HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5651 09/21/1992 . . . ORDINANCE NO. 5651 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM TO REDESIGNATE A 53 ACRE SITE IDENTIFIED AS HAP 17-02-31, TAX LOTS 300 AND 700, FROM LIGHT-MEDIUM AND HEAVY INDUSTRIAL LAND USE TO A COMBINATION OF MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, LIGHT-MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL LAND USES, ADOPTING A SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. YHEREAS, the Ci ty of Springfield has accepted a proposal (Springfield Journal Number 90-12-201) for the amendment of the "Eugene-Springfield Metropoli tan Area General Plan Diagram" (Metro Plan) to redesignate a 53 acre site from Heavy Industrial and Light-Medium Industrial to Medium Density Residential, Commercial and Light-Medium Industrial; and YHEREAS, this proposal complies with the requirements of Article 7 EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS of the Springfield Development Code, and Metro Plan amendment procedures set forth in Chapter IV of the Metro Plan; and, YHEREAS, the Planning Commissions of Springfield; Eugene and Lane County reviewed this proposal at a joint public hearing on March 12, 1991, April 3, 1991, and rendered a recommendation on April 16, 1991; and, YHEREAS, evidence exists wi thin the record indicating that the proposal meets the requirements of Article 7 of the Springfield Development Code, and the requirements of applicable state and local law; and, YHEREAS, the City Councils of Springfield and Eugene, and the Lane County Board of Commissioners, have conducted a joint public hearing and are now ready to take action. NOV, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOVS: The Metro Plan Diagram land use designation of the property is amended from "Heavy Industrial" and "Light-Medium Industrial" to a combination of "Medium Density Residential", "Light-Medium Industrial", and "Commercial" as depicted on Exhibit "A" attached and incorporated herein. Section 1. In support of this Ordinance, the Ci ty Council adopts the Findings set forth in Exhibit "B" attached and incorporated herein. Section 2. To further carry out the purpose and intent of this Ordinance, the City Council adopts the covenants, restrictions, limitations and conditions set forth in Exhibit "C" attached and incorporated herein. Section 3. The prior designations repealed by this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect to authorize prosecution of persons in violation thereof prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. Ordinance No. Page 1 ORDINANCE NO. 5651 page 2 . Section 4. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not effect the validity to the remaining portions hereof. Section 5. It is hereby found anq declared that matters pertaining to the adoption of these amendments are matter~; affecting the public health, safety and welfare of the Ci ty of Springfield and that this ordinance shall, therefore, take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of rhe City of Springfield this 21st day of September, 1992, by a vote of ~ for and 1 against. APPROVED by the Mayor September, 1992. of theMa:::0f~ day of ATTEST: Ci~ . ~' : \,~ ~ ~ ~.I~".J;.:~ (1l\:;~:;~<-:-)\/l:~.~ ("~"'t" ':~/,:.;^\,G ~v~ ,"' ~u; ,LJd ~ < - _.>~~\~-c:=~~~ ,,J, Tf.;::' ~J~ IT'- \ ( l Cot ~ '" h.J1. ..i Ii ~. ~ ~=,~-- ~;.~~\=-=--~., on=;c::= (J[~ errV' ATIORNiEV' crT\" c:: 2\.);:HNGr-!EUD Ordinance No. ~~51 Page 2 . ~ .;.g - ,- -" ~ . .- ", t..... . " ....... ~~i;::;j;J~2i Exhi bit A .~ e x .,. ~ " .. .:. ATTACHMENT 2 ~ "" ::. ,.. - - :.. - " - i '" ~ C l" ~ -.-,.... . , -,.,.,-,,"~:::;- '.:-v- - p \ .i \: .l :\ ;~' ,,\ . r~: I., )J-i'd . (, .." \ ...... o ~.,) r w"; J __ _ .... ,"' ......""-,. ~A " . ,- ~ -";"''1' ,'~..... ..... ;. , ., - ~ ~ ( . ~'-? , ", ~ :- )"1 \ '- " .... :;-';. . l :'\ ~~,:~.~'"[" . ~\ .;, ! "~" I ~\_, ....... -' , ....-.---- , \. , i , " ---......IL_.... . . .,;""" I .\.i' ~' ~j-~~.~~:~:-:. ._~~ - ~ -~. ._~ !.: : -:'L.-. 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B-I..,.-)! -"ryQl t././:].7.()/ \......1$..Ls:---' ~C:;:;.~ Cc.;;c;...... k ,,-,,; L::.M ~~::';'Y.' 0-:;=..', '; , (-~ d . ~ i' '-J -~i'''' l I . '/ .. . ~ -.-- r ~ ' .G ( ~ _L..-. ...,',.,.< .,i.'",.r-/':f .~~. .01-<..,,-_-... :.""" . l V~~ " ..s: -- .. :; , .. - .. ~ - "i - - ~ - I. S .. -, ... - ::: 2 - - ~~, - r -. ~ ... , .:; - -10[ C") .. ~ - .. ,- ~ - ,- ;" . . 0' : ;-( = - 0 ~-.J ;- ~ "" , I - 0" ~ . - .. ::: -=-- t \ -: "".' """"- CO , ~::".: ;. r..o o' I":, ....... c.--. _ ~. r....... ~ .. 2: ~ : ~ ~ - - . ORDINANCE NO. 5651 p'age 3" .' .;. V. ADDITIONAL FINDINGS ON REI\1AND . On appeal of the subject plan amendment, the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals rejected three assignments of error and sustained only one, which asserted that 'The governing bodies erred in adopting the plan amendment which did not properly address and demonstrate compliance with Goal 11, Public Facilities and Services, and did not satisfy the coordination requirement of Goal 2, Land Use Planning." LUBA determined that the record failed to show that the proposed development would have minimal impact upon Springfield's public schools. Specifically, LUBA ruled that "In view of the apparently limited existing school facilities in the area, respondent is required to impose sufficient limitations to assure compliance with Goal 11 now, or to require as part of the challenged decision that such limitations be imposed as part of the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan amendments before development proceeds." LUBA Opinion at page 17. LUBA states that the problem may be remedied upon remand by a variety of "appropriate means," including \the following: ' a. The "challenged decision [could] require that such conditions be imposed prior to development, as part of required Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan amendments, rezoning, site review or other appropriate means." Opinion at page 16. . b. "'Other appropriat~ means' could include appropriate nonregulatory measures, such as recorded covenants, conditions and restrictions, to provide the required assurances that the property will not be developed in a way that violates Goal 11 school facility availability requirements." Opinion at page 16, footnote 14. Upon remand, the City Council conducted a supplementary public hearing limited to the scope of the issue defined by LUBA. Based upon the record as supplemented, the Council finds that the record now supports a finding that both "appropriate means" identified by LUBA have been fully satisfied and that the proposed project will have only minimal impact upon school capacity~ Accordingly, the Council finds that the requirement of statewide Goal 11 in issue on remand has been satisfied according to the terms of the remand. Specifically, the Council finds that a. On March 2, 1992, while the subject Metro Plan Amendment was under review by the Land Use Board of Appeals, and prior to the Board's March 19, 1992 decision in that appeal, the City Council of the City of Springfield, upon notice and public hearing and consistent with the recommendation of the Springfield Planning Commission, adopted Ordinance No. 5616, amending the Springfield Refinement Plan to provide with respect to the subject property that . Sqpplemental Findings on Remand - 1 EXHlSlT PJ PAGE \ OF 2..- - ' ORD1 NANCE NO. 5651 . f.,age 4 . . . ..)'1 , . "Residential uses on this MDR site will be further limited to housing qualifying as housing for older persons under the 1988 Amendments to the Federal Fair Housing Act, and insofar as authorized by the 1988 Fair Housing Amendments and other applicable law, further limited to occupancy by adults." b. On April 28, 1992, the Applicant duly recorded as Document 9223325, Lane County Department of Deeds and Records a declaration of restrictive covenants, executed and acknowledged on said date by Daniel J. Desler, President and Authorized Agent of Good Neighbor Care Centers, owner of the subject property and applicant herein, The restrictive covenant, like the refinement plan amendment, limits use of "all residential uses on the property" to "housing qualifying as housing for elderly persons under the terms of the Fair Housing Act Amendments of 1988 and authorized by Oregon Revised Statutes ORS 659.033(6)(a). The restrictive covenant is effective for "as long as any portion of the subject property is designated for residential use in the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area Plan," The declaration is made for the benefit of the City of Springfield and Springfield School District # 19. The declaration provides that it is to touch and concern the property. Because this plan amendment designates a substantial portion of the property as residential at the Metro Plan level, only another Metro Plan amendment can release the property from the restrictions imposed by the Declaration. The affected school district has reviewed the refinement plan amendment and the declaration of restrictive covenants, and has advised that ", . .[I]t would appear that the restrictions provide assurance that the number of school age children, and the potential impact of the project on the School District, would appear 'to only minimally impact the functional capacity overload we are experiencing in the School District." Based upon this and other evidence in the record, the Council finds that the proposed project will have minimal impact on ~ffected schools and therefore does not unduly burden school capacity in violation of Statewide Land Use Goal Eleven. Supplemental Findings on Remand - 2 EXHIBIT f3 P AGE I 2- OF ,,__ ___ ~,_' gf',::-::: ;i::,.',~..t":u____.____ _______= :~;: c:; -Co;: ~\...::::::':-;-::i~':['~T ,,' '.:..a . -......... ~ E3 ~ S:~:C'::-,i5 Exhibit B '. .- ::= : ~,:" "":)0'1 April ~.... ~O, iS92 ~.~r. Greg M:tt, Ci~! of Springfield Planning Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Greg: As per your j.?qu6st, I asked Mr. Steve 9ar~ett to re'!~ew the pro;:.:;sed City Ordinance 56i 6, amending the Mid-Springfield Refinement plan to limit housing at Springwood to ' housing for the elderly under the 1988 Fair Housing Act. Also, Mr. Barrett reviewed the Restrictive Covenant that was prepared, which provided additional supportive information for the Refinement plan amendment. " ) Based on t/lr. Barrett's review 'of the document, as well as a conversatiorl ".,Iith you, It would appear th"at the restrictions provide assurance that the number of school age children, and the potential impact of the project on the School District, would appear to only minimally impact the functional capacity overload we are experiencing in the School District. AS' al~'I'ays, I appreciate the City's efforts in working with the District as we mutually review proj~cts that impact the District and community. cordial,l! .' I , I ", I/'~ ',,- Paul Plath \\ Superinte ndent j a cr' Steve Barrett Susan Daluddung Dan Desler ~. ....-::.; .,s.: <-- C' - ::~:; ;:':_'=~':: ~,c:--.~.:'i..3 ~ ~;=':1 '..11i..~. '~-:::-=~T ~ :':::: ~...::;:'=:...:: --~-.-..~-.-- ',-' - ':.....;... ': ::-. - ! :.;.';::'.7: 6.: :C.12 (-:~ ""'iJ' '.:"~ ....:.:~, :=::. .;;; C~:..~.,J: -. .;:- -~. /-l;; .-;.::: '. ~-. .:.. . , '';' . -...:' ...;.......:;... -1 , ~/ I ( ~ood ( . . '. l'{ J .. j ~', : I : \ ......;. i :'.. c : iq) r i 1 2.3. 1 9 ~ 2 S?S 5 2 5 /.1 i 1 j S l r e e t: SPl'ill';ifield. OR 9'1477 CiO Sleve Gal re1,t. J', S S j s t '" lit lJ.. ;. h e ~; II P e l' i r 1 ten r:l e!l t HE: ~'iJl'ijlgwoc,d pl'oject tenant l'-::striction i'ea.l' S t~\~e Plea.se n':.;; e the ellclosures \'ihich incluce the following: I . ~~ l, t <:1" .c,) L~.f t_J.!'..'?!!L t,Jl_~_~ c Ii ~o L Q i s t r i c t_~2-G l' e 9 !.t9 t t t. f.1All.11 i,J~r:J.. p~.r.es:=.19.!' (recommenced) It would be ippreciated., assuming the text of these documents l'efle(:t OUI' ulllJel'standing, that a letter be hand carried to Greg Holt as eal ly as possible Friday. 2. C!~:.9)~,?01f,~_.F2.~i~ This ol"diJ~al)ce is on file as recorded, '1his document is provided as additional proof of our intent of l'estricting the age of pl'oject OC(:Up.::tllts, 3 . Q~~)2:r~~ J.9n_,gJ-B~~.tUSJi2~E-,-~9ven.?_n ~ This c10cwllellL will be siyned. notarized. and recorded prior to the City Council hearing on this issue Hay 4. 1992 at 7:30 pm. Please gi',.:e me a Ci:111 if you have c.:~~ c;uestions or concerns, " \k.~ G~'O cc: .n. 1 J olmsr_\1) ( fax ) DJD/gky PC> :.':'''' ~~'~: -: E~'~~;."'.e. C~.: .;. ~:::~ 7.::. 7-3~ 73 r,-..}\: /-':7.:.':;.73 .., "., .// ;~ ~ ./ Ie 9223325 Exhibit C D SCL5.R.1. Ti .J.\' Of RESTRI eTI\"E CO\E~A~'T--LI )l1T[D T[r:~.\1 r-r-r R -'0"'-- ""'-CTRlr-.ll\~ C'""<\""'" "1' '''0' 1 ,', ." ... '-"U'''' ....,. THIS DC\...L.-\~ Ail ,', vt' l\.C..> ~ \... 'C U, J..:..\..:...., \, eC;LJf;;,iC;;J);;) ;;;.:; ... 1..1) GOOD ;-\EIGHBOR C.':'..l\E CE:\TERS, INC. CD:::cbr::nt"). fN the b~;"j::-it c;! t;:c CIT1J OF SPRI:\GfTELD, ("C~,{). a :::~r.icip2.]iij of :he St41:~ of Oregon, ;}r.d SPRr~GFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT :# 19. il:1 Or~5()n puhlic ~cho(j} Jj~lr;ct. RECITALS :: ~ ~=:~~ ,,..: , 2:1 .... .. ,. . ,I~;'::.: .:~~:.. ~ ~ " . .....-' Z~~I~!,~::-':": . .:': ",:_..,:, .'-::",.- ..' - -.... w.... ..:...... Dcc~2r~::t o~'ns :t:c ~t~] ?rop.erry describ~J ;n !~.'~ Rec :;rds c: ~~I~ l;":;-iC Ccu:--.ty .~..isessor ~s M2p li.02.31, 12..': L:-:s 700 and 300, :r:d ~ho\\'n as :je "BL.::"k,l:..:.;:d" V0;:crt)' C7"! ;::-...,,;'Dit "~.. 'nereto which ;, 'Jrr:'cneri hereto ~nd ;"'c(orr""r'~.",ri ;-,..r,.i.... ':-,." f(:;"'rc!"'r.. '-"'\.J.~.. . 1 ... ._ _..._ .' ~ _ ...._ .~_.. _......._ .._ _...... _... ~\oo.. ...._'-. B, Decbrant has .::.pph~d for C.n amendment tQ ttit: Eugene.Sprii1g:';~lJ M,:tro Area Ge-...,.',.l phn r..c:...~j.gr:-:;~i'i,~ ""lr':r.,"'~ nr- r',.,!" c~,i'-.;"'Cl """",'l"'r~\' rr'\:T1 ;r",,~"s'r;:'l '" .-",:.,~,....t:"'1 J.J'-._ 0- ~.......... .1""'\0....: r- 10.. .....;... .~l"" --,.....J.... r",\....,............ ........ ........"""..~..""" \V, ....._._.........._ use, T;-,.,;, ....,.-D"-r.,' I'. 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F :.." ~ rllrther ~Hni"'r:'~e tr'" Declarant is wij1:1"''.' to ;:':'1""('\'''' :'1 I..-U-v":"",,, ":"1:1 :-':"'~l'''''L;o'n . - -..-. -~_..... 1oA~.. l' 'W I .......~ .....l--'~-'-...... ""'.'.....l" '"". J ......_lJ ,-.. , rur....nin?. \',;ilh the 12:1d, so iC$uicrinl! re~identiaJ use of the subect DrGDtrr',' l:!,l,;~s :lnd until - - ... .. .. J O'her rps:u':,w:"j;-:"[ us..s ar'" ('X,..,,.....,<:I,. "".LI-:Joriz"'d 0," ,I,.., ,..1~:..C. ~~"""e~'" '~':~::" -. .'\ " .r""'-e L... -... _.o.c.. .'- """..... t"._"':-iIJ w...... . \w l ,,~~_ ..JwL,.J'W r. t-'lUl-" lL) l.~'..J'J"'.l/lt ll...I,J. l:.Jlo..ll amendment to t;-;e \1etrOpc'~:l:":':1 GCi1eral Flcn. DECLAH..\ TIO~ NO\V, THEREFORE, b..::;~J :.:p\..::: the foregni).; f.>.:i:;':]:i. DCC!U"'il: l',uc:';:: ;;;~k~s t~,t ".();IU...;.....,. 'u' ,.,.l~r~..tl'on o. .-"",.;....,:\.. C.....;..-~-,. !'J "" i ;',r :h' h,'",. .', "1' \"- l.' 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',' __ ,_, ',' ,~ '..~ "'.:. -, .' r,' . - .....: J'\....,.;l ....- .,...~..:...~.. :-I'~l-,,"J\) .... \;~:.,:.;.::._'i...;, ~\o __ . ... \, ""'~;" ''-:''1 i 'I, '..'~,.. · .e'" G'", .....,: j'J' " ......Fjd.e..~1.:. \".. _~;I_ll\; ~-..J ~ ~..'_I........ H....L De cl~ j~:: i (.1;'1 tiT R e~ ~ rictive C~'~\',.; :-:_~ :..l (- .... .. .- -. . uli~J .'.c:~-::',(.~ l,;;~e: L(;:::~~S: ;:~c (.\ 1..1_ '-. - "I':' ji_::" ~ '7 /'I' ,'..... /1 ..... ,/ 922.3325 , . . '.. j , C,U.:C=:l lnc ?iOperry 1:1 ::--,t :::.:..:::r:(;r C::5CrlLi~ a~(':'\"(:. T:-::s DeC}z.f2.:;O;; ~::::; :.::'::~;, c.:";.j CC'::':::';;:-. :::~ ;:-;O~trty ;:.n(1 ~l'I.;;;l L:iJ~:1 c.:j',cit end .", During the di~c~i\c f.'::r;~c 0f this cec]:..r:..tj'J;1. 2]1 re$iJenti;,.d U~\.::i un t::e propen)' sr:;,:ji he rented and opera!~d txch!~ive!y as to:;~.iJ:g qu;,;lifY::1g ~s hOiJsil1.:; for cJJedy pe:rsons under the ttrl71S of the Fair Houslrlg ,!o.er .t....rnendmC;"llS of 1983 and authoriztJ b:. Oiegel:! Rt:'o':::;e::d St:l:~tes 65Y,033.(6)(:l), D~-rD~ .: d.t.....-.(~';'\.r.i~....r;1 'O'(i, ,.... J C una slgne ~,J!.l:~ \,,;_) ~, ,.~ . , .";1_. ~OCD \..-~GH- - R ~. ,).- C....)"T'r'e'OS I"C U ' ., 1:.1 bU. Co"'....:.'!.:. r:~"! .l:r-. , I' , \ ) ) ACKSO\YLEDG\fE~r-r Pre~,:c.::r;t and Authorized Af.~nt STATE Of OREGON ) ) ) SS. Coumy of I2ne The foregoing ir.stru:ncnt was acknowlt;;cJgcd Jdore me this d-? d2.)' of April, 1992, by D~nieI J. DesJer, known personally to me :0 be tl:e ;;e:-son that eX';::CL:I(:U S2.We and ackno'''\'iec!:!ed to me tha.t :'e did so as Dresident <ilid tlulburized :t~en{ of Good Neie.}jbor - . -- Care Centers, Inc. . . ~<l~:.: ", ~h~-;:-oregOi1 I \.f' "~_:-:- ,:_,~/Ic.' " y C(.lllrJl'~~Il)il exp.r~~ , i it ~ ~." '. .. --: ~ \ ~ I '. " . ,-.. \ i .. ". _ ,0 <> '_ ,- ,... \.(J .:_ ~,\n\.. :;-:: ~ u\;J 't- . '...... ~' . .,: Cl '; DecJ:":i ...::i.,n oj Resuic:ivc C(j','2':i::-il G"",..",.! ,...:..\......~ C--- (~.,_...c 1.., v '-' .. l '.:. j :', .(; I G I",. .....l:... \". . ._ I "....... ? ~,g e :: (; r :: ;: ~ .s '.::: ..., 1\