HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5617 03/02/1992 . ORDINANCE NO. 5617 AN ORDINANCE REZONING TAX LOT 700, MAP 17-02-31, FROM HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO LIGHT-MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL, MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS, AND TAX LOT 300, MAP 17-02-31, FROM LIGHT-MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS (JO. NO. 92-01-06). THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: 1. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the applicable criteria of the Springfield Development Code, Section 12.030 (1-4). 2. The proposed rezoning is necessary to with the Metropolitan Area General Refinement Plan. maintain plan-zone consistency Plan and the Mid-Springfield 3. The Springfield Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed zone changes on February 5, 1992, and unanimously recommended adoption. 4. The Springfield City Council conducted a public hearing on the . proposed zone changes on February 18, 1992. 5. Findings forth in reference. in support of adoption of the proposed zone changes are set Exhibit A, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE FOLLOWS: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS \ Section 1. The findings set forth above, and the findings contained in Exhibit A attached hereto are adopted, and incorporated by reference. Section 2. The in Exhibit B, attached Area General Plan and forth in Ordinance No. property identified above, and more particularly described hereto, is hereby rezoned to conform with the Metropolitan the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan designations as set 5615 for the subject property. Section 3. The Comprehensive Zoning Map of the City of Springfield is hereby amended to reflect the change in zoning of the subject property as described in Exhibit B, attached hereto. Section 4. If any section or provision of this ordinance is found to be invalid, improperly adopted or adopted without supporting evidence, such findings of invalidity shall not invalidate or otherwise affect the remaining portions of . this ordinance. . ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 2nd day of March , 1992, by a vote of 5 in favor and ~ against. - APPROVED by the Mayor of March , 1992. ATTEST: Mayor ~kCtuJ.~ City Recorder I' . REVIEWED & APPROVED AS TO FORM _~ C:I~ft.i'\o-\ j L~~\ DATE: F~~ 2.(;, \11<.. OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . Ordinance 5617 Page 2 the City of Springfield this~ day of /3d~~ MEMORANDUM City of Springfield - OA TE: . .. TO: FROM: SUBJECT: The proposed Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan amendments, included in your packet as ordinances, are intended to complete the changes given to this property by the Joint Elected Officials as a Metropolitan Plan Amendment approval in the summer/fall of 1991 (Good Neighbor Care Center, Inc. Jo. No. 90-12-201). The Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) mediated the extent to vhich the Metro Plan Diagram vould be amended, . bu t declined to make recommendations for text changes. tna t \,'ould 'Umi t. the residential development of the site exclusively to affordable housing. The MPC said this vas a matter for the City of Springfield to decide, not Eugene or Lane County. The City Council subsequently directed staff. to prepare amendments to the Mid-Sprin*fi~ld Refinement Plan Text to implement affordability policies. . On ~ebruary 5, 1992, the Springfield Planning Commission conducted'a public hearing to accept testimony and forvard to the City Council a recommendation on Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan amendments intended to implement the recently. approved Metro Plan amendment and Gity Council directives. This hearing included a zone change component to maintain plan-zone consistency 'by rezoning each nev plan designation vith a corresponding zoning district (Light-Medium Industrial, Medium Density Residential and Community Commercial Districts). The Planning Commission heard testimony from tvo individuals in support of these amendments and zone changes,. and voted unanimously to forvard a recommendation of approval to the City Council. The Council nov must decide vhether or not the proposed text amendments achieve the objectives the Council had in mind vhen the Metro Plan amendment vas approved last August (Please refer to pages 4 and 5 of the Planning Commission staff report to reviev proposed policies limiting the residential development of the site" to affordable units for elderly. and adults). . . Ordinance No. 5617 Page 3 Ord. 561~, Exhibit A-I ATTACHMEN'r B ~EMO:t . .': J-. .~ ~ iJ X ,. . ..~. City e! Spr~ngI:e~o De.elo?~e~t S~r.~ces )e?arl~e~t -"',-:'. ........ J.". Ja::uc:r:; 1S, 1991 ;0: Sprir.gfield ?lan~ir.g CC~~i5Sic~ FROM: Gregory ~ott, Pla~ning y.ar.age: Sti3JECT: Amenowents to the Xid-Spri~gfield ~efine~ent Plan Diagram, rext and Co:;c~rren t ~uoning - JO\J:r.al ~~\.1::ber 92-01-06 Issue , -, v 1. . PI (G ',... b C... C - ." 7he amencr.ent ot tne .,etr~?o l ~an an 000 .~elgn or c...e enter, ~n~., ..JO. .\0. ?O-12-201) last September :0: property. located north of Y.ain Street, bet~een :;orth 28th and North 32nd Streets, requires amencments to the ~id-S?ringfield ~efinernent Plan in oreer.for this document to ~aintain consistency .ith the ~etro ?lan. The actions reco~~enced in the attached staff report .ill effect the ~ecessari changes. Discussion 7ne attached staff report ~eferences several policies in the Y.etro Plan requiring ?lan-refir.ewent plan consistency. There is no question that an amendment to the !'.etro Plan that results in an inconsistent relatienshiD ....ith an .E>:isting - refinement plan must be corrected o.y amendment to that refinelT.~nt plan. It is proposed in the attached application 'd.at these amendments induce changes to . the Refinement Plan diagram and te>:t. The diagralil -,,'ould be changed to depict identical changes approved for the ~etro Plan diagram. Changes to the text vould include ne~ policies ensuring that the residential component of this site is developed vith affordable housing units, that these units be occupied by the elderly,-and that non-performance or failure to conform vith these policies could result' in reversion back to an industrial Gesi&nation for this site. Findings supporting these amendments are included in the attached staff report and in t~e findi~gs adopti~g the Metro ?lan a~endment for Good Neighbor Care Center, Inc. (Attachment I). :oncurrent rezoning of this property also is reouired to co~plete the Plan =efine~ent plan amendment process. The zoning .for this property shall be Communi ty Commercial for the south 5 acres! Us:ht ~:,=?ium !nljustrial fer the \-'est ~9 acres and ~edium Density ~esiclential f~r th~ la~t ~~ ctI'=S. Rezoning this -..op"".... ~n ' . h . "'1 ... . ., . ~- --~~ · acccroance .1t tne r an ces~~~ct~~ns p:~~l~es ~.an-=one C~~slstency and allovs ceveloprnent cf the property topr~~~ed. :i:.o::.gs in SUpp~It of these :hanses in zoning are found in the attached ~tcff r€?ort~ Conclusion and Recommendatien :-._&I~ . , " .c:... _ reco::r.,encs ap?Ic,..'c_ .z, t. -tt h . '. .. ... ne Co ac.ea r~no~n6s~ :or final action. ' ~ .... ~'.. ~4.\~e P:O~?SEO ~~~~:~int~ a:1~ :(.~~ c~an~~~! aoo?t~o~ a~o !Or~arcl~g tn:s :eco~cendation to the City Council . Ordinance No. 5617 Page 4 Ord. 5617, Exhibit A-2 . ~I!)-S?:tINGFIEL!) :.En!\E,~~\T ~!;~j~ ..L-~~~DY.E!~T l{;lfRn~gN~i~~E:;~~~E~. ., ~ :"0' ::;~:. y:" ~- ~ ." -::!. ~." -... 0.'" :': s - '7:::~ 'j ,;'"tt.: J : ,:~: ~'-~ ~.~ - ~~,,~ '. .- '.-':- ,~_: . _.'.:;:- : j" ;: n. ~.:~,~ -.;~1 ~.__.,_~.~~'~.'-...?~ ! ~ :..~ ,~~,_. - _, -;;1 ~ : ~-; 5:: 0: ~: ~,.,,;: .".;..;~ }JOU?.!~J.V NUMBER'92':;'01~96':':~i ':';.-.:c;~;j:. - <~~~Z~~;;~':;;';'t~. =.. ". ~~ ':.' .~.".'-.,. ~.:..'.r:.~ ~,. ". . '.-,., . '.i:.;;:: s<:! 0.:: 9 ,-{ ;: '. :;.; " :;{:" .: 1:> ~;. ~ d.. - ~" _ _.. _ .., ~ , . _... :-,' -- - ".: <:,.: .-:::;:.::,:d.:~.t .:;0 ;':;d~~'.~'-,.,}~.~~~~~~~i:i;::~~,:~~.~~~ ,,'.::::~~ ;-;~~.-:=:'"' c: .....- _.- .. --: ~,.,3 :',,::,i::c<~ . ";C. .., tpplicant..:., ..~~;:-,-~~-.... .~.., -..... )';-:~;-y.~. - \ _, ,,:-fC '::s:s."::<) 5'-.:. - ';J . ~,.,...,.",:,., , <-....., \ ",.. . , -:2:::; ~:':1 ;:';:,:j .. ,"~_. ~ity of Springfield .... ., ""'.,..... ,,; '~.... ;; .~": _:;, ~~ ~~ ~., -~. ; ;;:.... s}c ~ .. .. ~. ". . ,"' ..,,- ~:: ...: 2': .~,~,.: :.:~:::"~!-:.} ,~'J;.:.-, ~.~...: .,.'. R.qu.st ~.::', ~: :.: ~~ ',.=:.. ,. '~t ,. :.,: ::!:~<~; ::":'1: ;;;:.' ~:~m~ ~,'i;;::~' ~~end the.; Y.id.-Sp_ringHeld':':: ?efine~en t' ~ ?l!.:i Di.agr:~a:m'~nci ~ ':te.x kto::: conform a'i tJr-'a:> '~ : =ecen t amendment: ,t(). the ~etropo1i tan" - Area Ge~eral-o :.?la~ Diagram,'.:: for property;~ :':._ loca ted on, the, north side' of.. ~ain.: Streef: be-t",'ee.n No~th: ,2ath' Street, and: North;: 32i'ld~ :,:... Street - ~ J..ssesso_r's Jo:ap',i7-02-31- Tax Lot's::. ~qO_'aild7"')OO~ -:,The:':joint:elected"'-''- offidalsof Spri~gfield, EugE::le~and.Lane' CountY,~'.in a-cco~r'~.aJ}.c;e,-"'i th: the. cri teria',:: :'. of Section: 7 .065(2) (a~c), of, the S:-:- :.ngfield' Developmeri'f,:Code ;r:.approved.' a .:;cnange ::::.,:' of the Y.etro ?lan.c!)iagram des:g:;ation:of: 'this"'prope'ity- '{rom He"avy Indus'trial?and- c'~ Ught MediumIndustrial to Community Commercial, Light Medium Industrial and . :-:edium Density ?'eside:;::al (.journal 90-1~-20_1,.. G.9qd,_Ne,ighboc,Car~ ,Center~':Inc~ F>- " " ppli cen t ).. , T~. . ?. fi ne.en t' Plan Di agram' · mu s ( b.: :cliang.d. t~, ..b. cons iSi en t' "it h'.';: '" :. .:ie Metro_: ?h.~!.::enGwents, ,-- and . the': property : '-'nlus't".be~'.rezoned: to'", Communi ty':'-:'.': " _ ~ r~:nrnercial',~Ljrhi ~~~dium T:'lch:st::al 'and:Me~i~!l1 D.ens~t.Y:,Resfden.tfa~.Districts~~. ~h~ ,,~"H .._ ... :. : :. - -, ..' ,:.'.:.- . ..- ,. ::'. .'''c :'.~.~. "..:, ;:;:-::.~ .::.:..... ::i c.:':. . In addition to the diagram emen"",c;S and. rezoning'; nev:i>o'1id.smust-b. added to . ' .the text 0;_ the ~efinement; plan that =; ~cHy cHtain development reqUiremen. fs for: ,: .:' . hat portion of the property desigr.ated '",:;c ::-:-.ed for medium density residential use. These development requirewents sr.a21,enla.':-e tb.:. the property .is. developed:. . '..i th affordable housing, that: the occupancy: of the(:i','~l:-;-mentis, by the: elderly;-.' ~.,. and that the~residential designation of'the property'st.~:l :-e re-evaluat~d.d~'~':" -:'.' ~;riodic review if substantial progress to~arcs developrnen~, ~~ ~~'. the applicant during the Mett:o P.l~n .~mendment P.~oS~s~".~as,not;;b~er.;.'. .,.. _... . .. - '.. . ",.".:,. ":.:. ;,. ... ,',,':: . -: _.c', .d; . '. ... . .' . _ .'".' ~ ..~ ,,: :;::": i ; .: , .. _ . '. Criteria for .Appro,val:~ Refin,...en t Plan. Amendlllen t. ..;, ,..:- . . :' . .'. ',., . .. . . Soc t i on a. oiO(l'.::;) of ~h~s;r lngfield De;;e1opmen rC~d~.' (SOC) ; , in o;d~r to appro". refinement pIaA':' amendments',' 'ieq-uires.adoptio~' :_of findings ,:.~'hich demonstrate cO:lforrr.ance to the f~11o"'irig '-crf.te,r}a: '.<;,;:".; ....: "'~'.'. " :., _ ..., .. ... . . ,~ .~ .: '.:~. - ~-. ,... '", r;.;. .' . _ . ~.. _ r ".~ _ ~ _, lft:, ". ;. j : I ~. '_~' .::: . . ~._ _ ;.. ~, .. '.< :. :?: r:.-:, . ';.;- t; :;l:~:. ~ ~'.~ , : .;,J :.~ .' (1) The Metro Plan;:'.: ::":.:. ,~~~-.-:;:. ~ (2) Applicable State st.atute~L :.:;~;:::~:. :;,;;; __ r:(;::,2~'~::~:):) ";;.c.':,;':...d>::;::,r::' _.:.:..:.: :."~.. '........ . .:.. -'.':'r=::;c\ ::,':.(:':."': .'!i JS c.::,'C:;;':',,' !)";'.?DC;.ysq -.,. (3) Applicable. state-vid'e': Pla.Mlng Goars' 'and Administra tiveRules. _,...:: . . .. "...,....' '''.'': "'S';G:;' .<:J t ,()~ b':'.'";;,,_:,;~,,, '" ?.ESPONSE to Cri t eri a" (1);; .;.: c'onf C'r~;ance: ~,i ~ll the' -~ei~o' 'Plan;t . , :~.~; .,' ':' " :. '."< ~ ,':J ~ ; . ~ ~ ; ~';.[~: f': .~. .~ 2' ,~ ~; ;~r', 2 ~ . ~,~ ;" ~ '., ~ ~ .. :' ~.. ~'" . . - - - ~c,. r.1a ti onshi p be t.....n ref!"er;n t p1.ns and, th,e, ,H~.trOi Plan;" i dEniifieQ on ;a&es 1-4 c:1d I-5:of'"ChaptEr:I orPthe He.tl',o f'lan~,..and,onpag~s:IV~3' througn.' IV-6 ~- Chapter IV of the ~etro rlan..; 'rhe-f61io...;5'n'g' H'tations from these pages' apply .ecHicallY to thEse proposed a~endments tOtheH,i~.~S;:r!~f,f.\.,l.d,.~,~!inEm~~.t. ?len: Page 1 M)d-Sprbgfield REfin'ement Plan Amendment .~ Ordinance No. 5617 Page 5 O d 5617 Exhibit A-3 r . , . ~ _u ". .. ','" . . . . ..". - .-- . ..... :..~. ,.-,.,': 11';':;~;~';'-:-:::;' ~'.~ ':'c:: :":/::~,i'ttrtY~. -c:~:~.t~tk rz: 2~ c:~) "The cEgree to ,";hlch:th~~-C'en~ril ?r~'n'.pr.o'\'id.e"s'sufficient detail to Jiieet the . needs of each. jurisdiction "'ilt..t.l':.~):~i~o;:::~?e,;~.cet,ermiij-ed b)' the respecth'e jurisGictions; and vhere conflicts exist among the General ?lan, refinement , d.. . ... . .. . '1 '- 1-.1. h . ., . ?_c...s an e>:lStlng zonlng, eacn j\lnSClCUen '."1_ ..a...e to estc... lS 1 ts o....n:.:,.;... schedule for bringing the zoning and refinement plans into confor~ance vith J~~~C~C~~ the General Plan." (D. Use of the Plan, pg 1-4) .. . . ., .. , " b~6-ii~~':i~:;-:~. :::; .' "-,- "~here the ~etropolitan Area General Plan is the basic g~iding land use .. .~. - policy document, it is no the only such document. As indicated in the..n.., ?ur?ose section above (No.8), the General Plan isa frame.,,'ork plan, ~n,d.,it .,: is i::?ortan t. that. it be supplem.el',lt-ed, by: more- cie.tailed~ 'refin'errle'nt;'plans.;:.~ '~ ,,';;,.: ?efi..e:r:.ents to: the: Xe trci;>6li t,a:ni'?I~I1:C(~ii .1Ti.cl ude: ..L~ 3): nei ghborhood plan.s' o'r:'" c~. ':~ .:. :::. ' spec;~l,. area studies'; that ~'d'.dr'es.s~~~t}{o~e is.s~~sj .th~:t::: are: unique .to a; sp'eci#c':'~ ..' '~~,~',. geographical ~:"area. ;-:':In' ,all c~s.es',.: :,'the. Xeaopoli ~an> Plan:; fS the: guiding " docu.!t.en,t ,:,::and; refinemen t iJ'. plan's';' _a~(r polides.,. ~\Js ~::." be:: consi s'tent::-~'i~h~::' the . ': ;,' = :., .., y,etropoli tan .,Plan; ~'Should:;:fnconSi's.tendes' occur" the.:,:':y,e'tropoli tan> Plan' is' ::," >:;..::.... the ~~ pr~yailing'{:~oli"cy.: :-d'oc~m~~t'~ II'. ;~~(_i..~}R~l~~ i~1}~;)i p~;: to:) Ot~e~;?lafl~'~ 'a'n'd.::': ,'::!"~ : , ~ '. ?Oli~~:S; ~ ~.~ ~~~.~ ;~/~~ ~~'::J~;; ;. '. i,~ ,"~fL : =.~~,/: ~.~ .. c/ ~;'::~':'::}i :.: ~~:;. ~ ~~.~,Sf;; tY;~"~:~:;~, :;:::: .::::~f' ~.~~ This dolt~~~n~.' );~ t : red proca]J. {Yei:a:tionsll"{p;:bet~.~en':th~:, .~~~ ~ ~~,~ Plan': and:.: ref in'emen t .: . " , ' ;llans graitt~, s~anding; to existrng.ran!i~ 'p~roposed~ ~efinernentt.plans:' provided. they~ are: :..., ...., consistent, I.e..;. existing '.refinement' plans.:mus,t be,changed'as' tbe'Y,etro Plan"is . ,:.., amended/up-dated,<andproposed. 'refinementplans'rnust be consistent vi th the Metro Plan or t ,,-here inconsistencies exist,. in..clude,. amendrr~en~s ~ to ~.the Metro -" Plan. as an -. - -: ;;.,~~. element' of ~h.e.ir:adoption."-,<Thise):'a'ct pr.ocess'.is'found,i,n Chapter,rVj'page,:rV-3' and reads.:, ~~.f~+l:O~~:,~;:~ :, ;:'.~:~:.~: ~~':~;;':; :;~:>:~ ::s ~~ :.: . .. .'. ~ .... : .. .:;::'~" "'. : ...~~, ::.~. . :. ,: :;. '. ~~ ~ .'. ::,:' .;..~ ~. .. ". . . ~.the .}1~tropofi ta:n'.~Plan 'providesf6;-" the;. ~?llovini :process to' ensure. tha t. refinelilent.'" plans::: and ~.. {:regul~ ~(\r1. ::: n:leaS\lres .. .ar~ ~ consistent L'. .,.'1 th .. the; ... Me t ropoli tan. Plan :.' c.;. ;;" , 'c. , ,.." '..'. .. .;.~:;. . . . . ., .. .,.', .,..::. . . ~\ ,. . ..' ... 1. , . ,'.. . . ~ _ ,.~_' _.' .' : c .. '. .' _ .> A Graft .:of the refinement':plan'.'or 'regulatory meas~r'e'i~ for\:arded to the. .. other jurisdictions by the in~ t~at,ing" jur.i.sdi~ti.on~.' The; planning: . ',~ .. directors of the other jurisdictions'~h~ll reviev the plan or measure for consistency ",'i th . the y,etrop~~~ tan ,Plan .', ;Jf ,.one ~or < more of.: :the . .:: . : .' .:'.: planning ;,:..directors:finds~the:,drah', 'plan o'r m~a'su-re;t,eL'beinconsist'ent ;' .,;,. ,_.... .,::~.~~,th~,d"'etropolitan Plan, :he oi'she:"'shal,r;~~~ye.lop.findrrigs, 'to that. -.' . e!~ect and shall forvard. comments to the planning.commission of the ini tiating jurisdiction regarding necessary changes to. :make . :the; t...;o ' ; . oocuments consistent. . \ .: .2. ., -, . . . . '. - , .. . " . . .. -';I.~ :. q -: .~" ~.: ~-~_ r i:. '1 ;~:.' ,~J ..' '~4:> I.l.'Ci.:~: ';'- .' f The planning commission of the ini tiating jlJr'i's'd'i:<:'ti'~;';hal-l consider. . ~ d bl. h. -'- 1 <,' .~ ).~ . .h_ propose measur: at. a .pu, .,?,c. ,~.a~,l?~.;:'l ,~N.:;:,~.~~'m,i,ng~ c.'~r.m:ission:~ma)':':;, ,'-_ ". r 1';.;f t":. V r 1" ~ 1 J '(:-"";. ..~; n. J.. \.~ \ .-.: ,';"":. .D ~ ...' -' :'- .,., ..". "~" ~-::. . . . . ,_.. ." :. :- . < ,____ '~ -; a. :;HOlilrne~~Y~'~'o" i {~ -.'govern i ng boo:.' C!?c.pt ion. of., ': t h~., ~rC>P'o~edj lire~~~'~e~:,:::~2~~;'J'~~~~r~. .dth findings that ix:.'.fs: con's1"st€~:t '..'i'th :th'e"Betr'o'p'olitan ?lan;.~or .. ., " ,~ "'< .~ '", .~ :.. -:. ~... :<.., _r:....: ~ i:.':: !;: d =! :; '~" ~ J ~ ~ ';.: ~ .: ~ ' b ~~colil~en.d: t eH its'.'~ govern: rik'; b,o~:.._ ~: 'J b~t.,t ke~ 'ke t r-c-~;i i ~ an; ?l~n b be ;',7; .:' '!~:' , ;,irnenoed:tofconforrn::ro :tne):'j:iropo"s'ed ':T.H.~~rfi:or'.,::c:. ~~.,,\J ",.1; l "T :2",~:~:::;"'",:' . " " ':,'p.i 02 ';j ;d;~ i~r:i t~;::':} ;: ~:; }'~~f: ':::: :~:::d ~,::: ,::'}:' , :" ','. .,. " ;, 0 , ' , · '. .., ,(1'-....:..~., .:::~7'':''': ]:;::-'-'~;.- ~'~'Y'" , , .....;-. Ordinance No~ 5617 Page 6 Ord. 5617, Exhibit A-4 .. ,\; 'r l' . . ;.: i.~ ;'{ . . ~+, ~,"~-_"!''' ~ r-~,? Slr,."f~_'j,~t;__.~; - (~) st:9rt:;) :"'; 22;;"..:'1~~.~-......-:' c. j\ecoltnJe~d. to its so."ernini:bO:cltla-t::>th"e'p~o?osed':n,easure :.e a~eno€d . ..::~(:.:'__: . ,prior to acopt ion to. !J:.ake Lt,..co.psAs~t,.f;n t~,~"':~ t,h;.,th;~~B.~_~p.!'l.~laL1;;, r}~!l.;: I;'2L 2;':~ .~ ~.~ :or,: ..:: :;,~ r.~;~~~~~~'."~~~:: ~ :~~::~ ~; 3~;;~~.~~:~'~H.:iI: s.; ;5~;" ~~;;;,~"'; ~~.~~;~~r d~': iecomrne'rld~ t-o:i t~f &.ove.rn.i:i{g' .Doo'y' :t:hi:f tfie: 'P~:QP'S~s.!., b.~.,,~~n.; ~~.~:~ i:~ ,~~_.. . ::'S:: :-j..","'iJ;- .- ;.: ~': ~ ... ~>;;. ,..; ~ '.' .' Jr, I~ .. ~ : ~ ,~..~.J : ': ~ ~. ,i ~ .t'~' ~;'"" ::: ,; .,: ~~;,:., .:'.::0 t;:i b tLi: r. jr r>.' ,j r: :.:'~ .'; :::;,:t;:~ :: :':~;;;~ ., 3. The.f Cgovei.T;ing"~ bOd-y::1 srfill1" -tq'n:Si~dei!: 'the }~~p'~~'~a i~P.i~~s,~.r~; a ~~,:~j p"Jbli.c b;','f:} H~;:' hearing. The decision by '\lie' go"eiriing body to adopt. the propo.sed _ c., ,. Il',easure, shall be accoltpanied )y,~\JPP.Q;:,.i,ng^,..pnding~.:.9f f.a.c,t".addressing ~;,:;.:.:.'<:;~~r' . the consiSten2y .o'f'"th"e proposed "rneasuie~.;;itn "the Metropcli tan":?lan.:.; ::r '.' ~:':,:~c:~~~~ . - h \I. ~l. u. .- . d .&. .~e .~o?tl.on of .he \I:': ;:-"~n~':~elo' .q. ,.,' ,:,.', ::ec:ause t. e ..el.ro... ..t::n..~_~~ c...,ence..c.~..,~err:JI.'1 ::':.. ...._.:.~_'. ,',1.4' :..!~.:.'--.r." co"'.. . 0" '. .'_' ?efinemenf"--?lari/ "and "because~,.,the: ~eu:.Q:~~.lan...is" ~~~ "p're\'~}lJng. pC))icy:: .cocurnent",. :..._: ". the refinement plan'must.be imended,(o:,ref1e~t in~.:change:.i!l:th,e, ~~a~; Plan.:: ..;. ;.;::.;.< . '~'~:..'.- ..'. ',:: .'~ :~,;;.-",:.~,: : '-"'~;~"~:"":C1;,"~';.;;.,r ;:,~;'?s:; {;:.-r::"c;: ':;': (; ..:':'.'0L:: "The ~':Hetropolitan:' ?lan 4~Js..a, = lon'g;~~nge.',;:.j)uJ?+i C;:;e: P~U.:.cY.l-~ docurnen t;. .vhich : <;;:,::;,:L::' .. establishes ..the' brc2:d~' j frame\~ork ~\i'pon:: :":.hich~.Eugene'~ .~':.Spd.ngfieldand': ,Lane'::"" 'j,::. ~.;,'?:: Coun!i 'ln~~~~ '~coor~~l!ai~~~'~tnd;us'(Cde~i~~oB~,::J~ }~hne,- ,,~h~:,.me.tt:opoli t~.Plan: is _ (~':j:'~. the - basic'guiding' land" use:: po,l~c~ ';~~R~u1!l~!1hb;:: i,t... .i~,;,.: %lot:;the 2 onlYisuch ~. ;'.:.;.:::: document i ' it can be augmented . and -implelIiented by more detailed refinement.. .' plans '. and. ;-eg~llqQry, measures.~,. ~A~l,,;~,~;!.'l.~!D~~'1t;:,,; plans G: al1d :( regula tory.' . measures';. must' -be':consistent':,,,'ith..the Metropolitan:_ ?lan,,;'and: should.:':.- .'"",. inconsiStenCies o'tcti'r; '.'the Yoetropoli tal.l.,'P.l~n:~. ..is. ..,the., prevailing policy' .'. .' document .11'.' (B~ Pian Refinement.. pg. IV-3t i'-:" . '(.. . ::... 1/,. .. ". "a 0 . - ReUnemen' . in~ fune, iona1 Plan~ jha;i b~~:' eo;'sis t.;~ ~ ;~~ 'h d i r~~t i~n established' by the Yoetropoli tan Plan a.nd include findings recognizing this consistency." (B. Plan Refinement - Policies, pg IV-6) . , , . ... ' ..' ,. ,~ . . ;. ,: :.'. _ .~. ;':':,..:.r"';::- :.: -. . , .. "9. Refinement and functional pians shall be consistent ...ith goals, objectives, and policies.of the l':etroP.oJit.an~:P.lan.'I;,c,ibi~~):.. '..;' '):' '. '. ~:.. . :' ;.' ., ~ '.~:', , .', .; ,: ::0' ',; ; : ' -; ;: ..,.~ ,~;.:' {c"" ~,..:: : '.' ; '::- ;," ,... " I,.. .,: ;'. ~:~ "' ',' :, ;: 1 : . "10. ;, ~c"caf impl~!n!eriting_: ordinanc~~ .sb~.ll: pro,~id~ a: :process., for. zoning . lands in .conformance .'vi.th',' th.e' Me:tropoUtan! ,,'plan,: ,:. using, 'clear: and :-::.obj ec t i ve:: stan?,~rdso; (i bi;d,o);;:: ',0; ':' ~;: . ~; ,; 0;' ;': ~;; ';L;- :"~;:;,;~' ,,' .;, ;' :, ~; .' !ne up-shot, of ., ali.,"oC~.these':.~'poHci~'~:r:~9n,cerning ;. plan; :'_. refinement.', plan'::::. ~ela t ionship'(: is tha,( 'an. afr,endment,j'o ,th,e,. Met.~,o.:.Plan,.found:: to be'; in c6riformance~ '..' .:'.'::. ....i th the 'plan' amendment 'p'rocedure:~~: ~n.d:Lc.~:i.te_r.~a ,:;automa tic:al1y, confers'" anGequally" .;: :.:>. . found amendmerit of the applicable refinement plan, regardl~ss of the content or. ::~_ subject of the particular amendment and not..'i thstand~ng '~.~;_~~.!,!bg~i~~Hne,meHr~'pian:~';.'~~c',~!;:~', ?olicies vhich n:ay appear to be intended !':'r '.er:,,: differEnt objectives. You <(..; ~ simpl)' cannot have a, Yoetr.o Plan"amendment ,that: is S'Jbservieiit~ to~orjinc6nsist"ent",.,oi'~ ,." . - '" .,"':' ~, . . ,. r ...""'.-. - ' , . ,. . i. ' .. ~ ~. . . - ~ - , , _'. _ _ 1 .d th a r.efi~;!i:'e_n~f .,:pl,,~rf~:~rhe' ;1,~~ f :~~~ t, ;.9f: rpa~nt: :d,e:terrnines'); the:l col~~:76f;, the :1(, hou~e an~_:.~l':e_tfo.?Xaljjpi~ca't~/.E:!:l:F!.1dment;.i S:: .the: 'las-t ,:.coa Non paiht:' .on:; an':" e5:i sf: ing 0: :-e f i neme~_fpl~~\~:~. :. .-: .~:~. ~-~, t' .~<~ i, :,~ ~ ~ i::.~' '.~~';:": ~; c:,: ~;.~ ..~.~. ~,~: ~:;; .; ~. ~; ~ \,,~ /: (: ' b~. t; ~: ;:.: ~:~;. ': ~.. ~~: <, . : n . add i ~.fo.ri't.(), \h"~' ,JQ't:eg'~ijl~:~; ,\he"' .ff n.d ir-gs;.a O'::lp.t e -j . by. L the' e lec ted{ .. 'c' f f ~ d alS i'n{'" ~hei r a~.'~,~ ~~,.,.tp~.;!pl5..r.:,o~~ t~~ Y~fi'.o.; 'n.a!l :.arn.~!fcl.Jj,~n t Lof: Goc.d Nei ghbo'r:< Care'; Cent~r':: .}.: . ;;'Ic. , a. r~."::.~~co.rppr~. .,te'~... ;i;~.. ;.t.ryiS s.t ~~f: re~9rt.~ . (At t ach:nen t d,) : as: add it i ona~ f i ~a ings~_: . ..emonstr~t}pg. ,son(ol:,~a,~ce, Yl th thl~~reflneF!e.nt:plan amendrnent.,and the ~etro' Plan.:'" .~ ; \ :..~.j ..:'..... '", ~..' :.1 ....;./, ~ . ~. .,' ." ~ Page 3 ~5d-5pI}r.gfiel.d~';\efi'neli.ent Fla'!) iAn:endrnen't:' ~, '::::i Ordinance No. 5~I7 Page 7 ',Ord. 5617, Exhibit A-t" . . RESPONSE l~6;o~~~e;.~.as~ns;/'~~1~&~~\e::~~~Ja \e~;~}~N~}(;es~:'i ,~C1~,,";;;; ?~. ~.~ ('~ .:,.7,::;';~2~~~ '"' C'RS 197 r~~iJl;fes3i~'iaa~O~.1~dg~df:lJ~pi~i1"eTrfs~f\:~)1~h .~;;1~l&~.Ji~~~1~e~Et:~~n:)~f ~';:i s t '.-i thout pla:'l polici es thct address each applicable Sta te-.dce goal a;,d...i thou't. an a:nendment. process that a 110....s. changes in circult:stance.or_ p.\3bBc polJcy~~..to be, realized.' The ~etrcr Pla.~:! a~endmeiii .~:a~ found "t(f~b~;'cbj,k:i's t"en'Y '....i th 'the cd terra": . for. amendment, ",'hich includes consistency, ....'i ~l!. ..s,.~a~t~e~."',id~.:_ goa,ls...andthe: ,test of, internal 'consistency~ ....nh~ other~eiemenf's ~'of tlii'?firi:/ .. ~,.: ~<. '. ~ ~.:::: _,~.~:. , < -"{., ::,~: c b:?:~):;~: ~. ::::: j : :;.~;"s t) ~ ~ ~ :~-~c ~(~~?::~~~~_. ~ ~.; \-.~ ~ ", :~':u~';'.;~ :;; :" . ~ ~>>._. . .<,;':~ .::~::. RESPONSE :~:-; to'::' Criteria' ~ (3):5.:2....':').Appli"cable-'":..Sta.te.:...'id~f \. ?lanidng. Goals..,. and '" . ,. ~..: ....,; -<< ,."" -4 ;, '.. :':'."" ....~ -;.-::.. ~ r'\..;:,;;, ....,.- " -. ,... 1'~"" ~ ,. 'w' ~'.~' _ .:. ~ ...; ~.,'.. ~> ~.. .;drninistrative Rules....':;;-:.~:'-:J:?:.: :;':,J ;:H~ ,'~'""."-'.. .Ju'J'.,"o, .... -. " . . .i... .... ..... - .. . - .-' ::'....~... . ~: +,' - ,', - .,," .. .. ;~ .~'." ..~ I': .-: ~ ':- ';., ... :; '. ';t.- .;.. . :indings ~.. ~",'hich: : .dem.o:ris fra-te. 7.compii~ri~~ _ :?~i. t~.~ ;~'s. t~a:t~~Yfd~;', pJan.r.ing: . Gc'a:l$ :..a'nd ;..",~::. ~;'1~:' ~;~ .;dminis trath'~f;: Rules.' ~ .ij:ipHcable"'Oto, t~~s.:: ~~~e.ri~m..e~C' (He'a.""i '-~arid ::t!ght. f!'.~di\J.rIl ,: . ::.~ :.' , I~dustrial to ComiD\fnftt Co'ininerdar;:':~Lignt! ~edium 'Incustrial-and Y.edium" -Densi ty :.esidential) are found on pages 1-11 ,of Attachm~T!.~ r I.~. OAR ~60~ ....~~c::hspeci{ies .c., ~rocedure's.lffor .post' ackno;,'fedginent~ reYlevii~r~qui're's .~~e~QITle.n. fs ::a~d.:o~h.er .'c~anges .~:~: ... :0 c'ornprehe'nsive~ praris.~:fo' -: be conSis tent ;;~l th~'( si'a fe-~,Hd~ ;gQals.~and": "to, pro'~ide ~,;.>: . :;otice and hea'tings,.r .,' The :findirigs" co~.tainea: in :Ai'tachm'en( I. and .:' the . iffidi.~i t ~of '~.~:'. Service included:....'i th: ~thi's' rep'or't; addr~ssu ;dH~ c:ri t~~ia ~ :::: .." ~.~.:"> ~..:' ..~: ~.':::.. ';; ~:~..;~~.;=~::. :;""",":" :r.::~F.:~ ~0'-::' t ti:!:.~b ~}'.!.(5-;.;t ~~f:i DSl n3;.~;!-~<{;:!:: ~..:~. ;..: ;'.'~;!-, ~;:~:;,~~~;......:~~,~,~, _~,..,,~.~,.' ~.. ~~ _ . .. ". . ::ased on'.,theforegoing,:Metro':Plarr' Hta"ti~ns a~d:: the. finding~ ;~:"A t:t~~h~~nt:'I'~ . the'~ . ... :-edesignation .. of. :Tax:: Lots ;300': E arfcr= 709, 0Assessor~ s .Hap:: ~17 ':':02~31, from " Heavy... . . Industrial ~iand .,Light. Medium .:.Industrial~ as's t~ey}: appear'on . the.: ~id~Springfie~d" ?efinernent Plan Diagram, to Community Cornrnercialj.Light ... ~ediurnlndustdal' and"" ~edium Density Residential, is hereby. found to be necessa~y_ to.rnaintain ::onsistency~ :....i th the Metroponf~n~' Aie~ GeneE~F ~~ai:i Diagral!l'design:i! tion for. t~~s :' :.: ~roperty...,."c.. c,~... .. ::,::,.'.i.:.:.'..'r.. '. ,; ;,; ,. ..... _'. . . - ... ~'<~. . .." 'w' . .. . ". .' _. , ,~ ~ .)" :;"., ~~endments to the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Text . ,,~.. ~.~. -.' : ':.,.. -" .,' .. ."....~~,:~ ':.-.-::,~....::~ ~:_.:.~:::~',-.~ ~. 7he amendment" to the' Mid-Springfii:ld: Reffnern~nF': Pl~n: (Refin'ernent' .pia~'r includes ..le addition of nev policies intended to ensure that the. residential developrnent ....,':" the Medium. Densi ty Residential, (MDR)'.~portion .of:' the ~ s'i'te "is :cOrls'istent_ vi th :he rep~e~ent;Hions. lliade.f..by.;:theJ applitE.nt~.(Good:::i~eighbo'r~ Care' "ceiner, 'inc:.) .. '., ~uring the !'.eiro Plan amendment hearings. These policies addre~~ihe issu~~ ~f'~ affordability, occupancy and re-evaluation of the. residential designation durin&.. . : ;,eriodi c . - review :_~i_f. :'~' substant ia1~ '-prog'r'ess",,~/~"tons'is t-ent"~' ~~'i tf{~~.t -the" fi rs~f- ;'t'-'o-, iSS\l~S~ _ :. ~: '. : dentifi.f:~'E~ ~~;. this r sentence~:;.: has nor be"en: "':'rnade:~ :"Spe.c~ fJc~~):)i., '.,tJi7e,,:, f.~IJo'~'Jng.: :. . > , . =,Q1i cies/~f.~~: p;op()s~d.~. for~. illclusion; in ~ theRefineine~:F; Pla~;'-' c.:.:".! ~. -: ~ j~' .." .;',;:: ~,:;:::;~ ~.,;~ . '. _ ....._ t" - .. ::..... ....~T1.~::-!I.;J:_;;~::.<I. ec::.1q j~5ft;:3nI.I::;1~~ ~E;l{jS.)l..!:i,~,,-\.~ :~q;.;. ~: ..r.......,~~.,:.d':":I:....... .,::.~~~:"1.'.:i? ';, {) j r: s J rrei ~:> ., - ~.. - . ' . _ ... - ., - >:i~ ~'! J '.X '.:-' ::: ;.:, f'U 1:: .C.~.~: ~';:'SIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT POLIGIES -:~:':,-v~"ijr'.;Jor; :;;:5 )[::n:'::,~-:;;:ii; cJ:jr,;:::",',. ..... . ~!(;;. " ~ s:.' 1: ; ;,:;. \:: ; t:::: ~ ::: it:" ~:;'~.'; - '; ':' 1 . be be; co! ~<;:,,'i : :", ~.. . ,':J S._ >.0:.,/ :,~i!:::" .,,:': ~'~ {~;~~{,> . : 1. Thej[d1D~;: ~i ~~:.nor.th:; ofn.:ain i': be't"".eeri: No(th ~28."thJand:; !{ort h '. 32"r~d~S) re~\~::sha))'. C'i !';5.J?",'" be ,developed.,,""i th" affordable ihousfng::unn::s. j'The t'ent'{o'r tn{s'e.c':u;ni"t's~"Js;'iici(~'~. .,~ ;;.:< .. .. to ~e;:ceed", 30:. p.er~en.t!5ofHhe crnedi'an: .'~" lo;~'- fn'come",::0:n.rrii'lY' ;i"nieb~t!'lbr '\'h'e':ar'ea. ',~ ~', ~ ;~, :~::~. . . {,:> .-,,) --..... ~. .- --'" '\. .. .... . '.. J. '.. -.... ;' " ~ ...~ ,. as - determined' by the Secretary of E0\lSing and Urban De-..elopmen't' in . c accordance .,d th the Afforcable ?ieusing '::ct of 19?0. ...,hi ch provi des .rha t-:,',:.". : "The: term.' 10;"- income': iamil ies' 1:n;eans-.'16\..i;" in,:oln"€ ;ra~i 1'i es' :~:'J-;c>'se ;b'c~;nes. "do: ..,...: ., ~:.~.:. . '.' ',., ~ ~,- _ ,. , . ",""' . - . . '''', ,,' A . not'.. exc'eed~ 80,: percent: of the:.' median' 'flkcirne ifo'r~ the~ 'al'ea\:' a's ..de't"errrd'ned; 'by ~~., .. .:.~;'::: ~ ,1 -' . . .*. ...,." - .... .. . '. ....:. _~ ... _ ~. 4 ~'.. .-:. " " : _, _ :,., ~ '.,.: _ . :.. .,:; ".' ! '!'. >r'lf.":" . th.e~,. :.t,S,ec,r!= ~a. ry:~ Y.f.th, ad. jus :rnen ~s:for 'slri~l.~~'r> ~n.~. 1 a.~'~r~,rJ.a.~.i F;es~'._I(c'~.p.t;~tr.~~,,'j . ~'; c: ~,"'i:,':: . the, ;~c~~~r~~~ry .rnay .!=stabllshnncomecnhngs' hlghEr"C'r lo.~'er 't~an dO percent - . . . . - - - ?age 4 ~id.~?ni:r.gfield'~efinE;:-;E'tit'?l:a'n::- ;.:~!€~(ri~:)t :"'. ::;.':-. Ordinarice No. 5617 Page 8 Ord. 5617, Exhi bit A- b .5. " /;J:f:'" 'j,'. '~, ~: -;'.1 $_ :l':"" -~.;; i; '" ~. . . '... ..' ~ _ ." .-.~~ '- ''';y.-.~ <....:.~ "'" +- ""''::'J'''''>''';' - :~- ."'~ ~ J.. CO} ~~H:',~ .~_:..:;.t~ .~::.. ::.~- i-:~': :~,:,,"-:;.,-2-::-'~.~ :0"~/ ~:-,.::.:('(<t r:~:;'.:' ~:'~:~7i.. .~~. ,~~;;: .~7..:;:.. .Receg;;.~:~~;:t:i.~a !;~ ~~dE€i!l~V!~.;-d.~~l"g~~:t~~~. Pf,oR~~~t;~e~.~:H:~~::H FS};); p,EJ?;.i"ty.z J,n ::~.~r....'::::' i~(h.lstriall)'';'~=~~&I:~ !e~if:~~~!:::e7a~t.C :yhl;~e,:\~ ~n,:fn~~::~t:a ~:;. r~~~:?en,t",~!!~, ~s~,~":l a_r.~ : ::: ),_ . "'lSi;allj. screened"andK'protected fro~ ne-..' l;;oustna~ de-:elopment.. through :the,'. .. 'j:: si t~;lf;'-:':,,~ev.{~~.rte7~~~~,is~:. ;:;.'.:.} s.;1 . - ';.:?J ... J. ...:: " .rs~;.; ft,?-A:;~.;;-:~;:r~ Criteria '-fer Desi~a-ting:lndrrit~ia{ 'Land" ..~:.: -,::; :DL~.~~.;-> ::;:: ;i'" 'r-; ,=/i.: :i~;;:~'~:f I>.~,"'" ~::> "'3 ':r.::.f;"~~ ~. :;;?",L,' ~\.$~'; ~(:: !":;~"7:;' ::';<j;1;' ;.;~-. 2.:"'; j .~i a.~/~-__q-' Enco~ra~e; la'rgei block$:Jof' i.ea;v./~fn~d~s~t"ri ~l';:la:;d:.1: ,.J E~i 5:' l f~..: 3 .:JreS "'.; :1?':; :.<;.::,;r",:, ..~ . , . . ~..4 ;. ,.: ~ . " '''-.. .e. ,,",';' ',," ~ ... ,.' ,'.~" ~~ :. '/!:.:"";.,:: (....;:;.. "..1. n-_: .,.-.: ~e'. ~re=s> ".her. e' ~ In.'o'h_~t"rl;'al' .'~.,;'~d:'?'e"'_~'{d:'n ti~lL des i'gna't^i.on's "e:b.J't... ". ;'.." uo - - - ... G..4l. ~ 2!1!;,'~~:~~:-~' . . ,.: .. (: i~ 'r.1:'::';'~ ,.;.< :'.:.::~~::i~;,:~::~;:';"::;.,~,,,.:'.~~:~..~~'::C:;-;~':;;"'" ::":~:::':2-~~;. "..'hile i t-C:o~ld be:"~; argued 't!:a t ".. the L' :Hetro ?}'~n. 'i.::epd.liient; o,'.99:7,~ ~~.t .n~c.~.s_s~.r By.:;. .. contradict these policies, in a sense even" implements-'these . policies, that argument ....ould have more validity if ,theY.e,tro Plan amendment .and.,the Refinement :;';:,'. ?lan adoptio:l "'ere: occurr,ing-; :sir.iUI ianeou'~ly? }He';j'..e.tro:~ta:~:amend.ment;.~~'~ccur~'~ilg~ .:50 four ).ears arter-these- policies'nave 'beeninitia'ted',-lriust "a.ssumeboth - a higher .." order of n:a6ni tude a.,d more. timely findings than that. ol. the,.Refinement, Plan, as . ~~ they relate to. 'this ;.s'p'ecfficSi te:a t tliis :s'pedii c ~'t~'_~.e<:~<y'..;;;.~ -:~~' '\. .' t<,;~:. ..:-. ~-- ~ ~':':"_.: . -:. ;:'.',--:.'~,,:',-,: :',.' ._;;..~ ...., ':;,,-:..,';" ."c ~,..... ., ~ _~..... '" ~efinernen ri::?lan: .policfes:J! ~'hith:i are:'.r or \'ill " h'e i'~pfem~ritJd-: ',by,.:lj{is:~~:.:~~~~J;.~~t . . ~ .:-. ..~ .;.:... -. ..,.,' ,,;, ... -. ,.. -' . . - '. include the folloving: *, 7: ~ 2. ;. " 5. "" ,- ~,- ," >. . Cri teria,: for Desigriatin{indus"tr~al Land ... " _ ..' .;. ',~. ... r"-..';' -';'~ .... ','~~:: ..:.:.~,'~ ~[: \ :,~,;...':-:.::;:~ '.{'~-::'... ,.... ~,., #~. ...-~, ~. 1. Hetro ';:?lan.; .policfes.i:'anl'." the"' y.ei~o' '?lan 'Diagram.' .shall' be applied' in desigr.ating land for. industrial. use in Y.~d:-~pr,i~~fi~+d.. .,. ~ r:.. '". ;,,",:'c.. . 3. Rec~in~ze ~ exi s tin:: {iiht-m.~i ~~ lnd"; lr;.i ;:~~s~ari~: ~ cb;'~~ d~l:. ~PPlYing the Light-Xedium:..:, Industrial';: plan' designation as.. a 'buffer: beti:een~, Heavy indusaial and Residential plan designations. . <.,.'. . f:. Minimize~industrial devel6p~erit ~16n~ Y.ain~S~r!~t~.~~_ ~" : "'; .,' ~~ ~'.<~ '. ~ ;'. ,,,, "1 /3 ; c~ .,-~;'.~<"-:;;. .' ..;: ~ . ~ _.: ;' ":1.,,, ::"~ , 1 :. ;:' .'- , '; ;' ~~.;.. . '. COHY.ERCIAL'DEVELOPMENT. POLICIES , .; ~ r '. '.. :,,";, r ;:~ :'~ L ~~,~: ~:' ~',:'.S r.,'" ;. ,; :;. :. ~s .:'." :':'" , 'r :;;. ::;:;~: ",] .~ , :.,::," Policies.:' 2;:':' >:. ': ~~< ;~ :;. ~_ ;;:- [. :- (1 (: .;,J ~:"':: ; .- ~ ". . ,~-~-s...:::r-: :"'n'. ~ /~ ~~ :_:. ~.::~ r; '..~']-"? ), .~: . . _,:...~ ~.., r:.D _:. '.. ~ ~:i_?-:- :~ ::_ ,'":., ; ;: .' ,.) "\ 1. , .' . ...' t,; .. ";.' :.:_ ,:.:,]' -~-~. Ci:: ~ r-" '.::( :"::'" .e':~,';" ~ ---: ~ 7" ~,:; ~ ,~.! ..' <~, .;. _ .' -: 'r:: ;;;:" '.. , , " "-~:; r: ,;~. ~~. .:.:..-:'7~'. ~, . ' .. . '. Proyid~~<;~c~~ t . .and re-devel~pable land - to a~low;: f~r, th-e', .e~'pan~i'~h';~f:.:,';.~ -:;.; cOlTlJjlercial i ; uses, and::; - to' encourageS;' new commercial'.; de\'elbpment~along:r; Miin:: ,.: ,:.:' .~: .j"; S t re~:t'; :; r::::,:> :: '~;1 {""~:'~ '.~ ::: :::~, ~B; ..."....". ....:: :;~~~.i\~ ': 3 ,: _ :0 t.' ~ ~ ~ ;:'..t:~~~~. ~ q =, "'.<... ,_;.',,'.. .L.;..~.'.'~..~. ~.,-~ 'i~'.. ~ ".' 'l~ tc:~...':.I:. " ; =,:...:~:).-!~:.....~... ;":. 1_" '.':.: ::OS: !; "",:'c ;1 :! ~ : : ;'>.5:~ "; ..:. (,,, ~ . ., _ ',. , , ~ ..: ..:< _ ~.. . Appl)' site-specific Commercial plan c."~ignct;i;;.ns al':'ng. Haln....S"tree.'t .yo...~.~;.: ~~~~~~~ersf:;i~~ t~~e fU~~~;~s of comm~rdal \!HS: ~.r;~).I~:0z.t 'j~~~L~;~,;t;~nj~~~:~i+t~~'~:~f.- .. ::. RESIDENTH.1 DEVELOPMENT POLICIES c.5.:. (:;>- rJ o'~ Policies::;:::: ?~:t:C': ;."i; b :".:~ :,' :;., .;. 1 ;:~. ,~~,:.: .' " t: t ";;: _~ n-l 5,,: 'J :; :~ '" ; . ..~; .... " .~ ... : t: '.::' .:! ~~' ;~. ~ ~.'..-~ J (. s:.~nq 0- I 'T" '-15 b 2. :0';;: f ;~, L-s t '): ; :: :'_:'~Jfl i: '- .. .~ ni"r.,1nate the incursion resioe"tially-d~signated these uses. ~:-:~::~~i.Lc'D:' 2.~' -:;:;. :~- :';::: .~ ~~ '.,;. , -:',:- -~. ~~ f ;' ;~ ~ - - .. - :: ;'j/' ;, :';' ~:, ...,,':-. ; ~::j :; of industrial and commercial de...elopmen't" 'iino" . neighborhoods by specifically designating land for j r :~.- :' l'~ :; ,- ~~ . :, E:: j' ."': j; ~ :; .-, ~ ':.~; "" ":~ . ~: -; ~: '. -:: '.: '.,~ .~ ~:.~ :';'~s"'; Page 6 r.id-Springfield REfine~ent Plan A~~ndment Ordinance No. 5617 Page 9 Ord. 5617, Exhibit A-~ 12. 13. of the rneOlan for, t];e. area. on the ba~i~. ofc)!i~..,S~_cr~tary'.s. findings.,. that. ~:'~. ~.~<: . :.. such :v~d~ tiohS} ale-n.eceIH.i? ~~t~~~'~'~6t pr~Va(i.n'n:Cg: 1:e\~el(.6f: con~!~~~t ff'~" ~:!~,~~.: cost -o-t: fiiF'rta'rKe!f;:"rent5~.or':'un~~\iOJ~' .10:-' .~r~'_,higl'Cfarni1y;,i~coJ!Je~~ ~~~".. '-. .<.~.~ :;~ Resid:~t;~~.')'~:e:;r~:~~0~t:.~:);'~~o 1::.'~;~_ ~.~;~ ~ ~:.. f~;t'~~~;.:;i~~~i'i~~'~ t-~::~h~~~iig~.~ ~ ?-'. qualifying' as housing for olcer perso~sunde~_".. th.e 198~~f~endrne!1.fs;_.,.:t,C?the si-:.::.- :...- Federal Fair Housing Act, and insofar as authoriied by the 1988 Fair Eousing .' .. ~.mendments and other applicable lay. L further. liud ted "to-, oc.cupancy.. by<- ?dul ts .>...;;. . ~ ~ ..:";. "'" :" ~ _ ' .::........ .. _ w. ~ .,;>._ ~'. _..'. ~"' - 'J ...... .' 1l;. To provide for greater compatib.ili ty. bet....een f1ev' residential, uses ..:a.nd., the . ~ . e>:isting industrial~: 'occ'..ipa.n:cyof Nest'e" Resin's 'on' Nor'th 28th .S'treet, no residential unit shall be 10cated..:...iJhin~~20~.feet of~.an)' poin.t on: the ~ :', curre.ntboundaiy-~~f ~~~)~es..ie..?lant':sf~.e'...:' ... .:.c-"~ :':.. .,>.'.:.::::.. ::::'...."2:.. :: .c,.' .: .)!:-o Li.,_:,'I . e;;-c 'c. c.. '.. ..... . ':.. ~.: ~:, .... '.' ,,' r'.:;" ',. ."_ " _ ,... :: 0' r': The ~MDR odesigna Hon'of;' thi"s::::'si'te--'sh'al1 b""e su1>j ect.' ~io.. 're~eval_ua ti o~ our.ing::. ="0;. periodic:'revie,(unless : the':~'fol1o....ing.'.drcumstances j,refO\1I1'cf .~o:. exis.t:> . . .... .: :",::' . .', _ ,~;>:~= ,,;~;~~2<.,' 2..; > '::., '........ '",~~.':;.<;' :~i.,":.; .:.' ;:.~.(!..:;:~ . ~<,., ~ :.: .'0.: :. ':>:' a. ~'subs'tantiaF;progress has been .ltide.. .on :the 'piojec.tand;.c" the .project .as .:.,: , built and operated conforms'-'suosta.:niially;;~.to:'- the"-repres-ent"atioiis""-'. .. concerning ,a;fordab~1itYltade by the ." applicantr.during.;.t.he' Metro.:" Plan s.,;:' <:.: .~.. ~a:mendtilEint process; or"" ;' .. . H' ... _.. .',.:.:.~;=,;_.,:: ;;:, .e,::,i.!:'.' b. an affirmative determination can be; ma.de; ': in,:: light.; of. alt.the:' -:.-' circumstances, including the City of Springfield's forthcoming Housing .. Plan, th~t .t~e property should be. retain~d fC?:t:'. affordable housing;"and .: c. :e>:a~Pl~s'O'f"sub~'tantialp~og'i~is.~h'ai"l in~l~dea'~~~i:~i:~':{on ~i~onJ~'to;.:; .. finance' tonstruc~ion, completion. ,of public, iimproyements for, access,.:', .:'drculation, storm and'sa'nitary se""er,.or'si.te~plan reviev and start-of.:.. "construct'ion. . ... .....:. . . ,..:':. ... . " , In addition to the inclusion of the. foregoing..nev policies,' certain existing ,.. policies contained in the Refinement Plan must be e~empted from their applicabili ty to this particular si te. This e>:clusion must :occur"..to ,maintain. ,::.'. . . diagram consistency ,,'i th the !1etro Plan, and maintain the-' force. and effect of these policies else~here vithin the Refinement Plan boundaries. The findings in~~' . Attachment I, acopted vith the Metro Plan amendment, are the basis for the site specific _ change t.C? th.e. designation. of this P!"9P.er~y'and,: by..virtue:'of.the:'.. relationshi{,j bet",'een the. Metro Plan: .and.refinement: plans. already . identified: in"'. this report,become:; the'.bas~fsfor the-Refinement Plan amendment. Refinement Plan:~::. policies ",'hich must be pre-empted by these findings for this si te specific change. . :'. include t~je l~\~?;i~gl.>: :::'.~:3 :_:"'.:>':,,:...' ("f'.J',,;,;:":! ,~~~:<<,~..'.?:' '."C ':-- .:>~. ~.. .:"\ ......... ,'; .~ ,-:~ ~ [ .".~ ~-; ;. -;- "l ;: :7 :~. :: .~:., ".. ','.:: .:: ::7 .: ~< ~. "; ~.: :~-.:', '.: --; -.. .--- ~ -> ~, ~ .'C-. . ... , .... . >~ ::-- INDUSTRIAL'OEVELOPHENT POLICIES . ~~ .: !.) 7 L: ~~ S)":;' {I :. . ". .::' L :' "":~::' .' ". ~ 4. . . .'<: :. Policies ;:; ;.~ ~ ~'. ;;-!~12 . ]=:~~~_~ ~'2:~~'~ ~~'~j: ~L._':~ :.;~, Y::~X:r>.!,.' . 1. Resolve land use conI~:cts and prc'.,'~,=~ f(.r c€rtaint.., in the industrial<::: ..... development. process ~: establlsnl~i sit€-specific industrial plan..~ designations. " ,...._.._ ':';?';.:.;:';' "'~C'{2'I,;:"',:1' .',-' ,...0:::,::1.:: ..\~.:; :~':~3..~':C-()<~:('/:'\~ .~-., -.". _.! r. ,. _ ~,'." " .. ::.:; _'. .~., _; (. .' ':_ ~. : .) ::! :- :: :~. ~ : 2 :": ::. '--. ~. - - . :.':.~f J~~J~i.~~~~~t~ ~: .- . Page 5 Y.id-Sp~i~gf:eld ?efir.e~e~t Plan ;'menc~ent .J",:; '. :: -: ~ .~ 0: >. b ~- :': ~ ~:: :.~~ ,1 : 0; ~:..: _ ~ .~ i ,Ordinance No. 5617 Page 10 Ord. 5617, Exhibit A-~' -- -,....,~~..~,:'-t .-. ~. f......... . "'... _, ~_ j_:.-~..-,:..,~:?~... "', '- ~ '.. - ~ -.. - l.:" ~\:._,:;:. : ~ ~ -: . :..~~~ ~t:Y ~ ~..;., . '" ~ ~ ~~ ' " -:- _ :... .;:- :~ -: ,,::: ~ _:- .. , );li~:~ !:__'~~:t~.:.", ,., ~:::'~~~,~.~ ~:: ~.~ ~,: .~qV. ,. ',..' .. .. " , . RESPONSE::hfCr-tfed~(3r~ "'L' ..~," - ", '- - -" ': c~.tLi: <il':I~<~ n~? }~~;~;~;t~::~;~i:~i{~;h~~t · Po r II on~"t~$)_I,h~ :~A;,~,' PP-WO,lJ, !oN,?, PJ~n. > I nI~n I ~!: ~ ~ ~ ,~s <:e gu!!!! ~~\ m 1'n~ s . . g k,;, j thorough "'delfrfea troir."ind :mitig'anoh- 'P~,f-,p;~J~r .~.~ Ha~d (~~~~aS :r~~u~.HO,ljl ~r;..;~lo~a.~ ~on~ :-::';:i:' is' proposed) must be submitted and ~ppr~v~d before development of" these areas ....illbe permitted (see also pages 1-3 of AttachIlle.9~~~!?~:!;r.;~~':;r:~::.;:;\~}1'7';:;:'G:r.~S::~::::;:" , :.f ~ . < ., .- RESPONSE b~:~1~~:i5 t;~i~ d~. ~ . ;:0 ~ J ;,. S:;,: d.? :: r -- '. " .. ::.~ l ~,:. ~ ~ ~::, ~:t~~,;.:;2~:;j~:~ ~~; i.:;(;~ fi i: '.. ,:;.t ~ ~~' ~:'. Potential. conflicts vith neighboring land uses have been identifi~d during the ~etro Plan amendment hearings. and-~ ,\:er.e.. tedia.t,ed~. by.; the, ,;Y.etropoli ta~.:?olicy Cornlti tteeJ ~$ :rhe-;'prlrr.ary iooi"':";fs~ a's'etb:a'ck:;"n6(.i~~~~ th~~':Jib," fee.t; b,e,t~'.ee~i,; ne:'" residential d...'ellings and. the, existing. ,chemical plant, ",'est of" the si te.<: Ho""~yer, addi tional i'soluHoris.J uef a,.a:ilable iric'luding berms ;';:fencing';~ la.n~dscap'e'd' 'setbacks and building oriente tion. Each of these mechani'sms' may' be "'ilsed as 'development . approval req\.lirements for this 51 te.'_...(~,,'J~,q(l,\_: :;:;;::< D.; ~'::i ! ~:). . CONCLUSI~N ~.,~;:;;~;~~~Ar~.ON.;..:?c;...~;...i. ..... ...,...:.. ~,:[.f.f .... ..:.:~.""'.~r.. ":;)ds::~ .,:~j,.~[..~~:.~._;~..~,;~,".. . ~ r: ",. -". .~ .... ~, .'l,., " ...... r."{'~G;5..;':.:f",::~~='i.. ___ .V'_ Amendlilent~~r6f:31 theZr;Ret'inemerif; pian "~YJ. :t<()'rt~sPb.n(~':vi th~:'a" ,recently; ,; appr"ov.ed' ;..:" '. ~ ' , amendment of the Metro Plan is re'q'ufied-"by 1 the 'p-iovi'Slon's~a:nd" "poffcfes of both plans. ~ taff . recommends. changing :...the..M.id~Springfield Ref inemen t. P~an Di.agram, adding nevGRefinement: Plan:: poliCie's ....'hile e>:empting"the site' spe'c~f~c,.application.c of . existing Refinement Plan poliCies, and rezoning this. property consiStent \"i th the nev plan designations. Findings in sUD?ortof .this recommendatio~arefound: . in A ttachment':~'I ':and:the bo'dy" of this ~!f~cP~~~"~::~;;<:' ;",~,,' ,.~ "":; :.' ;.::~ (;.;.~;'>~'~: :;';0:: . '.~ . :......., --" :::. -~ " . :' 1 ~. ,.." . .; .., ,,_ co ,. ,T ;; ......-.. .: .~ . - ,,";. . ~ .. ... -- ,'. . :._,-, -. .~ : f,:'~ :..' t~ : " ~ ~ . ~ .~ ~) ~;j '} ~: ;<~ -..:. - .. ." . - . L ~ ~ ,'': ,<' ,," . . .:. ~. . J 'i ~i, > ;,. ~ ~'-~L'~ "~: }" ::1. r~\ .~ ~ ~ . .... .'- ".-, '~ .'" ",: .... " " ~. . .. . . '., ..... -'. ....- '. ,.. ,." ,;:.':: .~: ~<:... (( ..: /- ~.- ~: :; .: \-. ~~ ;, . :r (j. <: i.. " I; ({:: ~J::'~;'.!_,. ':.;':' ~ ~," , .{.- ..:..::.... . ] .c:~~'~~" ~'; .~( :~; T Xi:. . ,:,.~..! ~ '- - ~. ~.. -" , ~.. .. ",-' ~:' ;'f; C" G: ~~.. ;,. -~: :.i ( ~). , ,.~.;~} .~: ,:j ~.~;- !,l.~ :; ;.....-.~ ;~ .? ~:? :1 Y"-;'7 .~ :' n.~:::: :.~ .:/: : ~. .' , ; " l' ~.~ {.;'~; 0~I?i:9::t~~'~lt!'(.;.r: .3.;-~..~'J~.L; ::)'-J 1 ~ ~~: .::, ";,./ ~ Z f':'::';:'" j . :;'.1.i:~: . 1. f :~'~/ 'J~J;~ :} .~~ " ".'. ~ .". , ;:-:; :t;~ '=. , 0'$.'1{. '::r;~SI, ~:.J ~ n.i.~{~:~:~. I. ~;". ";! f ~;,? :~ '1 !3. .t.:'..;:~.~:~'~ r::~:}::. t_~:,.;.~.: ~~;. ~ ,; S~-l-~t~.:. ~ ~.~ - .~~.~.; :r ,7':: ;.~ ~ : Cl}~" -1":;' ~,~. ~~: t:; ~. .~, r;(f>:. <:' E L 5 :: ~)'. .,. 0 .j (7:-; ~ ,. . t. .,,:.~ .:::~ ~ :,:'1 :~; ~~\f_;~. . ::'~L; ..l:..\: ' . :: -::~~ ~~,' ;;: :f.. ~/.j ;~,.:i .j (; :S',~'~ t;-;~, ~~ ) :: ,~:-;;. ; :;~_ n' s r ~: J r: ~ ':~ ~.i't 1 : 3.' ~: -:-G: . :~ ,~ _:J :)-_ f~ .:~ .. : ... ,.~ ." - '. ,,;'.'';J::.'.'':.:...... , .,\"..:: ' ,; '" .?'c: ) ; !;" :;:::~, f. s.,.:: b s ! :, '.;:' ~,r,;~j 2: >'. ':~.: , . :: ~;' J r: 'u r :: () ~}.. ,.:;:j: c.' .:: .' ,;:.~ 'I :.; f" ' . ! ';- :r ~"~;; f~rn-,., ~t:; z; .'";, /., . ':"'^' c Page 8. M~d;:S?I:ingf i eld~ Ref i nernen t:pi~ri.1AF.;e~dr.;~n't~ ", 'I. Drdinance No. 5617 Page 11 Ord. 5617, Exhibit AJ1 3. ~ini~ize conil cts betveen industr~al(com~erc al uses through :Spri~ifield.Develop~ent Code). . ,,: ,.. '"' ~ ~,' '-.- - 7"..1 ~'~"~-'.&"-'_ ~:;t~ ""."f~'-~ f":) ....~.:4-~~7:5 '9:-:-:~-_~$~:-:;1.~':- ::~':!::f..l::';~~ Fro.;id~: afor.'~~ ~~.ffer~~~~??~ _ itu.~ t.i,p!~ ~ ',: t~~;i ~Y.' o~}'efo,~.:'ri~j~t;: ;~~o=tl :.~.i~.~,1.e;::k~f:~:i}?I~;!~:; ,;<.;': r . development l. through..: the': Sl ~e' plan - reva...., pr.~.~~~~ ~.. _. :.: - ....,,..:.., ~,.1 " ;; ;: I.i~: ~c: :9!:;':;o :q: c. h Criteria ~~~:~e:~~~ti~~~::'~~~~~:~(~~~::;.'~~: :'~'"~';:':,<'.:c, 2~~.;,.;~';;:'; -;-~2:, ~,;."; ~";1~~ ..::.. !: E";. residentially-designated land and the si te plan revie...' proc~:~ ~~;..r~t::~;c..l.~;{l..-z.:~z.;f.;:.:::~.. .7. f" \ ,- ~."'j ,~:>::::: <~:3',.:~)'l'~-:'X 1. Generally the medium Density Residential plan designation shall -~e applied unde~.: ~h: :~~;;o"":i;g: f1!~;~~~ ~~~~e~;. .0'( .. ;.:.::: _ ~.;~~:- r: ::::~: ~ = ~ "~ J ;'.: ,~':.. .:: =,~:~,:-:; i:3i~ l ~;~:' ;.:~ ~ b. ',: to' 'larger.[ und~rd'~yel6ped: areas iln!t~di.a:t.ely"; adja'cen t" to'." cou:er.<;ially':::; .: ; :;:::.<,' . 'J designa fed land' along ~ain Street r ,:~.':':"..', - ,., .:" ':::':."'.~ . - ::~~ ~ -:. ;;' ,;: . [.5 ~;:.~ '.: ::: :>: . d. : ,:here' -~ desfgn'ated~ e>:clusi vely~ Y.edi um. Dens~)y Resi'diritiaL (as:. op~~~~d !~.':;:;':: 0.;;;. . ::"'~ixed.Use") on.the'~etro'.Plan:"Di.agra.m;~'~''-,:' ::.~~::;. .,,:'.: .:,,:;, -.' .; .:':;1:.;;,; :..~.. : :':": :;.J:. 3/ ':<:':. '> ~ :: ~ . '. ,: '.: :. ....;; i.: .. J. . ;; .,'". - ,~.: , ::~::.{ ^ '. ,;. :. ::.;': :~;( ,<~ ,;'0<;. .: ,S'1) ','< ;:: Cri te.r-ia for Approval - Zone Change' . .d ..' - ~.'" - "'.. . ;_0 ~." -'. ",~ ,::. ;'~:~ .~":- -~_i~~ ~!_~}:~',,~: -:T~:!i~ ~_:11';~i :. ?:~jl.;::) ~_~::,' ') Section 12 ~030 of the SDC requires the Planning Commission~ ,... ;,ohe':l :eaching a decision on zone ch.ange applications,..to. adopt findings "'hich",.- demC?nstr.ateHhat::;:.,:.-;:~..,. the folloving~'cii terfli" nave been. addressed:'.in'sll '.case's.::" .,'; ..:':~ :;" ::.~ ~.: . .~. : ~. :r ;:;_ ::L....'.',..:~ ;'.: '..,) ,:".J:.;J :;.: "":" .:~:.; :''':;:-.:c.; .' '\ ,~:"",:,:",-:,....~,::_,,:-,..:~~:~;,~,:::,:.: 3'i-,:,:c;~. .::."~_ (1) Consistenc'y' .-;,lith. ..tlie : Hetro. Plan. .Text'" and.:Diagram~:..and~; ....i th~ applicable' -. '. Refinellient'p,I.~n'Te):t.:~:..:' . .:. .;~:::~,..:.;:":'_. ..\ ":-":':<1:<:::7:;;' ';'. (2) !hat~;~i~i~~m'l~\.~l""~f key urban 'servic~~ ..c.ari:b~~~~ovid~cf.to' the'p~o~~~iy'.:.' ;.;.'. prior to or in conjunction vi th development;' arid~. -- .~. , .- (3) Conflicts involving site specific natural resources and/or hazards as identified in the Y.etro Plan have been satisfactorily resolved. (4) Conflictsvith neighboring land uses have been satisfactorily resolved .or can be resolved by using the Site Plan Reviev process in accordance vith Article 31 of th. Code. RESPONSE to Criteria (1) Findings in response to this criteria are found on pages 1-10 of Attachment I and on pages 2-7 of this report. RESPONSE to Criteria (2) All urban services are adjacent to the sit~~ but ~xt~nsiveon-site improvements viII be required. The zoning of this site ~ith Community Commercial, Light ~edium Industrial and Medium Density Residential compels site plan reviev approval prior to issuance of building permits. Th~ site plan reviev process includes requirements for the provision of all public i~pro~e~ents including storm and sanitary seVer~ vater, electricity. fully impro~ed str~ets and any additional i~provements called for by refinement plans, functional plans or utility plans prior to or in conjunction ~ith private development (see also pages 9 and 10 of Attachment I). ~ Page 7 ~;~~~pri.~gt.i~l~ :Refinemenr~?lan:Amendmerlt':' r. ~''; :~ E:- : 'Ordinance No. 5617 Page 12 Ord. 5617, Exhi bit A~:/o . .. ":.n .- ... ~~~:.~ ~ ~o pan of Ih~ sij~ is \\:ithjn"a~)j9oqpj.~~~ .~r,ilCloow2Y. .'1.'::S~(~Gs~'.c';~/ .:;n;:t:n.';?':'<_l j.J.il~lq~"::'l~f'/' '~f7;. ;-;:l:~:l)ffi 1-. .. . (-;'.i:~21;3~~ No ihfe1:~en'ed'oi'e~cin'gered 'species r.a\'e been found on the si1e. Dninaee ditches and wetland areas on lhe sile \\'ere identified as ripfrian resource in ir.e .. ...... Eu'g~~?pringDe~d:, MI~tr9~~1~~~!l;. g9~t 5 .Wildlife'. H~~.~~l)ti\'entor):. (Lev 1990). Two :~).:}L,": ..:: ''';',}! T/:sections'ofthe Q Street"diich extending intoJhe propeny/v,lere descnbed, and \'alues a.e identified in the inventory as a wildlife travel corridor. Site descriE~ions and maps fiOm the inventory are. ar..ac~ed. ;-: .,-:- ;. .:; :...~:< ': !;' ~ ;-,x-; i :::,. f :,Ch.J ......;. '-'::' I: ~ ~ 1i r: J 2 ';'.",: .:-: .~., '.:~~: :: .~. ';:,' : ..;:: i: ; '; .,.; : ,-;.:::. _,..: ;':3~: ~ : :"O~:: " .>c. (.; :.,:::A.: 1990's!ud'); of th~'si.t;~ v:.~s' prep~ed for .the Cit)' of Springfield b)~ the MilcheJl }\'e1so:l .' ' ': :.... ";,:; Group and. Davi4J. N~!\~i<?~.~~~Qciates, enthled.~AnaJ)'siS'ofD'h.~lopment Capability ..~>~'. ., ::.:.', -,; ~';;'::<2nd Inrrastr:ucfure.Impt~"~-rnent ~~eds. fo~ Se,Jected SpringfieJd"Industrial Sites. It .: ':' '.' " 'i' i;" i "isprep':~~ r ~~~er ~ f ~€~bt<:9n()mjcDe~'eJ op!"enlC ;~~~i?!~fu lion gunl and is . . .,'.... ;-':...... <.- Or:,;-; )(referred' to. m these findm2s as lhe:EDAStud\'~ ;;; The.EDA' stuey. confirms and refines o~:o" ", ','; ~.. "o;~ CS-;\ietlziid;riptiian; ~~~.)\-iJdlife,\'~i ~e! ,;;; Ihe, site as: see f ann: in: :llie anached exceljlls ,,', :} J::~~"~ rOi~ ~~ ~~? t;:" ~-' ~~ ;:' '.::;2" '; ::; ::: 0 r:' e::; ~', ':l:;; <~,::;;::; ~:: ..:.. -.:;.: Goal;S~ v.'as:-app1ie.d~ai'l~'e~~,~e. of acknow'];dgi';'lenr and the determination was made to iJlow ,-, <-;.:: " <; " .' <:' urban ,'de\;eloprrienCof ihe'site but to limit such development by applicat~on of protective plan poliCies at the time of review of speci~c develop,mentapplicatioris v,;here Goal 5 resources had , been identified':;: :The.~currer1t r i~endmerit does not. alter this ackno\\'ledged program to :achieve .. .: :'-:~.thegoak'.The piogranrit~fel.(V:~llbeapp]i~~:~t the,time, a specific d e\'elopm em application is .', .....}>~: recei\'ed~' 2.S arequiiec:relement ~ ofth.e.city',s sjt~planre\'iew process.~)'/. . -'.. - . ...- .:: ::.c: ;;; ::;~: :'.': :...., .'.,::~ r.:.. ..; '.i'.....'. ". . . ..: . . .j.,. .'. ~,. ;.. ,. c...'.: ..,. cn;'E:n\'i ronrri enla1 Resou rces EI e';,~n t of lhe' h{ elTp!,lan j rriplemen Is God 5 as 10 s;ch . .-.' . ...,.:, identified resources~':: Objecth;e. 2 (p'.)p,':C-6) ,~ecfuir~s the .integration o{open space and naturd . :, ..:;.'feat~resjnto the" desigri 'of curb an deV~lop'men't~ Policies 1,2,: and.4 (p::,lII-C-7) reauire the ~ ~: ~::,.,~.': ',",~,..~~,nsjq~rationofd9i;hStTeam impaCts o{de\'elop'ment',' prohibit development in the flood~.ay, and '.,.. :".., require ;ite-specific soi~~s. an~ ~~lo~.i.S~J\.:t~,di7s. ~'here pO.1.~ntia}.piob)ems ~xist. Policies 18 and ,...... . \"" 19.restnctdevelopment m \\'etlands'ar~s. tgohcy;20encourag~s,local. governments to regulate ., . .. -.'~: ,~.,' de\'e]opm~nt in: such a :manriel as.to: belfer:co~lr<?l drainage, erosion.: storm runoff and to'reduce :~'..~ ,. ':', ::, ~.:, ,..::~ (: ,:, ":;',"stT~~~tetaJe9~\!I'a.ter,; quality and quantrtY:~r~bt~m~.. 'Pol]cy )5. ~equiresthat, . ,}.;t.~_~ =:._~,....,:,i.j....~~"#~ ,,", -...... L52W J(~.)':,'~"~ ~'.." ,-""'.",,._.,-, ...;. "'Vhen planning for and r~gulating geyelopmel1ti:local, governments shall each continue . . . ., ., /, ,_.. .". .., . ,P ..), p.... .. :'.: <n'~'"\"10;n:7.h(En L~B;',~~Qside~zthe> h~' f~r '~~9~.~~!!~~~ otpp'e~.'c~l?~~.~sf:JJ?~.l,.udingr~t~?S~ characterized by ." -. P "7 ... ... ,. ....,.~-~,sJgmficant vegetatJon' and wJlohfe. 'Means ofprotectmg, open'. space mc1ude but are not ~ "':"""';1. ,,",,;c.:'.t;:t.00.f":',...IJ,: <;," ~ ... '.... ~~...:..... "J"':)'''':''/'','' L;-...,;,.; ..," .., ," ... . . :" '.'~:":~;0;;-b;ft-rJ.~t:~t . . 1~~~M:do,9utr:ght~j:a~q~~~ltl?~'~,;~..~~~~.~~;~tI19!l. ,~~~~m~n~~J ;planned umt de~'e)opment .~.;::~ '~"~~/':";' "~~~)\j:>~:;::,:O~,~.IJ;~!,!ces,.:str.eamsloe'prote~llon'orolr.t=.nces, open space ~?' d~ferrals, donatIons to the ~:"'..j ,..J.... d, .. - pubhc, and performance zomng." . Ordinance No. 5617 Page 13 Ord. 5617, Exhibit A-lf: ATTACHMENT 1 ":~>i~':"::Fii1di%}:&S'rli~sfIPP~;1' l,f Ord~%~;~~t~'~.~~'5!515 Amending 1h~ ~1t'1r() P!.;!I~,.O}\II:hl:IIH.ljSpf.ing"~lJlld Silt-) ~.:~) ~ J~ l:'~. t~",!..,f!'~i~ ~~~::j .~?S-.-'~ ~:;::::~~ 0: :.:;:::L~_...q.- c_~ -"':- .._,,~ ~'. _ . . .f.. _ _ . .;. r" ~,",. . ;C" 'f"~:-~::;::': 2:': :.:;;:;::~~~,: .:)~::".; ;;:i, :::~.,~ .(:;J:.:.:.,:,~,; :.''<::',;::.:.~,:'.:~~~~!,~~:~Z~~;~.'~ . :" He _l;.~~~,.~:~. .:. J:,;.. -~fETRo.. P[:A~.'A!\'fE~D~fE~TS !\IL"ST~ BE CO~SISTE:\:T \\'ITH APPLICABLE '..' , : .1.....'. ;) , ".'.:,.... . '. ., .. ,. ... .', . ,. .'.., ._ . . . .. . . c.? i .'" ,- ~. ..:.q' <STATE GOALSo;,-;; g., ":;:,~ '. ~ '.~,;,: ";/:~:~~'C~' < :;.;:1i~:;~:.~:; ::'~32jJ"""" .... '.~,'::~':".:,) ,5 ,:'_: "."::~':;; :, ... . . ;.....; ':, :. :-: . :. ::.-.. ::.., 2.... ., co' . ~ c. - S "'-;:;:":;'!;;: ~ .: .-. Gont 1 . Ci1izen In\'oJ\'cmc-n1. This gcia}':-:-qi:rjes iha1 programs be impleme:;led li':,t w::: . . . f . . h.' d. ol \. . \. , . p:OYlOe 2:; op?onunl1y or C~!1.2ens to" l..e l:~yo.\~e in c.J."p.:.2ses ;OJ. t.:e p,anmng process. .".'. '0 ~ '.:' :;S?nngfi~ld a:,dt:-,e. Cilhef..t;.\:oMe~lTo',Aiea' p1~.nn.ing jlltisdi~t19Tls.,h,\'e an 2ck"''Iowledged chiz;:; .. . .." involvement prog.ra'm :ind~ 2cknowledged. PIoc~dl.!ies}or ~~c.\J[ingC;tj2en input on all proposec ",'c':' ~..,.~..pla~ ard lOne changes;::'Those pr9i:~ures ha"e,beeiifolio.,,'ed ,,;lh this amendment. This pIa: ' .. .'.:: ...~: "-.:.,;,;;:c.rn.e!1~lJlent. \)..as..referred to'a~feCied' pu.bllc, 2ge~~ies and.. gT~~p.si..c.;jd notice of its conten:s wal '~ .- ~_. ...... ....~.:.p:-o\'ided.to~.affected,:l.eside.ni.s':and propen)' 9\i.'n~T's.'lhiough.:\\:ri!ien 2nd p:.lblished no:ice Co! : 0': : '. . '.: rell e<:ted in. the record.', Prl<5i'! 0 final adopt ion; . 'pu 1i lie' hearl n g s: will have been held by th: " :" . 'plannin g commissions. the elected governing bOdies' of all Ih ree j url s<5ictions. and :h: Metropolil2.n Pollcy Committee.. The City 9f.Springfie19 wiltconduct additional public hearing! . .,. to adopt RefinementPla~:;~;~~ndi11ents in1en?,~(~,? 'i~pj.~rT1e.ntthe Metro Pl2n Amendment. ~ ~ . . "" . '.... .' .. .... .... .-' .,.-'/ ".:.:~ ~ .:: .:.:; ;::.::.-:: .., '......" ';'.' 9-oal 2 ~ Gnd Use.'PJannirig/-,This 'goel requiT~s:es1.~blisbmentof a l:anduse planning prAss :., ,.' ,.., ..~': '2nd. policy fnme\\'ork' a'f.a :~isis. for land" use 'd'~~~i.oJ'l.S. ~;;Satisfaction' of this goal req1!es ,. . ~ . ' . ' . >.::. ad()p~ion of a comprehensive' pl~n.arid its ~.ckno\\.l~dg1Jlent.b)')he' Oregon Land Conservation anc . ,..... ~ Development Commission~". This Metro Plan ::mendment is being processed as a citiz.en-initiatec amendment as provide? for in Chapter IV of.lhe.Gck,nowledged Metjopoli~n Area General Pl2.~ ....., . ". ?-Tld as implemented through tDe ac~mowledged l::nd use .codes of thltnree jurisdictions. Funhel " . : :~,,:: ,;: ,eli nement of thi s amerd niem .".in ~ccur through adoption of new: policies in the M id-Sprl n gfie}( , " ..":' . . c. ::" .":. f. Refinement Plan and 'through. imple'm;ntation of,the City"s.. sile: pl~ri: re\'iew standards. . ...... .' .. . . " .:.::.;:...;'j.~~,.. .~., '"... , . '..,~:.~ 5,:~J.C~.:~: .. .-/. .::: \~,' ,." ". . . '~.~... ,;..,. .' ;:, '.: ::;:1:':~'..-. - ~ ., ,'~~.' 2; ::"~':~:.:<,~:,,':: . <:;oals -3 &:4 .: Agricu!tt{r~r~~~ld fO,re:'st Lnnds. . Thesegoals-protec't fami and forest land. The ,,< site, annexed to the City'inJ?_~O:..iS'iri t.he geographic center:of Springfield. Jt is ackno\\.ledgee , '.:.'urb~.. ]and'~.: No 'p~~~ of theJ~bje'ct.sn~ .or ~,n)' abuni,ng or neatb/site is 'planned. zoned, held I OT. suitable' fora~iicuHural6{fo'rest 'use. . . . -.. ..,:.....'::,,'i .."- !~,::' ~:.;~ gr;~:' ',.5:(:. r~::~//" ::.GoalS";,;' Ope'ri';'Sp~t~s,.'Sc'eriic;'in(Ciiistoric' Areas, :and(Nri'fural Resources. This gocJ '.- .. A"........... ...,~"..~:\ f~; 11'_1.......,... ,J~_.. ; __~ _'~ '" :::~:~ require's' the'c.orls~rY~t19~'a~d t PiO.t.~F.ti~.n 9f ,inventoried ahd';signi.~c2nt open space, scenic anc (~hisloric'J2.reas(ar1d;n~t~J~)..X~:~o~r~~~).~:l!l.ess: conOjcting uses. n~ve; been identified and justifiee , hhrough iri:'inil)~sis Of,lJ1.e ::e,c9~or~.i.c, soci.al.': environmentaF~~d:~erlergy consequences (ESEE . 2.nal\'sis)'~~'.'-' ,c. N" ,. . ,.__ ... .. '':':~ :.. ,~ ,.,. :'.".. . 'I.. J '''::':.,.. ,.- . Ordinance No. 5617 Page 14 Ord. 5617, Exhibit A-J.2- ~ ~ - ~. ,:;, ! , . .~.n onsiie c.1r-oue.Hl\; ie~!, b \\.tjcn ~';=l.s::;en';erJ1S \\:ere .t21:en ror:s)x hours aca)' '..1r;cer \'e.:i~~:e . ; -: : :,', z.,~ unconuolied .;,~;"" coo c;: i o"s c.,; ~"icqnSfC~ I i,,~ Y;ttl;d2)' 5;' d= ri d~)', !, I" ~;, 1, 200 . .: -. .,' ~:'.'.. Mond4:)'-\\'ednesc4:)',' Mi:ch~.6), 1r(l::1 i'"~'.osj:e.s,o:J~, due ee.stofl};e N~Slep~c.ra a1 ~:-;e US::::l .-.' .,;...:.. . edge of the proposed ::id~s!r1:;.1 biif=T. r.nd l:-;e .,01her,)ri Jhe re5iderlli~1 ,rea j UHno::~ of i:-;e -. buffer an2, delec~ed :10 more lb.n '.001 ??m..2~'er,ge..~xposures on a~~' d~y, using l:-.e r.K'Sl s~nsiti\'~ testing mel1io~o~og)' Gnil,b1e. . . } .,.; .:',..,:~~,' ; ...... , , ~" ~.".. " ~ , ,". ..... _,' ~_ 4, . ...~, ~, -..., , l. . .The highest projected co~cen:rG!ion 1:: L~A?A.s mo~del oCCu~s~jght.;.next 10 the p;e.r.l 0:'1 l:;e : ',,;eslern side of the )OO.:oot rc.i:~o::(f r:~:-.f C']. ';,\'a\'; over 500 feet fr"om an\' pOlerjj1al.r:5:ce:;::al . ' . ... I . _~, '. . . \:sef or.1Y:~;'ldet speci:ic ..\'lrJd c:reciiC':!.wirlo 5~ied, arJdair sl~bilil); cOf,ohions. Tr.:s ie\'el :s . ~ppr~xirnalely one.ha1i l~,e Je\"e116 \l,tich "'.(de.s may be. e'xposedcominuously for e:g:-ll ho:.:rs a day, 300 days a 'year under j~,e Fecer~l Ocnlpational Health 'and SafelY Act (OSHA). Tr,e. OSHA s!2..ndard is ].2 pans per mimcl:), or ] :500. mic~ograms per cubic meter, compared \)..itn . the rneasured:.~QO 1 ppr:1. or <1 micrcgra!11s!cubic meter actuaHy measured in the motlitonng t.st5.described aho\"e." ,. . . ,'r.,..::," . ;:. ,___ : '. , . .. ..., -. '- ,. "':'; .. , -", ." ,'- ,.. ~ .' . '. - '~ ." ,., .' , , I . ~.-.c ", " . , --, ~'... - :' - ;-.'; .~ ~~. '. "'1'. . 1,<,': . LRAPA's model assumes that the wind ilows generally from west to east toward the Sp:ingwood . site .about 25 percent of the time. Tr,e rest of the lime .thewind will be blowing the p1a.~;t's emissions in other directions. The most commo,n: condition onlhe site will be a zero co.neentration,qecause tne wind.will be blowing in'.anotherdirection.: \Vhen the wind is from the west, concentrations at any given disl,nce \;"i.ll;oft~n be at or ne.arzero, and .Vo.iiJ only occasionally andb;ielly 2.ppro2.ch the highest concentr~lion,s, whiCh themselves are weB below the OSH.~. standarcs. The most freqlJe:H combination of wesHo-f2st direction 2nd c.ny given air st;ability.conditioR is about) 3 percent, which i.S'lO sa.y tn2tabout 13 percent of the time the wi.nd ,wiil be, llo-v.;ng generally West. to east under' stability condition D. The highest , concen~~~io'ns projected for the entire' ~i1e occ~r'. when th'e".wind is. at one mile per hour under ,..:::": 'these. conditi,9n..s,. or. about. 8.5 percent oflhe time that ~ll. other.. conditions aTe present. Eight .~.< '::>: and' a h.alf. percent of: 13 percent is 1.] 5 percent. .. .,. ';' ,:. ': ",~.." . . '~. !d '. -"'" ~ ....; '-' '_"'. :';...; _ i' , , , " "j); t~,,')i: :3~';' ,"'i: :=, '~': /-~-:l ~_" .- -"...' ::",.;,::'...:--:: ....;-... ; , ./' "" ~ : " ,-' . " ..., ,," '". c,;--: . Ordinance No. 5617 :page 15 Ord. 5617, Exhi bit A-/3' ,De\'elopIi'l~~t,_~.f !~e. ~~?J.~9 propeDr m~~' .~F'J.r .on])' .~f~ecs:!.e:rf\~ii...... p:.!;sl;~m 10 s~ri;;g.i";~'': ; '.:i.hi-! ..~'2~~-:;;.';:7):t;\:~]6p-m;nf' .c;~e:f~";.~.qG:r/"rJ~(!e ,~3 J ,., .~\,ni~'~: ') T~qt!rres lhat)11~eJ Cf~~~n; oi lhe ?ro~ ~'-:~; -', r. i~?~ $} :~/,1:;'de~'e!op"i?~n~,t ~tcp~~W~~~~d:,~'; n;ll1g~'~~l~e,~l.i l1e9 ~n~ g al,i~'ej jjjj5~.cls'ar;d\ :-e~oh'es iderni zi e.d iand .... :;~;;~:; ~.~ ~ ; ~::,':5"f~se< c011]1;ct$;.' inchJdinftnose idenlilied here.: :31. 060(3):>::) ~cn' si~e !)1,-n~ review appjical10:l ::; 'k,'-;:.~'::"!;::~.-: mu=st indudet~\~~Ji~~ 'd1~c.~p.tion~o(1~e'de\'e)oprnent propos~r~nd ;a' sile.jr.~'e'n1or)' map sho'.;..ir:g '-::.-: ::;:>~;~;, :{=slo?es~, 'natural i~tures~ind-existing p\I,~H.c f?-cilities.-. The de\'e]oprnenFpJan must show how natural ie<.tures wiil ~e rnocilied by construclion acth.ily, sho..,l,.jl'":g building footprints and eJe'.ations as ~~e!l a.s.parking and_ circl:'l~tioiliPub1ic improvements;: ori~riiie,' and ),ncsca?ing. :-.', ;:.. :::L~~.--;'': '::-She>ie';]~w 'ipp:6\:al.pta:.s?~c"ih~~_de\'el~p::-lent .pro?osalon:,i~is;s:ie:\\.i1l require inat the "."':;.>: 7'~."" ".',. :C' appiicable. res6~;ce' pro1e'cii'qn poHcies of the Metro Plan'. be:~dcrtssedra'nd that approp:-:a:e :. '.":';. .' .,:.: p~0!ecti6~ be, afforcted.' ..~~cc'6rci.r.gly, Ine. S!ie: can onl)' be de\'eJopea~ if1er:i"mpJememation of 1:-:: .. ,':::,.=' :~ :;' pl,'-" s ackn9\ylecged p:~grc.rn ,t~:.achie"e'lrle purposes. ofG~~r.5~..:. : '::..;.~ .~ _.0 .. ......... ,'. .- . . ~ ;.. :.:: .~: ':..: L.:.-.' '::. D~~::):'<~; r.~.~.....j .: ....~ ~n -.additj~m, ~11 ~'etJands 'fal1jng- ~n.der .the jurisdiction of the,'ni,.ision'.of S~ie unds ,n%~~r the - '.: Corps.oof Erlgirleers will" ''Je proiected as required by applfc~b)e~~s:iie:ind federal laws and re:ulations. The forested \\'eiland, drGin?~e ditch, ~.nd ,I,.'et me.cdow area ide:liified in the EDA . , St~dy" as "the most, s~gl!ifi~an,t '~\'etland r~source area ";on.~ t~e 'sit~;'..has:. p'~n identified on the .. . ':";;';." ':~~~ ~ppJiCanl's.oconcepiu~.p~a~ (copyanached) ?s"Enhanced,\\'etlino" ',nd shall be fully protected ::'::.: ':. ~'.;under any deveJoprnent:pla!1 th~t is approved; i::";". . . '. ..J ,~; :.":~ .... ," " . .~>.._.,:_,:,-,.;.:._: _ . v,. . -o^'-"'- .or' .'. ...: :__'~ _"!' :"'!:~...'_,'":; ..-;_~~..._ .,' -,- < . .' . /:;~.. ~ . .- \.:; - .. . ~ - ~ ~ ,. '.", :Goal .6 ~. A{r, .~.\\'~t"er',a.nq~ L:md Resources' QU31i1y'~ .::. This~' 'goat '-requires that Jocal . . ',." '~?TT1pr~hens~\'e'p1iris an'd i!Tlplernenting rneasu;~s be consisienf~'i:~' sti~e~.~d f~e~l regUla. ~. .... govermng alr, .~:ater. and.1and resol.:lrces. quality. An LRAPA'analysls'of emlSS10ns from e .:-"nwby industric1 are.aconfirms that those industries are operating withifl existing safety standards and that expos~~~s. on the site are well below those st2.ndarcs'. ' In addition, the application,_ as l' modified, caJls for an iri~,u~lri2.1:buffer area.<2st of the only existing h<2vyindustnal facility near .., . ...the site, the Ne~te resinj:>lant. ,This area wj]] be designat'ed for Lfght-!\1edium Industrial use. . d excluding all residentiar~,ses. if! d.- per.mining only light manufaduring;' asse.mbly, and warehouse . .. . '.' .':~:i)'Pe. uses,' providing',~~t~ ~.' b\lffer and a JogiccJ;: transltion.'':Eis~d/_upon the modeJs which .: LR.A.PA has .developed._ th~ proposed buffer will provide.fir rnore.P!QJect)on to the ~t~1dents of .' ,-- , .. -:: . Springwood than js!equfr.'~ by: any .applicable statute or regulaticu1:-:H ~,fl1 provide r;,c.;;y times . .:' :::thep.rotection zffoid.ed 'io plant.:workers under federal lawF:'- A~d i(~I,..rii prO\.jde subsl.2.ntially ..' .". ;,< 'more s.eparation f~om Spring~~~oo.d than is ,currently ehjo)'ed by ,resi'den(s' of the trailer park just , ',. '. fnonh'''9f the plant. The, IT!a.trice~;~nd printouts': thar'.LRAP~-:Jlas::pr'6{,l~ed project potential c.. L{i'\conceri!~ti'ons offormaid.~~)',d~. i,n'; \h~~Gir.c.t '.ailous": dist2ric.eS'.iq ~ihe eas'{;9f the plant when the ". .:~c.. . ':::l:s.-V:;ihd is blowing fiom the \~~e.s.t.';~Th_e: matrix, specifies' 14' \\'irid::"speeds: {;'{(j 6 air stability JeveJs. At c.ny specific distance and direction, the projected concentration would exist only when the wind was blowing in th2.t direction (:1 the specified speed. under the specified air ste'Jilii)' conditions. .".-. .. . Ordinance No. 5617 Page 16 Ord. 5617, Exhibit A-If . ....: . .' "''',-;''1'''/ '0' I Hi.dA "": A~.r 1,:9:<'. . _ . ." n ;:.;: o\'er.~l1i:tne-E~g~ne~Springiield"i~e'a.:~ (Cin~;R~jrli)~;~';'J;..~j~;~1JP~}Jf,di)YJJllnnC.llstTl(:1 h.nd. J n: . .-. ',.';. .~.. '2~(:";.::" ~l; :--l.-h....'::...1-9..9. 'J . Dr...r,l'~. ...J....ro'-1.'....~e.;~ )--.,;::. :,t;~,:t':l' l'~~:;-!S (.:3'-:'\' ~lf~\')dts Ihe,~funo'\:m2. fitc:ts.b~~~o . .., "."..C.-, ......~-:'- ,. ."\ 2.TC ..' ."..1 : .;n~. ...... g ......... _...... _.. _. 1'.' q.., ... _ . _ _ :.:-,~..~.~::.. :':.{~::')~~~;n. {det2.il;d'~~~'iew of 2il ind\lS!ri~}ly.de~~p;:::f'j ~:;ts wi:hb ilie, re&ion~l growth ~Clunc&.ry: .. ... .._~'!~," r';"-."l ;1:.,.) ',: j";J!J~I.(n.~::;;l;: . - ".. Shon.term suppl)':.::::;;.~ ;"~:l,947 ;:cres .,r... ;"i"';:-":" :){::i);o~g . ..- ,.r i :,'}~:'~:;~~:~~2'Sh-on"t~~~'derriand."'" < C0~C ~.~g'id(~-] 0: ~~r:S.- ;..- - .... :""1<".0 . . ;, .:'~~:c~~:~i~Y';!~';: ;t~;~li;~~:~~~-~:;~~)j ,; J~~~~ rg~'~~;~r~ .;;" ~-','~ ,..:-:~)~.:: b~~,~ .:: ;~'~'Bui1dtlble.s'uppl)l: ';.>,~':.:; :(;.:.::6t;~':(:t~is~~~."'.~' f 1/.~S 'f...~~",,:r;."':l~',..'''''''~ Constrai~t ree: '.\'.' :~,cr,~S",;, ',_;_._.~t, ;:;: ;.'.. <" _.,: ~ ' .. . - ~ : ~', '... :,-~, ~:'::;: 2: j:. 'r ::. :..: "~' '~\: ~ ;: ;:~: '" .:: ~.~ ;::": - :' . ~ ~":"C..:; H6,~,,'~~~'~:r>a.'m~~l) '~oTe"detai1ed' ~rid ~n:d~~ih',:~t~)d;.A(!!-:e~si!,~~ s cbsoluie :a11d~ re)l:live potem:,l , ,r; -:. 'f .:-;. t.~ :ifofi.ndusirlai.development ",.as .~6~d~!~t.ed 19t}b(CiiY .Of, SP!ingli.e)d ln, 1990. as part of the EDA ::~7>e-;.;.: '.;.:. ~ ;.::" St~d)~~~ thIs s~upy .~oncludes" tna( ire '-s:.!e, ~\'o~tl~_' ie~7'i~e~I1')ajQr. ~ff~.site:impro\'emen1s, at a cost :~.:; :_:.~Et t::b{S2''oOO 600 raisi.ng'0\'er?11'de\:"e1opme'nt;("o~~~'lo cpproxiITiaie!y .S3, 600,000; or over S100,OOO '.':; ;:::::: ,:: :.,.:~ p~(a~~e.:: ni.'prlncipa1 need is'.for''~.~'~ccTe~~':i.o(.9 i.~ .1:n.lerst.aie.Connecto.r. ];.~05t access which :. .::- :>;~:;:,;,c::'-'a~n~rnbe'i:-ofo othef\l.'ise:comparable:'s,iie's in,lk{)'egion" .al,~;ad)'.' ba\:e: ,The~'study nOies that the "G : ",: :'.c:~ ~i.tY_;~ ~e~ourc;s fQr jn!Taslruclti;~'.f~ 1!~i(M,~nd' re~omp'encl ~lhat it. concenti~te them on its one e_. .,.. ~;...:.:.;. . '-Ai t\\'o best sites whlch do not mc)llee the Burkland SHe. even \\Inh such lmprovernems, the ' , study finds 111cL the prOperty is so config\Jre4, that it, \\"ould..bestbeoe\'eloped in phases, eliminating its value asa single laTEe' she.:' The sitO); find's" that the ;nei~hboring Giusiina site, ." ":.:. :: ::"" :.: ~~ro~s~~1-ajn Street to. t~e South'~ is' ;imila'rin:'rrl?:nrwa);s, as-'a l~rge site in single ownership in "'. :':,;::: ":~,' " .the saine localion. but Ihat i I can be _cle\'elo?:~ al f~rl;s~ CO~I; n j n f restructure i m p:o\'emenl~. ~ \.\ ';~':. L'.'-':,."J!l~:est~dY.Tecommends,that the sO,llthe~n.' end' p,flpe slIe beAe\~el.opedcommerClal1y, as lS . ;':?.?:: ~ 'r:" ;~.::,:..ipiop~~:~ by the ~ppnC~nt. . :>,. ::J:, '::.:": -: ...: .. "...c ,:,:'.;' "':,. . ' ~ : .,' "",. "'. . . ~ ..., ... ,.... ,." -'< :(~' :>~~d;:'. The.~rift Jndustrial.~li9s Stud)' also iinds thil."the. mds(.l_ik~ly projec,tedloJ:lg-term dem2.nd for ..<_:.:.:;.[ ,;:'industri.alJi~(tthTOughoutlhe.ent1re:~\~etropo1itan Urb2h 'GTowth'.Area "is estimated to be 650 . .<...,.. ;>,z. (<'acres." :.A less-likely scenario projects a long. term demand of I 172 acres. Sprinofleld has half ' ~ ,. of the 48100.percent constraint-free, short ierms,iics." W~.st.Eugel)e and \Vest Springfield, . w~ich ipcludes the Bu~~~and,site, have'"the bes(~upplies~of .:icon'stTalnt~free. industrial sites that :' J'); c~ . are. i>!e~~!I1JY ~'ithin a city. 2:nd [are] \\:ell~ser\'ed ~ \\.ith i mpro\;eme.I)'ts~,~',.\\l~s.tSpringfleld h2.s 627 .:__J::;.:,;;.,.. >:~Gindustrial acres~ );\'ith the "fe\\,est.potentialconsiiainiS;:nd the mOsfc6nsiraint~free sites (20) of .'~: ;;:..: P: :;->::::': !)fl"' 2.1Ffegions .and it is gene~iJy weJ).sen'cd b)':Ptlblicimpr6\.eirieritS'.~ '\\iests'p~ingfleld' s current' short-term supply e~ceeds the "most likely" lon~-tejm de.mand for the entire Metropolitan Urban Growth Area. Projected demand for heavy industric.l land is not anticipated in the study. . ." Ordinance No. brill .page 17 Exhi bit A-/'S'. Ord. 5617, . . Go.17 - Arcos ~"bjcct 10 ="llIr:11 Dis.S1CCS ,nd Ib:ZMd~:":This, i~:;i'ii:;"i:es I)m i" <. '. t, c; ;. :.:::,;: of ..<<u,L1 hau.. c s ,;s uc:h as .1 a.,.d sh de s a!,d. 1190d s;. cevd opmer.: s' r.1"" b, 0,"",..<1 e a ;>~, o~:i,: e ~:,~)-_:;!:':~t{e~~~r,~s:-: '. .... ,',: : .:L .'. '.:. ,,; '.'.' .'" ,,:,;C~ s c;,,~ r r .. .' !\ 1 el.o Pia n Po Ii C)' C -~.: .. Lota I govern me n IS shall .eq il i ie slie- speci:i c soil sin"e vs a"d geologic sludies \l.;here potential prob1ems'.exist.. \Vhen probJems ~Te identified: JCI:cJ governments shall, require special design consicie~lion's irid Cor:s1ruClion rn~s::res :,e l2.ken 10 oifsellhe.s.oil and geologic e0nSlr>.ints present; to;l;~tw liie a"d pro"er1\', aod 10 prOleCt environmental.l)' sensitive ~.rt~s. "?2t:e ] n.'c. 7~ >. ~,'. .. . . . . '. - ~ , L ;,. . ,..: . . . The site is nOI ;, a floodplain or 11OCd,,'>')'. II is level and nO! S"bjeCllO slides. The 20<.1 CDes nOI address ani fieial hau.rc s, sueh as those i rOm I raili c, i nd u SIr: aI <<li,'; I';, .br ell cava ii on. r:,e ~p~li~t has. a?? res sed the p~oblem oino; s:' sa fell'. a; r quality and cbmpal;bili I y with nearby ,nouslnal aCIlVll1es by proposmg a large bUlier of nonres;der.l;ally-des;gnated land 10 the east .of ~"e exi sli n g res; n plant, . J n addition, the applicant has . pro;lo~ed Iq ie"~e a" d I andse. pe lhe ' enure western bomj(~ary of the propeny,: consistent" w~th \I"et!aryds. ieg'ula!ions, ~o 'pTcvict ~ . . bermed and fenced buffer. at least 30 feet. deep, along with. a sim;~ar b:!ifeT >rea al l::aSl ooe .. hundred feel deep along the nonhwest boundary. TOes" buiie:s s::.il b<: i~o"i..rnent. ~~ ",)$ plan amendment, to be :;-::;:~7Ienied UPon .s::t :e\'iew~ .'.. . .' :' ~ . , , . . ". .: Goal 8 - R ~cre.ti 0331 11: ~eds: Th; s g 0.1 req ui res pl.n" b g r Or .ec.ealion areas. f acili Ii es a':lll.. . .. opportunities in appropriate p.oportions and ili such quant;lyand Jo<:;,,;O"S as is consislent ". the availab5Ht)' of resources. ,The. site is located'four blocks due WeSt of Tyson Park (see ~t~che= ""'"::.;: ::~::: \~;d.S~ringfield Refinement Plan)~ wel] wi:~::; :he park's half-mile servke ~dius.' The park provides the neighborhood with 0~e:1 spcce, ~~i:.:~)], picnicking, b2.sketb.all facilities, and OD~n spc:. The Springfield ueadjs .,I.eH.served by the \ViJ]~maJane Parks c.nd Rec:~:k," District, with a complete park system, indoor pools,. andalhletic facilities. The centrc.l location of the site will mal:e efiicient use of these faciiiti~s in. a ~'ell-ser\'ed pa;t or to\\'n. " . Goal 9 - Economic De\'eJopment. This goal calls for ciiveTsificati~ric.nd.' improvement of the : econpmy. Among other things,. each community must inventory its>slock of buildable .. commercial and industrial lands, project future need .~or such lands,..c.~d plan. and zone 2dequate 2c~~ge t<?meet the projected needs." .\ " . ~- .. . . Ordinan~e No. 5617 Page 18 O d 5617 Exhibit A-/b r . , . .. '",. .'. ..., ..,.,,',{i.'7,~~"Z'1'Qdf'..J .. .. .' .. / AccordinglO l!:e j~~f'Sl ; 9~ )cr~flS N': ~~1el ~1tf:'6 ~);rei.SC.in'dtljiTi,~ 1,n.~s. s}1H5y ~nd .reS)Ce:Jll~ . . ., land s SI udy, me';;u m .;tr.sil)' ,dtlcn: ;>.1 j"nd >.! i~~I~o~~;c;r e,,;~~~'J5!): ,1~gl'~, espem jJ y "hen .- cont"aqed \\;th inchlsirjc.l1~nd.~11N":~;:0::s::.:; ;':;"'-:'~.~'-' ~~;rT__:'v,.,...,;...,~,.!.5; . ~, .: .:.~. ~-:. ~'r"-" ~ -.. ':: ,: is:i. .;.,.' . -"".'.- :":~.' .. ._,' "..';:.i:~: i:', ~~'-:::.?'i'~':' 'i>~... "'."<:;'~:j'.r' . .~:, (;':;~'.~2~~:~:~~'~"~-e"d~~t' r-e' sid' e~l;~l'l~~dS SHld~:':Sho\\'s ~. ?:~i~cjedi 111edi{nn! d~";1:~il)i~~~i..~.~:ni1il demand of 1 3~O- ,'--. - .. , ;; .., III ,GI . , ,. . -" . ,.' .', -"', -. .,............ . ed ,':~ '; ':: p '.~.; ,,' 1440- build'bJi iSf.!; o,:erih~ ) or, g' :e;m pl>.r,n;n ~ piric.r: .!liM?,p g, I ~J"1, unad) USI &ross , ..,' :;:..,,, '.'" 'l'g suP?l)' o(lind 'des; gr.ai ed (,il h. t. in I h. pl:1I1 0 r on 0 20\11 n g m~ p, l S I, 3~ 9 .cres, Je" Ih,::' Ihe ..".. .. . . Io\\'er, of Ihe I\\'O p,ojwed 1; p"e s. The u: ".1 ,up?J)' ,of, m~~!!! 'J' den ':'1 y, J and no'. ,u b~ .CI :~ - Dh\'sic2.l constraints. su~h ~.s. \\"e~1G:it..S~ fC\C\d. ~!c:il;s.. (lnd .s_e\":~~: slo?es. j S _ 87. or Jess :. .c.n .;~ "-:~7::;e;ce:iCof the.de's1in~1e9.1i.~d:,'~ "':.': :,:': :.::-:; ,::S " ",""".'<< . -;:. . .. . '".' '... ...... ".."'......,.!.' ::i:'., .'-.. I."..:,: ,. :.-:::,:, .,~< :':'.-:... :~~"d""'- ;."..,; .. v.' .., . ;~: ,r;'. ,~: f unhefdeScifpllon',of' i~e,' ;.'1 \'eNo,): ;, ?'o\ ';ded b{ ,Jand",",1e~ i:pnsu It.nl J; m S. uI, whie h . .. tonfirmSlhc.tthes\lppl)',.isJrlq~edyery)ighl; J ... .. , ,'. .':." . . f;i.;~{.<.;:~ :;'cji":'.J:':"~:::-~;.';',, ,.Sj~T::(..>.t~..~;'n . ' "':; .... ;,'" 3):'cOnlra'l; Ihe I d;iri 'SlUG)' ,,;. l,jd ~s'~'1 !.Ji':'d Sllppl yand' dii!;iM sho\\'s Ihal the shon. 'eTm ,,' . , " d - ,uP?l)' exceed, bOlh shorHe"" '':,jd j cq ':ern, dem.nd, S hon 'I<,r!~ ,SUp?)>;, j,s} ,947 'cm. Shon- . term dern~d j) 2~B \0 ~ 1.0 acre~. Lo::g.~enn demand' is 650 to. l\170'ccres. The gross supply or industrial land is.. 4,039 acres. . The lO:i2-lerm buildable supply is. 3,694 acres. Currently constraint-free land is 1 ,6S? ~c~e~.:. . .'.~. :.:~ ~:,:;,"'<'_,~'! ; . ~ - . :-' ::. . ., ': -: ' ,'~. "., .-:: , Thisshon-falUn the ~rea's' rriuiti-:.r"~1ily in\;e~lory':d6es not help '\\'h~t .has~~become a significant .:... '. problem:; affordable housing.;: D~riF-g Ihe)Oyears,since the Metro Plan was acknowledged, the ...-,:' ,: :~. :'-; }ac}c qf affordable.hotiSing has :.g~6.wn s!eaqil)' ,I.-orse, bOlh nationalry' and here in centra] Lane County. Documentation of this 'sitmnion nraiionally, is found in the National Housing Task Force report, Slale of lhe N~tion's HO\lsjn~..:: i.,-;. ?:::_::..' ..' : ..::;:; ,..,.' .. , ",' '. ,..-.,'- . . ..,~A~ 'r '.:'}_j~~_ ,.'. "-..- :j:;~~~; \,_".., . >: Locally, a variety of stpdies have m~de similar lindings. Among t~em arelhese: > " ~ ~ . ~'; '. " ; 'The 1989 Lane COllmy T ~skFor2e~;; H o~~i;ssn~ ss and:'" ff ordab Ie'H ollsi n g 'eponed Ih.t "the ' ,. 'c ""onI y" ,es; cfen 1;.1 hotisi n g " con sll;iCt; 05 :";'1 has 'GeCll ,ied si nce 1979 "has been pl.nned and 'o.esigned for the higher income sect.or.~. ..... ,.,,:{ ::::.:: i <\;';".' ~ :::. ' '.' ;~'.',.. ...... .. c<'t';',;'.:.:~..:\-',..r..';.';',:::::::,; ','.: .>,');';:.'::'; ...' -. ... . :::~':.The. rentaLv2cancy,:rate:: in: Lane: COtinIf h,s. declined markedly since the mid-eighties, while .?::; ',:< j .;,;; . .~ldTe;nis. ha,;e steadily incre2sed at ,r?.l.~,~ sPP~~~l1\~~lh~ gr~~ter;th~h;a\;etige median incomes. '~_:<>:"'1':.'!1(}'~; if ~~.:.::'!\":' :~mG~')c;~.,!',,: ~':~'r~~";'; "'';''11 ~.; :c.~:~;::;q ;:\ . .;' ~-.,,,, tiiile'new rental construction 'his octllrred"sl'nce- 'i979. and. "what lhere is h.as been planned and '. ,,!:~~signed for lhe higher~n~o~e;~~~Jo}.~;; )p,} \,I}Xt' 1.989 . (ori exan1ple;: at a~'S,~ription of recently ..~:;,:;,~:'~;:'~'.P,T9P?S,~q.,T,e.n.~al. project's' ir( ?y~,~~~~.,pt~jf~'l~d},h(I~\.~'esl, rent. for i( t\\~~~.~~Joom apartment at ?:~~,~~~~;~~ !fa; !1l~;~~;,: ':... A" ".. c q C':" :., ,,,<',' :' '; ";~:i~?rr !;; .' '; :~~'''," ;. .' .,;':-i, .~"~CAppro.xinj,alely. 28,OOOr Lane: Coiint'\, "J1o~li5eljolds~;aTe consideTed"t)'''\~~-iJ1c'orile, meanino those ':""":"~"-"""'~(r'?-::J.....,.~.,., . .', t ,..,....,....,)".\,..1 .....,...... . ~ :> Dr::.; Z ,J:':);, .', '." .. '::haYing.incomes of)esnhan h~lf the .f:~tdir.'n (S 1 4, ;50) family income for a family of four. . , ~. .-, ..,.~' .' ....,.".. . ..-- o.rdinance No. 5617 Page 19 Ord. 5617, Exhibit A-J~ " L"lbor.SuppJ~',;ir1d Jn~u~fi:ll. GrC/\\lh :.:' ::_ ;.,:,. ... '.':',~:'..___....~ ','. ..,.. .::':::~.'~::'..' '- ':A':-. .'~: 2~';;.~~..::~\.';~" :~':: :..':....: .::.~. : ;.,: ~ :~:;: ":;..~'.;':.~J . .:>~~;:'.. ....;:. : .:', ,.: ; ., : "":' -':: ~':;.,'" The No\'<:n ber: 1990. Dn it be "mi,1 bni: s 511'0)' ii;,o s'th.1 the ")on g.: ern, de: e ric,:., ioo (' i : ;.e . '.. -", ,-- · \'en g e . U"'.i n g s ?er )0; re 1.1 h'e '0 ,oe ~!> 'e, .nd nal ion. . \\:iIl ,COni i n "e, 10: be 2 Ii i !::., en: '\e '0 . 12bor .!,,'gl2l'O~: 10),r..,e. CO""I)' andlhe' Eugene.Springfield,SlelropOliI2n' .'e2." The S:ue\' . . . .' ,. ~rojec;l~ ~ l~b~r sho'12ge.s ~nd 2 !10\\'down ineo';plo):l)ien I grO\\'lh>A le'di n 2 ~ uide 10 ; od" 1:::;1 .~'-..: :....~ ~,. location o9se~\e.~)hct i '.. . .:.:. -,.' .... . " :.',.. ." ~'. ';'~;.'" ... . - .. . .... .:- .' -' .'~ .' "]l ",ai' n(l\ be ~.r-iel('hed '0 !!a!<!hal 1>b6r. is ij,~,;"~!; ';'m';0r.201 !;"~Ie :kN . ;n"'j'''nce ""'.~t '^A..;O.... (."'d ""I'.~t ~ , ..-,.. . )' d..'.. . \\.. '- ... . · I:...., r,C,.l. ;~';..c,;. ". c". r.r.lI .e.oL~~lon 'eclslons. 'linQut a supp1y (I] competent WO:J:ers no p~?nt Cr.n o;:"e:c:e ejilciently and compe:it:\"eJ\' in a m.a:J:et ec?nomy. Fonhis re~~Cln proof oflheavaiJabiJjty""of a qualiiied ~abOT force Ih:at can be hired at a reason".ble COSt is ofien required by an industri.al ,irm before it will locatei:1 an .aiea. . . h Moriariiy, Industl.j:lJ L{lc:ltion ':lnd.Communih' De"e)opment(U~C Press J 9S0) J S J.. .: . . " :.. o. '. ,.. . . , '--. '.~, :".' ,.LaborS~pply :lI1dAffordnbie He.i.:(";:: .!~..c:".~;;.:.; Lrnk :0': "' ~ ". ~'.- . , '. '. '. 'v . A decline in.... g:! ::0 ::, 0;' sel i" p2n oy a decli ne in shelter cost s. '-""'."" '"'''. 'ne- ~,,"....!":..~,1 ~.~. ~.. .'.n a sl"""dYl.ne.e."" :... "h"'.". ^~.. 'e'sultl.nOl.n'An e\..... ':c'. ...~ (.A..?.... '0 ..:.;~:~,~~:~ ~: ~-~;"~':;~:.l \.o.....}....~ ';1-:.::~.I~~ In~l:t:~/V:h;".l-C.h. oJ frers 1lh;:'e bes't. com.~b'I).n.~:;:o'.n"'o.f\.~~':.. .1...... . - c.llu...c.... ........J \ r .el_.. . "- -."'.'I.U J.... . ".. I C, and shelteT:costs wi)] r.a\'e a stiong c~mp?.rc.ti\'e advantage in cnrecting and retaining 1he labOT . force necessary to attract and re!2.in ind1~stry.:.. A Task Force on Hom~'e~~::ess ".nd Affo,c(-.ble Housing found in a report .issued in November of 1989 that: . . . Among Ihose mOil .iiecled bYlhe .iio,d..ble housing crisis are "Ihe ,,'orking ;:>Oor," employed heads of hous~~olds caught between falling \I,ages and . I-i~ing sheller costs. . > . ... ...' ::. ." >.., - " .'. , .. ,;- ~. . .' .. -' 'J ~ 1988; o\'enO ;:>ercent- onll lo\\:;income renters in Lane C olint y were p2 yin g mo'e ,.. than 75 percent of their ineom.eJor rent.s..;>:.,:.. . ':. ".>' :.".. ....,; ;:~::,' > " ,::'; '.',.;'" :,:,:;-'.,.', .'.,". '..':>::."';;:-' :,....::)'-. ... .'.,: .; Go~). ] O. ,,:,. Housing. This goal requires 'jQcaf jurisdictions. to' provide' f~r: t~e housing needs of .. :" .... ::'c.~!tJi.ens of the state, and provides 111M "B'uildable lands for residential use shall be inventoried ...... and' plans shall encounge Ihe 2v2il2bility of ,dequale numbers of housing units al price nnges and rent levels which are commenStlrr.le with,t!.1e.1inr.ncia) capabilities of b..egon households c.:1d ,:~~.;~Jor nexibility of housing loc>lion, .l>'pe:<.nd density;" . . ':., , :' ., .. . . .. . t- "A'serious and gro\','ing affordability crisis in Lane County" is evidenced in pan by "t~e . :' increasing proponionof incomes' lh~i. households must pay for housing. .. t- ......- ' :,. '. .~ ...-- .:t; . I. Ordinance No. . 5617 Page 20 Ord. 5617, Exhibit A-If .-. ,,', -";:;,,,",, , . .".., 51 onn St~\ c-r:.' Fitme 6.:F :ni};e ED:\-:Shfd\.'~So\\'s~lne? d~$1~~2~Sj(5i2i' cr2~r.~~e SYSiem "in~ir;d"G;O{IDd<~;',~, ~i!~J:;:Th.e (\lrH.m;~y~!cm iRcbdes l\6;!{cfos~a;iridcipi~ cr::in;&e ~\'~ys.. . pW;t'sfies"fifge" j::'om 30" 10 66" in ciamelcr> The ditch ,1hrough .the cemff of the . " "'.. ., .' Burkl,~d, siie1 c,;ries,. wi:ier }ror.1 ~lof;g, ~1?jn: Shee(ro-, llie Q:Sfre:eitdilch. \\'hich i10\\"s .... v .,_.~ '. . < ':.::;""~'~\;~s{to.ea:~t P~St \~Ie: ~onl;ern bNder. of lhe sileo . Surface runoff ij(;rfi lhe residential ,rea j,::~::':~ ;::.;7 '(.-:~.J '.:; 1o~.ine'easi is'dE-ecle:d fnio'dilches thr.tliow~\\'est"onlo s~'alefon'lr;e:Burkland sileo The . ED.!. study S~ies ih:at the Bt:rl:l:and ~:le could be served for in9~st;i2.) development by. . ~::. .., j. Jepl~cjng.lhe.,.open cii1~h:~\:i.i~ "a .66"~pipe throughnhe r,iiddle'of}he-.Burk1and she and . i).7 .;;.';: ,:';:", ;~: i1Hliulioi1: "o(l~e 'exh1ing.,sY~lcl'li~ :,\'ithin:the.!\kKenzie' High"'i);. .":~'As ihe ,?plicar,( s . C :: ',;i; ~:~firieers i1~\'e"de1e.in11ned. the s:::me ~(lhl\ion would fully sei\'e ihe proposed mb:ture of . .~ )e~oe!i:j:al Gr:(I7~I:;merci~ll.:s~s emb\7ldied in ihe applicaj;\'s;prop~~al for ihe sileo As '- : ~- -:Ih"e{sZ\'." -.. ..,...... ,. ...... .', ". .;; ,.: ',;z..::,,: .::. '~'.:'~".i;; ., .'."; J:;::;L'.;'~ ..:.-'.i ~:.' ~,'" ..: ~.' ,.... <.. .'. :., /" '. ;.. . ..' '..' 0.. :.~.. .r 'I': "c' < :.'; :;.':;: ::::;.; '.', .,:,' :.< :: ~., ~~ ": ,':;.~::'r: ;)) . '~:"" . ;'::.:~,~:~.:~e'prCip~~~d,~d,e).'e,1.9Jnne~,t. would ~ause: les~s impactc)n::the,st'orm :L:;-. ::..:: :~.>/'. ,', . .~~. ,.~:~~}' ,..:...~ ;Je)\:;r:;s):~ie.~:.!!}?~';,~Yi=.s. orjgin~.1l~': aptiCipa1ed; for: hea,;y: ~nd: light .'.:?"'; '- t," inoustr.,l de\'elopment.. Residelili~.1 developments have' fsmaller percentage of impermeable slIrfaceareas than industrl,l sit~tthat .. . )ypisall~'..~.~\'~.:: requ,iremems f~f>~.larg'e.;sirllciJ.r~~ ~ '~nd~ Pfved >:..:: i;, :'.;i:~:: Ii.' :;'; "" . . .._... .. -~Un2C'T'lO'n, '...,~, ~."...;,;' ".". ',".',:::,:.:..".., ..:.',;n;~i~) -.:;,,1<.:/';'..::.:." :.~ .,' ~":. ""v"""";,," ,.. ~., : :-', ", -; r, .'~ ? :" , ,~-'.'': ;~~.. .- ~;- t :,', '-;'".: ':,-: .~". ..f.-.:8r',-', ~f~~:i".':(;. .f. :".:::!....-" '_' .(.1__.. . .... ".~._~. " __ ,.~ . .,~ Modifica1iotis'10' ihe 'ex'~~~ingdT2jnage. system 'shall besappro\'ed upon site review ~,d sh,ll be such as win, on balance,protect and enhance its amenity a~d resource veJues. " . mairytain;Qr~sl()w nmoif TaleS, Gnd preserve or enhance' its' carT)'ing capacity. consistent : . with applicable)lan. policies ~,~d .\l,'etlands ~egulcni6ris." :, .;', .'. '::-.. ...>0 ":..:. ;.::.: ;e..;...; '. ,.. .,. . :':::' '.. .,' . >_.;.; b,. Goal:12 .>rranspin1~tion. This gO~l ;equi~es1he provision' of a: safe, convenient, and economic transportation system iO move people and goods between geographic and lurlsdictionc..l areas. The.site pl~n p'rop9~~~ a non~-~outh throl.1ghstreetthat runs' from MainStreet on the soulh along lhe: ~;esr side'of the'. ceni"erHn'e drajn?~e ditch andwi1lexit from: the' nonh-east corner of the '-propen.y;J j~s\ souj~,~6(}he:\~;eh2,nd/w;~dl;'nd.PI'e~~rve..:'onlO an' access leading to 32nd Street" ."). :'This :\l.'ill pro\;idet~";9 poirj"1s' of access 10 Mail).St.re~t bOlh; for,reside.nts of the new developments . ind: fo"i~'reside11ts:'6flhe exisling residential area 10 Ih~;east; who have"expressed a desire for improved circulation and access. The road",?)' will also provide bus access to all pans. of -the' develop~ent..A bus s19P, ~nd j ~heller fa~iliIY'i 'rill: ~e.,;de.signed: in'cooperation with the Lane TrcJlsit\ Disfn~(tot2~ld~)~'~i~~~tsz'~~cess.)o m,~~~:.mm~it.wilhout: ha\'ing to cross Main Street. . . ':' . '. : ,(;~,~~ ;:~;j. .~~:'~..;~ ',~:~,::;:i.c~';i .:'>.!~'~r":;Jil'J;;:Y'}j u;on . . C~:re~,f t~l~f~\'~]rll~~e~ ::9.g(~~~.il1 ~,tJ5:t I~:}rl tb:~;si},c;~~.[e.l~t.. acc7Ptap]~ levels. varying between ! Level of Sen'lceB and te\'el ,of Sen.lce,C. "These. levels ofsen'lce:reflect urban traffic volumes "!' oil "'i y ,''1;.' ~-"". "',"- ~~.(',.~ .:""'., .',,; {'.!~1 I ~,'~....t "f.~'! _',::.,~::,,~ ,....' ~,..; /. ... '. :'Du~:':a~so,vre~f'~'t ~n~(lQlh~ a~.di-' uT!~9str.ilcled.';"pi~:.:9f;nJaffipat':urbGn speeds. . The Cit)'. of . " .::', Springfi~~d:'s TTan"sPQn~lioh I?~p~rl,i'1.eljl' !,!as,(jdyi~e,~!}l~.~;p.r:oj~ct 'el'gineers that the Depanment , ~qi(~' r;, C i;:".' 'does not' forese:p'ro~l~m~ .\".il!i 'I}Ye l~~:rt}C ,\'01~'Lj1~S ?s~Qq~at~d':.\I,:i1h..1he proposed project. 1 f an :~y iJo:Ti:~ ;,.,', ::'.'::;..:; Limpaci.;'si'iid'y':'re\'eals 'a'rleed ',f9f a ,:lrilftj~rsign?l.., r~JlIg~! Jane. ;,or: olher improvements. such .. improvements Sh211 be pro\'ided iOr"ilt'lh-e-' jij'1e o(site re\'iew. . ... . ~ . .I-~ ....... ,..... ;" ;:': i;..' ..' ..:; 1- .:_ ' .: . Ordinance No. 5617 Page 21 Ord. 5617, Exhibit A-/1 -. . . :'~:-:::"i.:- ~2S~:~;;":j JJ1;E&:!~O.::~,I,:: S1~1,e~~nd j(\~}'l:l:'t::C~ '{!:~~:;:i~-d;.:,~;~~,T2i}: :r-(~i~'?: i{~~b~ "h!n~ crGSlic~l1)' :::f:.te ~ ".2:'; -:2~:1i~' :L~e, a~i!1t)~.,o.f ~11~s.~; Urje,CNm1Y..1tSH1~;..;SiO :md: !!1d' :-cl;.m'ho.m.mg. .. . :\,;~.::;:Jti~.~;~;~:~.i-';~:';'~,; ~li ,~:; i:, ~ :r~: . ,;;1 :;rt~:.li:; h "i',~ (\; "C': (;( c ~,::;~ '! .c:'!. 2?:!~ c<:i~ ';: . ~~;.,~-~ :~'~-':J3,~~;~;;-~ ;':-;~~.Usj~-~;~t~_e [tder21cfl1hiiio:i I,\~. ~;"i":d=:~1'e_~~o,~~.i~g~ i,s~~~ 'ie/fe:~i)~(h(l;JSeh(IJd inco.me fc: :t:":t ,.,';;::',;:::,:,J.J';'".~. .: and uuhues". :. ,.:tne:e are'sen" iew i~:::(;l N :o:.s7:.'e \::il1S7;noH1Gble 10 CC\~mt\' resldems: w~o -;'_':.0 ;-;:.;.......-i'-...'~;",.. -' .0.... ' ~~ " ~ .. ""'I'~:'" ......_. ~....~ ...-i~.~.- ;, J.::r.~ r...--:" ...,; . ,.,~...-:":".;:~:<< f,l1-intO.lhese,mcorne C~le20Tles;.~; z."",;, '.i '~'d"~~' .__ ~.., v~. .;~:~ ':":-'t"~~':'i'" .'~'~~0'~~~''. 1~,; .:', .:.:' ::i,-::. ~":.~ :. :~:' [~::~ c. .; ::.' ~.; :"~:::;;~:~~'~'~~~.:~: . . .;:'. ;.-::,:':~:.>~: ,~:' 4n~'1!ntended 10 meellhe need ror r:ffo'!dl:l'~f housing~ n~'~1~1)~;l~!'ld desi~~ated for m~:~ip)e ':<,.'; ~,~:;:c:~<:.:;, famil)'~\Jse, hr.s proven rIot 10 be'r.Ch:::J1f~:1(rt.1ir:rii~gf~llJ)',~~.~i.1.a~J_e for S\Kh housing. ~ ." .-'.- P~~~~~-~~.~-.,~ ~-,. ::.~.'. ~~. . -"0 -'. .~. ".' ;" ::' ~.""',; ~,".':;~~;: :;:',: ,::~.:;;'.;"'~~'"'-;~'../:- '.~ ;.._\....:;.e.~.. .,. .,'.. .' . .... - .. ..,...".C.. ., , '.. . . ... .'. , .. ._ _.' ; '. ~.., _ "..~...,,: , . . . . - .....: ~.> On~~n~2.-m reason that 5~!ch.1~ncs r.re:-:0i :n ::~~I ~\'Gl1l:::l~e lor ~;::R.rcai:l)e hOUSing has :.ee:1 ::-.at afforcable housing has been unr.1;Ile 10 CO:.;.lpe;e wilh olher llSes. F,efmil1ed (In such Janes. A principal competing use ~s higher-income n.:1Ihipl,e ~2.mi1)'_.ho~sir.g, which has driven the p:ice ..of ]and,2.vai.1able for multiple-family housir..fOl!1 'of reach~ as ~videnced by the incr~sing m::.rkel :.:~;;2.lues of suchl~.nd$ and b\' th'e der.nh of r.iic,rci:,1e'miihi.family housing construction in the ~ast ;':.:~l~n~)"eaTs.::;::~:>; :. . ,.:!.:' .,.r'. .,';:,~':<:i.<. :.;,';;'2:,~:. . . .;..';c. '. .'.:':'.. "'~,';:;'. ,....< .~rt,:~<:(;>:i::. :,,,,:~:::-;;..:,~: . : . :~F~r e,'ery 'S] ,000 oj housing cost redu'ced;lhe pi'opon~on"of families \\'ho can afford housing - .' dramatically increases due 10 the shr.pe of theinc'on;:e' distribution curve." Bergman, Development Controls and Housing Costs: A Policy Guide .to. Research, in Volume III, !\1'anagement and Control of GI.o\\"th (ULi'19i5) )3L'::":.:'?~.. ....... .: ~'-,^ . :; ': ' :.' .:~:.~: .,'~,~, ~..~ . . '~.' .. "Per unit differentials which are due to. zoning-induced' iriibc:.1ances of supply currently exact a premium or 'hidden tax' on smaller )01, lo\\;er cost housing.:' Bergman, Development Controls and Housing Costs: A Policy Guide to R~5c-:II"ch, in Volume III, M:magement and Control .of Gr:-o\\1h(ULI 19i5) 531. ..' . , '. . .. ~ . .. . {. P::.:~" ~ ' ;~, , . - _, ' Goal'I'I: ~ Publi~ Facilities' and Sei.,.ices. T~~~ goal iequjr~~'; lKe pio~;i~jon of a timely, orderly '::.;r:>'~' .. and eiticient arrangement of publicfn.ciliii.es .'i)d ~eJ:\:ices.:; An'ufb~~ s~r\'ices needed for the ...... . : .~:.~'.r', proposed development. are:a\'~.i1ab)e. iT: th!~' f~n).-de':eloped~~~: ~,..~~h.ser"e.d centr41 urban CJe2, _L-;O j, .. .",.- >. ... ' including fire and police protection, pr.rks, Sr.nitr.ry r.nd slo'rnisewers,' mas.s transit, schools, and . urban arterial streets. ;~ '.', '.'. '.. . :.:2: ,.~ .. ......'.';....... ...:.~_. . '. ' ....... T::~...~~J~.i:-:r."": ~.:.:--..~j~..-.~ -",,-..,'- . " "; t--~ ~. .~. _ ~ ~ . ,._." ,._ ?. __.,,:' ...' , , '" . . _ . . _ .... _.' _'. _ . , '. " .' :~.; . . '~,..... .~ .~< S:lnitary Se'~;er::: Th~:.s~t~.5~.~e'ni#p ~)i'i:s);sten'.:9f.gra."f~Y: piE~SJanging in size from .'. :':;>:' J.. ::.,.: 8,~. to 42~!iri,.diameler.' 'See Figure' .6.3F in' the EDA Study. The existing 42" pipe . I' carrying flows west from the nc;>nhern fl1d of the. site' ~as arnp'I~:capacilY 10 handle the . ~ ~. . '<" ~ . , , I ',." '0-" \ .- ,.'" ~;.;.c;;! ,', .,'" :,'. :~ p:oposed .?r?J~~~(~~~}~e. a'pp'l~~~,nX .~~~PQs:~..~'?:,li,e~~l1l ~,~y~~o~me.iJt on the site inlo that "~~.";:', ~:Ji7E<~1:;; c;:' ',' ;~.<;, :plpeJ 'TJ.1~ree.a~e", c2P~,c.~t~.~r,()b}~~s,-::~'Jtlj)re..s~~~e~ ~19})g., l\~~mStteet upstream (easterl)') '''c'.''Y ~::'::::'-: .'.'.:: r,~fTOm'the sou~hT:end of the pr~periy,~.c(The Clt)'..~ 1 989 S~n.Hary: Se~\'er Master Plan calls :( ':~.~-; ,: 1'.. Z" ,..'Jor repltidng';i}1e::27" pipe re?~1(r.1()'~g M^~n from 32nd~\teet..easl wilh 36" pipe. The . '...' C,. '.:'.:\~ ,~:: project's:tlse'~rth~42" rlia.i.n:~t !h~~0i:!.~.el'\~ o(t~e,pr9~e.rt)'\\'ould have no effect UpO~1 ,:!'~~'-:"j'i'C:'>;':.-:':~:":: this probleni'or Ihep:roposedsql.1ition.'.." , .'C' _:: z;',"';..:::., .:...:' . ,,,,',-,:'/:,~'.:," ",~ ~.:';;' :: ':: -... ~. ~-'.".. ~ -'. /: h_ .'~ ,~-' ~.". .>.; > . .- Ordinance No. 5617 Page 22 O d 5617 Exhi bit A-l.b r . , . . At me ~me lime Ihe ~i;e {Ominll~S.ll) r.1~cl :r,,, :"Ici'd for)qrc.n.silionc.l.zone" providing a buffer '. . ~'f ',: ,.:: ':;.3:/l,i}~:,5~i\\!elri~~~exisli~i:'hd~f)~)~-~~}~i~.~! ~'.:~r~s' .i~'4! ]~;~;.'" ~~D~~l).:; ~~~~~~~~iic.l~t'~~~:e')OEmenl. This is . ~.' X~<";,. ,-~.Y/~~~Y~eN:.~th. ~!tsl~~\~~t~~f.f~>,~,,~ht h 3C;~~,1;j~Oir,l~n:aI',d, SP!j~~~~,l'~i~~finernent Plans. ~,~ ;_..~_... ~ ., ,-~ r.. '" . .', " , . ~ .. _, ~ . .-.<_.......~,..~~...,i_,~. ,,_...~. . ".:;' ~ '~:.; .;:T::This;'i~~ridn1eri.t p~es.~nt~. n:~;J.~~G~,~f. i~c.<;~!ii~l~:)~r~{:i1hr\~~ ~rea~ s, !'~iin~i~~;n.ij;lan. The Metro , ..': ,:.:..: !j~{f;:;)'Pla,n '~l~ii)' .p'iQYige)(l~at fefin~ri1~ritl'h:r.s:?-r~)~riJ~')ry.'erpr~t?~i~:~_.,je.iinements of the Metro :.:.:....::~~. ;>...::-:'r ;;::?1an~:;:The.'d6inot 'a'mend'lhe !\1e"iio Plin' j;~~lC.lica~es.of; conflicti 1he' MelTO Pl~.n controls. . . ~ '~:........:-,.. , - i-' ~. .,.....:- ~~ r'~.- ~".J.; '.. ..... ,'.? 'i~,~-. {",' ,.~ , .'.-_" . '~.. .,., _~. '. ',,," ~ . .:: . <'.. '. ":':~ .(!.~ The;':Pla~: 'P!o\"i~~~<!~~, P~g~)-?,"lhat.:;. :~.~opld)nso:i~iS1~~ci~~: (\c.~.u.Ti.~~~ .:~1~tro .Plan; i~ 1he . ';.: -. \:. .: ':.:Sre\imng:polic)"dC\c\l'menl.~:'The.P);:;' ,')e:.:-1y,'(\:;:empla1,es both.Jhat the Plan 1\self WI)) b: ~~.:>'>:,.:':;L "~~end'e(rind 1htlrnCOhSislencitS' bel\\'ee:1..fbe~1~l)~md re1ine"mel1t plans will occur. \\.hen the' ". ~ 'ic' ~"r:< ?Jan: ~s amended~~{hoif e fen1en!S bf "i. ;:'i!::e::~;;;;\'i'::-.:'It11~i)::ie riot consiste'nt. with the Plan. as . amenoed?:re ij,e(f~cth"e"t'o 1h{ e'xlent oj lne corii~ki: .' '\" - ,. . .. .'.. .. . .. . ,. ~.. I. ..: ."'~ 'T,' " <~ j - . ~ !... '.'.~ "",,/ r~'.-.'j.,:;-:~~ ~~:.~:'~~::.! :;':".~~: -':J~:;~:~:~--' .: ~ ,,; ~:;; ""- ~...: -.'" ~.' t ~'\ lit ;,.' '~rnE.A~fE~'D~jEXTjS ~6+:\~'rL.~~, J.;.p~D~~-TE;~\~~iE."D.\1E~T : :.:; :::...:. ~,:: ;." :....:~~~,.~.=: ~'~ ~, ::/~ ,;::\,,;,!. ~.\. :':H\;.:J 'I :.:~. ,.;..~ ." c ::~J":::;';'i;;,:,' >.';;' (..: ."". .,;.. . . . ,In delermmmg the c1assll1c?1l0n' of a Planamendmenl. the DlTeC10r of thehomeJunsdlctlon must ~ke action v.~thin five da);rofaccep{tnc'{b1~:aici'hiple1eappiic~iion;::' On,JanUary 10,1991, the following findin~s for dassification as a MC:.1or ~lc.n Amendment were made: ~,'< .'-" ::,:-~;;z~. :<;'_H~,':: :'>':,.:'.'~~,'; f;.,~ i-:(j'>;,:,"' :.: "1~,.~<:_J ~'. . .~'.~;. J._.~.:., ..' -.... ...' ~,~ < . . - - .. . ,>",..... ." .~.. .,- .':'-'_ CI."~~: ;>.,., ...~:.'._.r:;./;'~.:' <.....;:.(~.<~., l-',~- .-:'''':>. . ;'::". '>A major pl~n amendment i~ .d~1in.ed~s.~~".A'cha'nge 10 ,the l\1etTOpo~itanPlan which (1) amends the text.of the Plan; (2) is a'substanti:lldHig',.:lnl nnlendmeiitj (3) requiTes an ESEE analysis . under statewide planning G.oal 5; (4) requires~noth~r concurrent. Plan amendment to maintain .... '. .:: : '. . .'::'plan' consistenc)'; or"(5) substanll\'ely affects lrie City' of Eugene, ,'the. City, of Springfield and .' .:. . . ,,~ ~ : " - . - , '. ..... '. .' .' ~ '" ": ; 1 ' '. ~,"'" ,.- . ;;-' "_, .f . , . -....,. '.'.. ::. LaneCou.nty;. ""., ..... ,_.. ';; ':':;'. ., :. . . - ".' .. ~.', ~ ; .,' :" ~.. , ~ .. .-'# :!:.-, .' . . -' f . , .. .-,... ",'~ ~ . . -" : -.'.. .. .' ... '- . ~'_t, ~ .... ",' :..... I ; '. i.':;- A substantic.l diagri~'.aine!"dJ:11elit js..de~n~d'as.,.'.':,Achange'lo l.he'M~tropo1it2.n Plan diagram . ';:, which is a chang'e' to'orTrorn ine~hm,! ~TN~~ 9~11,sit)'.i~sidentiar9r. c9rri!n.er~ial designations for "0< rnore:thanl5 acres' of l~.nd or \\.hkh is?n)'. ol~er. ,c~ange' affec'tini.'~'ore t~~n 30 acres of land. . . -.i' .' ~', ". \... . L: ....' ....' ...... ,. . <J ~ ' . ... ,",' . .-., . ~ ',.. . The proposed amendment would chr.nge lhe Metro Plan diagram from Light-Medium and Heavy Industrial to Medium Density. Reslcl.enti?J for 52, acres ,of. land, within, the city limits of .J/ :-S.nrl~fi'eld.:. ,__./ ;.. './":; .1.... ../f.. ~,""". ':' . ' P - .....r "("J->. r 'i I; ( ~ ~'"r) l c~; ~ f-.~: ,~.l _~u~r ._.... . , . ..... .~1though this proposed arnend~ent is S~I~_S}~.~~i\'e,.!.l ~~~~ .oo.t xt~~),o)he)e,veJ of a plan updc.te. ; ." ;:~j;~!~;{;? '~:W;q;'d ~:: :'~c;~;,: ~~~~~;H: :~~ I::' ("., . " ._ _' .~,;~: .~: (.:,::: ::- ',' !~,~ :2.J.'}:;f' i);i~'Y"'i.'Ti:)'::(.~..:,/;r Any change.to:the;'M~tropolH~n Pl~~ \\'hl~ry, ~'~)'c~~pgeo~).~.e-,ur~~n:.~rowth boundary or ?~:-.;0~'; ,,';Y.~:;{i::;1~,~';.'. ';~ 1he;ju~sdiction?:1 boundarY.:O~~l:~'~)~n;~g~~~q{~i!~S ~lgo~,r:~~~~ptJ~n 10 be taken under .' f:. 'state\\'lde;plarinmg.:goal~ 2;:.(.,>' im,eriqs' a, fund~m~"hfaJ 'P!i~i::ip.'~~'..-~ietropo1ilan goaJ or ,'policy; set'( out in :Chtip1fT' l]: cifihe::Pliii;'or; (Ai requIres a substantiaJ diversion of budgeted pltiiming resourceS from the approved' work programs of affec1ed city departmen1s. . Ordinance No. 5617 page 23 . Ord. 561], Exhibit A-21 .. .. . . .'- ,,,-'\.r'. ".,.,.;~;.~,~. .,.. ~;- . :,;:..;;~. ~.,: .~: ~.:.~.'; '..;..:.:., :,/ ~'{~;:!;::~~ ~>.:-:';...~:::~;:;'::::::.:. ';~'.~.~~'.a ' .. _ ...;.... . ,";- . ~;'~~;"~"~:'::2'.~ Gopl ~;~ ;,_ El~l;!.,~~.~ \~~;~~'!.~ .'.~:g~l.~ . J "'~,X\"'t<.~~:.':~..\:;~ .~~..:,~~~~....!d ;~~:~]./.::~,;:.'::..~ (~.;~c~ ~,."~:l. :;>: (.:---:- .'l''-::kc ~',l'. I"or.....s..^f "n"r~'.'.h':I'::'..I ,"'1 ,,'1'.:::.1 "..,.'I','llir"l.~ l'lrl'I"l"'11'l'~": ..Th~.. ",..,...:.,....; ,...a 'S ..,...., ....1 ' .... ~. ., .,' ,'- -.' JI ." \,., '- \. -" , ...'\\J. . '", _.." _...~.... ,r . ._..r...~-...... ......r.,. ,'" ..._.......... .......... ~ .... ;":~::;::. i ;~,,;~;r~~:: .S"I'l.'r.;""~1 \-'I~b"{..,rf:;~':~~c"!'}.(~~.:~~,: ,~t ~~ \:.~~t.:~.~;. {..:o' ,;;\ie -:'r:~;~id~~i'i~l '. ~~.~~ ":~\:;'~'~1 .. "e f'l 1'\' s~~yC'"' ~~2.: '"::;;.-.......~.~~,. .= .... ....-, \,.~ ..,....=.. ..... ... ~. ..:: _ . ...... .... ..1 .... ... -... b\' exisling S1=-ee~s i:nd .i;:~:.;~:, f:::"i!;;:;;-~. ',. T~'I.c .~i!e, :.s..more "entr~n\"7! 1N'i:!td Ih~n ~:w (\:::~r ::-:; ~ Y ~~<;-: ":.,.~ c cjiTen\l\;:des:~I)a\e.af~t~:ib{:d~:':i~:lY ;~.~:d?:.;::'=~i"sife' (~(i11(~;e:ni!;~n-h:~1('i(s '~i2~ ,:j\'\\'her~ ".::t~:; .;~>,: / :~}::-E~~:;:.:i!1e M ~'t~opo1ii?n '.~?r<e'i l~j~;.~' Grb\";h3(\l;nd~;f~:.;: 'it i(qn ~cfn\~x~siini~;~~rn:'Gr.e iT~.nsit Disirki. ~ ~ ~', - :..[;.... ;~:.,~ ~f: ( Bus!' Reilte. ;. hs':' in-iern~l" sli~~\' 'ar:d {~:cew;:1~:'; ~'\'s1el~', . '1C"!:ce1her~ \~.ith . rle:.~rb\": TvsC':1 Park. :;;~ -', -- I..,~': ~ t-.~ ~": - _"_ "4:.--:"; r.,.... ~"".'~' :_~".. :_~ _".'. .....~~.... -"....; ~,..:..' +- ,. .'. . . .. . " :' .'. ... -. . ". . -o~os~d co-n""rcl-1.noJ.. PI "'..,... ~.P.a~\ "'1". .'0.\. .e~l"'''n\s 10 njeel ~...\. "1 .'h"'lr CP1'" -~~.s . -: ~ .[",-~:- '\-. .~ 'p_~ r .... ;U _./~.,:-. ~ '-=._...~. ;\.'-:~~'_~ _..~~.~ \....~ ~.J ~~:.~ .~_\..J.~,;.I . ..... ,:;..,~:~~'.~. \eO ...\. '~.... 4......-.i. .. : '; -::;. t... ~,. \\:~lkino' o'r ';r"\:';l;~:; . T'.... .~".~;'.~,\n..~..'''\j '('\~~. ~:\'sie'.' \dH '''e~'''. :,.. -"~""S.,,;P,'J-;... c\. ':"'- - .~. ~.. ,::. .. \....\.._ ...:.~ .JI...:::~.=....:~~.~~...".",. ,l '~" '..;"..:..':=..: ,. ~~ _..~.l_. ~".~I"'.t.,,;.. ,..'::'.4 ",.~.f .. .,.. ~-:. :,.,..iohoorhood: -~,-....~~, - T!-"~;".':j..:,'" '~\"f" "~r .h,;.: '~O~t'biion ,...PI "e-ttlh ;n h...jO\l,...-,.~.,::. -.-:- ,..:: < !. . _ ~:.r"\...). r'..~:'" '.o:::~.~J..."':.~... .. .\::..:&..-::r... J:...,(.._,....",..:'~, l.,' '. -'_' -;...~ .: .......:. ., . : , .;;, O' -j.O'l.,:' e o\\'''''''~C \.:? ._..; h. P t'..... . .:.., ..,;.. .... .. ;...;. ......a ,., 1"1 "",. ..11.......: . .. . .:.. ':..,., ..,.. ........1. .;..1,; '.".:_~I ''',J. ~;..~~..~;.,'-'I.,'~ll\.l...;. C' \~,.;" 11Ip....'..I. , .. . " .... ... . .. " \:.'.:; ....-:.. .' ",',. < _ . _ ...... ~ ,."... . .. , Go:!l 14 .. Crb:mi7.."llion. Th~s' ~\~:J r~q~::!'I:S 1bi:1 mbl:n gro\\'lh ~ounc?ries tCG3.s) ~e established to ass_~r.~ COr.i?~ct. ~:j.d. ef;i~ie;jl ~~:h?n:grO)\;lh. \\'1~hin..lJq3.s \\:hjle prOieC\~ng rurl1 _.. ... - " ,"" . .. Ii. .,,, - . ... >.. - '. ~ f ~. J _ _,. '. "._ "_ resource"lands/outslde rG3.s:'-' Cse c-[ lhe 'si!b5ect s~le' for c:.ffordable~ medhm'l-densil)' ho;.:s~r.g promoies. lhis .0bje~lh'e in .!;;i:!iY. \\:l;YS~; ~p:.?e {\I. \\'h,ic}~:.li..l~'e.;,~,e.e~. .d.~~.c:~i.~;d in :he dhcl:ssic:'l of ,... .", ".:::,: the energ)i, .1.iin'spoi1'a\~on. ?~n.d. :"(:~i!i:1.e.sj'o'?-i~~ ilbo\:~ ~ ''0'/;-; :,: !;J'~'.,! : '.::f;:)E~~: < . "'/. :.._~, ,..~...;_'"t f~ :n(\f~.:::).i,>q.~~~~'-::::- -. ">)):';" ..._.' '., ,,_...~~,.,.:- ~." ,;.,'...7 .~ .. . .. ...' ...... - ' - '. . ....;. _..~.~... : . , <,.-..'" '':, . ".~Al' ,-,....;', --f" :.,-~:: :.:::, :{).,', . In those" ins!~nce's-'\\.he'=-e . an' \'mrler i:1i(\calion'of neede.ci s\',pply exists, it is necessary 10 the:1 com'en another tnverl10ry ~~,ur.c.e or look 1Q\\.,r.rds .anexpt'ansion in the boundary. Con\'ersio:1 of surplus inventory is. f?:rmore. pre fer::.ble, ~h?ri 'a.. bounduy' expansi<?f.l.. .:'. . . .... .'" -' ;?j,-;-,~",_:: .... ".'..... . .i.., ...::. . ,'The discussion 'tmder"11)'eECO~Ori1yr.'ndHollsiijg Goals; 'abo~'e: demo~1s\~les thGt the Meiro Area has been q\lite.libera1 in ils?l1oca\ion of inc\ls!riallands' but' quite conservath:e ill its allOCail0:l of land for medium density residemir.l. r.nd 1h;;'1 past residenlial development has not included . affordable low-income homing. The~e neecs must be mel.some',.here;. and a re.zsonable exercise .::.:: iSla e\'aluaie: ihe'a~t~i:Ou\e~orsi1es' \':'hich, ~~!e. i'nclude~ . if.l; ~ :~u!pl us inventory. The subject she .'is such a'trad; ;;~ The 'prophsed .re.des1gm~iion: \,.m al'ow. it 10 be Jailored for an optirnui.l use. as ;.~. buffer~'" c6mmerc~al/and resldei:t~~.l use." ' . .~~. -'" - ~., ~ : ::.~, 1_, - ,~ .... ~:) ':;., <: ~; ;"7'. ~~ i.:";:, _J _ ':. C') :)..,! r::~ _:~ -: :;. ~ . .~. I "... \. ~/-:, :"':i ~~-',";:",;: ..:1 _. . ,. IT," ~IETRO ':PLA~ 'A~iE:\D~iE:\TS "~lUST :\OT ~tAKE .THE )1ETRO PLA~ INTERNALLY r.\CO:\SlSTE~T ! .~.,' ~ ~ ,.~-,. .- j .o;.;;~,. ~r"'''j. ,..:s"J}-" "~<i:;:< .;-,;:C;~'\~ 2! ;~~~~~~"'~~.bn::~<T1.D ",~~<\G1.c~ ~~r{.i ri.~:~ .:'t;:~.. ::: The"proposed 'plari~amendlnent does not re~~~rt.\h~-Me\T~fPlan inten1ally'inconsislent. 11 seeks 10 reallocate most of a single p?ice1 of land from lhe Me\ro Area's industrial1and base 10 1he "(1,.ar~a:~L.~~?i}l:r\~7,~S1\.~i ~e.~li,9r.n~i~..1~1~r~d;.~~;s_e.i :.:.-\s .!hecdis~ussio~r~~ lh~Economy and H?~sin~ -' \'rsbiH:,r:S~,;':'(!f!.GO~!.s,"!1:(I~~~s) ~}e,r~r,;}~e r~al,loc~HO~:pO~,s ',liQt1mp?lclhe area's: Jl'iduSlnal1and base, ;lor aoes It .' ..- .., ."of' f" . < ,', .. f; .... t ~ . t - ~. ) <., -, , .. _, , . t r' _~; i _. . .'J"-:' "':'-"; ci.;redti"Ce..shoit:'oi 16ng.lerm In\'eniOT\' '"eiow P!oj~t\ed deI11and~l.'11 will add 35 acres 10 the area:s . . ,~.. . . -, n { .... ('I . .'.: , . . . ' ::::.: '... t ~ .. .' ~~.. _.. '." . .,~'" ,_:" ")i.mi,\e~.~~_~e. .of ri?~~h~l}1 dens~l)' .1r.r~d. i:." :\ ~i!e-lh;'i\ is fully: seryked (md centrally located. "')L(~-:-.:\:,:~~. :r-:;..,...:.. .-.. .......It...;-..' '. ~ ,......:._ r...,...,~:_,,:\ :_, '.....-.. ", .....,..... ;~...~c;! f~~).;C '/ ~.. .. ~ . ,. : .;>-....~ ;:.. '::!':". :...!~ .:..-;.--,- ~ :;'.-, (.' ,'") ~'1:. ...~t:" ;... ;.....,"'"'~ , '/'; . . r;- .~~..\ ;.~ ;. '.,. :.:;" .- . Ordinance No. 5617 Page 24 Ord. 5617, Exhibit A-'ll. . The subject PW?t~y is w~~~~n i~1." i:iiy lim~is r.nd (h:~ig.l'l:il('d :.\.r ,lrb:~:l m..e i~r:t'f(l:e :"h' ~djustrnent 10 either bC\und::.ry :s T~ql:ir\.'\.J JiM :u~ Iher~ :my rC~04:r('~ pr\.'h:'~'!i\'n :~~urS \\'hi,'h require an except;(I=1 ?UTsu:ml !o~t:!!e\\";d~ pbnning. g('l:~J ~. This pWposcd :~mcn~mem ~f'eks no change 10 plan ?O~icy or :ext .:nd. hN':lu~e this propOS:IJ \\'~s prh":-::ely iJj~li:nf'd '"('IflsiSltnt \\"j:~ the new. amencmem j)T(lccdmes. no dh"t-ni('li'l ('If budgeted re~our("t's is rC'qllircd iN prC\cessing. l'-- . . /.",- Ordinance No. 5617 Page 25 Ord. 5617, Exhibit A-l3 Exhibit B . Fcbrua.r)' 7, 1992 ., ZONING DESCRIPTIo.;"", FOR SPRING WOOD (Commercia) Zone) Beginning al a point on the Northerly Rigbl-of-way of McKenzie HighwllY which is South 89044' East 270.00 feet from the Easterly right-of-way of the Branch Line of tbe Southern Pacific Railroad; run tbence North 0" 07' 40" l-Ve.H 430.83 feet; thence South 89044' East 510.20 feet; thence South 002.9' .10" West 430. 82 fe~t to a point on the Northerly right-of-way of ...aid McKenzie f/ighway; t..!Je/Jcc.~ alonp said rigllt-of-way Nort11 890 44' lVest 505.54 feet io lbe Place of Bcginning, 111 Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Said parcel contain... 5.0 acres, J)Jorc or less. . (Ligbt Incfuslri1l1 Zone) Beginning at a point lbat is North 0007' 40" West 430.83 feel and SOl/ell 89" 44' East 270.00 feet from the intersection of the Northerly rigl1t-of-way of McKem~ie Highway and the Easterly right-of-way Oft11C Branch Line oft1le Soutbern ' Pacific Railroad; run thence South 0007' 40" East 30.83 feet; thence South 89" 77' 30" West 270.00 feet to a point on said railroad right-of-way; tlu:nce along said right-of-way North 0005' East 2373.10 feet; thence Jeaving said right-of-way flnd running along elle center of a drainage way Nortll SO" 5.9' 30" hilsl 203.93 feet; thence North 77020' East 61.23 feet; thence leaving said drainage way South on OT 40" /:;8sl1500.39 fccl; thence North 89052' 20" East 310.9110et; thence South 0" 33' 28" West 889.18 feet; thence Norell 89044' lVest 300.28 feet to the Place of Beginning, in Springfield, Lane Coimty, Oregon. Said parc:c1 contains 20.83 acres, Inorc or Jess. (Medium Density Residential) Beginning at a point that is North 0029' 30" East 430.82 fect llnd L')'OUth 89" 44' East 775.54 feel from the intersection of the Northerly riglIt-of-wIIY of McKenzie J-Jighwl1Y .9f1d the Easterly right-of-way oftbe Brancb Linl.~ ofSOl1tl1crn Pl1cifIc Railrotld.: rim tllcnce Nortb 89" 44' West 209.92 feel; [hence North {)O 33' 2S" East 88.9.18 feet; thence South 89052' 20" West 310.91 feet; t1lt~Tlce North 0007' 40" "'cst 1500.39 feet tollle center of If drainage way; tl1ence a/oa..li .<;.<lid ckainajJc Wll}' J\rortll 77020' East 41.47 feet; tlu:nee South 72<' 45' E1Ist J 05.85 feet; thence SoutlJ 63" 50' East /08.90 feet; 111enee South 720 3{)' Easl 92..16 feet; thence lea ~'ing said. drainage way North 0032' 10" hn.~'l 355.31 ft.~cl to a point on the Soulbc.~r1y ngJu-of.-way 01 Southern Pacific Railroad; t11cncc along said right-of- WilY SOllch 82047' East 512.80 feel; ti1C11ce leaving said right-of-way South 00.12' 30" lVest 1998.52 feet~. t1lence Nortb 89044' lVest 300.00 feet; tl1cmce SOllOI 0029' 30" West 585.58 fcet to tile Place of Beginning, il1 Springfield, Ll1m" COUnly, Oregon. Sw'd pan:e1 contains 37.26 acres, more or les.... . The above descriptions were prepared from existing deed Iwd survey records and ma.y be subjecl to minor variations dl:..c1osed in R survey o{'tlle above properties. Ordinance No. 5617 Page 25 Ord. 5617, Exhibit B