HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5661 10/19/1992 . . . ORDINANCE NO. 5661 --------- --------- AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE GA TEWA Y REFINEMENT PLAN AS A REFINEMENT PLAN OF THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: 1. The Gateway Refinement Plan, as amended by the "Springfield Planning Commission Recommended Changes to the Draft Gateway Refinement Plan," and as further amended by the Springfield City Council and the Lane County Board of Commissioners, is consistent with the applicable criteria of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, the Springfield Development Code, and applicable state statutes and Statewide Goals, pursuant to section 8.030 of the Springfield Development Code. 2. The Springfield, Eugene, and Lane County Planning Commissions held public hearings on the Gateway Refinement Plan on October 2, 1991. The Springfield Planning Commission unanimously recommended adoption with certain modifications. 3. The Springfield and Eugene City Councils and the Lane County Board of Commissioners held a public hearing on January 29, 1992 on the proposed Gateway Refinement Plan and the Springfield Planning Commission recommended changes, The elected officials developed changes to the Gateway Refinement Plan text, incorporating new policy language into the Transportation and Residential Elements, 4. The Lane County Board of Commissioners met on April 15, 1992, and amended their adopting ordinance (PA 1013) to include additional policy language in the Transportation Element of the Gateway Refinement Plan, The changes adopted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners reflect the cooperative review process existing in the Urban Transition Agreement between Lane County and the City of Springfield. The "Lane County Board of Commissioners' Amendments to the Gateway Refinement Plan" are set forth in Attachment A, attached hereto, and are incorporated herein by reference. 5, The Lane County Board of Commissioners met on August 12, 1992, and further amended their adopting ordinance (PA 1013) to include policy language recommended by the "Triggers" Working Group, a citizen group that was convened at the direction of the Springfield, Lane County, and Eugene elected officials to develop and recommend criteria for establishing the timing of certain road improvement projects prescribed by the Gateway Refinement Plan. The Policy Implementation Actions recommended by the 'Triggers' Working Group, and adopted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners, represent the completion of the citizen group's work and are consistent with the Findings, Goals, and Policies of the Gateway Refinement Plan, The "New Transportation Element Implementation Actions as Proposed by the 'Triggers' Working Group, and Adopted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners" are set forth in Attachment B, attached hereto, and are incorporated herein by reference. Ordinanace No. 5661 Page 2 - ., III 6. The Lane County Board of Commissioners took final action on the Gateway Refinement Plan on September 2, 1992, adopting ordinance No. PA 1013. . 7, The changes adopted by the Board of Commissioners necessitate that the Springfield City Council incorporate the changes into the Refinement Plan, in order to ensure that both jurisdictions adopt identical versions of the Refinement Plan. This ordinance is intended to supersede Ordinance No. 5610, adopted by the City Council on March 2, 1992, as well as the Gateway Refinement Plan ordinance that received a first reading on May 18, 1992. 8. The Springfield City Council held a public hearing on October 5, 1992, on the changes adopted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners. These changes are set forth in Attachment B. 9. The Gateway Refinement Plan includes the Refinement Plan document, the "Springfield Planning Commission Recommended Changes to the Draft Gateway Refinement Plan," the "Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners Amendments to the Draft Gateway Refinement Plan," and the "Lane County Board of Commissioners' Amendments to the Gateway Refinement Plan" (Attachment A), and the "New Transportation Element Implementation Actions as Proposed by the 'Triggers' Working Group and Adopted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners" (Attachment B), . NOW, THEREFORE, BASED ON THE ABOVE FINDINGS, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Gateway Refinement Plan, as amended by the "Springfield Planning Commission Recommended Changes to the Draft Gateway Refinement Plan," by the "Springfield City Council and the Lane County Board of Commissioners Amendments to the Draft Gateway Refinement Plan," by the "Lane County Board of Commissioners' Amendments to the Gateway Refinement Plan," and by the "New Transportation Element Implementation Actions as Proposed by the 'Triggers' Working Group, and Adopted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners," all of which are incorporated herein by reference, is hereby adopted. Section 2: The Gateway Refinement Plan, including all evidence and testimony submitted to the Springfield Planning Commission, the City Council, and the Lane County Board of Commissioners, has been reviewed and considered, Section 3: The findings of the Springfield Planning Commission, Order No.'s 91-04-50, 91- 04-51, 91-04-52, 91-05-66, and 91-05-67 have been reviewed and are hereby adopted in support of the Gateway Refinement Plan, Section 4: The Gateway Refinement Plan (Plan) shall be applicable to all lands within the planning area boundaries illustrated in the Plan, Section 5: This adoption specifically includes the text of the Gateway Refinement Plan, including but not limited to the Findings, Goals, and Policies set forth therein. . Section 6: This ordinance shall not become effective until an ordinance adopting an identical Ordinance No. 5661 Page 3 .. .. .. . version of the Gateway Refinement Plan IS adopted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners. Section 7: It is hereby declared to be the intent of the Common Council that the provisions of this ordinance are severable and if any provision, clause or part is held illegal, invalid or unconstitutional, or inapplicable to any person or circumstance, such illegality, invalidity, unconstitutionality or inapplicability shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, or parts of the ordinance or their application to other persons and circumstances. Section 8: This ordinance hereby supersedes Ordinance No. 5610, and the related ordinance that received a first reading on May 18, 1992 and which never received a second reading. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield by a vote of 6 in favor and 0 against this 19th day of October ,1992. -- APPROVED by the Mayor this 19th day of October ,1992. B?t?l~- May r ATTEST: . ~~ City Recordef . REVI EWED &. APPROVED AS ~O FORM \ ~~ O<:>_~~ ~ lC,f\.~\~( DATE: _s.~ ,T\' 2 L.\ \ \-1 tt ~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD EXHIBIT A ATTACHMENT A LANE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' AMENDMENTS TO THE GA TEWA Y REFINEMENT PLAN Chanqes to Transportation Element -- Policv and Implementation Actions 1. Add new Policy 26.0, as follows: Ensure that the future road system in the area identified as the "McKenzie-Gateway MDR site" meets the transportation needs of the area in a manner that ,is sensitive to the interests and concerns of the property owners and residents of local neighborhoods, 2, Add new Implementation Action 26,1, as follows: Alignments and other design characteristics for all road improvements and/or additions to the road system within the urbanizable area identified on the Refinement Plan Diagram as the McKenzie-Gateway MDR site, shall be determined and established jointly by the Lane County Board of Commissioners and the Springfield City Council. EXHIBIT A ATTACHMENT B NEW TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION ACTIONS AS PROPOSED BY THE "TRIGGERS" WORKING GROUP, AND ADOPTED BY THE LANE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 24,1 One of the following criteria shall be met prior to the initiation of the neighborhood meetings, right-of-way acquisition (except the acquisition of the former Southern Pacific iight-of-way, and except the exactions of dedications of right-of-way as a condition of development approval), and final design phases of the Pioneer Parkway extension project: a, There is a weekly average traffic count of 10,000 vehicles per day on Gamefarm Road South between Oakdale Street and Harlow Road, or; b, There is an overall level of service of D at the Gamefarm/Harlow intersection, determined by the detailed operations LOS procedure in the Highway Capacity Manual, 1985, or any approved update (this analysis to include optimization of the signal timing at the intersection); or c. Documented accident problems or air quality problems exist which lead the Road Authority with jurisdiction over Gamefarm Road South and the Gamefarm/Harlow intersection to declare that it is in the interest of the public health and safety to proceed with the Pioneer Parkway project. 24,2 The City shall continue to implement transportation system management actions and facilities improvements (including signalization improvements and/or intersection design modifications) as needed to maintain level of service D or better at key intersections, including Pioneer Parkway/Harlow, Pioneer Parkway/"Q" at the Eugene-Springfield Highway eastbound off ramp, and Belt Line/Gateway, EXHIBIT B MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE: September 8, 1992 TO: FROM: Susie Smith .. A.. Greg Hyde ft" Final proposal of the "Triggers Working Group" SUBJECT: ISSUE At its August 11, 1992 meeting the Triggers Working Group voted unanimously to approve a proposal for specific language to be incorporated into the Gateway Refinement Plan (see Attachment I). The group also proposed that the City commit to providing the Game Farm Neighbors with annual traffic counts and a confirmation count (see item 3, below), Attachment II is a draft letter providing that commitment, DISCUSSION As you know, the group was established at the direction of the elected officials, and charged with developing "trigger mechanisms" or criteria to determine the timing of desigriing, budgeting and construction of the Pioneer Parkway extension, The working group delegated a subcommittee to craft a detailed proposal. The subcommittee met several times over a three-month period, agreed on a proposal and reconvened the full working group, The full working group met and reached consensus on the attached language. In addition to the recommended policy language included in Attachment 1, the working group's final recommendations also included the following: 1, The "triggers" should be incorporated by ordinance into the Gateway Refinement 'Plan as Transportation Element Implementation Action 24,1 (replacing the existing 24.1. which is the action by which the elected officials established the "Triggers Working Group"). 2. Language addressing the issue of future levels of service at key intersections in the Gateway area. should be incorporated into the GRP as Implementation Action 24.2 (requiring renumbering of the subsequent Implementation Actions). 3. The City of Springfield should provide a commitment. in the form of a memo to the Game Farm Neighbors Association. that the City will provide them with annual reports of traffic counts on Game Farm Road South, and that when a count of 10.000 vehicle trips per day is reached. the City will comply with a reasonable request to conduct a confirmation count before determining that the trigger has been met, 4. If possible, the triggers should be incorporated into the Refinement Plan simply by adoption of an ordinance by the elected officials. and not through the process of an official Amendment to the Refinement Plan, The Lane County Board of Commissioners has subsequently adopted the GRP, with the new language as proposed by the Working Group.