HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5680 03/15/1993 '1 \ (~-'" .. "'" ~,--/~J '. . ORDINANCE NO. 5680 (SPECIAL) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EAST MAIN REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM, CHANGING THE PLAN DESIGNATION FROM LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, SAID PROPERTY BJ:ING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: B~ginn~ng at 'the Southeast,~orner of the Daniel Harkins Donation Land Claim No. 61 in Township 17 South, Range 2 W~st tif the Willamette Meridian and running thence South 00038' West 18.00 feet; thence East 30.0 feet; .thence North 377.3 feet; thence East 120.0 feet; thence North 1.77 feet; thence along the North line of "G" Street South 88047'55" East 180.04 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing along the North,line of~G" Street South 88047'55" East 240.05 feet; thence leaving said North line of "G" Street 'and ~un North 100.00 feet; thence North 88047~55" West 240.05 feet; , thenc~ South '100.00 feet , to_the true point ~f beginning in Springfield, lane CountJ, Oregon. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: . 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with applicable criteria of the East Main Refinement Plan, Springfield Development Code, Metropolitan Area General Plan, and applicable state statutes and Statewide Goals. 2. The Springfield Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed amendment on February 17. 1993 and unanimously recommended adoption. 3. The Springfield City Council held a public hearing on March 1, 1993 on the proposed amendment. 4. Findings in support of adoption of the amendment to the East Main Refinement Plan diagram are set forth in "Exhibit A" attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference. Now, therefore, based on the above findings, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The findings set forth above. and the findings contained in " Exhibit A" - attached hereto are adopted, and incorporated by reference. Section 2. The diagram amendment is hereby approved, and the diagram is hereby amended as described in "Exhibit B" attached hereto. . Section 3, If any section or provision of this ordinance is found to be invalid, improperly adopted or adopted without supporting findings and evidence, such findings of invalidity shall not invalidate or otherwise affect the remaining portions of this ordinance, Ordinance No. 5680 Page 2 ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 15th day of March 1993, by a vote of ~in favor and ~ against. - APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 15th day of March , 1993. . ~A'4~~ , Mayor ATTEST: ~" ~" Citv~ , <.") Re,,\~~/e,) A~OQtt''''''''ED " ".;:'; "to Fot\", ~C.).,~" J. l.~"" f . . , , ~i;,~' 2..~, "''1 '0 ~~, ". c.~;l-1 f\"~~ / I , , .::,} " 'f' r--"'~" . . . r........ ..;1' . . . EXHIBIT "A" BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF TH E CITY OF SPRINGFIELD REQUEST FOR REFINEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT Jo. No. 93-01-03 FINDINGS,CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION + + + ", REQUEST The application is for the amendment of the East Main Refinement Plan diagram for approximately 24,000 square feet from Light Medium Industrial (LMI) to Low Density Residential (LDR). The subject property is located on the north side of "G" Street, between 52nd and 53rd Streets; Tax Asssessor Map 1-7-02-33-2-1, 1. On January 7, 1993, the following Refinement Plan Amendment application was accepted: City Of Springfield (Jo. No. 93-01-03) 2. The application was initiated and submitted in accordance with Section 3,050 of the Springfield Development Code. Timely and sufficient notice of the public hearing, pursuant to Section 14,030 of the Springfield Development Code, has been provided, 3. On February 17, 1993, a public hearing on the Refinement Plan Amendment request was held. The Development Services Department staff notes and recommendation, together with the testimony and submittals of the persons testifying at that hearing have been considered and are part of the record of this proceeding. CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, the Refinement Plan Amendment request is consistent with the applicable criteria set forth in Section 8.030 (1-3) of the Springfield Development Code, This general finding is supported by the specific findings of fact and conclusions, as amended by the Planning Commission, in the attached findings of fact adopted February 9, 1993 (Attachment "Staff Report") attached hereto. Order It is ordered by the Planning Commission of Springfield that approval of Jo. No. 93-01-03, East Main Refinement Plan Diagram amendment, be RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL to the City Council. THIS ORDER was presented to and approved by the Planning Commission on February 17, 1993. ' ", A tttest AYES: (p NOES: ff ABSENT:, I ABSTAIN:~ g Co~mission Cht:)on .. ...."'-"':.. . . . ............,...... --" .. . EAST MAIN REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENT STAFF REPORT AND FINDINGS APPLICANT ", City of Springfield Jo, No, 93-01-03 REQUEST Amendment to the East Main Refinement Plan diagram from Light Medium Industrial (LMI) to Low Density Residential (LOR) for approximately 24,000 square feet, The property is located on the north side of G Street between 52nd and 53rd Streets (Assessor's Map #17-02-33-2-1 ); . BACKGROUND The property under consideration includes three vacant parcels and one potential residential parcel. The property is zoned LOR, however, the refinement plan designation is LMI. These parcels were formerly part of tax lot 1202. Two partitions (MP 642, approved in March 1979, and MP 843, approved in January 1980), created four (4) separate parcels from tax lot 1202 (see Exhibit nAn), All parcels had RA Surburban zoning at the time of the partitioning (RA Surburban zoning is the pre-1986 equivalent of LOR zoning). Subsequent to both partitions, tax lof 12-02w8'S rezon'ea froin RA'Surburban to M2 Light Industrial (Ordinance No, 5150, effective July 1980), The rezoning left room for one more residential parcel which could be created through the partition process. At the time of the partition final approval (1979 and 1980), newly partitioned parcels were not shown on the Lane County Assessor Maps until a change of ownership occurred, Because tax lot 1202 and the smaller parcels have retained the same ownership since the partitions occurred in 1979 and 1980, the three smaller parcels do not appear as separate tax lots on the maps. The East Main Refinement Plan Diagram, adopted in 1988, designated the entire tax lot 1202 (including four of the smaller parcels) as LMI and amended the Metro Plan designation of the entire area from LOR to LMI. This amendment is intended to correct the mapping error that caused the smaller parcels to be designated as LMI instead of LOR, By amending the plan diagram, the plan designation will be consistent with the zoning, . RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this request based on findings 'contained in the staff report. ~ ~" .--.... SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE CRITERIA . SDC 8.030 establishes criteria to grant a Refinement Plan amendment. In reaching a decision on Refinement Plan amendments, the Planning Commission and City Council shall adopt findings which demonstrate conformance to the following: 1. THE METRO PLAN. This request is consistent with the following Metro Plan policies: "1, In order to promote the greatest possible degree of diversity, a broad variety of commercial, residential, and recreational land uses shall be encouraged when consistent with other planning policies." P, III-E-3. '. "1. Coordinate new residential development with the provision of an adequate level of services and facilities, such as sewers, water, transportation facilities, schools and parks," P,III-A-4 "S. In addition to physical, economic, energy and social considerations, timing and location of urban development within the metropolitan area shall be based upon the concurrent or imminent availability of a minimum level of key urban services." P, III-G-S, The property has a complete range of urban services serving the site and no additional services are anticipated to be required, The following utilities are serving the site: -Electricity -Water -Sewer -Telephone Springfield Utility Board Springfield Utility Board City of Springfield U.S. West . Access to the site is from G Street, a fully improved local street. The property is located within one mile from 1-105, Thur~ton middle and high- schools~andcity parks: Staff finds that this request conforms to the Metro Plan policies. 2. APPLICABLE STATE STATUTES, The East Main Refinement Plan has previously been found to be in compliance with all applicable state statutes, Nothing in the proposed change would be inconsistent with any applicable state statutes. 3. APPLICABLE STATEWIDE PLANNING GOALS AND ADMINISTRATIVE RULES. The East Main Refinement Plan has previously been found to be in compliance with all appliable statewide planning goals and administrative rules. The proposed change is insignificant as far as these regulations apply, The request is also consistent with the following: The East Main Refinement Plan was adopted by the City in 1988. Under the "Criteria for Residential Refinement Plan Designation", the plan states the following: . ~"...-.., r . . . ~~ 0, :.u. :,!:'. _ .- :~~. ... "1. Generally, the Low Density Residential refinement plan designation shall be applied under the following circumstances: A) large areas of land that are primarily developed as high quality single-family; B) areas that are not interspersed with commercial development; C) areas that are not located directly on arterial streets; D) areas that are designated Low Density Residential on the Metro Plan; The subject property is designated Low Density Residential on the Metro Plan, is adjacent to single-family housing and is accessed from a local street ("G" Street). The property borders LMI designated land. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION . . The Refinement Plan Diagram amendment application is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Springfield Development Code, the Metro Plan and the East Main Refinement Plan. Staff recommends the Planning Commission forward to the City Council a recommendation for approval of this application, based on the findings in this report and adoption of the attached Recommendation. ._)~"'j -.. ~..:.-.--..;:; . EXHIBIT "BII JO. NO. 93-01-03 EAST MAIN REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENT l 'I ~ I I I; I :: '" "! ~ ~ .. .. .... ~ N ::: " a: '" ~ ""0 C C\J LO 1 :rk . ~ ~I~ / .7 >c;;..;.,~~ , ", /0',., ,'" /,., .; .. q.. 011 :? ~. \30' S.::. COR. O. HARKINS D.L..C. NO. 61 INT. ELL. CO~. J.. NANN D. L,C. NO. 74 9~.'O eH. E. OF W.N.W. COR, H.JOHNSON D.L.C.&2 BY SURVEY 19660 a: o ... >- .... z ~ w ~~ :: " 2 ... .: ~.)- ~ I . , . +rea- . ~ . .... . 1202 6.60AC. DRD. 5150 "00' ---------- ---------- '.4: 0' LMI " ! " ! >- ~ -1 ~ --- ~- ::: " .. I. '"-- --, ... 1%0.0' ; 1203 I g ~ I" 0 :z LMi I I I I ~I . I " I I I I I . " 2'91.9' N.Qo It s.w. COR. O.L.C. hO. 74 VACATED - - - - - ~:- -- ----- ~------~.~ - ----- DRD. 5150 OI9-c)'b 'J ,~.~",' _d. d"; , . MP 843 . MP 843 , , , 1210 .' .- . . ~ MP " ~642' .. l R ,rd."",' ,"II. ~.2' 480'- ".~~ ~.I" I'l"""""'- "l811.4.4.3S~W, -Ie-a. fA.,T '51 C. (:>E.l! ",8".41.W. .<>'Z. "-0.00' "_86.0"'~"'" \l'l~ I;'l! 0", AREA TO m:.4'fjcb ".,...., ~w4'.F'R .;<.,.. m,"J~SI8NA>18EDSTREET ' =, ~"'~ea~,~ ~:I_T8Qol~g~.~ ~ ~~.. :~~~,=.~/ - '50' ,.' II ,"S.O' 12 a".,s. 13; ~~ 2000 .~ ..:' 3300 //- "w ~.o 3200 a ~ J/ ';. . !!t'S'O"T." to ~ ~ N. . 'o"-W. o "~,' G 800 ~ ,,~. 4>" ~ I Sl,,:) ., ?~o2100 r- .";. 700 W". 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