HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/21/2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review . ~ . ..... Applicant Name: Icompany: IAddress: , IAPPlicant'sRep.: LARRY [;:. ~REED_ Phone0:rJ)6"8)-/OZfI I 0RH Tfi'ANS rOI'?TAnON ~N6'NC€R\N~ ~---- Company: .1_ANn I )<;1= PI ANN I No? DIVI<;IIJN Fax: 31'5 -6J'l'1' IAddress: 7'')65" VILLA6-E PLAZA LOOP. <;1.;'01 EU~ENE OR 9''/Yo/ , I CUDDEB'ACK C'ot1KERC/~L Pli'ol"E:RTle"5 I Property Owner: _ Phone: I ~ TIM eAMPBE'lL I Company: CAN1~F1FI_' eoMMt=fi'<:/AL R1;:AL E:5Tlln=_ Fax: IAddress: 85'~ .WIL.LA H&~ 5111 3,), 0 E()6EI~!;" OR '1~ '/0/ ,- - --- - _ __J IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 1'1-03- -2,. sy ITAX LOT NO(S): LfIO{ / '0';;: i::r:.<;,/f I I Property Address: 15' 05 t'-1<2 I-tAl.Ul(~LVO I ISize of Property: PAO/ Re DEVi'=wibMi=.iLJT It. '8'1t,S"QFrAcres 0 Square Feet ~ I !proposed Name of prolect: R~ PL.ACEMENT l'-ACO 5'ELL fi'e.~rIII/R""NT J I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: C.5"5"b '5 F rltco BeLL (gUllDING PLAN T.SO) [Existing Use: ) 800 ':i F TAcO BELL RE:$TfluFf'ANT (CiRcA IQ60'S) j INew Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): Nf:A-;~D(TfOHs'fL I Si natures: Please sl nand rint our name and date in the a riate box on the next ROBIN AND MIK't= SANDERS BELLC'O t;NTER PR1'5'E"S Po f?OX FF 5PRIN&PIElD Phone:~Y'/) 7J {, - '66Je Fax: /,;\6 - 'Z06J OR 9?7'?:7. NON&: To U'5f: EXI'5TIN~ [i, Ie Associated Applications: "516& _ Signs: _~ l~ Ipre-sub Case No.: -- -I Date: ,Reviewed by: I Icase No.: l)Ll2Cff1- tftrCf I Date: /J-IJ/ld{ I Reviewed by: ~ fllJ/l ~I IAPPlication Fee: $ Lf 11l ,Or) Technical Fee: $ J / I ,/0 Postage Fee: $ /1;j).JO ~TOTAL FEES: $ i ~({ll..ID J~~~o dc( -O(jJfcr DEe 2 1 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 Original Submittal ..... .... Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. bmittal The unders aCknowledges that the information In this appllcati Pre- Submittal Mee I . n~~urate for scheduling of the Owner: Date: Signature . Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the Information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: ~ x~ isnature foo.AJd4..(' Print ~ Date: IZ//o/Z Co? ~ r: /A.J ~ 10...c k.. J4ta~~ Date Received' DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 2 of 10 t'-<./A = NoT M'l'lu"i\6lE Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: '- /' . ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH ~re~mittayand(Submittai) ",. ... ..--.. . If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. .~..b-- ~ 3~ M~~R8.L I)EVEL",.MEN r co. LLC tJ&. ~ /If ~ 5"' '3 ~ o App11Ca'flon Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee SchedUle for th~ppropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages, ~ Site Plan Review Application Form mr - &OVN 0 BOOKLeT :j l?tl L!J Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. The narrative should also include the proposed number of employees and future expansion plans, if known. ~ ~ Copy of the Deed It T'Ti\CHro -<:MC/'tO~ TiTle COM""~Y Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. TO ll~~vl!r""~ WITH ""liOoL ~Vl!,^ITnL -Af'-TI:'R ~....jllt~rH~ RI;VI~ o """"--Copy of the Site Plan Reduced to 8'h"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet, Njp..D Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. ~_____ exHIBIT H ~ Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Storm water Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. REPl~C~I1""T TACO i!ELl - 'S"e~ PA,6E'.!! OF N^RRATtv~ o Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 AA. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives, ri' ~even (7). ~!'fi!!S ~f the Follqwi!19 Plan Sets for Pre-SubmittapOR Ignteen l18 Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal E(' All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. ~ All plan sets must be folded to 8V2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands. -" 51(1 r-J6 FOR V'AAnp.L Will vER -/;;:XI<;nfJ6 FuLl.Y Oe\JELdED :rITe a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Date Received. 0Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect o(Engineer - '1'RH) ~icinity Map DEe 2 1 2009 N/~ Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Original Submittaln \'4/A NIl'< N/A N/A NIt>. N/A N/A ~e name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings, o The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department o T'he 100-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ,.,./ SI:,;: ('A.r;.<: 7 OF ...,"RRArrvE' ~ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department (2 TO, "'~^RS) o Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 1f2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings ....-;::!;:l(I$T'..1r SITE' - SE'E' PilI>€' J of ,"...~f?An\1e U Soil types and water table infOrmation as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Site Plan [3'Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, oCfngineer - "JR/f) BProposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings lSHEE:T 10 I) ~ Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs [0"Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping c1' Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces o Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district ~ On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation 0Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and .../dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed ~ Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces (sH EFT 10 I) ,.,.,..NDT SHowN ~ Location of existing and proposed transit facilities (OFF I'LAN - Se~ PMF: ~ OF NM"""T1l1E') o Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses o Phased Development Plan - where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public improvements, including but not limited to'~~R'~/Ve~ormwater DEe 2 1 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 5 of 10 Original Submittal management, water, and electricity. The applicant must indicate which phases apply to the Site Plan application being submitted, NON~ (Jf?O~O'S'=O Cc. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan o Pre e.d by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer ./' o Locatfbn d width of all existing and propose~ements D Location, wid (of paving and right-of-\C>'ay), and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, d 'cations or other righ(-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, inclu ownershi~ari'd maintenance status, if applicable, D Location and type of exis ' g prnJ proposed street lighting D Location of existing and requi traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighbornbOd mai x units, and similar public facilities D Location, width, ant;;'onstruction ma ial of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps; pedestrian access ways, nd trails /' o Locatio~ar\d size of existing and proposed ut . ies on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management stems, water mains, power, gas, t7lePhone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed co nection points d. Grading, Paving, & Stormwater Management Plan (Se~ e;XHI!i'IT H AHD 'SHn IO~ ~prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil~Qineer- -:f'r:.:H) CAN D I e>3) r=-;:;-<';€~I(IN6 \'v^'U~ - - L:.J Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are , proposed as part of the stormwater management system [j Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations ~ Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns 0' The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained G Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) N/A D Amount of proposed cut and fill (E'Xl-;T1t-lG 'S ITE) e. Landscape Plan ~~I('tJC "","'\le1" - LJ Drawn by a Landscape Architect @Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage 0Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 o Written description, including specifications, of the permanent irrigation system ~ocation and type of street trees 0List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, size, spacing, and method of planting CTACO BELL COf\'l"OIfAT10N T- ~O gUllD/N6- ('(ANS f. Architectural Plans .../- AL50 ~"'t:" EXHIJj'(7 E;-.;L ~ Exterior elevations ot all buildings and structures 1>""rl:;~elRfi~evelopment site, including height DEe 2 1 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 6 of 10 Original Submittal__ .-.-/ -'S'EE exHIBIT E-/ ~ Conceptual floor plans g. On-Site lighting Plan C 5HEeT 10 I ) ~ocation, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing }nd attached ~ ~ ,or POLE: Fl "'....I1E B Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area (E:XffIl3IT r) 0Photometric test report for each light source (t;XltlrIT :r) D Additional Materials That May be Required IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE-DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: N/~ D N/A D N/A [j N/'" D ~/A 0 N/A D N/^ 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 N/A 0 Where a multi-family development is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3,2-240 Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW .,XI'SrtN6 F"l'Y D!;Vf:lDt'eD ~l~ A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5,21-100 An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer '7,} Date Received: OEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 7 of 10 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2009-00049 DRC2009-00049 DRC2009-00049 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceintl RECEIPT #:. Description CTY Site Plan Review Postage Fee Type 11- $160 + 5% Technology Fee Paid By MERRELL DEVELOPMENT City".,JiSpringfield Official Receipt Del'el'5pmentServices Department Public Works Department 2200900000000001409 Date: 12/21/2009 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received emm 2618 In Person Payment Total: , Date Received: DEe 2.12009 Original Submittal Page I of I 11 :29:38AM Amount Due 4,222.00 160.00 211.10 $4,593,10 Amount Paid $4,5n I 0 $4,593,10 12121/2009 ~ ,. /~ 1(_ J . -:nQ/-/J/20! After R.,,,,,dil'l! a.w>1 ," Firm Ammcan T.~. POBo, 10146 Eugene. OR 97440 After rC(:ording, return to: ROBERT A. SMEJKAL Attorney at Law 696 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Division 0' Chi , Lane County Dee;s ~~;u~~c;t;;k 2008.061933" 11l~~J~11~L~lWll~Wl JL~"I'"11 III $31.'00 RPR-DEED Cnt:l Stn=5 12129/2008 1l'16'59 rm $10.00 $11,00 $10.00 CASHIER 01 '. Until a change is requested, send tax statements to: CUDDEBACK COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, INC, 22395 White Peaks Drive Bend, OR 97702 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED CUDDEBACK INVESTMENTS, INC" an Oregon corporation, Grantor, conveys to CUDDEBACK COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, INC., an Oregon corporation, Grantee, all right, title and interest in and to that certain real property located in Lane County, Oregon, and more particularly described as follows: "Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly margin of Mohawk Highway, said point being North 890 44' 15" West, 110.08 feet from the Northeast corner of Block 6 of MOHA WK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; and running thence along'said margin, North 290 )3' 07" East, 195.33 feet; thence leaving said margin run South 890 48' 27" East, 455,08 feet to the West margin of 18th Street; thence along said West margin South 00 II' 34" West"273.00 feet; thence leaVing said West margin run North 890 48' 26" West, 34.65 feet; thence South 580 49' 12" West, 25.85 feet; thence North 890 53' 24" West, 152.99 feet; thence North 740 28' 08" West, 62.15 feet; thence South 700 06' 00" West 30.02 feet; thence North 89046' 30" West, 141,99 feet to the East line of said Block 6; thence along said East line North 00 )3' 30" East, 109,54 feet to the Northeast corner of said Block 6; thence North 890 44' 15" West, along the North line of said Block 6, 110,08 feet to the point of beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon." The true and actual consideration for this conveyance is pursuant to.an Agreement and . Plan of Distribution. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRlBEDIN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULA nONS. BARGAIN AND'SALE DEED - Page I Date Received: . DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submitt~1 .~! ... BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS.INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS ALA WFULL Y ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN' ORS 92,0 I 0 OR 215,010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LA WSUlTS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUTTHE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197352, DATED this wi day of December, 2008.' CUDDEBACK INVESTMENTS, INC. By: ~ ~~k~ . RANDALL 1. CUDDEBACK, President STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ) ss, This instrument was acknowledged before me on the~ay of December, 2008, by RANDALL. 1. CUD. DEBACK as President of CUDD-:LBA K INVESTMENTS, INC., an orengon _corporation, . '. ~ ~~ . ~~_._~.-..._--....... , .' - OFFiCiA;:-siA~' -,-.- ".,\ .. . . NOT:~~:Ys~I~~SRE:GOJ... NO'N\RY PUBLIC toR OREGON MY COMMISSION NO 414086 :::-:::~~~~ION ~P~IS~f'.RI: ~ ~Oll , BARGAIN AND SALE DEED - Page 2 Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal . , Page 1 0(1. Larry Reed From: Chad Cordell [ccordell@cascadetitle,com] Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 20092:34 PM To: Larry Reed Subject: Spam: 17-03-25-34#4101 Attachments: 2008-067933.pdf Here is the deed. Chad Cordell Title Department Cascade Title 811 Willamette St. Eugene, Or 97401 Ph: (541)687-2233 Fx:(541)485-0307 Email: ccordell@cascadetitle.com Date Received: DEe 2. 1 2009 OriginaiSubmiltal 11/212009 - =-= CASCADE TITLE CO_ IIIII~ 11111 il]II~IIIIII~1 ~II II! ~IJI / STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT SUPPLA.I.'~,,'&'AL JRH, LAND USE PLANNING DIVISION ATTN: LARRY E, REED, PRINCIPAL EMAIL: LARRYREED@JRHWEB.COM Our No: CT-0264590 Date: DECEMBER 18, 2009 Charge: $200.00 Government Service Fee: $35.00 As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the following described real property: Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly margin of Mohawk Highway, said point being North 890 44' 15u West, 110.08 feet from the Northeast corner of Block 6 of Mohawk First Addition, as platted and recorded in Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; and running thence along said margin, North 290 13' 07n East, 195.33 feet; thence leaving said margin run South 890 48' 27H East, 455.08 feet to the West margin of 18th Street; thence along said West margin South 00 11' 34" West, 273,00 feet; thence leaving said West margin run North 890 48' 26" West, 34.65 feet; thence South 580 49' 12~ West, 25.85 feet; thence North 890 53' 24~ West, 152,99 feet; thence North 740 28' 08" West, 62.15 feet; thence South 700 06' 00" West, 30.02 feet; thence North 89' 46' 30" West, 141,99 feet to the East line of said Block 6; thence along said East line North 00 13' 30" East, 109.54 feet to the Northeast corner of said Block 6; thence North 890 44' 15~ West, along the North line of said Block 6, 110.08 feet to the point of beginning, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. and as of: DECEMBER 14, 2009 AT 8:00 A,M., we find the following: Vestee: CUDDEBACK COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, INC" AN OREGON CORPORATION Said property is subject to the following on record matters: 1. Taxes, Account No. 0212074, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 25 3 4, #4101, Code 19-00, 2009-2010, in the amount of $25,833,09, PAID IN FULL. 2. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to the City of Springfield, recorded January 17, 1977, Reception No. 7702804, Lane County Official Records. 3. Easement, including the terms and prov1s1ons thereof, granted to the City of Springfield, recorded January 17, 1977, Reception No. 7702805, Lane County Official Records. continued- MAIN OFFICE' 811 WILLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 97401' PH: (~~+.J/~-2233 FLORENCE' 1901 HWY 101 - S. 2 . FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 . PH: (54tt9l'97JSflt,eIVeO. EUGENE FAX: 485-0307' E-MAIL: info@cascadetit1e.com . FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 DEe 2 1 2009 1")...:.-:......' ~'lh.,.,it..31. ~ 4. Unrecorded Leases disclosed by Assignment of Leases from McKay Investment Company, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, to Cuddeback Investments, Inc., an Oregon Corporation, recorded November 30, 2005, Reception No. 2005-095349, Lane County Deeds and Records. 5. Declaration 'of Cross Easements, including the terms and provisions thereof, as recorded November 22, 2005, Reception No. 2005,-093358, Lane County Deeds and Records. 6. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Cuddeback Commercial Properties, Inc., an Oregon corporation, Grantor, to First American Title Insurance Company~ Trustee, for the: benefit of Umpqua Bank, Beneficiary, dated December 19, 2008, recorded December 29, 2008, Reception No, 2008-067934, Lane County Official Records, to secure payment of a note in the amount of $1,179,947.00. 7. Assignment ,of ren~s due or to become due and accruing from sai~ property, including the terms and provisions thereof, from Cuddeback Commercial Properties, Inc., a~ Oregon 'corporation, to Umpqua Bank, dated December 19, 2008, recorded December 29, 2008, Reception No, 2008-067935, Lane County Official Records. 8. Financing Statement recorded December 29, 2008, ~eception No. 2008-067936, Lane County Official Records, lists Cuddeback Comm~rcial Properties, Inc., as Debtor, and Umpqua Bank, as Creditor, with security information obta~nable from creditor. NOTE: This report is being supplemented to update the report - ~o change. This report is to be utilized for information only: This report is not ~o be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by, ( / / " ar/TitleOfficer: DOUG PIERCE Date Received: DEe 2 I 2009 Original Submittal .r' City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 A, SITE PLAN REVIEW. PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Project Name: Taco Bell ' Project Proposal: Redevelop existing Taco Bell site, expand restaurant Case Number: PRE2009-00030 Project Address: 1505 Mohawk Assessors Map and Tax Lot Number(s): 17-03-25-34 TL4101 Zoning:MUC (Mixed Use Commercial) Overlay District(s): Nodal Development (INDO) Applicable Refinement Plan: N/A Refinement Plan Designation:. N/A Metro Plan Designation: Major Retail Centers Pre-Submittal Meeting Date: November 10, 2009; Application Submittal Deadline: May 9, 2010 -~ ~'t_ .~~ Associated Applications: Drinking Water Protection Overiay ~ I Deputy Fire Marshal I Community Services Manaqer ll!.e:fllW'{GFJSRRfNGfi'1'El!DJaE~EI!Gp.MENiriliRey,.IEWjiTi.~M_-"~ I POSITION REVIEW OF I NAME I PHONE i I Proie~ Planner. Land Use Planninq Steve Hopkins I 726-3649 I I TransDortation Richard Perry 726-3679. I Utilities Clayton 736-1036 I Mcearchern . I 726-2293 I 726-3668 I Sanitary & Storm Sewer Fire and Life Safety I Buildinq Gilbert Gordon I Dave Puent r~ReW:(3~NiTItrSIDey,.EI!GeM.ENiT.RE~IEW"l1E~~~~'IIIiI:~ Applicant Owner BellcoenterporiseS,LLC Cuddeback Commercial Properties, Inc Robin .Sanders Tim Campbell ' PO Box FF Campbell Commercial REsl Estate Springfield OR 97477 859 Willamette St, Suite 520 Eugene OR 9t401 '. . ~, Date ReceIved. I i. DEe 2 I 2009 Revised 10/25/07 Original Submittal TENTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST PLANNING o Application fee - discuss the applicable fees o Copy of the Site Plan reduced to 8'h"x 11" Complete InComplete See Planning Note(s) 1'5?1 ~ IiiiI ~ 8 .V2" X 11" Copy of Site Plan o Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances, Ifthe applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) ~ ~ [jJ Deed and Preliminary Title Report o Brief narrative explaining the purpose of the development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. The narrative should also include the proposed number bf employees and future expansion plans, if known. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) ~ !Ill o Site Plan Complete Incomplete See' Planning Note(s) I131l ~ ~ ~ ~ I*l 6:1 ~ 1 I*l ~ ~ Date Received: 6:1 ~ DEe 2 1 2C~9. Revised 10/25/07 Original Submittai_.____ Brief Narrative Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, or Engineer Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact, and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional ! signs, and striping Dimensions of the development area, as well as a.rea and percentage :of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and ~ IjiI U!J vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district .On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses Location of existing and proposed transit facilities ~ !jI ~ !jI ~ !jI 2 ~ ~ ,_# o Phased Development Plan Where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase, Phasing must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public improvements, including but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water, and electricity, The applicant must indicate which phases apply to the Site.Plan application being submitted. Complete Incomplete See Planning N/A Note(s) . rI1 Phased Development Plan o Landscape Plan Complete Incomplete ~ !jI ~ rI1 See Planning Note(s) ~ l!Il NIl _ ~ ~ ~ l!Il ~ l!Il 1 Drawn by a Landscape Architect Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage ,. Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 Written description, including specifications, of the permanent irrigation system Location and type of street trees List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity; size, spacing and method of planting Date Received: o Architectural Plan . Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) ~ 11 DEe 2 1 2009 . Orioinal Submittal Exterior elevations of aTI buildings and Revised 10/25/07 l531'I ~ III structures proposed for the development site, including height . Conceptual floor plans o On-Site Lighting Plan Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) ~ !lID 3 III 15%1 ~ 3 Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area Photometric test report for each light source l531'I LaSJ 'i\il ~ 3 . Planning Notes: . 1. Need diagram of trash enclosure and piping. R~fer to #4. ~ 2. diagram/description of long term bike spaces: covered & secure 3. No photometric report needed if: pole lighting is max 250W, wall packs are max 100W. Need cut sheets for wall packs. 4. The trash enclosure needs to be screened and hydraulically separated from storm drain. Refer to SDC4.1-110 for screening options 5. Utility Plan: show the sanitary and storm lines. All utilities must be underground. 6. ROWand property lines are not clear 7. plans will need to be stamped Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: base $4,222.00 tech % 5% I tech $ I mail I $211.10 $160.00 I total I $4,593.10 The site is within the 1-5 year Time of Travel. zone. A Drinking Water Protection Overlay' application is required or an exemption from SUB. Contact Amy Chinitz (744-3745) prior to submitting the complete site plan application. If an exemption is not granted, a DWP application can be processed concurrently with the site plan. Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 . Original'submittal Revised 10/25/07 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 ANY REQUIRED ADDITIONAL MATERIALS, APPLICATIONS OR PERMITS IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS OR APPLICATIONS APPLY TO TH.E PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING OR THE PRE- APPLICATION REPORT FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION: Applicable Not Applicable ~ Where a multi-family development is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3.2-240 Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present Where the, development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district ,If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 A wetland delineation 'approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to developmer:1t Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in . SDC 5.9-100 and 5,21-100 /jJ ffijEI I.!J!J ~ /jJ ~ ~ /jJ ~ ~ /jJ ~ iii ~ ~ ffijEI l!Z!1 iii ~ ~. ~ An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be serviced by sanitary sewer Date Received: DEe 2 12009 Revised 10/25/07 Original Submitta,' THIS APPLICATION IS: o COMPLETE FOR PROCESSING o INCOMPLETE AND NEEDS MISSING INFORMATION .NOTED ABOVE City Planner Date This is not a decision on your application. Springfield Development Code Section 5.4- 105 and Oregon Revis.ed Statutes 227.178 require the City take final action on a limited land use decision within 120 days after the application is deemed complete. The 120-day processing period for this application begins when all the missing information is submitted or when you request that the City proceed without the information. You must indicate by either signing this form or by submitting a written response to the City within seven days of the date of this form asserting your intentions regarding the provision of the missing information. If you indicate herein or in your written response that the missing information will be submitted, then you have 180 days from the date the application was submitted for Pre-Submittal Review to provide the City with the missing information. If you refuse to submit the missing information, then upon receipt of the full application packet and processing fee, the City will deem the application complete for purposes of starting the 120- day clock and begin processing the application. No new information may be submitted after the start of the 120-day period unless accompanied by a request for an extension of the 120-day processing time, Upon receipt of a request for extension, the City may extend the 120-day period for a reasonable period of time. The City may also require additional fees if the new information is submitted after the Notification to Surrounding Property Owners is sent out and a second notification is required or if the new information substantially affects , the application proposal and additional review is required. I, the owner/applicant, intend to submit all missing items indicated'herein to the City within the ISO-day timeline. Owner/Applicant's Signature. Date Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal Revised 10/25/07 'lit....: TENTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATioN PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Engineer: t5. Case#: com2009~00030 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Complete o Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Incomplete. See PW Note(s) 1 fi'I lillili.l 1'&'1... k:?SJ ~ ~ .1iifI ~ 1'&'1 Ii:2:;J 2 ~ ~ n/a 1iifI. L:!!l ~ n/a ~ ~.' !EEf!I ; 3 ~ ~~ :"^""" ,,_"'s.. ~ Ii:2:;J 1'&'1 l22SI 4 Revised 10/25/07 Prepared by an Oregon .licensed.Landscape Architect or Engineer . Vicinity Map The name, location, and' dimensions of all existing site features including bUildi.ngs, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are..shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department The lOO-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision The Time of TraVel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department Physical features. including, but riot limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground,. significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands, and rock outcroppings Soil types and water table inforniation as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County, A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted cohcurrentli if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table Date Re~ived: C'""^ ,. 1 ',~'19 .", " ,---..' ,~. ',.1 ", . . ...... I.... ~..~,1."'1 Origt~Y~t ~~tt~...i"tt~;"~,,,_R.""""-"- 7, ( (7..--: r::(;Yf'{ lrf 8. , PW Notes: 1. landscape.sheets not stamped by Landscape Architect.. Engineers stamp not signed with expiration, 2. ROW lines not clearly' marked on Civil Plans - 3, This development is in the 1"2 year Time Of Travel zone for Drinking water protection, Amy Chinitz at SUB should be contacted for any special requirements this Zone may require. . 4, Soil type not shown. Due to nature of redevelopment of existing structure this is not necessary. However a Pavement Section is required. City ~equirements for emergency equipment access is that the pavement must support an 80,000 Ib load (HS-20). The city standard to meet this requirement, is 4 inches of AC over 12 in of base course. An alternative pavement design is acceptable with a geotechnical engineers approval that it will satisfy the above requirement, 5. ROW for Mohawk Road not clearly shown. - 6, Current and future sanitary sewer connection not shown. The trash enclosure will require a hookup to sanitary sewer. Future water connection/meter location is not shown . Roof downspout connections not shown. Roof mounted equipment will need to be sealed or roof runoff directed into bio swale before discharge into storm sewer system. Cut/Fill not shown. It does not appear that there will be significant earth work with this development, II.JSII>MFI t'/\J.-T L. t=<;., Trill'" b-O 'YIIA? 9. Current storm drainage plans appear satisfactory except a higher percentage of impervious area will need to be vegetatively treated, I can meet with the the design engineer to discuss possible alternatives. Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: . Due to the TOT zone, The bioswale will need to have 2' planting(nl'ediuY;- to--;;nsure adequ(3te treament/filtration of stormwater runoff that infiltrates Into the water table, · Due to known existing problems in this area the connections to sanitary and storm sewer systems will need to field verified by city staff to be properly connected. The city has discovered nearby developments with connection not made properly, This is a known existing problem and no action will be taken except requiring businesses to correct any unsatisfactory condition. Cft? r/~(7 I/twl;;'~ . treatment swale will need to have a wider bottom to adequately treat stormwater runoff, vvlDWI 5t:"'''P/o' . Is any work planned in the Mohawk ROW? if so an encroachment permit with traffic control will need to be obtained. City staff can assist with any necessary requirements regarding this, /1/t7 tt/fl/fY- 1,1, I?"w. . . Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal Revised 10/25/07 ^ TENTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Transportation Engineer/Planner: Richard Perry' Case#: PRE2009-00030 Applicant: BELLCO ENTERPRISES c. TRANSPORTATION o Right-of-Way Approach Permit application must be provided' where the property has frontage on a Lane County or an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) ~ ~ Copy of ROW Approach Permit Application o Traffic Impact Study - four (4) copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 A.4, Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system, In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also address, if needed, City, Metro Plan and state land use and tran.sportation policies and objectives. Complete Incomplete See Transportation Note(s) ~ IZ:SI ~ Traffic Impact Study o ,Site Plan Complete Incompl~te See Transportation Note(s) r;:;;t ~ I1iliTI l2J Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensiohs of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts pro'posed to be closed LJate Received: o Improvement and Public Utilities Plan Complete Incomplete III ~ See Transportation Note{s) 1 DEe 2 I 2009 III F\ ~ 2 Location and typ~bip~'s~tgrrMW~1 proposed street lighting Location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, . sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails Location, widths (of paving and right-of- way) 'and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications, ~ iii Revised 10/25/07 TE.NTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Deputy Fire Marshal: Gilbert Gordon Case #: PRE2009-00030 D, FIRE o Site Plan Complete Incomplete See Fire Note(s) ~ I!E] On-site vehicular circulation o Improvement and Public Utilities Plan Complete Incomplete See Fire Note(s) 1. Location of existing and required fire hydrants and similar public facilities [@ [j] Fire Notes: 1. Fire hydrant locations shown exceed allowable maximum distances per 2007 Springfield Fire Code 508.5. However, tt!&~~ are two on-site public fire hydrants located at the northwest c.orner of the BIi;l::iifll,~:bl:JilgiRg and at the northeast corner of Wendy's Restaurant (Springfield Utility Board fire hydrant numbers H- 271 and H-272 respectively). Show these fire hydrants on the site plan and provide distances. If the distances to the farthest point away from the hydrant(s) on the proposed building exceeds 400 feet, then either an additional fire hydrant shall be installed or the building shall be sprinklered meeting NFPA 13 requirements. Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: Fire apparatus access roads shall support an 80,000 lb. imposed load per 2007 Springfield Fire Code 503.2,3 and SFC Appendix D102,1. Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal Revised 9/24/07 ., TENTATIVE SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION PRE-SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Community services:~ Case #: PfLr;;~ ~a&e39- f? BUILDING o Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Complete Incomplete See Building Note(s) G'ii!l ~ CHANCrf3;.s 'TO f~I'E3<-T't ~::l-NE? '"' C~ To sr;re. ez-&:-V~A/:- Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table ~ . P P--o VI Pc @ 5lA73~-r( AL- o Site Plan . Complete Incomplete See Building . Note(s) ~ ~ ~ '}. Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact, and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, landscaped areas, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation A.cc-P55 [0 . flA p//t:c. (A/It'l rm ~ m f~v:yz::E- G 5\1@,flIlj:-r7AL-- ~ ~ o Grading, Paving, and Stormwater Management Plan Complete Incomplete. See Building Note(s) ~ A-tJ 1 (:#AAt,-ES Roof drainage patterns and dis,charge locations ~ . 'A . Existing and proposed spot elevations and To Ef;fi;V'1-(J;fJ)/')contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for () r: Iiff A;VY . land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour , lines may be at 5 foot intervals) ~ 5J6N:JF2cMCf:-! Amount of proposed cut and fill . d. Date ReceIVe . rm .~ 'm ~ o Architectural Plans pfJo .d, --.-.r t'::'1 . . .. I'--' v <Y.t/].- ~ 5VtBI'1I 7T At- Complete Incomplete See Building Note(s) ~ III ~ Revised 10/25/07 Ne> N8v.t:{3W PCf-FG~M15;D DEe 2 , 2009 Exterior elevations of a/J)~i1€li~!pgW!r1 structures proposed for the development site, , , ., , '_/ ~ ~ [j] including height Conceptual floor plans o On-Site Lighting Plan Complete Incomplete ~ .~ See Planning Note(s) Egress Plan pt2-owAE ca 511BfiJ- ( ( A-z- Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached Type and extent'of shielding, including cut-off angles and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area Photometric test report for each light source III ~11:' (,); \:.,y" Eg ress PI a n fcliiTI @lliJ fi"iiil l:!!'J Egress Plan Building Notes: ACC.J::-5 ..5r:F~~ .:rE1'"f'\:n--5: VoU AJe re:;e/ ~1. 5r:::IJ-5Pf<..V'e/ .5eAff~. / RES1~5 r Additional comments not related to the completeness of the application: o 1. Please provide complete civil, plan drawings including scale, dimensions, setbacks to property lines, distances between structures, fire service lines, fire hydrants, fire access, easements, utilities, parking, accessible routes, etc.., o 2. Please provide a complete set of plan documents wet-signature stamped by the architects and engineers of record, including geo. tech. reports, building code analysis, fire and life safety plan review, accessibility, plumbing fixture analysis, engineering for vertical and lateral loads with calculations and construction details, foundation plan, elevations, cross sections, floor plans, floor framing, . roof framing, etc... ' o 3, Please provide automatic sprinkler system plans, fire and smoke alarm plans including visible alarms, fire rated assemblies and opening protectives including construction details and listings, etc... o 4, Please provide electrical, plumbing and mechanical plan drawings including engineering for seismic bracing, etc... . o 5.. Please provide non-residential energy forms for exterior envelope, HVAC systems, lighting systems, etc... . o 6. Please provide documents for any special circumstances such as demolition, site grading or waste water issues. 7. Please provide Special Inspection Form signed by all responsible parties for any required special inspections. 8, Please provide'peferred Submittal Form signed by all responsible parties for any deferred submittals. po 'fr.o l~])G MEk T'1fe of OJN)~iA.CTz;o.AJ: :::51 f-J-- tJ r~ -+- !rl-,A;fl..-(1) .' 5.F. Date Received: DEe 2 I 2009 Original Submittal Revised. 10/25/07 ',;I<?/ /'7", D'-WWtNAJ"E5-oouou:(;oo"".,,~...'L ("OSURYrr[lAT~-POslIIO"_'!t'...'t) :_--~0i; ;. / I II OC",'''fC8UllD,"" m ~<""''' ,""lU.Sll"RY"-"--L SC"'-E(FITT) CMflI<E.oDCl..EOJWlCE lWl/STRVC'U~E '..., """'P.....'NGSICI<S..... "\<I"EGON <)Il7-e) ,~ , , , '0' '-../ I :q <? g Ii '1.01 l\ \ \\\\\ SI Te PLAN TACO BHL MAP NO. 77-03-25-43 TAX LOT 4701 SPRINGFIeLD, OReGON O~nOpl.lENT.AAEA. O_3~ ACRES (16616 sa. FT.) SUll,DING AREA 2556 so. FT. aUllDING; Il,lPERVIOUSSURFACE, lANDSCAPING: 2556 so. n. 10693-S0.FT. 356750. FT. ISXOFSITE 64X OF SITE 21XOFSITE .c"""'"","f'T1n" ""'T~~.: 1) DURING DEl.!OllTION. lOCATE AND PROTECT WATER, S,o,"ITARY WASTE WATER IItlO STORIIl,LATERAlSAJ PROPERTY UNE TO RE-!.rS[ CONNECTIONS FOR NEW 8UILDING 2) /lFT!:R S#HTARY WASTE WATER AND STORI.IWATER LATERALS HAVE BEEN LOC/lTED AND PROTECTEO, CONT/l,CT CITY PUBLIC WORKS-ENCINEERINC (CLA'lTON MCEACHERN, P.E. _ PH: 7J6~1036) TO FIELO VERIFY SANITARY LATERAL IS CONN(CTEDTO SANITARY t.lAlN AND STORM LATERAL IS CONNECTED TO STORM UNE J) NO WORK PROPOSED WIl111N CIl'1'RICHT-Of-WAY EXCEPTrORJ I\ODITlONAL STREET TREE WELLS. [:-.:_.:",1 SIDEWALK &; DRI\I[-THRU ~oumOORSEA1IN(; H:}\j LANOSCAPEOAREAS (SEE SHEET l-loa) OZ!..~ClJRBATORIVES.PARKIN(;ANOLAtlaSCAPEOAREAS. Pit PROPERl'1' LINE R/W RIGHT-or-WAY UNE ""AlL Ol~EI<SIONS AT "A" _ "A-, sw.ou TOP W1DTIt ~,s n. POt<CTOP''''CTlt, '_.n ""J<U OOlTOloO ~Tl<. ..~ n. ....u, DEPTH D_7~ n. FREEEIOAAC D,sn. 51DESLllPto '-6:1 / ~~ \/M_rn~ 0." fD""'->>IT...."_S[ESl<EETl-'Q' (WlOSCOP[Pl>><) SECTION "A" - "An \ ""AL.E tN~[N$Ot<S AI ""- _ ""-, ~~ ~': ;~'i:t g ~. ....AL.E 8OTTo~ W1DTH 8 IT E~~%H ?::~~ nn. EX.-'>>G'rf';!'j7 '\o";-rn..... ue~e'~ fU. <'UI(C "'''''IAI. !iff SI<l:n t_1D1 (WlOSCN'E PLN<) !Jsat#f{'eceived: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal "+ < ;0 z ~ , ! ~ = ~ ~ ~~~ ~ !I! ~ ~!l,1; '" ~~~ '" w c- Z w u c- o '" > <{ ..J '" m I .m '" c '" 0 0 <{ w U1 I is z ..J <{ ..J 0 U ..J W :;; m 0; "- co ..J 0 :n 0 c '> () 0 .~ <{ :n U c- vo -------- ; j ~------- ~ ." '4':: - ~+~. C[~~ _M~ 11>/'{OO 0""', ',,",,, OESOI<EO ,_ 0<":0";0 , ""D.f:"f "'S'!'TEPLAN iiU)..,,,..,,,, C-101 .. , , J , , ~ SCI"-E(flH) ,,~ " .t'"., ~,i /'~ I \ I / ~ / / " 1, i I j GRADING PLAN MAP NbACO BeLL . 17-03 TAX -25-43 SPRINGFI~f; 4101 , OREGON DEVELOPMENT BUILDINGAAE/,1I.EA: O.J9AC . 2556 SO, nRES (16e16 SO. 8UILDING, . FT.) ~~~~dZ~,~,;UR'ACE' 2556 SQ . 10693 sbr:n J567 SQ. Fr. ~~i g~ SITE 21111 OF ~:~~ r.FNFRAI "OITS- 1) tLEV~TlONS MAP) FORT ANDTOPOGRA FORD AND :S1~Og~NO PtA~H~E~~rURES (BASE 2)INSIGNIFICAN' PROVIOEOBY 5QCUYOS TEARTHWOR REQUIRED. .). NOSEPARA.TEK NECESSARY(CC GRADING.PERl,IITSSTHAN N.....~T.,"r"1""'" "'M~S.: I) NEW P,I,WIG ACHIEVE ~D 00 AND SUSGRADE EQUIPMENT)' EX~ltaO~N STRUCTU~O~~~RUCTlON TO 2) NOGRAO C DRM:-THRU WI~~ (FIRE RIGI1T_Of_W~yG OR PAVING PR W L./INE. . OPOSED WITHIN STREET CATCH BASINS: 24"L ~ , CATCf-!;BASINflLTERS B"WX JJ"D ~8~~E6UF~~ OR EQlJAl ~AX, fLOW r:..l(~~E: 0.51 CFS . .16CFS ~ PROPOSED ElEVATION ~~n.nn : ~~E.VATION 1W =. ~~~S~ FLOOR AC _ TOP f W....L~ EP _ EDG/~/~~~T [XISTINGELEVATlON ENT nnn_nn:~+ ~ DRAINAGE fLOW DIRECTION CONSTRUCTION LIMITS ( SAWCUT UNE) r=" ~."<,,t"T .sElalll.I:I ~,~..:,.;~.,"'Ji,"~ I - I ~.. '. j ".US,,:I:1lEGo< UtCllST\J""""'-"""< "''''''' ~t-d';o'~';,~ro "'-~TM: N<O_H(l\IAI.:'^~':JU~I~G:":YB["'ED s _ [~G1NWllNG Jate Kecelvea: DEe 2 1 2009 Ori,....;"'.~! :.... "oJ11..:.;..:,ubmittal !+ .3 l! ~ ~ S 3 ~ ~~~ ~ ~Z!! ~ jl! ~ I!! '" W f- Z W U ~o <<> ",--' ,UJ CD ~ c: :;: g rJ) <( ID z' .....J I 0 << --' 0 ~ ~_L ~ .....J 0 If) IT :> u 0 c: U <( If) 'C 1-,--t5} (n~__ t ~ ~ -P"'+~' ,,," k. GE~~~ --00/"'1 .. 1lAA.... : ~~,.... :::::: :... '.""'CT, I""....., ::~~~ING C-102 10/16/2009 11:06 FAX 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW ~002 # ,: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT lEngineering Division Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ",~~l~~~;~~~~.~~t!:iffi;:f::~iW~~;rif!tj,2;!~ji,']i,:J~~.,~J~.~~j~; ,. ...'1 Project Name: NF LV rltc.o eELL ApplicaDt: BO:u-CO eI'fTP"~ LLC l.~W~ ><eev.' ASlcuonPlQ'I;c1#: 1?-ol-?O-Z,-lY TL l'f?1 Date: f1)~T ,<,I' ~O(7<i I La.dUse(I): ~T""RAlir BLPt- z...r, 'F. PboDe#: FVI-687-1,,~1 I ProjectSIze(Acrn): 1J....nt.'.. ~~mVj:.<;: ~:NTE~ Fax#: 3YS--65"'1<f I ~!~:~=;:(:;~;;~!:~::~;,"r~~J~;,,:,,_...o.:,.~~~.rJL~<ff)~_.~~~.,~,~~..~.~~,._,I I'AOf"~IH6 ro R\; 1'1""1i' .,-,I("<;'rIH6 rAce:> !JElL ",NI,) F\'E'-8VtLO, I'RE5elft\.>' rHE' ~I"'I'; IS ALL. fAvftO{'....P,;ll""llVs)bxe""'ro-o~ S"",? IV"r>T_700,F ""OO..F{I....~ERvIDO~_ N4:loU OEIIE""'..ME....T >v'Ll "'AV~ LeH 1...I'e'~VIGV1 511~FfI<-FS I\'t '0)6'15''', A I?EPtXnDN OF' 'M P,,~vl~ /lRe1l BY 5", yo? s, F'. Drainace Proposal (Public eotmeetion(s). di.cbarge loealion(s). etc, Allacb additional .beel(.) ifnecessary: kXl~TI"~ OIOVEL"".......r HII'S 01 ..1'01'l.... .....~ I "leTS 1'11"1' CO"lIer.TS TO 1'''''- 'S1l,,~'1 >(6 CE~'S AND cln's ~rOR'M "",,"'TtR ~YS'Te.....,. "'HI~ SIT&;'S IiiAISTIHe. DRA'IoIM" tT",L,OI~ ,4<(1.,N6 i\~"'~ ""1''''' SltP'l'INq C~ rffYOHO n40' PAP AND l.1""'T'< OF eo~~nI1GT"'~' P""posed Storm.ater Best Managemeat Practices: E1"MT PORTION OF srTc(Pl\D "iAUPLIOS. &"XISTlNC 'SH"P~IH6 ca.-Tn? I'hR~INC It'" 0 R..-~<lG~ rM'(~iNt "uP 1tCl.fT1S Il'/LET1>.,. 'Z "''''''' - e-wnu."""" ""It"'"" E'''''~I''~ 'S ~_, lYE>'- l"AC"IS'1L .~;.fD:;~~~ D i!~~!f ,;-:cJ ;';':;'~~~~r:::;~;-"'~~ ~~:1 '~';;;'l':~~F - R!-If{ ':'';11';';.. ." .,:.~::;~;,~:r:'. ..::. (Ar.. IMI"", Ihiilirii:IiJ/d.", 6;'1~' PlY ;;n1f/1;*~ii1 'l'r(lmliffiriV....;..:;.<:,- .. ~:,,~~::. . ',:. '-:"-::';'((.4,,, irtiiti.,jiif..izR IN>>raCJr.c~d1>y tire CityOftlltcjro.lana 6iU:A:'Ofdrii.1iut ,Iia}J Miilb..1rted '. , ' ~1( ...: ::::.!'M~:;,i;fti;: P~:Qppl1gmDfl';' M cO"riJi~~"'r ",,~it~J,~!~i..OI~ #U~<IIU lMy'b~,n'ecuia;y.;: :: . D;;"~.r<' ~d" Tv..e IEDSPM Seotion 4.03.1\: lNote. ~ m." be In .':i J:t ror ll~tilll\.1 Met\,!od\, S II S. S dy ( . I M-Lod . 3A~E"ll 0'" F'i:> -<If' <!ALr. TO H,o,'rr I ma.1e tu - UleRouooa =. folcakuIalioos) SrO()9~fl O"'AY TO U1E' SMALL SITE STUDY . Mid-Level Developmenl Study - (w. Unit Hydmgnp/l Melhod for caIc:ulariOllS) o Fun Dl1Iinage Development Study - (.... Unit ~!. ^,,,,), Mc:lbod fOI calc.latiullI) E..riroamenbll CODllderadons: ill Wellhead Zone: Z r' "--- T ,-1-""11 Hillside Development: iii WetlandlRiparian:....J:!J~ . _ III FloodwaylFIoodplain: II Soil Type: (~L"""') Url,..... (a..l I~ ~ Otbcdmisdiction.; DowDltram An.lysls: . . N/A o Flow line for mu1ing water surface elewrioD: o Dosign HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take aualysis to: rJ/,.. JIIIt - Return to M.tt Stouder Iiil eltv ofSpr;n"r.old, omail: ....tooder(ild,sorlnen..d.or.u.. FAX: (S4Jl736.I011 Revioed 111/08 Molly Morkori.. Date Received: 90'10 DEe 2 1 2009 Orini",,1 !'lut'>mit'aL_ .___ 10/16/2009 11: 08 FAX 541736 1021 C1TY OF SPR1NGF1ELD PW III 003 -. " COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS ~ For Official US!; 0nJy: """$ ! .. Baud upon Ihe informl1llon prqvlded on Ihe front oflhis sheet, thefol/awlng represents a minimum C/f whtJt Is neededfor tJn app/iCl1llon to be complele for submi//aJ with respecl 10 drai""ge; huwever, this lut should no' be used tn lieu of ,he Springfield Development Code (SDC) or the Cily 's E"gilUiering Design MtJ/I1/ol. ComplitJnce wl,h ,hese retjulremerrts dC/<s "ot constitvle sile appT<7llal: Additional site specific tnfClTmation may be required, Note: Upon saoping shut submillal, 1l1lSUT. completedform has been signed I>r the space provided below: . Ii " I IolJ!rim Design Slaodanb/Water QuaUty (EDSPM Cbapter 3) Req'd N/A ilJi 0 All oOD-buildin& rooftop (NBR) impervious surtat:es ,ball bepre-trealed (e.g, muIti-cbambc:ted catclJbasin wloil filtratiOll media) for slont1water quality. AdditionalJy, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impervious !lIIIface shall be treated by vegetated methods. . . o Wb~ required, vegetative ."_,_, ,ater design shall be con,islenl with iDterim design standards (EDSPM Sectioo 3,02), ..I forth by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) nr Clean WalPJr Services (CWS). D For Dew NBR impervious "",a less dum 15,000 'quare feel. a 'implified design "rr-o,':' may be followed as specified by the BES fur vegetative treatmem. o If a .<_. _" _-'f treatment swale i, proPosed, subxnit calculations/specifications fur sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix coosiStent witb either BES or CWS requiremenl$. o Water Quality calculations.. required in Section 3.03,1 of the EDSPM o All building rooftop mounted equipment, or otha fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary cootaiDment or weather resistant eoclosure. General Study Requirements (EDSPM Sectioll 4.03) , ' fII 0 Drainage study prepared by a Profesoional Civil Engineer Ucensed in the state of Oregon. ~ 0 A complete dnioage study, .. required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. ~ O. Calculations showing system cap.city for" 2-year storm evenl and overflow effects of" 25-year slomi event. ~ 0 The time ofcoocentration (Tt) shaU be determined using a 10 mimite SIait time for developed basins, Review of DOWlllltrtam SystelD (EDSPM Section 4.03,4.C) o fii A dowoslIeam dnioage analysis as <kstribed in EDSPM Section 4.03.4,C. Oo-sil. drainage ,hall be governed by the Oregoo Plombin& Specialty cOde (OPSC). o IIiElevations oflbe HGL and flow lines for both city and privaie syslems where applicable. D..ign of SloTUI Systems (EDSPM Sectioo 4.04) III 0 Ficrw lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indic81ed 00 the plan set. o lIQ.M;mroom pipe cover shall be 18 inches for teinforced pipe and 36. inches for plain coo';'ete aIld plastic pipe tn8lerials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided wheo less. The cover shall be sufficient to suppOIt all 80,000 Ib load . withollt failure of the pipe strUCll1l"e. . . . o Iii Maooiog's "un values for pipes shaIJ,be cons;SlllD1 with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All s1Xlrm pipes shall be designed to achieve. a /Dininlwn veloeityoftbree (3) f.et per secood at 0.5 pipe full based On ;Table 4-1 as well OlberlMisc . , ~ 0 Exi,ting and proposed c~tours ,loeBted at one fOOl io~. IncbJd e spot elevations aIld ,ite grades ,howin~ bow site drains o Private stannwater ....._'._~ shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stormwater flows from ooe property 10 another IIiDryweDs shall nol receive J:IIIlofffrom any surface wlo being treated by ooe or mote BMPs, with the exception ofresi<leulial buildiog roof, (EDSP Sectioo 3,03.4.A). Additional provisions apply to thi5 as required by !be DEQ, Refer to the website: www.del"u:tste.or.us/wollItl.nmdwaluiclJome.bcm for m.ore information. o ~De\lOotioo pOllcls sball ~desiglled to limit nmolflo pre-dev.lopment rates for the 2 through 2S-Y""f storm.eveots *'(Iris furm 5haH be inclllded as an dlI4Cllmenl, i1I.d4e dtlfront CtWu, of ,he oJ.'.1 ", ,:iter mldy I ~ IMPORTANT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOW AND SIGN! J As the engineer of record, I hereby certilY the above required items are complete and included with lbe ,ubmitted <'_'_.' ,~~ study aIld plan set Signature Dale DCite RG'::;;;;';;xl: Fann Version 2: Mareb 2004 DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal ,COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS r~orofficialuseOn'Y: * Based upon the information pravided an Ihe fronl of this sheet, Ihe following represents a minimum of what is needed for an application 10 be complete for submittal wilh respect to drainage; however, this list should not be used in lieu of Ihe Springfield Development Code (SDC) or Ihe City's Engineering Design Manual. Compliance with these requirements does not canstitute sile approval; Additional sile specific information may be required Note: Upon scoping sheet submillal, ensure completedform has been signed in the space provided below: Interim Design Standards/Water Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) I!!!'d N/A ~ D All non-building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e,g, multi-chambered catchbasin w/oil filtration media) for stonnwater quality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be --.I treated by vegetated methods, ~ D Where required, vegetative stonnwater design shall be consistent with interim design standards (EDSPM Section 3,02), ~ set forth by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS). ~ D For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approacb may be followed as specified -' by the BES for vegetative treatment ~ 0 If a stormwater treatment swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, d bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with either BES or CWS requirements. rJ [l, Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3,03.1 of the EDSPM o 0 All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary containment or weatherresistant enclosure, NDT PARr OF <IVII. 'SITE' PLAM f -f'c.fT~ ^~HIR'eTVAc.. PL.At<<" ~eral Study Requirements (EDSPM Section 4.03) ~ Q Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon, o ~. A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map, ] o i!r Calculations showing system capacity for a 2-year storm event and overflow effects ofa 25-year storm event '5~AL'" o ~ The time of concentration (Tc) shall be determined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins. lJlnr Revie~Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C) o l!J A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the d Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). o ~ Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable, ~gn of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) ~ [J. Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set o 0 Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 80,000 lb ,..,rload without failure of the pipe structure. o ~ Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All storm pipes shall be designed to achieve a minimum velocity of three (3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe full based on Table 4-1 as well, Q9terlMisc ~ 0 Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains 16 D Private stonnwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stonnwater flows from one property to .--/ another o ~ Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3,03.4,A), Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer Jto the website: www.deo.state.or.us/wa/srroundwaluichome.hcm for more information. o ~ Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre-development rates for the 2 through 25-year storm events "This form shall be included as an attachment, inside the front cover, of the storm water study "lMPORTANT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOW ANDSlGNI ~:"th:e~nginoeer of record, I her~ebY certify the" above required itertatEtl!f~~eiv~~:luded with the submitted stormwater study and Signature: '/.. Date: / /_ -7_ 0 q \.6....,,_..... - Uti l i !tlO9 /1- J / Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 10 of to " l1:li .,;,j JRH E N GIN E E P PROjECT MANAGJ S PlANNERS November 24, 2009 Steve Hopkins City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Taco Bell Site Plan Review Application Review Dear Steve: This letter is to help you and the other Site Plan Review Application review staff by providing a response as to how the design team addressed the concerns raised as part of our pre-submittal meeting and supplied checklist. A copy of each the completeness review checklist! comments are attached to this letter. The following c~"~'t'onds to the checklist format and numbering, A. PLANNING (Steve Hopkins, Planner) 1. and 4. More detail has been added to the site plan sheet C-I 01, indicating the trash enclosure will be constructed of masonry block units 6 feet high, including a roof cover constructed per Springfield Development Code (SDC) 4.4-110, This plan also shows that the trash enclosure will have a floor drain connected to the City's sanitary wastewater system. In addition, the enclosure will have a raised lip and the adjacent paving slope to keep "u",,,,ater from entering this sanitary sewer drain. Construction details will be part of the Building Code plans review permit submittal application. 2. More detail has been added to the site plan sheet C- 101 to show the long- term bike storage room/ enclosure located at the northeast comer of the building, 3. Exhibit I now includes a site photometric study and cut sheets for exterior walllightingl packs. 5. There are no records locating the sanitary and stUB" '" ater lines; however, we believe they are near the northwest comer of the redevelopment site, just south of the water and gas meters, etc, (Sheet C-IOO shows the existing site conditions.) The exact location of the sanitary and stormwater laterals will be verified at the time of site demolition. Two notes have been added Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 v U I \~ I 5 4 1 (J" 7 I 0 i'\ 1 W~~ jRHWEH.COM o 0riginal Submittal, r..\x 541345.6.')9') 4 7 b 5 V I I. I AGE I' I A Z A IOU l' ,U IrE 201 [U G [N E (~. '_\ Lettedrom Larry E. Reed RE: Taco Bell Site Plan Review Application Review November 24, 2009 Page 2 of5 to the plan covering this lack of detailed information pertaining to the sanitary sewer and stormwater laterals' location, . '!During demolition, locate and protect water, sanitary wastewater and storm laterals at the street property line for reuse of these connections for the new building, " . "After the sanitary wastewater and storm laterals have been located and protected, contact the City's Public Works Engineering section, Clayton McEachern, P.E., phone number 736-1036, to verify the sanitary lateral is connected to the sanitary sewer main and the storm lateral is connected to the storm water line. " 6. More notations relating to the property line (P/L) and right-of-way (ROW) have been added to the plans, 7. Pre~submittal plans were stamped but not signed and dated by the project engineer, pending revisions per the City's completeness comments. This final Site Plan Review set has been stamped and signed. Per Planning's additional comment section: . . Attached is a check payable to the City of Springfield for $4,593.10, . - The needed Springfield Utility Board (SUB) DWPexemption application has been submitted to Amy Chinitz (744-3745) at SUB at the time of writing this letter the approval notice has not been received, SUB approval is anticipated the week of December 18, 2009. B. PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING (Clayton McEachern, P.E.) 1. The landscap~ plan sheet 101 has been stamped by the project engineer. Also, see Planning note #7 above. Note: This application, under SDC 5.17-120D, is requesting approval by the Director for the landscape plan by another professional. The design team engineer designed the bioswale; however, the plant selection was done by JRH Land Use Division (Larry Reed). . 2; and 5. Right-of-way line notations were added to the plans. 3. See response to Planning's additional comment section IteQi~~ Received: DEe 2 1 2009 07;;::';;a! Submittal :- '-"'" Letter from Larry E. Reed RE: TacoBell Site Plan Review Application Review November 24, 2009 Page 3 of5 4. The soil type was set forth on page 7 in the second paragraph. . A pavement section detail was added to Sheet C-102. . Also, an. alternate pavement design note was added on$heet C-I02. 6. See Planning note #5; there is no record of sanitary and storm lateral locations, . Sheet C-I 02 shows a floor drain and notation that this drain is to be connected to the City' ssanitary sewer. . The potable water connection! meter location is shown on Sheet C-IOO, showing the existing site conditions, The new Taco Bell will reuse this existing water connection, Also, see related notes on Sheet C-l 0 I. 7. Sheet C-I 02 was revised to include roof area! downspout discharging into the stormwater treatment bioswale. . According to Taco Bell building plans, all roof equipment is speced to be internally sealed units (HV AC). 8. The site's cut! fill is norshown on the plans. The earthwork after demolition will be insignificant; less than 50 cubic yards. 9. Thanks for the nice storm drainage plan comments; per the City's suggestions, we have made the following revisions. . Per #7, the plans were revised to show roof system water to be discharged to the bioswale. . Also, the bioswale area has been enlarged to include the area north of the drive-thru window lane and west of the trash enclosure. Note: Belleo Enterprises, LLC (Sanders) has approval in the form of a contract with the property owners to the north to remove the fir trees along this site's north property line opposite the extended bioswale. Given the constraints of the site, the design team believes what is now shown is the most vegetative treatment this site can achieve and still be ,cost effective for this small, constrained site. Date Received: 'DEe 2 1 2009 0~:-:!:-:-::! Submittal - . ~, .. ......' Letter from Larry E. Reed RE: Taco Bell Site Plan Review Application Review November 24, 2009 Page 4 of5 Per Public Works' Additional Comment Section . The bioswale landscape design has been revised to make it clear that the bioswale is to be excavated 2 feet below the bottom of the swa]e and the existing earth is to be replaced with 2 feet of planting medium, consisting of]oam and organic compost soil mix. . There are no records locating the sanitary and stormwater laterals. Lateral locations will be located and protected during demolition, See Planning Item #7. . The bioswale design has been modified to provide a wider bottom. . No workis planned within the Mohawk Bou]evard right-of-way, A note relating to this fact was added to Sheet C- ] 0 1. C. TRANSPORTATION (Richard Perry, Traffic Operations Analyst) 1. Based upon the constrained/limited scope of this redevelopment site, no work is planned within the street right-of-way, except for the street tree wells. Mohawk Boulevard has street lighting, Based upon the scale of the site plan, the street lighting was not initially shown; however, street lighting is in the street divider median directly in front of the existing Taco BelL The location of this street light has been added to the plans, Also a photos of this street light is attached to this letter. 2. Here again, based upon the constrained/limited scope of this redevelopment site, the circulation within tax lot 440] to the south was not shown, Tax lot 440] is under different ownership and outside the scope and control of this leased area pad redevelopment. The surveyor did include the building comer and location of curbs that help direct incoming traffic and prevent cars parking along the west side of the tavern building from backing into the incoming eastbound shopping center lane. Based on the survey information we had some additional traffic lane/ movement detail has been added to the plans. Exhibit D, aerial of site, shows this area, tavern, and coffee kiosk in more detaiL Six photos of this area are also attached to help understand what is going on on this adjacent site. Date Received: DEe 2 I 2009 ('."::-::::;! Submittal ~_ : .,....1' Letter from Larry E. Reed RE: Taco Bell Site Plan Review Application Review November 24, 2009 PageS of5 D. FIRE DEPARTMENT (Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshal) 1. The two public fire hydrants' distance notations were added to the cover sheet C-IOO. Both of these on-site hydrants, including the hydrants to the south along the street, as initially explained in a notation on the pre-submittal plan set, are within 400 feet of the proposed new Taco Bell. E. BUILDING CODE COMP.lAGENCY (Kip Kaufman, Plans Examiner) The Building Code compliance comments, as written, are not clear. A fairly complete set of site and civil plans (6 sheets) were submitted to the City as part of this Site Plan Review Application, showing exterior public and on-site walkways, parking, space dimension, ADA parking, drive aisle widths, landscaped area, and direction signs, etc. Taco Bell building plan set Exhibit G was also provided as part of this Planning Site Plan Review Application. The building is only 2,556 square feet in area and has over 60 feet of separation between the adjoining buildings on three sides; one side being the public street right-of-way. Based upon discussions at the pre-submittal meeting, this application package submittal for building code agency purposes is complete forPlanning- Site Plan Review purposes. The other items not related to this planning application were provided as a reminder to the Taco Bell building designer as to what is required as part of the Building Code plan's review building permit submittal process after Planning- site plan approval. F. SUMMARY In summary, the Taco Bell project design team believes the Site Plan Review Application is complete and ready for full review, leading to the City's Site Plan Review approval. ~,~~ Date Received: DEe 2 I 2009 O~iginal Submittal 'I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JRH 1.... I -m , [ N GIN [ [ n J'R\.JI~C[ MANAcr S I' I ANN E It ..; CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TACO BELL RESTAURANT MOHA W K BOULEVARD SiTE PLAN REV lEW APPLICATION OCTOBER 28, 2009 Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal . :'. t <. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. TACO BELL RESTAURANT MOHAWK BOULEVARD I I , , ; SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION I ' OCTOBER 28, 2009 Prepared for: , Belleo Enterprises Robin (Merrell) and Mike Sanders I . P.O. Box FF ! Springfield, OR 97477 I , I Prepared by: ,JRH Transportation Engineering : Land Use Planning Division ~765 Village Plaza Loop, Suite 201 I . Eugene, OR 97401. I Telephone: 541-687-1081 I I REQUEST: Replacing existing Taco Bell restaurant with a new Taco Bell on the existing pad at the northwest comer of t~e BiMart Shopping Center, Mohawk Boulevard Date Received: DEe 2 1 ,2009 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Applicant! Owner: Belko Enterprises, LLC Robin (Merrell) Sanders P,O. Box FF Springfield, OR 47477 Property Owner: Cuddeback Commercial Properties, Inc. c/o Tim Campbell Campbell Commercial Real Estate 859 Willamette Street, suite 520 Eugene, OR 97401 Design Team: Larry E. Reed - Designer and Project Coordinator JRH Land Use Planning Division 4765 Village Plaza Loop, Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 Telephone: 541-687-1081 Steve Woods - Surveyor Ford & Associates P.O. Box 22735 Eugene, OR 97402-3048 Telephone: 541-344.-1852 Brian Genovese, P.E., PTOE - Engineering JRH Transportation Engineering Telephone: 541-687-1081 Bob Newton Yum Brands, Irlc. Taco Bell Corporation 1290 Von Karman Irvine, CA 92614 Telephone: 949-863-4500 Map and Tax Lot: Lane County Map 17-03-20-25-34; tax lot 401 Date Received: DEe 2 I 2009 Original Submittal JRH Transportation Engineering Taco Bell - Springfield, Oregon - Site Plan Review Application I October 28. 20091 Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , - Property Location: IS0S Mohawk Boulevard, Springfield, Oregon. This site is along the east side of Mohawk f!oulevard, approximately three blocks south of Highway 126/ Highway lOS, along the front of the BiMart Shopping Center site. Property Size: Tax lot 401 is 3.09 acres. The subject redevelopment site is l6,8f6 square feet. Zoning: Mixed-Use Commercial (MUC) Proposal: Demolishing existing Taco Bell facility and replacing with a new Taco Bell building meeting Yum Brands current Taco Bell model franchise specification. Building Model T-S'O.. Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal JRH Transportation Engineering Taco Bell - Springfield. Oregon - Site Plan Review Application I October 28. 20091 Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. BACKGROUND IlL PROPOSAL IV. ANAL YSISI FINDINGS A SITE REVIEW INTRODUCTION (Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.17-120) B. MIXEDoUSE COMMERCIAL (MUC) DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1. SDC 3.2"610 2. SDC 3,2-615 3. SDC 3,2-620 4. SDC 3,2-625 5. SDC 3.2-630 C. SITE REVIEW CRITERIA (SDC 5.17-125) V. SUMMARY EXHIBITS: A VICINITY MAP B. ASSESSOR'S MAP C. TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY (BASE MAP) D. AERIAL PHOTO. . E. YUM BRAND ILLUSTRATIONS E-l FLOOR PLAN E-2 COLOR EXTERIORS OF BUILDING (2 PAGES) F. PLAN SET - CIVIL - 6 SHEETS LARGE FORMAT (22" X 34") G. TACO BELL PLAN SET (SEP ARA TE DOCUMENT) H. STORMWATER-DRAINAGE STUDY I. SITE LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS Date Received: DEe 2 I 2009 Original Submittal JRH Transportation Engineering Taco Bell - Springfield, Oregon - Site Plan Review Application I October 28, 2009/ Page 4 . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. INTRODUCTION Bellco Enterprises is seeking City of Springfield Site Review Approval to replace the existing 1,800 square foot Taco Bell restaurant located on a 16,816 square foot shopping center pad site. This pad is located at the northwest corner of tax lot 4101 of Lane County Assessor's map 17-03-25,-34. This site is the northwest Corner of the BiMart Shopping Center, owned by Cuddeback Commercial Properties, lnc. A vicinity map is attached as Exhibit A; a copy of the Assessor's map is attached as Exhibit B; and a redevelopment site survey by Ford & Associates is attached as Exhibit C. The limits of the construction line are shown on Sheet C-102 of Exhibit F An aerial photo of the site showing the existing site conditions and surrounding area is attached as Exhibit D: II. BACKGROUND Bellco Enterprises of Springfield and the preceding Merrell family ownership built and operated this Taco Bell for some forty years. It is located along the east side of Mohawk boulevard approximately three blocks south of Highway 126/ Highway 105, Robin Merrell Sanders' father built this Taco Bell in 1968. This site (tax lot) is 3.09 acres and contains a multi-use shopping center. The anchor tenant is a BiMart store, The existing Taco Bell is the second building on this tax lot and occupies approximately 16,816 square feet (or 12 percent) of this tax lot's land area, The applicant (Taco Bell Enterprises) wishes to build a new Taco Bell on the site of their existing Taco BelL Yum Brands is the Taco Bell franchise owner. This existing fast food restaurant is outdated (i,e" outdoor restroom access) and does not meet Yum Brand's Taco Bell franchise standards (i.e., old equipment, sizes too small), which has led to fewer/less in- store dining customers, which has led to a decline in revenue that is expected for this location. The Bellco Enterprise believes a slightly larger Taco Bell, meeting current franchise standards, will increase inside dining and, thereby, increase revenue for this Taco Bell site. The proposed floor plan is attached as Exhibit E-1; a series of colored photos of the building's exterior and interior are attached as Exhibit E-2, Color Photos. Also see the building plan, Exhibit G. This new Taco Bell building design has fully articulated, two-color exterior walls, with a multi-colored parapet, and large windows around three sides of the building and offers a colorful Southwestern interior decor. The Taco Bell site and larger shopping center site, like the greater surrounding.area along the east side of Mohawk Boulevard, has a Metro Plan land use designation of CommerciaL This tax lot and subject leased site/ pad was zoned as Major Retail CommerciaI.(MRC), suitable for shopping centers, tip until recently, when it was rezoned to Mixed-Use Commercial (MUC). A new Taco Bell is an allowed MUC use under Springfield Code 3.2"610 Table of Uses (Restaurant) and will continue to fulfill the City's MUC purpose andin@!1J'i\:! ~.t4!?l!!#ved: in SDC 3,2-605 and as further defined by SDC 4,7-180. DEe 1 1 2009 Original Submittal ., JRH Transportation Engineering Taco Bell - Springfield. Oregon - Site Plan Review Application I October 28, 2009/ Page 5 } I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III. PROPOSAL This proposal/ application is to build a 2,556 square foot Taco Bell restaurant to replace the existing 1.800 square foot Taco Bell facility situated on a 16,816 square foot redevelopment site (existing shopping center pad). This redevelopment was laid out to meet as many of the Mixed-Use Commercial development standards as possible, within the limitations of this small, existing site while, at the same time, greatly improving and eliminating the vehicular- pedestrian interface conflicts and hazards. IV. ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS J. Site Review Introduction (SDC 5.17-120) 1. General: The site plan and accompanying plan set drawings are drawn at the scale of I inch equals 10 feet The site address is 1505 Mohawk Boulevard and consists of a redevelopment area of approximately 16,816 square feet, located at the northwest comer of tax lot 401 of Lane County Assessor's map 17-03- 25,34. The existing Taco Bell restaurant employees from 21 to 25 people. The new facility is anticipated to employ from 25 to 30 people. Because of the small size and location of the redevelopment site, this new Taco Bell facility has no future expansion or phasing plans. In addition, there are no proposed open spaces or other public areas to be reserved or dedicated to the City or any other government agencies. The attached plan set (Exhibit F, Sheet C-lO I) depicts the proposed redevelopment This plan provides for lot coverage (building, patio area, paved parking, vehicle access lanes, etc,) of 79 percent of and 21 percent of site in landscaping, which includes storm water management areas. The building is ones tory in height, and the site is not adjacent to any residential uses or zoning district, which means the site is not subject to any solar access. or setback standards or requirements. 2. Site Assessment: Since the site is the redevelopment of a relatively small comer of an existing shopping center, it is requested that the "site assessment" requirement be waived or at least in part be waived. However,.Ford & Associates, surveyors, surveyed the site to establish the site's base mapping (see Exhibit C). This survey is as shown on Exhibit F, Sheet # G-100 of the plan set and documents the site conditions. The aerial photo of this site (Exhibit D).also documents the existing site conditions, The site contains no water courses, riparian areas, wetlands, or other natural resource areas deserving of protection....,such as . . Important clusters of trees, rock outcropplngs, etc, wate Received, DEe 2 1 2009 JRH Transportation Engineering Taco Bell- Springfield, Oregon - Site Plan Review Application I 06?&{r&1' smrh\'il~) 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A review of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood maps for Springfield show that the site is not near any flood way or within any hundred year floodplain. The redevelopment site/ pad, including the larger shopping center site, according to the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service's soil survey of Lane County, soil is classified as Coburg silty, clay, loam (#32, Urban Complex). According to this soil profile, much of the original soil, as part of an urban setting, has been covered by as much as 40 inches of fill material. This soil profile goes on to say the main limitations of this soil are seasonal high water table, moderate permeability, and low soil strength. If buildings are constructed on undisturbed areas of this Coburg soil, buildings with shallow foundations/ footings are to be avoided and stormwater diverted away from the building to avoid the shrink! swell characteristics of undisturbed soiL The existing Taco Bell development, over the past 41 years, has not experienced any settlement and! or differential settlement to the bu)lding, nor to the parking and drive areas, . The existing and proposed use is as a restaurant and uses no hazardous materials or chemicals. The site is subject to the City's well head protection area standards; however, the proposed redevelopment replaces an older, obsolete Taco Bell for a new Taco Bell and, therefore, does not represent a risk of groundwater contamination above what currently exists. Further, it is und(~rstood that the site, including the Taco Bell operation must comply with all the applicable City and Springfield Utility Board (SUB).general groundwater protection requirements for the two year to five-yeanravel time zone. 3. Parking Plan and Access: Since the site is a redevelopment of the site, again, replacing an older, obsolete Taco Bell restaurant with a.new Taco Bell facility, no traffic impact study (TIS) is being provided. This Site Review Application is seeking no variances from any traffic/ transportation provisions. As to the additional 756 square feet of building area, according to the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trio Generation Mam,"l (land use category 934). the additional floor area will generate an estimated 25 PM peak hour vehicle trips for the adjacent street. The new Taco Bell, at 2,556 square feet, is estimated to generate 86 PM peak hour vehicle trips versus the existing 1,800 square foot generation of 61 PM peak hour vehicle trips, a difference of 25 PM peak hour trips. This is within the margin of deviation for any given peak hour weekday trip for the existing Taco Bell. (See ITE land use code 934, 20.15 standard variation.) Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 nrininal Subm.ittal JRFI TransportatIOn Engineering Taco Bell - Springfield. Oregon - Site Plan Review Application 1 October 28, 20091 Page 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , - Moha~k Boulevard is not a State of Oregon transportation facility or subject to any ODOT Division 51 rules; therefore, no research was done into the shopping center's existing drive access history. Mohawk Boulevard has three Lane Transit District (LTD) bus routes. These routes are Route #13 Centennial, Route #18 Mohawk! Fairview, and Route #19 Fairview/ Mohawk. The closest bus stop is 320 feet south from the Taco Bell for the northbound transit routes and 74 feet north from the Taco Bell site (across street) for the southbound transit routes, The plan sheets (Exhibit F, Sheet C-IOI) show the site's new parking arrangement and circulation pattem, including pedestrian access improvements, The following further explains the site plan. . The Taco Bell site plan shows the existing street access, the planned on-site vehicular circulation, parking spaces, bicycle parking, landscaped areas, etc. Ingress and egress lane stripping is shown to provide a free flow right-turn lane out, a through and left-tum lane out, and a marked ingress hine. . This, site plan is much improved froin the current site plan, which embodies three hazardous conditions: o Access to the drive-through is by cutting across the 'vehicular drive egress and entrance, in front of cars exiting the site, o The drive-through queuing lane and window are between the entrance and the parking, thereby placing pedestrians in direct .conflict in a rather confined area. o Access to the restrooms, being exterior along the east side of the building, again places pedestrians within the path (backs turned) to the drive-through lane and exiting vehicles, . The new site plan, while not perfect, moves vehicular access for the drive-through window lane to internal to the site north of the ,parking area, This moves queuing away from the street entrance and egress drive improving safety. o Provides for pedestrian entrance from the parking lot, not a~ross the drive-through window lane. o Provides restroom access inside the building, eliminatjng pedestrian exposure to vehicle movement within the drive-through window lane area, . The site currently has only six vehicle parking spaces along the drive- through lane: The site plan provides 14 vehicle parking spaces within the redevelopment site, Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal JRH Transportation Engineering Taco Bell - Springfield, Oregon" Site Plan Review Application I October 28, 2009 I Page 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . The building at 2,556 square feet gross area at one vehicle space per hundred square feet of gross building floor area requires 26 spaces, The Taco Bell shares undivided use of the shopping center parking. This much improved site plan creates a loss of only 2 spaces, This loss occurred because of additional ADA parking and new pedestrian striped access at the ADA spaces. 4. Landscaping: The site plan shows the landscaping for the redevelopment in compliance with SDC 4.4-100, including the provision for a permanent irrigation system. This permanent irrigation system will be designed by the landscape contractor installer (design! build) and will be submitted later as part of the construction building permit plan set. In addition, the bio-detention swale within the site set -back area is also landscaped and irrigated. The site currently has only a single street tree along the Taco Bell frontage, The site plan provides for three additionalstreet trees with 30-foot centers, for a total of 4 street trees, These additional street trees will be installed in a 5- foot by 8-foot tree well cut in the sidewalk in the back of the curb within the lO-foot wide public sidewalk area. Screeninll: As discussed in the Taco Bell's May 21, 2009 Development Issues Meeting, headlights of vehicles heading south within the new drive-through window lane are likely to create the need for screening this area from Mohawk Boulevard northbound traffic. To address this issue, the planned . redevelopment will provide a three-foot high masonry wall along the back edge of the existing public sidewalk. In addition, grouping of evergreen shrub plantings will be installed in the area south of the pedestrian access where the drive-through lane swings to the left! east, away from the street. Further, other random plant groupings within the bio-detention swale.area, including street trees, will also help block headlights shining into northbound traffic lanes of Mohawk Boulevard. 5. Off-Site Improvement Plans: The redevelopment site construction limits do not encompass any public or private off-site improvements, The shopping center entrance and egress drive off of Mohawk Boulevard is outside the limits of the Taco Bell construction. There are no off-site improvements' required or proposed, with the exception of the delineation of painted traffic lanes at the existing stre.et access (right turn, through and left turn, and entrance lanes). The public sidewalk is in fairly good shape, The only improvements within the street right-of-way will be the addition of the street trees in the sidewalk area. There are no utilities located in the street tree planting well area. The existing Taco Bell wastewater/ sewer and other service and utility connections will be reutilized by the new Taco Bell building: All the existing public service I.!Jl:iM~eceived: JRH TransportatiQff'n~nte2D99 Taco Bell- Springfield, Oregon - Site Plan Review Application 1 October 28, 20091 Page 9 Original Submitta' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I utilities have been located and are shown on the site's existing conditions map (see plan set Sheet C-lOO, Exhibit F). 6. Storm water Management: The stormwater management, as part of the BiMart Shopping Center. with its acres of existing paved parking. is relatively flat. (See site Exhibits C, D, and the cover sheet of Exhibit G for existing site conditions.) This site's existing condition is that the site is covered with impervious surface, building, paved parking and drives, except for the five-foot wide by 140-foot grass area equaling 700 square feet along the back edge of the public sidewalk, This 700 square feet is approximately four percent of the Taco Bell redevelopment site. The planned redevelopment will provide approximately 21 percent of pervious surface, which will include the bio-detention swale. Sheets C-102 and C-103 of plan set Exhibit Fprovides the engineer's stormwater management system details. The .stormwater drainage study 5s attached as a separate document labeled Exhibit H. 7. Site Plan: ,Sheet C-I0l of plan set Exhibit F shows the location of free standing light poles on the site. This site does not adjoin any residential use or zoning. . Exhibit I, Site Lighting Specifications, provides lighting calculations, the type of exterior lighting fixtures, wattage, etc. All light fixtures will be of the cut- off type and shielded to avoid the direct shining of light off the property and, especially, toprevent light from shining into the eyes of drivers, both within and off the site. . K. Mixed-Use Commercial Development Standards 1. SDC 3.2-610 Schedule of Uses: On page 92 of the Springfield Development Code, Chapter 3, Drive-up Restaurant Uses are specifically allowed in the Mixed-Use Commercial zoning district, as approved under the City's Site Plan Review procedures, .subject.to the special design standards of SDC 4.7-180. ' Per SDC 4,7-180, ExceDtion #1 - Drive-Throu!!h Uses, the existing restaurant has a drive-through window that is unsafe in terms of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle"to-pedestrian access conflicts. The redevelopment of the site cO!ltinues the drive-through as an incid~ntal use to the primary restaurant use: while eliminating and/or improving the operational site safety conditions. It also is worthy of noting that Yum Brands franchise standards for,a Taco Bell . require their Taco Bells to have a drive"through window facility. . However, to accomplish these operational improvements, provided no opportunity within the physical limitations and constraints ofthe site to design the circulation and drive-up window away from the public side~ T-lWiceived: JRH Transportati~~J"e~r~~09 Taco Bell - Springfield, Oregon - Site Plan Review Application I October 28, 20091 Page 10 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I section's exception wording provides a great deal of flexibility and use of judgment by staff based on the use of the words in the Code section only "to the maximum extent practicable". Exceotion #2 - Parkin!! Lot and Parkin!! Structures: This exception is not appiicable, since the use is a restaurant and not a parking structure or parking lot. Exceotion #3 ~ Professional Office: This exception's provisions are not applicable, since the use is a restaurant and not an office use. 2. Base Zone Mixed-Use Commercial Standards: SDC 3.2-615 sets forth the MUC development standards. . Minimum Area - 6,000 square feet:. The greater tax lot 4101 site is 3.09 acres, while the Taco Bell lease site (16,816 square feet) is also larger than the minimum 6,000 square feet. . Minimum Street Frontage - 40 feet: The site frontage along Mohawk Boulevard is greater than the minimum 40 feet. . Maximum Site Coverage: The MUC zoning district has no maximum site c'overage; the site plan has approximately 79 percent of impervious surfacing (parking lot, drives, building areas, etc.). . Building Set-back: The MUC zoning district has no front lot line building set-back; the site plan provides a 19-foot building set-back to accommodate the drive-through lane, and the drive-through lane set- back, which includes storm water management facility, which is allowed within set-back areas. . Parking, Drives, and Outdoor Storage Minimum Set-back - 5 feet: The site plan provides 7 feet from the street right-of-way line and 5 feet from the north property line for the set -back for the drive-through window lanes. . Interior and Rear-Yard Set-backs when Abutting Residential or Campus Residential Districts: This.set-back is not applicable, since the site does not abut any Residential or Campus Industrial zoning districts. . Maximum Building Height - 90 feet: Asa sing.le-story building, the Taco Bell is much less in height than the allowed 90 feet maximum height limitation. Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal JRH Transportation Engineering Taco Ben - Springfield, Oregon - Site Plan Review Application 1 October 28, 20091 Page II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3. Mixed-Use. Commercial Conflicts and Exemptions: SDC 3.2-620 provides certain guidelines relating to the MUC development standards conflicts and exemptions. Conflicts~ a. There appears to be no COnflIcts between this section and other sections of the Code. The plans were drawn with the intent of complying with all the applicable environmental, water quality, and public health and safety protection standards, b, No refinement plan, specific area plan policies, etc. that are relevant to this project to the degree of prevailing over. the standards of the MUC zoning district were found. c. The City's recent rezoning of the subject site from Major Retail Center . to Mixed-Use Commercial does not .appear to have made the existing Taco Bell use, including the drive-through lane, non-conforming, since this use, including the drive-through window is allowed under the Mixed-Use Commercial zoning district standards. . d. An exemption process to SDC3.2-625 and 3,2-630 is provided; the proposed Taco Bell site plan and building meets the intent of the building appearance and pedestrian orientation desigri standards; however, not every specific.detail of these standards can be achieved. These requested exemptions are addressed in the following section. 4. District Building Design Standards (SDC 3.2-625): The proposed Taco Bell building is a small, but well articulated and colorful building. This design emphasizes the building entrances, is pedestrian in scale, and has no blank walls. To achieve the overall visual understanding of the building's complex architectural relief in detail, please refer to colored elevation photos shown in Exhibit E-2. Nevertheless, because of the small, stand-alone nature of this single-story franchise building, the building does not meet the following standards. a, Fifty (50) percent of all the wall lengths being in window openil}gs b. Vertical wall face shall have off-sets at a minimum of every 50 feet by providing at least one of the following: . 0 Recesses of a minimum of four feet o Extensions with depths of four feet and maximum length of overhang of 25 feet o Off-sets or breaks in roof elevation lines being a minimum of three feet in height Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 JRH TOPiillRllil,tiSIlJ9Mill'G'ling Taco Be\l- Springfield, Oregon - Site Plan Review Application 1 ocioii'er 28, 20091 Page 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .-/ The building is only 2,556 square feet in area, Approximately two-thirds of the floor area is for public restrooms, food supply storage (dry, refrigerated, frozen, etc.), and food preparation! kitchen area, including open work space access aisles, Approximately one-third ofthe floor area is for lobby and order area, self-serve drink and condiment counter, and the dining area. It is neither practicable nor desirable to have windows in the walls of the restrooms, food storage, or food preparation areas; however, where windows are practicable, the window area achieves or exceeds the 50 percent requirement (i.e., dining area). To have four-foot wall depth offcsets for a single-story building of only 77 feet long and 30 feet wide is disproportionately large for the structure's size and length of wall and would not be in scale for the building, (See two-foot by two-foot entrance projections.) The following portion of this narrative seeks approval of an alternative to the City's Building Design Standards. 5. MUC Development Standards- General, Building Design Standards (SDC 3.2-625: . Intent of Standards: The following building features are equal to or exceed the City's Building Visual Appearance Standards. As shown in the colored exterior elevation photos (Exhibit E-2), the Taco Bell building provides extensive architectural interest and surface area relief on all four sides of the building in the form of: . Two types of exterior surface materials - stone wainscot and stucco-in- appearance wall covering . Multiple exterior color palette, darker stone material with lighter sandI camel color walls, with a darker, multi-colored decorative parapet .. Multi-building relief elements. Again, this is stone wainscoting that is set out from the building wall and has a capstone design. The windows and doors will have wide access trim of a darker color, set out from the . wall, providing shadow contrast with the wall color/ material. . All windows, including drive-through windows, will have canopies and/or trellises above the windows, providing additional light and shadow effect upon the walls to visually break up the building's exterior. DEe 2 1 2009 . Additional architectural interest, including additional relief off-set shadow effect, etc., is provided at the entrance, providing two-foot by two-foot columns with arches over the top, called a "flying arch" above the entrance. This architectural element is carried out above the drive- through window. These elements are in excess of the three feet above Date Received: Original Submittal JRH Transportation Engineering Taco Bell - Springfield, Oregon - Site Plan Review Application I October 28, 20091 Page 13 .. . . . . . . . .. . . . I . . . I . I the building parapet; however, it is not clear whether this element is considered a break in the roof elevation. . Taco Bell's exterior lighting fixtures create an additional architectural detail, including shadows on the walls, breaking up the larger wall areas, . The rear (north) end of the building has architectural interest with the siting of the menu board, architectural clearance bar, and landscape elements immediately adjacent to the 9-foot by IS-foot walk-in cooler. (See Yum Brand plans sheetsCI.O, CU, and Ll.O of Exhibit G.) Ground Floor Windows: The Taco Bell building will have ground floor windows on three sides of the building, which includes the drive-through window side of tre building facing the public street These windows provide views into the dining area and the order/ service area, but not the restroom, storage, and work areas. We believe an exception to the 50-percent window area r~quirement is warranted. d. As a Mixed-Use Commercial site to contain a small single-story restaurant means the other specified mixed-use employment and mixed. use residential standards are not applicable. In summary, the Taco Bell restaurant building, based upon its location (northwest corner pad of shopping center), use of existing shopping center vehicle access drive, small size of the redevelopment area, and the complexity and multiple code intents leads to the situation where not every aspect of the Code's standards can be achieved. However, the overall effect more than meets the intent of the above Building Design Code provisions (SDC 3,2-625), L.. Site Review Crite.ria (SDC 5.17-125) . .The following narrative will show.that this Site Review Application is in compliance with the City's five Site Review Criteria set forth in SDC 5~17-125, To the extent the proposed redevelopment plans and narrative do not adequately demonstrate compliance with the City's submittal standards, Mixed-Use Commercial development standards, and the Site Review Criteria, the owner/ applicant has no objection to reasonable Conditions of Approval being required as part of the final site plan. Criteria #1: "Zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram. and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram. plan district map, and conceptual Date Receive!jyelopment plan" . DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submitt;>1 . JRH Transportation Engineering Taco Bell- Springfield, Oregon - Site Plan Review Application I October 28,2009/ Page 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -" Response to Criteria #1: The subject site, including the greater shopping center area (tax lot 4101) has a Metro General Plan land use designation of Major Retail Center (MRC). The City has elected to implement this Metro Plan land use designation by zoning the area and redevelopment Taco Bell site as Mixed-Use Commercial (MUC). Based on the fact the City's placement of the MUt zoning on the s.ite is fairly recent and was a change of zoning from Major Retail Center (MRC), the owner/ applicant must assume the MUC zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan land use map diagram. If this is a correct assumption, staff may make findings that the MUC zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan (Commercial) Major Retail Center land use designation and, therefore, the proposed site plan and Taco Bell is consistent with the MUC zoning, Criteria #2: "Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, .including but not limited to, water and electrical; sanitary sewer and storm water managementfacilities; and street and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvement shall be available to serve the site at the time of , . development, unless otherwise provided for by this code and other applicable regulations. The public works director or utility provider shall determine capacity issues, " Response to Criteria #2: The site presently has a Taco Bell restaurant. The new building will be approximately 756 square feet larger than the existing Taco BelL The new restaurant's plumbing fixture counts and electrical loads will be similar to the existing Taco BelL The site has access to and is served by the shopping center drive coming off of Mohawk Boulevard, This existing Taco Bell is connected to the Springfield Utility Board water and electrical lines, the City wastewater (sanitary) sewer collection system, and the City's stormwater conveyance facility. Based upon the City and utility providers' available services, there is capacity to accommodate this minimally larger Taco BelL In addition, it is understood any service and/or utility service upgrades to the .site are the responsibility of the Taco Bell ownerloperator. Based upon the foregoing narrative and site review plan set, a finding can be made the subject site is adequately served by urban services and public utilities, The site and proposed redevelopment meets this criterion. Criteria #3: "The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this code and other applicable regulations. " Response to Criteria #3: As demonstrated in the narrativel analysis section IV. subsections A and B, the site redevelopment plans are in reasonable compliance Date ReciNith3tte City's Development Standards. The minor deviations and, exceptions DEe 2 I 2009 - ._l -,:__1 f':"\. ."'.........:...~~I 1RH Transportation Engineering ---'I.LV S,lI- Springfield, Oregon - Site Plan Review Applicalion I October 28, 20091 Page 15 I I I were identified and addressed in the narrative. The following is a list of these minor deviations and exceptions and where they are located within this narrative: . Waiver from "site assessment" -See Section IV, Subsection A, Item 2, Page 6. I I . Drive-through window lane situated between the public sidewalk and the building - See Section IV, Subsection B.l, Page 10, . Building design standards: o Less than 50 percent of each wall length in windows o Minimum offsetsof four feet - See Section IV, Subsection B.3, Pages 12 and 13. I I I Based upon this narrative's analysis and findings within the context of the redevelopment site, the Planning Director has the authority under the Code to waive and approve under various design concept provisions; therefore, a finding can be made the proposed Taco Bell is in compliance with this Site Review Criterion, I Criteria #4: "Parking areas and ingress/ egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicle trc;ffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid'congestion; provide connectivity with the development area and to adjacent residential area, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial, and public areas... Minimize driveways on arterial collector streets as specified in this code or other applicable regulations, and comply, with the ODOT Access Management standards for State highways, " I I I Response to Criteria #4: The subject Taco Bell redevelopment site is a shopping center pad and, as .such, is using the shopping.center's existing driveway of Mohawk Boulevard to provide access to the Taco Bell facility.' As previously discussed, the new/ redevelopment plan greatly improves the site's vehicle and pedestrian operational characteristics. This will improve safety by: . I I I Date Received: " eliminating Mohawk Boulevard northbound vehicles from being allowed to make an unsafe "S" movement into the site, cutting across vehicles exiting the site, while moving the vehicle drive through- window queuing internal to the site and away from pedestrian movements. I DEe 2.1 2009 . eliminating restaurant entrance pedestrian conflicts with the drive- through window I Original submittal . eliminating pedestrian access to outdoor restroom conflicts with the drive-thrOligh window I I JRH Transportation Engineering Taco Bell- Springfield, Oregon - Site Plan Review Application 1 October 28, 20091 Page 16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . properly marking the egress and ingress traffic lanes Mohawk Boulevard is a City street under only the City's operational controls. This redevelopment! site upgrade is being accomplished without any new driveways. Based upon the foregoing, findings can be made that the proposed redevelopment does not involve the need for any additional public streets, traffic signal modifications, new driveway access, additional transit stops, etc, . Therefore, based upon the analysis of various sections IV A and B and the foregoing analysis of this Site Review Criteria, a finding can be made that the proposed redevelopment is an improvement over the existing conditions and does not overload the adjoining streets or development site; therefore, it meets this criterion. Criteria #5: Physical features, including but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soils or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility offlooding: significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQL W map and their associate riparian areas; other riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3-117; rock outcroppings; open space; and areas of historic and/or archeological signjficance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97740-760, 358.905-955, and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this code or in State or federal law. " Response to Criteria #5: The subject site is a fully developed site, having 96 percent of non-pervious surface, buildings, paved areas, drive aisles, sidewalks, etc. As a fully developed site as documented in site survey and aerial photos of the site, there are: . no unstable soil conditions no clusters of trees or shrubs no water courses or wetlands no npanan areas no rock outcrops no historic features, etc. . . . . . There is nothing on the site required to be protected under City, State, or federal law; therefore, based upon the foregoing, it is appropriate to make findings that there are no natural, historic, physical feMures, on the site required to be protected by the City, State, or federal law. Date Received: DEe 2. 1 2009 I 1 I 1 "1 ".' 1 Original SubmittaJ JRH Transportation Engineering Taco Bell- Springfield, Oregon - Site Plan Review Application I October 28, 20091 Page 17 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V. SUMMARY In summary, this planning application (as a Site Plan Review Application) involves a shopping center's existing restaurant pad containing an existing Taco Bell restaurant. The proposal is to demolish the existing Taco Bell that was built in 1968 and replace it with a new Taco Bell restaurant meeting Yum's Brand Taco Bell current corporate standards. The City's adopted Development Code, more specifically Sections 9.7-120, 3,2-610 through 3.2- 625, and 5.17-125, provides clear andobjective criterion standards for the design and approval of this project (Site Review Application), These criteria, including clear and objective development standards, were used to design the site plan. The above narrative addresses the site review criteria and applicable standards, providing analysis and findings against these criterion standards, This analysis (narrative) demonstrates compliance with the City's adopted criterion standards, with the exception of three areas. These three exceptions are minor deviations and involve the following: . Approval of less than a full "site assessment" (SDC 5.17-120-B) . Approval of the drive-through window lane located between the public sidewalk and the Taco Bell building (SDC 4.7-180-A.I) . Approval of an alternative building design. with less than 50 percent windows and less than 4- foot building offsets The Planning Director has the authority to waive portions of the "site assessment", determine the location of the drive-through window lane on a case-by-case basis per the term "to the extent practical", and approve proposed alternative building designs for the three code areas above. The City's Site Review Application procedure is not a discretionary Planning approval process; therefore. the City's Planning Director may approve the proposed site plan as designed and submitted, based on this narrative's findings of Springfield Development Code compliance. Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original submittal JRH Transportation Engineering Taco Bell - Springfield, Oregon - Site Plan Review Application I October 28, 20091 Page 18 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T~ r,_ ~lll ~~j;r-- · ~"-! ,1 ~r. ~i' g; ~.DG' ko.< ~~". ,>-' QI!~ ~i ~L __~1t;;~J\t BRIDGE RD. .... ~ --~ w~~gf-i- VST. [VSTREfl 1:;;1 g: I Q\ - fST @. :;t ~ Jj-;1 ill .L- ~ 5 \ --=. .4Y~'. ,~~ =-~ ;!l_ne _ ~: I ~ 'L'vmRloGE"V~. "\ f ~ -;..l. ~ T21 I ~+= f- -1 p)Jo\8\JNG~"- 3 '" iT .. .... .. (A_G' ~ ~-' · l- u. F .' T ST '.;.SJ.. ~' .2!!:- 1ST: TST. ~J -S-sTl, :<. I I RST!; - - -;:r-;:r-;:r-;oj .~ ~i ~ ~I ~tT '-"- ~ il t tY ~ ~i Q~T. .. 1::,:;, ~ Q ST. ., - -- I Q\!INALT \ , ~. . -i ---i ~ c- -, -, I it'.~ ._w:..J1ST tW.'\ST. I ;; -~, \; , ,l ,~~) f ~r d . . . ! \. , t- ." o z \l\ '" ." ~ T --1-. LSJ. ~ I I , ~t-, ~~_. 1-++ ~-H '~)r I L~ST I _"".2L_ --j I LJ , TST .fl'-':'{ ,r ' .,.'r...- "': "'it;; r;; :;; 0;'.....' 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I ~I ~l.bJ L,- ~I 1 -I (jj' MAIN ST. ;l+ ~ - I , - I 1 TACO BELL MOHAWK BOULEVARD e Site location )RH LAND USE ('LANNING . 4765Village PJaza Loop,Suite 201 Eugene,Ofegon 97401 {TEl.1 541.687.1081 wwwJrhweb.com O7IJO/2009 I . . ~/ II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I "- " rOR ASSESSMENT AND rAX,ATION ONLY SE1/4 SW1/4 SEC. 25 T.17S. LANE COUNTY R.3W. W.M. Ii ~ 17 03 25 34 SPRINGFIELD NAD 83/91 SCALE ,. . 100' SEE WAP 17 03 25 31 t 4200 ':r!l.'-~.!~(;'. J.o2 :i~'....-;r,:'T'11 '. I - ;. .. ~ ~.,,:. ~ ;00 'f ~ 1 L-L--'t _ 700 800 ,'-, ." ... '.' -- , I 200, J 400 ~ '~S Sso, ,-'.1, ....~, \C)~ !w."''' ~ ~0"'~'6OO'-w.,"~! "'" ,..' l"~: 300,.. rr: ,_, ~V\ ~ - . t ... :.. J. ~. ~ u :: OTT, -,.. -.,. --~t'- ~ cROAO ~"r" ~ :'.. i \~t I 50600 .r;;.-, .",/.",/,;;;. '-/"."-. .. /-. r ' H :5 . I 1700 "00 '1 _ . \ I _, :~ ..;- i 1600 2000 ~ - I'=' ~ " . I = "11,90~'.= !! TAx LOTTED 0'" MA~ 17_0~3_2!5_.'3 ,I "11".... I ..... . _, __ It---t--"t~~' u.:~.:: ' ~-~._-:L _U___~"""'~.J,.....,.___ ---,. 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So5OO 5eee Pee 5180 I I , I I ': :t: LL" I I I ~ l I I ' _ CD.I . .'-i_l_ - .-..........., 'I ' J f~ II ..1..,._. ~......... DEVELOPMENT SITE _. .........~.... .......'"~~ , '" . n N '" '" ~ N '" o a ~ :: - , JJOO - ~ ~ ~ III ~ 17 03 25 34 SPRINGFIELD SEE lUrP 17 OJ 36 21 Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal .... TACO BELL MOHAWK BOULEVARD Exhibit B: Assessor's Map ,DEVELOPMENT SITE IRH LAND USE I'LAN~ING 4765 Village Plaza Loop, 5ult.,. 201 Eugene,Oregon 97401 {TEL} 541.687.1081 www.jrhweb.com .' '\~ ~ +r IlI/JOIlOO') I .tr/ . I I I I I II I I I .0 I ... I I I "'$ I I I I "- I ~ . < " . "" 'C::lJ' " - ,~~ ':;3' ~~ ~ / ~.~ ~~ :::::: '~~ / ~~ / ~~ ::: ~~ ~ , i. . ~ ... , .. t , . ~_-:- .., ~ .~" :~ ~ " c "'" <6, iiiX.C ;~~ /:V ~ . ,;; J 11 " "v/ // ;;:;:; / 1- c ~. NO'" to aEVA1ION BENO/MARK USED IS THE MASs CAP LOrC.A1lD AT THE He. CORNER OF' IIJ1I1 AND II STREET. aEVA11CW _ <l42.SH' Z. THE U1t11S OF 1HE TrPOORAPHC !MTA ON THIS 5lM\oO' ESTABUSH 1HE JIOUNl'JARY OF THE: S1DRI/ WA1lR BA5W FOR THE TACO 8fU SITE. ~ O' 20' <4{)' 60' ~--- SCALE ,. - 20' CONTOUR INlERVAl _ 1 FOOT "', ill>"" !!',~ ~ LEGEND CLECTRIC l.JNE """" UNC (;AS UNC FENCE ClEAN OUT -,-.- _v_w_ -,-,- -.-.- '" '\~ ~ ~ :g . In I~ ! 1''''1 ~ II! ~~ l~ I ~ ~ ~ >- Vl W ~ Vl ::\ i>' I '" l(l- ::::> "'- ~ Vl '" I~ g >-"'~ a" l~ IOZ ~9 "'-"-W ~ <( 0 ..~ '" u ~~ " 0 I ~ "'- --' --' 0 W I- m ~ ~ "'.., on'" "'0> -0> H ~ ~~ ~ . D ~ '" < ~ 1Il ~ o z .(IJ ~ u"" I:l 25 ~ ~~ -< -1:1"'6 P: ~ - ~ U z~ ~ ! !f2 0 ~~ ~l;; g ~U).~~. ~ 1Il ~ ". .lIi . rn.........z 0 . rn ,,~"!"'. < _',1 ~in ~~ lD 700 iil" Ol Iii rnonl:i "'. &Ill: Zo chrx.. P: o r.. Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal ~ TACO BELL MOHAWK BOULEVARD Exhibit C: Topography Survey JOB NO. O'M;.NO. BY: DATE: JRH LAND USE PLANNING . 4765VillagePlalil Loop,SUlle201 Eugene,Ore<]on97401 {TEU541.687.1081 . / wwwJrhweb.com / ... ~ 10/14/2009 I - . -~ . I I a ~ I . . Z.. ] if 't I I ';4 " Ir" , - I XI. .r 1# it ", ~- ~~ riJ; . "" ~ I ~ ~ S; ~ ~ I 5JiI >> ~.. . I " , "..w - .'~" I ... ....... "- ..._""-;".-- I I I F~' I I - I TACO BelL MOHAWK BOULEVARD . I I Date Received: Exhibit 0: Aerial of Site > I DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal IRH LAND UH PLANNING ~ I 476SViIIagt'PIu.tLoop,Suite201 Eugene,Oreqon97401 {TEW 541.687.1081 www.jrh_b.com I , " 01/]011009 I . . ,\ ,- 'r II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " 30' ).'0" r----- 90" Drink Table . CondIment Stand. \_ ~~l O~rn i~ -~ Interior Walk-in Cooler 71' 9' . < DIT Window A Dry Dual Line . / Hood same / \ Space for 3"" Line/ location as 3 Ii~e IIIII1 -------- ..-. -- -,1........1........' I I '-, I ----... I Pre-Pay I Window Office - LAJ~-: . Closet for Mop Bucket Space for interior Back-Flow Preventor 10 20 Space for 3~ Cash Register T50 (2 Lines) Floor Plan Building Area: Seats: 2,556 50 (see 70 seat option) Date Received: Taco Bell Architecture DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal ~ ~ TACO BELL MOHAWK BOULEVARD Exhibit E-1: Floor Plan ,.' JRH LAND USE rLANNING . 4165 Vill~ge Plan loop, Suite 201 EugeM. Ore9on 97401 {TEL.1541.687.1081 _jm_'<= y 01lJll'l009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t (j-::::. - ;- ~ ~---~ _ ... _ FF . - " . '.' _ _ - ~ ... ...,' . r-- - - - -- 1 .~~ } -<<4': ~ I .1f .l~.~1 l ! r r..., Hi: ~I . I' . T50 Color Exterior Renders - Standard \ , ... .'i2"'.." .~ i - T a c. 0 B ~ I I Arc hit e c t u r e . , J Date Received: DEe 2 I 2009 Original Submittal TACO BELL MOHAWK BOULEVARD Exhibit E-2: Color Exterior and Interior of Building Page 1 of3 JRH LAND USE rLANNING . 4765VillageP1azal.oop.Suil~201 fugene.Orpgon9740llTEU541.687.1081 ,. / WWW.jrhweb.com/~ 10111/1009 II-: ./ I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " . . . \~ \ -I '~ ..1 , :.. ' ./Ul. r.;--.=~~ - .,= t_ _ _ _"~__ --- -- T50 Color Interior Renders Taco Bel --..,. . _J ~r("hltecture . ., Ui::H~ t\t:l;I:jl vt::u. DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal ... '" TACO BELL MOHAWK BOULEVARD Exhibit E-2: Color Exterior and Interior of Building Page 3 of 3 JRH LAND USE rLANNING . "765 Village Plaza loop. Suilt' 201 Eug_.Or~n97<M)1ITElJ S41.687.1081 \' -j"'-',~ '/ 10/11/1009 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT H TACO BELL RESTAURANT MOHAWK BOULEVARD, SPRINGFIELD STORMW A TER - DRAINAGE STUDY DECEMBER 10, 2009 Prepared for: Bellco Enterprises Robin (Merrell) and Mike Sanders P.O. Box FF Springfield, OR 97477 Prepared by: JRH Transportation Engineering (Civil Engineering) 4765 Village Plaza Loop, Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 Telephone: 541-687-'1081 . Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . TABLE OF CONTENTS ) 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................;.................................................................. 2 2.0 METHODOLOGY ...............................................................................................................3 A. DRAINAGE AREAS DEFINED ................................................................................. 3 B. HYDROGRAPHS DEFINED ......................................................................................3 3.0 RESULTS ............................................................................................................................. 3 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A. DRAINAGE AREA GRAPHIC - SHEET C-I03 APPENDIX B. SANTA BARBARA URBAN HYDRO GRAPH METHODOLOGY APPENDIX C. ,..YDROGRAPH & OUTPUT - TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA APPENDIX D. HYDRO GRAPH & OUTPUT - DRAINAGE AREA "A" APPENDIX E- HYDRO GRAPH & OUTPUT - DRAINAGE AREA "B" Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal JRH TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Taco Bell Hydrology Report - Springfield, Oregon I October 22, 2009 I Page I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . 1.0 INTRODUCTION The proposed project involves the complete redesign and rebuilding ofan existing Taco Bell restaurant located in the Bi-Mart Center, 1505 Mohawk Boulevard, Springfield, Oregon. The development is on Tax Lot 4101. Map No. 17-03-25-43. The project will demolish the existing restaurant which has become quite outdated and rebuild it to . current Taco Bell, Inc. standards. The restaurant will also be re-oriented on the property to improve pedestrian/vehicle circulation around theJacility. The drive-through lane will be relocated to minimize potential conflicts with vehicles entering and exiting the shopping center lot. The existing building and parking lot drainage area covers 0,63 acres of impervious surface, The existing building and lot drain stann water into existing catch basins which connect to the City of Springfield's storm drain system, There is currently no treatment of runoff prior to entering the City's storm system, The proposed development preserves the O,63-acre drainage area, There is, however, an increase in pervious surfaces due to new landscaping and a landscaped bioswale. As a result, there will be 0,53 acres of impervious with the new development. The resultant change in the pervious-to-impervious surface ratio yi~ldsa lower peak flow rate and lower total runoff than found presently in the existing conditions. Furthermore, the proposed catch basins will be equipped with filtering systems (Storm-Pure, or equal) to pre-treat the storm runoff entering the City's system from the parking lot. Likewise, the bioswale will provide treatment for the remainder of the storm runoff, The proposed bioswale is 170 feet long and has approximately a 475 cubic foot capacity while maintaining a 6-inch freeboard. Date Received: 2.0 METHODOLOGY DEe 2 1 2009 j .j , ,<~ -..'j Original Submittal A. The total drainage area is divided into two sub-areas, Area "A" covers the portion of the project which drains into catch basins with filter systems, This area comprises a total of 0.42 acres, 0.41 acres of which is impervious. Area "B" includes the surfaces which drain into the bioswale. This area is 0,21 acres in size with Q,13 acres being impervious. These areas are shown graphically on sheet C- I 03 in Appendix A. B. Based on the size of the site (0.63 ac, and expected peak flows <0.5 cfs), the "Small Site" criteria were used - a 2-year storm event, a 3.3-inch total rainfall and a Type IA storm distribution, (Small site study method was verified in a call to Matt Stouder, Public Works Department on October 21,2009,) Using this base jRH TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Taco Bell Hydrology Report - Springfield. Oregon I October 22, 20091 Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I information, hydrographs were generated using the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph method (See Appendix B). A hydrograph was generated for existing and post -development conditions for the total drainage area, Area "A" and Area "B", these hydrographs and spreadsheet outputs are provided in Appendix C, Appendix D and Appendix E, respectively. 3.0 RESUL IS Area "A" which drains to the existing storm system through three catch basins with filtration is shown to have a peak flow of 0,35 cubic feet per second and a total runoff of 4600 cubic feet. Area "B"drains exclusively into the bioswale. The peak flow for this area is 0.15 cubic feet per second and the total runoff is 1595 cubic feet. The exisitng storm drain system for the restaurant is presently handling 0,55 cubic feet per second peak flows and a total runoff of 7040 cubic feet. Based on the above results, the proposed development will actually be contributing less runoff to the City's storm system than the present facility and, in addition, any runoff entering the City's system will be pre-treated. Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal jRH TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Taco Bell Hydrology Report - Springfield, Oregon I October 22, 20091 Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A DRAINAGE AREA GRAPHIC SHEET C'103 Date Received: DEe 2 f 2009 Original Submittal I <> I \,~/ /T'\ / I I I .. '/ / ! 1/ f I :;Z;/-T"T,// I , , , I ~. ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~. II I /j ,;; ;J '; / I I / '/ ./ .- , I I II I / / .\ / / ",,-,. 'f" ." ./ / ,,/r y~ / / .- ,>,- ,'1 /; / <,V , ., .. / .. ,/ /' / / '"~ ~", , / / / / :/ / I ~,c / / , ~; .. // , . , -~, , // / I / ./ .' / '. ~' ,/ >'> / ,. / /' // ." ./ ,'.- .. " / / '. I / SCALE (Fm) ~ 10 20 ,/ .- ./ o I -~ ~ ,~ ,$;",. ,;/"":'~ .;/ . ,,!'/' '. //. //. /.,. # .0. .' ..\ I il ., .') ). /, ~, ,. DRAINAGE AREIIS TACO BELL MAP NO. 71~03-25 13 IIIX LOT 1701 SPRINGFIELD. OREGON TOTAL DRAINAGE AAfJc 0.63 ACRES (27574 SO. FT.) BUILDING AREA: 2556 SQ, fT. GF'NfRAL NOTF~: 1) NEW DEVElOPMENT IMPERVIOUS AREA IS LESS THAN EXISTING DEVELOPMENT ,MPERVlOUS AAEA (23409 SO. FT. \'S, 27574 SQ. FT,). 2) ALl. ROOF-MOUNTED EQUIPMENT Stw..L HAVE MANUFACTURER'S INTERNAl CONTAINMENT - SEAL..ED TO PREVENT SPILl./lEAK CONTAMINATION INTO STORM WATER SYSTEt.! AND/OR GROUNDWATER. A) //.-.;<<,,/./. .~%//;;.-;, :./.; :::~>>;(/;/ ;/};;;:;~;:::;;9. -:~;;X;':/>>', B) '/""'Y/~'.I V'\.f.'% './,> "/0', yo \';~, W~;.,~<< ?:!,.';~y';1):(~ ,,- . AREA DRAINS TO STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. TOTAl DRAINAGE AREA; 18726 SQ. FT. PERVIOUS AAfJc 955 SQ. FT. lUPERVIQUS AREA: 17771 SQ. fT. PEAK FlOW RATE: 0.35 CFS TOTAl RUNOff: 4600 CU. FT. AREA DRAINS TO BIOSWAlE. TOTAl DRAINAGE AR.fk 8848 SQ. FT. PERVIOUS AREA: 3210 SQ. FT. IMPERVIOUS AREA: 5SJa sa. FT. PEAK fLOW RATE: 0.11 S CFS TOTAl RUNOff: 1595 CU. FT. -----.. ----.. ____-r - ,- r '..#"~""""'~~"~""""~""'I~ '.- . u ----.. ----.... -........... --~ -,.""""""""""""",~""", '.. . .---.-.. "+ z ~ Z ~ " ~ ~ ~ ;; ,: 8i~ -. ~q ....~..., ~a _::j >z_ ~~. --" z o " ~ '" " z ;2 ~ :I: ~ Ct: W f- Z W (.) f- 0 Ct: > <( -1 :::;; m I CD ~ c ~ 0 01 <( Cll (f) l.- I 0 Z -1 <( -l 0 W -0 -l CD ~ Qj (L <;::: -l 0 l[) rr (.) 0 c > 'C <( l[) c. (.) f- ~ (fJ > m _, ~ . Q -------- ~------ =-.;"'::r.=:-";-"- ~.......--- D DAlE 112/31ll1 ate F:, =Ve/:t: """"" I , ..... , , DEe . "'9:-'~C);' " '~AGE Ongln aJ Subn it al ~.1 03 -,.""""""""""""",~""", .t'tIF,,!!!!!...... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B SANTA BARBARA URBAN HYDROGRAPH METHODOLOGY , : Date Received: ,.. ( DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I August 2001 2.3,3 Hydrograph Synthesis - Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph The Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) method is described below. It is given here as a guideline only, as it is only one of the many SCS-based hydrograph methods that are available for use. The SBUH method, like the Soil Conservation Service Unit Hydrograph (SCSUH) method, is based on the curve number (CN) approach, and also uses SCS equations for computing soil absorption and precipitation excess, The SCSUH method works by converting the incremental runoff depths (precipitation excess) for a given basin and design ,stonn into a runoffhydrograph via application of a dimensionless unit'hydrograph. The shape of the SCS unit hydrograph (time to peak, time base, and peak) are determined by a single parameter - the basin time of concentration. The SBUH method, on the other hand, converts the incremental runoff depths into instantaneous hydrographs. that are then routed through an imaginary reservoir with a time delay equal to the basin time of concentration. The SBUH method was developed by the Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, California. The SBUI-I method directly computes a runoff hydrograph without going through an internlediate process (unit hydrograph) as the SCSUH method does. By comparison, the calculation steps of the SBI:JH method are much simpler and can be programmed on a calculator or a spreadsheet program. The SBUH method uses two st'eps to synthesize the runoffhydrograph: . Step one - computing the instantaneous hydrograph, and . Step two - computing the runoffhydrograph. The instantaneous hydrograph, I(t), in cfs, at each time step, dt, is computed as follows: ]t = 60.5 Rt AI dt Where Rt = total runoff depth (both impervious and pervious runoffs) at time increment dt, in inches (also known as precipitation excess) A = area 111 acres . dt = time interval in minutes. ~NOTE: A maximum time interval of 10 minutes should be used for all design stonns of 24-hour duration. A maximum time interval of 60 minutes should be used for the I DO-year, 7 -day design stonn. Date Received: nJ:"r , 1 2009 Volume III - Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control BMPs 2-31 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The runoff hydro graph, Q" is then obtained by routing the instantaneous hydro graph It, through an imaginary reservoir with a time delay equal to the time of concentration, Te, of the drainage basin. The following equation estimates the ro~ted flow, Q,: Qt+] Where: w d, = Q, + w[l, + 11+] - 2QI] = d/(2Tc + d,) ~ time interval in minutes Example: To illustrate the SBUH method, Tables 2.6 and 2.7 show runoff hydrograph values computed by this method for both existing and developed conditions. Figure 2.3 illustrates the hydrographs for existing and developed conditions. Note, this example was prepared using the Excel 5.0 spreadsheet program and illustrates,how the method can be used with a personal computer. Copies of this program and a Fortran version are available (with minimal documentation) from King County Surface Water Management Division. " " _2.5 . E. cr , '"~ 0' O~l 'II " " " " '" " Time{hours) I,..".e...,,-Exi51!ngCon~iliPl1'~" ': o..V~lopadCondlllr:;;;1 Figure 2,3 SBUH Hydrograph for Existing and Developed Site Conditions Date Received: DEe 2 t 2009 Original Submittal 2-32 Volume III - Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control BMPs August 2001 I I Table 2.6 I SBUH Values for Existing Site Condition Given: Area =10 acres P = 2.9 inches (IO-yr, 24-hr. event) dl =10 minutes PERVIOUS AREA; Area = 10 acres CN ~ 74 S ~ 3.513514 O.2S ~ 0.70 IMPERVIOUS AREA: Area = 0 acres CN = 98 S ~ 0.204082 0.2S = 0.04 I Tc = 73 minutes w=0.064I03 where S = potcntialmaxil11ulTI natura] detention (as defined carlier) Column (I) Time Increment Column (2) Tinic(min) I Column (3) Type IAStorm Distribution Column (4) Column (3) * P Column (5) Accumulated sum OrCOlllll1l1 (4) Column (6) If(P < 0):5)= 0, Ir(p > 0:25) = (Column (5) - O.2S)^2/(Column (5) + 0.8S), where the PERVIOUS AREA S value is used Co[umn(7) Column (6) of tile present step c Column (6) orlhe previolls step I Column (8) Same as Column (6) except use IMPERVIOUS AREA S value Column (9) Column (8) oflhe present step - Column (8) orlhe prcvi0us step Column (10) (PERVIOUS AREA/TOTAL AREA)*Co]umn (7)+(IMP~RVIOUS AREArrOTALAREA)*Co]umn (9) Co]umn(ll) (60,5*Column (lO)*Tota] Area)/dt, \vhere dt = ] 0 or 60 minutes I Column (] 2) Column (12) of previous time step + w * [(Column (] I) ofpre\:ious time step + Column (I]) ofpr'esent time step)- (2 * Column (12) ofpreviolls time step)] where w = routing constant = dt/(2Tc + dt) = 0,064] (I) (2) (3) (4) 15) (6) iJ) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12) Time Time Rainfall Inerc, Accumul. PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Total Instant Design Increment (mimltc) Distrib. Rainfall Rainfall Accum. Incre. Aecum. Inerc. Runon' Flowratc F19wratc I (fraction) (inches) (inches) Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff (inches) (cIs) (ers) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 2 10 0.004 0.OI2 0.OI2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 I 3 20 0.004 0.012 0.023 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 4 30 0.004 0.012 0.035 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 5 40 0.004 0.0]2 0.046 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 6 50 0.004 0.012 0.058 0.000 0.000 O.OOI 0.001 0.000 0.0 0.0 I 7 60 0.004 0.012 0.070 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.002 0.000 0.0 0.0 8 70 0.004 0.012 0.08I 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.003 0.000 0.0 0.0 9 80 0.004 0.OJ2 0.093 0.000 0.000 0.011 0.004 0.000 0.0 0.0 10 90 OJI04 0.012 0.104 0.000 0.000 O.oJ5 0.005 0.000 0.0 0.0 I II 100 0.004 0.012 0.1 ]6 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.005 0.000 0.0 0.0 12 110 0.005 0.015 0.131 0.000 0.000 0.027 0.007 0.000 0.0 0.0 13 120 0.005 0.015 0.145 0.000 0.000 0.035 0.008 0.000 0.0 0.0 14 I30 0.005 '0.015 0.160 0.000 0,000 0.044 0.008 0.000 0.0 0.0 I 15 I40 0.005 0.OI5 0.174 0.000 0.000 0.053 0.009 0.000 . 0.0 0.0 16 150 0.005 0.015 0.189 0.000 0.000 0.062 0.009 0.000 0.0 0.0 17 I60 0.005 0.015 0.203 0.000 0.000 0.072 0.010 0.000 0.0 0.0 18 170 0.006 0.Oi7 0.220 0.000 0.000 0.084 0.012 0.000 0.0 0.0 I 19 I80 0.006 0.OI7 0.238 0.000 0.000 11.097 0.013 0.000 0.0 .0.0 20 I90 0.006 0.0l7 0.255 0.000 0.000 0.110 0.013 0.000 0.0 0.0 21 200 0.006 0.017 0.273 0.000 0.000 0.123 0.013 0.000 0:0 0.0 22 210 0.006 0.017 0.290 0.000 0.000 0.137 0.OI4 '0.000 0,0 . 0.0 I 23 220 0.006 0.OI7 0.307 0.000 0.000 0.151 0.014 0.000 0.0 .0.0 24 230 0.007 0.020 .0.328 0.000 0.000 0.168 0.017 0.000 0.0 0.0 25 240 0.007 0.020 0.348 0.000 0.000 0.185 0.017 0.000 0.0 0.0 26 250 0.007 0.020 0.368 0.000 0.000 0.202 0.017 0.000 0.0 0.0 I 27 260 0.007 0.020 0.389 0.000 0.000 0.2I9 0.017 0.000 0.0 0.0 28 270 0.007 0.02.0 OA09 0.000 0.000 0.237 0.018 0.000 0.0 0,0 29 280 0.007 0.020 .0.429 0.000 0.000 0.255 0.018 0.000 0.0 0.0 30 290 0.008 0.024 OA53 0.000 0.000 0.276 0,021 0.000 0.0 0,0 I 31 300 0.008 0.024 OA77 0.000 0.000 0.297 o.oil 0.000 0.0 0.0 32 310 0.008 0.024 0.501 0.000 0.000 0.318 O.02I 0.000 0.0 0.0 33 320 0.008 0.024 0.524 0.000 0.000 0.340 0.022 0.000 0.0 0.0 34 330 0.008 0.024 0.548 0.000 0.000 0.362 0.022 0.000 0.0 0.0 I 35 340 0.008 0.024 0.572 0.000 0.000 0.384 0.022 0.000 0.0 0.0 36 350 0.010 0.028 0.599 0.000 0.000 OA09 0.026 _0.000 0.0 0.0 37 360 0.010 0.D28 0.627 0.000 0.000 OA35 0.026 0.000 0.0 0.0 38 370 0.010 0.028 0.655 0.000 0.000 OA61 0.026 0.000 0.0 0.0 I OateRecelved: August 2001 Volume III - Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control BMPs 2-33 DEe 21 2009 I Original Submittal I I (\) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) , (10) III) (l2) Time Time Rainfall Inerc. Acctlmul. PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Total Instant Design I Increment (minute) Distnb. Rainfall RainC<l1l Accurn. Incre. Accum. Inere. Runoff Flov,.'falc Flowratc (fi-action) (inches) (inches) Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff (inches) (cfs) (el's) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) 39 380 0.010 0.028 0.682 0.000 0.000 OA86 0.026 .0.000 0.0 0.0 I 40 390 0.010 0.028 0.710 0.000 0.000 0.512 0.026 0.000 0.0 0.0 41 400 0.010 0.028 0.737 0.000 0.000 '0.539 0.026 0.000 0.0 0.0 42 410 0.013 0.03.9 0.776 0.001 0.001 0.575 0.037 0.001 0.1 .0,0 43 420 0.013 0.039 0.815 0.003 0.002 0.613 0.037 0.002 0.1 0.0 I 44 430 0.013 0.039 0.854 0.006 0.003 0.650 0.037 0.003 0.2 0.0 45 440 0.018 0.052 0.906 0.01 I 0.005 0.700 0.050 0.005 0.3 0.1 46 450 0.018 0.052 0.958 0.017 (1.006 0.750 0.050 0.006 OA 0.1 47 460 0.034 0.099 1.057 0.032 0.015 0.846 0.096 0.015 . 0.9 0.2 I 48 470 0.054 0.157 1.213 0.065 0.032 0.999 0.153 0.032 2.0 0.3 49 480 0.027 0.078 1.292 0.085 0.020 1.075 0.077 '0.020 1.2 0.5 50 490 0.018 0.052 1.344 0.099 0.014 1.127 0.051 0.014 0.9 0.6 51 500 0.013 0.039 1.383 0.110 .0.011 1.165 0.Q38 0.01 I 0.7 0.6 I 52 510 0.013 0'039 1.422 0.122 0.012 1.203 0.038 0.012 0.7 0.6 53 520 0.013 0039 IA60 0.134 0.012 1.241 0.038 0.012 0.7 0.6 54 530 0.009 0'026 1.486 0.143 0.008 1.266 0.Q25 0.008 0.5 0.6 55 540 0.009 0.026 1.511 0.151 0.009 1.291 0.025 0.009 0.5 0.6 I 56 550 0.009 0.026 1.537 0.160 0.009 1.317 0.025 0.009 0.5 0.6 57 560 0.009 0.026 1.563 0.169 0.009 1.342 0.025 0.009 0.5 0.6 58 570 0.009 0.026 1.588 0.178 0.009 1.367 0.025 0.009 0.6 0.6 59 580 0.009 0.026 1.614 0.188 0.009 1.392 0.Q25 0.009 0.6 0.6 I 60 590 0.009 0.026 1.639 0.197 0.010 IAI7 0.025 0.010 0.6 0.6 61 600 0.009 0.026 1.665 0.207 0.010 1.442 0.Q25 .0.010 0.6 0.6 62 610 0.009 0.026 1.690 0.217 0.010 lA68 0.025 0.010 0.6 0.6 63 620 0.009 0.026 1.716 0.227 0.010 1.493 0.Q25 0.010 0.6 0.6 I 64 630 0.009 0.026 1.741 0.237 0.010 1.518 0.025 0.010 0.6 0.6 65 640 0.009 0.026 1.767 0.247 0.010 1.543 0.025 0.010 0.6 0.6 66 650 0.007 0.021 (.788 0.256 0.009 1.564 0.021 0.009 0.5 0.6 67 660 0.007 0.021 1.808 0.265 0.009 1.585 0.021 0.009 0.5 0.6 I 68 670 0.007 0.021 1.829 0.274 0.009 1.605 0.021 0.009 0.5 0.6 69 680 0.007 0.021 1.850 0.283 0.009 (626 0.021 0.009 0.5 0.6 70 690 0.007 0.021 1.871 0.292 0.009 1.647 0.021 0.009 0.5 0.6 71 700 0.007 0.021 1.892 0.301 0.009 1.667 0.021 0.009 0.6 0.6 I 72 710 0.007 0.Q21 ' 1.913 0.310 0.009 1.688 0.021 0.009 0.6 0.6 73 720 0.007 0.021 1.934 0.319 0.009 1.709 0.021 0.009 0.6 0.6 74 730 0.007 0.021 1.955 0.329 0.009 1.729 0.021 0.009 0.6 0.6 75 740 0.007 0.021 1.975 0.338 0.010 1.750 0.021 0.010 0.6 0.6 I 76 750 0.007 0.021 1.996 0.348 0.010 1.771 0.021 0.010 0.6 0.6 77 760 0.007 0.021 2.017 0.358 0.010 1.791 0.021 0.010 0.6 0.6 78 770 0.006 0.01.7 2.034 0.366 0.008 1.808 0.016 0.008 0.5 0.6 79 780 0.006 0.017 2.050 0.374 0,008 1.824 0.016 0.008 0.5 0.6 I 80 790 0.006 0.017 2.067 0.382 0.008 1.841 0.016 0.008 0.5 0.5 81 800 0.006 0.017 2.083 0.389 0.008 1.857 0.016 0.008 0.5 0.5 82 810 0.006 0,017 2.100 0.398 0.008 1.873 0.016 0.008 0.5 0.5 83 820 0.006 0.017 2.116 OA06 0.008 1.890 0.016 0.008 0.5 0.5 I 84 830 0.006 0.017 2.133 OA14 0,008 1.906 0.016 0.008 0.5 0.5 85 840 0.006 0.017 2.149 OA22 0,008 1.923 0.016 0.008 0.5 0.5 86 850 0:006 0017 2.166 OA30 0.008 1.939 0.016 0,008 0.5 0.5 87 860 0.006 0.017 2.183 OA39. 0.008 1.955 0.016 0.008 0.5 0.5 I 88 870 0.006 0.017 2.199 OA47 '0.008 1.972 0.016 0.008 0.5 0.5 89 880 0.006 0.017 2.216 OA55 0.008 1.988 0.016 0.008 0.5 0.5 90 890 0.005 0.015 2.230 OA63 0.007 2.003 0.014 0.007 OA 0.5 91 900 0.005 0.015 2.245 OA70 0.007 2.017 0.014 0.007 0.5 0.5 92 910 0.005 0:015 2.259 OA78 0.008 2.03 I 0.014 0.008 0.5 0.5 I 93 920 0:005 0.015 2.274 OA85 0.008 2.046 0.014 0.008 0.5 0.5 94 930 0.005 0.015 2.288 OA93 0,008 2.060 0.014 0.008 0.5 0.5 95 940 0:005 0.015 2.303 0.501 0.008 2.075 0.014 ~J>.t- rlJ,2,__:\Q.5.~.. _.._ 1 .._......_...__. I 2-34 Volume III - Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control BMPs Bl!'€uit102~09 I Original Submittal I I Table 2.7 I SBUH Values for Developed Site Condition Given: Area = 10 acres P = 2,9 inches (IO-yr., 24-hr. event) dt = 10 minutes PERVIOUS AREA: Area = 6.] acres CN ~ 89 S ~ 1.235955 0.2S ~ 0.25 I IMPERVIOUS AREA: Area = 3.9 acres CN ~ 98 S ~ 0.204082 0.2S ~ 0.04 Te = 28 minutes w~0.]51515 where S = potential maximum natural detention (as defined earlier) Column (\) Time IncrcmcnlCo]umn (2) Time (min) Column (3) Type IA Stann Distribution I Column (4) Column (3)"" P Column (5) Accumulated sum of Column (4) Column (6) If(P < 0.25) = 0, If(P > 0.25) = (Column (5) - O.2S)^2/(Column (5) + 0.8S), where the PERVIOUS AREA S value is used Column (7) Column l6) oflhe present step - Column (6) orthe previous step Column (8) Same as Column (6) except llse IMPERVIOUS AREA S value I Column (9) Column (8) of the present SICp - c.;:o[\lrlln (8) orthe previous step Column (10) (PERVIOUS AREA/TOTAL AREA)*Co]llmn (7)+(]MPERVIOUS AREArrOTAL AREA)*Column (9) Column (] I) (60.5*Co]unm (lO)*Tolal Area)ldt. where dt::= 10 or 60 minutes Column (]~) Column (12) of previous time step + w .. [lCo]umn (11) ofprcviownimc slep -:- Column (I]) ofprcscllt lime stcp) - I (2 * CO]l1mn(l~)ofpreviou;; lime step)] wh~re w = 'routing constant::= dl/(2Tc + dl) = 0.064] (I) (2) (3) 14) (5) (6) (7) (81 (9) (10) (II) (12) PERVIOUS IMPERV]OUS Rainfall Tncre. Accumul. Accum. Incrc. Accllm. lncre. Total Instant Design I Time Time Distrib. Rainfall Rainfall Runofr Runoff RunofT Runoff Runoff F!owratc Flowrate Increment (minute) (fraction) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (CIS) (ofs) ] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 2 10 0.004 0.012 0.012 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 I 3 20 0.004 0.012 0.023 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0,0 4 30 0.004 0.0]2 0.035 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0,000 0.0 0.0 5 40 0.004 0.0]2 ' 0.046 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 .0.000 0.0 0.0 6 50 0.004 0.0]2 0.058 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.0 0.0 I 7 60 0.004 0.012 0.070 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.002 0.001 0.1 0.0 8 70 0.004 0.012 0.08] 0.000 0.000 0.007 0.003 0.001 0.] 0.0 9 80 0.004 0.012 0.093 0.000 0.000 0.01 ] 0.004 '0.002 0.] 0.0 ]0 90 0.004 0.0]2 0.104 0.000 0.000 0.015 0.005 0.002 0.] 0.] I ]] 100 0.004 0.0]2 0.116 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.005 0.002 0.1 0.] 12 1]0 0.005 0.0]5 0.131 0.000 0.000 0.027 0.007 0.003 0.2 0.1 13 ]20 0.005 0.015 0.]45 0.000 0.000 0.035 0.008 0.003 0.2 0.] 14 130 0.005 0.015 0.160 0.000 0.000 0.044 0.008 0.003 0.2 o. ] I 15 ]40 0.005 0.015 0.174 .0.000 0.000 0.053 0.009 0.003 0.2 0.2 16 150 0.005 0.015 0.189 0.000 0.000 0.062 0.009 0.004 0.2 0.2 17 160 0:005 0.0]5 0.203 0.000 .0.000 0.072 0.010 0.004 0.2 0.2 18 ] 70 0.006 0.017 0.220 0.000 0.000 0.084 0.012 0.005 0.3 0.2 I 19 180 0.006 0.017 0.238 0.000 0.000 0.097 0.013 0.005 0.3 0.2 20 ]90 0.006 0.017 0.255 0.000 0.000 0.110 0.0]3 0.005 0.3 0.3 21 200 0.006 0.0]7 0.273 0.001 0.000 0.123 0,013 0.006 0.3 0.3 22 210 0.006 0.017 0.290 0.001 0.00] 0.]37 0.0]4 0.006 OA 0.3 23 220 0.006 0.017 0.307 0.003 0.001 0.15] 0.0]4 0.006 OA 0.3 I 24 230 0.007 0.020 0.328 0.005 0.002 0.168 0.0]7 0.008 0.5 OA 25 240 0.007 0.020 0.348 0.008 0.003 0.185 0.017 0.008 0.5 OA 26 250 0.007 0.020 0.368 .0.011 0.003 0.202 0.017 0.009 0.5 OA 27 260 0.007 0.020 0.389 0.015 0.004 0.2]9 0.017 0.009 0.5 0.5 I 28 270 0.007 0.020 OA09 0.0]9 0.004 0.237 0.0]8 0.009 0.6 0.5 29 280 0.007 0.020 OA29 0.023 0.005 0.255 0.018 0.010 0.6 0.5 30 290 0.008 0.024 OA53 0.029 0.006. 0.276 0.021 0,0]2 0.7 0.6 31 300 0.008 0.024 OA77 0.036 0.007 0.297 0.021 0.0]2 0.7 0.6 I 32. 310 0.008 0.024 0.501 0.043 0.007 0.318 0.02] 1\.013 0.8 0.7 33 320 0.008 0.024 0524 0.05] 0.008 0.340 0.022 0.013 0.8 0.7 34 330 0.008 0.024 0.548 0.059 0.008 0.362 0.022 0.0]3 0.8 0.7 35 340 0.008 0.024 0.572 0.068 0.009 0.384 0.022 0.0]4 0.8 0.8 I 36 350 0.010 0.028 0.599 0.D78 0.0] ] OA09 0.026 0.016 1.0 0.8 37 360 0.010 0.Q28 ' 0.627 0.089 0.0] I OA35 0.026 0.017 1.0 0.9 38 370 0.010 0.Q28 0.655 O. ]0] 0.012 OA6] 0.026 0.017 1.0 09 I Date Received: 2-36 Volume III - Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control BMPs A'bES/2001 C 2 1 2009 I Original Submittal I I .--- (I) (2) (3) . (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) 112) I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Incre. AccullmL Accum. Incrc. Acctlm. Tncre. Tolal Instant Desih'Tl Time Time Distrib~ Rainfall Rainfall RunolT Runoff Runofr Runoff Runoff Flowrate Flowrate Increment (minute) (fraction) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (cfs) (cfs) I 96 950 0.005 0.015 2.317 1.296 0.012 2.089 0.014 0.013 0.8 0.8 97 960 0.005 0.015 2.332 1.309 0.012 2.103 0.014 0.013 0.8 0.8 98 970 0.005 0.015 2.346 1.321 0.012 2.118 0.014 0.013 0.8 0.8 99 980 0.005 0.015 2.361 1.334 0.013 2.132 0.014 0.013 0.8 0.8 I 100 990 0.005 0.015 2.375 L346 0.013 2.147 0.014 0.013 0.8 0.8 101 1000 0.005 0.015 2.390 1.359 0.013 2.161 0.014 0.013 0.8 0.8 102 1010 0.004 0.012 2.401 L369 0.010 2.173 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 08 103 1020 0.004 0.012 2.413 1.379 0.010 2.184 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 0.7 I 104 1030 0.004 0.012 2.424 L389 0.010 2.196 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 0.7 105 1040 0.004 0.012 2.436 1.399 0.010 2.207 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 0.7 106 1050 0.004 0.012 2.448 1.409 0.010 2.219 0.012 0.011 0.6 0.7 107 1060 0.004 0.012 2.459 1.419 0.010 2.230 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 0.7 I 108 1070 0,004 0.012 2.471 ' 1.429 0.010 2.242 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 0.7 109 1080 0.004 0:012 2.482 1.439 0.010 2.253 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 0.7 110 1090 0.004 0.012 2.494 1.449 0.010 2.265 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 0.7 III 1100 0.004 0.012 2.506 1.460 0.010 2.276 0.012 0.011 0.6 0.7 I 112 1110 0.004 0.012 2.517 1.470 0.010 2.288 0.012 0.011 0.6 0.6 113 1120 0.004 0.012 2.529 1.480 ' 0.010 2.299 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 0.6 114 1130 0.004 0.012 2.540 1.490 0.010 2.311 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 06 115 1140 0.004 0.012 2.552 1.500 0.010 2.322 0.012 0.011 0.6 0.6 116 1150 0.004 0.012 2.564 1.510 0.010 2.334 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 0.6 I 117 1160 0.004 0.012 2.575 1.521 0.010 2.346 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 0.6 118 1170 0.004 0.012. 2.587 1.531 0.010 2.357 0.0[2 0.01 I 0.6 0.6 119 1180 0.004 '0.012 2.598 1.541 0.010 2.369 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 0.6 120 1190 0.004 0.012 2.610 1.551 0.010 2.380 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 0.6 I 121 1200 0.004 0.012 2.621 1.562 0.010 2.392 0.012 0.01 I 0.6 0.6 122 1210 0.004 0.012 2.633 1.572 0.010 2.403 0.012 0.01 I 0.7 0.6 123 1220 0.(104 0.012 2.645 1.582 0.010 2.415 0.012 0.011 0.7 0.6 124 1230 0.004 0.012 2.656 1.592 0.010 2.426 0.012 0.01 I 0.7 0.7 I 125 1240 0.004 0.012 2.668 1.603 0.010 2.438 0.012 0.01 I 0.7 0.7 126 1250 0.004 0.012 2.680 1.613 0.010 2.449 0.012 0.011 0.7 0.7 127 1260 0.004 0.012 2.691 1.623 0.010 2.461 0.012 0.011 0.7 0.7 128 1270 0.004 0.012 2.703 1.633 0.010 2.472 0.012 0.01 I 0.7 0.7 I 129 1280 QOO4 0.012 2.714 1.644 0.010 2.484 0.012 0.01 I 0.7 0.7 130 1290 0004 0.012 2.726 1.654 0.010 2.496 0.012 0.01 I 0.7 0.7 131 1300 0.004 0.012 2.738 1.664 0.010 2.507 0.012 0.01 I 0.7 0.7 132 1310 0.004 0.012 2.749 1.675 0.010 2.519 0.012 0.01 I 0.7 0.7 I 133 1320 0.004 0.012 2.761 1.685 0.010 2.530 0.012 0.01 I 0.7 0.7 134 1330 0.004 0.0]2 2.772 1.695 0.010 2.542 0.012 0.011 0.7 0.7 135 1340 0.004 0.012 2.784 1.706 0.010 2.553 0.012 0.011 0.7 0.7 136 1350 0.004 0.012 2.796 1.716 0.010 2.565 0.012 0.01 I 0.7 0.7 I 137 1360 0.004 0.012 2.807 1.726 0.010 2.576 0.012 0.011 0.7 0.7 138 1370 0.004 0.012 2.819 1.737 0.010 2.588 0.012 0.011 0.7 0.7 139 1380 0.004 0.012 2.830 1.747 0.010 2.599 0.012 0.01 I 0.7 0.7 140 1390 0.004 0.012 2.842 1.758 0.010 2.611 0.012 0.011 0.7 0.7 I 14] 1400 0.004 0.012 2.854 1.768 0.010 2.623 0.012 0.011 0.7 0.7 142 1410 0.004 0.012 2.865 1.778 0.010 2.634 0.012 0.01 I 0.7 0.7 143 1420 0.(104 0.012 2.877 1.789 0.010 2.646 0.012 0.011 0.7 0.7 144 1430 0.004 0.012 2.888 1.799 0.010 2.657 0.012 0.01 I 0.7 0.7 I 145 1440 0.004 0.012 2.900 1.810 0.010 2.669 0.012 0.011 0.7 0.7 Date Received: I DEe 2 I 2009 I Original Submittal 2-38 Volume III - Hydrologic Analysis and Flow Control BMPs August 2001 I I I I Appendix .C SANTA BARBARA URBAN HYDRO GRAPH METHOD I INTRODUCTION I The Santa Barbara Urban Hydr~graph (SBUH) method was developed by the Santa Barbara County Flood Control and Water Conservation District to determine a runoff hydrograph for an urbanized area. It is a simpler method than some other approi:1ches, as it computes a hydrograph directly without going through intermediate steps (i.e., a unit hydrograph) to determine the runoff hydrograph. I I The SBUH method is a popular method for calculating runoff, since it can be done with a spreadsheet or by hand relatively easily. The SBUH method is the method approved by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) for determining runoff when doing flow control calculations. I ELEMENTS OF THE SBUH METHOD The SBUH method depends on several variables: I Pervious (Ap) and impervious (A imp) land areas Time of concentration (Te) calculations Runoff curve numbers (CN) applicable to the site Design storm I I These elements shall all be presented as part of the submittal process for review by BES staff. In addition, maps showing the prc-development and post-development conditions shall be presented to BES to help in the review. I Land Area I The total area, including the pervious and impervious areas within a drainage basin; shall be quantified in order to evaluate critical contributing areas;:~nd the resulting site runoff. Each area within a basin shall be analyzed separately and their hydrographs combined to determine.the total basin hydrograph. Areas shall be selected to represent homogenous land use/ development units. I Time of Concentration I Time of concentration, Te, is the time for a theoretical drop of water to travel from the furthest point in the drainage basin to the facility being designed. (In this case, Te is derived by calculating the overland flow time of concentration and the channelized flow time "of concentration.) T, depends on several factors, including,ground slope, ground.roughness, and distance of flow. The following formula for determining T, is found in BES's Sewer Desigll . MarIlwl. . ., . . Date Received: I I DEe 2 1 2009 I Storm water Management Manual . Adopted July 1, 1999; revised September 1, 2004 ~ig;.~~1 c::" .hmittal Page C-1 I I I Fonnulas I Tc = Ttl + Te2 +Tej + ... +. Ten I Tt = L/60Y (Conversion of velocity to travel time) Tt = 0.42 (nL )0.8 (Manning's kinematic solution for sheet flow less than 300 feet) 1.58(5)04 I (Shallow concentrated flow for slopes less ,than 0.'005 ftlft. For steeper slopes, consult BES's Sewer Design Manual): I v ~ 16.1345(s)05 (Unpaved surfaces) v ~ 20.3282(5)0' (Paved surfaces) I I Where, Tt = travel time, minutes Tc = total time of concentration, minutes (minimum. Te = 5 minutes) . L ~ flow length, fcet V = average velocity of f1ow~ feet per second n = Manning's roughness coefficient"for various surfaces (see Chart 10 orthe 1991 Sewer D,esign Manual) s ~ slope Df the hydraulic grade line (land or walercourse sIDpe), feet per foot I When calculating Te; the following limitations apply: I Overland sheet flow (flow. across flat areas that does not form into channels or rivulet's) shall not extend for more than 300 feet, I For flow Pflths through closed conveyance facilities such as pipes and culverts, standard hydraulic formulas shall be tlsedfor establishing velocity and travel time. (See the Sewer Design Manual for more data on pipe flow rates and velocities.) . I Flow paths through lakes or wetlands may be assumed to be zero (i.e. To.: = 0). I Runoff Curve Numbers I Runoff curve numbers were developed by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) after studying the runDff characteristics Df variDus types Df land. Curve numbers (CN) were developed to' reduce diverse characteristics such as soil typei land usage, aT!d vegetation into a single variable for doing runoff calculations. The runoff curve numbers approved by BES for waler quantity! quality calculalions are included as Table C-20f this appendix. I The curve numbers presented in Table C..:2 'arc for "lvet antecedent moisture conditions. Wet conditions assume previous rainstorms have reduced the capacity of soil to absorb water. Given the frequency of rainstorms in the Portland area, wet condition's arc most likely, and give conservative hydrographic values. Date Received: I I DEe 2 1 2009 I Storm water Management Manual Adopted July 1, 1999; revised September 1, 2004 Oriaihal Submitt;>1 Page C-2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Design Storm The SBUH method also requires a design storm to perform the runoff calculations. For flow control calculations, BES uses a NRCS Type] A 24-hour storm distribution. This storm is shown in Figure C-] and Table C-4. The depth of rainfall for the 2 through lOO-year storm events is shown below in Table C-]. Table C-l 24-HOUR RAINFALL DEPTHS AT PORTLAND AIRPORT Recurrence Interval. Years 24-Hour Depths, Inches 2 2.4 5 2.9 10 3.4 25 3.9 100 4.4 Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal Stormwater Management Manual Adopted July 1, 1999; revised September 1, 2004 Page C-3 I I I Table C-2 RUNOff CURVE NUMBERS Runoff' curve numbers for urban arcas* I Cover description Cover type and hydrologic condition I Open space (lawns, parks, golf courses, cemeteries, elc.): Poor condition (grass cover <50%) Fair condition (grass cover 50% to 75%) Good condition (grass cover> 75%) Impervious areas: Paved parking lots, roofs. drivcv.'ays, etc. (excluding right- of-way) S(recls and roads: Paved; curbs and stomlscwcrs (excluding right-or-way) Paved: open ditches (induding right-or-way) Gravel (including right-of-way) Dirt (inCluding right-of-way) Urban districts: Commercial and business Industrial Residential districts by average lot size: ]/8 acre or less (town houses) J/4 acre ]/3 acre 1/2 acre 1 acre 2 acres I I I I I Runoff curve numbers for other 3l!ricultunlllands* I Cover description COVl'r type I Pasture, grassland. or range-continuous forage for grazing <50% ground cover or heavily grazed with no mulch 50,to 75% ground cover and not heavily grazed > 75% ground cover and lightly or only occasionally grazed I Mcadow-continuous grass, protected from grazing and generally mowed for hay I Brush--weed~grass mixture with bmsh as the major element <50% ground cover 50 to 75% ground cover >75% ground cover I Woods-grass combination (orchard or tree fann) I I I Storm water Management Manual Adopted July 1, 1999; revised September 1,2004 I A verage percent impervious area 85 72 65 38 30 25 20 12 Hydrologic condition Poor Fair Good Poor Fair Good Poor Fair Good Curve numbers for h\'droloe:ic soil e:roup A B C D 68 79 86 89 49 69 79 84 .J9 61 74 80 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 83 89 92 93 76 85 89 91 72 82 87 89. 89 92 94 95 81 88 91 93 77 85 90 92 61 75 83 87 57 72 81 86 54 70 80 85 51 68 79 84 46 65 77 82 Curve numbers for h\'drolocic soil ~:rOUD A B C D 68 79 86 89 49 69 79 84 39 61 74 80 30 58 71 78 48 67 77 83 35 56 70 77 30 48 65 73 57 73 82 86 43 65 76 82 32 58 72 79 Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Originq;1a~l"@itta' . I I I Runoff cun'c numhers for other 3JJricllltllrallands* Cover 'description Cune numbers for hvdrologic soil grouD . Hydrologic conditiori A B C D POOT 45 66 77 83 Fair 36 60 73 79 Good 30 55 70 77 , I 'Cover type Woods I Forest litter, smalllrecs. and brush are destroyed by heavy grazing or regular burning. Woods are grazed but not burned, and some forest EUer. covers the soil. Woods are protected ,from grazing, and litter and brush adequately cover the soil. I Runoff curve numbers for Simplified Approachcs** Cover description Curve numbers for hvdroloeic soill!rOUD Hydrologic condition A B C D Good n/a 6] nla n/a Good n/a 48 11/a n/a Good n/a 48 n/a n/a Good o/a 48 11/a o/a 76 85 89 n/a 36 60 73 79 36 60 73 79 I Simplified Approaches. I Eca-roof Roof Garden I Contained Planter Box Infiltratio~ & Flow-Through Planter Box I Pervious Pavement I Trees New and/or Existing Evergreen Nc\.... and/or Existing Deciduous I n/a - Docs not apply, as design criteria for the relevant mitigation measures do not include the use of this soil type. *Soil Conservation Service, Urhan J-~vdro'og)'jo}' Sma/! Wa(ershed\', Technical Release 55, pp. 2.5-2.8,.Julle 1986. **CNs of various cover types were assigned to the Proposed Sitnplified Approaches with similar cover types as follows: Eeo-roof - assumed grass in good condition with soil type 8. Roof Garden - assumed bruslHvecd-grass mixture 'with >75% ground cover and soil type B. Contained Planter Box - IlssLlmed brush-weed-grass mixture with >75% ground cover and soil type B. Infiltration & Flow-Through Planter Box - assumed brusb-weed-grass mixture \yith >75% ground cover and soil LypeS. . , Perviolls Pavcment- assumed gravel. Trees - assumed woods with [air hydrologic conditions. I I Note: To determine hydrologic soil type, consult'local USDA Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey. I I Date Received: I DEe 2 f 2009 I Stormwater Management Manual Adopted July 1, 199~; revised September 1, 2004 Original SL!~mittal Page C-5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE C-3 NRCS HYDROLOGIC SOIL GROUP DESCRIPTIONS NRCS Hydrologic Soil Croun Descrintion Group A Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravels. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission, Group C Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. 'These consist chiefly of soils that have a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils that have moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of e1ay soils that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a pennanent high water table, soils that have a fragipan or e1ay layer at or near the surface, and soils that arc shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. Date Received: DEe 2 1. 2009 Original Submittal Storm water Management Manual Adopted July 1, 1999; revised September 1, 2004 Page C-6 I I I Figure C-I - N RCS 24-Hour Type IA Hyetograph .6.00 120 5.00. - -- -- ---- - -- -.-- - -- - ,- -- .100 I .4.00:1- - - - - ~:-- ~ - ~ 80 .j ,- I. m I " -- ~5 3.00 .,~ - -~ - - ./ -- ..._- -- -- -- - j : ~ ~ , , 2.00 I ~~ - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - ,40 .. , I ._-~......~- ~ f) 1.00 20 0.00 ~ Time From Start of Storm, Min Jtes 0 I 0 200 400 600 800 1.000 1.200 1.400 1.600 Table C-3 -l'OltCS T,-pe 1,\ H):ctographic Dhlruhulion - For Use In WalcrQualil}/Quantit). Ucsign I Time From Cumu' Time From Cumu. ~Time From Cumu- Time From Cumuc Start of lati'Ve Start of lative Starlof latJve start of lalive Storm, % % Storm, % % Storm, % % Storm, % % Minutes Rainfall Rainfall Minutes Rainfall RainfaU Minutes Rainfall Rainfall Minutes Rainfall RainfaU I 0- 10 0.40 OAO 360" 370 0.95 22.57- 720 - 730', 0.72 67.40 1080.'::; 1090 0.40 86.00 10, 20 0.40 0.80 370 - 380 0.95 23,52 730- 740 0.72 68.12 1090 - 1100 CE46 86.40 20, 30 0040 UO 380 - 390 0.95 24.47 740. 750 0.72 68.84 1100 - 1110 0.40 86.80 30. 40 0.40 1.80 390 - 400 0.95 25.42 750- 760 0.72 69.56 1110- 1120 0.40 87.20 I 40 - 50 0.40 2.00 400 - 410 1.3,~ 26.76 '750 - 770 0.57 70;13 1120- 1130 O:40~ 87.60 50- 60 0.40 2.40 410 - '" 1.34 28.10 770 - 780 0.57 70.70 1130- 1140 0.40 88.00 60- 70 0.40 2;80 420 - 430 1.34 29.44 780 - 790 0.57 71.27 1140. 1150 0.40 88.40 70. 80 0.40 3.20 430 - 440 1.80 31.24 790e 800 0,57 71.84 1150 - 1160 0.40 88.80 80, 90 0.40 3.60 440- 450 1.80 33.04 800- 810 0.57 72.41 1160- 1170 0.40 89.20 I 90, 100 0.40 4.00 450 . 460 3.40 36.44 810- 820 0.57 72:98 1170. 1180 0.40 89.60 100 ' 110 0.50 4.50 460 - 470 5.40 41.84 820- 830 0.57 73.55 1180 - 1190 0.40 90.00 110 - 120 0.50 5.00 470- 480 2.70 44.54 830 - 840 0.57 74.12 1190. 1200 0.40 90.40 120- 130 0.50 5.50 480- 490 1.80 46.34 840 - aso 0.57 74;69 1200- 1210 0.40 90.80 I 130- 140 0.50 6.00 490 - 500 1.34 47,68 850- 860 0.57 75.26 1210-, 1220 0.40 91,20 140 - 150 0.50 6.50 500 . 510 1.34 49,02 860 - 870 0.57 75.83 1220- 1230 0.40 91.60 150- 160 0.50 7.-00 510 - 520 1.34 50.36 870- 880 0.57 76.40 1230- 1240 0.40 92.00 160,- 170 0.60 ?t!'O 520- :530 0,88 51.24 880e 890 0,50 76.90 1240- 1250 DAD 92.40 I 170- 180 0.60 8;20 530- 540 0.88 52.12 890- goo 0.50 77.40 1250 1260 0.40 92.80 180 - 190 0.50 8.80 540 - 550 0.88 53.00 900 - 910 0.50 77.90 1260 - 1270 0.40 93.20 190 - 200 0.50 9.40 ?50 - 560 0.88 53,88 910. 920 0.50 78.40 1270 1280 0.40 93.60 200 - 210 0.60 ,10.00 560 - 570 0.88 54.76 '"920- 930 0,50 78:90 0,10 94.00 I 210- 220 0.60 10.60 570' ~ 580 0.88 55.64 930- 940 0,50 79.40 1290 - 1300 OAO 94040 220- 230 0.70 11.30 580 - 590 0.88 56.52 940. 950 050 79.90 1300 - 1310 0.40 94.80 230 . 240 0.70 12.00 590 - 600 0.88 57.40 950. 960 0.50 80.40 1310- 1320 0.40 95.20 240 - 250 0.70 12.70 600e ; 610 0,88 58.28 960- 970 0.50 BOt90 1320~, 1330 0.40 95.60 250- 260 0.70 13.40 610- 620 0,88 59.16 970- 980 0,50 81.40 1330 - 1340 DAD 96.00 I 260 - 270 0.70 14.10 620 - 630 0.88 60.04 980. 990 0.50 81.90 1340 - 1350 0.40 96.40 270 - 280 0.70 14.80 630,- 640 0.88 60.92 990 - 1000 0.50 82.40 1350- 1360 0.40 96.80 280- 290 0.82 15.62 640"~' 650 0.7_2 61.64 -1000- 1010 0.40 82.80 1360' 1370 0040 97.20 290- 300 0.82 16.44 650 860 0.72 62,36 1010- 1020 0040 83;20 1370 c 1380 0.40 97.60 I 300 - 310 0.82 17.26 860 - 670 0.72 63.08 1020- 1030 0.40 83.60 1380. 1390 0.40 98.00 310 - 320 0.82 18.08 670 - 680 0,72 63.80 1030. 1040 0.40 84.00 1390 - 1400 0.40 98.40 320- 330 0.82 18.90 680. .S90 0.72 64,52 1040. 1050 0040 84.40 1400c 1410 0.40 98.80 330- 340 0.82 19:72 690- 700 o5'if 65,24 1050. 1060 0040 84.80 1410:" 1420 0.40 99.20 I 340. 350 0.95 20.67 700 . 710 0.72 65.96 1060. 1070 0.40 85,20 1420 - 1430 0.40 99.60 350 - 360 0.95 21.62 710 - 720 0.72 66.68 .1070 - 1080 0040 85.60 1430- 1440 0040 100.00 Date Received: I Storm water Management Manual Page C-? DEe Adopted July 1, 1999; revised September 1, 2004 2 1 2009 I Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX C HYDROGRAPH & OUTPUT- TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TACO BEll EXISTING TOTAL AREA (AREA "A" & AREA "B") 2-YR. STORM AREA: 0.63 p= 3.3 dt= 10 PERVIOUS AREA: 0 CN= 30 S= 23.333 0.2S= 4.667 IMPERVIOU.S AREA: 0.63 CN= 98 S= 0.204 O.2S= 0.041 Tc= 5 w= 0.500 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TIME TIME RAINFALL INCREM. ACCUM. ACCUM. INCREM. ACCUM. INCREM. TOTAL INST. DESIGN INCREMENT (MINUTES) DIST. RAINFALL RAINFALL RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF FLOWRATE FLOWRA TE 1 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000. 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 2 10 0.004 0.013 0.013 0.000 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 3 20 0.004 0.013 0.026 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 4 30 0.004 0.013 0.040 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 5 40 0.004 0.013 0.053 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.0 0.0 6 50 0.004 0.013 0.066 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.0 0.0 7 60 0.004 0.013 0.079 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.003 0.003 0.0 0.0 8 70 0.004 0.013 0.092 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.004 0.004 0.0 0.0 9 80 0.004 0.013 0.106 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.005 0.005 0.0 0.0 10 90 0.004 0.013 0.119 0.000 0.000 0.022 0.006 0.006 0.0 0.0 11 100 0.004 0.013 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.028 0.007 0.007 0.0 0.0 12 110 0.005 0.017 0.149 0.000 0.000 0.037 0.009 0.009 0.0 0.0 13 120 0.005 0.017 0'165 0.000 0.000 - 0.047 .0.010 0.010 0.0 0.0 14 130 0.005 0.017 0.182 0.000 0.000 0.057 0.010 0.010 0.0 0.0 15 140 0.005 0.017 0.198 0.000 0.000 0.068 0.011 0.011 0.0 0.0 16 150 0.005 0.017 0.215 0.000 0.000 0.080 0.011 0.011 0.0 0.0 .17 160 0.005 0.017 0.231 0.000 0.000 0.092 0.012 0.012 0.0 0.0 18 170 0.006 0.020 0.251 0.000 0.000 0.106 0.015 0.015 0.1 0.1 19 180 0.006 0.020 0.271 0.000 0.000 0.122 0.D15 0.D15 0.1 0.1 20 190 0.006 0:020 0.290 0.000 0.000 0.137 0.016 0.D16 0.1 0.1 0 21 200 0.006 0.020 0.310 0.000 0.000 0.153 0.016 0,016 0.1 0.1 .... 10' 22 210 0.006 0.020 0.330 0.000 0000 0.170 0.016 0.016 0.1 0.1 5' li3 220 0.006 0.020 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.186 0.017 0.D17 0.1 0.1 !!!.. en CJ rU 230 0.007 0.023 0.373 0.000 0.000 0.206 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 <= m ~5 240 0.007 0.023 0.396 0,000 0.000 0.226 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 c:r n 3 ~ ::2il 250 0.007 0.023 0.419 0.000 0.000 0.246 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 := CD ~ () ~ CD = <" = (Q CD C. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27 260 0.007 0.023 0.442 0.000 0.000 0.266 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 28 270 0.007 0.023 0.465 0.000 0.000 0.287 0.021 0.021 0.1 0.1 29 280 0.007 0.023 0.488 0.000 0.000 0.307 0.021 0.021 0.1 0.1 30 290 0.008 0.026 0.515 0.000 0.000 0.331 0.024 0.024 0.1 0.1 31 300 0.008 0.026 0.541 0.000 0.000 0.355 0.024 0.024 0.1 0.1 32. 310 0.008 0.026 0.568 0.000 0.000 0.380 0.024 0.024 0.1 0.1 33 320 0.008 0.026 0.594 0.000 0.000 0.404 0.024 0.024 0.1 0.1 34 330 0.008 0.026 0.620 0.000 0.000 0.429 0.025 0.025 0.1 0.1 35 340 0.008 0.026 0.647 0.000 0.000 0.453 0.025 0.025 0.1 0.1 36 350 0.01 0.033 0.680 0.000 0.000 0.484 0.031 0.031 0.1 0.1 37 360 0.01 0.033 0.713 0.000 0.000 0.515 0.031 0.031 0.1 0.1 38 370 0.Q1 0.033 0.746 0.000 0.000 0.547 0.031 0.031 0.1 0.1 39 380 0.Q1 0.033 0.779 0.000 0.000 0.578 0.031 0.031 0.1 0.1 40 390 0.Q1 0.033 0.812 0.000 0.000 0.610 0.032 0.032 0.1 0.1 41 400 0.Q1 0.033 0.845 0.000 0.000 0.641 0.032 0.032 0.1 0.1 42 410 0.013 0.043 0.888 0.000 0.000 0.682 0.041 0.041 0.2 0.1 43 420 0.013 0.043 0.931 0.000 0.000 0.724 0.041 0.041 0.2 0.2 44 430 0.013 0.043 0.974 0.000 0.000 0.765 0.041 0.041 0.2 0.2 45 440 0.018 0.059 1.033 0.000 0.000 0.823 0.058 0.058 0.2 0.2 46 450 0.018 0.059 1.092 0.000 0.000 0.881 0.058 0.058 0.2 0.2 47 460 0.034 0.112 1.205 0.000 , 0.000 0.990 0.109 0.109 0.4 0.3 48 470 0.054 0.178 1.383 0.000 0.000 1.165 0.175 0.175 0.7 0.5 49 480 0.027 0.089 1.472 0.000 0.000 1.252 0.088 0.088 0.3 0.5 50 490 0.018 0.059 H31 0.000 0.000 1.311 0.059 0.059 0.2 0.3 51 500 0.013 0.043 1.574 0.000 0.000 1.353 0.042 0.042 0.2 0.2 52 510 0.013 0.043 1.617 0.000 0.000 1.395 0.042 0.042 0.2 0.2 53 520 0.013 0.043 1.660 0.000 0.000 1.438 0.042 0.042 0.2 0.2 54 530 0.009 0.030 1.690 0.000 0.000 1.467 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 55 540 0.009 0.030 1.719 0.000 0.000 1.497 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 56 550 0.009 0.030 1.749 0.000 0.000 1.526 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 0 57 560 0.009 0.030 1.779 0.000 0.000 1.555 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 ::!. ce 58 570 0.009 0.030 1.808 0.000 0.000 1.585 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 5" 0 59 580 0.009 0.030 1.838 0.000 0.000 1.614 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 ~ Q) 60 590 0.009 0.030 1.868 0.000 0.000 1.643 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 en C - c m CD 61 600 0.009 0.030 1.898 0.000 0.000 1.673 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 tT n ;;0 3 ...... 62 610 0.009 0.030 1.927 0.000 0.000 1.702 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 ;::;: CD 63 620 0.009 0.030 1.957 0.000 0.000 1.732 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 - - 0 '2. ...... CD = <. 13 CD c. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64 630 0.009 0.030 1.987 0.000 0.000 1.761 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 65 640 0.009 0.030 2.016 0.000 0.000 1.791 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 66 650 0.007 0.023 2.039 0.000 0.000 1.813 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 67 660 0.007 0.023 2.063 0.000 0.000 1.836 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 68 670 0.007 0.023 2.086 0.000 0.000 1.859 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 69 680 0.007 0.023 2.109 0.000 0.000 1.882 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 70 690 0.007 0.023 2.132 0.000 0.000 1.905 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 71 700 0.007 0.023 2.155 0.000 0.000 1.928 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 72 710 0.007 0.023 2.178 0.000 0.000 1.951 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 73 720 0.007 0.023 2.201 0.000 0.000 1.974 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 74 730 0.007 0.023 2.224 0.000 0.000 1.997 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 75 740 0.007 0.023 2.247 0.000 0.000 2.020 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 76 750 0.007 0.023 2.270 0.000 0.000 2.043 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 77 760 0.007 0.023 2.294 0.000 0.000 2.066 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 78 770 0.006 0.020 2.313 0.000 0.000 2.085 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 79 780 0.006 0.020 2.333 0.000 0.000 2.105 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 80 790 0.006 0.020 2.353 0.000 0.000 2.125 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 81 800 0.006 0.020 2.373 0.000 0.000 2.144 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 82 810 0.006 0.020 2.393 0.000 0.000 2.164 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 83 820 0.006 0.020 2.412 0.000 0.000 2.184 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 84 830 0.006 0.020 2.432 0.000 0.000 2.203 0.020 0.020 0..1 0.1 85 840 0.006 0.020 2.452 0.000 0.000 2.223 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 86 850 0.006 0.020 2.472 0.000 0.000 2.243 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 87 860 0.006 0.020 2.492 0.000 0.000 2.262 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 88 870 0.006 0.020 2.511 0.000 0.000 2.282 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 89 880 0.006 0.020 2.531 0.000 0.000 2.302 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 90 890 0.005 0.017 2.548 0.000 0.000 2.318 0.016 0.016 0.1 0.1 91 900 0.005 0.017 2.564 0.000 0.000 2.334 0.016 0.016 0.1 0.1 92 910 0.005 0.017 2.581 0.000 0.000 2.351 0.016 0.016 0.1 0.1 93 920 0.005 0.017 2.597 0.000 0.000 2.367 0.016 0.016 0.1 0.1 0 94 930 0.005 0.017 2.614 0.000 0.000 2.384 0.016 0.016 0.1 0.1 ...., 95 940 0.005 0.017 2.630 0.000 0.000 2.400 0.Q16 0.016 0.1 0.1 <15' :r 96 950 0.005 0.017 2.647 0.000 0.000 2.417 0.016 0.Q16 0.1 0.1 !!!.. 0 97 960 0.005 0.017 2.663 0.000 0.000 2.433 0.016 0.Q16 0.1 0.1 III en c::J (jj 98 970 0.005 0.017 2.680 0.000 0.000 2.449 0.016 0.016 0.1 0.1 C IT1 e- n ;;0 99 980 0.005 0.017 2.696 0.000 0.000 2.466 0.016 0.016 0.1 0.1 3 ..... 100 990 0.005 0.017 2.713 0.000 0.000 2.482 0.Q16 0.016 0.1 0.1 ;::;: CD - (") !l!. ..... CD. C> f5 < CD Co - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 101 1000 0.005 0.017 2.729 0.000 0.000 2.499 0.016 0.016 0.1 0.1 102 1010 .0.004 0.013 2.742 0.000 0.000 2.512 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 103 1020 0.004 0.013 2.756 0.000 0.000 2.525 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 104 1030 0.004 0.013 2.769 0.000 0.000 2.538 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 105 1040 0.004 0.013 2.782 0000 0.000 2.551 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 106 1050 0.004 0.013 2.795 0,000 0.000 2.564 0.013 Om3 0.1 0.1 107 1060 0.004 0.013 2.808 0.000 0000 2.577 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 108 1070 0.004 0.013 2.822 0.000 0.000 2.591 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 109 1080 0.004 0.013 2.835 0.000 0.000 2.604 om'l 0.013 0.1 0.1 110 1090 0.004 0.013 2.848 0.000 0.000 2.617 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 111 1100 0.004 0.013 2.861 0.000 0.000 2.630 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 112 1110 0.004 0.013 2.874 0.000 0.000 2.643 0.013. 0.013 0.1 0.1 113 1120 0.004 0.013 2:888 0.000 0,000 2.656 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 114 1130 0.004 0.013 2.901 0.000 0.000 2.669 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 115 1140 0.004 0,013 2.914 0.000 0.000 2.683 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 116 1150 0.004 0.013 2.927 0.000 0000 2.696 0.013 0.013 0.1 0,1 117 1160 0.004 0,013 2.940 0.000 0.000 2.709 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 118 1170 0.004 0.013 2.954 0.000 0.000 2.722 0.013 0,013 0.1 0,1 119 1180 0.004 0.013 2.967 0.000 0.000 2.735 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 120 1190 0.004 0.013 2.980 0.000 0.000 2.748 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 121 1200 0.004 0.013 2.993 0.000 0.000 2:761 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 122 1210 0.004 0.013 3.006 0.000 0.000 2.775 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 123 1220 0.004 0.013 3.020 0.000 0.000 2.788 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 124 1230 0.004 0.013 .3.033 0.000 0.000 2.801 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 125 1240 0.004 0.013 3.046 0.000 0.000 2.814 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 126 1250 0.004 0.013 3.059 0.000 0.000 2.827 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 127 1260 0.004 0.013 3.072 0.000 0.000 2.840 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 128 1270 0.004 0.013 3.086 0.000 0.000 2.853 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 129 1280 0.004 0.013 3.099 0.000 0.000 2,867 Om3 0.013 0.1 0.1 0 130' 1290 0.004 0.013 3.112 0.000 0.000 2.880 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 ., 131 1300 0.004 0.013 3.125 0.000 0.000 2.893 0.013 0,013 0.1 0.1 5' 132 1310 0.004 0.013 3.138 0.000 0.000 2.906 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 'S" 0 !!!. Q) 133 1320 0.004 0.013 3.152 0.000 0.000 2.919 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 (Jl c:::J - 134 1330 0.004 0.013 3.165 0.000 0.000 2.932 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 c ITl C1> 0- n ;:u 135 1340 0.004 0.013 3.178 0.000 0.000 2.945 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 3 ..... 136 1350 0.004 0.013 3.191 0.000 0.000 2.959 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 ;:;: C1> - - g 137 1360 0.004 0.013 3.204 0.000 0.000 2.972 0.013 0,013 0.1 0.1 !!!. ~ <" fa C1> a. - - - - _.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 138 1370 0.004 0.013 3.218 0.000 0.000 2.985 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 139 1380 0.004 0.013 3.231 0.000 0.000 2.998 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 140 1390 0.004 Om3 3.244 0.000 0.000 3.011 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 141 1400 0.004 0.013 3.257 0.000 0.000 3.024 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 142 1410 0.004 0.013 3.270 0.000 0.000 3.038 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 143 1420 0.004 0.013 3.284 0.000 0.000 3.051 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 144 1430 0.004 0.013 3.297 0.000 0.000 3.064 0,013 0.013 0.1 0.1 145 1440 0.004 0.013 3.310 0.000 0.000 3.077 0.013 0.013 0.1 0.1 '\ 0.000 7036.777 7036.777 cuft. Total Runoff 7036.777 0 ... <<5' 5' 0 !!!. !l) (JJ C - c: I'Tl CD l::T ("") ::u 3 '" ;:;: CD - g !!!. '" = ;:::- = to CD a. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TACO BELL POST-DEVELOPMENT TOTAL AREA (AREA "A" & AREA "B") 2-YR. STORM AREA: 0.63 P= 3.3 d'= 10 PERVIOUS AREA: 0.1 CN= 61 S= 6.393 0.2S= 1.279 IMPERVIOUS AREA: 0.53 CN= 98 S= 0.204 0.2S= 0.041 Tc = 5 w= 0.500 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TIME TIME RAINFAll INCREM. ACCUM. ACCUM. INCREM. ACCUM. INCREM. TOTAL INST. DESIGN INCREMENT (MINUTES) DIST. RAINFAll RAINFAll RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF FlOWRA TE FlOWRA TE 1 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 2 10 0.004 0.013 0.013 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 3 20 0.004 0.013 0.026 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 4 30 0.004 0.013 0.040 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 5 40 0.004 0.013 0.053 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.0 0.0 6 50 0.004 0.013 0.066 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.0 0.0 7 60 0.004 0.013 0.079 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.003 0.003 0.0 0.0 8 70 0.004 0.013 0.092 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.004 0.004 0.0 0.0 9 80 0.004 0.013 0.106 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.005 0.004 0.0 0.0 10 90 0.004 0.013 0.119 0.000 0.000 0.022 0.006 0.005 0.0 0.0 11 100 0.004 0.013 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.028 0.007 0.006 0.0 0.0 12 110 0.005 0.017 0.149 0.000 0.000 0.037 0.009 0.008 0.0 0.0 13 120 0.005 0.017 0.165 0.000 0.000 0.047 0.010 0.008 0.0 0.0 14 130 0.005 0.017 0.182 0.000 0.000 0.057 0.010 0.009 0.0 0.0 15 140 0.005 0.017 0.198 0.000 0.000 0.068 0.011 0.009 0.0 0.0 16 150 0.005 0.017 0.215 0.000 0.000 0.080 0.011 0.010 0.0 0.0 17 160 0.005 0.017 0.231 0.000 0.000 0.092 0.012 0.010 0.0 0.0 18 170 0.006 0.020 0.251 0.000 0.000 0.106 0.Q15 0.012 0.0 0.0 19 180 0.006 0.020 0.271 0.000 0.000 0.122 0.015 0.013 0.0 0.0 0 20 190 0.006 0.020 0.290 0.000 0.000 0.137 0.016 0.013 0.1 0.0 ., cO' 21 200 0.006 0.020 0.310 0.000 0.000 0.153 0.016 0.013 0.1 0.1 5' !l!. 012 210 0.006 0.020 0.330 0.000 0.000 0.170 0.016 0.014 0.1 0.1 en 0 0)23 220 0.006 0.020 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.186 0.017 0.014 0.1 0.1 c: /'T1 ..... CT ('"') CD 24 230 0.007 0.023 0.373 0.000 0.000 0.206 0.020 0.016 0.1 0.1 3 "-> ;025 240 0.007 0.023 0.396 0.000 0.000 0.226 0.020 0.017 0.1 0.1 r CD 26 250 0.007 0.023 0.419 0.000 0.000 0.246 0.020 0.017 0.1 0.1 () "-> ~, = fa < CD a. Page 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27 260 0.007 0.023 0.442 0.000 0.000 0.266 0.020 0.017 0.1 0.1 28 270 0.007 0.023 0.465 0.000 0.000 0.287 0.021 0.017 0.1 0.1 29 280 0.007 0.023 0.488 0.000 0.000 0.307 0.021 0.017 0.1 0.1 30 290 0.008 0.026 0.515 0.000 0.000 0.331 0.024 0.020 0.1 0.1 31 300 0.008 0.026 0.541 0.000 0.000 0.355 0.024 0.020 0.1 0.1 32 310 0.008 0.026 0.568 0.000 0.000 0.380 0.024 0.020 0.1 0.1 33 320 0.008 0.026 0.594 0.000 0.000 0.404 0.024 0.021 0.1 0.1 34 330 0.008 0.026 0.620 0.000 0.000 0.429 0.025 0.021 0.1 0.1 35 340 0.008 0.026 0.647 0.000 0.000 0.453 0.025 0.021 0.1 0.1 36 350 0.01 0.033 0.680 0.000 0.000 0.484 0.031 0.026 0.1 0.1 37 360 0.01 0.033 0.713. 0.000 0.000 0.515 0.031 0.026 0.1 0.1 38 370 0.01 0.033 0.746 0.000 0.000 0.547 0.031 0.026 0.1 0.1 39 380 0.01 0.033 0.779 0.000 0.000 0.578 0.031 0.026 0.1 0.1 40 390 0.Q1 0.033 0.812 0.000 0.000 0.610 0.032 0.027 0.1 0.1 41 400 0.Q1 0.033 0.845 0.000 0.000 0.641 0.032 0.027 0.1 0.1 42 410 0.013 0.043 0.888 0.000 0.000 0.682 0.041 0.035 0.1 0.1 43 420 0.013 0.043 0.931 0.000 0.000 0.724 0.041 0.Q35 0.1 0.1 44 430 0.013 0.043 0.974 0.000 0.000 0.765 0.041 0.Q35 0.1 0.1 45 440 0.018 0.059 1.033 0.000 0.000 0.823 0.058 0.048 0.2 0.2 46 450 0.018 0.059 1.092 0.000 0.000 0.881 0.058 0.049 0.2 0.2 47 460 0.034 0.112 1.205 0.000 0.000 0.990 0.109 0.092 0.4 0.3 48 470 0.054 0.178 1.383 0.002 0.002 1.165 0.175 0.147 0.6 0.5 49 480 0.027 0.089 1.472 0.006 0.004 1.252 0.088 0.074 0.3 0.4 50 490 0:018 0.059 1.531 0.010 0.004 1.311 0.059 0.050 0.2 0.2 51 500 0.013 0.043 1.574 0.013 0.003 1.353 0.042 0.036 0.1 0.2 52 510 0.013 0.043 1.617 0.017 0.004 1.395 0.042 0.036 0.1 0.1 53 520 0.013 0.043 1.660 0.021 0.004 1.438 0.042 0.036 0.1 0.1 54 530 0.009 0.030 1.690 0.025 0.003 1.467 0.029 0.025 0.1 0.1 55 540 0.009 0.030 1.719 0.028 0.004 1.497 0.029 0.025 0.1 0.1 56 550 0.009 0.030 1.749 0.032 0.004 1.526 0.029 0.025 0.1 0.1 57 560 0.009 0.030 1.779 0.036 0.004. 1.555 0.029 0.025 0.1 0.1 .J 58 570 0.009 0.030 1.808 0.041 0.004 1.585 0.029 0.025 0.1 0.1 , cO. 59 580 0.009 0.030 1.838 0.045 0.004 1.614 0.029 0.025 0.1 0.1 :;' 060 ~ 590 0.009 0.030 1.868 0.050 0.005 1.643 0.029 0.025 0.1 0.1 en 0 9) 61 600 0.009 0.030 1.898 0.055 0.005 1.673 0.029 0.026 0.1 0.1 .... c: m (0 62 610 0.009 0.030 1.927 0.060 0.005 1.702 0.Q29 0.026 0.1 0.1 r:T ('"') 3 ,...., ;;0 63 620 0.009 0.030 1.957 0.065 0.005 1.732 0.029 0.026 0.1 0.1 g - (j) (") '" (j) = <' lZ (1) Page 2 a. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64 630 0.009 0.030 1.987 0.071 0.006 1.761 0.029 0.026 0.1 0.1 65 640 0.009 0.030 2.016 0.076 0.006 1.791 0.029 0.026 0.1 0.1 66 650 0.007 0.023 2.039 0.081 0.005 1.813 0.023 0.020 0.1 0.1 67 660 0.007 0.023 2.063 0.086 0,005 1.836 0.023 0.020 0.1 0.1 68 670 0.007 0.023 2.086 0.090 0.005 1.859 0.023 0.020 0.1 0.1 69 680 0.007 0.023 2.109 0.095 0.005 1.882 0.023 0.020 0.1 0.1 70 690 0.007 0.023 2.132 0.100 0.005 1.905 0.023 0.020 0.1 0.1 71 700 0.007 0.023 2.155 0.106 0.005 1.926 . 0.023 0.020 0.1 0.1 72 710 0.007 0.023 2.178 0.111 0.005 1.951 0.023 0:020 0.1 0.1 73 720 0.007 0.023 2.201 0.116 0.005 1.974 0.023 0.020 0.1 0.1 74 730 0.007 0.023 2.224 0.122 0.006 1.997 0.023 0.020 0.1 0.1 75 740 0.007 0.023 2.247 0.127 0.006 2.020 0.023 0.020 0.1 0.1 76 750 0.007 0.023 2.270 0:133 0.006 2.043 0.023 0.020 0.1 0.1 77 760 0.007 0.023 2.294 0.139 0.006 2.066 0.023 0.020 0.1 0.1 76 770 0.006 0.020 2.313 0.144 0.005 2.065 0.020 0.017 0.1 0.1 79 760 0.000 0.020 2.333 0.149 0.005 2.105 0.020 0.017 0.1 0.1 60 790 0.006 0.020 2.353 0.155 0.005 2.125 0.020 0.017 0.1 0.1 61 600 0.006 0.020 2.373 0.160 0.005 2.144 0.020 0.017 0.1 0.1 82 610 0.006 0,020 2.393 0.165 0.005 2.164 0.020 0.017 0.1 0.1 83 620 0.006 0.020 2.412 0.171 0.005 2.164 0.020 0.017 0.1 0.1 84 830 0.006 0.020 2.432 0.176 0.006 2.203 0.020 0.017 0.1 0.1 85 640 0.006 0.020 2.452 0.182 0.006 2.223 0.020 0.017 0.1 0.1 86 650 0.006 0.020 2472 0.188 0.006 2.243 0.020 0,017 0.1 0.1 87 660 0.006 0.020 2.492 0.193 0.006 2.262 0.020 0.017 0.1 0.1 86 670 0.006 0.020 2.511 0.199 0.006 2.282 0.020 0.017 0.1 0.1 89 660 0.006 0.020 2.531 0.205 0.006 2.302 0.020 0.Q1 6 0.1 0.1 90 890 0.005 0.017 2.546 0.210 0.005 2.318 0.016 0.015 0.1 0.1 91 900 0.005 0.017 2.564 0.215 0.005 2.334 0.016 0.015 0.1 0.1 92 910 0.005 0.017 2.561 0.220 0.005 2.351 0.016 0.015 0.1 0.1 0 93 920 0.005 0.017 2.597 0.225 0.005 2.367 0.016 0.015 0.1 0.1 .... 94 930 0.005 0.017 2.614 0.231 0.005 2.364 0.016 0.015 0.1 0,1 cO' 3' 0 95 940 0.005 0.017 2.630 0.236 0.005 2.400 0.016 0.015 0.1 0.1 !!!.. ~ 96 950 0.005 0.017 2.647 0.241 0.005 2.417 0.016 0.015 0.1 0.1 en C c IT1 CD 97 960 0.005 0.017 2.663 0.246 0.005 2.433 0.016 0.Q15 0.1 0.1 D' n :;0 96 970 0.005 0.017 2.680 0.252 0.005 2.449 0.016 0.015 0.1 0.1 3 '" CD 99 960 0.005 0.017 2.696 0.257 0.005 2.466 0.016 0.015 0.1 0.1 ::; @ !!!.. 100 990 0.005 0.017 2.713 0.263 0,005 2.462 0.016 0.015 0.1 0.1 ~ ;;t = CD CD a. Page 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 101 1000 0.005 0.017 2.729 0.268 0.006 2.499 0.016 0.015 0.1 0.1 102 1010 0.004 0.013 2.742 0.273 0.004 2.512 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.1 103 1020 0.004 0.013 2.756 0.277 0.004 2.525 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 104 1030 0.004 0.013 2.769 0.282 0.005 2.538 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 105 1040 0.004 0,013 2.782 0.286 0.005 2.551 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 106 1050 0.004 0.013 2.795 0.291 0.005 2.564 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 107 1060 0.004 0.013 2.808 0.295 0.005 2.577 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 108 1070 0.004 0.013 2.822 0.300 0.005 2.591 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 109 1080 0.004 0.013 2.835 0.305 0.005 2.604 0.013 .0.012 0.0 0.0 110 , 1090 0.004 0.013 2,848 0.309 0.005 2.617 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 111 1100 0.004 0.013 2.861 0.314 0.005 2.630 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 112 1110 0.004 0.013 2.874 0.319 0.005 2.643 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 113 1120 0.004 0.013 2.888 0.323 0.005 2.656 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 114 1130 0.004 0.013 2.901 0,328 0.005 2.669 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 115 1140 0.004 0.013 2.914 0.333 0.005 2.683 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 116 1150 0.004 0.013 2.927 0.338 0.005 2.696 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 117 1160 0.004 0.013 2.940 0.343 0.005 2.709 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 118 1170 0.004 0.013 2.954 0.348 0.005 2.722 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 119 1180 0.004 0.013 2.967 0.353 0.005 2.735 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 120 1190 0.004 0.013 2.980 0.358 0,005 2.748 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 121 1200 0.004 0.013 2.993 0.363 0.005 2.761 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 122 1210 0.004 0.013 3.006 0.368 0.005 2.775 0.013 0.012 0.0 0,0 123 1220 0004 0.013 3.020 0.373 0.005 2.788 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 124 1230 0.004 0.013 3.033 0.378 0,005 2.801 0.013 0.012 , .0.0 0.0 125 1240 0.004 0.013 3.046 0.383 0.005 2.814 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 126 1250 0.004 0.013 3.059 0.388 0.005 2.827 Q.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 127 1260 0.004 0.013 3.072 0.393 0.005 2.840 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 128 1270 0.004 0.013 3.086 0.398 0.005 2.853 0,013 0.012 0.0 0.0 129 1280 0.004 0.013 3.099 0.403 0.005 2.867 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 130 1290 0.004 0.013 3.112 0.409 0.005. 2.880 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 0 131 1300 0.004 0.013 3.125 0.414 0.005 2.893 0.013 0.012 0,0 0.0 ~ :cr 132 1310 0.004 0.013 3.138 0.419 0.005 2.906 0.013 0.012 0.0 0:0 :;' 0 !!!.. Q) 133 1320 0.004 0.013 3.152 0.424 0.005 2.919 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 (j) C - 134 1330 0.004 0.013 3.165 0.430 0.005 2.932 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 c I'TI CD 135 1340 <T n 0.004 0.013 3.178 0.435 0.005 2.945 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 3 ,..... :;0 136 1350 0.004 0.013 3.191 0.440 0.005 2.959 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 ~ - CD .- 0 137 1360 0.004 0.013 3.204 0.446 0.005 2.972 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 ~ ~ CD = <" <D CD 0- Page 4 .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 138 1370 0.004 0.013 3.218 0.451 0.005 2.985 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 139 1380 0.004 0.013 3.231 0.457 0.005 2.998 0.013 0.012 0.0 0,0 140 1390 0.004 0.013 3.244 0.462 0.005 3.011 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 .141 1400 0.004 0.013 3.257 0.468 0.005 3.024 0.013 0:012 0.0 0.0 142 1410 0.004 0.013 .3.270 0.473 0.006 .3:038 0.013 0.012 .00 0.0. 143 1420 0.004 0.013 3.284 OA(9 0.006 3.051 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 144 1430 0.004 0.013 3.297 0.484 0.006 3.064 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 145 1440. 0.004 0.013 3.310 0.490 0.006 3.077 0.013 0.012 0.0 0.0 177773 5919.828 6097.601 cuft. Total Runoff 6097.601 0 .., cc' :i' 0 !!!. en 0 m <= IT! CD CT n 3 "" ;;0 a (I) .Q) 0 l'.) <D. c:> = < CD <D c.. Page 5 - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0.600 0,500 0.400 ~ ~ 0,300 ? 0,200 0,100 0,000 TACO BELL TOTAL AREA (AREA "A" & AREA "B") 24 HR./2-YR. STORM f-, POST-DEVELOPMENT TOTAL RUNOFF: 6100 CU, FT, EXISTING TOTAL RUNOFF: 7040 CU, FT, - 1- RUNOFF DELTA: .~ 4r CU, FT, ==== = =-"'\. '- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Time (min.) - EX. DESIGN FLOW - POST-DEV. DESIGN FLOW Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . APPENDIX D HYDROGRAPH & OUTPUT - DRAINAGE AREA "A" ? Original Submittal . Date Received: DEe 2 I 2009 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TACO BEll STORM DRAIN AREA "A" EXISTING 2-YR. STORM AREA: 0.42 P= 3.3 dt= 10 PERVIOUS AREA: 0 CN= 30 s= 23.333 O.2S= 4.667 IMPERVIOUS AREA: 0.42 CN= 98 S- 0.204 O.2S= 0.041 Tc :::: 5 w= 0.500 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TIME TIME RAINFALL INCREM. ACCUM. ACCUM. INCREM. ACCUM. INCREM. TOTAL INST. DESIGN INCREMENT (MINUTES) DIST. RAINFALL RAINFALL RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF FLOWRA TE FLOWRATE 1 0 0 .0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 2 10 .0.004 0.013 0.013 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 3 20 0.004 0.013 0.026 0.000 0.000 0:000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 4 30 0.004 0.013 0.040 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 5 40 0.004 0.013 0.053 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.0 0.0 6 50 0.004 0.013 0.066 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.0 0.0 60 0.013 0.079 0.000 - 0.000 0.006 0.003 0.003 0.0 0.0 7 0.004 8 70 0.004 0.013 0.092 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.004 0.004 0.0 0.0 9 80 0.004 0.013 0.106 0.000 0.000 0.016 . 0.005 0.005 0.0 0.0 10 90 0.004 0.013 0.119 0.000 0.000 0.022 0.006 0.006 0.0 0.0 11 100 0.004 0.013 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.028 0.007 0.007 0.0 0.0 12 110 0.005 0.017 0.149 0.000 0.000 0.037 0.009 0.009 0.0 0.0 13 120 .0.005 0.017 0.165 0.000 0.000 0.047 0.010 0:010 0.0 0.0 14. 130 0.005 0.017 0.182 0.000 0.000 0.057 0.010 0.010 0.0 0.0 15 140 0.005 0.017 0.198 0.000 0.000 0.068 0.011 0.011 0.0 0.0 16 150 0.005 0.017 0.215 0.000 0.000 0.080 0.011 0.011 0.0 0.0 17 160 0.005 0.017 0.231 0.000 0.000 0.092 0.012 0.012 0.0 0.0 18 170 0.006 0.020 0.251 0.000 0.000 0.106 0.015 0.015 0.0 0.0 0 19 180 0.006 0.020 0.271 0.000 0.000 0.122 0.015 0.015 0.0 0.0 .., 20 190 0.006 0.020 0.290 0.000 0.137 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 <0' 0.000 ~. l3JI 200 0.006 0.020 0.310 0.000 0.000 0.153. 0.016 0.Q16 0.0 0.0 ~ 1122 210 0.006 0.020 0.330 0.000 0.000 0.170 0.016 0.Q16 0.0 0.0 en c .... c ITl 023 220 0.006 0.020 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.186 0.017 0.017 0.0 00 CT n :~ 230 0.206 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 3 0.007 0.023 0.373 0.000 0.000 ...., C25 a 240 0.007 0.023 0.396 0.000 0.000 0.226 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 ~ ~6 250 0.007 0.023 0.419 0.000 0.000 0.246 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 ...., C. = :ct = to CD 0.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - 27 260 0.007 0.023 0.442 0.000 0.000 0.266 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 28 270 0.007 0.023 0.465 0.000 0.000 0.287 0.021 0.021 0.1 0.1 29 280 0.007 0.023 0.488 0.000 0.000 0.307 0.021 0.021 0.1 0.1 30 290 0.008 0.026 0.515 0.000 0.000 0.331 0.024 0.024 0.1 0.1 31 300 0.008 0.026 0.541 0.000 0.000 0.355 0.024 0.024 0.1 0.1 32 310 0.008 0.026 0.568 0.000 0.000 . 0.380 0.024 0.024 0.1 0.1 33 320 0.008 0.026 0.594 0.000 0.000 0.404 0.024 0.024 0.1 0.1 34 330 0.008 0.026 0.620 0.000 0.000 0.429 0.025 0.025 0.1 0.1 35 340 0.008 0.026 0.647 0.000 . 0.000 0.453 0.025 0.025 0.1 0.1 .36 350 0.01 0.033 .0.680 0.000 0.000 0.484 0.031 0.031 0.1 0.1 37 360 0.01 0.033 0.713 0.000 0.000 0.515 0.031 0.031 0.1 0.1 38 370 0.01. 0.033 0.746 0.000 0.000 0.547 0.031. 0.031 0.1 0.1 39 380 0.01 0.033 0.779 0.000. 0.000 0.578 0.031 0.031 0.1 0.1 40 390 0.01 0033 0.812 0.000 0.000 0.610 0.032 0.032 0.1 0.1 41 400 0.01 0.033 0.845 0.000 0.000 0.641 0.032 0.032 0.1 0.1 42 410 0.013 0.043 0.888 0.000 . 0.000 0.682 0.041 0.041 0.1 0.1 43 420 0.013 0.043 0.931 0.000 0.000 0.724 0.041 0.041 0.1 0.1 44 430 0.013 0.043 0.974 0.000 0.000 0.765 0.041. 0.041 0.1 0.1 45 440 0.D18 0.059 1.033 0.000 0.000 0.823 0.058 0.058 0.1 0.1 46 450 0.D18 0.059 1.092 0.000 0.000 . 0.881 0.058 0.058 0.1 0.1 47 460 0.034 0.112 1.205 0.000 0.000 0.990 0.109 0.109 0.3 0.2 48 470. 0.054 .0.178 1.383 0.000 0.000 1.165 0.175 0.175 0.4 .0.4 49 480 0.027 0.089 1.472 0.000 0.000 1.252 0.088 0.088 0.2 0.3 50 490 0.D18 0.059 1.531 0.000 0.000 1.311 0.059 0.059 0.1 0.2 51 500 0.013 0.043 1.574 0.000 0.000 1.353 0.042 0.042 0.1 0.1 52 510 0.013 0.043 1.617 0.000 0.000 1.395 0.042 0.042 0.1 0.1 53 520 0.013 0.043 1.660 0.000 0.000 1.438 0.042 0.042 0.1 0.1 54 530 0.009 0.030 1.690 0.000 0.000 1.467 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 55 540 0.009 0.030 1.719 0.000 0.000 1.497 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 56 550 0.009 0.030 1.749 0.000 0.000 1.526 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 0 57 560 0.009 0.030 1.779 0.000 0.000 1.555 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 ~ >9: 58 570 0.009 0.030 1.808 0.000 0.000 1.585 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 ::l 059 !!!. 580 0.009 0.030 1.838 0.000 0.000 1.614 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 CJ) C a60 590 0.009 0.030 1.868 0.000 0.000 1.643 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 c: I'Tl CD 61 600 0.009 0.030 1.898 0.000 0.000 1.673 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 0- n 3 r-> ;062 610 0.009 0.030 1.927 0.000 0.000 1.702 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 ;::; ~ 63 620 0.009 0.030 1.957 0.000 0.000 1.732 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 u r-> CD = <' l:a CD - a. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64 630 0.009 0.030 1.987 0.000 0.000 1.761 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 65 640 0.009 0.030 2.016 0.000 0.000 1.791 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 66 650 0.007 0.023 2.039 0.000 0.000 1.813 0.023 0,023 0.1 0.1 67 660 0.007 0.023 2.063 0.000 0.000 1.836 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 68 670 0.007 0.023 2.086 0.000 0.000 1.859 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 69 680 0.007 0.023 2.109 0.000 0.000 1.882 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 70 690 0.007 0.023 2.132 0.000 0.000 1.905 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 71 700 0.007 0.023 2.155 0.000 0.000 1.928 0.023 0.023 6,1. 0.1 72 710 0.007 0.023 2.178 0.000 0.000 1.951 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 73 720 0.007 0.023 2.201 0.000 0.000 1.974 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 74 730 0.007 0,023 2.224 0.000 0.000 1.997 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 75 740 0.007 0.023 2.247 0000 0.000 2.020 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 76 750 0.007 0.023 2.270 0.000 0.000 2.043 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 77 760 0.007 0.023 2.294 0.000 0.000 2.066 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 78 770 0.006 0.020 2.313 0.000 0.000 2.085 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.1 79 780 0.006 0.020 2.333 0.000 0.000 2.105 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 80 790 0,006 0.020 2.353 0.000 0.000 2.125 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 81 800 0.006 0.020 2.373 0.000 0.000 2.144 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 82 810 0.006 0.020 2.393 0.000 0.000 2.164 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 83 820 0.006 0.020 2.412 0.000 0.000 2.184 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 84 830 0.006 0.020 2.432 0.000 0.000 2.203 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 85 840 0.006 0.020 2.452 0.000 0.000 2.223 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 86 850 0.006 0.020 2.472 0.000 0.000 2.243 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 87 860 0.006 0.020 2.492. 0.000 0.000 2.262 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 88 870 0.006 0.020 2.511 0.000 0.000 2.282 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 89 880 0.006 0.020 2.531 0.000 0.000 2.302 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 90 890 . 0.005 0.017 2.548 0.000 0.000 2.318 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 91 900 0.005 0.017 2.564 0.000 0.000 2.334 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 92 910 0.005 0,017 2.581 0.000 0.000 2.351 0.Q16 0.016 0.0 0.0 93 920 0.005 0.017 2.597 0.000 0.000 2.367 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 0 94 . 930 0.005 0.017 2.614 0.000 0.000 2.384 0.Q16 0.016 0.0 0.0 :::!, (C 95 940. 0.005 0.017 2.630 0.000 0.000 2.400 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 5' 096 0.016 0.0 !!!. 950 0.005 0.017 2.647 0.000 0.000 2.417 0.Q16 0.0 Cf) 0 ~97 960 0.005 0.017 2.663 0.000 0.000 2.433 0,016 0.016 0.0 0.0 <:: m CI> 98 970 0.005 0.017 2.680 0.000 0.000 2.449 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 0- r> 3 ~ ::0 99 980 0.005 0,017 2.696 0.000 0.000 2.466 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 =+ ~ 100 0.016 0.0 0.0 - - 990 0.005 0.017 2.713 0.000 0.000 2.482 0.Q16 !!!. "" CI> = <' = CD (j) Q. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _.- - 101 1000 0.005 0.017 2.729 0.000 0.000 2.499 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 102 1010 0.004 0.013 2.742 0.000 0.000 2.512 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 103 1020 0.004 0.013 2.756 0.000 0.000 2.525 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 104 1030 0.004- 0.013 2.769 0.000 0.000 2.538 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 105 1040 0.004 0.013 2.782 0.000 0.000 2.551 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 106 1050 0.004 0.013 2.795 0.000 0.000 2.564 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 107 1060 0.004 0.013 2.808 0.000 0.000 2.577 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 108 1070 0.004 0.013 2.822 0.000 0.000 2.591 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 109 1080 0.004 0.013 2.835 0.000 0.000 2.604 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 110 1090 0.004 0.013 2.848 0.000 0.000 2.617 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 111 1100 0.004 0.013 2.861 0.000 0.000 2.630 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 112 1110 0.004 0.013 2.874 0.000 0.000 2.643 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 113 1120 0.004 0.013 2.888 0.000 0.000 2.656 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 114 1130 0.004 0.013 2.901 0.000 0.000 2.669 0.013 0.013. 0.0 0.0 115 1140 0.004 0.013 2.914 0.000 0.000 2.683 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 116 1150 0.004 0.013 2.927 0.000 0.000 2.696 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 117 1160 0.004 0.013 2.940 0.000 0.000 2.709 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 118 1170 0.004 0.013 2.954 0.000 0.000 2.722 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 119 1180 0,004 0.013 2.967 0.000 0.000 2.735 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 120 1190 0.004 0.013 2.980 0.000 0.000. 2.748 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 121 1200 0.004 0.013 2.993 0.000 0.000 2.761 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 122 1210 0.004 0.013 3.006 0.000 0.000 2.775 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 123 1220 0,004 0.013 3.020 0.000 0.000 2.788 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 124 1230 0.004 0.013 3.033 0.000 0.000 2.801 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 125 1240 0.004 0.013 3.046 0.000 0.000 2.814 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 126 1250 0.004 0.013 3.059 0.000 0.000 2.827 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 127 1260 0.004 0.013 3.072 0.000 0.000 2,840 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 128 1270 0.004 0.013 3.086 0.000 0.000 2.853 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 0 129 1280 0.004 0.013 3.099 0.000 0.000 2.867 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 ~ 130 1290 0.004 0.013 3.112 0.000 0.000 2.880 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 1-:9: ::l 0131 1300 0.004 0.013 3.125 0.000 0.000 2.893 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 !!!. ll.l 132 1310 0.004 0.013 3.138 0.000 0.000 2.906 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 CJl C CD 133 1320 0.004 0.013 3.152 0.000 0.000 2.919 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 c: ITl 0- n ;:0 134 1330 0.004 0.013 3.165 0.000 0.000 2.932 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 3 rv ;::;: (I) 135 1340 0.004 0.013 3.178 0.000 0.000 2.945 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 or () 136 1350 0.004 0.013 3.191 0.000 0.000 2.959 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 "" (I). = <"137 1360 0.004 0.013 3.204 0.000 0.000 2.972 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 = <D (I) C. - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 138 1370 0.004 0.013 3.218 0.000 0.000 2.985 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 139 1380 0.004 0.013 3.231 0.000 0.000 2.998 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 140 1390 0.004 0.013 3.244 0.000 0.000 3.011 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 141 1400 0.004 0.013 3.257 0.000 0.000 3.024 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 142 1410 0.004 0.013 3.270 0.000 0.000 3.038 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 143 1420 0.004 0.013 3.284 0.000 0.000 3.051 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 144 1430 0.004 0.013 3.297 0.000 0.000 3.064 0.013. 0.013 0.0 0.0 145 1440 0.004 0.013 3.310 0.000 0.000 3.077 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 0.000 4691.185 4691.185 cuft. Total Runoff 4691.185 0 :::!, (Q 5' 0 !!!. ll.l CJl 0 - c: JT1 CD 0- n ;:0 3 ,...., ~ (D !!!. n "" ID = <' <=> <D ~:> 0. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TACO BELL STORM DRAIN AREA "A" POST-DEVELOPMENT 2-YR. STORM AREA: 0.42 P= 3.3 dl= 10 PERVIOUS AREA: 0.01 CN= 61 S= 6.393 0.2S= 1.279 IMPERVIOUS AREA: 0.41 CN= 98 S= 0.204 0.2S= 0.041 Tc = 5 w= 0.500 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TIME TIME RAINFALL INCREM. ACCUM. ACCUM. INCREM. ACCUM. INCREM. TOTAL INST. DESIGN INCREMENT (MINUTES) D1ST. RAINFALL RAINFALL RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF FLOWRATE FLOWRATE 1 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 2 10 0.004 0.013 0.013 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 3 20 0.004 0.013 0.026 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 4 30 0.004 0.013 0.040 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 5 40 0.004 0.013 0.053 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.0 0.0 6 50 0.004 0.013 0.066 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.0 0.0 7 60 0.004 0.013 0.079 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.003 0.003 0.0 0.0 8 70 0.004 0.013 0.092 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.004 0.004 0.0 0.0 9 80 0.004 0.013 0.106 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.005 0.005 0.0 0.0 10 90 0.004 0.013 0.119 0000 0.000 0.022 0.006 0.006 0.0 0.0 11 100 0.004 0.013 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.028 0.007 0.006 0.0 0.0 12 110 0.005 0.017 0.149 0.000 0.000 0.037 0.009 0.009 0.0 0.0 13 120 0.005 0.017 0.165 0.000 0.000 0.047 0.010 0.010 0.0 0.0 14 130 0.005 0.017 0.182 0.000 0.000 0.057 0.010 0.010 0.0 0.0 15 140 0.005 0.017 0.198 0.000 0.000 0.068 0.011 0.011 0.0 0.0 16 150 0.005 0.017 0.215 0.000 0.000 0.080 0.011 0.011 0.0 0.0 17 160 0.005 0.017 0.231 0.000 0.000 0.092 0.012 0.012 0.0 0.0 18 170 0.006 0.020 0.251 0.000 0.000 0.106 0.015 0.014 0.0 0.0 19 180 0.006 0.020 0.271 0000 0.000 0.122 0.015 0.015 0.0 0.0 ,) 20 190 0.006 0.020 0.290 0.000 0.000 0.137 0.016 0.015 0.0 0.0 , 21 200 0.006 0.020 0.310 0.000 0.000 0.153 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 5' 22 210 0.006 0.020 0.330 0.000 0.000 0.170 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 3' 0 ~ III 23 220 0.006 0.020 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.186 0.017 0.016 0.0 0.0 CJl 0 - 24 230 0.007 0.023 0.373 0.000 0.000 0.206 0.020 0.019 0.0 0.0 c: ITl (l) 0- n ;:0 25 240 0.007 0.023 0.396 0.000 0.000 0.226 0.020 0.019 0.0 0.0 3 ,...., 26 250 0.023 0.419 0.000 0.000 0.246 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 ;::;: CD 0.007 - () !!!. ~ CD <' ~ CD Page 1 C. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27 260 0.007 0.023 0.442 0.000 0.000 0.266 0.020 0.020 0.1 0.1 28 270 0.007 0.023 0.465 0.000 0.000 0.287 0.021 0.020 0.1 0.1 29 280 0.007 0.023 0.488 0.000 0.000 0.307 0.021 0020 0.1 0.1 30 290 0.008 0.026 ,0.515 0.000 0.000 0.331 0.024 0.023 0.1 0.1 31 300 0.008 0.026 0.541 0.000 0.000 0.355 0.024 0.024 0.1 0.1 32 310 0.008 0.026 0.568 0.000 0.000 0.380 0.024 0.024 0.1 0.1 33 320 0.008 0.026 0.594 0.000 0.000 0.404 0.024 0.024 0.1 0.1 34 330 0.008 0.026 0.620 0.000 0.000 0.429 0.025 0.024 0.1 0.1 35 340 0.008 0.026 0.647 0.000 0.000 0.453 0.025 0.024 0.1 0.1 36 350 0.01 0.033 0.680 0.000 0.000 0.484 0.031 0.030 0.1 0.1 37 360 0,01 0.033 0.713 0.000 0.000 .0,515 0.031 0.030 0.1 0.1 38 370 0.01 0.033 0.746 0:000 0.000 0.547 0.031 0.031 0.1 0.1 39 380 0.01 0.033 0.779 0.000 0.000 0.578 0.031 0.031 0.1 0.,1 40 390 0.01 0.033 0.812 0.000 0.000 0.610 0.032 0,031 0.1 0.1 41 400 0,01 0.033 0.845 0.000 0.000 0.641 0.032 0.031 0.1 0.1 42 410 0.013 0.043 0.888 0.000 0.000 0.682 0.041 0.040 0.1 0.1 43 420 0.013 0.043 0.931 0.000 0.000 0.724 0.041 0,040 0.1 0.1 44 430 0.013 0.043 0.974 0.000 0.000 0.765 0.041 0.040 0.1 0.1 45 440 0.018 0.059 1.033 0.000 0.000 0.823 0.058 0.056 0.1 0.1 46 450 0.018 0.059 1.092 0.000 0.000 0.881 0.058 0.056 0.1 0.1 47 460 0.034 0.112 1.205 0.000 0.000 0.990 0,109 0.107 0.3 0.2 48 470 0,054 0.178 1.383 0.002 0.002 1.165 0.175 0.171 0.4 0.4 49 480 0,027 0.089 1.472 0.006 0.004 1.252 0,088 0.086 0.2 0.3 50 490 0.018 0.059 1.531 0.010 0.004 1.3.11 0.059 0.057 0.1 0.2 51 500 0.013 0.043 1.574 0.013 0.003 1.353 0.042 0,041 0.1 0.1 52 510 .0.013 0.043 1.617 0.017 0.004 1.395 0.042 0.041 0.1 0.1 53 520 0.013 0.043 1.660 0.021 0.004 1.438 0.042 0.041 0.1 0.1 54 530 0.009 0.030 1.690 0.025 0.003 1.467 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 55 540 0.009 0.030 1.719 0.028 0.004 1.497 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 56 550 0.009 0.030 1.749 0.032 0.004 1.526 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 0 57 560 0.009 0,030. 1.779 0.036 0.004 1.555 0.029 0,029 0.1 0.1 -, [9: 58 -570 0.009 0.030 1.808 0.041 0.004 1.585 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 ::l 0 59 580 0.009 0.030 1.838 0.045 0.004 1.614 0.029 0,029 0.1 0.1 ~ Q) 60 590 0.009 0.030 1.868 0.050 0.005 1.643 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 CJl 0 - c: ITl CD 61 600 0.009 0.030 1.898 0.055 0.005 1.673 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 r::r n ;:0 1.702 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 3 62 610 0.009 0.030 1.927 0,060 0.005 rv ;:l: - (l) 63 620 0.009 0.030 1.957 0.065 0.005 1.732 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 ~ () ,...., CD => <' ~ (l) C. Page 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64 630 0,009 0.030 1.987 0.071 0.006 1.761 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 65 640 0.009 0.030 2.016 0.076 0.006 1.791 0.029 0.029 0.1 0.1 66 650 0.007 0.023 2.039 0.081 0.005 1.813 0.023 0.022 0.1 0.1 67 660 0.007 0.023 2.063 0.086 0.005 1.836 0.023 0.022 0.1 0.1 68 670 0.007 0.023 2.086 0.090 0.005 1.859 0.023 0.022 0.1 0.1 69 680 0.007 0.023 2.109 0.095 0.005 1.882 0.023 0.022 0.1 0.1 70 690 0.007 0.023 2.132 0.100 0,005 1.905 0.023 0.022 0.1 0.1 71 700 0.007 0.023 2.155 0.106 0.005 1.928 0.023 0.022 0.1 0.1 72 710 0.007 0.023 2.178 0.111 0.005 1.951 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 73 720 0.007 0.023 2.201 0.116 0.005 1.974 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 74 730 0.007 0.023 2.224 0.122 0.006 1.997 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 75 740 0.007 0.023 2.247 0.127 0.006 2.020 0.023 0.023 0,1 0.1 76 750 0.007 0.023 2.270 0.133 0.006 2.043 0.023- 0.023 0.1 0.1 77 760 0.007 0.023 2.294 0.139 0,006 2.066 0.023 0.023 0.1 0.1 78 770 0.006 0.020 2.313 0.144 0.005 2.085 0.020 0.019 0.0 0.1 79 780 0.006 0.020 2.333 0.149 0.005 2.105 0.020 0.019 0.0 0,0 80 790 0.006 0.020 2.353 0.155 0,005 2.125 0.020 0.019 0.0 0.0 81 800 0.006 0.020 2.373 0.160 0,005 2.144 0.020 0.019 0.0 0.0 82 810 0.006 0.020 2.393 0.165 0.005 2.164 0.020 0.019 0.0 0.0 83 820 0.006 0.020 2.412 0.171 0.005 2.184 0.020 0.019 0.0 0.0 84 830 0,006 0.020 2.432 0.176 0.006 2.203 0.020 0.019 0.0 0.0 85 840 0.006 0.020 2.452 0.182 0.006 2.223 0.020 0.019 0.0 0.0 86 850 0.006 0.020 2.472 0.188 0.006 2.243 0.020 0.019 0.0 0.0 87 860 0.006 0.020 2.492 0.193 0.006 2.262 0.020 0.019 0.0 0.0 88 870 0.006 0.020 2,511 0.199 0.006 2.282 0.020 0.019 0.0 0.0 89 880 0.006 0.020 2.531 0.205 0.006 2.302 0.020 0.019 0,0 0.0 90 890 0.005 0,017 2.548 0.210 0.005 2.318 0.016 0.016 0,0 0.0 91 900 0.005 0.017 2.564 0.215 0.005 2.334 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 92 910 0.005 0.017 2.581 0.220 0.005 I 2.351 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 93 920 0.005 0.017 2.597 0.225 0.005 2.367 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 94 930 0,005. 0.017 2.614 0.231 0.005 2.384 0.016 . 0.016 0.0 0.0 0 95' 940 0.005 0.017 2.630 0.236 0.005 2.400 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 :::!. CO 96 950 0.005 0.017 2.647 0.241 0,005 2.417 0.016 0,016 0.0 0.0 5' 097 960 0.005 0.017 2.663 0.246 0,005 2.433 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 !!!. CJl 0 1;) 98 970 0.005 0.017 2.680 0.252 0,005 2.449 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 c: ~ ......... 99 980 0.005 0.017 2.696 0.257 0.005 2.466 0.016 0.016 0,0 0.0 0- m 3 ;0100 990 0.005 0.017 2.713 0,263 0.005 2.482 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 ,...., if CD n ,... ~ Cll ~ <- Page 3 (i) a. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 101 1000 0.005 0.017 2.729 0.268 0.006 2.499 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 102 1010 0.004 0.013 2.742 0.273 0.004 2.512 0.013 0.Q13 0.0 0.0 103 1020 0.004 0.013 2.756 0.277 0.004 2.525 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 104 1030 0.004 0.013 2.769 0.282 0.005 2.538 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 105 1040 0.004 0.013 2.782 0.286 0.005 2.551 0.013 0,013 0.0 0.0' 106 1050 0.004 0.013 2.795 0.291 0.005 2.564 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 107 1060 0.004 0.013 2.808 0.295 0.005 2.577 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 108 1070 0.004 0.013 2.822 0.300 0.005 2.591 0,013 0.013 0.0 0.0 109 1080 0.004 0.013 2.835 0.305 0.005 2.604 0.013 0,013 0.0 0.0 110 1090 0.004 0.013 2.848 0.309 0.005 2.617 0.013 0.013 0.0 0,0 , i 111 1100 0.004 0.013 2.861 0.314 0.005 2.630 0,013 0.013 0.0 0,0 112 1110 0.004 0.013 2.874 0,319 0.005 2.643 0.013 0.013 0.0 0,0 113 1120 0.004 0.013 2.888 0.323 0.005 2.656 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 114 1130 0.004 0.013 2.901 0.328 0.005 2.669 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 115 1140 0.004 0,013 2.914 0.333 0.005 2.683 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 116 1150 0.004 0.013 2.927 0.338 0.005 2.696 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 117 1160 0.004 0.013 2.940 0.343 0.005 2.709 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 118 1170 0.004 0.013 2.954 0.348 0.005 2.722 0,013 0.013 0.0 0.0 119 1180 0.004 0.013 2.967 0.353 0.005 2.735 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 120 1190 0.004 0.013 2.980 0.358 0.005 2.748 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 121 1200 0.004 0.013 2.993 0.363 0.005 2.761 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 122 1210 0.004 0.013 3.006 0.368 0.005 2.775 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 123 1220 0.004 0.013 3.020 0.373 0.005 2.788 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 124 1230 0.004 0.013 3.033 0.378 0.005 2:801 0.013 0.013 .0.0 0.0 125 1240 0.004 0.013 3.046 0.383 0.005 2.814 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 126 1250 0.004 0.013 3.059 0.388 0,005 2.827 0.013 0.013 . 0.0 0.0 127 1260 0.004 0.013 3.072 0.393 0.005 2.840 0.013 0,013 0.0 0.0 128 1270 0.004 0.013 3.086 0.398 0.005 2.853 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 129 1280 0.004 0.013 3.099 0.403 0.005 2.867 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 130 1290 0.004 0.013 3.112 0.409 0.005 2.880 0.013 0,013 0.0 0.0 0 131 1300 0.004 0.013 3,125 0.414 0.005 2.893 0,013 0,013 0,0 0.0 ~ 132 1310 0.004 0.013 3,138 0.005 2.906 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 <9: 0.419 ::l 0133 1320 0.004 0.013 3.152 0.424 0.005 2.919 0.013 0,013 0.0 0.0 !!!. Q) 134 1330 0.004 0.013 3.165 0.430 0,005 2.932 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 CJl 0 - c: ITl CD 135 1340 0.004 0.013 3.178 0.435 0.005 2,945 0.013 0,013 0.0 0.0 0- n ;:0 136 1350 3.191 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 3 0.004 0.013 0.440 0,005 2.959 "" Cil 137 ;::;: 1360 0.004 0.013 3.204 0.446 0.005 2.972 0,013 0.013 0.0 0.0 - ~ !!!. "" = <' = u:> (I) C. Page 4 . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 138 1370 0,004 0.013 3.218 0.451 0.005 2.985 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 139 1380 0.004 0.013 3.231 0.457 0.005 2.998 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 140 1390 0.004 0.013 3.241 0.462 0.005 3.011 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 141 1400 0.004 0.013 3.257 0.468 0.005 3.024 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 142 1410 0.004 0.013 3.270 0.473 0.006 3.038 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 143 1420 0.004 0.013 3.284 0.479 0.006 3.051 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 144 1430 0.004 0.013 3.297 0.484 0.006 3.064 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 145 1440 0.004 0.013 3.310 0.490 0.006 3.077 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 17 .777 4579.490 4597.267 cuff:. Total Runoff 4597.267 0 ~ ce' 5' 0 !!!. ll.l CJl 0 - c: FT1 (I) 0- n ;:0 3 "" a Cil () !!!. "" Cil = <' = u:> (I) C. Page 5 - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 00400 0.350 0.300 0.250 ~ Ul - ~ 0.200 ? 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 I- I ~ J.\ I I TACO BELL AREA "A" 24 HR./2-YR. STORM POST-DEVELOPMENT TOTAL RUNOFF: 4600 CU. FT. EXISTING TOTAL RUNOFF: 4700 CU. FT. RUNOFF DELTA: 1C1l CU. FT. ~~~~~~n~~~~~'~~~~~~~~A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " V vVJJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v v V \ \ V V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Time (min.) - EX. DESIGN FLOW -POST-DEV. DESIGN FLOW Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX E HYDROGRAPH & OUTPUT - DRAINAGE AREA "B" Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TACO BELL SWALE AREA "B" EXISTING 2-YR. STORM AREA: 0.21 P= 3.3 dl= 10 PERVIOUS AREA: 0 CN= 30 S= 23.333 0.2S= 4.667 IMPERVIOUS AREA: 0.21 CN= 98 S= 0.204 0.2S= 0.041 Tc = 5 w= 0.500 PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TIME TIME RAINFALL INCREM. ACCUM. ACCUM. INCREM. ACCUM. INCREM. TOTAL INST. DESIGN INCREMENT (MINUTES) DIST. RAINFALL RAINFALL RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF FLOWRATE FLOWRATE 1 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 2 . 10 0.004 0.013 0.013 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 3 20 0.004 0.013 0.026 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 4 30 0.004 0.013 0.040 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 5 40 0.004 0.013 0.053 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.0 0.0 6 50 0.004 0.013 0.066 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.002 0.002 0.0 0.0 7 60 0.004 0.013 0.Q79 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.003 0.003 0.0 0.0 8 70 0.004 0.013 0.092 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.004 0.004 0.0 0.0 9 80 0.004 0.013 0.106 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.005 0.005 0.0 0.0 10 90 0.004 0.013 0.119 0.000 0.000 0.022 0.006 0.006 0.0 0.0 11 100 0.004 0.013 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.028 0.007 0.007 0.0 0.0 12 110 0.005 0.017 0.149 0.000 0.000 0.037 0.009 0.009 0.0 0.0 13 120 0.005 0.017 0.165 0.000 0.000 0.047 0.010 0.010 0.0 0.0 14 130 0.005 0.017 0.182 0.000 0.000 0.057 0.010 0.010 0.0 0.0 15 140 0.005 0.017 0.198 0.000 0.000 0.068 0.011 0.011 0.0 0.0 16 150 0.005 0.017 0.215 0.000 0.000 0.080 0.011 0.011 0.0 0.0 17 160 0.005 0.017 0.231 0.000 0.000 0.092 0.012 0.012 0.0 0.0 0 18 170 0.006 0.020 0.251 0.000 0.000 0.106 0.Q15 0.015 0.0 0.0 ~ 19 180 0.006 0.020 0.271 0.000 0.000 0.122 0.015 0.Q15 0.0 0.0 <C. S' ~~ 190 0.006 0.020 0.290 0.000 0.000 0.137 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 !!!. 200 0.006 0.020 0.310 0.000 0.000 0.153 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 CJl 0 &2 210 0.006 0.020 0.330 0.000 0.000 0.170 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 c: JT1 0- n ~ 220 0.006 0.020 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.186 0.017 0.017 0.0 0.0 3 ...... 230 0.007 0.023 0.373 0.000 0.000 0.206 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 ;::;: - C':25 240 0.007 0.023 0.396 0.000 0.226 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 !!!. 0.000 "" ~6 250 0.007 0.023 0.419 0.000 0.000 0.246 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 = = <(".:;. <D (!) i.:). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27 260 0.007 0.023 0.442 0.000 0.000 0.266 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 28 270 0.007 0.023 0.465 0.000 0.000 0.287 0.021 0.021 0.0 0.0 29 280 0.007 0.023 0.488 0.000 0.000 0.307 0.021 0.021 0.0 0.0 30 290 0.008 0.026 0.515 0.000 0.000 0.331 0.024 0.024 0.0 0.0 31 300 0.008 0.026 0.541 0.000 0.000 0.355 0.024 0.024 0.0 0.0 32 310 0.008 0.026 0.568 0.000 0.000 0.380 0.024 0.024 0.0 0.0 33 320 0.008 0.026 .0.594 0.000 0.000 0.404 0.024 0.024 0.0 0.0 34 330 0.008 0.026 0.620 0.000 0.000 0.429 0.Q25 0.Q25 0.0 0.0 35 340 0.008 0.026 0.647 0.000 0.000 0.453 0.Q25 0.025 0.0 0.0 36 350 0.01 0.033 0.680 0.000 0.000 0.484 0.031 0.031 0.0 0.0 37 360 0.01 0.033 0.713 0.000 0.000 0.515 0.031 0.031 0.0 0.0 38 370 0.01 0.033 0.746 0.000 0.000 0.547 0.031 . 0.031 0.0 0.0 39 380 0.01 0.033 0.779 0.000 0.000 0.578 0.031 0.031 0.0 0.0 40 390 0.01 0.033 0.812 0.000 0.000 0.610 0.032 0.032 0.0 0.0 41 400 0.01 0.033 0.845 0.000 0.000 0.641 0.032 0.032 0.0 0.0 42 410 0.013 0.043 0.888 0.000 0.000 0.682 0.041 0.041 0.1 0.0 43 420 0.013 0.043 0.931 0.000 0.000 0.724 0.041 0.041 0.1 0.1 44 430 0.013 0.043 0.974 0.000 0.000 0.765 0.041 0.041 0.1 0.1 45 440 0.018 0.059 1.033 0.000 0.000 0.823 0.058 0,058 0.1 0.1 46 450 0.018 0.059 1.092 0.000 0.000 0.881 0.058 0.058 0.1 0.1 47 460 0.034 0.112 1.205 0.000 0.000 0.990 0.109 0.109 0.1 0.1 48 470 0.054 0.178 1.383 0.000 0.000 1.165 0.175 0.175 0.2 0.2 49 480 0.027 0.089 1.472 0.000 0.000 1.252 0.088 0.088 0.1 0.2 50 490 0.018 0.059 1.531 0.000 0.000 1.311 0.059 0.059 0.1 0.1 51 500 0.013 0.043 1.574 0.000 0.000 1.353 0.042 0.042 0.1 0.1 52 510 0.013 0.043 1.617 0.000 0.000 1.395 0.042 0.042 0.1 0.1 53 520 0.013 0.043 1.660 0.000 0.000 1.438 0.042 0.042 0.1. 0.1 54 530 0.009 0.030 1.690 0.000 0.000 1.467 0.029 0.029 0.0 0.0 55 540 0.009 0.030 1.719 0.000 0.000 1.497 0.029 0.029 0.0 0.0 56 550 0.009 0.030 1.749 0.000 0.000 1.526 0.029 0.029 0.0 0.0 0 57 560 0.009 0.030 1.779 0.000 0.000 1.555 0.029 0.029 0.0 0.0 :::!. 58 570 0.009 0.030 1.808 0.000 0.000 1.585 0.029 0.029 0.0 0.0 CO s' ~ 580 0.009 0.030 1.838 0.000 0.000 1.614 0.029 0.029 0.0 0.0 !!!. 590 0.009 0.030 1.868 0.000 0.000 1.643 0.029 0.029 0.0 0.0 CJl C c: ITl ,'I} 600 0.009 0.030 1.898 0.000 0.000 1.673 0.029 0.029 0.0 0.0 0- n .62 610 0,009 0.030 1.927 0.000 0.000 1.702 0.029 0.029 0.0 0.0 3 ;::;: "-> t1 620 0.009 0.030 1.957 0.000 0.000 1.732 0.029 0.029 0.0 0.0 ~ n ~ fi) = <" = <<::> C!> 0.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64 630 0.009 0.030 1.987 0.000 0.000 1.761 0.029 0.029 0.0 0.0 65 640 0.009 0.030 2.016 0.000 0.000 1.791 0.029 0.029 0.0 0.0 66 650 0.007 0.023 2.039 0.000 0.000 1.813 0.023 0.023 0.0 0.0 67 660 0.007 0.023 2.063 0.000 0.000 1.836 0.023 0.023 0.0 0.0 68 670 0.007 0.023 2.086 0.000 0.000 1.859 0.023 0.023 0.0 0.0 69 680 0.007 0.023 2.109 0.000 0.000 1.882 0.023 0.023 0.0 0.0 70 690 0.007 0.023 2.132 0.000 0.000 1.905 0.023 0.023 0.0 0.0 71 700 0.007 0.023 2.155 0.000 0.000 1.928 0.023 0.023 0.0 0.0 72 710 0.007 0.023 2.178 0.000 0.000 1.951 0.023 0.023 0.0 0.0 73 720 0.007 0.023 2.201 0.000 0.000 1:974 0.023 0.023 0.0 0.0 74 730 0.007 0.023 2.224 0.000 0.000 1.997 0.023 0.023 0.0 0.0 75 740 0.007 0.023 2.247 0.000 0.000 2.020 0.023 0.023 0.0 0.0 76 750 0.007 0.023 2.270 0.000 0.000 2.043 0.023 0.023 0.0 0.0 77 760 0.007 0.023 2.294 0.000 0.000 2.066 0.023 0.023 0.0 0.0 78 770 0.006 0.020 2.313 0.000 0.000 2.085 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 79 780 0.006 0.020 2.333 0.000 0.000 2.105 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 80 790 0.006 0.020 2.353 0.000 0.000 2.125 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 81 800 0.006 0.020 2.373 0.000 0.000 2.144 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 82 810 0.006 0.020 2.393 0.000 0.000 2.164 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 83 820 0.006 0.020 2.412 0.000 0.000 2.184 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 84 830 0.006 0.020 2.432 0.000 0.000 2.203 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 85 840 0.006 0.020 2.452 0.000 0.000 2.223 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 86 850 0.006 0.020 2.472 0.000 0.000 2.243 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 87 860 0,006 0.020 2.492 0.000 0.000 2.262 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 88 870 0.006 0.020 2.511 0.000 0.000 2.282 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 89 880 0.006 0.020 2.531 0.000 0.000 2.302 0.020 0.020 0.0 0.0 90 890 0.005 0.017 2.548 0.000 0.000 2.318 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 91 900 0.005 0.017 2.564 0.000 0.000 2.334 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 92 910 0.005 0.017 2.581 0.000 0.000 2.351 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 0 93 920 0.005 0.017 2.597 0.000 0.000 2.367 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 ~ 55' 94 930 0.005 0.017 2.614 0.000 0.000 2.384 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 :l' CJl5 940 0.005 0.017 2.630 0.000 0.000 2.400 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 !!!. CJl C III 96 950 0.005 0.017 2.647 0.000 0.000 2.417 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 - c: ", (1)97 960 0.005 0.017 2.663 0.000 0.000 2.433 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 0- n AJ98 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 3 ~ 970 0.005 0.017 2.680 0.000 0.000 2.449 ;::;: (I) 99 980 0.005 0.017 2.696 0.000 0.000 2.466 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 - - !!!. "" ~100 990 0.005 0.017 2.713 0.000 0.000 2.482 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 = <" <=> <D (i) C. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 101 1000 0.005 0.017 2.729 0.000 0.000 2.499 0.016 0.016 0.0 0.0 102 1010 0.004 0.013 2.742 0.000 0.000 2.512 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 103 1020 0.004 0.013 2.756 0.000 0.000 2.525 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 104 1030 0.004 0.013 2.769 0.000 0.000 2.538 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 105 1040 0.004 0.013 2.782 0.000 0.000 2.551 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 106 1050 0.004 0.013 2.795 0.000 0.000 2.564 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 107 1060 0.004 0.013 2.808 0.000 0.000 2.577 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 108 1070 0.004 0.013 2.822 0.000 0.000 2.591 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 109 1080 0.004 0.013 2.835 0.000 0.000 2.604 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 110 1090 0.004 0.013 2.848 0.000 0.000 2.617 0.013 0,013 0.0 0.0 111 1100 0.004 0.013 2.861 0.000 0.000 2.630 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 112 1110 0.004 0.013 2.874 0.000 0.000 2.643 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 113 1120 0.004 0.013 2.888 0.000 0.000 2.656 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 114 1130 0.004 0.013 2.901 0.000 0.000 2.669 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 115 1140 0.004 0.013 2.914 0.000 0.000 2.683 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 116 1150 0.004 0.013 2.927 0.000 0.000 2.696 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 117 1160 0.004 0.013 2.940 0.000 0.000 2.709 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 118 1170 0.004 0.013 2.954 0.000 0.000 2.722 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 119 1180 0.004 0.013 2.967 0.000 0.000 2.735 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 120 1190 0.004 0.013 2.980 0.000 0.000 2.748 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 121 1200 0.004 0.013 2.993 0.000 0.000 2.761 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 122 1210 0.004 0.013 3.006 0.000 0.000 2.775 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 123 1220 0.004 0.013 3.020 0.000 0.000 2.788 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 124 1230 0.004 0.013 3.033 0.000 0.000 2.801 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 125 1240 0.004 0.013 3.046 0.000 0.000 2.814 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 126 1250 0.004 0.013 3.059 0.000 0.000 2.827 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 127 1260 0.004 0.013 3.072 0.000 0.000 2.840 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 128 1270 0.004 0.013 3.086 0.000 0.000 2.853 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 0 ;;~~~,,;".'-'-~" 129 1280 0.004 0.013 3.099 0.000 0.000 2.867 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 :::!. 130 1290 0.004 0.013 3.112 0.000 0.000 2.880 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 t:l 5' 0131 1300 0.004 0.013 3.125 0.000 0.000 2.893 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 ~ III 132 1310 0.004 0.013 3.138 0.000 0.000 2.906 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 CJl 0 r+133 1320 0.004 0.013 3.152 0.000 0.000 2.919 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 c: ", CD 0- n ::IJ 134 1330 0.004 0.013 3.165 0.000 0.000 2.932 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 3 '" 0.013 0.0 0.0 ~ (f} 135 1340 0.004 0.013 3.178 0.000 0.000 2.945 0.013 i) 136 1350 0.004 0.013 3.191 0.000 0.000 2.959 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 ,.. :It c ';'.-137 1360 0.004 0.013 3.204 0.000 0.000 2.972 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 < '. <OJ :~) ,~ -.~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 138 1370 0.004 0.013 3.218 0.000 0.000 2.985 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 139 1380 0.004 0.013 3.231 0.000 0.000 2.99B 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 140 1390 0.004 0.013 3.244 0.000 0.000 3.011 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 141 1400 0.004 0.013 3.257 0.000 O.oqo 3.024 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 142 1410 0.004 0.013 3.270 0.000 0.000 3.038 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 143 1420 0.004 0.013 3.284 0.000 0.000 3.051 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 144 1430 0.004 0.013 3.297 0.000 0.000 3.064 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 145 1440 0.004 0.013 3.310 0.000 0.000 3.077 0.013 0.013 0.0 0.0 0.000 2345.592 2345.592 cuft. Total Runoff 2345.592 0 :z. (Q S' 0 !2. CJl 0 m --.. c: fTl l.!) 0- ('-;: 3 "'-' 'J ;::;: {) - !l!. -:1 ....".. ~.~. .1 I i j <.0> <., ,".I Ll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TACO BELL SWALE AREA "B" POST-DEVELOPMENT 2-YR. STORM AREA: 0.21 P= 3.3 dl= 10 PERVIOUS AREA: 0.08 CN= 61 S= 6.393 0.2S= 1.279 IMPERVIOUS AREA: 0.13 CN= 98 S= 0.204 0.2S= 0.041 Tc= 5 w= 0.500 I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS TIME TIME RAINFALL INCREM. ACCUM. ACCUM. INCREM. ACCUM. INCREM. TOTAL INST. DESIGN INCREMENT (MINUTES) DIST. RAINFALL RAINFALL RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF RUNOFF FLOWRATE FLOWRATE 1 0 0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 2 10 0.004 0.013 0.013 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 3 20 0.004 0.013 0.026 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 4 30 0.004 0.013 0.040 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.0 5 40 0.004 0.013 0.053 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.0 0.0 6 50 0.004 0.013 0.066 0.000 0.000 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.0 0.0 7 60 0.004 0.013 0.079 0.000 0.000 0.006 0.003 0.002 0.0 0.0 8 70 0.004 0.013 0.092 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.004 0.003 0.0 0.0 9 80 0.004 0.013 0.106 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.005 0.003 0.0 0.0 10 90 0.004 0.013 0.119 0.000 0.000 0.022 0.006 0.004 0.0 0.0 11 100 0.004 0.013 0.132 0.000 0.000 0.028 0.007 0.004 0.0 0.0 12 110 0.005 0.017 0.149 0.000 0.000 0.037 0.009 0.006 0.0 0.0 13 120 0.005 0.017 0.165 0.000 0.000 0.047 0.010 0.006 0.0 0.0 14 130 0.005 0.017 0.182 0.000 0.000 0.057 0.010 0.006 0.0 0.0 15 140 0.005 0.017 0.198 0.000 0.000 0.068 0.011 0.007 0.0 00 16 150 0.005 0.017 0.215 0.000 0.000 0.080 0.011 0.007 0.0 0.0 17 160 0.005 0.017 0.231 0.000 0.000 0.092 0.012 0.007 0.0 0.0 18 170 0.006 0.020 0.251 0.000 0.000 0.106 0.015 0.009 0.0 0.0 19 180 0.006 0.020 0.271 0.000 0.000 0.122 0.015 0.009 0.0 0.0 0 20 190 0.006 0.020 0.290 0.000 0.000 0.137 0.016 0.010 0.0 0.0 ~ 21 200 0.006 0.020 0.310 0.000 0.000 0.153 0.016 0.010 0.0 0.0 ii' 22 210 0.006 0.020 0.330 0.000 0.000 0.170 0.016 0.010 0.0 0.0 S' !!!. OJ 220 0.006 0.020 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.186 0.017 0.010 0.0 0.0 CJl 0 n 230 0.007 0.023 0.373 0.000 0.000 0.206 0.020 0.012 0.0 0.0 c: ITl m 240 0.007 0.023 0.396 0.000 0.000 0.226 0.020 0.012 00 0.0 0- n 3 "-> 261 250 0.007 0.023 0.419 0.000 0.000 0.246 0.020 0.012 0.0 0.0 r (J) () "-> (I) 8 ;;:: <.c CD Page 1 a.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27 260 0.007 0.023 0.442 0.000 0.000 0.266 0.020 0.013 0.0 0.0 28 270 0.007 0.023 0.465 0.000 0.000 0.287 0.021 0.013 0.0 0.0 29 280 0.007 0.023 0.488 0.000 0.000 0.307 0.021 0.013 0.0 0.0 30 290 0.008 0.026 0.515 0.000 0.000 0.331 0.024 0.Q15 0.0 0.0 31 300 0.008 0.026 0.541 0.000 0.000 0.355 0.024 0.015 0.0 0.0 32 310 0.008 0.026 0.568 0.000 0.000 0.380 0.024 0.015 0.0 0.0 33 320 0.008 0.026 0.594 0.000 0.000 0.404 0.024 0.015 0.0 0.0 34 330 0.008 0.026 0.620 0.000 0.000 0.429 0.025 0.015 0.0 0.0 35 340 0.008 0.026 0.647 0.000 0.000 0.453 0.025 0.015 0.0 0.0 36 350 0.01 0.033 0.680 0.000 0.000 0.484 0.031 0.019 0.0 0.0 37 360 0.01 0.033 0.713 0.000 0.000 0.515 0.031 0.019 0.0 0.0 38 370 0.01 0.033 0.746 0.000 0.000 0.547 0:031 0.019 0.0 0.0 39 380 0.01 0.033 0.779 0.000 0.000 0.578 0.031 0.019 0.0 0.0 40 390 0.01 0.033 0.812 0.000 0.000 0.610 0.032 0.020 0.0 0.0 41 400 0.01 0.033 0.845 0.000 0.000 0.641 0.032 0.020 0.0 0.0 42 410 0.013 0.043 0.888 0.000 0.000 0.682 0.041 0.026 0.0 0.0 43 420 0.013 0.043 0.931 0.000 0.000 0.724 0.041 0.026 0.0 0.0 44 430 0.013 0.043 0.974 0.000 0.000 0.765 0.041 0.026 0.0 0.0 45 440 0.018 0.059 1.033 0.000 0.000 0.823 0.058 0.036 0.0 0.0 46 450 0.018 0.059 1.092 0.000 0.000 0.881 . 0.058 0.036 0.0 0.0 47 460 0.034 0.112 1.205 0.000 0.000 0.990 0.109 0.068 0.1 0.1 48 470 0.054 0.178 1.383 0.002 0.002 1.165 0.175 0.109 0.1 0.1 49 480 0.027 0.089 1.472 0.006 0.004 1.252 0.088 0.056 0.1 0.1 50 490 0.018 0.059 1.531 0.010 0.004 1.311 0.059 0.038 0.0 0.1 51 500 0.013 0.043 1.574 0.013 0.003 1.353 0.042 0.027 0.0 0.0 52 510 0.013 0.043 1.617 0.017 0.004 1.395 0.042 0.028 0.0 0.0 53 520 0.013 0.043 1.660 0.021 0.004 1.438 0.042 0.028 0.0 0.0 54 530 0.009 0.030 1.690 0.025 0.003 1.467 0.029 0.019 0.0 0.0 55 540 0.009 0.030 1.719 0.028 0.004 1.497 0.029 0.020 0.0 0.0 56 550 0.009 0.030 1.749 0.032 0.004 1.526 0.029 0.020 0.0 0.0 0 ,;,~~".n 57 560 0.009 0.030 1.779 0.036 0.004 1.555 0.029 0.020 0.0 0.0 -. !:-T 58 570 0.009 0.030 1.808 0.041 0.004 1.585 0.029 0.020 0.0 0.0 5' 059 580 0.009 0.030 1.838 0.045 0.004 1.614 0.029 0.020 0.0 0.0 ~ ll.l 60 590 0.009 0.030 1.868 0.050 0.005 1.643 0.029 0.020 0.0 0.0 (f) ~ - c: CD 61 600 0.009 0.030 1.898 0.055 0.005 1.673 0.029 0.020 0.0 0.0 cr ('"') ;;J62 3 rv 610 0.009 0.030 1.927 0.060 0.005 1.702 0.029 0.020 0.0 0.0 ::: ro 63 620 0.009 0.030 1.957 0.065 0.005 1.732 0.029 0.020 0.0 0.0 !!!. .fJ ....., t::. C'I c::> " u:. t~J ;.2.- Page 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 64 630 0.009 0.030 1.987 0.071 0.006 1.761 0.029 0.020 0.0 0.0 65 640 0.009 0.030 2.016 0.076 0.006 1.791 0.029 0.020 0.0 0.0 66 650 0.007 0.023 2.039 0.081 0.005 1.813 0.023 0.016 0.0 0.0 67 660 0.007 0.023 2.063 0.086 0.005 1.836 0.023 0.016 0.0 0.0 68 670 0.007 0.023 2.086 0.090 0.005 1.859 0.023 0.016 0.0 0.0 69 680 0.007 0.023 2.109 0.095 0.005 1.882 0.023 0.016 0.0 0.0 70 690 0.007 0.023 2.132 0.100 0.005 1.905 0.023 0.016 0.0 0.0 71 700 0.007 0.023 2.155 0.106 0.005 1.928 0.023 0.016 0.0 0.0 72 710 0.007 0.023 2.178 0.111 0.005 1.951 0.023 0.016 0.0 0.0 73 720 0.007 0.023 2.201 0.116 0.005 1.974 0.023 0.016 0.0 0.0 74 730 0.007 0.023 2.224 0.122 0.006 1.997 0.023 0.016 0.0 0.0 75 740 0.007 0.023 2.247 0,127 0.006 2.020 0.023 0.016 0.0 0.0 76 750 0.007 0.023 2.270 0.133 0.006 2.043 0.023 0.016 0.0 0.0 77 760 0.007 0.023 2.294 0.139 0.006 2.066 0.023 0.016 0.0 0.0 78 770 0.006 0.020 2.313 0.144 0.005 2.085 0.020 0.014 0.0 0.0 79 780 0.006 0.020 2.333 0.149 0.005 2.105 0.020 0.014 0.0 0.0 80 790 0.006 0.020 2.353 0.155 0.005 2.125 0.020 0.014 0.0 0.0 81 800 0.006 0.020 2.373 0.160 0.005 2.144 0.020 0.014 0.0 0.0 82 810 0.006 0.020 2.393 0.165 0.005 2.164 0.020 0.014 0.0 0.0 83 820 0.006 0.020 2.412 0.171 0.005 2.184 0.020 0.014 0.0 0.0 84 830 0.006 0.020 2.432 0.176 0.006 2.203 0.020 0.014 0.0 0.0 85 840 0.006 0.020 2.452 0.182 0.006 2.223 0.020 0.014 0.0 0.0 86 850 0.006 0.020 2.472 0.188 0.006 2.243 0.020 0.014 0.0 0.0 87 860 0.006 0.020 2.492 0.193 0.006 2.262 0.020 0.014 0.0 0.0 88 870 0.006 0.020 2.511 0.199 0.006 2.282 0.020 0.014 0.0 0.0 89 880 0.006 0.020 2.531 0.205 0.006 2.302 0.020 0.014 0.0 0.0 90 890 0.005 0.017 2.548 0.210 0.005 2.318 0.Q16 0.012 0.0 0.0 91 900 0.005 0.017 2.564 0.215 0.005 2.334 0.016 0.012 0.0 0.0 92 910 0.005 0.017 2.581 0.220 0.005 2.351 0.016 0.012 0.0 0.0 93 920 0.005 0.017 2.597 0.225 0.005 2.367 0.016 0.012 0.0 0.0 0 .~~~ 94 930 0.005 0.017 2.614 0.231 0.005 2.384 0.016 0.012 0.0 0.0 ~. 95 940 0.005 0.017 2.630 0.236 0.005 2.400 0.016 0.012 0.0 0.0 u :3' 096 950 0.005 0.017 2.647 0.241 0.005 2.417 0.016 0.012 0.0 0.0 'do ll.l 97 960 0.005 0.017 2.663 0.246 0.005 2.433 0.016 0.012 0.0 0.0 (f) C - a- m CD 98 970 0.005 0.017 2.680 0.252 0.005 2.449 0.016 0.012 0.0 0.0 n ;:099 980 0.005 0.017 2.696 0.257 0.005 2.466 0.016 0.012 0.0 0.0 3 rv ::i: (1)100 990 0.005 0.017 2.713 0.263 0.005 2.482 0.016 0.012 0.0 0.0 !!!. 0 "" ~. = ,," = ", <D [;) fl.. Page 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 101 1000 0.005 0.017 2.729 0.268 0.006 2.499 0.016 0.012 0.0 0.0 102 1010 0.004 0.013 2.742 0.273 0.004 2.512 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 103 1020 0.004 0.013 2.756 0.277 0.004 2.525 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 104 1030 0.004 0.013 2.769 0.282 0.005 2.538 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 105 1040 0.004 0.013 2.782 0.286 0.005 2.551 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 106 1050 0.004 0.013 2.795 0.291 0.005 2.564 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 107 1060 0.004 0.013 2.808 0.295 0.005 2.577 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 108 1070 0.004 0.013 2.822 0.300 0.005 2.591 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 109 1080 0.004 0.013 2.835 0.305 0.005 2.604 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 110 1090 0.004 0.013 2.848 0.309 0.005 2.617 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 111 1100 0.004 0.013 2.861 0.314 0.005 2.630 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 112 1110 0.004 0.013 2.874 0.319 0.005 2.643 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 113 1120 0.004 0.013 2.888 0.323 0.005 2.656 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 114 1130 0.004 0.013 2.901 0.328 0.005 2.669 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 115 1140 0.004 0.013 2.914 0.333 0.005 2.683 0.013 0.010 0.0' 0.0 116 1150 0.004 0.013 2.927 0.338 0.005 2.696 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 117 1160 0.004 0.013 2.940 0.343 0.005 2.709 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 118 1170 0.004 0.013 2.954 0.348 0.005 2.722 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 119 1180 0.004 0.013 2.967 0.353 0.005 2.735 0.013 '0.010 0.0 0.0 120 1190 0.004 0.013 2.980 0.358 0.005 2.748 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 121 1200 0.004 0.013 2.993 0.363 0.005 2.761 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 122 1210 0.004 0.013 3.006 0.368 0.005 2.775 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 123 1220 0.004 0.013 3.020 0.373 0.005 2.788 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 124 1230 0.004 0.013 3.033 0.378 0.005 2.801 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 125 1240 0.004 0.013 3.046 0.383 0.005 2.814 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 126 1250 0.004 0.013 3.059 0.388 0.005 2.827 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 127 1260 0.004 0.013 3.072 0.393 0.005 2.840 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 128 1270 0.004 0.013 3.086 0.398 0.005 2.853 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 129 1280 0.004 0.013 3.099 0.403 0.005 2.867 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 130 1290 0.004 0.013 3.112 0.409 0.005 2.880 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 131 1300 0.004 0.013 3.125 0.414 0.005 2.893 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 0 132 1310 0.004 0.013 3.138 0.419 0.005 2.906 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 :::!. CD 133 1320 0.004 0.013 3.152 0.424 0.005 2.919 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 S' 1:JD 1330 0.004 0.013 3.165 0.430 0.005 2.932 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 !!!. CJl c lf~, 1340 0.004 0.013 3.178 0.435 0.005 2.945 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 c: m 136' 1350 0.004 0.013 3.191 0.440 0.005 2.959 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 0- n 3 "" 1m 1360 0.004 0.013 3.204 0.446 0.005 2.972 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 == (I) !!!. () ....., (I) = ;;::. <=> CD (l) Page 4 C. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 138 1370 0.004 0.013 3.218 0.451 0.005 2.985 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 139 1380 0.004 0.013 3.231 0.457 0.005 2.998 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 140 1390 0.004 0.013 3.244 0.462 0.005 3.011 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 141 1400 0.004 0.013 3.257 0.468 0.005 3.024 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 142 1410 0.004 0.013 3.270 0.473 0.006 3.038 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 143 1420 0.004 0.013 3.284 0.479 0.006 3.051 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 144 1430 0.004 0.013 3.297 0.484 0.006 3.064 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 145 1440 0.004 0.013 3.310 0.490 0.006 3.077 0.013 0.010 0.0 0.0 142.218 1452.033 1594.251 cuft. Total Runoff 1594.251 0 ::I. ce S' C !!!. CJl C ll.l - c: m (I) 0- n 3 "" ;:0 6f (I) () "" (I). = <=> < <D tll a. Page 5 - - - I I I I I I I II I I I I I :1 I '. I I I TACO BELL AREA "B" 24 HR./2-YR. STORM 0.200 0.180 ' 0.160 0.140 0.120 POST-DEVELOPMENT TOTAL RUNOFF: 1595 CU. FT. EXISTING TOTAL RUNOFF: 2350 CU. FT. ~ .l!! ~ 0.100 ? + RUNOFF DELTA: {" CU. FT. 0.080 0.060 0.040 , 0.020 0.000. ~~~~~~n~~~~~'~~~~~~~~A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ., ., . v v 'V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'J 'J v v V \ \ V V V ~ ~ ,,\:5 ,,\:5 ,,<::s ,," ,," ,,'V ,,'V ,,'V ,,~ ,,~ ,,~ ~ Time (min.) - EX. DESIGN FLOW - POST-DEV. DESIGN FLOW Date Rec""'!....... DEe 2 f 2: 3 Original Submittal ----- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT I TACO BELL RESTAURANT MOHA WK BOULEV ARD, SPRINGFIELD SITE LIGHTING SPECIFICATIONS OCTOBER 20, 2009 Prepared for: Belko Enterprises Robin (Merrell) and Mike Sanders P.O. Box FF Springfield, OR 97477 Prepared by: JRH Transportation Engineering (Civil Engineering) 4765 Village Plaza Loop, Suite 201 Eugene, OR 97401 Telephone: 541-687- i 081 , Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal. - - TACO - - -- BELL 1505 MOHA wI< SPRINGFIELD) PREPARED BY: JOHN ACCUSERV LIGHTING 877-707-7378 502-961-0357 FAX jbujo.k e@o.ccu-serV,COM D~~,~R L 2009 cCO :;' ?l - - -- BLVD, DR BUJAI<E 8x EQUIPMENT o ll.l (j) 0 _ c: JT1 (I) !J n :3 :::0 ;:::;: I',) CD or () I "" (I) g. <' I StCl tls'tfcClI 'AreCl SUMMClry I P,ro.iect' All'-Pro.lects I ~Clbel I PARKING LOT SURFACE I Av~ 10.81 I MClX 25.5 I Mln 2.8 I Av~/Min I MClx/Mln 3.86 9.11 I LUMlnClire Schedule I Pro.iect, All Pro iects I SYMb~ Qty - I fI 11 i -B 3 I -Fl 1 I ~ 1 I G-EI 2 LClbel T3 S A B C ArrQnpeMen~__ SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE 2 Ii! 90 DEGREES I BACK-BACK LUMens 9500 8500 110000 110000 110000 - LLF 0.800 0.700 0.720 ID-20 0.720 - - - - - - Description ACCU CSMBOS001/06211-015 Ii! 7.5' A.F.G. ACCU KB3921BK Ii! IL7I' A.F.G. ACCU 95200-FPIO I 95200-425S ACCU (2) 95200-FPIO I 95200-425D90 ACCU (2) 95200-510 I 95200-425D180 LIGHT LEVELS ARE MAINTAINED FOOT -CANDLES, INITIAL LEVELS ARE SLIGHTLY HIGHER ALL FIXTURES AND POLES ARE NE~ SITE FIXTURES ARE IOOO~ METAL HALIDE wi SAG LENSES POLES ARE 25'-0' FOR AN OVERALL FIXTURE MOUNTING HEIGHT OF 27'-6' A.F.G. - - I b b b b b b b b b b b u b b ~ b b b b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b ~ b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b k b b b ~ b b ~ ~ b b b b b b b b ~ ~ ~ b b b b b b b b b b b b I b b b b k b b b b b b b b b b ~ ~ L b ~ b b To" ~ To" b b b ~ ~ ~ ~ b b b b b b b ~ b b ~ b b ~ ~ ~ b b b b b ~ ~ b b b b ~ b b ~ b b b b ~ ~ b b ~ 4 ~ b b b b b b b ~ I b k b k k k b b b b b ~ ~ b b ~ b b To" b b b b b To" b b b ~ b b b ~ b b b b b b b b b b b k k k b b b b ~ b \, ~ ", b ~ ~. .., 'z W :t.4 ~r1:u1 ,., ~" T.L b }o 10.1 \., b~t b U ~ ~ " u .. . b b k b \, I b k b b k k b " b ~ \s b ~ ~ L ~ b \. ~ " b b b b \0 b k k k b '" b b b ~ b \0 " b b ~, b ... b b " b ~ \0 I b ~ ~ b b b b b L b 4 b b ~ b b \7 "J.4 ls \.1 \6 b b b b b b b b L b b b b b b b \.3 'b 'I.. 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U b b b ~ b ~ b b ~ ~ L ~ ~ b ~ b b b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u b b b b b b ~ t.. ~ b I b 15 ~ b b b ~ b b ~ ~ ~ ~ b b L b ~ b ~ b ~ b b ~ b b b ~ b b ~ ~ b b b b b b b b b U ~ b b b b ~ b b b ~ ~ ~ b b ~ b ~ b b b ~ L b b ~ b b b b b b b ~ ~ ~ b b b ~ I b u b b b b b ~ ~ b b b b ~ b b b ~ b b b ~ _ ~, ~I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ W ~ ~ L b b b ~ b b b ~ b b b ~ b ~ b b b b b L L L b ~ ~ b b b L b ~ ~ ~ ~ b b b ~ b b u b ~ b b I b b u 15 ~ b b ~ b b b ~ b b b b ~ b b b b b ~ b ~ b ~ b ~ b b b b b b b b b b b b Date Received: b b b u b ~ b b b ~ b b ~ b ~ b t.. t.. b b b b b b b b b b ~ b b ~ t.. t.. b ~ b b b ~ U I " '" b b ~ ~ \s b " b ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ " b ~ ~ ~ b b b ~ '" \s ~ DEe 2 I 2009 b b b b b b u u b ~ b b ~ b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b ~ 15 u u u b Original Submittal I (1000 WATT MAX.] i~ - -34-- ;--22' 5lJ-., -l ~ I I I I 14' I , r-~ L2Vi!- SIDE VIEW r 22' 5lJ.-, I I:] I I TOP VIEW !iPECIFIC!\ 1I01\l!i HDU!i11\l6: ONE PIECE orE FORMEO ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION WITH SEPARATE BALLAST [OMPARTMEN T. LENS A!i!i'Y: ONE PIECE HINGED HEAVY GAUGE DIE FORMED ALUMINUM DOOR FRAME SURROUNDS 3/16- [LEAH CONVEX GLASS LENS. GLASS IS SEALED TO ODOR WITH HIGH TEMPERA TURE SILICONE SEAL. TWO CAPTIVE THUMB SCREWS DISENGAGE LENS ASSEMBLY FROM HOUSING WITHUUT THE USE OF TOOLS. OPTICS: COMPUTER OESlfiNEO ONE PIECE SEGMENTED SPE[ULAH REFLECTOR COMBINES WITH [LEAR CUNVEX LENS TO PRODUCE A 1-l16HL Y EFFICIENT WIDE SYMMETRIC LIGHT DISTRIBUTION WITH OUTSTANDING UNlrlJRMITY. 6A!iKETIN6: CLOSED [ELL EPOM GASKETING COMPRESSED DE TWEEN OPTICAL [HAMBER. LAMP HOLDER: MOGUL BASE PORCELAIN. ODOR ANU HOUSING SEALS Date Received: LAMP: BALLA !iT: ARM: [BY OTHERS] H.P.F.lLW.A. ^UTDTI<ANS~DRMEIl. -20' STARTIN6 TEMPERATLJR~Ee 2 I 20n9 FII\lI!iH: 3"XS"Xlc" LDNl.:l HEAVY WALL [XTRUOED ALUMINUM, AfitJI.l~ SfJ:..UREO TO HOUSIN6 AND TO PDLE WITH SI AINLESS STEfl RDDS. unglns ~Ubln'l...._____. POLYESTER POWDER COAT.STATE OF THE ART 20 PSI PRESSURE PDWEH WASH AT 140' TEMPERA TURE IN[ORPORA TES FOUR STEfl IRON PI-H1SPHA TE PUoCESS TO CLEANSE AND PRETREAT THE METAL SURFACE FOR MAXIMUM PAINT ADHESION. ELECTROSTATICALLY APPLIED TEXTUHED POLYESTER POWDER TOP COAT IS BAKED AT 400' T[MPERATURE Fon MAXIMUM HAfUJNESS AND [XTHHOR DURABILITY. ':.i' SNTS SERIES ENlilNEERIN6 IlA T A - --4- Maximum EPA . Square Feet 'I~I ..... I ~ ~"'~ MaXlmu100 MPHf 90 MPH 80 MPH ro "'1 I rD. '-HAND Number Fixt.wgt. 1B' f<lE I k:::J SNTS 104-11 400 16.7 20,S 26.1 33.4 I [g] [ZJ '. SNTS 124-11 400 12.2 16.1 20.4 25.8 6> Q:i HfEjHT SNTS 144-11 400 9.9 12.8 16,1 20.2 I 8".11" D1A ED.. T (llClE SNTS 154.11 400 8.9 11.4 14.4 17.9 SNTS 164-11 400 7.9 10.1 12.8 15.9 SNTS 184-11 400 6.2 8.2 10.1 13.8 SNTS 204-11 400 4.8 6.2 7,9 11.6 I SNTS 204-7 450 8.8 11.3 14.0 17.4 SNTS 254-11 350 1.6 3.2 5.5 8.8 I~ OOL T PROJECTIU\J SNTS 254-7 450 4.3 6.1 9.1 11.2 AOOVE CHAOE ,----- M1\JI\-LM_3'",,~ 1 MAXv...1l..JM.-3,",- -- I All above design calculations are based on sustained wind forCES plus additional 1.3 wind gust Pole rated at 80 MPH withstands 104 MPH gusts) 25-4-7 2-90 DBM POLES MOUNTING FINISH OPTIONS T S POLE WALL BOLT ANCHORAGE 02 3/B'X" TENON ::JDARK o DUPLEX RECEPTACLE HEIGHT THICKNESS CIRCLE PT23 BRONZE DUP 0104-11 10' 11 9' 314'X'B'X3' DBM o GFI RECEPTACLE N 0124-11 '2' l' 9' 3/"X'B'X3' 02 7/B'X" TENON ::JMEOIUM GFI PT27 BRONZE o 3 WAY ADAPTER T 0144-11 14' 11 9' 3/"X'B'X3' MBM OOTHER TENON MT ::JBLACK T3120 0154-11 15' '1 9' 3/4"X1S"X3" S 0164.11 BKM 16' 11 9' 3/"X1B'X3' ::JWHITE 0184-11 'B' l' 9' 3I"X'B'X3' DRILL MOUNT WTM 0204-11 20' 11 10' 3/"X2"X3' 0, ............ 03-00 -'- ::JSILVER 0204-7 20' 7 1" 31,'X30'X3' SLM o 1/2" COUPLING 02"8ll._ 0'.90 + CPLN1I2 0254-11 25' " 11' 314'X2"X3' OPTION: o 3/'" COUPLING 0254-7 25' 7 '1' 3/"X30'X3' m'- 03-'20mY JRIME PAIN I CPLN3/4 02.90 PP :::!GALVANIZED o 2" COUPLING 3.120 GLV CPLN2 REQUIRES :::JTHERMOSET (SPECIFY COUPLING LOCATION) PT27 POLYESTER AND POWDER T3120 PDR ADAPTER see ACCESSORIES SECTION FOR OTHER OPTIONS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Yum Brands!, INC EXTERIOR SPECIFICATION Yum! Decorative Lighting PROJECT: I Taco Bell - All Buildings cmt.1l:.oII ......- ~= L-"C')."M ~ "Il~rp "1Ht =-" rfff!" .- .- ~ 'b f\ccuserv ~ LIGHTING & EQUIPMENT Type T3 3865 Produce Rd Suite 208 Louisville, KY 40218 Toll Free: 877-707-7378 Phone: 502-961-0096 Fax: 502-961-0357 ... '.' . . '. '..f .' i~ Web: www.accu-serv.com , , I Classification: Custom Bronze "Laser" Sconce w/ Up/Down Wall Pack 1~ 11_- LJ <: I Item # LLCWSCTTBO 1-008 I 06211-015 Finish: Bronze H_ I ~ I I I~;;:-I - :; r-e ;, E - I 'I'-- ,1111I::Lll ~~ I-=-'~- Dimensions: 18"H x 14"W Lamp Type: 100W High Pressure Sodium Location Exterior E / PCN # - TBD / TBD TBD / TBD - Sconce Cover E52801004/12727 - Wall Pack Date Rece'''''''''' Leadtime In Stock Lamp Type: .. --- ~, DEe 2 1 2009 Original SubmlttaL_.... .:f ,. "; :--;.~ ': ,..: ',-~ - '-J \::;."- , <( '-1\_'-;";; '.'4 ~ T~COBELL ,~ ~ .e~, ~ S ~~~ ~' , ~ ,~~ .~~~' ~ A.. AlLWORK5HoIt.LcaFa:lMTOTtE EDlTDNOfTlE CXXlE9.ST~.IH)REGl.l.ATDN9OFTtt::ClTYOF , . ~.~, .~Ji ~~!:~ TACO BELL N.:IAlL(1llDN'P1..C.Jl,BLE .l\ND5:Jt.NJyOF 8. IfISINJENDEOlHlJAca.lF'l..fTEOCClJl'WJl.EBl.U.DHGPRQJECTISI'fDIIJED. C. Tl-EGENERAL~OFllEco.rrl\fCTfOIt~(A.IAA201lATESTEDfTIC>>I)NlEAPNU OfTIiESECONJJW::TDOClIolI'.NTS. ACCPtISOHREATltEAACHm:C1'SlJFFI).:. O. DfWh1OOSNlf&\9EDONASl..INEY.Oo\IB;l ~DII'l'_1HJISr<<::u.c:1EDtinESl: DOCUoIENl$. - E. TltSIlI.Il.DlN3~BEENtESlGNfDlNACOOA:WUWfTHTHEA:Cl:lIoW:ENl>>.11CHSOfAGEOTE~ ItM.S~TIClNOA1Hl B'l' . 1lEREPOfITISPARTCF~crtmW::r DOCLldOlTS. .-:-I01Hl:'WN1JW,.,alISRESP(NilBl.EfOA(:NflYINGOUT ITSRECCUUEta\TONS, noJGtt sow: w\v tCfBE sPEaFICI\lJ.Y DETRBl(lNltEl'I..NR F. DONlfSCAlEtHESEOI'WIW(;,S. VERf'YAU.OlI.lENSIJt6AHJ~HTl-EFELD, IH1 DISCREPNoIClES INlHESE CIRofWNGS Stw.i BE' lIAClJGHI'TO nE ATTtNrlC>>t OF nE AACHTR:T PflCATO STNlTINGWOfIt' - G. All~SU~SHMJ.BEAPPR:MDB'fltEYUolI3AAN)sCXJNSTRlJC'lX>>~" 'MVTlHG,PRJORTONITAl..LAttlN. - H. RETMIITHE PRlIECTGEorECtfl(:.o.l EN'.itfiRTOPFDIIDE06SERY"llONAN:ITES1N3 SEJMCESCUINl TIEGRAOING 11~ClJ..0t<<3lJllJTYlFIB\lCHES}MD~11ON Pt-MoSEClf'CONmllCTlON/IS RECOUMENlEOlNTHEGEOTtaflCotLREParr. AlL 1ESTN3NC)~fla>CRIS,NCtlJ)tGfI'W. SLldIMTICI\ILETTEA,SHALLBE:SI.8IrrTmTOTlEBLIl..OtIGClEf>AA'I\ENTAN:ICI'I'H':R.O.c,Sl-W..LCERTfY P1DELEVATIClNPAlOATOsrNUOfFOUN:lo\TtONw:::Ht l SLBmPAYFE(SANlOBTMlALLPEAMITSASSOCIAJEDWliHTIEPAOJECTEXC9TGEtOIALEll..a..DNl PERIoVT. n-uslhCt.lJDES,BUTISNOTUWlTEDlOELECTfICAl...MECtWtcAl...I't.1NBH3.FRESf'IWfQ.ER, . HOOON&JL,OAOTl-GlRELA'IEOFlAEPERMITS,~PERMIT,ETt, 'tl.AlBIWDlWLLPAYfOIt 'CONolEC11CHffES'ASSOCIA.TEOV<<TH1JTll.J1Y PfRMlTB. PAYfalTEloll'aWlf'FACUTES Rf8MRB1.I'tED TO 00MfIl.ET'En-E WCR< IN A Tt.e.Y lMtHR. J PFUJlOEE#CHSU~lMTHACQ,4Pl.E1'1;/II3IE1<<;'f~ERt.fiTElOI\Wo'lN08El'ATTWa C<HITIIlJCT"OH. . k. AU. AIlllREWirtlHS H:Wl8:l FOL.LC7W HllJSTJlY STNIICWI)$. CONt.frCT NlOfTR:T F NIt .MilFEWoTD6 ""''''''aENl L GCSHPU.SUf'Pl.vAKINITALLALLASPECTBOFlHEPROJECTOEllCFIIlEDtlTteDlWlW<<3SETlH.fS8 cmER'MSE NCIItD. SEE SCCJIE a WORKFOA EXCEPTI:N;. M. OfW'I<<:NDWPnTEN 1tf'0lUM104CH ~SI-Wl.BE CO(JU)ltr~:rm WlTHH.L1JW)flIPfI(JlTOtlST.........l1ON. PROoll!CT GI!III!RAL NOTES I-I 0C' '..1m....." 4 AXX 2 ----- ElEVA.lOrlN..ltlBER . .....- [!:U c"'.., ..... ~BlDCt~lEl'lER "\5f~ BlJX'i.~HEI' ~.DETALN.ld9ER p:jj "-DftECJlCI\l~I:ETAL ,......""" & RMl<>N ........ BU>C."",", """"""'''"'' ~~,_._,- _LBw.Jlfll9DlCl'DN: - _IlUlDNaCOOE: 1llC2OOB.1rICzooe.IPCallXI.EC2OOtl.I62IIIi ~N1~.Ill.JlI.LWJFfX1rr>RWr -.i..8I', TClIlII!JII. TOTIlI...UeGSF. .. -or. SEATING: ~ OCClJ'NIC't: IW. TYPEOONSIftl.JCTDIl: lYI'Ev I.lfG'flNQ.EO ~ ,#' _.#'~ ~q$V ..4,w" 'PIOrEl.IEl' 24PAfiCMtENl!"OCNUr ~, ELECTAlCSEfM;E:lIOO.....PS/9PIWll:/12O-Z11\Q.T ~~ '--__GrOoS: 1IS,lllXJ1JTl.H ~:::= o DOOfINJMIlEH @ WMlCNV NJMBEA / DECOO ITBolIUdllER o @ @W ~. ROOMFNSHNI.NBEA EXl'BWRWALL ftlBH NMllEA ""'""" ECUPMENl'N.IrIIlER o I~ NTERlOA ELEVAlOrl DESl3Nl'lP 1ltEARWAU.Tfl'E~ @@) ECIUI'MENI'/FOOVFIENl.IIIElER(M.EP~ RIOFEIlTOB1'fl.lCT1.lW.. MECHIHCIrL I'llIrIflIN3IHJElEC'llllC'AlSHEErSFalSPEa'J::8YWn.S GENERAL DRAWING SYllBOLS @ VICINITY IIAP PROoIECT SUIIIIARY WN)SPEEO' IlOM,PJ-t/EltPOSLAEB ENmiQl.W(.E~,a'I AOOI'LNELlYoD: 2UP.8.f. DESIGN CRITERIA REFERTO{]IIIl~ OWNER "'"" """''''' jOTY,STATE,ZI') CONTACT: pH:JN:: LEGAL DESCRIPI10N ARCHITECT "'"" """"'" (ClTY,STATE,ZPl CONTACT: PliOIE CON&nIUcnON IIAHAIIER "'"" - (ClTY,SlA1E,ZPj CONTACl', -""'<. CIVIL ENGINEER "'"" """"'" (alY,STATE,ZI') CONTACT: """", GE011!CHNIC4L ENGINEER "'"" "".."" (CITV,STATE,ZPj CONT.-.cr: ......... &nIUCtURAL I!IIGINI!U "'"" """""" (C(l'Y,Sl'ATE,ZP) CONTACT: ~c. NECH.I ELEe. ENGINEER "'"" """""" jaTY.Sl'ATF,ZI') CONTACT: ~'-::;'1" LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT "'"" """""" (ClTY.STAre,ZI') CONTACT: "DE SEWER """" """"'" (OTY.STATE.ZI') CONTACT: Pl-<<lt\E: WA11!Il """" """"'" (CrTY,STATE,lP) CONTACl': "",", lIAS ,....., """"'" (CfTY,STATE.ZPj CONf,lCl': P",",' ELEC1RIC -- """''''' (CfTY.STAT!.ZI') CONTACT: p",", PROoIECT DIRECTORY TELEPHONE -- """"'" (QlY,SlATE.ZI'l CONTACT; p""", ROADS "'"" """"'" (QTY,STATE.ZI') CONTACT: PliOIE TRASH ,....., ""..... (QTY,STATE.zp) CON1'N:T: PtuNE: HI!AL TH "'"" - ((:fTY.SlATE,lP) CONTACT; ""'" UnUTY CONTACTS 1InE/S1TE no TTT1.ESl--EET CIVL IHJ I.NUICN'E DfWMNIJ8 BY 8ll E SPECFIC CQrElLTNft'. 0_ 01.0 8rTECETAU C1.l 8ll'EOETAUl LANDSCAPE -l l1.o SlTEDETAl.S STRuCtURAL 51.0 fOUNJAlQIllVH 52.0 WAU.I'RAMNG !'UrN S!l.0 ROOFFIWoIINOPUlN 54.0 STlI\CT1.lfW..CETAI.S(FQ.ItG\TOfj 54.1 STmCTUIW..CETAI.S(FRNrIIIq St.2S'm\C11JIW..CETAI.S~ S4.a 81RLCTUIW..DETAI.S{rlCOmll~ 94.4 STRl.J:T1JIW..DETAI.S(SI)ETAC08B.L~ 8'6.0 CN<<P1 6..IWNNJ llLOQ(lllG ~A11:lte ARCHITECtURAL A1.0 FUXIlJ>l..Ml A1.1 000Fl6W1NXJr11El&ATDa6.8ctEDUI.ES ~O EaF~Nt:)SEA1INlJP~ A2.1 EQJI'WENTSOiEI:U.E A3.0 R(XlfF'LW M.o EXl'ER1JfI illVATIN; M.l exm:ta:IElEVATJ:lNS A.42 exTER.oREllYATIlNDETMS ,16.0 WAU. SEC'I'OlS ,16.1 TONEflSEC1lONS.TAalBEU. Ni2 TCWERSEC1lONS.TAalBEU. 1\8.0 ca<ISTRUCTDN DETAU - AOCF All,' CONSTRUCTlONDETAlS.DOCIt/\WtXM AlI2 CONSTIll.lC'1lClHon.-u-WALL,1XXIl6WNXM" AlI.1 CONSTFIlJC'OONOI:TALS_WH.l. N1.4 CCNlTfl.ICTI:lHOETALS-NTEFICft M.6 FN8H OETAIJI l\1.of~Ft.ll5HF'I.M ,1,7.1 R8'lECTEDCBLH:;IPlAN AU 'JlIeHDllDI,U AU Nl'EAlORElEVATQfi_o...nROarl A8.1 lNIBWRillVATr:lN;,ENARGED""""..._60ffICEPlAN /142 NTBOClRillVATr:lN;-KlTQ-IN Aa.3 lNl'EJl(lA B.EVAlDNS.1(Il"CtD ACCBSSIBIUTY ADA1.o HXE8SBLIIYA;aJIBlBITS ADA1.11CCESS1l1Jiy~ IIECHANIC4L M1.0 MEDW<<:AL~N<<Jrcre.a ""'.0 DOCTANODlFFLlSl:RPLW M3.0 l-DJD~-PlNtiIHJSEClJCta M3.1 t<<XlDARE5Lf'PAESSlONDErAU ....0 MECtW<<:AL&H)(DDETNlS PLUMBING PI.O Pl.l,MJHlSCtE!1UsNQNQlES P2.0 WASTEAN:lVENTF'UH Pll.O WATEFlAN:lGfoSf\N\I ~.o PIJJt.lBN:iROUJH..tlI'l.AN PURlSEFI~ PU F'L.UMBHJDETMS ELECTRICAL E1.o 811'EB.EC1l'IICALl'LJrH Ez.o RIS8low:w.wAN:ll.EGENJ E2,1 PNI3.saiEDU.El'lAN:lL!Wl8l.l,lt,rlNff E3.0PCM'EJlf~~ E3.1 EK.MGEOI'OVERP\.NllIHJCETMB E32 I'(M'Efl ROOF ~ E4.0 lEHTNiP\.Nll6Sl:HnJ.E EIi.O CCIolloU.NC'ATOfSI'LAN EtI.O ElEC11llCAlDETAlS SCOPE OF WORK ...-- SPECIFlCAnONS HllOOKRRW ,*^ II , "''''Al- i -EXHIBIT -G L ____ I I Idni Il'< " fii1'~~!'j ",.f' ~"'CtE!m <;!;~iI !:!;Ji"imi~ ~ ~ ~ m~' ~.~ ""<im~g o~o I.Ll a: . Ifl!j~ m~!;; l:'::;i'LB"i1GZ <'"'s~ ,",~~w8 f'! '" ~ i= ~m-"" ~G 51.... .Qra:~I=a: r~'iI.' g ~ ~ i ; ,IUI' CC C<'l >< CONSULTANT'S SE.11L I I ,&Q2.(DJII fUSION DfIN(/MWS A 04.12.011 WAlCRl-UJ6l C, C, c, c, c, c, c, ""'"""''''''' '"'''''' 8UUlINO~ T.. ""''''''''' - ""'........ =- , -......... ""'" . TACO BElL I I 123MAlNS11lEET """-""'- Q ~~ ........ T-50 r Date Ree jl'E DEe 2 t "Il}~ ~~:~~~ 6ei-lu> ~N~ LTA-Co fbt:o.LG TITLE SHEET T1.0 PlQTl)'.Tl2 ! () --r /P[) p~ . , . "'" - NOT USU H.TS. 117 NOT USED NU 118 :"'- ':':'1 .''''~ " . CORNER DIMENSIONS ......1 A I · I C . 1S.Q' 11~10' ~~ 1~.Q' UNf 11~11' 4'-11" 1'~ : 1!l).Ql" I 1lHJ' I ~H" l'-lI' ESTlWilEDPOSITlONOF DIWERS I-EAOAUG/til+ WITH CEN1ER CF 0C8 ~ I " _TO"""'" OFQlTWlNDOW' ENlARGED IIENU BOARD DETAlL@CURVEDCURB ...-,'<, 110 NOT USED NU 111 NOT USED N.TS- 118 NOT USED N.T.S. 112 ~ M ( \ u ~1EDPtiSrOONOFJ """""HEAl>""",,, WllHCEHTEROI'OCB ~ \I ) f '. 'I " iiN'.....l.IfGml'" SPJHEl...5Hll.EeRAND MENUac.wm (ilBWEla ~ Cl@t) 'J <"Ii:~i Iil'~ ~9i'!~ ~^,>Ili 5<1(w .r- Zz fila:lOUl ;:S c~,.. tntcfg ~~@~ 4f~~~ ~2~ ;r.(t;=>2 a: w ~'~. .0 ~,u8 ..;(~w~1-2~ ~~~~~<'i :e~'a:~i=~ fffi I ~o5ffif:3 ..r:C4:J:cnoJ:a: -iE1 a:::oa::::::!:g !i!: CJ~=l ~ CENTER POINT OF BloSE. SEEOETAlLlIt'C1.1R:lR FOOTJNGDETAlL ~y1 J ~l , I 'M ~ ""- ~ OFClJII3 -7 CONSULTANT'S SEAL _TO"""'" ~~IWlNIJUW ENlARGED IIENU BOARD DETAlL@ 5'I1IAIOHT CURB ...-,.<'.1 2 ~ r~~ _ }-==-.) ~IL__:~__ +----n-:;;------f-::;--+-------- ~ ~ ~WlDEIl24"OEEP roNCAETE WI! B''' STEEl.. POST RlJa} wnHroNCAETE ~ ,~ .t . / /. A"I!!HSllRFAO: """"""''''''''''l DflI"'" . I , .... ,.---'i ..L!...... . ~ .' . .. 1/"-'::1 --..';"- .;~:4:~:~~T:~;;~ . _'~:-..:'.:...:.li_\-:-:.: : !~~~~:i 'i-r:~'-:::'.' "'-., "':",'.':.1;-- !':-,", , . ~ BOLLARD DETAIL ..... "" I 8 ~ I_-...~WO I """""""'"""""",,A 8t'BMYtWl.1Jof.MS(&Wa1D31 [',. [',. 11'_1' i Z; Z; '....:i! [',. Z; ! Z; Z; Z; . ~"""" . '1' ____________ __J --- ,~ cafTJ'W;TM'TE: ........"'" "'"""'''' ........... """- lCOO(JCX ,... s ....lOO( """" SCRBBN WALL IlUlVAnON "'-"<, I 3 TACO 8EU. 12B~STA:ET AN'tltMN,USA\IlmlI5 fl'CMUliWII..L Q "Itl::il:'1L: a:CiI.1.Ilo T-50 ~::~ =:=ill=l -T1I~IIEIII. ~~~FIll.\ '~I : :. lill!1!illcMill! \.J1E -' - = =W=I =..R"~"'N\.:;<.. rn~r ,\ ::.::-:"::--'.-.;r'.::..I=r1 ""'--lli=IIJ=III-,"i SCREEN WALL SEmON ... SITE J~ DETAILS D.. ~.1 ~ ~ce~,: .01 ~ M -.r-<- . 1 "-"," ,~ ,.-I~l:ll4( ""ll~!!!1 ii - , Original Submittal. .............. 1ilI"Dl'llel.1I[]NA, o.ENW<CE "" "'" AClUALSI2E 4l5"x11'.11l8'CW'l AI'PfllJ,'QtMTEYo93HT SOOl.B8 DE8DI'lWO.Qoo 110Mf'Hp.sEC.CilJSf """""",q alY'lWftWl*1DW. EIWllNO cooes . STAMlAIIl6. ~ac,UIlC.IlOC\AISC. N3CE7,N:l&AlJMlNJM """"-'" ". . ::~~FT"IAiIPSPl2FTl1L.AMP5 C2'l4-UlMPIW.I.."STOOM(1)1-lN1FEWlASTOD.1M TOTALl(W]-2.0N*S (l)20NJPCflCl.IT CONECTr08H.ll:ClACl..Q" MIIlENU acw.JHQ "'""'" ~I!II . ;'~ ~PJEJJ:1NJ [' "-8" I l'.ftJ ~ ~'G =- 4 r:i -= P'\ ~ ~ ~~-s:::~ &\9oDCR ~ ~ ~ r [I """1lIIIft....._~OD'JMI' J .,~ = VlUASOFClPEf\t.11ON GrW'HlC rAN BE LOCATED I,. ONEIlHEASllJE. METAL , f PANB- TO BE INSTAilBl ~ r CHOPP.SlOE ~:: O ~. .---10\ ~ .,..........,.... {D L \ '--SEPMot.1EIW:I<TO """""""" ""'-"""G ~ ~ ~-L- . - ot-, "f--;rur .~ ,"'-10"""''''''''"'' .. 'IOflC7N8tSUPPLY t,... '". d ~R>K><~'" :.........l.... L.QC,r.LCClNOfTlaG. """""""'..... """'" - T 'I j ~" 2 f ....,,--- """''''' ...."""""'...... u.uWlN'.1ED IlELL -.""""'""" SUPPOFlTBAA&ACCESS p",," CWIWlCEBNt ACCeN1l.lGHT: =, ~ "TCHAMllEAW/fNE .....ollli1lPt.181~ TBBRCINZETOWA1004 TlBERCR'l'I.AC4-fJlll!3)c.33 """"'- PN<lTTOMATQoIf'US10ll """"""NH,""" B/l.CI<ED'MJl.l3l5llO-1011PlNK VltM..OREQUlYALfNT .t~:;: ~C1lTo.rr 8.I\SI!fllATI!DE'TAIL. "'-1'0' . ~'1lrl Ie. ~I ....,~RlGlD F(ll..NIl*.TlON~,," ~ ~, CONDlT\ON8 '~...: SUPf'lY ~. ~ FOUNDATION DETAIL 1~-1'-O' CLI!AllANCE BAR DETAIL... 0 ,... 114 I'''''''''''''''''''' TOPwmH FROM7'Z ro... Iltl " 1 1 ~ . ~,~=- ~ iOCSCAO>ET 01 e' L:.. - ~ '=- ~r"tj ~ ~ . ~~1IONlIi """"""'" ACTlW.Sl1E 8'.o'dr-4'..12'.q~ N'PROXIMo'.1EYlEIGHT 500lBS OESlGNWINOI..Ql,O 110UF'H(3-SEC,GUST """""",q lXlMP\..W'lTWiNo\lIlJNif.L BUlLDJOO COOES &. STN<lNlDS. {mC,UllC.BClC'A,~. f<<:E,ICI&AL.UMINUM """'"- I ~ ~ I ~~, ~ I a/4'OlAPOWERaH:UTTO ...-"""""- 3'4' eLk POWER CONDUIT FOR DIRECTIOI'UoL SlONS NCJ MENU """'" NlCHOABOlTS'~TE :_~ ~ ~.fHCHOReCUBMTH r" I ..:t~~l>WlE .~. . .' ~ --- '.- ~ I~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ - ~~ ~z -'... j~~ .' .~ . . NOT USED N.... 1 s NOT USED NU I 1 """ OOlTPATTERNPflCMJEDAS EX.WPJ.J; - OBTAIN AND-IOR BOlT m.PlATEf'Rl::NSUPPI..lEA """ AU..OONDUITTO BE MIN. 12' BB.O\I'IGRAOE OT~FROST 0EPlli N<<> PROJECT If' N!JOIE """""~ _.OIAMETEROFfOOT1NaPEAI..ClCAL 'CONIlllION8 ~ IIENU.BOARD FOO1lNO "0"" 1 8 NOT USED .'4 1 2 . ;:" 6 6 6 6 ;:" ;:" ;:" ;:" CCWTRACTMTE.: ,,,,,'x", ........"'" ,.., PlAN"''''''''' .... ""''"'"'' """'"'" STORE ......... """"" NOT USED ... 1 3 TACOBEIJ.. 128MM.lsmEET -....- . Q ~ T-50 NOT USED NU 1 8 ~ NOT USED 17 - u u N.T.9. """"""""" ElOADEA LOiT {2l "(l) 84lNN'S (1) 3J2S1 EW.LAST Ii>> 20M OOWN IJGHTS (4) .4fTLAMPS (l)44&'TM.LAST Ij 1. 1OT1L.LONl-4.0AMPS (1)211Nlf'ClRCUIT CONtECrTO SWE CIFD..JT AS MENU 1IO'RDAt() """""'""" Date Received: DEe 2 1 2DJ9 """""~ H:RrolJ.SP\..UNI,e783 BACKED WITH 3lI>>1111 PINK ""'- TBBRONZETOMAlOi TlGEA0fI'r'lIC4.flll23OC-33 (lAORll._ ~ Original Submitta: ltlP"'" """"'" """"' ..... ORDER CONFIAllAnON BOARD, CANOPY a FOO11!A ...- ,... 112 NOT USED '.'4 1 8 NOT USED .u I 4 if ~~;!:.0 ~OJI' :.',. ii~€'1;t ;lIn ':uJ<wO "'~in~[ S<'.llti~ <iii ~w ;~ /jj'"' ~ti ;:"'~_ ll.Ei oJ:o . ~~ g:~lU ~oce: UJu..~ w..o~~~. ~~ . ~~M8 1!''5 . -'l'oo'= z I-ZI w::;:!; a:;-W000 B @"i1S~!1i o ;lfi'~~ q, ~Quoo ( ;wb!!:g-Ze; t=1S ~~ ~a~2g !1i~ " /-" CONSULT ANl'S SEAl PlDTo.t..1E: . " 'I' ~.~. G; <!' BOUARD OCB/CANOPY LANDSCAPE @CURVE I RECIOIiI1 .8CIUIHWE8T REGION ., . aountEAST [NO. _TCMW. ~lY BlZE "'iiiU' SP NO. _TERW. QN SIZE HCJT. UP '\.YI==-~lUD:IIII::' 12' CD :::u...-n:_~ ~ Ill/II. ,.. ~"=...... ::. l!> ::=:''''-- 1!5~ -- .- .. ,. C!l --, - '~ .. .. =~ ~ .- ,. ,. ~ ~ :::. .- ~ .- W .., ~ -- :::. .. ~ -- - - C!) ........-- ;;:;, - _...,....'Rl. . - (!) --- - ..-.-.~-- ~ - .., - '!J -- :::. - ... ,.. ... - ~ :::. L'" 1=--==:""'_ r<!> =:-~.r_ ~ - ~ I<!!I-- .......... UGEND 00 O@ - ~ 00 " @ ~@ ~(j) -0 ......2........ 'I ................... ~.;;-J~ ::1= i~;- ~::' ~~UM1E ~ '~I" ~~:"''':u.''''''''' ::. I~ =-:=".1Ul ::..-.... ~ ::==.. ::. "-- ;:;;;..~...11I3l' ~ - -;;;- ::'~.. Nt. :::.=:.',....-a.ur::.1 r - 1:'~.rll$lHllAJl ~ nEII._ ~ I.... I~:: .J..tma.- ::. MENU BOARD ------ /f' ~-~- (! '@ ('l - IlENU BOARD CONe. CURB LANDSCAPE @ STRAIGHT ----...... \ II REQIOIU.WE8T _ J REGIONI_~ ~ ........... I ct,TY ISIZE HGT. BPi _1EAiI\L aTY'8liE HOT. "iP ':rll=.....~ ::.11.....'2' .P~-.:.o. ::"-"'2' ,,,.~.:=..~ 1::'11I0/Il. 'f' .FI=-...= ::. .-.... 1~~lWaIl I ~ I"..... l~l1JtICo\ ~ 1- 12'1 - ~S""""'"I_''''' ._"00M. ---........... .........-..;lIrI:...... ---- -- .. l.=~_ I~"" -I ==~"J~ .... .. - ':'-=.,,-J~ I r - ~~- ~ ..- - ~=)1 mIL_ I ~ 1- ~:I. --- I ~ SIR LAN_ PLAN REGION' . NORTH _TERW. QN SIZE Hm. 8P ::""_........,.. ::::. 1_,.. \2' ,,=--= ::. I.....'" W -- -- :'Z. IlI/IL ... ,.. '''l~...:::::''''::'''''''''''r I=~ ~r_ I==-~_ ~I rllla _lnmBlllllli 1~ I"I~:: 1. GRAYa MUL9H 8tW.I. BECONTIHUOU8 TO EDGE OF 8TEELBORDER, UNDfRAU.PL.Na8,~ClRl~~WH.1. 2. PRO\'\Df WEED BARRIER LNDER GRo\VB. Mu..at a. PAOWlEA I~TRY srN<<>>.RD DIl:IP lRAlGATJON SVSTEMAPPROPR&ATE RlR 1HE"8ELfCTED REGKlNAHD Pl..ANTlNGTYPf3 4. PI.AHl'8 SHALL Bl! PlANl"ED PER REGlOHAL BEST PMcT1C!8 INCUJDlNQ BUr NOT UMrTED TO 8UPfl'ClRT, OEPTH/WIDtH or Pl..NIJINQ ItClU! AN:) --'""'""'" L SEEstEETCt.OANOCt.1 FOAAOOmoNo\L BAANDEO SITE DETAlLSINCWOING THE MENU EIOARD, lANDSCN'EWAU. AN) CJaIo'ClANOPt. y . . c/ zm~j(l3f~ ~j!;~~~O - 0 ;~~h : g"ot;Rll' '~g c(~~::f I~ ~9~<( ffi . ~~~~. ~il ;;~ . aog ~g~- :lf~i: ~~ ~~~~ I!!~ . l"",~ zD. /-z w a=-- wO w. wG!:!:z<!) I--OwW ~r~_~~a: I,J.j o&?" Q; ,,~ CONSULTANT'S SEAL [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} [} ClONJAACTl>>.1E: 1llIUJINOnFE. PLANlJERSlON: lInE....... """"'"""'" """"'" T.. """"" """'" N.T.8. A TACO BELL 12aw.l\l~ /lHffCNfN,USo\8878D Q ~ ~ T-50 SITE LANDSCAPE PLAN ~ L 1.0 : DAf", ~ el"t::Ii"ed: ' LANDSCAPE SCHIiDULBll AND N01'Es "-Ri:ac'i" B' ,,',bTll'''' I ~. .1 ! . Dee ~ 1 2009 ,~ '1 OrlglMI t~Ubml!W' r. ~ \ 1__./'-0 r- -(~ r ~~ I L-J r~-~--f'-~--~---------------------~~7----~~---------~-~---~~-----<------->~c------~~---1 ~ t . Fe ,_~ cv-Y ~' ! .... ~ .~o~~i .....~ ~~'\. s I ~ 10 :-. iii ~\~~-t\'Q S4.o i - ~. (i~ 0;; &:) ; ~ Ii':.. .~ ) "" : I t8JfB I J'---_ I j /~ ~ i-, ,GI(, .+ ~ v/> ~~(.......J ]'I{TYP ATFFlONTw,.t,UJ ~ s&M,,~ i6. .-- , ~ ~~ _~f I ~ 1--_ ~__~___Ji___~ _____~_________~____~~__________~____~______________________~:______~~---~~~---j · -""1- I "t--- ,-el .. ,L I.~j - ~ . ~ crr1 ~. \;;:J \ ~ ,f . ~ , ~ M " " SBSMlClCWlS: 3fLSMICUSE GftOUP: 1 SESW:;:IIolPOFlTNaFH;lOR:UI SITECl.ASS: 0 """"",,- fESPOOSE """" 51; 02lI 81: O.tlll 8PHmW..IU:Sf'(NIE CQEff.: Stt:lRTPERlOOS(SDS): 021 1 SEC. PERlOOS (SD1) lUll fIWolKiS'l'STEWl: IlASlCSTI'lI.lC'IUlAl8YtJTEM:l..(W) BENlNOWAl.LSYSTEM SEISMlC-~SVSlQl: v.ooo 0<fAA""", RESPQNSEMOO.F,tClORfl): 45 DEfL. MOO. FACTOR~: 4.0 DESliNIW;E~M: Q.OIW A/lW..YSlSIh'Sl4PLFEDI'IU:Bll.IE PflOW)E Sl-DPMNfml3S/lHJCoIt.CUAlOtSOY ~BO'EEA fORliGNS -- ~....~ ~~TDNALIII.JI..f>>()COOE ROOF8NOWl..(W)S; GftOUNOSNOtIl(W)(Pg); EXPOSURE Fo\CTOR(Ce): IW'ORTANCEFACl'OR(IJ: FlAHIXJ'StONl.CW)f'Q: 7t1E1bW.FACTt\IJ/CO; ill'" .. " 2OPSf+DAfT .. AOOFlJ'}AI)S; lNE~: DEAD lCWl: ..'" ill'" wm"""" 9 SECONl GU5T: III....... IU'ORTAHCE FICTOR: 1.0 oPOOlSIEC\TEGCR'f(MWfRSJ: B I'fTERtW..PRESSl.IIEaBf'.: 'll41. 2S.a%' "'" ".,. ...... .~ ""X' ... .~ ... l1'-'Ql(,' I ,~.7" . "... " COMPONENT AND ClADDING PR~ I.USCEl.1NEOUS: A. OIl.lENSKWStOTEDARETOfACEa'CCH:HETE IEFERTODVIG. "'.0 FCIl DIolENSIQNS TO flCE OF SnJO HID ortEA OOo4ENSlltS NOT 0l1iEAWISE NOTED. B. DIWMNQS SI-W..L NOT BE llCr'UD.AI..L oo.ENSDNl'I AN) FIT sw.u. BE DETERIDED AKlVERFEDln'llEcornw::lOA PfII)ATOOCM~ENTOF'WCH(. C. DET~NlJTfI..UYOflSPECFIC.N..I..YSIf.:MtolIltW.L.BECFSH.\E~l\.IlEA8Of1ti1. SlIolnARCOtt:llTlClti. D. SEE PLUMB, DNOS. FOR PLUMB, .....vwr DlMENSDNS. U.O.tt E. SEE ELECT. DWGS. FOftB.ECT. LAYOlITDlMEKSllNS.U.O.tt F. ccr:HI_FOl.Hl:l4l1ONIHJSLA8lAYOt11'WJTHCTl-ElTl'lADESP~TOPOlJlNii ...... IUN: =iF PNW'ET:40PSl'NJTl-ESlAo1Cf'THE PAE~OONNAAD~OOTw,Ifll -- ZONE1 "~ACXlF za..lE2-RXFttXiES Za.E3 - RXFcaHllS "'" AAiLsaL.SWQ:lKstW..L.BEDONE..~E'MTtlnt;SPECS,~llE GEQTEQfNlC.f,LREPORTNmm8B.CM. AU. FQM)ATllNSSl-WJ.BE'AR00FR.1. UtDISTlJRBID. ~lNE soa.sOO ENGN:EREDfUAT OR EX~DEPJHSS/OflIII ONTHECA.I.WtM3S. ltCA:ASEOCPJHN;REODSYGEOTrC1-NcAleGHEEA. AU. F<XmNGEXCoI\lIATUNSSl-W.LREASNfATAS~ CM~TDHSH 0EPTHsw.Ll8E FUED'Mlll CONC"AHJ INIMDTHIAAYBE FUEDWITH~c:or<:. OR CClIIP.-crm. AWl'I:M:D EW::I(fU. AU. lOOSE SOLS SIW.L BE fEM(.MD fRClM EJCC,\l(IJDNSPRIORTOPl.<CE),lENTlFREN'.OACONC. GE~REPOA'TSY --' o.o.TED OG<<WO, . 0[ m ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ". " .,. ~ ~;; ".:.1 '" " ~ + -1iI- " ., , ~ " 4>, , ~ b:i .il:l..- , U ., . , " .. .." ., , u ., . " , .151 . '" '" -14.1 , , . ., . , .12.1 " " .. '" .192 i ... ill:;; ~ , .12.1 zu.E Ii - WIltER WALlS ZOE4 - wou:.; ~ DESIGN CRIIEIIIA I F _ COMPONENT a ClADDING PRESSURES NU IE 2l'.1~' r .~ ,,'.1" ......flY... """"Be It. ~Sl-W.lBEASSPEa'ED(SEESECTIONtI3'aImlNmUEEl"11-EFaJ..0t0N3 ..I't LLlIIMlECQI,lPRESIlfI/E STRENQTHSIllT2Bc.o.ys: 1ol".STftENGTH I(lGl'EGO.lE llU.IMP Loc:.\~ 280,0.ysPSI SllE-~S IPCltS ~ SlAIlONGIWlE ~DESlGt<9 l"XI''' 3-1/2' .:I;W B ~~DE~~~IItw.L'~:::"mHttllE~:C8.C~stW1. BElN~WJTHMT"'Cl50lYPEIL VERlfYlrIlN.oot<<::.STIENi1HI'HJ CEMENTlYPE. C REN'CfICIOOSTEB..8l-WJ.ca.Fa'lMTOA81UMIlli,QlW)EIIl. STm.llI-W.lBf ta:PTcu:t.NIND~OFFfV5T. O. CONCRrnctlfllklStlAU.BE..ACCaIlW<<:EWlTHflEOUREMENTSCf'...a.31lHlli SECnON 1i.11 AND ST~ PfUll:1'CEFOR Cl.IRN3COCRETEfEP(JlTEDB'r CQIlMITTEE3C6. E AN:I-r:lAGOLTS-I<<JOflNJln,USEIiN'ClW.lETERx'2"(18"ATct..ABS)ANlJ-Ol9Cl.TS l4e.)AT1ffO.c.U.o.N. ANCHOABI1TSSI-Wl.8ETlEDlNPUrCEPADFlTOPUCEtIlENT Of cae. ..... ~11iICKCCINC. sua REN'. WlWWF: (PIER 1liMILPOLYETl-f'I'LEfEMB.GIWE;O\IER EN:afiRED SI..IBGiW)E Pm SOLS RfFUff (TYP.). B. 4'TI-lK;KCQNC.SlABW/FlEIIIF.FIlERMESH:MNQlJER1IiMLP(l.'I'E1lfI'lBE Ma411AANE: OJEREtGtEEREDSI.BGlWlE PERSOLSIe'(IU (lYPJ. FOUNDAnON PLAN N01ES I C- uiii,f ~~~~~lJl (!Jct;Wqa ZW ~ <-i~"""" .;;: 1I~ I;; -., W . 2fficw . ~~~ g~::< ~g lE~~ ~~~ , il'wBf,,<g58 ~ i~ - ~~~~ ~ zI ~~~~a:g~~ 8~~hll'~ m 12-00 . ZI~o8~m ~;Dil'Og?"g '. i O~;j " I , . ~ ~ CONSlJLTANT'S SEAL .,1" c ~ I'_U' .... r .. '. ;; ----. -------1 ~ -. l , ~ r<L ~ .~ DIMENSIONS-T11IS'SlfEEr ] TO liDO. OF CONCRIlIII I FOUNDAnON PLAN 114'-1'-41" I A G:) SLA8S1-W.lBE PfTae 1~fORfN.rxfNISQlW1EAT ALL.fUXlROAoVoBU.OH. REfERTOPl.Lld8lt<<l~FORLOCAlD<<t (!) HDlMSHEMWAU.Ha..DOaNNNDDt. ti1&12!W4,1. FOR/INCtIOftlD.T,ti DET.lYS2.o.#HlOCT.1Z'S4A C!) IllT FfDlTWALL' REAR WAUS mE CON;RETE ClIl8IS 7"ntCK TOACXXlMClD\TE PLYWOCO ON EACH FK;E. a STUDWALL SEE WH.lLEGEKl 00 Sl-EET 11.1.0. CD WASTELNES11.B-UPRJAK1'SNt (i) ELECJlICAL.STl6Sl1ifIJSI.AB. SEE BLcr.DMWlN3SfCftl..lJCA1DB. G) 1'RCI'4El<<.8~{K))LN.ESBFlEOWEDBVLOCtLcctlETOHAWERJXlA8I<< .. CD lNJCI.TESNiDfSUlt'laOfFOOlltG. $EESl-EfTSII.o. C!) ltEOfDIWE.TlftJaJIIl,. SEECllLlJIWll'NiS. o lOC.o'ITEQHl8"ffIOMEXTERllRflaOffOl.tlD\lDIWIU. ~.. :'MTH eM- CID ........."""'HC1Dr-...uaie Received: I f'. I' __.... .... - """'I'lo"'" ~NOTEs:''.,;'':TS OrigInal Submittal . :c, 2\ /'.. /'.. :c, 2\ /'.. /'.. /'.. " cotrnWrr DIlrlll:; """""'",., """"'" T<O .... . """'" """"" "'"""""" om........ mOR: PU&fl: TACO BELL 123w.NSTfEET -...."'" . fa """""" T-50 FOUNDATION PLAN ; 51.0 18 PlOTDillTE: . . 1~1~' .1 '~I " 13 , II ~. ~i~ ~~IE 'ill ~!~ / c ~ @-'~ ~I ~I ~~ L/.,. @ ~ ~ ., ~ LI~ 'W ~~ - --@ ~IB~ ~ffi ~ --<D j--sB ~ ~ M ,. 11'-101/7 M ~ ~. 'Uf' :4~ ..~ """'........ ..I:i"" .~ 78'.11~__ ~ 'A @::":..-.._; -@ GY-. . ,-+ --r 7t ~ ~m ~. m. . rSBrSB / ,,10 / 10 1'-1~ " " ,. NOT USED 4t m. 'e M .." ll'-1lJ'RO. ,r ..... 'M lU'o'o'ffiFtWillINB " ~ Iii> Iii> I 8HBA......... - FlEU> PLATE I AIICHOR BOL'I l @ ~ CD-----i lll'. 1I2"OJXPlVWDGW18l.PSIRo\TN3 1Cld@e'Q.C 112"Q)XPlVWDGW18l,PSI Ro\TN3 lOdO~O.C 1OdQl2'O,C WlM.N!tJ70S2"O.C.W/WASH:R 1OdQ1?O.c. Ml"0IA.1<<J10I1'O.c.WlWASl-ER ~~'H. N;A. M!.<DXR..YWD~8l.PSl R.\TN3 lOd@4"O.c. lOdOl2'O.c. liM'lM./oaTlO32'O.C.W1WAll1-EH ~ 112"(D)(Pl..YWD~1IJ.PS'Ro\TN; 1OdOll"O.C - R& 'IREMENTllFOREXTERIORNON-SI-E RWALL~ 1. OSBOfCOUi'NWllE~UAYBEUSEDlNUBJOfPlYWQOtlIM-iENN'PRCMD IN~BYll-EPROJECTENG~EERANDTHEl.OCAI.JUflSDlC1lJN Z. Bl.OO<AU..UNSLPPORTEOEOOfSWlTHar.UATERW.U.O,N. IlLOCKEDlESYo1THa. lMTERW.. WHERE 10d tw.N3 fl3"O,C. CIA LESS ~ lld tW.Ni fl2"O,C. OR LESS. I. AU.. Pl YWCXX) NHlS StWJ. BE cor.wQII WIlE. SEE SPECF&\nlNS FCfl Ollfil NM. """"''''"'' 04. EXTERDFlWAU.SNOToe~TEDn;~lN1l-E~FAAMN.1f'1.N\1Sl-Wl. MEETAEa.iIlE.IIIfNJSIN:lCATEDfCfl~WR.LSI/Il1HESCI-EDLI.E """'. ti. SJ--EARWAI.llENGll--6 WI-6E I<I)TID ARE UNt.lllM. 'DO NJT lOCA.TE HQLDI)(MHJ FROM THESE OIlroEfCSlONS. sa: ARCH DWGS FOR ACTtW- WAlLWGlH5. 0. If:lREfERSTO~5f1lON3l1ECO.HOl.DOOWNS. tm"AllPEA1i.2lliS4,'.POSl" WDlliSHAll lAATO-lSlUDWAlL WDTH. SEE FCJJNWDN~FOR OltERf6JS. IF \ .~ ..._..~... ",,'~':'.:,;. JeD & ~'.... I HOLD_ aa....W9 ..,,'" ...,1llAU.ON. Pl.'MOCDONEXTEfICI'lFN::ECESlUlS Pl.'lVtOCX) ON BOTH 5IlES Of WAlL Pl.Y'o\OOOONI.IOTHSIDESOf~ I foWUt<<lO HfADfflSPER 121SU 7. EOOENM.WALLPLYlOlffiIDSOAPOSTS\MTH~ 8. WH!flE PNmB ME APPlED TO BOTH FACES CF A WHl. N4l w.I. 8P1ON31!1 LESS TlW\Ill"O.c. ON EITHER SllE. PNnJaNTSSl-W.t.BEOFFSETlOWIUONDffEl'lENT FfWoCKl MEMl\ERSOAfIW,INlJSlW.t.IlE 3xCflTI<<XfJl1HJtWLSQi EI01S1lf SWIlL BE STAGC8IED II SM:ARW,O,lLSECIIONS...T FRONT ANJReAA~lEIUtW'f"'TTCPIFPNW'ET, StEARWAlLlOCATDNSoa:l.JVIt<<i AI.LNlTHE SIllEWH.lS StW.lBEw.a.mHI()IE TlIUSS~DClU8l.EPlATEASWOO\TEDINCET""'0W4.1. WALL SHEATHING AND SHEARWALL SCHEDULI! I D - "'" \Y H ~m CD-rL J'g)'~j "'7~ 12 11 ~~ lll'. '1 ;; J .~. IH' 1<1) ~ I __=,l ~ ~ ~ ~ S_llJ!.' ~q WAI L fRAMH]. A. seesrrESPECFICSTIll.CIlIRALCALCSFCIl:NXEJ1fNU GRADES1HCJ SPECESQ' LlAolBERU.Olt B. AU.BENo1SIUJJClSTBstW.lBESfATOJTRJRFLllU~ BEMN3...T SUPPOR'TS. BeAM SEATS~ CCl.L.I.UolC'RS, C. SEE SI-EET"'1.0RJRtlIt.IEH3ae. D. EXTEAIlR!ffiJJWN..LSfti1E.~"'T111"QC.UO.N. E. AU. WOOD IN CCNTACTWlTH CONe.. STEB. OR a:lADE &l-W.LBE PRESERV"'TlVElllfAlHl. f. ALLBCl.TEDORtW.EDSTIW',^",_,,:~,_...stWJ.lWIE~ EWAL Nl..I.IIlEfl CF BeLlS OR tw.S EAtli SllE IF ll-E SPI..D:: JOtfl'. TlEFIFIST5a..TQRNAlLFRQolUCHsa:OfM Sf'lLEDOftTflfATEDW::~EASl-W.lBEECl.W-ll6rNCE F~ lHE SPUCE. STIW>S USNG 1&1 tw$ON:b:IAATElW. Sl-WLBC NSTALLE:DCIoIll-E 1.1!Z'EDGEOFTI-EMEMllER G.Tl-E~SI-W.lVERIF'l'lHil.TlliEMOISTUFECOllEHl" OfAU..FRNo1NJUJl.\BER~PLYWXXl~EET1tE REalIAE/rdENTSOfTlESPEcs....Tn-EnIIEa'NSTAll.AJDoI ~ATa.os.e-N. H. USE...TPRESStlRElHEATEOUAilBER...TWt<<lWJH,tBS,SI-lIHJ 5IUDS UNJEA SUN? WB.l N; AU. TaLET Pl.LI.'IlNiWAWi. lI'TlIllIAYnlIT' A, LAYQlJTSTlDSCIoISllEW1il.S(lON3WltJ.S)srNllNiMII:Nl OF 8lJI.DN3Tc:MARDSFfVNT. 8. lAYOJTST1,I)$ONEICNAUSg;f-CJRrWAilSJSTARJN>...T E1CHEtI)MlD~TOWAAOSCEHTER C. lAYWTST\DSTOAlJGNWlTHROQFTRUSSES. PfltM)E OOJBlf STW5@OOl.JBl.fTRJSSES. lYI"llJft. SEE IUJ' FIWoOKi PlAN (J\l StEEl 53.0 FOR TRUSS lOCAT06. FRAMING PLAN NOTES ~lll' c , t' ~.1 . .., -Q]I J ;1 / ~~ !\ / :r ~ \ 1l1::JJ~ u@@@ ,~," 4'\~ ---. . C3D---. ~ 83"- lll'. 'i ~I -Q]I :',: \ & '~. . :'1 'lYPK:&1lJ aulD'" ""'""". tNO' Ie I DIIIENSIONS THIS SHEET ] TO EDGE OF FRAMINO WALL FRAIIIINO PLAN "'-"" I A CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD CD @ @ @ GD @ INTEJlI;lA Sl-IAAWo'lU 5l-EATHNi SHo>.u. BE CCHTHJOUS BEN:ATHMoJwOf'EteG. INTERDRN>N!EARNlSTlDWAU. FJW.cING; REFERTOSI-EET Al-O FOR ~ANl STUD8IZEll SEEea*- 18& l.w..l~WAllF1'Wr.lN3NCTES. ~:be Ta' PlATES -llI'l.a: PER 11i'84.1. UO.N. TCPOFTR\.6SBENING P\ATEfi El&AlDN l1L7la'. lClWPNlN'ETFJWG<<:iSEE111St.1. Ta' Of PLATE ELfVATDN 18'-8 1~ OIWW'ET. EXTBWflSHEAllR<<:I StWJ. hUTllE HTffftJpJfi)WIlltltMe\~NlJ-l'l1'O'L ZXFfWolNlSlMlLNl1OTOM:RtEJDETAl.12154.:l CCJCR)NATE 'MTH PUIMllING FlCll,.QH IN SI--EET ~.o. 5EEeJS4.2FOl'l~FIWolNi SEE DEl*- 11SU FmBlllD-WT ATIJQ-IENT. ~TE'MTHElZC11ICW..fU,l,uP\.Nll8i'EETUO. 5EE1VS42fCAT'l1"I;:H.I'EAOER. 2xFlWllNG:SEEDET.llJlS(.I. BFNlNGWlww.l-Ei>HTsnns. DMENiD6 RflFRr\MIN]NlETOF~Ofsn.o. .1' 0 t. " ,: . a.e R~celVed: f. ( QY,N~ ~ftM I B 1:;..." L I ","UIJ..} Original Submittal , , D c , . "J Q:; . CONSULTANT'S SEAL . '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" OONTJW;T[>>'1El BUlDlNGlYPE: flAH\IERSION: onE....... """"......... """"'" T.. == """'" TAOD BElL 1211"""'~ Nm"CM'N, USMI81l& Q ~"l: ""'""'" T-50 WALL FRAMING PLAN 52.0 PL9rQ\TE: ;:\. ~<Q....O ",,~~'.I' <Q<V >;)V r.(p' ~&~<>V~~cr OM ~0&~~",,~<p ~rSf4~~~~~ d< ~ <Q ~~<J:v (/Y ~"" \ CJ 0'-, ~ ,,0 CJ (yO G" <<'[/f <<' " ., " NAlUNG !.IIU.'1IIING lOdOIl'QC. 10:1CU'QC lOdOl;rQC. ". NJre SEE lar.MZFCIlDEFNI1l'JN9. . . ~ ~LiD ~~ / ~ --=l=::::::: ,---~,---' - =-= - ==': '-+-::::::. =i=::-: ~ -::,----..,= - ~ = n evil I ' 4 Q;) Q;) " IIAIUNG SCNEDULE . ROOF . L____. no. ---- ,---- 'C;S=---' ---- ---- .---- ---- ";<D -G: \~. "'4/ I @.~.. 'I_I~ i .-' -' "-" ~ ~ l8l.: . =tU l;/;~j':~~juu'_ ","",\ '@jITJ}-/, ~ :L@: ~ : ': _=-J~_: ~ ~~~~--~ --__~:: S~~ ] ~~ :~~ ~ ---~: ___~ ~!:~ '~~~~~~~ ~: ~~~~. ~ ~ 9---- ~ ~ 'Y ........., I ..-,.,.- --.... -"'." --..... " ' , . " . ----I ,-~~. . -~. ~~~-. .~~- c= ~-C----- . ." ._--~ ------ ----. J , .. ..,-.-" -". 'H' ~. _"' ",. .~;L"fJL~iL CD--' ~ , " " " " " " " " ", " " -, EXTREME CARE SHALL BE USED IN EREC'IINQ ROOF TRUSSES. COMPLY Wlnt TRUSS PlATE INSTITUTE BRACING REQUIREMENTS. " ~1lil2-8'O.c. ~.. ,~ ~~. ~rCOTUiL~l 'II .~~~~ ~-_-_-_-c_-_-~ ~;--- -C;D:,y'--! -= n ---1----1~ @ /_~un.. ./"':~:T''''UU 'unh:,"' ,~, -, ~ ~I ~ ~ JI i\/i ---I'---~ ____.____n__' ~J~----!.:---l---. =~ll t--t..,-+-----l-. I I, -~. 1/\1 I ~ I '=""("-8'1\_ ~/__.:~ i I +-=-+'--<:D _m_! b -i; ~~ , " ----- --- -- I 'I 1/1 +-r-r-- - " , I, , " , I__J -. ---- ~;; =D--' ---- ---- --n----l ----.---.----. ---- ---- .---- .---1---- l' I ---- .---- .----.---.L---- ~ (:. t:! 1=j 1= - == =---_....: - --- == ~ III " I ~ ~-.I d ____'_n_ .___: _~__ ~ ' , i ____ :-_c-__ ____j _~ __ ,.-C.___ _~___ _! __. · .1'.\;~..t: ~ .~ ~ " 711'_ll"!ffinmmUD @ ROOF NOT DESIGNED FOR PONDING. SEE ARCNITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR DRAIN REQUIREMENTS. I~ I ~ 9'.2J!.' I I III ~1 ~I I " ~ ~ . ~ ~ = SO 8/54.2 FOR R. . ' EQUIPMENT WEIGHTS .~ , , ROOF FRAMING PIAN lf4"-NI' I A F. REFEJlTOlllUSSB.EVAT1JHSFOASHl\PE,~,SLOPEB,SPAN,ETC l..OCATI)N OFElEMN3P0Hr8AAf~IClIC:ATEOCHTtEORA'MNGS. SEE3r'S42. B. MFRDROOFTRUSS~LQt.DS:SEEl1WSS0Es0.t~4IB42. H. TlEI'ClilTJJKi;,'Af.IGHTS,Nt:lMETHOOSOFATTH::HMENTOFAllME~UtIB, ELECT fCCTVRES. PUJWlNa. ETC. SI-W.l.SE ItCWOEO... TlE DESKiN a'Tl-E1RJSSES BYTl-t:1llUSSMfR. l DESlGNROOFTIlUSSESTOSUPPORTAllIllPOSlDl.LW)S.lNCUJDlNGWKI&lATEFlAl LCWlS. ...~-._" ....... SIZE, LOCATIOHN<<JWEl]-fTa'EQIWMENT'MTHMEa-w<<:AL WORK PRa.'DEMULTFLETRUSSESWl-EFE ONETllUSSCANNJTSlJIpQUTl-t:lCW). PRJWlE BROGNa BETWEEN ~AS Sf'EClfEDi'SMlNIMlMSTNI:WlD J. HiTAliATlONCFALL TR./SSESSlW.LBEIXItEUSlNGASPREAOERIWlIMTHAlJ-R:E PONTVER1lCALf>ICl(. CAAESl-W.LSEUSEONI.J'1lhGTOPREVENTHJfllZl:HrH. BEND... @ 2J$&.2'.(J'a.c.Wi~@fAEN:I. @ OI/lENSOlISFFO.l HiDE FACEOFWIlUFlWeIl GD l-NACROOFOPENf.OFOAOlm.VEMYSlZEwrrHI-NACWlt&MEOWlCtlCMGS. GD 2*BI..OClCNGFOIIROOFOI'lM.1AFIEA.5EEcaAL171M1J_ @LCCA.TJ:iNOF~9CFFJT.SEE1/.MA. @ 2lIOCfUtiJa:ml01S'UC.OT4rfJJ'. 5EEl.N1A. @Fa=tTICOlJEU.Tl;M'BlFRoWIGSEE4/SU. @ COOfcDIw\TELOC\TlCHSa'WATEJlHfATEflfUESYofTIiWECI-WICALN.ofU&llJN; DWOS @2X8JOlSTSM2'4"D.C. ipn.-..U RCYlFFl'W-lNQt.r)TFS: A: .-u.UNSlJ>I'OR1iuE00E9OFPL'I'WOOD8HEAn-tNJlSl-W.LBE8L.OCl@\'WTH:llI4 lNSTAUEDFLAT. PL\'WOOOM1l.ClJ>SNlEM1l'PEflMlTTED, SEE caAL1.w.t2. 00Il Of COMPNWlLE TltCI(1.ESS !MY BE USED ... LIEU Of PLYWOOD YH:NAPPlOIEIl N YMTNIBYlHE PROJrcT ENGl!€ERAN>1'lE:LIXAL.JLfllSOICI"ON. B. AIl...ECtWtCALSUPPlYAN>RETl.ANCJ>ENN3SSfW.LBEIlElWEENFRAMtGUQN. ~flOCFTRUSSt<<lTE&. A.. "~R'\JHU)I"IH~Ntt::AI2"""'O.c.U.O"" I...... I... IEN IfN 1 lilOOfStEAflfl.i WCDXPL'lWOOOl4W2OI,PS1Ro\lN) a 'T.rDENOJESROOfTllUSSTYPE. REFERTOSCI-Elll.El1/S'2. c. TRUSSDYlGSNtEPRCYDEDFCIICCHCB>TUAL~OfU. W'RS/-W.LSl.IlMfT SH:lP IM'GS AN) CALCS.l101H SGtED In' A LCENSED STR.lC11.RAL ENaEEJI {STATE OF (PROJECT}). st.ewrStlOPDWGSNIDCALC8lOT1-E,.tK;I-tTECT~EN3tEEJl FOA RPiEW ANI) SlJBMITTAl AND , F REOlJIAOD, TO BLDG OFfl:w.. FOR N'PAOo'H. Pl*ORTOFAllRCAT1Jtl. SHC.FIMGSSHAUN;l..lDELAYOlJTl'I.ANH.:J CCNl:CTa=tS. ~cs SHAll. BE BASED ON TI-lE SPECFED lOADNG C()N:lf1'l:N> St-<<1e'oN HEREIN. MFR Sl-W.l PROroE HA.NGERS NID c.:oN-lECnONS BET\EEN TRJSSES. REVE'WNtDN'PR(M'IlIMENS1:lN:l,SI-W'ESIKJDETNlSSH::iWNC>>lSKP DV<<iS PRDR TO Sl..BMlTTAL TOTHEMa-fiECT I~Fal REVEWIHJ CO.."... o STNlTNGPONTOFTRUSS LAvoor. FENlEDGEOFTlI.IBS. o VERFY tt:CfSSIJYOFOOUlll.E1RUSSESMTHTRU$S "FR.IlIJETOPOHT~ TYPCAL SECCHDTRUSS Of REOO,)8IW.LBEL.OC:ATEDOOlHE FRCHTS[lEOF lUJSTPA"TEOTRJS$. C!) COORDN.\TEBLOCIQN3WlTHEXl-WJSTANDSUPPlYDLCT. o L.OC:ATDNCFSUSPEN>mDEOORVaIXlRSOFFIT.~TE WlTHVElD:lA FOR CONNECTION PONt N.o'loEGHT.SU3f>EN) fWSHWlTH5USPENDEDCl:U<<3. SEE'l/NJAFORATTJIQ-6IENT. (!) CONT2x:4\\()IlflIDGH)CWTOPOFl1OTT~CI-IJR). ..-AIUSTM>REQAEDfa=tDl,A;T PLENJUS. w.x SPK;NC3 AT ., O.C. OA"T1GI-fJ'ffi Sl'W::IJGI-S AEaJREO 8YlRUSS DESI3H- SEE1eJS4.1FORlAPCClN'GI..AATI:lN. CD SIolPSC>>olMSTA24ATCORNERDBL TCPPLATE. CEHTERsn:w>CWCXJ'loER CD C2l~BLOCKHJWllJ2&.2HNG:RS. TYP.ALLIIXI'Cll"ENtm-sa:OCTAl.lfJSl2. o lOCATlOH Of HOOD. SEE HOOD DRAWlN3S FGI H:JCXlATTACHoENTOErAlB. CD 2lIl!IJCJSTW/lt!eEACHaI)fOAI..IN.1THCFC(HIENSl:RPlATFatM.SEESl-EETNJD FOR L.OC:ATDl @FOF/TN;CBEU.TOloloBlFJW,UNJlSDEON-y)$ff17}SU. GD EXHAUSTDlCTCJPEHNlSlZEOFOR'DtX:T\WW". .AWtJST~ClPEtW>SAS REQlJfti) 'MERE l-K1 DtCT SI--WT CXlNSllU.ClDi IS REaJIlED BY l.ClC""-- c::a:E. REFBlTOMECH DWGS. It IMPR)PERI-W'DJt<<3OF1HETRUSSESI-SNlJI'EDNY:NENDlNlHESPB:SSHAU. loIEANREM()(AlCFTJ--ETlIJSSESFROM1HEJOBSfTEAND~AT """""""''''''''''- L SEEDN.8OFTl-t:Sf'ECSFORDETMSONTIlUSSMANJFACT\IlNlANDNAI.N1 D. TR.JSSloIfRSHN1.PA:lWlEtWaRSANJCONHECT<RSADEOu.-"TEFORL(W)S. M. lOCAJEWAUo>-lNOON:IENSERSOHItXFOII-YFAEQUl!EOIl'l'COOE. FllXlFCONECTORSNE MSED LPON ~"S1llClN3TPORAPPlCJEDBJlW.. E tRJSS~ANOf'NW'eT~SHAIl.BE2lIl!IMtlI<KJ~_~.... ._YSlZED ~PRQJECT. ID , - ROOF FRAMING NOTES Ic KEY MQlE$"..._ ~~~t.~ f' f nm- ~9~~ '" 6l~!1!iJi!i1l'~~ e~~Ci. '.<(~g Ol-a w::;;:la:: f~~. ~ lP~t; LL1u..cn.. tin%: ~HI!!~.~~~~8 ~ ..~~~:I: ~ :ea:~I=~ Ii~ ' l~h . .ui=1fOQ ~OE~f:B rC1ilO~fiO'" fi! c~~ !i; . . CONSULTAN1'S SEAL c , D. D. D. {', D. D. {', D. D. . c:tJNTlW;TDATE: """"'~ .....""""" """"""" "'''''..-., """"" ,... 10.1<"'" """" TAOD BELL 121J.WNSIlIEET NMtIWN, USA Iill!I7!G Q .~ ~ T-50 ROOF FRAMING PLAN 53.0 OJ...II..,. :~n; I ~,u~~... --.. OfC ~ 1 2009 ; .;J .~ .) ...~ ,,J "'...!_-"~,, . =. o.^ ..~.-_:...._i -. NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED ". NOT USED SfEWAl.LSCI'EDll.EQ\I Sl-EETS2.0fORNOm """""""""'" m. ''''HOOK '5CCMr. (~~..."(;'.- .. ..H ...(.-1. " , .~ I.. r ~h .iij~.k dHOOK 'Q~"l~i!8j"" ~-""CXlNT. ~~ 1"-8" l COQRDINoO.TEYe1TH CMl- 10" MIl vmrH 117 FOOnNG@ DRIVE THRU "",,'" 113 118 NOT USED 118 NOT USED 120 NOT USED ~Sl-fETS20FOFtNolCHJ'l ::::=: . -I- - 1II1iCQIIT. ,...- / rHlQH_1I1fl''t4IE . -- .r.."""'........- ::a! 'k"~ fIle.Wt,CdU, t ! r'I:'~ ~ II I ~ l. : (2)" Ii8AASCONT. "".w>1lOTTa! nOl8'O.C.OON8.. (3),liCQ.lT.O BOTT(lIoIl.3"M'" ClENIfROMEDGE ....,Fl'APENDICllNl . ~ FOOnNG@T.8., " ,.. LEO "".""1 8 114 NOT USED 1111 NOT USED _.TO I" , -"- HCllJXMt,IPERPl.ANWI --"~t"""~'ENOPOSTPERPLAN ""'" NEBOLTBPER t' -. WJ8HEAf!pANB.e.N. .wlUF.Sf'ECfrAT1ONS~ ~ ' RllHEIGHT " = ~ ..............-OONOTOOl.INlERSlNK PRESSUFIE~1ED ' r".. UNLESStf'EC1FlCALLY SlU.f'ERPLAN~-j:::=::=::tl""""'"""" ""OFBlAB I DOl. CRlLHOlESA<WC. ~ *' 1118"ClVERSIZED l-. - ....TI<lloEN"'- .""""......~_.."'.":.~ ~ ANCHOAllOllS 4.... . ~ ..' '-TOPOFl=DN.POUR ~PER './1" A, 4.....11i 'NHEFlEOCCURs_ ~ "".4"' tMYAlSOBEIDP RECCtdMENlWlONS. .:' OFSl.AB - Q. ....-3'MlN.Cl.ATO --+ BOT.CFFm. *INCREASEFOOTlNG DEPTl1 AS REaD FOR "","",,EIOL'I"""""I~..I.'"C" EUBelMeIr HOI.l)(JM.I 8OLTo.-. , (I,IN 1WI>~ "1HJHCJftBOLT I HD1M. '7 .. -", lENllrHTOEXTCNDO' I , ' 8 BEYOtI>CONSLDHf I ~1 1111 ANCHOR BOLT&CHEDULE _n. 112 . ~ -Jo-- SHEA~"'oo~-= ~ SDEBOffRNIIlNOO I ==~I 8a.TFEaJI'lalENJS ... I T\? ~t 4'ClQt.O.Sl.JIIIW,YNIf ftlXM, ~ I (_-WUlrlA #801ro.c.00NEl.~ v~ ~ . ': b;=;. ...........H.(--q: i W I ~ .... .... ./ 100ft...."",. ~ ; ~5J;~:...--':>:.:-,.::::_:...-~ I ""'AN>"""" lil "'3~t.l "->-">'...---', . . .. n11ESQl2'O.C. :::I.lI: -"'--.-/ __.... Mol\1( ff'HOOl(/ 'J'~ lS"aMRMN'1YP. I ''''HOOK 0CH:FEn' CUB FOonNG@ FRONTWAU. ...-,... I II 110 NOT USED ...n~~=~.:.Dr ~(. ~~.- =~o~~,,~ / DOLTRE:aJIlWENT91YP. ~,- ~".,..,:..."'.. ..... .'..,... .., ..,.. .."t~. fltijF:', ~ ~~=...... lJi ..,i,;lIl:~' ..r. GGfIiOONT. :5:f I . I M I, CCN:AETE Cl.AI lit ...,. DA\'E.~Ut>>E. - COORD1NA'lE'MTlt CIVL-ff'MH.YIVTH FOonNG @ DRIVE THRU TOWER ",'-,'" I 7 NOT USED _u I 8 '...HOOK _c ~~=~ 8(LTFlE~ , ..... , IU......~ \..!!t., "O"Q:=~~..~ \ '"I ~ ~Il,. ,l. HtI6Z' ~":""".,,,: ~li:r ~hs <;',~.,'~','.:.... , ~:I~t.l '. ...._ ~"""'.../ I (".ootCl'fllMW'VMf ..","". {~ -t-~..CXlNT l ,.~ FOOTING @ SIDE WAU.lI ... - ,... I 1 ~ , ,--:~~ " I .~Iii"::/::i. ,:.:... :I:z:lIi .....:-.,...., , ~ . ;'\.>'" . i!llil: .... .->':.' ("OOON:: 8I.AOW WtW ..","". ;~L <~ .. +..- 18 . ~ FOOnNG @ FULL HEIGHT OPENING ""-"" I 2 . ~ :~~~ +t=WB 1YP \..L-< 1U0A0<ET----.......~ f5CXlNT------..... . r"oootoe suaw WWF COUl JONT ____ .. ~ N-W1 ., A fij+. ..' t. ( , +~ ~j~a ~ ~ ~HOOK.../j ,~ I ~.."'" Q . ~ FOOTlNG@ REAR WAU. ..._,.... I 3 j z !jJ:<~J'8f?! O!~~iO '. 0 !lI'<i1f /"ID~" '" J oln'" (;{ <<;!~I' !Q9;;j< '. 6l'ffi 5l:~1H . n ~:I:~~w. c.:~ ~~fa!!ftI~~~ wu.~1ttf ti~z a:w~zw'U~u8 <I-: 'zrl-::::E~ J'.! -'1! z;S~. '. ;o~!!i '!! r!!iS~ " ~O;!.. Ii' '&: ga&~ , uQ;z(!J 130w~ . :l'1'il!lOg !PI O$:~~~ 7 , CONSULTANTS . SEAL z; z; z; z; z; z; z; z; z; e<>moor_ ........"'" .....""""" sm;:NtAIBER: .......- """'" ,... - ""'" TACO BELL .&"'~=~tt/,...""" F~SIolP$ONAH::KlR \ - """"Hm2.---... i (fC<H:lETEWB RECfSSmI'INro&8 --...... _ """ (4"tn.C suaw W<<F ftCCNT --........ ClIlfl.W1 U1A ~018'DC lXMS.~ :;, I ..~ J,.'! ill! ' ~ /-....CXlNT' ~la ~ g~' '.;. /- . ~ /j:- <r--.aMA........ ~HOOK I'~ Date Recei\l, d: 54.0 FOonNG@COWIIN ...-,...14 "a"""" f: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal 123M1l1NSIREEf NfflONN.UBr\8ll7lIIi Q ......... ........ T-50 STRUC1VRAL DETAILS FOUNDATION " " (2)2XlIDBlPlATE ~ - . ~~+;~ (SEESf'l..JCE -- , PLYWOOD ROOf DETAlL.1Wotl) ~I'NW'ET DECl{.B..EV.VN1E8 r SEOJPCHlIJSSB*.Y. ~./ TYP ~\ (8)111d / -,,, 10Cl@O'O.C. , \ "''''''''NGc:-J I { L.::> ---L ..!t4B'o.c.,U.N.O./ . T.lI - " ...~_" .'. ~../ ~~PEH A.W<<lllOROOF / r """''''''''' ('::J D'''<<''''V~""\ ~ ~ / l ;r J I~~ ~~{"JIi--~ ...JOISJ1I ~ I~~'"'-''''' I .....~ lM"OC ATSl.OPf; '" ""=24~ (FW 1. ,.' ~ _ ..OIL"'''' ,,~, I REAR WAU. ,w-"', 118:J GYP. OCWIO OR fIL'MOOO . , r1J2'I\.YWlXlOSl-EA.1HNll-SEE WAl..L9CHEDll.EFORNAI..INl3 -SlMPSON'SSI1I'PERSCHa:lUl.E ~8lW'SONHCll..DOWNTOINlWl VL'SKU0fl4-2ldS1'OST.REFER TOPI..AN&5OEOlA..EfOFl HOUXJWN """"""'" ".-- COUNTERSINI< :mJD, NOTf'OST ',- WAl..L""-YWQOO~ ....."'STUD F1a a= ROOOH OPENING I HOLD DOWlrlIIND 1.1ll"-N1118 GYP. BCWID OR PI.. vwooo 7::~~~ - SIWf'SON"SST8'PeRSQtSllLE ,r-~:=~~~ TO PlAN & SCHEDULE fOfI HOUXJWN IlEOtJI>EMEHTS .7 rWAlLF\.Y'MJODE.M. . " CClt.MERSNC SlUD. NOT POST WALL PLYWOOD E.N. NAlLSTl.O TO eI) WALL WI {lIltCMSOFllldOll"o.c. I HOLD DOWN CORNER ','''.''''1 20 1 / ~ 2~ ~."'F1RW&a . \ L-....",. ~ SNP9(WDICRCDf'TRU53 ~ _ CUPC>>4SCJl'HSllES - '" jO'45"fIl@32"O~ F'OMlER.ACTlIATfD FASlEtER'MIHr;l)-718"WASHERSWI ~11fi!'EMBEDAT8:.!'OC ,---SLLPlATE .r . '. 2lc8VERT.~ ""24"Q'C.W/C2)llld EAEtCl,EA.f .,' ..... , ',' '. .~.. ... -., .. ...'_.... .4.... SUPPORT.PARALLELTOTRUSS '''-''''113 ~ 21.-- ~ \ ~ ROOF"""""" _ - SNPSON DIC ROOf lRlJSS ~_ CUF'cto1801ltSlDEll , , jO'14NG3Z"o.C.POMlER1CTl.II\TED FASlEtER'MIH (2)-7,9"WASHERSWI "'Hl.1R"EMBEDAT32"O.c. ,---6LLPlATE ~."\,..,\;! j:{:>::>:,,"~'''; If ""i ,', -t.,., "l""l'l'i'~j 'II' 'I ':. ':::\'.':.' ~;.('..:i ~.>. ;:',..;' "'. ~~,,: SUPPORT PERP. TO TRUSS ,..-,... 11-4 Ii ~' I ........ ,: L l ........ I II ", W:V,'-TJ:tl \LN I f+ r::~ + : -f?, ?'+ + ! -.. + ,.,. PlM-IW.NJSTHn3t TYPCAL-AlJ..DCUll.EP\ATECOfC)IltlNS.U,O.H. . PLATE LAP DBTAlL N.TS ~..... .~ IJ,r..:'" , . ~ ,_,; ~,: I",~ -\- NDJE: REFERlOTl'IUSSElEYATIOHSIS42. BRIDGING LAP DErAIL KTS. 1111 118 f;i\ ~. ~ \ L\_"',.. jlf\I~~'W.~T .I~'- !I~~::~anm Q. rt -b1SSTUOSAT1lrO.C:. ~ I MWD. TRlMMERO U.O.H. ~::~t.&ER~ ()f'EHNGWlDTHIH ~lNCHES+1(1+2 U.O.N. -CClN/'ECTBUIlT-IJP STlJDSWlllldGlll'o.C. / -~TEmTH ]/ III.r. I KM~~E ~r=*:.;;;' . . "'""'""''''''' I FRAMING ELEVAnON @ OPENING ...-,... 110 ~7.1~,_ Vf.O.OBt.Pl.ATE ""-"-,,,,,,_.. ~a.rm. BAG. Hr. NOT U&I!D 111 NT&. NOT USED 112. N.T.$. r~~~ ----\ ..."., (2) - ttISM'SON - - Cl:HECTlONSATEA. ..., FOR CN<Ft ~~~ ~= :~ ~ -- ----\ ~llJdctl'Q.c:. -~"'~ UDGER DETAIL . - ,.... I . ""^""" // :::""'STU> m<r=-; I BRIDGING DI!TAlL . - ,... I 8 ~ 2liS8LDCKINllATa.B / /;""""''''''"mNICH.... / L V"""". lCEtNl~ 0~~ ~~ '_HOT ~ ~oCiaNG - - PLYWOOOATFAONTNCl J ~:"=ON.y,u.Q.N. NOiOABOlT8PEi1l1HEAfl I WAlL SCI-EO. . EMBED ~.-N. -' - lNTOCONC. SlJ.PlATEPERSCHED. ou.""""" e;CSOEWAl..L9 roFAOHT& REARWoIUB----------"'.. j ,. _I-G-lCCltCRETECI.RB ....."........ ." TYPICALWAU.BELOWTRUSS "'.""'1 8 .....::i.l.tNL1Il'_ Vr.o DBLPl.ATE ::s= - ~~PLA1E I I DETAL1lWS411 ~~'~{~;:'i 2XlI~--7J - " 1Od@ll'OC::=\ 1 (I~ l;'~~l' \j ~/ I ':. ~~J ,.."" """'"" I ~-t~ /~=- --"'--""-,,,,---J ;;1 \. I ~ VTDDOL...tt I ~1~bDOLRN> ..... :n;. ~~.IlIIlMij.e~ [MQ8 _~1bi8 r,;-" ~y ~ , .....~ FRONT WALL ....,.... I 2 I ~2116PlATEl!&-!lPla 1lHJll'_ DETAll.lf0'S4.1) ~.OOLAATE 'CIll.~o.C.Onussa -- I. =....... Utor . 1.1= -. ::..... Me..:,. 'I ~o.c:.llETVlftNJK) ! 1lldOll'TDPlWltl .,_.L"'''''''''_I~ =--=\ ~. .Airo11'-11/2'~:Z -. -----.vr:-o.ii8t 'UTE : 2' " ' ~ ~ ~HlfRON1RlJSSTOTOPPl.ATE g -=-~...:2116Illl.RATE II: CIfE!ll'tJCf:OETM1Mkt) . ~ i ; i~ >' . ~ ~2o<ll.UI'o.c. ~....- f "''''i!il''''l_-_:.._..J. SIDE wALiI@] uiIS'';'.'!;:.;..'I<4'''' [, i: r~. DEe 2 1 2009 Orlglnai Submittal > CONSULTANT'S SEAl i 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. 6 6. 6 (XMlR.fCfM.TE: BI.Il.J)N;1YJIE: """....... """........ .".,,""""" """"" T'" ""."" """"" TAOD BElL 1:i'3YAlNSTREET ANfItMH,lM_ Q ~~ a:c:D.Q, T-50 STRUCTURAL DETAILS FRAMING 54.1 PWTDo\TC: I .. CONNECTION 1YPE: NAlUNG: 1..J06TT05l.lOflGllDER,'fCElN.. ~ 2. 8fllOGlN'3TOJOlST,TOEtW..ElQiEH] P'- a.l':dl"Gi!J;M~Ii2IAOlllBA.1XlRCflLES3roJaST.fJCE./lW.. ~ 4.lMDER1lW\l1'Xtl'C/fiW~st.IlfUXlRroJOlST.fllCEfrW. (lHllO 5.r(52)Al)Sl.IIflOOATOGIiIJER.Bl..N)AN]fN;E....... (:blGc:t a.SOlf:PlAlETO,JC6T(Il8l.tJQ(HJ,T'l'PI:;'.H..F/lCE.PW... (1l1dOl!'O.c~ 1.9Ol.EPlATETOJOSTCflIll..lJC(NlATBR.IrCS>W.PNaS Ci-ll1dPER'~ I.TOPPLATETOlllUO,EN:IIW.. ~1~ l.lJTUlT09OI..EPlATE (2-1OdENDNAI,J lo.()(X)II..f$Tl.DS,fN;E1W.. (lfldDZ4',O.cJ 11.DCJJBL.ETOPPLATES,lYPCALflCENM. (ll1dOlf1OC) 12. DOLBLETOPPLAlES.lN'SPU::E (8-1edJ 1:t. Ill..O()(,HG IElWEEN J06TS Oft IW'TERS TOTal PlATE, ltBW.. ~ 14. Ra.JOISTTOTOPf'lA're,TQEtw.. l8dOG'O,CJ 1&.TOPPlATE8.LAP9AN>NlEFl8ECTION8.fJCE.frW. ~1eD) la.CCINJ\NJlXJ8~1WOPIECES (1l1dO'f1'O.C.H.CNl~ 11.CEIJN3JOS1'lllOl'LAl1:.ltlEN.lIL (:Hell 18. WffiNJWSIEADERTOSTlD,TQOW.. I4.a:o 1Il.caMJOlSTS,lN'O\IEAPAIIT1OONI,fK;EtW.: cs.ll1dl 2llca.JNJJaSTSl1lPNW.LEt.IW'latS.FlCENAL j)-11kt 21.lW'TERlOPLA1E,wew. p-&t 22." i:Z!I.lM) IWCETOFAatSlUDNWPlAIE. FJatw.. 28. 1"11S1 SHE'ArnHGCIlLESSlOE.lrCHBENlNlFICEfW.. 24. WDfRllM l'1111'SHEATIiNGTOE.lrCHflENlHl fACE tw.. .... .... .... 11lld0 M"Q.C.) 25.Sl.M.T-tP(X)IIIIERST\DI ae.rf'l.Nf\S ;J-ll1dATuotllf'l..KjQ 21.2lIIllBQ(Bf.Nol/~ (12dOl'Z'o.cJ 248LAT-4JPQlFlDERAN:lBfMtS t2OCI032'O.C.ATTOP&IIOl1OMAN> S STAGGERED2.2(ldATENDSAN)ATEAD-lSlUJ?) ~ NAlUNa SCHI!DULI! NU I t 8 NOT USED .TO 1 t 8 o. NOT USED NU I 20 , -Cell' j.~- " x /1 Rii:'~ '/f L-. J '- ~;;: ~~KB> ,1/ J~; i I "l-- =;:CF , '- 1 .-- L? Pl'l'WOClOTORJN -:1 ~'- /1,[5'- ::,J ~1O ''- +I/.]~ ~ ,L). -EDGE.......'.. : j lx" Pl'I'WD.~ . ~7'I"'-"""G"""- '1<:::' - - I-II - /II =......NH.... _/1 -\ ~~~[J,.\TE """" 1.I.tN.PLVYm,5HT.5IZEstW.LBf2'-lrX4'-G". :t.I.tN.WNM..H3EDGEDISTAtG. I. EDGf: NIolLf-H.)OI8fAWjN<<JNlaJN)AU.Clf'DIN:jS. ROOF MAJUNa PLAN .,a I t3 ~ k=- -.4 ,-"",,",,,,p,",,-.. SfEATlIWCUPSEQW..LV 8PlrCEOElETWEEHEACH ............... ,~ PLYWOOD I!Dal! SUPPORT DETAIL .,. I t4 0~li)((--r ;;.;~ ';---. / ~~oaao L.... ""7 . -PLWD.EDGE """"tEn, ""''''' """"" DaJm.E~__ SAlolESlZEISJ05J" ORRAFTERUH.O, ""'" twaRSstW.L8.E'S.MPSaf'P1l"IHDARD'I1@RCX:F. DBl..JOlSTORIW'TCRSS/'W.LBEJOtEl)T~J>S FOUJJWS: 1. 1a"ORLESSN::lM DEPTH-lfld@12'0.C.STN3GEJlED :t.MCfIETtwoI10".(i!)1lld01~o.c TYPICAL ROOF OPENINa '~"""'I tS NOTUSED K,a Its, PfIE.eKl"TFlUSSE8llt~O.C. 0~~~TE . r2oll1lEMUN l.c. ~ 2.2x8lOPPlATE I lRUSSES@1f1'O/- /\. TRJSS2116PNW'ETEllJEHSlOOO ,~ ~ - '-IfS-'=;"'G~ - =' -~S8~ I 1/ / ~ ~ - ~I ~ I I ~ / ~_ W~ r A002JdOSPIJCE ROOf......... H f ~~......... j "j;i;. ., PNW.I.ELTOfW.MING "'" I ,I L ~ "''''''''''''''''1lE1WEEN ....... :bIllflLDCKlNQElEfWEfNlRIJ88a '""""""'" 8n.Ql 0~' 2"MPLATI: .dL!!'::1V~_.,.. . VBAll.HT. ~~~ ~ I ~ ~~ HfAoER - . - , 2XlIUNOEAlRUSSCSNID " BETWEEN@18"0.o.- -~~:-=:=1lE1WEEN SHOAEUNTD..ENTIREWAU..IB ~:LTN!JO(E ~"OGWMN c;!)zePI.A1i~ ~~~J_I_I II II II II j_lll I L / , 24@18"0,C.--...I I -""" ~..... -----'----,. =--- 1.0. CONe. CUF8 o ~g, iLiB I ~ (, t , "~ . PEAf'!NDQ.lARTOSTlD l~ :;..'\;:\:,~~ "'......., """'- I I BUILD.oUT ATTACHIII!NT K'a I 18 WALL FRAIIINa DI!TAlL ... - """ MIN. 18"ow.EIERCUNWa r-<I) . ~,,~~~~VA~. - ~~"'....J, ~ I' .. . \ - -L::" L \ L"""._ -L::" I ~ 8m..w.$PACES~ Cl.EAfW.ICENICA I " REQUlREDfOfttNAC ""'" INSULATION.(m'J ""'" TiPEll IDE~~+~~1 ~' ~8'-:'1fl",_ T.O. 1RUS5 , ......., >aNT ""'"'''''' /\ SEE NOTEa " NCJml' 1. PAJWlE 00JflL.E rna:::1lNESS lIlUSS AS REa.mfD D'l' lIllSS DfSDt 2. HCl.ODCJlVNCCINECJORS SIW.L BE SPECFED BY SITE SPrCFCNlCHTECTI Et<<iNEEHIlllSEl)l.Pa\lL~DAT^I"RlNDEOBV1R1JSSD~ 1 PACMDE SH:lP DRNINGS PFW;R TO fABRrAoTJ:lN. 4. THlBSUEMDERSlZESAREFORREfEIetCEa.LY.~SlZESl-W.LBE D~ INTtIJSS ~LFIClUAEfl BASEOQ\lACI1W..u:w;J(':(H)f[JJNI ""COOES. TRUSS SCHEDULI! NU I 11 '2 E"''''''"' HYAClNIT.RTlJ.1 * HVACLt.lIT-RTlJ.2 * EXtWJSTF~-EF.1 * HCDDf1.TICOBB.L ICE CONDENSER., ICECONDENSER#2 I MUZNl:DISH.SLED'BAUAST. AllON FOR LOCATDN AN'M1-EAEOOROOF. 1.Ql1T1b4. """"'" StEATl-tNJ-SEE WALL SHEAlHtlG ~ ----- DESON\\a3Hf 1.21011lL 2.0li0IbI. 22111... ..... 2CDlbI. 2CDlbI. ~~.~< "--~~:1~ * A. AU.DEmNWEGHTSN:U.DECl.Hl. a. ~TEWEIGHTSMn-lHYAClNl'8O-IEDI.I.E1Ml.o. C. lMXIdU.l RTUWBGHT: 1.otII LBS. D.CCH'IN.lAIJ.WEDiTSWlTHlCIUI\LlTBISPR:MlED. 1~PlVWODDSHeAlHNJWJG!) ftOWSOf8dtW.S08"O.c. NOT USED us. - ---,CONT2X4LATEFW..BfIACIN() AT48'O.C. M1N.ClFIPERlIlUSSOEWNl.AI)RAT6 tW.BlTO lOP Of' II(JJ1t)M CHOfI), APPlYMOSTSlllINJ9ITSTANCWlO. ~ [ (i) ''''YN. I [02XAWlN.1 ~ AU. MRSt.tJST AUON BETWEENTAU6SES Tt T1lUSS I!Ll!VA110N "'. - ,'"" I 3 ~~A> U1WlWillWillJ ~A> ...,Ul&D PHW'ET .,A> ... Ul&D "A> Lilli I J 1_1.1 IIII I j UlJ DEAD"'"' (N'IUlOTCPCHCRl) IDA> L111 I II 1111 j j III j j j j DEAD"'"' CN'R.YTOBOl1tlWGiCKlJ ""'" AL$O,N'PlYIIOOFTOPIKJSlJSPENDEDPOINTl.(W)S. ~ IHJ lOCATJ:lH<F UNTSAS toOlED ME SHCM'N ~ ntS Sl-EET AHDNlE NOT INCLUDEDINTllE/IOCNEL,!WK)~. VEAFY Tl'ESE I.CW)8 v.mt UECIW<<W.StIf'PI.BlIl6'Oft: -""'" TYP. IIULl1PLI! HEADER """""" I t2 ROOF TOP EQUIPIIENT WElaHTS NU I 8 T1lUSS DESlaN CIII'IERIA N.'a I 4 I 'i1II,~f hditf """'tL-I fil'- ooo1'i'" "' ~ w ~5<1:iJ ..,..... ~z WCDaW a::Q C(J)2 ..........~t; :.;!:"'" J\i~~!S ~.,fil~ -J{",;;o;~ ~~~~~~8 ~.~~~~~ W ~(J)O~ ~m.' ~~B~~ "S~itfi g ~ 1; Q wU-ZCJ > t:acww ::z::cno:ra:: !JJ ~fia:::iEg Q;', c<~ :ill:; t CONSULTANT'S 'SFAI 2 f', f', f', f', f', f', '6 f', f', - I camwrr IlIO" ...."..,- PW<VEJI9O< SIIE........ """'......... >DO<.>DO< XXlDO< lIXJDIJOI ,... TACO BELL 1Z1MHNIrnEET AHWl"CMfi,USAiB7flI'i . Q "I'W;CJS.: ~ T-SO STRUCTURAL DETAILS ROOF 54.2 ~o,..TE: . ,., ELFA~ I ~~. ~CFMJIIQ~, ., - -, , r-- """"""" . ..0<, (5EI':SCOPECF I I ~ I """" ....L . ---".- - a_2x10!l..OQQNO C2)-2lrAS1W8 "'" OCE Of """"",,,WI 2. 12d NAlLSIN10 EACH ClFlHE2lI10 """""'........ Dtr nll.ROD BLOCKING . - '''' 1 t7 \/......... ...."..-~AI4EA. ;fl)-,/ ,i'Il'i:_"""""",,,,, ~~~nP ~' "--CEHTIJUEa: CNa't ATT""""" 1 ......- Dtr CANOPY BLOCKING .......,...[ t8 1~~~7 ::+J\_=OOm ~OO_m i'-"'181:l~fA.1ILKG. , a; '-2lI4. 1YP, :'_WPl..YWOOO ~r---nP '-- ....FW.1D>lT " : 00 .'1 .."LED ltr-1....118 NOT USED 1 20 v .....---Ftl1NGNlCH /' """'... """'Of """" -""""",,, _NO""""", (JOT.....ClFoQ 1_3-2ll10Bl.DCKNl I . ______2LA't'Bt3/8'Pl.'tWOOD /' It . / - FLVlNGAID1 ..."""',..,-... PlATE-8'f\OlXlA ... """"'" 0IWlE SHEA",",,""" sn.osOZl'O.c. 0lll..21BIJCG.W/ sa,FSOMFC,T.&8. fR'NT& """ SIMf'6OMHU2.M(TYP.l ...... WOLIIlllNG8Ol.T8 Oe.M:Hf'LATE ~=~ .r-~z,e~ """""'WI .~121:1N.l1UlIHTO EACHCF'lHE2dO """""'........ """"'..... t (4ja. - ~ ).... $"1 ~ . 121:M'.fB---- I ~U8OlTS ....EN> JL- nll.ROD BLOCKING .-,'" J t3 It Of WAU. ~' on! uu uu ~o un ini Un ---1- PLYING ARCN ATTACHIIIINT ...-,'... 1 . ~ un Y., r-- , I I , '--- , , , , , , I , , ' --:::rn:------:r~-..J t::.=-, I r===:;;;==l F==' '1'- I ( " - I il I I ~1:~77''''''7TF;r~?r/ 771 ~/.". //". //////////~". . I ". "', /)/"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /i I (// /-'1/ ////////////, / Y, //" /~/. /////////////// I V ,,,. ////////////" /, ~/, 'J//////////// /,,,. ~ ./ ' ". / ". /.)/ ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". / ". ".". , ". , 1/2'Pl.'l'WD6tEATHNa r/ // /////////~ /// //1 ~~/-":J ~' '.[////// ///// U; ____~ ?~~~I'/'-"./I'~: 18'-8112'.[ : ~(4)1er:t(M'_) I I I : I! -,- 2rA8lUOSEW::kWAlL SlWPSONH:UO,",~! I: ( i ,I "';1 . . I I ~ OOl..211IlOTlOMP\.ATE~~: !: "~:f~SEE FROM 21:12 (IJlIM CIl1TER EDGE I TORT~'''7v.mH__ 'i . , OUTER EOOE a= TOWER LEG --------: I ......, .;., ..-VI' I I I" I ~\ t~~~f ~H I' /' ~". V, -7-1' ---Li./ I -1' :, 1 -1'1' :! I -1' I I .,. , .,. -1'-1'1'-7-7 ~1a ~I .,. , (0{ y- -:s: ---~--------------~ PRE~TAOOBEl A..WlG AR:H. SJBUT SHOP OWGSTONlCHlTECTFOfI """"""''''''''TO FABfllCAnoNORsamoN. 1XlLII..E2lIlI1L=- c:ov.YBlW'PI.'lWlXID1IEHT TO"""" ...... "1llJ<a YGlUP"''"' 8U'SONHU2.~ nP. (4Il8d{m>~ Ntm.DllRtONT_ HA10iAAEAINDlCATED fRAMlNGl'OAR.Yltf3ARCH l.B3lll.f'f'Offi'llllEYONl,SEf OET.lISU&IW4.3 FOflWOREN'O. - 2ll4Gll1'~- ,I F<a~ ~DBl.2XBU<O \ ( i .----- ------- - - --,",,-- -, I / .TACO BELL DRIVE.lIlRU TOWER "-"", I t2 --r--\-- - ~ ~~f'SQIIA.S:IfA. A."'''''''''' .........""'"'" PlATE.f1fmlXlA r2LAYERWAOJ. l< A.w.ooD ~ -&W'B)a.oc:1CItG _-~=~EH:t1 " Aff,tOlMlHfPOM' "J-~~=BOI.l1I ~""""'"""" CNa't _........... ATT~.l'IP. "'--aoL....... ...... ""- ~COOERJEOf CNa't AIT""""" G'. 1 1I4'TMCKAUAllN.JMI'lATE ...T'3= - tfZ'l!ltQ.ESFm:w0 1.--3:::.. t.lCJ..MWGBCUS Fl'tINGAR:::H SUPPORT ~aI'TD,lGPl"1P~ IINTRY CANOPY 8LOCKlNG ,.,..- '''' 1 . :.~ 4fi'.... k-""""""", . \!!.4~ 6L8MlTDESlGNOAAWINGSSllHD ANDSEAl.EDB'l'ENBlNEEfl --,__ ~""ll1ESTATEWltilI: --..... l'RO.J<CTISI..ClC\rmTO @... -_.......... ~a=1lEtClA) ......- .--.........., FOfIAPflAOIIAl..PAIORTO S:s /" ...:... -'--- .......................... rt\ I"ABRIC'AllONOftERfCJlON .7 ,..." " '~..,.r-2I.AYEIlMl'ACt.t. __-- ...' ,.../ ........... ....._ ""- PL'MIXlD [-~_-~1' / ( C=~~XZJ ,_.~ -'8i I: 'OJ - . TV!' / j,-~.-~ 2Il12lf'lONTTOBN::I<l t 1 ~ '" ~r I X _ SW'El)lIl..Oa(JG ;:-- ~ ~~ ~r' ~1i' 1!G J"":. . -, \ _/ '-@ . = t:~ -'1- _ .! J ----...;;;;:! m_._ _._m Ju " " " " " " " r--lL---- I L________ PLYING ARCH ATTA. '" I 1~-1'4' I 1 --- ~, " " " " " " ------------~--1 --I --~::=~7J OET..... Y.JoU AT CAHOPr lIl.A'ORTLOCA1IONS ,.............1 '----lllMPBONCS4llfA8IOE. ~IIUCIl.,TYP. SlYP9ONtfJC812EA.B<<l 18l2x12W/1/7A..YWCXlD R:J1'CHESOJTTOIWllUB -."""" ~ ------ CNa'tnJNllJClQ.i. SEE&fa4.3alWU T" --- ::::===-'17EXTER1OR """"-""" /" rQJ2atlTYJ>. ~l _____ "TV!'. " @ .- .. r l r D~~~ ;;{eceivec ~.' nl='r , 1 2nn9 TOWER FACE FRAMING ,..."... [ 4 Original Submittal "'. CONSULTANT'S SEAL l:.-, l:.-, l:.-, l:.-, l:.-, l:.-, l:.-, l:.-, l:.-, """"""""" -- ............. ........... .-......... """"" ,... lOX."" lOOOX TAOD BElL 1281rUr1N8TJI(ET ""'- "".... Q ~'4: "''''''''' T.50 STRUCTURAL DETAILS TACO BELL TOWER 54.3 i PlDlDi'r.TE: PIlE..eNGINEEREDT.rcoBB.L RYlNGARCH BEYOND. Sl.l8MIT llHClPIlWG8lOAFlCHTECTFOA API'ROVAlPRlORTOFAllRICA.1lON ORERECTIO.: (:' @ uu @ 'U! uu uu , ~ -- ~ ~::"- ::"":" .:..':: i'::':"" '::"::'':'' ....:~; I ., r-- I I I I '--- ij;(ll)lAYBlWPL'I"\MXlOllENf I 10"""" ::rl:: =::f'""""""'b=::.J E=i r=====-l r-~ OOUU~~ ~ ' ' 1+_+, ':: :: ___: "" %1 II 8M'6OHtIJ2.5I'.TY? ,I J J J ' (4)115d(NP.) ,Tr....:rrr-_" ~ ~;1;77 7:-7, (/ / //// / / /// / A / / // / '/ -/./, / // / / / / /f" / / // / / / ( /. /////////.1///////--' 2IoISTlDSBAClC.WAll r// ,/,///,////////; /, ~TOiNEAltIX'AlHI~FOA (/// / / / / // / / /1/ / /// '/ RYINllNQiISl EUPPORTSIlEY(H). (/ / ~////, ~ ~ ~ ~ // -:: ~ //~ ~ < r-------- l1Z'PL'M>>StEAnllNG SEEDET.2f34.afORhlJREtI'O.- '_~/ '//////////// //, /.1 k:-7 rr///// '/.j/ y// /';) I . __ ~ -" ~ ~ ~ , ~ ,~ ''':~ " /, ~""I 11'-811Z' ~~ : J\~"""(m"J I "j ~~~~~E - ;--- ARCH. DE1' awlO I 1 _____(2)11ld~8'TlO I V- I \~,~ij ~~~~:~ );2j I ~ ><-""-"'''"''' m -7-7L. ~ ~-7'-I' ~/ : I ~ I q : .~-7 i ////' ~ ~ , / iSIM.~ 'y~ CmJ1mmJmm( ~'.-' I ______Uh____U_______""_~ / oow..e...""", !lO@lO'-- MSTl.D8ff1lHT\IIIAl.L ~.10'-- till 0 10'-- ......"""" h4016'OC.W/ SlWPSONl.U!.tEA.EM) (3)2Id2WJllZPL'tWOOO R1lCI-ESCUTTOIWlIJS ...."......, OOTER EDGE QO l<JWER """"""'. ~ - B. ....1NJll._.t.. B,O.~-------ql'" TACO BIlLLFROIII'TOWU ",.. .11 "."~ Its NOT USED 11/2'_14J' 118 I'fE-.elG1NEEREDTACOBELL FLYlNGARCH. SUBMITIHF:DWGB TO AACHITECT Fal N'PIOIM. PRIORTO~llONOR """"'" V:I" ,ul ~ ~~ _ -=- _ .::.~~ ~,~:.. 3:~= Jj j; C2)lAmlWPL'tWOOOaeNT 10"""" E= ::rl::-____h::f'""""t::__ -I r~====rl r=~ OOUU2lol~ , L' , , I j.j-1"1 11111 f '4-" ,II 1'1 '""" I I I I II I ! I '- SM'60tHIJ2.M,T'1'P. . J.l.lL 2LLL : "-(4111lll(TYP.) -....r.:r.....,r-rr/71/777:T ."'"7;1 7:-::/'-::-::~~~~~ y~~~~~ ~~1 //.,/////////V/////// blSl1.CSBACKWAU. Ho\TCHNlEAtlOlCATEDFRAM1NGFOR r>/~ /-::~~~~--:'~~-)~--:'~j-::/ ;~1 Fl.'I'IN3AACHLEGSUPPORTSBEYONJ r. /, / / / / / / / / / r / / / / /, /1 SEEOET:>J54.3FORlIoIOIlElNFC . ,//.'/////////.//// /// ,-r-VZ'PlYWDSHeATHlNQ . ~~/ ,/////////r//~ /// /,-1 ~Yl/////T/~~ ~/,<// /;'1 ""o,"o.c. -r ft."", '/'r.'" "j_I"--~l~H;:~ 2Jl8etll'Q.C.- I I , I , 1 ,:' I :. I ~: I ~ ~~ I~-~~ liT; '<1lL-:::' ~ I I fIOOfDECK :,==ro""""~ ( ~~_~;ii ---J @ /,,;2~tm . )0- ~~-<>>'~ .s:: ///'-I/~'.U. f -f BUUJ , , , , """""'...""'" 2laOl8'o.C. ----- 211iSSTUJlIFRONTWH..L 112 "-YWOOO ZIl4@111'O.G.WI 8IWP9ONw:il4~r;t<<) 13Ih12W/WPl'l'MJOD fUTDtES cur TO IW*JS (NIN.O'HEUiT) I TACO BIlLL SIOIl TOWI!R SI!CTIOII ".,<0' I 7 NOT usm I 8 r ...iIIlEEr""1 tF I l;;;'~ r F----l ," ': "'...... " fL~~ . I. ~.~._.,_.,(~ 'I.. ..' - - . Q I.C, .. . 1 .- '--.JI ... r-------- I I I I , I I , , I I I I I I , I , , \ \ \ \ \.._------- , I """"'""'" " "'"""' T ATTAa-iMENT I L _ tf.'ADEflBEAM I I: 1-1 (llELCM) :mrrrl-~~ AIT"",,"", Lil,ll: I IL-@ ! IlIi I l '" n I I I .. ~ 1__21C1Illtlll'o.C. {,I' dr.'''''''''"' ",:.~ EE:~ ! . : .: ~ Ii ~ 1 . . 'Fl'flNlARCH' In ____~ ~ -+- TACO BELL DRIVIi.THRU TOWER FRAMINO 'f> -.. I II 1031'''' 1'..... 111u'" I ~UI 1 [~"I ~-L-=~~~ ~r '";~~ ~~~ I I I ~, ^TTAOiMENT !jf'" - - r.s.li\JPI'QRl' 1 ~~_~ : r- ~ ~E"lE ~H'- ! -f-~ " c T I' I I I l€ADEIlBEA/rol I . I (BELOWl . - I : f' I 1 J l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! i ~ ~~ .~ ,,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ If .~ f' TACO BELL "",. .~ 103(4" 141' ntJ4' .~ / . c:,/ ~d~i~W9 1~~hifJi ,,~fil-<iJ;<l!I,~~ <oli:Ol~:~ ~d~ } z . filiil;;!li~hi5 g~:il~~fJ!~f3 ~t-C~'Ul~~ ~~~.jJ),~i~2~ a:Ul~~O~08 <1-:~I-:~uJ E'!~""""",~~,, Z ~to?:@l-: ~o ~, ',@a:~t=~ "'e' ","Q~~ aIm: ' ~g~~ 'ud:::n~ z ~ j t:;CCuJW 'c'<(:I:ooora: .. a::o-::EO 1 c~~ Ii; T.5.SLJPPORl" WI",lO'PlATE (TYP.OF4) """"'" CONSUl. JAN1~S SEAL ~ ;:" ;:" ;:" ;:" ;:" ;:" ;:" ;:" ;:" L """""""',. ........- ....."""'" "" ..-t 1lO8E..-t . """"'" ,... """"" .... """"'""'CO' 'fl."""""'" """'" ATT""""'" I _J1s\ r ~GfR)NT~ '~ , i ~GSIlE1CMm TACO BELL 123I1WNSIIIEET -""',.". L 1 Q ~~- .T<lm.JJ. T-50 STRUCTURAL DETAILS TACO BELL TOWER ~ --~:': ~w"A.~NOr ~I I~~~,I I ~ l---.:t;r~""'" 54.4 ::-'.;~~",;-""". i "SIDE ISIM.'TOWER PRAIIINOil!",,~<!11~4? ;;~," c___ I . i ~fC II ZUOS i ,(I ,j -:; .~ Orlglntl! ~u!Jfflill~l_ ~111'+112" B.O.CNIQPf 0~~ m Y: ' / / / / ~ / ;; ~ 1 L ~ ...,... 'T.O.5l.M ----'---,-L". ~;~~n: 0~~~ ~ T.O.SlAB _______________. 0~1lB1J8 rOo'" "'T.Og~ .~ ~ r . .._...L........~........... .-.............."'...-".. . .~ I --l : ~?i I . EO !EO 1 ~ ~ r,--,:; I:' t .... ...........,-,m>. ./ T fJ.e .!' - I 'w/it2lt AVAVAY"" fE r/ll'/"!; AVAV/1Y}ii EO EO EO I ~. jtc}"'-."""N"'--P-:;<'''t ~>--; I/////////////A- -. ..~ -- I EO_': ~,"';'...'.~ ~ - If' ~ ...... " ,.1 : ~..: "'.' 'I . , , 17////////V////////-J -. ...L~ , . .:1 EO,' EO i ~____ ',: . ;,' j,: ~ J-- ~------E;: --L " i ~ ~~. f////////////-'l"///~ - -. "- ... --cD EO . j .~ ~=~;0/~ '" EO. _.. ~ , , ~ . A T,O.::; -$- T.O.1= -$- ;~~:=1E ~.P=:~ .... 1 ~ i I ~ ~N/"'-rAVAV"j ~ I EO_ ! EO. - '" ~ ,--:'$2 I ~ It. ~ - ...-- ...- .,;~SIJB~. FRONT ELEVAnON ,w-,'... I E ~~tw~ ....-.. ~ ~'m EO 1 ~ ,....~.. r==..'.....'.....,...... ". ......' . '. ,':'."~ ~~,.'- "- - -, . - - ' ,-- - ,-"-'. . ,- ".' " -', . . ~.< -. :" -. ' :" '" .'(":---"'" ~tO'-4' 8.0,CANOP'I' "~""""N-" M":T~".'-. '~'"":~J'" -- -; W//////Y///////hl . I J ....~-.- E~ t-- '" . ~ . , ~:M',<'~"~',"''-''',~'':M\''~,M'.",~~~,,,,~~ .. : ~"..: :....: :",: l.._ :;"-~."'~C:""~.: I I ~/AVAY/1t Jl'/AVJV/1J ~AV.-1Y/1t Y.lVAVJI. , "'- "'- , . .~. L ~ ELIIt-A1/2' ....: T.o.'NU ...,' :~~~ ...,__,..". ..._.. ,..-,:L RIGHT SIDE ELEVAnON "'-"... 1 A ~ : lien 1 1\ I ~c/:1: $ en EO. ,":. ~~ J k, ~ . . , LEFTSIDEELEVAnON ...-,....1 B , ElCI'9<<) Ill.CJCICNJ loB FEaMED TO FIT BETWEEH STU:lS. 2 ElEVA~ATBOTT~OfCN<<lF'lES$tWl.BEg~A.F,F.(UN.O~ a C(XlAllNA.TE SOW3E B.EMaflS...a IIU)l:KI<G fEQJIl:EWENTS WITli SlGJWlE YENOOR:SEESCOf'I:OFWCA<. 4. TttS SHEEfISTOlNDlCAlEB~ REaJIlEMENI'S fCAAWNtlGS&CofH(pES. AOOITlClNAlIllOCKlNG IS REOlllREO FCfl on-ER 1JEMSN> 61-Di1HCNon-ER _. ~, FCIlCl.PQAATTACHMEHr8.8EE8IiEETB:LO ..-I. .<JY'Q A.,.O <fJl<#' <Qv" ~'V ~' ,;y ~ o'?' .<P' ",~.vO~V_,,0""(j o ~o/ V Y>.~"<:'~ ,p~ (vCJ_~ S:-'" ;f'~<t->. OO,g. 4.~ fi>- rJ. 0 <Q~<<; ~'V ~<<J:~'" -t<:) vO 65 f-:f5 (? 4Y ((J'v &~ ~~ GENERAL NO'I1!S (I) SQJ)BI.OCIlH)f(lAFASfENERS.SEEDETAllS 13&111AS43 CD BI.OCKt<<lFORCUlMDTlEWlAlT~ENr.SEEDETAl.IiIS4.a o PRMDEBl..C)C;:t(HGFOACNO"l'.:IEEtETAL!"0'94..s ID O~tt;; Recreiv6C -_I..~ Luu.J , I f L r KEY N011!S ut.l- l Original SubmittaL .! . C!Jj iad~!10 ~~~ ~~~b! , .' I ",~~i!", ~~~"" l:ffi filiilCIt;fti~1i !~li 'b-j~~ ~Ir[il; ~1Qi1~ wli'~, 3 Z !iiwHlo; lDi~:>~8 111... ~''!1li' ~ ,Qia:~~~ 841!~S~~ ~"",5~~'" c-OWUJ ic(:rfao:ra: [Ja:Ua:~g (fj o~~ ~ CONSULTANPS SEAL L\ [', [', 2'1 [', [', Ii Ii [', COHTW.CTD-.TE: XXJOllOl flULDlNGl'tPE: T.aJ PlMl'oUlSlON:' 6ITE~ XXX-JJOt 0tQIE........ ""'" TACO BELL 1231lWN81l'EET N<<fOWN,IJS,o.887lfj Q '.~ ........ T-50 CANOPYI AWNING BLOCKING ELEVATIONS 55.0 I PLOTDlltE;j 110. ern' m.c. lNSI'. -.... """ B-l<101 ""1 -8-241 I . ""M5t1 , ~"" , ~"" , ;-S-2YJ I , ~"" , :=1 , , ~, , """' . .."" , 8-4101 , .... ""'. 'Clm """ c... """ E-a..r 1 X -...(1)1 X ",,, , ,= , "'" , ,= , ,= , ,... ,= -,,,,,, T<iii '''''' F.l00 F.l:n F-1l10 X -f.m X F.114 X -f~l X """ , "'" , fQI X , , 1'-81 X 1'-4521 X , F.mll X f.Q1SI X "'i.Q;!] X 1(.,;!101 ::1 -K-.4811 K-5!iB1 ".", '''''' -K-tI031 ,-, ..,,, ,- , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , .... DUe&. ~..iII EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE !~!BB>I -" D_.DI(S -I 1- onlCLC.'......' II .....- LU__ B CON'I'IIACTOR BUILDING EI.EIIIN'I8 , , , , """....... IRCXlFW.TCH2'-8"X'.J~ DIWE-TlflUWNXlW IWAlERHEAIBl 1SCW>0ISPEN5ER1WAU.wa..tiil 1 SNmZER~ I MRROR, 1S'Xllll" 1 Ta.ETPAPERmlPENSEJ'I I PN'fRTONB.DlSI'EN3EFI IPN'fRTCMaOlSPEt.Sb11TIWiH 1 GlW31W11-1fl'tl1A.~ I GRAB BAA l-1fl'tl1A.X42"aaFIIL IWASlEBA::oorr_VC'41I'1!.l IWASlEMSICET .- IWASTEBASl<ET 1 SNfiMYtW'KI\IRECEPTJrCLE , IMOPSINI(SfATDN I C I ~, .'. . EQUIPIII!IIr 1 SNiLE(FENFRYERW/tJN:ER.FRYEAFLTEASYSTEW ,- , I SPUTLOCl.AIolIll-ti.L TOlSTBl. 1 DEESE.a.'IIR IOO..IllEl , , COOK""" , , , , , , , , , , , , , I · IDDIAUBT HOODIIJRIIB..... TOHOOO I F omC&lUlPLO~ I~FLE~DMWERl<<lHl1.1I"'1I~ ICHAII_OFFQ; I UCOISEFfWoIIEIt'X1D"fUAD(! I CfM-EMPLDYEfR:O.l I~THOOl<S IEMPlD'l'EE'MJRIGTATIlN 1000lCEOOlolPLJfEFI 1~YMENl'ROOTBlIlO( IMONITOfl.c:fl'a 1 ~WCOPEWFRJ8CNN'A IUPS~AA1~~RJtI_'^ '"""''''''''''' IWlBCSYSTEU 1 DfD'!W'E 1 SN"EYlTTHAUXI'lOCK I WE \MTH TWCH SCREEN CONTlD3 PVIUIIIQ I(".JOO( , I~ADKIT IOfFICE'NOf*BTA~ IOfFlCE~~ , , 1 lJDEOTRAlNNll,NT I8ABYa-w<<ilNGSTAlDII , ISTACl<HnEHGI~ I~.li' 1 Fl!lalWAT2'1I8 , , , K WORUTA110NSISMIILVINGICAR11J , , , , , , , , , , , , I PREPSlN(WOAKSTA11CWrnnw::x I lCOMP. SlNKWORKSTA1D\I9Il"TRACK FINWORKSTATI(Y.l3ll"W.lD'01I71i'H IstELVNQLNT3ll'.4B'.7"'il~ ISHElVNGlNIT2....llll'.7..r..lJER\ ISHELYlNGUNlT18"X3D'XIlll'H_~~ I SHELVlHGUtfil8'XarXIl8'HJ5.!E!3I I SJ-ElYHGlNT1S'x42"x!l6'HI5TEfI) lSK:lVHGl.HI118'x4B'x88'HI5~,! ISHElVINGUNrTN"X7'Z'XIlll'H15lIPl ISHElVNJlNT18'..lIO'.7~I4TERl , , MFA. . &to.... 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"" "" "" ITEl.1.EfM<\TE#TYRlomB 1 WUZAKt'tlIM8.t.lX".AllEASE PERWA\/Iil..T"PfKl.-la 1FflE::l(;h3#1lS02ll2llN\XFI I' BRltf<Scow>USAFE3JlXl.#21J2DN EQJfTYTIME#B722D , I SWFT#flS.t.FPC ,..- IISS#245'IMOiillEA , 1 CCBf #TRM)15ll11 1 W'E-SJ1W>aM'ANY #011 , I KOAlA(#HCGWITllGPa"FtC:>> IENJ'IW.ICe.INC.#"115l1012 ICFlESTt'24llII1..ANfElI> , os...".., 1SS#OS-1F ISS#FRYrolrB3D3llVA BSnt::m2f:BfA 11SS#SU24EID7!iY IlSS"SU'l1l3Oll6Y' ,..- IlSSt'WST3S1Y 11SS1'WST3S1Y 11SS#SU2472OY IlSSlPSlJ1lll107liY .... OI'OON: BUD fYPES r&.aD ..a.c,?PIU4lllii.~-"";~MCX:lIZiiD._.1 B-1411 Aj omJN:BfW)f(JlD'MiITEt'8'-tlOT-l:;U;:~ _ 1\8-215 IS~~~ IN(JlE:KAYll1"ID1SPE:~UseOFOAs(w>&!WoI11ZER I"'" ISlH'ACI'lofTD 6-2ll& I SLII'K:E MTD B-27S 11lLRFAa: Mm. ll-:l9D I~ ,B-3I1 SLII'ACEMTD t B-llW SLWACEMTD I B-:Di ,~ , ..", , ...., N:LUllESACCESSCRYKIT&WOlN1lNGIWWWAFE 18-410 I : :~ , , X !COMESWlTHGASHOSEKIT.CPTDtlMllDJTFLTER Ic.ailll X 1 COWESwn-lGASlCSEKIT I Clm I : PONERED BY I'ROOUCTION It.E I c.:m : 1 PCWEREDBYI'AlXlOCTD\lLN: C0<<l1 , , I Fal'T1-ERETHEI'D.WlZER I C4al I X , , , If'fiE.PI'EDFCftANSLLBlIPf'REBllION , , , 11N0Ii1'lClE.o",,-.rrAII.1 IINCFACE. SEESK'8"AII.1 IlNOFACE.6EEtlHEETMl I LOGI(ERSTO BE WALL MCLtfTED INOFAl:E.SEESHEETAll.1 , IINOFFICE.SEESHEETM1 IINCFFICE.8EE8HEETMl , , IWUlN(rL.OCAlLEASEl , , , 11N0FFICE.SEESHE8"M1 IINCFFlCE.s"EEiHEirrAB.l 11N000000.SEESHEETMl IINCFFICC.SEESHffTAlI.l , , IUlSTO'IOERRESTRo\NNG~ 1.1'-0011 IF.n2'l1 ''''''-' I F4!il If~1 IF.mB1 IF~1 1 F.aIIJ I '..., i<iii1 ''''''j 1'.100 1'-13'1 1'-1111 f-ln F.17.. ,.", , IF.", IF.", IF.... , , IF..., IF.... , IF'" 11'..15 IF." , , , , , X , I IRISBERIZEO ,.......""" , , , IWAll~SHB.WlG I WAll1lW:KSHElVlNG 1An1l -1 l.15l1i 1 T__I t ,EI' :N-1311 1 1N-1111 I I N-131 I 2 I N-160 I 2 IN-l7l11 , , , , , ,- , , ~"" ,..., , , P",,17 I ..." , ~Ia P-liI5Ill1 , P-67lIll lE-2l''' , , , , I I r--: , , , , , , 1&<<Ii~: 1- , ''''''' , 18..:>2D11 1~11 r&:27..11 ~ S-27Ii I 1 \:l-2lI411 rs:-2ll511 :l-2lllI11 ...., , S-31911 ..." , 5-44111 ....., , '--' ..... , ,... , ,... , I'''' 1 :=1 ~I ,-, 11S-li7U1 118-CiIlD1 _11S-l!Dl1 , , , , 11(..210~ 'K-221i "''''1 IK-.4811 "~I ,,- , .... ,... ,,- IK-.lIS7 1-- , , I""''' '""" , "'''''' 1tJ.D811 J.U-a1D1 I U-1DD I lJ:!:!.2D1 1lJ.-152 I ,=>>, hi, ".." '-I Ilw<EO' , , , , , , EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE M" II MOD&-...- ......... """''''''''',as!'''' .~ftlllWI~ IMEl'CfW'T.1WPB411.1XRS6aN'TB 1 AERO "HS-WCD 1 T&S t'6-24lIli .T&SFILICETB-:iMfB IT&S~ IT&SFAUC:ET~ IT&SEI-otm IT&SFIU:ETS2lI , IAEftO#2F12111111Ul ,EVERPI.H:'''MiiS-mr IDa.FIlll-F3DllDOlllllI..t'IUiCE_BIlImlG ,FABTIfTRIClC2lC4m I BLN+GlM1lC "HI5.'l:-4OoaIl I RUlBERWo[J t'lIfID 1 En1.NJ~ ,os_ , IDfLFlB.D4IJ7CA1fl !e.....' "S......--...12llFfi r""'~ 1H!.E#C'11319 IHIoE#C10G0M IDELPHVTEl/ASOOT.... IlSSt"o\I6T12G!'l'A ILSS....~... I CORtt:UUSlll11lS1U25 ISERllENlNGF.2SlICD 1stt..RFlD.WBB-M3-22-Wi1 ICAATERHOFF~~ 11SS#W3T12301\ ITRAEX"A.ll-3i 1~"1oIRB-2 IFAAN<Et'7!I11ea ,1SS"WS1'11l16 IAPW#142l11 AJ_Ho.":;":S#tw::S&o _ELlJ.JN)Qs.l0 tloWollTOWOc"SV.147-4C IFAlJII'ST....6/llI I~~ , ID<>Y "'" '~OORBNBI2SllP ,""'".."....,""'" 1r.M:.11~ CORNEl..II.IShEl,DFITUlEIIl.N1E ''''''''''' ,HMES'VSTE~1fC1134l1l1DSYS1EM' ,""...",., , ,". 1= '''A ''''' ,"" ,"" '''''''''''''' . C E , " , DIT CL.ENWa1lNl. SECUmv OCOR. WATER HfATE\OIrWNXw, RESTROClM~.~ IJOClAICl,IRTAIN.MOPSlNK.WH)SH<.ACC.,~GlWlOS,lMn> FR'fERS.CMNS,GRI.LS.RElHERlMUZE~.lOAS'1EAS.~ KrTQiENEXtWJS1'H00D8.Fl'lESLP~El:IlJf'MEHI" ' WE.OA'(;EEl:lUPMENT.EMPI..OYEEST~ SI-ElVN>.~KSTA1"O'6.~TS,FW:J<S.0ClJ..ES SlTt:I.J(I-fIW3,~MEN..9oAKls l"CM'8\!lCW(.~lWI)SNI03.Pft8'.SlNfS,D5HNASIERS IolAPS.lKS, 1-U6, PACK!J4ES. BRf.AOERS, ~TORS, fCfWATER, WCIlKTlaES,aEESE .am< R REFRlGERA1tlflS/H)FRfEZfFlSI<<1TW~ s DfVI(5YSTEWS&EaJI'..HEAT~.STAliERS.WARlofERS.SEFNNiEOt.U>..QlJEQ.Jp'Date U SECl.IUTYSVSffiol,l.(l()G.ccrv.MCD.lMlJtlCo\T"ICNS'POSSYSTaI.POSEOJP. WWAU(.N~ , , , INTER(lRMENJIlOAAOP~ SECURlIY IXXIl DANGER SIiN I.PFla"~Tn.I~ 1 N D11l1U11D1............. 1 a.ca.lPPOWERSON< 1ll2\.x3ll'Dn. TOfII II-WiOSINIt!W~ I WlJPSHKFALCET 1-~P.8N<FAUCET PRE.-HN::il:KIT 1-I-WlDSIN(FAUCET I ~DSlNKFOOTf'ErW.. /1ca.lP..!lNKWASTE:DRAlNlB'B1 , , 11 COMPI'RfpSINKi53'WxtroX3511ZH , , , , X , , , I P IlOODPREPARA'IIOII RE'lERSE Q;MOSIS SYffiBl DAVPf'Il'XlUCll::lIJE , , ''''"''''''- I~SYSTBol , I~ IKNlF~ , IWORKTA8LE.fJIIX1I1' I.. IlRRUCIBI&11ON , 11flKT.fflfEZBflfliJSTD.~ , , , , , . --- , IHEATCAAltET_qnHEKlHT_(Ilnl-l , I DEssEHfTOWER , , , , , , , , , , " , , X , , , , , , 1 DIWE.TtAJlIo4ER , HEADSETHClOI(S I0C8SWf1'Oi9alC I IlEVBWiE COlME1l DRlVETHRU .P.lrx 111' IPlCK-LPDRlII1O_fH:lUCXll.NTEAGl!'lIli4'l I~EDl5f'EN3EA-SElf.sfiM; I~EDlSP8SEFl_DFlrJETtRJ I WAlER FLTER SYSTEM Isar.SEAVEDRNKSTJI:l'DNW.4li".m IPIIO-PAYCOUtlrER(1ll"JC36'l IFUlSHIolClJNTEDLDDLSPENSEJl IFWSH"ClUmED~EDSlMWlllSPEN!IER 11..sHJfT!lAG Ha.EEA .llO'~llD'FFUTISTATABl.I': lTl:'AAOl()PIW3HCX.DER IClPOlSPENSERlDRNJ.::--I.....,&ffIJNTCOl.NIERI OOrrAlSCAlE ICEMHa(PI,.Ia:DONTOPa:DRN(~ ~PEPsl BOOSml TANK FROZEN """""'" ........ ICED1EA1lISPENSER IK::I'D1EABREWEI'I 11l.'G-H-8Ql(SYRU"!w::K I CNlBONATCfl lC02~.TANK I BlNllJ;D SYlU'lH'S , I U OECURnY/COllllllJARBPRcrI'.JP08 , , , , , 1CC'JVI)JA&MON1'i5ii IBASElJTATDN-D1T<XlMU.SYSTB.II I_SECUItTYSYSlBA CREDIT CND RfADER lVS\TI RECEIPT PANTER ~ERENTRYlffiMIW. CAOH"""""...",.". , CAOHIlAAWER IKlTCl-lENL4ClNIal _ 1 MONITOR CELNJ MOUHJB) BRACKET IMONITORCEUNGUCJUNTE)BIW'J(Ef ,........... , , , , I .. WAU.lNCOOLEllla ~',iii.."'. lWH..K.tlC\XllERIFREE2ER , " p ""'" w:cr ... X -r~ I , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 X X , , , , , , X , , , , , , , , X , , , X I [~RUoIoI;':" i ............ IW1T&SB-;!48DFAU::ET&PRE-RNSE , ,. , ~""- "".... sPlASHr.lOl.NTeJ.Fal.... 'OR""" 12"~;FOR~ , , , , , , I~~~-EAST , IALTEfNt.1EPRK:ECASn.E:"756KASTS IWfSi1aF.BfW](fi&R.lER , , i , I FalIiCll'WATEAWCHtESI46D , X , lW/lIllHEI.VESUOi IMOUNI'<>>I~lllEQlERStBF , IYCiJNT@+S'~A.F.f. IIN Gfla:. SEE &EfT AS.1 WAll MOlMT'ED W WIWEIS a:Fa. ca.cES WD:II IW11SS~ IW11SS~41 , IORCClANEl.IJSDC2!iSPRlJG\TES IFIW:HISEESCANUSE5El.ECTO#~ , , , , , , , , , , , ~IVG.EDWOONrlNGIJRofrO(ETOMt.ITEAIol ct'&GJA , IWffiOOFWOlJNfB)COIllEteQlS FIVOl15EfS CAN USE H::lSHl5N(IIQ,iI:l-l230 ~SCOPEOFYo()RKlPEf'St IWflJ:XmERANDNST.oi.t.ATlONKJI' , , , , , I FlO-3REG2CRB 1 sa:l1MClJNTB)BB.ON~HIlRN(Ol9PENIER 1 WIIlWr IMPUlfTY lING ISEESCOPEOFWOfI(IPEPSll , , 1 'WIJH 1 CAMERA ItI\OOloIMUtfCATORS.+7'-tI'A.FF. , , I~JCAKJ1M l!FORFJ(;AN)2M . SEESCOPEOf'Ml'lK 1 SEESCXlF'EOFV<<H< , I FOft <>>IE MClN'IOl fACH I fQ:ll'M>MCNTCASEACH 1 WflltMClM\NG Pl.ATE , , , , ,""", , I .1- jlCCXll.ER.lfAEf2El. xnt&EPACf~TESTaESlIW.ariI , , , ..., , , .... ! .... ,'""" 'a= , .... ,=. ''''''' I~"" ~'" , .... 1'S-al81 1.5-3191 ,,,,,"' 1S-4411 , ...., . .... 18-& ,...., , .... I :l-5t~ '''''" ",... 1= ,- 1S-6701 I.~I ,.... , , , , ,""', ,,,,", ""'" """ ""'" u". u,.. u,,' """" ::::1 . - """ , L'1ID I~ ,...., ,,.,., ,~, IN-l:!1l ,M-ll1 IN-ll13 1N-160 IN-171 , , , ,- ,- , ... , , IP.....171 IP-4fiD1 , , Jpo6all "..., ".", CONSULTANT'S SEAL AOi!.a:lJIl FUSIONDHI<</IAlS A lM.a!.ou WATEIlI6JER 2:, 2:, 2:, 2:, {'., z" p, fXHTRICT D';re: """""""'" """"""'" ""....... """"........ """"" ,-EO ""'" "".... ~ TAOD BELL . 12:iMAlNSTREET --""'..... . Q ~ '""""" T-5Q EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE R'~ceA2.1\ i .~ """~~. Dl:" 2 I ..~'rn, L.\' ____ .ij 'I Original Submittal ,,~ ~~ ~~ ,,~ ------- --- -, I- --<D I TIP. I ! ~:;1~ r---------~r": I I !. ! -' ,- I I I. , , I ;;. :-m-m-rfF\-- ----n-l ~ \ "mmm__nn]! <l? ~ "--;, , , ,\ nn__n_n____n , ~:. // ' , \:-----m-~-~-~t- 7---_ , : nn-m~----l-// / '"" /~ // // '0 -F-- / ~ / -1-- ;t:";: ;--: -~ '"", i ~__--'" 1!(~ ,/ ___,,/ ------ - I/"' ---- ----~~ T~ ~~.:____ :'- I __------- ~ I .---..... II __------ I 2lil L___ ~..... -' I I ,,,,,--- / tl ill - I ! @ :' I Inl --------- - _ +- , - [ II ! I r- ---- -- ~~;1 ~-;1 ~ ,-- -in1 LlJ ~: I~I" : r I~ 1'\ /~ ~ : OJ' D~ @IU"-- .1,l.'~11 'rc~1o: 10 II/IIVI ~ @ I :I}I Ixl... j I ~TYP. . i;! t: I I ~ I III I I A I 'I ~ I I I 1\ I 1 I C -= _ > I _, I ~ I I~ I ~ ~ ~ ' .. I - 1/ I I, \ I E I . '~ ~ ~ 1 : ~ l_Ft;__- __,I --' - 0 ---r-,L _J II rD II! 8 :,~_J ~--~ 0 : ! ~ JDDG-~ 21 I '~ I I J L_________ L_.J @ I I ., I ~ I TYP._ D l~ @\D021 I Tl~Jrn' DfW1D' 1/21 fl" @----- " \ ________m,y~ \ 0 ' ~ y_ /', " /I@I I Qq-- i--- ~ "~ // " / mo. L-J I "/~' "/A: Ln{L,( ~ ~~~~~=---TD--~-_____'__m_~__-= r ~"------------/ ~~~~~!W_ ~ lm__m~nj l_-T-m--J <Ill: / <Ill I I Ln_mm_J W "--<:DJ : 00-1 : ~ ~ ~. L __~______ _J TYP. ElB' \ eL TIP. rn. I , \ , - " I / @>---- :: TIP. , -----01)\ , G:- r"-- I , I , , I , CD-+- TIP. I , I I I I L..__. ~ eL. TIP. ~ ~ ",. GD--: TIP. CRlCKEI'S SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE EQUIPMENT AS INDICATED. MINIMUM CRICKET SLOPE. 1tr PER FOOT. " n " ,. . I ROOF PLAN 1'-"'1'~ I A W^""""""'" A. ll;l"twl..NJArl'NW'ETCN'~I'tNQwu.ICTBEACCEPJED. a PE:NfT'AA1IOOS~ROOF\NlJMEMIlRANE~Of\..ASliN38tW.LO'U6Et.w:J;M IN)(:ATUI 00 1liE atAWN3S OR SPECS SEESPEaFICA~fOftSEAlNffSl'ECS. C.AU.~MT1.fV,Sl-IHGl3i'WJ.6E:ZZGfo.MH ~lSC~~1I:lN9ClDSERTIWll:tI'FlOMANC1llEA\W..LNOTBEAI..UM'ED B. EXHHJSTFNlSMlN.lf1.{fNNAYFfl)MALLAlRNTAI\E/stl'PLY. ~~~NSlIlAl1ONT'l'PE8. RErolTOSPECll'lCA.'J1ONSEC'l"IC'H07210 B. BQISOllt()(lESSTOBEDEl'ERIr.IIrEDBYSfT'E...Sf'ECFI:;REUI;lNALFE'Q..I'IEMENTS lfl"MINM~(PERfIOOfI'<<>S'ISlBotsrANlWll). RCnF1"311mal' ... -"'",,",,-T"""'~. AEFERTOSPECFCAlDNSSECTDNll162ll Ii G.c.SI-W.L(:(IQqlllNAlfAlLINS1A1.J.AOONREt:lVIla.IEHTS. ~_1E~TEf'OClFItCiS'ISTBA' "'1W'"~1(J~'-..-:':':":'~..v._ll7SSQandll7555 6. G.c.~COCIlDfi'\TEALLNlTAU.AlDNflfaJflBEHTS. RCOFCRICKE1S: A. Q-IIC(EfS@ROOFlOPE<JlAPMEHT&WJ.BEFClRMEDlMIHTAPERfClIt&.lA1I>>1l0 SlX:l1N4EXTeNT ASTOI'ftOJl)EA.1'OSfTM:lItH. 1IZ'1lLiJl't"T01tE\W.LEY. CD tNN;lHf. lNSTAU.PUJWlN.:JU:'IEL. CID NOT"""'. CD extWJ8T FAN. SEEStEETS Ma.o 6. MlI.I N<<l DETM.81'. 111/AlI.D. @ ~TEfN1fIYL.N:lERHVJC:UNT(PERKlfICl.lfA.SPECS) CD AES1llOOM~FAH,$EEDETALl!/""'.o. REFE1lTOMEDt.MlD~B.[MQB.IITI.lTYICCESSFftOM'MTItNCl..fl&NJROOF 'I'fHET'MTIC:HI, OONOTRl.t4OHROOFSlWla:. SEE1'/P8.0, CD CNtCf'ES. SEEsca>Ea=wate. CID EQ.Jf'MENTPLAlFQlM. SEE DffAll 16/Ae.o CD lMECFTACOBEU TtM'ERROCF. @ 24"xU'HN(El LOlNER. SEE DETALa/HUI. CD "'''''''''''''''''''''''''"' @ TONER TO PNW'ETl1W6TlON. SEE DET-'\L &'MO. CD WIaf\lcca.ER/FREEZERaHlENSERs, SeE6Ca'E(J'VOI( @ ROOF"""". CD OUTSIDE AA lNTAKE FORI-NA(: UtfT. Jr.lMfl"AIN L4IN.la~&fPAAA.TYJHFROt.l @ SQJPPERIIIIlDCM'NSfOL/f,SEEOETAl.4/M.4. ~1I9<<S.fWESANJBlALlNJDO-WJSf. CD PI'E t<<:lOO fOR un.mES, SEE DElAl.liI f M.O. @ 3'0WATERHEAlER EXl-WJSTFLU:. UAlNfAINAMlNMUM a= la~FAaiCn-E tENEST PaNfQFAlANfAl<E. SEEDETAL 18/M,OfORBlW::HGIlETAL:SEEIlETAl. l!fP6.ll <ID l!4Il3llWNXUAlS. SEERCOF5PECS. fOOfl..lJEllRai(n-o.TlJHtB3Hr. (jj) Dl.AC1AS1 AOCFH>SYSTEM. NSTALL/'ER r.wu=1Cn.IREItS @ "" WATER !tAlER OOM8U3TlON AflINT~ SEE OET..... 1" M.D fOR BfVQfJ REOOMMEN:lI\TJ:lNil. DET~ SEE DETALl!/PlI.ofQllNTAKElE~~TllN 1fOfl". @ NOT""". @ TACO BEU. FlYH>AACH. SEESCa>E(J'Y<<H<. IEftRT04/M.oFORAJT....::KENr DB... @ 0l.tt0-l.ASf METAL DAlP-B:IGE: PAM"~fE1D. SEE DETAIL 1.2/Al1.0. @ PflfFERREDlOCAroNCfSATaUrEDlSHIlLED. SEESCOPEClFY1tfIl tE @ CO"HQ JONTWIC>> FLASHN3 8&\M.1YP. REFER 10 DETAll81 H1.oaE1ft' ~PlPf:HlXlDFORMTAWJlE 'lJJ.{f ILIN 1.WI:Nl[) 24' 1M'( FfQl fJCH COffER. @ saJPf'ER CMfI'UJW DfWt SEE 121M.4.lSIZE PER lOCfL REaftMEtffilJ. CID WASlEVENTTlftJACXlf.SEEDETAl.12/16Jl. @ ROOF [IWH. SEE lEAL 13(NlQ @ ~lMftfLQVOl'lMt @ AOOfSl-tJT1LE Date Received: i r I I DEe 2 1 2009 CAIICAI. F1.....<;I-oI oPENN3S: ~ BULDN3 FIN&t a>ENHG8~T MfOESIGN,f,TEDNJ'(:!IT1CAl'Stw.lBE WftTAl/IED TO PIOIIOE FOR Tl-E STAN:IMD NSTAUA11C>>I Of SfNLWW) SGN,lIGEI BlJl.Dt<<i~ENTS, VERFYOIMENSI:lN3WffH~'o'EtIXR Original Submittal_ NOT USED IE KEY NOTES F ROOF PLAN NOTES ,.j ~gtt '" ~ IZh~~5ii.~ II!C~&!lnf ~mh, :",t <co~~~~gl~'" ~"'\ii,"d)j!wz ~h~Ui ~i~ ~15filffii lll~~ w.. ~1tv 1;;13 z ~gli;j;~!<~~~8 ~l1.g; F~* w~'a:! cnQ~ :E~ 2':1---,<< i~~U~ f!.E=u:O- !lli I ;~"i5iliSl '0'; ..",illo,"'" -et a:ua::::EO D 1 o!l;~ l2 I , CONSULTANTS SEAL c . c, c, c, c, c, c, c, c, !;;... ^ OONTJW:T~~ = """""''''''' ,... PIN< ....... ............. ...... STOfE NUM8EIt IDO<I<X TACO BElL 123MAlNImlEEJ ANYTOWN,l..lSA lllI185 Q ~';~lQ,l o:i;lim.Qo T-50 ~ ,1 ROOF PLAN A3.0 18 PlDTtKTE: ------1 "-'-'-'-'-', , , , ~ , . to= ===============:===f:: ::::E~~:~: ~=:~~- " nil "CD::,. / \~~. r .n;l~r L _I, =Ji:,d -~,...'"...o... EXI1!RIOR FINISH SCHEOULE ,.,."", :;;:~~~.~.~.~.~.~=~----.~.~. ~' -'-'-'--r[~-.:-.~~1 I ~ 3 I 18'''112' ~:::.-:;----.-::::_: /~ 0-- --.----.---.-.----.--...-.-. T.O.WALl. ~; ~lf.'il!!l:__._._ ,_._._._._._._._._._._.~~_.___ T.o.BNCl _ (1:' [i]:J::' " ~4.':4'_________._._ '-'-'-'-'---'-'-'-'_"7i c.1..BftACKETB.lYP. (/ ' [D:::1:: err; ~g:-SLAs NOT USEO I I ...... I ,..,. MNUF""'-"" CO-OR III TAlXlBEU.~WAl..Lw..oR SHO_....... el22~ -0 TAC08ELLACCEHtCXl.OR SHO........... lIlIi7'AMBER'WA'If!' [1] TACO EIEl..LACCEKT BANJw..oR SHO_....... 2tI2'J ,.~w_. ....ClAY' ~ TACO BEll. PNW'ET BoWlw..oR SHO_....... ll3lI3'GCl..DEN1UE' ~ TJCO BEll. PAIW'ET BfH)aJ..(Il SHO_....... """""""'" ~ T,ICOBEl1.PNW'ETBANJCQ..(Jl: ""_....... 2llll3,",..... ...JE'AACOTTN ~ TACO BElLpNIN'U BoW1(;(UJR .-........ ........... [1] TAlXlIlEU.PNW>ETCRCCl..CIl ""-....... """","COP 0 BlAlDNGSTC>>E """"""" lCWf:lOR'tSfICK,CNIt1a. MWNTMtCLLl\JiEllITaE YEIeIl I STtlfESU/CAE'litl:N': """"""" OW5I..1$.~CILl\ftD STONE su I &roNEYDlTAR .... ca.cRS IRJE- TQ.E - UCS8l.O{fEST ORB'.lW- [1] PIPE E01NIlS DOnE",,", r~ ~ / 1/ -- . I I ,) '. r .: ~ I ~- / )\ ><. /' ,,- . .~<Tl-'-'-'-'-'-------'-'-'-'-'-'-"'-'-'-fO:~~ - ' 'f-.l. ------~=====:::::=:=====-===={~:::::::::::::==~t=====E""~J=======================:::=:=:==~=~ ! ~. /~ ~ ": c ~~ ___.-<J::EJ ~~~ ~ (D :==:~=:=:=j -----~~ ::~,~ ~ ~~/ ~~ ~7 ~ ~J '::;~:, .cCi',,;:'~ _,'.Lrn' ,.:; 'jI '.~:,:.~::!-',~,,::__i;l~,~,:,~i ,:' . ~.c.:_~::;:;'-:~:>> ,",-' .:~"~ ,'~~~F.'{:2:~:+~~~f~n':~~<~';?;~: -),;\~.~~~\ ~~':\: ::~ In 1\ !.i';'")'.'~;:';;;-: .;;;-r ~ ,:~:.., ,.: l<""~---\@ <, .... .,,, ~'- ~\~' "....., . - :'~;~ )~~t:.-t:':J' ,._~..:,-'-c;::;.;._;_,,';,:',::;_. --<D ." .......IIl.ON.HI'\I~ut't:N1f<<j OElFSN!!'J"E ~~ CONSU~~~ ~ SCAL~~- ~ .~.~~: .~~o RIGHT SIDI! I!Ll!YA110N ....., @ l.OCATJ;lNS, CMRYTOI'-qo\FJ' lUlUl). @ l-DlIlOiTAllRlolMND.11I2'lliCkfJ.f.$,wrrn6't SEEDETM.12/1te2. ~ @ EXPfESSDHPNELIlAN)S.'Z'ntCl(eJ.f.s~",- ~ @ ."""""""".......7"""HF.,.t.~V 4~ ';:' :"'''M' ~ ~ ~ REFEIlTO""'-LmENOE,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,- ~ . ~ ;:, ---,., I@!i!: lITY mDI_ ~ ~ , . >V_ ,,,.. >v__ I I T,fCQIlI:U'8I:LJ.'S!GN4'-101I2"WX4'-elJftt TACO IlEt..LMETALCUTour 8ELL9G\llSEE t<<l1E'Z1. lHBstHn THlOIlEt..LSliNIl'4"WxlllJ11'tl , ;;::- ~ ~ , , SIGN SCHEOULE H.TS V4II1 1 V0Qfi2- 8 V... , V.ollll 11 V... , \1-311_ 4 \I-812j 2 I I I I -~ /' TICOIlEl.LCAHCP'/'fI''''WK4'fl'Ox1'.(I'H T.-cQ BElL CNa"f 1l'-1'W I( 4'-eD x ,'.qHWJLETlERlil TIl:oBELLNlCI-EDTl<B..L.ISCNCPf TIIC08EU.U3HtfllC1\.R:': TB SlEP2DOlD FlYlt.liAflCH18'.5'W.9'.so+t'-~'h9'-.ao TJC08ElL THElUSCANOPY7-trwXl'.attx2'-m;l TIOJIlEt..L ffiEU.SCANOPY~.l'.aHx2'.(J'D , _""OR I I I I "'-AEQUFESUGHTAlCT\Jlf(Sj, SEEELEcml;H. NOTE~ ADDIrONAL iHfOSlMATClHISAVALMllE ONTHE I'I.Ne.YlU.COMWE8STE.-8EE~""'DAWItNON'O.' CONTACT FOR STOlXlAP.: "'...."., .......".....- "'-... 1lollIl.. II ~CXIlI ~~re; BlJUlING"NI'E' PlANVERSlON: SITE NJMBSl: '"""'""""'" . """'" T-60 .... """"" """" ~~""""""'" NOT USED G N.T.S, ~ IE APPURTENANCES SCHEDULE cD l'ClfWfM.EE.lf.&SEEEJF,S.l.f:GfN:l. THmlll'EET'. Q) OLflO-lASTDffi>EDGI::fl.A91N3:PfIlMEANJPAlNTINI'lflD. SEEDETAl.Sl.2/H.o. CD SQJPPERJHJOCM'NSPOUT.SEEDETAl.~. CD CNO'YN€JTFIfW3,5ff:KX)f'EOfWCft( CD Bl..IL.Dt>GSlGN.SEE SCCf'ECFWCRK. CD WAUlJGftlt.O.CEHJ'EAOIEREXPflfSSONPAHELORASSH:M'N. KT.ASNXATm. SEESl-EETE4.Q CD NOT USED. (j) l.tEaTJWtilTl)N~TYPCAt.E.lF.s.-TO-HGHIIlPACTEJ.f.8. ([) HOSE BIB -FEfEJI 10 OflM. llloWS.3.AOONWlAO.l/lGfNr PEftI'EfClCl..lAAMERm ""'- @OO2FLLEAVAlYE..<:x:NER. GD USECClRCJW)QPRE.MQlDB)PECEBOCCII'NRS. TYP.u.o.N. @8lEEL.1Kl..I.Ia:l.8EEBlTEDErAlS. @ EI..ElJf1'ICALSWlfOiGENlEWI'MENr. REFER 1OE~OIWI'lNOS. @ REfB'lTOWM2 FOR AA9(I'ED'EXPRa>SICW 1WEL"I'AHTWGOIlECTlONS. lEE onM.8/~). @H1CAlaflOOfllE"l'lX). @HOAlZCM"AlllUolBH<<1 SEEOETALSl21NU ~I'ANTOOl..OR$l-WJ...DEN'I'lID 10 TOP. BOIltlM.. FACE OF BAN). SEE E/M.Q, Date Rela~o --r 'Li "009 !jJcl uw/DA!!'J ALTER~TEMFR AlTEfl*TECClCI'I N.TS- J D EoI.F... THICIlNI!SS NT>. I B CiD ClA.ltIRE"OSfCNEWAf4S(X71"ND~SEE.NIM.ZJWD7.1I.17. 111, 1110',182 SClDOOrr 'it}~~~~~f'l.ASTERSUBS1AATE\WTHNo\TUW..oo..C,HDMOATARiOEEPfWlSJ, . @ REFERTOSHEET ""2 FOR PNW'ETP~ DAECOONI CID GAS UETIR. co NCIT PAINT UETER @ TICOBELL'fl.YlNJ"NDt. @ATUlQClt,Tl)HIlEY(H). @l'fIa:D:N'BIATDNIlCWU).SEfEOl.lPlcfHTPlANItlll @ SEEOETAIUll8, 1., 1&, lU17lA42fOfUCCENTTRU;REFBl1OELF.&LmfHl, n<<IQEET, @flQOfOAO'oIfFFWWt'RMl @ 'OPelLATESlIWlSSll'Pl.EDfJ1n-E<M?ER'TI-fiCl.JGHn-EDSmBUJ'CI\,~I9NOTPNlTCF TtESONSAN:lAYmtOSPICICAaE. SEEIlEr.....fM-a @ NC/Tlm). CID ~~~~~~TlEOWNEI'tTtflCl.JQi1lEDBTRBurat.NClBNJTPNlT @ =~mtlJ.OWHL TOElmNDTOTCPOfWAH9CClT. PMfTTOW.TCHACCENr @5Pl.ASH1ll0CK @) V--GftO()lENEJ.F.S. SEEDETM.SfM.2. r @ SaJPPEROo'EIFU:W.l<<:LD~OFFOFfHSHAOOF SEEDErAl.12/MA. @ tlTCRl"'.lQW.SYMIiot..OfACCESSIBIUTYlFREQ~fJ1I.ClCN.CIXlfJ. t~ @ CCIffACL.ICINr ~TCHAKiE NSLeSRTATE) PER LWU'. RECOlI.EN::lAn::+s. ACCENT BAND COLOR 1RANsmON H.TS. TACO BEll. .0CEUN€W3 A.. SEESKT AI.1 'WNIXIWTYPES'I'CIlWNXMa.&AlOti. B. SEESCOPEOfy.(H(FCIlRE.Sf'ONSllUIEi C. 'HGH IMPIC!" I.lESH SI--IALL BE USED AT AlL IWSED TRId E\fINOS 0 ENlllIES. WNIONS 6EXPRESSIJNPAlfi.SU.O.H, SEfSPEOFICA'I1:IiS. O. n-E P"",," CCLCIIS SIi(M'N ME. CClOFl REfEfEtaS FOO n-E EJ.f .s. SlI'I'\.ER. SfAlHlS~EFEATOSPECSl: A. SEALNfiATHJ.WAU.1KJROOff'EfETMTr:N!l. B. SEALANTATAll'M/II)QWNIlOOORFRAUESATI--EID~JAUB.OO""'SEAlSI.LO "'""""" """'" 1mMAlNSTHR:t ANYTOWN. U5'.lll!1'e5 Q ~ "'''''''' T-50 CM<Nl <XSI1ING Jeff""'" ......,- ~. VENDOR SC:OPI!: INCU.OE8 SlI'f'I.y /IK) NITIUATDrl a: A1MW3Il. """"""-"'"""- caME>""" ""","'"OlE L..............-.... EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS CAITK'.ALFINISl-IO"O.~ A.. BUlDtIQ EtiEii!:!. a>eNf<<3S ~T ME tlESl(W.TED Ia 'CIIOCAL' Sl-W.l. BE t.WNTMED TOPfV./IDE FOOllt: 9TANlNID~.-uAlIONa:: srN<<WllSDW:E1 Bl..Il..DN)B.EMENTS. VERFYDlUENSDNSWfTllSQIVEtD:R H IF KEY Nom GENERAL NOTES Original SubmittaL \Ai ('~, ". .;1 .( )1,:/ l~ rn;:~~)i~~~~f~o~J;:. ~:::--g~_A'CAiO'i'--' -.-.-.--.---.----.- V////////////;.j m- -' '-@ ~ ~~.~;:=,:mUiJJ I U3 ~~..~.~ ~~[ wj j1Jt;J~'~~~~\'II~ ~ :;;;7 ~ " , . ~-----.--.-.-.-.-.-i:O~~~~ . ~ r-<ID ~ ..'~_------------.-.![>l.-~ ! ~ / ~ \ ~~jt:~-.cl-_3 T.O.ltMm r::-'/'".;,' . " - 1;: ~ ...~. ..," / ,~:':~~t----- -- -- ----T,O..wl[~ I. .,- "I",.,. ~-. V. /... / ,.-". I ~ .; le.-6'1,?- :::~. ~;;;;;;;;;~;~~:::=l:fl::::~~:::::::::~~=::dc --r---------- ---i:o~....,~ "'-W' v' .,L~CF-'";'.~.1I:i ~ \ ~~ ..----.----.-.,.~'"' /" ......,....... .....CANClP'/"-I" ---""", - B01TOMOFCA/IIOP'I'~ -' P/'AV/lV/W/If/K/n//1 ~/.n/AI//1.../.~.n ._"JI"'II 0""" ~ ~I ~ ~ -------- - - - ~. ~ ------------,o:~'" DJi1"1;~,~;.[-~~- L~-- ~r " ~I ~~ )0~;~~~k~;;~~~~;~Jic~I1%tl;2,:@'r~if.~fi;r1~~?;t'fr;w:%S1 0-t~-_._-~---_.-.-.- T.o.WALL D'~': ,: 2&J [\ . I~.--,- " -' ". --- " /_. "\ /.-' .:.~......-._,....- \. I: .,' l' . "'~': [i]:L " l..f2l'l CO- ~'-----------TO~-~ ---~L- , . -------~~~~ ':).-- ...~ TOTIJWER'~ -'~ u _, L*. :~-~____________.!lr~!r.:_$_ "il ~ TOPNW'a : 1 -.--~-----.-._--,_.-.-.-,-.-t.i!~-$ -_:=:=::::::=~ ~ ;:I;(.!J '. ~. ~J\ffu ~ till \ )I:-g I ~I I..., I~ I. /of ,L~ "i I J r&E ~ -l~ u."...... ,L,~-C " --- ~ .... ~: i -~- n U. . o. : "" 1T //" 0- ; F,x.""",/./, 13 0--- ~ . ~~ .~ I) I ~ - [I~ ~-IW'~ t~;::-~-,-----;:O-"'UB ; J I:,,::~~ / [)"" . ,'..'n j>,-fOJ II ...':~ ".~,.~ ;.',-- ,'~~~~..' ~U-=-~,CTI_~~ J!5~~-;((tE\~_; "~trO&",,~;i4~ n n , ---::.:;--~-$- .." .-----cR.I~t_IN~~ FRONTELEVAnON '.'."", Ie ~~"'------ T.O.Sl.M . - -'-'-'-'---'--T.o:~$- , , ".. " I::=M,DFalI LEn SIDE ELEVAnON ,,..-,'", I A ~. '.. -;:://///~/L////////'0// ~~ ox ~ ~, V//#~/~ O////;/z; ~ 1, ",\1[. ~7#~~~///'(:-%/, : ~'y ""-------....--.-..; vy~ ,..--------..., I:;/~//"/// - - - - --.... 1Hl17 . I ~ I Ii" :------T'O'WAu.~ ;.', 1 , ~ / 1 1 1 I~ "\.." ,_ ", I ,~ 'I 1 ~ I Ij' ) , ~- 1..- I .- . \- 1 1 ~ I I\.., , " lH 12' ~ ;:>;._______.1~ ~~n: 'CO::::::::: :f::::::::::+J..------~d,L':.--_:.~.~C~J~:~: .:::::::::J ~,.. TO ","0 , ~'_ L-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_:,:,-.:~:.--__--;<::- _-_~ ~~_ C!!>--' : _<_u:'~_~.~ 'j".::: ...-....! ~ n' ~= GD--l. __~ r ~:;:.":"'.':::.. ,...i-...-- =, 1'- . ".,:: -\.:~ \~' ~\!~'"~. ~ i' ~f;)~eIV!;i", , f-;' r; DEe 2 1 2009 Y..:~r ..- . " ;0 .~~.... "'. - - HI \ L., ~ d;J ~1A TYP. TYP, Original Submittal. IIEAJI ELEYAnDN ""-"", I B . . / ; CONSULTANTS SEAL '. C; c; c; c; c; c; c; c; c; CONllW:TDo\TE: xx.xx.xx IIJI.DIHGl'I'PE: 1'__ PlANYERSlON; DIQJI '!'fEtUlBER: XXX.)JQ( """"....... """" TACO BELL 12!1MAt.18TFEET N<<TOWN,USA.1llI7lIi Q - .......... T-50 EXTERIOR Ea!.EVAnONS , 1 -.A4.1 PlDTDo\TE: NOT USED N.T.$. 2" lI'.11' 7' -;. -@. , I"''''''''''''.....] ~-. Fal"","""'" PAINTED 'EllPRESSIDN PANEL' ,..-,'" I II I , , ~' ~. ~ ~ 'I' '~J., ~~ f--,----l I . I ,...-- I I r: ' ~ I -< , I I ! I >- , ~ ..---1 1 I , ' ~ '-'--I L L _ """"""",---.f KlAHC\:CARMELUOl..Nr..... ClL11JfIEDSTaEVElEER 1 R mNE VENEER WAINSCOT PATI1!RN NU I N , , I ~ r----1 -!:::=:b---- @~. 2'-* _"-7Jo 2'. ,go~'-I~Jl~ .~L~l,l ,I\~) @I~~' @I \~I ~ . .2"'f:!:.si'. 7.8. .~1' ,l1t, ,~J ' ,I" "" l ~~\~~ ~1~ "-1f ,~, ".8 7.1,t ~ :11f @rw. 3'_71. 4' 1t' 4'~t 1'.3. ,ot 2'..1. ,...3. 5'..3. ,~U- 2'..,>. ~1~i'''I~I' , il ." JI ~ 1"'1_'" i[:I""'i "" J'10 ~~~~/~\~/~~~\~/~~~~~\~ ,_ . ... ,0. .~ UP"~L,J,L,,.IJ ,:1 J M U ~ ~I ~ ~J .~ l ,... &'-+-, 3''''' IMut ,,~ 2'.:r - NltVMWCfIlE1WEENOlMENSIJtEDW<<JJliCl' J I "''''''"''''"''''' I SECl'lCW101Cll.W..1..EH3THStW..LBEAO:XJ..NTED SCHEOU..f.Ii1AUJ. FORIHNlEA~TEOBY0 FORF~9-iNOTES. FRONTELEVA11ON ''''-''..1 A ~8TI ~ I ~ rr _~' I~ 1Jifu' /~"" ~V@l'" ~~ ~ /~~ . . _ J.. J ..w j ~.~ I '.H- I ..". ~J ..,. I M J1 ,. INfVMWlCEBETWEENDlMEtoIlD€DLENITHOF J [8EEEXTEU:lRANSH 1 5ECTJD.iIoICll.W..LEtGTH sw.u.BEAClDHHl , SOtill.I.E,HfM.ll, F(IlIHAREA~TEOBY'0 - ,FGIFN&lOOlES LEn SIDE ELEVAnON IDRlYE-1HRUI ,,..-,... I B 7.Q' ,I'~. .'_" ,"~, !I'_I(J' !r.Q" .1'--8'. !I'.I' .'1', !I'-4"", ~ ] I ~ I I ~ I ~I 0 r7@1\~~ @I \~~~~ 'r.I ~ T.. I .~ I,.J~ [,eo.I~. [ .'.7"% . .1'"" .'.Q" .1'.... II'~' ",5",!I',5" ,1'-2' .'-4" ,1\Q', 3'_10' !I'-fr ".80_at 0~JI ~I II ~I I~n ~ I'D] " I'D]l~~~X~/~\I'D]~ I'D]",~~ 1 ~,. I M I,J =-l~ I~ IJ .~ 1...1 .~ I ,~I,~. .,1'41'.1'''''', I I l~..~'-~ j ~H- NltVMWUBElWfEHtllMENSDEDW<<IDta: j[SEEOOBlDflFNSH I SfCTDoIIoACllW-lENiTH'9W..LIlEAlXX.J.NTH) S01EOl.I..f.HfM.o. FCJlINN'IEA~lEDBY'0 FORFHlSHtcrES. RIGHT SIDE ELEVAnON (WALJ(.UPJ '.'- ,... I c "-11f 11'. ~~ .1'-6';1:, :1'.1' .1'-lI". lI'_1' :1'.8' ,1'-3" ".et 71 II@, ...101 JLI,ll .J '. I'D] / ~:'/ ~\~/~\ I'D]/ ~ ~/ . - . - . ~ 1...;1 ~ [~I .,. I,.) ,~. I ,,,. LJ~ I."J~I~ : CONSULTANTS ~ SEAL ,. :is :is :is 6 6 :is 6 6 :is COHJJW:T I>>.TE: """"''''''' .....""""" ""......... SICRE"'-""" """"" T"" """"'" XlOXX TACO BELL 12.1w.N8nIEET AN'fltM'N,lSA1B7lllI . Q ''if~ ~ T-50 EXTERIOR . ELEVATION DETAILS ='Z'=~~ Jl~J ~~~~~~ ',' REAR ELEVAnON '14'-1'.(1' I D Pl.DTMTE: J f} DEe 2 1 2009 ., .~ ~ Original Submittal /--r / ,\-.-.---.-----.-~6f~.- \ : J \ . / =~ElClERIOOlWoOE ~'~ ,/ /~~g: \ 7 aROOPL'rWOOO. , /' -"" ~f;;~1>{~;.t'f}?':;:~{;".:~'?:~~::.:.) ':j l~ 1;.............-1..1 ~/ :~.:I ~~jc~.- ... &.~ ~ . .._~=AT=~~ ~ . ...~L._._. --------------ilb"~~ '" ;:': !:! - ~1 . ," 1212d CONT. TOP PlATES _._._._._._._~~~~ t" G SECl..A1YDOOflse;SlEET.a2.o. -I "" -" /' ;! I'. \. - ~\ -.-.-.- .-.-.- ._--,- -T.~~-0 .J......A ,/ . ~\7:'.. . .<.:':~'\ (;;\ ~ . ~. SEESTRJCl". CWGB. Fal~KlNAHO .....""ALS WALL SEenONATSERYlCE_R "'.""1 D Q 'y--, I \ ~l'o,'';''~~-- --- - -----\ - F ) ,~ - ...... 2li8sn.osATIll'OC ~ (~r,.'\ \ ' ..... - / OUAMAST""""" WEMI>IWE r ~~:'.:.:~;' OVERRlGlOlNSl..lAnoH 1lOAAD0000fNEXT. GlADE PLYWOOO. =-==~~ ..@ (:.!~) 1-, -0-~~Hi:-'-'-'-'---'---'-'-l,i._.- ~ , ./ "l ;..:~ " 1-':':-. --7 ::s _1- - - -~~~~ / ifi ~"""'NG" 0-fb:tV:2'._._._._._._____ L _~ ___.J___ ~ I caJNQ ~~RO. @-/' 1.........'/ ..., , , ~~UCT.lJM)S.FOR :: !; i. :! ,. " ;. .. !: ;. &1Of<fRONTWII<XlWIl'tSIB>-- .. i! ~i: Atl1 1" " ,\ ~:t'ib'f-------------t\. . ,V"'''''''''''' /J]SJ,\ @ ; ': 1 ~~;~)~~~~~~~~~~~~~=l n ~ll I VTOPOFWB . \ 0 . '" ,- ,,' E!~~._.______, . "J~-~!.~"" ~:"""'FORF<"'."'nol"'" I~ ..', " CLLllIlED sroN: VEM:El'l SCHEDllBl """"" . .' WALL ssenON AT DINING ""0""1 c (NOTCHED)TIGOIlELL R.Y1NGAACH,AEFEftro SCOPE OF 'MlAK - ~. ~ @ U uu m u~ ~ 1 , I PMnID~IIllIQIt.H ROClR<<I CIY!A OQ.... DlMH!tIl DIIL"1lUlClIlNO R.'tlNlJN'l()ol SUPPORTBL!lCl(lNl3, sa: S'TAJCT\JW.Pl.ANSFOR MOFEINFO.___ 2llA@l8'O.c 0-~l:iV.TE@~~--------'- fJ.F.s.5TARTER1'fWX-----'------ ~ - -, ~,: , 801.8:, !,~, ~_, ":-__, _ , i....G..--_ __ ~ ,;~;:,~;~:-.(>;;:::>:: """""-"''''''''... (: ,. "' ~~(IYP.) -t-J, ~ '1 \ ~VI ....""'.""'''''''''0<J/;(~1;~~~~ ~I~/ /::,' It ~:~~. . ~ __I // i '-,_ I I: ,I I :iill ~~~'---------'---'-'-'---/f'~ /' HEJr(lER.SEE$TAl.J;I'VFW.. , :-. _._.~~~ -;.~ ~ t.-~ -- h- i: ~l~:",< 'C/ J1 . ELM' It..: -- iv' ffil'0vm1f2" ~aWETi-AUwtiY.Ro:-.-._._._._._._.,t\!. ~.' I Pl.:TWOOO F\','"'::; ElFSo.elR.YWDKATHING :' ..:. :.:;.. J I~]'i ' ":'"; @--1F:. Slt.t. NJ2 1'-..".:; ',; ~~~--'--'-'b!l~ ~f'i" ~..):::. .'~ ," ..- } ~~~-- --- ~'" ...' , DAlVE.TlRJWlNXJWPASS-TIifIJ UNIT. sa:: SCOPE OF WOfI<. NIm, BOTTOM OF CNKP(1O BE +lUNJOtIE,ANSIHSLAB WALL SEenON / DRIVEo11lRU AREA ""-"" 1 B ~ -- . >/--" -0fo!Jf~~'-'-'-'-'-----'-'---'-'--'--+-'- ~ \ \ '/ \ ! / '-, ,_ ~DUFlM.ASJROClAN3 ! IiIEMIlfWIlE ! /-1 ( r' , ~..._/, !""",",","""'''Y """""........., (M:R ~ lNSlAATIJN Bl:Wma1lEFlf1lrEXT. GIWlEFl'lWOOO, ~;~~:~~*~~(~f~~\~~~ 0A ,,~ ~~~-HT.-;---'-'-'----------'--'~--'- ~ L..."",,,,,, REfER TO SfRUCT.DV<<>S. FORSIZES. LOCA_ ""'""n.. 2lcDWDIIl.OCIQNl3ATCLG.(TYPJ WHEIlEOCWlS ------ .: ~ lSUSPEtt:lEDCElLHl: 8'..f'OAB.10'OlOTa-&I 1a~QClNrCi .l!lalWDIJl..lJCKNiATI.8D-S'AN(TYP.~ ~ _ ~ /' ~;..;: .. \. ~i'i,'iio.e..._- - - - - - - - - - - {1';" \ '_ I \. ' , , #" I,:: /~ I ] - ~ \ @n ] ;-'\1 ~i'i,~~---------------" f II}. "1'';'/ ~ -~"'7" "'. ScHEIlWD ANISH @ SEE~.0WG8.faIfCl1.101DATlON "" ..... OETALS ..... '.: .,.... .I 'f 1l!l1~ 6~o Ii! 11. o(!.1~I'-- ~~QIU - I ffi . wmcw ~~ n~ ~~i ~~ljMn,l)lij~" ~ ;s",~tj ~~icr ~~a '" H'~~;=!1i =>$." ~~~.. 8Q.w oiSc..Z 01=_00 ~~'~uw"'za Uj;g~l::15oww , ,c'<(IU)ora: I~ a:Qii::::Eg cq c<~ llO! I I CONSULTANT'S : SE.AL '" '" '" c. c. c. '" '" c. CX>>mW:T CM.TE: "'""""""" ....""""". Erl'ENUMBER: """'..-,. = '... """"" """ TACO BELL 123WA101S1JlEET .I.l'ftTOWN,USMJl1lll5 9 "!"'~ ~ T-50 WALL &ECnON& r Date I tecA'~O TYPICAL WAU ssenON ...-,'.. 1 A' """"'" ~ I f,', 10' DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal _._~ ~-l!j (~:..~"" ~-""-";;--i ' -" Ll i.J / - " ... V lOP Of PlAlE ~I" // ',,//////'/ , X ,.::/ ?/> //////,/,::L;;&:, , :-~TOCN>~ :~'i </t<:-::-::-//:;'//:;'/~~ '/ --><. ' ,<~<<<<</X<-:.:/ "/7 ,,'. .'.','.'.' -' ,I.'.'.','. , ,; '/,i R.YlNGNK:H8UPPOATBl..OCl<It<<l.SEE ~t~~TE.PM.YEi~ .fP '/'///"'//h"//~ <L ~_.."!~...''l'''FORllOAE~. . _ y '-.~STAR'IDl~ / /.----=..- , ~:=. :~~ l \ ro~~~ 'st: 21801lfO"". ~OlO'O.c. / he sruo WAlL ...""'" PL'M05tEAlHING- ~".<r_~__\~. \ T.O.STONE~ \: q:./I ) ""'"' ""'"""'" @ -= ( --I I I i ~'""-,~. SfESIIIJCT.lMGS.RJl't FOl..NI.~Sl.ABDETM.S -. 18fUO WIU. - - -~~:.~~ ~ ,. ---------- --------- DlIL lOP I'I.ATE ~~r ___c_~$ L '-._ _.____~g.~-$ ao.SOFFIT OAClf'f'eJllECQVEWOA8CFF1r Bl..OCKINl3QCEJUNB ~= / ~.,.. 1 :~ ~ I ,_-V Sil 1 I:"" \ .l \ lh' '--~':):...;.;... ~.; . .---------.-TOPOi;~~ " .' .... .' , " . " " WALL 8ECT10N AT PILASTER 181DE ';o.',~ ll,I4'.,'.(I' I II ~nnn n ... . n J I y- lBR.YVf3AACHIlE'rCJN). ~! .,.." "'SCOl'EOFWOA< Q ~/ \,..; "f.-l''''''~'''r'l''''r '~" """""""'"-'"' \~ -1 --~------, -7" SEESl-EETa2 ~~~~------------------_._._.-._.t--, ',: , , 17 )( ~I " "'-\ .... / / ..Ll { ..LJ , " 7~~':;;/'7. '/ . ~Dfll~1ll..OClGNG <'~/://" ///Y7/'/i-1UPlYWD9t'EA'TlINli 77:;1'::> ' 7'/ /:::;:~:. (~ ! -E.I.F.8. y~ "!~"/ ~'~__//II.sl'I__/I__/<"I~- : ..............2114018"0.0. ~,;:<::~:<r:<:i~:~~'C'\ G;) >' EJ.f.alJTARTa:l:lJW:l( f1' :bc4Ci)ll1"O.c. ~ 111 @ ~"-- Iii'" ~~~O~WJ """ ~ ~ ~jJ ~ ~ ~. --,--='0<'"'' ~i11~f----:.~~~.;-::..-------------'~. ..~. i \ ~==""'= ~:.~~~---_..~~;z ~~~~ ~< ".;";_ . /,' JWaRMO :.//. ~.. (SEE SCOPE OF WQqA , -----..l' SlGWiEBYOOERB !-'.'i /~"9 i '. "1 J - - -nJs~~~ ~'~:I'=...oL~:j ~-,._. e.D.CANOPl' .' i EL1Q'Q I . -----CWij$- I \, r( ~===+ :; 1 : , 10.1 PAlNTEDAI.lltotNl.NFA!lClA.NIID flXlfN)C1N'ISI....1rT\ITHeE . ~!I,~h~~o "*0 IJ.t;- ~~I~~:'" ~~~~' U ~~~J~ fill~~ UJu.d. 3~8Z ~3 - ~"~ ~D. ~.LU ~5 I''''~''!i 8~ ~n~ P.l i;~gg-ili!il ~) ~:x:!?J :r:a: -Bfc<O....::!O W "'",- i= eel co(;; ~ .! ! i .....- llm. R.A8HING 10 tMTCH IWW'ET CA. FLYINl3 AICH SUPPORT BI..OCKI'<<l, SEe smLICT\I'lAL PUNS R:lA MOfE INFO. 2ldl@l11'O.C.- -0 ~~pv.iiofWWiET-~ -'-'- .---,-.-.-. - ,--_. -. -.-.-.---. -.- EF6CNEFlPL'rWO~1HlNG 2I12OJTTOFWJlUS :bc4018'O.C. : CONSULTANTS SE.A.L I '\ /', /', /', "" /', /', "" /', /', HEADER - SEE lmIUCJUW' ...- PLY<<[) SHEAmHll ElE'VCN) ENTR'l'."..'-=.-.-....... M " :: CCW1f\I\CTQt,TE: ........"'" """"""""' '"" ...... SlORE""""" :: """""" .... :, ~ """" i: TACO BELL STONE.......,. ~ ~'" " 123MQ,1SmEE!' AK'fTOWN.USA-lIIn15 Q ~"""- ~ T-50 ~~OF-va-'-'-' -.-.--- ,----- >~~i~ f\ . .' \.. ;;'i, ~':"_-/'''' WALL SEcnONS .... SEEfmlJCT. DWGS. FORFOlNl. ANl&.A8OETAILS .' WALL 8EcnON AT 81DE TOWER 181DE EIITIIY1 ""-"<r I . A5.1 r:\_"-_ O_'~ niU&':ld' NOTUSU~"JbI" ~'-It;ii'-" o!iPLOlD\Te . f' DEe 2 1 Z009 Original But>mlUpl ~~"'6F~------- --~ ,/ - ~ "'?'._~ '\ - \ ;l1r~1\ " I /' . - ! J i 1 ~=~ .! j ~,--...""',,:~ '::'::'..'."c".,~;::";;".,,...., ......., '. ? ,:......." :.==~~~.::~;.~ ~~~___"" ~.~f/:\: ~ HJ ____-~,~::~?</':--ft-~I i -;;/ rmm,-..L..m.... i i _u _m ~".", ,: , ' ~ I I I ~~~_._,-C._._._ lEADER. SEE STRJC1\IW. :;: ~~ \ I I I .l- I I .......! ..-,~~~ , I __ I ---~ ....~' ......- SSEsc:cf'e~IWiS-TtRJL.NT. ~ ~~"'riRi.....o.------ ~t : ~" .uuul' .\ ..."'"'uwo__ i~~'~V~=' ~"L -QJ ~ ToPOFSlAlI .------ !<! I~' I ".,"'''''''''''_ --. o~-- C' ~I ___ i \ " I .... .~ ~;'..". CONC."'" .s,'- .' WALL SEenON @ PRE-PAY AREA 3011""'-(1" I L ~.~ ~~"'6F~...----~-- -X - '\ \'~\ , / -' ~ ;C~\i:- \ ~ ~.t ~ , -,"ar A44 ~ ~l DOWNSP<JUr j t- I. :.-' ...""" PLWl'DSHfATHIN( :..' CONTIWJLJOlNT ::;-.'.1 ''"''"'~E1P''lPER ':1 ~~~~@ ~ l'~'l ~~;}o:AB------~ ~ , . , I " ?~ .C" :<1" .' . --. " ( .; . WALL &BenOit AT REAR WALL 3/.'''''.(1' I Ie: rOWER SECnONS Date R~ceived . T~CO BELL , , ,. (FRONT DEe 2 I 2009 Original =lt7;"'''' I I PUlT""'" J= f- , n:l ., X :'''~~...'W''' ~ - )(1 ~~""'" "" IITIIllR ..... /-.5ii=r-1::---- r- . 13 MIL......... TOl...TCH ' ,.-. ':~'''', )" j--" "" """,,ARCH """"'... ./< Ii! i " ~LlllIfnNO"""" """""""-~""""'"""" /""" ,~ .......,,,~ ""'........, .-'--'- {" 11 2dlCiltS'o.C /> ,//-/.../;l-"7,....,...F~l .... "'...., -' -' ////' '7- ~ AL""" '"'''''''''''''''''''' - :: <;;:/;, /// /".-;1 -;% "-- DOl"""""'" VTOPOFPLA:1i..-,- _ _ _ ~.../ ',~/' A, ,//';,7// --/. 112'PlYWOSHfAlHHI3 NW'ET"""'- ------ //-<< /-,//"/ -- NO- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ /,,', /, '"'' r'/'l/" -,'/ .." ""''''"'''__ _ _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ _ _ "'/1////>" ,///' ./ -;-.;0 Y' (J;) 2lr12a.n-TOIW:ll THING I ,////'/,/,//" ~ AlL3 "'..'OOC ,. :s. " , ,"'''''oc ,....""..."'woocr ::::..." ~ .'" ,Jtlt---EJFSSTNllEFl'lWoCK \%,';l~="""W/' ::s: ~ ," I ="""'"" """"" ,-' ,_ J (0 ....- ' "'" B.OND1StiRi-~~FM;:;&~--- ~ ~D""""" -""""" ~, -\"~' -', """"",,""""" .. ,,,,,.._ _ .....''1\ -~.'/"'~~ INSl..II.A C7.'ERfQ) ~...~ ~ , . - ,," ---*- co- ~ _ _ _ - L....l'lL.....J '" P1.YNOOO :i'.~"''"~-------- ~ ~m:'~'.' OF__---~: _""",,__""'" ' ". ,.. r"'onx>- ~="'WORIq ;/,///-- i;i ,_, -...f .' ,,-fI' . .," ,{-f~1 """'ll.OCKI<l """""""'""" .~ i.. """'''''"''''' .. ""SCOPE ~~_~1I'3'__ OFWORlQ ao.~-'--------- III B I I -.-.-------~$- L \------ii&i~+ DEOOfl VENDOFI8OFRT. 8't'0nER8 HEAIJER-SUiSlR.JCn.lW. Em""""" 1'l'lWD6HE-'n"UNQflE\oOfoO """'"""""""' ,. ,. " " " I! i: " .. ,'. .... ...... ..:. -: ~.; I' """"'........". ...... ,:~ " i: ,. " " .' " " ."L__"- .. .. '__ J~_. ,ii~ 'n/' :v ~ J ;'\ .,.. \.' f'~"'''' .. .-.-..,............ ,....4..:.. IT I r r , ~~Qi:-sLM' 8EE8TFI.ICT.llWG8.fCfl FOI.HJ.ftKJ6LABOErAlLS- WALL SlIenON AT FRONT " CONSULTANT'S' , SEAL . f:o, f:o, 7::, f:o, f:o, f:o, f:o, f:o,. f:o, CONTJW::T~TE: BUI.JXNO'M'E: PlHl...."" ........... """"'.......... """"'" "" """'" """'" TAOD BELL 121MAaNSIIEET """'""''''''''''' OJ -.-., !l!12.4. T-50' ~5.2 -' L1~~1~-.!~._._ VY.ORATE -- 2X8~AT_ ........."""J 0fu~~~ '~~.'~- ""'"' "^"""'" EJ.F.5.OIEJlW______ .."""'" ~ """'''''''''''- ~ :;::-'1 :~ 0-~~~------ ...... ~~~:J~__._._._.___ ~__ , - [ll)fD.l.ASTstG..EflYROOf , t.lEMElAAt.E0'0'ER1!?1ilCJ'. """".."""'" lll/OO-I..ASTsta..EPLY- """'''''''''''''' F"Oi...YiSOllIGID ",W"lON!lllAAD avEfl1fZ'EXT.GfW)E .."""'" N=m~OS ~1!-_~~~1~____.-.. THIJSlIER:;.Hf.\ " '-.-. 0-ie,.._-l:!..:!:'!.l(!'______._._ T.Q,LEDGEJl -( I I N """'""AT \ _""".J \ PRE-MWJFAr lUREO """'" ~~~~;.:~-=~:.;,:::Ni:i ; E.I.FACMRlrr~ ! PL~ ~ Q '" L."", ~'''''8n_l1ON~,~ ~.<:/.~:> 'I =~~~\ ~;- NSUl.A11ONBOAADOVERW' I -_ EXT. GfW)f f\.YWOOO - ""'" ..~/ ; _ _ ',' ,_,_ .' ~ _",_.,.' '_" ".,r-";,';.;,,,,'/J'y,"::j~,,:'';':<~>':~<'Q'';:::;'.;;<-:;-: :~::-' _ . 8MCN1.fEFER '" ~'.>"'\'_"'>>"o,>~,<",.,..,.I'^~,..,/.".,."._-,.",_..~._.~ _/ TOSTAUCn.IW.. ~r~'~:~~j.'..'~~~..'!\......""~ "'WQ~"'OI.A.~ ';..~:,il' [fYP.)'MEREOCOJRS "'-.... ,__~:; ~. k :O"""""~.;i.:_ : ~._.~ ~~'fu-------; 5_" -'-~---------j sfeSTAUCT.OWGs..FOfI RllJNllo\T1ONIHO SI.A8 ceT""" WALL sacnON AT COOLER SIDB WALL or- ,... I B ~,--, ~~~~~-------------7-- \ I I \ / " , ElF A o.alll2' PLYMXlD i -lJ'..H)-L.ASTflNGLEPLYAlX)f MEJ.t3IWIE(M:fllfZ'EXT. """"..>WOOD \ / ~ -- """"" ~ - SCHEDUlEOFNS I @ / I , , \ I ...... I .~~. <"./" _ .. 4. -....- ...... ..' ; . ~- .... SEE smJCT. OWGS. FOR FOUH~llOHAHOSlAS ceT.... ,1. . .' ..........""""" -- Dl.ftO.I..AllTSlNGI..Ef\.Y ROOfING """"""' CMRRlGlDINSUlATlON ElCWIlOYEl'lWEXT. """" ..woooo. ""'"""'"' "1" I SU!lPENDEOCB..N:l "~OI<flDE'rl WALLSBCTION AT RBARWALL or-,'", I A 2lr8WDBl.OClQNQAT M1D-SPAH(J\'P_l 1~~~S1A8 . ]11!~\t ,_ral;.~ J~~~~l- ~~~.I~"~~Z fil"o~~ !j'Q ~~:;:~41 "'~S O:~~.!Ili :li~1ii ~f(~'!li . t;~<'i ~3 . s;]~" ~a.. ~~o J". Id~ ,~Ea't 5~~ ~~~ ~ffiffi 1(:S~:r:lflOJ:a: 7 ~~~"~ CONSULTANT'S ! SEAL . ...,..- ,r'. :~ [:, [:, [:, 6 6 [:, [:, [:, [:, """"""'''''''' ...."..,""" AAN""""'< mE....... """'........ = '... """"'" lClOOQ( TAOD BELL 123Wo1NSTREEr """""'''''..... Q :-;.~ ~ T-50 WALL SECTIONS TACO BEU A5.3 D~,+~ Received: I DEe 2 1 2009 ., Original Submittal i" wo_ . '"'" FL .TL<lNED OIrolAST~ rIlXlFav.lN- IJOttNINlODfWi PlYROOF INSTAU.PERMFR. 0f'EWIJ .......... ""'" i NUATION ~ TAPElEDTODIWN , ," ':Z'!\\'t ~~;<~:<::'t:?;~ J.~;' '<'V,>,>,>~:)-~~:<::_< --:-~ -J..5t; .' II .......TION""""" - I TOOlWoI ---0 ~ NOTE: ~RPRi.wtrNOA l>IEFROw """""""""""" ROOF DRAIN ,.,,,...,,,, 117 ~. ~ ~. " ~ ! ,! h~~ {:>. >. >'_ ':S1 I ~ ~ -"_~,.:'J,:,.i' ;]---'j": ";.; , J wmtiiFm;! i DECKandllXF I,; OPENN) I : """"" " STNCAAO 0JFlB MSE, FASTENPERMfRS """"'UENlATlCHl , . I' -.u ~:== , _, O'o.c I I SCREW'fH:IUtECJ'f9E -- -- WASta aPERBDE ~,- "o,:i!" !/;"","":"mll:lII"'" l 'l I:'" ~CUlB"^,,",, J ~_'_l_'__~-' , VCl1JT"f'E.RfDZl(IZWO ~ Cl..RICMRZlI -:- -;;--~:::- ~-;-;~ I, ' SECl.Ral100f0I( " -- - -- 'j i AlXlfH3W.TERW- I, J t I I I pt.L . -~ 'v."~ .', ~ _~ ... r /,' '. '" EllHAUSTFN4SI-WJ. , " Ilf:lnELVofTHH1'" CMAWOlH'" ClRl _"... _ n SUB:lI.lEAXF OEGKw ROOfCf'ENNJSUl'fCflT I!XHAUST FAN CURB ,.,..-,....118 ir-'-~r !: " ii I I' )t[;i; ....l-,ft:I.,~ :1 'I " rNEMA3RFUSED~. ;', \CJJNTTOHt-GB)8ASE,SEEREC. :rSH::ETlotETALCOUNrnlfl.ASHN3. y WlW'8TCP&OlII'SIlEOfCtlRB. ~oo.c.Ov'EAM5EFlA.$l-tNJ PAEFABRC.\lED~.8T'EELCUfII WI.......TION ..". ElO-WJSffN\lSl-W..LBE LEVaWITHN'/lI'~ WDTHOFQJIIB Dt.CTWlW>.SEEMECtW<<:AL Mtl.18QA..WB.DEDOLCT BllHAUST FAN CURB NU 118 NOT USED ..,'... 120 ----'y--- BUI.DNl ~- .'=""'..""""'.....""'HO ., PNWET08l.k'GlcurUENJO "'''''''''' Pft ClNIINICllTTONG!:, TYP. "" . ff ~WATERINrN(EOAE>>WJST / ..". ./ SEEALS02M.O '.'MN. I --'v-- -- BIW<llE "" """'sr...... """"""'.... ....... PYC9IHVEWlTHN'l'\.Q\l WlAETE. EN:ICF ,,"-,..,...,.'" """""" OONNNND TO~WATERFFO.l ........""''''' N.TS W.H. FLU I INTAKE Pipe SUppoRT ~... 113 PRE-FABRICATED SINGLI! PLY BRINDLI! BOX I 8 PfE-F~lEDaWiauEl(ll(B"tEXCEPE'IlaW~ETALS COAPNff:AllIS'f'mcaAPlHiOFOUA:llAST. nEloI'RL9 "'" . i HVACLNT ,,--;--~ ~~ ~ 4; i ~ ----------1'HEADtw.SAT8'O.c i .KNOCK.(KMINFLAT~l:TALCUIII- q 8EESCOPEOfWOA< ~~ . rPL'IWO(XI8ECtJRB)TOClfB ~"! ~'I'lEl~ , , ff TN'ERS:lILHPERTOlaa.ClfB flOOf'lNCOMATEftW..tMRtW:iO . INSUlAroH, .L~~~~a.~ """'''''''''''''''''''' HYAC CURB .-,'... 114 ~1N.24Go\.a.l,CW>Fi.ASte'<<l SEClflEW/srntWllflJ STEEL.ta'DM WAStERAS NEEDED FOR PROPEJl SECl.lREl4'NT ,...".,. \ "'c;~",.= \:' ~ . f!:'==OO'''' SlEEPBlElCT"e.l[)(MN SDESBY2" '1t-' _',",""'''''' , ""'''''''''' ,:_BASEFLAStINJ ;:;; ,\R00FN:3MATERlH. ", '\. ~..;.."..,.._..,t. ~ :<;:~,~:; 5CtE)lI..E IWXF DECKIII'Ill ROOF OPENNG SUPPOU <i" \ '.I'J . ; i'.' , , ~t0.<<.~;:c ,-"'-'-'-- -"', ,.,_:<.':<:- ';,< I . NOl"E, SETSlf'POflTS~sa.DNOtUlEI6ED NEOPRENE AN) SECt.flE LAG BCLTS """""~....." SLBIIP&R SUPPORT ,.,...-,'''' 11& NOT USED ..,.... 118 ., j . ~"'- ".' < - __ _n IlCHfDLLEROCI' OECll:anclAXlF """"''''''''''' NOT USED ... 111 \ """""....... cf ~s.s.IlNI)PaUTDfEO 1WfRa/lTCJ> OF " STAlXFI.ASHNJ ~'....,..., PAE.fABRICA.TEtlVENT STAQl:F~ ~-"""'" MAiERW.alEflRIGD ......TION - " ..: ,~. ~ ~-":"':"~=~ HCU""'.... PENETAATION ""'-- ""'-""' C PENETAATION SEALED PIPE FLASHING "...."...112 ""'" 0--~ /(/ /' -"''s-RASHNi . ",. "--"I~~ - -""'" , . -UIH.2<IIGA..GJ.. """""WI ...""",,,. FASTEtERS. "'"""'"- '>0'""'"" ...... lf2GN'ALONG """WfiH """"""". ""'-""' . -. --: $/i. - -- :;; ~r~ COPING TO TRAMSmoM NU I. -" Gr-'~pEdggCO'T1Uf D~"""'. FllIlDrirVn.taIl_'P!eP! ..-M....~...-"-....'f.'l.. r0ne1ndlllllP< ..... J>!? -,..... ~ fiIIkI.-kl FIdOly~ . x-- [c:..lndlW/IP --;;.... ..... """.... ""'" "NDID:DolllllcullllllllldltllrmGllhartDedljrQulB_. DRIP IIDGE CORNI!RS/JOINlS KU I II d~:~: 22~~I.I/lROOfOiffi r....."""""""- _'- g O.c.lOPMfTPERELEVATQt!l ~ ~~'+ ':' "",~ ~ \' ~,',/, _ ~ V I ~ L..LAYER8..."....., "-' ""--WATIRClIJ"(J'F~ > <.' ,f;;~ ~ ~\~U ,x. .--' , \ r"'."'........ C EA lnW , AND(2}-H3SlMPSON / CQNt.EC1IONSATEA. sruo"",~ 1I'l'PLYWOOO_________ _THIOO o~ ~L ".",sruos , fACHSlOEOF """"'" r W>GEA OR I """""" ....... ,f;;~ 4l'~41 \ ( CON. @ SlUD AND @ BLOCKING) .. "... '1,', ,,,,,:,!'I "..':' ".,j, I :,-,.,~ '<: '1," . " ~i .,.:-' :,:.' ::,:0-il :''::1'' /,"!' >:~. !: '[i Ii " /-'; ;~ <'.' j; ,,/ :i " "" / :":""",",, -"~" ,." .' ~: '>". :~ >;.'~- ;: '~.~i <,';': .... " " " t-: "I , :1 " " \. r"- EDQE-IHSTAUm """"'''''''' '\ ..' :-,." .-- :~j : .:;..- :;- -FIlERCAHT . , '",-'\ll..fl()..I.AT" '\'-'~ii-i ~~~ ';j ~TI1IG ~'-ClJMT~1'lA1I. Ii: I'.T. . l'DRNtWK.E ~i;' EJr.s. OVER lf2 ;::. ~a.at :i I 2x4WOOO~ .;i iit"""""""""'" :', 2JclIWOODRW.IlNG lr . ~1ro~ PARAPETCAP ,-,'" I 1 WW> """"""""" EDGE.INSTAU.fD """"'''''''' ,,; ;~ FIlERCANT :i'-'DlJAO.lAS1" -~.. \.: ~04R --=PlAlC. I',T. . , :.J.:-l'OFIIH8.LfElF.5. T=~YY<<XD X :1'1 :'IOI8l\EEEWlAER Ir:~- r-l'.g' I 2 PARAPI!T CAP ~j 1fZ"-YWOOOlll'EAT11Nl . :,_'< ~ ...- Zl'MXDAW.IN3. '_'<'1_ ~ ~ -- ----"'~- 3t ""IlOCJ''''' - - - ~ . """"'" TIR~TICI\IIWl , 2<II,"X2o&WQALV,~TL ~l!Il.Mll.PfIIMEO& PAMmINFlElD 1fZPLYWOOO~1lfii ~:_.~_ ZI; 'MJCO FftoI.MIN) -----t--: 17 "lti .' i;~ :s; ~ L~_ , . , O'-'<><AST _TION"" lW.V.MTLOflI' "^""" '~""i:;,~:?i:~-G~== , . ;;1 : ~'" llfALwmiN'PI'tCMDIMTDM. ~,,,,~~ii::-:j~?;!~7::~::-:~:~"~'j =^TEtlVENRA1EDClAl, '. Ii ...!: LOUYIIR DErAIL NT" I 3 r FlYNGAACHSLI'PORTf'CST "'~'. WfTHl/4'THK.xll'Xl11' ALPlAlE Al.JJWlNJIolPlATEBASE.SEE t 41,14" SCXlf'EOfWClft(: '1'+'1 r-~~m>. , I ( ; i , , ~='--~=-J'':.J ~ ~ __-n_ - ~1 ,. ~I; lOGN-ValTlflOa'N; If CCMN.ICJJS CNER PLYWJCO I ~""'onmeE"" :t _ I'I.)'WC(D WD.Bt.OClCINQfOJlFLYNl ,"",""""""'- SEE~"", .rr......... . ...,.., IlCLTS'TYP.~ \ t~ . . I 18 I:) ~te~\\,Ad: 14 FLYING ARCH CONNEcnON S'~:1'-G' ~, . r ~dgl5 h~hi <"Ii:~~Iil-;r ~9i'l1~~" w fiJ~..cw~' ~~ CHIlO <r,; ;;:j!:=<' <";3 ~lI:@ :z~;E~ 12;< 'iIDl'O;"z , ~1!!~~~~&i8 WI'~"WI= ffi ~~i5i'i ::::E OID::zi=$: ",_ ("i3'$Q~,; o _'--Z 0 I-Wz fll$' i'!;,,~15Q ulJ_:ZCl '~ ;~g~~ -", "1-:>0 iJ.J. a:: a= t: ~ c ~ ~ CONSULTANTS SF.AI. 2> 2> !'> [', 2> 2> 2> '"' 7-... cornwrra.\TE: ........- ............. .......... """".......... = T<O >000.>000 ""'" TACO BELL 12311AHNS11ErT ""'ro.."...... Q ~~ ':A.an.c. T.50 CONSTRUcnON DETAILS DOORIWINDOW PlDrDo\TE: .. OEe 2 I 2009 1 1 .~.~ '\, .', Originfll ::lubmltll!L SILL GASKET 6 112" POLYETHYLENE FOAM SILl GASKET UNDER AU.2X WOOD STUD SILL PLATES 6" HIGH CONCRETE CURB CONCRETE SLAB & FOOTING SOL ,- l:-~.f= 'Lilli PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER PlYWOOD SUBSTRATE . FLASHING TAPE (8)@EJFSI STONE TRANSITION. SEE OTL.. 7 & 171M2 FLASHING TAPE (8) WRAPPED AACll.!'lD WINDOW JAMB CORNEA FlASHING TAPE (8) LAPPED OVER & UNDER " 5U.LPAN '- DARK BRONZEANOO: " ALUM. SIll. PAN ~i "-WOOOWALL " ~ ~ FRAMING // / ALUM SILL PAN (a)OuPonI" AashingTape: f1'Wlr:JN@ JAMBS, HEADERS & SIllS. BLDG. PAPER & FLASHING TAPE DOUBLE GLAZEGLASS ALUM. STOREfRONTWlNOON FRAME . CONTINUOUS BACKER ROD & CAULK BEAD 00 NQTWEEP HOLES OF Sl.Ll RECEPTOR ALUM. SILL AECEPTORwrTH WATER WEEP HOLES ALUM. SILL PAN EXTENDED OVER STONE CAP STONE CONTINUOUS BACKER ROO & CAULK BEAD BELONSIU. PAN STONE VENEER CAP STONE - S1\JCCO SUBSTRATE BEHIND STONE VENEER. SEE DETAR.. 171M2 BUILDING PAPER OVER PL'1WD SUBSTRATE FlASHING TAPEAT WlNDQIN EIXiE ALUM OR PLASTIC PANa SHAPED TO FIT OVER END OF STOREFRONT BOTTOM TRACK THEN SEALED IN PLACE TO STOP WATER FROM RUNNING 0l1T OF END FASTEN BOTTOM TRACK WI lAG SCR SEE NOTE BElDN. SILL RECEPTOR & END DAM STANDARD WINDOW SILL ASSEIIIBL Y ~ NOTE: THE SIU RECEPTOR I BOTTOM TRACK SHAlL BE FASTENED TO THE WOClD ROUGH Ff\I\MED OPENING WlTHA LAG SCREW ONDUSTRY STANDARD PEA LOCAL RaMTS) SET IN SEAlANT. BEFORE DRMNG lAG SCREW INTO WOOD SIll ALL HOLE WITH SEAlANT. PRIOR TO TIGHTENING SCREW THE ANAL DISTANCE ADD SEALANT ARaJND SCREW HEAD 'THEN TOOL SEALANT AROUND SCREW HEAD TO CREATE A FULL SEAL WHEN SEALANT DRlESAT LAG SCREWSAND END DAMS TEMPORARILY PlUG Sill RECEPTOR HOLES THEN All SILL RECEPTOR TO CHECK FOR LEAKS. WHEN RNISHED I.>>IIPlUG SILL RECEPTOR WEEP HOLES AND COMPLETE INSTAllAllClN. TYPICAL WINDOW WALL WATI!R PROOFING """",,,- .......THING [XlI I . , "- ~._"""'OR I. =11 I' ~ -H&DEA.8EE 1 ; STRJCnJIW.. 1:1-= ~---I ~ m ......... :r I ~ ~&_-1 ~ ~ """"'ROO . rt-r _1---1 saMCEOOOFl.SEEDOOf' SGECl.LE . ALIGN FI'lAME \. WlTHFAO:OFSI-EA."....... ~ ... - , I::W.lNAIlLEELF,8.-- ~ HEAD I./AIIB @ SERVICE DOOR ...,'... I 8 NOT< "-'RDOA",," ......""'''''''" ....... . , """"''''''' """""" "'""'""'"" """"Cl'WORK ~~~ .... "'-" I =:-~~~, 8ET1N8fAI.ANT~ _ ......."""" I.~, \; '. EXPANOONJOlNT IH7ICl .l!.EOIIiTALI.....' FORAOOfI'IONALN'OAIIATIONIlECiARDIIIIGWA'ISR I'RDQFINGAT AND NEAR_/DQDRI THRESHOLD @ SERYUCE DOOR ...,'... 110 ~~--- B1U.RECEPTORw/8HIM ~ ' =~ \~l"",' ~- ^"""""''"-''. WINDON FAAME . AUGN FJW,AE wnH FACE OF ..... ,r .il"' . """""""""'" <J 4 " 4 o " NOTE: SEE DETAL l&'.f4l.1 FOR AOOI11Clf'W.lNFOWAATlON RE(3NUN(J 'MTER f>RlX)FI.Il]ATNDNGVlWlNOOWll/OOOFlS SILL@ FULL HEIGHT OPENINGS ...,'... 111 \; ANODlZEDALUMlNUM DOClR-SCEDOOFl SCHEDUL< t\ ll\~ \ W~//"", , .EI 0 4\ i'j \4 . a.<<:AflE..... "" CO.4PU,", ALlJIIllMJMnflESHOlD .SETIN5EAI.ANT ......"""" """""""... 118 STOREFRONT DOOR SILL ...,'... 112 ~ , rT ~op~s:u.~~' . -I',' " a:a.a.ATTACHW/ ,i \ t=~ \1/..\ ,.lu ~ " 2X4..,-nlJllG . .:', , . .. I i ~~ 7'" m. ._mu ~:WlTHFACE J:"".__;<><~ OFOPNJlE PNEi FAAME / ~ A..YWDSHEA11iINQ ~ l'DfWNI'.IIlEEJF!" MOTE: au Dl!TAL 'WM,1I'ORADOmDftAL _PQlUIAl1OIIIItQAlllllllGWATER I'llOClfWIllIATAlilDMEARWItCIXlWn/l;ll;DD WINDOW oIAIIB @ PRE-PAY ...,... <I' )' I \; . """""'''''''''''"'-7j~1 .......- ;.(~..' ~ X"X '. X11/-='""'" .. ~ .-aTA1,O >;:n ,III . . I ~.' . .' -HEADEfl- ::] .~. ~ I 00. .~.F.s. -j ANOOtZEDAL.lIMN.JMWlNOON....I AW.fE - SEE WMX1eV !ICt-EClLLE. ALI3N FRAME WITH FACE OF ""'lHNl -"""'" ""''"'' """'" J,-- m ~ II TYPICAL WINDOW HEAD ~-,... 1 1 ~ J~VX'-=.} ~~"~~~.. J ~='~~"t,': ,r~ _~: l~-lHNl, /\^/ ~ WI<OCNI""""""-j \~..'''- '.' - . -"-NCfITARBED ~ ~^^ ~ ~ F~~'=':::' == \... ::=" f Ii. c-" ~~"" 8ACICER FICO a.osuRE STONE / . , N4D6EH.NiT VEHEEFI ' R.O._ "-lYP.GAlJlIT BACl<ERAOD E.1.f.& JOHT ...,"""'" IfOTI!: 1121! D1!TAL 'I/M.1I'OltADDft'lOlilALItPDRllATIOlil RGIUm_llIWAT9 ftROOFItaATAND NEARWIJIDClWIIDDORI WINDOW ..AIIB @ STONE rL-t "'-14' I I 20 Q,J., SA WALL GUNlD- TOPOFSllLT08C1TT()t,t OFCLG..ATTACHW/ CONST. ADHEf -= 4:~ "".,.... N" ; ~ =... .' . ~lJ' ,., ~.-wM~~ ":,' OITWlNDONFRAME =..... ..~. U' . ~==== A~:~ ~~,:-,~.-~-::~:~7~,:i =~:.""_"'--=::__WQW4'" J I'AOClFJNGAT AJitD N&AR_/DOQAS c-I ~ WINDOW "AIIB @ DRIVE THRU ...,'... I 7 \ ANJlXZHl.....lIII. wt.IDOeVAWlE-AlJ)N FflAMEWlTHFN::ECF OPN:lIEPNELFfWIIE '\ MTI...,........, - . Ii"""""'" EHlDAM-NO . 8EALAN1'AT~' j20Go\.a.s.WAl.LGUMD- TO..ua.v~JiIlJE 4-- _ _ r TOPOFSUJA\lBTO.wRI- -~~, ~lu.n~.;.T3-- ,I ..1 1'~E.LF.8__:' 1."__ ~ MeTE:: a&5Q1iTAL'IIM.' FlRAllDmDNAL_FQRIU.11DlilIlEClolUlDatClWA1&R I'IlOClnCQATAJlDIIlEARWIICDOMI/l;Il;DD _L_ WINDOW SILL @ DRIYE THRU ...,'... 1 8 Q ~ ......... T-SO CONSTRUcnON DETAILS DOOR/WINDOW ~ -'-"""l"l""""" I' .#.. ....' i uate 'i~ ,\/to.... ......... I G A6 1 ! _2L~ ~: DEe 2 1 ll" .'! WINDOW SIll. r-1'.q I 4 PIDT~~ J Original Submittal I 18 MOle: EIlDETAl..1I1Al.1I'C1RADDIIIDMALICFDIUIATlQNREMIlDIIllIWA1III i I'AOClAIG AT AND IIEAR WllilDaIln I DOOAS . TYPICAL WINDOW oIAII8 ...,.... I 2 ="~~ 1'" ~~Ha II; OF SHEAlHING - - """""'''''''-.... '"""""" -----., ~~7~~~.L ~~ ~~1~"-1"" Io<<JRTAR8El. /....:, .1. ___wG.Wa PERIofFqSPECS ....' . . ~-LdL~C~ NOTE: SEEDETAL1G'A41FOAAIXlmoNo\LINFCll'IM'OONREGNUNGWo\TEft i PRClCIFNlATAAtlNEARWINDC1WSfDlJOA9 ; WINDOW IIILL@ STONE YENEER ...,'... 1 :I NOTE: SEEDETAlL1lVA6.1FOAADOlTIONALlN'OFtMlIONFEl:WlllNGWAlEA PAOOFIHC3 AT AND NfARwvo:1oW/ txJCftI """""""....... WINOOW FJW.IE-SEE "'""""""'"""" ~I"RAMEWlTHMCe o"""""""~ .-NODlZEDAllN.!lI1. ~~ ~ \~ ~UWAU. Otl"""""M-=----~ "_./' """".lCl'Cl' ANOOlZED AWIl "Z ,J SI.L TO 8OfTOM a= fl.ASI1ltG - -; '7 '''''' .._.___'" - a.'G..ATT.rcHMlH 1.lJIWtW3LEElF.8._"'-:'-.'-::'--"'-"--''''_:' ~ OVERPLYWOOCl ". . . S>VJHNl .,.,- ~.;~ .~-~...: _~...:i.~;,;. . CONSULTANT'S SE.AJ... /0. /0. [; /0. /0. /0. 2'> /0. /0. . CCMlIICT ewE: lQOCIOCll BIADl<<3TYPE: 141 .......""" SlTENJMBER: XlD(-XlDl .............. """ TACO BEi.L lztMAlNSfFEEI' AM'1tJIM\I.UBA.1lImIi Ej.FAOIffiIJOl..ROAPt'UED::=i .'I/'-...T ..I MOlSniAEEWH:Fl.1N"1WlRIER /J "~-__., O\oal fUSHING TAPE. CIWIIPfER NOTE; PAlNt' E.L' EJ.F.s.ATSfARIEH11IACK, 8O'1'TONDIWNl. ~8.WJaor.~ ",/1lW:K'MTH~1 24Gi'.R.ASHING,Wd', . ;1'/ _...," "~. /'BlBOTTOMLEl3 . '1 ; 'WOR1:. ""'" COFlONAOOSlU.STONE .q "'<i' ~ PERMFR.~ . . L:11/Z'L.GSCAEWS CONT.SI<AOlIl~ Jl. @l2'OC.MAX ADteiIVESYSMCOfP ~, . I ~~~~~. 1~--'----'" '=~~-:d . ~[':'~.-,.~~~"~::'~~:<I .IrllHBI:DWrIHIolOI'lTARPER .'. w:R'S~T1C>>lS - -MORTAASED IIl.IlDINlJFAPER(PERSPB::9l "P6lWR.~ 2.5G\LV'MET~LAJli_ f', ~,~"...,._.... SCAATaiCOAT . ,I :.:::-. ,- ~. ~ 117 STONI! WAINSCOT @ WD. FRAMING . - "... ~ ><1 ~~~LA~::~'."'~ (PEASI'EC$.J$tW..L OYfRLN'J-MOlDAT '." d OOTTOMOfmER .......... ' $C::AATt:HCOAT _____ ' . IXlf'K)NA[)O grQNE _____., =:===~---- ~. ~T1OttS ....... <J T'IP.GAOUT .lCINT Ll fSlF. srucco.HolOl.D LJ <J STONI! WAlNSCOT@ WD. FRAMING MORTMBEDPBl.MRl8fECS.~' '. \ _, 2.6GALVMHALLA1H~ ~'~1,,--. BI.JJ..DlNGPN'EJl~' j (PERSPECS.)StWJ. 1.,'/ OVERl.'PJ-t.1OI.DAT '............. ,I OJ"'" 0''''''''''_ , : j. ..' ','.' ~TCHca-.T~~; <. """""",,,BroO<E . \If.NEERADI'EfEDWIfH~' MCflTARPERMfR'S . , '-~~_ __ -'-~ .._...3 "'4- : T'IP.GROUTJOINT ,,' . -- . P.T.Sll.Lf'lAT'e PERF. SJUCCO~ ... L. LJ <J STONI! WAINSCOT @ TOWI!R UCI .~ <J i r-1'..g' 118 -- , , -.......'/ ., <J . j .-"... 11. NOT USED I 20 . . . ~...., . J, "'it . .. GL \$I' ''"'1 G;) E.I.F.S. HEAD @ I!XPRI!SSION PANn .-,'... 113 ~ J - ~- ~ ~ . . ,l ~~'~r' ~ r..;i; . I!IFS BAND @ I!XPRI!SSlON PANELS ".~,.... I . / f ( NOT USI!D 114 \ \ '~ffiWINa: t~ . PlYWXOllHEIJtelG ~ ~~ " .~: :'l. ., ~- .~ ~i /' . "'-.. xx I -j I!.I.F.S. .IAIIB @ SI!RVIC1! DOOR .-,.... I II """"""".....".. .......'" " --ctW.A'EAEJ.F.8_ATSrNnER ""'" .<,.; SfARTBITJ\llll)l;WlWE9'HCUS ~.lITLl"lASHH3i Q)1,:nn;olmlHfSLLADfEA!I) lOSlEB.ANGLEMTHIilK1D.Il ANCHClflAl(..aBYIII<o\CXlII',m eaJALN'Pl.EDPElIr.lFR.'S ~"'"' 2'lt2'l.Go\.SlEB.NGJ! FoABIENEDWlJliHlf:f-ll7 OR'lW.AU.IlalEWSOfABn.llm T08I.DCKIHl]AT111'O.G. CVLTl.ROSfOHEVEN:fJI IIIIORINIPERWR:SIBl. SCAA'ltHcn\TONz.:iON.V. ~LAm ..". . f.lF.s.DET~LSNElNtENOEDTOIEQa€JlC.~DErAlLSItKJ~TlON9SHOOLDBEFQI..l.OWED.A8'BlTOSl:'CTION0724DOf'llE """""""""'........ I > _.IAMB ABOVE STONI! @ EXP. PANn ....,.... 1111 ffi. "'""NO.......""''''''''' SCAATa! OOt.T '''' li!.5GAlV.Wl!TALlAlH , -', __. 9-lEATHNi , , ~"~RT~"'~";'~~ . , ,: I .1 -. .. EJ.f's'- ~:- , \= NP~"" STONE"""" t " . -,~ . ~ .IAIIB @ STONE @ EXP. PANEL ....,.... 118 '\ ~~-~...=~~ '/~~TBNfEIt \ ~=- ~. . ::::::".::....."""""'" jON.\')AllllF'EClREDQNnE ~ ElfJERIOA BeIA~ =..-- __STO_ ) SfP'L>-amllASElXl'.T ~ =_"""R<"""= . -. , ___MEIlHDETIA ;Z~STOR/\IISl-l ;< ;.r---~~...?TALL\'IlTHSTO /A/,i// / 1 n/ / N~T AN OPTION: Do \ l-fi~~; not caulk below EIFS \ starter track edge & galv. mtl. flashing to allow for drainage behind EIFS. I /;?/ , A . -EXT.GRAOEPl"Y'Ml -yL---' - I!IFS BAND DETAIL . - ,.... 112 ,.~:.J 1 I!.I.F.S. TO BASE FLASHING NT> I 7 ~E.I.F.8.1ll.fFACE ,000". ~" ~ CAP..... r --:.-:~ -~~~~FACEOFWPEO ~~~ ~~~ """"''''''"''' N"'" TliE 1YPICAl CORNER TIlEAn.4ENT fOR ST(IojE va&R1S liiIJ'M'l ABOVE. ALruIlIATElAPPINGSTONESMSHCM'NN!OIE fIElD STONESHAU. HAVEHORIZONTALGFOJTI.HH.lQNEDwnH i THE ANlaH FlOOR. HORIZONTAL BROOT XINlB BO.lD NJr ; DefEO 4 10 6 Fer, ~ TYPICAL STONI! VENEER CORNIER N.os I 8 ~~i w~-~tJ R :::.:"....:..._ .~~ ~ 6 =:.""""""" ..~ ;, fl~: , ~ NrNES'fCWEViNEER ~ -i" - 6- ~':':-~..... - :i ~ L\ ~TCHc:<:M.T--.J, i! """A ==':'~~,I: ~ =,:~ TYP.QROUT.QNT . "' - - f'lANVERSDt ~se=DI"1'AIl1&'.r.e.1FOAAOI':mONAl. ,'. '. IEGNDNGWATm I ~ATANDNEAAWlNlOWS/COOAll ~, SlTEN.MlB't CORNER@BDLOIl . '" WAU. "-TO. q 3 )'!""'NUIeEl> RA 21 0Efll0>-- TACO BElL AUGNt.e<< 123W1lNSTl'EET It. AHYREFEFlENCETO'E.I.F.B,', ONlHISIlHEETANDMlOUl3HOUTTHEETOF NIfT(MW, Ll3AllI7lIli COHSTRUCnONS OAAWlNGS.1S fEFBItNCllO DIWNABLE 00ERl0Fl INSULAlIONIndANISHS'ISTQl. - 1'~ E.LF.$. .~.~ 1 1- ':"1 !' '.: I . ..J.'\.... :'1' . ..." ,.r t - 'J / .. - ,I: ><:t ~"-"-"-"'-'-"l ___~____~_____J i ~,I CANOI'\'"" OONNECOON THOJ E.I.F.S.BYSlGN \SIDOR; SEE SCOPE ~;7 """"""" RlACANOI'\'. "" SHEET .... """"'.... """"""" ,:c:::: """""'- WNX:JWFJW.lE.SEE WNnvSCHEOu..E. ,,",,""""'WITH FACE OF SHEATHING ~L~~ IIII' : \_ WINDOWHEAD@DRIVI!THRU .-,.... I 2 -". CONSUUANT'S SFAl. """""" T-IO "",."", """" . Q ~~ a:=.e. T-50 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS "''''t.. El ' I, WALL, DOOR & ....... '" r,eeelVel " '. '. ~ r I i . P 1" DEe 2 1 2009 '~ElW:NI"Eltlltt"'J I 4 I A6.2 PlDTOl.re .... =~\ ~~ ;~)~ ....: """"""""-.""I~' 1:lO'..TS.!llEE >;:1 . """",,,,~,,.,.. '7'~1::1~ i ,~ ,....1(',:\, '< / l:;:;'-:--," '\ ~7-1jlu 'u, 1:'..::' -d ~ I ~;~"--"--'~ EJ.FB.---' ~... ~ .. Ii j ~ ~ . . . ....""""""""" -'-"~ -"","" -SlOCKN:lASREClJflED / ~-~4Cl)Ill..IStttG-RL'MIH / , ~FA.mlERA8Rfa..ftD I ~AlJ.8USH~AfTERE.LFB_ N'PUCAT'IC:I<l HAS twlDEt€D. DRI.1 HCl.ESlDffLYlARGEFlTtWl IlUSHINGTIt'lOUGHNSUA'fDol ON...Y.STa>ATPLYWOOD.CAl.lX OPEN~P~lO~ FA.'fiEfERlOSEALPEPETPAlDt -I CONNEcnON THRU ElFS .-,'" 117 NOT usED l"".Q' 113 -1J2'A..'1WOClD .-'mTHIS ~" ~::=. 0TlS.N4GI..E """"1oIlJSJ , BE 1 ' ACCESSIBLE tE3' TO Arne ._~-" &PACE =~ ~~ ~OF1HE ~ <ij' NOT USED r-"~ 118 ) ~ .t _______~BrotoE VENEER _ --------llCIW'CttlX"l ..""""""'" ;-EXIERIOFIl.'ifWlEPL'tWOCX> :::: ~METALLAlH ~ WNJ.WMP .. RECeSSeOH08E8IBBOX. SEEPI..l&UlINGFOAS'EC. 'V^' \ ------- ;'.. -""''''''"'''''''''" . q . . ~ -------'1ll..OCKIN3 ,- . -----r "- HOSE BIB .-,'" 118 NOT USED '__1'.(1' 118 , , /J=~CER CONPONENTT08E Arrl4);ED NOT USED I 2D fASlENS". """""-W> ,"OJ """""'" W.,... MOOIFIED Bm.NEN ........ """"""'''''''''' LBfB..T0t'EFI1!Z' """""'''''''''' ....'WOOO I {lEt.... " - -". -~,.A TYP. ROOFING PENETRAnON .-,J, 116 ) ~ A (', . ~t ! ~:=-: . ~. ~~~! -~~+ "UF.II. EXfBOOR GfW)f PLYWOOD ElFB,\\a,T1-ER1WR:R iJ.FS.FUatIN3TN'E SEAlAHTANJBICllBl:RCD J.acx.IolaMTTO.suPf'CfffiN3 SlRIJCT\IfE. PRCMlE PClSl'mE SfALfftOMflClXTDVlEAno .-0 CONDJlT "".... ..""""",,, """"""''''...... ".BOX IN ElFS .- "... I B j.xfr~:~~\ ~T \ 1 ~'CPEN.U\';""j. \.... NW1UfWMNI ' l'E.t.f'.S,~1I'2'PLW<<X:ID Sl*ATHlNG CJIIER 210 RWdlNG OPEN LATE SIGN DETAIL r-,'", I 4 CANOPY BLOCKING DETAIL r_,,,, 111 '-"..~" \ <1~~ 8OL1S(SEE " - """"'" , """" '" -",;:., ... [O'-:\:'.1Sfu ,-i. ,"," ~JL:;:;>"'>.I ~./' ".-:-. " CMIOP1' :~: SCOPE OF 'NClRIq >':~ -"""""''''' """'""'"""'" (IOTALOF4) 3.2lt101l..OCl<lNG ~- .----m:1l'I90TllS SIIoIlNlTOTHEsmuc. _ ems. NoII3t.EBIW::E in MUSTBE.-.cc:ESSIiII..TO t~ AmcSPACE ..:,::= I J. """""'"" snLCRJOE """"""'" _____ WATERPAOOFCOATNJf()fIWALL ..--- -SEAlltNG ___ EWlRlEFlMalIlfWE Sl:ALAN1'WlTWBolOCERROQ --~TERMlNA.11ON ~N9UATlON ---- ------- 8o'.SECOATNmMEBH --- ,,~.I ~. " v.Occ lmDWAUI'RoWN3 .......... ~=-- r ~~1N1fOFl -""""'" ~ WSULAnoN -""'...., J.-- IWlECQt.TW/20Ol.HDi I~:, I ==:-ae APPlEDnR:llXi-IOUT. WfW> COftNEfl8WrTHMEBH ...-:... ~ fIN"" '~ . r'.. ~-;>~IWlECOATN<<lMESH /..:':.,,::<, ;<:::..,,/ -- ~y / / ~ <!'~" \ I 8 ) TYP.EIFS TRIM HIGH IIIIPACT ~ . TYP. EIFS @ INSIDE CORNER , ~ ~ . > . L......... Sl..ESTRA.TEPERFUNS EUS, GALV.MET......ArolETANJ REMafAlllf fl.ASl--lNl. 2 PECf REGl.ETlYPE-lJT~AS WH.EICTUREO In' fRY(XH'. OREOt.IVALENT . BASERASHN3lmJTQ4 ~~:rrMffit ""'" LI.F.8. TO BASE FLASHING ,\ , , i , i / I :><:: x/x 1'>< ~' N.T.S. NOIE SH.WlNXJNHSAlJER OETAlLSSl-EETAlI.1~ E.Lf.S,~A0.3f()f1 AOOI110~ MOTESNCl """""lION i'L'tWD,wo.u.8HEATHlNQ WATERPflX)fCC>>JINGMlI TI'IOWELAPPUfDAlltIESM: NOT SHOWN FOR Cl.NIIY EJ.F.$.INSLlATION(IW3E COATSA/II)t.!ESHNOf ""","FOR""""" -HOAIZONT......RASHNG ,... WOOD snJ) WALL FRAMINlJ ,r-~~~ ~-I ~~fNTO I EAQ-tOFTI--E2lt1D - BLOCKlNGt.EM6ERS RF\ 21 oET.NL I ....""IIEN\' r"'- CANOPY BLOCKING DETAIL '-'"" "12 \ . ~}. ......." I 18 I /t.FR~.nNTTREAlMEHT ~/ -WATEAI'flQOFClOo'TlNBI'ORWALL ""'1HN3 ~ADHESNE . ~""'TIONWI""""'" CHAMFERAI.ClNij 801TOM EDGE ~ FOR I-IlGH IMPACT MESH lOCATIONS IS SPEaREDON 'Il-lf 00ERl0R , "-""rom I lWlE:COATW/2QOZ,HlGHIMAACT MESH TO SEN'PLIEO FROM nE , \ ~""""o...." I I ~,",' BASECOATW/<4l1OZ,S1ANW1l MEStllt) BEN'fLEDlIfiOUGHOUT ~ ,:::_:-..--flNISN '~Jf'>-'~.~"> ma.;.....,'... _ STAmBlTfW::l(WlWEEPHClI.EB 4 . . ~- G"W1OEX2QMIlBNfIER _IN'PEOllNTO I'O.lPb.noN. PLACEPRlOATO PIAClNG""""""'"""" EDGE OF'" Date Receivedl ~ ~ ~<fJf I ~t7 r . . , M.!>L' \ I 8) TYP. IlIFS BASil nlIlHlNAnOtt:.uu;, ~ -_wwoow "^""'" TYP. EIFS FLASHING TAPE Original submittal CONSULTANT'S SEAL I "'''' 12 . [', [', [', [', [', [', [', /:; [', <XI'fTRACTCWE: ,"""" ........- ,... ......"""" ""....." "",."", ............... """" TACO BELL 123MNNSll'lEET _lOA.... Q ~Vl """""- T-50 CONSTRUcnON DETAILS WALL A6.3 14 PlDTDi'1E: I ~"""""lMU''''' . FFOIlllL8S1'\JJEB ct",c'--=-"'- 1JOTTOl,l~~ OFROCI'TlUIl '( 'II , J ~INSTAl.l.ATJCH:t. WDEGfoLV.Sl1W'50fA TRJSS(MAX.'l-fl0.cJ ""'" SffSCope OfWOAK rat llCOFE""'....... SYRUP UNI! IN CI!IUNG H-U. 117 \,'" :; .--FASTENZI(8lOCl<.NGTOFoICEa: i __ ~WH.LCATRLB9 I' . ~ 1:= / ~""-- "_ :~= ~71M.0PENr<<i1NCHHilLE .r 1_ ------.~ _,,1- "" IlEC'TlCI<IveN ~S'l'ftU"I.HIlt.HXf:~a.a. SYRUP BUNDLI! CLQ. Pl!Nl!IRAnoN H.T" CENTER LIE OF D.T. DWIlER - ~"N"""ROCI' ""- ----- ~'~- -- ~ I<ITCNao . '" . . ~ . , z , , ;.. , , " .. , . ;.. , . q :;: ~ ~ . . - -SYRUP-CHAsI! IN WALL c . ! ( &:. .rli9 118 ~~~ Q'" """""""" N.T.$. NDT USED. I 20 . ................................-. ./ '~: ~ - =:..~=~,-~ ( 'l--~=~s::rAl. z.~~: 1a'MA. I I ~INWAU. 8EEOETM. :::B::I~-J<<lllESa.lElT1-EJlSlDiOFST\JD Ie- lUl3Iel~y 01 venTOIIOOFR:lAF.t. ~ e---"""""""""'''''OF.... ~ loI..Qm~y o VEJl11C\l. S'tRlI'QWlE fROM .ABV.Ct.G.I02D'MJO,SEi: SI OETM.lll/....4. ;: . e---J-8OXf.SOHONe6DEOF6TUD .,~. AUG/IED'o5mC.H..LY '-I 'i-----~EMf~INWAI.L ~~ I """""'........ram W.e- -J.lIOICEBONSM:RSlDEOFImJD i -eo AUlHDVERTlC.AU.Y _____ ECufMENrIECeS9BJIHWAI.L .---- IIOXOIJl"Z-7Wlt2ll"ttll51'D&l.CT N01'E:IXlOFIOINATEPlJCB.E),If ~'i ~~~~ LI ''"''..u._~~' Fi v~~ Yv';;",oo 'V ~ ( INTI!RIDR CIIASI! WALL ,'-,'"" 11. ) NDT UHD DOU8l..ES1\JDSATJAIrdB A AND HEADWlTHNOiOR STfW'. rW + X~-- i'~-!'--( LwnWJO ........, 8I.S81'AATEMNClTCDQ,! BtEETA1'o :u u ~~ "" ~ oIAMBATH.M.DODR .-,'" 110' 2lifIY<<:lOOftW.IINQ~ 1'Df/IoItoWll.EEJ.FA- """""""'" """""'" METAL1RlM SET IN .......... w""""' ,,,,,.,,,,,,,,'" Tl-AJ.WAU.SCUPf'ER. Nmw."", lWU'ACllJ""" ~"""" 2KlOPPl.ATE~ 19PL\'WOOD IN'IBIIIOR CHASI! WALL 1"'1'011 118 WCTN.. ~ ~ t.lETAL~_~ CAW< NOT USED 118 . RlGDrNsolATlClN- ~=----- - X/..- 1~...><-..._--...-.~.-.....1x- ../ ~ Pl.YWOOORClOFOECK~ "WOOl""""" <f8' - R.#<> ..... I o4<:~ . ~~& Q"'# #:.v~ ,,0 1'DfWNABLEE.1.F.s.__ OYERPLYMXlD S'''AT>IING SCUPPER OVER FLOW DETAIL 112 t 2 -lAYERS OF 112" PI.:1WO CONTOlJA CUT TO FACE Of SClR'ITNAlLmTOTClP OF SM>S._______ ,-to. 111-{J' ~STUOBOl8'O.C. - BOT. Of CUl DINING ~TB>""",,,,,,,,,A- I I -......""" """"""'" '~~.OF~ 2lIllOlI1"O,C'7 . H L-=: ++ ..--- L /.. ~-..o'm ':::~/ /,.1' .~~~~! " ---1II41WD101.o.o.tOlmU:l.lIaM , 'M.-m.f.OIA /~ "2lIlllffi.08@16'O.C. ::/ i ~RI'O\/ER'~PLywoooro9OTT. '.. I OF1RJSS I,. ;1!P....0A1'-llP.SEESHEEI"A7.1 ~ v EIOT. Q"klTCHENa.G. __ r . tlf8SlUOS01O'O.C. i-';'V tlZ'G'l'P.80.PAlNTED z!. ~ ~~1~~OF 8OffiTNAlLEDTOElOT. OF8ruOIl. NOTE; Al..i.OWA8L.E AL'fERN,\1E ffW,GNQ; at MTL sn.m WJR.El( TW.CK FOR Illt>>tE.tD AW.IINl IiIl!Nu BOARDISOFFrr _moN ""- "<, I 1 8 TlUIlW<BllDlIIEII NUT" WASHeR lQP 18lJTTtlM ~. D I\~ ~ 4'll4'EIL.CQ(@ROD ,. -'-t ., il !r .... ......... PrtfT1'lUSSBNOOFl:) ltfIEADRtXlI;lRlU.1lflUBLOCK C~ . r4\ DI!COR &OFFIT ATIIIGII_ .-,.<'~ \ ""Z\~ ~ l'CIWNABLEE.LF.5.OJEA PLW<<XlOSHEAn!INQ ..weco_ WETAllRlMSETINSEAl..ANT """"""''''''''''''''''TB> -""""""- ,","AU."'" .......""'"""" IECOMMB<>ATICNS I. ;a;;n.BE8FJO.l ~'Z'J[15'CI'BrlN:l BOHTOS.s DflN( CENTEHEDl5"^,I'.F WCH. fNlStEOWfffP 7 .~: ~/ SVRJP11.BES = ~1~\ ~- 1: ~[ IoIETALtxlNllXmlRHEAO._______ SET RIM Of HEAD 1'M1ti AIlaiETOPOFSCUFf'ER. SIZE""''''''''- - -, MErAl~~~ l'OAAINAII..EE.lF.S.CMR \ """""'''''''''''''' ) ..WOOl_ loETAL DOWNSPOJr. SIZE "" """'-1IECUOBlSOlI (~~nP ~ ~~ ~ r \....!... !fI'! \~ """""""""'" ........... ;o"-....-......-:.:::.'..-..-'L. _ ...~;.::~.~:..i_;. .1 SUSPENDED ... ...-.'-~~EI'I'OEOOR \ItNOOR(HUNlJAT n1EfflONTNQSlOE ....., DI!COR &OFFIT ATTACHIII!NT ,,,. - '''' I 2 \ 1/ I . /2Il:TOPPlATE :i~ )/~~ I /~ D~ I / l!' PREFAIlRCATED ! i:i! THRll-WALL 8ClPPER -~..~.k .. =~~ - .. .. o4<:~~ .~~& Q'?'9:-~ 4{,J" " """""'"''''''''''''' MEMBlWlEO\IEFI1/2' Pl'1WOOO SHEATHING. HEAT.wE1.DTO ~ PREFABRICATED T>flUWAU. "'-""" -"'-~ . ,-' ""'" OOta.lCTOR HEADS TO BE FABFlICATED !Wr:~ SCUPPER. CONDUCTOR HEAD DETAIL '-"<' I 4 Dee ~ 1 2009 Orlf.JIMI ~lJl'lff1!tlal . g CONSULTANT'S SEAL - D. f'" 3- 3- D. D. 3- D. D. . camvcTQ\1E: IIIOOUC< """""''''''' T... "'^""""" ",. ...... ""'''''' """'""""" I0IIIIOI TACO BELL 123"'-"'~ """""'LOA"'" 9 ~.~ :ocen..e.. T-50 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS WALL A6.4 PLDr~1E: . __ WAU.PNNT~ ___ IWL .. ~ L--r=- c:rt==--''''''''''''''''''''''''''lO ""TCH~COlOR ~ ~ EIO\IZElllJTJ1JW.COANEA bE -;d-::.....ao ", ..!.l.r """""""'" /'--- ,... (I t7 j ~ J:;~ - ~~~ I ~ op- ~ ~:OOIWL ~~----- ---~t~ ~ ~~. I--~ IlARII0LI!UII TRill DETAIL """""'" l/'rlll/'r.-uJN1NlAII CORNEA 8.WIlAf '"-CUll"'" COINJ\S. """'"- .""""""'" ...... PAWTEDfZtP. 00. !UOSl1WE PAN8...SEAM. SEEOTL 17/Al1.5TYP. .-112'1(.112' """,..... COANEl\C>.JAAD ATALLINSltE """"". """'- I/4"J-MOLDING. ""'-" NOTE: SEEOTL l"A4.S FOR WTL ...... . NOTE: TtE w.RMOLB..IM PANEUl. CHAIR FWL" PAlIiTal MTL TRIW ARE PRCMoeD ft( i TIEOECORYENOOR. nEQCSlW.LlNSTALLPMlElBTOTHEWALLSUBSfR,6.TEwm-I AClU.EDONCONTACTGU.E. SEESCOPEOFWORK. 1IARII0Ll!UII ATTACHMENT DETAIL KTS -~'W.,/,. 16~ ~,: 1/""'0 LOWEflTRM :."';':;':-;' """"'''''"'' . ........ ---.J ','<',-." \i......,,:-:-.~ :C", 1,',':.:-' ,',.,~~:, .:.-,~ .'/. ',' .,- ~~ - ~.p.cF~ ~ .,v /""'-- N4t:\ , M::.s~ FNSHEll &l!cnON AT CHAIR RAIL t-4 "l3 i 2ll~s.s.ca:lN:fllJL.WW-Ta' CFIWlETOEIOTTQ,IIOFa.a.. ATTICHW/CCHJT.AOtESM:: -","", ~J , xxJL ~--~ t_._n~--W WAU. FNSH CWER !ll.IBalAATE PEA .~ TLEw-lEJlEOCQ.R9; 2O~s.s.fM)WAl..LGlJNU)-Ta' OF BASE TO BOTT(I,l Of a.G. - ATTJiCHW/CCHST.AOfEStJE TLEMEREOCQ.IIS CORNBR GUARD '-"4 11. \ . I'j ., 'I ; r---tRGYP.BD. FlNlSHf9f'lNi ., ., ;, ~l--ffiP .' , , , . , ~ ~ . l.--J.MOLD8ETINSlUCONSEAlAHT_ ,. 3 RTJ.MaDW/~PRIOFlTO <I. INSTAl..L.lNGffiP,WlPEClfFEXCESS -!I CONCFETE~11ONWAU. ~ <.. i/~~."''''"''''w, . "to" .".. ,. , , . o}< . BASE @ KITCHEN I!XT. &IDE WAU.S ....,.... I 20 "--""""",,,,,,,",,, R 1FIIl.IPEE ~ SEE 5COl'E OF WOAK FOl'l IoIOFE N'ORMA-T1OH . IlARII0LeUII TRIll DETAILS .. '''' 114 . , i ;........-SN'E.SEESCCJ'E<FW(>>U(.fOO ; SIXlf'EDG""1IIJNS 'r; Ml"CEw:NTBD S1ZE1/'l' SWoI.LER~ 6of.FE fOOtPANT , ': r GID1TTOMr\TCHADJ flJXJl. ~' ..../lr""'''''CCKSISlFIaf. ____________NrCft)ABOtTS_SEEs:xH'a walle. Ba.T HQ.E8 -lIA' DIA. II 3' """ 6AFB PBDBSTAL ,'-,,,, 1111 , "j ., .' I r-1/l' GYP. BO.,FNiH PERPLAH. , 'j: , l.--- WAINSCOTPERELEVATJJNs :-1 ., ':1 " , , , , ~>< . . :3 CONCFETe FOl.NYoTlClt W#U. . " < . /COV'EEWiETUE_SEtR.tlSliWl ./ fLOORl1Lf /1"1;"""" , ~ ~< I . BASI! @ DINING I!XT. &IOI! WALLII ....,.... 118 ..dI~ . ~NCElLNI ::,~..- '.j 'J' II./JttENW'ol.L ,-ri & .. CI!IUNG POCKI!T 'u f 110') BASI! @ DINING I!XT. FRONT WALL ~ t>~ ~,=SHEATH",," ~i$' ~..,(""''''''''''' ~ ialtWSW4"UiW/S.s. Ii ;I~'. -- ~ ~/'./'/ -=~ ~ --OO'ENOAlONTCl-PNa. TO ma.rr EDGE Of ADJ. -~/. ./' ~""""",..... " --l11~BRlJSl-ED @Ac~ :U~~~ -< ""'-ZOI'lNKiE ANJBOTTOt.lEDo:D. - """.. CEO. ,.. IlClTTOI.IEOOEClf" """"""""""" 8E&'ENW/THfEOOE NC:Jm~AU.SUMSATWAil. OFTHEI-IGHESTNlJ. ....""- ""' 113 SPlASH GUARD ,'.""" I . /' ~ ~ . , ,~ , , , , , i--"'" , , , , , , J MOlD SET IN SIJCON 8EAI.ANT . RT J.MOLO WI SIUCON PRlOA TO INSTAI.lJNGFIlI'.WlPEaTEXCalS < 4 - CONCI'lET1: FOIJHClA.11ONWALL ~ . lXl'IE"""'.H'''''''''WI V FLOOATU..E 'L'~ . l .. " < . . ~. . BASil @ KlTCHI!N BXT. RBAR WALL .-,.... 111 . . NA.TIOtW.GYPS~-5m'I'f.IMPNJr BRANJ XP WALl1lCWID. TYPE X COE NOlll..lBmT1J1DNSAI..1.DIAEl. WAU..1LE.W!EREA.Pfll.I:HU ~ :(.--- - Bo08ETUE"SEf - FWSHW/fLCXII . ao : ~ /., . . . . . . . . . '-'-I ~ BASI!@ " ,-" , ',0011 INT. WAU. .-,'" 112 I , ~~ NOT U&I!D '.T>. [;) '---- . .. . '-j , ; ,_ i--1O F\.YWOODSHEAll-tNG III . 1 8HEAA WALL "j , , , , ~ l-- WAlNSCOTPeRBiVAnoos , , ______lf2GYP.BO. RNlSHPERP\NII, , , , , ~.. 3 . -CClNCFETEl'QJlO\l1ONWofU. <I '. ~ . - CO\IEMIB'T1UI.BETA.USHWI . V~7U . C _J>< . " . '. 8'-1'.(1' I ~ . . ~ ~ u ill . ~ ~. ~-"_.""''''.''''' J \!. OWTA8lETCiolin. .ijo-AfF.1-Gi ~ TABLE TOP HOT. _ ~AfE. OINIt<<i COUlmI'lTOP Hm, -~AF.F. STEELll\.I>f>aU"Pl.AlE h 3--112'DIA. .1/2"l:M TABLniiCN..Y COR. DRILL "go.;."..f1' I 7 . . .]~WIHCOTPERB.fYATOe , ~ll?(M>.BCWO . , ): l' .1 " , , ;~lM'MOlSTlIAERESlSTAHf ~' I 0'\'1'. BD.T012'Af.f. . ~ fNI5HPERPI.Nt >< .: r COIE&.SETU-8Ef : ,I fWSHW/A.aJUU: .-/....., II ""'1 BASI! @ DINING ROOIIINT. WAU. ....,.... I 8 ~ .\, :":..'.~- ~.~~>; r-PANB.WALL /. ~>(;',>: l1M'1EK~:'_~:';'~; '"'fl~ D"~ t <. '" J ~. I....ma.../ .' - ~'l( I SEJ>U>>rr ~ WALK.IN nLl!JBA&I! ,.,,,, - """(1 t . ) ____~WAStOTOP~., n~, """"""8U'I'CIIT ~' "- ,..........""'.""" 8I)E8OFaiCIlO40EA -------,. '-- EKI OF <BE9 SIJI'PCJlT ~~ "'""""'-"'om> 1~ "-~"': L ~CfJLHnUFlASHN3 I'lAlE -oe::oRATWESlEEVE -.t=;;~~;is- 6EEllCtftOfMHl. --- v----- Bl.W~ASSEMIILY I ~~ -01U'-:4!.1.q_~.f. ~ ear. Of a.a. -0-~-4':.-A,E!._ BOT.OFWl HarE u,afORA SIN31..l:MOtflat. lI-242fOFlAOiL MOfItOR I-WDO -- 0-!.-8'_A.f.f:...._ U.N.o. 8 CI!IUNG 1I0UNT 1I0NrroR BRACKET N.TA '\ C' I Ii i"'U"'ao.GO> I ______ I lJ)JTII ~_: '~211WOOOIll.OOlHi -"" "'----Sl.II9TAATEPBlP\.AN I .~.L. K1TCHIIN FINISH @<<:mUNG ....,.... I 3 . . r I'""-- "" , , ~ 112'cm:PlYWOOO-PADllJE1W 1 GYBETVtHN~TE4 J MaS1UlEfESlSTANTGVP. BD. ::-.: mow. , ;r--:;.~~ANI' ;': fNlilHI'ERf'UH. ~ , ;. !r---JMa.D5ETfllSI.IXWSfALANr, . FUJ-MOLDW/llIJOONFflDlTO HSTAI.LIoIGfRP,Wl'EDfFEXCE!lS 12 (;] IZI!l~~~f5 ~O j!;~!~i . ? ~~i' !>I' <Ow" ;~~~ _t.ta"rs Oai"JIl~Z C(I):z .!(g g~~ ~ . ~~~ il:l5fil "~t;; WLL.m,z ti~~ ~n&g~~8 wm,a:-~~~ g.m~Sh g::i' _t)oo ~g~rnS ,,~(I)oxa:: a:: -::i!!U if C ~ 2 CONSULTANTS SEAL ~ ,&....... /::, /::, /::, /::, /::, /::, /::, /::, FUSlClNDANc./MUS ClON'I1l,tICTDI\lE: BUlDN3l'1PE: I'lAN ...... .....-, """'....... lOOOUOC T... .,,,,,, ""'" TAOD BEll. 12!1YAlNSTA'ET ANI'll:MN.I..BA~ B ~~ OC~ T-50 FINISH DETAILS ; :LllNfTNlYCDiEWf1l.E. _______________:. . SETFIf9t'W/~lU .....---....... , . . . . .l,:::c3 I-<ece ve~6.5 BASI! @ KITCHEN INT. WAIlI!t~,'i 11!1 Or"''' Original Submittal '..'F....... ! H. . ,".--- , .. [~' ", c'...... . . [.; '~ " " " "'j ...y .n, ...., . .... ~- H_;"" ',.n..,__ .-.... ~_.- !... ..!. "L~~ .. ,~- .j .. . ~ . ~-. _:----...9. . ....:.. ~ ~ " 9/ I $:D"'..N.L0lQfH..... .....,..i...,I~.~ .~iji ~ ..:- \ \ \.\ \ \~ \~ ,\.~,...--'\ ". '. \ !~,-~ ," '\'i'",\.\~ --- ---:--- .:-\\;. 'l(~ . \ .,: L ~r . -. ~ . : .n! ~ l@-1 " o DENOTES FNlSHIMTElVII... AEfEflTOSHTIJ2FCI'IFHSl-E$. 8~~~:lI..E:1W 2.1'OftCElAHf'LOa'lTLE:$'lfl' aGlA2EDWALl. Tl.E :1/11' ".MSE,mwltM}~.'~n;H~'JI..ElHfS C. Tl..fNST1U.ATJCiGflEOUhEMNfJFACfl..flfHSSTNO\A)WClJJfDCOfttil3 AT BOTli NilE AND OJTSDf CORNERS D. H.l.BASflLESl-W.LBfSofHTARVCOf'E8TYLEMTHWloU\lfWUl. E. PROWlE CLENl SU:CHE CAU.K1MiERE FRP STOP$ ATTCf' Of COlE !WE f. n...E~AAOlNOCClFEOAlI.LHCUSFMSEAl1N3F1iCTlJflEWllNOrBE """""". Q. OECal.flfl.ATEDlTEMS\tlMOEflWM.LS.O~Nl3SCfEEHSIHJSEfflNJ c:o.JHTER)MEct.lt.m3.tcIlASETlLERB:U'IED, NDT USED .....,... I D FINISH NOTES /~ \ ...."..2]............. ..... . ," .____,..."..n...._,.. -, "- ,- -'- o ..0 . 0 ~~l3 l'l~ u~~n . 0 I!'nJ. ! ~91~~ ,rffi . 8",.,1;; .. ';;::;i; o;~ ,~~ ~~s '. .il~i ~~~.~..~ ~5o ~S~~~~U I'ili.~... ~;~i~ Iii - Q1J i'; II t?HJ~zffi =0 ~Cl:' ::!i~~g i o~~ " / ~., ft..1 TYP.OAlL 0lQfH-..a , . I I"l/ ~ I~ I. ~~_.- {:::...... I "'l~""'A~IUJJ' 'R[? , : :- - ' , , : . '. r/~==n tf;/ " . I~/ U[7~ <D FoICIa\'(FUXlR~fJN,.VlJ11.JW/NlEGW.CXM:IWI'INWALK-I\IffIEEZBl o fl'CXlIIETLEIWlE. SEEDETAIJlll,11& lflf14liFORNBTAI.J.A1Dl CD rSWTAR'rCOlETl..EBASE. SEE OETAU4,1 I 6l'!GWlA CD ~FI..OCJtn...E INSI)EWALK-lNCOCJ.ER{N:lTI..El:JlMSEtlfflEfZm). R.on FUX)RTIlElNCOOlERTODAAlNTOIUTOEN, CXXlI'IlYofll-lc:o:x.ERWHL "'"',."",,"" CI) Pl.ATFCIlMFORSotoFE..SEEocrAL1~1a6. CD fL..OClln...ESIW.L~ATSEfM::ECOlNTBlWALL Ie CD CD CD CJD (jj) @ CJD ~.. ,t~>_-, 1 .-:;~- ~.. .......J.".__...,' ~! . . E D - , CONSULTANTS S&iL " I. ~ ~ ~ ~ Sl..Of'f:1R'Pffi.El".! ~ c B &az..D:l.OIl flISlONDftlNK/MWS {j. [; 2'; 2'; 2'; {j. 2'; 2'; . """"""""'" IIlA.OINGl'rPE; PLANVSlSION: ""....... """"""- """"" "T..aG """"" """" FLOOR,AN.H PLAN ,....,'4' I A TACO BELL @ COJNI'ERFRONTfMEDwrtHJ<<lOOJEIWlE. IC:9 (GD PLAlRJIMFORRJT1.Jl:E8N'E. SEEDETAl.1i/NU.\ ~~ ./&..-0 '21MAlNSlREET """"""USA_ Q ~ ........ T-50 r r !' FLOOR FINISH PLAN Date Recei' ,ed:A 7.0 STNUPClNTFCIlFl.CXJtTlE. YErAlBASENCOOlEA. SEE9CCI'Ea<Yoatt flEfER TO STRJCT DAAM<<lS fQIt CONe fl.OCft SLOf'ES NOJN) fUXll 0fIr'Nj, FLOATFlOCflTl.ETOYEETFREE2ERR.OOAA.J.SH. COCJm\Wl-lAE2EJl TlAESKlLD HSlTALlAlDt SJlHrIRfTLEBASEtlR~. sa:DET~l~M.l\FORNSTN1AlDt FLQ"J fLOCfl TLE FOR FLUSH lAANSllI:It ~RB'ftESENTSLHOF~Tl.ETJWefIXlN. tKEY NDT!lI7r ? II iIjj 19 PlOl'l>>.1E: Original Submittal I....x:-----~:C-----~:Cl 7 '~.~" .:--~---1--r!~7 " ~. ':, -~--~_tl.- ___~:,:. ~. r---------j I II : ',.,' '..' : : ,--,' ! I t I ....,..... ! r;: .1.. .." =::~=~",:,:J--~@ 1"' t-~.~ 1r~1 r---~--l I ~.. " --" ~..- --. c=~ ii:5:'. ~ I I ~ "'i ~~:- == ~ === ::0 0 0 1-;- - t;-." -_ .::-.-.... ....... L_____ ------- _J I ~ L.= f#~.. ",Q. i''-~"~ ~_ ..;1:>. ......1 ~ I-"~_ I II III ""c; C ","'" TO;'" 0 I ~I~ I ~-:.r-:...... - 1- ~ . . .'. .' 0i">--f11-..... - ~ r~ - - 0 o:1ifo (;), :: ~-_-..:-~;'~ I,; Ii> I lJ I l:~;,,_ I -::D b::~ f'" --: - ~ ,rl<w- ~ 0 ~' @I~I ,'C - ": '" /PJII &l IIJ~ I'l:~ II~ Iii i ~ 13 oi~ \~ Pi~ '-'~.:...;g: --1;~..2 ~\r I . Lf<ID I I I ~:;,_ ;! ! \ '-~-, ,w . J r<1@-:f.~-_-_--c~ 0 II 0 \~..~ "~" ~I .~. ","'.' l '~: I I , ~ .., L_ __ __" M)oJ" \~ _ 1 I--!- ,.... 1 I ~ ~~1~'~11 ~ .,t~~;--;)~t~~P:~ 0 o"~ ~ ~ ~ J: .J. " "~~ '\~r-d r---- ~,>:::t: 0 ~ 0 I 0 I)i( r '~I' ---~----Q4---l0 CD i i LltQ; ~ """ -'- ~ "I~ Ip .~: ~ -~ ;~':}:lo eii1?~r~:~~~~h .~-[@r ~~1-11I'1 pt;~,1 1 L__._ I ~ -.1L1'<.....!I~~+ml+______~~1 ;~~ :I"~: ~; If ~. I ~ _ :l~'iI~J&.~.... L__~____J L___<..:::;;__~ B ~ ,'.,"',' ~'.;;ii,~-----~ ~ ~ \ @.~ ~~ --- ---- THE DINING ROOM CEIUNG GRID LOCATION MUST BE INSTALLED EXACTLY AS SHOWN IN ORDER TO AVOID CONFUCTS BElWEEN ll-lE TRUSSES AND THE DIFFUSERS II'''LL~ c=J ' [}1:1c=J ~ I 11...1 1 rul I I II~ ~III - ~ I - - I' 'I 1'-0'..4'.(1' ,""""'"""..... """" ICJI ~,,4'-O' ~..... """" -<:>- DONN-I3HI"OWIU-fol (B'fWH..K-"MFR,) <ll """"""DmJE 0 """"""' 't:/' """""""LDfIlI , ""'..... (WAlL"""'" ~ ""'..... (OEUlG ........ .. w'"-"""" ""'WiT P EXrERI:lA~fDal.R:: @ ......" ~ 12"E>>W,.ISTFN\l [Q] """ OEn.ONCRUE 0 I-NACSl.FPlYOI1'IJ9':R [g] iNAC8Uf'f'LYOl'FU9ER D HVACl'EI'FORAlED ......'DFFUSBl IQI """llOOI"""",,, """"'..... OOHODRCN<PV """""""'..... """"""" ~METOfICEOFfNBHU_o.N. ~dLFNlSHSCHDLt.E{SHI'Kl2)FORa.aFN9l-D. SUSPEt.CEDCElLNi: A. 1DJUSTlCIol PNEl NSTAllAT1CI\I: NSTAi..LACCl.lSTICALPNB.SWlTHfDGESN a.ose CCNTACTWITH METAL lll..lPP'Cfl'm AN) I\lTRlE AlXNolENI'. B. NJJ:1NNJLEVN'llA.ncHSFRCMFlAT~Lna.aA'ACE:l/ft'"la.q~ c. Al.J..ClNHlLEv~1ICHSFAa,lPl..l.ACBOfamwEWIERS:~CH.6ED8'l'~ lOIDS,2"1IMX. O. KlTALL SYSTEW Af1EA IMJOR MOlE an. WCIIK 6 CQU'LETE. O'JORD lCI:A1D6 OF Kt.N:lERSWlTHRB..ATEDWCI'lK E. SEE SPECS FCfI AOOI!'DtW.. N'OfIYA1OoI. ~~~~~Wn-o:GVPIlD. a. AlXll.lSllCH.SEAI.N4T:Afft.'l'TOG'l1'.BD.PANElB~~1EDN8fB::S GYP. BO. ~AMJ DElXlA\lIO:fEFERTODMl9 R:lflTEX!1.R;NI)fN3tES. ~ ~CT.ONGS.FORF~ESQ-e>. ~~uraiEONP\.AlESANlSEAl..NlTATAU.lJlUlY~lDN;NTO WAUS. CEIMGS. NC) R.lXRJ. 00 NOT USED CALUl: (II EXPIMlNJ FOw RI'I """"'. C!.) CEI..I<<i GRO 9TNfINlIUfT. CD B~O"'''''M-F-. m NON-INSI.L\TmB~lUDSYRl.Puel'ORDRt<<S'tSTE".6EESCOPEa~ REfEfl TO lETAL 17.w1.. (1) e'DIAM;SJtB~CEUG,SfEDETAL lBfAOA. CD ttOC(l.Sf:EMEDW<<:oIlI.aers (!), FCA ACJ..Oi FfWolN>0f'ENN3SSEEMlDE'VlCE SQim. (I'fP.AT ~,_....... CD NNNN:JSI1lI8...l.lS1CN<<:lPES. SEESCOPEOf\llCA(, (!) OECalscmrBUf'f'UED8YSEATWQlJEN:lal:IHJMrAU.ED6Ya.C,fELOP.-Hf~. CD UENJBtWlll SEESCXFECFWCR<. @ MEHJOCWlDflUJCtI:AO.DClTItlMOF9CFRTKrNlIJI./SEEDET.... 1,WL.. GD Dftt f'RODI..CTIJH ltE \lBm:H.cw.sE TlRJCEI.Hi RAg', ~ ~... . ( CID ~W~~o.rrio"FT(J''1&OIALPlCMJPOOOOER(l''tP}. ~, ,-~.SEEEXTDOOAB..BfA1XlNSAKlELECT.DWGS. @ SOFfIT8'l'~1I'EHOOR. SEE DETAL'PTlIS9EETFORFNSHAf'PlJCAlDt DCJCR)N.\JEl..OCATXlNWlTHSI:AJHlPl.ANNUJ. RIHJlTOSCQ>E<J'W(Ht. @EMfRiEH."rDl.W.tUDfDC11JfESEEBI:CT.(MQl NOT USED 1,1t...,,-C' I F E REFLEC11lD CEIUNG PLAN NOTES I D CEIUNG SYMBOL LEGEND r-<ID ~ jlllb i~ i~'~~ "'ltii1' ~;~g' l~ ~~~_~I~ ~~. ~~~~ ~~. !" ~. g~~ '- ~ ~ - o~o ",f:/ii:jli" . ...... c ~ :ffijo:r:: ~~S:>~ . ..' CONSULTANTS SlAt. . " . -- ~.. c r---L: ........ t:O:I1:oj....">. E==x==3 = ,.-------.., :(-\(-\("\!-- 1\.-' .....-" \_/1 ...----......-... -@ E======3-- . -@ B ,A1I2.J:I3.(ll ~ORN(/lAIS {:, ?:, ;:, ;:, ;:, ?:, ;:, 6 A I REFLECT1ID CEIUNG PLAN ,....,'"" I A CCHI..e"..", ....... "'" """""""'" ""'........ .-""""'" """'" ,... .... ""'lOX """" TAOD BEll. Q!) SECUVJY:molE LDHT.IIEFU TOB.fCr. DI\IGS. @f~OOlL @ ~~~~=':'AlONJWALLFORCEw.L:HlEFI:FRI3EMfl"I.H8: @ ==ascmTSl.I'PlElBYSEAJHJW()(llAN)Sl.S'EfaDLNlER <ID MOOIFIEODNNG8alEENtoITMlllMEACH...Y. 8CftEENTOIlEWOMJE)QoIOM1( ~~TODErM..~/#lGAf(I'ISMNfBlW:H3(tFsaHliTO @Bl.L>>ifADGr.qA.F.f. @ ONNGIlCleN.,R6'SllOOET.....2IM4FOAATTACHloENT(BIl). <ED SECI.IUl'YC'.MIEAA 00 lGHTFlIOUfEl'RM:EDBrWAl.,K.NOXll.EAWoN.FACI1"I8l @ NlCAlED8EC1lONClCEl.NG8tW..LllElWSEDlO~1f1'. @ Pfl(M[lEfl.UCEUfGTl.EWIJTH~WAl.L ~ @ t1'tw.4Em1.44l'la<<3PYCT1JIlEfCflSTORAGEOFAS-8lIl.TPUH9~ ~ t.J A8OIECEIlJN::lTOTRIJSS.~TE'IWlHl<x::ATDHCFlRJSS. ....J Cl @ """"""""""ClU'C """'" . """" a: Iii i"'.:ote P'",coived' 30 LGKJBTOBENSTHl.EDIIIENTR1CNO>ESIh'GEHBW..~_, a: !J!!'l! A7" . ....:n:wrrH~GAO ~ ~_-"r<<9 @ NlCATEDSECTlCJIIa'CEUfGstW..LBEIWSEDTOll'1D' GVPBOAN)fR'~.&. . """-"","","'a;"..,,,,-' SEEC"......... ~B~v nl;/" R 1 2""9 KEY Nons I B IU",""," l ';Ii m_"""" """"""""- B """"" ~ T-50 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN Original SI.Il.'lmitiii\l. _ FLOORS ~ I DESCRIPTION WALLS ALTERNATE I NOnE ~I DESCRIPTION ~, """ -........ "'" ~/EGl39iElllAJEl( lXl.<Jt SW7OelIlROHOREp(.~ ...... ~AlESH8TNlT10Q1;1rCR'l'LI: FOR _1) .. MfR.: .telWNWWOMS "'" SAJI\l/~LATEX lXl.<Jt 8VlOO6'1W11I1ERWA~ ...... IQZ3 (WIflE) FRE5HSTNll ~1ICf'lVU;: - .. """ ...-........ "'" SlJtl/EOOSHB.LLATet C'UR 6WlIlilD\.OVALBllE" ....'" ..ma(lNtflE)FRESHSTNlT1Dll1l..raM...C 0UEl 14 """ .......WWOMS "'" SAJI\l/EGGSHB.1.lA.TeC lXl.<Jt """"UN''''''' ....'" ~(WtflE)fflESHSTNl'Tll1lalaMJ:: - .. MfR.: SI-EFlW'I'lWl..l..Wo6 "'" SAm/EGGSIe...ll.AlEX CCUR ..... -.0 ...... lQ23(WtflE)mESHSTNfTll1laAal'l'\..C """'" .. """ ............... "", 8A1I\IIEOOStE.l.awe. lXl.<Jt ~~STNlT10lll'.oanu:: ....'" ",u."" I" """ .......WWOMS "'" EXTEJU:)ASo\~ENMEL lXl.<Jt .-,,-- ...... ~fJlESH8TNlT10l1ll0#IaM.JC .. MfA.: -........ "'" .""""'" lXl.<Jt ..,.. ........ ...... "1;U(WKlE)FRE8H8TNlTll1lallCRl'U: ALTERNATE I NOTES. T.' """ """"""...... "'" """""""""''''''' lXl.<Jt CN<rOH ... "'" "'" """", ........- .. """ ...'" "'" TBlAA.ANTCACEIWoCTl.E lXl.<Jt """"T'" "'" ,,..,. """", aBTtIIftlllWlLElRlIMI ...-....... 8fM.W>lS ...."" S'MlISST'MlBBlWAlle .""""'" Dft.fftWES;:HGf-<J..OSSFNSH .. """ "'" lXl.<Jt I~~ I.' 1 "'"""'" ""'....."'" """'- ... I "FA; "'" lXl.<Jt no., """ "'" lXl.<Jt OlYW'CP'lEMI..IoIWOOOSTAtt """'..... _"""''''''''' JU..llo1Fll: "'" lXl.<Jt ow._ """'..... """"... wooosr.... lxZSCl.DWf'LE WALL BASB ~ I DESCRIPTION I WT., ALTERNATE I N011lI ""', "'" lXl.<Jt "'" aroor, ...'" CEfWolCnE-sall3lDS3 ClOIz.lIIJSTARl 4"io4',ON4!i"NG..E.UJtO. CUSTtI.l n28AWMTN\l ...'" TalAAANfQl.IACB'lNIIlCllE ROSSOT'" 12':.:1? ClSTOM m~BRCJrM.l ...'" TDlM~CEJWlCTI..E1IW.HOEIE IlOOSOT... ~11Z".'2" ClS1'ClMM(WU~ WT-l Mffl: "'" lXl.<Jt "'" GROUT, ........., CflW<C'" CRl'STALSERE5.8Cl.E(YEU..O", 4'l4',ON4.S"NG..EU.o.N. Cl.8TOU mMtWlATAN ., """"""...... """"''''IS RfD"rOMATOlT-l,e;MDOJlt ""'lXMD""" Cl..IS'Ta,a#llliSAll.EBRCJrM.l ...'" TERAANm::ACElWCTl.E IlOOSOT... I'lrl2'OO\/EDEWlE WSTOM foe IWllEIHMN WT< Mfft.: "", ca.oo. "'" GROUT, """ "'" lXl.<Jt .'" aroor, """ "'" co.", "'" GRCUT """ "'" lXl.<Jt "'" aroor, """"""""""""'" WT< .. 10 1NSTAL1.Fff'ONIQ1'CIoEHSlOEOFlEFIYNlOOlHTERWNJ.. 2. Q,t,LY8TEEL\W,U.NQCBlJN)FNSHESBYwt:/WI'BCI(UA\ 8- AEFERTONTERK:RElEVA1lCJrlSAJALClCA.'OCNSOFTLEAH)IW'. ... FCAFNSHI..DC:ATl:NSfEFEFlTO: 8HEEreMD'A4,'-EXTE~B.EVAIDe Sl-ETA1.D-R.OORFNSHPUH StEETA1.1-ItORB:TEDca..NJ1'l.NI StEmAll.oroMJI.lNI'ERIORaEVA"lDe "'TLE i:ESlES. UlHl ..""..". LfBLEUIQNSOON.lI..ECOM ....... ...""""' ........... -~ ElRlWEST ~M NWt:t.l,Co\lil2.Q 71..w.T6DI "'~LCFTAl.1I-lAIlF.li """""" """".... """"""' """"'"'" .......... ~ """""""'~ MB1111:ll1L """"- 1I1lIl4oll.o_~.4.l:Iim .. APf'IlOI.'EDPANTWNfSACI\.AERS' f"CffiEIt IlEH.IAWI\lYlXltE,StEElNNWl.l.W4 D." PANTa IMTOiSI'ECFED8OtEDl.LE<XllDRSEXICTl.... a. WT-31<!'XZ4'senlIltW.LBECUTI'lH/oLF,L.eIJIlM19ETO CREATE "''''X24'PlECES.Tl.ETOSEINSTAl..L.EDW/PAllEfW WJQ1NGAT SDeI. 1. AU.PI\W!HlG'l'PSt.lMBCWIDaWJ..W.'JEA.I.O{TCfwaf'EB.TElC1l.IE~ ~:I ...-........ BEl..JoIDl'SPOS 111.fiM.al!l3 fORIlOFlOClfIH3S'l'STEM9 OONNfr.You.u~ P:8Ol)-SOl2.Q104x441 C:II14-4>>-1343 EmIl:.. ....n ""''''''''"''''"' fCi4nG_-....MllrJ """"" -- [),fNf.lCQ.CR> ....., WESf:~ EAST:~ ROOII FINISH NOTI!& ID CONTACTS WALLS (LAMINATES) ~ I DESCRIPTION Wl;1 wm.: "'" ""'" we> """ "'" ""'" ffl>-1 MAt: "'" lXl.<Jt .... "'""" """"""'" ImNf'Ol4 ot8ERT CffDCQ ',,"DO """"""'" .........-. """" """"""fEH'OA(E)...... FP-1111'MfIE N)ClOl.OR""""'TOeIa:WfED MILLWORK ~ l DESCRIPI'ION PIA MFR~ "'" lXl.<Jt Ic NEV.... ....... """"'''''''''''''' ALTERNATE! NOnE ~OClfN:JlGl.W'l)S/fH:j J.MClI.DSIlY*llCIW..MET~awa. -- N<<XllZEO CXlftoIEJl GlW'D31KJ UolOLOS BY No\lOW.METALstW'D. -...... I ALTERNATE I NOTE CBIUNGS ..~ J, D=~ON ~:-TEus~~/NOnE TYPe: cr.Au_.n."Ml,~GINIONIII. TYPE: PN\lEI._1:Z7N-A& ~ ~'MfTI,'..QIlG =:: ~ HOTtl NrMlf~M1'IGNl.CIMIA MCmII WI: , ,. ". , . (1.2 MFR.: TI1'E: oYP5lJMlJQlft) lXl.<Jt ... MFR.: NIW5TJDNl Sl..ISfIENlED CEl.NJTLE 'M'E: ~REAm.FN:FISSIJFE[l.24".2~.1f2 CQ.at. TECHIll.)IrO( 0Al0: AFlMSTllClt<<:lPAEU.lDElQ.1~~DPOBEIlTEE GAD"""''''''' "GIID.'4Hr8.llPENlBIS." OERJSERSTODE FElDPAHIEO WlTHP-, PANT I 1 I I DOORS ~ l DESCRIPI'ION AL TERNATW NOnE "., """ "'" CQ.0fI: NEV.... ......., """"''''''''''''' "llOOAEDClE8f1W.LllE fNStEOllIMINl'lOFICES 1"-' I". """ "'" lXl.<Jt """'" llCLDCCl.CIA 'w '.' ~~. COYPOSITE lKXl3-rew.amH MFR.: "'" co.", "".... """ """"'..... . DCXlR EDGES aw.L BE FNStfD SI4NI TO F#IICES ALTEI'l*1E~Fauc.\1Jll3.6lI """'"'""" C ale Rec!;ivt:J, I' uEC'i i 2uu3 Origin ~I submittal ROOII FINISH SCHEDUU! U!QEND 'c C!! <: ". ~" CONSULJ.AN1'S SEAL C; C; C; C; C; C; C; C; C; """"""""" ....... "'" .....,,""" .........,. """'........ """'" T... .... =.. .... TAOD BEll. lZlIoWNSTiIE' NMOWN.l&.1llmIi Q ~~ ........ T-50 FINISH SCHEDULE A7.2 IA PlOTMlE.: l lID, -'- I ~\1 ~E I ;rll [1:'rj ""'. ~~~ . ~ ~ 1 r ~ . I \,'b,'",,'" ~'"'"'S ~\\- ~~ l I i -- -/ ~ ~ I L I ~ , , , , , , " 11111, CD-- - ~ '~ ~ , "'. / /i.:. , , " , , . , ' , i / , , ' , , - '. ,/ , , , .LI f ~' @ '-~ l f<'.,'b ~ ~ ."if' ~\'" "' ~\ ;-B /I~ .f \ \ _ \ --ill] ~ ,41 / /~I_~ ---cD '-_/~.-_//~ ot' ~ - \ -~ \. c - 2 , I " ", ;t TM-l ~ \ (iO)... ~ " \ --\ "''- ~ \ " - :0\~ \- -"-- ~t1#~ I I ! , ~ " ] " Q'~ I' \\\\\, " ~ ~ CJY--I \ ~ -T~~L~ib~r~~j 0/) I I_I I III '\ I I II I I I. I , ~ Il/ l ~Do\SHEDFaI- ~., ~ 'L .....t;ir)~ -,-----", t . \ " ~~ -: -J r:>~ ;~,~, r I1II J J'\':":I"-"_~ . ~ ~ J .1 .1 ! ,- ,_ --l ~~ ~ i \~ If 1m J~~J ~\ ,'b .#f' ~~VJ () r <lLw ~\'~ ~~~ . I~ r 1 <ILJ.D ~ ~ ~ S ~~ ~ ~ ~ ""'I J .~ "-<:ID l ~ \1 ~~ ,.,.. ~ l '~ II. 1. ~ -----;- -" 1111111111~1111111!'1111 o III~II I I 11 J I I I "" ~ ~\,'b~; / ~~'i! '1 . CD- ~ "" ~ " ~ \, '~.~I 10 .//j: ~~-- / - ~ @:::'JJt/ ........--'-- ---'. ~ ~:. - -~~I-xM T - - " lutlCR'B.____ -.&.tu. I....... ~ P\NISI1ISlGr:Of''I'Ll! IIl'OPTtE11J!ATlHE8SCOftNEr'l M.ONaiiXlli:CF Gl.WIDtIOll-ECOAHatl;lUNlll 11XIlINEll0lWlD. ~==~ltE A.ENSURE1H.\TAllSl;RVlNGOOllN1D1!I,I!IE\eWED:IlHIBlSIiKJ CONDl/olENT COlMTERS 00 HOT EXCUO Sf..-o.u.t tEDfJ Al'J'. B. ENSURE~T1HEINSTALlATIONIPLlC&ENTOF,Iil~ L.lOS.t1TENSllS.ETC..AREINCOMf'UANCEMlHltE~ PflCMDEDOHSHEErAlJf.1.4 L f 1-N:~- ~I -' ~/ / / \. /~; ~ ~}l":< ~ ~ :~ f IIIIII II III ~J 1 ~ 11111111: ' : 111111:" . ' ~"I" I ~T'1'I' '-L .~ ,.~ ~ ~ -1 nLE BEHIND COUNISI 31t"NI' PASSAGE 3/8'-1'.(1' GENERAL NOTU I IB ~ l ~ ~ . C!: ; DININO _-1'-0' ! \ ~ -------L r . ~R~__ J ~ ~' \ \ \.' -':", j ,,---<[p I; ~ II . .., l ~ ~ , , / LI", I v r I I / 1...,LL1 I I I I I o [E <D CD CD CD CD CD DINING W"''B FOAARlWORkDE8CRPJ1OH,RfJalmNrJ'MlAl(9DED.l..E0N1ll-EEfA2J:l. QCAM ML Aaal1ODEr.... tP46. ......,...,........ WNX>W ""- ..- PACIIo'lMaEAR8lLKXlNE CAlA.J{WHEJ\E ALlRXmN<lla.T-H1XlLNIBB/~ ~~~~~WALl.N<IlOOl.Ml:Rlll'V3H/ECI.ftENT t8GAl.MlESTAlNI..WSTm.-~ ORClf>PENlWlTlJ3HfRlffi.lRE.8EE9CXll'EOfWOll(1H)Ill-EEf~ SUSf"fNDfDHIDllOIlmEWS~-RtSltillllYlEXlIt'MlXlR iIEfEfl TO 1S, '4& l1/M.5FOR-exrrNlTAUAttlN. 8TNITQtO,I'lIWL SEESHT."1.0fOR~IONS.OIIIT0NlfN..lBft)lH<<lJAlOt lrtWX1'ZH I'CIl.AlEFfWIIE. MlOPOFRW.ElOBEfUl4U. 1I'1l8' oPfHING FNSItEDMTH RIP fOIl llYIlUP'\1&;S. se:.1WM.4N<1lItEErAl.o. COORD"" """""">EGfflMll/'''''''''''l..........''"'''- '.""!!;'IVeC S8COR~a.oWAU.aw.w.~. fW.~~~~ f\Q\.tf,;r , 1.OCI.1lONOfDECORSCREEN. 5EE~JH)lICOPf.OF'IYOIK CD CD CD @ (jj) @ @ @ @ @ (jj) @ @ @ @ .,''''''"'"-''...''''''''6''['''''..... DEe Z 1 Zu09 1aIPERAn.llESENSOR. SfEUEDWC:AL.awwm. PflE-fAllRlCo\Tm&PRE.fINl9HED9OfI'ITfftDEOOR"V9IXlIl MERlORWN.UlOFCl.OSETstw.lBE~#<I~ri&AlIi~:.wEIHT AUI. - "'11:::1111.....-..;1'"1,,:;_. .... - 9T,o,INED0AK.- KEY NOTU !d~I'.t ~ J ~JnfiiO Il'>i"u: . F:U1<<{- 8!i!~1;;~",: . .. - ~f- :/;! t;; ffi. ~~..~ . ~15 5~UW~ ~g ~~l~le~~ !lil~"lfi~ ~ \i~jg aJ I 'wF5G :!: I;t~t=:!i a~! ~n~~~ jij~l'l: .01\150 ,~a~Y;;z(!j -EiCllLJlli iO':ll!!l~1i'" ~ "'~o; 12 '; ~ CONSULfAN-rs . SEAL ~ . ~ 6. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ? CClffllW:I'Clo\1t: lOUOCJCl( BULDlN(JTYPE: 1<<1 ft.AH\IERSIOH: 1*01 ""'- ""'""" BT(HNLUlIER; lOOOCX TACO BELL 123I.WNSlREET ,"""""u"""" Q """"'" -.. T-50 INTERIOR ELEVATIONS DINING ROOII -A8.0 1& PlDTDA.lE: . .., g :y .._~.,,+-)..._.;._..; ~/~~ ~~ ; " 4ll ":""'~ I~ It, 1 "'"" ~ "~'" .n;.. ~~ ~ . " I OPEH I I ~INATETHElOCAT1ONANDWCUITN3H:G<<SF<JR TD.E.@..i Al.Lnw:nJRE9.GAABBAA!lAN)~'MIHSl-EET ADo\l ,0 10 ENSlRE COIr.lPUANCE WITH IlJAf ll:X:M. JLRl!lDICTDN MNMUM #lCCE9SBlE ftEOI..II'IEMBa. ill TU@..i ~~~ . ..:1' ...,.'-~, ~.~I <>'EN 1Wf:l1..1.. ! l!!!S, ; -. <>'EN =Nl;u __\"'-2:....;,... ~::\~. 1m.... '---iliJ [!] ."""'" COOII)W.TE1tEI..ClQ\'IlCWNDMCllJt(TNJ~fORALLfDmllfS, GlVBBN\SNolD1a:ESSCIVE5'Wlll18t&T AO.\.1.oTOE"6LAE(l)lM>I..WlCE~ADA./I.DC.N..Jl.IRISIJCTKlNUI'&olI.l.4AlX:BSlBlEREQl.A3olENTS. I~~~~ I~~ I "'"" .~~ H -5D ..,'R .,~. '~:." .I:::::d ' ", DL-2 /':~"': :r"'" '. ....: ,. ., I'"'' ~-"'"" , ~ J , , mcmJ GJ [!] WOIIEN'S RESTRoolI ...-,.... ~~~j . .. . j. . . ~~I~I ~.... I: ~; rnr.~..r. .. ! .. '.. ~ .. .' , ".~, "f ......; ';:ldJ~ +-. ~J.'I:::: "'T~'j!,.. '~~ .:.~' 0 H WOIIEN'S RESTRoolI .....,.... ~ ;1~~.11~1~~ ~-~~ ! IillI ~ · rOO ""<11 I H .. ;...., i '~ -PfJre B-2 f!!] COCIfC]N.\T'E nE lClO'T1Q\lAN) YDJNTNlI-EliHTS fOR ALL A:IClUll:S, GRAB BMS NlO ACCESSORES WI1l1$ti;T """,.0 TO ENSl.RE IXlWPI.W<<lE 'MJl'l,1DA/LOCAL JlJUSDICT1Q,IMNI.lW ACCESSIIlL.E A:a.I&lfNfS. '~r- '--:::::' : <Ui<> --<liE> --<ii:lil> . - ~-- H ~ ~ .. . . ~""":"':"~, ~ In.'. . i >' ' - ' t _ J: - "'.... [!].. [!] IIEN'S REliTRoolI .....,'0' -' ~~ ...'II~ l~\Jr ~TI~ ~ ~~ .' ~""'.""~ -~'''''''." ~~ ~~ -""'" COQRlNf"TETHE l..ClQ\'IlCWANl MaJNTWGl-EDlifa FOftALLFOm..flES,GV18 BNlSANl~9W1THStEeT ADo\1.oTOfNSLIlEc:a.v>t.WawrrH/tDA/LOCAL.IJRiSOlC'TION MNIollAilAIX:fSSB.E FEaJREMENTS. WOIIEN'S REliTRoolI .....,'0' ~~ I~~ ~~ -I' ~ ..... ,.. 1illI. IillI - ".~ ~~ - '~', ., "'....r:;:;] .. t!!J , . - ~ @] IIElr8 R..:, r,. OM 3111"...1'-(1' ~ n "0,, ~.. I~ m~ ~nl '~"'-'1'~"-' ; ~ i '~2 ' Y 'I~Q(' R . Ir-r-~I , '.. __..... I , . } -L.." -;:;. .~ " _~I -~ . I : I " llRABfWl3.fASl'ENfR8JKJMOlJII'Nl Dall:f.sSlW..L5ENlTAU.EDPERNJA RECl.UlBIEHTS. FUERTOlltEETAIll\l.Q. 8. REFEFITOSHEETNJA111fatMCl.lNTN3 taJ.frSAWCll.NWaSOF.~ ""F<<11JlElI. RESTROOII FLOOR PLAN and GENERAL NOTES or - '" I A C. ALlOlMENSlONSTHlSDM\NJNElOR/rIlIH ""'''''. .-YJ _~~~: ~~~1 ~ '(,Cp., ~g- --@jj) ~!tP.&:;# .r--.........' ..-......- L:.J.. " ~'lI\' --......... ,. on.. '~4.~__ ~ ~I r---~?2~@)~:~ (~ ~ . , i ~-~ \~:-'::O"t>~ , 18" ~---- ~'# ~I' , .~ ~...e.~ -- - - --.' ~~ 4. II ~ I ! ~- r IEJ- - M--~ -. CI) TltiIiIOIITATWNIRtU. Cj) LlHNO(lQNTfiQL6Wl'iCHm. ~QETM.a.l, CD 'IB.S'H:lNI:'TEJW.tW,.IlCWI). CD tnDLI'IIl.ITlOt CD a.ECIRlcPAhns. C!) 12'X12'PI-DtoEOOTRBUTJ:lHIlOX;c:MNEftf"fDJIDED .""""" CD WfINtlCABlfETBY POOPfQUR ffi 'UN:IERCCWff.RKEY8QIftOlAAT. OFFICE FLOOR PLAN _ KEYNOTES....,....I B / &@, @4' ....; ~ ~ ~'t rF--=J:~ I ~~ ~Hi~ ,-~-~ EIIr~~ '~ ~/ @] 6=:' ~~- ~ ~ [!!J ~ H~ ......O.Dn..y~~. .'. '. ',.... n : . : , : ~ ~ ,.~ Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 'j \ .~ ;1 I.. ; Orlglnai submittal 4Ei~ ""'" REfERTOO'FU fLDal PlAN KEYtfJIa omCE ELEVADONB .....,.... I C , ~d~15!lf ~1l'..IJ '!1~l;~~ ..;. 8",~"'lt' ' ~him~'. ,@'~z LrJalOW !lio U~ "= ..& il:i5@i!i'R" ill~m ~1~~.;"~i31'i "'s~.$~~u ffio. ~M :> I' z<=!li #j ~8~.. Jl'!& o1l&i!i I!!&"z~ ! ~ri~~ w/ o&?~ t:: 0:,1 <..,::.::: ! / , CONSULTANT'S \ , SEAL R.BIONDfIt<<,.. """"" ,... .... """"'" """'" TACO BELL 123t.WN~ """""'-""'''''''' Q ~ T-50 INTERIOR ELEY. . ENLARGED RESTROOMS& OFFICE PLAN A8.1 PlDfDATE: ~r/~ ~ II~ ==~" ,11' -'. 0 ! I_~ _ :J~;lr~::tj~ ~ IH [!] ~r~~ ~ I rrl,/~~ m-~ [::1' l~ tJ ,- D~'-- . ',~!~'~ ~~~lii:=4~ -~~cQ~ ~~,;~m-I~ o ,,~ \ ~'~~ == ~jrL ~ ~~~':!jI7 ~ \_. ~, _:: ),~ ~..,~-~-.-..., Cf ~'\O, - ~ v r---e. & = - =n " - ~ . ~ rJ5> ~~\ O'if> u\: i . ___ =.====0 ~1] ft_,__ ~ J 11 [!J DRlVE-THRU &8'-1'-<<' i . ~~ I ~~ ~"'~~'Q q ,~ II II ", ~~, Inni -= "'" I~hni ' ~J-Jrn'l , cc;AI.~ ~-.J ~ ~ <m>~ ~,~~. '<=j . CONSULTANT'S' S~l ~ I I~.~ .. = ~ -. !:=I.)L";.J"j \ r- L ~ 0-..;: 'as,- 0::1 . A tJ2m.UI fUSl(W[RM(/WWS 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6' ~ o ~ [!] WARE WASHING "'-""'1 , unuTY w-,'", I PREP w-,'", I CD f1'srAIN..ESSsTm.ONER:lAa:~1UR1G6WoII'1JEB. o N&l.GMHET. CD DfM':-TlflUlIYERS'l'STBI., Q) SSlXllN'R/ENlWlollOWHlGlWUl, FlLLl-EGHf. SEE1WNJ5. (j) HOLDU' BUTTON. (!) SSOORNERGLWDSATPERI.lETEROI=CVT'MNIJON.5EE7...,J411HJ5Cn.: (FVlQAKF(IlRESPONSlll.lTEa 0IWIIW:T0I'lE; XXJOt)ll( BlJI.DlNGTI"PE: T-ciO PlANYEFlSION; SlTEN..IMBER lOtlWOOl B1DAE ........ """"" r<D I \ \ TACO BElL _ir\i,,'\\ _ ~\<~&~<D -E3I/<D ~ \ ~\ \ \ ~\=='<ffiD '\4 ~ ~~L.@ \.@ CD 12:JlroWNlrnlEEl' AN'l'TOWN.U9A.~ CD .tw.)8lN(fOOTPEC:W.... CD EOOECESSPANELflEtIN)HOClI en ANSlI.PLl.LSTA.lDt @ ~~SK:ll'8IW.I.BE:MOlNTED"'N!IOIEllER.OClflIK). @. 2QMSTAN.alSSlULPANEL8EHN:II<<lOO. . ~ @ lMSSHJT-UfYRJ!E 4'~4} GD lWfIISER.lll.I'Pl:mPERN>--,go........-. .t$'Qq @ W'''''"",''''''''-'EE'''-''''Nl_ Q-~}- INTERIOR GD WHJJ<G"""""....... " ELEVATIONS GD ...."'''''''.<XXWl KITCHEN @iW9fN)c.\TBHII;C1QOfCEl.KH08'-10'.BEESH:ErA7.1'n!:lto.O'IoCe'I\ll';)rlo GD =TAS...ETOPSTOBEIttiTALlEDAT&>M:IZV8....ADJL.5f-IfilEIB.D~~. 1-':8 2 @ stCtftIYS'I'mMllEYPAD.tisttEfaQ., M . : . DEe 2 1,J1'~ Q ,...".. ........ T-50 I.....IT i ----1'-' ~I.o."ii n' :-::;- 1,1 II . . II 1I U'- " \ \ \ ~ [!!] ~ SERVING ...-,..., I GTO DUAL UNE .....,'.., " Original Submittal ~~ ~" I { ,,~ ~ L I -Ie- I 1== _ L~~.::: . \ .'U . "-<D " I ~llllllllr\11 IJ~ ~ r 7 II I I I ~ 8] [!J [!J 3I8'STAltuS8IlQ.TSlW WA8HERlI:r'FAClMRlONl' OFlOCIW'lS12'AI'AAt ~tACH~ ~:;;:'" POOYIDEBL.CJCKHOfal ~_NGlOCKER!l'IF PU'YlD.9Ull9'l'MTEPRESeNT ~ :;''''........'' mu . l::::: ____TOPOFviEWSCfEEH ___ W'fI.1'J'. ____ wItGH.42"oeep..~1*- ____ 1'(1YE1H8.EHE\IIEWSCl&N -""""- FlW'WItlJ.f\N1H """""""""""'" """..."" FASTENER DETAIL 3/r IWIINLESS 1lO..1Y(1VWHJl FHlTENEOltlANQI..ETAB.EltlP Sl.PI'OOTFl.NlGE.l'FlO.UtI2'SIC::Hm ,",PW:P1PI':ABABPACERIDJIXl:UlT FOlnEJo\IIl..ETOPEDGEO'RlET_ ..,.."" ~. - HJGHDENIlll'YI'Ot.'I'ET1iElDlEfWIIalINEYt\OO.l'AVAl.Alll..!ACl'OIl8THEOOUNTRf,1F1OOHAWEDlFl'lCULlYf\NDIljG1lBI'I'OU ~CAU..l.NDtEDsrATESI"I.ASOCSCQFf'(lRAOONATIIlIl-fIt8-4211.1lilSMAT6'W.lSCOMM::INLYUSDINIll'f'OEHINCU.JDlNG FOODI'flEPAAATIONMTWGIDlIFD9. WORK STATION ~u. I 8 ----- rl _I. ~ c- rn I IX u", ~ ~, ~.-Aj ~.m ~ III \\ I I 1- ~~ CD PRE-PAY. 3/8'..1'4' NOT USED CI) SSaHtil/ENJWJU.QWoIElWNm.fllltEDHr. SEE1WM.6. CD ~~^=~YWHXJW.9EEt4"1:wG.1NQ CD Cb CD CD CD CD CD @ H:U>U' BUmlK ..,,""". UI1JTYCHOSI'. WAI..l.$HCM'NPAIW..l.n.TO'lEWfCllClNlllY. 411' HJaH.. Q' DEEP.. 3/t'T\ik. Fa.YEJlQBIE\rI:W ecIEEN PANEl(OOlOR:WHTE) EI..EC'mlC".ALPNEl. REFDlmElEcrRW::ALSl-mlI ",","",CCNnlCO."""- EMPlOYEE~STA~, EFEJITOOETALBllISSI-EET. ! , , Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal KEY NOTES . CONSULTANl'S SF.AL ['0, ['0, (:, '" 2S '" ['0, ['0, [:, ClONTR'CTD\.Tf; ..."..,"'" """"'" '.. PlANVERSlON: SlTENlAlBER: lOlX-XXlt """"......,. """'" TACD BELL 123lMlN~ """"""""- Q -~~ ~ T-50 INTERIOR ELEVAnONS KITCHEN A8.3 IA PlDrr.\lE; TOTAl. stA18 """,""""lI'ATll ,." 2H. 2 41-ll!) " ,,.OJ . 81-100 101-120 . 121.1-40 NUMBER OFACCESSIBLESEAlS _..u"AFF_ ~..I:!' I~I_.- I ",N. I. . ~ .....,.,. sunNllI AND TABLI!& .n. 118 COAAlSPONDING REACH HEGHTS FOR Oil/EN DEPfHS; MiENO-10'ORLESS,H-6I'MAX. 'tMEHO"10', H-53QlNoX.. MiENO-l2', H-&3.Crl,W( MiENO-l3', H-621rlNoX. MiENO-l.., H-5UrMAX. 'MiEN 0 - lei', H - 51.11 MAX. WMENO"'fr', H-fill3MAX. WHEHD-l7", H-6/lO'ldA'( WHENO-1lJ', H-4II.S'lNoX. WHEHO_1V, H-4e.(r'MAX. WHEND-2O', H-48qMAl(. WHEN 0 _ 21', H - 47)fMoflX. MiEND-22", H-47trMAX. WHE.ND-23', H_4ll$hV\l( WHE.ND-l!A'. H-45.-CI'l.IAX. 111"t.W(. .-,,1 , ~ '~ ;~~b'1 I '" ~. tj ,Ii! \ - ~d ,~1l CONDlMENTB d ; . REACH RANGES .u 114 -~---------_._--------~-- ~ I NOT USED 120 % ~ ACCESSIBLE RE&TIlOOII DOORS NT> 11. NOT USED /; mm';o;;ca. 0."'.' -=>G"'-""CE - -3.f1'8AGIWlElM Il~TEHOTWA.1EA.DRUI PlPESOPT1OtW.Cl.P CA'I'tR -3-e"UGRAIIEWI T.3 OOiERDlSPEHSER!IW.1. DlSP9lSER PN'ERTOtoB.OISPENSER ~ _ EEUOl.JNT8)11fZlMIN.) 14'MlN.PftO.ECIlONFROM fPLllSTATION 12' IlELQWGfWlMl. 'lW..Ll,AtW. ~ ~~ ~r ~-rJ O-J ~ ! ~ ~ h- ? " iI., l I I . ~I I jd. ~I -=+ r (1_ ljI ~ ~.,., '" ~~'''''''';''''''''f1ftrrC>G-.l -=~~~ =~;:'l.l1N. 1tEIolO8TAT RREAINOoO . PflOTRWHGtBJECT_ _ -~ FREEST.AKlN)OB.E::r-~ l.lOUNTEOONPCI8T1IOR "- P'l1.ONw.:r 0'JEA-WlG 12' "' MAXfROt,l27'TO<<1 MJOIEFNlSHFLCICfl ~~ r..!:. OOJECTPRQ,lECTl(JiFfQl -.../ w..u BETWEEN 27' TO <<1 NJOIf FNSH FLOOR stW.L ===-_._~.aA ~~~,~+ ~~~~ ~'.,:.'. . '"""" ~SI'W..L8E SlJI.a:slSTAH1'SlR'ACE 1K:JL.ElIB.WlJllloW('W' --- """"".<EVa ~ INT. ACC"&. ROUTE C. I:AI:UUtCES 1!2"-J'.{1' 110 "'""""""""""'" ""'" ~ ~ ACX:ES5IllI.EItOlJTEW/oLK~ PROTRUDING HAZARDS ",.,,,, 11' u , . . ~ ;, ':;_2 . Y . . 1'8 t t - ""'COWGE STAT1CN ". ",- - -lr---~-'--- n~~ h $ I IIOUNnNllI HT&... CUAIlANCES FOR ACCESSIBILITY 8YtHE DI'IAIIIJ!D ...-,.... I 1 i ~ ; ~ - :--------------t---: ~. !!-.----~D: 5 !; ~ = : : ~: ! ...I L______.;....;.__.__________.J ----lI ,_ . I_.J I II' .t s.eoUIN.(1525} 3'-0'lollN.81151 ! :\!:-1MX.(1lilll ., 'I~~, ( \ . . ~ ) I ~! ~ ~ · ~.' $'E~!' (46fiir - , :& o:::~ .../ . -~ ~!l lCUTPNlfJI lip ~ . ,. . i . . .. .'.1 ~u . = ...... (100) ~ 1~g '~I ffiO i5~ STANDARD TOILET STALL Nn' I 2 ...... L .. 2...... "'. " ACCI!SSIBLKI! URNIAL "'. -,'" I 8 GRABBARSHALLBE1-lfZMAX., OUTaDE[M.,TI1'I:. I ""r- ~----------------l---i ---:, fr' = Ii ....l~_ q Iill'H;E I", , , . , , , . , , , - t - c____________________J ~. L ..."" I. ~ ~. g. 2-1/4'aEXPANSONNolCHCflSAT 1- WSQflYOftClONC.WAU..2-rlOl2' ~'WOOO""'E8.,"" , t-.f" llftw:!8ENTPlATEWELDEDTORAI.. :- r---v ANlllll'ldr l:W.tETER WCUNrIG Pl.ATEfi~~ ; ~ 'hI!BI.(lQ(NGATWOOO&nOWAUS T (OMIT BLOCkN) AT WOCfoRf OR cwc..WAUJ-TVPICi' GRAB BAR go.Nt 7 ACC_IDLE LAVATORY ",'-,'''' I 3 i ,., '" t *1 ::'1~ I '" I ~ I~' IkEl L _.:.. - --1--..,.. ! 5 Ii I 1. IIo(lC,\Tm06lENSlCN3.I-iEIll-mI.t'EPJH9,MfAS~OTl-ERGRAPHC N'atlM1ION HIE F'tDo'IDEDIa UNI.UAAS nw IrdUST HE W4NTHIED. TItiIE MNlllLUSNtE IWiEDI.I'ONYUMSTNIWlCSNllMAY fJla:ED~ """"""'" . ~"':~ t .. ~~j!i L_ __..J] I . I , I ! Date Received: DEe 2 j 2009 Original Submittal NOfE: MHNTAIN.....MIN. ClENt AISLE ECME89 PAlHS TO E<IT DCXRl. CHANGES IN LEVEL N.u 1'2 DINING ROOII SEAnNG CLEARANCES N." I 8 GENERAL NOTES ~tll~~~15 I;UU, ;~~~~ . filai~~~&jli;fj ~~:t~~~g ::;~!fi\i~~~~ tt:w ~j-:(.)::d3o <I- ~1-2WO i'~dU s,R"'Q<'i&~ 'wti~zffi ~ <C~~o~~ _"ffJ ~ua:~o !i! o!5:~ ~ . . CONSULTANTS SFAJ. c" c" c" c" c" c" c" c" c" comwrrQo\1E: ........"'" ......'IERlD< ............ """"""'" XXJCXJOC ,... ",.", ""'" TACO BELL 12at.lAlNsn&T NMOWN.l.&.1Ill1'lti Q ~~ a:-em.a. T-50 ACCESSIBIUTY REQUIREMENTS ADA 1.0 14 PlDf~TE: DOORa...osa:tfi """""....... ~~ <>DONG"" PBWDffiOMlUlI lPEN""""" TO 3' FROM lAlDi '\ F'> DOOR~, -------- SEE_ """" , "-{l' OOORMlfH typ. I!NTRANCI! II!XII' DOOR NOT U&I!D t' '= 12"YN !-, H. m _F:' ~ ~i~. """ i~ .......... C:llI'I=RAlII"FTAI. ~X~iJ;. ~ ~A ..... ...,. ~GLI>>;'IlHAL . WHENOOOflswt<<iS rWHENNODOOR ONTOLNO<<i-4'r SWN3Saorro UIN.PIJ,.5IXX1'l ~Nl. ::~ ~...~ ~.;:- N01'E: uAx.n.... HCA2(MAl DISTANCES r:l'EN::HfWoV'N.oRl.J\lVNff. fLM.IPWfl.lNl'l'AUR'liATI"SlMlr.HIUoCKPl-AlRRI N.T.s. 117 ~ , -----l:rc:.::.., 1 tW'""'fl![.,., I 1"'::"$,~,y~};;!~'i?:.o:.,ii1 'Vk ,.. . DOORNlD~ - P6lat:ETA" ClENlSP.-o:fNSHEllVAT04TO-/'" UATa-tFNlSHfl.QORa.EV~Ar DOOR BUPREBlSTANfBURF.tCE\WEDUol_ BAClOMFNlI1 ". CAOSSSl.OPE1:60CR2Sa.wc.~J- "ALLDllECTONS, ~ TIftS<OUl. SEE OETMB 12, 141M.l , .. I ~ ~ ~ ~ t NCJT'E EXTtfl(lR DOOR PAESSl.AE CNHOTDaED Il.li LBS..1NTQlIJR DOOA PAE8Sl..RE CNN:lT EXCEED ."'" I!ll'nIIIOR DOOR REQUIREMENTS ,,,. - ,.... 1 13 ~.IIlDEGfEESlD'E - i , , , , , , I 8EEOETAL tJ r;~ / I \ BOTTOM IWL OF DOOA - A/JA//lUI~ ~ 118 BOTTOM RAIL II!X11!IlJOR DOORI ~ - ,.... 1 14 NClr!"1: WHEN OOOFl8WtGI ONTO l.ANDHi 42" 'MIH.PUJSIXlCf'IWIJIli NOrE> MIOOMUMHCIlIZDNTAL D1STNCEOfEN::H RAUP1KIfl.!HVIffl f!J1'1d1N.wtelNO """" ...... ""'" ......... ...-' ....... TCJ'PlATRRrIl INIERMEIMTElB'B. ''''''''"" BOITOMlEVELPl.ATf'tftI.I ~IWIPRI~ 24"UIN.EXrEI'ICRN<<) - 1frlol".INTBlal8EYCKl nE llTHI<E EDGEOFA Gl\TE OR DOOR ON TIE SlDETOWAFU)wtD-llT ........ ,-+- ~I ~ b ~ ~ ~ c .".." ~ RM.lPI~AT~V' HarE 1: WHEN DOOR""" ONTO lANDN3 42" UlN.PUlSOOCRWIJIH NOTE > IolAXIIolUlolHCJm:iNTAL D1STNCE a=GaOt RAUP~JU>lVNH ~- """"""'''...... PlATFORM """"""',,""'- """"'PIA"""" ~P'MTHTI~"""'Pl"TI'l'A.l RAIIPS .,A I 18 4 ca.""", ACCESSIBILITY ~~~~'=.,Pate Rti}cei 19~Ulaur"ENTS n..,......."........." DEe 2 1 2( JsAD~ 1.1 CURB RAIIPS H.T.$. I 4 - f'LOI"~lE: 1 Original Submittal f==, ESCAPE lANE I'-~"';"'':*''''"'''--'-' \. , j '-'~.-',',""':'::::~";"""C""'~' '-..~,.,,,,. "'''''~--- Iii lJJ cr: ti z <( ::E r PATl-tOF1RA.\/EL. 11- REOUIRED FROMf'llII.I: I I ~ S1DEWAlKTO~' . i!:; SlOREENT'RA/It:E@5 t!I MAX. RUNNING9.Cft: I I ~A.BLE VARN1Nl3SWHEN OJ AND2%.MAX.~OSS I : A.CC!SSIBlEROUTECROSSES ~ ~-~ J ~Q~~AY \ ;] i ['~;,~~~~ \~ ! =J'\~~" ~ V ONLY ~~"I ~ ~ ;s: NO """""" 11 .<:p ~r I~ T ~1 ~r - "0: - ~ ~ ~ [OJ L.-) ~ J WHERE~WA.I..KCROSSESORA.DJOINSA~~A~.~-:::~-------~ /7'- WA.UQNQ SURFACES ARE NOT SEPARATBJBYQJA6S, RAlUNGS.Oft ~ OTHER ElEMENTS BETWEEN n-tEPEDESmIANAREAS/N) 'walICULAA AREAS, THE BOUNDAY BETWEEN THE AREAS MJST BE DEFINED BY A CONTINUOUS, 'l'ELLOW,3I1WlDEDETECTPB.E WARNINGSTRJPf THAT Df.FJ'ERS FROMA.D.IC1ININ3WAI..I<WG iURFA.QE.IN Ae&lUENCY OR SQI..N) ON CANE CONflICT, ASPHALT ~ ~~-_. , (:J y ~ I!ll'II!RIOR PATH OF 'llL\Yn N.TS 111~~'~II...MAlt III~~I~IIL ---J 111111[1111111 SLOFE IlliJlIllllIl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11'~ RUN. L A'UN (I) VAN ACCESSIBlESTALL 411) STANDARDACCESSIELESfAU. Pmf~~=~ /""''''''''''' , wmiADDmotW.'YAN 19APARKH3 ACCES9lSlPlNI.'I.IIGE ~_ ~ SIGN BOTTClWlN<<)lNG'liJ'l.Ot.G.~' . ~Sl)f'WAIJ(:~Q.fNl"" ElEV"TIlN21l.~'IWnl -- - fW,pDowN.U5ElfAST SMOCmlT1'lAN!lfTD\l(ND1I1 , P06SIlI.Ea..Clf'e.L3SIrMll l-"J ;r= //~~~~~fa1 WHEEl-sTOP/PiAYfIlN-"'" /' / .rREOl.Jl.NlACCESR.E "'"' //-,/ STAU,ll'MDE,utlOG 0lAa0NAL~91RPE9,.~ __ /? r'MI!lQlWlEMNlotMENT ...-."::::=- ~ 0 - / "" .:;;;;;~ ~ ~ ~ u:FTOfAC::CalSAQ.E PNM'll(X)II~J~,-- ~~~MJEl _lJl:'J, I-~ ~ I BCITI"OMlNI:N)~ DEPftSSED ClRB RAMP NOre LOCfoL ..,....::IIWllYW<Y1WIE ADDfT1OIW.flEOUlIIfMEJmfOR~ 1lIo\TSIIJlLDBEIti'fItiQIl ~nc:~ClJ:lBRAMP"'TNJCE5SIIl.EPARKlNl3 fTVPJ ACCIl&&IB.... PARKING STAU. N.TS I 11 CURB RAMPS N.TS 1 3 ;-~ , :- iiiMD """ !! 0." ~: =~ --. twOQO,PSIGN ~li!.. HOff: VAN.-ca:ssa.E ~ ~ SIGH NOT RECUlED a.I !& ~0A9T.AN:WC ~ Sf.... ~ %~ o~ h .. ~~ ~ ~r ....... I:""""'" ~i~\__ ."",,~)'9 0 ~..__ / / /: 1Il.OfEl)"TU511N. S1DfRMfllSLftD-/' ;/ / .,,,,.- ;;; ~ ~ ~ CURB CUT AT. .ccess&.EP~ , ....,/ ~+1.. il ~~~t' ~5 ~= ~ '---o.V ~ ...., "-+12 m (D-CI'Pflfff:IHD) , lVP. CLJRe RAMP ~ATr>>.IS < '--GAlVANZEDIolETAlSKWPOST -{~:~ ';'11.---' NOTE: m n ~ =~=~~':-~~TO ""Jl~' ~ ~:;~.J~ -::.. ~~~~~~~Nl<lDN -.f----:---:--- ' ltE8PACE. "... ACCESSIBLE PARKING SIGN NU 1 12 .1 CONSULTANTS ~ SFAl. 2 . c:, z" c:, {', {', Z\ {', {', {', COHTl'WJTMlE: .......- ....."""'" ""'........ """"""'" . lOUCOC< T... _.- """"" TACO BELL 1l'l3YAlHSTFEET AHrJOWN, I.6AIIB7lti . 9 ~,~ ::l:CI:l..a. T-50 I --......-...0 1, ~OJfIK)ffW.lE:ROOf~NjSt1CM'NR)RMtNlCEQJPt.lf :>>WJSTfNfi. 2. IT IS \/'EA't' UPOATNIT THAT N;:Cl.W\TE MEASl.ABolENTS ARE USB:llMiEN lDCAl-. o:>>wJST fAN AOCF CJl'EMtGS TOEHSlIE 1li.*.T NON:lOT1ONH..Off-sEfSNff FEQJAED "lHE EXI-W.ST IJLlCI1N:lAK. ~TE ROCF CI'ENINGS'WfTMTHI':IClTQ-ENEl1.M.IENT. a. I'RlJ'JIJEANfI'fWollNGREQl,IfEDFOROIFFl.6ERINJrH..lATDNNtwtD<B..N."i. HVAC. 1. NSTAlJ.ATDN9WJ.~lOTlEDERiYc.:otGBlVAlDlDESGNWH.W..STANWlDS~JEW 2. ALlwalKHlJMATaMlA5tW..LCOMPlYwrnl~IDDE8.lW'BY~NOIEGl.tA1IJNS. S. 08T_~PAYFOl'IJti~I"ENm6.fEESNlCJ ...':~ . "PEQIJI'IB)BYGCJl,tiINNiAlJllCRl8 .. E.c.aw..LPAtMJE(XlN)UfFOR~IHJUM'I,Q.TI\GEWIINl.lJE'oO..TI'IGEWRN3SWWTCtES,IHJFtw.~. ...c. SlW.1.PACJo'I]ElMV())HTAOLYeRN31HJF........ ~. " ANffOJf'WEHf~TISSlI!STTIlJfB)Sl-WJ.FrrINTHfS"K:fI'RC1<l'l:lEDWfTH~TERlXlMFOASERIIK:f<<),I~SlBSTlTUTEEQI..IPWBfTtw.lEO..llESPEafCA1D4 Sl.I8MlT All4".lJCN1':~a::Al.L Ea.F~SLBmTUTmFORN'f'RJIIAl.PIOOR lONSTAUATI:lN. N:UDNG.lllIT NOTIMHTEDTO, STRl..CnJIW.NlllAACHl1liC1lJRAlIrUW:T. a..ENWCE FEClJREUENTSIHJIJI1JlY~ 0Ul0Gl. 0. f~ HITAL.l..ATDtCl' RECIWOEAIlLE I'EFN3EJ'W<<I.H8 A'KltII a WCttNETO 0ClN)fNllER art ROOf. Stt 8COPE CF WCflK. .,. H\t'AClNTllstW..LQlEWllMTEILEVaartlOYo.RllL .. H.1.8l.I'A..Y'~DlJC'lWClRK6tW.LBEfXfERW.LVNIl.1ATal. e. ALlSl.PPlV IfETlJI9I 0UClSstW.l1IE RIGID. WlfHllE EXlE'TJ:lNCFllE LAST 1.'-V,MtaiMAYIlEREX. 10. SMOlCE OETR:TOR St-w.l BE INiTAlUD IN me ~ AR DlCT, PfIl:ATONtt aJTSDEAIR CClNIEC1lCJILS, IKJ SlW.l DEACTWATE IIXlFTOP lNf lFON SENStlG GMCItE. tQ.l.[E 6MOKE oeTB;T(JA H TI-EstFF'l.y MtDlCT at..YF Aax.uEDW L.lX'.AlaxE 11. ALLHO:XlElOWJSTClUCT8lltW.LBEfIDI),elMMNIollltl.WELDEDOlCI', ~H.1.WElJ)SSI<<lOTH.I'RCYDE"'fRfIWl\ERDUCfWJW'f(lRAU.HOODEXtWJ:JI'OUCJ'llIEE1WU'. 12. ALLIlIWI:HDUCJllFBDNGNIIIID.JofLDI'fUSEfl88tW..1.HA\IE~ATTMEOFF8FORAIl.IlAI.NCMl PROfI:lEACCEllSPMasTOIWftR8.IEEMMD, 18. HJ.UTlITYPI'NGFOftRTll811tW.1.IIJNLPTlflOUCIiROOFNSlDfEACHlHt'SRCa'aHI. 14. N..LOlJI'SlDfAlllNTNaStW.LBfAMNWlAlOF10-VfRCl.le:w.usTI'AHSNrI)/al'o8f!a 16. SB:WI.OtWDSOCPEa'MalKf(lft..,;.,._....-,'-, .:JFtNi\C~TOBfIUlCHo\SfD 1HAOt.OHYU.lJJlN.N)SWiJDW.tXWlWCT. '1. f~ I-NAC S'I'SlBI TEST\tI3 ~ M.ANCIt<G SI-Wl: BE PEFFauAfD BY IN)B'eNOEHT AGENT camw:;TED OlAECTLV BY lHE 0Mel A IE.TEST IS MANOA.1ORY FOIl "FALSE START lIE- NOPCM'ER L.IPQ\IAGENI'SNRVAL. fOlJl't,lENf NOTWI\ED. ETC.} NoID IlI-W.l BE A COST NCUftRfO BYTHf o.c. .. TlE ~ ASYSTEM I ftrOAt F1fCENE8AGIWlE OF Ii 00 lIa.ON AS A RESULI a::1HE ttllC 8YB1aI1'EII'lHoWU C:AClF'EAA~ IJB'CEPCES. <MtoIER Y4L FIfQJfST ARE-TEST AND nil: OOST FOR lWoIE SHAlL BE AlSO NOJRAfD BY TlEGEtEJW.CClNIlWITCR ,.,. lAANEP~lHEJUlOIlTATMCDS..e,t.Y8aG11I18,PROWlEDlMll1T1WEPN::ItKJE. ,.. TRANE n-elMClirrAT seNSOA (REWlEl MODEl. N1lll).701&. PfiOIDEDWIlH lJWE I'ICl(.IIGE. UI. 1lWEDUCTIIIOlH1'[DHJMlDfTYSfNSOAMODEl.IfBA'I'lIENKU7A.PfiOIDEDlNrIHTIWE~ OYIIBOL a ADDRBV. --:Jli 11'1 """ ~fbi= ::.: ...@~ [0l """'I [gJ -I ~~II.,:_.il _---1__J ....... I : :~'1 rl :',1 ~ ~I",,: ""'" I I >- I (T) I (15) I cHi 1-0- ,- I-Ill- 1-"'- I~ 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I ,..... GIBHERAL NOTEli -- ~ l~BOL:~DR8V' I co , cw. I """" I _. I ""'"' I "" I :; I "'" I " , " I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,..<XH>ITDNJ """""'"'"""" c.,c,.,,~ CBU<l """"""~ """"'"""" """"""'" cun:: fEET PER MNJrE ""... """""""" DOWN,"",""" "'""'""'" I'XIS1N> ~ GENEAAL""""""",, tEATNJ, VE~TlNG. AN)M ~_ lWfJF""""" ""'"""'" HBN 0UlSIlE,.. """""''''''''....... STAlN.ESSSlHl ""'"- UIUSS_NOlED "''"'''''''''' . _PIlON SlJ'flY""'~ RE11.flNAlFlOUCT(AISE.OU'I flCl-WISTAIl DUCT fffiE/DftCI'l CBJICDI'FUSElWUPf'lYFEGISTEA ~~hU4lfffCFlJftOM "'""""""""""'" D ... DL '" ""'""'''''''''''''''' RfCTNG..tNl DlCTB.fIJWWlHTUNNlVIID FlEXIlI.E__..:.....~. ""'""- """"" ...... ""....... OUCTLHNi(1'Tl--ICkUNESSOTlERWISE N:JffO) SN:i..EUN:DIJCfBfWoUtTNCHI'f OUCTTiWGllJC>>,l(fEClNlGlllARTOACJJNJ) fLEXl8LfOUC'J'{W-ol.WlMlAO PRClGlWolWA8LETHERaoOSTAT,PRCJfD8)WIllilRo'HEPACJ(.<GE. TlEFlMOSTATSEIfial(REMOTE).PB:IMlfDWlTHTlWEPACKHlE. l-UADrrv~{AEMI'JTE}. PRCMOEOlMTHTAAN: PACKAGE. COtaNSATE aw.. ....."'" """""""'" DOOR UNOfflCUT Wot'W&ll&Q """" DOl> '" "... .... UDl "" OC "'''' "FR "Ea< M~fOl..lPWENT~TOI IIECHANICAL SYIIBOLS ()Ol)(-X) -- """ ..,. FNIl~TA CDDUNG CN'Nm .... "" "'" .""" - HEAlIGCN'1CfY IHTElECTMTA _ MAX UNIT :r=::NU: ~T8I ~Oo\ lIlOQ>~ ......... AflEABEfMD IIl.FPlY loUN OA. ESP "'" "'" ""eN' - 'orISEN ..........:TUti NO> ........... tI 2(IW 4li.l n.- ...,,,,,... ~ YCD111Cll1lO iEENOJm1'-,4.Ii." _1CJTEI1.......' ... ... "" """ ""'"" ... 11llX1 ,.0 8M ,.. 1C1M1l.4 1U1 1011 VT2 IMO luj 111/1111 11.1 lID 1111 I I 00 _ "'" I ~ """"""'" g oas 91 III ~~ ... DNNO 304lllI 1lDl 1.0 eo 1210 ~ I'" I .. 8CtEILLE POfE8: 1. USTEDCN'.-crrv BTl-EsrAHlMD LNJ"S GfalSOClOLJI<GCN'1aN AT80a::D.I'. DIl/ll1 DfQ. F..W 1HJ85 a::<lF.AM8IBfT.Cll.ITtlOCfiDe3D1 CONDITION. SUWMER lIS DfG. F.' 74 oeo. FWB. 'tWflEfI ,.,OfG.F. ~srANWlOC(N)fJ(H;) 2. S"ECFED IffUSARE 1XM'N0ISCI-WlGE FW:X<<rGfD(Wi/ElECTRlC FIlXFTOPlHl'SMTHMNMlItIl!.srAGECOOLHl N:l.1.D6iTl-fO.OtTlEACO'aM PONER.G\S&a:N:lfNSATEDRAf,l. BASPl>NGS1-W.L.IlEFAClORf"PI'EDWIlHstIJT.QffourstE~lHT. . So S"fCFED lAfi N::UJDES HNGEDNXESS~. 2"Pl.EA~fl.1ERS.lDNNJBEN1 ca.rma. TOODEG. f.. MOTalllB)~AIIlWoftft ClACU/J BREAKut WllH SlNGl.E f'(lM" 'WIRING, ......... Gl.W'C.1HJ F/ICI(lR't FN3RICAlfD, 1CNCl(XtxJM4 RXlF Q.HI. " SPE(;FED ~ N:LU~S fACTCfn" NST~D I-OT ~ Rfl-EAT 0PTl:lH NClJ..I)NG IBMJlE MOUNJ'tDTEMPEM1\JAE IHJ HLMDITY SEHSalS/IB lNlCATED ONTH:: DfWttN3S. 6. SPECFED lJ\Irrtcwa::s SUPPLY AflTBolPEfQoDCDmD.. a SPECFEDlqf~DESSUl'f'lfloCENTAll-EAT 7. PROJECT~T1ONSN:;ARCO'STAlN'EASIAAVREQIJlREEf'(JII:'(CC\Ill1BlCOl5. 8. SPB::FEDRnJsStW.l.~Sl.II'l'LElYm'HOo'ERSlZEOINDlXJl:FANYOTCJllHJf:VAFIOAATOAMCIltII. llESOD t<<JTE: HOTG\S RElEATCf"IIC>>I'AIllHl-lJMlDfTY ~TO BEUlEDlNttGH.......1XlY LOCAl1CJGfN.8. GREATER1HAN74 DEGfIfES). (lOt.lOlX) I to: (XX-lOlX) -- ... ... """ HVAC UNIT 6CHI!DUUI I ~~ xr~~ COOK """" - """"" 1.lA.71l2U8TED(GfOSE) 2. YENlED IO:F a.RJ 8. fLATFIOOFClIlD. ... GAEASEllKUiH - 6. HNl3EDSUB-EWiEOAKII' (l. we. "_"';'-~'C.w~.' PR&'o\/IRED____._"'..., SINllQi .,. PfOIIDf~-WflB)SCl.DSTATESPEfI)CCJlI1lO.LER . """"""''''''''''' e. twGNlJlSOI..ATCfllQT ... ...... EF.' 1. 1 0,7li "tIIJ 1171W , """"" SEENOTEB1.2.3A1.&.U , 1 1 I 1 aa:~7,8U '''' "'" , '" , SUPPLY AND EXHAUST FAN llCIlEDUUI I 2 DUN "'''''"-1 "0 "'" , .. ! ; I J i I ! IUNU""""" 1 I, 1 1 ,I 1 ,I 1 ,I I ........... ......... ,. != [)FflfiB"FN:E. '" ""'"""'" ... "" I":'~I"OUN<N>I ~ ~/.::, ~ ~ ,I I, , 1 I' , ,I I , I"'"""."''''''' 1 IUEI'AI...,t,Ilf/tmJS ,W""1DCM III ., 17 1li1r1lil 2 ,.,8 I .. ..,.. .W""1DCM I F~SCI'TOIN]ADAPTEl\SEEIOl"E3 I FfwSQRTO 1H)H:lN'!Bl I FffoISCflTO fNlNlN'1Bl I PEFlfClAATEDHhGEDflCE,NOfLTEA,SEEDETALMM.lJ 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' ~ oi<w.~' L::::.5(O.1lX1l .~ . -"'" "HO~ ______r.rn.,~ METAl..,t,llf/mus 1iOOO-1/lDC-M ..... .. "'" , METAl~/TlI1JS .. ... = ,.... ,......- M ~. I'I(~I' 1 I~I x [4) ------. x ______ Mill , I ' 1 1 ' I I """"."'_1 """""18/'" = "'" WErAl.~/musl CClt-fB-TB/Iilff I FUJ.YREMOI'ABlEfK:f.IlEENJTEa , """" 1. DlFRJSER91N SURFACE MOl.MED C8.HlB Sl-W.L Sf PROJI)ED'MTH tFfIOSED 8I.ADf [W,ftAS. E AIDITECRM.. DIWWQI KACB.NlTYPEll 2. FlIUEHDFRJSERSWllHNSUlATiOTa>s. a. SL.PA.V HoIDflEl1..A.l DFFUSERSLOOATEJ:lINDlNto(i ROOM Sl.JSPENIEl)CELN39W.L~ FICTOAYFNSHIlUO<. I t2- " .. .. ~ ~ Bff'f[EPAREDATTIfo\fOfCRlEl a:lOLOfERRXESTTO~AlLf'fD.IB";'f DfJAlLS REGAAlltN3SPEClFlc.\TJCJoGANlQ.lNffillESA,S SITE SJIEClfK:CESlGl~Y NOT UATCH Nl.Tl:tW.CESQl SEETtES(X)PEOI'YI(lRKl)tEflSFORHXXlOW.IN'ORMo\OCH. 1 1 I HlllIl L+'~ _ . _ _I. f-iale "t:ll :e'\M'1 .0 5100 l '7lDI I ; 111117 I +283 AIR BALANCE SCHEDUUI CFII nFr I ;. 1 4~1< AIR DIIVICIl SCHBDUUI I 3 "'" "" .. " '" """"""' ..., 1 '''' 1 .. 1 I. ... .,,,, "'0 """ ,.. .... "'" ..,. "'" ... ... 1RANE PACKAIlI! H'" I B ,or" .... Original Submittal. I t ~dgl6 ndd.- ~5~t;;~. ~~. WIDOW IX: ~~!<m~<~ ~crfil~ :Zli:l;~ ~~~ <<t; ~ a:w....,;!! ::l 0 <....,au;'!{'-'2 0 oo<~j",''''oo'' !z1tiili " ~z:r 0" w 1a:~F:~ g '~&~oi:!" . f:2'l<~Fwj! _(1&0 Cf.I:" Wb!l;;;zO Wl Co OW~ l! ~~~gg l:t -<-,!It:: CONSULTANT'S SEAL [-, [-, [-, Cl f', 'f', f', [-, [-, DClfl1"""..'" ..."..,,,,. PIAN","", ""'''-' """"'- """"" ,... "".,., """" TACO BELL lZJYAlNSllEFT ANw'1tMI\I.l6A8mI& Q ~.li: a:ta1.llo T-50 MECHANICAL SCHEDULES AND NOTES -;""'-": ;.' "r' "-'-' .....;~:.~~...;..;......'. ....,.~,..:....../[..-''I'' '.' '.,' , . : 1", ~ ,- '. . . ".~ -.- .../{...... U1"0' ~: , r' ': l"~'" " ,.. .~--~ >:'~ . " " NOT USED ...,-;. .:+ Tg]CD <8-11: ,: ~ . 1. ''\cIDj -.- ; . ;.. .~~ -{,~~(~~I:) ";~~I~' . ~_':i: /rxr,., .:. '(~1I4l1ll.J - ,12'9, I' (S.11~) ~o:o. "~'" ... . .J. -~: . J.............O!. ~, " 1.0ININQROClMlIGKTFIlCTUAELOCo\T1CHINEam:::fL~TE DUGTWORK lOCATIONS SO M NOT TQ<X:NU::TWRH lOfT FVm.IRE ,""^"""" 2. TltiMQSTATSSt-Wl.IlfI'ROOMM/.WlLETlti'IltIOSTATWRHSLeIWIf. REMOrE TEMPEAAl1.RE SEttIat. Nm REMOTE I-UIDITY SEN3OR. f'RCMlED WJfHTRNEI'ACKKiE). a HI..IolllrrYSENSalAPPUCo\l1ONLSVNlWlLEPERSrrESPECFCCONDITtlNS. REffflTOkW<ClNfSCH:.bIAE.llltAl.O.FOHAI'I'lCJJDNtxltIXTI:HS. ... COOfI)toIA.TE~~TD5WlTliI.JCJilH3N1J~ I. GENERAL NOTES dF":.:..:@ . ";~~'.~~........,: .. ~..~ . '"'~o,"7~",~: r'IE'. -to,~~: ~~:,:' :~'~ ~.,~;'~~,(~~",..~...!;; ; ~,j:;.."i.,;..-"~,,,.-:-.::'.._::l~.j. ',~ ... ~ " ~ w : :o~'N"'5.~~~~)o...;: "',..,.:Jl I 1 :,," ..' ~/@ .. . ~~ H 6 ! 2Oll18 I:r-:: h18 ::-:::'QM'~--"..- ..__, -. ~j=-I"" r.".... :Ii . )<;:t~~~~?-24ll1b , :'12'9 .. }i:' " '~'~;I;;)-; .. '" ~.J~1[;r~';,J:. .' " ~'r; Bl1).i..- -- (\iQv~' -. - : ... " ...~~ lI'0,', (Hln;): - 0'" ~d_~I50) j,~'c ': .~: .,-~'-'-'.-'" --.'.~- "~' .: ',.!-"'." ':",. . CD ===~~ur~P~AOOFro_______.JelI4HfJQctlRXF. CD ~~~~~~~=T:~.(FfTOCEllIt3DFfUSERS, CD ~1r~~~~~CFMTorAL COOJECTIQ3Vl8Sl.f'l'LYAR CD ~~~~UP.24ODCf". o:JtftiITT03UI81E1U~AA~AT CD (l}~8SI.I'PLYAlROUCTSI.I',4500CfWTar.-... COOItiAT062ll2ll5U'l'lYMl PlDlJM AT ROOFTOP UNT ~ <:D ~~~DflUP,&400CfM. a::wHCTTOCD:111RETlANH'tPl..EtUr.lAT C[) ~"6HAH)INSTN.lSK*EDETECTOAlNT1-EArnJRNAlACl.ICT.N~ WJTHl.OCAlC0DE8.Dla:::TSMCJa::OElECTOAWMDBYEl.ECTRICAlCCNJ1VCTCA. 8EE8I-EETE32. CD ~~~Wkn~~~~~BflV(B)lN CD =:u."W~N.lfl,~r:l:EB~..=r~~~~~' lNTNlE fEfEflTOOETMJlUPU.13/M.o. @ u:x:ATETHEftMOSTATC<:tflRC1Ba.lWAU..NOffCElJtrAJ'F. COOROMTE lOCATION wmt lGil" StMTa-ElI. IE c._;.... v ".,-: " ., , !<s.:zI62&} (ff) MOUNT TtEIUOSTAT REMOTE S9ISOR AT"., AIDIE I'N&ED RDCR GD UN)EJ'lOJTI'IESTAOC:al~NlJOffICEDCJalMN.81"I'<MMAKE-U"1A @ 12l(12El1H1\lJSTAFlDUCTllCIlI\N.-HlTiWiSllDHT01IrX1rt~ ~ATHOOCI. 12X12EXHAUSTOUCTSI-W1.FI1.N8Ef1oIwI:ENFlOC>>' TA.lSSESTO~TORCXlfDJ-W..GTI'ANEF.l.SEEI-IXll)OETAl.SON DAAWlM3Mao. SEEOETAIl16 ON 9--EETIM.o FORFRE PROT'ECf'Il)iOFoocr WCRK. SEEDETAll180N SHEETM4.o FCRElOWJ8TOUCTTJl.fHSfJOl @ INST,6,llSLPf\.Y.NflOlJCTWOflKTGHfASPOSSIllETOSllI..ICfRW.HlOIE. GD SEEDETAIlll.ONSHEETt.I4.o. @ EXl-WJSfDU:1WCJU(.FIlJNlPIlET'WEENROOFTRl..BSESTOEF-1. @ FLflMSHNOINST,6,llS'~WI\TEfltt:ATEA~nAl'fTN<E l'ERMM.TOIONf()Of. COORltlA.TEYoOfI(wrrHlU llW)El3;. RB'fRTO 0ETN..82:/PtI.o.13/N3.o. CID ~KRJHnflOI.,GH(I'ENWEBBlN3OFFixJ;TllJSS.lXXlf'I)tWl; LOCo\TDNtFDUCT'tMlliINllTAU.fDftOOFTRUSSE3. @ 1M2EXtWJ8TI't..ft<<.IMCXlt*lEClED"fOEf-2. 00NfEGT1Ql8ea-w.,mDUCT FKlWII:sm:xJr.tEXtWJ9TGIIL1f8TOI'\..fN.loll. 1 DUCT AND DIFFUSER PUN ,"~1'''' I A Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal KEY NOTES IB . E o CONSULTANT'S SE..P.L c . Ie, Ie, 6 6 Ie, Ie, Ie, Ie, Ie, . cotmWrrPATE: '""'"""'" PI..AN\oERSION: SllEN'- s>""'..-a = ,... """"'" """" TACO BElL 123 MAIN STREr """"""-,.,...'" i , j , , I ~ '~ ~ T-50 DUCT AND DIFFUSER PLAN M2.0 PlOTMlE: I, NOT usn NOT USED 114 NOT U8EII 118, NOT USED -. 2OQ.\. STAH.ESS8'lm.PNELOo'EA 1an.X l1lh-iX1" llEEP NONCXlIolIll.lST8l..ESTNI)..(FFS, B&lHJNfJ ,r CJJTSIJE PEAMETEA CF I-OXl; AnACH:DTOW~fERIWCTIBl.E!OB.lI, CL.eNV.NCE REOUCTlON t,lE1KXlS). STNO<:IT8 NOrflEQLlAEDFORCloIU~. 5UL ALl EDGES (F STANESS STEEl PNEL HOOD. ta,IMOOa. 8'l'MTOlt'aoIfSV.foO! LEHG'J1-j(lt<lj: "'I WDTH (IN): ..,1lEGiJ'(lN): ul EXtWJSTa=w: 1lWn'Ill.A'l.YCAt ""I EiCHAUSTSP: 1.25 SLI'flYSP: ""I mw.JSTfMI: 11!1lJJ BLI'flYFPN: ""I fXH.~ lIi'X1D"Sl.PSIlEl -.1 FLTEAS: (0' 1.X1. FlLTW: fl' 1.xlIII'l FA!~1 ~~QI Fil~'l"fIIfll ~I wtfl'aTt(ff- ~I 00Nm0LMmJH:- - - --tbi ~':--"':-'-:r\''''''':'d \~r.._ ~ = [ZJ l1n.X10'W/ FElD"'" ~ HOOOSNESI..I'fIORlB)IW 1fZ'llftADEDFta:l \: THlEAlI:ONTtlSlJ'POOT loO..INfWG~(l1'iP.1 J-8COl:I'fE-WllBHO 2. HOODtiPlEPlPEOFORN&Jl...NfJET1.Ll!iJED. I. STAH.ESS STEB. W.-..LPNti. TO BE PR:MJB) In' HOOO.......""'-"'R I TOTM. WEDiTCF HOOD 1: 4llOlBS 0=0==0 """" 1. ALtDPOSEDSlFF..a&TOBESTAltUSSSTEEL: WLAlJ.EIllD- = UGHTS NSl[)ECFtOD PLAN VIEW t "~ r ... [ ,~ ~ ~ ~ - - 2OQA.. srAN.ESSSTmPNlElo.Bl181l'lX 11l1'HX,"[&P NCHcaABUSmLEsr~, fl'Mrt BEHHDNml8'CJ.1T5I)EPi:RI...:TERCEHOCD; ~ ATTJCI-EOTOWALLf'ERlMCTMlE3JJ.e, a.ENlANCEREDl.CIlONUETKXlS). srN<lD-a'F8 NlJI"ft8:ll.U'a)FOACMU<XNml\.CTICI\I 8EIol. AllEDGESOFSTAH..ESS5TEB..PMIEL " " f1' MN. Ei'iE.~-~~ l>o<IIW<3 1 ~~:.::.:~: 1 :-li~~~~t~]j~}~~j~~' - J~l__ ' I " ___UUhh_~~::~~___ r~~~~~:!~____n__________ FRONT VIEW ~ STAI~STES..snePIH1. 110 TACO BeLL TYPIII HOOD DnAlL ,..,.,.... I 2 E>>WJSTfN\l @TD ~-.~~).l I Nme I =~ NX:ESSIIU. PfIJTECT1:D ClEN01T DOal E>>WJSTDUCTtoTTOEJlCEED~ 800EGtEETUflNSNfllWN L.ENaTH:CCHSUL.TFACTOfIYFOA REWED 1ilXX). f~ EQl.JA,tfHf 8~'IICHllFEaJREDFa'l '"'''''''''' C(>>{fNJl:lJSLYWEI..D8)ElG-W.Sf DUCT SLOPE MIN. 1I4"PERfOOTCi! 'liIlTOWARD HOOOVltENFUt """"",AlJ.T UI. LlSTEDLGHTAmJE .~. lA.usrmF~EM1EODLCT~ : OR11'f'1.EN::L08l.H.NO.Nl : ElCIW.ISTtl.CT , . : : ~8EEOET.,"",.afa:lou:r ~!. .!../ 1=--- +-="""'_FL1&I I : . '---L ' -' ?' -REMOI/MLEGREASE1R:U3H / " SI..OPETOIlOiTe.D ~ j~-"..- ~- ~~ """"""CaJNJUE . '( 0 :=:=::::::=:::::::::::=:=::::: ::...-:::::: 2/ FfIONllNSUlATu.lllIT- _ ~ FNISl-EDFLOORLH -------------- /1 f1' ,), ~ri-- ,). ~ OOEAORWALL ,I i ~llTAN..E8S8TEB.6I)EPAI\EL ~/! , A,' I', r-------~ . i,'1 i ~ir-l 1 J I Ij""""'" ~:~R""_"'~ "I " , r....'a..L L~-~--_%r-----n----n_\ ',-1' (alOA.8TANalSSTEa.J _____\1..________4.1-3 ~~IIBh ~~o I-~ U;, ;:;~Ii:~~~~- <~1\t;)jl:;Y1li filiii;;~-,,,, ~Zg CCf):z.....~~ ..:c: 15~<~!,ljf<.. iE<r@i;~;>~~~ w~~,1J:oI;;=>z !i~~~l-i~8 ~~~~~~t:: ~ ~~gi 8. '-. ~Sffi~ _l32;o .wt3g-zG fa) t::i5cwl1.l ~/o~osa~Ga: f# o~~ ~ CONSULTANT'S SEAl [\ i' '6 2\ 2\ " 2\ 2\ 2\ camw:rll'"'' """"'''''' F\AN_'" '"',....,. 81tIRE""""" JOOCOlI( ,... """.""" """" TACO BEll. lalWIIN$T1EET __LIlA.... Q ~.~ >l.tm.lM T-50 HOOD DRAWINGS PLANS AND SECTIONS ~IDE VIEW Date 1 ~ecM9~O 11! TACO BELL TYPE I HOOD SEcnON lfZ'.1'oV*14p _PlD'fjlll\t^f\ "''''' 1.-- orI9\n~\ ljubmlttaL JIlbN!n8:TNDIlRL DrNIItH:- lM1ImSl.:ANSLAAIOGdm Tl>IIlIF'-Pd_lI l-b>d#llJ~l.Jnlllf"8"_lf2.-HIJII A_.1_'10'0r-_'~ 'f I ~ LiJJi~-I" ~ , . , L__.JI ".... j ''''0' -rf~ ~ II r I,' ~ ,"''\'I.J I I ~~-. .1"'1111" H """" _FElDPl'EDAOPSASSH:IWN Sl.EEvtG, El.DOW8. TEES.ANJNClZZLEI 8U"PI.EDBY81"AA'fO.\/EN1' -AaOCA.TENOZllESFFLCIWMT1BIi8 BLOCKED BY Sl-ELW<<J, SALAMAHDEA9, ETC. -MMllllAolIIB.BONSI'll8Ll'R.YLH:. - MNMUM n tOiES Of AGENT I.Jt.E FPIClW TANKTOFRStNOl'Z1..E. .1' Af'PI..J::ABLE. PRE-4'IPEDawIRJI.ER DAOl'SAAESI-lf'PCDlOOSE. -F,lCfOIfYPPN3EXTEttJSAt.WCIMUMCFff NJQrIEn-ETOPOF'I1iEHOCD..APPUt.N;:E DNENSlOOSUSTEDflEPRESENTTlECOOl<lNa Sl..flfACE SID:. . ..- NOT n-E tM:RALLN'Pt.Wa SIZE - TItS FA; SYS1EM Cl:IWPI..6MTH U1.JI)Q - .... -or C:) 1- ,"""'"",.... [ - - fElDPI'NJ ---1 NOT USI!D 117 NOT USED 113 NOT U&I!D N.TS 19 TACO BI!LL HOOD FlRI! SU_I!SSION&Y&T'I!III PLAN lW'-1'4' I 1 I~I~ ~ ''"'to. IFLOWI7I5.'1TEM QTY """"""" ''"'to. fLCWPJ8.1 I 'A UiGAU..otHN<< " ,"""-,,,,,,,,,-v ""'" I I 18 SGALLONTNf< '" ,"""-,,,,,,,,,,,V """ I I 2 OEM AI.JTCaW'II REUASE '''' '"""-'''''''''-V ""'" I ,., OEM AEnLlAlED I'a.fASf .. ,"",,-,""""-V "... I I. OEM REGU.ATEDAC1U\TOA '" '"""-'''''''''-V 1410340 I " NlILl.El(I.J)l.JD.-oENTCilGAU '" ,"""-,,,,,,,,,,V 141113311 , , . NeLl.El(UJlIDN3ENTn.5a.rLl ~"' '"""-'''''''''-V 14111343 -1 H--~ ",.., ,... e''''''''''V 1~111342 . - 101_,a '''''' '"""-'''''''''-V 141l1G41 , , - ,~.., I"" DEiECTOA BRN::KET ,.., """""'" LT.....101-30 ILONlQlPFUSllLEl.N( '00' OCl.IIII..E:TNt(CNl'11IIXJ:: , ,: I I HGHlEW' FUSBl.E1.N( 11a.1 "'"HN< I :::1 IMEQWtC.t.L!W>YAL'II: 1111 I""""'~ , I EtEC1IICALG"oSVIL'II: 1121 ""'.........V , ,.. I flfMUfEw.Nl.W.Pl.Ll..8TATDN 111llO1 I~""'" "'.11 , . '''''''''''''''''" 'OW , ~...... 1.1.". , , 11W I NOZ2l.E""""-V 14111D1 , , NOT USED 110 TACO BI!LL HOOD FUll! SUPRI!li&ION SCNI!DUU! NTA 12 NOT USI!D 11. NOT U&I!D 114 uUh nl~~ ~9i!i~ HJl'~ . 0"""' ~z wlDai!l x l2:Q O~2_ 'ifg 1\i!~...-';:i",,,, lt~~n:" _<cga:~ ll'::;~~~ ?i~~8 <I- 1.lr....2UJ ~~~~~~ :!!~~"'!!!"'~ <5-"- ~S~~ 0, Q~l5o wt3g:;;z6 . 1:::i5C1UJ~ O~r,^oY o::'<:;;EO IJ.] a;l2: t:: Q;: <=l" '"-~" CONSULTANTS SEAL 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 CO"..",,.,,, lClCJOOO< """""'''''' T... flAN.....,. .,"'"'- .".." """'- """ NOT U&I!D /1. NOT U&I!D 11s NOT USED 111 NOT U&I!D I 7 MOTU&I!D 13 TACOBEU. 12BWAlNSTFEEI' '"""..".....- Q ~iQ;I o~te Reeeived: 1 2:.CIJ"O, T-50 2009 HOOD FIRE O;:,C t 1 . .:l~\ SUPPRESSION o iQ\nal submlttsl- - DETAILS r~ M3.1 NOT USED 120 NOT USED 11. NOT USED 112 NOT USED I. NOT USED 14 PlDTDo\TE: , .. ~22'SCI..IMEFlNOE QNl2'SQ.WEDI.CT. TCI'OFA..ANGElO AIXlf'-U>ETYP.l2', 12' SQJNlE Dl.lrr EXTENDS ?llWlW """'"'" ~ !I ~ " >---r MIN. IXSTNa ~ - ~ ---- ~~cr Door !I -I ~I .. - -...-----=.F'~ - ATa)I.lAA \ """",,,'" ~ "COlJAA ,/ FCAwaDEOOI.ICT CONHEClD< / I I ,. ~HOOO1a'. TB HOOD DUCT TRAN&n1ON "....,... 118 BANOINO-SlMSS 31f'WX.01f1TI-CCMIN. rMIN.l..ClNOO'l.I>>W OYElI.N'ATIll.JHl(ETJClNT """"""""'''''''''' HOOO......,OJCT BNl[:OtJRfQl.IftEMENT8:U8EIlI4BTAN.ESSSTEB. BANDSAIoW(J,4L1011-1f2'1'ftOM Bl./IN!:aEOOeHD SPACElA~(F 11).1fZOOtafTBt L r 7//'''// ,///1 > f f f f f . NOT USED AU.-llAfAOSAClO _<NIT /"~////,/L~ ~ '- HOOD WOUNTN3 ~ CtWNLONHCa) f f ~ __ HOCD ~ 4 -- _ BOLT CONNEcnON TO HOOD N.lB. 114 OfELAYEA1.,rrna 8-f'a'FHMASIER IIlNI<ET ~ ~#4 ,~~? ~ ~~*~~~/ ~$.;y~v~..~.~~" .....1,: ",oY<T ~~~ 1. WfW> GIfASE DUCT ()()KJ"HlJ()lJ9 AS stfJWN FROLlCXlN<lECTK:HATFAHlHR:ll.GiQ,HI AN:! EXTEND '" MtN. Ba.oN ROCF OECK 2. FatHallZONT.uRJNS(lfEXIWJSTOUCTSPROIIlE ~TRN'EZESl.I'PORT8Y8TEM'MTH'fl'~FQ)S AMAXIIIWOF8'FAOMNSUlAlJONEOOE. TfW'flESlA'ORTS Sl-WLIlESPK;8)AWJClWlIAOF51" ONC9l1FRRlaf CEN'TCRUEQFVERTICAL EllHAUSTOUCT. S. 5lOf1El<<:IllZ(WfALE>>WJSTOUCTRtNS^~ 0= VI," PER FOOT ~ SLCPE) TONARDS mw.rsr HOOO. .. Pl'OYlDEINSI..l.ATEDACCESSOOOFlORPNfi./ENlIolDI'CN" OF FxHAu;TI:ll.K;tRLN FOR Cl..EANNGANONSPEC'TICNOF lXJCT. PRCMDE AN Af'PRCNED SGN ONACCESS 000Fl OR PAtEl WHCH READS . HX:ES8 PAtEL 00 NOT 0BSTIl.C1' KITCHEN HOOD lIXHAUST DUCT SYSTEII DETAIL N.lB 118 0~$~' ~$=~ ~ ""''''''''' ~~ DO ." . ~~ Q-. -,- '" EUlON m ELBOWSIWI.M NDTlRlo\TRNlUI. V~~ REnffiNIIBlWD-l BJJ'PtytyjRFJl.JW~ D ~ pECTNGJlAA I1lC1\ RllRADl.lB C21=~ """"""'" o:JIllYofllJ.'1flWWi ~ bH~~ ~.. f"i} -" r ~~ l !IO'ELBONTM-Cff USEON-YNAFlfAS Wl-FIilFF.J>N'Fl":llUrTFD TYPICAL DUCtWORK DErAILS NVA 118 / """"""""" ~SENSClAST,llNOOff1JAAClCET "loiN. ~ rsrAl..OlJCT~lICJ\lAR1QiT .~.p/..Zm""""","^, Rak)TE ttJwaTY SEJEl(R ~=_rEnfW~ 113 REMOTE HUMIDITY SENSOR ",_M 1 . NOT USED lON"'-OOIYOJCT BlIW'",""" ~.~ r',---------m~/'. ! --', //! i ",,( i 7J ' / ", I I / ", I :.::.._nm....::,j;!!' .M..ClNlmW'FASTDEIl{M'J 24'lrZ4'J(lfl' 22 (WJG[ aEETMETAL ~7 I -r .~ INSIAATEDfU::XOUCT-1'flO4:IE SK:lFITRADlJSRIGlDUETALE1..IlC>>' BE""""'" NOTe, lIIWWl.tol AllOWABlE lEHGTH Of fLEX DlCT RI..NClJrnTOSUPPlYDFAJSEI\S_fN1', REX DUCT 19 NCII' AI.liJNED ON EXHWST, RET\Bt OR"""""""""",,, ~TED~y:~~-=-I -REAFlOfVlCEIlCtElU.E KITCHEN AREA CEIUNG DIFFUSER 'Sotl CONNECTION DErAIL N.'" I 8 llU'l'l.y """"Sf OER.R< . . . NOTe L-"1II1N.0A1,.aw / "::j 1"[ "'~I/i ~__._-.. I /,/ W -'\1 1 , 1- \,------_/' ...'" 4li' ENTRfCLJOEDCOl.Nl TPMISlOONTORCIJN)SEEPlMS FCASlZClWItiICc.xx:l.RQ JlIWCI-lllUCT-RtCTNGLI..IoRCR flOlH) BlJTTEfFLVCMlPEAWlTHAFN& lOCICI<<lOLW:lRJWT~ ~ mLlATHlFlEX DUCT-f'RCMJE SHJRT fW)IJS RGD METAL El..IDV YilBlE18'R,R.EXEI.BOINCNNJI' BE""""'" BlIW'",""" ""'" ~LM AllQWeLE LENGTH Of fl.fl{DlCT FIlH:l.fTSTOfUll>LYDFFUSERS_'~.f1. FlEX OUCTlSNCII'AI.lONEDOHElCP08ED DL<>lWOR< , TnP._..___ !'l~F ctlHN'CTrH CEIUNO DIFFUSER CONNI!C110NS ...-"..1 8 IIECHANICAL' Date 1 ~ec.@IP.:.HboD " DETAILS 1 DEe 2 1"4.0\ HOOD NOlI!S AND SHes ('IYl':triainall~1 :~~. ~ K1TCtQ HOOD ElltWJSTfNl 18 ~ ~: i'I ! r-- f .fAOOFHS.IlAlDI ! i i I h I..D.mTDtTR..EllIlU:coo.If [! ~." ~=;:e~ t~ .'~~ 'I ~ i~^F:y:t=~~~~ ---L _ .L Pfti'A8ftVUED(W.V Sl'F:R " ClR8'MTH1NSI.l.A1I:lN. ~- EXHAUST FAN &-t H.TS. IlCUIERDRPSH8..DALLND..N). SCl.DERl"CQ..1NfAl..l.NO.Hl FASTB<""""""^,, TOQJRIIWlX)D!W..ER WlIHSCREWS.f10.C. 8MOKE HATa-t ClAI 1,., I J '] "-fIOOFoo;;;l.CTlCN NOTe All OCI.INI'EI'IA.AOAP SHElONEJ 0P0SfD Dl.ClWl;Hi;SWilIE '1 Gll.lW-VofHlZBlstEETUETAlIU. SOl.DEJIlB)AI!;.TGH!" coenu::n:H GOOSENECK FOR EF..z & EF-3 RU I 2 1.HCDdIllWbllUlllmQldalmilmll'n20QlILOII..........'Mh#3 P<*h-.....~...........tII~alllU!ull lIQ11.Ol1~"'" 2. UL_............___lypI..._t. -'Y",f7DOldtlf~.FaD'hm-.g_lOI'''''''n.~ ~m.v.m.""'hIa._"""'__ -"" s. UlIlmd""NSF~'IIIVIOrIlfllClf~lr;tr""1D- -'-l1O~b:Il.llpdhaClclna:a:rdlwa..ehtE1Q. ... ~"'---'~""bI~"'''~dh haClclondpou.l:lododloht.morbf..-tIl'IoIl1ll::htilR. Fftot katbnd".--..a"'~~IOt..a.It-..- ...- Haoot:l)s/'eIlllIlIll:rbcDdln~Mh~~lllllencl lIVlI"lIwHSFSIIlot~.HoodIli'lllllbllIlIdlnkt.LTlO e>>WJSI'HOOOSF<I'\~(X)Q(J;GEDJF\IlJrlT.~ lI)'EIL......FIlH~. - @ [i] ~: THIliHOOO DelIGN 8lWEl UPC'lI'l ~TOIEM'.r<<108.!MIC2.IiIAME.lCJ\RD1If: ~TC:MNT\9m.A1'KWHOOOS IW!lGli.NC271I18 CON'T.\Cr:JB'fJOtWllClN,:I5Hl1l1-1114 1 .i CONSULTp.J\IT'S SEAL b. b. b. b. b. b. b. b. b. camw:c"'" ........lYFE ....."""'" SITE"""'" """'- = y.., .... """- lOOQO( TACO BEll. 123W1NSlfEET """""'........ OJ ~ T-50 1. SOL'" ~ PI'E SHH.LSl.CI'E~" MlNIIU.!, LH.alS 0ll6M1SE NmED OR lEaJIlB) BYCOOE. ~CRAWNWA,lEA &tW; ute! SI-W.l.BE IlB'TTlGHTTOTlEI,N)ERSI:EOF ECIl..IPMENI' uraRDN 3. WRFYTKOLCCIJDN(FTK08o'HfNn'Ii8lERc..TKOSlTERNoI~StW.LRE'llSEltESBIIIIER$Y$lBtINi ......... 4. PAOiDElRN' I'RMERsFatFl..OaIDflAtiS N RESTlIOOMS, 'MtilE IEQURfDBYc:Coos.l'fo.a:OEB'SfAl TIW'S~FI..OCIlDMNS'MM)JTTiW'PRI.lERs. ti.AI..la.ENfJUl'S Sl-W..L Bl::ItGFAI..lJDWH:FE READLY AlXES$llIlE. llEcom:ucn:flstWJ.COOFII:lNo\TEALL CI.ENOJT 1..OCAT1CHS wnH EClJAENT, CASDETS, ere. N\Il TtE ~ IU'RESEHTATtIE I'fI(RTOHlf ""AUAroN. Il.Al..LVALVE8, 1RN'PAIWEAS."""TEflHAUMat~OFIonEREQl.IIlUENT8H(M'NNWALUlCllofr8l1o'E NCJ+ACCESSl8lE CEl.Hl &W.L IE 1N5TAl.lm Bfl.m NoI ollCCESSlWEL 7.Al..LPll.U8NJ FDCTlIlEVENTS Sl-W.L ~TEAM""lAl OF tI'H:I-EBFRaolNlfYERTr.AL6lJFN::ENoD 10FEETFROMNtfOJr8l)EMHT~ 8. PRO/DE GO.S PI'9lG TO lHI'S NolO AU FItW.- ..-. _ -:...._ ....IEQURED FOR Of'EMTDt e. NSTAil SHJT<ffVAlVES (WAlL HOT 80 CQ.D WATER iHS lOfDmJRE OR N'f'l.W<<:E. AlL ElG'OSED WAlEA 1K) WPSIE I.J\IES TO BE a-ACIolE PlATID. 10. f>flCMa;A LE\IER I-WfDl..f <WI SHUT ..()fFVAL>4: IN lHE lJRIHCH PI'f<<J a" EACHN'f'l.W<<:ECII PECE a EQ.JPMENT,fOA FACHAWI..WICE INSTAllQllCKD1SCXJNIIECT, R.EXIIlI1' PlPEwtfNALI..OMD8YCOOEJHJ RfSTRAINOO DtVlCe R..lfNSI-ED 8Y 0MfS'l. PROmE PRESSUIE REIllCtlG VALlJES AT EACH PE:E OF EQJIOMENl'OAAPJllW<<;:;E.FGASF'flESlUlEGFEATERnw.10'A1eISusm~~TI-EGM "rnR 11.Al..LVAlVES. UNCWS. ETC.lIW.LBE SotMESlZEM PIPE UN..ESScmEFWSENDK:.\TIDCI\IDMWtGI. 12. ReFatTOmt:ttHfOU/"MftfT l:Il'WW<<l3fal Pl1.IM8NGftCll.Gli-N5CIti:lU...E&fOfIHJDITUW..WCfIKTO IlEf\JRI'ffit-ED &NST1UEDIlYcamw:rtlR.ALL~l'I.l.IlIllINl3lHJflW.COKCnOlti TOKll'OiEN Ea../f'MENTsw.Ll.BEWrDEBYTHE<XlN11W:TOFIU.O.N. 1a.IlEFERTO~8I-EETBFORI-NACN\IlHOODPl.J,I,UIN]REQ..H:MBfIB. 14. Al.L.CWllHSstW.I. BE SU'PCATEO SEE SPl'Cll. 1&. All fLOOfl SNMSANl FUX'fI DlWG NTRNTlC N'EAS 8tWJ.. BE NST..u.m FWSHlQ'IUlOFI.8l.R'"1lCE. 18. PflCMDEWArER HNAlfR MRE8TOfI FatALL HNC) 8lI<<lI1H) l.IltW.. WAlEA lIES. 11. PRCMDEAIt GN'8 FOR NDlIECT DAANBNJ REOl.V'IEO IlY ccoe. Aft GN' 8tW.L BE MINMUM 21a1EBllE DWoIETEftDFTH:IN)RECTORAH. 18. PRIQRTOCXllolMENCU<<iWOllKONTMS PAWEGf, VERfYl:EPTH.SIZE, LOCATDNNtJ(XN)ITI)HCFAll EXl!mNG lITI..IT6INFIEI.D. SHOUUl CONO/TK)NS EX6TOTH:ltnwlTlOlENlICAlH)Wl<<JiV<<llDCNJSE Tl-EOB3lGNTOBEAL1ERED.~&w..LNOT1fYI;lIAM:JtIlollr.lElMTB.,(, 111.(XX)flDNATE NStALlATICt\IOF Pl.lJo1BltfJWCAKMTHALLOTHERTlWlES 80 All TO AvotJ ~ DElAY OR NTEII'BIEtaS. cornw;JOfl SI-W.1.I'lEVIEW NOtlECrlfW..ANJ EOA'MfNf stEElS. 2O.Fl.fiNSH&INiTAllALLBACl(fI.!1oll~oevcesREQ.JREOIlY~IWIINiJl.flISllCTDt 8olCIo:fLOW~REtlJRNGTESTNlSIW..LBEIN!ITAl.UDNOI-DiERTw.NfJ-{I'AF.F. 1'1. PRJWlEC(H)EN!lATE~FHOI.lNC~TON'f'RCIVfDDRr'Itt GNIP1PNlTOLtlmlNQAU.fNti. CON<ECllClNS REQUIRBl fQi OI'EJVo.TDt 1'2. Tl-ECMNEFl OFImcl-ENEQlJPtIIEHTSUPPlJERWAYSLBSTTlVTE EQUlPMEHTOFITl-E EQlJI>I.lENfWoYVHft FIlClM\\ti,\TISSHONN. Tl-EFEfOFlE.VERlFVAlJ.CRTJC.II\l.IXMENSION>WITltTI-ElJIMtilPftl:lRTO ca.ISTRJCOON. fAUJIE Of THE CONf1W:TCII TO VERlFYTHESE DlWGONS StWJ. A.JCE TI-IE IePC>>6RIJ1'Y FalNl(Sl.BSEQUEHTRElOCAll(W~YlPONTH:comw;TtJl. 23.Al..LWATIRI..foESStWJ..BEFI)N~U.O.N. 24.Al..LWA.TEJlI..IEiSl-W.LBEfl..l&EDPRI:lAlO~NltF1lCl\llESOAEa.Fl.IEHT. 2A FA:MOEESCI.IrOEDNPUlTESAlDSEAUlNT AT AlLVJIJTY ..._ ~ FL.OORS. 00 tOT USE CH,U(S CII EXPNClt<<.i FOAMS FOR SEHNrf. " .INTOVIWJ..S,OELfG,N<<:I GIlIIIlRAL NOTIl& NOT USED IF ...-a ......... DI .,." va ",."," 1Ul. """'..... .,.. ''''';s,....... V.TA """"""""'" V.8.F. """IlElDWROOII U,T.R. "''''''ROlI' V.CP. VI11IFIEDCL\.YPFE c., ""'''''' e o 181 {x-xkmll = -ss- -aw- -c- -ON- -...- -6D- -"'- I~ I I -ow- I -TW"";'" I I I I I I +- I I I I ---I ----rr I I I ti ~ B """" WAJEA CUl5El """" ""'''CRY -"" _ON<' a.CClMPAfmo4EHrSJ<<* I'<<l6EBIIlBNVIUBlFLTAATDHl.HT """'..... .......... FLOOR"" """'"' -- Tar" """"""'D.....,., AND ...."'W ""'""'""'" .. NEW '" """'" 'D. """"..... HD. .......... OFD crv'fJFl.O'oVl:II'tm ,.. FUlOA "" DC """" An /lb:NEFNfitEOR.O:Jt Pl.IJWBN3EOLlP1,lOO~~ KlTaiENfaJI>MfNTNlNBER: REfERTO KlTCHfNEQUIP.hRAWlNGSfOR~ " SCl..CIIWAS1E(S.JHrNfT)/WAS1EST\I'I aw SOLOAWASTE(GREASE~STUI . GAS/GASSTUI ON COLDWATEH/ONSIl.II ... HOTWA1'EA/HWSTlB v. ""''''''ENT 'D lITllIlWDIW< CD """"""''''''''''' F.C.a. Fl.OCfl CUJHOIJT CII ClEANOJTTO """" w.c.a. "'""""""'" ow FLTBlEDWATEfl 1W PREMIXEDTBlPEI\It.1lAEWATEH H"- HOSE ... s.o.v. Stl/HFFG\1EVALYE S.O.C. SI-lJI'-(ff GAS COCK C.V. Cl-ECKVALYE P.TJt.V. f'IlESS-TBoll"EW.l1.IERB.Ef'VAL'o'E Q.V. 8NJ.v"",,, c.w. COLD WATER BElDW GNoDe E.C.a. ""'""" "'^""" .... .,.,lFU,._ RJ 'omJAEUNT PLUMBING LBOIlIID ..... NO. S /o:U:1t. I' I' I . I I I.... I I I, I, I cow...rn> F.U, TOTAL c.w. c.w "",""rn> ~:~. W:-I - I - I I , I . . I I.. 4 I Ui I I I.."" I .. " I - I ,I I ..I I , I... 1...1 I 1- I ..I ",,1 I - I.. 81u , I , I ' I I I I I I I I 1'.2li I 2.2li ,. I .. I 1';"1 , . . CC1DWATm 27.7HU..ZSGPM DAAf.l;CJN 36DFU D~SAN SolDFU Hal"WATER: lh3l4"17GPM BASED CI\l2ODa IPC (COM8INATlON DAAI'II&VENT). *AffiJlEl-Wl. ~.",~'~, U5El-t,<4"CWSBM;:l: U5E4"Sr\t{fAR1 Ordt4 USE 4' So\tfTARY. (MJ4 USEl'HWSERW.::E . ->'TETOFl.OCfl.SI<< PLUMBING FIXTURE SUMMARY ~ ~I=!:a. = ~ I I .. I I ("I.)FUlOA"" ~--.:...-I_I_ @IDI"""'DIW<I'" I n~PJC~~=lJSH),!:ICltil.UIlOPYCtIVoNPFl":9W.lBElf:jfD (8') F<:RTl-EfRSTIt:UI'FRQ.lJH:llIWIl ~I'U'O" I---=-- -I Cf8TfQ\I~wmtTlfleA[:a).-wUsrAlll.EHCJJSlNllROt.l\lDllCCIlMliD ~ aENO.Jr - - - I HEAWCoIBTIDlCXMR I~, I~~. lCf8TfQ\ICI.EANaJTTEEWTHINB"JOlJTlETSPOlJl"~TtftHJED8IWIS ~................., f'U.lQ,WliHSTAN..ES9STEELIlCCESSCOIE/l 1@TI)I~EBm I sw I I'M 1~~~~WITHNTEWLVJaAJMBREN6tBfQQE~ WHTEvmEaJS QiliAROClR~ Fl.lJSK)MfJEftTNI((PflESSUIEASSISTED)1'IPE ElON3ATED8CMl.N:JACOMf'I..MHt, t.$GPF, WlJHCPENfRONfSfAT lESSco.tR, OLSENfTEHli~EQ.WALfNT.l'i.UsK::lMETalTAN<:lIl.CYlNFl.LlISIittM.TE~ECl.W... PRMDETANKccrv'ERLCIQ(S. FUlSHVALVESSt'AU..BE:IIGHTIWI)ORlHTK'HJAS REQURED TOcmRESP(H) 'MT\.j ACCESS FRQ.I WIDE SlOE OF STALL ~Ff Rts-lsu: """E"""" ~~~~n.~~~=-Lfe6-~~=A\t~~Cl..f462. "'" @CD ~~ CFi:ill FlOOR SI<< @:D= @:DI""'" (l I 1 lllA'AltRI' CITDI ~SN< CIm~' c laTIlIPAEP- I@ID~ @ill ~:w {WHI 1 )Irtt..."'m. <TIDI fLNSW I""""'" @ITDpfE\'EN1'al; (So\I1)1~ I@IDI~ I~ .ulCRtM I ID """" .. ~I ~ j ru MANlFICTlIIER/MOIlELNAIlSI 1~-m,.~~TlflEAIB)AtWSTl&EtoJSINQ.ROt.N1)lICXHtJfD ~OliAMfwooa.:_ ...."._~-_.._(~~-_. ~i:D.a~ I 1.Ill3Nd/WOOfl..:<lliI034M IWAOE/~ll1" IZIJlN/~Z.llill>>32 I ZUWol/IMJDEL:fD-WO l.lClSMIfMOOEl.;ao::m.\ IWME/UClOCI.:11Q3 1~/Mooa.:5lIDl IWAOE/MOOEL:tIIDZ IZLRN/MDI:J8.:Z.1400 JC\SoIIIM/MOOB...:511510 IWAOE/MOllEl.;ll:ilIE. I ZlJIN/MOOEl:Z-lue.BP IJClSAM/YOOB..:71lDl W.-a:/KDB.:8eIlXL I ZlIIN/MODa.:Z,I3CQ I N.lsm.1'NEI"J~31C1Wl~ KCH.ER'tII3tLNE'/MOOB.:ia.,v CRNE'B::CHMISEFl'/UOOB.:lHl3Ii -'I=~~~w..t"~..w..... . 1 CAST ROO tr SOJNlE FUXlR ~ rDEEP, YnTH Al.lMNM DOME STWER N<<:INDlaI'lRCWZfHNElTOP. " .. v, 1 ,.~w :::: I ~ I ~ -:-1 1 ,,,, TV' 1 V, 1 I I . AtII.lJTD.\..YNIIflCXJK'/MOOB.:elD1m2 mt.EA'f"IlESfu.wt/,,(I)e.'k~T CfWE'tEWOOl.BlAIN'/MODfi.:4llll2 I AS.00WWl1:I~01l'4.1lt1 CfWE'1-WM'ICH'IMODB..:1411Y WHTEVlll'lEOOSQi~~ WliHc:::cHCf1UDARMSSUPPa'lT 4'CEN1!Rs ;"=~~8Yac.SIH3U;~B!ffi.eFlf'~~;iUNHD SEE lW'6.O FOR LAV SUPPORT DEl..... 15-1: STAN.ESSSTEElHANJSN<. WALLKJtoG, NCUDESA8"GOaiEtti:KSTMa.ESS. 1. fALlCEl'WI1'OOTVALVEPEflDETAL7,ft,O. I: I S '~~fAlUT80~ t: I_FAlUTN8>..... I: 18EE8fl'EI'I.NlfOOEXTERDflmEASENl'EACS'T'C.ftSlZEIHJLOCATDt ~= -+:- 1 InERolcsrATIC,12iP518.2lXM'BIlOHZEIIOO'f.STAlN.ESSSTEELf"IS1UlUtil t""'""""........... - - 1/'Z' 1fZ - - CHECkVAlVESSlZEPEflPPECON<IECTDe. 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I ......-.#- t _~,,-......it+"=lI1 unglll." "fw......-- PLUMBING &CHI!IIUU! IA . .?~~~\ ImUh lD~Y;; - ,,~ot;~ ~ "g~~~:!)fffi ~1ii*!Ai~- ~~ ~"'ZIf"'<D. I< I c( >-fil w~ hi~u~[J <""' ""::Ew~ f!m"'-:l'",!i' 2: Itr I-~o ~....:, .~11:!~~~ ::::.~ o;iottl...J ~R 15~i';~ ~. ~g~ffi~ ~B~::E~a: if: o~~ i2 CONSULTANT;S SE.AJ... A OUI2.ll11 WAT9ltQTER 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 """"""''''''' -- .............. ""'....... """'......,. . """"" T... "- -.- """"" TACO BElL lZSIrllAHSTIlEET ~USo\IlImIti - I i , ; 1 ., '.1 q Q """"" ........ T-50 PLUIIBING SCHEDULES AND NOTES P1.0 PlOTD'.TE: , :::to ~ ~~': :~' ~"~',: ~~e : '~':, ~ '."J_ ~ I'\" 1 11 ~.- ,- '_~_:....____ ___m____~~~L 1/- /_ I I ....~ 1'::' , ~ 1 - , .~-, . I 17 "II' \ \ " 17 ~ ~ -:;,n.tf-@T~IS C.o-- @7--rm--l.-=-_=-_=-=-_=-_=-_=---'-)-- @,.----(~~-)- (TcD--=<i:~>:r----:----:':-_--_, " 1 ~__.1 \__/ ~T / ' , ': ~ ~ I (~",O> :'1-;,' 'r' .. .... ". """'...." ,: --(]I) , , 0>. .:..,.",. ~" \!!!..L!...; I I \!!!..L!...; , ,.,el';c.:, '"~ ;0...:,;:, .t~.----, . , L _ _ ~_ _-1 :1 :un n, "il1rl@~tni .......1 ~j,"Fi'. ]ir 0,~.i: --- LroooooLQ;:7':,.\n._~~--4~it;;~~~r=' .'_~iJi JJi; ,'t:"/: .k '''I'''''.. _ 'i'"I,(~l':.'''bj;,4:ij''' ' (OCI;i'(l~W)..o>:'I') ~"'/":'}"j:~~,~i"rl!!, \:\::.11', IT,i!:,:~, (:";'."'" f ,(:"1" CITI:jr~!kt!1 ~!:.~ '.." '~f~~~~il\w_c~~~,~~~,tlJ L" JYt- ',_,0> i - .@ill'j~',(,." .J -", ~:,: . @ill I ,. ,,_~/ _ ,;,. "'_, ....~..._" . , (2-WA.V) >-'~~-:~~y:;-~~-c~ .. :.H,:'! , <ID l'1frcotfJENSl\TEDRAI\IPI'E~TOr.lOPSII<<.I'Ro.'m"MllW'ASREQlIFlED BY (XJ[)E. F ItiX.a'lED tu.l CONlEN!Io\lE Pf>NJ TO EXTeWfl DRYW8.l. RErEHfIW NIO.alSTCRolSEWEAAStwECTEIlBYTHENJIliOIlfTY~Jl.IIlSDCTOl G.D ~~DIT~~IlI1Oft:TlfiUWAl..lOPG.TOOOTFAlLATFS @ FLOWOONfRllRTll<lGWllHVBIT. @ PI'E~fflCLlPA:PSIoI<:TOFUlORSH('MTHAlRCW>PEROlXJE. @ 4'fllX>>'DIW\IWlTHaw..PIPE. flUoITHUlGHTRJ5SspJCE,' @ =l.FADEROOWN lNWH.I.NtJ~Pl'El.HHI GlQJtt:lOUTSlE 1IlADN31O @ 4'5EC(HIMYDlWN'MTli~PI'E. RUNTtHJlJGli1llUSSSNCE @ 4' SEOON:Wn' DfWN IXIWN "'WAl.L DlSOWD: PI'E ABaIE CNIlPY. :- ~.: , ii._ \,,'Yu .----. " " " . i;"""""""'''''''''''''''' l{'''''NllTEE ""'.""'" C.O 4' SECONlARf """""'" (lYP.fCfi3) 4'fW,ILfADERJ DOWN~_ (IYP.Fa'l3) ,.. NOROCF._.___ "~-~ITTED~IIODl'w-.TEflPl'~. flEFERlOfIOOfl'lNll HJH~1D\IS. 8. REfERTOfllSEflDWlfWolOOSl-HTP5.0fOflALLWASTEAND'4Nr5ll:ES, Co STOftMWATEflPl'NG6S2EDFalANU'Al.LG'4'PEflKJl.R.1DJU5TfIOOfl:lW\l (Rl-1)SlZI:Nt:lSltRIIPlPESlZfSPER1HEux:.AL~Al.L~NtJ8Y' TtEAIJfl()my HAVN>JURlSCCTlCH.I'lPESIWi DISQWIGE ClYEfI DlWE-TIftJ ROIONAYQ.fl8Of1o\S DlRECfB)BYTlE1UIliCR1Yw.~Jl.Il6tCTDl O. INSlLATEALLK>FIZlJNTALfll.t4SOfSTORlADRAlUGEI'If'N3,N!J:NETI-E~OfI EXPOSEDWUH I'ClOSEOCE\..l.ll.HllNSlA.AlX.>NwrTHVN'OA IWII1ER~THoot.T CN.IBfI'A.tmD. E. 4"SEa:Jt.CAR'(0RAIN0lfTlETSIiO.Il.EXJEN01<BEYONOANSH:ll'mLLSEE AACI--IlTEC11.J:IALOAAIMNGM_OFOflNSrAUAl1ON P1O:E0Ul'lE1HJAA.1 fO'lEXolCT lOCATK:lNOfDflAHotJTl.ET. F. ~TElOCA~OFsrawWATEFlPlPHlN!iOJEcaN]WlTHALlTIW)fB PRM)fI TO INSTAUAn:K CI> Ut-llERGROlJN)SHGTNftPIPESlW-lBEHJBCASTIfIOHPl'EfatTtEFRiT10 FaTFRQ,I~DNTOFLOCflSH(fKW1WARD. CD PA'JW)ECCN:lft.5ATCI.J/IEAtCllWoltlMEfftOMK:t:WOIhI:TOKl/f5,PfI:Mlf AIlGH'PERl.OCAl(IXJE. CD PRMlEWASTELWE.S RlOM IlEVEIW.iE LNTlOtD/f5, PAC)ll)EARGN'PER UX". COOE o PfICMOE3I4'C(lPPER~TEFROUCOOlEfIIFREF2Efa'N'l:R'TOflDflAlll PRCMDEO BYVENDOfIlO Ol.JffALLAT fLOOfI SI<< (tEAT RlPE E1SlFPlHl\WH F~CC>>lDENSATE). PPEFROlolAEVERS:OSMOSflS"l'IDEWllOfttXflSN<. CD P\IC ORc::a'I"fRCOOJ:EI6'oTEDwN FROM IN1€; UJflSOHIUF, RUN.ABCM: CEllN3TO U<PSHKPPNGStw.l.SUPE1,...PERFOQT NC:l9W1.Bf:INSl.lATEO WITH ,'CtOSEOCEl.ULNlINSU..ATl:ltlREFERTOllSBllllolGlWolONSl-EETP&.O fa! PPE SlZFS EKmE RJNO= OAAI<4I..N:ST() ...lETQ' ElcrERDJlGREASE lNTERCfPfOfIlHl OVTlETO= INl'ERCEPTOfITO~ATwtTAR't lAAIN9W1.lIESQ-UU.E 40 PYC rNNOfIAS flEClUMElIlIYTHENJHCJIfTYw,WOJLI\6OlCTDt S'VENTUPTl-ACU3HIlOCf'. CD CD CD CD @ PPEWASTE fR(I,t a.cow>AATMENT SN< 10 Fl.OCfl st<<'MTl-l All ON' PER COOE. l'CClfo[)EI$TE DAAH OONN I'Aa.l RJU-1. SEE llETAl. 18 00 DAAWING Pe.ll. l'CONJDI3A'TEDAAHOONNf'fOAfI1lI..O!.SEEOETAL 18Q\1OlWMN]I'e.O. NOT USED IE WASTE a VENT PLAN NOTES I C ROOF DRAIN SCHEMATIC I D N.T.8. , " /~ I WASTB . V~NT PLAN '''''''1'4 I A Date Received: DEe l 1 2009 .KEY.NO'I'ES. -11:;111..... ___....It.:..., F E D /' CONSULTANT'S SEAl tl ..- B L&lR.ll3..lllI RJSlONDRlNK/lAIS 2; 2; 2; 2; 2; 2; 2; 2; . . CClNnW;TDo\lE: """"""'" ....""""" mE........ """"........ xxxxxx T-6D "",.""" """'" TACO BELL 123MA1\18TIti:T AtfYTOMII,L&.1l87l15 . Q F.'~ ......... T-50 - WASTE AND , - VENTPLAN '~ P2.0 'i R PlQTnA'JR J. 'i.:; r'-"":':-';; !i '..,,~.- ( ..,,' , .I ~:"~:;":' " " NOT USED IE ~:;~~"~,c:~c:-'::;[..,~..~.i.t.,~.~,:.-~.;l/,:;..~,~#"".,... ",-.-._- '-~;f€lY-'I"'- ...~'e""':n;, ~': I ;U:', ".L"I'j ::... . - . .----...--...Wl..t.'. ";::;~\:"! .' ,_ ;~~;^;';";':";ci:,;" ,. , CD---.":,,,.., 1 '. "",,' ;.~'.., ; "',:.i j".yy<W . :--FW lB' ~TW~ .~ '- ,.<i- --.,-~ ~~- RnJ.2ONROCF ~ "; L' '", ,.,:,.. ''':'ikC_"~,",,,.~~~ L' .' 0' .:,:-:; b\:':~~r=-~~::e:~-J-=.----=- - ; "'T-l-l' 'lW-:'f'fil!!; .:: . , IN :..-;....;.:~:. --Il-<k ' '>".uJ I: '~;:"tj~:~!~f;f; _.. -.. h :: 'J!ll :'{~~~L(~;,)~ ~~ ' ~ (:~-il ~)'F;r:)' " ""~:'.;ii' ~ (LI':~":~' n.~ I ::.W,;"':;, '! r " rN:~ ,j ~- _.1 ;- _l:~~. r-~ X~};J(i"; ~ , ---. '--'----~j~~~t.w__ WATERSawa:. FORCOHTIt<<.JAro.,sa: ""'-ORA...,. 1------------, , , , , , , : L! !!!Y:!.ONROCF~l-------~ . . .:: ::::;-:.:';:'_,,'~;_':::'-': -.~..._,";.:;,:_.:."_,,,,-,:c. .c-:..';o:';':~',)'~::___...-.:--;.i.:.:J- :-=" ,,'-- ~-~: " ','C:.{ ::::-:':~;;.l~;G -----.. "'."','.'1'0 ' :":-:~'--~J ',cC"c~"'_' f..o , i: ~ - ::-.:. '-' " - -"is:<F'. :'r,- !;-: I"~ _ -::;~-i WAlER& GAS PLAN 1,1i1"l'-{7' I A lb- . ~;;u ~ / -FN;;E.OFSINK NOTE: 112" PIPING $I--W.L BE twm COPPER U"IE. Oft SlWCED STAKESS HOSE. 8OFTCOf'l'ERlStDTN::CePTAIU: W""- ,~ SWEATJ W COMPRESSION ..r.. 1~COI'PER~AlOM M/l(lNGVALVEAW.:NE 1/'l'SWEATW/lt.!"UALEAD.fFrER 1I2'ANGLfsrQp\W.VE l/'l'liAKJalPI'ERLHlOlllNK 1/l'WAU.fmWl I ~:_~~112"9NfATB.BON \ '-- '=--,. ONGLE FOOT PElW. \ --------V4'X'iI'TAf'COOHEKl-EADSCRaY '9 1J2'SWEATW/ll2'w.LEAOWJER ~ FOOT PEDAL DETAIL NU. I D <ID EWEAlJENC'(a.eBSK1r.a=FVAUlElOCAlEDIlELCINCELNl .~' @ M"aalXM'N~WAU.TOEXTIiWfIHOSEal8B. Q..?- GJ:f ~SYRLJ>u.ESTOIlE"III':IWlE OISP9SERSS-284&S-2lI!iIH)FLTEJH] ~ '-.~~~10~::::ass-51'ANlfROZENIE'om>.GEDl!ll'fH3fRua.SH ) @ 1.1,1i1'a.o.slXM'NAl..ClN3WAU.TOTIG08EU.~EOl..IPw.Hl. @ ~~~~~~~.PIIQW:I;FWlH..E(Wl @ AlMClflI't1fRCfLlEt>>lHOJ"WAlBtHEAlER SEeMZ.O. @ lfZ'HJTWATEROCMtllNWAUTOTBRETlti':toWJZER_PflOf0E5HUT<FfVAL~ C!) 112'COlDAKI HOJ"WATERDOtI'N tllK::WAll TOlK:: MC;PSt<< OIJl'SlDEOFWALL fat COtECTDl TO RETlEfD.WRER CD lfZ'ONlXM'NHWAlLTOWATIRctaET~TN<<. @ ~~~~""~'~~~~~~MOIE @ ~~~~.J'~~ol~"=~~K.Il~ ~"WX.A\OlolnEWALL9..IfFKE WATER AND VERFYL.OC'A1DISMIHCNLEMGS. @ ~~:..1wr.::r~~~IiI~~=PflCDJCTrJHLN:.PIlC/II1E GAS PLAN CID l'(W>UPTORTU-1WlTHDlATlEG,~COClC,lI<<It @ lfZ'COlDWATHlTOIFVERSEOOtoOSISft..TERP-3aiANlfiZ"fLlBt ,,0'.-'. ' d qp~WATHllMSOONNHWAU.lOlNATCRt, ~ ~~l~,lERSI:~~~?ALVECH~N!~,-==CE Ive : C!L\3I<tONDaMIIAl.OM3WAlLlOWA1UtfLTERS3iIfJ.)#t5 ; P3 0 @ au'cw toNN iii WALL lOLRtW.FLUSI1VAL\/'E. I . '. . 1'1/:(' , 1...: nOQ KEY NOID I. ml'",,,, , , Original Submittal. A. WATEROISTllBUrONfIIf'IN3lSSHONNABOIEflNSHcaJtG.l.NlERS~ D6~ALL(Me)ATCCltflRI'CTOfI(PI)(J,l. CQOR)t-lATEAU.DET'Cl. II NOROOFP6lETAATJONSPERIoIlTTEDYo1'TI-ttInEROOF'WATERVALlEYS",lU'EJtlO ROOfPI..AHFCfllCCATl:lNS C. REFBlTOSl-fTf'.t.oFORACIJlJ-I.lNl.OCAT1CtIS. D. REfERTOSl-tEETI'5.o~wATERANlGi.sISOMETRCDfWo'KlS. Q) l-1W(WiL/PTOIffiJ.2W1THDATlEG,(WiQXl(.lHC>>t a:> l'GASOOWNTOWATEA HEATERWITH&.SCOCl<,l>>rrlEGAfIlI.HJH. CD lrrTEMPfREDWATfRDONN~WAU.TOI-WibSHK. CD "I-OTAND1'CCl.DWA.lERLIES[)C1M.ITOWo\lERl-EATER. o 'rrI-OTANDCOlDWATERlJE8~H~w.ulOPAePIlI<< C!) lfZ'HJT~OOUlWAlERlflESDDNNHWALLlOTlflEE~a<<. Q) 1I'rCOlDWATERZ-{7'Al'.F.,CClN€CTTOWATERFL'lERI'ORI-OTWA'TBlS'tSlBtl P40. PIOJPJESHJT.a=FYALVEPRIORlOCClNtECTDllOTl-EWATERFLlEfl WA11ER 8< GAS PLAN N011EII C ~~~ , D - CONSUL rANT'S SEAL c o /'; /'; /'; /'; /'; /'; /'; /'; /'; ^ CONJHolCtDllE: 8llUlIN<l"'" ......""""'" ""........ <rolE""""" """"'" ,-so ..... """"" ""'" TACD BElL lZ3MAlHSTREET _USA_ . Q ~ """"- T-50 . ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ....."'''''' .::#"~",,::,::,,,:.,-, ~ co, ~~",e'I .-! ~ (3:'):J f :',""_:c __ 0' __ _. .. ................-. :';;1 ~8'-1'_ ." :',1 :1:: ,I, '.' rmT"'O' 5'-11 tP" ~ }'.: C!II' "'-11' @I,'.'I'.7H:>' ~l ~,s."., @II, ~J =-i"'''''' I ~j @O:; .... . . ~'.!(- " " " " I B>JP. B>JPOEN""" 1Y>'E fLEV^~ """"" ~I EWPMfKf~ I ~ a.ca.lPARBlENTSN(FAU::a ~ F"'O'lS'" iGTI) -"'" CiiTD FlOOR"" EPQ'(Y('.Ql,TEOa.sf1R)N Its f A) PA::PSIN(FNJCET (..J'i"'i .....""'" I &;~ WATERHfATBt ON I WH ,) WA~tDTEJl: . I +Ur....F.F. I , ~ WATffiClOSEfRJJSHVAL~ ON f +2B"A.F.f &oTHK'\H)I(;N'NGRfGtl.NI' I: <BID.. I"".....,. _" ..O~<>."" <1lli5 .......FW."..'" ON H7"AF.F. WNJ.llOLNlED _~ ....V':" ~) .......WArn""" W +16-1/l"A.F.F. WNJ.llOLNlED ~I( ~ \1 ''''-''''' Q.'C."l.,",,-~'\ (:.~.,~ ~ ""'lOR< ro Hll'AF.F. II~~I~ 0':..0 ('/''' CLm lAVA'I(IlYWAlJTElJE w +16-1/Z"Af.F. ~kf ~1 SNlUa>ENFfMA 0" ....f\ ~ """''''"''''' ON +&rA.Fl' 'I~ -'>lJ'>\ "'" ....,"" ro +1B".r..F.F MlOl'lAYO+2"-lI'A.fJ'. 1- .. <>.\?!\o.'<' (SIiJ """"" W -lI'1J'J'. """""'"""'" I. ,I <NO> ) WAm.FU"'''''''''' (ifof> IC.1'l U(P SNKfAlUT CWMW +lID"A.F.F I ~ UTl../TYCHASEFOAMAP.8.ltE .; ~ MCP SN< FH.CET CWMW +42"'....fJ' CLDSErMClPSI<<ON.-Y I ~ HOfWArntS'l'SlEM . . """"'"""""" W +18"AF.f I ;lIl:101t!l:_:", . L ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ I ! ~ " ~ .., ... ,-. ... ."..".............c-.;.... ii. '" ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ . ----=i E """'roN +'iWA.F.F +111'AH: +'JII'A.f.F ~ "'lMILP........ 011 +IM'A.f.F. N..ETTOaQl1TlETFROMfLTet HWIFW CUl 8TIJllATQJl ON +N"M.I'. PLUMBING ROUGH"N SCHEDULE IW ''''''''' I I I hw. tfN +lI'A.ff. G +1l"'A.f.F. G +12'A.f.F. """"'.... ~ L ~ . ~ H ~Hl ~ - "1 ~ ~ : l ~ ~ . , ~~ ~~~ ~ ~; ~ ~ - ~ ~i - ~ ~ ~~ ;, " . . I; i . ~ · J ft" -@ '''0'' :'; . '-, .j~{);-:- ~.~.~~. illY! ; ;..v'~c ."". !!'<~ !t:'::~:" .1: 'k~ ... '~,-' ,:0 o HOTWAl1:R . ca.DWAltR ~ lBN'EREDWAlER . "" @ FlOOR ow.w I8J FlOORSN( iii Hl.80FlMt . WASTEOUI1.ET 41 fUJalClUHOUJ o WNJ. <llN<OUl o FLTEREDWAl6l <> VENTLPFRJMLtlDERSUB WATBllH'1HIlJflDal D 1 .~, ~ F ! ; ~ ,. ~ ~ Id~J~.7 ~J""I !;l!io' 8C)C~W I~ <"'~~, 1~!~8 . ~~ ;;~ ~<i"'B erO' ~ ~ ~f2i1' ~ ~ ~~ . ~~~8 I'" ~gD ~. g;~g~~ i'i~Il'~ "",02 Q-z<!:l . ~8~~ f#I ~~~~~ I ~ ~ ~ .c<, ...,.,-":":~': """"'.... , ~ ~ r::---= 7'...,.~ ~ D 11 J . '"' ,0: :.1,..<:.'+.- :;:e':(;;' .i' .....:i;. "~:' .j:" .'.~ .'.~ ..~ '~'::;.':.~,:-.;t--.'..?.".:,..--_..- 'I:" " Fe 1 8 -4 CONSlILTANT'S SE)\L [>J' 12'-21 LAI 1 lWCI 1) '. . ----'--------....L..- ...----- ---.". Ii , " I , I I .1 ~ l''"';.~ ---~ II ,.,..CW..... j~LII.JIF8I') ~ -t.~ -t~ ::': ' , 8 Aauo.18 RJEIONMNC/MMlI 7::, Zi 7::, 7::, - 7::, 7::, 7::, ~ :i,. 'j-' :," "!'SII'S'!) c ~ II ~ '1' , - orji.... , - ","""C",,'" 8UIl.DINGTrfE: "^"""""" 611E"-""'" sro<E ........ lOUOUCC ...i1 """"" """" I PLUMBING ROUGH.... PLAN '"~"... I A 1. AU. DloleacHS 10 FLOOl SHI'3. RDOFl 0fWNS1H) If..B OAAM HIE TDcefiBt "'RXTtRE. 2. ITI!ITl-ERE8PONSSUlYCf'Tl-Ecarn>..tCTOATOCOClFIlIW'EHDATAa.nE I..OCII.TXlNOf ALL PlUMBlH3 RO\..IGH-INSYofIHtFalW.~PflCMJEDa.TI-E NlCHTECTUIAl..AK)SlRLCIUPAL~ANlTtEEClIPMENfICfUtU.Y . SlFPLI'D ANDTOC(H'IRM TI-E CCRRECT1E8S Cf' Nlf tlUENSONS N>lCAlED """'" TACO BELL 123l.WNSTIlEET """""'........ Q -.lR&A ........ T-50 CHU.fDIFL1EIEl. Date Received: 1 PLUMBING ROUGH-IN , , PLAN DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal -P4.0 SYMBOL LEGlEND Ie I B PWT...11O '. PLUMBING ROUGH.... NOTES GAB OBoW4l9Ctt3lU.f An" ""'" ....., SNli""'" RE!lERll.OUZEIl "'H'" H""" 1I1lUI<Hl 110O'H llOaH TOtAl. elIIl.llCftt..M8.900 """" B'" NO'" CCIOflDW."TE <WI cawr> REQUIEMENI'I WlfH8ITE.al'EaFlCRJUDE8I3N. PflESIZI:BASEDONIllI'OfPI'E1KJ7' WG - - , WASTIl AND VENT ISOIIEl1llC pu.s. 1 . ;:" I'ITI"lII'nl=lll.IJIIJI'NTAt,Wl1t.F.%... /:; <iiii>.WATERFLlEA ;:" 6- R..TEREDlINEl'COlDWATm ;:" <Hi!>-ICE~.A8CNESEI.t-tEFlVEElE\'BWEDI3PEN(;ER. 6- @!)-ICEMAKBl.NJOIEDfWE.TlflUBE\'EJW3EIJSfIEt&R. 6- ~-DANE-lKlUBE\IaWiE 0I5F'ENSEIl. ;:" ~-SEJ.f.SERVEBEVBW3E06l'EN5iER. ;:" ~. CElTEABAEWEA ~-Flt;.lZEHBE'l/EMGECIlf'EN:iEft . OCHTIWlTM1E: ",-",xx 1lW>NO_ ,... . FLTtAEDWA.TEfl8UPPUED1N.8YfILI'8UNl:U..flefCRT011,f18jl,SEE PINl""",, 8lXlPEOF'M;R(F~fIESf'Ct6I'lUJES. .......... "".lOX """'....... .... FILTERED WATER _EI1IIC N.T.S. Z ~ , " ""'" > ;1>- '- <1"- "'lW" ;; /' , , ~ I "' , I , C!Ib 8/4.OIIJ ~ ~ ,,,.... /1f~HIV <::<1" =f~ /'P'OIJ @ill . ... ~ .... Q:TI) -CITD , 8'VIR ;:~- " V8'V , , we , ~ ~.. "---' @ill) "'-1P'tt.v BO , ~~ ....} <corn --- CITD WATER ISOME'I1UC Nn. I 4 GASME1'&ISYLOCALIJTI1IY. ,. )f~ .~/~: .~ . " ,,,.. '-. B 1'1""~ 1.1R" 11/4' /"'" DRTlEQ(rYPCALJ..69 ~~A~&\&V-<$':r;:;~\ \..30'4' (110a'HlOTAI.)~ Cl"er'\t:P 0...<<9 ~ ......~&'"~ (110c:s+t""'~ ~J:),\b C. "" Got.SSIUT-OffVNllEI\ICB..N3SAACED'fG.C. PACMDESIUT-OFF'IAl.lJEOOTSDCOFWAllf(IR _.. .,0..,.,_. TOlD - ~ @i![D (1fiOa'li Q) CD CD CD CD CD @ @ " ENTIVO RJN OF lllW\l1JES ON HETTOGfEASE TIW" StW...l BE saEDl.LE 40 ~ OR NO I-I.B CAST RON N; REQIJRED BY COOE. 1trlEUPEREDWATal:DCJMII\lWAI..L TO~8U<</lAVAlORV. ltrt<<:lT ~COlDWATER l..HES DONN 1\1 WAll. TOPREPSN(ANl 1trCXl..DWATER TOWA.TERFl..TBlFCRHOTWATERSYST'Bol~ 1lf;RL4C1STAlICMIXINC;VAl.VE. IAEl"EIlAN>REDl.aOPRESst.AE ~PREVENTEA. ~GASSHJJ-OFFVAL.VESHAlLBEAIo1ECtW<<:H.LY~TED'IAl.lJE M:rPJATEDBYTHEEXHAUSTHXlDFAESlII'PAESSDNS't'STIMIN~ WlTHBCN<<lN'PA. CD ~~:~~TED~~J:BABEAPECCWPEC1lJN. CID ~~~Z~~cs=.o:i:~~~~WA1Bl CCNECTDNTOfLlER. (jj) @ 1P' Fl..TEREO WATEfl fROM AEVEASE 00td0SlS fl.TER DOWN 1\1 UTlUTY DW>E i;F 0R1 PKlOlJCTD\IlINE. PROJIlE lHIT.aF 'IALVEON FW PPe 1\1 CEUGfrENl ."""'''"'''' TEE OFf Ml'!..tE FIIJU l1WEnRJ 8EVaWJE DtSPENSER FLTEJEI WA1EA stFPlY. "'''''....,.... i Date Received: , I i DEe 2 1 2009 @ili) "..""'~ CD 0, IS'EID ~ (lIIlUHl'l1 .DlfTlEG~ CD CD lq HOT 1M) COLDWATEA UNfS()()IMoII\lWAlL TOa~SN(. Pl'ET&PREUEFVAl.VETOCIJTSI)EOFe~~TOH.J8MAlN. RlNFlt.LSIZE Pf'EFROt.lVAlVEWITJ-lTYPE'tC'CQPfERT1.IlNl GAS ISOMETRIC N-'B I. original submittal KnNOTQ CONSULTANT'S SfAJ. TACOBEIJ.. 1l'3YAlNSTJIEET Nff'n:MW.l.Ji04ll8706 . 9 ~i:l:: ~tal.lJ. T-50 RISER DIAGRAMS P5.0 3 PUrr""" .~ IJ~==~=4~~~_, ~ f); L__Ilp@~, ~L ~J;Z.qJ'-7.~1 i. :' ~~~:~ I I ...LCI...,:"_ 10.8WoLLBElNJTH..L.EDOFLTEl'I:a.1TW. I I _ ""-"" . -1 _ &CKFLOWPRE\/EHTER9FORFLTBl : ':;U-' - - j 11.ASSEMIll..Y_PR'Wfi'n , ' ~ t~RR ~ _ _ ~~- i I ""","'roo'aF.""'"""",, L t SVSTEMSWHCHSHAREACCJ,lWONFtOCfl : ~~~ CQ:2--../ WATERFLTER SlNKwrTHn-EO(fMN\,1CESYSml L EJCJCJ := : ~"1lU'If"'OU'If"~ lll}l00PSl LRRR '"F ~ 5K1T-cFfVN.VE(m') ~ """"""'" '+L=:~ -- @ID clCONNECnONlO_~ -".; F\l..L8IZE'lENT11Uil'MC;. . ATU "'........,/ ,,/' EaJl",EHTD,IB , /:t?m' /f'~ """,""""""'lE""""" ~. k ~~OOHa~ ~/~.r: ...~Z'~=CI'MCP ~' ,: . :~~~_""'<N> ... I 1-.) i: "'0,: ~ 'R ' "-.... R&ICw,e.En<<ADEDCN'FOA '........{ cu:Nf..OUT.WNJl:ftClY.t4NJ ',--- SEEWASTEf\Ml1'Cll Clt'NlEfC3ATEUJEBaOlVftOCF lIr1EUl'UlEOWAlBtlO ....,AlaII'll QtiJ(VN..VE(m') i i lfZ'lH ~'-------+--1nlESTIC0lW .+.~ , ,.-----.- oa.tESrcHIV r- ~" TEIIPERING VALVE In ~~ <:aa1<lBl ~\ ~I ;r-@ /1 I RTU CONDENSATE ~'A H.TS ~ "REMOTE ... ~~ ~I . J L_'\' I I COli COli IrLZl leJ CD I 1 " 1 jji ~ 'll~ ~ ",.---ff> :l~ "'-" ,jf1! ~ "'~~Ij '"oos'^ ::"""\' I ~d' bj (1) <D <DI' CjjJ' ~ I 0'"'' , "'~')I:'I.'.I.';:."i"'=- ~1_i .,~ I . r--i,II~-------<21 ~ i. I" I 11.:;1'i..-<O)~ I !~!V~ I' ~ ~ i! I~ i : ~TCft !~'~! .-: ~~~-l~ ll~ "''''''''"'--.. """" --.. -\L.J yy~VV """" [ =-~u @ . !,I " fl, ~1OO II - '- /n ...... FLOOR "" DRIVE 1HRU BACK ROO!!, OPENlNQIolWAU.FOAc.a<<1RlXJil DIlll<<ORM4lflE. SEEl9/M.4 BAGNlJO{fW:;l( pINING ROOM ~ C!)WCa2LltE CD =~~ ""~ @Bl.N)lED1\..8NiCE..... I'ENETAAlOt. SfEOET.....1MGA CD STMUS8awlE Sl.FIfA(;l:t.OJNTEDAUtI CElUNG TO Ta> (F CE """- (!)PIWO-&ETctI2N:Gt.lATCIl CD~~~~CflN( SYSTEM Bl..KlL.EOTU:lN3 S'l'SfElr.t SfEOTLls,wJA CD WSHUTOfFVN-WB ...."""" @ DIWtSY9TEM IlUIO.fO Tl8N3. SEE OETAL "'''0 @ llNFUERED WATmLItE - ICE TEA. l'AumsTA&ORNl: "-'<H06 (DlW'SYII.PLtES 0'12Xs.exs,e.... ,. 'i ~ ~'r-u---~ ( FLlEFEO=~ \ L= tr---------1 I I ! j :! [aII1'''i::vs::::. (i)Ci)(iJ 1" mOFFFROMQIT I! Soe"FLlUlED ~ _ OfW(Dl3f'EKSER ~ ! WAlERIJE---rr- fL~~~~ : ~---- _____________'_n_.: I m<>FF~M__A-T;i_'~~,i~:JJ _FLlEROOWA,," i ~~~ 1 l u_ ___ um_~~_~ _ _u _. __1_ ~~~_:__ J i '. sa::11Jf'l1.DFCftf'l..1Jo1BN3 CONNECTIONS OF AlJOOJ:JtW.. EQJAoIENTTOFlLTEJlS'tSlEW. -.-.-.-.-.--- CXl2LNE -------------'I"itBlLtli ~,_._---_._------,~._._._._---------_._---_. - ------.-, ----- .-.-.-..... FRO DRINK" _"", J DETAIL ~'A ~1""'''11Ht'UI'U-lr.'''"''' ~UlEunU1YCIWlE CtEBlEle-lER ~L ....... """"3 Z:.:.': ~w z "'" - ~ ~-~ .....- -- """",,. 'PAlOATO ........ SlOAAGE ~ ~ TANK ~ l' """.... ''''''''''''' ",x,""''' ~- 113 REVERSE OSIIOSIS SYSTEM N.TA ~y~y~~~~~vvvv """'--.... GfNFRAI NnTFl'l' 1, CWEfW.LfLTERDCWENSIJNS: 21"WDEx 12"DEEPlI4a lJ2'HDt 2. SEEOETM.scoPEOfwa:tKfOASCXlPE DEFINITl:HS. S. RCJ.JGI.ItSSl-W..LSEPflCMDEDB'I'lJoE """"""'" " INSTAl.lATlJNMUSTcaAPLY'MTI-lNff STAl'EOFII.OCAl-F'U..UBINl<UJES. ." CEl..N3~ I. TliEFLTEA~m::PRaI'ICl8)AGANST FIE2N>. II. USEOtUTEFl.CJ,1(HGli-UJW TEMl'EAAnJRE)TN'ETOSEAL nRMID PNlTS:N:)PI'EDCFE. 1. OOr<<:rrNSTALl'MiERELH~ EXCEEDS 12tiPSlORM&lE TEUPEI"-TUfEE)lCEED81Ql1F. NCJfENSTALl~WATER.AN)ORAlllt.l ~'M1HALl.LOCAL.STATf&FeDEfW. """" EaJf'MENTRATNl E025OD6PEtl:)Hl-115V,3.5A101J'5 EIXlOJOI$FEN$EA.116\'.4.DAMPS CNlaOW.TtlR."W.OJHz,1DAW'S BOOSTERASSBitBLY -11W.IlOHz.O.liHol"S @Ml'LJt.EFOR PfESSl..IllZEfUEfH) WAmO @ELECTRIC'AlFOAIJRH(. SYSTEM. SEf9EETE3.D DRINK SYSTBII SCHIillA11C ~u I """"""''''' ......."""'" ltoCWIXS11 ue 118 SYRUP BUNDLE CONFlGURADON N.TS. SEE l1lP8.ofORf'Ll..USNJ ( i CONNECTOIS OF HDTIJtW. ( I EQJPMEHrTOALTfftSVSTal. 1 r~-=~=::=-I-DRYPRoDlNm)N-LNE~~J i I I I i I ~ I , I . I 1 0 1 L. ~ ._~_~__~__J ~ SBl.tlHH:JTWA.1EA _It+-lJhl:PQ.Y FL.... ----SUTUTY. TalETflCO.4S/OBEJW.KlTCl-ENf:X1DI r.-------(j)--------------------:s~8CW(O,OO~~;;_--~l ~Is WAlHt ~PA:PlH:lI <m.>1 i ""'''" -s~ ~I : ~ , I -S""""."""""'I<IIO<N 1 ".", , L .~~_____. .___n_____.._J V """""Illfml& -9>= ,,,,*- . ~ .f'OINTOF~~._"""~_ \f'EPSt ~ @ D~PAHTOHJBORAlN. ~ :=::::~iTER F1L;;:'ON~H~~';"''Z'''1 . ~ @.f'~~~OCF~~,.;:=__I-:: ~t'- I-~-~ ! ...."'.-fL.I......._.. - \ I -~_. 2~~:i -" Ib;-L ,. I 19 + ~=wTtflUUlN( ~~-8Ef'NEDAN<: ~~TOAl ~CWIONATOA2 ~lCEOlEAlRYl(R -l'll""""""""" """'""" i <IB>' 1 ~: 1 00>>1 00>> @ID @ID <fllO> OTY UOCEl , I 0fSCRPTI0N 1 El'l11lJT1Ill1E1NIBY<<:HDHB'I'lOIENCV~WATCIt.......T&I 1 MFK1 IMANlFOlDKJT" 1 0ET12 IEXPANSK:HTN<< 1 tw.. H.ARUlJ3HTW/lNSTAUA1DtNJTJlI.ICTJ:NI 1 PK10ll STAN:! "TI-\E OUOWlNGIS INCLUllEDt.lll-EWM'QDKJT: OT'l' OESCRlP1lOt1I 1 ~.. ""^"""........... 1 a/4'BLKl.t<<>>oI 1 3f4'BlJ(TEE 1 1II4'BLKCN' 8 :iV4'x21I2'BLKNPf'lE , &'4"x4B1J(NfI'l.E 1 lII4"TRlIWLVALVE 2 1112'fXLN::t.I e 1112'CXCllO 1 11f2'CXClEE .2 11~IW..LV,AL\'ElCXC 1 11~CHECKYAL.VESCXC 1 11/Z'GAl.YSTiO 1 11(l'CXSTiO , H"f.507112'P-TfW" I ~ ~'(~~X1I2'TEElX1'PER )~ ~~FITTN3ADN>1Bl i): rl2'~TREETIIll' ~ ) 1 llZ'Plt'CIlll"EIJl(JN ! 111 WATER HBATED SCHBDULE N.T.S. 'I - Ir!r\,--._~"""- '1 ~\_.>::--:>., 'Iv === KLTIkWlKBOLTICI'IEO.W.. r--FINl8HRDOR 112 LAVATORY SUPPORT N.T.S Da~e Re~: ~iv.6.p WATER FILTER ..,,,....... N.TA J 4 ;urrLW'E: \:lEe Z 1 20u:l ~~~" ~ eii~ ~ -!~ TI-~ ~-J-- M~ ~ I~~ /1'1I~~ I @~ ~ 1 I~~~ Il;IkO .. ,tfliIr i!C- ~ .---<D CD F'UlEMlJROOF.SEEDETAL2WAe.o G) WATBlHEATEA",,^TfOfIlII"lt'J\/'I)fOBY'WJt.WIU'.-cnftJl c:!) FNlSf.C)FUlOll CD n-etMLEXPANSlChTANKIn'WATT8-EPUJMBH3scteU.E.8TlW"NC) """"'w_ CD SCHDlLE 4ll P\'C, MNMlZETlRNSNtJ TfW<<il'l'Dti. C!). aMCOCKVALYEMTHFLUSlZE DflTu:Q CDll.'I'llfWNwnHVAl\l1O&CI\P CD ~"l1CIIlTEYI"EAA.TUFlENC)PRE8SI.RERELEFI'SlLOC.t.Lcooe C!) RlMTIf'DBll'WGi.fI..l.J.:SlZETOKJIlDfNl @ WOEEPl-EATlRAP GD ARM"MEVUINl"ERWoLNSECTsa&NPftOIDEDBYI.FR. @ Sl..I'fIOATIo9II'PlPERLH;EVBlYfN:/~YIKle.mf" HCAl2OlTAI.1Y. ,CJj) OlIrlETTHERMOMETiItPfOtl)EDB't'Ml'fl i.DG'olEWlTHNll1"a:W.H.a.ntET. QI;:IltibIT...."...'PQlllielal.il.ifllill1WlllfDSlDriWH.Wl ALlWORKTlCIDETAIlPEADETAUle,11612.Pll.O FL1EAlflEF1SU'l"LES ~mruBEBYPB'Sl Fl.1EA~F2SlR>l.ES RlN:lIFDTlJ8Fl'IYPFPSl 1. OlUIEll-lFlJOFlll<<STAlD4 2. !lEU' SEJNE 0fHt STAlDI 1. a: r.w:HtQ I WB2-M3-22-003 WA~ BOO!lT.,1CI0LJIAARI.T1'Io\lION M&lA8r1JIEY CD-----..... ~~~ I ~ I' "II - IGLw 17 KEYNOIE3: CD llI4iCOl.DWAT1:ftIN.ETTO~ca>PERLMNC)FIl1Nl8ATfl.l61 Q:) llI4'aJn.ET WI HTElJW. 8o'CIQ=lCNI f'REVENTER. EaW.. TOWAlT8 REGllATCI'I co. SERES llll7 AND SEJM::E IW..L VAL~ gfN'1W toTES. 1. o.1OI'W.LDI/IENSICHSl?1"WllExl~OEEPx4ll112'l-Qi ~ SEESCOPEOfWORKFORAOC.Il1DtW.Na'lUATDl .. INSTAU.ATDNw.mCOW'lYWTHSTAlEOFII..OCALP\..LMBIG ""'" 4. 11-ElNTIoIUSTBEI'ftCHECTEDAGfoIttiTRl~ G. USEOtUTEFLCJi(l<<3H.lCWTEMPEAA11.I'E)TAPE1'OS(AL ~PAImI:NOPlPEOClPE t. OONOTNSTAU.'IMEflELl\EPflESSLftEEXCEEDSl2$f'8ICI'I wtfilE lEMPERAlUfEEXCEEDS1CX1F. T. SEESHT.A2DFall<X:ATOt 18 Orltjlii@! $ubmlttal I~~gh lI!~i~ " !';&lhl ",O:Ji:~~fil' ~ ~ cs tii b-~I~~ Z Om<wi4" . t:~ ~U)o '" ~J;~ : ~~o: ~~I~ ,,~a;~ !f~lt~-. ~i~8 ~,\"'J~"~'= ~~I' ~z:I: z~. 00 w 1a:~F.!;l @'~f>i~!?~~ riR:tQ1SOO wg~ffirn , 1=00%a: _O~B~~g )# o~~ :If:: CONSULTANTS SFAI I 2 Ji,....... ^ 21 L', i\ ^ 21 II 21 fUSlONDRttt,ws OCNTIW:TDATE; """"""'" "^""""'" ""'....... ..... ......,. """"'" ,.., ""."" ""'" TACO BELL 123WAlNSTREET -...- Q ""!Zi:tC11: ~ l-50 PLUMBING DETAILS t, , NOT UllED I. -"...---p------~--- /1- ,~,:nn .... , , , \:-\....8.12:1. CD 1-- ~ s; b. & ., ~..." I 8-2& 1 cuf-4/ , 1. \ I , , :J A /_---- C _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ - - - __ NOT USED IE - ---t( -------l!J A ACf - , ---- I , , I , I =] ----- ===== -- '- I ::::J A~ I /-M I // I I: _____=.J .~~-_. ---- NOT USED ID NOT USED Ie @ NORTH SITE ELECTRICAL PLAN ,~..... , A CD CD CD CD CD 1Il4'C _2"10. .tOGAO (tYP. FalENTIIEClFClJl'~ -=---- lo1ENJ ElCWU). RlOFERTODeTAUl2t'C1.o, 1Q.C1.o. 12fC1.' NC)1&a1J1 """'''''' U~ERQAO.N)E1..ECTHC SEIlII'a"TOIJT-.nYCQ. TAANSRJl,(ER ~ TOaIIIlSHEE1SFORLoc.\TI)N~IkllJlt.lG.VBII'YNomCXXJUlNo\TE AJ.LREtJUREJ/.ENTStWmIJTlJT'(OO, CD ~~~~~~~~ WlTHUTIU1YCll CD PfalEWIlONIO.~ (!) ORIER~TONIlOIIAn'SfEM(BlI"OSf. (I) lLUUNA.TEDCl.ENWaBAA.FEFERroDETAlLS141Cl.l~1E.11 KEY NOTES' Illlfilg~15 i!iIUi,' ~ 8~a;~b~'" . <i'll~' ~'''' ~-' 10+. 1il0l ~~ - ~iS C"'~im ~~ ii~ . ~ "'~ wi> Il..~ ; f/.l ~1"~~~6~ ~~1K~p"'~ !ii~~a:jgE~ I=>"".',,~ung w juJU~2Cl 1--0WlU ,,~-~O:ra: '" -:>f! / C ~ ~ CONSULTANT'S SEAL 6. 6. 6. 6. 6. ?::, 6. 6. 6. . cc:wnw:r~TE: ........"'" 1'Wl""""'" """"""" """'.....,. """"'" ". """" """"" TACO BELL 123IoWNSlHEET """""'''''''''''' . Q ~ """'" T-50 SITE ELECTRICAL PLAN Oat:l R,EiI\B-,O I PlDTDME: B . [EC-2 1 2009 Orlg!nal S~!Qmittal NATIONAL. ~OUNTS: SWfTCHGEAR INSTALLSTANO.ARD PIO<NlE. SlPPlY and t.lSTAU..NClN-ST~COMPClNENTS. CORPORAlE DEVEI...(AoENT FRtoNCHI5E DEVEl..(:Al8lT YLIiI 9'1lI'TBl (XlfPCfY.TE f'tI\KN'LNlCOJ<< Al>>tiMENT 19 WITl1 QElII'flD Cb"*IrGE~fOAlH:Sl.I'PlYNDD611mlJrrJNa:~ 8'M1'QUAR EClIPUEHT ~ camr.Nr 0E\/8..0fIMENf CN..Y . FIWOtSEfSSI-O..UI J<)TOOTAI\IS'NTCl-IlENl ffiOlolGElCPROIIEColrU:iE nt:UfPCJQfEEWEKTS~TOPItJTECT.-.. ._...-..:..:.oJoW/ffDr 8EENOOWPl.ETED"'f~~os:aq. YUIIllMrIBilI'lWOCll:SUPPlYQfB..fCTfll::olL.IIWITCtmNtea..AilENTB ~MX:l,ISBIY._ Tl-END.liERV'swrrQ-lGENllSmBEPlll'Cl-WlEOllR>l.Di~ YWS'l'STEMtISTl'\IIlIIJ1J.nt:GEHEWrlL00NTJWmJfII8FE91'ONS1ll.E fCfl ttiTALlATl)Ha'Tlt: SYSTEMSOEsamID NMPlNG. flWOd'ES SHOU..D lDNfACT TH8R H'PRCMDYLIiI SY8TBr.l 061R1JUTCfI FCA AI'II(l': QlI)1E AN) ABU CI' MAlB'lW.. OON'mlATo.l fClln-EltSPEQACPRQ,tECT. SEEniEswrr01GEMSECTJ(I\II\lnt: llOClPl:OI'WOfIl(fOft.-.oorlD'W-N"aM\TDt lI,lf"C-l#M1WBCNiro ~ ~B<<:A9fD 1N9TAU.12lWOBV.QW4WADIA. REBARPERN.E.c.NfIU.E Cl.IlfEHTlRAHSRJPI.lER(CT}CNlI ==_ ~ ~~-~ J=!~'_="""~QJ' ~,"_-'-_ _~"'i:.~~~-l~ ~_,." .~J'. ,-1' \ --- ....,... I ~ !I ,) i IliO'\L',,",~~T'''"'__'''''' A~~' Y' II. l~ I ,. ~,. /'-V~~5' I~ 'if '. I ~~~~TO - L.:_-.!: ---~ ---~ -. ~-_.!: --;}!j ~. ___.-J L ~ . I H.E.C. ARrCtJ: 2SO.52lN (II ~~R ,- :::'f.'=':....~,. .~g -~ ..~~ A~~ &~ '~ . ~~ ~a~ !a !a~la ~ ~ o cJ' ~~i r~\<~ b~ ~ .,.,. =..-. ~ ~~ ~~~~+. \1l __~ <D.","--CJ~ ft,et.~~ +~ I I Lr;;;;~~ ~~~~, . '''''' l;{lU;-=~ . t,CJ~~~ ~~ t:g.~ iiiil ~-==~ . 8'AV ~ ~~ ~. ~~_....._."-~ ~ -~: ~~~:. ~~~,~ NOTE..........'"""".............. . . """" r' '-...::."'~ ....\.~ ~"h..fO . IBRVICB BNnu:..CB BQUIPIIBNT BLBYAnON .IIA&T COAST PIII:IlAI/l.{ I B 1 O~ . ~ _ :_ ' ""\ ,.- A.'ri" T 1,~ BElj.,LLmEQ8fJmlRADlGBE1WEENCKTBAEAK6\8l.OCAlEDATllEOBTJlIllIJu. II~I "'FUDWaNt"""". .NL ODIT""'. . ~'-'--"=~g;~~~.~~l::~F~~~~~~ ~ (iI) CElLNJUCUNTE08I'EAIlBl IU fUSEO*_~4 .....~'; ;Ii ~ 1 TlEIiF2'-1O'SIX,SWlTCHLWQWlJt,IIU.Esw.LLN1PlYATllEI'ONTATWHCHTlt:SERW:EENJCRi I~~ . ZUFUJORESCENrRCJ1,l'l;: ~ WALLMOlMEDIlI'EMER h .., ~ ......~ TlEBlJI;pHl1ASDEFNED8YN'P....70(ClIHHTEOODllifORCEATTlISSITE). NJTFYENJIEER I' . II :="""" : ~"":D~,," ~ ~~~' &~..~~~~~~~~~~ ... TB..EI'IDEa.Jll.ET mI ~~ A UTUJYOCA/IPNltI'WJllOSl:SASER'v'lCEOFfEFENTFROMnv..TlUI31RAlEDCCMlCTniE lX4FlJ.JCll'lE&H<<RICflH: ~ '~..:" CCtaTlLICTlONENGltoftRFOOADEClSlONBEFOREPRJCEEDtIl <XDIOIN,O.TEAVAI.AIll.ESIOtT lMI'HMmRYl'Ila ': =~= ~V NTWN.J.~ ~ ~ ~Cl.JRNTWJLOCALUTl.ITY/tHDPACNl)fClFClJl'BFlfNlalSW/Ill..FFr;ENrINT'6fl.PTNJ ==LDiffKT\R : ==~ama ~(!j ~~~A~ ~~ ~ =~~~~~~=~~~LOIX~ $ ~POC..E. ~ Nl)NiTH.J.ATDt tEWWETERB't'lOCAluanvCDli'IHf OOERDRWALLsa:ta O~ ~~~TT=:.~~rMtTaED S ~ ~ ~ ..........._r...... .,u.......''"''. a. ALLWllHBSHCIl'WHstWJ..IlEc:a>f'fR1YPI:"Jlt-toI(flfMfEllCB'TfEEDfRSfftOMUTI.l1Y :-:.::==- r ==::::::'.A~A.4!f;j -.---.- . COOLLRmTUE : ==~<JUH) ~ V "'~ A' V~- o CElUNDBFE"""-"""'EwnET <t!f.~~ '''''''' 8LG-EYEEMEFat<<::v'Rm.H::{W"LUo..'~ G:E!J ~=-NifsaED. -", , , :::.::: ; ::==omcw' . 4~~=:::: I.u DUCTMOlMTEDSUacEDETECTCA ~ SEQ.RTYS1h:flE (2J (X)lft:CTIONTOEQ.IPMENf WPO YiVlnERPft(X)FGIOlHlfH.1.T l.I'aJITHSNiIEEWENT, nE. y_ ,...., _,,,,,'.ISAESPONSELE~ ~NllJ NSTAllAlJONOFTHEsYSTfwS DESCfEED tlllEPlNa ALLCQ,IpNftPllWEcrsMl.lSTc.ou.~NA.TDW.AOOOlMT OEPNmlENT f()R ^ PRG:: Q.JOfE He) A IllI.L OF ~TEfVi. CCH'RiWD\I fatltEfl5f'EQFK;PftWtcT. SEElHESMT~~NTHE sca'E OF WORKFOA AOOfIDW.~ I'IIMARY COfl.-cr: 8l.mY IlCDQNEG PlOE~ em707-ma fN(:~lllll..Q3!i1 EWIIl:!!. 1'PDWl'I'(;;(NTICT:t.ll<El.II<OSI'II fIt<<lN::tl3DI7111-lB!8 FM:t53O)11&<<iG7 fWII..;~,,_,,-,,-,,_,--,-,-- "". TWE ACCUSERY SWlTCHGEAA PACIUIBi CClNSISnIOF SERW:E ENIlW<<ll; &WlTCHGEAR, IiWN PAMELa. llUB PAN:I..8, UOH1NJ COOTACTORBN\lD ALLASSCIClMEO PRlJDUCTB TO ClJMIll.AiIENT 'f1oIIi """"""""'''''''''' THE GEXPRO 5'MTCHGEAR PACIWlE CONSlS'nI OF SEJMCE BnRANCE.fiWI'TCHC!,EAR, IlWNPAHEL8,SUBIWELS, N<<)l.JQtfDG CONTACTORB. osxPRO IS ALSO ABLE TO 6U'F'l.Y ...RJlL....... OF , GellPRONIO NOH-OE)GlftQ PROOUCT8 10 COMPl.MENT THI: ............""""'" BE PAfPNlEDATTaEOFCfUlEROR Ql..OTE REQl.ESTTOPRCJ/IlEALL PRO.ECT DETAILS AEGNIDIN1 SfEalCATICHS NID Ql.WiTTT1ESNJ 6lTE SPECFlC DESlGH YAY NOT MAJQ-I PROroJYIIlCAL 0ESDi """""" SEIMCE """- BfllOO....,,1~,I",4W. NCffEll-ESITE-AIlN'TCClNSlLTAHfISRESPCHSIIlLERlR. , ll-ESIIE-sPECFICS"IofTCH3EAR~fAL1.SYof1'HHAN FAlllFRNAR"'-Q1ORAWFKTFRNRffiDN JUlIS1)I;I'klN. " BE PREPARED AT11WE OF CflOER OR QlXITE REQLESfTO PACM:lE AlL I'A(l"ECTDETMSREON1l:IN)...."'__.,.........N.:lQlWf11TeI\S9'TE SPEOFlC~MAYNOTlIIATCH~DE5IGN. NOTt:TlESIJ'E.AlW>TCClNSlLTAHfISRESPCNSlBLEI'OR. _,_' Tl-ESlTE-SPECFCSY<<TCKJEAA~FAU..Swrn--.AN EASTERNRmDlORA~REOD\l.lURlllDCfDt I' .-.-, 'I 0 . Gl , '-' -X- ", 19 Cj> .....--. - .' ~ ! ~ K:!I "..F /' IllHlIHlll / I liNGLE UNB _RAIl' CD WftE 8CtAJEI)GAJl..N)TOlSOLAlEDCJUHl BlS 1NPN\El...~ LAN) ISOl.AlEDlHJ.N)TOIlINI.E POIfT(H)l.K). WNOTlXlM8H: ~(lN)lOl9aAlB)lHlKI'. CD 4 Bla.DHG w.H CISCX>>N:CT FOR ntS SEfM:E: (IoWCIWlJMllw.NSA:RN.E.q LABB.EJCHWotolBfE.'lrialNJNlIQIoTED: "UAIN1 OF if~LETTERSlllWtot 'IAAtl2CFif 'IAAtlSCfif 'MQl.a'4' CD CD CD E<JJI>MEHfCA8lNETISFLftCltEDWTHOlW.LH. 1'ftCM)fZ"00NlUT8TI.IlllEO NTOBtJt.DNJFfItIol lAJ6W.PQ.fORPEDfSlALfallB.EJ'tt)NE 'lEAFY H/1'Ua.E FAl.l.T QJfflENT IiI lIB'M::t: ENfJW<<:EWTliTHE I1TlITY co. HfJ PACMIE '7C RATlNGNiREQlRO. 0. Q16/if'~1l1fNrCO"PERClADCJD..NlRC08. NSTAlLla.o'N'NITAKlctJrltECTGfOHllMlTBl P8't N.E.c ARTD.E 2ill. CD lNSTALLLN:JERCH1NJS8MCE lATBVrIL TOUTI.ITY~ PEA9:M<<iUTalTYc:aawN SPECFK:A"'I'ICN>. P14'C-"'fillOrD4.NfKJilOPADMOOKT~.'GC'flECf.-' CCNTRoICTa'\lliH.1 ~___'_, _SlFMCEI'a..E8PERl..OCAlUTIUTYCOOE. FAI..l.UIUtI CCN:lUCT(RI1ft: USED PR1dlE jj1J41: -4f7511 Ka4.INEJrOi. Date Received:' DEe 2 1 2009 I!LECTRICAL LEGEND GENERAL N011!S ID Or;oinsl SubmittaL KBY NOlES F ''''''''---." -'._, w ~ . '-Uhi ~li~~llJ ~~~tl~~'i ~;j1'io!ri@'1!i ~;a~B",~~5 >!j1.~I'" .";,ifg ~:;:fil . lll~~ ~~~~'U~~8Z i~!,-~i~ "i~~~~i ~~ ,mtl~~~~ Wi ""s;lwiIl :#J ~X~'l!~a: I..U. c5il;:) cc :;:~ ''-'' .' CONSULTANT'S - SE.~ IB [:; [:; [:; [:; [:; [:; [:; [:; '" """"""""'" BL.a.DN:l'M'E:' ............ .SOl'....... lm>lE ....... """"" T.. .... """"'" lDDDOC TACO BEll 12:1WIINmEET -......... Q ,."..,.. ........ T-50 I RISER j \ DIAGRAM' ; AND LEGEND ~ EASTREGI~ . E2.0 · Ic PLOfllfr,lE: - NATIONAl: ;OUNTS: SWrrCHGEAR INSTALL. STMDAAD PACKAGE. ~'( MclINSTALLNCW-STNobIIJoar.FONENTS. ~1E DEVEla>MENT FRANCHISE DEVB.OPMENT '-'4'Cl nmaJBCN:ITO ~ENC'ASED MT.-u12CWDllV1S//Ir'~ AalARPERNE.c Nm:1E CLRRENTTRAIEFalMEfl(CT)~ 2&Q..ij2WCll) 1~CUEQJ"flON:l L NIJ~SCOi:FTPER~ ~ StQ..EPOM ~ ~ f'ffiN.ECMll:lE IJTIlIYCOIolPNfv'SPEClI'K:ATlCHl. ~=~.J GRam I ~'''~~'~~<wcu~-'-'r-'-'~'-'-'~, ~~ ~ I-"",,-.~~~,.~.!.,l.'~ ~~~<j> ii F-I '31' t-!--'... ~~~3P ~ ' :~~~.L::!!. L-:l~~~~~ Ii_JSI ~!! ~l~la '01 ~v. cv-I- 1:..1 .iJ1 ~ l:J ~. ~. CD ~~ ~~~ ~ G~~ h-~ CJ~ A..~ ' ~~ f4.~ ~ ~ ~ 't'+~ i,Ci ~~~ ~~ ~. iAV . ~ ~~ ~. ~V~'f ,~VG~ . #~~~~ ~~ ~ A.~~ ~. ~ -~.t IE... A.~ ^~~~ &1I::;N=:=P"BNTBUYAnoN'USTCOASTP~=~. ~~~ O~-;p ~ ~ ~V ~VV '\ ,- ",,{ I , ~RE.:slt~E'!.':"'- F...._BElWEENocr..~'"""TEDAT1>"DISlRIlIJlD< ~~...... ~ NIHtE 10kAlCAATEDCRCU lI'OfEN<ERSATPAHELS'A','B','D'&lX.WA.IE Y8I FlISEl...ED.' . ~THEIMlOMUMF.W.TCl.JfftNTABoerau.ttED"TTH:1lEfMCE ""BTNlIEIlR.-.' ~ .~ . . ~ Fusm~" 1lE~~MAXlMU"RUl..ESIW.LAPPLYATlHEPOHTATWHCHTl-ESERW:EENTBlS H - {f:p' .....~. ""~""_"""~"'~"'RE",EIm:><~FORCEA''''''''''. """'........ ~ ii?~ .. &~V~..~~;;;;;;:;~~~~' !!!I ~ ~'7.11.." UTUTYCXNi'/JH'(PflCfIOSESASfFMCEDFFERENTFIlClMTHATIl.l.lSTRo\TED,CCM"lCTlHE ~ . ,,~, "",,,,,,,,...,",,,,,""CRADEC""'''''''''',,,,,,,,,,,",''''''''''''TEA''''''''''SIDU ==~ ~ V f NT ~.. ~ y ~1JY~W/LOCAl.ururvNolDPROIDECIlCUTBRfmR9W/Sl.lffJ::ENTN1U11.P1N3 DO.JBLEDJfIl.B(GAQl.NDEDOJl'\.ET tIZdJ ~ . Ii. COOftDW,TECTMETCRNGCOMPNfl'WENTSlZEwmtl..OCl.l.lITUTYOOMPANY. lHEL.OCM.B.EClJ'lC/t. GRDIDFALLTDUPLfXOOIlET - "":if A . ~ INSPECT~~TJ-ENATONALEl..fC'JRCALCOOETOt.lEETAU.~ENTSBEfCfEI'UlCIi\SE ===:':'nn'""~~~ $" ,,.,& _~ 'r, . =:~;;;~;;;;::-"",,,___unny ====4~fl AV/~ DEDCA.TED IBOI.ATEDaKlLNJ ~ A ===0J1lET ~~.v - fllffiJE ELB.;TRIQl(PNEJ...sa: stEETEZ.l FOftPMELSCtED. ~ tta.DLPEMERGENeVIllJ1'Ta\I . OEO:lAA'lM:w~RCI\.IlE ELEc:TRlC'X.WOTal .~ . l:lECoAA'lM:w~RCl\IlE DUCTMlJl.MCDSIrd~DEICCTOO ~-y. WPG I. ~" ~',' ..;GROlJN)FAlJ..T CONNECOOH TO EQlI'UENr " nMSYSIBI(){)fI>(&TEWI'ilaK.AOCQJHT 1G'IEEMENf19v.mtGElO'flO {bmlIl~GE~fORTHESUPPlY AKJD5TA1llJTDHa'EI..fC'JJW::AL S'MJ'anEAAEOlWUENTFOt (XJ,lpNfr"DEVB~aU. fRIINCHSfESSH:U.DPoOTQlU. ~. "',...'~ ~1,Jl FROlIIGEXPROBECH.6E Ttt:Uft'OHlIEElIIENlSDelIWEOTOf'AOrecr~twiEHQf 8EEHOOWI..ErED\fIlII!Ifll!il'dUDlllMlIqlllIIf'f~. UN:lERllIS.'GFEEMENT.nECQNTR.ICTOAISRESf'lJtS3I..EfOR I'\,JDiASE MO HSTAUAlION OF THE SYSTEMS DESCRIBED NTHE PVHS. N..LCCMP.Wrf'fQJH:1BK./STO\LL ~"'~ACCa.NT DEPNmlENT fOR A!flCE QJOl"E NCJ A BlU. OF .......TEIVI. CCN'lRlM1D'lI FalTl'EftSf'eQ'lCF'RQ/ECT. SEETltESWlfQt(J;M~HTtE SCOPE Of WORK fOR ADDrID'W- N<HMlOL PRIMNlYCONT/oCT:Mllol:lJRl<OSIQ f>K:ltE::Il3O)1t8-fli3l f1lX:.tm)718-t115ll7 EMM..:mka --"__-",L".,,_"_'--'--'--- TliEOEllPROSWITCHGEAR PACKAoGE~DF!iERVa ENmANCE.swrrc~ MAIN PANELS, SlJBPAHE..S, AND uaHTNJ CONTACTDRS. QgpRO IS ALSO ABLE TO SUPPLY A RJU..LlEDF GElQ'ROAHliNC:lH.aE>>'RO PRCDOCn;JD~T1HE- SWlTCHaEAll.~ BE PAEPARmAT11IoE OF CflOEA 0I't QUOTE RtQUESTTO PACMJE ALL PIlO.IECTDETMS REGNUJH35PEClflCAlIONSIrHOOLWflTIEii/16SlTE Sf'EClACOE~lIAYNCJ1"MATCH.......,...",..A.-llESIGH. NlJTEl'TJESll"E~CONSLLTANTIS~ftlROETERtr.4NGF 1lE SITE-SPECFC SVofTCI-GfNl PAClVGE FAIU'MIlfNAN plS'TI'M1AMn.1 ORA~RN r:troo.I JUAlSOCOON. /' IHlIllUil / 1 II II YU.lSYlJTEMFfWDEl:SlJPf't.YOF~8'MTCtt)fN{fQlA'MENT1lI fllOMACOJSERo'. llE N::CUSERV SWlTOiGENlIS lOSE I'IJRCHO,SED lHROl.DiN'F'ROllD nMS'l'STfMOlSTRIlIJlIOt.I. THEOfNSW.OOtfI1\I'CTORIlI~ fCANSTAUAlIONCFTI-ESYSTEMS DESCJl8ED liTlE ~ ffWICHSEES!lKlLlD CClt(T/oCTlMEIlAPPftO.'ED'lUolS'l'5I8l D51l1Bl1TOR fOR A PACE QUOTE InJ ABU Of lIATEIML COtFIlllA1D'lI fORTtERSPEClFlCPftOJECT. SEElHf$WlTQiGENl~HTtE SCOPEOFWORK~ ADOfl'"DKtRRMTOi I'tIWoRrCCNTACT: BUOOYElfJQ\WEG PK:lNE~ (B77) 707-7S711 fAX: (5(l2)llll1-C151 ElMIL.:~"",,-.vn:m THE ACCUsatV swrrCHQEAR PACIWJE CONSIST8DF SSMC& ENTRANCE, swm::11l1EAR, MAIN PANEllI, SUB PNEl1l, I..IGHTNJ CONTACTORS AND AU. ASSOaA.TED PRODUCTS 10 COMPlJ.ENT"JlolE SWITCHGEAR PACKAGE. BEPREPNlEDATlJIE Of ClRDEAOR OUOTE RB:IlESTTOPF(MJEALL PROJECfOETMS RB:WlDIN3SPECFlCATKNSNWa.wmnESMS!TE Sl"EClf'I: DESIGN WAY NOT WATCH PROTOT'I'PlCAl CJESK:;N. ElECIl'lll'.ALSEfMCEstW..L ] BElIllOH/lP.121lf21lW,8e.CW. NlJTP. n-E SrrE.NJN1TCClt>tSLLTANTIS FESPCHiIBlE FOROETERMNf3F n-ESITE.SPECf'C5'MTt:l-UMlW,)(IrGEfAI..LS~Nl ~_ RR'UW ORAWESTERN I\fGlCIN Jl,.fUSOC'II:K OF"" T.T.8 o oumooo """""'" ........ ItIWTO-----; , 'MSB'GN]BJS , 0TO~I'HONESEJM:I:: seR\INlllT\UlYCO.llPEC. m , 'j jji ""'''''''''''1 ""i. f"""'''''''''''''Amw. ~~l:liIE:lEilEil II III TOUTUfYTIWa'CHotil '\, '''If'fl \~~- 111.1 I. ":.."::::::::::: inn n ~TOPNEl.SW''9'''D'''H'&OlW--lNEEQI..INENTC.ABfoET ~~~:= :::; . &::::=:::= =l ...-::::::: =l -,"""" llil ""FUXlIIEllCENT"""" ... (ji) ~ za fUJQRESCEt<< fIllT\.FE P WlTHMTTalYP.-o: " I' ~ I lx.tfU.lORESCall"Rm.IE 0 <II I- .-:~ ..J 1MfWORESCENff1lO'l.AE ~ WfTHBATTERYPACK .. 0 ........, """'" . €I P9WNff MOUNTED L.UfT FDm..IE . .-r- OOBVJA","-"""" <lo -. ~ " w..u WoWi DONN.JJHT fllCTlR; e <j> EXffiUJR YW.L GOOSE NECkAlCJllE . """"""""" + . """"""""" ~ "d 8I..GEYEEMEHG9CFJ(llJJ:E~MQ.NJHl) 0 ~ IEi2!!J EXIT SIGN (WH.LMO.MEDJ IjJ ~ ElCITSlGN(CEl.HGMCl.NI'EIJj oQ. (QJ """" :malE lJlI iii SINGLlI UN. IIIAllRAII """'.... cD WIlE BCtA1EDGfIJlNOTOI9Cll.ATEDaKlllN)BU8INPNe..#H)lAKIlSOI.AlEDlHXJN)108INClLE PONT GROUND. 'DO NOT COMBH: COWMQ.j(H) TO lSOLAlmG'lCll.lC1. CSUNJ lICUNIBl """"" CD "Bl.II.DH3lMt1~FOJllHlSSSM::E: (WolQWUMllllANSPEJlME.C) lNIaElOiMMolBFEAkERI8NllCATED: ~ 1 Ofif~LETTERSlI;aJifHGt 'WAINZOFif 'foWN30#" 'UAlN40Fif "'"-"""""''''''''''' JtR<C11ONSCI( WIilIolOlNTEDJl.IHl,;TO.IIlIJI( CD CD CD EWPMENT CIBIET III RJfHStti) v.ITH Dt.I't.l.tE. """"""'wnEf PftCMl:E Z' CON:Il.fT STlIlBED NTO ElWDNl ma.l LA1l:IW..i"Q.f ~ PfDfSTALFOJl TB.a'tO\lE. YB'II'Y A'IIM.N!A..E.FALLTcumENT ATSBMC;:(EKTfW<<:EWII1inElITUTYco.~f'RMJE'IC RATNi M REQUR:D. C[) (3)6/f1'DlAII;1f1..{fCCl'PSlcu.o~RC08.INSTALLlf1-f1N'NrrNl)CONIECTGflOlN)~ PEflN.E.cAlfOO.E250. CD &'6l".I\LL~SER'falATBW- TOururr~f'ER~lfllJTY<XM"IWY Sl'EClFlCAr06. 1214'C-4IIlOOKCMLIllEACHlOPNlMaJNTTlWf>f()FIUER. GC/ElECT. COITRICTOR stW.L C1XflDIIo6'TE saMCE I'l:lES PER l.OCAI.. L1TIl.ITY CCOE. F AUAlNM 0(Wl)lJCfQ:!SN\E USED PflOV(lf 1;l1J4'C-4n5llKCMLlN EAQt. Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original submittal ELEctRICAL LEGEND IF KBY NOI1!lI ID GENI!RALNOT1!& -'."""- - CONSULTANT'S SE-A.!. I. 6 6 6 6 7S: 6 6 2', 2', CllNlflHrrOW< BlM.DNJ1lPE: ....."""'" mE......... Bll>lE........ """"" ,... .... ,.".,." ..... TACO BElL 123loWN81iEET -'0'.""'_ Q - .......... T~50 RISER DIAGRAM , AND LEGEND EAST REG~ - &2.0 Ie PlDrDA.1B FAl'J=CV:!m1n ,~:,:::~;, 8'--trH1B'l ,,"_-,-'.~D-10 =1 :J :i "- ,r:. .11'.11.1....,,~~ &aa--.-; ,,;,;-','''..;, ,1... ..,. .;l . .:,-;-~ ; :j; -, :.'.:.,.".:"-i(',,: #.'1-' ,,1\ ~~"",. ~ .~ "~ 12'-2".24'1 ti . ~ .~~. . . :- ':" N14 . . ~ ~ -- E ~ ~ . ~m . . 'i 'i b ~ . ~ il ~ ~~!:l~ " CD ." q:p"'6.- -t",,1B{-tzt, )....IY?..,J.; ""-, ' ,-~,--;-~(-toW)""1~ "'::.u-~i'8a.:!. ~~,~(+.." [),.2~.. ____I;:d.~(-tllf)I....2: I ":::.r;o';::;'\ j 9i~:-A-.1lI(-t3B') " , \~ == --. ...... " ,_.."- ,(ull') ."if'" ~ :::~.,,-:;,'.'~'.- 'i~~~;--:,:'~';~"_~~j' ':,,;:.'_. ,,:;,~, ;.'C~./ ....~. ~~'::,:j\ ,I:" ~ ., .~:~t~E~!r!'rf~t:[h~ ~ ..~tf /-cD '-t~~1~:7;l.t~:~~~; ~:'~~. ~.::..~..~~.\~ ~'-':-:. ,.-" .,.,.".,. "'r~'~0~ ",.' I, ~ j,l;.', ~ CD "",",,"UGHnNG '~l- :...;~;: ~............ -"'," ," :'~~}~'J'n1 ",u~~ ~1J> ~ / 1:'1 ~?..,...t. , ::1 ~" .",::::..G.".",:,,,; ....J li~ ~q;r~7,,~.t~"'-:; ~ ;; ~ . , ~ ._,..""...L ,"." ~'~~b:'~',i~:~~_ :'~ ;'-~'. -.- ~"... .' ~-t~:+,.~ " I.'~ C~ 14 t'--":' -4 ~:il:':: D-,I3 ~f" 51"~:f~~.;~H ,,;:' tt~;i.____:~.:;.t:;.:iL~ . ;':'.;'., .:.,.,.,,;L..~._..~~ ::;,l,l .~ 12'..Ql'r+~ '..:~ 11!.2'/4-Ml2) "Ij,.j , :,::("':" ..' t:= A , ..:_t;....._~. ,"'''e'''' ,.~ ~i4~: .,/.,.. ".; 51Uf+2&"1 en .-.llI'l+,..,..(2") .... '.ifD,p ~OFSTl.D- n n,~"1On n... ....' + ~ ..,'.'. A. .-.u.DNENSlONS,TDJ.8QCESN'EFIlOMFN:E.OFSTUlTO~OFIlOlC,U.QH. 8. ALLCCtlOUlfDROPSAlEIttilJEWAU.SU.o.N. SEENKJ-l.DWllSfatw.tUl:&tS. C. ALLJ-8Gl.ClIDJlJS.CCI'O..RTS,FllCTlJIES,ETC.Sl-W.!.8EASHX.:ATED~ll-E ELBlT. DWOOAKlllI'ECS. D. CONlR'CTOfISH.tU..\lEJlFYUNJEI'K>AWNJCCHlUITLoc.\TIHlPflCRTD PQJflIMJSl.AB. E. UI9TH:FIESI'ONlSIJf'(CFTH:Of:M1WmJR TOCiOCft[XNfoTETl-tSPo\T....ONM I.O::.A1'VNOF~cr. RCJWH-M*1HH'O~OHlliEMCH.NlDSliI.ICr. lMOS~DTHE EQUIPMENT ICTlW.LY SLI'l'LEO,AKlTOCOtf'ft.lM CORAECTflESS OF HIt DCMEItiIONi HEREJi F. Loc.\Tl)tfiOf'ALLOJllETSMI\YBE RaOCA.TEDTOtENlESTS1l.O. DO NOTWT NTO""",, G. FOR EXACTl(X'.,\TIONS OF KITCHEN" ~EQ-WC.<LEQ.W'MENT AKI~CF c:<:NB;TION. REFERTO 1llTCI-EN" WEQWtCN.. ECUPMENT DFWMtGS ~ WH.F~SHOP~ It. ALL~FEEOERSAN)~Sl-W.LBE5llmfJY~ L cornvcrClRstW.LVEIINCItOATl!J'EN(Bl,DLSC(lNtECTS'MlCH,STNITER,<HJ FUSE SlZES'Mll1SaECTEDEOUI'lolENT t.WU~SHOP [)fWIWG1'RCIl TO P\...fCIoIG 0Rl:EA AND PAOillE EVERYntNG AS REI1HD. NOT USED O,u I E Ii" ~ ~ ....11.- ... "" ".;-~: "."'" ... n.~" '..,. ~: : :'.~.:~~~ . );./: "~ ;. ;'A,A-2$':, ...n. "::.~"!';<';; . :f ~ , l .i + ~ = J. ElECTfllGqEOlJPlolENTaQ.C6IJlESSWJ..LBEJoEWt-1FmINfERatN<<>tEW, 3flfOHEXTEfIl:fl.IN(':(WrrALI'EGll:NInt:8T1Kli'ft:lF~OlJTlIIlIf8tWJ..1lC ....... K. PEAS~21Q.BlB}(3)NECl!ClO2..-.u.1SN<<)lW\,12l1YRECEPT.-a.ESN CQllIoEflCW.. K1Tcttiti.vIE fIfQINED TO BE GfQ PROlECTB). THS KU.OeI ISOlA'TEDGI'lO.HlRECEPT.-aES. L DOICTMEASlAE/lOCo\TEOVrLETSONOl'lNtNlS. USEOI.lEHSll:NSI'I'lOI'OEO. M. OONDUITM.\YIIlNUM>EFlSVBATG.C.'SOISCIETOt N. E,C.SlWJ.PROo'IlE....PREPRltfT8)Sar-ADtESfv'E~aONALLf'(J$l'IBE'f#aBI ST....lNl'POOUSEON..Y'. O. PIQUlE ESClJrOiEONfl\ATESNt:lSEAlNfT....T H.L lIflJlY PEtElIWDGNrO WAlLS, CElMJ. Nt) FLOClRS. 00 NJT l5C DU.JtS ~ f.l(I>NfiDN FQt,M FOl'l 5EAlN<T. POWER PLAN GENERAL NOTES -. . . .,~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ .. '- . ! ~ "I Ie .; '(7 " -, " -. CD POWER PLAN 1......1..Q' A CD CD CD REFERlOllOOFPlAN. Hn'ALLSUII'ACE MOlfilED lNCONDuITIlLA'Ht3ONlUIOt:HRECF """"""....- CONNECT'DRYPRODIJC1IONLIE'ClFlCUrrBREAKEIlPNti.~UIUlYOWlEN CElI.H3 lOA3 POLE. 2WMlPClACurTBREAKERNtNIIt , ~ 'w -. sa:: 9HEETE2.o. VEAlfYAl.LREQUlAEMENTSMfHACII.W.ID..I'MNTSPB::I'ED.lHE MANUfACTlJflEJI WIll. F\JU.Y PRE.w1RE THE COMftm OOY I'IllJD..CTLtE....TlHE fACTORY. lHE UNmlWILL ll1EH 8f f'ULLEDNWrrfORstFPNOf'I..A'OSES.AI.l. OONNECOON I'OIN1SWlLIlE hWIKED, THECXHlUTA.H3Wl1.IECXJUDLP fOR FlEW INSTALLAT10It SOhIEillCtRlCH..~~_ _.w......<"IM.YIEF6Oo'EDfOfl EASE OF DlSASSEMBlNGll1f UNE....... THE~Cl:JNTWlCTOIlMlIE ~~~R~~~'HMmPNar::.H AODfTlON. lHEElEClIIICALOONl1WrrORWlL1.BElEII'ON.'lIllEfOflN<<9PlIJE POWTSANllIOR.JUt..CTIONElf:lXES1H4TtfiDlOllEfEl'Xl!HCIm!lOWE El.ECIlIIl'".AlCO/olPONENTA!lSfN8LYWilY.lI.3)IIEFm..alED. ",,",",",<:HlOEf. ~FORWAlEJI""""TER.lXlOIIJt-.1E*1H~ ~OONl1IOlCAlllEFftoMF~FoliH1XlLlDIIXFMCll.HIED CD CD CD CD CD CD @ <<i#~1. ~!Ini '2~1D~~ ,. 8oliJihl!' "9<:l\:m' '- \l!-~tu . '" ~fficUJ 5":iGi n Oi!'l 0$0> ~~~. j~~~ :;,j!! .00>08 -!;(::!~ ~I~ll! :o~~2 ~!.Il","" ~zF.c( ~"'YJ ~i1~~ sg~ Q~&Q ~tz>wt>"",fil t:::OoI'lI: C;$g~:::!:g /i!: a~~ :\I:: / / CONSULTANTS SloAL . Cl Cl '"' '6 Cl 2:, 2:, 2:, L CON11W:TOATE: ....... "'" PlAN'\IEmlON: lIfE ....." ""'"'- = HiD ""'" """'" """" TACO BELL 123MAfNSTIIEET ~USA.1I6 Q """"'" """""' T-50 POWER FLOOR PLAN LOCATE8WrTCHOENl1'EII~ONlKErMl. (:()hCIJTOfI:lPAIOWAllCNESlGNEl.EMENT. lHSrrBlilWLllEtwDoMtil """,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Oat ..~ R.(E~"'.. ~~~(2lW,'.JlHA.SEH..,,1-I'HNlE0J1)RlR . ... v KEY NOTES I p.. 'C-f"PlDTIlAlO; _. . L "-- 11__ . I ..,.n"", Orlgin1:l1 SubmittaL , Tl-E DEDICATED !'OS PCMER 0RCl.JT RE(l.IRES AN l$Q.ATt JND N AlDTlON TO THE NOfIoW.COMMON IlUI..DNl GIO.JNO. 1ME ISCl..ATEO GFQ,M)\MAE~1WO Pl..IFF06ES: * A3ASN'EJYPAlHTOGROLND. .. ASAZEItOlt:fEfI:NCEPOlNTFORAU.I'OSDlGlTAl..I.OOC. TlEGflOUN) IAJST EXH&t1l1E ~ POSSIlL.E ..PElJN.lCElOMINMlZ:EVOLTAGf TJWGENr.IANDNDCSE BE!ll.RE:TD: .. use AN INSUlATED CONDUCJOA FOR THE EOlAlED Gl'OJND 'MAE. . FlJNTHEISOlATmGFO..NDWR:1H'lOUGHTHEWECXlf.D.ITMnEHOJANDNElJJ1W..wn:.a' * INSTALLCH..YlSClI.AlEDGAOlH) pG) TYPE RECEPTACLES. .. (X)NECTTHEl$Q.ATElGROl.Nl'IWETO IIlAOING GROl.lNO~"'TTHE w.IN$BMCe PNlEL .. YERlFYTHATIl3 RECEPTACLES ~ lNCIWNEA SUPP\...ED EQUlPMENTtWo'EA~ISaATEDQROUIIOTHAT~ BE1RACEDMCKTO mE lll.lll..DHGGAOUNDATTHEWr.lNIlEFMCEPMIEl.. 00 NOT OONECT THE ISOLATED GIDJN) WIRE TO THE CONOl.ff, A.NCI1ON BCDCES, 1l1E RWE ON A sl.llPNEL QRANY OTHER lET...... -= DEDICATED ClRCUITS: DEDICATED CR::tJrT5FlfQL1lf1;AoeDIC\TmHOT AND" DEJ:lICATED NElJ1lW.. mAT NlENOT SHAREDWITliANYOTHER CIlO..I1tI.ll RECa'T.-oa MUSTBE 1'tWlEAI.lC3NED' 'MTH THE 1l" PtWlE OF 1IUILDlNll8UePANB. "". I . / fE:'":no",," ='-'~l ~~:_~.\~=:,,---~ \,---~:.~-,J'-~ LOW IoO..TNlE j: MTAI'AOMREGlS'Im ~ . , . ~GROLNDlEClJI'MENI'GND)WSTAUfDPERN.E.C. . . lSaATEDGRJl.H)(IGJ(4I'12W1AE) DallC'ATmNB.JTlW.( - PCB ....SOX N.T.8 5 lSCllATEDGRO..NlllBl(ft~ 'h-r-P I G:!) f- -1~1 cJ--llb q...:.,p'i ~H}(}()()\~GHIl [ G:!) ~ y T""~"~ " " -1G:!J1 '1 BB ~ L~,,,:,,~'''';r-- G""""'",", DDD ~ h:4J-8Ql( 3~NEUTJW.. " _..STUD \~~ \\~ ~ J ~ ~T ~. rotL.' -]- ~~" Ihll"COYeABOll---.l THEcx;:l..lECIl)R CASH"",,",,' G""","",", lleDiC:AlEDHOr MAIN SERVICE PANEL - - - . ~ - (OR EQIJPMENT SEfMCE c...,,'" ~~I P.O.S. ISOlATED GROUND.......... NT> [14 PCB POWER DETAIL NT> . ISOl.AlEDGROlJN) OlJll.E'rFOAMSYSTDI --~~~~ ...~ I: .,-,.-\ I : i 0' rUiiTOiJ " H: J i,tl- Ii IQI! I J _l9OLAlED 1'1 ,I GAOl.N)OlJIl..ET I ~)! i ' FalD/LS'r'STEM II ,I 'l-' OUTI..ETFtII II ! J r+. LDNVO-TAGE " Jil4-'~ Ii I, fCflDITT..EJl II I! 1 Ii i l! Ii 1 ! II :I,.~,_ Ii 111~ I:.......,,:. , I Y I: i ill ." ii 11: J ------= r-------. II! i . r~.,J...,~'D 5:.:-r.' 'i"iL~iD ~ Ii: . UN<'" ,i WORK f'... I SlfFIa . ..' I J ....... ;Q;r:;;ITN .II.....~-- ~.'.-O(o;OI0~:':.~1 <.~.~ --l, :,:::: ',_:". i~ ~I!' -.---::: --- .~-;;_. ff-- ~~~:; i:' Ol~~~HN ~ ,~ +:::::~/!" f~PfINlERAN)Pm FOAPI'ltfTERNfJPCJS / CONOUITlNWAU.{M'.)SEE QUlDClU11.Er SCH<DLU FOR'" l ]1 ~1EO 0N0uND OUlLEJFOR I.DlVVOLTIGE ~[ ~ OO~~-l- ?-- ____u______ J CTYP,)SEE9CHEOUlE , FORSIZE ! I I J.J. J I 1/1 I I I I I ' (lJ I' 00. COHDU/T---./ TOO(TWINOCM' PC U1 ~T""""'" E ft I., I I ~ -I l'l ) n p " ;:;-.- (!E} ~ ~Cili)- F ~ 011 I I, " , ~ j ~ ~ - ~ ;- , , , " ,~1 ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ l~ ~ ,_ ,_ ~ ~ ~ Z .-~ ;T:~~'-A-~~-:~:E?~Z;~:~it~;:"-r ~ ~~l i ;";" ..l. : : ~ . 'jl.~:~~I~!}:-'. :~:~~:.. ~,~ ~ ': t ..."........ .'. ". . .,;,;" ~d ,..,.- :-- ~~'..:,.- ~..'~~.~...," :::=={~I) ". ~. ~ p W .' "'11 ....'8 !'ffr<r--':~ ).~tse~~~ ~~,p~ ~-j;~ C!li} G::IV <!TIi) ~ ~ ENlARGED POWER AND COIIMUNICATlONS PLAN IOmCI) ,,,.-,'<1' [ 3 CD THERMosrATCClNTRCtS CD OISP.AYUNlTfORl-MG!. CD DUAL.()UTP\JTOEl'ECTORR)A1-I.t-Q2. ~,,"E''''''''''''MOD'' ) & ~~. , I I" - II r Date Received: CONDU< mFOR..,,""'\ ANDfl.03lNWAlLfHDSr /ISOIECEIJNG. sa: SQEDUl..fFOFllX:fllOUlT 1mB i r , ! i i j i ! I 1 ! i -;;=::.."1 DEe 2 1 2009 Original submittal REfERTOca.u.t1.HCATDlSSQ-EDI,UQ\lStEEfEi.O FOR ElJlJfMDIT _..........- .__ ....YClJNfIGHTll. REFERTOClOMMlMX:ATDNS8QEIl.1..ECll8~EG.Q FOR ECLFMEN1-..........-'._ ";"WOJNrN1H1B. UY Nons KU [A . =<.. i=..c. ENLARGED INTERIOR ELEVATION IPRE-PAY) , ",,'. III '0'-,'<, I 8 ENlARGED INTERIOR ELEVATION IDITWlNDOW) '0'-,'<' 11. , '" s " ""'" ounEr (1) 1'WI,. CONWIT 'zw~B~<c $ ~~h~~ ~ U~U~~ ~ n ~ illffi ~ ~"owlrH~O . . CONSULTANT'S' SEAL ~02.lXlOlt FUSIOHOOINK/....s 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 OQHTRlIGTDIIl.~ XlCJClUO( Ek..G.DIillTYPE: T-al """""""" SITE....... """'" """"......... """ TACO BELL 123l.WN~ NM<fflN. "".... 'I Q T~ """"" T-50 ENLARGED ..,~ POWER PLAN -AND DETAILS E3.1 PLOTD'Til 1 ., ., , " . , .. ',r:" @; ~ f ~ ll'O":{~l-~':'~~ ~ @; .,.....f+Z!lJ"J_It.~ . &-31: WI {J BolT , CD h : f;'~ FJC:E.OFltMm~~ i! n " NOT USED I P :'. -',i-' '.::' 1:;~~ (@E), AD-V ,..- "----------y-~ "....~;---' r--"I i\-;; I: SW,lII>' :.": -, '_ .>" II rb: Ivl I. fUSES. .: IltISi/i 1/\1 (1'tiM-SA 'e 11\JJ> I'" . r. CDD-1B:2ll~......:.:; .:L_ L_.!o" ,_,:: @:::':.." L_.u.__-y-' _" 0 _" "... ' -.,-.:, ._:~ .:",' '. :..... 8W,~,= "'~:.:~": D-l:t;I&:17 0-12'14 ". cv:::D::I) CD GD L ~ ~ ~ ~ i! .. E l! ..... . - - .......... '" . ~>':rCD ..= ,@ID~ KI~~.J)! ~~_J_____~__ -~~ ~--~----~-=--=-1-----.'" II II 1'1, . II br~ I \/ I II @-..!...J I 1\ 1 : 10 II, I I, \1 II, I II \1 !i I I 1L__...Jl : !L----.J~~-.---.T-'~' .c. -"...--------- --- "'" . .... . - . 0" - Da:3U3 cv:::D::I) A. NOCClNOlJ1'stWJ..BEfMTEtElCCRECT1.YTOCflTl-l'lCJ.DiRClOflNJMElIBfWE. B. ALLCtmlNRCOFItt3Ii1f1,lIlfWEstW.LBEMto.YLAMlNN:COfI)IHCEIMTH tICO'NJ MFRS AMllttlT1II.llR'S REQS. C. RffEftTOMEUl.!1NGSfOflIrllECtWl(W..EWl'MEKfa.E<:Ilw::l\l.fEaS. O. ALLEXPOSEOELECTRl:ALCON)LlIS5*lLP~TERODFWEMBlWEATPI'E HOODS U.OH. ~ ... $.... \O~. E. flffERTOELfCT.EOIJI>.SCH::DUl..EAMlELECT.fIOl.O+folPl.Nt F. ALLCONDUIT9Fl'tOM~fANSSHHJ.Ill:AOJTEDNSlDECFaHI. G. ALLCONDl.IlJSlONlJfAOMftTUstW.laEAOl..I1EONsmEOfftTUQ.FCB, ~TEWllHRTUMFR~TDNS. H. REFB'l TO (EtiW. NOTES SHEET E2.D ~(>>lIMf'QUANT ltFQ'lW<TDi l AU.WIl.NGANDc:oNJlITSSlW.L8Ea::taALED. t.oCONOOlTSPEIlllUTTEDTOFU.I EXPOSED AOlOOS RCJC;J" DEO<. FOl1TE AU <XNlllTS llIQ.JGi EaJI'MENf IWXF cumsOAARa-lTECTSf'fCFl:OfI)OFl'EHEl"AA.1DNS. J. N.J..DUTJ.EnlANlJ-8Ol(ES88<<<IDSlCIW?E5WU.BERECESSEDHlJFUlSHWll'H Bl.Il..DKifINSHSLRFACE. NOT USED IE ....,;.{.. D.' .. 8-" cD n':. ....': POWER ROOP PLAN N011lI ID .--i. C1D------+: ~. , ~! ._..._.......J <D CD CD CD PROVIDE COltECTION FROM fIEl\IINMl DUCT SMQI(f 08l:Cf0RS TO MEa1 CCMRCl. CACUlT PER DETAIL WElI.o. NfD Flfl:AI.AlU I3YSl'EM ~ PfBEHI). SPEClAEDTlWEffiUlSSUPPUEDWlIl1Tlif1UTtEIlASEEI..ECIllCN. CClNI'ECT(lU)AN) FACTQm' NSTAUETI 1"I.0'OI QAClJT 8REAIlER'MIHVlEAnER T1Jt-lTEtaD5UFESHlJN;CESS-. ,: ;OIXII. I'OtVERHlJOQ(1'JtOl..ENm'tffWJMIlOTTCldOflNl'. REfEJlTOARQ-ITECTIJlW.. WAU~ FOR'o'ERfCN.&I-(RZD{T.... POOlTJ.:.INS OF lGfT 1'IXTUlES. CENTER RlC1'l.RE C>>l BACI( (F TONERI PNWET ",,-our. 112"C. WTTH RED'O CONOUCTOftS TO J.aox ....rB.HlNfniElCEwa-IN:.'MME CONNECTION TO ICE IrlII-01INEHL ~.. ,..,........G lHT. REF6I:TO~P\.Nol FOACCNTNJ,\TJ:lNTOcoou:Fl/A'EEZBl MOUNT PHOTOCEU.ON NORTll SIDE Of RTU-2. OClNECTTO~lDftNJ CC>>fmQ.PNa. . RTU'S StW.L BE PROroED Wll11 BULT'" 01SCClNECT. aNGLE PONT lMJItGlH) ~ENCEOU\1.ET. ClJIIll'IACTORSHAlL'lERlfYCflCUITBREAKERTYPESTNmRl:lIS(XJI'H'CT ~~~~~~~~~~flJlN8H1H) 1tIITAU.EYER'l1liNJNJRfQ.ft3). _SE""" Pf'EHJCX),SEEDET.....IIMD. PfEFEJI'IEDlOCo\TOIOfSfUBJ.JTEOISHSLB). SE.E~CFWOfI(, COORDINATE LOCATION OF.HOXwrrnsa.VEN:lCR SEESCCPEOFW(II(. CD CD CD CD CD @) <JD @ @ l?-.- ~ :; ~ ~ q . "" -.<:>,.... , . 0/ iil~~ !'l<-! ~ll!~'"'al5i'~o fj~g~g:~D? IUUHf <~~~~ &ffi ~h~Hf~ '~I~ ~..l< . "':~"'g l!F=o w...J~ wUf ~~!2 ~~iI''$$~~8 l!!",ilQ",~:E ~ ~ OU ::E~Qja::~F!il g~C;i S h {8_15<500 iz;d~g2a C1T. ~~~~~~ O..l~ !z E .....ffi.':..~,.... .' . , . :. " l 'l>CD~' " ".J >-@ --1 .,."' GD D CONSULTANT'S SEAL c . Z'I Z'I e:, Z'I Z'I Z'I Z, Z'I Z'I . . CCItffiWIT~re """"'" 1lUUlING""", ,a PlAN VEJlSat ""'..-" ""''''''' 1rnlREN-"'ER """'" . I POWilR ROOP PUN '1<'-"" I A TACO BELL ~~~~~~~mcw~ AKlTtEfVAI'OAAroA....Tl'EICEWCHHEASRECUflBl REfEflTO'TIE MM'ICltlJIORS IHlP IlAAWIN3S fOR EX.tCT tlSTlUA"Jl;NNIl "..,_.. _ _._".._MENTS PRIOfITOl'l(1Illi--IN NSTIUATKH 123MAHSI'AEET """"""""'- . Date Receive( l: Q ..;;;~ ~ T-50 1 I , i P,OWER ROOF PLAN DEe 21 2009 Original submittal- -E3.2 KEY NOlES IB PlOT_ . . .' . , " ..... . 1-!"".-/"')!;",\ - .L . 14J - ~ ~1}0~ :<l> 2u-2nf~~~~-.:t -. u _.u~ ~ ,~, ,. <l> c: ,~:. 4~ ~'~~ : R' -~i2;-1 g -~ ., Ul- 2 lfg~l ~ ~ ~ .:: .~.~.. ,~~,,~~ ll~,:: J_O' ~I ~.~. ~....<> <i .. 2 A~ =1 . 2 ' 2 ,g 2 ':: 0 H;..C @'" ~ ~",: ~H '." :tl~1 I I:l <, ,!.[$J... ," - ~I ___', }i- [QJ :"'11 ~'a :[f' ft': II:" ~-'~(!) ,:'~. ~,:i~, RAt '''flll I II A ' .~ irr~ ~r"'~~ 'C:.'..::J 'i' I 0 B-3 (~ ','._/ A~" ~'~ A~~ :.fr"'" L@ "-<r/ ~~ ~ b~ ~ . \..cv"" ~ ~f'J}) C;~~ ~ . f;>~..:e ~o o~ ~ <y" #~~ ~ iJj {(, ~l;~~.$'f'J})~#.~~+ ~~~~~~ ~' ~ ~ --- ~. '" lK4RJ.JCiE 1}4'-N7 :! "I ~', " o ... Q " o ., " ~i" ,_"H'_",'",_', Hi. ') &6 ~_,. :&6 -~TYP, .:..--c.' - ~~i:.~; t . ~--~- ~;,.e.' I(':'" ' ~'>,=-""~l ,I '8, - I 01 Ll I , : I" , I, 0 '" ... "I : g; 1!Wi , &-l1..,LT-Il-2~_J~. , : R L1 T '_'11 8-2G), 14.0'_ ~.' " .': ; . Cl)1IB :_ 8-2 ..., ~T"": ...... .::ii....'8,irw, ..:_'i._~_ ~.~.~ . , , : ~ "B-i "f " " '~" o .. _ri '. " ~"~TfP:: --Ji !Hi ,,(.:' B-1.J;.'1:. " 8 <l> ~ j ~:,:",:,-:,-::;",~":::,-:-:.:,_,~-:,:''':.'":'-:''.N''::-.' ~L-I' . ~ J._ _ __ ,_ !r.: '. .... , , Ii I e... -- -....-..- -~...: 09 ,,' ~:u~',.;: GENERAL NOTES GENERAL NOTEll ~ CXH'IRMI..IlI-fTN>FIlCT\IlEOONflTIewrrHWPP\..lER. Il E""RGENCY.v.oNaUoW.LJGHTN:lIll.AAKEOWITH't\L'Sl.I8SalPTSHNl.~lE CON'l1NXl.ISlY. PROIDE UNS'MTCI-ID I-m,TONCflr.w.JH:l B.lEJlGB(:YlWlAST. c. EMERGENCYLGHTN.i NOT MAltQDWlTHM."S\.6SCRIPT StW.lOPEAATElNlER CONmOLOFI..lGHT1NGSWrTCHASta::ATED. PRCME,lfN)'MTCI-U)CONSTAHTICf TO EMERGEtCY BALl.AST Nfl SWlTCl-fll1-lJT TO NCRMAl fLioU ~. D. ALLCONllUm;ENTEFlIN3OA~OOOLEftIFIEEZBtsw.u.BEPR(M)ED'NTH SEAl..CI'FFlTTNGv<<!HCOMPOlIIDPERf,ECllQG.~ E. ALLINTlJlDRI..lCltiTN:iCflCUTSlOBE'MREDTHR.ITH:lGffN3,CONrROLfElA'WS. SEE2'&lI/al.o. f. comwrrORTOFElD\rBlI'YCELN.JlYPE1HJPIlO't'IlEPROPERMCl.HfN] .......... G. AU.:FIICIUfESSUPP\..lEDWlfHlAWPS. 1lElBTEDlDfTFDffi..I{E~c:.AHBEBD DflEClLY(I'l(lR)ERE[)I'FIJt.lAIOOOllfJ'III\l..IGHTN3 06l1lBllTat). CXJHTH::TIIUODYBOCKWEG002-8lI1-o:11D '"~ mOiEN I..IiHIt1.EfI &OFFCE XP2(Jo'....-uzLtf/ """'" """<LEA SEINN3 l(P2GV~ kITCHEN~Y-MtTE "'"'" ""'". RESliil ~y-MtTE 1TG2'3Nl1-120-m--f8FWK14 RESTlU~Y.aR1IE 1T0232'-01-120-1I2-aFMKI4 ~~-8IIfIE "'" ...... ""'""""'" """ __ """<LEA WU1W DINING LlGHTOUEH W<lJAW ""'" '-""""" 110l1f1aew.1186 @ LIGHnNG PLAN """ "" -- "0l.MNl "" trr. """"'" ,.... 1-WlOa.a. SEEA1.1 ~ u,Bff!A'F. 120 20 """"'" ,- 1-WlOQ.G. SEEA7.1 ~ l:l:lF. 120 20 """"'" .... DROP SOf. IH NO. a..wrnry LOCA1DoI -- fBWlI(S C!)EF-ZSHIIU.llEcotHCJRl1HJCONffta.J.H)Wt.I..OCoN..lJlJifN3C1Rl11T. W/FRf8/IELlENIITIlM C[)N:JC.\lESLGfl'N>Rlm..AESf'ftOW)EOwrTH~COCIlER fEFEJlTOGBEM.. 131 2O~COl.JKTER tCTEO. CD WALK-INCOOLER/FtlEElBt-SEESCCI'E OfWOfK CD~~~'M~=to::OMJIiro~PfEWID Wff1'E5JELlBfilRM CD~~~~~~c.aa.ouDlI&ftlRm,.RE.VERFY O/ctII.MEJI CD J.Bl]I(FOl MENU flONID. VERFYPOMOfcctHCTDl'1UGfl'lWELSwmDl\I 120 1!i SEF\lfS. a.c. TO lMkE FlW..COlfECrDt (I) CHD"t 00Ml U3HTS FUllNt!lH:o"v.miCN<<::P>t. CD~~~LICiiTB.VERFYPClNTCF~'oWEWt.~ CENlDlOIPN\EL (DNlGHTL.OfT. QftDODt @CENTEREXTEROFtF~a.l1lEl..L.6ES.'M'. @J-8Q(FO'lCllOl..ElilAlEElQfJ5, ~lE'iMTHWoNl.FJIICll.ft @~JEf~fD..EcmerZ-1~KlRZDNJALLVfFalCEN1'm @~~TE~I'05ITIJNDFlGfTl'llU1mSWlTH1lEPOSI1ONOFTHETREU..IS GD oc TO 1NST1U eNol LDml to DECal VENDOA aJPPI.El8OA=lTl .., .., " "" , "" .. < ... .~ . . ., '" LlGHnNG PLAN AND SCHEDULE , Pate Receiv ~d:E4.0 UY NOTEllf' ~ ~ I ':'81\ 9""'''''' , ,,- ~,:,>""'.,,.. llI><>lP1"a< LOCATD4 MNU'AC1l.JfI':RfC'AT.N.Ol3tLU1lER .va.T WATT # 8ERiiiJ ~ """........,- ..,.,., """"""'" """.....- """"""'" CIM'A'm'YflI5I'EH """"""'" CWYA.'llXlr'Vtl6f.oc!4 OINlN3 TKlIoWIt'CN'Ii ..... """"""''''''''' """"'" ~I'U.!LK """"'" uUr.I'U,;l1IFUICR """"'" """"",,,'lOO< AEa'SSEG 4'DCMNJGH'TFlUOR. '''''''''' " .. . -- """"" ........ 0.... "0 21 " , . ..... " " ..... 'd .. I I, I, In I I" I . """"""LJlHT ''''''EYE EJQTSIQN.La) l.NVERS/'LloIaJNfLED EX/T51GN.1..HI ~""""IB) ~'lOO< RECESSED. YUU WASH ~11III.:xJNTFIXTlfIE +8' A.F.F. TO acmOM 20 ~~~ " 0..... "" /Y'W,l:lL..fW u.... PfNJNlf fJ.{IA.F~. '21 21 "",....... ''''''''' . EX"EAICf!.~ S"'~NVo1FlKJ\1E MErALtW.J:E """- l1'-fjl/2'N'F '21 ,. """- ,,"'.,,"' "'",,- ,... fNJ'AFF. " """"" """"'" WALLSCCN:E.Cl..IBTa.I WI.... """- NtA.Ff. '21 'co """- CSMB09OJ1.ut!11~1i OARKBRCNZEFNElH ,... m"""", ""'''' """"" WP~ALtw..IlE ~fTAL!1rtU:lE """- ra.WT.o. '21 '0> TFM 100M RBIJ'I UGH1Nl ,... """'" . UGHnN , FDt'IURI! SCHEDULE Ie Qfi~\\'\~\ $1,Ibmittal - CONSULTANTS SEAL , '\" - 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - A CXlHmACTMTE: """"'''''' FUN""""" ""'....,.,. """"........ >DUDOO< T... .... """"'" """" TACO BELL ",,,,,,......-r -""""" . Q """"'" ......... 1-50 . - .1 v , ""j J":"I HCl.[).lJl81JfTON(MWNT2-1f1' ""1.!>BEHIoIDCClI.NrER~ @ MlBC8YlITEM1lPeNall lQIllECl.RTYlmIOIlE Q) """ <lII 2".doJ.8Q(WID,\.TAKIml @ MOOON OElECTCft @ DOOR CCM"ICJ' . . . COMMUNICAnONS UGIND '. . .. ,. '. . @ =-~(LHCB)TOAUX)I @) 'W.HD1WWDEVa: ~1<aPAD(lrlltl"'T4&I"A.F.FJ ~ AlNMSItiolAllCMWl [!] ~~ATAOU I!!l ~~su>I'RESSOl5WT81 COMMUNICAnONS ..ans COM.' (HJ"U ('Hfiii ID (~101) (~Ill2!) ("",") '(...10.) (tMl~ rH.4101) (H.4!,m) (t-tdll0) OLlO1) ~ (" I,") CO 1m) (P 102) (pl04) (PJ05) ~ ~ ~ ~ C!li> IE (pc I 01 ~ <I@: HM! 04 ~\'l.~\. .." ~ ~'Q' . '.:. -:~.:.:.:.'.;.;.~,:F)l:EOF. """.' --~,-" . . ._.... '-"', ~ ~ ~ ~ r EWI'MENTITEM UN:lERCWNl'ERHCl.O-lPBl.Il'TQl WH.I. MOl.MED l'I:lI.D-UP Bl1IlUN 00'''''' 0IT~J.8D( OITllASESTATI'JHJ-8lJ( O/TCCI.UIISVSTBtlJ.8Cl( O(fCClllMS'l'STEMJ-B(JI( M_ oo_ QC8lMtlO< lRFllGo\TlCHlHA RECCSSfO CEu<<J SPEAkERS. c.a..oo - 8lJO( t'_llY' ,.-tt', -, ....(>0. .. ";~'::':~'~""(':-'l_-:.\~;::~-,~ '-'-~ir~ ~:';'~1)~r' ------It-6l101lHMIQ:l:AHWfri1f '':1.;:...,.:r, ~. _"...,~._..A' .~_,~. _~. .,;':" .... .~ ~ cmr!. "~ H'j\~~( ,~~}" . .' ~. ~,~~~. r ,j.... \" j ~ (oj .....f.qJ:lf.mu? .. GIID- --<fI:ID +l8'AF.F. ELEVATDI. RaWlIaI +9lI"U.oJt HIIfAf.f. +72'AFF. +18'AF.F. 1-1ll"Af.f. I +lD9"AF.F. +IillJ'Af.F. +Ii2"AF.F. +IlO"AF.F. CWH3 MUSCS'tSTEMJ.8(J( +tll"AF.F. (f)1'OA.TAOCNllJJS U.G. KrTCHENMONTCAJ.8lJ( OCUl BW.PPAOJ..O()( +Z4'AFf. KfTCHENMONITORJ..8Q{ +J!t~F. POSJ-8QI(W/~I~IMHCLENCOIBlPlATE ~ +28"AFF f'C8J~ 011.'2..'.; +3ll"AFF PCBCIJTl.ET ~~~~'O +48"Aff J.eal(SECl.JATY8'l'SIEM -~ +48',V.F. -""""'''"'''' +lWAff. h4 J.8Q( FWSH IdOONTED IN v.w.x-WWALL BY (X)(18t WH..F1CTUfIE1l v.ml1~(XlN)UT TOOJTSI)E Ofcoa..ERNENlt<rTCt-EN<H..J<<i. SECUI'II'Y~NSTAUEATONSTAllHOLJ)-l.PBl.ITlOI.flCNi IXl'o'o'H AND Alt.I'MlKl 4X4X4"OEEP {MlN.)J-1lOX BLW. CflUtt3W/(1)2-1I2"coNourrTO~-026."'.q,. SEEDET.1e.e.1 ~k~~)J.8Ol(OOfT11MEFlW/(1)H'2"CCHUTlO~ &(1)1"CCMllITTOI-M(I4. 4X4J-8Ql(@DlfB.O&:STAlI,lNW/11)1"COt'CJlITTOHM-aI&HW-OI.SEEDET.1G6.f. 4XlIJ-BOX'W/(I)f'CONDUlTTOHM-02. (1),"CONOUlTTOI-U-lD, (l}1"CCNllirTOf'D(-u>YiHlCJNW UXlP.AN)(3)1'CXNlUTSTOM'MENJIlONlD. SEEDEr. 106.1. ,~J-IKJ(W!f"CONIlUlT8 TOPfIE.f>AYWNlONll/TlOCf"6. DfTWI'ilXJWJ-llOXtloHM. 9EEDET.Il/I:3.f. 2JC,4J..8QlC.ABV.CEl.HGW/(l)Z,lI2"COKIlKTTOHM-Ol &(1) f"C()N)lITTOHM-CS. SEE DET. fe.a.l. 2X4J-BQ(BaoNCElUt<<lW/(1) 1.COOJI1'TO...-m.ll)1.CCHDUfTTO....(J1. SEEDET. 1&'E3,1. 2XoIJ-BOX Wf(f) f"CONXJTTOABCM:CEU13 4lUJ-8QI(W/f'CCNlUlTTOIlRlGA11CtlVAl~ SPEAKEflWlRlNGfROMSPEAKEflSlN DlNINGfl()OMTON.l'LFERNCFFQ:. FCAfX,ICTl.OCA~Of SfEN(BlS,SEEL.IiH1'N3PlANSl-EETEol.o. 4lU J-8QI( & COlER WI (1) 'Wca.lIXJfTTO NJDIE CELNl FOR MUSIC SVSTnl. SEE SCG'E a= V<<lfI(. FlO.ll.lEtfJBONIlJSPEN<ERPOSnOABav'EC8l.INJFCAOCSANJotrCOMM.SYST, SEEOET.1&eL11. 2X4J..8QlC.FWSHOCEll..lNl. FORMAP.S, L.HE/DlWElHRUMONIl'CRJ.EIOC. 2X4J.alll(W1(1J"dJ~caoJTTO~ 2lU J.aox WI (f)314'CONDlIt"TO p-G4ANlrllw."CCHll.IJTOABOIEca..N3, I (l)IB)I.4"OEEPJ.8(I{Wl2-f/'l'CONDUlTINWN.L TDMV.CEl.HJ.lMTHPll..i.lillINlFCAI'QS. 2X4J-tJOi(AT EXTEfIORW/ll} f'CO<DJITTOfC{J2, 2MJ-8()(AOJACENTlOOlffi.fTf5A,WI(1)1'~TOPC-01. SEEH..EVATION&U.f. 41.4 J.8Q(AT 8ECUffTY 8YSTal COH11lOL PNa. WI (1) Z"o:lNXITTO&cl2. 4X4J~AOJ,ICfNTlOJ.412W/(1IZ'lXJN)lITTOS-01. "'! :.~~~;I Is D4J . '" I IW..~..)I I~I ~I I~I I u..L01 I C!I!D 1 (SI12) I (TI01.) I I~ lilT 1,")1 I t(TT"iM) I I I CTTii) I I I I ~lV I ")1 I~I Ill-V] ")1 II~I :...:.....,......,...-.....'-.. li~;<: .;! ~f.:. ~;,:-, . " (:-ot'_.. "-: EWI'MEHr ITEM J.ElOXSfClJRITYSYSTal J-8OI(sa:.:uFI1YSYSTaI J.ElOXSfClJRITYSYSTBol J-IlOl(9EQ)N1Y1lYSTEM J-80XSEOJIllIYSYSTEM 'SOlt<<l.I\LBWDEW:E """"'" BnlO8E UJHT """"- """"'CElECTOA ""'" SECUVIY... ~=~~~~~ PLYWOlXIpmElATQ1l. PRCWDEl'LU STfltIGN2'CXJIIQJT. SEClIlfTYSYSTEMPI-OE.w;;K VOICELHEI'tlCJEJotoCK COMPUTER UtE PI-fJN: .w::K POIl_"'" CLOSED ORCUT TEI.f'lo'\SICI\I jt;CIV) CClVMCNTal SECUVIY........ . AL'TEAWoTEPAYMENl'AClJTER8QC CAEDl'TCNOAEADEfl(W8o\1) t..... r as ..TIID "co'o'otoocc coccoo ceo" OOC' :' f"'-"'-:: -= _C o",-",-",-",-c o"'-"'--=( "'-"'-"'-cl -::,~1l__, .<. ,-,;~J"::rt~~ ~~ :-~'f H 01 . ", . ,--~ ~ :<-jL c:-"'O!~~~i~~.nli:. ~r" .!( ~@':, ....-:1;; 'j :.:.::;.,..---.L:~:;:~.~~~ _.'~ - -":- ~;: -- ..;.:j'~;:rci::-.~:."VLH I") '. "'l.[~PQNT" ",",",COON - "'! ~ ELEVATO< +24'AFF. +84'Af.F. +24"A.F.F. +4ll"AF.F. """'- CW... CEWN> ABV.CE~ +,. +42'AF.F. +48'Af.F. +10l1'Af.F. +42'A.F.f. +42'Af.f. +24'AF.f. +WAF.F. +IIO"Af.F. +lII"Af.F. +24'AF.F. '--'.' '-7HI0,) :ili A SLf'f'lYNrJNSTALl.CVTLEfSNmCXlN.llCTFOAONtEFlWf'f'UEDNmN3T1UfD CAaLENt:llONVQ.TAGEWIlHG(I.l.O.HJ TElB'J<<:N:N/l)M1JSICSYSl'EMWIWl 1ltW..l.8EllLA'LlEDNlJIh8TAUEl. BEEBCXlPEOFWCflK8tEET8. B. SEESHT5. ES.0/M)f3.1 fCflELfCf. NfOON!'OS. SEClIlIIY SYSTEM. (X;lVsmtM. ((FFKEJ COIolPUTBl,IJIIo'E-DRJ TailER AN) DIWE.TlfilJ c::o...rtNCATDNSYSIDl C. TJ-IS IVH H:LUDES OOtQ.ffS NI:l J-BOKES I'm POO. SEOJI'IlY SYSTEM. OCIV SY9TEIoI, (Cf~COIof'VTHl, TB..fI'ttl:Hl: SVSiBIl, 1Il1JSlCsmB4,DfWE-.DftJTMER AN>DlWE.TtRU~S"tSffii D. ALL CIlIT1Er$ ND80ICES MOONTID INTH::: SERVtlG COl.MEA CAllltETFlY NETOIlE U'Nf.INSTAU.JlJC'OONElOlI:ESWlTHcc:HClUTtHlERCNlIETTOIENlEST'MLL HI) TONO/E CEl.Nl ~ ~ I ~ .-::,. - . - :,,~,:_:'i\,'.~..:,-,:k ..., . ,"___'" , ", "cjJ' '4"'<'" d~'~~1~l ,~,: ~ (p I"~ r!!J -"." [iJ iF' ,-i';~:f:ft1-~~!~:r[01 ~;, :~;/; ,,,,,,..nD ( I.:P.;;:II~\-III----~'i~";.'~:;._~"" ','-''r, ~"~ P '07 ,.; ~~, ;~'~~"':i;;~j' -- o.::~':.>:;~. . !.:'~; .. ..~, ~.. "'. ~--~._..".:!{":,; 11;::i~:~:"I:~;: : ' ;! ~" ;i "'f1 ! ....:-.. '::-,j;. '.f:". .j' ~H ~H <..:,; ::; "', ....: :;.;...~..;;;:::.~,,,~,.,..,.: "';-". .".<,.,,,' COM..UNICAnONS PLAN "'~N" I A ....... WJ.a(l(W/(I'1~CONIUI"TONN.a.o.FORlfJlD.UP8UTTONSlltW..\WE. SEE ElBfA1ICI\Ia'Ell1. 2X4J-BQ(W/oa.at6. Cl)1Il'ctH:lUIrlO_~CEU<<l i'Jf.4 J-8(I( W/JJli('CCHDlllTTO &oi ~ TONM:NE c:::aJIG. 2X4 J-8CICW/ OJ 1~ CCNlUIT TOABCM: CEI.N3 FOIl !lECUItlY 9YlJTUll<E'rPAn 2XA J-BOlt W/(1)lfl"CCNllJlTTO#OCNEca..N3F(Jl~Cl:NTACT. Cl::HtECf TO SECURJY SYSfBoII. CCNECTTOSECUMYS'1'STBIl. CCJNI'ECTTOSEOJflTYsYSTBol STlJD ffol' CCNDUT 2X4J-8Q(Fa:lSH:UlfTY1MI. ~=:~~Ott..YGl)utESTOIlfU9al, LHE CHE FOR wr::E.fAX. WJ-8CJcADJ.<cENTTO~W/RJ..!1Xf'tOEJACX 2Xil J.eC:O(WJOCUlLf IU-f1 f'If'JN: JICI(& l'COlOOlrTOABOIECfI.Hl 2X4J-aatW/RJ-l1 f'HCJE """"AN) l"(X)t()llTTON!.'J:Nf CH.Nl 2X4 J-.flOX WI l' COHOUTTOAEKM CB.Hl CCTVMTHlATD\l1S BMED~Tlt:CftlME NlfXMtEEfll.tEI8YYlIMI UtiS f'flE'iENTDIwwaR 1lE STANJMDO:;WPN:.iQ.GE.WUOON$E;Te>>: fl)CCJVIolOtfTOflW/WALLBflotO<ET NQ{I)loIItf.DD.I: CNolERA./rITD,TO~a=r.tEHUElClAADIlI.JU<I-6IO 2X<4 J-aa(WI(1) 1fl"CCN:UTTONN.a.a. MNI--OClMECNolERAIofltl. TOBTlol.Of IolEN,l8(Wl)1llUlHfAO. 2lC4 J.Ba(~} I12'CCNUTTOABO/E CEI.JOOIofT1),ONIW:KSllEOfIll.l.>>EAD. ~aocWJ 112"CONllUlTTOMOIE CELNlFOfl El'l-EfWETc:,t,8IS 00JaLf.w:aQ 2X4 J.8Q( WI 112" CONDUT TONJOIE CELN3 FOR ffiBIIlET CMlES. COMMUNICAnONS RDUGII-IN _EDIIU;",\~,_ r r ;~ --..- ,. '"'''~ . / [!J! IZffi~nli~ ~~. i!":i!Q." ~;~~I C!lo~ zw~ i ~~~!tl~wf.!~Z ~;~m~ :~~~ a"" fa W~a: f~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~~!I'" o"lti'" :5 ~,,~ts ~~I t-~o ~~Q,i[[:tn~a: "~~~~" ~~tig~&g 1!;~~~ii~ !Ii Q~;; ~ . CONSULTANT'S SEAL C:, C:, C:, C:, 6 C:, 6 6 6 COHIFlACTM'IE: BlA.OIHGlYPl:: PLNtYERllON: ""........ SWOE"-""'" """'" T... """""" """" TAOD BELl 12l1MAlNsnEET ANrTOWN,l.& IlIl7lIi 9 ~1J; <J:lDJ,.Oo T-50 COMMUNICA. TIONS PLAN E5.0 L PlOTMTE: fll-rol' .. !-.~~.~:'l'!'I\f""'''''. P~G 2 I ~Q09 rlri,:,in:::1I ~llnmitt~1 ;j) " . . ,. . . .~ , ~ . , , -~ . / TOPOF8lAB """""" ~~ ~~ . ........ .... "'" SEQl,ENCE OF ClPEfVolDt Wl-ENSP8TSWfl'CHIIIN1l1E~POBmoNl'OffJ.RE1.AY'lC" CONTACT5SWrU~.~POWERTOTJoEKIIOiEH lIiHTS. SEJMNi NlfA UGKlS. REST ROOM LQ-mj, WALX-H REFRlI3EAATIONl..lGHTS.COClllJOOEO..R.1ENTl.NlER1I-El-IXlD. NJ \\a.LNJ RElAYS W HID '8C', III AOOlTDt CONTACf LC-7 StW.L fMOBLf TtE: EXI'WJST f...... 0CtffitCI. RB.AY'R3"TOSENSETtE'OOClFED'OR'UN(XX;LPED'CCNJrnClN /fEfERJOOET.2,StffEe.OroAIOEOUENCEOF CHRATJ:>>.O. AC!1VAT()N OF RS.AY '9C" {Ill..CNIER CONmOl) Sl-WL CN.!;E llE caft~TERt.ttW.8 Clt<l.ru IKXFTCI' UNTBTOSTART Tl-EBI..OI'd:RSONR11J-1 AND2.EJCHRTU6UM'EftIolOlOflStW.L Rl.NCONTlN.IOlJSI.-YLMl.-Ema'9C"5DE.OCTt.'ATIDIJ'l'TUNNG OFf THE KITCHEN LGfl'S OftWl-elASM()I;EOCTECTCfl QIIAN N>ND1W.l.NT 8tW.L8HJT~TUNTOOVI'NNJ RECUftEPBY N'PA i,~.: ~:. ..; )- , """'... ....... NOre~GRClI..NO\WE REOl..V'lEDIIIALLOOlOJIJ1L8IZED PEIlNE,C.1EQ..fI'IEMENTS Sf'SrllWlTCH 1Na.<<:iR'SCffCE. RGfJlTOPNELacwm OR NO SH:lYttt NSTALl. 5OftlU.f8 lL 'U C n . ('l, CI<CUT "...... "'" """""-,"""'" EU:CTRlC'.ALLV~. 1211VQ.T1C20NW CONn""",,,"'" OOHTIHGCONT""'" UNDER SLAB CONDUrr KTB. In ;'i~.! !e" . .' f , . 8P8TS'MT'Qot IN MGR.'8 OFFICE OR~SH:Mtt NrrAllN.IBmDTO OPENCONTACTSlNlI-E DOWN PO<m>l 'lC [SO. ,. ----u;."lz , . fROMPA/IEL'B' '" fl-'€1.'B' , '), b r.F j.HH, IU .p ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ . ~ Ii R a i I ! nPElHOODElCtWJ3T i fMllX>>ftJQ. I r*~.~-.----_n-l '~"'r+\J:'''"l' 'Ie' 'li. .'t '(SEE2IEODJ ~f===~fH~':~i"!J TOOETAL8 " 'BC', SPNE SPARE ~ ~~7lHET ~~c UUUU] RElAY 1lC-14 1:1 Iii! 11 _ REFERTOZ.-i NOTE' MCIl'tS 'fOOETALI SEEE3.1fOALOCA'II>>I N!iCNE :.o6I-EET c""" """'" (""",,,-'CU><D """""""""" RQAYW/lf/lNCOL ""..... ~ Ct><TlNJWS"'" "," n" . WHTINGCONT""" 'f'NEl..'B' e ,.,' (TYf'J J fnnn;' n LIGHnNG CON11I0L RELAY. FRONT NU 1 t8 UGHnNG & CON11IOL IlE&AY - REAR NU 1 t4 F:---.... r =.PRfVEW 1\ 1\ fCll.lNDl\lD1l " ' I , ' I , ' I ',-----1 I I I , I I , , I , , I , , I , I I I , \ ' , I , I , I , I , [~-'" """""'''''''' CMD.JITASlIENUEIONI) ~,' ~"ENUlltWIl III " '" '-"I 'ii [['/1 III III "I 11'// !i,' /'" -EXTEHlCOtflUT I : ' I' TOMOIECELlG7 " ~I~] . {1}l'DATACOD.IT~ ~6D.(1)SI4'f'OWB'l CONDUIT FR0t.4 W:~ eo., S1UBLJ"AH)CN>fal fUF1.IlfPftEVEWIIONIl. <<, nAlFR C(N' IIQAAD. 12O'V.tlIi-iOAliA - """,m"lAC'Nl CRCUlfAlWAYSI-fJ1' lUH-TlIolEO)lG. RfCEPTACtE.N;TAWD IN BASE OFliPEAKEfl POST. NOTE: 8Q.DER 6 INSUA"'BOlH WAG. LOOPCCltfi WGfElJ; UXI' fa! PRO.f'AYWIIIOOW. ftlM.ALLlOOP SENSORWHtllO~ OF ~_,-~,._.ATTHEDfWE-lHRU "'ER PREFAB w.GNE1IC UXI' (SEE SCOf'E CS' WORIQ LOCAlE ~ tlELOWTOP OF CCltCAETEPAVBoIfNT. DRIVE-THRU COM..UNICanONS ISOMETRIC NU t6 1. WlN:AVAIAWJ:: AH.LL VOI.l.Mt: UI- WltilJt:AIHTO lit Bl.ILONiv.tlENE>>WJSTfMIS ACrWATIDIJ'l'THE 'OCCUPIED"fELAY 2. ITOPTHE FlOWOF OlJJSlDEMt FROM RJU.1 & RJU.2BY StI1NTTRPoOCTIVATIONWH::NHOODfFEStIPPRE~ SVSlEW5AC'lNATED. SEQl.Et<<;ECX(lPERA'OON: """""" Il'JI'Q-lENEXtWJ8TFAN8w.u.AI.IIIWlEN'RrI8ENEftQl2EI INDICATlNGAN 'OCClJPED"CONl:JTI:W.NlAl.Dl1.MRY CQlTACT IN EXJ-W.J;T fAN MOTORSTAAlERSl-W.La.osE, TUlNlHl3 ON THE CORRESI'ONDNl HX(l WCR<1J3l-mI NlICATHl1ltr\T THE EOWJST FAN STMTER w.s BEEN """Ann SPACETJ-EJlMCETATSENSORSstW.LCVQ.fRXFTOP UNTS TO IlAHTAIN "OCCUPED' SPACE1EMPDlAl1J'lf3. 8LOWalI.KJTOA88HALLOF'BWENJf01EDINDETAL 14. ""Ea' IJNlCCl.Pm taTaiENE>>WJ8TFAN8I-W.LCEASE 0I'ERATl:lHv.-EH RELAY.'A3" IS CE.ENERaZa) COfllE9PON)H1 TO TlJl'teICJ Off THE LliHT SW!ltH III THE K1f01EN. SPICE Tl-t:RMOSTAlS SI-Wl. CYCLE RCX:lfTCF fANS AND t-D.TllG Oft COOlING TO lUJNTAlN '\lOXU'ED' SPACE TEMPEW.lUlES, EWEAGENCYClf"EMT1ON: LPCI-lACTNATlJNOF HOODf\RE St.I'l'flESSIONS\'STEW.ARElAYIN~TFRE~ SYSTEM Sl-W.I.CAUSf1l1E5HlHTTRPeftCUl'BflEIoKERS TO D'ERATE. TlfJS REt.ICMNlJ PONEA FROM.ru llEI!I:E9 I..oN)ffi THE HOOO Nm AlL FtlXlF TOP UNTS. E>>WJST fAN SI-W.L NOT BE AFfECTED BV THIS AC'OON 1KJ Sl-W.I. CQffiN..ETOBECONlllClLUI)OYTHE"OO::l..I'ED'OO 'NON.occUPIED'CONDfTI:lt6L1STEDIBOIE. HNIONARE SPECFICATlON5; HOFFMAN....I-E SERES VlITH Hl'GDOO'IER I'tNtJCYlH](RKEYLOCKSET. RElAYS: SCl.IAAE-OClASSll601.F$8.IJ2OWfTHSOClCEl'ew;E :>1"""'..:::n..onN....L"",DUI~I"V"......"...,U OPEAAT1CH, PROrVIAM THERMOSTATS fOR RTUl. RI1J2 TOM...,,,.............-""" TEloIPfRA1UU:SETTN:lSAT TJ.lE OF NtWAl Of FR>T EWPLatEE OR 1oWWiER. ~lB.YIl:lllloUlJ NOTES: 1.A3'ERTOllEELEC1lICALROCFPlAN,Sl-EETESR Fal UNT L.OCAlDG If<<) I'URTtUl El.ECTllI::W. ~..ECtWoIC:Al.lICIEDl.I.E8QNHII' 1ol1.0fORa..amucw.f\ECLftWENlll ~ "'N -, r,n L~___L:~~'::~~___ ---, L~____________________~__J ; 'R.7 I : f~C(MAQ. rrct----r-cro-a I IELAY L'f'--W---2'---S--4~ - """"", SEQUENCE CF OPEAAlIOH8; .sn1'll.tEeU:x::.KFORltEHCllRlltESTDlE WlLLB.EOOOINIEJ).~lCWlTtiOWltit8 IIEPllESEHrATM:. . AD..IJSTPHCIl'OCaLlO..ctNA.TE'MEH AMIllENTUGtfTAI'f'fl());.NAlESClJSK. COORDMTEWIl1iOWNEfI'S =. . sa9OTHswrrCHE!llOltE~m POSmlON. SIGNS NC) I.G-tTB WI.L NOW BE ENEFIOIZEDWHEN THEl1IolE ClOCKNJlC\lESl)E 9TOREI3OCClJPIEllANOlHl"f'f.I::ITOO;u. INOICATESLOwLIGHTlB'EL$. . WliENl1iEBTOIlEClO8E!lIlUTISm.L 0CCUPlED.lHESIl3N91'BUI~lI3Ht99W1TDt 8HCll.l.OIlElURNEDlO'OfPlOOON.l..EH "''''....... . WHEHTHECRIOWLEAVE51H!':lM'D.QO('Ift1 TVRNOFfAUEXTEIIlOfIlJGtf1S.lHE:JJWfJT1:. DELAYT1MERlSUSEDTOI'flClIA:IEI'OMR1OTtE BfTEUGHTIIFOREHOUGHlM':mAllDWltE auowm LEAIlESAFnY. 12D\1C1RCUlT7Pl\HB.'8' j N ,~ r '''''000. -t...J .--; f---e .--; f---e .--; f---e .--; f---e .--; f---e .--; f---e .--; ~ .--; f---e IION/ DLDQ. L.... '''''000. ~ .--; f---e .--; f---e .--; f---e .--; f---e .--; f---e /" .--; f---e .--; f---e .--; f---e ..... L.... .,'-./:C-;'C--~ I I , , 00' I I , , I H. I '------^-..... ~ 1 r-./:--;,---~ I I , , . 00 I ! t-- , HO L______J TI~r~ I ~~_. ."~YIC IJX:.tLCOOE.WllflO , G 1<)1 . SHIJWOINN Ie LNTS '... lUPONO~CF gg:~ ~ G'" I a~ I ___, "I.M'ER G~ _.,U... >aBl ~ACnI 12.5-20 TON VOYAGER UNIT SMOKE OETECTOR m' /P'3"24OI FUSED,lEMAaR DISCONNECT SWIJOi C>>oI ROCf' lSZE fU5fS PfflIoWU'.1CTt1ti13 ~ =-J RE(:QA1oEMWI)Nij .. Ool' 1:/01 ....--FANWClTCJlSTMTER. SEEPI.NIS EF1 r --- - --.,,/ fORCIIClITBllR.IIIPNEL'D' I(S> l M!~! L __~ __J I,! NCOC , U>ffil .. NSmW. ~. """"""' TlJfUC If21Dl,lOMI' ............ ~TETO~TE ....-..r...... _m"'.... COOROllMTEWITH ""'""" - ''- J.,-- ~--"'"""'" TOMI("'lOl IolOUNTON'tUUA8OIE O~' """"""" -H--' ~ " J"L, . ,-Qo\HANO--OR'- ^""""TC.... ~""""" """"""" I - -~YOfEN aECmICAU.''''''' IIElAYWlTH1:D1COL otHD3D_CONT.outY 03i CONTACTS . ^' FOR BUllDlNO lDfI!I \.Y """'""" {~-jl-_ YOuNTIN~ - '----- -lIOMNnETWmlN8l FORPARKWl3u:JTU3HT '"'''' """"'" e<uBH' ...- """,,,TC"'" SWfl'CH. lOMI'lII """""" ..Ml\LLYOI'EH """"""",""" RE1AYwrTHIlDICOI,. AADaoNM>OONf. WTY co."".. FORStTELGH'l3 """"'"""""'" EXTERIOR UGHnNG CONTROL IlE&AY NU. I 8 i5~~~~a(!j r~~1 ? 8 If" Itl~ ~ ';' ~at]~ IJ <~~'i!'" ~5~1u .;zz UJm UJ IiO ~~i ~. ~~ lE!'5iil.flf~jill~!;j ~~itdf:Oli>~i5 s ,(Dg;~~I!::!O ~i ~!i1~ ~ . g.,a:~S~ " ~~O:5 (). Fi:i:i:l r8<:li'Sllfrl ~~~ ffi ~t::c8~li! !# ~~!"~ CONSULT/\NTS SFAJ. HOOD SHUT.DOWN DETAIL N.T.8. I ll' tUl'DTONVCtN1E1l UNIT (ROOfTOPlH1) . " ~ 6 ,- - ". '" 6 iOftiAY; .... 6 6 ONOETAL14, .... 6 """". ,.. 6 .... 6 6 6 COL""""'- << "'". CONT"""'i lXlNI!W:T""'" """""" ........",., ..., ......""""" TOAElAY1IC" SlE f<.o&R ONOETAL1", """'" """... """"........ llXlIll)( RlU-FAN INT1iIlLOCI( N.U, 13 TACO BELL 123l.wN SYJHT NfflOWN,lIS4.Q818i . Q ~~ ~ 1-50 NOT U6ED ELECTRICAL DETAILS Da- e Received: E6.0 I 4[ EUol2009 Original Submittal , , i r <... '- Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 c Original Submittal Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal ~----:::: '.-- -'- .-~- ~ ,..:..."'-....,=-~... -, c.,- ,~ -~ . ,~J .-J-J ~ I~ 'iI .. " Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original submittal Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submittal Date Received: DEe 2 1 2009 Original Submitt<>1