HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5655 09/21/1992 .) \ '~'" . ORDINANCE NO. 5655 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSPORTATION PLAN, ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY The City Council of Springfield finds as follows: 1. The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan (TransPlan) was adopted by the Springfield City Council on May 5, 1986 by Springfield Ordinance No. 5328 and was subsequently amended on April 3, 1989 by Ordinance No. 5470. 2. The TransPlan is a functional refinement plan supporting the Eugene-Springfield Metropoli tan Area General Plan (Metro Plan); is designed to serve as the long-range transportation plaI1 for the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area; and should accurately reflect anticipated improvement projects that affect the area's transportation system. 3. The Willakenzie Area Plan contains proposed street, highway and bicycle facility improvement projects that are not currently listed in the TransPlan. 4. The TransPlan amendment process requires that the proposed amendments be reviewed by the Transportation Planning Committee (TPC) for the Eugene-Springfield area prior to public hearings on those amendments. The TPC reviewed Willakenzie Area Plan-related TransPlan amendments on August 22, 1991 and September 12, 1991. The TPC recommended several revisions to the proj ec t lis t, as described in the draft Willakenzie Area Plan. . 5. On October 15, 1991, the Eugen"~, Springfield and Lane County planning commissions conducted a joint public hearing on the proposed TransPlan amendments. This joint public hearing was advertised in accordance wi th the Oregon Public Meeting Law and Springfield's own Code requirements. The citizen involvement process used exceeds the requirements of LCDC Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement. 6. During the period November 12 through December 10, 1991, the Eugene Planning Commission met six times to review and deliberate on the draft Willakenzie Plan, including proposed amendments to the TransPlan. On December 10, 1991, the Eugene Planning Commission, having made or approved the amendments described in Exhibit B, recommended the proposed TransPlan amendments to the Eugene City Council, Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners for adoption. 7. The proposed plan amendments are consistent wi th applicable Statewide Planning Goals, and meet other criteria for approval of refinement plan amendments as required by Section 8.030 of the Springfield Development Code. NOV, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOVS: Section 1. The findings set forth above and the findings contained in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are adopted. Ordinance No. Page 1 . ,? 1- Ordinance No. 5655 ,gO 2 Section 2. Based on the findings, ,he amendments to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Transportation Plan (TransPlan) set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby adopted. Section 3. These TransPlan amendments shall become effective when identical amendments have been adopted by Lane County and the City of Eugene. Section 4. If any section, subsecti~~, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of the amendments adopted by this Ordinanc<2 is for any reason held invalid or unconsti tutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portio~s thereof. Section 5. It is hereby found and declared that matters pertaining to the adoption of these amendments are matters affecting the public health, safety and welfare of the City of Springfield and that this ordinance shall, therefore, take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the Ci ty of Springfield this 21st day of September, 1992 by a vote of 5 in favor and 0 against. . '~- tember, APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 21st 1992. Mayor ATTEST: ~~ Ci ty Recorder' r:~.:,/:i,:V'r :~., 8. j\rpr,;ov~J f"~O fORM ~ ~~ . -~~ ~ Lf.TE:S--~"J: \ ~~, \C\~~ OFFICE OF crrv ATTORNEY crrv Of SP~1!NGFIELD Ordinance No. Page 2 . EXHIBIT A WILLAKENZIE AREA PLAN-RELATED TRANSPLAN AMENDMENTS EVALUATION AND FINDINGS Section 9.145 of the Eugene Code provides the criteria for evaluating amend- ments to refinement plans. The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Trans- portation Plan (TransPlan) is a functional refinement plan of the Metropoli- tan Area General Plan. The following is an evaluation of the proposed amend- ments to the Street and Highway Project List and the Bicycle Project List in the TransPlan in relation to those criteria. Section 9.145(2)(a): The plan amendment is consistent with the Metro- politan Area General Plan. The proposed amendments are consistent with the fundamental principles and applicable policies of the Metro Plan. Fundamental Principles: Fundamental Principle 1 provides for a comprehensive metropolitan-scale plan- ning framework within which more detailed refinement plans are prepared. The TransPlan provides a more detailed discussion about transportation planning issues and projects. Fundamental Principle 2 provides for cooperative planning by all governmental jurisdictions within the larger community. The proposed amendments were developed in conjunction with Lane County, City of Springfield, Lane Council of Governments, the State of Oregon Department of Transportation, the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority, and the Lane Transit District. Each of these jurisdictions have a direct interest in transportation planning in the community. Fundamental Principle 3 requires urban development to occur in a compact configuration within the UGB. The transportation projects discussed herein promote compact urban growth, increased residential densities, better utili- zation of transit facilities, and other concepts consistent with a compact urban growth scenario. Fundamental Principle 6 indicates that Eugene and Springfield are the logical providers of services within the UGB. The TransPlan amendments will facili- tate implementation of street, highway, and bicycle projects within the urban and the urbanizable portions of the UGB. Fundamental PrinCiple 7 indicates that the Metro Plan was developed to serve a projected population of nearly 300,000 people. The proposed amendments to the TransPlan will facilitate the construction of transportation-related improvements to serve that portion of th€ population that lives and works in the Willakenzie planning area. Policies: Policy 1 (III-A-4): Coordinate new residential development with the provi- sion of an adequate level of services and facilities, such as sewers, water, transportation facilities, schools and parks. The projects proposed in the Willakenzie plan were considered in light of the projected increases in development and population in the area. Proposed new streets, street widenings, signal improvements, and side- walk and bike improvement projects were carefully coordinated with pro- jected increases in average daily traffic, shifts in population densi- ties, alterations in the land use pattern, and other factors that affect the area's transportation system. Policy 15 (III-B-S): Encourage the development of transportation facilities which would improve access to industrial and commercial areas and improve freight movement capabilities by implementing the policies and projects in the ...(TransPlan)..." The following proposed transportation projects serve to improve access to industrial and commercial areas within the Willakenzie planning area: Project #3 (Coburg Road, Chad to Beltline), project #4 (Country Club Road, Club Road to Coburg Road), project #5b (Crescent Avenue, Coburg Road to Game Farm Road), project #7 (Game Farm Road, Coburg Road to I-S Underpass), project #8, (Garden Way, Harlow Road to Centennial), project #11 (Chad Drive, Coburg Road to Old Coburg Road), project #17 (Old Coburg Road, Game Farm Road to Chad Drive), project #24 (Willagillespie Road at Delta Offramp). Policy 4 (III-E-3): Public and private facilities shall be designed and located ina manner that preserves and enhances desirable features of local and neighborhood areas and promotes their sense of identity. The following new transportation projects are proposed within areas that have speci.sJ. significance as "neighborhood gateways" in the planning area. ProjeCt #3 (Coburg Road, Chad to Beltl ine), project #4 (Country Club Road, Club Road to Coburg Road), project #8, (Garden Way, Harlow Road to Centennial), and project #24, {Willagillespie Road at Delta Ramp) are proposed within the identified "gateway" areas. Policies in the Neighborhood Design Element of the plan call for development of symbolic "gateways" and incorporation of large-scale street trees and other landscape materials in front yards and street reconstruction land- scape plans within any of the "gateway" areas. Policy 2 (III-J-5): Carefully control, through the use of operating tech- niques and other methods, energy-related. actions, such as automobile use, in order to minimize adverse air quality impacts. Trade-offs between air quali- ty and energy actions shall be made with the best possible understanding of how one process affects the other, , Several of the proposed street and highway projects and all of the bicy- cle projects relate directly to on-going efforts to minimize the adverse air quality impacts of increased automobile use. Specifically, Project #1 (Cal Young Road, Gilham to Willakenzie) includes intersection im- provements to improve traffic flow as volumes increase on the street; Project #3 (Coburg Road, Chad to Beltline) involves construction of additional right turn lanes to improve the operation of the intersec- tion; Project #5a (Crescent Avenue, Norkenzie to Coburg) will 'involve signal improvements and removal of parking to improve level of service on the street; Project #8 (Garden Way, Harlow to Centennial) involves realignment of the street, removal of curbside parking, construction of sidewalks and bike lanes, and intersection signalization to improve future traffic flows in this developing area; Project #24, (Willagillespie Road at Delta Ramp) will provide signal improvements to improve traffic flow in a congested area. Policy 3, (III-K-3): Improve and maintain local mechanisms that provide the opportunity for residents and property owners in existing residential areas to participate in the implementation of policies embodied in this Plan that may affect the character of those areas. Willakenzie Planning Team meetings were advertised in the local media to encourage citizen participation. Meeting agendas always included time for "Comments from the Public" to address agenda items. During the period when transportation projects were being discussed, the planning team heard from numerous citizens about the assumed impacts or general desirability of various projects that were being considered. Special efforts were made to involve property owners whose properties are adja- cent to several of the more controversial projects. Citizen comments influenced policy and project description decisions on several of the street, highway and bicycle projects outlined in the Plan. Section 9.I45(2)(b): The plan amendment is conslstent with remaining portions of the refinement plan. The amendments will affect only the TransPlan Street and Highway Project List and the Bicycle Project List. Plan policies and text are not affected in any way by the revision of the project lists. Section 9.I45(2)(c): The plan amendment is found to address one or more of the following: 1. An error in the publication of the plan; 2. A change of circumstances in a substantion manner not antici- pated in the plan; 3. Incorporation in the plan of new inventory material which relates to a statewide goal; or 4. A change in public policy. The proposed amendments are a result of the city's effort to provide for a long-range development plan for the Willakenzie area. The amendments are based on a thorough examination of land use, transportation and public facil- ity needs to support an assumed build-out population of more than 50,000 people. As such, the amendments reflect a change in circumstances that were not anticipated in the Metro Plan. The change in circumstances is a direct result of the level of detail provided in this plan. / EXHIBIT B DRAFT WILLAKENZIE AREA PLAN PROPOSED TRANSPLAN AMENDMENTS AS REVISED BY EUGENE CITY COUNCIL Street and Highway Projects The following list describes those projects proposed in the Draft Willakenzie Area Plan that require amendments to TransPlan. A map showing proposed amendments to the TransPlan Street and Highway project list is included as Attachment 1 to this Exhibit. 1. Cal Young Road, Gilham Road to Willakenzie Road Improvement: Widen and/or remove parking between Gilham Road and Oakway Road to accommodate separate left and right-turn lanes. Upgrade the intersection at Willakenzie Road to improve traffic flow as traffic on Willakenzie Road increases. Cost: $25,000 Distance: 1800 feet Justification: Level of service, safety, operational. Jurisdiction: Eugene 2. Centennial Boulevard, Intersection with Kinsrow and Garden Way Improvement: Install signals at Kinsrow Avenue and Garden Way. Cost: $250,000 Distance: Not Applicable Justification: Level of service, access, safety, operational. Jurisdiction: Eugene 3. Coburg Road, Chad to Beltline Road Improvement: Add right turn lanes Cost: $150,000 Distance: 700 feet Justification: Level of service, safety, operational. Jurisdiction: Eugene, ODOT, Lane County 4. Country Club Road, Club Road to Coburg Road Improvement: Complete 3 lane urban facility with bike lanes and side- walks from Club Road to Coburg Road. The specific design of this improvement will depend on the outcome of the Ferry Street Bridge Study. Cost: $120,000 Distance: 600 feet Justification: Level of service, access, safety, urban standards. Jurisdiction: Eugene 5b. Crescent Avenue, Coburg Road to Game Farm Road Improvement: Construct new minor arterial street with center turn lane, sidewalks, and bike lanes from Coburg Road to Game Farm Road. Cost: $950,000 Distance: 4,200 feet Justification: Access, Safety Jurisdiction: Eugene 6. Game Farm Road, Coburg Road to 1-5 Underpass Improvement: Upgrade to a 2 to 3 lane urban facility with curbs, bicy- cle lanes, and a sidewalk on the west side, Cost: $1,330,000 Distance: 6,400 feet Justification: Access, safety, urban standards, truck route. Jurisdiction: Eugene and Lane County 7. Garden Way, Harlow Road to Centennial Boulevard Improvement: This project supplements TransPlan project # 274. Re- align south Garden Way to straighten curves and align with Lindley Lane. Between Harlow Road and Sisters View, remove parking, restripe to three lanes, and add sidewalk on west side. Cost: $820,000 Distance: 4000 feet Justification: Access, safety, urban standards Jurisdiction: Eugene and Lane County - ? - 8. Southwood Lane, Oakway Road to Country Club Road Improvement: Upgrade to a two-to-four lane urban facility with curbs, sidewalks, and bicycle lanes. This may require additional lanes and/or two way traffic, depending on the outcome of the Ferry Street Bridge Study. Cost: $430,000 Distance: 1,700 feet Justification: Urban standards, truck traffic Jurisdiction: Eugene and ODOT 9. Bogart Lane/Satre/Bailey Lane, Bogart to Harlow Road Improvement: Redesign intersection at Bogart/Satre/Bailey Lane Cost: $100,000 Distance: N/A Justification: $, U Jurisdiction: Eugene 10. Chad Drive, Coburg Road to Old Coburg Road Improvement: Extend Chad to Old Copurg Road to provide alternative industrial ingress/egress. Build a two-to-three lane urban street with curbs, sidewalks, and bicycle provisions. It may be necessary to purchase or trade right-of-way to allow for a curved roadway alignment where Chad meets Old Coburg Road. Cost: $640,000 Distance: 2800 feet Justification: Urban standards, safety, truck traffic Jurisdiction: Eugene 11. County Farm Loop - west-to-east section Improvement:. This improvement will accommodate the extension of a new street from Gilham Road, north of Ayres, to Coburg Road (see project # 18), Upgrade to a two or three lane urban street with curbs, ~idewalks, and bicycle facilities. Cost: $640,000 Distance: 2800 feet Justification: Urban standards, safety Jurisdiction: Eugene and Lane County 12. Gilham, Northernmost New Collector to Ayres Road Improvement: Upgrade to two lane urban facility with curbs, sidewalks, and bicycle lanes from proposed new collector to Ayres Road. Cost: $230,000 Distance: 1,200 feet Justification: Urban standards, safety Jurisdiction: Eugene and Lane County 13. Goodpasture Lakes Loop Road Improvement: Construct to urban standards with 3 to 5 lanes and bicy- cle lanes. Traffic signal controls need to be evaluated for the western intersection with Goodpasture Island Road. Cost: $775,000 Distance: 3,400 feet Justification: Access Jurisdiction: Eugene 14. Kinsrow, Centennial Boulevard to the east Improvement: Upgrade to a two or three lane urban facility with curbs, sidewalks, and bicycle provisions completed. Cost: $275,000 Distance: 1,200 feet Justification: Access, urban standards Jurisdiction: Eugene 15. Leo Harris Loop Road, Centennial Boulevard at Gate 1 to Gate 3 or 4. Improvement: Construct a variable two-to-four lane roadway to urban standards with a sidewalk on the north side and bicycle lanes. The facility will be located along the south edge of the Autzen Stadium parking lot. Cost: $840,000 Distance: 2,800 feet Justification: Safety, access, urban standards Jurisdiction: Lane County - 6 - 16. Old Coburg Road, Game Farm Road to Chad Drive. Improvement: Upgrade to a two-or-three lane urban street with curbs, sidewalks, and bicycle provisions. Cost: $365,000 Distance: 1,600 feet Justification: Urban standards, safety, truck traffic Jurisdiction: Eugene An evaluation of alternative project designs shall be provided to the Lane County board of Commissioners and Eugene City Council prior to project initiation or completion of the 1992-95 update to TransPlan, whichever occurs first. Design approval by the Board of County commis- sioners and the Eugene City Council shall be required prior to project initiation. 17. East-West Collector north of Ayres Road between Gilham Road and County Farm Loop. Improvement: Construct new east-west collector in this location. Cost: $640,000 Discussion: 3,400 feet Justification: Access, safety Jurisdiction: Eugene 18. East-West Collector Street, South of Gilham School Improvement: Propose new col lector street south of Gilham School from Gilham Road to County Farm Road. During the street design process, staff shall work with the Cal Young Neighborhood Asociation to address safety, speed, school proximity, and park proximity issues; and to consider design alternatives that would restrict a portion of the street to transit use only, Cost: $600,000 Distance: 3,200 feet Justification: Access, safety Jurisdiction: Eugene 19. North-South Collector Street north of Ayres Road between Gilham Road and Delta Highway. Improvement: Construct new north-south collector street in the de- scribed area. Construct with sidewalks and provisions for bicy- cles. Cost: $340,000 Distance: 1,800 feet Justification: Access, safety Jurisdiction: Eugene - 5- 20. Willagillespie Road at Delta Ramp Improvement: Install signal Cost: $150,000 Distance: Not applicable Justification: Level of service, safety, operational. Jurisdiction: Lane County 21. County Farm Loop north-to-south section Improvement: Upgrade to a two to three lane urban street with curbs and sidewalks. Cost: OB$750,000 Distance: 3,300 feet Justification: Urban standards, safety Jurisdiction: Eugene and Lane County 22. Delta Highway - Ayres Road to Beltline Road Improvement: At the time the project is considered for construction, the street design proposal will be presented to the Eugene City Council for review and approval. Cost: Not applicable Distance: 3600 feet Justification: Safety, urban standards, truck traffic Jurisdiction: Eugene 23. Ayres Road - Delta Highway to Gilham Road Add language (underscored) to TransPlan medium range project #281 to read: An evaluation of alternatives to widening Ayres Road shall be provided to the board of Commissioners and Eugene City Council prior to project initation or completion of the 1992-95 update to TransPlan, whichever occurs first. Design approval by the Board of County Commissioners and the Eugene City Council shall be required prior to project initiation. ~ _ t~; - Bicycle Projects The following list includes proposed on-street and off-street projects which are not currently acknowledged in TransPlan. A map showing proposed amend- ments to the Bicycle Route Description project list is included as Attachment 2. 1. 1-5 Pedestrian/Bike Bridge Type: Independent path 2. Q Street Channel - Centennial Loop to Garden Way Path Type: Independent path 3. Country Club Road, Club Road to Coburg Road Type: Unspecified 4. Crescent Avenue, Coburg Road to Game Farm Road Type: Striped on-street lane 5. Delta Highway, Ayres Road to Green Acres Road Type: Independent path 6. Game Farm Road, Coburg Road to 1-5 Underpass Type: Striped on-street lane 7. Southwood Lane, Oakway Road to Country Club Road Type: Unspecified 8. Chad Drive, Coburg Road to Old Coburg Road Type: Striped on-street lane 9. County Farm Loop, West to East section Type: Striped on-street lane 10. Gilham, Northernmost New Collector to Ayres Road Type: Striped on-street lane 11. Goodpasture Lakes Loop Road, beginning to end. Type: Striped on-street lane 12. Kinsrow, Centennial Boulevard to the east. Type: Unspecified 13. Leo Harris Loop Road, Centennial Boulevard at Gate 1 to Gate 3 or 4. Type: Striped on-street lane 14. Old Coburg Road, Game Farm Road to Chad Drive Type: Striped on-street lane - 7 15. East West Collector north of Ayres Road, Gilham to County Farm Loop Type: Striped on-street lane 16. East-West Collector Street south of Gilham School, Gilham Road to County Farm Road. Type: Unspecified 17. North-South Collector Street north of Ayres Road between Gilham Road and Delta Highway. Type: Unspecified - - -. Proposed Improvements to Existing Roads Proposed New Road (Exact alignment to be determined) .... C Proposed Bike Facility (Exact location to be determined) City Limits -------- Urban Growth Boundary B'ke Facilities Proposed New I City Limits -- Urban Growth Boundary