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Notes, Work PLANNER 10/29/2009
~ .. . ';;,;: f,"": .' ." ~ !; ~ - " i' . , .,'., "1 :City of Springfield.. :. .. Development Services Department 225 Fifth 'Street '. "" "':': ". springfiel~,. O~9747i . '." . ,,' -'.':':' '. : '. ':';:' '. . :',\::.>" , ", '~J, . . .: . <.:".'LAND bIVISION.:YENT A TIVE' : · PRE-SUBMITIACCHECKlISf .' .'. subdivisi'on':':V:):\:<:'.':"':" '. . . . " ...'., '. ~ " ". ,..., .'. . ...'.1 . . , . . . . , "., . ~ ;. . " -'" . . , ;'.', ~ ~ ': . .. .',' . ".., "Project Name: INesi:windEstates' . , :>. ' " ': :' . '. -.. ~-;. . ..' ':'~ ~;:. ',-,:" ". ...... . , ,." '.' . . . Project Proposal: 103.16t cluster subdivision' . . . .. . ." ..- . . .' . , ,,' . ',. : ' .. '.,., _' . Case Number:," PRE2009"00025 .' . .. ."~roJ~ctA~d~~i;:.;();h.a;"cjDilfs~si . .' i.: :" .. ":"':""':'-~" .,...,:,.:........~....: .~., I,~': ...:'..:........:';'.:..:...... "~ ..' ..". . ..:':> :.';' ..'.... ..... ... '....,'.;Assessors Map'and,TaxLot.NuiTiber(s):..t7~02-"32 TL 104.. .."'. . " ..... . .... ....,'.::'....,...; i,.. ,',";.. ~--"';'''. ":>',.":'." ';'. ,,' .' '.:~,,' ,i'. .."~;~',,:.~"",.'" :". ': . Zoning:' Low Density Resfdent"ial (LDR) :.... ". . . ' ..... . i:"-;,;" . ", ' I "'. . . , . .' "';":'_ '.: '.: ":'.',' '. ;;'. .' ... .' Ovel:layDistrict(s):'.NfA":: ...,...... '...... . .. ".' . .,~,,".'. ., '. ,\,:;,.~, '" '. .' ,'. ..,.-;~ ':,.: .:: . " .' : Applicable Refinement Piail::N/A.' .: . _. '. ,. ," ",':. .," " '. '~':- . .', .. .... ..... '. _' . . '. '-~. _~. . ' . . t. RElfinement PlariDesignation: . . N/A ' .: "'Metro ~Ian 'De~i~n~ti~~;"~ow 6~nsity Residential. (LDR) : . .' ~ ' .' , '.' .' . , . . .-.'-' . . " . . Pre-Submittai Meeting i>a~e: oct 30, 2009, Application su'bmit~aID~~dline: ~pril 28; 2010 , . ," ,;', - .... .. " AssoCiated Applications: . I CITY OF SPRINGFIELDDEVEL()PMENT REVIEWiTEAM . ..' I POSITION REVIEW OF NAME I Proiect Planner Land Use PlanninQ Steve Hopkins I Transportation PlanninQEnQineer Transportation Jon Driscoll I Public Works Civil Engineer I Utilities Clayton Mceachern Public Works Civil Engineer I Sanitary & Storm Sewer Clayton Mceachern I Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon I BuildinQ Dave Puent Deputy Fire Marshal I Community Services ManaQer APPLICANT'S' DEVELOPMENT REVIEW tEAM. Applicant: Applicant's Representative Chad Bettesworth Matt Keenan Hayden Homes KPFF Engineers 2464 SW Glacier Place, Suite 110 1201 Oak St Redmond OR 97756 EUQene OR 97401 Revised 10/25/07 . , ".' ,.... '!"(;:U::;'/:' '. .... ,. : , ". ".. ". '. . . " : .' . . ..,' ., .'. ':'. :,'. ". " . '.' . ~' >" '. , . ", . '.:; .' . '~:-':'~. : '. . ':' . ',,",/ '". . : . ..~:-.'," .~..:~ ." . .:' .." ~. .: ....... ".:,.' 'CO: ..". ~ . .., ',..' " 1" ........ '.' ;.< ". .. .' ~ " , , . '.. ....... " :.. :'. ,<':~\',~ ':~.~:: .' ,,'~'..'. .' , '. '.' , . '. '.' "... . .. ,,~ . '. '. . ......,' ,..' ..... ',. ..' "',.' " . " I PHONE I 726-3649 I 726~4585 I 736c1034 736-1034 726-2293 726-3668 , -/ .',~:~~."I1,''f' lit;:.; '. :, J ~," ;.. d;:l:~ , : ~ ~'~-I " ; I, <:, .C' 'I"~ ,. : .' : .:"' " LAN D.DIVisION TENTATIVE' PLAN APPLICATION . , . ' , :," . ' ,: . '" :PRE~SUBM1TTAL CHECKLIST '. ' ','.' .'; , >, . ' ' '~"" . ' , , j , ".,.,"::' ,1,' .{ '. " '~.. ,- . ,":, ...\ , ' , " .; ': , .. , , '. ,:: , I , ,~' i~- , ... ' : ,",r' I ';"':'c::'" -,':\ , ,. , '.' , '. ". " . ',,"." , ';;, : ~ , ',',:;' ': ,~, .'>, ,. ~""" ." ,.' ;;" 1" r; , . ,,-:';'" ;:,_,;;': : : :".:~ I ", /", , . ,::,.:'".'. ',;,,:;: ...,:....::..'.:...;.;j,..~)?(:'.~.i~..,;:; . . ',': ~'.PLANNING .~ .:: ':.... ,", ,". ":.~';", ~,,{:,":"',". '; .",;: '\U:: .:. ",,~, " :.'!'.,'~:";". :::',:-:,"',.':', . ," '::r':::',}?i,i},;.'::>:;:;: '.':,'::;'::;:;.\.::';';. 0,;,;".': . '.. ;"..'" '.J ..',0' .'Ajiplicationfeec'discusstheapplicable'fees':,." ',1.:"':.' ..........:',.:.,' ..... ~:,',.>':.:":.':\:/:\'<~:".;::'<'.:''':''~'''' ..:,:' .:", ,,'~:' <"'" ~ :.,.. ....':~..:'".. '::,'. ':.':/;",.~,<;,<,:<,~:~.;' :,..:. :t~,'~"!:':<:;,~,,,,,, "', . " "i,,':Cqpy'of the d~ed an~a prel!miilii~vtitledrep'oft ii~u'ed withi~ th'epast 30 days '. . . ...... documenting ownership ;arid lis.tir'1g all encumbrances'; If the applicant is not the'property '.' ..' .. .... owner, yiriti:en permission fro'IT; 'the p~operty owner i? required. . . ..' ..;:. ".:, , ".'", . <',.. ,,. ""1'0,' 1,... _', ".., ,.' .', ' ". .. . . .c::;omplete ,-.rrlcomp.lete. ?~e PIā¬irlning., . '. . ." ". . '.:., '::~. '.:-:. ,:':~'....~<'<::.Note(s) . """":.,..' .'. " d'..' . ~ i. ~ '.' ,," :'.~ ". . ';':'i., , ':' .' ", :,~.9.e~?a~dPreJirriI[i~r>';Ti~I~.;~~p'qrt. ;, , .. ,.:' ;,~ : ~':',>':' > , ) ',' ", '" ' ::. ' '".' ) " :" ,",',' ;, ~,:: " . '\", " ": ' ."'.' " " / '; " , " ,}'. :,' ,,' ' '.:, I ' , ,'" ',' " . '. . '';. :Brief narrative 'explaining the purpose' of the' development, th'e eJ<istin'g use :of th'e ' .....: .. ..'.....'..'.:; .>: pr6p~~Y;'<:lnd.,ariY.Cjd'di~i()nCjlipf9thlati9~, ~haf~~y' hq've ~'b.eaHng in' de~~~mi,;'in9. th.~,' '. .,'~' ':. ":a,~fio~ t~o'~~tak~n~ .:' .; .t,... ". '.: .', '. :" ." '.' .o" . . ;,., :.."toriipiete;,Inco~jJlefe"see':Planriing' ':', . ..... ' :'. ""':'-' . ...." ;......... . .:.... ',N..ote,'(~)'.'..':"" '. ' .' ...., '" '.' . ",.".,,' ..' ,,' , .'_'" :'.'.., I,. t, .', ~.' " , ",','I2iJ;'@]; " .Brief Nah:atii/e'. . " . . . ' ;:1. r.... :,. ~, ,'~ ": ,;, , .' :,~', , " . ',,': '~ , ;" ' .-' , . .:> .' Land Division Tentative PI'cm'. . .' , " ".: .. ' , ',,:, .'.. .,., ~, ..,. ".', .,.-; ,,: "" , '-' ,~ : ~ ' '~ [J .See Planning 'Note.cs)' ..,.. :;'/ .' 'Complete' ,Incomplete ,. ," ':', \ .,'-' ,. '. '.' '.: . [2<;1 ~ 1,3 Prepared byan Oregon licensed Land ~u;'veY.or in 9ctordancewith ORS 92 , '-', '. ~ ' ' City boundaries, the Urban Growth . Bouridary, and any special service district . boundaries o'r railroad right~of-way which cross or abut the property.' Location and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the property Boundaries of the entire area owned by the property owner, of which the proposed land division is a part,as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale . ,. . [%]. 1Sd" "I' - l8J Cl Revised 10/25/07 2 . ~. . ~ Loc~tion, widths ~~d names of all exis~ing : '.' ::. ' '. and propqsed streets, alleys, dedications or . " ;;- ,'. . ,,'other. i-ight-,of-'ways within or adjacenttothe' 'r.::: .;.;i :, ,'. :.',. 'j" ',' ".' proposed land division,' :Propos'e~s'ti-eets ' :: ". ""..': :,:':.'> :..!' : :;':, .shoiJldalso'iriClLide approximate radius 'of ;::::,'<':;?'.. :.:,::.:,;.:': '.. ,,: :.;'. ,( ;.:: ': ". :.-.:. 'cu'fY.esa.nd'gr~aes ~~d"re'ati9hship'.~o'. any ..' '." . .' ",:: ;;}. >:...i....:'i.;::;:.~.::' i!:.},;i'<~:':i.;;.'.:.:.'.",",:",:,.", :..:.',.'.?:.,..'.'.:.......' . . :' :-: . . .' :.g1i~~~~adn~~~~~~i:~~n~~~~ru~I~~~~~9~~;bt: .::,.>:'/,,"<" " ':,. .' Plan, orc:once'PNal:~l)c'al Stre~t Map".\:"';~{;::" . . . ~: .; ',. .~.. ",.., "::':.' ',o . .. 'Lo'c~tidn of e~is~inga:n'dreq~i~~d tr~ffid';:~::, '. :", .~: , . . :' . . . .' '. control devices;'firehy(j"~ants~ power.p,ole?>,"" ". . .", .. '.'t"ransform'ers, neighb'orhc:iod 'mailbc:ix'units ":.and simiia'r publ'ii:'facilities' ...'.: ,....... "",' . .': '.' - ': ',::,' ':'.': ,;.' ;' . " ~ ", ;,::. ", .' "'~, 't,) , ;," ',' I .' . - . ~: . .,'" Location of existing and proposed street . :: .... . . .,'.' . iigtiti!1g,in~luding type,'.h.eiglit,:and:area, of'. , '" ,:.,..",").:i!I~~i,~~tiO~..:,':,:~..,..'.:;, ...:,'",: .. . .:~ .. ,;::' , '. ' . .-:.:. " :"LdcatiCin',anddimemsiohsof:exiStln!=j'and . , .' :L:,,:' "'.:;::':~rop"o~~adri,ve~~yS \.;,.:....:.'.:.~.:~,.::.../ '. '., '.: .. . ' .::.Locationbf'eXist(ng an.dpr.oposedtr'ans'it < ::,..i;: :,' ", . '. :'. faCilities '" ~;":::::':," ", :<:". ,,:,:.:,"'..': ' '.' . : .Locati'on ana width .of all e'xisting arid i..:. ". ". . ,proposed sidewal~s;,5i'de.walk 'rarDPs~'. ..' ". 'ped.e~triCln:at'qis~w~ys,an9. bike tr~j1s' .... .Lo'~ation,',size;'andtype:Cif plaiitirl'gs~n(j . . str:~ttrees in Cll)yr~8u!ret:l plante:,strip.,: ..' . . The locations ofallare~stdbe dedicai:~d or reserved fo'r publi~ u'se,'with' the purpose', . .' 'condition, or limitations of the reservations .' . clearly indicated' ., Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including . sanitary sewer mains; ~tormwater . management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate th~ proposed connection points. . . ~' ~ . ~.-.! ': :~ ~~~. -" ,~,'tTi~'\ ,.' r ,. " . , ,_:.1 ". " ',< ':' ;,' .,~ : .. ~': ' .. :: - ,~" '.' ,"'" " ;,.': '; :,~,'" ~ I , .', . ;.\ .,: '~ '.,.'.' ,,";_1,.:" . ','., ",;..... '.~ ; "I"' . .,'..'., ~ , '. ", ,-,. . "',"',': '.';':":':: " '.'R?!' "" '.....~::.. ..'., ~. ~ -. ",," ",.,,:" ",".. ,'::"..' "-' ;,', 'ry1,i , '~:.: ," ',-,", ., . ",[ffij",: '" ,,' " ",l' . ", ',,':" .,', '".-:-.'..' '.r- ." ',,,.,, ','" '": ,; '~', . R?!. k:2J ;:'tj '. ,',-" .e..'."'. " ',',,-.' ~.. , "! . ' "',,,: .....~ .n . :1i.2J " ,t'" , '." . '[g]' GJ ;, " ;:-,;"; , ,~; -- ',< o Future Development Plan where phasing or large lots/parcels are proposed as specified in SDC 5.12-120 E. Complete Incomplete See Planning Note(s) D Future Development Plan ~ Revised 10{25{07 3 " i = ',~' , ~ .. , .' '. '. '. :'; .. ~,. ,~, -t: ,:;:~ }. ' : ',I" - " Planning';No.tesi , " . i . ' ':. ,I :.';' , " , ", ., , . , ,- , .'.., "I"", . . '.: '1.. If thei;':'pro~enient a'6~ee~e~i: has 'been :recorded, ,sub'r;,it a copy' of,tii~',rec'oraed .:' .:,\'~:, \(efsidn~.:ifhot.;s~bmii a'co'Pyof thedrMt;. ".,' ::: .:'. '..:., :" ,:: "..:;'/' ..:'. ,: :.... ._.:'.:,..,.,',;,';':'"';.':_':,1',...,.t',;'..~"'\':':", .!>,'.:~~" '",~:';(.,..; ,',,';'. _ :/'::' ,.', ;..;,;\<:,.:,:'_.,,<, /;:'\';'~"":"""":' .. .'.' :...;;: . ,:2:,. '1;he,ow~,ers,hip' rnys~',.~e .ide.h~i.ryed.prio.r'.toth~:recg:din.g.. A1!9Y"n~rs Willn'eedtq ;- ':' ""., <...;.'..,...::.... :', si9h the pla~. "\';:\L',/ "'.>::',,.//)::,:!;'.:. '., ", :->,:;'.';';:'::, :,' .7::~:;/'" ." ".;' ",;..' ,1 . 3. Ne.edaf} easeme'n(f~r'-SlJB acro~str~ctf:.<;,,;':>;'~:i:::". .' .' . \ , --<, ,,', - .' ,,' , " ' ", " .',' '" .', ' 4. Themai~tenance ag~~'e~ent fOr"U1~deterition:p61):d;,yjlineed to be.finalized p['i6,r' to appr'?val of the p!at.,', ',,' . . . ." ". " " , '. ,~ ' . '. . ~ ' .: ;:~' , ,.5.. ... ,'. Adciii:16h~J ~6nihj~ht~h~t r~i~te~~o " ,'-'" _" . . :'~, " 'i, ;'"..'~ <.' , " the completeness of theiJpplicatlo.ij:,:' , ".... ,'. " ' -',' ,,;', .:" .' . ..' . '"I,., '. ':,' ""'. ...~,';' '" "','" , ..,' ),\'" .. ,', ", " ,- ".~, ,;.",;- '. ~\ .,..,.' ','.-" <"'. .... ,~:' , \' ",' '~"'" ',. .' , ., , ',"~.' .:: '," ',' ~:';;"" ';'. . '. ,\,' ;"',",.':', "."!'.. ..' .' ~ " ,'. \' "\' ." ", , ~, -, ,'. ;!'!: ".". ., <' ;,' " " ::,' 'i, .~:;'- , " :"", ,"'.. ", ",,-, , ~. " ",--,' .,:~; ,. "" . ".." " '."". ,,', , ,',' " ",.' ~' , , \" " ..' " ",',,' .' ';..'; .,'".' ,'I, ,'" ,-;,' :,. ".:', '," ,,',," ',. , '. ';,. "",- Revised 10/25/07 4 .' ..,' I~~;'" r l ;,' : '" "' .' 11"- . ~ ',<I 'E . ~ :: ,~~ 'i' 'S ',;; ~'..... ; ~,"'r~,~_:l~_J} : ~., : '. ; , "', : . ANY REQUIRED ADDITIONAL MATE~IALS, APPLIC~TIONS OR' . :. .- ;'. .' , . . . PERMITS . '. ;. .':: :. . ..., ..:,', '.: i . "':. > . ;: ',,: . : '; ,) .. ,; . :.' ':" , ': .. ;. .'; . l ::-: .: ", " :: ;. ; .' " It IS THE APPLICANT'SRESPONSIBIlITY,TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDSiOR, , . .' :.->." :,~ APpLii:~TibNS APPLY'TO T~EPROpOS.EcibEVELOi>MENT.' 'THE,Ai>PLIdANT.,S~OULD.:.' ,.,' ;.' :.. ,.< " ,'cONsIOER"U-rILIZING EitHE~THE bEVELoPMENTISSUES 'MEETING '6R.THE.;RRE~':" .:: ! :.,::. ';' . ' ," '_ ", i'> \" ,'" ~ " , d, ,," _,,' ,,' ' _,... '-",' ,,; .' ,,",', " .., , i.'., '" .', ~''', ;, .. '..' ','t ,,- ". "-, " <<' "I . ." '" -,," .. I' ,.,.',. :' '. . ;' :' '. APPLICATION:R,EP,ORT .FOR MqRE);>ETAILED INFORMATION:. i.':':,:,;' '::..':.",;, ';.' :.'/:: . ", "::.f:, :". , ":: :".~:, '::~:;;'::'::-:;'i, \;;~ :,,~< :;.:":~": ',~. '}::.'/:~',:'<,~:, "~'<"~:;<,;:; ,<_:.:,\':::'. _:', :' ',.,,' :." (~;',,' " ,,' < '~/~<t~~<,,: ;:< <' ~t ,,::' ':1',:-, ,::7 :,::::': :,i'>(\'''. "~' .;"Applicable Not..,;""':" :/' ':. . . ., . :., ".:. ;'::' ':'~':.';"APp,iita?I~;'.':~:::.'" '. . "(,.,,. '.:", .' , .' IZB' 'i:..~, " '. .,". propo~ed'deed' restrictions arid a draft of any'Ho~eowmir;s . .' .' " ',;,' ",' "', ' ,,'. " ,. ,,', "_~" ," l" " . . :." '.. .,..' . . AssociationAgreement. ""; ,. . . , . ..", . . '. ,....,: ~ ,: ,;:,.' ,"~. ,"AdditioA~1 Pla~~'~~ddocJ~~ritati~n'f6~subrriitt~lb;~"c;~ster ..: . .' ',:f ,.', . ,:;' ., :,'::.' ". sJ~divi~ion proposai',',..!s"sp,ecifie(j'in SDC 3,2"2.30 ,......:.. .... '.. :.:; ; :.,.; " .', ' "" < ;'" ,'"', \ c:",.'.' . ',:', :,.. ; .' ; '" ::',:~\ ' ,; :'. '.. ,:., .iL'; .' ,'.'; :'":'",, '.... "'" ';, ',:: ' ';, ',", .;" '".- ','~ _,-'; , .".. :_'" ',_, .' ' " ,-.. ",.- . > .[~r:~ ..~ " . ':" ': Rip~.fi,!i1>l\rea' p~6tet;titin~ep()rtfo:r'pr9P~.rt:ies.lo.t;at~9\N.ith,i~. i50 ". " .: " .. " '''''': '.' ,. .'. .., feet of the top of bank of. any Water Quality. Limited Watercourses' '. .' ..' ":, . .'. ," ", "(WQLW)or~ithiF)100f~et-oithetop:of"tj~lnk"of:anydireci::. ;". .....- i."': :~::::tnpui:ilr,ies'~f,~QLW":':).::<' .: ":,:"..:,,,"\':' .. ", :.' ': :""""~"::'::.'[~I." A Geotechnical Report p~epared by a~ en~'i~~er~must'be""'; ...... .'.., ..... t.' ',': ;'.:' ;' .. .... ~. ;, .,:' . "submitted cOllcu.rrently if there are unsi:abl~ ,spi.rs'a'n9/ora' high' : ,;,..... ...' '.". .".::..~ater.~a,blepr~serit..:.::;,...:...,..:'.:~..:,'..... t'" .. .... ,:. Jg].';: [;] . " Wh~re t~e developmerit'-clr~a is .w)tl1lnan qverlay distriCt,. address:, .' . .,..' . '. ':: theic,idditi6nalstandards tiftheov~rlay diStriCt:,.,',' ,:,,;, . .' ' ," "', , ' . [Jl .' , '. [] . . ":. If five or more tree? are proposecj to be rem6ved, ~ Tree Fe'lIing ,:Permit as specified in sbt 5.t~HoO ';>: . .... , ",' .., , ' ' -",,' , .. '." A wetland delineation approved by'theoreg~n Divi'sionofState. ".' 'Lands .must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland. on the prope.rty, . " '. ' '. Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit 'application has been submitted for review '. . > : ,,':~ , ..,~ "'" ' . " R'l L!.J .F'l ,~ Fl. U' ~ o Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of financing Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 D .[g] [gI [] D [g] Revised 10/25/07 5 'i' .,:- ,.. " , ...~', ;..: " . :::;~ l;' ',,'- 'f . ,'L<: ,; '; II - < , . ~ -.' : "t' " ': ';, '~ -,":.. '" ,;' . , :', :" ~ , - ': , , ' ,', ,.: ; . , ..' ,niIs APPLICATIO'N IS: . :", , , 'i :: i ;'; ;'; ': :., '; ~~""";,' :: - . , ' '. ':'.: ':<\: :; , ' " .' ",-' , :',' >: ';.'::'O'COMPLETE FOR PROCESSING.: .' ,; ',', , ,',', ;.,'"i/..,;.... ".:' ';, ' : .,.. :,[2HNCOMP'LETEANO:NfEDS MiSSING INFORMATION NOTEti:ABOVE',' h'.' :::.:.: . .. . ~i,j';, ~'0,;:'!;";,t(:;'!!!ii),;,:ti::rf'~'.'n!',,:,J~i2i:;jt:':l?" ';tl';S?i';7;;1;,'t"t,;;bi:,t:>;; -':':.-: ,:, . Cit'(Planner',:-' .:(, '.:' ",' .. .' '. .,1'. C, ",' ,.. ",;. , :.::c..," ::bate . .:.j , , '" " , " ", ' , ',,' , '.' -" - :,"', :' . ,: ' ,"' " " :'), ;' , ",' " " "", ~.. ' <,' " ,,',: "', ',,' i. .. . ; " , ':' I, ",', , . , .",.. ',', , , ~,' , ~:,~'_",.."', ",'.~-""":" ~"""',,,": ,",""", " '.", "..", ,,'. ..i,'~".",,',)',',' ,,',.....::..,'.,,' ,'-:,~ , This is riot a decision 'on' your application. .. Spririgfield, Deve'lopment:Code.5edion5 ,4~ .. .. '. '. ',':105andOregonRevised Statutes.227.178requlrethe Citytak~ 'firial, action cinalimited Icllld ,. . ,":: :;;u~e :d~,c:i~ion'0ithir:i12Q' ,~ay~~ft:ef:tB,~ application isd~'eiTI~d cdn'1pl~t~.. ::The120iday.'.... ' "". ' , , . ::. ;' .: ~:8f?,c~.~S\~9.~eri~1.fo'r .this .~P'~.IiS~t!~rl:begihs.~j1erlall,t~fh1J?~in9...i~~8rQ1~fi()bJs.'su~ini~~? ~r,!,.', :. . >' :;. ~~~rY.9u .r~.q ~e~~- thCltth~,S:I~y:,JJro,c,e~~':"!th.?ut the.'~form~t!~n "" r oU,rT)us~Y1dlci3te byelthe~ '. ':: ,/ . '., . ~Ignlng ~!1IS fO[1J1 ~r..by submlt~l~g i3 wrltt~n f,espons.e to the qlty .wlthln.seyen ~a'ys .o.f the.... . ".' .. , . :;date of this;form' asserting'yo'ur"intentioris regarding the 'provision of the' missing in'formation:':'" . i .. ::. .. If you i~dicate"herei~ or ili'your' written' responsetha't the missing"i'nformatlon willbe.' . .'. :, . . ..:. ," submitted,' then yo'u have 18(hiay's from the date the :appiication was' submitted for Pre:' . : ",,." '. subinlttai Review to prc)vide'the'City withi:tlemissing iri'formation;" I(you refuse to submit < ,:the'inissing information; then up6i-1' receiptofthe'full'a'pplica'tioii packet and processlngfe'e;' ..,.. .., '" " " ',.\'-,' " .. c':' ,"",," ',:' "1- '. ",0,,', - , "'" ~,; ,'.." '",' ',' '.' "-:'...; ',' .' ", ,,": : ..' ':' " ; .', -, ", ",' ,.. " > . the City willdeem.theapplication.complete for purposes ofstartil)gthe 120-day clock and ,.' ;'.' : . ,begin pr'ocessing ~he 'iip'plicati6n:Nonewiriformaticin may be s'ubrriitte.d after tti'estart' bf . '. ,.' :'" . .the :12.Chday 'pe~iod unless a~c6rnpanied by a request 'fora'~ exi:en~jon of the 120"day .,'. <.; '. '.. processing .tim~, .'Updn:. receipfof a request for extelisio'riitheCity ,may e:<tend the120~.d<,lY.,':', '. " . period for a reasoriabl~ perioa of tiMe. The CitymaYfl.lso:xequireaddition"al fees ift~enew,' information i~ submitted after the Noti.fication 'toSljrrbunding prdpertyciwriers is sent'out:,-:. '., and a second notification is required or if the riewiriform'ation substantially affects the ... application proposal andCjddi~iorialreView is required. '.',.' . . .' I ' : " . " , I',' , . . i, the owner/applicimt,' intend to submit all missing items indicated herein.to tlie " City within the 180~c1aytimeline... .. .. .... I Owner/Applicant's Signature Date Revised 10/25/07 6 _~. ,,:f' -~ F ""', I' ,'-... i..!~" _ .- " " ' " ; ; " ;, ;:', .-. .. '; "" "Improvement agreement . "., ,.'. ,... .... : '.;::;:. \ : Re~i~e'r~veg~t~t;b~ plah ~o ~h;'~ 2'0' PI~n~i~gs 'Jnd~r power.lines ''':~." ~'.'. :i, ,>...: " .e"". ',;\',,;~ .,';, :.,:'1 ::' ,,",,\' ',.": "..:'.,"~,~';',;..;, I.,,::,,",~.,"', ",,:,,", .": .';,: Plat note:. Tract G 'and Lots'.10271,12"riow called Lot 1'02. This area was notinCluded in'the": .' :'::,) , . , , : :'teritativ~ app'rb~al": Resubdiliis'ioii'of 1 bi required to add~ess hillside i~iGes, eXte'nsion 'of ;':': '. \: :{ ';. :.: . , ," l' ,.: ,'.,. " '.. ...,~. f:J . ~ ',,:'" ' ", s 'II ;, '" ' , ,.' ""., '; ,'. '. utilities, '.road constructlon,'et~.;. ,'..'. .".., '. '" :;,,'!,'.: ;:":,..."....,. .. " ,".' J" . ," .' ~.,' > .. " " ',. ,~,' , ,}. I ,;',' .."", " ,,,: Plat'note: ~!ust!,r desigrisian~a.~ds' ..'.....: " c'. ,,'::;'; _..' '.,,' ,-: '" ",' ".,..,.." " ," ", ',,"r:.-';", Cluster design standards and building envelopes on CC&Rs - '. .' ,-"" ,', ,<.', ,', '..'. -'" ,';':,'.. ',' ,-",', ,.'.' ..' .sobqing priof to recording .:",": . :,' '.' . ',.'. ' ., '. ':' ',:'",":", '", " "":"" -, -'. ' "-.. " "', ",:' ..." :.., ':':Streetboiid'subrriittE~d rio iilterthali 3'6 days after recording ..' ""',' ':'." ,;~,~,~:', " ,.';" ". ::" ,',1' '. .'..,';.',.':" ',,"_' "" Fire Access from Union Terrace:.elevatfon change .. :-',.,,' '.",~".",:,~,' '",:~:. ,. ':', .",~, . Hillside LotdeVeloimlEmtmaiiual ;: .' , . \," . , . :,":':. ~ina.I:.p,:',I,~ff~.',e' ':;;;,". ' .' , .' , ;': , "'. ,',: :,"',- ' ,". ~" .'; 1" , , ",' : ",:"",', "r '.. ',' ,.' ~ ;' ,,;' ! " '. '~ , ,~. ;:> ;".. '.' ,. "", 'I", . " ~, " , ' . .~, ;,\~:' .,:' " " . .' " ., '>:"._', ..,..'/,1,..' ,...',:;, '...".- .' ,':';/':,.:f':"" :',:,'~ . 'r:i' ;,'" ,y' ".'" "'l';':'" "", ",', , ",.,-';; ,', " - " ~'" ,. '. ";' - , ;:' , 'I~ ',':,~. \' ' '.' . " ., ",' . ,. . . ':,:" -~"', I"~, "'. " . '," , .." . .' "",",:-:' :', '..;, ",~, \. .:' ,:":~ , .. ,(~ ",',' ;:-i',' "',\~ ',t\:, ,. , ,. ;:' ,,'. ',I', I ~,~" '" '.. ;. <' .. ~ ":;.';" " ;~ ' :-; ': '; '': ,:-"':~ J'" 53.d~. ' ,....' ,::i',,: ' , " ~ l'" ",' ", ' .. '. . " v,,:<, '.';;' .. , ;. '_J" " ,,' ',I' : ,~,. ',.C~pl~f,;':t'FJ;f I )dtl.l!OfU . ~od<l r~~) '(lc:KJ'> '<ii~ !,~Jh': " . 1 " ~ri.~'lr tli.Mc.e t~7r~~~e~ f.' 'i: tjOfj .. . . . ~~J{ch.("f\<1t(,~rCJ y-~t; /ryo) l"'j!.t/id ;"' II ') ~~' 'T'~ _ ,I~!),:{~ ~ ~J.~ '0' _ ',::: . !' -. , ~ i ; ::~"~~" ~~ ';{ -- ~, r Page 1 of 1 " " . SOMMER'S sa'rill; " ",;:', lJ,.,';, .. ,;1 " .. ,":, ,':'" "','.';;/' 'I', .., :"",;' ,', , ;, :Frcim:'.,i: "'.'i. 'GObOWIN.Len, :" ':.., , ,.,;,,_, "'..,,,- '..'" "'," j' ....","" 'I ,:i1, " :',serii:' ":M.~nda;.D~e'rnber,1(2965.8:45'A~ ,:,,;.... ":. . , ..' . f~:' . ',,:;. E~N~f.?,e~~?j~...;'::,~':':r::~T\::"::\";,;:':.::<:',' '.' .,' ec: MCKENNEY Gary:' VOGENEY. Ken: SUMMERS Sarah' ',,', ",.,,:..., - , " " '- ; ""..-,', i'" , ,'. , Subject: G-FH..iaud'l.ciad ''-, . r' . ...., .. '.' ,.f' , ,_ .,..._",.' .' ",''-'. ":'" . Attach":,e':lts: westv,.ind fi~al.pdl " ,,', -:"i, '; '..~; , . ',; , '. i' , ,,~; ~:';', :..:",' .,,' ~:. .', ~;;'::'/<": ;:,.., ";", ., .. , .. ..~, . , " ' :: :'~". ': ";l~~"';"":" ~,',',' .,..r,.:' " : .. '::"~';;:,,;;;::,,::. ", ,', ..'- . . \ '~ " :. '''''.. :', " ",' ,I" .' ,"" ,~. .'. '.' '~ .'. " " , ,1 , ~' ' , ',h ., :' Dennis;,.,. I,,;.' ',:"'" ',.;',;~": "':, ",'.. ','-':' " ;',' :", ,.;,;"""." "':; '".. Attached is ihei~tt.jfol agreement we~ave'signed with the dev~loper 01 the Wesiwiridsubdi.jisi~~,As'wetalked about, I iNciuld 'appreciate'your staff preparing the resoiution dedicating' the ROW: and the legal aescription. 'Once you advise when it ",ouid be' .- . 'reasonable t6:expeCt thatto be availaole,lwill.place the item on hie Council agenda calendar,' '.:, . { ,... ':~:.'" . ,'. ~~~rik:;;i. :,-",;' :!,::"':'/.;';.,;~:"'" '.' ';d.' ...,. ,. ""." . ..<:,.. " :'. ~', :' ,- ' ,'" .'1,';'.:'.<..... .,;:. to'. ", .~' ': '.,. ,,'. ,I '",'" ~ ,~f' \ , ": ," ~ ' \. ~ "':i .' :1' ':" . ".' ","'- , ,.', :,' ',.-"~, ',' '... :" '},/',:"", ,",' ,~ "i' , " ',: ~ " ~~ 't-',. ',: .; ,,' -;,. ".,'.\, .' ',," :,':." .,',:' ',,, "'";:;: ."" "', i" .. " ...., ,'" " ',,' .. . ." " ~ '.:: '1" " " ~ ': .,' ',' \: ',; .' " '.", ,',,'" :' ;. 12/22/2005 ~ mt~'~ ": I, , ,w.\,; ~,.~[ ::I:~ f'i,:' 'Ji,.:. '1if_: ..., . ~ r::tY~- ~.'; : r;, ::, ,_ .' ,;~y[; :~:'rt~'.' :~- r:: :~ ,J i ::"';' ;r: ',j ',,' .' ., . . '. ~ ,.'; .::... ;,i :,:/;' ::\;,: ';:' ".'~' ,;~.,' '<.::';',:.:;:"::;':'- :r:~. ,,' "..') '., I'. ":; 1::':: ','" , ",; ,,~.. '. ". " :,~:' ,",I, ,.'., " ::'",:t ':::'::',,"" .' I".... ' , .' :'l,l:';-- '", ..",1,', ';:': : '.'':~:.".'. "'.:,:,'...'.,'..,\:..::,\.,':.,...'.:;..'~~<~;:,,..:~:;,.~~."~~;~~,:~:.~" - " , . ' : : " ,,:';',,!;,'..~':~,'~., . ,'~~i ':\: :':."'.~ ..~:: :::~,t":~~ , , ,.' t,,-. ,,_........, ..I " ,':":;":~:' \' ,-,' ,". '~ ,'., ; ~ ~j ~:. .' :J' ~,' , . .: ,'.,' : '1 ',":' " ' '~ ' ,: ~ . - 'A:~~~EY{' 'D. ~AHg " ~.';TORNE:Y.,AT 'LAW, " 'At:r:~R.NE:~~ ;A,T ~!'~. , ,. .' .. 494 g, SW MEADOW'S' ROAD" ' ' 5UlTC:ZGq " .," ',' >" , LAKE: CEiWEOC; OREGON 9,7035.31'57 '~.503.22.8,5626,', .;' ,,- FAX 503.2213.13566 ','" :. .',', , J ',' " .:.' ME'MB~R D~E-;;'CN:& '., ' -~":';H'-'~.GT~W;eAR,G, .' e.:;.,.....,Ll ,....~....HS'@lJl.,;N~R~H...:H~;DC'" . CIR&c,'OIAI..I' (503) -:445~4:3CZ, . . 'f' .'." "". ',. ", '''~ '" ..'.: ., .'.., '" " ..':' ; \ .:~ 'l'. ',;",;', ",'," ;-r , ' :,.,,1, i.. .',', ,'I',: ~ 'I ,'. :,,:'t::." " ,:~ (:;,.' " ;'- ,"" ,,' . ': " :Deceinber 16':2005 ~"" ',' ,; .; . ..'. ' , "-" ~ .' ',-" ".;'-1,;'" '., ,I" '." ,;' ',,' ,'" ',,'/\' ":: '''-:,1:' ,:' , . ,,": ,"~, ,.", 'r ", ",,', ,.-,.' , ~, . ::: -; "..' " ",: "~ ',.' . - ",". : .'", -' ,'- ,'" :'. , " , ". '. . BY: r;;MAILl~o~dwi~ra.jci.sriririmeld.or.1ii > , " ~.. '<.:" . :' ~". ", .- " : :" ,:', , Le<)tjar<i (}oo<lwin , , City of Spririgfield · '225FiftltSt;'. ,.' '. ~pririgfield~OR 97477 "Ti..~ ~',"~ \: e,'" ' ',( ",:' ;":". :":, ," '" ., '. ," ,,', , -/,:' , . I' '"',, ',... " .,; ", ;', ," ',:', r_" , " '. . . ~' , "..' Re: , ' l ..' ' ' , WestWhid Estates Subdivision' FileNo', 3475/0008 .."" A: Subject to approval by the City Council by resolution, the city will declare that portion of the Booth Kelly parcel running from the westerly edge of the subdivision to the point ofinters,ection with the Weyerhaeuser Haul Road as public right of way enabling the developer to construct the two street segments identified with a capital A for street crossings to servicetlle subdivision. Any multi-use paths later installed as part of this subdivision in that portion of the Booth Kelly parcel dedicated un:der this paragraph will be maintained by the homeowners association unless and until they are incorporated into a public system niaintainedby an appropriate public agency, B. As partial'consideration for the dedication of the Booth Kelly parcei as setforth above, the developer will develop a public street on the area identified asUB" to ..'" "..,... . .. .~, , . " ! . :1- !' . , '. d::':'," ,')' ;', ,',,' " ..:;.-':, ."-, " .,' ~ '..;;l; ~';; !,.., ,~ " \" .' ,'..' .., .;: '", '.' " !' .. :',',: """., /, i '-', ,,:' ,,': "'. ":' ,,':, '.' ,." ,;' "\ " ~ ~, '\ , ~~r!Ff1~ '. '. c '.. . --z.: ')\<;rl~ '~;:''',,,:-_, ",', " -:" :1',)"'; <I"" '>J: " JU.l I; " " " " . " , - '. '~-, , . -; "E.-; <,--=. " ,;. , :,t,. '." ','1 ~~\4140-.krtS ._'1'" " :',,', ': . :"'\ " ,,,, " " ,." ' " 'ce "I' , . ':: " ':'., , :,' : '~ t ~: '::: I" .. , ., , .' , , '1, ;," l"', " '. 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' ': ..;','t;"::,;,r,'",:,';:,:,,'.',.,,,',',',',~.,::,::i::.,',:,',',;'.',-,",',",.".;',:\.".>.,",.::~.','~,.,:"':.:":.,.,,'..,'::..',:~'..,':,:,,;_.::-.,,,'~"'::;,,':',::':,::::'.,':',':""""::""::',',:,,'':',::.,:,,;,f:"'~':'i':' ,; :;;;'~';:; ;;,',,.:/{};,ili\ " " , ' , .,', ' ' , , , ~. , ....',,', ' , ~.. , ,! , , " ',; , ",: ~" "'/":,' ",,' . .',' ,,\,':-/ ~:;~',:',', 1<,' "", , .~. " ,,__'" ',' ',. . !he~a~estapd~~ds ~s ~he'~~eets in the ~ubdiVision, That street willbedeveioped ' " . , 'at'the sari1.e time as the other' streets in the subdivision. " ',",'.' , "",.. " . '.,' ,,' ': '" , ~ , ' , ". " '. ': "'.- '., ' , " :'.' . . ,. ,," ..",: , ; , ' C:,As'partial ~onsiderati6n for:the dedication ofthe iiieas identified as 'W;, the '. .: " ,,' , ,: developer"awe,s ~~dedicate!o the city ire ar~ identified as ;'d' at theti!i~eth'e. ,'. " . 'dty finalizes'Vte ~ligTVh~nt for the future extensi~n of 48thStr~et., The' exact '. ,: , '.. ',dimensions of the ' are' a ideriiifiiidas "C" will be deteitriiiied intheprcicess of, :..;' , ,,':''- ','.' 'finalizing t\i~ aligrupe-;;tforthe 48th Street extensiOli: Dev~lopet ~vill do no: \i':' . " , " : .' 'Yet1?,llds ni.itigati9D ~ork regarding ,this ~'C" p~operty, Any:wetwi'ad mitigation' '::.. : required will be the sole res'ponsibility of the City of Springfield, " : ' ",' " ' .' '- ..', , " ',' ....' :,' ',':"1" ,/: ',:'-":,, ~~, .,', ,!,':;~ ,: ;:-','. ; .'~t:,-, '::' ",~" :"'" :',", ~, " .. '. ' ,:,'~, .'".. , ",'. >'., ('" ~': .. !, 'D,'Thedeve]oper's' predetessor has an agreerrieritwithweyerhaeusei"to'proVtde,at ", '",: ",' , ", ",' " ,':'''' . .' ".',;', ~ '.: .':. . " '<,' ,"c, , .; '. ;"':~' . , , ' , ',,'. 'Ih " " ,':: ,"', ;, -,', ..., " ",' :,' ,:no cost, a'connectlon between the Westwtnd subdlYlslOn and 49 ,Place across the' ,:',,', '.., ":,:,. .. ,.,,',:: . ,.,." ',::: :,"e~isi0g Weyerha~~serHalllRoad:In i~e event. the city ?bt~irisiitle'to 'ihe~': "',:' ',', . ',,< ,', ".,. , ' ,,:Weyerh~euserlIaul Road pliO! to this crossing beingdec\ic~ted;thei:ity agrees to , ' . " " "provid~'a publiCly dedicaied right ofwa~ lit n(j emit to the del(eloper, t(j .s~iVice ,,: , " ", .. ,'., t?~:,subdivi,sion,',""< ," ::, , "..,' '0: 'i' '-', , . :E" The- developer 'agreesto .pay'ilie ciiy25% of the estimated cost of $700;000,00 for,' ' ',' : ,. the 48thSt~eet extensiori, with the developer's portion not to exceed $175,000,' ' Payment ~ili be,due' 30 days' after final subdivision plat recording, .' :',', .. '..... , ' ":" " . "" ':,'- .:' , ':' ,,: . F.. Th~ Cit; will iia~t to the deyelop~r a first right of refusal ropurchase the property " identified as "F' or, ifthe city electsncit to sell the""F" property: it will gnint, 'at ' ,: no charge, a dedicated driveway right of way across ':F" to service the property immediately to the west. When the cityhas obtained title to the Weyerliaeuser " ' , ' , ,', lli Haul. Road and completed the final design for the 48 Street extension, it will 'notify Developer whether it will sell the "F" property or provide ,a dedicated' driveway right of way: If the diy elects to sell the uF' prope11y, the developer and the city will have 30 days, to negotiate the fair market value ofthe property, If they are unable to agree during that period, they will each select an appraiser to detennine the fair market value of the property, If the lower appraisal is' greater than 90% of the higher appraisal, the two appraisals will be averaged and that will ,be the fair market value,' If the lower appraisal is less than 90% (lfthe higher , appraisal; the two appraisers will appoint a third appraiser who will detennine the fair market value, which will in no event be higher than the high appraisal or lower than the low appraisal. The parties will,spIit the costs of the third appraiser. Upon determination of the fair market value, either through agreement or through appraisal; the developer will have 30 days after that date to 'notify the city of ils ,election to purchase the property, If the developer so elects, the purchase will be , closed within 60 days thereafter and the payment will be made in cash. If the developer fails to timely electto purchase the property or the right of way, the first right cfrefusal will expire, , :p~ '. -'. " " , , i: ,',' " , , ;, . . , " . '" , , .. ,',,:,' ') ,,. ,~ '," " ", ';"",i ',' .... ~ ,,: ' ,':",: .' , :~ ,', . ",;," ~ ' :,' I:' , '.'" ~; j::,~ : .~ : J,: L'fr " . r~ 'I , 1--f. '::;, ,~, '" ',' ',! " .; " . " ' " ..' -' :(::~\":<~;t~;:' .: 7 " <">;~"; "l; , , , '" " ',', ";' ',: ,',' . ., .,' ";I' 'i E;f,= ,~~ "" '~'. ;:::, , : 'r '~ "~~' ' , '::-' ;: :,; ,..' "'-'.' , :. .;.'~,,' , , .,," ::,;: - , ::,r., ~ : ~_. " , .-,. - '! , ~ ' r ',i ,;' ,,; -'.' , '. ,; ,', ,'. ,l; ,~- , " ' , " " .' 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',' . " ,\, :i,: ;'. ",', '.. 'i". ',".. ,:. ", :':'i ,'{,), ",.' '" ' ',.' >. ',:':' . '. ' ; "'. ':, ~:' i-': ,,' : '.;,:' ,:', 1'\ ,.'If youh~v~ (lue;ti~li;o~ ~oin~~~ts;6i ,iri haven6t '~ctij-~Iely' reflectcilY6ur~gr';"fuent. " '. please call to discuss, , ,. "c' :," ., '..' "'\' ..".,.. " .. . ". ' , ., "~' \': ,'~ ' ' '.".. ..: ,"' ',' ::'> ' . .., ,'., .,',: ,~, .. ".'~" ',,' .,1,,' ",," ",:,1.': ,I. :',.' ~' ,',' ,'" ~ " , ," " . .' '"" ,,' ',~', ,,-. , :~YerY'\fUlyyollrs;: :.a: ;.../':,',.i::..../ .'"J:~'\~' 'c,"",,;\,, :, ."~ '(" ,\,0 . ':"~':'\'.' . ,.';'"., ',':' y ,'" ..'.., ,... ""," ",'" , " " 'AiidieyiD ,:HaI;. ::: ',"" '," ",', , ' ~ '; , ,",: ',;.;, ;'..,' .', :r. "" ";.'.', ",. : " ',[''1 , . '..'.1;. . . ,~ ", ,...', "! '. .:;' "" ' " .',' 'I """ I,""" :.'..ADH:bd~,: , .., ' , cc:. : ", , Derek Bro"\'n ' '" ",' , ~' ,': "," ,..' " '. >, "', :,," "', "I " ,'" ::" , " , ,~, ", {'O" , '". .'. " ,.' ,,'"" : :tne .\"mi~ oflhi. le\l~r ar~ ar>::'"~j. ':,/' " ',.,' ,': .'7.(1(,i(~5 " " ~,,' ',' The terms of this letter are accepted, _ /....~/?if ./ ~~~~ ' ~_-#~"""""''''''.u''' L~\C.io.l.\JJ"'...Derd<\Wo:u..!ndErtllC1ll..oGl>od,rin12,If.O'd.x, " "; , '.. ",> ."::;'.' " '..' , ' :;'" ",;.' ::, ,:' j' 'f. : ,.'. " . ..',' .'. " ,,". '; " ';" 'p '...', ,:' '( ",," , ',',., , " , , ....'," ','/, " ,'." .',,' " ',' ',"~ , , ,f ",',' '.;. ,.' \,', ," GeoPaclfic Engineering, Inc, 7312 SW Durham Road ' Portland,Oregon'97224 . Tel (503) 598-8445 MAINTENANCE OF HILLSIDE HOMESITES All homes require a certain level of maintenance for general upkeep and to preserve the overall integrity of structures and land. Hillside homesites require some additional maintenance because they are subject to natural slope processes, such as runoff, erosion, shallow soil sloughing, soil creep, perched groundwater, etc. If not properly controlled, these processes could adversely affect your or neighboring properties. Although surface processes are usually only capable of causing minor damage, if left unattended, they could possibly lead to more serious instability problems, The primary source of problems on hillsides is uncontrolled surface water runoff and blocked groundwater seepage which can erode, saturate and weaken soil, Therefore, it is important that drainage and erosion control features be implemented on the property, and that these features be maintained in operative condition (unless changed on the basis of qualified professional advice). By employing simple precautions, you can help properly maintain your hillside site and avoid most potential problems. The following is an abbreviated list of common Do's and Don'ts recommended for maintaining hillside homesites. \ , Do List 1. Make sure that roof rain drains are connected to the street, local storm drain system, or transported via enclosed conduits or lined ditches to suitable discharge points away from structures and improvements, "n no case, should rain arain water be discharged onto slopes or in an uncontrolled manner. Energy dissipation devices should be employed at discharge points to help prevent erosion, 2. Check your roof drains, gulters and spouts to make sure that they are clear, Roofs are capable of producing a substantial flow of water. Blocked gutters, etc., can cause water to pond or run off in such a way that erosion or adverse oversaturation of soil can occur. 3. Make sure that drainage ditches andlor berms are kept clear throughout the rainy season, If you notice that a neighbor's ditches are blocked such that water is directed onto your property or in an uncontrolled manner, politely inform them of this condition. 4, Locate and check all drain inlets, outlets and weep holes from foundation footings, retaining walls, driveways, etc, on a regular basis, Clean out any of these that have become clogged with debris, 5, Watch for wet spots on the property. These may be caused by natural seepage or indicate a broken or leaking water or sewer line, In either event, professional advice regarding the problem should be obtained followed by corrective action, if necessary, 6, Do maintain the ground surface adjacent to lined ditches so lhal-surface water is collected in the ditch, Water should , not be allowed to collect behind or flow under the lining. Don't List 1, Do not change the grading or drainage ditches on the property without professional advice, You could adversely alter the drainage pattern across the site and cause erosion or soil movement. 2. Do not allow water to, pond on the property, Such water will seep into the ground causing ~nwanted saturation of soil. 3, Do not allow water to flow onto slopes in an uncontrolled manner, Once erosion or aversaluration occurs, damage can result quickly or without warning. 4. Do'not let water pond against foundations, retaining walls or basements. -Such walls are typically designed for fully- drained conditions, ' 5, Do not connect roof drainage to subsurface disposal systems unless approved by a geotechnical engineer. 6, Do not irrigate in an unreasonable or excessive manner. Regularly check irrigation systems for leaks, Drip systems , are preferred on hillsides. " ~ ':t" (Z. ~ 'I , , ~';~~l;L~~ l~-;. ,j: - : , " '1, . , ., ': ; " , , City ofSpdngfi~ld, '...' , .. " d' , ''''1 ", ' ~;MeiW)randtiin ' ., , " '1 , " 'jl I, . ~ ,,' ';,1'>': ., '.: ',' ,.' '.' : , '. ': " .-. . "','_'. ",' ,', 'I . ".,' '" ,',.'Date: ", "'OCtober 29,2009" ,:': , I, " i ,,' :-; -,' '; I ;~ ,I~ ..:;,' , ';;', ',:, ': :; ',~ ' .. ," ,: : ~' ;' ',.,', ,::': ~_:~': '.: " .' '. ,.,. " , ',; Tp:,O: c ;,':: :-,St~veI-lO'pkins; U r!?aIlPlanner . . ",'r '; ." "i ',',' .oi" ",,- , '\ ",' , : 'From:';; ',,'diytonMcEacherri; Civil Engineer . ", , ~.,' ..' ':'.' "',;' ' , , .' ',,' '. ." ",' " ',' Subject: ,',H2069~00028, 'Ye~twmd Estates Sub~ivisioJ?- ' ., , . ,,", ;'" ':~~~':"'::',\:,::r:;:":,;;:::;'\"U'\"\:;,:,:,;, ':>', .:' '., ,,:' ., ',' "', ..,;':", ,/' . , , . " ..,' ., '~', ' " .', . ' " ' '" " , '-.' : I' ,,' ',' '.',.:." .' , A new PIP permit and any additional required forms will need to be completed with the new owners, engineer of record, contractor and City of Springfield, The City expects all the conditions and documentation requirements ofthe original PIP forWestwind Estates to be completed for project acceptance. The city will require a performance bond for the remaining PIP items from the new owner. The estimate the city has for the incomplete items for the PIP is $453,734. This was established in April of2008 and may not reflect the current cost of construction for these items. A new engineer's estimate for the remaining PIP value will be considered. This estimate should include BOLI prevailing wage rates. The previous developer entered into an agreement with the City of Springfield regarding the future extension of 48th street and the dedication of right-of-way known as Booth- Kelly Haul Road, and other considerations, to facilitate the development of West wind Estates. The developer's obligation under this agreement is a cost of25% of the estimated cost of $700,000,00 for the 48th Street extension, with the developer's cost not to exceed $175,000.00, This payment is due to the City 30 days after final subdivision plat recording. Areas of the PIP that will likely require maintenance due to 18 month work stoppage: -Erosion at end of street near the southeastern comer of the site -Erosion protection measures that have been removed or 'worn out' H;' '1\ " < . '. , -Removalof tr~sh/debris' that have ac~timulated on site, " " ,,' . o'! : :-Rerrio''vii o'f stockpil.e jfiitejials i~ftov~rfrorhsite gr,~ding aAa paving' ;" ...,: : , '::" " .'.-Removili of siItldebns'from Strom and Sanit<i.rY:drain Lines, Video 'iilspection of the' .:,' :' . ,":, :'li;;t?~>will'\Je, i~cjUired 16 establish good conditi@ prior to approval/~cc:eptari:ce of tiie,'PIP:~" '" ",; " . .!\" '~., -J" , ' " . " ' ,," , , ' ", ",:' , ' ," , " " . ",' " , ".), .' . ..., "":' ",!,,' ,>Repairp(S,opcrete'at entrance to s.ite off of Daisy St " "::':";""",~',,';"'..,:' :::,:"'):,::' . ,'" ',., , '. . />", "," c,' ,,' " ',', . , , ' ,...., , , ' .,'.', ",,' ", ~ ' .. ,~:" ,'r' , "~ "',.' ", \ :o''' , ',": "Reniova\..of-itny invasive species at the detenti{)n pond and reinoval,!mdrepla~emeht 'qf . " \ '.. ... aIiyd~ad!#ck Ifllidicapjilgnear detentjon pond ' " , ,"'" ,.' ' ,~y darii.~g~d utilitY stu,bs to future lots. " .. ' '.', , . .- ~allY. additional repairs 'necess!lry that occur after resuinption of c6i1stiUctionI\J\lildoU,t!Jf site:' .... , " ,', ", ' ' , . ~.. .' .',. ,;, ',; .'.. , .. :;', r".." ". , " ~ ',~ " " 1'~ , .. , ~, ' I'" 'oj" , .. "." " ,,' ..,. ,.\-'. :';' . (,: ~ ; , ';.., ',: ,',':' , '. ,. , >"', -". " '':0 '.' '.' "'," '. >, ' ,,; ~", ';. "''; ";,' ":,: '; " ,,' , )":,', . ',' ", . 1 ~ '), ,(. , '.;,;,'", " ,"'" " :;, ,:', ',,' ,;,' ., .', /';, ". t.'... ,> !, .:i., ','" ,','" " . .' ".<, "',' ,r l," ,',: ' \ ~': ' . ,:" , ';,' ~t" ,,' ,:,'~ " , , i "".;, ':."'''',:', , "..~:f ~": '" .'!"" ' ,', ",,''., :' , " ',.' ,', " "" ',...-;{,1 ,. " '. ,.,.- "',." ,.',"." ""\, ,,/ '",' , ,;. I... ;. ',' " h' ...,. ,,;. :.:, , " .... ~ 'i. ',7.. ' ".. .~ ;.', ~ 'I I ( '1. .. ;"': :~ ' '",,', ,t,,' "". "', . ' , , HOPKINS Steve , , I, " " ,,' , "Fr!lm::, GORDON Gilbert ,:,:;', ',' " "" : :-:.Silrit:", ", ';:" "Friday, October~O, 20098:29AM ", . ; "',-:",:;' ,,:~,' '::i':, ";;:::':""'" , To:. " :",,":"': ,HOPKIN'S'SteitEi:' ',.; , ,.",....,'"., """ '" >:" :', :....cc':, ',. :,', <, , : ':' ',GERARD Alan; FECHTEL:Melissa:~,," ,;,': ' ; , "':,:! ;:',:':,,::';.;'::':,\'" ',' ,..'.;':SubJec~:.:-':, ",,:', ':RE: westwind~::':: ,''-: ,'-:;', t, '-",.." "..;,:' .,: " ,,', ':".,:'" ''''':,'';'':"\:,:~,i/'''',,;,\,, ,.,,: ::: ,.":"',.,'" )' ,.'.,','~, }, "..' ' :'.'..' ' ,. ", ..,,". , ' , ' ',' :' ~ '. '.' ': ' . _> , " :', "", , ...'-' ,', :,," "',.' ' . ,:'1::' :','" : ~> ' ", ': ,:--:' Yes, 'the north slopes 'of Westwind are considered a.vegetative areas subjeCt to wildfire, lri fact, as we' discussed y~sterday, Springfield fire Marshals Office responded to a fire causeinvestigatiori in that a~e? jusflast sU,mmer. " '".":, ,.'.. ' .' , , : '," ;. '. ,'.. " ;,' : " . Loo!<ing at ~Ian Sheet L4 based on the tentative submittal frorTi'the DRe meeting held on October ,18, 2005, .Lots 24 through 52 imd t~ethree lots (ncit nuriibered) wjthsquare. footages Of,6,092,'S,603and , 10;-462 shall proviae a wildfire defense plan for each lot since the\vooded areas,eittler bo'rder,or,': ' ,', encroachon'the lOts. StruCtures bUII(on these lots '~hall als6' have a Class A 8r B roof: :.' ',' ':, .,. , , " ,'~ , - '. ",' .' ,,','~:,,',:'~ ,...,,, ," !'.,:;_ ,', ,', .;':',,: ,"',.,: ,.," "': "! . , ,:"..' '\1;,' '>.,.'...' ',;1 :~';, Let me k'nowif you' rieed'anyfLfrther inforr'lation.',<'. ',::" .... .,,': ' ',:'.'.... ~...,,; :;,,'-:-"';'" .,~\',':~:.';"...,,',;'., ,,';':" ,'--', "';"""", .<,.,;:, '~,,:,:-;, -.. " '. '", ,'. Gilbei1::!3-,Gordon ,," Deputy Fire Marshal..' ,:,,' " ?' ' ,qpringfield Fire and Life Safety" 225 Fifth Street :' , Springfield, OR 97477 . , ,Phone: '541-726-2293, ' , " E-Mail: aaordonalici.sbrinafield.or.us , .' ':" ': .,.. " ,"'.: ,,' ~" 'i" '.,'i '.' >' , " ~ , , ,,' , ".;,',;. :',..,.. .,.,.,:, : ,,;" . -,," ,; " ,.-, From: HOPKINS Steve Sent: Thursday; 'October 29, 2009 13: 12 ' To: GORDON Gilbert ' ' Subject: westwind ' Gilbert, I Westwind is in the Hillside overlay and SDC 3.3-540 states: "Additional fire protection requirements may be required in hillside development areas which ar~ considered vegetated areas subject to wildfires as determined by the Fire MarshaL" Do you consider Westwind to be in such an area? If so, we can require Type A or B roofing and a wildfire defense plan for each lot, Steve Hopkins, AICP Planner /I Urban Planning Division, Development Services Dept. City of Springfield 726-3649 1