HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5619 03/16/1992 " . ORDINANCE NO. 5619 AN ORDINANCE RENAMING KALMIA DRIVE TO SOUTH 68TH PLACE IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council has declared its intention to rename the Kalmia Drive to South 68th Place, in the City of Springfield; and WHEREAS, such renaming of said street is in the best interest of the City in carrying out its plans and programs for the general development of the City; and WHEREAS, lawful notice of the street renaming was published and posted; and WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council met in Council Chambers, at 225 Fifth Street, on Monday, the 16th day of March, 1992, at the hour of 7:30 p.m., to hear any objections to the proposed street name change and ~ persons appeared to object; NOW, THEREFORE, THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1: The Council finds that the legal notice of the hearing was lawfully published and posted; that ---1L- objections were made at the street name change hearing held; that the public interest will not be impaired by the street name change, and that the renaming of the said street will be in the best interest of the public and increase the benefit of the property involved. . Section 2: The following described street to be renamed: All that portion of Kalmia Drive, located in the South Hills Subdivision as platted and recorded in File 73, Slide 121, Lane County Plat Records. Section 3: The City Recorder is directed to file the certified copies of this ordinance with the Lane County Clerk, Lane County Assessor, and Lane County Surveyor. Section 4: It is hereby found and determined that matters relating to the renaming of Kalmia Drive to South 68th Place are matters affecting the public health, safety and welfare and that an emergency therefore exists, and that this Ordinance shall therefore take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 16th day of March, 1992, by a vote of --5- for and -1L against. ATTEST: APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 16th day of March, 1992. ~dfm~ Mayor ~~uJ~ City Recorder' . ORDINANCE .5Q19 Page 1 REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORi'v1.. ~~\ ~ ~\",: DATE: ~6 .:2(.\ \~ct, OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ... C\J ", W . 0 - ,.. ..J .. . en .. 0 . C'<I r0 en l'- . 0 z w ci ..J ., - l.L. .z ~ C/) 3g ~ w -I ~ 0:: C\lo -I 0: .. >- - ~.... J: cnZ 00::> . 0 t-= () ~w r0z ~< .....I :I: C\I I- 0 .....I ::::> en w z - l.L. 0 0 C) - ~ z en u 0:: w en a.. en . Ordinance No. Page 2 5619 I "!:',~-'=-v'w >V'_"';.':;;;j-~'. ~';.~'ATrACHMENT. i B I ... O',t?'/Y.AP'~~.:L 40~. s:'IN..L ......0...,...... \_1 I .E"F.~ ~O.._,Off " CV'._'*> . J.~"46S}F" I , I I . ~""/..L//Y/' '. , il6'"1IO'" .-.c or. ;0, (7 r' . a:>' .$'. _ _ _ ,I '~~~--'~"'~~\~-1-- ~~~"-~~~- --l ;1Ir-:.'~~---- ~~ g f'- <"',:> " '1:l.. ';{ . ~ Ci'/7d ~ f- ~ 0' I ':::;,~'\. ...,,~ "'. ~ ~ ..<N"""'-"SU-,,_.ow07.<'.O,..sI' 15 ."\ '~.~~ ""\'" \~~' ~ I~ it '~I~... ~.~~ . I ' ~-... ~:')II. ~ I '" ~ g ~ : ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ',_::>.., \~'(,. I!'( I.~~ ~~ Iti.:'b~_" .....", ~ ';!\~'-..,,,,,. '~~I~ __)-'"~ II. " ~ '-> 11-. ,~ Z'rT..:> <>-. I 91 , ~ il " I ..~.c::lr.. '- .I"......~~~.-..: ." '!) ...,~ I -. -~:?!~~~'o/:;;' ~ -- ___un ~'" I ':"<0-"""'4 .~ -- _ 'CO~:d"'" . I 1: .~~....:> .:T.-/b'7d ~ H. 6<;> . os;- 8 I I .~ /~ ._'~~.p" ~ \:l I ~~' ~- -,"'O~~.... .~cv."".off "'<v. ....On' ~ _.t7/I:,uoE,n' .~.. - ~-lo:::--- s-...tr.r/ ..' .tIrS'aP \~~\ ~& ~ ~ ~ .;.1(1' \ f. r..) ~ .i~n.01 ./-:: /'~---~il-l il u-AV '- ---_ / II; ~I\ Il '1~1~ '-~'-J- ~ ~~ .~~ ,.A y~ 1;, ~~ ~~ .~~ " ., ~~ d" 11." !<.~ .~, ~t 1~'", .~\ ~~"l~:; .. ~ ~ \;j. "l \\ ~\ ." ~ ~ ~ '''... it 1; :-:....~'-l " 8~ ), '~~"l~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ,'. ~ "' ... ~ .... I . CDs........ l,,' .s:-"'L~/ I ~ -oJ: ...-?- . I ~ ~ , ~ ~ , "~~ 1 S ~ , ,~~ L ~ · . ~.c:J:"0/~.Qi;":~~_ -..,.'j__ .~~/~~.;.~~ .. aJ--":~~~----' . '.;j"n~s I ~ I .."".,.".9>Y7..;vmS'",/ I : ta I ~ It>; " ,l\i t'tP'?d'P ~.s::J;:"'S;LS".r I .. <I.1"'......7.QlfEl:7....p; evc=:"f ~ I ~ . .,.>,0;. ~.?//V '.. ."PvS;/O/ 'I I "- : ~ j. ~ 18 I~ I , I I I I 1 I~ ,1'1 I. I I~ j ~ 3'..."...... , X~/y.?w.:PS-6I'.>' -TV07P.o/ I .:.?~c?~:Z.~O~~'P;a5~';:; ""'YE"/ ~~;;:;;"7-;Y --- I I , S/;('.:&'L.7pl'!.e", c:::.~:.v~"/.?/.'4J' p. 'PS' I ",' . #> :... CVCl:'LV" I " I . .\ ~~ I!j ,'Ij ~~ ~ q:--"Cf - ~a ~ ~. ~. ". 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ I I . , 81 ~I I I I , I I I 8 I II: ~ I . <O.,..<".=>. -'b~<,."., I I .~O~p .~~/P~? 1 ._~.~ 1_- I >'~~;-_ ___. J ~. 7>/;,................._--1 ,Pv;.o// .=; /";P- '/P,;,O"-:..s:;CV/l.-.. ~.~ ~d'_~~6P~'"l ~ ~.. . .... '"