HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/24/2009 ). _t_ , :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Applicant Name:~bfJi7.AO II'(U:., l/lft... Poll; Icompany: Verizon Wireless I Address: 5430NE I 22nd Avenue, Portland, OR 97230 , IAPPlicant's Rep.:' 1<'0 IJ fl40 i/ Y'L-(;;. ICOmDany: Technology Associates International Corporation IAddress: !/5:6"1 e. 'Si,t.l' -7) MI .4-i/i! , [Property Owner: Contact: Jeff Nelson Icompany: IAddress: , . IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-22 ITAX LOT NOeS): 904 IProDerty Address: 3365 Game Farm Road, Soringfield ISize o/property: 2.32 I Proposed Name of Project: EUG Baldy View , Phone: !OS S;;lJ, -au Fax:~3 610 1;"39 Phone: '~OI:5"V- -_O~ g'L Fax: tjO?{;.<o ~''1.l..?1-- {/MTU}tv.o oIL. t1'7M1- ,. City of Soingfield. Sprimifield Utility 'Board Phone: 541-746-8451 Fax: 250 A Street, Soringfield, OR Acres t><':I Square Feet 0 I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application, ProDosal: Installation ofa new 65' Wireless Communication Facility and associated ground equipment. ./ I Existinq Use: Soringfield Utility Board substation INew Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 312 sf " Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the a riate box on the next Associated Applications: DRC.;Zc61~) ~CQJxfI-{y:rf;; Signs: Pre-Sub Case No.: Pity ?J17)t1, OC'C0ltJ Date: Reviewed by: Icase No.: b1<rJJ)rfI- m05n Date: I?J'24(rf1 Reviewed by: D1L- IADDlication Fee: $ A-- ;);:),,"1. L5D ITeChniCal Fee:' $ ,J,i/, 10 Ipostage Fee: $ /(ofl,(X,' ITOTALFEES: $ 45Ci~, 10 r D~t;.&jft+VNflMBE~: P!?.\T2.-01fr-tJW()t/.- I ~: I f DEe 2 'i :::9 ....' Revised1/1/0S Molly Markarian 1 of 10 Orlglnsl Ql,ipmiU;i!, ,-; Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process, An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. -; ~submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information 'in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting.' , !~owner: tt/Jd~ sJdure Jeff Nelson, Springfield Utility Board Date: IIJlo/Cfl Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. ~' " Owner: Date: Signature Jeff Nelson, Springfield, Utility Board Print "at~ i:i . " d' '.,{;: n~!;)e V~; DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submllt~" Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 !:8J !:8J !:8J t><':I !:8J INIAl t><':I fJP< INIAl !:8J Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: . ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre-Submittal and Submittal. . If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form, !:8J Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula, A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department, Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages, Site Plan Review Application Form Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the'existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, The narrative should also include the proposed number of employees and future expansion plans, if known, ' Copy of the Deed Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances, Copy of the Site Plan Reduced to 8'12"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet, ' Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of transport~tion (ODOT) facility, ' Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Storm water Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with ,the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4,2-105 A.4, Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system, In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives, Seven (7) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre-Submittal OR Eighteen (18) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal !:8J All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related;data, north arrow, and date of preparation, !:8J All plan sets must be folded to 8'12' by 11" and bound by rubber bands, , , a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions .' Date Received: !:8J Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Er, gineer D::C 2 II 2009 !:8J Vicinity Map , Original Submittal 1 j I I Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 ot 10 r8J The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed, For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings, IN/A r-he name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department IN/A IThe 100Cyear floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ' IN/A IThe Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3,3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department r8J Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 '12 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings r8J Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County, A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Site Plan r8J Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, or Engineer ~ Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings r8J Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs IN/A ILocation, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping t><':I Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces IN/A IObservance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district IN/A IOn-site 'loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation r8J Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed IN/A ILocation, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces IN/A ILocation of existing and proposed transit facilities IN/A IArea and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses IN/A I Phased Development Plan - where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase, Phasing must progress in a sequence promotil:l,9 sll.eet1, connect:ivity between the various phases of the development/and aGct:im\iiS8'ftiM&'dther,-, required publiC improvements, including but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater " f:/ ' CC 2 1\ 2009 . Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian O,i~'ln"\ Si.:Dm!tt!ilQf 1n ~..u -. management, water, and electricity, The applicant must indicate which phases apply to the Site Plan application being submitted, c. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan [8J Prepared 'by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer [8J Location and width of all existing and proposed easements [8J Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way). and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, including ownership and maintenance status, if applicable, IN/A !Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting [8J Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities IN/A ILocation, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails [8J Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV, Indicate the proposed connection points d. Grading, Paving, &. Stormwater Management Plan IN/A I Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer [8J Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system IN/A I Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations IN/A I Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns IN/A IThe size and location of storm water management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; storm water quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained IN/A I Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn i:lt 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) IN/A IAmount of proposed cut and fill e. Landscape Plan [8J Drawn by a Landscape Architect [8J Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage [8J Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 [8J Written description, including specifications, oUhe permanent irrigation system [8J Location and type of street trees [8J List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover), Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, size, spacing, and method of planting , Date Received: f. Architectural Plans [8J Exterio~ elevations of all buildings and structures proposed for the d;Ii~16~" ?>>n~ site, including height ' Origin:.l 3ubmittal Revised F1/08 Molly Markarian 6 of 10 ~ Conceptual floor plans g. On-Site Lighting Plan IN/A I Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached IN/A IType and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area IN/A I Photometric test report for each light source D Additional Materials That May be Required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: IN/A I Where a multi-family development is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3,2-240 IN/A I Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW C8J A GeotechniCal Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present INIAl Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district, t)wp OUlBfUA...j t! --r-lA-~eO IN/A I If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5,19-100 IN/A I A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property IN/A I Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence' the permit application has been submitted for review ITO be submitted I Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land w/BP. and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development I:8J Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5,9:'100 and 5,21-100 IN/A I An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5,7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban'service area and can be served by sanitary sewer f Date Received: C:C 2 4 2009 Orinin::ll Bl!~mitt,,1 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 7 of 10 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone GP, AINOP'llU) . j4,'.', ..",..".. .' j~ - . ," u" i City or "{lringfield Official Receipt Deve'" ..illcnt Services Department Public Works Department Job/Journal Number DRC2009-00050 DRC2009-00050 DRC2009-00050 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceintl RECEIPT #: 3200900000000000831 Date: 12/23/2009 Description CTY Site Plan Review Postage Fee Type II ' $160 + 5% Technology Fee Paid By TAlC Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By' Batch Number Number How Received DDK 28928 By Mail Payment Total: '"I J w Date Received: O:.:C 2 LI 2009 Original Submittal Page 1 of 1 I :50:05PM Amount Due 4,222,00 160,00 211.10 $4,593,10 Amount Paid $4,593,10 $4,593,] 0 ) 12/23/2009 ./ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2009-00050 3365 Game Farm Road _. .~. ~ \-- 0- ~ III r ,i I I ~-=;HAN ~ I ~ II, J i SHE Map 17-03-22-00 Tax Lot 904 ca ~----~ '~~~~, ?;~ ~ ~- ~ -, CJ 2 52 f5 ~ ...J 2 ;- North + CARDINAl wAY- Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal TechnologytAssociates InternoUonal Carp<lrlltlon REPRESENTING: - ver'70~wireless December 21. 2009 City of Springfield Development Services Dept. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Steve Hopkins, AICP Planner II Urban Planning Division (541) 726-3649 via: FedEx Dear City Springfield Development Services: Attached please find the Site Plan Review, Discretionary Use and Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Application forms, fees, Narrative and exhibits for the proposed Verizon Wireless Facility at 3365 Game Farm Road in Springfield, Oregon. Please let me know when your application review is complete and if you require any additional information, Also can you please fax me a receipt for the 3 checks at your earliest convenience? Sincerely Konrad Hf-e for Verizon Wireless \ /. . jJ U I (/~ ~J Representative: Technology Associates International Corp. 15618 SW 72nd Avenue Portland OR 97224 Konrad Hyle, Project Manager Phone: (503) 522-0634 Fax: 503-620-9239 Konrad,hyle@taic.net .,. O~te Rfil~~jYed: 1 , " I ! 02C 2 II 2009 Or' , ~'''''''''r'n'tt.',', Iglr:.::..i~",..,. j""" ., ~ . veftZRDwireless Technology.fitAssociates Iniernlllonal Corporation VERIZON WIRELESS DISCRETIONARY USE, SITE PLAN REVIEW AND DRINKING WA TER PROTECTION o VERLA Y for Eve Bolt!" View Submilfed to the CifypfSpring(ield Planning Depa1'Ime11l November 2/, 2009 1. GENERAL INFORMA TJON Landowner: City of Springfield 250 'A' Street, Springfield, OR Applicant: Verizon Wireless Konrad Hyle for Heather Campbell , 5430 NE I 221ld Avenue, Portland, OR 97230 Agent: Tax ID Number: Konrad Hyle, Technology Associates International Corporation 15618 SW 72lld Avenue, Portland OR 97224 Tel: 503-522-0634 17"03-22-00-00904,2.32 Acres2 Current Zoning: Medium Density Residential (MDR) 3365 Game Farm Road, Springfield, OR 97477 Springfield Utility Board power substation, Address of Project: Current Use: II. PROPOSAL c A. Project Description Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless, is requesting approval to install a wireless communication facility (WCF) on private residential land located in Springfield, OR. . ~ The applicant is proposing to establish a WCF within a 40' x 30' fenced area consisting of a 65-foot monopole with antennas flush mounted at two levels (55' and 65') on the pole "and a 12' x 26' pre- fabricated equipment shelter. The enclosure will be surfaced with gravel, with all plant materials removed, The lease area will be surrounded by a six-foot cyclone fence and three strands of barbed wire for security purposes, The fenced area will be surrounded by a new landscape buffer and will be accessed by an existing drive off Game Farm Road'- Great care and expense has been taken by the applicant, Verizon Wireless, to design the facility to meet or exceed all applicable Code Criteria, and minimize the perceived visual impact of this site', , See, Tille Report, Deed & Assessors plat map w/site location, aI/ached as Exhibit I, 3 See, Architectural Drawings, allached as Exhibit 2. 4 See, Photo simulations. allached as Exhibit 3. Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 ).;qinai SubmittAl VERIZON WIRELESS D/SCUJ:T1UNA!?}' ApPROVAl, - Crr)" OP SI'IUNG/-'lIiUJ Eve - BAI.D), "'IEIl' Page 2 8, Svstem Information' Verizon Wireless is upgrading and expanding its physical system network throughout Oregon, Upon completion of this update, Verizon Wireless will operate a state of the art digital network of wireless communication sites throughout Oregon, and in connection with other nationwide Verizon Wireless market areas, Technology Associates International Corporation (TAlC) is responsible for the development and redevelopment of many of the Verizon Wireless sites and provides a broad range of professional services; including program management, land use planning, ,site acquisition, construction management, and technical services, TAlC, on behalf of Verizon Wireless, has submitted this application, The need for specific service is determined by market demand, capacity requirements for a specific geographic area, and the need to provide continuous coverage from one site to another in a particular geographic region, Once the need for additional capacity or enhanced coverage in a particular area has been established, Verizon Wireless Radio Frequency (RF) engineers identify a target area ("search ring") to locate a new facility, The required site I~cation and antenna height is determined by an engineering study', This study evaluates radio signal propagation over the desired coverage area based on topography, geographic features and possible signal attenuation due to seasonal changes in vegetation, It is desirable to have direct line of sight from the base station antennas to the required coverage objectives, This proposed development would allow Verizon Wireless to continue to provide the needed service to the City of Springfield and surrounding area, It is crucial for Verizon Wireless to have adequate coverage in this area in order to serve customers in compliance with its FCC license regulations, C. Network Overview Since their introduction, wireless telecommunications systems have proved to be an invaluable communications tool in the event of emergencies (traffic accidents, fires, etc,) and: natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, etc,) where normal land line communications are often disrupted, overlooked, or inaccessible during and after an event has occurred, This service and similar technology are utilized by numerous governmental and quasj,governmental agencies that provide emergency service, Wireless telecommunications systems, including cellular telephones, have also proved to be invaluable tools in business communications and everyday personal use, In this sense, wireless telecommunications system networks have proved to be desirable in the interest of public convenience, health, safety, and welfare, Wireless communication is accomplished by linking a network of radio wave transmitting devices such as portable and car phones, to the conventional telephone system through ,il series of short- range, contiguous cells, Similar to a honeycomb pattern, a wireless system is composed of many neighboring and interconnecting cells called, "cell sites," covering specific geographical areas, Each cell site contains transmitting/receiving antennas and radio transmitting equipmen't. As a customer enters one cell and exits another, the call is transferred between the cells by a computer at the main switch station, Calls are transmitted or received on a cell phone, PDA or other wireless devices as each cell site share a fixed number of frequencies on the network grid, A caller may initiate a call , 5 See, Letter ITom RF Engineer, Mark Tuttle, aI/ached, as Exhibit 4, This document details the ex~!e,RfilGijtived: coverage from the site proposed herein and alternate locations that were rejected. Areas sho\\'n in red through yellow . indicate ideal coverage; green through dark blue is unacceptable coverage as it is weak and degradedDEC 2 4 2009 Original Submittal VERIZON WIRELESS D/SCRHTlONARY A I'I'!?U VAl, - CITY OF SI'RINGFIHI,I) ElJG - !JAI,f)}' F/HW Page 3 from within the radius of one cell antenna, as the caller travels through the network, the call is transferred, from one cell to the next, thus enabling continuous, uninterrupted transmission, Wireless technology operates on a line of sight, as such, the antennas must be mounted high enough to overcome challenges posed by local topography, existing vegetation, avoid interference with other wireless infrastructure, and surrounding structures/development. The distance between cell sites will normally range from Y, mile to 9 miles, depending on the population density, consumer usage, existing vertical elements, and the geographical terrain, The required height for antennas is usually proportional to a combination of the distance each cell site can service and the customer demand within their sphere of influence, Typical placement for antennas is on freestanding towers, guyed towers, and lattice or self-support towers, Antennas can also be placed on rooftops, integrated into the building's architecture, and other building features if the structure has sufficient height to meet the needs of the service area, Wireless facilities located throughout the service area are intended to provide seamless call coverage, capacity and quality to its network, The following are some of the basic types of cell sites: Coveraae sites serve to expand coverage in large areas or in areas with difficult terrain and to enhance coverage for portable systems, Coverage sites allow users to make and maintain calls as they travel between cells, CaDacitv sites serve to increase the capacity when surrounding sites have reached their practical channel limits, As the years pass, the number of subscribers increases exponentially creating a strain on the existing network, In order to alleviate this strain, capacity sites are implemented into the systems network to accommodate the increase in customer demand, ' 0, Site Information The subject property is zoned MDR and is currently utilized by the Springfield Utility Board for a power substation, The proposed lease area is vacant and near several evergreens that provide natural camouflage for the communications facility, The area will be surfaced with gravel, with minimal plant materials removed, Underground utilities will be run to the lease site and the existing driveway will be extended to the area, The surrounding area is a mixture of undeveloped parcels, residential homes, churches, medical care providers and commercial properties including the Sacred Heart,Medical Center at River Bend, Unlike other land uses, which can be spatially determined through the General Plan or other land use plans, placement and implementation of wireless telecommunications facilities are based on technical requirements, which include service area, geographical elevations, alignment with neighboring sites and customer demand, Site selection within the rural or urban environment is dependent upon these requirements, as well as, the availability of property within the geographical area, and willing property owners who will allow the incorporation of an unmanned wireless telecommunications facility on their property, Wireless telecommunication facilities are built adjacent to and within all major land use categories including residential, commercial, industrial, open space, etc, proving to be compatible in a variety of situations, Wireless facilities are unmanned, have no impact on existing circulation systems, generate no noise, odor, smoke, or any other adverse impacts to adjacent land uses, Wireless facilities will allow commuters and residents within the coverage area wireless aCjll\l.~s t~the rapidly, expanding communications infrastructure by providing voice and data transmft~~ ~~!.V~: 'DEe 2 ~ 2009 OriainAI ~llh...IH~1 VERIZON WIRELESS D1SG}U:"T!ONARl" ApPROVAl, - en'}" OJ; SI'IIfNGFIU.JJ Eve; - BALDY VI/ijj" Page -I currently available by other systems, Wireless telecommunications facilities:' operate in full compliance with all state and federal regulations as provided by the Telecommunications Act of 1996, E, Federal Reaulations Verizon Wireless is a registered public utility, licensed and regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Verizon will comply with all FCC rules goverhing construction requirements, technical standards, interference protection, power and height limitations, and radio frequency standards, In addition, the compclnY will comply with all Federal' Aviation Administration (FAA) rules on site locations and operation, Power levels !~mitted by the transmitters to be used at the proposed cell site are considered low- powered, The license the applicant has received from the FCC limits each of the cell sites to 100- Watts Effected Radiated Power (ERP) or less, The equipment 4sed by the applicant will generate 1 DO-Watts ERP or less and the(efore compli~s with the FCC license requirements, Further, FCC regulation of radio transmissions mandates that the proposed facility shall not interfere with surroundi'ng properties or their uses, The FCC has determined that the power,levels emitted by wireless communications facilities (less than an average light bulb - 100 watts) is well below the minimum safety standards established for continuous exposure'to Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF), The extremely low output of power from the proposed facility, in conjunction with FCC regulation, will ensure there is no interference with surrounding properties electronic equipment, 2-way radio transmissions, computers, satellite antennas/televisions and telephone transmissions, F, Benefits to the Communitv Wireless technology will provide many benefits to the residents, businesses, and motorists that travel or live near the proposed project site, These benefits include: . Quick access to 911 Emergency, even in remote regions, allowing motorists to summon emergency aid and report dangerous situations . Support for emergency services by providing wireless communications access to param,edics, firefighters, and law enforcement agencies that use this technology, . A backup system to the land line telephone services in the event of power outages, 'natural or man-nlade disasters, . The ability to transmit data over the airwaves allowing' for immediate access to vital inform'ation to emergency services, . Provide quality wireless communications including voice, paging, and digitai data capabilities for erriail, facsimile and Internet access . Enhance the communications systems of residents and business around, the project coverage area, ,Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal VERIZON WIRELESS DISCRCf'lONANr A I'{'NOVA!. ~ CITY OF SI'/UNOFlF!J> EUG - BJJ/.f)r /'"/HIt' Page 5 III. ApPLICABLE CRITERIA -HARRA riVE 5.9-120 Discretionarv Use Criteria Wireless telecommunications systems facilities reqUiring Discretionary Use approval are exempt from Subsections A,-C" above but shall comply with the approval criteria specified in Section 4,3-145, 5.17 -100 Site Plan Reyiew '5,17-105 Purpose and Applicability - Exceptions: Certain wireless telecommunications systems facilities, See standards and review process for applicable underlying zoning district. Section 4,3-145 for sitting , 3.3-235 DWP Overlav District Standards for Hazardous Materials within Time of Travel Zones (TOTZ) The proposed facility is within the 5 year TOTZ boundary (see attached map), The proposed facili!y contains an emergency backup generator so this critical communication facility will have a power source in times of per failure or emergency, The proposed generator will be fueled by #2 diesel fuel which will be contained in an enclosed double walled with secondary cohtainm~nt tank inside a concrete shelter which will be placed upon a concrete slab, The maximum diesel fuel tank capacity is 250 gallons, Applications shall comply with the following standards, Where the following standards are more restrictive than the'standards of the Springfield Fire Code, the following standards apply: A. Zero to One Year TOTZ Standards, Findina: ' Not applicable the property is in the 2-5 year TOTZ boundary, Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 B. One to Five Year TOTZStandards, Original Submittal L The storage, handling, treatment"use, application, or production;,or otherwise keeping on premises of more than 20 gallons of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater in aggregate quantities not containing DNAPLs are allowed only upon compliance with containment and safety standards specified by the most recent Fire Code adopted by the C~, I Findina: The facility will have a maximum of 250 gallons diesel fuel at any, one time - the diesel fuel contains no DNAPLs, No DNAPLs will be contained within the proposed facility, The VERIZON WIRELESS f)/SC"UETfONARY ApPROVAl, - enT OF SI>NIN(;PIh'!,j) EUG - RAUJY ,F/lnv Page 6 diesel fuel (only hazardous material at facility) is allowed and is in compliance with the containment and safety standards specified by the most recent fore Code adopted by City - this criteria is met. 2, Unless exempted, all hazardous ()r other materials that pose a risk to groundwater shall be stored in areas with approved ,secondary containment in place (Springfield Fire Code 2702,1 and 2704,2,2),' , Findina: This facility:and the fuel is exempt per code however Director may deem the material to comply. The'diesel fuel will be stored within a secure concrete sheer in addition to having secondary containment at the belly tank under the generator- this criteria is met. 3, All new use of DNAPLs are prohi9ited, (Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids) Findina: No Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids are proposed- this criteria is met. 4, Any change in the type of use or 'an increase in maximum daily inventOry quantity of any DNAPL is considered a new use and is prohibited, ' Findinq: 1':10 Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids are proposed- this criteria is met, 5, The following certain types of facil.ities or changes in chemical use andlor storage of hazardous orother materials that pose a risk,to groundwater are prohibited: a, Hazardous material product pipelines used to transport the hazardous material off of ' the tax lot where it is produced or used; Findina: " No pipelines' or transport of any hazardous material for this facility - this crit~ria is met. b, Injection wells; Findina: No injection wells for this facility - this c~iteria is met. 6. Requirements found in Springfield Fire Code 2704,2,2,5 for a monitoring program and monitoring methods to detect hazardous or' other materials in the secondary cOrltainment system shall be mef for all amounts of hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater unless exempted, Date Received: ' iDEe 2 4 2009 , Orig1;'l~1 Suhll'Jitt~' , DfSCJ<J:'"f'IONAUr Al'l'RO/IAI. - CnT"(lF Sf'fUNGFIFi.IJ Eue - BAl.n)' VIEW VERIZON WIRELESS Page 7 Findina: This facility :and the fuel is exempt per code; however Director may deem, the material to comply. A monitoring program will be established if required by Director'::' this criteria is met, , 7, The following requirements for inspection and record keeping procedures for monthly in- house inspection and maintenance of containment and emergency equipment for all amounts of hazardous or other materials that pose a risk to groundwater shall be met unless exempted: Schedules and procedures for inspecting safety an~ monitoring and emergency equipment. The applicant shall develop and follow a written inspection procedure acceptable to the Director for inspecting the facility for events or practices which could lead to unauthorized discharges or hazardous materials, An inspection ( check sheet shall be developed to be used in conjunction with routine inspections, The check sheet shall provide for the date, time, and location of inspection; note problems and dates and times of corrective actions taken; and include the name of the inspector and the countersignature of the designated safety manager for the facilit'y, ". ", Findina: This facility and 'the fuel is exempt per code; however Director may deem'the material to comply. A record keeping and inspection program will be established if required by Director ~ this criteria is met. Also see attached Exhibit 13 Drinking Water Prot~ction Overlay - submittal require,ments,' 4.3-145 Wireless Telecommunications Systems Facilities Code Section 4,3-145 permits this type of development via a Type III review process, TAlC on behalf of Verizon Wireless is submitting this narrative and Site Plans for review by the Planning Department prior to application for a Building,Permit, The siting and review process for WTS facilities is based on the type of facility (monoDo/e, stealth design or collocation) and its proposed location in a Preferred Site (SHI, HI, LMI, QMO or PLO Districts), Acceptable Site (CC or CI Districts,or BKMU Plan District) or Conditionallv Suitable Site (NC, MRC, GO, LDR, MDR and HDR Districts or MS, HD, HS, WG, FP, UF-10 or H Overlay Districts), A, The development review process for wireless telecommunications systems (WTS) facilities is as follows: 1, Date Received: Building and Electrical Permits Only (Type I Review), DEe 2 4 2009 a, An attached WTS facility (existing structure, including,!collocation on cell tower) on a Preferred Site, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTSland line switching/connection equipment, OrIginal Submittal b, Adetached WTS facility (monopole designed for collocation) on a Preferred Site, set back from all property lines a distance equal to or greater , j' VERlZON WIRELESS /j/,....'GRETlONARr Af'/'NOVAI. - CI'IT()f; SI'IUNr,FJELD EUG - BAI,ny Vlilll"' Page 8 than the height of the tower, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WT::; land line switching/connectionequip~ent. c, A detached, stealth design WTS facility on a Preferrea Site not abutting residential districts, observing all setback and height limits of the " underlying zone, and all setback limits of the underlying zone unless it is demonstrated that locating the proposed facility within the reguired setback area will take advantage of an existing natural or artificial feature to conceal the facility or minimize;itsvisual impacts, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land line itching/connes,ion equipment. " d. An attached WTS facility on an Acceptable Site, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land Iin~ itching/connection equipment. e. A WTS facility, including antennas and switching/connection equipment to land lines, affixed to an existing utility pole, but no higher , than 10 feet above the height of the pole,i , DEe 2 4 2009 FindinQ: The site proposed herein does not comply with a Type I review as it is identified as a monopole within a Conditionally Suitable Site that exceeds the underlying zone height requirements, I' 2. Site Plan Review (Type II Review), In addition to Subsection 1, above, the following standards apply: a. A detached, stealth design WTS facility on a Preferred Site, that abuts a residential district, but is not set back a distance equal to or greater than the height of the structure, including equipment shelters, buildings and ca~inets housing WTS land line switchinglconnection equipment, unless it is demonstrated that locating the proposed facility within the required setback area will take advantage of an existing natural or artificial feature to conceal the facility or minimize its visual impacts, b, A detached, stealth design WTS facility on an Acceptable Site, observing all height limits of tl)e underlying zone, and all setback limits of the und!"rlying zone, unless it is demonstrated that locating the proposed facility within the required setback area will take advantage of an existing natural or artificial feature to conceal the facility or minimize its visual impacts, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land line switchinglconnection equipment, ' c. An attached WTS facility on a Conditionally Suitable Site, nOihigher than 10 feet above the existing structure, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land line switching/connection equipment. " It d. A detached, stealth design WTS facility on a Conditio[1ally SOitable Site, observing all height limits of the underlying zone and all setback limiJs of the unaerlying zone, unless it is demonstrated that locating the proposed facility within the required setback area will take advantage of an existing natural or artificial Date Received: OrIginal Submittal VERIZON WIRELESS IJfscRRT/oNARr ApPROVAl, - C{I'i' OJ? .')'/'/llj..,,(iFff;"/,f) ELIG - BAI./)"r 1"1/;"11' Page 9 feature to conceal the facility or minimize its visual impacts, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land line switching/cormection equipment. " e. All detached WTS facilities, on any site, within 1,000 feet of an existing detached WTS facility, f, All detached WTS facilities 50 feet or taller, on any site, and not designed or intended for collocation, ' , Findina: The site proposed herein does not comply with a Type II review'as it is identified as a monopole within a Conditionally Suitable Site that exceeds the underlying zone height requirements. 3. Discretionary Approval (Type I'll Review), In addition to the standards specified in Subsections 1, and 2, above, the following standards also apply: , a, All WTS facilities in the WillameUe River Greenway Overlay '\listrict. Findina: The site ,proposed herein is not within the Willamette River Greenway Overlay District. b, All WTS facilities that exceed the height limit of the underlying zoning district on any site, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land line switchinglconnection equipment, unless heighllimit provisions are exempted elsewhere in this Code, Findina: The monopole proposed herein exceeds the 35' height limit of the underlying zone (MDR), , c. All detached non"steallh design WTS facilities on any site abutting a residential district when the height of the structure exceeds the height limit of the residential district and the setback of the WTS facility is I~ss than the height of the structure, including equipment shelters, buildings and cabinets housing WTS land line, switchinglconnection equipment. Findina: The site proposed herein abuts a residential district (MDR) to the west, exceeds the 35' height limit; however, the tower is over 80' from the west property line, Date Received: DEe 24 2009 OrlGl "'''1\: SIIM'>!tt!'ll I VERlZON WIRELESS DISCRETI(),"ARY ApPROVAl. - CfTY, OF SI'IUN(iFIH!,j) cue - BAI,!);' VI/;W Page 10 d, All detached WTS facilities on any site located within 1,000 feet of an existing WTS facility that was designed to accommodate multiple users and that has space available, Findina: There are no other sites located within 1,000 feet of the proposed site location, e, All detached WTS facilities located within Public Street or railroad rights-of- way where the actual location of the proposed WTS facility immediately abuts residential districts, Findina: The sitecproposed herein is not located within a Public Street or railroad right-of-way, f, Lattice towers in any zoning district. Findina: A lattice tower is not'being proposed, f, WTS facilities in the Historic Overlay District subject to the applicable provisions of Section 3,3-900.and other Sections of this Code, , , Findina: The site proposed h~rein is not located with a Historic Overlay District. 4, Prohibited WTS Facilities, a. Any WTS facility, other than whip,antennas and switching/connection equipment mounted on existing poles, in the Historic Overlay District. b. Any WTS facility in the, public right-of-way that severely limits access to adjoining property, which limits public access or use of the sidewalk,or which constitutes a vision clearance violation, c. Any detached WTS facility taller than 150 feet above finished grade at the base of the tower,' Date Received: Findina: DEe 2 4 2009 Origin~1 Submittal VERIZON WIRELESS IJ/SCRHTlONAUY AI'I'NOVAf. - CI1T-Of.' SI'IIINGFI/:'i,jJ Eve - BAI,!)}' VIllII' Pagel I The site proposed herein is not located in the Historic Overlay District or within a public right-of-way and will not exceed 150 feet above finished grade, 8, Standards for siting WTS facilities ar~ as follows: 1, All WTS facilities shall observe minimum lot/parcel size, lot/parcel coverage, building height and building setback standards of the underlying zoning district unless specifically exempted or otherwise regulated by this Section, Underground facilities may encroach upon required yards or may be placed in appropriate easements, Findina: The site proposed meets or exceeds all standards. " 2, All WTS facilities shall be landscaped at the base of towers/poles, and completely around equipment shelters, Lighting ()f towers shall be as required by the F,4\A, All other lighting shall be deflected away from adjoining property, . , Findina: The p~rimeter of the site will be landscaped as per page L 1.0 in the arthitectural drawings. A FAA determination is not required for a site of this height.' Attached as Exhibit 7 is the TOWAIR decision showing that the structure does not require registration, No lighting is required by FAA since registration not required, The applicant is not proposing any freE! standing li,ghting. The prefab equipment shelter has a small exterior attached security light (70 watts) that is shielded by the door . .." canol?Y and is deflected from any adjoining property, Attached Exhibit 11- On Site Lighting Plan documentation. Thi~ criterion is satisfied, 3, Any WTS facility sited on, or designed with any of the following attri~,utes shall first receive FCC approval, as specified inFCC Rules 1,1301 through 1,1319, as a condition of City approval, prior to construction: Wilderness Area; Wildlife Preserve; Enq,angered Species; Historic Site; Indian Religious Site; Flood Plain; Wetlands; High Intensity White Lights in Residential Neighborhoods; Excessive Radio Frequency Radiation' Exposure, , . Findina: This criterion does not apply.' , , c. Application requirements for, WTS facilities are as follows: 1, WTS providers whose proposal conforms to the provisions of Subsection A.1" above requiring building and electrical permits only shall submit the following information with the application for permits: I Date Received: f I i ~~c ~ ~ 2009 Orj('jlm~i ;:;:"lklfflitt6i~.". VERIZON WIRELESS D/SCN1:',/,!()A'Af?Y A.l'/'ROVAI" - CITY OJ." SI'RfNGFI/:'/./J EUG - BALD)' :VIEW Page /2 a. A copy of that portion of the lease agreement (or lease memo) with the property owner, that includes collocation provisions (where applicable), facility ,. : removal within 90 days of abandonment, and a bond to guarantee removal shall be I submitted for review prior to development permit approval. Findina: A copy of the current lease is enclosed herein as Exhibit 5. The last paragraph , of Section 8 of the Lease includes collocation provisions; and Section 14 of the lease address the removal of the facility within 90 days after ab.mdonment. Section 37 allows for the Lessor (City'of Springfield) to locate on the tower, I A bond for tower removal is enclosed herein. (Exhibit 9) b. A signed statement from the applicant agreeing to allow coll~cation on the applicant's structure (where applicable), Findina: See attached collocation agreement letter signed by Verizon Wireless Pacific Northwest Real Estate Manager and A copy of the current lease;is enclosed " herein as Exhibit 5, The last paragraph of Section 8 of the Lease includes collocation provisions, c. A map of the City showing the approximate geographic limits"of the "cell" to be created by the facility, This map shall include the same information for all other facilities owned or operated by the applicant within the City, or extending within the City from a distant location, and any existing detached WTS facilities of another provider within 1,000 feet of the proposed site, FindinCl: See Exhibit 4, attached herein. d, An engineer's analysis/report of the recommended site location area for the proposed facility, If an existing structure approved for collocation is within the area ~ , recommended by the engineer's report, reasons for not collocating shall be provided " demonstrating at least one of the following deficiencies: i. The structure is not ,of sufficient height to meet engineering requirements; ii. The structure is not of sufficient structuraLstrength to accommodate the WTS facility; iii, Electromagnetic interference for one or ~oth WTS facilities l{Vill rEl~ult from collocation; or J Date Recelvea. , I" I , c~e2 4 zmg >; :u 0"1",1",..1 <;,'-'I""!!lal I 0~'1t.'1 .....1,,1,...1 I!] ,;;\;;. ~,.~~"_~__ , VERIZON WIRELESS f)/SCRE'l'!()NARi" AI"I'RO/'AL,- CITY ~)F SI'RIA'(iFf/;'UJ "EUG - BAI.(Jl' 'VI/:"IJ' Page /3 , iv, The radio frequency coverage objective cannot be adequately met. Findina: See Exhibit 4, attached herein, available for collocation, " There are no sites within the area that are e. A plot plan showing: the lease area; antenna structure; height above grade and setback from property lines; equipment shelters and setback from property lines; access; connection point with land line system; and all landscape areas intended to screen the WTSfacility, Findino: See architectural drawings attached herein as Exhibit 2, " , f, The'method of stealth design (where applicable), , Findino: Not applicable. 1: g, An engineer's statement that the RF emissions at grade, or at nearest habitable space when attached to an existing structure complfes with FCC rules for , these emissions; the cumulative RF emissions if collocated, Findina: ;: See NIER Report attached herein as Exhibit 6. , ~ ,h, A description of the type of service offered (including, but not ,limited to: voice, , data, video) and the consumer receiving equipment. Findina: ,See NIER Report attached herein as Exhibit 6, Identification of the proyider and backhaul provider, if differen.!- , Findina: Qwest i. j. Provide the RF range in megaHertz and the wattage output o~ the equipment. Findina: 880 - 890 MHz 1965-1970 MHz 100 Watts 40 Watts r r , Date 'Received: C!;C 2 4 2009 Total wattage = 140 Watts Original Submittal VERIZON WIRELESS DISCHHT!ONARf AI'PIUJVAI. - CIlT OF ,l,i"R1fV(;FIHI,/) Eve - HAI.Dr VIEW Page 1-1 k. Provide the facilities maintenance schedule, Findina: Typical maintenance occurs once a month. I. Provide the zoning and, Metro Plan designation of proposed site, Findina: Zoned: MDR Metro Plan: MDR m, Provide any required FAA determination, Findina: A FAA determination is not required for a site of this height. Attached as Exhibit 7 is the TOWAIR decision showing that the structure does not require registration. 2, WTS providers whose proposals conforms with the provisions of Subsection A2" above requiring Site Plan Review approval shall submit, in addition to the requirements of Section 5,17-120, the following information, a, Items a, through d, and f. through m, in Subsection C,1" above, b. Photo simulations of the proposed WTS facility from the 4 cardinal compass points andlor abutting right-of-way, whichever provide the most accurate representation of the proposed facility from a variety of vantage points, Findina; Photo simulations are attached herein as Exhibit 3. c. The distance from the nearest WTS facility and nearest collocation site, Findinq;, ,Based on the FCC database, the closest WTS facility is 3.5 miles southwest owned and operated by Cingular. This site is too distant and is not a viable coilocation location. 3. ' WTS providers whose proposals conform with the provisions of Subsection A3" , above requiring Discretionary Use approval shall submit the following information: a, Items 1-3 in Subsection C,2" above, Date Received:' b, Responses to the following Discretionary Use criteria: DEe 2 4 2009 Orlqlnal Submittal VERIZON WIRELESS !)ISCNHT/O,vARJ' Al'/'NOflAI. - CITY OF S/JRfNUFn!.!J fUG - HAI,/)l' VIEW Fage 15 i. An engineer's statement demonstrating the reasons why the WTS facility shall be located at the proposed site (including, but not limited to: service demands, topography dropped coverage); ii. An engineer's statement demonstrating the reasons why the WTS facility shall be constructed at the proposed height; and Findina: See Exhibit 4, attached herein, III. Verification of good faith efforts made to locate or design the proposed WTS facility to qualify for a less rigorous approval process (building permit or site plan approval), Findina: No viable collocation facilities are located within 3 miles of the site proposed herein, The only structure within the area that is of sufficient" height to meet the coverage objectives is RiverBend Hospital. Peace Health was contacted to determine if there was any interest in a rooftop facility. The representative at PeaceHealth indicated that there was currently no interest in leasing space for a facility of this nature, The site proposed herein is designed to provide the minimal impact on the surrounding area by proposing the minimal height necessary, by locating it near existing vertical elements and flush mounting the antennas to the pole, ADDITIONAL NARRATIVE COMMENTS ADDRESSING CHECKLIST SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: DISCRETIONARY USE - SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST 1, Application Fee $1071-a check attached, 2, Deed - copy attached 3, Title report ,- attached 4, 8 Y, x 11 reduced copy site plan - attached 5, Narrative - see above Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 SITE PLAN REVIEW - SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST 1, Application fee - check attached Origlnsl :::;UOlTIlUal 2, Deed - copy attached 3, Title report - attached 4, Narrative - see above 5, ROW approach - NA not on ODOT frontage; using ex, driveway, 6, 3 copies of Stormwater management system and scoping sheet - NA see attached email from City engineer Matt Stouder. EXHIBIT 12 7, Traffic Impact study - NA - 1 trip per month; no onsite employees unmanned facility 8, 18 copies of 11 x17 site plans folded - attached (includes required site assessment of ex conditions and site plan requirements as applicable, The following are not applicable due to the nature of the proposed facility: SITE ASSESMENT: watercourses (none affecteq), 100 , ' VERIZON WIRELESS DISCR/:"nONARY AI'PRf)VAJ, - CfTY OF S'I'RINUFIf:"I,J) EUG - BAI,}))" VI/:'Il' I)age 16 yr floodplain - none on property, Time of travel zones - this is addressed in the attached Drinking Water Protection permit application, SITE PLAN: Parking spaces - none existing or proposed - unmanned facility" solar access-NA, loading and vehicular & pedestrian circulation - NA unmanned facility, bicycle parking -NA for this use, transit facilities - NA for this use, open space etc - NA - none required, phased development plan - NA, IMPROVEMENT PLAN (all private none public) -street lighting - NA for this use, sidewalks etc - NA for the proposed use, GRADING PAVING & SWM PLAN - attached - per City engineer the scope of work only required these plans to show the proposed landscaping and sheet flow of drainage which is depicted on plans, ON,SITE LIGHTING PLAN - see attached EXHIBIT 11 On site lighting documentation, The prefab equipment shelter has a small exterior attached security light (70 watts) that is shielded by the door canopy and is deflected from any adjoining property, ,9, Additional materials may be required: Multifamily-NA, Riparian protection -NA, Geo-technical report - attached, Overlay district - the property is within a well head drinking water protection overlay district -a separate concurrent application for the DWP permit is attached and addressed therein, tree removal - NA only 2 existing shrubs are proposed to be removed, wetland delineation - NA no wetlands on property, Federal or State permits - none required, Land & Drainage Alteration permit - to be submitted with 'Building Permit application, The amount of grading and excavation will be minimal 1500 sq ft area and apprx, 30 cubic yards excavation for foundation" Annexation application - NA within City limits, DWP OVERLAY DISTRICT - SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST 1, Submitted concurrent with Site Plan Review 2, application fee submitted -check attached 3, Copy of deed and Title report 4, Narrative - see above 5, 3 copies 81/2 x 11 plot plan showing TOTZ and property - attached 6, Three copies of: a) Hazardous materials prior to 2000 - NA no record of any on property b) Hazardous Material Inventory Statement and Material Safety Data Sheet- attached c) List of chemicals to be monitored - NA none proposed d) Activities if over 500 gallons' - NA under 500 gallons maximum stored, e) Description of primary and secondary containment - attached f) Hazardous Material Management Plan - attached g) Inspection & Maintenance procedures - attached, h) Plan for disposal of hazardou's materials over maximum allowed - NAall used on site and will be under maximum allowable limits, IV. CONCLUSION Based on the information provided in and with this document the request of Verizon Wireless should be approved, The site proposed herein has been designed to have minimal impact on the s'urrounding and abutting parcels and complies with the applicable criteria" Further, the proposal shall enhance basic community functions and provide an essential community service. All applicable approval criteria have been met. Date Received: DEC2 4 2009 Original Submittal . -, ~ veft7Ol1wire1ess List 'of Exhibits Exhibit 1: Title Report & Deed (3 copies) Exhibit 2: Architectural Drawings - Site Plans, Survey, Grading Paving & Stormwater Plan, Landscape plan, and Elevation . Exhibit 3: Exhibit 4: Exhibit 5: Exhibit 6: Exhibit 7: Exhibit 8: Exhibit 9: Exhibit 10: Photo Simulations Radio Frequency Engineer Letter Redacted Draft Lease NIER TOWAIR Determination Geotechnical Report Tower Removal Bond Property Owner Land Use Authorization Letter and verification of Ownership documentation Date Received: Exhibit 11 : On Site Lighting Plan documentation. DEe 2 /, 2009 Exhibit 12: Stormwater exemption letter from City Engine~Original Submittal Exhibit 13: Drinking Water Protection Overlay - submittal requirements (3 copies) Technology'Associates International. CorporllUon List of Exhibits Exhibit 1: Title Report & Deed (3 copies) Exhibit 2: Architectural Drawings - Site Plans, Survey, Gradiri'g Paving & Stormwater Plan, Landscape plan, and Elevation -18 copies 11x17" Exhibit 3: Photo Simulations Exhibit 4: Radio Frequency Engineer Letter Exhibit 5: Redacted Draft Lease Exhibit 6: NIER Exhibit 7: TOWAIR Determination Exhibit 8: Geotechnical Report Exhibit 9: Tower Removal Bond Exhibit 10: Property Owner Land Use Authorization Letter and verification of Ownership documentation Exhibit 11: On Site Lighting Plan documentation. Exhibit 12: Stormwater exemption letter from City Engineer Exhibit 13: Drinking Water ,Protection Overlay - submittal requirements (3 copies) , r Date Received: O:C 2 I, 2009 , , ,\ ; ,1 "' i I Original Submittal :; EXHIBIT 1 . Fidelity National Title Insurance Company AMENDED - CORRECT LEGAL STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT 800 Willamette Street, Suite 500, Eugene, OR 97401 (541)683-5422 FAX: (541)344-4534 November 9, 2009 TO: Technol09Y Associates International Corp, 15618 SW 72nd Avenue Portland OR 97224 Title Number: 4609011834-FTEUG25 Regarding: Verizon Wireless Property Address: 336? Game Farm Rd Springfield, Oregon Lane October 8, 2009 County: DATED AS OF: PROPERTY We have searched our Tract Indices as to the following described real property: See Exhibit A Attached Hereto VESTING. City of Springfield, a munincipalcorporation RECORDED INFORMATION, Said property is subject to the following on record matter(s): 1, Restrictions, but omitting restrictions, if any, based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said restriction is permitted by applicable law, as shown on that certain plat Name of Plat: Land Partition Plat No, 2002-P 1627 Recording Date: December 10, 2002 Recording No: 2002-095796 2, Matters contained in that certain document Entitled: Waiver of Time Limit on Consent to Annexation, an Addendum to the Consent to Annexation Document Dated: Recording Date: Recording No: October 13,1997 October 17,1997 9771005 3, Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars, Matters contained in that certain document Date Received: Entitled: Notice of Annexation Agreement 'C::;C 2 4 2009 Original Submittal STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT FDOR0546.rdw AMENDED - CORRECT LEGAL STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT (Continued) Dated: Recording Date: Recording No' October 13, 1997 October 17,1997 9771006 Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars, 4, Matters contained in that certain document Entitled: Dated: Executed by: Recording Date: Recording No: Annexation Agreement June 7, 2001 City of Springfield and Arlie & Company, an Oregon corporation June 8, 2001 2001-034714 Reference is here,by made to said document for full particulars, Assignment of Annexation Agreement Recording Date: December 31, 2001 Recording No: 2001-088566 Amendments to Peacehealth Annexation Agreement to Allow Issuance of Land and Drainage Alteration Permit Recording Date: October 8, 2003 Recording No: 2003-098507 5, Matters contained in that certain document Entitled: Dated: Executed by: Recording Date: Recording No: Improvement Agreement Including Notice of Potential Assessment Lien August 20, 2002 City of Springfield August 29, 2002 2002 -06727 4 Reference is hereby made to said document for full particulars, END OF EXCEPTIONS A, Note: Property taxes for the fiscal year shown below (Cities & Towns Exemption) Fiscal Year: Levy Code: Account No,: Map No,: STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT FDOR0546,rdw 2008-2009 4-78 1693868 17-03-22-00-00904 Date Received: DC: 2 4 2009 Original S\ bmiU,,1 AMENDED - CORRECT LEGAL STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT (Continued) THIS REPORT IS TO BE UTILIZED FOR INFORMATION ONLY, Any use of this report as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real pro pert) described will require payment in an amount equivalen't to applicable title insurance premium as required by the rating schedule on file with the Oregon Insurance Division, The liability for Fidelity National Title Insurance Company is limited to the addressee and sh, II not exceed the $200,00 paid hereunder.' I Fidelitv National Title Insurance Company Patty Smith PattvSmith/a)TitleGrouo FNTG,com Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Original Sub nitta' STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT FDOR0546,rdw Order No,: 46 )9011834-FTEUG25 EXHIBIT "A" Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No, 2002-P1627, Filed December 10, 2002, County Surveyor'; File No, 37813 and filed December 10, 2002, Reception No, 2002-095796, Lane County Deeds and Records, ' Dat3 Received: c:::s 2 4 2009 FDOR0553,rdw Orlginai ~uo,nittal ,07PD I I ~I $,37241 r~:~ I ~\J" ! \ \ ----____ ,~",no.: - ~ _\.1 ~ ~.~,Jt S89":S6'OOPlJI J3""!~ s;~~r~~::. ...../ ~/. . ~3,~' . 'I', ( 1000 \, ~ ~ 902 I 5,33 AC.T, I ~~ 7,02 AC,T j I ~~ I ~ in $,37241 i U I.~~ ~ ~ ~ o::C ll'i <::> 13 13 13 <::> o <:> o ( --V;;;;-"el~tl6POT 23 2 (3 00 0 C' 00 ~ 78 G G ::>130 13 (;) Il W/lY---- J I ,'.)/ I ( I FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY This sketch above is made solely for 't~e purpose of assisting in locating said premises and the ( 3mpanyassumes no liability for variations; if any,.in dimensions and loc~tion ascertained by actual S Irvey. ,Map # ]703220000904000 ,I Date Received: I i D1:C 2 4 2009 Orig nal Submittal ('j SECTION 22. T.17S. R.3 W W..... LANE COUNTY -.,:,'.- .~ 17 OJ 22 & INDEX HAD 83/91 __"01" . . . . . . .-.'.- , , , I I m:":~- :~ )" ,+ .., ,j " -:~ ,,- "'" lJiilit_= J~IS: ..--,.. ,-- tr!'t!' '" !~.~L~; I~.~;' !!W;.;!' "' ~-="::l ~'.~- , .3 . . 3 T i ' . I i ; ....~ __.:21' ., ,\l'1, , J , , I a .' a.2'l . 22 0 - co :;' 0 e!. ll) en 0 - r:: ", CD ~ c. :;0 ...... ':i - (l) (') !!. ...... 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"2' h:tt '81....2. fOtll, SIllolt~ 89 56' VUt 1~1i8.1' fut, South 0 01,' liose 11i.1 hot, _nd Soueh tl~ 5&1 Unt '57.5 'oct frotll the Nortllcut eCo'l'lIer or the willi..,. ~'D~CinC Duulofl L_nd CI6ht Mg, 1t6 III Tg"nihlp 17 South, Jt.n9C1,A Wou, Wltl..ll.UfI KllFldlSftl' froll !ilIld point of bClolnnlnlJ I'un SOll~h') 521 Eut ,long tAa ClIntal' lna 0' eIlUI'lt., Road 110, 3 " dlUhCc g'ol.l)O."o: ful; ttl'lul~a l4~rth U 56,' ha- "57.5 'on; thonc;a fl~rth 3 H' ~G&t li}O.U feet. fhence .sowt.h 6' 56' Wl!st 457.$ feN to rh(! polnr /'j' bell,I","",p, i111 1ft ll1llol!. tounry, OreiO<1. EJlclptltlSl fhll fogcther with !clllh ~Q rut therl!o'f. _n I 1H:~cnt for- Ingreu end egr~.$ QV~r laid low\h Z~ f~.t. s := ~ ~ 9 ~ , . ""1111 "OIlG I M f1kl....",,'rrt't",....."_.MU"'bra_"AElpI ~,l;I;>rldl~IQnf. '.(IStrlll,IQn5 ;In' Q.,UCllcntc S5 Gf r.,or". 'hi II'UII lO~,Id"Oll8n I_ lhl, cGn"'-ron"" It S " ,~1.5,. 00 {tfllt conlplr wllh 1fI, r...~III_"'~ .f 00 PUIJOJ tl$liIdlhk 3/':It dara~ "1t,..~~".....1' 11. 'ii.,;{,:{!t-'~, Ck,-,t, ~OS"EL WA'fflE ,I'An \:~~"";~I(!JI/. ~:;,.,.....'r.:.I...{:1:~f.'~../'.. FRAil lfJJDlIl! 'UASf , . ..1:i"'.!'e.h......3l.~.~...'., Ir.17.._. ~,r.~,!! ~.~~,!,r." ..f.~a.!I'_-:. 'l^<I"i1~'~' "'''''~''., '."~H....r'''-.._.. /~' ilf'.t.-::.b;, d 1M ab_. ~"" ".... I.~... _..~.~.!'.~. ,....!I.~e .~~~.~ .s-.';-7'':\".' ~....' {~~;?r.~ ~._..;..;,oi,~';~~;r. be.':. :~:~,~ I.;,:,:' vaIW~.~..~~-d~--.. ..,,~..~.<..-.~,- '\.,1\...",.;,' (;,IDIIIiilll..._..,'.._ _, . ,c Qi,i/:I:,8CL.........,_..,__,.., ~ .... .'.'.,. .(" (Ii ary Pvhllf fa, Or"VO" " "'r (oll'mlul9n fllpl,.. ~G~~~8(1.:;,~, ] :ZS,..~.Q !,~.h :~~~'", ~.t! .~.~~.t.,~~.r..~.i.~.~!J.~.L.~.r, ..~.~.'.IJ~n..: ..... ...~ Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 OrIginal submittal ~14~' .t~J~t~~m. :,.'.,7;~W.);~~~;~~~' , ..,,'Xi'....t....'I.l: ' : J(~.~J~ , :~.,..O..~~":!ol....\...Ji.. " .....-../.- :: ".,.:~t:"'~'.Z::sJ:."J. "f:;.\t~"'.. 1,.~:;!fi..,'\! ., ::'~r~f,)::'~:I;~ . ,', ".,', ,,, , ':' t',. ;,.,~. " , IYI-'" -, ~', T:;::':L~;'1~ ~~'~~ ~: ,::,:,..)~~~~rl~ :,' ,,~ ;'"; _I .",'''~ ...... ,P~ ~':iR\f ! .,';....;;,\q "j' :. , ; .'..l < "i ,~i :.!i~ '-- r- r.J"r.>>!.IIi.'iLr......'>ioOll.-'~L1, "" ~-~ ~tli'''' ! " " ??~:"':531 ~ '.I!'~" .. ---.'- '''b! - ! oS :Ii _; ~ I ~ : StMII~a-,... c.ual~"t.-,"__ " , 1.P-"IlI Pm-ItDId.O\no:tor..r.....o.,r.art. :It -.t....Q...".,~I".and,..,..I~,o!d ~ C'''lIol.Y. d~ ~""-Y ~1f). ih.. . owiIJdn i ....rrtl__.~....,.,_.. <: '" " ~ ~ I , 1m ~"R '8 F1,) ;; II' ~ 843 R ~~c..-...70mCI...'.~L 1)_"'Lf'.nr.l".~J'~...~nr,* 1i_1Ll&.......__ 'I" ",,1, - D(<,(] .' ,. ,} . -Dr~-";.?L.. -r '",~........,,_ . :"~";' ;'1' _r . , ., .' i if In,.! 11 [~l l 1 i:1 B l' ; , " 'I' i I' It . I . II 11 " I '1 I I, I, ! II! I 1 ; i Illl j jl; ! II '. ~. I f II' 1 Fti 1111, Ii 1 J, i I ~, nl i ! I ."jr2JS~"~L~R~i:~ !Jt 'ill.. ".1 ."....s.td ThI< Co>. _....,..~ ~IIIllSCiClNW67. ~ MeaflDllt 'lH40.1 AHG PT ~I'k rfR (~) I'D ~ta. 11l0fl iIIOO /::PfJ!(3) n) VIr lROM AUl L':"[II Cll I t o~ . g~, i.~ :: =:~ ~ 46 ~~ ':,.' f'U.Hl7 V," INlCCOllNI'r il:)"tl.1 fIIIl'5$(;aP191, ~...:. ."".ww: W1lmr P~H. ~I:l ~~ i5CC 5HE1T :r fOIl CDNL ~ ~'l "'.8 N ,""~"oo' I[ 4~!.!I&' ('2) =~ ..- III Brn'uct' (4~.5lI' , ,,,4\1r," ~1140 \ i, ~/~r--~1----;l- I 1 P(R':t) J , I / / ,L""" """',,{ ; I O[llIOIo.llllHl'(RIlEILUll6. j '1~[N1"P'''WSll:' ~ ~1'Z 't. ~ :: ~ 'to ~ I . I !::l. ~l'''::' ~/l. ... ;~ I U8.ICIB I ... "". ..: : : ~, ~1"" I I I "o!!: I r j _WP.t .<J.lHPU8I.IC: if : j :-~~rft.~ , , , I , ' I , ~1"P.u~, ; , , , I I ' I ' , .r-n. I I ,J,- . 'a'''CH'TcrGyt~PER , - TItro. ,~. INSlll.lWfNT to.~" 1 I '- --I 5 W"jiffW-. ~.;J;I.t.1 It: . I 1 11.....,..... \' '.\:~-,:.::: P'(lt(:t} <<)'.JOrIII"1\IXIOS1:' liUMU7 ANt PI" ., ~won III AI: I'lR (~) I!""'-;:;..-;;= ..JI!Iy~ LAND PARTITION FOR CI1Y OF SPRINGfIELD U)CATED IN THE HORTHfAS.T ]/~ 0If S-(CTlON 22 or TCJ\IINSkIP 17 SOUTH, IWIlGl. 3 WEST. W1lt.AMETT[ MfRIOIAN cuy or SPRlNGFlEIJ), lA"'( COUNTY. ORt:GON "'oIKJ'S6'OQ'[4~.12l N Ir56'Of' [.4I1a!.JII." . L Il)oIIS.4..l" '\ !II [: ctR~ or .,. Sft\U6 cu: 110 46 z- ftJUilo :r I/~' tAHt CO~ _~ !lAlSSC>> '"4 ~~p- ~~ ~s~~,':.~.":.(~'.i~t~rt',.fir~~ ~' ~:..:N.EalRtICltorfH[RlWiISI[l,oIJGIlt.CNO..n ",_ APPlWI'ALS rn ~jr IIlOH IIQD POINT ~-::iJ _ P[If (lJ ~.c IPJWlER OTY Of ~iW1 m5frIAr3N 11011 I'El (4) ~ 112... c_... ____ . iif.r u Sl"1II1Niitw~ \ , 3'311.515" _I ~.:n I'.atI3 1tJ1.... ....'B "tAD" IW4IW11lU: ;~~i ~~~.. "i. '1 . - ::a !ig , '" " , N.....rxt"[U1.titf .___-w .ns'oo" I" 427#1' (7)~-- _.- fIIva"IIIO!LJIlXI~ l'fJ'l{ll._ \ ro~/fI"~1lDO ' I KR(41""'\ 'r ~~,' . '\. ,w__ LEGEND o ~ U:i' :S' I!!. en c ~ ~ o 50.3/11-. 3O.lfIOII MtllmltftllDlill PlAS1\C tAP IUAItCtD "'5ICl>>l[ll*A5SOC, IJC.o . fDUhtI 21/'2" UK'[ OCIJIrrl'IlIIlASSOP JS DE:!lClll'8lD . FOlJPCl YOHUN(HI' JtS DEiCIIIIIl]) )( CIla.l.A1tIIPCIIfT.W1tfNI;F'CIJIIlIIlJIIS[1 IfItX~CleC#lClJLArm[l,O.TA .OLPllIHI'1D1ItJCPOltlT ~ 1IFrM~nc. POI q[rtRUla: NO ~ ~W'."'L_.'_~!D L1N[ n "",;;0 , ..... CD l....oQ'.....,..~..., ~-'~_........ ~,,..oo. g C2" (Q CD 0- ., ZJ:f ACCESS EllSUI041 -f'(RlIEELM3. IICmIl.IIOP NO-7nt:Ul SCUI"; ,. - 60' 60';;' D JO-~ t)~l,lrIa1'i ~ ~OlllJIoII"I'~R . OWNER'S OECIARAOON D.~IIl......Cltl"~l,~1..tI a..-.q___ \....""'''''...'''''''''''~ ot.lI.IUIIl.~ fUJtCJ~Tt~('J llll-llilll UmDlWlllllIllIIOI 12I11r2m1I:21:Alift .....,. 1;>0..... .-c ceGDCIII .11.00IW.ODUI.lD LAND PARTITION PLAT No,2002-PI627 12-~ .", 11.....04--02. "'" I't.-IO~ "'" 1lNOWN.IU. PEIl50NS IHI;T lW[ l:J1T 01 s....NJfli:1.n. DOlS lIDlIl:BW WoOI, [S'J1B.J5II NIO Dn:aARI. TK,J(T 1\(E PNmTDlI' PUtI ~ iX:5tIlII(]) 11'4 WHl ~~'S cormFrA1[, ... TIlIL I/N' oIlHD P'IM 1HlJlI[Of" ......' . WIDI DE: NOWl5IC1tG Of D'rS 0WT0t t1, N..1. ,AllCOS .:IIC r:I" T~ oa<<USlON5 Sloa.toI ON SlOI..... we HfJl[I'fQWCf IOn-E~DE:7 rool'AIID~.mm! P.J8JCUTUfYi'A!DlOIfSlS~O"'/'I€I'UI~~[ ..r::mo f'1HJe ~ IlRoIDW:l[ CASDl[HT .....DCIIIJIortS 1Ht.oN'f tJS( M:CtSS ANI) , ...'"., a.sDIOIT MfO.TlM.T 05[)1(11'15 a RlCXKI 1IlE9fCMfll€IIEON. f'V\i.A...-A-,~' wi;"iiiW,.... JCOJ.V - atl.1iowD /J./"j,J. ..'" NOTES OEYI:LOI'''DrIt#'P.oR;:tt115F'RtMlJ1[t1I,MlL'''DII[[Jtl'M~ >>ItI' nil:: SNCT/lRl' SEWER IINNIl l~[ DOI:I6ClI5 "-'II:: lXiWPLm. Nt) SmUllN/;. $IRI%:l1.Il'[, lJlI(t. 5HUII!I[1IY [III 0'h![Jt OBmU~ 9WJ. DC F'IJIaDOIll CA 1M APU8lII::UD.JtT~. r..UIIDIf ro 011 !n..:r!: sw..,.v ...., POilU O'JW"""'" IlICOMl1D Nl7tOIIILIt 2'Sl. 1110 IN \'Q.1IIIE !!II. PlIrI;[ 27't......D LSItII ntl TI(SI'UlII l1rl..l!:oIHlIf'SOIl'O'IIl'orAd'Hf'rll:O'OltT 110. "". bX5 NOT Nl'rCT 116 Nl:PDIlT'. UNE TMll.l: HUlIl lIt:JlIIlIlU U S~II'OO' w un] s: oII'!r.ll~.OIT W Hk- :~~t": 1 ij :s o:l"5lI":ii' F 114 '5.~i"'-'!J"-r .<WiXl 1.11 '" N.n 19.'11. ~., q~ REFEREi4CES [1) "f<DID 1...-cJIIIIIl]~ PElt C5F .... .!J'141 ro"""" (J)ItECOIID I"IJIi! C5f" NO ~J'II\O POt a;ar-NO .UIl..... (4)FlS:XIIlDlllf(RlMOOllP[ACSF"0-:J2~ (5.) IlIEL 1ot.JR, IkS1'AIAENf 1ft). nn~l. LN4E c:otM1Y t&D RfXXIlltIS ~r ACKNOWl.l:OGIolENT I. STA~OFClIlDX:IN} ,,< OOU..,.,. Of LN41 ) 1HSS"ll)cvnnrw.'c.lJHIS~DI'"~ I!IOUII:IlEAIlmMT"UI!IUC ur~fClR PDC~.NrO S'I.ur" P~Y ~ allOPCl. A. KR.I.:r ItIA 11"II CTf 01' ~11tO"1UD 1M) ISo..... TtI III: m 8[ IH[ IOOf1I:AL 1'CIIKI4 NMICG 1101 oIlHDIM1OOI:tllllDrncl'Oll[i:OftC~MD ADC~[II TO UI" TtW H[ ntt1JttD 1HC ~ \UWN1.u1IU, 011 El&IALF Of 'IH[ em a- 5PIU<<lfElA FCA 11-t[ IJS(3 JIIiD I'UAPDSt!l H[1I04 fWI€D -.iJll'~ 'N_ (............~., illCll'Ml'I'"F'\lIL" "'.. ""." e.r,,-""" SUR'VD'OR'S CERTIFICATE 1,51E'f'[/IlE.M:JQIlIS,.~lIlt:CI5l'DIIDPI'IOF['SS~1J,NO:W1M"'rl:)q11l' lH: stAJ[. or mu:D4 DO t€RlBI' c:amtY nw: I KIM: alFIlIO:T\.Y 51J~ .-:l lIWIlkIO Wl'H ,""",po MOIlUlfOOS THE. IN<<) [E'lC1ll1U) HDtl'04. 1IIAf SAID lNlD 15 a;:scfll![ll tIIS RU.aolIS: oouwrnc:DIG 0li'l b4( IIOI1'THP51 CQItIlrll <Y 1K 'IIUWtI 5'l'l'oUfS llCW.'IICIM~ tlRW Net. 44,.'JO'Mlol5111P Il'SI111H.1WC( ~Wl"S'. 'IIU.J\W[tl[1IIl'tOWot ~SOIJTIIt"~~ALONCncr: I'IOImol.LlNE ilf" ~D ().UII re. 441. lB0.4S~ 11-IDlCJ': SOJIH aOol' PSl. 111&5.167 rm 10'" 5ta-K.1l UlOtil lOONlO 1Ht1R'U[ POIN1' (:#"eu::"'lIINI:,~POIl1TiIIONCo1H[lUJPt.l'OltfCcr'hlI5~; 1H[lC[SCMlol_56'OO"'fIti1',"l55&Ft[T1O"~INCHlllOll AOIl. SlllIIIlON RQD Due 3I0Cl n:CT ...~ WI-EH IfIMUIEtI J,J flO4T .Alae;. TO. Of.: CfIlTEIlNl or 0ClUIl'TT R<Wt NO. 3 CG.lIL If"NaI'R[Wl); Ttl[IIOC!lOI.IDI" ~'!>Il" tolSl". PMlII.l.O. .-rPl s.m amtJll.IIl[, tn.'. f'lO ID ~ ~/lIPOf -RON 1ItCI; 11€NC[,.,..Ttl lll!JM"'DO" CASI, 4>>.11, FIE! TO":VI INClIo rROllIlOO: flOIIX N:l1ml :r~'J1)' .aT, 411.00 rm 1'0 JHE: f'orNT or IIClil_lltO. .roll rrlUftE,OCIUhII'Y,OII[OOIIl. SURVEY NARRATIIIE 'I'lE. PURri'05I: ClI'" "THIS SUM:Y 'al.S 11) I'A.II1I11'JN D.IR aJEIl'I:I I'1IS)I'(RI'f .no 1'MO (2) 5(lWWt PtIllllE.S I" .'.' _,-" . ., WI1M llR5CFW'1tRnAN:l'1OAllJ1u.1H[a>>lCl'hON5Gr.....~ALf1J!lU T4lt arr or SPmIK71b.J) ~1ED AUQJST ,a. 2OlI' IN ..IOI.R...... ILIWIf]t 2002-CI2-lI!U fHE IIOIITH, 00f"'" SOUTH llOUNlPfIl.[s 'I'l'm! CDImta.1lD In M fOUt,O~orGSl'31ISO""""t:ST>>3OlI~s.lC'llll ~. Tll[w[!>ft.KWf(5tCD.Dl'HIAU.O..mAMlllfT'S[l3~1l) HE!' I"IlnItI 1H't ct:f'I'1Al."l Of GlNE r_ IIll1'O lIS III~TCD ,. e5tc:sr~~.. CJWtP. tllT or sl'lll<<ll"€Ul ~SI1IE~.7471 I'\Ut1TIlOIlUI. AAI.1(.. CtalP>>r'r 12:lCOU'41RTCL"!tfl:OolD EUCOIl.CIIl!::GONt740' SHL'I ~ ~r' ~ - -- 1 SKINNER 4 '*SSOClATES, INC.. l-AND SURVEVING _.__'UM;'fS __"ClloQl'tlCl\I;IIlll...-n 'D._lo:l",33"IQ.J.TlilVtl ..._C....OII(~ll..,1 (301) ...._M.l no: l'W-'''''. D.Ore'!lO't1.__...~ .-tOIl'l"" ru'\3'CII2\~~ .I....r.__~. -...:.~ l _'.L_ ~..-- L'" -~- J ~ o ... ci5' :::i" '21:.. (J) c: CT 3 Ii o SOV8-~s:rlllOlfflCOIl'lD11'(LlDlIIPlASTIC CP....u:tl~[Il:"J1SSllC..IIIC. . r-o.Jl'Cl 2l{'l"lAN[COUIfT'IEIIUSS CR.o.s llDCfl;B{JI . rOUN) WONU..tNT.II!l OESOll8f'D X 00LCl.Ul'tD PORT. .MOTIf1<<'l f'O.lIIp Ol 50 :fIiJt 1olCA.5lRD CR OIU1JLATfD IloWl TR\lEr>IlIl'IT.fD lAlA: POM xx(/) R('COIlO ..rGIbMnlIt\I PER I[TImlllX 100 ~-~[sI!QIlTEI€l)UN:: ,;) '1"1 ,., ,.. ... J-{\_....~, - ~ ~~I .."'...,'. ~~l 1 FD ~/I. r~:' L""""'" '"A.21\ FQ 12) -'6 __ r ~ IWI'IH, P.U,[. or N 1Ir!iS-DO" I: 111'..(17' it 1 1.,)0..=' '":t l.25) I ~ I /..... '" 1 ~-s.~~~~7--1--7 I .J...lSllO O.sUol[Jll I... :)/ l ' OI1lIC'J.PJJhlil'Ul.Rm22rh./:r I \, \i---'. .uu;~s ~/ " t.{ . ~ z I t~....f ~ ? 1 I I l5 ~ ~ \ ~f '1 ~, 'f -; t / : VoWI8t.E: Wltni I'lJIlE , I ----1 r- 51QIlII oau.ucr. rAS'OICNT \ ' fE ~I I I , I I ! I ~"UEI ] \ \ t t I ~5. r oj J 1 r~ =-1 .:' 1~::r 1:':;:~~~54 , I' J I ;1(' Il....;{~~ ~~--* J \ I S~'olI.llr'200.~l' ""'1:.1 . I I ~ .,,, '\,~ '1 1, "'n' \' . ~. tro-':_~~~OO:'-[~~--, ...,~ 2rI.uxESS~OO -i't'RfIE8...lIt.3. 1"ZHHl U ,u:;,.pr lMl1RllWOII" NIl. nn~t rn PI< Prll" {~} LCGEtlO _m QI.",,'O.laP. z-,.~ "';;::;:.-. .., LAND PARTITION fOR CITY Of SPRINGfiElD 'LocATED IN THE NORTHEAsT 1/4 OF SECTION 22 OF TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANCE J WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN CJTY OF SPRINCflELD, LANE COUNTY, ORECON :5'CI.!.E: j-.,w' _____oiiii;l 40 0 20 ~ I. I" c .~ Ql ;;0 Ql Q ~~........., ~. ~ _..It'I.uu:T ".... <D Ql Q. .. 1""""""''''''''''''';Fj c:.s.ru....,~" FUfC Ql,1'ElP.~ C lAND PARTITION PLAT No,2002-P/627 a~~~..l.. 0,1 D1t., ........ ~I_ ~-\...... ....--..... nuG, __;'!IIIIIII 'U 1IIN-PIZTc..t&J~I~~II:IIi:,w.1lI ~1.(lII'IO."'IU... LINE TABU: "~ IIWING OM""" B 5' Cl7'"l>4'5Il- r- .,.." .. S(l3'!i.:f3rE" ~.. " S lI:!i"....HI'.. ,W.. ~ S 2:rZl'n, . '0'" " SCllr.l'I"4JB-W. 11)..,2 ~ SOU-.JII-oIll-.r ~_"'1 U 5(11".11'419".' 1De!>.111l1 u. 5~'-11I-. 13...6 Ln S.111"C115r.. "''' en s.o:r.3,.u- ~ WOO '" S~(ItI',. 11).00 U. oIroir3lU-lI W,,", '" :II 10""'.5'-" 23.1!.1 COO :N-04'='",-,'QI-E 7-"_'" ~ en .....OT..lS4.II. r 1,;la1 tll 'M~'.ii'1I-(1 lli.lli ,.. . 1~-( 11.112 ,~ ." " , 1.1141) ~, = :-::: ~ l 41.00 en ~ -", So ""'""2.0- W I '" N';;4~ WI z~ = NN"~'rl 'Y.!iI ~. H QJ~jj-.1 m~ REfERENCES ~1)FU:OIID"'~PERCSr~.v:M1 (z)1ln:OIID PERCSI'HG.,:rlllO (jJ~ . PER't'SrNO.jJe~ (.)~lNf(llllaalONP'ERCSl~.:t2X1l1 ~) I'ln:'lIUR. ~IIINHfO_ n~2!U';. l.AN(cQ.lNT"fb[hlREDQllDS 'SHID 'l or 2 ( ) SKINNER .t ASSOClA.TtS. .NC~ ~ LAND 'SURVEYING . -"'~~ _EIl"'~~ ~o... nt. "'" -,,~~I ..lH:!nIo;rrr-~rDt.'''. 1~'~__:I'I:!l ru:_.'6<o.I DIllf'Sf'rf:#:fJI_III'_!!!.-C,.I;lD"'~ .....~\JU1I~......~ - - --- T .--.- ..c....:...~ l .."...." -~- ~~~w:ol"' --. -....- J " " , .1 ~'. . .... ':: ~. '~~\'. " " .~', .' ',.",." ,. ,...... . '\".' .j ~.";" . ,.;::" ,:..:1,.... ~ ,I. 1<" .\. , .'.,'., ,'.- ..~.,. :\ i.I 'i,? .:. ,'. l",~.,p~~. "i\'~ . V'. ,\i,. ~~;.~i' (;~. ,-r:' i i I .~.~ , ....; I." ,'" ;:.:\" ~.~:.:;~..,\, ~%titj~r~ ~"'" '::, ~~t?;';''':. .. if~rt:f : ~:i;~~::..... . ~C..(0"j'.... ~~f:."",'_.:, '.' ~(yJ'.,:'.. ~~,,",.:', ,,/;SJ~r,~.~~.:.,'. ;',..: .,'.' ~1~;}::p< t ;:~. \ ~;'., 'jjf'},i\',.:' , , ~~~;A~(/' :t\. . ! i'Iri"\, ',"- 'I ~~::\/ ;'~~""'I' j1;~i:<:::,;:~, " ~-' , ~;'.: ". _/:..,r,. r:....J;' K'.;"," 'I" 'Ii ~ \<. ,'. 10 ^, 10 'i, I, " '" ,10 17-97 2 3 4- 7 2 i 9?7100s 1_' . WVBIl 01 1I1l11 IJ3Il'i flR COS:lillr 'N '4Illim~oa .._...m,a>Il5llNtro__ UBGaaAS. th~ Owntr has executed a Canden' ~~ &nn~.8t1oa dO~ij.eh' to IhQ City OQ the ..B.i\L. day r;If fyrn~" . 199.2, IUlterl!d illto An 'rrC'f'~nt :OYllIrni"S' .n ,lnrl.xatt.Ob l:o"'1Jii lJiY o_f htfU. ptoPllctY""tI1Qflt:lUId.AU TIcx Lot , . t:}o/ " Maell'l,"l't'" Mtp 17 ;~ ~1~ _f a '.1 dllle\'1ptlOll lit vnl.t:n lli aua;htd AD Bkbib1t A &rid .IifcOrporUeCl by r.nunCf. bef*.:i~. and is au_c:htcl h.retOI IIlld wlttRr.....S. for thll. plJrpolf, of"lltlthal1,tir'.e ,m 1W'''2I'aticn undel" OM 222.]70 OJ 'Onder I. pr8c..dlBf WUI.~lld b)r Dl\S l,e.699, 6nlY IUott/len1;, of CcI00ient tel AnnCll<<lthtJ1 vblcb Ire filtd vlthln anyone tear p.riDd.fhAll b~ ttf~ctlyt. unltJ& a IePlItatt ~t~tttD V.lv6r gE riDe Limit dce~nt 'to~Af ~ ~~e-~Q&r ptt!od O~ PteRcrlblng .ome other period. .of lltile hu bt=:lIIn Intlf"Bd., into betveen an WlMlr of land enrJ th~ ChYI6,fld ~' j,. ~. ~. ~ \ \ i: tj, ~ VBDE&R. the OVillr, lly d&J\lR8 eM." Val",,: of 'J'1'1Ia L111:.1t1 1l1J.l ~;y l;dttJ tho teEN' Cot the COrll1lt to AnneJ:'altl)h dOCUlllftt .to that tho Cotwqt to .AMexaUoll docullIent "ill 1M eff.eUve 'IIhbll\lt t.prd to the ant t_ lbltat100 u~ O""qon h.v. Mev TBta!'O~B. in cOb,1d...t!on lor thl City'. 'Gr"lInt that th. OVner't 'rDpeJily IIA1 reeUv. a~:ie1p61 ...rvlee. f~'JI tb(! City and the Owftlt' lb1lU1dlU:t.W f1f1v.l~t 6f llu~ hOPllItty h -C'l:.ord"". wit... tb. $DO lRII other appltub1e City ~1an., p~11~1~1 ~nd at&ndQr~' ~4 yi~h tb. requlteaents of Lane count~, the OVh,r be~ebY ~~.I t~ va.l,~ tbe o~','.ar period. pursuant ro OR! Za2.1)3. Tb1r VaJvar of _'lUlII L:lIlB h b:htclbf UP"A the!. On'!:'l "the OW1111tr'lt helti', 1W:a1ps IlId &dCc:eAEOt"B' in hlteren to t.h. Prv&tetty J'O:l$~31111;4 b1 tM Omt:. " tn\lI'rNI.$$ \/'lIb.lQp, tho ov:ntr ba.s aU :tJ.dr a.an.d GIla seu tb.u IS 4U.1 of IJ~~, ' ,199.1, ., Iy' k"(t,.U A:,~ _' '1' -.a.'lS 1'1~ '5~ ~~V''';'''''';',.J,;:ll.., """.. MareJa ~ ",aueaof; ,;., Ii,. ,., ':},',,~\ . ~I " - ,. ". ) " "'.; i:.:':"~~~~~); I; .~, .:.~' 3"" L ,- "'''''" '.. ,;' l:'(.~ ,."'". . ./. ;~~~~ .... " ~: ". S14'l'R oP oP.coH( COl,Jllty of LIlRt )' N, ,.._lly .pJl..raq" bol.,. .. "'10 ~ d'1 .f 1'Y1J7v.o..,. ,U9', th. _tohin n""'" JYI4~ Ilo, \~~ who- 8ckho~'l.e6gtd t1ii (ong'"ofDl u.air1'iMi1:'!P Pe tna.U' T~taQ' .ell. &IUI fled. '8 _...' ~~It~ , ::~~ ' , r mIl. >of urqon' , _loll..... ,IV ...10.1.. b.l.... ..:::i II ':loOl ..,.,~eII8..wu~" . , Thb V_hEr; 01; lJIlae WIlIH ...~_... _ .. "leardod b, the (Mlet" iD the l'eld'sluld I.conl, o.pat"tllC:nt at tbe Lane .COUflty <:O",rthol,llill. Tho original of thil Doeuaent' shall \HI retllrPt!d. to the OevolcflllI.nt Sl!fT"J.cu .Dt.p.art...qt, city of. fipdJ!i'UoJ.d, US tHcb. St"aet, Spdl1lUl!!ld, 'OR 914n. ' "AI'" OF TU! LI"Ir [t~{ :,;! :~<:~;; .,.,,,11,,... '.'.1 " C !:) ',:, 1908 ~.V'W"01EC 8i1f1:'T.11'P7jlll7PF\Jf)' to,1lO 10.00 ~~~;II:~:.'- . .::~~;f~' -:-.-,..... 1 i:~~r~@: " Date Receive~: C:;:C 2 4 2009 \ I Original SuiJmittal ~ , , i " ~'.~ ~:j. .('./ ~ , 'l:,\ ~ -. - '" J~.: ~;.\' I;. . ~ '.1', c, :~~,!~' ~" ," . "J .~ ;~ ." .~. . '. ,,\'-:;';.u.,'...~~.,.~~ . ~>,~:; ". ~,"'. ,'l;c,' .. '10 ~ 1.7 97~2347 . l ,. ;"~.:',.V-' ,;.,.. :r ~' . ~"\~' "," .. I\'r~)' '" ~r,;'~:" \ . ~f&~,'.":f' ~ ;"~' , ..: f. .' rr' ' ;ir::J/.:'; ,.;,' ,..' ~..:'. < ,'- ;,''''' , "~nlo<is, ',.i. " >'./. ,E~IlUl' , :. I:' '.' A,' .;, '\.' , , l";. :!':, , " ',' 1: "", " A ",,,t.i liiop d"oiibo<J I. .WUran~ ri~~'; Jid.~ W.yn. Ch&!. ~dF"",L_ ~,,".. to lluo CiI1,.i Sp.oJtl;. Mllllicip4l c(>lJ>OlDli..."~od lOt p,1ll1Ji<:...0ld .\JlliI13, 1m in Rc<:184f R 01 ",.;.pd.. No, 7'/22531, DoOd, Reoordo ofL'" do=ty; ORsDll, '""'" aOmj>loI6ly 'dosa;bod u fonow.:' " ,', "j" ,.!. " ,,' "lIeuim!iog1lia polnl o~ Ill. ~~ Ofeoimv Rbo411o.'~. ..ldl"\i..,b~ ~f'"III2~'G' _, , ,..9~J;42J1!at; S..iIl 89' 561 W...l46H9 ,"",,'SO'OIIiO' OU;,. J81~ tI#, ~ SoilllI~' S6' ' , :Weo"'J,1 r..rr.om 1h;N~OoniOi oftfp, Willi... ~:bonitl.. L.ntl,Cl.... ffo.. ~ ':':,inT...",j,jp,I?$~;~,3 Wo!t;~i.fOridiiri;,iom'Oild'POill'.ibOi!iiph,g~ : :, ': Solllll 3: ~ B,lIiolalo"'1bo,~"'I~ i>f~ l\ooilI:I...h.di~'oi430,48 fCCli'lbUice ,: "; ,NOIjb!9' S6'Ea;'457,1,f<!e1;~~o~,3'~"-':al"4,IO:48.f..~tllIIIo6S<iuthS9' SII,W", ~'?,~!,,""'llIopoilllof~~m!,OI)<~i.;O#olL' , ~"." ~. :" . . h~ilog~S~,~di~O~uioroOr. : ' " '. . I , '. . . .u.oExeqi1illi1hc W"laiy 35,Or..llJ'!ng~,Oo>"Folml(o.. (Counl)o Ilo\dN., )), . , . . . ..' ..'; '.,'. " " " "', ,,'. " " - .._....* . '1--*: ;".,: ;:'" SI.tl.O(~ CauIltJ' or...... - II. 1,1he~'OtIti,In"dlorlh,fwld' OMl",dot.mbIl~lllll"~ wInI........ ...,.. rrccMd k1JlWOOId CI1 ,\ '.... . i~.'.!>~.'. g.~?:::,' .: i(.:.... :i:' . ;. . .. , '..~ , ". .. ,I ....... '910CTl1.! 2(lll " RoO 2~47R !.ant 0NrI... CFfIOAL R6cm1d. L~~QIIlI.' .. W../..J..jl-Y "'""''''''' " " ,". ..' .$',., j~~:~Jir' I' Illl~! r I ..;~)J,ti~q' _, . ~,~ "'... ,"~"~~ ;.i~~i;~" '~I~, -,.,...."1; .f.; ',' I '.\ r Date Received: " CCC 2 4 2009 Original SubmiU'" " ,', ..J. '1' ",' !., .;,,' , !, 'if I~ !t ,> ~ ~ ..:....,~:;.::; .:..:"'..- , . !, ~, !'.?'."'~': '. I~ ~:.~.:~ii} I, ".~ I 1',.:,.1;.::'::' , ~"":"\I')\,;:: i~.:M,\)t.:~:,' I' ,,,, ',.. I.:~.:.~.\.',::'/:, ," ~:~:;~;;)" " ','r ;. ...,:'.. '~.fi!t~~.; ",L.. ':~~;~~t' 1~1 i~~,~i:~~:i .:: I"""'~' ftrl~~ ~;'. :';~?i~~ ,:~::;yy~:: ~X;.v1\t.' f':t::';{, :"'. i: " " , ", 'I" " ~': c :' ; ~;, t~~:. :~~", ,~,: ,,,,,,,'. ':", :~'\!,. ", '7,.:.~"to.. r):;.' .~I':..': ~"l"'. , "":~"'I: '[ ; ';;'.d~.~ . ....~!;. .',.' ': I!'; I ~r;,,?, i, 1\'1"" ':: ~.... ,... .~<, ~ ;~S'~:': \. '"\~'i ,'!,.;:,:.~ I ~:~t~)~.~.:;. ." :.",' ~f;i:/:\:: '" " '. iii;~;f~)~,~::"",', ' :ij,jli!,' ".",' .,. """', ,I ~{, 'l"fl ,',' '. ;:!~~I,',;'!;.'l~; 'I': ~~;~'.~;;:t'~r-r;~.. .- -~rv:,..'r,.. . : ;~~:~tl'\'~'. .J.";; 1.(;,'...--.", ',' ~~~::~; .:\' '.'~: '. ;~~.,~~ ,:.," '.. ,,' " JI 10-17 97-2347 9771006 1loTIC! 0' .lHllBIAIIoN _ I . ,., ~~~;i:.~~e~l~~u~::I to ilIc{J'~ttk~f&ifr~r111il10.lC1, a I&Unic:lpl! eo;,p"roll~uC)1:! Df tha!stlta of Dr-.Qn, hel:'~iqlt;;et' refvn:ed to a.t the CH)', on the IS clat o~ . j 199.1, eflteAd tMo 8II lil8l'eal.ntSCl'tern111i .n Qftnlilxi1!Ch to the c t1 D reii! propeny ldtUlUfti!d II fax Lot 51?1 . ,""'URar', Mi!I~ 11- "3.. .1.::t- , ill. l~~l de,c:r:Lptl(InOrvnl~Jl.S attIdli!:~ ~ p,'lthi\l1t_1\ .iw j,tI,~~u:POUte.u'U; nle;-tnel, herbn. , '-. I . The U', and develQ~m8n{ o~ the .ba~e Pto~rty 1~ 1O"rned by the tell. and COnditions af th.. CoQ.ut.t to o\nntxllti'OA doeUAelU EtSllId by thCII O\II'\l;!t aid ~h, c..t.ty. The con.~enr to AnnexatiOn doc~ent t. filed tp tbe Dt~elo~~Q~ &srvioet D1y18~ oi tn~ City, to ~ht~h t.let.~e. 1~ hlr,b1 ..at for all .atter, and t~lnr' t~.rtin ~Onta!ncdl thi~ aJrell!1I8nt b ~hl.lI1hf 011 the Oypet" heS.u. fl.lllru 8.fI6 .\lc~e".IlIPl'e if'linten:,t ta the P("(Iptrty. ' . ~'u~e4 ~.rtln, tbe 11~sul~r Ih~ll 1~~lbd. tb, plural &nd thO'plur.l .h6Ll ineludo rhe: ,ll\1ular. '" . \~ In VX'rNBSS lIIfIlEor, tbe "'IOn 1\1.3 'e1:"thCl1r hand and Bed [bit I),~ "l9I.Z" '" (~-A}:-,~ . '" ~'l5 'FI~ qy",~ ~-..M ,oz. """or iloQrQs ~ Mn~.u 1.3 do, ,f stAn: OF OQGQN, CoUhty gf LaJl.~ ) ..,. P....hally~o pq ~ b'/rA~' IhI. ~ dl7 .f h~ ,ll9], tho Il'itb!n nlRd L\; ~\~ ' - . ~ho Ilieknovle~q''''' Ipt',,:, '.-.:':": li~ :lill~~' v'il,l,untaq ,et!IDa r.Iud, " _SlN.~' , A .=~ ~.l~ .Mi~~-=:~.I :;\t~~~1on 1b~pl~.11 ~J ~ In ,VrtNBSS V'HF.tmo or" D.a!8Il~ has set tMit l\ond and .ed tbh ,~ de ef r 19'~. ' 6y1. STA'1'n '0' ORtcON, CaUrlty of Lilnl! 1'1 Pt!.J:'Io\'l.ally oerad blfol"e III DiQ' Gf cJ~ , 1'}~1.., tha Il'tthln h.'@d K who ackoovled8:&d l"CIIO tuIDeD e~ VQ.I-\mt&J'7 aCt lint! dttld. . %...~ }.,., 18 UD~~~~~ ~tBry~i~ro~~ f) OO"'~BIOHNO,,,,,,, Ily COmoI"'cn "'1>"'" ,'-"h1Jt'& MU....UPlKUlllll.lIl. " ruo Nlltii:.c lit ftE~~..nt lIhiUJ. Dera~ol1hnJ by tbe (Wnef 1n tt>>o DlHldr f.DQ llAlc~~d. tlepartllOn1; at the Lilf'Ioe COUnty 1!000'thoVl'!ie. 'nI" arJ,bal of tbh: OOIj!,~"t .hl.U be returned. to ltw. Oe......lOroatQl SIInlcQ'DSPf.t'tltnt. City at Sprin,ti'lilld, 21S Fifth Stroet, Spr1ngfJeld, OR 97~17. Tho rocordQt1a~ Qf tb1, D~~n.ant 4hall be eonsidered ~otic:e of Arrentht.' . Rm'IOE o.P ~nON ~~ 2909 ~!!(d .lr97l1tmlEt WIOCT ,l7'17lKl7pnNl 10.DO. to.OlI I Date Rec~ived: D~C 2 4 2009 Original Submittal ~. Jju\llji.ia.wt,J,j;.,.l6!u~.I.iIWl~i\\ 1'i'~~i~~J.I.&lfl..1'~fi~I~!.I\M~~L.~~"'U;JJ.lL~:~iLlalotlli~~Ybii~li!I.uujlll~J.I,J. 3 I, ;, ! 'I" ;". " 5; ;, ~ , \ 1'"<''' ,.', ,,; ,d. " ,: '.:: .;:' ~..,I,.~ ",/., " \"" 1 \){.:';;,~- " '. ..' ~' ,,' .~ ; ; 1~. . ,.,'u._' (i;~~. ,".....' . '.....<., , ",' ',,":..:' ;~.:.:,:~~.I;' :',.\:';f~~ .~.:J:'::':0'\ :~ :};~~,~. : A:>{:~.. . Z '..".~.:: .;'.~?:.;;~ . !~(:1".F(.:'.: " ' ,\, ,:,~ ':.;' '. ' .,.,.....!-.:. I:: ."'l':""';'~ ; ~'::":.;,\.: i I I, ! . , \ \ ~, " "I" . '"" '1.\ ..;'"." ',' :'::i',. I,. .' ";';'. ~ " '- " .. , ' : 1 o. 17 - 9 7 ,-2 3 4. 7- 9771006 EXHIBIT A ^ .....ofla!1~ desorlb.d.l. ~:W..ru.I)'~ ftom E4<e1 Wl)'I1O Ch>xo 8Ild I'hul L",... a... m t1llrCI1y orspllol1lol4>> Munielpol ColpOlllllOll, ,",Olded r.. P,1lb~O _ ^l>rillJ, '977 in R<oIIlol~'I( "Ro<.p~o. No, 7Wm, I)KCl P..or.l>f<l, 01 Le.. Con.ly; 0.._ mol> cOmpletely d~Md IS follow,:' " Begltmlogal.point on'dio'CrJI\terl~of'County loodNo. 1, 'llldpc~tbein.8 SoIlf.b26.42' 61$1 911.42..... Sclulh89'S6', 'lI'estI4n,'79 foot, Solllh 0' 04' BasI 18K,J.IioI,..d SO\Ilh 19" 56' ' V;'" 451,'..... ful.. n", Nor1ho&t eo;.,;;"oltll. Willwn S_ ilo..orit,,, Lood CIJiJo N" 46, hl1o,,.;hip 17 Sou<h,ltona<J \V.... WiJ4mctt. Mori_ fl11lnSllidp.tntofboglllllln6'... SOulhJ' WI1,ut I!oo,r:!bo oon=lllio ofCoW>'Y Rooi N', 3. 1&"""" ,1430.48 fool:'lb....., , Nonh 89. l6'1!aJ'4S7,H>,o<: 1Ilonc> 1:1."11 3' S2',W"14JO,48 fool: tllo",. Sootll8P'S6' W... ' 'S7.H""IOlbopOiDt,r~llioll.olllnLano~"'~.O"fl'1L .. lI""llIlJlll~S<iIIlI>711feot_r" Abo r;c..p'lo8 Ii>< W"""r 35,0 r"" Iy;,.. witbt. Geui. V"", RblId (Coumy Rn><l~, J), St.iMofOregoa Oowatv of I...arM - '1. l."""Cvouty~~,.IIlI'lIl'lht,flld ~r*'_bt~I)'l'nIllhl~ 1fI1bt1Mdl1_'~dror~1l1 '970C117," 2:51 2347R .... t.nt~OFACW.lUu.rm L-Cowllya..1iI ... .o..oP.-I...J..(,.,)' . ClI"Mty1Wlldo .. , , ,._..._..u-.&_,._ ... ~ " p ,,'~ !, . .. ,.. , " ,\ ~ ~ ,'~, j.~. l~ ~': ~ " ~ ' .", ,.:~~~rJ$: JI'~~' ",', '., ':~:~;:~r" ~ \';i~:~';J :~~i~~ ' ~::-';";h ;~, h~~1:f ' !.1'\:;,.t,~ ~M.\\~~. ~,jl?:'t~..., - ~.. ~J~Ic::,r-:, \!.), ~....l~, '[ i'~, ~ ~,'~~\~ l,e,I'.." ,'r..tIo1'::' ,'. , .~:i' l~~~~~} , ~i';?~,;)~:: I~~,.:; . L~:'..:~<) .' !')",'-'::.'.'/ .', .' ~. ,. ,,' Date Receiv~d;.... CEC '., 2 4 2009\ Originai 8ubiTlittal ,! 'i. <' I' .,c' rtJ It! II, ..... ,'; , DI~I.lon of ChI.' Depuly Cl.~k L_ County De..... and ,R.cDr.... After Recording, Retum,to: 28tl.8~m~ l~L ll~WI!1 WJ~~ll~/~~lll:I::::': IlPR_ Cnl"'1 Sl.-J CASHIER e7 88111,81 811.118 51\,81 L/Dl'yReed Arlie & Company 722 Countly Club Road Eugene, Oregon 97401 4 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT " " , I,; ;'1 This Annexation Agreement ("Agreement'') is made between the City,of Springfield, an Oregon municipal coIpOrnon ("City") and Arlie & Company, an Oregon corporation ("Arlie"), " RECITALS A. Arlie owns the parcels ofIand sboWD on the map attached as Exhibitl ,and legally described in Exhibit 2 (the "Property''). These exhibits arc in~'l'u'Q,ed herein by reference, The P'-r"'" is proximate to the jurisdictional limits of the City BIld is subject to annexation by the Lan'; Comty Local Government Bo\Dl,d8ry Commission ("Boundary Commis5ion'') fOllowing minor bOlDldary,cbange processes, B, Arlie wishes to annex the Property to !he City and seeks support from the City fer the annexation before the Boundary Commission, The Springfield City CounCil bas adopted Resolution No, OJ -28 conditionally supporting the lI/IIIcxation "based upon the assumption that city staffbas Or will teach agJCll"'C!\t with the r,u~u"l owner'forthe proviSion oflcey urban services and a MaSter Plan p\lrS\lantto Springfield Development Code Article 37, satisfactory to the City staff, prior to the Boundary Commissi,on public hearing on this lIIUIelUltion request." C, The Property is CWTently designated as Medium Density Residential on the Metro Plan and Oateway Refinement Plan diagrams. Arlie shall develop the Properly consistent with a master plan ("Master Plan") to be approved by City WIder Article 37 of the ' Springfield Development Code ("SDC"), ' D, Annexation oflbe P..r-_:, requ~ a shoWing under SDC 6,030(2) that the Property can be provided the minimum leVel ofkcy urban facilities and serviceS as , defined in Metro Plan Policy 71, p, II.B4.' The provision oflhis level offacilitilll and services will require extension of a sanitary sewer trunk line including maintenance holes lIlId stubs for lateral lines to provide sanit8!Y sewer service to serve the Property and " construction of ~el improvements and development of drainage and Blonn water quality facilitiQS. The PllIpose of this Agn:cment is to mcmoriali ze agreements concerning the allocation of financial respOnsibility for public facilities and services for the Property and olber users of the fiwilities, SIIfficient to meet the City's rcqwremCDts for the provision of key mban services necessary for an affirmative City recommendation , for the lI/IIIexation request, , Date Received: ANNEXATION AGREEMENT . Page 1 C:C 2 4 2009 Original Submitt&1 '" 4n:...:__- ., E,' Under its adopted public facilities plans, the City plllllli to extend a 12 to 21 inch sanitary .ewer line ftom its present end Point On Game Fan:n Road into and through the Property ("Sanitary Sewer Project"), A description of this sanitary sewer project is attached as Exhibit 3 lII\d incorporated hCrein hy reference. Tbe cost of lhis impn;>vemenl project is estimated to be $1,200,000. F, Under its adopted transportation and public facilities plllDS, the City plll/lS 10 congtroCt an extension of Pioneer Plll'i<way, a minor alterial suect as defined in the Springfield DevelopIDl:IIt Code, includiIlg streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, ~torm s.,wen;, street lights, and Street trees through the Property to Belt LiDe Road ("Pioneer Parkway Pmjcct'1, A description oflhis tnmsportation improvement is attached as Exhibit 4 and incorporated herein by reference. Tbe cost of this imprnvcmenl, together with its ' improvement south oflbe Property, related intersection improvements and land llCQuisition, is now estimated to be S8, ?ClO,OOO. G, In order to construct the Pioneer Parkway Project, the Ciry needs to aCqu~ additional right of way, Arlie is prepared to donate the right of way for the Pioneer PllIkway Project lying within the bollDdaries of the Property and within two lldjao:ent" parcels to the Property also owned by Arlie, A description of the Pioneer Parkway Project right of way to be donated by Arlie to the City ("Right of Way Property") is attached as .ExJu"bit 5 and in~...u.~.bd herein by referenoe, H, In order to facilitate orderly development ofthe Property and inswe the provision of key urban s..-vices and meet the City'5 conditions for an affirmative recommendation for annexation to the Boundary Commissioll. and in exchange fot the obligations of the City set forth below, Arlie shall: dOnate the Right-of-Way 1.~~w../ to the City; contribute tl? the cast of the consb'Uction of the Sanitary Sewer Project; consttUcl the stOIIJ1 water drainage and watCl' quality management syStelnS needed 10 serve the Property; contribute to the cost of collSll'llction of the Pioneer Parkway Project including streets, sidewalks, curbs, gullers, stonn sewers, street lights; street trees, bike lanes, and intersection improvements; and contribute to the cost'ofpublic improvements located outside the' boundaries of the Property, These CQotributions are proportionate to the demands the development of the Property will place on key urban services including specifically the need for the construction of Pion_ Parkway and the 5anilaty Sewer Project, as well as the anticipated benefits'dcrived by the Property from these public improvements, I. Arlie shall receive sanitary sewer systems development charges c:tedits for Arlie's contn"bution 10 the SanilaIy Sewer Project and transportation systems development charge a'edits for Arlie's contribution to the conBtruction oflrllDSportation improvements located outside the boundaries of the Property and the Right of Way Property: To the extent any heir, SU<,:cessor Of assign of Arlie provides contribution to the Sanitary Sewer Project or the contribution to the constructiou nf transportation improvements located outside the boundaries of the Property ~ the Right of Way Property, the heir, successor or assign shall receive equivalent systenldevelopDlent eharge credits in the same manner as Arlie, Date Received: ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 2 C2C 2 4 2009 Original Submittal '" - II I... ~. ~ 1. Subject to CitY of Springfield Cdnu;.on Council approval 8Ild the requirements of the Oregon Revised Statittes for the disl"'sition of real property owned by the City, City ,will convey to Arlie a parcel approximately two acres in size. A description of this property is attached as Exhibit 6 8Ild incorporated herein by reference, The conveyance of the property described in ExIn'bil6 is in partial consideration for Arlie's donation of the Right-of-Way Property, In the event.that the City Council chooses not to Cllnveythe property described in Exhibit 6 to Arlie,the City of Springfield shsll reduce the maximum llIIIOunt of the Arlie offsite contributions by $55,000, In the eventthat City Council approves said conveyance, the City of Springfield will cooperate with Arlie in any qualification of the property exchange under section 1031 of the InIerna1 'Revenub Code, provided, however, that such cooperation shall be at no cost to the City. K. The City has BIlalyzed and considered the likely financial impacts on the City ,of Springfield's municipal activities and operatiollll of providing full taban servicell to the land designated as Medium Density Residential (MDR) in the Gateway am. east of ' Game Farm Road. The review by the City Council and the Lane Council of ' Governments' analysis, conducted in tile fall of2ooo, showed tilat the full MDR development would generate S1.Ifficient property taxes, ongoing fees, and state shared and local revenues to cover the annual an<Ilong-tenn openniollaJ costs for the full range of urban services provided by the City. Development of the Property by Arlie likely would financially support at least its proportionate share of tile total needed urban serv1cell.' Now, therefore bll.Sed 00 the furegoing Recitals which are specifically made a pan of this Agreement, the parties agree as f~llows: AGREEMENT I, Obli~alions of Arlie, Consi5tenl with the above recilll15, Arlie agrees to perfonn the following obligatioo~: 1.1. Donate the Right-of-Way Property for the Pioneer Parkway Project located on the F ._....;, and adja!;eJ1t lands owned by Arlie as more particularly described and Sel furth in Exhibit 5; "! 1,2 Contribute 5600,000 toward constn:lction of the Sanitary Sewer Project as more particularly descn'bed and set forth in ExIn'bil~; 1.3 Contribute $2,750,000 toward constr\lction cifthe Pioneer PlUkway Project; 1.4 Construct 'all stormWlltc:r conveyance and water quality facilities needed f(}r service afits development as required in lIIIY Master Plan approval;' 1.5 Contribute amounts not to exceed a total of $500,000 for consln1ction Df tnm~..u. .u';(}n improvements located Dutside of the boundllries of the r Date ,Received: I PEe 2 4 2009 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page ~ Original Submittel .~. r; Property, oS more particularly required by individual approvals for developments on the F."!,_",, and, I ,6 Seek and use its best business dl'orts to obtain Master Plan approval for development of the Property as provided in plUllgraph 40flhis AgreemeoL " 2. T~lI of Arlie's Oblintions, The donation and f;OlItributions by Arlie described in plll'l\graph I of this Agreement shall occur in accordance with the following timetable: 2,] Donation of the Right pfWay r:..!'~'i shall occur at the time of final ,i Master Plan approval, including resolution of any appeals, or nOllater than two years from the date of this Agreement whichever shall first occur; , 2,2 Contribution of the $600,000 toward the constrocdon of the Sanitary Sewer Project shall occur at,the time of Master Plan Approval, including resolution of any appeal., or not later than two years from the date oftJtis Agreement, whichever shall,'first occur; 2.3 Conmbution of $2,750,000 toward the construction of Pioneer Parlcway " shall Pc<;ur not later than July], 2003 or'issuance of any building permit for development on the Property, whichever shall fltSt occur; " 2.4 Contribution not to exceed atolal of$500,000 for construQlion of transportation im,..., __cutS required by the City located outside ofth. property, shall OCCUr at the time of contnoutions toward these offsite improvements are required by final land use and development approval of developments on the P..,...;" II is understood that these contributions B may occur in increments dql,ending on the requirements of the specific development approvals, 2,5 In lieu of the contributions as specified in plII'l\graphs 2,2, 2.3 and 2.5, the City shall accept, at the time of the contribution obligation, sufficient security for payment of these obligations, such as ..~i.....ance bonds, letters of credit, dedicated accounts or funds, pCDlOnal guarantees, or mortgages, The City is not obligated to accept as substitute for payment: any security that does not fuI]y secure the obligation ofpaymenl in the judgment of the City. Arlie's ability to substitute security for the obligation of payment shall be extinguished at the time of City Council "'''.w ,'31 and award of a lXlnstruction contract for the particular improvement for which the cpnlIibution is owed, i.e" the Pioneer Parkway Project and the Sanilary Sewer Project. At that time Arlie shall make the payment toward the improvement if it is otherwise owed, 2.6 The City may incorpOl'il1e the: obligations imposed herein in anY Master Plan,' r ' Date Received: I ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page4 c~c 2 4 2009 Original Submittal " -- 4:".:..:... ,~ 3, Contnoutions and Svstem Devc1OJ?Dlent Chllll!e Credits, The parties agree that the contnbutiol) of $600,000 toward the SanitaJy Sewer Project and $500,000 for the construction oftl'an8portation improveme1).li located outside the boundaries of the p .~"-;J shall receive system development charge credits under Springfield Municipal Code 3,416(2), The Cil}' of Springfield will review any offsile stonnwater improvements consbucted by Arlie and if ~ppropriate provide SDC credits for thll1 portion of the improvements which may be eligible for SOC credits, 4, Master Plan, Following annexatiop of the Property, Arlie will apply for approv31 of a Master Plan for the Property under Article 37 of the Springfield Development Code, As provided by SDC 37.040, that Master Plan will contain provisiollS assuring that the' proposed on-site and off-sile public and private improvements are sufficient to accommodate the proposed phased development and any caPacity requirements ,of public facilities plans. The Master Plan shall contain provisions for dedication and resource , zoning of property adjacent to the McKenzie River, Arlie will submit an application for Master Plan approval within one year from the date of wmexalion approval. The Master Plan application and approval shall be consistent with the tenns of this Agreement, 11ul City shall not impose or approve exactions on the Property for lransportalion, sanitary sewer and offsite tnlnsportation improvements through the Master Plan or through local improvement district assessments for the Pioneer Parlcway that exceed the obligations imposed upon Arlie by paragraph 1 oflhi. Agreement and obligations to construct local streets; sidewalks, clUbs, gutters, stOml se',\ters, streetlights, street trees and sanitaJy sewers, within the boundaries of the Property, 5, Oblintions ofCitv, Consistent with the above R""itaIs, City agrees to: 5,1 ReCommend and support anncxation oflbe Property to the City of Springfield before the Boundary Commission and pfll'lieipate in the defense of any appeal of a decision of the Boundary Commission 8lUlexing the Properly to theiCity; 5,2 Assist Arlie in the preparation of s Master Plan for the Property and limit the exactiollS imposed under,the Master Plan or through local improvement district assessments for the Pioneer Psrkway for mmsportation and sanilaly sewer improvements to the obligations imposed by this Agreement and the cOnstruction of streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, storm sewen, street lights, street trees and sanitary sewers within the boundaries of the f,roperty; 5.3 Use good faith in the review and decision making on the MastCT PIlIQ for the Property;, 5.4 Take all reasonable actions necessary to COlllDlence collsln1ction of the Pioneer Parkway Project on or before June 1,2005; ; Date R, eceived: i i DEC2 4 2009 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT, Page 5 Original Sublnittal - - ~-, ,~ 5,5 Subject to City of Springfield Conunon Coimcil approval and the requiremCIIlS of the Oregon Revised Statutes for the disposition ofrea! property owned by the Cit)., convey to Arlie the parcel described in " Exhibit 6, The tonveyance of the property described in Exhibit 6 is in " partial consideration fur Arlie's donation of the Right-of-Way Property,' In the event that the City Council fails to convey the property described'in Exhibit 6 to Arlie, the City of Springfield shaIJ reduce the amount of the Arlie off.ite contribution sJ!"Cified in paragraph 1.5 oflhis Agreement by $55,000, In the eventlbal City COlmcil approves said conveyance, the City of Springfield will cooperate with Arlie in any qualification of the ' property exchange under section 1031 of the Inten>al Revenue Code, provided, however, that such cooperation shall be at no cost 10 the City" This conveyance will occur al the lime of the tonveyanee to the City of" the Right of Way Property imder paragrapb 2.1 of thiB Agreement. 6, Construction of the Pioneer Parkway Protect. The parties will explore the feasibility of pri vate construction to City standards ofllll or portions of the Pioneer Parkway Project by 'Arlie as part of Arlie's construction ofstreet imprpvemenlll to the Property. The City will hold a hearillll to consider exempting the construction project from the requirement of public bidding under ORS279,OI5(2)(3) if the City detennines: private construction would be in confonn8111;C with applicable rules and regulations attaebed to funding dollars used for the Project; private construction would be in conforDlllllce with Oregon Revised Statutes applicable to the construction of such proj~ and public bidding requirements; and, ifsubstantial cost savings would result and there would be no diminution of comp,!'tition for public contracts, 7, Covenants R\!flIliD2 With the Land; It is the intention of the parties that the covenants herein sball run with the Property and shall be binding upon the beil'll, executors, assigns, administrators, and sucCessors of the parties hereto, and shall be collBlrueclto be a benefit and burden upon the Property. This Agreement shall be recorded upon its execution in the Lane CO\IlIty Deed Records, This Agreement may be assigned by Arlie and shill! benefit and burden any assigns Or succesSOI"!i in interest to Arlie, Exccution of this Agreement is a prCcondition to the support of the City of Springfield for annel\ation of the property described in Exhibit I for the City of Springfield. Accordingly, the City retain5 sit rights for enforcement of this Agreemcnt. 8, Waiver ofConstin/tional Riahts, Artie waives any claim it might have that the requitemenrs of lhis AgreeIllent create an UDCQl\s!itutional taking or condition to development of the Property, 9. Limitations on Develooment of the ProoC]tV Follo~ Annexatio!!, Except as provided berein,no part of the Property may be developed prior to City approval of a Master PIIlll as provided in paragraph 4 oftbis Agreement. In the event Arlie seeks Master Plan approval in good faith and that approval is delayed or withheld fot a period long... than two years from the date oflhis Agreement, Arlie may develop the Property under the ",oning e1<isting at that future time, provided, however, that all obligations of, I Date Received: ! DEt 2 4 2009 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT. Page 6 , Orinin8i SIJPI1'\itta,l " '--" ,} Arlie eI forth in Section lof this a",. "......,.1 shall l'CIllain in full furce and effect ineluding specifiOlllly but not limiled to the donation ofland for Pioneer P8Itway, the contribulion of$600,OOO toward the eonstruction of tile Sanif.ll1)' Sewer Project, the contribution of $2,750,000 for construction of Pioneer Parkway Project, IlI1d the contribution of$5oo,000 fur consttuction of public improvements l(louted outside the bOWldarles of the ,...,,_.j: No building penn;t shall be issued for dev~lopment of the Property until the obligations of Arlie 10 contribute $600,000 toward conslnlCtion of the Sanita:y Sewer Project and ' $2,750,000 toward construction of the Plopeer Parkway Project have been paid or " secured and donation of the Right ofWuy Property hasoccum:d. 10. Mutual Cooneration, Springfield and Arlie shall endeavor to mutUally cooperate with each other in implementing the varioils matters contained herein. II. Exneditious AllOroVal Proeess. I I . I, If funding for staffing allows, the Springfield Development Serviees Department 1::',,"__ may el'<pedite the process for all applications; and, ~ ammge for coordination with agencies involved in the review and' approval prOQCSs for development of the Property;. 11.2 In order to expedite the review proccsll, Arlie concurrently may ',wmit applicable land uso applications in a single application. 12, ,}VaiVel' of Rillht io Remonstrance, Arlie agrees to sign any IIIllI all waivers, petitions, consents and all other dOC1llllents, necessaty to obtain the Pioneer Parkway Project and Sanitllry Sewer Project on or adjacent to the 1).".../. under any Improvement Act Or proceeding of the State ofOrcgon. Lane County or the City of Springfield and to waive all rights to remonstrate against these improvements, Arlie does not waive the right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof. if the assessment appell1$to Arlie to bo inequitable or v>',......llDfairly upon the' Property. Arlie waives any and all rights to file a written l'CIllonstrance against these ' imjlfQvements, Arlie does not waive its'right to conunent upon any pl'Oposed J~ca1 improvement district or any related matl~orally Dr in writing: 13. Modification of Al!1'Cetl'lent. This ASreement may only be modified by a writing' signed by both pames, 14, Scooe of Al!]'eemenl. Notwithstandiitg anything in this Agroement to the con1raty: 14, I This Agreement does not limit the authority of Lane County to impose assessments upon the Property for the improvement of Game F ann Road or obligate the City to pay any such assessment; and 14.2 This Agreement does not req.,nre the City to pay the costs of any offsite , improvements required Dr desired by the Oregon Departmentof TrfqS- t 'R . d' " : ua e, ecelve . . I i D~C 'l 4 2009 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 7 Original Submittal _.--' .~., ~ portation ("ODOT'') in order 10 obtainl\Pproval or 8UPjlQrt by ODOT for development on the Property. I S. Invalidity, If llIlY provision oftbiS Agreemeni shall be deemed unenforceable or invalid, such CIIforccability or invalidity shall not affect theenfurceability of validity of any other provision of the Agreeme1lL The validity, meaning, enforoeobility, and effect of the Agreement and the riglllS and liabilities oflbe parties hereto shall be determined in aCCordance with the laws of the State of Oregon. ....'t<I ' DATED this..!.- day of June, 2001. STATE OF OREGON ) ) 58, COUNTY OF LANE ) The foregoing instrUment ~elcnowledged before me lbi"i~day of June, 2001, bYS'=~1 ",,~.'~., the L1""".a...:+ of Arlie & Company, an Oregon w'i'u..lion, on behalf of the corporation, _ OFF'C'"," SEAL '-'/ PATRICIA A. BOLES I ',' , NOTA~V PUBUC.oREClON I CDMMISSION NO. 327639 I MY, CP~I>!IS~~~~:~~2S~~ 30.2~ < ~c..'" t...~..c o. NOIMY Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: :?-'i!"J ~o( 2.00'3 DATED this _ day of June, 2001, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD,OREGON By:\~\\jLIl..ICI ~ Its: (!tJ'l1 M~4~ ~ STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss, ) COUNTY OF LANE The fore o~ instnllnent waS acknowledged before me this7'''- day of' June,2001,by . the.c;;..~ lIfoo-' )ftheCityofSprinmeld, , l1li Oregon municipal corplmlioD, behal~cotpOtllh I. Data Received: IJEC2 4 2009 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT. Page B OriQln&1 SUbmltlli =::0;.;",,:.. .t - - -- "~ _OFFICIAl SEAl. PATRICIA A. BOLES , ' NOTARV PUllUC.()REOON CDMM!SSIDN NO, 327639 W COMMISSIDN}0PlRES,SEPT. 3O,_2Q03 ------ .., .. .'.... ~rf'~J R.lY... NolBry Public for Oregon My Commission Expires:'S.. P'.j .~o( ::l. 0Cl ') 1C.:~t\TJS\T~S_A20Ul. Date Received: C~: 2 4 2009 ANNEXATION AGREEMENT. Poge 9 Original Submittal :....n.. 15 -~'~\~~~' I , ~. : \~. I '. \ I \ I \ I \ +,"'''' , '......".....,".. ':,,:',';IJJ'I' I" '20'11. ~ 1 i: .ow ~y, :.,~ I . 1 I ~ ~ I :" I ~ I J ,.' L____ i ....IM, II....~.~O;"~ I , I 5,52308 I &&2.309 I I I I I I , I .' . -:..,..-...~/_a'o.. .r-.I \I'Jr.-r' , ." ';J...:_:t."'5.lIL~."'- If'.,,"',.~.~.,~~, r r.(I~'" \ . I" : /I,~' : I I I I 1 1 1 .._! .~~.I :., ".:., riolO- ,.............(". EXHIB;IT 1 ~' 15 "",,,.(' . ~~ ....,..,(ID.2.St:.h.) ,-_.._,."~I' . . ~I.,,,. .. -aN\Jt1:4' - -- ,~-- 1"'" T.60AC. . --. ~ tj ','11. ~'I I ...~l_'~::'~'... 1.I.t""''' ;' ;' -I'....').. -::..- :;', w= "- . t:...~ '..' 7032212,,,, . , . C,04~ 7Q' ~: ~ 90~' .__,~... J -, ~ ~:,,,,.~Il......,.....~..........r: ; .~' 004-62 '. :t " J' 902 ~, ,x . -" ~ _a""-; ~ -;:-..;' . ,,:.~ ~ . it:",\i'O~"'JI'" I. I. ",,' '.~ P-"- '~.' ~",""~ _..........n' I 1D\.U" t CARDINAL WAY \ ~~:~ ~~. ~~ '\~~~ ~' ,,~ "'\ '\ '\~ r ~ --- .:.~~"~ ~ ----- II! . , ., .,' ,'())4 ,,13 1.,1 . .f.......,.,. '. ,..0 -'~~im;~ . lO4~3"" '.' ~ AVENUEl~I5CI_~~ , _...'!I.,..d.~r." '-~ i~\, INEDAlE J ~ ::J, ,~\ ' h. S M.~ l \\, :: -) I \\\\ PRINGOALE i I' 1 SE 17 03 22): I 4 2 ~ W \,\ 04;1 H 1201 14,491lC. OG4~23 .,--- . "" ...., ~ COllllt)" Tax Lot Maps CANCEI.LEO ~i8f 2217 260D 2700 \g \~ 'e~~ ~~ , \ \ \ \ Date Received: " Q,. -, _.. ,-' .. Q9~__~DEC 2 4 2009 l@riglnal Submittal J""~'Q"'''I''!o'' ~.I.'" ~ .l,"'~..J"'..I#',,, .........~ -I...vI"'J~ r-' ~~..,. ."~~.,,,..~,:- -- .. .....,..r..I,'~ ,""- a. Q ':Ii lID ~ ~.l:rn'A' .", .1l i .tE'~~ 'If$ ...: a...v.....~ ;t.MH- 'l ~..,.-.".,....". ....~.., - ' ..,.... ~, EXHIBIT 2 ~ ~ River Bend Park . !: r , " r ~ \ DescriptioD for ADn"".tioD to the Cit)' Dr Springfield r f i; ~ ! r , ~: c, f: BcgiMillg ot a point on th. Werterly lDlll1;" of8a1dyV~ Lon., (25,00 foe! &olD, when lDeasurod at right angleJ to the elllllerline), ,aid point be... South 26" 41' 37" EOSl. dlst,""", of 981.42 ~I and South 89" 56' 00" Wesl. dilllllC. of27,97 reet from the Northeasl comer ofth. " WUliIDl Ste.... DonarionLond Claiw NUlIlber 46, located in Township 11 Soulh, Range 3 WCSI, WdIometlo Meridion; m.ncc IeavinS s$id WeSterly marsin and nIIlIIinS South 89" 56' 00" Wesl parallel to tho north tin. oCsaid Donation Land Claim I dmonco of 1893,91 f..llo I point ooth. Easlerly mlll1;" of Oamo Form Rood (CoWlly Rood N., 3), (30,00 teet &olD, wheu lDClISIIrOd II rishlqlcs to th. eentcrtinc); thence 1coving said paroJJellin. and ",Ming South 04" 11' 56" EIlSI "'ong said Eastorly morgio . dillas\cI of 78,32 Iizt lllIlI South 02" 54' 56" East . diatOllC<l of 110.28 feet ID I point on the North bolD\dary of that oertain tract oCland conveyed to the City of Springfield by deed recorded April 18, 1917, ~184]R, 1DStnIl1l.nt Number T722531, LIlIlC County omcial Records; lheace IeaviIIg saidllWllin and running North 89" 56' 00" East parallel to th. north Iinl of ,aid Donation Lond Claim I disl8Dce of 425,48 feet 10 the Northeast comer of that propmydelcnlled in lut said deed; thence Ie..ins laid paraD.II... IIld runninS Soutb 03" 53' 20. East aloug the cut bolDlllary o!aforesaid property I dist..,.e of411.65 fe.t 10 me So"th.ast com.r of aforesaid ,'.' _', ; thoncc,lcllVing said ...1 boundary and NllIlingSoulh 890 56"00" Wc.lt pllollcl to the north lin: of said Donation Land elnim, I dislllllc. of 427.58 feet 10 I point of tho E..terly lDargin of said Gam. Form Road (35,00 feet from. ,m.n mcosurcd at right ODgles to the centerline); lhcace leaving ,aid paraJJelline and I'IIIIIIinS along said Easterly lDargin lh. followins <DuneS and distances: South 020 54' 56" Ellt I dillance of28.13 C.ct, South 030 36' ~6" Eut I distallCC of 746,15 ""I, Soul1l890 54' 08" West. dill","", of 5,00 rut. South 030 36' 56" Easl I dlslas\ce of41S,58 teet, South 89027 IS" E.., 5,01 feel and South 030 36 56" East . distance of 123,26 foellO I point on th. Northerly mlll1in of the vlOlIled Southem PecifiQ Railroad rigb!o(IC-way; thence lell\'ing said Easterly road lIllqin and running &long the Northerly and Easterly wealed right-of-wllY of laid roilrood South 410 52' 17" E..t . distDllCO of 228,95 feet and .long the or<: of985,04 foot radius cW\'e rishl, bomg 0 cenlT'" OIIS1. of 190 13' 08" and I chord bearins Sol1lh)2o 15' 43" E..t328.B7 foct, I dmlDCC of330,41 Ceet 10 the Northwest comer of the FarsI Addition to Bueno Vista III plaued and recorded in 800k 20, Pag. 2', Lane County O.vgon Plot R=lnh, Lane County, 0re80n; thenc. Icll\'iog soid righl-of-wllY and running South 89" 58' 00" East "'Dog Ih. North boundary of said plat and iIlI eost.rly projection thereof; 0 cfutlll\CC of 1136,76 f..llDOlO or less 10 th. cerltor orlhe westerly chonnel of the McKenzie Riwr, thence lollving laid boundary and Nnning downSlteanl along tb. _Iino of said river chllllllCl in a north...torIy 6ireclion to I point on the W.sterly bolDldary oflbal certllin tract onand d.escnbed in deed. ....ord.d ill Reol 63 I, InmulllCl1t NlUllber 13809, Lone County olfleilll Records, said poinllia westerly Of and 225,00 feel oppositl by perpendieular m.llSuIclDCnl of. southerly projection of the cent.rline of oCore-described B&ldy View Lane, ,aid poinl olso be... North 26' 25' 09" E..t 0 dist.... of 142LS8 feet fonn the 1..1 d.scribed poinl; tbenc.lell\'ing H r > , ! , K ~ , , , r. I I ! ~ 1: i: , ,; , , != , R ! P f r I ii I Date Receivtd: DEe 2 4 2Q3~ . .....,.,..~. ,._......,.......,.....,-..~.J:: Original Submittal '.... , , .aid McKo~ RjYIlt chllDllolend running North 26" 41'37" W...I.long .Iin. pllrlllolto ond 225,00 wcslCrly by p6rp~1ar measurelllent of the CCIItcrlino o(said Baldy View LlIIIc . dist8llcHf 660,20 feet to the Nor1h_ ""Illfr ofthal property dc.cnlled in last ..id deed; thence leaYing .aid parallellino lUId numing along lh. Northerly bounQIII}I of last .aid deed North 630 \8' 23" Easl porpendieulor to soid centerline a distance nf2oo,00 fcellO . pnlm on me We.slcrly morgin of said Baldy View L...,; lhe\1ce nuWng along said W..lCrly margin North 26" 4 \' 31' Wesl . di!lanee of 457,55 feet to the Point ofBegilllling, aJJ in LllIlC Cowuy, Oregon, Conlaining 94 m:Ie$ mOJe or Ios., The bearings IS used herein are based upon CoUnty Surwy fw. N\lJQbers 32308 and 32309, 6Ied October 10, \994 with the LIIJ1C County SwvC)'tlr'. OffIce, Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Original SubmittC" ,.; ,......................0:;;:;;;;;;_.......... : I I I . , f: !~ r. I I ~ , C : I EXHlBilT 3 -.=- :i I Tbe Pioneer Parkway Sultllr)' Sewer Extension ' I ~ Is a 11 to 21 ineb diameter, 6 to 20 foot'ideep I .anilar)' trunk .nrer to be eoa.tructedJrom the curren! 1 lenninl at Came Farm Road nesrKirk Avenue to lhe intersection of Gsme I'I\l1DRoad atId Beltllae I Road. The sewer route will .tart In public right-of-way in Kirk Avenue, head east and enter tb'. rlght-of-wsy of Catare Pioneer Parkway Road ExtelUlcin, and continue In tbeEllteasioa rigbt-of-way to Jleltlille Road, as .hown. ~ ' { ~ IJ~ 'I I I ~I , ,L n ~~~'~n\\ ,'L'l :'!',m\\ \E\ ~ ,I~,\ - 'I' \\:\ :g -'ij~Q - h ~- \, \ ~ 1 -, ' \ ~l'AlIN I. , t~1 \ ~-~ .SEWER IIll.A · ENrC)N . I , .--- \--:-....;.. . -:-..:... ' ~~. 'i!i'O.......~....I_KiI'~;,.., Cl::Lf\(i"";';l,,-;-, , , E:x.ttwIT 3 DEe 2 4 200 t.. - Original Submitlal_ ' ., . ~-~ ~ .~ EXHIBiIT 4 Pioneer Parkway Extension Descri"tion and Purpose JlDle 200 1 The Project The Pioneer Parkway Extension (PPE) is a limited acc~ minor arterial from the HilrJow/Hayden Bridge WaylPioneer Parkway intersection to the Beltline/Oame Farm Road South ~tersection, It is a Slane typical urban cross section that includes two travel lanes in each direction with a median, drainage, landscaping and sidewalks. Bike I~es are proposed for Game Farm Road Soulll, lbe Extension will include two major intersection improvements (HarlowlHayden Bridge Way, and Beltiine/Oame Farm South), an intersection with the Mediwn De.osity Residential site and sound barriels along the railroad right of way,' Purpose Bod Benefits of Ibe Project . Allow development of vacanl parcels in the Gateway area · Clcatc economic development opportunities . Reduce traffic on Gateway, Game Farm Road Sout.h, Highway 126 and Interstate 5 · Improve traffic operations at the OatewaylBeitline intersection . Improve the regional movement of people, goods and services , The Estimated Cost and Timing The project is estimated to cost $8,7 million and begin conslnlction on or before June 200S, (Estimate docs not include bike lanes on Game Farm Road South or PPE. or a possible north link at the Beltline/Game Farm Road South intersection,)' , Existin~ Con1ributio\l1 . City purChased right otway: railroad line ($260,000) and a home ($107,000) . Lane County Board Capital Improvement Program ($1.9 million in 04/05 for PPE) Possible Sources of FlmdiQg' . Lane County Capital Project Partnership Prognun, July 2001 . Oregon Department of T ranspor\lllion ,...; ... funds; December 2001 . State of Oregon infraslrncture loan programs PPE in Adopted PlaQS TransPI8lI, the regional transportation plan. and the Oateway Refinement Plan adopted the PPE in 1992. The SpringfieJd City COlJltcil adopted by resolution the PPE con~eptual aJigurnent in June 5, 1998, which included the conceptual length and widths nfthe project. ' Current Status and NellI Steps , COWleil directed staff to develop a funding package and strategy that seeks funds frpm a variety of sources including private, COllllty, State and Federal sources, The City goal is to secure theSe funds by 2004 and be able to construct the projecl in 2005, C:C 2 4 2009 1 . :~ 1 ~1 Date Received: Original Submittal, " , EXHIBiIT 5 " PIONEER PARKWAY EXTENSION '. ~ Pate Received: 1:',:,1't "J 'l~nn OriQil"lil1 Submittal EXHlBIT6 AALIE ANNEXATION AGREEMENT Beginning at dpoint on the centerline of Game Farm Road South, said point being South 26'42' East 901,42 feet ~d South 89'S6' West 14,58,79 f""t, South 00'04' East 108.2,feBt, and South B9'55' West ,457, '5 feet from the No.thedsc co;:ner of the william Stevena' Donation Land Claim No, 46 in Township 17 'South, Range 3 west of the WH1amette Meridian; from said point of hegi,nning run South ]'52' East along the centerline of County Road No, 3 ~ distance of 430,48 feet; thence North 89'S6' East 457:5 feet; the,nce North 3'52' Wes" 430,4B feet; thence"south 89'S6' West 457,S feet to the point of heginni'ng, an in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT: The il"sterly 35,0 feet thereof dedicated as public right~'of- WdY and lying within Game Farm Road South ALSO EXCEPT: The Easterly 226 feet thereof lying within the, springfield Utility Board Electrical substation, r i Date Received: C::C 2 4 2009 Origlnol Submittal After ll.t!eordlD" Return TQ: I 2881_ j~J'ill~llUtIUI~J~I~~1 ~:17::': 1lPR-AGRE Cnt;1 St~ CIISHIER e5 829,00 818,00 $11,00 4 Division of Chlor Deputv Clork L.... e.....ty 000... .... Roc...d. -.--,. , .. PeaceHealth Oregon Region c/o RogerM, Saydack Arnold Gallagher Saydack P,O, Box 1758 ' Eugene, OR 97440-1758 , Parties: Arlie & C...,,,_.y, an Oregon Corpol'lltion 722 Country Club Rd, Eugene, OR 97401 PeaccHealth Oregon Region, a Washington corporation P,O, Box 1479 Eugene, OR 97401 After Recording Return To: Western Tille I< Escrow Company 4111 OoI:WllY Rd SuiIl340, Eu;IIII OR 97401 30 -0""'''' 0' , ASSIGNMENT OF ANNEXATION AGREEMENT Arlie & Company, an Oregon corporation ("Assignor") hereby assigns to PeaceHealth, a Washington non-profit corPoration ("Assignee"), all of Assignor's interest in the Annexation AgreClllent with thc City of Springfield, Oregon ("City'1 dated June 7, 20t)! ("Annexation Agreement") which relates to the real properlY described in El<hibit A hereto, Assignor warrants and represents that the Annexation Agreement is in full foree and effect, lhat Assignor is not in default or breach of the AlUIexlllion Agreement, and has no, knowledge of any defaults, breaches, claims, offsets or defenses of the City under the Annexation Agreement, nor any basis for asserting the same, Assignee osl;Ullles the obligations of Assignor under the Anncxation Agreement and shall indemnitY, defend and hold Assignor hanuless therefrom, , Effective Date: 'bli''''''' Ib4 ~Il 2.00 ~ , Date Received: [SIGNATURE BLOCKS ON NEXT PAGE] D~C 2 4 2009 Orlginai Subl11itlEi/ ASSJGNMENTOF A.NNI:XA110N AGREEMENT-l N:\t'.. ~"'.... anp.- RIflO. J396'7\A.rlle Ie: Co"'" 1'96'''', , , \NEW\a..dp aDll@udoD .8~nt-'" :':':':.:..:~: ...,';"'.. .,...j, -'~-'~I'-:'" ~ '..~~...~.. , ~/. J'.i..~. ~ ASSIGNOR,: ASSIGNEE: peaCeHea'thff.#g By ?iY~ -- Alan R Yo~Y 115 Senior Vice P . ~ I Date: /1. - 1. z..... 'V' ,...-11. ""/1)' ASSIGNMENT OF ANNEXATION A.GREEMENT-2 N:\P .1\Pac...hh 0Rc0- RqiGn f]!N'T\Arfk 4 (Amp.., 13H"1..oocH\Doa , L". ..LL.:.L":"'o..-_' ~~..-:......&...t .-.. ... .~ i Date Received: r DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittp.f :. I '\aKIpIInMndDD . ~. ..' _ .. Ldoc STATEOF..o.-...J ) . ) ss. COUNTY OF t ...~ ~~) This instrument was acknowledged before me 00 I :L I ~ I} 2.0 0 I by s..,t.A-4I"'~ K, Al2uG; PI2~s"J..,.ri-' of Arlie & Company, an Oregon corporation, STATE OF OREGON ) ) 55, ) Notary Public for c 2~c:;o.rJ - My commission expires: " OFRCML SEAL - IWlQI EIC~LlIEIlaER NOr'RYPU8UC'~EGON " cot.t.flSSlON NO 1.lII91O :'->---= . Ul'COl.t.tlSSION~~~~'.J,.~ COUNTY OF LANE This instrument was ackoowledged before me on I ../ 1>1 11.00 I by Alan R, Yordy, Senior Vice President ofPeaceHealth, a Washlngtoh nonprofit co'l'oralion, cli-,- - Notaty Public for 0 ~ e<G.l'l...J My commission expires; (8 llFFlClAl~---J-'''''' KAREN ElCltELBERGER , NOr,Ry PutlL1C- OREGON I toMIoISSION NO 331110 lIlY CtllIMISSIQNEXI'lIlES OCT. 13 /O()oI . "01 --__~ - -.-.- Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal ASSIGNlIUNT OF ANM;XATION AGREEMENT-3 Nz\7. T'lPeaull.... On(ODIltp.1lI13961\Arlh:'" c.....1III1 ~3"'...oDN\DocumllIlQ\NEW\auip .CIIJte'X1t1oa , _. LdDC lh' '" "'" River Bend Park DClcriptioa Cor AllDcraUon Iolllc Cilr of Spriacfjdd BCSimiq It apoiat 00 liIc W..urtyowp.ofllald1-V~ Lane, (2J.00 r..t&am,.... lIleaIInlIll richl 011&_ to the """,",:'..0), _ ""... bc:m Soad.:l6' 41'37" Eosc a disl..... uf 981.41 r.:t.... 80Wh 19' 56'oo'WCIt a~'of17,911'oo1 '""".... NortLcllSl_ortbc " WDliam S_ Do..... Loa4 Calm NIIlIIbor 46, IoaaIDd iQ ToWllSbip 11 8oYtll, ~ 3 WCIt. ~ MeridUm; Ibcaoc lcavioa- wciu:dy.... mol ......... Saulll 8P' '6' 00' Wqt pnlld III dIIllIDttIa 6Dc oruid n...oM. Lead Oalm. dDt"""" or 1893.91 leeI 10 . ""iA! On Ibc Easrar\r...... ofGomc Fa. bill CCoualy bIOI No, 3). (30,00 r.:t &v.... whca ..'..... .J II ri&:ht II1II_ 10 do: c:earcrIiac); dlaco -vila ..at ponlId liac ....l\IIIIliq Salllh 04' II' $6' Ea.l alaD& IIIi4 Easlcd7 mllli.... cIIstaoee oC7UZ fact .... SOlIIb OZ' 54' n' Eal a dl&t_ or 110.28 fa:l1O . ""iat 00 IB Nard, bomldaay oflllal oataiIIlnCl oflaad ....veyed 10 thc CIty or SpriacliddbydeClh_tdcd~ 1I,Im, Ra:l843R.IIutIwllemNWllber17W3I, Lana ColU\l)' 05clol1l.ecGftlr, lIlau:e loIriaj; ail mqia IIllIIlWliat; Nanb 8P' 56' 00" East p.oIId 10 dIIlllllnllliqafnld DauIIoIlIANI Ckim.tIislaoc ofW,48 fa:l1O \:be MortbcoslCOlDCror llIat ....," \ '4,,,.,'L,' ialat aid d=l;1hoooo1oovinc Hid parallellGluld ftInIliII& SaIIlh 03' , '" 20'I!ast IIIoaa 1M cast lIallllCla.y Gflfol'Cllllid .....,.ny adislaco of411.65 feet 10 lbo Southcat COhlOt of IforaaOl ~ lboaao ~ uId cut bollUlllly.....lVIIIllIla Sa1Itb 89' 56' 00' WIlIl PorollellO dill aolUt. _ of.1id DoulloIlIAllll Claim, a cIUta=e of 417.58 a..t \a a poiatoftlla I!utc:.1ymaqia ofuld fJuRc F&lIIlbIllQ5.00 lioot&v.... wbaIllllClll1lRd iii ri&ht ""8Ico 10 thc 0CIlICltiD0); ~ IcaviIl& ..... palIlIIol s..e Inll nIIIlIiIls aIoac .old Eaot<<lr IIIIlBiD lIle followlq _Illd dlIIcIGc:s: SwIb 02' 54' 56' EoII. dislIIlIal GfUI3 r..t, South 03' 36' '6' EoII adi&raol:c of74li.7S foot, SouIll'P'S4' 08' We. oIialallcc ors.Oo foot, Scndh OJ' 36' 56'.But adlstllloc of4U.s8 hi, Saud. &9'27' lS'East S.OI....... SolIIb 03'36 56' Em! .dlatoDooGf12U6 Caot to apoiatolldulNon!llll1aaqiD IIId11lWGllccl SIlIlllon PIllilic lWholll.......f-wwr, -.........., IOilIBulatr ",oil 1IlBIJla............. 010...Il1o NonborIy and I!aalr YIl:IlaI rlabt-o"~oflli4 ..... Soalh 41' 52' 17" East adistaoooofUUS r..t ... ......b... af9&5.04 flIot Iodioa """"...... boviIa . -.a ..... III I,. I" 01', 0Ild acbanl \looriq SallthU" U' 43'Jlaot 318.17 &:et, I dI&IIaooot'330,41 &lot to dulNanllwwl comer ofellc Flzat AddilIoa 10 II-. v.... II p!attccflllll reaalQd ia 800k 20, PI&c 15, w... Co~ On:sall Pili ll.ccalllr, Laae Collllly, 0IqGa; IIlcacc Io&YIaa IIilI riabt-af-w"Y IIIIIl\IIIIIIDi Soulh 89" sr 00" Eat IIIllIl& lIIe Nonllllo1llllloly of Aid pili &l1li .. cutcrIy plajaotialllllcn..( . dDtlllOC at 1136.16 __leor loa 10.... _orlba~"""IGflba McK=zia IUvw; u.__ ~ IIId bolllllllly IIMIIIIllIlins cIowulream akmg lba COOlcriiaa of.... rivor 011__1 ill, looctloca&tatr/liRcliolllO I poill. 011 dlI: WClWlybolllldaryaflllll CIIIbiIlIRlll ofloR<l .....W...cIaod.-lQdillReclI53I.IMnuuatNumbcr 13109, Luo c-lyOllicial R<:cur4&, ni4 paialliclwaler\r ofllld W,OO fl:ct op"".illl by pel1I ~icoJlIr _1IlC1I1 of 0 IOlIIhcdy P"lJeedoa oflhoCClllcr\iac ofal'aro-clcscrlbcclBoIdyV_.......oicI ""i111111o bcm Nonh~6' 15' O9'I!al.d~,a( 14Zl.SB teeHo"" Ille Iatt d.._::'.~ ""i11I; lbllllCi:1IlaYlng Date Received: EXHIBIT If PAGE - OF~ OO;:f" ? 4 2009 ..'-- .. r _ 'I 9riginal, Su~mittl'll i , ro { ! I fi I I , i r \ r I , . .... qjd MclCcm:io lUwr cha.lld""" ~ Nollll:W 41' 3r Well otJD& & ilia pnIIoIta &lid :US.OO -yllypcpoJ~".rlll~,,,,.,, .",otlUOIlIUldlae of.... BoldyViDw!.au. 4ittmle ot660.1O &oct to ..... North..... "" 'r ,rllw .....pcrIy(..".,(; .: ill Iut ai4dced; "'"-.... nioI pardolliao adl1llllli&c IIoIc lIIc ~ ~orWlIIid deed Nonb 63'11' U. Eat l*P""~~I..Io.el4 ~ adiltaaat200.lllJ CccIIo .poialoa..... WctIerIy IIIlUIilI or.. 8114)' VIeW Lac; tbI:(lCO l\IIIpiaa aIaaa .aid Wcsta\y IllIr1iD Nollh 26' 41' 3r West & diNaoo ot457.5$ fl:ot to the Poiat or~. l1li111 LIIIe Collllly, O/tllOll. CoIll&iaiD& 94 ..... 1ll0lC 01'..... n.: beariap u \lied badra are ....... upon Ooiaaly $\IlW)' l'io Numllcn 32301II1II32309, lilcd Octllbet 10. 1994 wiIIIlba ...... Collllly $" '.' ,00;.." , Date Receh'3d: DEe 2 4 20D! Original SUbmittal' OOlIBrr PAl)[ II I OF ';) After Recording, Return to: Harold, Leahy & Kieran 223 A Street, Suite D Springfield, OR 97477 - , Dlvlalon of ChI.' o.p,,\.y Clerk L.... Co....ty D_da and Roc.,.'" 20030098501 ~ ~ 111,~!!!I!IJ~t'!~~I,~~I!!~!~3 I~:~:::: llPR-1IIIEN Crlbl St.... ClISHl!ll De 520.00 SI0.00 111.00 .20.00 Unless requested otherwise, send all tax statements to: '. Philip Farrington PeaceHealth , 677 East 12'. Avenue Suite N-225 Eugene, OR 97401 , Date Received: D~C 2 /, 2009 Original Submittal .' Sep-)2-03 09:40A P,02 AMENDMENTS TO PEACEKEALTH ANNEXATION AGREEMENTS TO ALLOW ISSUANCE OF LAND AND DRAINAGB ALTERATION PERMIT (LDAP) Paragraph 9 of that Annexation Agreement betwe1n Arlie k Company and the City of Springfield dated June I, 2001' subsequently assigned to PeaceHealth and Paragraph 5 of the Annexation Agreemenc becween PeaceHealth and the City of Springfield dateci June 4, 20022are hereby amended respectively as follows: 1, Paragraph 9 of the June 7, 2001 Annexation Agreement: 9. l.imjrar.1~n~ nn O@velooment of t.he Prot)e.re.~ Followino Annexation, Except for grading accivities authorized under a Land and Drainage Alteration Permit approved by the City of Springfield and except as provided herein, no part of the Property may be developed prior to city approval of a Master Plan as provided in Paragraph 4 of this Agreement, In the event Arlie seeks Master Plan approval in good faith and that approval is delayed Or withheld for a period lo~g~r than two years from the date of this Agreement, Arlie may develop the Property under the zoning ex,sting at that future time, provided however, that all obligations of Arlie set forth in Section 1 of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect including specifically but not limited to the donation of land for Pioneer Parkway, the contribution of ~600,00o toward the construction of the Sanitary Sewer Project, the contribution of $2,750,000 for construction of Pioneer Parkway Project, and the contribution of ~SOO,OOO for construction of public improvements located outside the boundaries of the property. No building pePnit shall be issued for development of the Property until the obligations of Arlie to contribute $600,000 toward construction of the Sanitary Sewer Project and $2,750,000 toward construction of the Pioneer Parkway Project have been paid or secured and donation of the Right of Way Property has occurred, 2, Paragraph S of the Annexatron Agreement dated June 4, 2002: 5. ~imit~tions on n~vQloDmQnt. EXcept for grading I activities authorized under a Land and Drainage . Alteration Permit approved by the City of Springfieldl no part of the Property may be developed prior to City Date Received: Cf:e 2 4 2009 ::~: AMENDMENTS TO PEACEHBALTH ANNEXATION AGREEMENTS pags -Original Submittal 1. Recorded June B, 2001; RecortIezc's Reception NO. 2001-034/14; Lane County Deeds and Re=rds. 2. ReamJed June 5. 2002; k.~~';;= 's Ileoepti.on No. 2002-043161; lane County Deeds and r~~~..s. Sep-12-0~ 09:41A P,03 approval of a, Master plan, In the event peaceHealth fails to seek Master Plan approval of a hospital facility or such final approval is delayed or withheld for a period longer than 3 years from the date of this Agreement, the obligations of PeaceHealth under this Agreement' shall be void and a new analysis of off-site improv~mentS related to any Master Plan shall be a new requirement of any subsequent Master Plan approval, In the event the City and PeaceHealth or its successors and assigns as applicant for a new Master Plan approval cannot agree to a type and scope for off-site improvements the City may at its sole discretion dcny the application for Master plan Approval or cOlMlence withdrawal of this land from the City limits pursuant to ORS 224,460 and peaceHealth shall not object to such withdrawal, No occupancy permit shall be issued for the development of the property until the obligations as set forth in Section I of the Annexation Agreement dated Jur.e 7, 2001, recorded June 8, 2001, Recorder'S ReceptiOn No, 2001-034714 and Cardinal Way or an equivalent east/west connector between Game Farm Road and Baldy View Lane lor an equivalent north/south connector) has been completed as set forth in Section 1 of this ~greement, ), ~xcept as specifically modified herein or other amendments previously entered into, all terms and conditions of the respective Annexation ~greements set forth herein above shall remain in full force"and eEteet, DATED this ~day of September, 4003, :a7fr I- Its: ;t.G!'l " CITY OF SPRrNGPIELP By:(l~ I ItS:~ Acting in Capacity -,~ 104~~ ---NOTARIES TO APPEAR ON POLLOWING PAGE... AMENDMF.NTS TO ?EACEHEALTH ANNEXATION AGREEMENTS r Date Received: ! , \>aSle - 21'\':'~ ., b ",n09 L..',_", l, I U , , ,] fr^ ,'f ~", ..-t:. " Original Submittal " - Sep-12-03 09,41A P_04 STATE OF OREGON 55 County of Lane Personally appeared the above named 4/<1." (./ud V as L?~o for PeaceHealth and a~knowl~dged t~e foregoing instrument to be hie/her voluntary act and deed on ,his /.:J.II) day of .!S~-I",n'I t r./" '. .._' 2003, , ...!k:--./.. .//n~~~~ ~otary Public for Ofegon My Commission J;:xpires; &Q.4;':Jt~~I7~ I :r.'"''.''''' '~'-"'''''''~'OiiPICW:'8EOL'''''''- "', 1 GLENDA M KOYAMA , j NO~RY PUBLIC - OREGON 1 . ' COMMISSION NO, :Me225 / ., '1I1l11111l!1J1~t ."1, lIIII " -_,,"..~.::_.L'l-<"'4-"'~t..4;..........t.~,,,,""oj.''''iL,.'''''''''''' STATE OF OREGOr; 55 County of Lal'le Pe~sonally appeared the above named ~U~I~ P~Opa5 ~S~, ~~~ for the Ci,y of Sp~d and' acknowled9~oing instrument to be his/her voluntary and deed on ,his ~ day Of.~ ',2003, ~i.~ Notary PubUio for Oregon My Commission Expires, !/-.:J:J-:J.DOS as a~t ;-"""~~.._..,...,~,-- -I ~ OFFICIAL SEAL ". AMY L80WA \' , NOTARY PUBLIC OREGO~ !~.' COM MISSION NO, 362109 , MVCOllllISSlONiXl'lIliS NOV, 22,2Dl16 . ._'-----..~---'---_.- Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submillai AMENDMENTS TO PEACEHEALTH ANNEXATION AGREEMENTS Page -)_ 'J'J. ".\1. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT INCLUDING NOTICE OF POTErmAL I\8SESSlIIENT LIEN (In lieu of trTlmediele Can&trUCtlon of Public Improwrnef1~ InClude8 WelYer of ~ght lo RemoRl!itrate) IN CONSIDERATION cfthe covenan1s herein raclt8d, the City or Sprlr1gfield, hereinafter referred to us City. ancl.J!\..~ItX<! Sn""dIfi."l,lm~~ ~!"l"J't'\>!' ,.....".tter refofredto.. App.eonl(o), do covliWlBnt sntl Agt'et wllh respecl to !he rveI pn;JP&ftY C1lSC'.(ibed bekJw Be ronows: 1. Appicant(a) warrants 8I\d represents kl the Cllyof Sprlr.gftekf tI1al it is the owner ofthlll P1'Op8f1y more parUcuSafly de:seribed end set fotth h Paragreph 7 below and. pS owner, het tho BU1t\Ority to enter 1010 !his Imp"",",",,"' Agte_llMlh tho City of Spr;n!/li.Id, 2, Appllcant(o) d..~.. DoveIopment Approvol from !h. Cily with respootlD "'" following OoVfllopment AppHcalloo J. The developmenl will cause bOth an Immealale and 100000001erT11 demand on the V8rious pubMc facili* or Cft)' eJ'ld Une County including lho speolfko public irnprovementa necessitated by the developrnenl 8S set forth In peragreph 6. 4. ThiCllmpl'OvtlIl'Mnt Agreement Is af'i 8liemalive to imposing e. tonLtltion on Appllcanfs deVefopmenl epproval rh81 tf1e Applceot rneko ~m&(Il$lG c:onstnJctlon of any pubUc Improvement thst the developmenll"leoet8ittllGb. n.e Obl6elMli II to promote efficlency, coordnt.tlorl, end 5pret'tl com by pl'Ovldlng an oppor1lX1lty for B dlsll'lct wide Improvement mec:hlnr,m wtlvre C(JNllrudjOn OCCura il'l 8 coordinated ProIld wtih the partlc1pa11or1 of IclJBcent end l;Ilh!ilr prvperti8S iI'I th*lIru, insleecs of requiring ImmedtBte imprl;lvement in C:OnjunoUon with eec:h developmenl application. Ttlere is no guaranlee, hawover, thai ,uc::t1 e ooot<!inrateCl prc;ect will be possib~ and tne City reserves lhe right lo require CDfUitnJclion.Of the - r'" "".,bl"lhi" the future I' City dlscrellon. 5, (a) Applleanl and City agree "'al Applieanl will pay Iha cool of Iha 1011Dvmu publiC faeiily Improvemonll described in p~ e i1 accordance with rupegWe w:;1 filli1iumpOOn pol~ 8Jjilabl~d by City at 'the lime ttle City delerrninea to uoderteke end cornpl!ille t.uoI'l pul)lIe iM~..., I .Is. (b) Applicanl and oily acknowledge and &gr1I8 lha11he 00&1 of such irn9rovIm8l'ltsand ",8 pof11on IMreof 10 be paid by Applieant 11"" pI'O$$ntl'y unknown and may be gre&l.er th@t lhe coat:& thet would be apportioned if lhe imprOYernent:J wure oonsrntoted immediately or by Appllcanl now Or later. (cl Appllc::anl acknowledge.! Chat the tJmlng of Ins constructlon mauch lmprovuments II wtthln tI1e sole and exclusive dlrecllon of the City. S, (a) STREET IMPROVEMENTS 1l(l/\9l1l$ floolOgO 01 ~ F.rm R_ to Includa: ( X ) su~_ pav;ng: (X) 01Dtm .._.. (X) 01lf11lary sewers: ( X ) curbs: ( X ) guhers: (X) pl.oler .trlpo: f X ) .troat ".... (X) o'aelligh1o: ( X ) .id....,k., (b) TRAFFIC SIGNAlS...,o Inleto.OliOo 01 (e) OTHER IMPROVEMENTS AppliJ;elnl at;;knowladgss thallhe Ilet or merked ", ,..B refle<;t thl;nie Ihal wOlJd currantJy be requlntd under thI appropriate City codes 8M tltdlnanea&. Appican! l!IItknlYlMedglllMt It undltttMds thel tf1e [..'"."~ .;.' .,.....:.s made wflJ be thOle required 10 brIl'\9 the IlI'eet 10 run urban standards for th8 then C\ltl'tr\1 fl,lt'lCUOr'l8l auulfic8liorl of the met 88 thase standards oxlsl at lt10 lime tho Improvemenls are macl8 i!Il"Id may. Ih~. dlJ'far from the lilt of ifnp:rovemonts c:tlecled herBin. r 01"0'''' 0' Chlo! o-Ly Clor~ '!I'M _I l...,. CGunlv h.. and R.DG~. ~"-vu,,,. W_~JgllllIl. "I.~ 011129/2002 D3;28;28 PI! RflA_~ c..1.o2 Sino' _in 01 11,00 '11.00 110,;0 111,;0 , 7. LEGAl DESCRIPTION: (SEE EXHllrr "A") Il11'nlI>N7(}' CJn' OF SPIUNOFIELD ' PUBUC WORKS DErT. - 22S FIPTH STllEET _ SPRlNGPIELD. OREGON, 97' 77 5 I I I Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal ,. ',- N<A 17.()3..22.oo-MOO1 Property Address Tax LOl NO. 8. City agrees thllll Applicant', Bx!!OUlion and per1unnan!;e of tI1e lerms of the Agreemem wfI be deemed to be in cornplli!ne:e with City's policy PIiI~nng to irnprovsrnsnl ,&QUirerneIlls, end If Applicant complies in every respect with ell ottter appllcableli!wt of I.hG Stale or OnIgon, lane Caunly. und C~. ~llc:ant .haI1 be entJUed 10 Dev&lopmeflt Approval, 8Ubjec;:1 to !he terms and oondiUons of 3pprO\ltllll'ilt rorth~irI. Q. Th&s ~11s ollfot(e6bl& try tho SIIIt9 of Onl~n. Lane County or elly. 10. APPLICANT AGREES TO SIGN N<< AND AL.l WAIVERS. PETTTlONS. CONSENTS AND Au. OTHeR. DOCV"ENTS NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THE ABOVl' LISTED '....ROve..ENTS UNDER NfY IMPRDVELlENT ACT OR PROCEEDING OF THE STATE OF OREGON, lANE COUNTY, OR CIlY AND TO WAIVE ALL RIG>IT TO MMONST'AATE AGAINST SUCH IMPROVEMENTS. AA>lIeJrIl doa not q.... Ql'ly rigt'lllo p1tltllil511hB IImDUIllor mLWInIN of Ipnlacfll'lg tho 'MClIlm8I'l1"ereof. if 1119 same shill Bpp88I" tI;Ilhe Appl~ to bear lnequlllbl)' or unfair \.1001'1 saki l)I'Opsrty or ADpican1. ~plc8l'1t'. accapCarl~ of 1M nor.. " . .,..Moe tt11'd!1Ot11a In conui<Seratlort Jar lhe CitY, wlIlver of d'oo req\l1l'enWl1 for Ute ImmedlatB DOnstrucdon of thD pubBG ~rovomol'lt$ U\al the deveDpmDnl necossital8&. Thil iIT1M'OYffIItft egreelNlnt ""err. Il1e property awner'1i I1Jhl to file 8 'lItfbtn rerncrutrltlon. tt ooa not WJlve II ~ owner's rV"It to CDmmBOI on tho QRl'po.ed cslnic1. or any relMed I'MiftlGn orally or ~ wrtdng, 11, tt b U'lo II'llention ofllie partlel hereto that tM cownatU MrBItl eont&lnad ahal ~ wtth !he land Mret\ de5c;riJed, and&h&n bo I)InCllttg1.lPOfllhOhelnl, u::ecub:lI'1!1.aaIdgno, '~n1n..., "'''auccaS&Ol'l!i oflhepanieo hereto, ~ stlan be construlKl1a be e bandt arid I DUl'aen upon U'I8 ptOperty 1l8n11n dIlscnbeCl. TN! Ag;,..tnM1 shill bB IlI,COrded In lha Lano County Dad Recorrla. NOTICE TO APPLICANT/PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER tf you &re Ine 21ppfitar'll Dr EI proapuclMl pu,cnaser ollhis property, YDU 1iIr$ edvIsed to d1scusti thlt; Agreemenl with an Attorney 01 your d1oice. e.ecutlon and recordation at It'li$ Agreement wII place requirements on tne Ownar and any Gub'OQuonl purc:nBHr of tr'Ie AeaI ProDerty dngibed In SecUon T and their ha~, successors end ASSignS. These requlrementllndude bul 3l'Q nOlllmltad 10 the pavmen1 for tho plAJlic improvements deacribod in 6ulflion Ei. Thls may relurl In an aslel:i~monllien on the Real Ptoperty deaaibea in SeetIor'I ? Md &ignifiesn1 COlts to !he Owner and Purchaae1'8, encl their heirs. succe&&0I'ti end as,igns. Iv1 Appk:ant's signetur8 on ltIis A~enllndlC8ta lhat the Appllcanl nes thoroughly read 11'11& Agreemen1, understencl$l~ noe hOd tI'le Opportunny 10 eol'lSl.lft lagaI counsel prior to III 81l:ecutlon. and unCletSl&rlds lhat execution of the Agreement may rBlult In lignlfanl ~nf;ia1 obllgS11onslmpOCed uporllt1e Owner 01 tI'le Reel Property. Any prOlSpet:tWe Purf;hMer of the prgPGr1y bP.R8ned by lI'Ii$ mprovBmsnl Agreemenl shc~d also lhorougl'lly review this Agreemen!, au'a~1 With IeIJaI coumel prior 10 pul'd'la&t'l9 tho prvpcrty, DIld understand tI'\at 11'Ii; Agte~1 may resull tn B ItgnineMI financilill obligation Imposed upon any Owner of the Re81 Proper1yde&Cl'ibsd in &el;l\iQn 7, . WHEREFoRE.1h8f1arti8.1~lJOll11errMtl(llhls <<0 ~of ~,~J// ...'''"''y.<>IyM........ 0 i'h<.w.~+ 2001- , e, I 5TATE OF OA.I;GON ) )'a COUNTY OF ~e ) On..'.Jp, ..,or ~sf ,200,;l.'..,.r.""_....~....""" "" City Msriager fer Ihl:l City ar ~etl1 8Mi'iIt he s~n&d tile above ~I on lllll bBhalr cd the ell'; of Springiiold, II ~Ipa/ COl'pCl'allon. Bafore me: ~~~ N(l1;)J'y PubliOfor Oregon My Com""',"'" ~:JJJrU, .;~. aDO S 1_" , ".. rJ.:s:iti=r;j-' j nar""'111UC OIlEGON W Ift'~ONNO, a.u108 . Q'JllQINJ'.nZD _.__00J0...................:..._""'..... RE'TtlRN TO: CJTY OF SPItlNGFJOU). PUOLlC WORKS DEPT, ,m FIPI1t lITRIlET. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, 91477 Date Received: .,. r-'... -, , Aong -" { 'I , u Or:....in.-1.;"'".. .". l ::..." -;41..;.:..iOn11It&f .. .. By OQ~~~S~' STATe OP OREGON ) )... COUNTY OF LANE ) 01111\15 Zd~di!lyaf ~~~..".J&-I' '200~thI!Ire~'f dbsl'urBlfI8 o.n~. ',: --, ......'" CIty Su_, lo, me CRy o. sp.",1leId '1fI:;;.;;' .. , '."-~."".~R=tm~;.": =~~~~( ~M ~I J . I/OT^RY punIC. GkEG, 01/ ij -----r;r-- . . COMMISSION N1'lJ11470 r~"'~ ,u.....~~~~\...2.J EXHIBIT "A" That tract 0' land, conveyed by deed from Ed..1 Wayne Chase and Fran Lenore Chase to lI1e City 01 Springfield, e munl.,;p.1 corponlMon, rooorded fo, public record April 18, 1977 in Reel 843R.1 Reception No, 7722531, Deed Records of Lene County, Ore9on, being more fully d..crib.d os follows: Beglnnln9 al a point on t/le centMine of County Roed No, 3, said poinl being SOuth 28' 42' East 981,42 feet, South B9' 56' West 1468,79 fe.'; South 0' 04' West 1BB,2 feet, and South 89. 56'Weol457,5 f..t from Ibe Northeast com.r of Ihe Wiiiam Slovens Don.tion !..and Claim No, 46tn Township 17 South, Range 3 We.t, Wlllamene Meridian; from said point of beginning run South 3' 52' East along t/le cante~ine of County Road No, 3 a dlslonce of 430.48 feel; !hence North 89' 55' Eo.1457,5 r..t; thence North 3' 52' Wes1430,411 f..t; thence South 59' 5S' West 457,5 feet to t/le point of beginning. aM In Lane CoUl1ty, Oregon, Excepling 1I1e South 20 "'elthereof. TOgether with an easement for Ingress and egress over Geld ~outh 20 fest. o lte Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Origins'Submitlal__ Rb-nJK,N TO: CITY OF SPRINOPIBLO, PUBLIC WOIlJ(:j !lEfT" m Plf'11I STl\EIlT, SPlUNGFn;LD. OJ\EooN, 97'71 ;," "'~'l1 ~r I'J:i'! . ...GNnlOf, ......., It. tllllewtnD .I~ ,.alIIl'O,,1tV frM.t eM:;I"'''Clk.:1 ~;; 1~11;o... flHIIl ~It I"""," III L-Ina. . .. . ,eO~ftty, ~CIfIo__IIi Gegltlnl",g It iI polli' Oft '''0 ~antal"l"o af COlrnt., I\apg 110. " nld point baing Ssu1h ",0 '12' ha 'B1;~l fOflt, Sollt~ 89 551 W.U 1~6817' fUll SOUth 0 ~~I I!u~ IU.2 hltlt" and Seurh Cl!J 56' Unt -57.5 hell frOIl the "ortl\cau CO'ner of ,he Willi.... Sto'lcnt. D&tIulOfl Lod thhl "g, U 1/1 Tlllwnihlp 17Southt Ran". 'A Won, WlllD..n. 1I1J'ld1ani frail s~ld ralnt of bc.l~ftln9 run $OUt") 5Z' EDit .10hg tk. ('lI.tat1Ina of tdU"t:y .ud 110, 3 10 dIU-"lIcc rd~l.i]O.U fOil; t"IUIU "o,th 89 S6' hat 1157" foot; thQllu U"nh 3 H' Wail Ii,o.U feet; fhence Solllh 8' 5fi! West "57.$ fe~t to [k~ poInt of b!Alnnlnp. ~ll In lnn~ tOOlltV. Oreion. . E~;.ptlng thl South 20 r,., th.r~or. 'Clgcthl, ",Ith In IYU~lfIcn' fOf" In~'~u ..d egrcu ov~r uld SUllth a~ fnt. g ~ " ~ Q ~ ,. iiii S, ~ , . ""1111 "bHI tl\tlllillllHl..~,.,....I'_,'N.\lll\bf._,,,t.p1) CClfu11tlQnl, '.llstrlctIGlnlilnO .;JiUlllcnts of rncord. . 'hi I,.. mnlld.ralll1ll lor IhI, ftlnVll"lIl\n It S ", I ~7.$.. 00 CH.,,, w..pl1 ...llh "" r~\lII'_N. .1 00 n,IlIOl ..... '. . DllIIliIlllhk 5/"tf doy 1I~. f'!.IU'C.h... .,'i,'"11.: f.it; (':'p.,~, (It,,-!, ,~ UHL WAnE C!lA$f , 'yt ,/ ,. ,J ('~:, J \_~. ,H':'/I., 1.~.J~h;.(.;...'"\~....tl~....-:... FRAu LlJlOnE '''^Sf , , ,"1;'l".!'e..!L...~!.~.t.., n. 77.. _. ~r~,~ ~.;_~.2.r.c .J}!'..~_~..... .._...... .. tfi ;l:J ..S.::L..... ..._" ~, Coll'mlllkln fIllllnl ) 2S...~.O!,~.h _1~~:I,. ~.tr.~~ L.-l.,_!r..U.~.9!..l'.L~.,...R.!.,.g~n... L 9FIgInal Submittal L. , :, , " DEe 2 4 ;:009 I ..:-- -~...... " .'1' .Ji; . ,J:: ..... " r- '.-;~~r""'" I " ,....''T>''''''t'1 i I i r ?7~~531 ~ &J!;10[" -'" '..~, - !.s ~ _; B 1 ~ : StM-1lIII0n1:-. c...uy,",L..II.--.a. 1ft 'ill.. ~t. l.D..-'\thrrl..II'I.n-:t.crnE~n.,.rt:.. 2" "-IldQ_odSlnbt, rll......,..I~..oU!d C C'~"y..I"~..,,,. ___1Ilo- (..... . -w.n !....!..._....,~..."'........l c: ~ " ~ ~ I I _TldzQ" --"..... -.&I,.llIQCOO!OI"q~. m7 ,,"PR 18 .Fi.1 :; II ~ ~ 843 R Lu.c..-yON':lCI....I. ~... O.~L.....W".~Jtb~~!..,. ......MJs.....+-...... ,,1, pr/? 'I ~}~(i-'!;t~ I:'?,""'-" 'c.-:.:' - .." 0 ' . i'! 1 11' ! I ... H') <<5' 1 I I ~ j I S' 0 1:: I , 1, l!!- ll) ! I I;lj . , B l' i ,I' en c:l <D II II II . c I~ " I, I; I ~ n ;0 I ! 1 I 11 ,. , .... CD I 1 U i Ii - ~ i f.1 i I ~ J i ~ -' -lj ~. I < Ij ~ CD i 0- j i .J I ., n r I 'i.~::.(;--:"', :." '.: , ,- . - -fY '_,,~~i~~~:, ., I' . .-_._.~:~:.- " Division of Chief Dsputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records ~~09.01661~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 $26,00 11,1626...200 ,;JJl '67..~illl/l~.3 04/01/2009 03:09:07 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=1 Stn=6 CASHIER 02 $5.00 $11,00 $10,00 After Recordinq Return to: Springfield-Public Works Depl. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Until Requested Otherwise Send All Tax Statements to: City of Springfield-Finance Depl. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that City of Springfield, Grantor(s), in consideration of the aCceptance by the City of Springfield acting by and through the Springfield Utility Board, Grantee, and the use or holding of said property for present or future public use by Grantee, Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, all the following real property, with 'the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, situated in the County of Lane and State of Oregon: bounded and' described as follows: Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No. 2002-P1627, Filed December 10, 2002" County Surveyor's File No. 37813 and flied December 10,2002, Reception No, 2002-095796, Lane County Deeds and Records THE SAME IS HEREBY and forever dedicated to the public to be used as public'road, TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above described and granted premises unto the said grantee, Its successors and assigns forever, ' ' , THE CONSIDERATION for this conveyance is other than monetary, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors above named have hereunto sel their hands and seals this ~ day f-\Prt-l'- ,2009, ' ..-- rg tJ Print name: Gino Grimaldr City Manager, City of Springfield Date Rec@ived: DEe 2 4 2009 ' Original Submltteil STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss, COUNTY OF LANE ) On this \ % day of f...:1li.l . 2009, before me appeared Gino Grimaldi and to me personally known, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the City Manager of the City of Springfield, and that the said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of the City of Springfield, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year last wriIlen above, "'--- ---------~---'--~ Irl . OFFICIAL SEAL ' , JULIE M WILSON ' I, ; NOTARY PUBLIC, OREGON I I " .... COMMISSION NO, 397943 I ~ n _ n ~~D~~S~I~E~':~OGT.,21lO1l J .::n,:,\~ ~ _ ~Lt~1\O Notary Public for Oregon '\ 4 0 C\ M C i I E' D-.' , , y omm ss on xplres: THE CONVEYANCE set forth in this instrument conveying tille or interest 10 the Springfield 'Ulility Board by and through the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporalion of Ihe State of Oregon, is hereby approved. and the title or interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted, SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD by: ~,~~, Robert C, Linahan, General Manager ,~~ .?t3CJ7 Date I ' .. ~. After Recordino Return to: Springfield-Public Works Dept. 225 Fifth Street Springfield. OR 97477 Division of Chief Deputy Clerk 2~09.016613 ' , Lane County Deeds end Records 1111111111\11111\ 1111\ 1111\1111111\1111 $26,00 '1 '8281 '20091/l0.087301>.01>10 04/0112009 03:09:01 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=1 Stnc8 CASHIER 02 $5,00 $11,00 $10,00 Until Requested Otherwise Send All Tax Statements to: City of Sprln'gfield-Flnance Dept. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that the City of Springfield acting by and through the Springfield Utility Board, Grantor(s), do hereby remise, release, and forever Quitclaim unto the City of Springfield, Oregon, Grantee, its successors and assigns, all the following real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, situated in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, bounded and described as follows: ' PARCEL 1 of land Partition Plat No. 2002-P1627, flied December 10, 2002, County Surveyor's File No, 37813 arid filed December 10, 2002, Recep't1on No, 2002-095796, lane County Deeds and Records TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above described and granted premises unto the said Grantee, Its successors and assigns forever, THE CONSIDERATION for this conveyance is other than monetary, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors above named have hereunto set their hands and seals this =?c>~ ,day of /'J1 /1/1,.,. h ,2009, ' Date Received: Signature: 'd-Lft, / ~~ Print name:' Robert c, Linahan General Manager. Springfield Utility Board DEe 2 4 2009 STATE OF OREGON) )55, COUNTY OF LANE ,) ~------------>=~-"'-j (. v~11l8U1l.lbmltta , MARILYNrl BARKER I " '/' NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON I " COMM ISSION NO, 405345 ~ _ _ _ _M'!. ':?~~~O~ ~P.!.'1~ ~.u~E.!-:O~ _ , BE IT REMEMBERED that on Ihis 30th day of March, 2009, before me, the undersigned: a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named Robert C, Linahan whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who by me duly sworn, did say that he Is the General Manager of the Springfield Utility Board and does acknowledge said Instrument to be the free act and deed of said Springfield Utility Board, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offiCial seal the day and year last above wrll!en, ~....._~...! D rP,/1/>)".aL N ary P lie fo~ megon My Commission Expires: ~ -. 4, 4.tf7/o THE CONVEYANCE set forth In this instrument conveying title or Interest to the City of Springfield. a Municipal Corporation of Ihe State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and the title or interest conveyed therein Is hereby accepted, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By: jJ. A_ ~J-4- y-- Dennis p, Ernst - City of Springfield Surveyor ,4P-'ZI'- /. 2C"C'l Date . '.1. ..... Exhibit 2 Architectural Drawings - Site Plans, Su~ey, Grading, , , I Paving & Stormwater Plan, Landscape plan', an~ Elevation . ' , -18 qopies11x17" -----......... or Date Received: ,'\ , '1 :~i 1 DEe 2 42009 ,[ " Original submittal AO.lAljJHTPOOACtl 1'0' I "" I ZONING: to'lll o(I'ISrrvRESIO{HTI'Il \,t:\ \ '\ \ \\ \~~"""~-. \ \ , " UIST. !1WIISFORo,o[R , \ . ~. " ~NT PAACn .r~:::,.,,. ILOT'3~ I ' I l' Zoo..G: "'1([0 US( COWWEIlCW.. \ , ., \ [xISTWCVTlJTYPOI..tS'M>'I~! I -4------:__~r..:.J!'IL___~__ 0 \\ \\ I I I ~------...__ .\ "'---~i / ~/'/i;,,~~z~."\t'i::;,:: \ --+~ /"'-0' : -j' - --, ~_'j..~.lt-i.r-?"'~if'1.l<- NC 'I ' .. ., - 'L 0 '\ I HOlAS DR. .".. I<IQ<,_ot_W...1, '/ 1 ' 1 ---. rO ,'I ~- I, I U; ,'~" ,-'--',: ,-, '", :,\ \ .o.QJAC(HT PNlCCl '\~.~ .: ,I '-j I ~ 1=1~~~ I II:II:! I i- --"U: ....~~Q -<( . I I I I 101'1 I I ' 0::1 ~NtPiloRC(L I 'llOl,903 I j . I lOl\l...c- 1lEllUoI000WSlTYRESlO(I'iTW. 1:>1, \ ! 0 I Ie( \ \ L LEX'STlt<<iSUBSTATlOH7 I; ~J,\ : s.~\ " ~il ~~~:..:- r , ~!: ~ / ~\ \1. j: ,,/ l\ L~~~~OOfl . I ! I: I, ~ ~,.II\ I 11 tv rxlSllNCCATt ElUS1"IOIG flR[ If\"OIIANT I " I I : ~ (.oPf'llOX.UlCA1'lOIoI) I , . fu~~::.'" '\! ,/ j ~ ;:t.\~._,_, /' , "~--~--<""~-"""'!!.J.!!!<,_J ~'<i'J, 0 0 ,:1 ~~..JOlOh .; -~--I -~--- ',1 ,/' 09' \\1 ~_ I:!OO' 5OU1't4 \ "':'._._~_' _ ___...__..." .~..,/ .'.1 , , J 9' t - -_..~=- ~' /./ / j' I -,~...," I ,rO. --'~-"___-=- --~,_/X:/ ""1 '\6,"J.().JO.CENTPAAC(l ------ ~----~~_, ", I""'... I I' 'J' - "- ------ ~, ~o:;:;. ~h1W. 11 ~~~>TD IN alW..rROt.l I (I!$TWG GolTt . OVERALL SITE PLAII PIlOJtClP.ulCtl I CO"... j lONHC: ~ IltlfSll'\' MSIltllflW.. 'IWtOTTRo\YQ.l~' TO~Y[.I.Il 0\ , " , . \ ., . , . ADJAa:NT PAKn lun, t'U I lON.NG: to. ~~ ! ~ p .' i!\ ~, i\ ETHAN CT, 11 " " \ ~ < ~ ~ '" < 0. '" ~ " Z ~ '" w x ~ => ~ z ~ '" < :> N EB .o.oJ.I.C(NTPAAC(L I"",... I lQIlIOtG. W1ltOustCOWWEJlOo\L \- -- ---- , \ \ ~[NTPMCU I un, "'" I lONlNC; _(II US[ COuw(1lCW. l , '--.. ~ ~".'" IlO"JtOO I lONING: "'X(O US[ COIoU"EIlCW. OISl.loO!C($flIOwWOllOPOU: TDPllOP(IfTYlJ'<[' 0I0R1l1: ]~':t SOVl11' ]73':t tASTe 12.':t W(ST: 'll":t ~ '..... '- IT~'~ "'..--... . ~. - ~~ =::- ==:" '- IIII ~!I. i.! ~:i s! ~!. II " ~ ? 1iI ~~ ~ bJJ.li! -., - "'........ ,~ --.. - 0--" _ c........ l1li -. - 'UG BALDY VIEW "-0."......-"-00-_ :UOO_'_OlIOCI --............" OVERALL SITE PLAN ~=:::::::::11 A1.0 Date Received: CEC 2 4 2009 OrIginal Su::>millal YfE?IZ.O.N. WIRELESS l.f:A..,';:;F AREA n(<;;r.RIPTIOt;! BEGINNING AT THE' NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE PROPOSED Vf '''I WIRELESS LEASE AREA, A POINT WHICH BEARS S82'43'29'.E 293.04 FEET FROM THE NO! 5T CORNER OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED LESSOR'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION, THENCE \'101'42.45"( 40.00 FEET; THENCE 502.17'15"[ 30.00 FEET: THENCE S87"42'4S"W 40.00 FEET; THENCE N02.17'15''W 30.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ~(ffSS ~OfiP FASFMFNl A STRIP OF LAND 20 FEET IN WIDTH, MORE OR LESS, FOR INGRESS ANo':EGRESS, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE AREA, A POINT WHICH BEARS S02'17'15"E 6.26 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE AREA: THENCE S02" 17' 15"E 19.97 FEET; THENCE S89. 58' 31''W 54.41 FEET: THENCE SOl. 25' 35"E 30.49 FEET; THENCE N90' 00' OO"W 4.50 FEET; THENCE SOl. 25' 35"E 241.54 FEET; THENCE S46. 52' 29"E 58.63 FEET; THENCE S52' 45' 59''W 68.58' FEET; THENCE Nao. 01' 2Z"W 104.49 FEET; THENCE N88. 32' 05''W 110.52 FEET; THENCE N02" ,04' 54"W 20.04 FEET: THENCE SS8' 32' 05"E 113.25 FEET; THENCE S8D. 01' 22"( 97.23 FEET; THENCE N52" 45' 59"E 36.15 FEET; THENCE N46. 52' 29''W 43.32 FEET; THENCE NO 1-' 25' 35"W 305.90 FEET: THENCE N89' 58' 36"E 24.51 FEET; THENCE SOl' 25' 24.'E 5.00 FEET; THENCE S89' 58' 48"E 54.11 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. . CONTAINING 13,059 SO.FT. PLUS OR MINUS. ]FI r.n F~<;;FMfNT BEING A STRIP OF LAND 5 FEET IN WIDTH AND LYING 2.5 FEET ON EACH SIDE PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE AND ARE TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED TO FORM A UNIFORM STRIP. BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST LINE OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE AREA, A POINT WHICH BEARS S02.17'15"E 19.33 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE AREA; THENCE Na9. 52' 15~W 62.06 FEET: THENCE SOl. 17' 07"E 279.08 FEET; THENCE S46. 43' 20"E 57.58. FEET: THENCE S5Z 24' 32"W 64.33 FEET; THENCE N79' 59' 27''W 1 02.94 FEET: THENCE N88' 09' 14''W 111.02 FEET TO EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF GAME FARM ROAD. E0.~FR FA<;;fMFNT BEING A STRIP OF LAND 5 FEET IN WIDTH AND LYING 2.5 FEET ON EACH SIDE PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE AND ARE TO BE EXTENDED OR SHORTENED TO FORM A UNIFORM STRIP. BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE AREA, A POINT WHICH BEARS S02.17'15"E 4.32 FEET FROM THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED VERIZON WIRELESS LEASE AREA; THENCE LEAVING SAID'L1NE N86.39'39~E 101.61 FEET TO A POINT IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF MARTIN-lUTHER KING JR PARKWAY: THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY 221 FEET MORE OR LESS~,TO AN.1EXISTING ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER AND SAID POINT OF TERMINUS. T~, ;-. " r , LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS ,> N () I1RIVIN(.: I1IRFr.TIONS' FROM THE PORTLAND SWITCH, START OUT GOING NORTHWEST ON NE WHITAKER WAY TOWARD NE 122ND BLVD. 0.0. TURN RIGHT ONTO NE 122ND BLVD. 0.3. TURN LEFT ONTO NE AIRPORT WAY. 1.0 MI. MERGE ONTO 1-205 5/ VETERANS MEMORIAL HWY TOWARD PORTLAND/ SALEM. 24 MI. MERGE ONTO \-5 5 VIA THE EXIT ON THE LEFT TOWARD SALEM. 94 MI. TAKE EXIT 195A TOWARD N. SPRINGFlELD/ GATEWAY MALL. 0.2 M. MERGE ONTO BELTlINE HWY E. 0.3 MI. BELTlINE HWY E BECOMES BELTLlNE RD. 0.4 MI. BELTlINE RD BECOMES MARTIN LUTHER KING JR PKWY. 0.3 MI. TURN RIGHT ONTO CARDINAL WAY. 0.1 MI. TURN RIGHT ONTO GAME FARM RD S. 0.1 MI - TAKE 1ST RIGHT UNTO DRIVEWAY TO SUBSTATION GATE ACCESS REQUIRED FROM T-HERE. END AT 3365 GAME FARM RD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477-7521 VICINITY MAP EXHIBIT 2 . verl70nwireless EUG BALDY VIEW SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 SITE ADDRESS: 3365 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 TAX LOT: 17-03-22-00-00904 LAT: 44. 04' 57.52" N LON: 123. 01' 53.22" W OCCUPANCY: TOWER: U SHELTER: S-1 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: TOWER: II-B SHELTER: V-B JURISDICTION..; CI1Y OF SPRINGFIELD ZONING: MEDIUM DENSI1Y RESIDENTIAL SITE INFORMATION: TOWER SETBACKS: HEIGHT LIMITS: PROJECT PARCEL AREA: PROPOSED LEASED AREA: REQUIRED SETBACKS: FRONT: 10' SIDE: 10' 35' REAR: 10' 4 ACRES:f: 1200 SQ. FT. FRONT: 10' SIDE: 10' REAR: 10' ADA COMPLIANCE: THE FACILl1Y IS UNSTAFFED AND UNOCCUPIED PROJFC;T SUMMARY: THE PROJECT IS FOR A NEW VERIZON WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS SITE CONSISTING OF A NEW FENCED COMPOUND CONTAINING AN EQUIPMENT SHELTER WITH GENERATOR AND 65' MONOPOLE WITH NEW ANTENNAS. PROJECT SUMMARY T1.0 LS-1 C1.0 L1.0 Al.0 A1.1 A2.0 TITLE PAGE SITE SURVEY GRADING, PAVING AND STORMWATER PLAN LANDSCAPE PLAN, NOTES AND DETAILS OVERALL SITE PLAN ENLARGED SITE PLAN ELEVATtONS IDLE SHEET INDEX DATE RFENGINEER I PROJECT MANAGER I SIT[ ACOUISITION I ZONING CONTACT PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE APPROVALS SITF OWNER: SPRINGFIEU5: UTILi1Y BOARD RAY MEDUNA, OPERATIONS JEFF NELSON, ADMINISTRATION 541-744-3708 541-746-8451 APPUr.ANTl VERIZON WIRELESS (VAW) LLC dba VERIZON WIRELESS 5430 NE 122ND AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97230 SITE DEV_EWPMENT..; TECHNOLOqY ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION (TAlC) 15618 SW 72ND AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97224 CONTACT: . BEN FREEMAN PHONE: 503-549-0001 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT: VERIZON WIRELESS 5430 NE 122ND AVENUE PORTLAND, OREGON 97230 CONTACT: ; HOWARD SHEARER ARCHITECTl GAZLEY PLOWMAN ARCHITECTS, AlA 2701 NW VAUGHN STREET, SUITE 764 PORTLAND, OREGON 97210 CONTACT:' BRANDON DOLE PHONE: 503-274-7800 x239 EMAIl: BDOLE@GPARCHITECTS.NET - IANOSC;APE ARCHITECT; ':'-JOYCE JACKSON 1940 SYLVAN WAY WEST L1NN;_OREGON 97068 CONTACT: JOYCE JACKSON PHONJ: . ._-1 503-703-8607 SURVEYOR; FINLEY ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC TWINOAKS'- SUITE B-250 1 BOO NW 169TH PLACE 8EAVERTON~ OREGON 97006 CONTACT:_-. DENNIS LAYMON PHONE: 503-466-9460 ~~te R@(i;eived: DEe 2 ~ 2009 OrIginal SUbmittal. "". 4~ Ai(c0 ~wf~~ /oM.,M, -:.J7' I) Ii I\. PORllANO, OREGON ~ -q ~ 7e OF O~ ,,- .' <S~ . ~ " "':,;''''; , ";:~.' l'~ PROJECT TEAM ~ VerlZ!1!!wireless T echnoloQvilcAssociates IntunaUunalCorp1ralion DrawingsProduced8y: . 270JNWVaughn 5";t<'764 ronla"d,0r.972JO 5032147800 5032147803Fax 'I' GAZLEY PLOWfo,1AN ARCHITECTS m 0 W (ij " c-- =' " ~ ~ '" <c 0 WO~ en ~N~ m 0 ~ " m ~ 0 " <c 0 0 0<' en N~ m ,~ 0 ~~ <E " o,,>z m OW N ~" " "''' c-- ~ =,0 0 W ~U ro 0 <8 " " ~ <'~ " z<c N 0 0<' <D N~ ro 0 <9 " co,. ro 0 <'w " ~ z> N " OW en N~ INa. IDoteBy Revision5 Prajed# 08207 Orig I~s"e Date 12(08(08 Designed by 8M< Drawn by 8M< Checked by 8D A?provedby SMNP Prajecttitle: EUG BALDY VIEW PARCEL 17-03-22-00-00904 3365 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD. OR g7477 Sheellitle TITLE SHEET Sheet no 11.0 ,/ 'IPOSlTIONO.'UODETICCOORDINATES- CENTER OFPROPOSEO lOIll1CR l-AnTUD[U'04'S7.52"NORTH l-ONGrWDE 12JlJl'5J.2:l" I'1:ST(NA083) ~l~VAnON 4J9.39' (GROUND) ~;6,2~~" 09"( VERIZONW1RELE~ ... LEAS(AREATlE .-" LINE .--- ~.. ,_--,. u_ __-._.._ -- - - -- r -- -- - - --..._ ~-:. I ,\, ____I f-' \ ,I 0",1 r'llg lnl~ NIt') ~I I- I \ Line Table "I.Line# Direction Length L1 52-17',5"[ 19.97 L2 S89' 58' Jl"w 54-.41 L3 51" 25' 35"[ 30.49 L4 N90. 00' OQ"W 4_50 L5 51'25'35"[ 241.54 L6 545"52'29"[ .58.63 L7 S52' 45' 59"W 68.58 L8 NBO' 01" 22"W 104_49 Ul N8S' 40' 21"W 117.08 L1D Nl" 09' 52"W 20.00 L11 S88' 40' 56"[ 119.46 L12 S80. 01' 22"[ 97.26 L13 N52'4S'S9"[ 36.15 L14 N4S' 52' 29"W 43.32 L15 N\" 25' 3S"W 305.90 U6 N89. 58' 36"( 2~.51 L17 51'25'24"( 5_00 UB SS9" 58' 48~E 54.11 L19 NS9" 52' lS"W 62.06 L20 51'\7'07"E 279.08 L21 546.43' 20"[ 57_58 ST~~M _[)_~_A~N.~.~I:'IHOLE\"" " "^ o ------ TO?Of"'BFRM- 'f @ . """" "-. r "-.# '\ \ ",,"""""'~ l~ Nn~uq=~i ~~~l ,~- "n.ul~FARMRD (1 5 """l>5l>l::1 UElTUP\EtfNY ~i 5 II )1 . SIT! 8 i Ii $ """" nlRFUIONS TO SITE START OUT GOING NORTKWEST ON NE WI-IITAKER WAY TOWARD NE 122ND BLVO. 0.0. TURN RIGHT 0N1"0 NE 12ZND 8LVD. O.J. ltJ~N LEFT ONTO NE A1R~O~T WAY. 1.0 1.<1. MERGE ONTO I,-ZO!> sl VETERANS MHIORIAL I-f\\IY TOWARO PORTLANOI SALEM. 24 ML BERGE omo \-s 'S 'M Y\-lE 0,11 ON THE LEFT TOWARD SALEM. 94 MI. TAKE EXIT 195A liYNARO N. SPRINGFIELOI CArEWAY WILL 0.2 M, MERGE ONTO BELTUNE itWi' L 0.3 '''. BHTLlNE HWY E BECOMES BELTLlNE RD. 0.4 1.11 BELTUNE RO 8ECOMES MARTIN LUHIER KINO JR PKWY. 0.3 MI" TURN RIGHT ONTO CAROINo\L WAY. 0,' MI. ;URN RIGHT ONTO GN~E FARM R[) S. 0.1 MI - TAKE 1ST RICHT UNTO DllIVEwAY TO SUBSTATION GATE ACCESS REQUIRED FROM THERE. END Ar 3365 GAME FARt.l RO SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477-7SZ1 _______PROPOSEDVERIZON WIRELESS 30. X 40' LEASE AREA ::'- SITE DETAIL 'SCALE: 1~=20' " )> <: ~ SECTION 22, TI7N, R3W, W,M, LANE COUNTY, OR APN: j 7-03-22-00-00904 APN: 17-03-22-00-00903-- ..~.r VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. 2002-P1627 PER TlTLE NO. 4608005625-FTEUC25 L'l'l S52' 24' 32"W 64"33 L23 N79' 59' 27.W 102.94 l24 N8S" 19' 18"W 117.52 7. P.U.E. PER LAND PARTITION PLAT NO.2002-P1627 IN TITLE NO 4608005625-,TEUG25 POWER POLE -~ -----.- .--- TH P.U.E. PER""""'" ND PARTITION-PLAT NO"",2002=-P1627 _ PER TlTLE....-.. NO 4~O~8005625-FTEUG25 ........ / / ~ /,......' _.,-- ~ )> ;0 <: ;0 o )> '" n o c z ~ -< ;0 o z o "'- ,~ N~ , NORm ARROWANOlE$ ARE NOT TO SCALE PR~MISFS TWTAIL - SCAlE'--'-=60' - SITE NAME, SITE NUM8ER; SITE ADDRESS; OWNER'S NAME' OWNER'S ADDRESS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMflER(S) NET AREA OF LEASE AREA NET AREA OF PROJECT AREA: GROUND ELEVATION' BENCHMARK: BASIS OF ELEVATIONS, BASI$OFBEARINGS: P.D.B POINTQfBEGINNING P.O.T. POINT Of TERMINUS VC&G IlERTICAL CURB &: GUTTER R(W RIGHT OF WA''i AP ASPHALT D(W ACCESS ORIIlEWAY TOP TOP OF SlOPE TOE TOCOFSl.OPE TBM TEMPORARY8ENCHMARK SW S'OEWAL~ Tl' TOPOFPARAPET rw TOP OF WALL @ LOTNUM8ER -0 BENCHMARK ORPOSlTlQNOf GEODETICCOOROINATES #SPOTEU:VATlON }:. OISHANTENNA EUGBALDYVIEW 3355 GAME fARM ROAD SPRINGF1ELD,OR97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 3365 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINCFIELO, OR 97477 17-03-22-00-00904 1200 SO n 4ACRESJ: 4-39.39' (CENTER OF TOWER) --e-EiASEPOINT ELEV=441.15(NAVD58) NAVD 88 BASED ON GPS 08SERVATION OF AND OPUS CALCULATION FROM KLAMAT11 FALLS:> CORS ARP" OREGON STATE COORDINATE SYSTEM SOUT11 ZONE, NAD 83 (CORS96){EPOCH:2002.8879) LEGEND P.U.E. ~ PUElL!CUTIUTYEASEMENT WATER ~ONTROL VALVE fIREf-\'fi}RI\NT GUY'MRE '!) fOUND AS NOTED <'tb PQWERPOLE (I UGHTPOLE lEI ELECTRI~AL TRANSFORMER 1m AIR ~OND,nDNllm UNIT TELEPHONEPEOESTAL ~ TELEPHONE VAULT , TELEPHONE ~ANHOLE GAS VALVE """CASI.lETER IIlilI WATER VALVE VAULT ----PROPERTYUNE --,-,_.-,..- CHAIN LINK FilIGE WClOO DR IRON FENCE FENCE ~ l.IlCROWAVE ANTENNA _~_~___ OVERHE.<lO ELECTRIG .l. IEUCOMMUNICA110NS TOWER TREE DATE: OCTOBER 01, 2009 RE: EUG BALDY VIEW 3355 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGF1ELO. OR 97477 I CERTIFY mAT THE LATIltJOE OF 44'04':>7.S2" NORlH AND Tl-IE LDIIGITlJOEOF 1231lI'S3,22-Wi:ST ARE ACCURATE TO'MTHIN ot20fEET HORIZONTALLY' AND THE SlTEELEVA110N OF 439.39'FEET MSl NAVO B8IS ACCURA'TE TowrmlN I3 FEET VERTICALLY. THE HORIZONTAL DATUM (COOROINATES) ARE IN TERMS OF mE NORTH ~MERICAN OATUM DF le83.(NAO-8J) ANO ARE'E~PRESSED AS DEGREES, l.IINUTES, .AND SECONDS (TO mE NEAREST HUNDREOTl-l OF A SECOND), THE \lERl1CAL DAltJM (HE1C>HS) ARE III TERMS OF Tl-IE NORTH AMERICAfI VERTICIU. DAltJM OF 1966 AND ARE DElERMINEO TO T.~E NEAREST FOOl. SIGNATURE: NAME OF SURVEYOR: REGISTRl\T10N NO.' F~ __~~~r:;~G MARKR.HEIDECKE,P,L.S. OR 2132LS fi::'~.:::--"=~ t_.... --""" .....(IIaS).-.......m I"-,",,~ BENCH MARl( ERQ,lffiI (LEVAlION[STAElLlSHEDfROMGPSDERIVEDORTHOMETRIC HEIGHTS, APPL 'fING CEOID 03 SEPARA nol~S, CO'/STRA,NINGTONCSCONl1lOLSTATlON_ KLAloIATH'FALl55COP5ARP. J:l..8.,""<; nF RFARINr. BEARINGS SHOWED HEREON ARE BAS(OUPON U.S. STATI PLANE NAD ~3 COORDltll\.TE 5~<;;lU\ OO(GCm ';;T/;l( PLANECOORDIN,o,TE. SOUTH ZONE, OETERMINEO BYGPS OBSERVATI~S" <:IIRVFY nAT<' 11/21/08 ~IJBVF)::r!P'<; Nnlf1 1. TITLE Rt:PDRT ISSUED BY FlDEUlY NIITIONAl TI1L~ INSlJRANCECOMPANY.REPOllTN0:4SD9D,18.'l4_FTEUG25, OAI"EOOCTOBER08,2009 2. ALLEIISEMENTSAFFECTINGTl-IEIMMEOiATEAFEA SURROUNDING Tl-IE LEASE HAVE BEEN PLOTlEO. Sl!R'IEYORHAS NOT PERFORMED A SEARCH OF PUBLIC RECOROS TO DETER~\;NE ANYDEfECTINTlTLEISSU[Q. 3. Tl-IE BOUNDARY SHOWI! HEREON IS PLOTlED fROM RECORO INF0RMATION AND OOES NOT CClNSTlltJTE A BOUNDARYSUR\lEi' Of Tl-IEPROPERTY. MONUMENTS if RECOPD M:RE FOLINO AND HELO FOIl POSITION. Tl-IE 80LWOARY OF THE PARENT PARCEL IS OEPICTEO f!lOM RECORD INFORMA110N USING FOOrJO MONU~ENTS fOR CONTROL- 4. lATITUOE AND LONGlTUOE TAKEN ATCENTERQf'PROPOSEO TOWER. 5. CONTOLJRSAAE ATONE (1) FOOT INTERVALS 6. MAGNETIC NOPTl-I OECLINATION OF APPROXIMATELY 1614' FOR TtIE YEAR 2006.COMPUTEO G'rU$lNC THE OErlNITlvE/lNTERNATIONAL GECf.lACNETiC REFERENCE rlELO (DGRF(!lJRF)MODELlNGPROCF:AMLOCAltOONfrlENATIONAL SPACE SClENCE DATA CENTER [NSSOC) ~,1:B SiTE AND DOES NOT A~GOUNT FOR ANY LOCAL VARIATION OR ANOMALY. 7. $ITE IS LOCA1EO IN AN UN'NGORPORATED AREA [}f UNDETERMINED BlIT POSSIBLE FLOOD HAZARD. LO~AT"O ~THIN ZDNEX.ANAREAOUlSlOED,TNE100AND500YEARFl.00D PLAINS IITI\ITY W-'TI'"<: THE LOCATION OF EXISnNG lIl1UTYFACIUTIES HAS NOT BEEN RESEARCHED. SLlRVEYOR OOES ,~OT GUARANTEE THAT ALL UTILITIES APE SHOYM OR Tl-IEIR LOCATIONS. IT IS THE RESPONSlBllIlYOf THE CONTRACTGR AND DEVELOPER TO CDNTACT THE 'OI,E-CALL SER\.\CE-ANO ANY OlHER INVOLVED AGENCIES TO lO~ATE ALL Ul1U1IES PRIOR TO COIJSTRUC110rJ REMOVAL,RElOCATIONANO!ORREPLACEMENTISTHE RESPOIj51BILIT'iOF mrCONIRACTOR. THE SURVEYOR ASSUMES NO RESP[)NSI81L1lY FOJ1 THE DELlNEATJON OFSUCIt Ur.JDERGROUNDUTILlTIES. NOR FOR TIlE EXlSfENCE Of BlIRIEO OB..ECTS WHICH ARE W:lT SKGIIM 011 lHIS>MP. IF<;c:;nR}: ! ",f:AI r"lF<:r~IPTln~1 PARCEL 2 OF LAND PARTITION PLAT NO 2002-PI527,FlLES DECEMBER1D, 2002. RtCEP110N NO. 2DD2-09S796,lANE COUNTYOEEDSANORECOROS- W.17ml 'MRfl>~S ~",A~T .AflFJ>, n,:<:rPI";l')~1 BEGINNINCAT THE NORTl-lWEST CORNER OF THE PROPOSED VERIZON 'MREUSSLEASE AREA, A POINT WHICH BEARS S72'04'09"E 101,54 FEEfmOM THE NORTHW[ST CORIJEROF Tl-IE PREIIIO\JSLYDESCRIIlEO,LESSOR'S.LEGAlDESCRIPTiON,THENCE IJII7'42'4S'"E40.00FEET:THENCESOnT1S"EJO.OOFEET; 11-<ENCE SB7"42"S"W 40,00 fEET: THENCE NOZ'17'15.W 30.00 FEElTOTHEPOINTOFBECINNING. ~rrF~<:' ~nd!l"",AO;:FN'rNI A SlIlIPCfLAN020F!E1IN\\lDTH,MOREORLESS, FOR INGRESS A~ID EGRESS, MORE ?ARTICULARL Y DESePI BEO AS fOLLOWS: BEGINN'NC AT A POIHT ON THE WEST LINE OF mE PRE\.\OU&.Y DESCRIBED VERllON 'MRELESS LEASE AREA. A POINT WHICH BEARS S0217"15"( 6.26 FEET FROM THE NOOTl-lWESTCORNEROFTHEPIlEVlOUSLYOESCRI8EOVEI11Z0N W\IlElESSLEASEAREA:THENCES02'17'I5"E,g,97FEE1; TJiENCE sa9" 56' 31-W 54.41 FEET: Tl-IENCE 501' 25' 35"E J0.49 FrET; THENCE N90" O[}' OO~W 4.50 'EET; THENCE 501' 25' 35'E 241.54 fEEl: THENCE S45' 52' 29"E 53.63 FEeT; THENCE 552' 45' 59"W 58,56 FEET: THENCE N8[}' 01' 22-W 104.49 fEF:T: mENCE N88' 40' 21'W 117.D8 FEET: THENCE N01' 09' 5~.W 20,COFEET; Tl-IENC(SOO'4D' 56-E 119.46 FEET; mENcItS6{)' 01' 22"E 97,26 FEET; THENCE NST 4S' 59'"E J6.'S FEET' THENCE 1J46' 52' 29"W43.32 fEET: mENCE NO" 25' 31'W ~~.5'i~-:~cio T~~;~.E T~~~~8~8~~-;/:'i;/g~.~:1 ~~; 0 s~~ POINT OF 8EClNNINC CONTAINING 13,OS9SO.fT. PLUS OR M'NU$ Tnr" "'^<:'''''II BEINGASlIlIPOf'LAND5,EETI1J\"'OTHANOL\1NG2.~ ON EACH SiOEPARALLEL 'MTH THECENTERUNE ANDARtVf"t-1:t D:TENDEll.QRSI-lORTENEOTOfORMAUNIfOllMSTRIP. BEGINNING AT A POINT ON Tl-IE \OEST LINE OF Tl-IE PREVIOUSlY DESCRIBEO I'EPIZQN \\lRELE$S LEASE AREA,APOINTWHICH 8EARSS02"'7'IS"Ei9.3J FEEl FROM THE NCflTH'I!i:ST CORNER OF TItE PRE\.\OLlSl.Y OESCRI8ED VE~IZON WIRELESS LEASE AREA; \\;[NCE\IB'I'52'15-'Ilo2"i:tliftEl:nH:NCES01"17'07",s 279.08 FEET; THENCE S4S'4J' 2C;"[57.58FEET, iHENCfSS2' 24' 32"W 64,33 FEET; Tl-IENCE N79' 59' 27"W 102.94 FEU: THENCE ~168" 19' 16'"W 117,52 F[ET TO EASTERLY RIOH-OF-WAY LINE Of GAME FARM ROAD. pn\Iu'F~ ",A<:.MFl\II BEiNG A STRIP Of LANO S FEET IlJ 'MOTH ANOLYlNG 2.5 fEET ON EACH SIDE PARALLEL 'MTH Tl-IECENTIRlI>JEANOARE TOElE EXTENDED OR $HORTENED TO.ORl.I A UNlFORMSTRIP 8EOINNlIJG AT A POINT ON Tl-IE EAST LINE OF THE.PRE\.\QLlSLY DESCRIOEOVERIZON'MRELESSLEASEAIlEA..APOINIWHICH BEARSS0217"S"E4.J2FEETfROI.ITtlE'IORTHEASTCORNER OF~EPRE\.\OLlSlYOESCRI8EO VERIZON \ldRELESSLEASE AREA: THENCELEA\.\NGSAIDLINEN86'.'l9'J9'E101.61FEETTOA PONT IN THE RIGHT-or-WAY OF MARTIlJ LUTHER ~ING Jl PARKWAY; TI-IENGE ALONG SAIO RIGHI-OF_WAY 211 FEET MORE OR LESS TO AN EXISTING UECTRICAl IRANs.rORMER AND 5AIO POINTOFTERMINlJS. ~ ver'ZOnwireless S430NEI22NOAVE. PORTl.ANO, OR 972jO 1r:I~~ "'YfI't0-D-07.- 15618 SW 72ND AVE. PORTLAND. OR 97224 Office (503) 549-0001 EUG BALDY_VIEW ELT DCl 12/D1/GB FOR REVIEW 01{Q4{09 rlW-.L 10/02/09 REVlSEO IIA'L,TEl&F'O'II EASE-FINAL 11/08/09 'l[\I1SEDTITLE,liSSQRS-flN'.L 1 , -" . ' :' -, ,STORf-l DRAIN MANHOLE _ __ '::y /TELCO -"'-"-':~~ =-- ---~ ,\~ rPRO?OSm5 ----=-_ .::---=---=--1'-~/~- -~~I'~ ---.:;; - F7~::--n - ; ~- to ,;;,.:_-.:- ~~/ POWER EASEMENT ~ ~\ _.j~ I ~'I" -- " ~__ _ ,,__='~' , "" -- -. I I r "'---'--)'.TI , , ~5:."cfl'-----/ ' I ,\ -'SF"'C?~~ - - " '~86 39 39'( 0iV'-f:-,\~/'-.,'-.I".J""i,,~I~l:~ z--..I-. 'i~'l- ',' '00'60 POWER;POLEI . I : I 'j,:Jr: 020 ~RRO;:~i~D3:::=R;Z~gi I I L15~ I ] LEASE AREA "': ,I \' : I'" ',("S Ii,' :1 I I I _ SUBSTATION '" I I . ii Ii I ',: ~ PROPOSED 5' WIDE '" I I TELCO EASEMENT Ii II I !r'-~PROPOSEO VERI20N )III ' WIRELESS ACCESS l' EASEMENT :1 11 ":. ,/GA" PARCEL~. j f-- l21 , f7:.. i L Ir"") ,!, \>~~ (~e. '\_.,--:" " '- ..;---:;oL~~~____ . GAT~~I ; '). ,) I', 3:~j'Oc;_L-2o-';-'1,U_c_,:::-r::::.~I:Y\ -)/" ,,()/ " \.u- L~ -,-~,- L7.______ _ :_____ TACCESS'ANDMAJNTENANCEUSEMEl'JT ,....-...PER LAND PARTITIQN PER ni:.lt~~.~o2aO~~6';~:2~ElJG2S - POI'lt:R POLE I I I I I I I ~EV I DAlE I DESCRIPTION : .ate Received: DEe 2 ~ 2009 ::,~ '1 r 3\ submittal_ ~ EUG BALDY VIEW 3365 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 SHEET TITLE SITE SU RV EY SHEET NUMBER LS-1 ~-----::-::::: - ~-----=:-_-=--- --=--~ . -- - - - - - -- - - -------- r,~ \---~____,__ 1~j,__,_, r~" ...... , , , j<, , ~\ '> --------- - -- --------- ------ - - -- ------ . - -fROPERTY UNL _ ~ VerJZ!lDwireless T echnolo!lvicAssociates IntcrMlicntlCarpo,al1an Dr"...ingSP'OducedBy: ... GAZLEY PLOWMAN ARCHITECTS -------.. -.--- -- --- --- -- ~--,,- ,!-,- >2~- - ~t- -"- --- ----- --- -- --I-i--',;~ ~ __ -~t- -- ---- ~- --- /-- '- .----.. '-~ - ---. /" -~ " ---- ---- " ~- '-- ----- I Y,' -~~ kJ:t EX1ST\NG SHRUB TO BE ~ REMOVED ~ ~DSCAPING_~_ --- '1"~~tg:~I"-~ ~ Y')k-/ Z. --- ___ __ _'. T.,,/' I' ,- -----=-~~ '00... .' ,I i'= <CO fr?&t ' - _ -L _I ---- ---- - -""'=..--=- ~,-- ---- L_--= ,.... --- ---- " -,,- " . ....... -- 't ','.""'.,,,"', >~~~Z;T " ~',',,' , \.," ;>-i' ,-I; "'~' ,',' ","','~' T', . ' T T T - L....._ c .'. . .' "'t:.."""',., " ;. ~,' ..... . ~.' 1- '. I 1 ~jt) Y"'[.LI , , /1\ -'\-...... ,//)\1, ~j /1/\ f- 'T I I I .J I I f-I I I f-[ x ----...., ---- -\ '.,,\ -~-- \ \ --- \ \ I / / .~~~ ---- ---- ........ . -..." EXISTING . POWER VAULTS . .EXISTING WATER VALVES EXISTING .S~~STATIO~._-~ENC~ ~ X - X' ~ X LANDSCAPE PLAN ~-,~ =- ;a~- - --4.'__ )-.... .1 __.___ -'-437_ ---- ----- ~43B-- -- - -439- - -- --440- -- ----- --- -- 4'-0" O.C. ',_ T'r'P -- -,y~- -L.. :~ "'J ; 'I V- ,>--, / --",Y~--<--..----t /J\ \ '" --~14'!\ -7""- A--\'~_ Lj;' V ..' _ ;..,; L , t.-'/ --;.--1...(-'--<. 1/11\,\ -/I" I ..",' ,\'_ /"! /' /\ , ?"- (/~ .,'. ,----'\ . " ':[..2""""" ,\, ,\"""""", \,:s , , , " , , " , ' ,", ' ~ :, . ~ .".["~ ~ , ,"""""""""""""'" X X x- --l , I '--~ -- /./ GJ J ] @J N E3 22X34 SCALE: I' '" 5'-0" llX17 SCALE: I' - lO'~O- SHRUB PLANTING ;'io_IDole,8y Revisions Date Received: "oj," I Ori'l Iss,;e Dole Designe<Jby Drown by Checked by Approved by LANDSCAPING NOTES 1. ALL NEW LANDSCAPING IS DROUGHT RESISTANT AND THEREFORE REQUIRES NO DEDICATED IRRIGATION. 2. THROUGHL Y WATER PLANTING HOLE AND PLANT AT INSTALLATION. 3. FURNISH CONTAINERIZED WATER IN THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS: 1 GALLON: 3 QUARTS/ PLANT 5 GALLON: 5 QUARTS PLANT 2~ CAUP. TREE: 10-12 QUARTS / PLANT 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT TUBES 30 DAYS AFTER INSTALLATION AND EVERY 15 DAYS UNTIL FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF WORK, REPLACE WATER GEL PACKS AS NEEDED DURING INSPECTIONS. 5. CONTRACTOR SHOULD INSPECT TUBES EVERY 30 DAYS AND REPLACE GEL PACKS AS NEEDED DURING DRY WEATHER FOR AT LEAST ONE COMPLITE YEAR INCLUDING THE FIRST COMPLETE SEASON AFTER INSTALLATION. PLANT KEY @ 24 STRAWBERRY BUSH 3' -O~ HIGH ARBUTUS UNEDO 5 GAL 4' O.C. FINISH'GRADE '[J 4'N:'~~:; 1,~ .." <"ty",v <rt'<1' .. \>, -:-\.j-<l. f" ..~ ..i)&<:1~~Ol<'.i"~~ RE\lOVE T<1P 1/3 OF ~~4 \)jl ;. <1,1 SUfiuv" M.l) ,W1NE ....q~->=", /44 :5JC \ ,,\~r..~"':'" ._ " ~---;;tJ,- [""" , ~-c~;~~~l"'& ~~"'^J@\-\-!-1--H -r~b:~ =m -,j I"""""'T'r"<!~J"\b" '~jY' ',-I.",J J-"lc,J,,'f,iCC''''oEil, T! "" ' ivY ~",,=O:='I ~l '- ;w, 3"SARI(MULCH DriWATER PLANTINGIoIIXTURE FORMED IN ORCULAR SAUCER SCARIFY{" DEEP AND RECUMI-'AL:I NOT TO SCALE DEe 2 4 2009 ~~~~ ~bmittal. -Q;-<;;3 388 ~O ~ v/?}~ ~- ~;YCE :, ~ACKSON t; ~ OREGON J$ ZS'c 11/07/97 ~ 4PE !A.~,--,..... ~ Ve"ZSlDwire/ess TechnolOgyitAssociates Inle.....lIouICeuctal;<!ft Orowing~ produced By: T GAZLEY PLOWM AN ARCHITECTS . 2701 NW Vaugh" Sulle764 Pentland, Or. 97210 5032747800 5032747803 Fax ~I~ m " ~~ "'" --. " " ,...:~ Oz OW on" o::~ ;;0 ,on ~~ Oz OW on" ::.: 5::5 w ~o ro " ./ --. " " ;;; z-, I --. z<< ~ " ,,~ m N~ ro " ---6~ ,,~::.: '" ::; m "" "W z5 ow NO; 08207 12/08/08 8M' 8M' BD SMNP Project title' EUG BALDY VIEW PARCEL 17-03-22-00-Q0904 3365 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Sheet\ille LANDSCAPE PLAN NOTES AND DETAILS Sheelno. L1.0 -- _//-~ ---"'- . \ -- -,- //--/~...\ ,"'..............--/ ... ---...... ~ ....// \... _/ \ . \ . \ . EXIST. TRANSFORMER /' -- 1\ _f,47..---- 1, / -- -- -- - //,- :_( /_ _- _- _4/,0- - \:____/--- _---,-- ,--/ II ~ I / / -- 05/ ---/-----\'-/_~///'/' _ ' ' I I / r I A \ - - I I / / / -- -- ADJACENT PARCEL /,( ,,- r I - \ I II I / / -I LOT # 3500 I \ //// 0 ... -6,1 / I / 1--- ZONING, MIXED USE COMMERCIAL /-\ \50'- " " \ \ \ I I I / / I \ J \ \ \ ... EXISTING UTILITY POLES. TYP'I~ I ' I / II r ---. ------"- \ \ \ \ ~ I 01 ---- \ \ EXISTING OVERHEAD \ ~ ~ - _\~\~,,<ROPE~~\:NE" ',,~:7 "i,6~ ~~,~;'-;i~~lW:~~~~i;~i~;~~;~=~,~~~~~=::c~~~'\'~~ LINES ~'(jl , \ \ / \ J" I I ,/ I I~~ _ ___~_~ -,-, -44'-. -',\",_~C._.,_--"I -'"I , \ I I I \ \ \ / --~ '~~:/ l " /~~~---~----.:...-~- ~-.1ft_---~-___-==}L_.~~::.-p_ \ \ I \ '\ \' I "/J .11 rr~,.kit _"._c-~__~ 1\\ \ --11 '\\ \.'\, ,!/---------.J//r......~......I\~I;,:\ :~~.> .-:=~=r.-.'~I ' I,~-- ~_/-, \~'~:: \ \ ----7--,----------7'-...1 j h; _.r;::T t \ ~ I, \ \ "~\ / I \, \\---,- --/--440---i~----' '::II~1f~----t-T-%. ~\fl" -*~",,-..f~.k * (\ ( 60'-0" I' , ' , ,''1',' ._' _-""i'- -- ,I&<''' , , t \ " " I I - - , - U II ( RIGHT-OF-WAY.~ ------~-7'----------/--' ---\'~Vf' ~~_ .-.-=s=;~.-9-'1/ (, I \'0'-01 :' '/-.. --'''.. / I :' I \ i '. 'RAOVAEOO I i\ I /-- I II I I ,- I I] I :i" >< : ~_ r - - - - ~ \' I NEW VERIZON WIRELESS [ i - -; ~- - - \ ~l I PROJECT AREA 68. , ," .. I I .( , o I Iii -.. ..1- I[ A1.1 I <t: ;5 I : J I I I o \ j i \----~I-~\ .1, ~ I er:: ADJACENT PARCEL ! \ I, r PROJECT PARCEL " ] \ ,,\ [ I LOT # 9003 \ LOT # 904 '6 1 ZONING: MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL \ ""I'" ZONING: MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL " I \ \ f \ "~Ii \ I \1 TIME OF TRAVEL ZONE: 1 TO 5 YEAR \ I 1 \ "~I ~ \: '\I XI i I \ L j ! \ I. !" L EXISTING SUBSTATION 7 ' '\\,. 'I! :ii~:i~: \ i I \, ~ Ii \ I i EASEMENT 7 i ! \ :r::=\1 NEW ROUTE OF TELCO "I I I~l ~ 1\ !: ~ I ,t>< ) L 01 =>, " I \ I J ~I \ :1 _______ EXISTING 9' WIDE "I' " \ / I I V GRAVEL DRIVE I <t: \5\ \ :) / r ~15:tI\ \ ill x, / C) ~ \\ 1/ /! I I~ EXISTING SUBSTATION I! I \ ~ I' /: I \,:. PERIMETER FENCE ; ETHAN CT, I r:/ /I / I ,i : lL EXISTING GATE I: EXISTING FIRE HYORANTA '\ ;1/\ / j / j , \ ':\ "II (APPROX, LOCATION) I / f J' \ I , I \0 I EXISTING 20' WIDE PAVED ~I ,I ~ : /! / ! / /I'~ \:~ . ~ I ~ SITE ACCESS AND NEW f \ / ! / r ",/ / t-. ~ ACCESS EASEMENT \ I ,I; II ~/ /I,.~ ._._._._._. l, I f I / / ! ,:.') // ",,"'" 0 \ ........ \ f L / f j /"" (" 0 ........ I '< --~ '" \ " NEW TELCO ROUTE TO NEW-----....... ,~ ~.~,. ~ -, /' -:::-.....,'. . -----,~~ __----ER~~fRfy UNE_ _\._ ~> :..:.,.-:,\:) CONVERSION CABINET 1- -: . . -- : i "-'i;- - - '., F .../f APPROX. 1300' SOUTH ~,l G; /:'.' ..:: ~:~.'i;:'.:-;:,.,:Vl:-;;..-1. .... ': ;._:_ .-. '. ~I :~.'<.~.' ,./.?/ ~ I / (q5"-- 0 ,,--- I; -.;.' J~~!r".._'_~-""" '\..' /:,,<-' ::~A:E:::OARCEL ~ /\ F:;::K;~~;;;;PABCEC.L'L - - _/ ' ~,,,-,-,~,~ ,\/ _ _ _'1'Qf'ERlY UN.!: _ _ /' 6~~~~~ R~g~ENTIAL I ~/\ I LOT,_#'Fo3'6'OO I EXISTING GATE - - - - - I I I .ZONING: MIXED USE COMMERCIAL , " OVERALL SITE PLAN ADJACENT PARCEL LOT #.1911 ZONING: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ...~....f:.-'" \, _.....:::--- ~ NICHOLAS DR, I, 71 ADJACENT PARCEL LOT # 1912 ZONING: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL L I ; , I I I I I I o ~ '1 I I , '" .. ... , ; , ADJACENT PARCEL 0:: <( LOT # 1913 ZONING: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 1.L w ~\ 1=1 i\ I I , I I I I I I \ , \ i il ,I Ii , , I , . !I ! \ (I ! \\1 ! \\, \ I \I, 'I \\\ I \ I / ~ y- o:: <( 0.. 0:: -0 '" Z y- 0:: W I f- => -1 z f- 0:: <( L N () ~ vertZ!l!!wireless T echnOIOgyiJrAssociates Inle.~~litn!l (;orpnraHnn ADJACENT PARCEL LOT # 4000 I ZONING: MIXED USE COMMERCIAL Drawings Produced By: .., GAZLEr PLOWt>-tAN ARCHITECTS . 270liVWVa"ghn 5ullC764 PonlaJld,0r_972JG 5032747800 50J274780JFax ------... ------... ------... ------... ....... ADJACENT PARCEL '" LOT # 4100 I 0 W <2J '- ~ =' ZONING: MIXED USE COMMERCIAL .::::. '" ~ '" <i 0 WOZ m IYNG: '" 0 ~g ~ <i '- 0 0:<' 0 m N~ '" ,'" 0 ~~ ~ '- <,>z '" OW ............ "" N '"" '- ct:5 ~ " 0 W ;;" ............ 00 0 /' '- " -.::::. ;;; z~ '- z<i ............ N 0 0:<' m N~ 00 ADJACENT PARCEL -.......... 0 <€] '- "" 00 LOT # 3900 COMMERCIAL I 0 " ~~ '- z> ZONING: MIXED USE N " ow m N~ '0 IOole,ay ReviS;""" Date Received: Project # O';g Issue Date Designed by Drawrlby Checked by Approved by 08207 12/08/08 8M' 8M' 8D S~NP DEe 2 4 2009 Prajectt;t1e: Original Submittal EUG BALDY VIEW PARCEL 17-03-22-00-00904 3365 GAME FARt,I ROAD SPRINGFIElO, OR 97477 DISTANCES FROM MONOPOLE TO PROPERTY LINE: NORTH: 3S':!: SOUTH: 373':f: EAST: 124':f: WEST: 96':f: Sr.eettitle OVERALL SITE PLAN Sheet"".' A1.0 22X34 SCALE: llXI75CALE: 1. '" ::10--0"11 1. _ 60'-0. //-------------------------------------------- / -------------------- ""'~~,~=~~~~~==,'=/;~~:_=~~-~-~==:_~~~==~-~-~:,:::=~===========~:=~~~:~:==::==~~~~:=::=======:.=:= "", ~~~': ~~~ ----._----,----,-----~-, ~~~ ----._-- -', .,,--------, --Tt'fL-- -, - -',- - -, - - - -- - il':,:o, ~""" m "', ", ' _', _ " r",- ~~< \"'------. - '. "---~~-'---, ---, --- --.- ';PI ew~ ~.e~_ '," "" -12~"-" - - -- - - J- -.. _,_.. NEW 'POWER 1-1 -5r.' --., ,;0 -:!-' ::~.:~:.;:"""'--; " "'_" .~> _ _-=-_ _~~-=-_ _....,.rfRO~T~-=--=- '- - FENCE WI (3) STRANDS '_ _ _ ~ ,j ~ I I -. if ~"rn ", r · J f ",-L '-'-. _ .____ P_ "-"----'-----<0, ",.~.',n".-<., ':{ ~ " _ II! ' ,'- l~~<'c._------_n :.~.~:;j~-- _ ro jl/~{:;~ ,KIt1,--- C'1--~' --~~~~E~:R I' , '", '0' _ " ". -- ' '" ] l i II I, -'......' i~ /'~'~ (0 /\ i i: "1. -' '\ ' ", , :%i~~~::~-"--,,,~,,,,~,,L'$ ,I,~ : i', \ :ii:. ~":t-' ~'" ,-, ~,-\:~ ~ ___' _~ - ,-, -I " ,[ ~ .~ ,~~~~'::a;"" ~ ,@j \ L \ \ --------- - '------------------------\ 1 \ l---- ACCESS EASEMENT \ NEW TELCO I ~ RomE ,I I I I i~~' U~f'~-<' I I I, _I, '" \_1' i I i \, /\ ' , I" /1__ (2), EXISTING SH RUJS. -I, ~ I TO BE REMOVED . I I i "j I il; \ I', ~./, II \ :" 1 ,I \ ..11 '{ L-_ , I d \ "Zr ,/ \ "I ' y..... 4- ~I '. I" 1: \'/;f:"--~, <\ I' ".'," 'I, '/ \-,'[ , ./ J 1 ~ ;\, /,)([: r~- ~ \i: /1 I- - - - - - -"------._----~--=----- '::::. --------.-- -.- -- ---------- ----.-.--.. - - - -- - - - - - - - - ------ - -- -- - '-- --.'"-- ----"--- - -- - -- ---------.- ------~n-_________________________ x-x x.~'x "X.........:..... X x-x ~~ t(S:~ t:1~ 71 j I j / ~z__ ~~ ~~" 40'-0" FENCED / LEASE AREA ~~" -1'-0" ..lJ: ,~'4:' f1t ..lJ'~ ;0t EXISTING POWER VAULTS , , - .-- '""''- _w ~_ _ .'_ ---..--- .... ._;---, ,- I \ \ ...,.:..--:-,----.:. -..:....,,,.--- --'-".'-- . .EXISTING WATER VALVES PROPl.R~ u~ W '" oc5 I~ g...... o W u z W ~ o I t z o -H" . ~w O"'u l<Dz , =>w ~VJu... o ~ Date Receivea: ----/ ;; / DEe 2 4 2009 'Jriginal Submittal N () SHFI TFR N()TFC;. TERIOR LIGHT FIXTURE TO BE FULLY SHIELDED 1. EX AND DIRE~I~iD E~~~~~~r;.?ER WITHIN EACH ROOM. 2. j~~0ID~IESEL GENERATOR WITH 210 GALLON 3. BE LOCATED WITHIN SHELTER. TANK ETRO FIRE RATING TO BE DETERMINED BY 4. SHELT MANUFACTURER_ wv ,,' , , " , '.' EXISTING SUBSTATION FENCE \, " " ,', ',: ':, ' '" , ,~ x....:....:. x- ",,' - x ~.'x~'~~-x~ x~ x~-x~"x'~ x~ x~ x'- x- x~ x ~ i- / i- ENLARGED SITE PLAN 22XJ4 SCALE:' 1. "" 10'-0" 11 llX17 SCALE: 1~"" 20'-0" ~ VertZ!Lnwireless Technologt~Associates In!~'natinntl C~rpo'aU~n -Omwin9s PrOduced 8y; . 270J NWVaug/m S"iI<764 PMlland,Or.97210 50J2H78OQ jOJ2747BOJFax '" GAZLEY PLOWMAN ARCH/TECTS rn ~2 :-- 0 ~ <D W => ~ ~ '" <: WO~ ~N~ rn " ~,~ ~ <: 0 0 OZ ~ <D N~ rn '<0 ~~ 0 uz <i3 ..... OW rn "'" N Ck:23 ..... " ~ ~u 0 W ro " <:8?;- " z~ z<: ..... 0 0,"" '" <D N~ <D o ---6l~ "'1 0 ~ ;:; " ~ <D NO. Dole8y "" ,""W Z5 OW N~ ReviSions .J Project # Orig Issue Dote Designed by Drown by Checked by Approved by 06207 12/06/06 8"' 8"' 80 SMNP Project title: EUG BALDY VIEW PARCEL 17-03-22-00-00904 3365 GAME FARM ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Sheet title ENLARGED SITE PLAN Sheet no.' A1.1 . VERIZON WIRELESS (6) NEW PANEL ANTENNAS ON (2) FLUSH MOUNTED ANTENNA FRAMES (1 ANT. PER SECTOR, TYP OF 3 SECTORS PER FRAME) 'I ---...... NEW 65'-0" MONOPOLE NEW VERllON WIRELESS ~ EQUIPMENT SHELTER NEW COAX CABLE ; BRIDGE WI GPS UNIT ' AT 12'-0" TIP HEIGHT NEW (2) 6' WIDE SWING \ ~ GATES NEW 6' TALL CHAIN LINK FENCE WI 3 STRANDS BARBED WIRE = r- L, r' 11 ~ -------- WEST ELEVATION I NOTE, LANDSCAPING NOT FOR CLARITY SHOWNI ~ << Z Z W c- , Z 0<< ,I c- ooI ~e> W I a. " w ~ ~O a. o OZ I~ '" <0 ~ o a. o c- ~ << Z Z w c- , Z 0<< ,I c- ooI <Oe> W I a. " 22X34 SCAlE: 1/4" = "-0' 11 'I' 11X17 SCALE: 1/8" ~ "-0. NEW METER\, [ f-I r lIT 1 VERIZON WIRELESS (6) NEW PANEL At'HENNAS ON (2) ~ FLUSH MOUNTED ANTENNA FRAMES (1 ANT. PER SECTOR. TYP OF 3 SECTORS PER FRAME) NEW 65'-0" 'MONOPOLE (NEW VERIZQN WIRELESS EQUIPMENT SHELTER Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 I i inal Submittal [" NORTH ELEVATION l~1I I NOTE, LANDSCAPING FOR CLARITY NOT SHOWN 22X34 SCALE: 1/4" ~ l'~O" llX17 SCALE: 1/8" '" 1'-0" ~ verlZ!1!!wireless T eChnologyif,Associates 1.'te~Mli~n^1 CarpQ'3t!Oft - Drawings Produced By . 270J NWVo"gl,n 5"ire764 Porrland,Or.97210 5032747800 503274780JFax T GAZLEr PLOW!I1AN ARCHITECTS '" 0 w <1 '- ~ => en ~ "- en << 0 WO~ 00 "'N~ '" 0 <6j '- '" ~ 0 '- << 0 0 0;;; 00 N~ '" ,~ 0 C-c- ~ '- S!z '" ow ~ N en" '- ~25 ~ ~ 0 W ~U 00 0 <8 '- e> ;;; Z~ '- z<< N 0 0;;; 00 N~ "' 0 ~ '- e>,. 00 ""I 0 ;;;w '- ~ ZS; N " OW 00 N'" '0, Dale By Revisions Project # Orig Issue Date Designed by Drown by Checked by Approved by 08207 12/08/08 8"' 8"' 80 S~NP Prajed title: EUG BALDY VIEW PARCEL 17-03-22-00-00904 3365 GA~E FAR~ ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Sheettille ELEVATIONS Sheelno.' A2.0 2 EXHIBIT 3 (1 of 4) --- --- - ---L_ -- --- -- ,. ,. ---:-~ .... 'I ./ i ./ '-. NEW VERIZON WIRELESS 65'..()" MONOPOLE WI (6) NEW PANEl ANTENNAS . , ',__";- ,..t '1.1.'.~ , c''''''" ""~.. , '~':. VERIZON WIRELESS EUG BALDY VIEW VIEW LOOKING NORTH FROM ACCESS ROAD Orig:r.al Su.bm!tter, EXHIBIT 3 (2 of 4) - Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 I J I NEW VERIZON WIRELESS 65'-0. MONOPOLE WI (6) NEW PANEL ANTENNAS Original Sl\bmittal VERIZON WIRELESS EUG BALDY VIEW VIEW LOOKING EAST FROM NICHOLAS DR & GAME FARM RD 12/31/08 - EXHIBIT 3 (3 of 4) t....- NEW VERIZON WIRELESS 65'.0. MONOPOLE WI (6) NEW PANEL ANTENNAS Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal VERIZON WIRELESS EUG BALDY VIEW VIEW LOOKING SOUTHEAST FROM GAME FARM RD AND MLK JR PKWY 12/31/08 . EXHIBIT 3 (4 of 4) NEW VERIZON WIRELESS 65'-0' MONOPOLE WI (6) NEW PANEL ANTENNAS Date Received: r:c l 4 2009 , I' -~~ VERIZON WIRELESS EUG BALDY VIEW VIEW LOOKING SOUTHWEST FROM MARTIN LUTHER KING JR PKWY 12/31/08 EX....'gIT 4 . Page 1 Decemoer 16, 2009 . venz2lIwireless 5430 NE 122"" Avenue Portland, OR 97230 December 16, 2009 Greg Moll City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Greg Moll: Original Submittal, This letter is in regards to a potential site, EUG Baldy View, located at 3365 Game Farm Road, Springfield, OR 97477, Verizon Wireless currently provides wireless service in the cities of Springfield, Eugene, and the surrounding areas, however, there are gaps and weak areas within the coverage foot print. As service and customer trouble tickets are evaluated, Verizon Wireless tracks the areas and the circumstances, The area of northern Springfield has been brought to our attention due to the large businesses, the hospital and medical care providers, These large structures are inherently unfriendly to wireless signals and impede users within these buildings from accessing wireless services, Referring to a drive test of the Current Coverage Plot in Figure1, the Red through Yellow represents Excellent to Good Cellular Service for in- building signal. The Green through Dark Blue represents poor to very weak signal and degraded service levels With the growth that has occurred, and continues to occur, in northern Springfield and with the coverage complaints received, Verizon Wireless began the process of finding a location for a new site to meet our customer's needs, Design Criteria and Results When designing coverage for an area, existing towers and buildings are considered first. Verizon Wireless will attempt to utilize these existing sites and structures, However, if adequate coverage cannot be obtained, new towers will be proposed, This type of design standard reduces dropped call and access failures that customers routinely experience with cellular networks, FOllowing this method the area with coverage issues was researched for existing towers for collocation, No existing towers within a viable range were discovered, Without any existing towers to collocate upon, locations for new towers were researched, Four potential locations/altemates were determined, All four alternates were modeled to make our initial assessment. From these models we determined Alternates 1 and 2, located . Page 2 Decemoer 16, 2009 on Intemational Way, could be treated as the same location and that we could proceed by testing Alternates 2, 3, and 4, With potential candidates chosen, utilizing a crane to elevate a transmitter to the desired heights, we can approximate the resulting coverage by driving the area in question and log the signal strength received from the transmitting antenna, The drive tests for alternates 2 (Intemational Way) and 4 (Pheasant Blvd) are plotted in Figures 2 and 3, When we evaluated these two locations, it became apparent that Altemate 2 (Figure 2) lacked the signal strength needed to provide the flexibility needed within the existing network, Alternate 4 (Figure 3) provided too much signal and was located such that the overlap received from it into near by sites would not be containable and would increase capacity issues, Figures 4 and 5 are of two tests performed at Alternate 3, the site proposed herein, Figure 4 is of the transmitting antenna raised to 60 feet, and the test performed in figure 5 was with the antenna raised to 75 feet. After comparing these plots, Altemate 3 was found to be the best option, fitting into the current network by providing signal where it is needed, yet remaining the most confined to the area in need, Due to the importance of the signal source being raised above the immediate structures, from the drive tests in Figures 4 and 5, we found it necessary for all of the antennas to have tip-heights above 55 feet. Multiple frequencies require multiple antennas, in this case 2 per face, In order to minimize visual impact the antennas will be flush mounted to the pole, Flush mounting each frequency requires two antenna centerlines on the tower, one at 55' and one at 65', Combining the two requirements, we found the tower must be 65 feet. Summary Having reviewed the several locations available and the corresponding drive tests, we found that Altemate 3 at a tower height of 65 feet meets the signal and data needs of Verizon Wireless's customers within northem Springfield, Sincerely, J., ~".AV" r Date Received: Mark Tuttle RF Engineer DEe 2 4 20:9 Original Submittal, 2 . Page 3 December 16, 2009 " , Current Coverage - 2/2612009 Figure 1 J ~~ '-- L, , :, >, lp1217()()(XUlaJclyView _AII2Ji .. IleIow -105,00 (0) . "" -105.00 to < -100.00 (0) . "" -100,00 to < -95.00 (3) . "" -95,00 to < -90.00 (246) . "" ,90,00 10 < -85,00 (644) "" -85,00 10 < -80.00 (725) . "" ,80,00 10 < -75,00 (3llG) . Abov.-75,OO(43O) ~ '--./ .(j ~ J .,-....-.-,.- ~. Date Received: j , D:::C 2 4 2009 Original Submittal 3 . Page 4 December 16, 2009 EUG Baldy View - A1t2 - 75ft FigLl'e2 ...... \~~ '- ., , :. : .lp121700(XUI.~Viow _At2J~_ .. BoIow -105,00(1) . ,= -105lX1 10 < .100,00 (2) . ~.I00lX110 <-95,00(32) . ~,95,OOIO<-llo.OO(I89) . ~-1D.001O<-85.00 (532) ~,Il5,OOlO<-80.00 (500) . >=,8),0010<-75.00(294) . Aboi. -75.00 (894) ~ ~ ~ ( ~ . ....' ~- ._~ -- --~ r Date Received: f r:: ? ~ 2009 OrJi);J'1'i\ submi\lIlIl , 4 . Page 5 December 16, 2009 G EUGBaklyView-Alt4-100ft Figure 3 >c'-'. . I " .L..,~..)Lll~ 007t0XJ_BattyView"_Aa4 . - -105.00 (01 ~ I, . ~-laiooto<-loo,oo(t) ..... . ~ -100,00 to < -115,00 (3) ~ \ l <I . >=-115,0010<-00,00(16) . ~,oo,oolo< ,85,00(43) ( ~-B5,OOIo< -8),00(156) . ~ -8),00 10 < -15.00 (225) I . Alxwe-75.00(I566) \ ~ ~ ~ .... .- -..-.- J Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal 5 . Page 6 December 16, 2009 ~ EUG Baldy Vif!W - AII3 - 60n FiglJ'e4 \\ -- L-.....----- 1-. ,; ..k..I,..1123OCJXJ_BattyVIM'_Aa3_BO_', ~ Below -105.00 (U) . _-105,0010<-100,00(00) . _-100,0010<-95.00(228) . _ ,115.0010<-90,00(567) . _ ,90,0010<-85,00(1164) _ -85,0010<-80,00 (1150) . _ -80,00 10 < -75,00 (553) . Above-75.oo(638) ~, ~ , , '---/ ~ 1 \... '~ 1 MIe ..-.......-. I c:: 2 ~ 2009 Original SLlt.mlltal 6 J , ' . . Page 7 Decemoer 16, 2009 8 EUG Baldy View - AIt3 - 75n \'L~ FiglJ'e5 '-.., ..J~. .;u ... ,_BaJctyVew _AII3_ '-- C Bebw -105,OO(t) . >=.tm.oo"'<-IOO,OO(ZI) . >=-100.00"'<,115.00(174) . >= -95.00 10 < -90,00 (235) . >= -90.00 10 < -8:>,00 (390) >= -85.00 10 < -80,00 (lI69) . >= -80.00 10 < -75,00 (845) . AtxJY. ,75,00 (1873) ~ ~ c \ "--/ ..c ~ ~ 1 MIe ,.- ~_. _.- ~--- r ; Date Received: r:c 2 4 2009 Original 8ubmltta' 7 .,. December 21, 2009 ~ venZ!lllwireless City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Collocation Agreement Letter. City Springfield Case" PRE 2009-'10006 (EUG-Baldy View) Dear Planning Department: To comply with City Springfield Municipal Code section 4,3 -145 C (1) b,: The applicant shall provide: 'A signed statement from the applicant agreeing to allow coUocation on the applicant's structure." Verizon Wireless ColAW) LlC dIbIa Verizon Wireless. as applicant herby agrees to allow for reasonable collocation by any provider on the telecommunication facility.".. ,~, J per Casefile PRE 2009-00006 in City Springfield to comply with City Code citation reL~,,_, noted above, Sincerely. Mark Nyh Pacific Northwest Real Estate Manager Verizon Wireless Date Received: DEe 2 ~ 2009 OrIginal Submittal ~, EXHIBIT 5 LAND LEASE AGREEMENT This Agrccment madc this day of , 20 , betwccn City of Springfield, acting by and through the Springfield U!ility Board, a public, non-profit municipal corporation, with its principal offices located at 250 "A" Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477, hereinafter designated LESSOR and Verizon Wireless (YAW) LLC d/b/a Vcrizon Wireless, with its principal offices located at One Verizon Way, Mail Stop 4A WI 00, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920 (telephone number 866-862-4404), hereinafter designate~ LESSEE. The LESSOR and LESSEE are at times collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties" or individually as the "Party", 1, PREMISES, LESSOR hereby leases to LESSEE a portion of that certain parcel of property (the entirety of LESSOR's property is referred to hereinafter as the Property), located at 3365 Game Farm Road, Springfield, County of Lane, State of Oregon, and being described as a parcel containing 2,000 square feet (the "Land Space"k together with the non-exclusive right (the "Rights of Way") for ingress and egress, seven (7) days a >>,eek twenty-four (24) hours a day, on foot or motor vehicle, including trucks over or along a nine (9') foot wide right-of,way extending from the nearest public light-of-way, Game Farm Road, to the Land Space, and for the installation and maintenance of utility wires, poles, cables, conduits, and pipes over, under, or along one or more rights of way from the Land Spacc, said Land Space and Rights of Way (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Premises") being substantially as described herein in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hcreof. To the extent LESSEE must widen, improve or undertake anY',eonstruction within the existing roadway to reach the Land Space, following LESSEE'S construction at the Premises, LESSEE shall, at its sole cost and expense, restore the roadway to its original, pre-construction condition, In the event any public utility is unable to use the Rights of Way, the LESSOR hereby agrees to. grant an additional right-of-way either to the LESSEE or to the public utility at no cost to the LESSEE, so long as the right-of-ways are consistent with all goveminent approvals and conditions, Except in the event of an emergency, LESSEE will provide 24 hour notification to LESSOR that authorized personnel and/or agcnts will be accessing the Property, 2, SURVEY, LESSOR also hereby gral1ts to LESSEE the right to survey the Property and the Premises, and upon LESSOR's approval said survey shall then become Exhibit "B" which shall be attachcd hereto and made a part hereof, and shall control in the event of boundary and access discrepancies between it and Exhibit "A", Cost for such work shall be borne by the LESSEE, 3, TERM: RENTAL. This Agreement shall be effective as of the date of execution by both Parties, provided, however, the initial term shall be for fifteen (15) years and shall commence on the Commencement Date (as hereinafter defined) at which time rental a ments for the first ear of . , I ' I I , I , , , , advance, to LESSOR, or to such other person, finn or ,place as LESSOR may, from ttme to tIme, designate in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance of any,rental payment date by notice given in accordance with Paragraph 23 below, Upon agreement of the Parties, LESSEE may pay rent by electronic funds transfer and in such event, LESSOR agrees to provide to LESSEE bank routing " 1 Date Received: EUG BALDYVIEW 12/17/2009 DWT 13588]98\'1 0052051-000032 DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal infonnation for such purpose upon request of LESSEE, The Agrcement shali conunence based upon the date LESSEE commences instaliation of the equipment on the Premises or April I, 20 I 0, whichever occurs first. In the event'the date LESSEE commences instaliation of the equipment on thc Premises falis between the I" and 15'h of the'month, the Agreement shali conunence on the I" of that month and if the date instaliation commences falis between the 16'h and 31" of the month, then the Agreement shali commcnce on the 1" day of the fqliowing month (either the "Commencement Date"), LESSOR and LESSEE agree that they, shali acknowledge in writing the Commencement Date" LESSOR and LESSEE acknowledge and agree that initial rental payment(s) shali not actualiy be sent by LESSEE until thirty (30) days 'after a written acknowledgement con filming the Commencement Date, By way of illustration of the preceding sentence, if the Commencement Date is January] and the written acknowledgement confirming the Commencement Date is dated January 14, LESSEE shali send to the LESSOR the rental payments for January I and Fcbruary I by February 13, LESSOR wili providc LESSEE with a W-9 and a title report showing clear title to the Premises, Within fifteen (15) days of obtaining an interest in the Property or this Agreement, any assignee(s) or transferee(s) of LESSOR shali provide to LESSEE Rental Documentation in the manner set forth in the preceding paragraph, From time to time during the Term of this Agreement and within thirty (30) days of a written request from LESSEE, any assignee(s) or transferee(s) of LESSOR agrees to provide updated Rental D,ocumentation in a form reasonably acceptable to LESSEE, Delivery of Rental Documentation to LESSEE by any assignee(s) or transferee(s) of LESSOR shali be a prerequisite' for the payment of any rent by LESSEE to such party and notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, LESSEE shali have no obligation to make any rental payments to any assignee(s) or transferee(s) of LESSOR until Rental Documentation has been supplied to LESSEE as provided herein, ' LESSOR has provided LESSEE a copy Of a title report showing LESSOR is the legal owner of the subject real Property, In the event the LESSOR encumbers or selis the Property, it shali do so consistent with Paragraph 25 regarding subordination and nondisturbance, 4, EXTENSIONS, This Agreement shali automaticaliy be extended for two (2) additional ~ve (5) year tenns unless LESSEE terminates it at the en,d of the then currcnt term by giving LESSOR written notice ohhe intent to terminate at least three (3) months prior to the end of the then current term, , 5, ANNUAL RENTAL INCRFASF~r. The anlluar'rental for the second (2)1d) year of the initial term and for each year thereafter including any arid ali extension terms shali be equal_ of the annual rental payable with respect to the immediately prcceding year. 6, ADDITIONAL EXTENSIONS, Ifat the e)1d of the second (2"d) five (5) year extension tenll this Agreement has not been terminated by either Party by giving to tlie other written notice of an ' intention to terminate it at least three (3) months prior to the end of such term, this Agreement shall continue in force upon the same covenants, terms and conditions for a further tenn of five (5) years and for five (5) year terms thereafter until ternlinated by either Party by giving to the other written notice of :2 Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 I , , "1 ~;~~ '~ ",' .. EUG BALDYVIEW ]2/]7/2009 DWT 13588198vl 0052051-000032 Original Submittal its intention to so tenninate at least three (3) moriths prior to the end of such tenn, The initial tenn and all extensions shall be collectively referred to hcrein as the "Term", 7, TAXES, LESSEE shall havc the responsibility to pay any personal property, rcal estatc taxes, assessmcnts, or charges owed on the Property which LESSOR demonstrates is the result of LESSEE's usc of the Premises and/or the installation, maintcnance, and, operation of the LESSEE's improvements, and any sales tax imposed on the rcnt (cxcept to the extent that LESSEE is or may become exempt from the payment of sales tax in the jurisdiction in which the Propcrty is located), including any increase in real estate taxes at thc Property which LESSOR demonstrates arises from the LESSEE's improvements and/or LESSEE's use of the Premises, LESSOR and LESSEE shall cach be responsible for the payment of any taxcs, levies, assessments 'and other charges imposed including franchise and similar taxes imposed upon the business conducted by LESSOR or LESSEE at the Property, Notwithstanding thc foregoing, LESSEE shall not have thc obligation to pay any tax, assessment, or charge that LESSEE is disputing in good faith in appropriate procccdings prior to a final dctcrmination that such tax is properly assesseo provided that no lien attaches to the Propelty, Nothing in this Paragraph shall bc construed as making LESSEE liable for any portion of LESSOR's income taxes in connection with any Property or otherwise, Except as set forth in this, Paragraph, LESSOR shall have the, responsibility to pay any personal propetty, real estate taxes, assessments, or charges owcd on the Property and shall do so prior to the imposition of any lien on the Property, LESSEE shall have the right, at its sole option and at its sole cost and expense, to appeal, challenge or seek modification of any tax assessment or billing for which LESSEE is wholly or paJtly responsiblc for payment. LESSOR shall reasonably cooperate with LESSEE at LESSEE's expensc in filing, prosecuting and perfecting any, appeal or challenge to taxes as set forth in the preceding sentence, including but not limited ,to, executing any consent, appeal or other similar document. In the evcnt that as a result of any appeal or challenge by LESSEE, there is a reduction, credit or repayment received by thc LESSOR for any taxes previously paid by LESSEE, LESSOR agrees to promptly reimburse to LESSEE the aJl10unt of said reduction, credit or repayment. In the event that LESSEE does not have the standing rights to pursue a good faith and reasonable dispute of any taxes under this paragraph, LESSOR will pursue such dispute at LESSEE's sole cost and expense upon written request of LESSEE. 8, USE: GOVERNMENTAL APPROVALS" LESSEE shall use the Premises for thc purpose of constructing, maintaining, repairing, and operating a communications facility and uses incidental thereto, A security fence consisting of chain link construction or similar but comparable construction may be placed around the perimcter of the Premises at the discrction of LESSEE (not including the access easement), All improvements, equipment, antennas and conduits shall be at LESSEE's expense and their installation shall be at the discretion and option of LESSEE, LESSEE shall have the right to replace, repair, add or otherwise modify its utilities, equipment, antennas and/or conduits or any portion thereof and the frequencies over which the equipment op,rates, whether the equipment, antennas, conduits or frequencies are specified or not on any exhibit attached hereto, during the Tenn, Prior to any material modification to Exhibit "B", including, but not limited to an increase or decrease in the size or shape of the tower, LESSEE must obtain prior written corisent of LESSOR, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, In any request for consent from LESSOR, LESSEE shall provide LESSOR with plans and specifications of the proposed modification; provided, in the 3 EUG BALDYVIEW 12/17/2009 DWT ]3588198\,] 0052051-000032 r Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 ] .'1 " (":"':~1i ,SubmittaL.._.. event that LESSOR fails to approvc such plans and specifications within twelve (12) days of LESSOR's receipt, LESSOR shall be deemed to have approved the plans and specifications, It is understood and agreed that LESSEE's ability to use the Premises is contingent upon its obtaining after the cxecution date of this Agreement all of the certificates, pemlits and othcr approvals (collectivcly the "Govcmmental Approvals") that may be required by any Fcderal, State or Local authorities as well as satisfactory soil boring tests which will pennit; LESSEE use of the Premises as set forth above, LESSOR shall cooperate with LESSEE in its effort to obtain such approvals and shall take no action which would adversely affect the status of the PropertY with respect to the proposed use thereof by LESSEE, In the event that (i) any of such appli~ations for such Governmental Approvals should be finally rejected; (ii) any Governmental Approval issued to LESSEE is canceled, expires, lapscs, or is otherwise withdrawn or tenninated by govemm,entalauthority; (iii) LESSEE detennincs that such Governmental Approvals may not be obtained in a timely manner; (iv) LESSEE determines that any soil boring tests are unsatisfactory; or (v) LESSEE detennines that the Premises is no longer technically compatible for its use, LESSEE shall have the right to terminate this Agreement. Notice of LESSEE's exercise of its right to tenninate shall be given to LESSOR ill writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall be cffective upon the mailing of such notice by LESSEE, or upon such later date as designatcd by LESSEE. All rcntals paid to said tennination date shall bc retained by LESSOR, Upon such tcnnination, this Agreement shall be of no further force or effect except to the extent of the representations, warranties and indemnities made by each Party to the other hereunder. Otherwise, the LESSEE shall have no further obligations for the payment of rent to LESSOR, LESSOR shall be pennitted to co locate one antenna' on the tower at its expense without paying any rent to LESSEE, Additional antennas shall be pennitted, provided (i) there is sufficient space and structural capacity of the tower to accopunodate LESSOR's proposed installation and (ii), LESSOR and LESSEE enter into a separate lease or license agreement to govern LESSOR's use of the tower including rental payments, if any, ' 9, JNDEMNIFICATION, Subject to Paragraph 10 below, and for LESSOR, within the limits of Oregon's Tort Claims Act for public bodies '(ORS 30,260-30.300), each party shall indemnify and hold the other hannless against any claim of liability or loss arising from the pcrsonal injury or property damage resulting from or arisipg out of the negligence or willful misconduct ofthe indemnifying party its employees, contractors or agents, 10, INSURANCE, a, The Parties hereby waive and release 'any and all rights of action for negligence against the other which may hcreafter arise on account of damage to the Premises or to the Property, resulting from any fire, or other casualty of the kind covered by standard fire insurance policies with extended coverage, regardless of whether or not, or in what amounts, such insurance is now or hereafter carried by the Pal1ies, or either of them, These waivers and releases shall apply 4 EUGBALDYVIEW ]2/17/2009 DWl' 13588198vl 0052051.000032 r p I Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Ori;;1l'1al Submittal betwecn the Parties and thcy shall also apply to any claims urider or through either Party as a result of any assel1ed right of subrogation. All such policies of insurance obtained by either Party concerning the Premises or the Property shall waive the insurer's right of subrogation against the other Party. b. LESSOR and LESSEE each agree that at its own cost and expense, each will maintain commercial general liability insurance 'with limits not less than $1,000,000 for injury to or death of one or more persons in anyone occurrence and $500,000 for damage or destruction to property in anyone occurrence. LESSOR and LESSEE each agree that it will includc the other Party as an additional insured. II. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Except for indcmnification pursuant to paragraphs 9 and 29, neither Party shall be liable to the other, or any of their respective agents, representatives, employees for any lost revenue, lost profits, loss of technology, rights or services, incidental, punitive, indirect, special or consequential damages, loss of data, or interruption or loss of use of scrvice, even if advised of the possibility of such damages, whether under theory of contrad, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise. 12. [INTENTIONALLY DELETED]. 13. ]NTERFERENCE. LESSEE agrees to install equipment of the type and frequency which will not cause harmful interference which is measurable in accordance with then existing industry standards to any equipment of LESSOR and other tenants or other lessees of the Property which existed on. the Property prior to the date this Agreement is executed by the Parties. In the event any after-installed LESSEE's equipment causes such interference, and after other tenants have notified LESSEE in writing of such interference, LESSEE will take all commercially reasonable steps necessary to correct and eliminate the intetference, including but .not limited to, at LESSEE's option, powering down such equipment and later powering up such equipment for intermittent testing. In no event will LESSOR and other tenants be entitled to terminate this Agreement or relocate the equipment as long as LESSEE is making a good faith effort to remedy the interference issue. After execution of this Agreement, LESSOR will o'nly execute agreements with new tenants that provide the new tenants and/or any other tenants of the Property who currently have or in the future taken possession of the Property be pennitted to install only such equipment that is of the type and frequency which will not cause harmful interference which is measurable in accordance with then existing industry standards to the then existing equipment of LESSEE. The Parties acknowledge that there will not be an adequate r~medy at law for noncompliance with the provisions of this Paragraph and therefore, either Party shall have the right to equitable remedies, such as, without limitation, injunctive relief and specific perfonnance. In the event LESSOR installs 'equipment on the Property that interferes with LESSEE's use and the equipment required has or will require a land use process, then LESSOR shall make changes and incur all necessary expenses to eliminate the. interference. or not install the equipment. However, if the equipment does not trigger a land USe process, then notwithstanding any interference, LESSOR may install and operate the equipment. All cosis incurred by LESSEE to alleviate or mitigate the interference shall be at LESSEE's sole cost. If interference cannot be eliminated, the lease shall tenninate as provided herein. . Date Received: 5 EUG BALDYVIEW 12/17/2009 DWT 13588]98\'10052051-000032 DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submitta' 14. REMOV AL AT END OF TERM: LESSEE shall, upon expiration of the Tenn, or within ninety (90) days after any earlier tem\ination of the Agreement, remove its building(s), antenna strueture(s) (except footings), equipment, conduits, fixtures and all personal property and restore the Premises to its original condition, reasonable wear and tear and casualty damage excepted. LESSOR agrees and acknowledge~ that all of the equipment, conduits, fixtures and personal property of LESSEE shall remain the personal property of LESSEE and LESSEE shall have the right to remove the same at any time during the Term, whether or not said items are considered fixtures and attachments to real property under applicable Laws (as defined in Paragraph 33 below). If such time for removal causes LESSEE to remain on the Premises after te1l11ination of this Agreement, LESSEE shall pay rent at the then existing monthly rate or on the existing monthly pro- rata basis if based upon a longer payment term, until such. time as the removal of the building, antenna structure, fixtures and all personal propertY arc completed. 15. HOLDOVER. LESSEE has no right to retain possession of the Premises or any part thereof beyond the expiration of that removal period set forth in Paragraph 14 herein, unless the Parties are negotiating a new lease or lease extension in good faith. In the event that the Parties are not in the process of negotiating a ncw lease or lease extension in good faith, LESSEE holds over in violation of Paragraph 14 and this Paragraph 15, then the rent then in effect a able from and after the time of the ex iration or earlier removal eriod set forth in Para ra h 14 immediately preccding such expiration or earlier termination. 16. RlGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL. If LESSOR elects, during the Teml (i) to sell or otherwise transfer all or any portion of the Property, whether separately or as part of a larger parcel of which the Propel1y is a part, or (ii) grant to a third party by easement or other legal instrument an interest in and to that portion of the Property occupied by LESSEE, or a larger portion thereof, for the purpose of operating and maintaining communications facilities or the management thereof, with or without an assigmnent of this Agreement to such third party, LESSEE shall have the right of first refusal to meet any bona fide offer of sale or transfer on the same terms and conditions of such offer. If LESSEE fails to meet such.bona fide offer within thirty (30) days after written notice thereof from LESSOR, LESSOR may sell or grant the easement or interest in the Property or portion thereof to such third person in accordance with the terms arid conditions of such third party offer. . .. . .., 17. RIGHTS UPON SALE. Should LESSOR, at any time during the Term decide (i) to sell or transfer all or any part of the Propelty to a purchaser other than LESSEE, or (ii) to grant to a third party by easement or other legal instrument an interest in and to that portion of the Property occupied by LESSEE, or a larger portion thereof, ,for the purpose of operating and maintaining communications facilities or the management thereof, such sale or grant of an casement or interest therein shall be under and subject to this Agreement and any such purchaser or transferee shall recognize LESSEE's rights hereunder under the terms of this Agreement. To the extent that LESSOR grants to a third party by easement or other legal instrument an interest in and to that portion of the Property occupied by LESSEE for the purpose of operating and maintaining communications facilities or the management thereof and in conjunction therewith, assigns this Agrccment to said third party, LESSOR shall not be released. from its obligations to LESSEE under 6 Date Received: EUG BALDYVIEW ]2117/2009 DWT 13588198\'1 005205]-000032 DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal this Agreement, and LESSEE shall have the right to look to LESSOR and the third party for the full performance of this Agreement. 18. OUIET ENJOYMENT. LESSOR covenants that LESSEE, on paying the rent and performing the covenants herein, shall peaceably and quietly have, hold and enjoy the Premises. 19. TITLE. LESSOR represents and wan-ants "to LESSEE as of the execution date of this Agreemcnt, and covenants during the Term that LESSOR.is 'seized of good and sufficient title and interest to the Property and has full authority to enter into and execute this Agreement. LESSOR further covenants during the Teml that there are no liens, judgments or impediments of title on the Property, or affecting LESSOR's title to the saine and. that there are no covenants, easements or restrictions which prevent or advcrsely affect the use or occupancy of the Premises by LESSEE as set forth above. 20. INTEGRATION. It is agreed and understood that this Agreement contains all agreements, promises and understandings between LESSOR and LESSEE and that no verbal or oral agreements, promises or understandings shall be binding upon either LESSOR or LESSEE in any dispute, controversy or proceeding at law, and any addition, variation or modification to this Agreement shall be void and ineffective unless made in writing signed by the Parties. In the event any provision of the Agreement is found to bc invalid or unenforceable, such finding shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. The f?ilure of either Party to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or to exercise any of its rights under the Agrecment sl;allliot'waiv~ such rights and such Party shall have the right to enforcc such rights at any time and take such action as may be lawful and authorized under this Agreement, in law or in equity. 21. GOVERNING LA W. This Agreement and the perfonllance thereof shall be govemed, interpreted, construed and regulated by the Laws of the State in which the Property is located. 22. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreementl11ay be sold, assigned or transferred by the LESSEE without any approval or consent of the LESSOR to the LESSEE's principal, affiliates, subsidiaries of its principal or to any entity which acquires all or substantially all of LESSEE's assets in the market defined by the Federal Communications Connnission in which the Property is located by reason of a merger, acquisition or other business reorganization. As to other parties, this Agreement may not be sold, assigned or transferred without the written consent of the" LESSOR, which such consent will not be unreasonably withheld, delayed or conditioned. No change of stock ownership, partnership interest or control of LESSEE or transfer upon partnership or corporate dissolution of LESSEE shall constitute an assignment hereunder. LESSEE may sublet the Premises within its sole discretion, upon notice to LESSOR. Any tenant that" may desire to sublet space upon LESSEE's communications facilities shall be required to lease separate ground space directly from LESSOR for placement of any ancillary equipment at the Property. 23. NOTICES. All notices hereunder must be in writing and shall be deemed validly given if sent by certified mail, retum receipt requested or by commercial courier, provided the courier's regUlar business is delivery service and provided further that 'it guarantees delivery to the addressee by the end of the next business day following .the courier's receipt from the sender, addressed as 7 Date Reoeived: EUG BALDYVIEW ]2/1712009 OWl 13588198\'1 0052051'-000032 DEe 2 4 2009 Orfoln:1ISubmltta/, follows (or any other address that the Party to be notified may have designated to the sender by like notice): ' LESSOR: Springfield Utility Board 250 "A" Street Springfield, OR 97477 Telephone: ( ) LESSEE: Verizon Wirelessi(V A W) LLC" d/b/a Verizon Wireless 180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, New,Jersey 07921 Attention: Network Real Estate Notice shall be effective upon act\lal receipt o~ refusal as shown on the receipt obtained pursuant to the foregoing. 24. SUCCESSORS. This Agreement shall extend to and bind the heirs, personal representative, successors and assigns of the Parties hereto. 25. SUBORDINATION AND NON-DISTURBANCE. At LESSOR's option, this Agreement shall be subordinate to any future master lease, ground lease, mortgage, deed of trust or other security interest (a "Mortgage") by LESSOR which from time to time may encumber all or part of the Property or right-of-way; provided, however, as a condition precedent to LESSEE being required to subordinate its intcrest in this Agreement to any future M011gage covering the Property, LESSOR shall obtain for LESSEE's benefit 'a non-disturbance and attornment agreement for LESSEE's benefit in the. form reasonably satisfactory to LESSEE, and containing the terms described below (the "Non-Disturbance Agreemcnt"), and shall recognize LESSEE's right to remain in occupancy of and have access to the Premises as long as LESSEE is not in default of this Agreement beyond applicable notice and cure periods. The Non-Disturbance Agreement shall include the encumbering party's ("Lender's") agreement that, if Lender or its successor-in-interest or any purchaser of Lender's or its successor's interest (a "Purchaser") acquires an ownership interest in the Property, Lender or such successor-in-interest or Purchaser will (1) honor all of the terms of the Agreement, (2) fulfill LESSOR's obligations under the Agreement, and (3) promptly cure all of the then-existing LESSOR defaults under the Agreement. Such Non-Disturbance Agreement must be binding on all of Lender's participants in the subject loan (if any) and on all successors and assigns of Lender and/or its participants and on all Purchasers. In ret\lmfor such Non-Disturbance Agreement, LESSEE will execute an agreement for Lender's benefit in .which LESSEE (I ) confirms that the Agreement is subordinate to the Mortgage or 9ther real property interest in favor of Lender, (2) agrees to attorn to Lender if Lender becomes the owner of the Property and (3) agrees to accept a cure by Lender of any of LESSOR's defaults, provided such' cure is completed within the deadline applicable to LESSOR. In the event LESSOR defaults in the payment and/or other performance of any mortgage or other real property interest encumbering the Property, LESSEE, may, at its sole option and without obligation, cure or cOlTect LESSOR's default and upon doing so, LESSEE shall be subrogated to any and all rights, titles, Iicns and equitics of the'holders of such mortgage or other real property interest and LESSEE shall be entitled to dedud and setoff against all rents that may 8 DEe 2 4 2009 .~ .~~ .,.~ ~r:;;~~" ':. EUG BALDYVIEW ]2/1712009, OWT 13588198v] 0052051-000032 Date Received: Orlginsl Submittal otherwisc become due under this Agreement the sums paid by LESSEE to cure or correct such defaults. 26. RECORDING. LESSOR agrees to execute a Memorandum of this Agreemcnt which LESSEE may record with the appropriate recordi)1g officcr. The datc set forth in the Memorandum of Lease is for recording purposes only and bears no refercnce to commencement of eithcr the Tenn or rcnt payments. 27. DEFAULT. a. In the cvent therc is a brcach by LESSEE with rcspect to any of thc provisions of this Agreement or its obligations under it, including the payment of rent, LESSOR shall give LESSEE written notice of such breach. After receipt of such written notice, LESSEE shall have fifteen (15) days in which to cure any monetary breach and thirty (30) days in which to cure any non- monetary breach, provided LESSEE shall have such extended period as may be required beyond the thirty (30) days if the nature of the cure is such that it rcasonably requires more than thirty (30) days and LESSEE commences the cure within the thirty (30) day period and thereafter continuously and diligently pursues thc cure to completion. LESSEE shall also be deemed in default if deemed insolvent, makes an assigruncnt in bankruptcy, or fails to secure dismissal of an involuntary bankruptcy, or petition within a reasonable time. LESSOR may not maintain any action or effect any remedies for default against. LESSEE unlcss and until LESSEE has failcd to cure thc breach within the timc periods provided in this Paragraph. b. In the event there is a breach by LESSOR with respect to any of the provisions of this Agreement or its obligations under it, LESSEE shall give LESSOR written noticc of such breach. After reccipt of such written notice, LESSOR shall have thirty (30) days in which to cure any such breach, provided LESSOR shall have such extended period as may be required beyond the thirty (30) days if the nature of the cure is such that it reasonably requires more than thirty (30) days and LESSOR commences thc curc within the thirty (30) day pcriod and thereafter continuously and diligently pursues the cure to completion. LESSEE may not maintain any action or effect any remedics for default against LESSOR unless and until LESSOR has failed to cure the breach within the time pcriods provided in this Paragraph. Notwithstanding the foregoing to the contrary, it shall be a default under this Agreement if LESSOR fails, within five (5) days after receipt of written notice of such breach, to perform an obligation required to be perfonned by LESSOR if the failure to perfoml such an obligation interferes with LESSEE's ability to conduct its business on the Property; provided, however, that if the nature of LESSOR's obligation is such that more than five (5) days after such notice is rcasonably required for its performance, thcn it shall not bc a dcfault undcr this Agreement if perfonnance is commenced within such five (5) day period and thereafter diligently pursued to completion. 28. REMEDIES. Upon a default, the non-defaulting Party may at its option (but without obligation to do so), perfonn the defaulting Party's duty or obligation on the defaulting Party's behalf, including but not limitcd to'thc obtaining of reasonably required insurance policies. The costs and cxpcnses of any such performance by the non-defaulting Party shall be due and payable by the defaulting Party upon invoice therefor. In the event of a default by either Party with respect to a material provision of this Agreement, without limiting the non~defaulting Party in the cxercise of any 9 Date Received: EUG BALDYVIEW 12117/2009 DWT 13588]98\'1 0052051-000032 DEe 2 4 2009 OrIginal Submltt"" right or remedy which the non-dcfaulting Party may have ':by reason of such default, the non- defaulting Pm1y may tenninate the Agrecment and/or pursue any remedy now or hereafter available to the non-defaulting Party under the Laws or judicial decisions of the state in which the Premises are located; provided, however, LESSOR shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate its damages in connection with a default by LESSEE. If LESSEE so perfonns any of LESSOR's obligations hereunder, the full amount of the reasonable and actual cost and expense incurred by LESSEE shall immediately be owing by LESSOR to LESSEE, and LESSOR shall pay to LESSEE upon demand thc full undisputed amount thereof with interest thereon rrorri the date of payment at ten percent (10%) per annum. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if LESSOR does not pay LESSEE the full undisputed amount within thirty (30) days of its, receipt of an invoice setting forth the amount due from LESSOR, LESSEE may offset the full undisputed '.amount, including all accrued interest, duc against all fees due and owing to LESSOR until the full undisputed amount, including all accrued interest, is fully reimbursed to LESSEE. 29. jONVIRONMENTAL. a. LESSOR will be responsible for all obligations of compliance with any and all environmental and industrial hygiene laws, including any regulations, guidelines, standards, or policies of any govemmental authorities regulating or imposing standards of liability or standards of conduct with regard to any environmental or industrial hygiene conditions or concems as may now or at any time hereafter be in effect, that arc or were in any way related to activity now conducted in, on, or in any way related to the Property, unless such conditions or concerns are caused by the specific activities of LESSEE in the Premises. b. LESSOR shall hold LESSEE harmless and indemnifY LESSEE from and assume all duties, responsibility and liability at LESSOR's sole cost and expense, for all duties, responsibilities, and liability (for payment of 'penalties, sapctions, forfeitures, losses, costs, or damages) and for responding to any action, notice, claim, order, summons, citation, directive, litigation, investigation or proceeding which is in any way related to: a) failure to comply with any enviromnental or industrial hygiene law, including without . limitation any regulations, guidelines, standards, or policies of any governmental authohties regulating or imposing standards ofliabiJity or standards of conduct with regard to any environmental or industrial hygiene concems or conditions as may now or at any time hereafter be in effect/unless such non-compliance results from conditions caused by LESSEE; and b) any environmental or industrial hygiene conditions arising out of or in any way related to the condition of the Property or activities conducted thereon, unless such enviromnental conditions are caused by LESSEE. 30. CASUALTY.' In the event of damage by fire or other casualty to the Premises that cannot reasonably be expected to be repaired within forty-five (45) days following same or, if the Property is damaged' by fire or other casualty so that such damage may reasonably be expected to disrupt LESSEE's operations at the Premises for'more than forty-five (45) days, then LESSEE may, at any time following such fire or other casualty, provided LESSOR has not completed the restoration required to permit LESSEE to resume its operation at the Premises, tenninate this Agreement upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to LESSOR. Any such notice of termination shall cause this Agreement to expire with the same force and effect as though the date set forth in such notice were the date originally set as the expiration date of this Agreement and the Parties shall 10 Date Received: EUG BALDYVIEW 12/17/2009 DWT 13588198vl 0052051.000032 DEe 2 4 2009 .,. .;~ =", :~ Original Submittal -~ make an appropriatc adjustment, as of such termination date, with respect to payments due to the other undcr this Agreemcnt. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the rent shall abate during the period of repair following such fire or other casualty in proportion to the dcgrec to which LESSEE's use of the Premises is impaired. 31. CONDEMNATION. In the event ,of any condemnation of all or any portion of the Property, this Agreement shall tenninatc as to the part so taken as of the date the condemning authority takes title or possession, whichever occurs first. If as a rcsult of a partial condemnation of the Premises or Property, LESSEE, in LESSEE's sole discretion, is unable to use the Premises for thc purposes intended hereundcr, or if such coridemnation may reasonably be expectcd to disrupt LESSEE's operations at the Premises for more than forty-five (45) days, LESSEE may, at LESSEE's option, to be exercised in writing within fifteen (15) days after LESSOR shall have given LESSEE written notice of such taking (or in the absence of such notice, within fifteen (15) days after the condemning authority shall havc taken possession} terminate this Agreemcnt as of thc date the condemning authority takes such possession. LESSEE may on its own behalf make a claim in any condemnation proceeding involving the Premises for losses related to the equipment, conduits, fixtures, its relocation costs and its damages and losses (but not for the loss of its leasehold intercst). Any such notice of tennination shall cause this Agrcemcnt to expire with the same force and cffect as though the date set forth in such notice were the date originally set as the expiration date of this Agreement and the Parties shall make an appropriate adjustment as of such tcnnination date with respect to payments due to the other undcr this Agrccment. If LESSEE does not tenninate this Agreemcnt in accordance with the foregoing, this Agrecmcnt shall remain in full force and effect as to the p0l1ion of the Premises remaining, except that the rent shall be reduced in the same proportion as the rentable area of the Premises taken bears to the total rcntable area of the Premises. In the event that this Agreement is not tenninated by reasofl of such condemnation, LESSOR shall promptly repair any damage to the Premises caused by such condemning authority. 32. SUBMISSION OF AGREEMENTIPARTIAL INV ALIDITY/AUTHORITY. The submission of this Agreemcnt for examination does not constitute an offer to lease .the Premises and this Agrecment becomes effective only upon the full execution of this Agrecment by the Parties. If any provision herein is invalid, it shall be considered deleted from this Agreement and shall not invalidate thc remaining provisions of this Agreement. Each of the Parties hereto warrants to the other that the person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of such Party has the full right, power and authority to enter into and execute this Agreement on such Party's behalf and that no consent from any other person or entity is necessary as a condition precedent to the legal effect of this Agreement. 33. APPLICABLE LAWS. During the Tenn, LESSOR shail maintain the Property in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, directives, covenants, easements, zoning and land use regulations, and restrictions of record, permits, building codes, and the requiremcnts of any applicable fire insurancc underwriter or rating bureau, now in effect or which may hercafter come into effect (including, without limitation, thc Americans with Disabilities Act and laws regulating hazardous substances) (collectively "Laws"). LESSEE shall, in respect to thc condition of the Prcmises and at LESSEE's sole cost and expense, comply with (a) all Laws relating solely to LESSEE's spccific and unique nature of use of the Premises (other than general office use); 11 f I Date Received: EUG BALDY VIEW 12/17/2009 OWl' ]3588198\'1 0052051-000032 DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal , , and (b) all building codes requiring modifications to the Prernises due to the improvcmcnts being made by LESSEE in the Premises. 34. TERMINATION BY LESSOR. LESSOR has.the right to tcnninate this Agreement, by written notice to LESSEE, if an event of an uncured default by LESSEE occurs and LESSEE has not corrected the default as set forth hcrcin. LESSOR shall have the right to temlinate the Agreement following the expiration of the initial term provided LESSOR gives LESSEE written notice of its intent to terminate at least 36 months prior to the effective date of such termiation. 35. TERMINATION BY LESSEE. ~ESSEE has the right to temlinate this Agreement, by no less than 30 calendar days written notice to LESSOR, upon the occurrence of any of the following cvents. a. LESSOR's Default. If LESSOR defaults in observing any covenant or term of this Agreement and fails to correct the default or conTInence correction of the default (and thereafter continuously and diligently pursue the .cure to completion) within 30 days after receipt of written notice from LESSEE. b. Lack of Approvals. If the approval of any agency, board, court or other governmental authority (or approval necessary from any other party or parties) neccssary to construct and/or operate the Tower, or any other Govemmental Approval (or approval necessary from any other party or parties), cannot reasonably be obtained. c. Lack of License. If at any time the License or any other license, pennit or Govemmental Approval necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Premises is revoked, materially amended.or suspended, or if LESSEE is unable to obtain, maintain or otherwise forfeits or cancels the License or any other license, pennit Or Governmental Approval necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Premises. d. Casualty. If a material portion of the Premises or the Tower are destroyed or damaged by fire, windstonn or other catastrophic event; provided that LESSEE gives written notice to LESSOR not more than 30 calendar days follo,wing the date.ofthe damage or destruction. e. Obsolescence. Upon no less than eighteen (18) months written notice by LESSEE to LESSOR if the Premises are, or become unacceptable for economic, environmental or technological reasons under LESSEE's design or engineering specifications for its or the communications system to which the Premises belong, or LESSEE, in its sole discretion detennines that it will be unable to use the Premises for its in'tended purposes. 36. ]':FFECT OF TERMINATION. Upon notice to terminate this Agreement being given by either LESSOR or LESSEE, in conformance with any applicable Section of this Agreement, the Agreement shall tenninate and be of no further force and effect, except for LESSEE's and LESSOR's indemnification obligations in this Agreement and rights and obligations set' out in this Agreement specifically related to termination of LESSEE's rights in and to the Premises and removal of LESSEE's Tower from the Premises and Property. :12 Date Received: EUG BALDYVIEW 12/17/2009 DWT 13588198v] 0052051-000032 DEe 24 2009 OrlginQI Submittal . . 37. !,ESSOR'S RESERVED TOWER SPACE. LESSOR shall be pemlitted to utilize space on LESSEE's tower and at no cost to LESSOR subject to the following temlS and conditions: a. Prior to any installation of any equipment on the tower, LESSOR shall (i) execute and deliver to LESSEE a copy of a lease or Agreement ("Tower Lease"); and (ii) conduct a satisfactory structural analysis of the tower at LESSOR's sole eost and expense. b. Any modification or change to any equipment on the tower other than as specified in the Tower Lease shall require LESSEE's prior written approval, sueh approval not to be unreasonably withheld, which approval may be granted or denied in LESSEE's sole arid absolute discretion. 38. SUR VIV AL. The provisions of the Agreement relating to indemnification from one Party to the other Party shall survive any tennin~tion or expiration of this Agreement. Additionally, any provisions of this Agreement which require performance subsequent to the temlination or expiration of this Agreement shall also survive such tem~inationor expiration. 39. CAPTIONS. The captions contained in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and are not intended to be part of the Agreement. They shall not affect or be utilized in the construction or interpretation of the Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have set their hands and affixed their.respective seals the day and year first above written. LESSOR: City of Springfield, acting by and through the Springfield Utility Board, a public, non-profit municipal corporation By: Name: Its: Date: LESSEE: Verizon Wireless (V A W) LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless By: Name: Walter L. Jones, Jr. Title: Area Vice President Network Date: 13 f I t Date Received: EUG BALDYV1EW ]2/17/2009 DWT 13588]98v1 0052051-000032 DEe 2 4 2009 Origlnai Submittal . " ,- BENJAMIN F. DAWSON Ill. PE THOMAS M. EcKEu;. PE STEPHEN S. locKWOOD. PE DAVID 1. PINION. PE PAUL W. LEONARD. PE ERIK C. SWANSON. PE THOMAS S. GORTON. PE MICHAEL H. MEIDGAN. EIT EXHIBIT 6 HATFIELD & DAWSON CONSULTING ELECIRlCAL ENGINEERS 9500 GREENWOOD AVE. N. SEA TILE, WASHINGTON 98103 TELEPHONE (206) 783-9151 FACSIMILE (206) 789-9834 E-MAIL pinion@hatdaw.com JAMES B. HATFIElD. PE CONSULTANT MAURY L. HATFIELD. PE CONSULTANT OAKHURST. NSW AUSTRAUA NON-IONIZING ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD EXPOSURE ANALYSIS AND FCC CERTIFICATION PREPARED FOR Verilon Wireless "EUG BALDY VIEW" Facility NEW MONOPOLE 3365 GAME FARM ROAD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY, OREGON FEBRUARY 2009 Date Received: j " .~! J [lEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal f 1 INTRODUCTION Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers ,has been retained by Verizon Wireless to evaluate the proposed Verizon personal wireless service facility, ?Ipha designator "EUG BALDY VIEW", for compliance with current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules regarding public exposure to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Verizon representatives have indicated that the proposed Verizon Wireless facility will be configured as follows: cellular and Personal Communications Service (PCS) wireless operations with antennas atop a new monopole tower. This monopole will be at 3365 Game Farm Road, City of Springfield, in Lane County, Oregon. According to the information furnished by Verizon representatives, all of the Verizon antennas will be mounted and centered at or above the 55-foot level. This is well above head-height for persons at ground level. Therefore it is unlikely that anyone other than authorized workers could approach near enough to any of the monopole-mounted antennas to cause that person's RF . exposure to exceed FCC limits. It is expected that RF exposure conditions near ground level at the EUG BALDY VIEW site, within nearby buildings, and on all adjacent properties, due to the contributions from all of the Verizon antennas at this site, will be well below the FCC public exposure limit. To verify that the proposed Verizon Wireless facility will be in compliance with FCC rules regarding human exposure to RF fields, I have performed EMF power density calculations to determine the public RF exposure conditions that are likely to exist in accessible areas near the EUG BALDY VIEW monopole per the Springfield development code, Section 4.3 - 145 (C) (1) (g) & OJ, as applicable. Date Received: " Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal , 2 CALCULATIONS OF RF POWER DENSITY NEAR GROUND LEVEL RF power densities are computed in accordance with methods described in Evaluating , Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields, OET Bulletin 65, August 1997. Wireless facilities are required to comply with the FCC "Rules & Regulations" CFR 47 gl.1310, Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits. The OET Bulletin 65 describes the methods established by the FCC for predicting compliance with the FCC-specified exposure limits. Compliance is determined by comparing RF field predictions with the general population/uncontrolled environment (i.e., "Public") Maximum Permissible Exposure limits (MPEs) allowed by the FCC rules, as specified in CFR 47 S1. 1310. The following formula has been used to calculate the power densities at specific locations: S (mW/cm2) = 0.36 x ERP (watts) / (Distance in feet)2 This formula is derived from Equation 9 on page 21 of OET Bulletin 65. It includes the effect of ground reflections. The Effective Radiated Power (ERP) depends on the antenna pattern. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS According to the information furnished by Verizon representatives, all of the Verizon antennas on the EUG BALDY VIEW monopole will be mounted and centered at or above the 55-foot level. All of the Verizon transmit antennas project the majority of the transmitted RF energy horizontally and well above all nearby accessible areas. The proposed Verizon personal wireless facility will operate within both the cellular and pes frequency bands. The calculations assume that the vertical patterns of all transmit antennas on the monopole suppress the maximum ERP by a factor of 50 (i.e., 17dB) downwards towards the monopole base, and towards nearby ground level locations. Date Received: , Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers D;:C 2 4 2009 Original Submittal 3 The following theoretical calculations predict the peak exposure condition for a six-foot person standing at the nearest approach to the transmit antennas. A six-foot tall person standing on the ground near the base of the monopole will be at least approximately 49 feet below the centerlines of the lowest Verizon antennas. \ CONTRIBUTION OF VERIZON FACILITY TO RF EXPOSURE ENVIRONMENT According to information provided byVerizon RF Engineer Mark Tuttle, the maximum ERP in any horizontal direction will be' less than 2,750 watts with all channels activated. Therefore the worst- case downward ERP will be 2,750 f 50 = 55 watts from the Verizon facility towards all ground level locations on and near the EUG BALDY VIEW site. By use of the power density formula shown on page 2, with input values of 55 watts downwards ERP, and a distance of 49 feet, the worst-case calculated power density from the Verizon facility to a person standing on.the ground is 0.00825 mWfcm2. All of the Verizon antennas will transmit either within the, cellular frequency band of 880 - 894 MHz, or within the pes frequency band of 1940 - 1945 MHz. The lowest Public MPE limit for either band is at the lowest cellular base station transmit frequency: 0.587 mW fcm2 = 880 f 1500 The worst-case calculated exposure condition resulting from the Verizon Wireless facility is the power density divided by the Public MPE limit for the lowest Verizon cellular base station frequency: 1.41 % of the Public MPE limit = 100%. x 0.00825 f 0.587 Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers Date Received: DEe 24 2009 1 \ i i , Original $ubmittol 4 PUBLIC EXPOSURE CONDITIONS NEAR GROUND LEVEL All areas at grade near the EUG BALDY VIEW monopole, and all off-site areas, including the nearest habitable space, are expected to have exposure conditions less than 1.41% of the Public' MPE limit due to the proposed Verizon cellular and PCS operations. This calculated exposure level is well below the 100% FCC limit. Actual exposure conditions are likely to be less than this worst-case predicted value. FCC COMPLIANCE The FCC has determined through calculations and technical analysis that certain' wireless facilities are highly unlikely to cause human RF exposures in excess of FCC guideline limits. In particular,. cellular and PCS facilities with non-building-mounted antennas greater than 10 meters (about 33 feet) above ground level are considered to have such a low impact on overall exposure conditions that they are "categorically excluded" (Le., exempt) from the requirement for routine environmental assessment regarding RF exposure hazards. Thus according to FCC rules, the proposed Verizon Wireless facility at the EUG BALDY VIEW site, with all antennas well above the 33-foot level, is exempt from further RF safety environmental assessment because it is presumed to be in compliance with the FCC's RF exposure rules. FUTURE COMPLIANCE If future changes at the EUG BALDY VIEW site cause excessive exposure conditions in publicly accessible areas, the FCC would not hold Verizon responsible for the excessive exposure conditions as long as the as the contribution from the Verizon Wireless facility to the RF exposure environment is below 5%. Date Received: Hatfield & Dawson Consulting' Engineers DEe 2 4 2009 Origin:fl] Submittal 5 RF facilities that produce less than 5% of the applicable MPE exposure limit at accessible locations are also considered to be exempt from further study. As demonstrated in this report by worst-case exposure calculations, the Verizon facility will produce far less than 5% of the applicable exposure limit for public environments. . , In fact the contribution from the Verizon facility is predicted to be less than 1.41 % of the Public MPE limit. Therefore, pursuant to ~1.1310(b)(3) of the Commission's rules no further calculations, measurements or other RF studies are required, and the Verizon facility is presumed to be in compliance with the FCC's RF exposure rules. According to GET Bulletin 65: "...the rules adopted by the FCC specify that, in general, at multiple transmitter sites actions necessary to bring the area into compliance with the guidelines are the shared responsibility of all licensees whose transmitters produce field strengths or power density levels at the area in question in excess of 5% of the exposure limit (in terms of power density or the square of the electric or magnetic field strength) applicable to their particular transmitter." (See {j1.130B, Actions which are categorically excluded from environmental processing AND {j1.1307, Actions that may have a significant environmental effect, for which Environmental Assessments (EAs) must be prepared.) Thus Verizon will not be responsible for any future compliance problems at the EUG BALDY VIEW site as long as the contribution from ,the Verizon Wireless facility to the RF exposure environment remains below 5%. Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers Original Submittal 6 COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL REGULATIONS Because the proposed Verizon Wireless facility is in compliance with federal rules, it .is also in compliance with local regulations concerning RF exposure. The following is the complete text of 47 U.S.C. 9332(c)(7)(B)(iv): "No State or local government or instrumentality thereof may 'regulate the placement, construction, or modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission's regulations concerning such emissions." CONCLUSIONS BASED ON CALCULATIONS, AND FEDERAL AND LOCAL REGULATIONS Based on my calculations and information. supplied to me by Verizon representatives, the proposed Verizon Wireless facility "EUG BALDY VIEW" will comply with current FCC and local rules regarding public exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. This conclusion is based solely on the comparison of predicted RF conditions in specific areas with the corresponding safe exposure limits set forth in the FCC rules. The FCC exposure limits are based on lecommendations by federal and private entities with the appropriate expertise in human safety issues. To ensure full compliance with current FCC rules regarding human exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, the Verizon transmitters should be turned off whenever maintenance and repair personnel are required to work in the immediate vicinity of the Verizon antennas. This safety procedure should apply to all existing and future wireless transmission facilities at this site. Any transmit antenna should be de-energized whenever maintenance and repair personnel are required to work in the immediate vicinity of that antenna aperture. Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers Date Received: DEt 2 4 2009 Original Submittal . . 7 QUALIFICATIONS I am an experienced radio engineer whose qualifications are a matter of record with the Federal Communications Commission. I am a partner in the firm of Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers, I am registered as a Professional Engineer in the States of Oregon, Washington, California and Hawaii, and I hold an FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License PG-12- 21740. All representations contained herein are true to the best of my knowledge. v~f David J. Pinion, P.E. 4 February 2009 I EXPIRATION DATE: Date Received: CcC 2 4 2009 Hatfield & Dawson Consulting Engineers Original Submittal EXHIBIT 7 Ante~na Structure Registrt~).t FCC> WTB > ASR > Online Systems > TOWAIR TOWAIR Determination Results ~ New Search ~ Printable Pace *** NOTICE *** - ~ '? . FCC Site MaD [1] HELP TOWAIR's findings are not definitive or binding, and we cannot guarantee that the data in TOWAIR are fully current and accurate. In some instances, TOWAIR may yield results that differ from application of the criteria set out in 47 C.F.R. Section 17.7 and 14 C.F.R. Section 77.13. A positive finding by TOWAIR recommending notification should be given considerable weight. On the other hand, a finding by TOWAIR recommending either for or against notification is not conclusive. It is the responsibility of each ASR participant to exercise due diligence to determine if it must coordinate its structure with the FAA. TOWAIR is only one tool designed to assist ASR participants in exercising this due diligence, and further investigation may be necessary to determine if FAA coordination is appropriate. DETERMINATION Results jstructure does not require registration. There are no airports within S j kilometers (5 miles) of the coordinates you provided. I - --- ------- ~ ADS3 Coordinates Latitude I Longitude }easurements (Meters) Overall Structure Height (AGL) Support Structure Height (AGL) . Site Elevation (AMSL) Structure Type TOWER - Free standing or Guyed Structure used for Communications Purposes ~-04-57.5 north 123-01-53.3 west 119.8 ~6.8 133.8 Tower Construction Notifications Notify Tribes and Historic Preservation Officers of your plans to build a tower. http://wireless2,fcc.gov/UlsApp/AsrSearch/towairResult.jsp(1 of 2) [2/26/2009 2:t2:57 PM] Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal EXHIBIT 8 ." --.: ,~~.. ADAPT Adapt Engineering, Inc. 10725 SW Barbur Boulevard, Suite 350 Portland. Oregon 97219 Tel (503) 892.2346 Fax (503)892.2348 www.adaptengr.com January 7, 2009 Adapt Project No. OR08-15608-GEO Verizon Wireless c/o Technology Associates International Corporation 15618 SW 720d Ave Portland, Oregon 97224 Attention: Mr. Jeff Jozwiak Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation EUG Baldy View Alt. 3 3365 Game Farm Road Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Mr. Jozwiak: Adapt Engineering, Inc. (Adapt) is plcased to submit this rcport describing our rcccnl geotechnical engineering evaluation for the EUG Baldy View Alt. 3 cell tower site. The purpose of this study was to interpret general surface and subsurface site conditions. from which we could evaluate thc feasibility of the project and formulatc design recommendations concerning site preparation. equipment pad and tower foundations, structural till. and other considerations. Our scope of services consisted of a surface reconnaissance, a subsurface exploration. geotechnical analyses. and report preparation. Authorization to proceed with our study was given by Technology Associates International Corporation (TAlC) on behalf ofVerizon Wireless prior to our perfonning the work. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of TAlC, Verizon Wireless. and their agents, for specific application to this project in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice. Use or reliance upon this report by a third party is at their own risk. Adapt does not make any represenlation or warranty. express or implied, to such othcr parties as to the accuracy or completeness of this report or the suitability of its use by such other parties for any purpose whatever, known or unknown, to Adapt. Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal ~-~ , ~...,. ADAPT Adapt Engineering, Inc, 10725 SW Barbur Boulevard. Suite 350 Portland, Oregon 97219 Tel (503) 892.2346 Fax (503) 892.2348 www.adaptengr.com Verizon Wireless Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation EUG Baldy View Alt. 3 Springfield, Oregon OR08-15608-GEO January 2009 Date Received: r:;c 2 4 2009 Original Submittal Verizon Wireless c/o TAle Adapt Project No. OROB-1560B-GEO January 7. 2009 Adapt Engineering, Inc. PROJECT DESCRIPTION We understand that the proposed projeet will consist of the construction of a new monopole tower as well . . as constlUetion of the associated equipment cabinet'pad or shelte1"foundation within the proposed lease area as well as an extension of the access drive from thc.cxistinggravcl access road to the lease area. The site is located at 3365 Game Faml Road, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, as shown on the attached Location/Topographic Map (Figure I). The proposed lease area is located to the n0l1h of an existing electrical substation, as shown in the attached Site & Exploration Plan (Figure 2). It should be emphasized that the conclusions and:recommendations contained in this rep0l1 are based on our understanding of the cunently proposed utilization of the project site, as derived from written and verbal information supplied to us by Verizon Wireless and TAle. Consequently, if any changes are made to the project, we recommend that we review the changes and modify Ollr recommendations, if appropriate, to reflect those changes. EXPLORATORY METHODS We explored surface and subsurface conditions at the projcet site during our site visit on January 5, 2009. Our surface exploration consisted of a visual site reconnaissance,. Our subsurface exploration consisted of advancing one boring (designated B-1) to a maximum depth of about 37 feet below existing ground surface (bgs) within the proposed lease area. The procedures used for subsurface exploration during our site visit are presented in the subsequent sections (jfthis rep0l1. The location of the exploration advanced for this study is shown on the attached Figure 2. The specific location and depth of the 'exploration perfonned,:was selected in relation to the proposed site features, under the constraints of budget and site access. The boring location and other fcatures shown on Figure 2 wcre obtained by hand taping from existing site features; as such, the exploration location shown should be considered accurate only to the degrec implicd by the measuring methods used. It should be notcd that the exploration'perfonned'Jor this evaluation revealed subsulface conditions only at a discrete location across the project site and that actual conditions in other areas could vary. Furthcnnore, the nature and extent of any such variations w~uld not becomc evident until additional explorations are perf0I111ed,or until construction activities havc,commenced. If significant variations arc observed at the time of construction, we may need to modify our conclusions and recommendations contained in this report to reflect the actual site conditions. A uger Boring Procedures The boring was advanced using a track-mounted,.hollow-stcm auger drill rig opcrated by an independcnt company working under subcontract to Adapt. !' geotechnical reprcsentative of Adapt was on-site to observe the boring, obtain representative soil samplcs, and log the subsurfaee conditions. After the boring was completed, the borehole was backfilled with bentonite chips. [lEe 2 4 2009 1 i 1 Date Received: Verizon Wireless clo TAlC Adapt Project No. OROB-1560B-GEO Original Su~~::y~O~ Adapt Engineering, Inc. During drilling, soil samples were obtained on 2.5-foot 'and 5-foot depth intervals using the Standard , Penetration Test (SPT) procedure (ASTM: 0 1586). This,test and sampling method consists of driving a standard 2.0-ineh outside diameter (00) split-barrel sampler a distance of 18 inches into the soil with a 140-pound hammer, free-falling a distance of 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler through each of the three, 6-inch intervals is noted. The total number of blows struck during the final 12 inches of penetration is considered the Standard Penetration Resistance, or "blow count". If-50 or morc blows arc struck within one 6-inch interval,':thc driving is ceased and the blow count is recorded as 50 blows for the actual number of inches of penetration. The resulting Standard Penetration Resistance values provide a measure of the rclative density of granular soils or the relative consistency of cohesive soils. The Boring Log attached to this report describes the various types of soils encountered in the boring, based primarily on visual interpretations made in the field. The'log indicates the approximate depth of the contacts between different soil layers, although these eontaets may be gradational or undulating. Where a change in soil type OCCUlTed between sampling intervals, we inferred the depth of contact. Our log also graphically indicates the blow count, sample type, sample nUl)1ber, and approximate depth of each soil sample obtained from the boring, along with any laboratory tests performed on the soil samples. If any groundwater was encountered in the borehole, the approximate groundwater depth is depicted on the boring log. Groundwater depth estilnates are typically based 01) the moisture content of soil samples, the wetted height on the drilling rods, and the water .level measured in the borehole after the auger has been extracted. SITE CONDITIONS The following sections describe our qbservations; measurements, and interpretations conceming surface, soil, groundwater, and seismic conditions at the project site. Surface conditions The proposed lease area is covered with low lying landscape shrubs and is level. There was no standing water present at the time of our site visit. SuhSl/rface Conditions Our boring encountered medium stiff to stiff sandy silt with varying amounts of sand and clay to approximately 5 feet bgs. Between 5 and 8 feet bgs we encountered medium dense sand. Below 8 feet we encountered medium dense to very dense coarse sandy gravel (rounded to subrounded) with varying amounts of silt to the maximum explored depth of 37 feet bgs. We encountered groundwatel"at about 14 . ., feet bgs in the boring at the time of our exploration. We anticipate that the groundwater levels will fluctuate seasonally, based on seasonal variations in precipitation and the use of the area. Seismic Conditians Based on our analysis of subsurface exploration logs and a review of published geologic maps, we interpret the on-site soil eonditions to correspond to Site Class 0, as defined by Table 1613.5.2 of the 2006 In/erna/ional Building Code. The soil profi1e type for this site classification is characterized by stiff Verizon Wireless clo TAlC Adapt Project No. OROB-156GB-GEO .f E,l:ILtl ~ecelvea; DEe 2 4 2009 , , January 7,2009 .'l;.;~ Page 2 .ItA ':",!!i.'" 'H'.~ . ~~~\~ ''-.J~ Adapt Engineering, Inc. soil with an avcrage bloweount betwcen 15 and 50 blows-per-foot within the upper 100 feet bgs. Current (2003) National Seismic Hazard Maps prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey indicate that peak bedrock site acceleration coefficients of about 0.115 and',O.270 arc appropriate for an cat1hquakc having a 10- percent and 2-pereent probability of exceedance.ih 50 years (corresponding to retum intervals of 475 and 2,475 years, respectively). The IBC mapped spectral accelerations for short periods at the subject site (Ss and S,; Site Class B) are 65.2 and 31.4 (expressed in percent of gravity) at 0.2 and 1.0-second periods, respectively with 2 percent. probability ofexceedance in 50 years. In accordance with Tables 1613.5.3(1) and 1613.5.3(2), Site Coefficients F, and F, arc 1.278 and 1.772, respectively for a Site Class D. Therefore the adjusted MCE ground motions are'iSMS~0.834g and SM,=0.557g. For purposes of seismic site characterization, the observed soil condition's were ~xtrapolated below the exploration termination depth, based on"a review of geologic maps and OUI' knowledge of regional geology. Site Liquefaction Risk Evaluation Given the seismic site classification "D", we pcrformcd an engineering evaluation (per 2007 OSSC 1802.2.7) to assess thc site-specific liquefaction hsk. The soils below the gj'Dundwater table consist of mcdium dense to very dense coarsc sandy gravels',which is typically considercd to have a very low risk of liquefaction. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Current development plans call for the constr~ction ofa ncw monopole communication tower and associated equipmcnt building or cabinet pad within the proposed lease area, as well as a new gravel access road extending fi'OIn the existing gravel access road to the lease area. Based on the subsurface conditions revealed by our subsurface exploration, the proposed telecommunication tower may be supported on either a mat foundation or on a drilled pier. Our specific recommendations concerning sitc preparation, equipmcnt building/cabinet pad f~undations, tower foundations, access driveway, and structural fill are presented in the following sections of this report. Site Preparation Prcparation of the lease areas for construction :Should involve clearing, grubbing, stripping, cutting, filling, dewatering, and subgrade preparation. We provide the following comments and recommendations ., relative to site preparation. Tem-oorarv Drainage: We recommend intercepting and diverting any potential sources of surface or near-surface water within the construction zones before stripping bcgins. Because thc selection of an appropriate drainage system will depend on the Water quantity~ season, weather conditions~ construction sequence, and contractor's methods, final decision,s regarding drainage systems arc best made in the field at the time of construction. Nonetheless, we anticipate that cnrbs, berms, or ditehes placed along the uphill side of the work areas will adequately inter~ept surface water runoff. C1earinQ and StriooinQ: After surface and n'ear-surfacc water sonrces have been controlled, the construction areas should bc cleared and stripped of all vegetation, sod, topsoil, and debris. Our site exploration indicates that landscaping be encountcred across the site. It should also be realized that if the stripping operation proceeds during wet weather, ~ generally grater 6a'fJrtfe6~1~a:c necessary to , I Verizon Wireless clo TAlC Adapt Projecl No. OR08.15608-GEO CEC 2 4 2009 January 7, 2009 Page.3 Original Submittal Adapt Engineering, Inc. remove disturbed, surficial~ moisture-sensitive soils; therefore, stripping is best p~rformcd during a period of dry weather. Excavations: Site excavations ranging up to about 7-feet deep are anticipated to accommadate the proposed equipment pad footings and tower mat foundation. Based on our explorations, we anticipate that these excavations will encounter medium stiff ta stiff silt and clayey silt and medium dense sand and gravel. The surficial soils can be cut with conventional earth working equipment such as small dozers and track hoes with smooth buckets. Backfill materials, whcre required, should be placed and compacted according to recammendations presented in the Structural Fill section of this rep0l1. Tcmoorarv Cut Slooes: All temporary soil cuts (greater than 4-feet in height) associated with site excavations or rcgrading activities should be adequately sloped back to prevent sloughing and collapse, unless a shoring box or other suitablc excavation side wall bracing is pi'ovided. We tentatively recommend a maximum cut slope inclinatian ofl.5H: I V (Horizontal:VeI1ical) within the surficial soils that will likely be exposed within the upper 7_feet below the ground surface across the site. If groundwater seepage is encountered within the excavation slop~s, the cut slopc inelination may necd to be on the order of 2H: I V, or flatter. However, appropriate inclinations will ultimately depend on the actual soil, rock and groundwater sccpage conditians exposed in the cuts at the time of construction. It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the excavation is properly sloped or braced for worker safety protection, in accordance with OSHA safety guidelines. In any case, appropriate inelinations will ultimately depend on the actual soil, rock and groundwater seepage conditions exposed in the cuts at the time of construction. In addition to proper sloping, the excavation cuts and stockpiles should be draped with plastic sheeting for the duration of the excavation to minimize surface erosion and ravelling. Dewaterim!.: Based on our site reconnaissance investigation, we do not anticipate significant groundwater seepage within the upper 7.0-feet. If groundwater or surface inflow is encountered, we anticipate that an intemal system of ditches, sump holes, and pumps will be adequate to temporarily dewater the excavations. Subllrade Prenaration: Expased subgrades for shallow footings; mat foundations, s!abs-on-grade, roadway sections and other structures should be compacted to a firm, unyielding state, if required to .; achieve adequate density and warranted by sail, moisture conditions. Any localized zones of loose, granular soils observed within a subgrade area sl~ould be compacted to a density commensurate with the surrounding soils. In contrast, any uncontrolled Iillmaterial .or organic, soft, or pumping soils observed within a subgrade should be overexcavated and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. Frozen Subllrades: If em1hwork takes place during freezing conditions, we recommend that all exposed subgrades be allowed to thaw and be recompacted prior to placing foundations or subsequent lifts of structural fill. Equipment Building or Cabinet Foundations It is our understanding that the support pad for the propased equipment building or cabinet pad will eonsist of a poured-in-place, concrete slab-on-grade with thickened edgeshw..e re~omla.nd that these f: Date "ecelve . , Verizon Wireless clo TAlC Adapt Project No, OR08-,15608cGEO DEe 2 'I lUU~ January 7,2009 Page 4 OrigInal submittal Adapt Engineering, Inc. thickened slab edges be designed as spread footings. Alternatively. the equipment support pad may be . . designed as a structural slab"on-grade with a unifonn thickness and a reduced bearing pressure. In either , ' case, we anticipate that the support pad bearing pressure will be relatively light. The following seetions provide our rccommendation,s and comments for equipment pad design and construction. Sub~rade Conditions: We antieipate the subsoil encountered at the design foundation grade will likely consist of medium stiff to stiff silt and clayey silt with vmying amounts of sand and gravel. All loose soils and organics should be overexeavated from the foundation subgrade to expose firm and unyielding soil. If overexeavation is required, the foundation may be founded on these soils or brought back to design grade with compacted structural fill. Ariy organic, soft, '01' pumping soils observed within a subgrade should be overexcavated and replaced with a suitable structural fill material. Subi'rade Verification: -Footings or slabs-on-grade should never be cast atop soft, loose, organic, or frozen soils; nor atop subgrades covered by standing water. . A representative from Adapt should be retained to observe the condition of footing subgrades before concrete is poured to verify that they have been adequately prepared. Footing Overexcavation To limit settlements, we reeomm'"nd that any loose or soft 'fill soils or unsuitable native organic soils encountered below the footing subgi-adc elevation be overexcavatcd and replaced with structural fill. Any locally deeper zones of organics or soft soils encountered at the base of the overexeavation should be removed and replaced with structural fill. Because foundation stresses are transferred outward as well as downward into the bearing soils, all footing overexcavations should also extend horizontally outward from the footing edge a distance ,equal to the one half the overexcav<ition depth for the structural backfill. Therefore, an ovcrexcav;ition that extends 2-feet below the footing base should also extend I-foot outward in all directions from the footing edges (a 2V: I H projected line from the bottom of the footing to the bottom ufthc fill prism). Footing Dimcnsions: For a poured-in-place, concrete slab-on-grade with thickened-edge footings, we recommend that the spread footing elements be constructed to have a minimum width of 12-inehes. For frost protection, we recommend that the footings at this site pel)etrate at least 18-inches below the lowest adjacent exterior grades. Bearing Pressure and Lateral Resistance: A maximum allowable static bearing pressure of 1,800 pounds per-squarc-foot (pst) may be used for perimeter strip footings or thickened-edge pad footings designed as deseribed above and bearing on finn and unyielding soil. For the altemate equipment sUPP0l1 pad design using a uniform thickness, structural slab-on-grade, ahd bearing on compacted structural fill, we reeommcnd a maximum allowable static soil bearing p\essure of 700 psf across the pad area. These bearing pressure values can bc increased by onc-third to accommodate transient wind or seismic loads. An allowable base friction coefficient of 0.33 and an allotable passive earth pressure of 300 pounds per cubie f~ot (pet), expressed as an equivalent tluid unit weight, may be used for that p0l1ion of the foundation embedded more than I-foot below finished exterior subgrade elevation. These lateral resistanee values incorporate a minimum safety factor of 1.5. r I I Date Received: c-r.:r . - ?S'rc ioi':... I .; "UiI" Verizon Wireless clo TAlC Adapl Proiect No. OR08-15608-GEO Original Submittal January 7. 2009 Page 5 Adapt Engineering, Inc. Gradin~ and CaDDin~: final site grades should slope downward away from the structure so that runo!I' water will flow by gravity to suitable collection P9ints, rather than ponding near the structure. Ideally, the area surrounding the structure would be capped ;~ith cOI)cretc, asphalt, or compacted low-pcnncability (silty) soils to reduce surface-water infiltration into the subsoils adjacent tolbelow the foundation. Settlements: We estimate that total post-construction settlements of properly designed thickened-edge footings bearing on properly prepared subgrade~ could ,approach I-inch, with differential settlements approaching one-half of the total. For a structural, slab-on,cgrade equipment pad with a unifonn thickness (without thickened edges), somewhat greater movements may be experienced. Tower Mat FOl/ndation A mat foundation would provide adequate resistance to horizontal, axial and overturning loads associated with the proposed tower, provided it is adequately embedded. The following sections provide our recol11n~cndations and comments for mat foundation design and construction. , I' Sub~radc Conditions: We anticipate that the proposed ~at fo,!ndation subgrade will eonsist of medium dense to dense sand and coarse sandy gravel. We recon),mend that any localized zones of loose,soil or organics encountered within the subgrade area be. removed prior to placement of footing form work and reinforcement. Exposed mat foundation subgrades should be compacted to a firm, unyielding state, as described in the Site Preparation section of this report. SubQrade Verification: footings or slabs-on-grade should never be cast atop soil, loose, organic, or frozen soils; nor atop subgrades covered by standing ,,:ater. A representative from Adapt should be retaincd to observe the condition of footing subg!'ades before concrete is poured to verify that they have been adequately prepared. Embedment DeDths: Based on our site explorati~ns, we recommend that the mat foundation be extended to bear directly on the native, medium dense to dense sand and coarse sandy gravel at a minimum depth of7.0-feet bgs. BearinQ Pressures: We recommend a maximum allowalile static bearing pressure of 4,000 psf for a mat foundation bearing directly on the prescribed native, medium dense to dense sand and coarse sandy gravel at a minimum e'mbedment of 7.0-feet bgs. This static bearing pressure incorporates a factor of safely of 1.5, or more, and may be increased by one-third to accommodate transient wind or seismic loads. UnIiIl Canacitv: We expect that uplittloads will be resistcd by the dead load of the mat foundation, as well as the weight of soils covering the mat. Native soils used to cover the mat and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density could be assumed to have a unit density of 120 pcf. Lateral Resistance: Lateral loads on the foundation caused by seismic or transient loading conditions may be resisted by a combination of passive soil press'ure against the side of the foundation and base friction resistance. We recommend using an allowable foundation base friction coefficient of 0.38 for a mat foundation bearing directly onto the native, medium dense to'dense sand and coarse sandy gravel at a , '1 Date Received: Verizon Wireless c/o TAlC Adapt Project No. DR08.156G8.GEO r DEe 2 4 2009 January 7; 2009 Page 6 Original Submitt..1 Adapt Engineering, Inc. minimum bearing depth of 7.0-feet bgs.. All allowable p~ssive carth pressure of 300 pounds per-eubic- foot (pef), exprcsscd as an equivalent fluid unit weight, Inay be used for that p0l1ion of the foundation cmbcddedbelow 2 feet bgs. These latcral resistance values incorporate a safety factor of 1.5. GradinQ and Canning: Final site grades should slopc downward away from the structure so that runoff water will flow by gravity to suitahle collection po'ints, ratl;er than ponding near the structure. Ideally, the area surrounding the strueture would be capped with concrcte, asphalt, or compacted 10w-pel111cability (silty) soils to reduce surface-water infiltration into the subsoils ~djaccnttolbelow the foundation. Settlcments: We estimate that total post-construction se~tlcments of properly designed mat foundation bearing on properly prepared subgrades could approach I 'inch, with differential settlcmcnts approaching .one-half of the total. ' Tower Drilled Pier Foulldatiolls Thc subsurfacc soil and groundwater conditions~bscrvcd in our site explorations are considercd to be generally suitable for the use of a drilled pier fo'undatiOll to support the proposed tower. It should be noted that difficult drilling conditions were encountered as shallow as 20 feet bgs. The following , . 'I , rccolnmendations and comments arc provided for purposes of drilled pier design and construction: End BearinQ Ca'lacities: We recommcnd that the drillcd pier pe;,etrate at least I 5.0-feet below the ground surface. For vCI1ical compressive soil bearing icapacitx, we recommend using the unit end bearing eapacity presented in Table I below, where B inhe dialncter'of the pier in feet and D is the depth of penctration into the bearing layer in feet. This all()wablc end bearing capacity includes aminimum safety factor of 1.5. I -Tablcl ~ I Allowable End Bearing Capacity I._ D~pth'(I:e~t5 '~.' '~'Allo,v_a~I~;.Btari.j.'g ea~a~!ti (t$fj':' ,: .Limiting:P<<.i~nt~R~~isl~n~cc (!st),~ I I ]5-22 22-37 1.5 D/B 4.5 D/B 4.0 12.0 Frictional Canacities: For frictional resistance along the shaft of the drilled piers, acting hoth downward and in uplift, we recommend using the allmvable skin friction value listed in Table 2. We recommend that frictional resistance be ncglected in the uppermost 2'fcet below the ground surface. The allowable skin friction values presented includes a minimum safety factor of 1.5. Date Received: CEC 2 4 2009 Original Submittal Verizon Wireless clo TAlC Adapl Projecl No. OR08-15608.GEO January 7, 2009 Page 7 Adapt Engineering, Inc. ::_.~cpt.h(~cc,ij 0-2 2-8 8-14 14-20 20-37 Table 2 Allowable Skin Friction Capacities '-~r, ' -" .m " .... . '.-- -", ,-. '. "', "..-, . ,,' _." .' ~ AI!pw,able Skin' Friction' (tsl) I I~~ ;.~,<- -~ ~,'. 0.0 0.10 0.30 0.20 0.70 ~I I Lateral Caoacities: Drilled pier foundations for communication monopole towers are typically rigid and act as a pole, which rotates around a fixed point at depth. Although more complex and detailed analyses are available, either the simplified passive earth' pressure method or the subgrade reaction method is typieally used to determine the pier diameter and depth rcquin'd to resist ground line reaction forces and moments. Thesc methods are described below. . Passive' Earth Prcssure Method: The passive e311h pressure method is a simplified approach that is generally used to estimate an' allowable lateral load capacity based on soil wedge failure theory. Although the lateral deflection associated with the soil wedge failure may be estimated; design lateral deflections using the passive earth pressure method should be considered approximate, due to the simplified nature of the method. According to the NA VF AC De;ign Manual 7:02 (1986), a lateral deflection equal to about 0.00 I times the pier length would be required to mobilize the allowable passive pressure presented below; highet' deflections would mobilize higher passive pressures. Our reeommended passive earth pressures for the soil layers encountered at this site are presented in Table 3 and incorporate a safety factor of at least 1.5, which is commonly applied to transient or seismic loading conditions. These value.s arc expressed as equivalent fluid unit weights, which are to be 11'ultiplied by the depth (bgs) to reflect the linear increase within the depth interval of the cOHcsponding soil layer. The passive cm1h pressures may be assumed to,act over 3n area measuring two pier diameters wide by up to eight pier diameters decp. Tablc 3 I Allowable Passive Pressures I ~:..;;,/~-~!f':I.:...~.~f':nc.pth(~eet.J ;X;;.'O\A.';;;.:,~.:;::.'-\.;'.; .' .AII()'yalilc;~a~~ive Pressure (pel), ,. - . . . .. .. -~" -~~~ ~., '.<I"-'~ _' . .,' , I I 0-2 2-8 8-14 14_20 20.37 ) o 300 375 210 nAt,:, 1=)~"'l:'i\lb7~. r I I"t"'" ~ I. ~nn('l 1:._"" .. . t.,,-~I~ Verizon Wireless clo TAlC Adapt Project No., OROB-1560B-GEO . Orlgln,,1 Submittal January 7, 2009 Page 8 Adapt Engineering, Inc. . Subgrade Reaction Method: TI1e'subgrade reaction method is typically used to compute lateral design loads based on allowable lateral deflections. Using this method, the soil reaction pressure (p) on the face of the pier is related to the lateral displacement (y) of the piC!' by the horizontal subgrade modulus (kh); this relationship is expressed as p~khY' Beeause soil modulus values arc based on' small scale, beam load test data, and are usually reported as a vertical subgradc modulus (k,.), they must be convel1ed to horizontal subgrade modulus values represe.illative for larger scale applications (such as large pier diameters) by means of various scaling factors, as discussed below. In addition to the scaling and loading orientation, the soil-pier interaction governing kh is also affected by the 'soil type, as follows: . SAND and Soft CLAY: 'For cohesionless soils (sand, non-plastic silt) and soft cohesive soils (eiay, cohesive' silt), the horizontal subgrade modulus (kh) increases linearly with depth (z).' This relationship is expressed as kh ~ nh(z/B), 'Where nh is the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction and (z/B) is the scaling factor (B is the pier diameter). . Stiff or Hard CLAY,: For stiff or hard cohesive soils (clay, cohesive silts), the horizontal subgrade modulus (kh) is essentially the same as the vertical subgrade modulus (kJ and is considered constant with depth. This relationship is expressed as kh=k,[I(ft)/1.5B], where [I(ft)/1.5B] is the scaling factor (B is expressed in feet). Our recommended values for the, coefticient of horizontal subgrade reaction (nh) and the vertical subgradc modulus (k,) for the soil layers encountered at this site arc presented in Table 4 below. These values do not, inelude. a factor of safety sipce they model the relationship between contact pressure and displacement. Therefore, the structural engineer or monopole manufacturer should select an appropriate allowable displacement for design, based on the specific requirements of the -communication equipment mounted on the tower. L I, Table.4 Recommended Horizontal Subgrade Reaction Values -f' D 'fhl t lY-' ol. ~',,:- -"'.. ,,:. -, .; ",^ -;-".,~"" :;'~~1'~';,>~+~P' .n.c~~_~_", 5 '," '<~~.:~:t-.~~,X~:" ~ 'f':. .>-:':';;,~~~l'~J~;:_-" "~,.;"'~'tJ~f~,,t) "0, ',".. (pel);":':c__",, :.'. ',(p~i)e', 0-2 N/A N/A 2-8 N/A 26 8-14 45 N/A 14-20 18 N/A 20-37 40 N/A : Coefficient of Horizontal I Subgrade Reaction (pci) , kh= n,,(liB) (Sand & Soft CI~y) I I k,,=k/(1.5B) (StilT Clay) Bate'~l:R..'l:rived . ~11 ,j Verizon Wireless c/o TAlC Adapt Project No. OR08~15608~GEO DEC2 4 2009 January 7.2009 Page 9 OrigInal Submittal r --'" Adapt Engineering, Inc. Construction Considerations: Our-explorations ~l~countered medium stiff to stiff sandy silt with varying amounts of sand and clay to approximately 5 feet bgs. Between 5 and 8 feet bgs we encountercd medium dense sand. Below 8 feet we encountered medium dense to vel)' dense coarse sandy gravel (rourided to subrounded) with varying amounts of silt to thc maximum explorcd depth of37 feet bgs. Wc cncountered groundwater at about 14 fect. bgs in the boring at the timc of ?ur cxploration. The foundation-drilling contractor should be prepared to casc thc cxcavation to prevent caving and raveling of thc pier shaH sidewall due to the prcsencc of granular soils arid groundwaiCr. Should heavy groundwater inflow -be encountered in the drilled picr cxcavation, it may. be necessary to pump out the accumulated groundwater prior to concrete placement, or to use a tremie tube to place thc concretc from the bottom of the drilled pier excavation, thereby displacing the accumulated water duriiIg concrctc placement. Additionally the drilling contractor should be prepared for difficult drilling conditions in the dense to very dense coarse sandy gravels cncountered bclow 20 feet bgs. Our boring was terminated at 37 feetbgs due to drilling refusal. Drilled Pier Excavation Condition~: The drilling contractor should be prepared to clean out the bottom of the pier excavation if loos~ soil is observed or. suspeCted, with or without the presence of slun'y or groundwater. As a minimum, we recommend that the drilling contractor have a cleanout bucket on site to remove loose soils and/or mud from the bottom of the pier. If groundwater is present and abundant within the pier hole, wc rccommend that the foundation concrete be tremied from the bottom of the hole to displace thc water and minimize the risk of contaminating the concrete mix. The Drilled Shaft Manual published by the Federal Highway Administration recommends that concrete be placed by tremie methods if more than 3 inches of watcr has accumulated in the excavation. Acce,\.s Drillewa.v Based on available site plans and our site reeon~aissance visit, it appears necessary to construct a new access road from the existing road to the lease area. We rccommend that the subgrade for any access roadway bc prepared in accordance with the Site Preparation scction of this report. For planning purposes, we anticipatc that 9 inches of "clean" sand and gravel subbase material and minimum 3-inches of erushed rock surfacing will be required to create a stable gravel roadway surface at this site. Additionally, duc to the silty soils at this site we rccommem! a woven subgrade gcotextilc be placed bclow the rock to provide additional stabilizationand separation ofroek from the silty soils. Adapt can provide additional subgrade stabilization or grave' road section :recommendations based on observed field conditions at the time of construction. Whcre cuts and fills are, required, they should bc accomplishcd in accordance with thc recommendations providcd in the Site Preparation and Structural FiI/ sections of this report. Structural Fill The following comments, recommendations, and conclusions regarding structural fill are provided for design and construction purposes. Materials: Structural fill includes any fill materials placed under footings, pavements, driveways, and other such structures. Typical matcrials used for structural till include: clean, well-gradcd sand and r Date Received: Verizon Wireless c/o TAlC Adapt Project No. OR08-1560B-GEO ! . DEe 2 4 2009 January 7, 2009 Page 10 . Original Submittal Adapt Engineering, Inc. gravel (pit-run); clean sand; .crushed rock; contro,lled-density fill (CDF); lean-mix concrete; and various soil mixtures of silt, sand, and gravel. Recycled concrctc, asphalt, and glass, derived from pulverized parent materials may also be used as structural fill. , I " Placement and Comoaction: Generally, CDF, and lean-mix con~retc do not require spccial placemeht and compaction procedures. In contrast, pit-run, sand, crushcd rock, soil mixtures, and recycled matcrials should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding 8 inches in. loose thickness, and each lift should be thoroughly compacted with a mechanical compactor. Using the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM: D-1557) as a standard, we recommend that structural fill used for various on-site applications be compacted to the following minimum densities: Fill Aoolication Slab/Footing sub-grade Gravel drive subgrade (upper I foot) Gravel drive subgrade (below I foot) Minimum Comoaetion 90 percent 95 perceni 90 percent Sub~rades and Testing: Regardless of location or'material, all structural fill should be placed over firm, unyielding subgradc soils. We recommend that ~ representative from Adapt be retained to observe the condition of subgradc soils before fill placement begins, ard that a materials testing contractor PCrfOllll a series of in-place dcnsity tests during soil fill placement. In this way, the adequacy of soil compaction . . efforts may be evaluated as earthwork progresses, Fines Content Soils used for structural fill should not contain individual partieles greater than about 6 inches in diameter and should bc free of organics, debris, and other deleterious materials. Given these prerequisites, the suitability of soils uscd for structural till dcpends primarily on the grain-size distribution and moisture content of the soils when they are' placed. When thc "fines" content (that soil fraction passing the U.S. No. 200 Sieve) increases, soils become more sensitive to small changes in moisture content. Soils containing more than about 5 percent fines (by weight) cannot be eonsistently compacted to a firm, unyielding condition when the moisture content is more than about 2 percentage points above optimum. The near-surface silt and clayey silt egn be considered highly moisture sensitive. The use of "clean" soil may be necessary for fill placement during wet-wcather site work, or ihhe in-situ moisture content of the sandy site soils is too high to allow adequate ,compaction. Clean soils are defined as granular soils that have a fines content of less than 5 percent (by weight) based on the soil ti'action passing the U.S. 314-inch Standard Sieve. CLOSURE The conclusions and recommendations presented in this repOll are based, in part, on the explorations that we performed for this study. If variations in subsurface conditions are discovered during earthwork, we may need to modify this report. The future perfommnce 'and integrity of the tower foundations will depend largely on proper initial site preparation, drainage, and eonstruction procedures. Monitoring by experienced geotechnical personnel should be considered an integral part of the construction process. We are available to provide geotechnical inspeetion and testing services during the earthwork and foundation Verizon Wireless clo TAlC Adapt Project No. OROB-156GB-GEO r. " I DatA R,../",..j\l...rt- C';C 2 4 2009 i . I January 7,2009 ;': Page 11 Or;Din~1 Submittal Adapt Engineering, Inc. , construction phases of the project. If variations in the subgradc conditions arc observed at that time, we would be able to provide additional geotechnical engineering recommendations, thus minimizing delays as the project develops. We arc also available: to review preliminary plans and specifications before construction begins. r Date Received: , i DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal Verizon Wireless clo TAlC Adapt Project No. OR08-15608-GEO January 7, 2009 Page 12 /'- f i"'~"f~{~:r~-l'r\c~ \ilr:"J W /1-'-4~ \ . , \ -\<, \ \ 15,<"" \" j~I".,,J' " .k$' \, "'-" \;~ ;1;'\i~1::.~+~' :;,::.~, .':':~-~~~., :-... c..., \:" _'l.~,_ ~'- , ':'n' ".l~\:"-\\' ....:i ., ~i. 'i!.~~o. 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':, ) .I "~~t.iJj------:" - ... 1.1 .~ '- .~- -~._" ~-~ "..'-~-'" ,. '.''f-'' /6M 45l~ ;; ''\\.") ~':::' ;'\, 45 " NORTH ,\ Base Map provided by U.S.G.S. 7.S-minute Topographic Map, ~Eugene East. OR~ Quadrangle (1967) Photorevised 1986Scale 1:24,000 Adapt Engineering, Inc. 10725 SW Barbur Blvd., Suite 350 f. Portland, Oregon 97219 , Tel: (503) 892-2346 Fax: (503) 892~2348 FIGURE.1 LocationlTopographic Map Da' 'tt I Feet!i8lV~G Baldy View Alt 3 ~5 Game Fann Road Springfield. Oreogn 97477 ole 2 ~1i"11IrK1Verizon c/o TAlC ., . b~":"1/6/09 Job # :OROB.1560B Original :Submitlal BERM - - - I . , CfJ , , CfJ, BORING ~ ~ ~ - - - - -~- - ~- - ~ -i(- - - - -, PROPOSED TOWER . , ~,_ __ _~ . ~B' . ~/PROPOSED LEASE AR ~A I 0.. j I' - f o I I '. I . g:"1 ,'___________._"___1 . .' , , " EXISTING ACCESS BERM EXISTING SUBSTATION Cl <( o 0:: ::;: 0:: <( u.. w ~ '- C) GA TES.-v- ~ / ~ EXISTING ACCESS / I f Date Received: TREES DC:.2 'i ~999 N ! I original Submittpl Not to Scale Adapt Engineering, Inc. 10725 SW Barbur Blvd., Suite 350 Portland, Oregon 97219 Tel (503) 892-2346 Fax: (503) 892-2348 FIGURE 2 - Site Plan Location: EUG Baldy View Alt 3 3365 Game Farm Road Springfield, Oreogn 97477 Client: Verizon clo TAle Date: 1/6/09 Job # : OR08-15608 " , BORING LOG PROJECT: EUGBaldy View Alt3 3365 Game Farm Road Sprlnqfield, Oregon 98632 Adapt Engineering, Inc. 10725 SW Barbur Blvd.; Suite 350 Portland, Oregon 97219 TEl:sa3.892.2346 FAX: 503.892.2348 .~ .....-... .... ....-.-~.-. ~_.. Job. Number: OR08-15608 " Boring No.: B-1 ~"'.."~nhte..ne.; (i.oun.9"".<.H..."on' WollCO,,"pl.t06, NA Co'lncIf.__: NA OBSERVATIONS Organics and roots in upper a-inches w. ~ '0 1'- .~ Ii; .. ~I ~~ ,w l:i~ "'~ < > o. 0. . 0- .~ ;;18 Ow e ~. 0 .. ML - Sliff, damp, brown and dark brown, clayey sandy SILT 1 3 gr?ding to clayey silt with gravel _ ,', 5 1.5 5 ML - Medium Stiff. moist, brown, clayey SIL T, frace sand 1:2 3 and gravel. mottled 3 '1.0 3 S. SP - Medium Dense, damp. brown, coarse SAND. some sill I . 5 trace gravel . .. . . 3 7 8 GP - Dense, moist, brown an"d.multicolored gravel, coarse I 6 sandy gravel, rounded 4 15 16 10- GP . Dense, wet to saturated, brown and gray, coarse I 10 sandy GRAVEL, rounded to subrounded, some silt 5 18 19 15, GM - Medium Dense, saturated, brown silty sandy gravel, I rounded to subrounded , ': :' 6 ,20' GP -Very Dense, wet to.saturated, brown and gray, I coarse sandy GRAVEL. rounded to sUbrounded, some' silt _ '_ . 7 . 25 GP - Very Dense. saturated, brown and gray, silty coarse I sandy GRAVEL, rounded to subrounded _ .. - 8 LEGEND I ][ X .Y. DATE .sz. DATE -f 2~ncl1 D.O. Splil-5pocm Sample Slatir.WalerLevelalOriBJng \"Gcoorooo StailCWateiLe.el Sample flol ReCOVllmd PerdletiGn:lundw8ler Drilling Start Dale: 1 t5t09 ,Drilling Completion ,Dale: 7 6 16 21 30 39 37 5014" 122 t":~['j "" AW 115/09 Grinding ..Y. Stalic groundwater at 14 feet bgs Less grinding HOM~OF$teived: DEe 2 4 2009 ~.; ,;.....1 SUl1mittal - '" Grab Sample TypoofAfl8~icalTesliflllUsed No RecoVe'Y AlTimeCltDriItir>g TeSTING I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page: 10f2 logged tiy: DHW BORING LOG Adapt Engineering, Inc. 10725 SW Barbur Blvd., Suite 350 Portland, Oregon 97219 TEl.:503.892.2346 FAX: 503,692.2348 PROJECT EUG Baldy View Alt 3 3365 Game Farm Road Springfield, Oregon 98632 Job Number: OR08-15608 Boring No.: B-1 EI."lionRef...n,.: Qr."ndhrt...EI.'.lioO' wonCompl.'e., NA e..",oE.....II<>", N~ TESTING OBSERVATIONS . ~ .- ~ . - ~. ". ~~ ~ . . . .~ .0, .. ~~: oz ~ ~ a- ~t ;;18 ~~ ~ 30 1 9 Gp. Very Dense, saturated,. brown and gray, silty coarse 22 sandy GRAVEL, rounded to s~brciunded 9 45 .-35 GP ~ Very Dense, saturated, brown and gray, silty coarse .'....'. I . .10 sandy GRAVEL, rounded to subrounded ' , 15 24 42 Boring terminated at 37 feet bgs due to auger refusar. Groundwater encountered at 14 feet bgs at time of explo. ration. 40 45 50 55 Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 oiginal Submitta' LEuEND I ][ x l-Gll'Optobe :'Ii.. SlalieW~erLovolatDnlli'19 0 GrabSarnple DATE 5l.. SlaliCW~t6rL~1II [;J Typaofl\o:.llytiCllITllstingUsed DATE ... r~~f2 ~ ParchadCroundwtllar "" NoR6ClW9ry '" At Time 01 Drmmg Drilling Completion Date:; 1'5/09 Loggoo By: OHW 2_inchO.D.Split.SpaonS3mplo Samplllnot Rocoverod Drilling Slart Dale: 1/5/09 I' Adapt Engineering, Inc. Adapt appreciates the opp0l1unity to be of service to you on thi~ project. Should you have any questions concerning this report, or if we can assist you further, please contact us at (503) 892-2346. Respectfully submitted, Adapt Engineering, Inc. Daniel H. Watkins. P.E., G.E. Geotechnical Engineer ::L~~ .V.l..ew, P. Eng. Senior Geotechnical Enginecr Senior Reviewer Attachments: Figure I Localionffopographic Map Figure 2 Site & Exploration Plan Boring Log B-1 Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Original Submittal Verizon Wireless clo TAlC Adapt Project No. OAOa.15608-GEO January 7. 2009 \. -f' _/ ~ Exhibit 9: Tower Removal Bond Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 Original SubmittP1 Bond No. K08253456 Westchester Fire, Insurance Company Tower Removal Bond KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Verizon Wireless (V A WI LLC d/h/a Verizon Wireless. 5430 NE 122.d Avenue. Portland. OR 97230 (hereinafter called the Principal), and Westchester Fire Insuran,,,' c.om:oanv (hereinafter called the SUrety), a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of NY are held and finnly bound unto Citv of SnrinPiield. 225 Fifth St.. Snrino-field. OR 97477 !hereinafter called the - - - - Obligee), in the full and just sum of Sixty Five Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($65.000.00), the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and each of their heirs, arlm;n;otrators, executors, and assigns, jointly and severally, finnly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Obligee has entered into an agreement with the Principal related to the construction of a telecommunications facility and related facilities and as a requirement of such agreement the Principal is obligated to remove the telecommunications equipment from property identified as CELL SITE ETlG BALDY VIEW located 3365 Game Farm Rd.. Snrifi<,field. OR upon cIiscontinuance of service. WHEREAS, the Obligee has agreed to accept this bond as security for performance of Principal's obligations under said agreement during the time period this bond remains in effect. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if the Principal shall' perform its obligations under said agreement as stipulated above, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect, unless otherwise cancelled as hereinafter provided. PROVIDED HOWEVER, that this bond is executed subject to the following express provisions and concIitions: 1. In the event of default by the Principal, Obligee shall deliver to Surety a written statement of the details of such default within 30 days after the Obligee shall learn of the same, such notice to be delivered by certified mail to address of said Surety as stated herein. 2. This bond may be terminated or canceled by surety by giving not less than sixty (60) days written notice to the Obligee, stating therein the effective date of stich termination or cancellation. Such notice shall not limit or terminate any obligations resulting from default by the Principal that may have accrued under this bond as a result of default by Principal prior to the effective date of such termination. 3. Neither cancellation nor termination of this bond by Surety, nor inability of Principal to file a replacement bond or replacement security for its obligations, shall constitute a loss to the Obligee recoverable under this bond. Date Received: DEe 24 2D09 Original submitta' Bond No. K08253456 4. No claim, action, suit or proceeding shall be instituted against this bond unless same be brought or instituted and process served within one year after termination or cancellation of this bond. 5. No right of action shall accrue on this bond for the use of any person, corporation or entity other than the Obligee named herein or the heirs, executors, administrators or successors of the Obligee. 6. The aggregate liability of the surety is limited to the penal sum stated herein regardless of the number of years this bond remains in force or the amount or number of claims brought against this bond. 7. If any conflict or inconsistency exists between the Surety's obligations as described in this bond and as may be described in any underlying agreement, permit, document or contract to which this bond is related, then the terms of this bond shall prevail in all respects. 8. It is expressly understood and agreed that this bond does not cover or guarantee rent or lease payments of any kind. 1 9. This bond shall not bind the Surety unless the bond is accepted by the Obligee. If the Obligee objects to any language contained herein, within 30 days of the date this bond is signed and sealed by the Surety, Obligee shall return this bond, certified mail or express currier, to the Surety at its address at Westchester Fire Insurance Company Attention: John Guglielmo 436 Walnut Street, WA10F Philadelphia, P A 19106 Failure to return the bond as described above shall constitute Obligee's acceptance of the terms and conditions herein. IN W 111"ESS WHEREOF, the above bounded Principal and Surety have hereunto signed and sealed this bond effective this 11TH day of May 2009. Verizon Wireless (YAW) LLC d/b/a Veri70n Wireless Westchester Fire Insurance Company By: ~ 9~ ~W -<LMi()i LAUSIUS n.Il,.",,1J... ~fYl DlteC1rrj , llLVUPtT I '-" 'Ct ,B. /)~ -;> rY_ y. r-; _ r:-., Patrick Bannon~ey-in-Fact , Date Received: c:: 2 ~ 2009 OrigiMi Subm,ttal 00 8 ~ o z , " e - I.~ , , THE BACK OF THIS DOCUMENT LISTS VARIOUS SECURITY FEATURES . THAT WILL PROTECT AGAINST COPY COUNTERFEIT AND ALTERATION. . EXHIBIT 10 S1Z:D ... l' H 1 N (; F ) [ I n L I I I 1 r') B (.) ..\ }{ n \l \I' <.\111' 1 250 A Street. PO Bo>< 300 Springfield. OR 97477-0077 Tel 541.746.8451 Fe.. 541.746.0230 TOO 541.744.3659 www.subutil.com February 25, 2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: EUG Baldy View: Cell Tower Land Use Application This letter is being provided at the request of Verizon Wireless and their agent, Technology Associates International, for the expressed purpose of complying with the City of Springfield land use application requirements. SUB is in ongoing discussions with Verizon Wireless regarding their proposal. Springfield Utility Board .SUB", as property owner, hereby grants authorization to Verizon Wireless and their agent, Technology Associates International, to proceed with the land use application for the construction of a cell tower on tax lot 17-03-22-00-00904. Springfield Utility Board has an existing Discretionary Use approved for the tax lot in question (Jo. No. 96-06-118) and much the lot contains SUB's Gateway Substation. This substation use would be an ongoing use and SUB would appreciate the City direct any comments on SUB's approved Discretionary Use to me at (541) 744-3779. Sincerely, jpfI~ - Jeff Nelson Springfield Utility Board Date Received: O~~ 2 4 2009 Origin::1 Submittal !. I , tEA'HY, VAN VACTOR I. m", ,"' '_', __ '. I &COXw i A:rT,O R;N'E ';<8 223 A Str~et, Suite D Springr.e1d,O,'egnn 97477,4500 Joseph J. Leahy Bill Van Vactor Matthew]. Cox Mar)' Bridget Smith Kay Hyde-Patton (541) 746-9621 FAX (541) 746-4109 March 30, 2009 Bob Linahan, General Manager Springfield Utility Board 250 A Street Springfielc:l, OR 97477 Gino Grimaldi, City Manager City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 9747 Jeff Nelson, Resource Mngmt Director, Springfield Utility Board 250 A Street . Springfield, OR 97477 James Donovan, Planning Supervisor City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Bill Grile, Dev. Services Director City of Springfield" 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Dennis Ernst, Surveyor City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: Parcell ofLand Partition Plat No. 2002-P1627 and Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No. 2002-P1627, Filed December 10, 2002 County Surveyor's File No. 37813 and Filed D,ecember 10, 2002 Reception No. 2002-095796, Lane County Deeds and Records Gentlemen: Apparently there is some concern because SUB submitted an application for a cell tower at the electrical substation on Game Farm Road near RiverBend on a land use application on which a signature from the land owner is required and the title report identifies the City of Springfield rather than the City of Springfield acting by and through the Springfield Utility Board as the property owner. We know that Springfield Utility Board is created by the same charter that created the City of Springfield. It holds property as the City of Springfield acting by and through the Springfield Utility Board.' The history of this matter is that the property which is subject to the Land Partition Plat referred to above was purchased in 1977 .for $31,275.00, the cost of which was split equally between the City of SpringfieldJand Springfield Utility Board. See Attachments A and B. . ! Date Received: DEe 2 4 2009 original Submittal, --.--! I \ . '~ J." 1.... Bob Linahan, Jeff Nelson, Gino Grimaldi, Bill Grile, James Donovan, Dennis Ernst March 30, 2009 Page 2 The Deed from Edsel Wayne Chase and Fran Lenore Chase, for some reason, only specified the City of Springfield as the Grahtee. See Attachment C. Apparently at one time, the City envisioned a fire station on the property. See' Attachment D. A letter agreement was signed on July 21, 1993 between Steve Loveland, General Manager of SUB and Dennis Murphy, Chief of the Springfield Fire Department in which It was agreed to "...informally partition the property in a north south direction." The easterly most partition area of this property would become SUB's half of the property and the western partition area SFD's half. See Attachment D. This "informal partition" continued through 1996 at which time Springfield Utility Board applied for and received approval of a discretionary use application to construct an electrical substation on the, roughly, 2.138 easterly acres of the 4.12 acre site. See Attachment E. . Subsequently, in December of 2002, the Gity filed an application fora partition as owner of the property signed by Michael A. Kelly. See Attachment F. This partition, part of the PeaceHealthjArlie & Company development discussion in the Gateway area resulted in the sale of Parcell ultimately ~o PeaceHealth. See Attachment G. , In order to clean up the chain of title, Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor, and I have talked and recommend as follows: 1) The Springfield Utility Board execute a Quitclaim Deed to Parcell to the City of Springfield to remove any arguablevestigal interest that SUB may have in Parcel 1, even though it has been previously sold by the City. 2) The City execute a Bargain and Sale Deed to Parcel 2 to the City of Springfield . acting by and through the Springfield Utility Board. This would make it clear that SUB is the owner of Parcel 2. This exchange of Deeds would confirm the previously shared ownership and the informal understanding which existed between the City and SUB with respect to eastern half and western half and further document the Conveyances which ocqurred vesting Parcell into the PeaceHealthjArlie & Company ownerships and Parcel Hhe location of the substation in the ownership of Springfield Utility Board. A Quitclaim Deed for execution by Bob Linahan is attached. Also, a Bargain and Sale Deed for execution by Gino Grimaldi is attached. Date Received: , , DEe 2 4 2009 Orininal Submittal y , . .---....--.'-. _."_,._:....__...._.~.~. ._." .....c.._"':.'__m'-_""_ ~ . .._.... P' .. . .m.__"~__'.';_._",,__ Bob Unahan, Jeff Nelson, Gino Grimaldi, Bill GrUe, James Donovan, Dennis Ernst March 3D, 2009 Page 3 Sincerely, LEAHY, VAN VACTOR & COX, LLP ~ o~ \.. \'-.A "r\ ~( Joseph), Leahy JJL:ljc Enc. N:\SUB\RPGen\Gateway Substa~on Title Issue\Llr to SUB & qty.wpd D~te Received: .. DEe Z 4 2009 l! Origino! Cubmittal ..---_:,._.._.,-'--~! I i i " i , lS+l.O.l.IHG1'I ~~~ O)r::"f,;-~ Ir~O/r_1tOCI It.'::. UIr""OO'ttUI.3.l'P} \. II 1riI'cIlI"EUu.,u' "- .....i J\<: ~ =:e 010 .. ' ~IB"~' 10<l.4" ~ &1jj' ~lt, _tll1'IMf[CIIIUIIT< ~"I ~:~., '_n., '1'- .~, ~o ~_".UL', I" "*leDIGtrlllCOMll'(ll(Ol.llru'(,U,u "\ ,~ f!Ui\HcrTlf1lIIotUI- tt ,\l;Ds.....ll ......71 _1G'Ot t lW rJlOIl ~~, l:3.Q" ".wllO'l~:u..U'(2)' "I (lI1(lU ciiiilIiitfll'nw:lIIlI.U>.lI$tn'OIS~1IO u ... ~\ I _- " ,,"5'00' [ nul'" 4. ~~VALS - 'I' l-roc-l-)~':::';----'\' ...... "''''-~J1= ib\!v.r.ll l~".t. ,I HII(l) ~"';;':i~Q1YIl'~lI , I PVl(1) I I I1:IVB'_l'lOO \ \. ,t' /. l'(JI(t] a..o:~ , ..L~~. ' C77W"'IfLO~ .., I~PDlI\l1L='. -,.. "\" '~: -- ;"5tU$lr ~ ~Gm~&f- _.. II ~' \ ! I !::1 1WRt:I'L" ,.. It't' l NRCIL f ' 1.32 I(:llU 111m. \.. ~ OWNER'S OECl.AAATlON "1"\', . .~, ~m " "_ l).11.u:llUffPlllWtN ~, . ... t l _1U._TIMTJIl(~fII'$I'Il:lIIONID.1IOtS1QOl ~'II! ;:\ I : u ~~~~ ~~~~~~:O,"l ~\i i I J I -.!~PUlll.IC !l. \ 1lQtOf"lOXlfIOI,NCl_1IU:l'll(NIIIOH$flfClll!~". 0.'-';': _ :--lrnlIlIIllI\IlIWl[WDltlI'l ":. ~~e~,:~~rooY"'=~~. S\':: r : W:5Ilcr,\,RIllotw. ,~~ =,:rg-s~.~D(~~~~~1II1 , I I -I 1\9 Iol:Cl[UNtlJw.INlVWI(:tr.l$OlDtlNllllW,Tt.I.$QIOmOfM;(lOftO I ';-nAlf ! .'I\OllOlNKDlEOIl-" i \ [ j ~~T~" ,_ !-to I I ..I \~:KI ...or"'YWow.rI'Dl . llltU'PI~II),IIDS"U nll/"_lIOO \ I '- --I ml'}~ ' '\ ._"'-... ..-..., i... roSJr_MlO 1 I :: _. r A"'"I PDI('~r.__ \' . :::::;.~;;;;.;;L--~'.'lilo""\IIM',.,.mb-nn_-_. PfI\{2} l....IOItIT~.. 11-"1_'" ~0SD/fM ~'.o.o:a:sto.SOlDn fD....l'Ul(J) -1IST.::6nIJ4:O.lmu, F!!" LtGEHD j~'" ~" ., 1.< ,,"".. -~ ~J1/i..~ J LAND PARTITION FOR CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LOCAltl) IN HI! IiOIlU/EAST I/lor stenON 22 Of T~17SO\J1tl.IW<<i(JWEST.W1U.^"ltTTEj,j,(RlOlNi crrvorsPRINGf1EUl,V,Ht;COUIrn'.OIlEGOO IU:.OOllNPIOf .. W,SfMl<5CllC.llll.4t rouNll'/lo'-"Hl:(:tNKI'( 8R,O.SSfJ,p'''' ~="':':~:=::-'-':'::':- ~.(B IIBImI~mlD ... _, 11010. ..., ~I!I;Ii:IU~ III..'IIM'II.. . II--......,....~,' u.rulNl,~ fI.IoKIll.Il(~t.J IJ\ND PARTITION PIJ\T NO. Z002-P1627 ACKNOWLrDG"EN1 ~~~ 1'l..-f.01. Oi, 11-04..02. ~. " " OIl~OftHttstrOf --- ~}"""e~.. r;o.r_1'UId; lI'I'lXlLlIIIJIlOMDPIItS P.1.t~.ct:l 11.1!".~ ~. I,I/</!,~ SURVEYOR'S CERTIfiCATE ~51MtIt._.~~VIil$l1M'lOll1l b1Enmor__DO_CCttfY\lWIMlJotOOUUTU SUINEl'EDNIfI_t91l'Zllf'llDl'Dl-.uon'lllI;l.INl~ 1WnCIlI,'NU!WCIIRlDISCU<:MCDJ!;~ ~.'lla:~ICO/lOP<<IM:'ft1II.LlSTMNI lliIMA!IlIIllMlllUMl NO,". _ll_ kAIlI;l_~~. 'II'UAIf:Tlt_ M1U_tne.'CIO'IIUl>>.IIIICTK(. ~lN:orIoWCUAlHD.U.'OU.ol).:fHtIfCt_O'lIl' w-= ~~~~":w.IlOO'::;-:n:ur~ ::;u_~-::~'ftI1~'~ ~T~~~~<<,,~ _IlIIOtUTO,tHttulltltllltorCOllt<rl'_IIO,J((;IO,I[ ,__): l:IlPU S(IUIII rU'M" u.tr, '.wI.W.WlIH ~ ecNIEIIlH:.411.1lrIDro,,5/elOllAOllf;lXl, rH(JlI:[~M W5l'OO"tul,UUlrlOIOAV'IIlCMIION-': lllDlC:( IIOIIlH r>>'n'-=..u,tonnlO IMI: I'(JItIIGF_,MJ. flINfl:Cl:Il/N!Y.OlltCOH. .....~ NinES DMLOfIIOIIOfPNlU\..\Ii"'-ltD\lHII.I'IOIlWl_ .IHOM_~;tWtII_\M:[l(_M[QDIIPUTt. 1IQ1lUllH:,5UWe11J1t.1ll:tC.~0R.0I'rIDl~i IWILIIE~OHOIIflAl'!.aII:lIII.m'u.slUOII. LUDIlNI'TO"....m:UA,WOWIHlP'OWPCIUW<<I\UOMItII ~u.I.laflllOWllt'1,'N:[219.RlJllITO>lH~ mLNIltse:ll*f:J:NINRrlD'OltTlIO..'>>-_.llQ[S1lOT ovneI' _.-om. UNE TABLE (I ~~~?=~fUST& . _~112'l.vfE0l:UllV_~""~ . ~1lOWUO!f~KSCllStll l<~I'OIn._f1IU<<IlIII5tl ~JE.A.SURalDlll;l&D.U.TtlIo.w. TllJI:PCIlIIT1OtJtLI:PGIlT 1Df{I}IlD;lDlll)~POIR(FlIIOII:(N(l . d-'"l . l _'iWj::'. ?'. ~ ..,-. ... I :-~;i;1 ?,: I :~t,t ~:... '-,,<--- - SCl.lC:,'..IJD' L-________ IJD II JD 50 REfERENCES (IJ.OOM.__l'UlcsrllO.'imu O)lIII:tcIllIltf'llllO.UDJHl'OlCSf....utlO (llmD.a_l'OlCUIlO.;uu.l (t)lU,CllIlll_I'tllWIlO.:moI mllU\.JUl._IlTIIIl.17UtJI. lAAto;dm'lIlW~ .......',,-..-,,-, .......----........- SURVEY NARAATM 1IIEI'I,lIlPCS[or1\lSSWNtIW&!ila'lMllIlOHfUI~S =",,~w"Ulk~~~:':-' 'M;:arror~oo.ltD_l"-l'l102l1_ IUIlIDIXOI_-en 1Il[~tlS1I<11OCOUIII__IlI:M:lXIInUWlWM _IlDIfJllOI\'fiOf"C$("t........tsr~..,_ _tlltlKSlUW['&llIIlD.Il'.uwaaIO.IHO(WT$(T>>'CIO m:r_IllEUJIlDUI[Of" IWlt f>llU _AS-....omo II ww~.. . ~~~Jr:,oo -"'n..~ ~'Oii_"m $lIlJ:Ilar1 r~.. -- SKINNEfI " AtSOC"'TOi. INC. ',.c:=:... L4ND S1URV-EYINO " -.-......... _t~-.. ....._>>,.,,_....' ..-...-.--...... IM'1 _'W 1M __lO.. ..n.~_..~......"'~ Ju.,_.............;. .rlC....._€.:.:,_: ~.~.=- J --- f , i .i I I , Date Received: D':C 2 4 2009 Original submittal Exhibit f k\ ' ~' 'IIHI),I_I"I , \ ~Rl", l'(JI (3) ;, . ;\ \ V~:iio ~~..= \ \.-;- . '.::::"" '~"'!l r - ""i \ ~ tr--iOWIi'f6J'.-.i&Ml-1--; l' t~~~a~_p/~ ~I ,1GllU&Il111O.M>>M1 I ,I $ I I Ii f!./ ~ ~: Ij ~f f11 I I &: ~I P~I,1 ~ ;; I I..aucm I ~ ~ ; \ t ! E. r .. I I I _1l&I:"""f'\..III(: , I . --i 1-"1..... I I 'I I... I I ,:; '1 I I" I \ ~r'~x.1 : '\ : I t \' , I I' '. e' J I I:; "", w_or""'~1'DI lion. Ml..-on _ __ \ 1\ *\ L,;.....;:..J " \ I ::! ,~ I~ .I ..,.... "'I,~'" I ,,,... I '\, t- I_:.~-.:'~~~!-t~-:;;.~--- ~., :IOlot:CfJSu.sDoIU<"T ...... l~"K.UNl1lI'l' ~1lO.~' Il> I'IC J'tIII~1 "'- (IOro'O_...... "J!>~- LAND PARTITION FOR CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LOCATED IN THE NORTHEAST 1 / 4 OF SECTION 22 OF TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANCE 3 WEST. WILlAMmE MERIDIAN CITY OF SPRlNGFIELD, LANE COUNlY, OREGON 11- --...";:d U.IU-.3.:1A..Q FUIOIllI.U~, LAND PARffilON PLAT No.2002-PIG27 =.~-:~::-"~ zth I1IIIIJImJmlliIIB II. _, WoI 110001 ~1t:U:MA\ ................ LEe"", UN( TABLE 1.1;" 'I I "I:aAi I' .....40:,':-.1:.'.. .. ~f!f!'. ~ Iti- -~I":; '~~; Ill- _.!I{' ((If Il);- -, I' i . td ~::: [Hg I ~~ 'J' 'Ji..:';.,; ""e! ...~~ u Ii tN~ ~i~ ~ ::1'1' ~;. ',11'" ".. U' l.Kt I. 1:"'- , """"' l' ',11 f~ -.(~!U;~" f,;, ~ .... ..~, ;: (:5--. .~~ . ~ .. SCIiLC, '" .. ~". " 20~ CI m.~lo~?~~rwne . r_,I/rl.lH(c:ClUHn'_f-"ol$KSClloWl .__I/I~ x eo&OAAttlI_.__OIlstl IO(JtIlO.1UaZl000Cl.l.Qll.UlllIlAU. _fmfI JIlnu *If ItX(IJlla:OItD__rDllII1llIha:lC) , -"<-- ~ REf'tRENCES (,)~~NIlCSfIlO,)71" 111____NIla:rIC),JJIM l~lI(t:(IIIIl_I'lIlCSfIoll).~ t')fID:OII:)...-nooo'DlUI'IICI.U.1OI (~I'ffit~~~mml, UIttl1C1l'1 .=. SK1NM8I&ASSOCIATES.lNC.~ LANe SURVEYINg ~ -.-- -=;,~.=- - ............-..... I"'I-~ .....-.... . -~-"...-.!!!.. -~"'.....!!!.... ..,~.....~ . .1.:-.:: ~ ,<:;.:....:.-4- l .il\:ii,r=. J -........- ,.....---..., -----........- { t Date Received: DEe n 2009 Original Submittal ,. ~. - . Exhibit 11: On Site Lighting Plan documentation. Comments from Pre Submittal meeting: 1. Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior fixtures, both free standing and attached. , ' . The applicant is not proposing any free standing lighting. The prefab equipment shelter has a small exterior attached security light (70 watts) that is shielded by the door canopy and is deflected from any adjoining property. At~a~hed depiction of shelter showing exterior door. light location. The light is oriented downward to stoop and the height above grade is ' approximately 6'. 6". 2. Type and extent of shielding, including cutoff angles and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area. See attached lighting specification sheet. . The shielding is a door canopy which extends 90 degree angle horizontal as shown on photo 2' deep and 3' wide. The fixture is a 70 watt incandescent. The luminous are per Lighting Certificate attached is 3 watts per square foot, which would extend 24 feet beyond door. .The luminous area would be contained by the proposed fencing and landscaping. 3. Photometric info See attached lighting specification'sheet & manufacture specification enclosed. [ , I Date Received: D:C 2 4 2009 Ori('Jinal Submittal Ce Aian PROPOSED VERIZON EQUIPMENT SHELTER - SAMPLE PHOTO Date Received: DtC 2 ~ 2009 Original SUbmiltll , ...... . Grai.nger Industrial Supply GRAINGER. ""'.i-',,-., ,,""" ,""" . "..,~....... ..-' 'r , " , , .!: t' I, I, _.','.. ~" .tr,^. ..j '~-.P_;q, '~~t!lf':.Jf-e" Additional Info Wall Packs and Wall Fixtures Provide low-profile security lighting. Mount directly over 4" junction box. lilIPrint printed April 19, 2007 Wall Pack,70 W,Hps Wall Pack Fixture, Power Rating 70 Watts, Lamp HPS, Maximum Operating Current@ 120 VAC,1.55 Amps, Maximum Starting Current @ 120 VAC 1,95 Amps, Suggested ~amp 2V632, Lamp Included, Photocelllricluded,Bronze Finish, Length 11 Inch , Width 6 3/4 Inch, Height 5 1/4 Inch Grainger lIem # 5MM59 Price (ea.) $90,60 Brand LUMAPRO. Mfr. Model,# 5MM59 Ship Oty. 1 Sell Oty. (VYill-Call) 1 Ship Weight (Ibs.) 5.4. Usually Sh,ips ' ' Today Catalog Page No. 543 Price shown m'ay not refle.ct your price, Log in or register. Lumapro Wall Packs Provide an abundance of light tor building, garage, or walkway entrances. Housing has hinged door, fully gasketed for use in wet locations. Bronze finish. Polished aluminum reflector. UL Listed. Lamp included. Tech Specs Item: Security/Area Lighting Fixture Type: Wall Pack Lamp Type: HPS Suggested Lamp Item No.: 2V632 Voltage: 120 Lamp Watts: 70 Lens Material: Polycarbonate Housing Material: Cast Aluminum Housing Finish: Bronze Includes: Photocell Length (In.): 11,00 Width (In.): 6.75 Height (In.): 5.25 Optional Accessories Lamp,Lu70IMed,70 W \~ ..;~ Item #: 2V632 . Brand: GENERAL ELECTRIC Usually Ships: Today Price (ea): $23.39 Tape,Electric,Black I'-~ . ,1:~~1.' " '~ Item #: 2A225 Brand: SCOTCH Usually Ships: Today i I I Page I of3 Oat ~ Received: DJ:C 2 4 2009 Origin",! Submittal http://www.grainger.com/Grainger/wwg/itcmDetails.shtI)11 4119/2007 Permlt # Pennlt Date ~ COMcheck Software Version 3.2.1 Lighting and Power Compliance Certificate Standard 90.1-2001 Report Date: 05129107 Data filename: V:\Energy CelcslCOMCHECKlCALCSIVNWlSVNWl 1-0R (5-29-07).cck Section 1: Project Information Project nle: Concrete Shelter SVNW1 1 Construction Site: OREGON Owner/Agent: VERIZON WIRELESS Designer/Contractor: Andrea Ambum Cellxl"", LLC 5031 Hazel Jones Road Bossi... City, LA 71111 318-213.2900 Info@cellxion.com Section 2: General Information .I Building Use Description by: . Activity Type Project Type: New Construction Actlvltv TvJWsl Industrial and Auto Servlce;Manufacturing General -low Bay Floor Area 303 Section 3: Requirements Checklist Interior lighting: o 1. Total actual watts must be less than or equal to lolal allowed watts. Allowed Watts Actual Watts Complies 636 348 YES Exterior lighting: o 2. Minimum efficacy of 60 lumen/walt for lamps greater than 100W. o 3. lighting power lor canoples, 8ntrences, and exIts meets the following criteria (trade-offs allowed among Ihese applications): (i) Lighllng power for free-standing canopy Breas or building entrances with canopies Is less than or equal to 3 walts per square fool. (II) LIghting power for building entranc::es without a canopy Is less than or equal to 33 watts per linear foot of door wldth. (iii) Lighting power tor building exits is less than or equal 10 20 walls per linear foot or exit door width. o 4. Lighting power for building facades is less than or equal to 0.25 walts per square foot of the illuminated area. Excepl;ons: Controlled by motion sensor, ~nal or advertising slgnage, highlighting features of historic monuments and buildings. or required for safety or serorlty. Controls, Switching, and Wiring: o 5. Independent manual or occupancy sensing controls tor each space (remote switch with indicator allowed for safety or security). n_+ C__^: d' o 6. Automatic shutoH control for lighting In >5000 sq.ft buildings by lIme-of-day device. oc::cupanl s~~e~~e . control. Concrele Shelter SVNW1 1 D:C 2 4 F2eQ9017 Orl9ln~1 ':'ubmittal . .. EXHIBIT 12 " j From: To: Subject: Date: STOUDER Matt "sharon.aretch(liltaic. net": Verizon Wireless Stormwater Seeping Sheet Friday, February 27,20091:41:27 PM Hi Sharon, As we discussed on the telephone today (2/27/2009), I do not see the need for a storm water scoping sheet for your site based upon the proposed scope of work (new cell tower and generator). Thanks, Matt Stouder, PE Supervising Civil Engineer City of Springfield, Engineering Division Ph (541) 736-1035 Fax (541) 736-1021 mstouder@ci.springfield.or.us t Date Received: D::C 2 ~ 2009 Origins! Cubmitlal ~