlTE CONSISTING OF" A NEw FENCED COl.tPOUND CONTAINING AN EQUIPl.tENT SHELTER, GEN[RATOR AND 55' ~ONOPOLE WITH NEW ANTENNAS. PROJECT SUMMARY T1.0 lS-1 L1.D A1.0 A1.1 1.2.0 TITLE PAGE SITE SURVEY LANDSCAPE PLAN OVERAlL SITE PLAN ENLARGED SITE PlAN El[VATIONS 10' SHEET INDEX mLE SDNATURE Rf"ENGlN[ER I PRMCT IIWlAG[R ISIT[""","""" I ZONING COtltN:T PROPERTY OWNER I APPROVALS om SITE OWNER: SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD RAY Ir.4[DUNA, OPERATIONS JEFF NELSON, ADMINISTRATION 541-744-3708 541-746-8451 APPLICANT: '1ERIZON WIR[LESS ('1A.W) lLC dbo VERIZON WIRELESS 5430 NE 122ND AVENUE PORTlAND, OREGON 97230 SITE DEVELOPMENT: TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION (lAIC) 15618 SW 72NQ AVENUE PORTlAND. OREGON 97224 CONTACT: JEIT JOZWIAK PHONE: 503-545-7344 El.tAIl: JEffREY.JQZWIAKOTAIC.NET CONSTRUCTION Io4ANAGEIo4ENT: TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION (TAlC) 156'8 SW 72NO AVENUE PORTlANO. OREGON 97224 CONTACT: KENNY RUf"FO PHONE: 503-515-2768 El.tAIL: KENNY.RUfFOOTAIC.NET ARCHITECT: GAllEY PLOWMAN ARCHITECTS, AlA 2701 NW VAUGHN STREET, SUlTE 764 PORTLAND, OREGON 97210 CONTACT: BRETT KAHR PHONE: 503-274-7800 .231 El.tAlL: BKAHROCPARCHtlECTS.NET SURVEYOR: FINLEY ENGINEERING COMPANY. INC TWIN OAKS SUITE 8-250 1800 NW 169TH PLACE BEAVERTON, OREGON 97006 CONTACT: DENNIS LAVl.tON PHONE: 503-466-9460 ?RE.SI',\'lIi~l RtC'D MAR 1 0 Z009 PROJECT TEAM ~ verlZIlJ!wireless T echnoloW"'AssoCii!llBS ..1....lIoulco.~o..I,.. D.o..inq. l'rod..cf'd 6y: . 210; ~"'V...p. 500iQ'TH 'urt.......Or.'12l1l 5OJ:U~ 1110O !IO]21~ II1llJE.. ... GAnEY rwWMA.\'" ARCHITECTS :g .-::j::> '" "'... ~~ , 0 ~ <D 20:: :g /.C' ~~ ~:g , " ~~ ~ " <D NO: ~. IOot.,1ty ,R"';slo~ Proj<<1' D.Ill ts,..e Dote- DnlQn.dby O.a....by Ch.~.d b) ~_dlly 08207 12/08/01 - '00< 00 -- P'o~tllill. : EUG BALDY VIEW PARCEl. 17-03-22-CI()-.OC)g04 J.J&.5 G4IIIE J'AA\l ROM SPRWGnELO, OR 117477 ShHl Litle : TITLE SHEET Snffino. T1.0 /I~~L --~~\ ,''\_,---- ~g~-~--~~----. ------ii------=;;;;~-I.;\ r. ..J! UNE ~_._ _ -ltPr!I'.... -~. :l ' ,,'D-~~~~~..-~ ~-~_________~); ; I k"1 ::.,- ....... ~:'" .f5 .==---~==:;.-;:_-:.~-~--;;;..jri.=!p_j j :! I "-22:"70, t: ~ 'vor 42' ....j / .,~.1 }I.J.!\ t\'l sr'T ~~ ~~obT 'SOW ~ ~~~': ....;:::..~ ~ rsWS8'-31~ \..nOO ~ U~'~ ,5OT4"~ 'ili ~~ ,.~ ~ . II r \ ij\1l ~ ~_~. ~ _. .. ~I~ 1":>-........."':"'....... \\~\ ~ .1"" ..' r~,_,---;;;.Il;-.--,-'- , , NliIO" 0f1 oo-w I ~ 4.SO DJ:ClRICAI. \WJLT J L ~VMJLT . "'\ i-~~; i '!I ...........-..."".""..... \ ~i; B r~::T,... 5lJ85T.n6N "\ 'I-i:- ' 241.54 .SITE DE'{M!, " I I SCALE:: '-.20' I : I ~ I "~_[l""RRV"" .~n::u ~~ l:::,"~\ S~I ~~,-j ~,,~ Ji ~ -.. D'RFCT'ON" TO "'11; swrr our GlOMI MCllmIIUl' ON IfIE MTMER .. TOMlb ME 12ZtCl a)O. 0.0. l\lIlM RIllHT (INfO Ill: 122tm Il.W. Q.J, 1UlN lDT llIfTO tel: MIPOJlI.... 1.0 IIlL IImIlli: CIWIO 1-10& 1/ VElDllIHSIlIDlDlWiLHWl''/OIINlDfICllIlfUMDlSMal.:H.... CflG!CIflO 1-01 Wt.'ntl DCl"I ~ :.-:am:~~"'E.~ ~:..~ :'~.-,rn:::: =t.. 8D.1UNE1I01ECGIlDI WlII'IfwnoDO"~.Q.J. lUIlN_~JGlllltlCWIrIMlL"" G.1.1UlNIIGtlTClNl'OGJM:f'MIlllllS,o.'''-W(l:ISf,. ._,.~1U ~Qli1'!M:CISSIlEIllMEDFlUftMOll.OOATUlIIQlMlFARMIlDSPllIIGPl!I.D,OR ""77-7121 lkl.TabIe I Un., lAnl;th DlNctlon I l1 20.00 sr 17 1~"E I U 23.00 SM" sa' 31" I L3 30.4; 51' 25' 35"[ I L4 4050 Nto"oo' ocrwl LO 241.54 51' 25' 35"[ I US ea.153 $4&' 52' 2t'"E L7 ease $&2' 4e' M"W La 104..4; N8O" 01' 22"w LV l1o.SZ N8lr 32' OS.. \.10 20.04 NZ" Q.4' 54.W L11 113.25 S8l5' 32' oe-[ L12 lJ7.2J S8O' 01' 22"E L13 38.1' NS2" 4&' 59"'[ L14 43.32 N4e' 152" 29.. Ll15 ~90 N1' 2.5' 35-W L16 24.51 Her sa' 3e"'E L17 5.00 51' 25' 24-[ L18 22.78 sav 58' 48"'[ NATURAL~h E!:!:CTRIC.BO::-~Y./ ~ ~""lIlH''l1HP;;;!'''~ / I G'"':"~~~0 ~ //[;-;:-~'":-: ~~'\\, I:: \ '\ " ,....... '~-0:L1 .r'P-17. ta ~_:._~~ ~ j r~~~:/"- ,2J~\'~ . ~II :, p-/ I~: J\~ z I, r--r--___/ \.. ~ I ' WER POLE, f----: i ~ I !: I r-- ----I:: i z I' I: r-HJ ~I' I ! I "NI I j \ I I '1i I ~il ')' i \ \i\ ,I II \ ~~IlSEIl_ 'l1':;' : 1 ~T'= , \1 " I! 'I I ' I PARCEL 1 \ ~TE PARCEL 2 : 7' P.U,E, PER LAND / I ; / I I p...n11ON PlAT 'if ' { , NO. 2002-P1827 - I I I 480e00ee25-f1EUG25 I , l!.J ' (7..;-"; ~ \ >> \ i ~3 \1 U_\" I I f- ~-I~/GAJl _~~) A./ I \ ~ I G . ..~_l!.iJ-:: ./!.f \ ~7 .\\ ~ <<r~ACtDIMI)~~ - ----.-~---- - _..__n \'\ I POWER P<<.f: 11 / I~{/~':.~Mn~._rm -POWER POU: .fREllISBS DJI'4!1 SCALE: t"-8O' SECTION 22, T17N, R3lr, lr,M, LANE COUNTY, OR APN: 17-03-22-00-00904 VARIABLE 'MOTH PUBUC STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER LAND PAR11110N PLAT NO, 2002-P1627 PER 11TlE NO. 460800562S-rnUG25 NeT 42' 45"'[ ..... I' SUBSTAlIOH -.. --.... ME MDT TO SCIU ""'-. "'" ...... ""''''''''''' ........-. _s""""" ASSESSOR'$ PIRCEL JUr8ER(S) NET liMA Of lEASE AREAl JC[T NfV, or PIOlO:T JIIII:fA: ...... "...,,- ......-, eASlSOl'"nr.llnDNS1 BASIS Of BfNlNQS: ".0." PQNT 0I111El11l1111C p.o.T. PaNT Of 1tRIOllS 'IC6Q WImCH. t:UII8 . GUT'lEIII ~ 1IGHT00'fMT "-"T o!W N::iCEA ~T nP 1Clflf7a.11'1 'lQ! 11lIOFaCI'I ""-- .. ...... 'lP TOPOFPAUI'ET 1W TOPOFWAU. <f= co_.. """" ........,.. H"SP01ELtV...1lOM ~ ... """'" ~ 'ICJtODw.: Nf1l>>l... ~~'llllN5'lv.Jt ""''''''''''''' 3385 lWlE FMM RO#O Sf'ftINDI'1b.O. 0It '11477 CIIY Of' ..-.:u> 3385 (Wg 'MM ItOIO SPRM:FlEIA OR '11477 17-G3-22~ 1200 $Q n 4 ..... . 4>>.S' (c::anot OF 1OlI'ER) .....""" n.tV - 441.11/1 (*"0 l5lI) MM'O lIS BASEIl ON OPS "....'. ,'. OF N<<JOPUS~TlONFltOMIl1MIATH 'ALLSOC04llSNP. 0It!G0N STATE ~"... '_ S'lSTDl SOUTH ZOHE, MAD U (colts8O},_._..............8) ~ p.l.I.L PUlLl:U1llTTUSbOfT I?t? :'TEIl~_w.: .. OUT... . FO.IC)AlJIOlED "" .......... . """..... m.,.."...._ iD All CCNlIIlCINIIQ L.MT . 'lD.DMOlIE PUlUT.Ill. W'lDDHOllEV......., """"" -..u: .......'" ..... QQII[1Pl Ii!llII _1Ot'VlllW:'tAlA.T ---- ......".w.: 1- CMAN LNC RNlZ WClCDCIlIlOl RNlZ FENCE .........""""" If... o..m 0ECDI8ER 01, 2001 RE: EIJli;EW.D"I'VIEW 33e5 lW<< FARM R(W) SPRI<<W1El.O, OR V74n I QEJmP'T 1HAl 1ME u:n1\lOl Ol" 44'Qt'ln.A" NOn! AND "!WI: l.ONlIrNJt Cf' 'UVl'A.J1" CST_ MXlIllATt TOWMIlIk2OI'Irl HDllIZtNTAU."I'lMOMSlllD.hll.lDllIP~f'ElT""""W) . IS ACtUMTt 10 lInIN ,u f'IIT \lElfIICAl.LT. 1KI: HCIIZDIfT.Ill. DII."lUM (CCXIlllI4...1D) ME II T!MlS Ol" tHE MOInH AII!lIClM Dl':TW Ol" Ita (lWI--a) AND AllIE DPRDSErI AS ama:s. ...... AICl SECCltC)S (Tll1lCE HDlESTfC.IUlfU1HOl"A.m:arI)). H \O'lJCAL == ~.:'.=.:: ~nElO~.="""Xl't~ - NME Of SUINEYOR: REGlSTRAllON MO.: i v/J i?"LLL. IlIARK R. I€UCKE. P.LS. OR 21J2LS [ REGISTERED ~ PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR WJ i? ;./..J.J.- ( OREGON J "'4.1. MARK R, HEIDECKE 2132 EXPIRES 6/30/08 BENCHMARK flIlloEl:I E1!VA1laN~FRQ,lCPSIlEllM1). 1IDGIH1'I.......-"OaEOllO:JllEP.......1IlINI. QCItISTltMrM3lO 1m cctrnIlllT...1lON- IaJllWHFlU.J;OCQISIIII'. AA..<;!S 0; IX' AD!WI'::l IIENlIIlQSIHCIJCHI:alIl~lMS!DlJPCNUITA1E I'\MCNIIOII:JCOCIflI*A1EI'Y'f1OlClll'CClNST"'lI fl'lJM:CIOOllOIt\t!, ICIU'DI zcw.~8TllI't !QJR\/FYnA" 11/l'litll !i:lIR\IFYnQ'!IINn~ 1,lI1LllllPCltTlaLmITMlEJIClAN'llTILIlEPatT.. ...._.._.-J,,0A1ID~0I.zooe.. 2.AU.USDeI1SlIInClINOlMEIlllfDATtNtV. MoT~H...~HA::i:a~~ NnllOECT.lIfU:1St.D. I.THE8CUClM'rSHOWlNEJlECNISPUmmFRClMAECOIlO III'lRIAIQt ANDOODItOTCXlIIS1J1UII: A 1'0l.IlDMYSlAM.'t :bTHEFOR~~r;'TtiipMOO~- ISllD'lC1mFlalMXXlllDlIlnRIAlllltUlDlClF'CUllO IKIUCOS FtlIl 0CIII1RtL ... u.tmJDr: NCl UlNlllUll:TNl:Dl...,C1N1Dl OIl"ltCPORD ""'" 5. CDmII.ItI"....TCIlIl(I) 1'OOTlN1!JMlLS, ..IIAM'llCMQltlMClllUtAllCIN.Cf'....,..,.,tt1.T.I"~ FORMlUAIOCII"CllIlPVltD.vUDlOlIC ~1DlIl"'llllIUI.llEl*AlINE1lCll!I'UIlDll2f1nD. (DGItr~ IIllUUG PROClIlMa LOCAlED lit 1HE.....llONA&. :"~~':.o.~~'GQttr!t~y~ ~.lW ~ nDaO H.WAo.~~_!tIN zatE"'M~OU1llll"0l"'lHI:'OONC>eoolUAn.aco .... 1J1I11TY~ fHr:LOCA1lCNQII'DISlIlQUTIJ1'T"ACIU'I'U"",IlOT~ IlIIlMC:HED. tIMWTOR POES MOT QUARANTU ntAT HJ.. _ U1IJ'lESME.... OIl: no LOCA1KIlS.lTIS 1l€ IlESPONSIllU1TOF1tII:lDI1IlACTOllIKJOE'Cl.CPUtlO CGNtACT " "<Ic.-CM1. SONCr Nlll WIT cmo tMl.WD AGDClD lOLOCAlt AU.VlLl1ll'l1'llQR 10 CClNS1llIC1lOtt ~ ~n:.~~~AIIUtG MO~fTFCRlHEllII..NA1lCNOIfaQI ~~~'=='lItlHEnr~OFUG 1~!IIltlUI ~nnN ~"'AI'GCTQII'ltCc:onEIlUCc:raLINTTROAD IlO. 3, IUlD PCIINf 8EDlO twTH D'42".wr tlIl.42 f!ET, 1CU'lN anr ..,. ,......,. Rrf, mJlH ~. EAST 11&2 Rl'l,IKJ twTH _-.st401.0rttTl'lQl'lHE MllA'lM[AIT 0lRCR OF' '!IIi: .wMl S'mIMS lXICA1lllN L\tC) Q,MND...lllOlIGHPIJIIOUllI,IIMClE3KST, 1&LAIl[t1I~""IM)PCIIfTQII'~JIJN santlnrUSTALClNOntECIDfltIUeOl"ClUfl'T1I'OI\O MO. 3 ... carMel OF' Ol.. FUll lHDG ...... InI' U51'oflD'.5~1I<<NCENOIl:1H.nz'.ur43O.4lPmT; TlCMCEIOUlH__Ql'4SU~1'OAPGlffW lIEGlNrINlloAJ..lN UfCCOl.Dt'TT,CIREOlIM. DlCI:P1MlTH!SQI'AI20nET1tGtlJ', ALSO DlZJI'TItG lHE .-a.T3&OrttTLwtG..... 0AaI!: FMIIlIIDlID(coutnTtaWlNO..1) if/W8ll.l\''III.'Ili.:..wr &lil ~a \lEIllIrDl -.u:ss LiAS ........ ... PCINT IH:H BEARS SIl'3lMnat.lClR'.tl'FllIOlIl'lHlNOll:1tl'WSTClIIrUQII''ltC Nl'AllULT~I.EDllR'SL.PW.DCICRPllClN,'IMblCI: N5f'4Z'4ft40.00fU'r,lHENCtIOZ'lTlnaooFEtfI lHDG .,.42'40" 40.00 fEn: 1MENCE NOZ'lT'ln 3Q,00 FlETlOlHEPOlNTOF'IfOItM<<l. ~ RnAn tAo:NI'li': :'=:O~_p~:&~ nl1DlISl ..-.ctG...T... POlNTlIt M~"" lIP M PltlWMI.Tanclll!DVIJlIl(IN~LfASl.uo... PCIltT 1MOt IENlS S02'1Tlll"Wa.ao fttt fMIol'ltC NllImlM:5TaRCPlCFlHIl'llINQIS.\'DESal8!DWRlZDIl 'fIUlDa3lZAl1E -...; TImIQlIl7,r ,1I'121l.00nn: 'HJCE __ lIlI' 31" 23.OlI FErTl flID<<Z S'I' 211' 3lI'I: XL. fUl':1HEMCl[IIIO"OO'att'W4.lIOFET:llENCtSl'ZJfm UlMFm) 1MDlCI:....U'2t"l:1lLUFmT; 'lMDQ:102' WWWll&OIFET:MMttNlO'Ol'JZ"W104MfU:1l 'lHENCIi.Illl8"~Cl5"W"CLS2fEET:1HEIlCE1G"04'lI4" m04FEEn llIENCIarJrllll"l!".ulIRZ1llHDCt..,. ::.:: ':",Dezn::.w n::::; ~ ~:.~ ZUOnrT: nea NIll"tIIf 3lI"E lM.1II1'En: 1HENDE 51' ~J~ THOCtSllFIII'4I't:t2.7lImTlO'ltC OCIN\'ANIIlIIU$f 1QIf. fIWlI OIl: .... mrnl""~T 8ElIIOASllII"OF'LJN)1I FlETII-.mtNe Ll'IIG2.&FU1 OIlEACH'IllfItAltoWAWlMMCIN1IRUIC.ueMll1'O. EX1bIllEll .' ~ . -. . JD 1'0 I'OflM A l.IIRlMl S1RP. IEllIoNG...T...I'GCTClNMWt....IIPlM!Pl'lhIllUS.\' DIIClI8!O .-mN 1Ill!LUS lUS[ NlU. A PClM -.at IlliARIIll2'l7"lna.ooFUTFROIlTICIlClIl'lMWTCllIHR tIP' '!HE JIllIWlULT DE:S::eIm \UlION 'a!US3 Ln3I1IIIV.;. M)IlX LlAWIO MIl UlE Nl7'G'4ft _ nrT: 1IDICt ~4I'I4UoI FUTlO ...1'UC01lI5UtAND PGMTOF '- PO\M'Ro:'A~T IJlIlICIIOI* AT 1M: OFIlIll"CT cnf .... IIIII6T .M I II' j M'..,. CDMP~ -. dJI,o.o..RDtllWland~ TIM DatI !Ute ..._ t8ClO..'DtIlPloc:t --""'" I'ftcIM;: ~) 48S-t4OO Falc: (S3) 48e-117t ~ Ver'ZSl!1wireless ... .. 1_.. -..""" TeChnOlogy.(fAssociates I International CorporatIon 15818 SW 72ND AVL PORlWID, OR 97224 0IfI0e (503) S4ll-0001 EUtLEW.DY_ VIEW ELS DCL IUll1" fUllE'lU OI~FIW. ... '''' """""" EUG BALDY VIEW 3365 GAllE FAR~ ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 SHEET Tm.E SITE SURVEY SHEET NUYBER LS-1 ------ -- :_-=-==-= -- ----""'=- =--- - -...;,..- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------m-_ PROPE~LI~ ~ ~~ ------------------------------------------------- - - - -- - -- - - - ---- ---- - -- -438__ - - --J;J'. -- - --- - - --- - - n_ - - --- - --_ __ _ _ _n_ _ __ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ __ _ _ __.,__. /~~/ / i11:;: - - - -~--- ------------------ -*'f- - ---------- --------- --- ---- ------------~~==~~~ - - - - -- - - - -- - - C - ---.~_ - ?)~ \:. - -- - ~, . ------------------~~-- ~ , ~ , , ......--- ------ '--- t,~ '--________ ~,~ 1~' ~ __, ------~~- ;~ % r-- " ~ n: I I ~____ ~ r~---7------------------ _'_..::_..:-=:_ : I I , ______1 : I I :, : I 1 L________________"-,_____. II I " II I ....... :, I :1 1 It I :1 I I 1 \ I I : I I I : 1 \ I : I I lL: I I ; 1 \ 1 ;/ 'I " I'll I l- I I \ ~: I I I : 1 I I : I \ \: I \ ,N,/, !1W{ II I~ I: 1 \ I: I \ I: I I: I \ I: 1 \ I' \ \ I: \ --(,I I-< "- 1 1.., .........., q \ l..!.-- / \ Ii \ ,> * "1-<" \ , 111/ \- J : I(.-r//\-./ , -- I -,/';< :A \ I 4<-, \ I , 1 ~, \1 I /-tL I I :\ 1 I II I I (2) EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED -------------- ~J' I-- ------441- 5'-D" 4~~(r (2) EX'ST'NG SHRUBS~-- S.I-'7----------- TYP _ _ _ ~ _ TO BE REMOVED \ -"y /1\"1-<" ~~~~.-. '. ...... ......1*4",-<.. '. ...... r . .... .... · /"11~~ . ZJ .. 1,\ (J. 1 .~ ': ;:';/////////////////////////~ J:. ,:~ I / /., ~. .:..... .. . / / '---. / / . '.' .. ---;--\ ;J' .. / \ / '. - .' / / ~ ~///~////////////////////////, .~ '..: " ..... .." \. . .' . x-x ---':"':"'x~x, . '-'---x-x-x- · -. / """' .~"~ ill 7 $~---- ~~, ~t -- , - - - ;';;;'n~ --4 ..; \;" ~~~------------------- ,- iF. , . -------------- .... '.' j----- , . , . , , , , , , , , , 'i' , -L.. :-' I .......1. ( / , " '::.k~i-z I 1.-1 \- :. -. )-' ./ " , , , , , , $J~ l::1v: . -.'/1.<.~-.. . . . . ' , . I I..;,___~_-..:...- f , i 0' " ., , I.. '.' : N ----OJ ... . -'~X x x-x-x-x x-x-x-x- - X x-x-x- ~x-- :'. /\\ ~ .: ~ / ~ 22m SCAI.f', ':: jg::g: 11 \ ') C "''' se'L(, :-:-.- -:'- - ~:-- - ~--. LANDSCAPE PLAN 22XM SCALE: NOT TO SCALE I 2 llX17 SCALE: NOT TO SCo\LE NOT USED - LANDSCAPING IS DROUGHT RESISTANT AND THEREFORE 1, A~iQ~~:ES NO DEDICATED IRRIGATION, E FOLLOWING AMOUNTS: 2, FURNISH C?NTAIN~RI_ZE~3w~1~~T~ }HpLANT 1 GALLON,S aUARTS / PLANT 5 GALLON: REE 10'2 aUARTS / PLANT 2" CALlP. T : - S 30 DAYS AFTER INSTAL- CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT TU~L FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK. 3. LATION AND F:vERY 15 DA~ ~s NEEDED DURING INSPECTIONS. REPLACE WATER GEL PACK . BES EVERY 30 DAYS AND CONTRACTOR SHOULD lNSPEC~D~~ DURING DRY WEATHER FOR AT 4. REPLACE GEL PACKS AS N~ INCLUDING THE FIRST COMPLETE LEAST ONE COMPLETE YEA SEASON AFTER INSTALLATION. ~ 20 ! AMERICAN ARBORVITAE -4'-0" HIGH I THUJA OCCIDENTAUS 3 GAl. ~<$l>' ~:.~ .M, tJ["; % PORTlAND,OREGON ~ ~Je OF ()~ LANDSCAPING NOTES 22)(34 SCALE:_ NOT TO SCALE I 3 ""17 SCALE: NOT TO SCAlf" ~ss T h 'gy~' Associates ec no 0 .." ,e "arallDI IDlt,"IIDn D "Drcwinqs Produced By: . 270j~"'-V<lUgM S_ltt7M P~l1I<md.Or.9nlO 5032147800 ~OJZH7IWJFU ... GAZlEY PLOWMA."-' ARCHITECTS ill .......;~ " 'Q~ ;!;:;l Q Zz ~ 0_ 0> N~ "' 0 \1~ -"6;0- '<:,0 " ~~ "- ~ ~ N'" ~o. ,Oole,By IRevlsions Projecl II Orig Inue Dole Dni\lned by OrcwnbY Checked by Approvad by "'''Ii'' 12/0B/08 .., .., .0 SMNP PrCljl!c!tltle: EUG BALDY VIEW PARCEL 17-03-22-00-0og{).4 ME: FARM R(W) ~~D..D, OR 97471 Sh&li'ttllll! LANDSCAPE PLAN Sheetno.' L1.0 \ \ _-441.--- ----- - \ ....-- .....---- ---- ........"".... ....... --_/ I r ... _'40~-- ...._- 5 I - _- -- - _--- _---',,/,-- _ _ _ _ _/_ :-r /---- ----- _------- ---- _/ - - - - /__-.J \ I r--- __ --- _--_.... ...._....- ...-"_.... ...." , I I .-_- -..../......... .... ...- e I I --- ... ......... .....-... I \" ,'/-- _---A-~B--- ................. ................ ....~....-"\ I I I --- .................- ...ll,J J I I " / ,- ... ADJACENT PARCEL _..... ./...... ../.:::_--- , I I I I I I lOT fI 3500 , ...",," \ \ ~ _~)' / / / ,----- ZONING: MIXED USE COMMERCIAL /........ , \ \ - I'~ / / / " _-..... "".... ...\ \ \ \ I I I J r- --_..... ....-..... _-------- \ \ \ \ I .!.,_ ---1.._ _~l! 1!N~ "0 -........- _----------- \ \ \ \;~ I \ \. 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DRAINAGE I! /! r EXISTING SUBSTATION 7 '" I I I \ , ': EASEMENT 7' I I I: ,,'\ I' ,I' , \ 1\ I II I \ I I I I 'Z1 " II II I ~::'" ",I I~::I " o:I I, I' I ::II::~ EXlST'NG 9' WIDE I' I I I \ I \ I I I I', GRAVEL DRIVE I I I i=g \ ,I I / ! I ~I I " I I~' I I I II I ,I I l5~\ : '\" , I ,'1 I. I I .... 1 ::v EXISTING SUBSTATION I I ffil I \ I I' I: / ! ~ PERIMETER FENCE ) I ~I ' 0.1 I ., I J I I I, II I..... I ! I I'i II ,1 I I I I J I II I / I I L EXISTING GATE ", . I I , I I '1 1::1 ", ,I , \ I I I I, I )' " i " i " \ 1 : : :' : /i 1 ,I/! ,/ II/I "/v\.,, J"': I: I: ! / \1 / I' 1 ",/ /, t ., I I I I I ,/ II .",%" // ' ~-~-~-~~~-~, I ! I \ { l I II ,..... / \ I I' I f ,I, I: ./" ~ 0 0 "I' 1 I l~~..', i~__.J /' \ \ \ I I '......J:t----f---~:::~...~.::...- PROPERTY LINE \ \ \ I J ---+-\ '{ ,\,!,'.,:~.:~:,i:.<'\, ,---~--.::,;~?- - --'> _\ \(: ! f U_\.', :'i,.: ..'.,1.":.... .-~....' ............... \',' ! {1q5=--'_~""-=-=-_l:.....li"""" /..... '.>.\"/" ............." 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EXISTING GATE I I I ".... , , .j \ / I :: 6 \ \ ADJACENT PARCEL LOT II 1911 ] ZONING: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ADJACENT PARCEL LOT fI 1912 ] ZONING: LOW DENSflY RESIDENTIAL ADJACENT PARCEL LOT # 1913 ] ZONING: LOW DENSllY RESIDENTIAL EXISTING GRAVEL SITE ACCESS AND NEW ACCESS EASEMENT ADJACENT PARCEL LOT H 6800 ZONING: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL OVERALL SITE PLAN o <t o n:: :::< n:: <t "- w :::< <t <:J ADJACENT PARCEL LOT ~ 3600 I ZONING: MIXED USE COMMERCIAL '" 0:: << Cl. 0:: -, () Z '" 0:: W I f-- :::> -' z f-- 0:: <t ::; N e ADJACENT PARCEL [LOT # 4000 ZONING: MIXED USE COMMERCIAL ------- ------- ------- ------- ADJACENT PARCEL I LOT II 4100 - ] ZONING: MIXED USE COMMERCIAL ~ ~ "--- ~ ADJACENT PARCEL ~ ver!zlll1wireless T echnololJY.f!tAssoclales InlfrnallOUI Co'~~nUu D'owingsP'oducedBy; . 2.10i",I,V.."glIn SUllrTf>'I P,,"Lond. 0<. ~l2.1O .50321'17110O .~03 27~ 1/IDJl'a>: ~ GAZlEY PWWMA.I>..' ARCH1TECTS ~ LOT # 3900 ZONING: MIXED USE ~.1l COMMERCIAL I, ~ ::;- ~ " '" " ~:;I ~~ N~ I DISTANCES FROM MONOPLE TO PROPERTY LINE: NORTH: 36':f: SOUTH: 373'::t: EAST: 131':1:: WEST; 69':1:: 22X34 SCAlE; ,. - lQ'-O" I 1 I'X17 SCALE: ,. _ 50'-0" '" " .-;;1 "- j1~ '" '<: " ~ " t5~ .. '" NO< ~o. IDolee,. R.,,15Ion5 Proje<:tN O,igls5uotDalot OesiQneClby Drawn by Checked by App'O"otdby 08207 '~/OB/08 '"' '", BO S,,"p P,ajecilitle: EUG BALDY VIEW PARCEL 17-03-22-00-0090'" 3Je.5 (;AWE rARW ~ SPRlNGFlELO, OR 97477 $hf1ettftfe OVERALL SITE PLAN Sheet no,' A1.0 ---- --==--- --- --- --- --- -----=-== -----"":.. --- ------~ ----------- / ------- --------- -------- ------- /-------------------- ------~---------- / ----------------- -------- ",," -"- --- JJ~ ;----- -- -- - - --- -- - -- - - - - --- -- - - ---- - - -- - - ____ _ _ :::.- ",- ---- ---437-_ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ _ ___ /-:--~/ / 7/-~~ -~ -~ - -/------ -- -- ---~ -.. . ..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~=~ ~===! E:: ::::=.=~c: ::v=, ~cccc C..CC..=,=,=,= ~ ,,- 7')-1 ~ // --- - - - - - - - _ ,~ ~::(:)/;-'F.~----- """,,- <" ------- - - - - - - -T1~- - _ ~-~-~-~ ' ------ ~'~ -------- ----- TO BE REMOVED , --J / --- h/ \ - - --\:z--------------_ y .-1\'\, I NEW 55' MONOPOLE _ ,_ ______ _ _,_ :.'~---" Jr1'):- ~~~~~~~.. ~.~ ;:..,,~-~-....__.. M~ [ : \ L~~~~_':'~~~____~~_"_':: ~-- ~ ~~m ~~~N7 /({ ~ kI5 ~ ~-: --~-------------h1\!-Cn--m-mm--------m. ',I I, I ~ ~ ~ /1 i: 1 ."'1.,'.. ' , ~ ~ lITlLlTY EASEMENT /\ !: i : ~~' rr I. TVY,. ... ~ / \ !: 1 ~ I'.' ;////////////'(C////'///////-;:;'i] ,.@.. . ~ / I' I L \@ /...., . / ~ . ,I 1 I' / . ;: '0 g":')L i: 1 . NEW ACCESS7 ,.,c:.~. ,-. c"':_.';, NEW 12,26 VERIZON WIRELESS ; ~.. ... 'b : ~ 1 \ ROAD .'. .:... ... ,~-\ EQUIPMENT SHELTER;: .., 7iAi\t: 1 \ n <; \ .;] ... 7-11-!:1 \ :, --Z-A-C-CE-S-S---------~-----. .':.. ;///~///////////////;.///hl//; ~KJl'>, '.., I ' I EASEMENT. . ,. .,. ,\, ~ i \! 1 \ i (2) EXISTING SHRUBS ... .~~X'::""-Xl"'"-'':' - X - X - X I. X 3~ ~,~o" lie II'\" /' \/ : TO BE REMOVED / 1 'I I I .....,- / 40'-0' FENCED I LEASE AREA _n . \_ 1 '~tt ~'/-' -v/' -v'~ Ii \ ~\ i?tt:; ~~.,.. ;0t \i 1\ \ . ..M~ --, \i \...(1,k'):::, /.. I: \ ,S J~ \ II ,y 11 ", : 1--r11"-_) ~/: 11/~/ '--4 , r 0~~ \ i :\ I I J, I 1 - -- - - - PROPER~LI~ -,- - - f I 1 I I , r EXISTING SHRUBS TO REMAIN ~t ~~ N . h1t 0 -v'/ J-. j(1~t' / I 1- ------.-- . .., , '0> .N . ,EXISTING WATER VAlVES ---- ------- --~- --- ............. ... .... · .... ........... .x........... ..X~XIXSTINGS~BSTATIO:FENCEl:x-x- x---x-- x-- x.~~.x~x--x--- ...,~x-'x-x- - . ... .../ ... ENLARGED SITE PLAN 22X34SCALE:: l1K17SCAl..E; ," - 10'-0"'1 ," -'20'-0" ~ Ve"1IlIJWIrefess Technoltlgy.(jAssociates l~ttrnlUaftll CarDorttla. -Drowings P,odvc"d 81; . 27D;"'W'V..ug;'m $gll.164 Pul1Llnd. Ol-. <171/0 j11J274TllOO !!J2747IMllf". " GAZLEY PWWMA.l\' ARCHITECTS '" 0 /::::- " -":::1") ~<I , 0 ~~ ~ '" N~ '" 0 ~~ ~~ ""0 '" ~~ ;:;- " '" NI< No. '.lole8y IR~jslon! Projecl' 0"9 I~su~ Qote Designedt>y Drawn by Chec~ed by App'O'o'edby 06207 12/08/08 B., ... BD SIIINP P'ojeeljille; EUG BALDY VIEW PARCEL 17-0;\-22-00-0090.. JJ&5 GAl.lE F'ARU R(Wl SPRINGfIELD, OR 91477 Shffiutle ENLARGED SITE PLAN Shet!t no. : A1.1 VERIZON WIRELESS (6) NEW PANEL ANTENNAS ON (2) fLUSH MOUNTED ANTENNA fRAMES (1 ANT. PER SECTOR, lYP OF :3 SECTORS PER FRAME) ~-L , ~ ... ~~. NEW 55'-0. MONOPOLE_______ NEW VERIZQN WIRELESS ~ EQUIPMENT SHELTER NEW COAX CABLE BRIDGE WI GPS UNIT AT 12'-0. TIP HEIGHT , , NEW (2) 6' WIDE SWING ~ GATES , NEW 6' TALL CHAINLlNK FENCE WI :3 STRANDS BARBED WIRE NEW H-FRAME-, ---- WEST ELEVATION [~ \ ~. NOTE, I lANDSCAPING NOT SHOWN FOR ClARllY " ~ z w ~ , Z 0< .' ~ "'I on" W I a. " ., w ~ o a. o , z 00 .' " on '" ~. o a. o ~ ~ Z Z w 'o~ .' ~ "'I "''' W I a. " 22)(34 SCALE: 1/4" - 1'-0" 11 11)(17 SCALE: 1/B" _ 1'-0" - 'r ~ VER1ZON WIRELESS (6) NEW PANEL ANTENNAS ON (2) ~ FLUSH ~OUNTEO ANTENNA T FRAMES (f ANT PER SECTOR, lYP OF :3 SECTORS PER FRAME) I' I {v 1 J NEW 55'-0. MONOPOLE - NEW VERtZON WIRELESS EQUIPMENT SHELTER rf ~ II~IO 01 l I NOTE, I lANDSCAPING NOT SHOWN fOR ClARITY NORTH ELEVATION 22)(~ SCALE: 1/4" - 1'-0" 12 \1)(17 SCALE: 1/8" _ 1'-0" ~ Ver'ZJlJ/Wireless Technology.{jAssociates Inl~fUIlGnalCGr'or.lIa. - D,ow.n9$ P,od"ce-d El~; . 210i"'ll.-V""ghn S"lltlf>f l><>rt"'nd,Or.9721O $OJ274T800 JOJ 27~ 11l:(lJFDX " CAZlEY PLDWMA."I' ARCHJTECTS /' "- '" o "- ;;; ;;- 0 '" " ~<I ~~ N~ ~ " '" o "- '" o " ;;- " '" ~~ i!5~ N'" !>Ie. ,Dot<!IElv ,Ri:ovi~ien9 P,eje-ctfj O"Q Issue Dote Des'9nedby D,ewnby Checked by Aoprovt'dby 0620' 12/08/08 B., B., BD SM.' Prolecllltle; EUG BALDY VIEW PARCEL 11-03-22-00-009041 3J85 GAME rARlll RCW:l SPRlNGrlELO, OR 97477 Shuttille ELEVATIONS Sh....tno.. A2.0