HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 10/21/2009 c !.;~ ',t. 'Bra'l\ch:DSE,User :FA04 --'. Comment: Station Id :UOMY <<~\. ._ ,~~~',".J:I-., ';:"-"" ., RECOACI~ REQUESTED By FICELlTY NATIONAL TinE COMPANY 01' OREaON AFTER RECORDING Rerur.N TO FIDELITY NAtTIONAl TITLE INSURANCE COtPANY OF OREGON 800 W ..LAMETTE ST., 1500 El 1ENE. OR 97401 . GRANTOR'S NAME Westwind HOldings llC GRANTEE'S NAME Anderson Development LLC SEIiD TAX STATEMENTS To: Andersen Development LlC PO Box 22121 ~ugene. OR 97402 Dlvial." 01 Chlef'Oopul.V CI_k Lan. Counlv D.M .net RiIGOf'da AFTER RECOROING RETURN TO: Anderson Cevelopment'lie PO Box 22121 EUlJenll, OR 97402 lM~ll 11111111111111111111111111111111111110 I1I1II i41.00 0e831aJ32011eeS641S8040842 08/0412000 10:22:31 M CASHIER 02 RPR-DEEO Cnbl SLn=o4 120.00 IU.oo 110:00 I ;'~Al..t #\1;I0Vt; j MI:' ~IN~ I-'OH Mt\..UHU~tn; U:it' " STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED ~ Westwlnd Holdings LlC an Oregon Dmited IitlbllltyCQmp~y, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Andeniol1 Development LLC ~ OlegoR Hmited lIabiltty compllfly, Grantee, the following described real property, free and cleer of encumbrances except as specifiClllly set forth below, situated in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, , .. See Exhibit Dna for legal description of property Subject to and excepting: Rights of the public end governmentalagencias In end to any portian of Sll,!d ~nd lying within the boundaries of streets, roads and highways. , ) . Easement granted to Eugene-Springfield Land end Watllr Company for an irrigation canal, recorded April 29 1938 In 8<lok 186 at page 175. Easemenfgrllnted to the State of Oregon for slope and storm drainage recorded July 27 1966 under fee # 55629. Eesements granted to the City of SpringfIeld for electric tnlolJmiSSlon BOd dIstribution recorded August"19 1966 under fee 1158163, and fee # 58164 and others recorded JUly 5 1983 under fee , 6322991, lInd file II 8322992. Eessment granted to the City of Springfield for public water utility recorded Sept,ember 12 1983 under fee' 8332317. Agreement concerning roeduse and dedication, construction and maintenance, Including the tlrms and provisions thereof recorded Soptember 2.4 1985 under fee' 8533776. offiCial ~rds of LlIrle County, Oragon. Conditions, restrictions and easements as ut forth In the document recorded November 20 2001 under fee # 200t-077441. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004]). THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACaUIRING FEE mLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR 'FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING' PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 2006 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)): . STATE OF OREG.O~ COUNTY OF C...{ (u I.t.a~ This insgu)f1ent was acknowledged before me on .hlly F{A.!' ?OOR by DerRk L. grown as memh~r of WA!:twinn Hnldinos lLC lIn OrAoon limitlld U:!;hilitv '"Frl ~.l2,,,,,,;W\,.<AA N01"ARY pueuc FOR'bREOON. 1 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: A..q-v, I ". 7.n1 rf , . - . 0FFlCW. S'-'L BHEL.1..2YBOWMAN. NOTARY PUBUc.oAEGON COMMlSSION NO, 4a4927 MY COMM&SSIJN D:PIRfS APR. 16, 2010 PRE~SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 212009 FOAO-313 (R....2J98l (gswd....d.wpdH1Z-05) STATUTORY WARFIAHTY DEED LANE,OR Document: DED WAR 2006.56475 Page 1 of 4 F'I'I'11005"5 12- Printed on 10113/2009 12:15:14 PM l . ~ I:lnlhch.:DSE,User :FA04 .~ .....::~) Comment: "..,-- .. .~".II-.. .... .~_,_ " State of Oregon County of 'MI) \ ~.,^,,~l-. On July, \ 1 2006, before me personally appeared Howard Aaronson, member of Westwind Holdings LLC an Oregon limited liability company who being duly sworn (or' affirmed) did executed the foregoing instrument by authority of and in behalf of Westwind Holdings LLC; an Oregon limited liability company. IN TESTIMONY WHE OF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal J~~~'_fimwri: >o~. . 1-' '''"''r-'..'Officw..'''''~.SEAl. . '-- =- - , JENNY HARDLEBEH ',i -----N'o~ior}~t o~C!regon : ~.n.. 'm'~"'SIt'N'b..o=7N ,j ~ comrm~n exp,res: . ~, """,MlSSl9f!. EllP!RfS APR. 22, 2010 .\' . , " LANE.OR Document OED WAR 2006.56475 Page 2 of4 h " PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO OCT 2' 1 2009 I, i Station Id :UOMY Printed on 10/13/2009 12:15:15 PM ,,' Branch :DSE,User :F A04 Comment: Station ld :UOMY ,.,., , II . 1_ '" , . ..,I,I...Il. , , l I , ,;- Orde< No. 00-710055.46 EXHIBIT "ONE" )- Parcel Ona; That part of the A. W. Hammit Donation L~nd Claim No. 3B in Sections 32 and 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamalte Meridian, and the A. W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 86 in Section 5, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of me W~lamelte Meridian, described as follow~: ' . , . Commencing at a polnton the South line of the McKenzie Highway 19.584 chains South of the Northwest Corner of said A. W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 38, which point is the Northwest cornar of a tract of land conveyed by W. R. Robertson and wife to Weyerhaeusar Timber.Company by a Caed dated February 28, 1946, recorded In Book 317, paga 171, Lana . County Oragon Deed Records, and Is markecf by a concrete monument designeted as Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Monument No. 15; thence East along the South line of said Highway, 100.0 feet to the Northeast Corner of the tract of land convayed to the City of Springfiald by Daed dated August 8,1981, and recorded August 19, t961, Reel No. 177, Reception No. 40857, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and the true point of beginning; thence East elong the South line of seid Highway, 105.00 feet; thence South 0" 49' East 1101.5 feet; thence on the arc of a curve to the left with e radius of 766.20 feet through a central angle of 49" 0.3' an arc distance of 655.93 feet; thence South 48" 15'East to the North line of the 7a-foot strip of land conveyed to The Booth-Kally Timber Company by Deed dated February 14, 1955; mance Westerly along said NOMh i~a to its intarsaction with the West line of said A. W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 86 (the centerline of said 70-foot strip intersects said West iine at a point 3340.45 feet South of the Northwest corner of said A. W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 38); thenca North along said West line to tha Southwest corner of the tract of land conveyed to tha City of Springfield by a Daad dated January 23, 1973, recorded March 1, 1973, Recaption No. 73-06919, Lane County Oregon Dfllcial Records; thence Eest along the South line of said City of Sprlngfiald tract 100 feat; thence North along the Eest line of the two tracts conveyed to the City of Springfield by said Deeds datad August 8, 196 I and Jenuary 23, 1973,250 faat to the tnJe Point of beginning, aU In Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion 'of seid lend conveyed to the City of Springfield by Instrument recorded Match 1,2002, Reception No. 2002'016522.0fficiaJ Records of Lane County, Oregon. ", Percel Two: A trect of lend in the A. W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 86, Soctions 4 and 5, Township 18 South"Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, particularly de~ribed as follows: '8~ginning at a point on tha South lina of'the McKenzie Highway which I. 1292.54 feet (I 9.584 chains) South of the Northwe.t corner of the A. W. Hammlt Donetlon Land Claim No. 38 In TownShip 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamatte Meridian, which point Is marked by a concrete monument d~sign8ted as We'yerhaBuser Timber Company Monument No. 15; thence East along the Soum lina of seld Highway for a distance of 1387.32 feet 121.02 chains)' to 8 point which is the No.rtheast corner of a tract of land conveyed by W. R. Robertson and wife to Weyerhaeuser Timber Company by 8 Deed'dated February 28, 1946, recorded in Book 317, Page 171, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and which pOint Is marked by a concrete monument designated as Weyerhae'user Timber Company Monument. No. 18; thence South along tha East /ina of the tra,ct Of lend conveyed by said Deed dated February 28,1946, for a distance of 2215.3 faat to an iron pipe which Is the true point of beginning. of the tract herein described and' which point mBrks the Southeast corne.. of the strip of land described as Parcel 1 in a Warranty Dead dated February 14, , 955, to the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company~ thenca along the South line of said Parcal 1 and Parcal 2 as described in said Deed detad February 14, 1955, as follows: South 870 54' West 62,50 feet; ,t . i":. " , '::-" .:. ~;." LANE,OR Document: OED WAR 2006,56475 Page 3 of4 Printed onl?6l&i~BMlrrAt fEC'D OCT 2,12009 l- I,. 'SrMch :DSE,User,:FA04 Comment: , If' ~-' "":':" Station ld :UOMY -. ..,... ..j;.... .....1.. '''.'..._L...i1. .. ,,,,... 1111 : I ,. ,i 'III I.j ..lllooil. I I .111, I, 'I, Q,dllf No. 00-710055-46 II " thence along a 90 30' 05" curve to the right (the long ch~rd of which b.a,. North'780 31' 30" West 283.39 feetHor e distenca of 285.80feet;,thence North 640 57'W.st 217.4f.et; thance along e 10. 33' 12" curve to the left (therong chord of which bears North S80 22' 45" Westl S5.02 feet; th.nce South 18. 11' 3D" Weet 5.0 teet; thence along e 10' 38' OS" curve to the laft (tha long chord of which beers North 85. 57' 45" Wast) e distance of 267.75 faat; thance South 790 53' West 543.84 feet to e point on the West line of .ald A. . !:. . W. Hammlt Donation Land C'aJm No. 86, 3382.00 fest South of the Northwest comer of tho 'I A. W. Hemmit Donation Land Claim No. 38; thencii South along said W.st line 123.34 feet, ,I more or la..,' to Weyarhaeuser Timber Company Monument No. 16. .!luat.d at the Ii . Intersection of said Wast lin. and the North IIna of Southern Pacific Company's Right of Way; " th.nc. Scutheast.rly along said North lina to Way.,h.au.., Timber Company Monument Nc: 17. which marks tha east.rly boundary of the tract conveyed by sald Deed deted Fabru.ry 28, 1946; thence North along seid East line 831.04 feet. more or. I.... to tha true point of beginning. all in Lane County, Oregon. . " ,,' ~ ", I il . " " PRE-5UBMllTAL REC'D, , . OCT 2'12009 LANE,OR Document: DED WAR 2006,56475 Page 4 014 Printed on 10/13/2009 12:15:17 PM / 7 '.t~ ~, 14 A Lf0 :;ri , f I ~ I' .~ .. J'1. . , WA;3ANTY DEED KNO~J . ALL 1I,.N BY THE~;t r .\ESEN';3 tha t wiY2illiAEUSER COMPANY,'a Washington corporction of Tacoma, "Jashingtorl, GMNTOR, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars (:pol.' ana other valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby aCKnowledgeo,ooes by these presents grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation of the ::;'Cate [,f' Orelor., GRANTEE, the following described real.property c'itu::.t.e in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, ,particillarly u~5cribed as follOWS: 'That part of the A. W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No . 38 in Sections Thirty-two (32) and Thirty-three (33), Township Seventeen (17) ( South, Range Two (2) West of the WillamettpRE-SUBMIlTAlREC'D' Merioian, described as follows: .' , ' . OCT 2'12009 Beginning at a point on the' South line of the McKenzie Highway 19.584 chains South of the .Northwest corner of said A. W. Hammit Donation' \ Land Claim No'. 38,' which point is the Northwest. .comer 0: a tract of land conveyed by W. R. Robertson and-wife to, Grantor herein by a deed dated February 28, 1946 and recorded in BOOK 317 at Page 171, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and 15 'marked by a concrete monument designated as Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Monument No.1 5; thence East along the South line of said highway 100.0 feet; thence South parallel with the West line of said Harrunit Claim 200.0 feet; thence vJest parallel with the South line of said ,highway 100.0 feet to the West line of said Ham~itClaim; thenc.e North 200.0 feet along saloWest line to the place of beginning. ' . 'The Grantor hereby expressly saves ano excepts and , I . reserves out of the grant hereby made, unto itself, its successors uno 2~sisns, rqrever, all ores and mirlerals of. any 18ture whatsoever in or upo'r) "pili land, incluoing, but not limited to, coel, oll, en:) ", , . ': ...... ,." r> ~. ... -:;'," w ~ J ." ~ -....... :':;ate vC ,GreE,on, GRANTEE, the following de::lcrh,~d real property , situa~e tn the County of'Lan~"State of Oregon, particularl~ described as f01lows~ Tl1ilt part of'. the A. W. Hammit Donation Land Cl,lim No. 38 in Sections Thirty-two (32) and Thlrty-three (33), Township Seventeen (17) South, Range Two (2) West of the Willamette Meclainn, described as follOWS: , Beginning at a point on the South line of tt" McKenzie Highway' 19.584 chains South of the Northwest corner of said A. W. Hanimit Donation Land ::1a: .11 No. 38, which point is the Northwest . corner 01' a tract of land' conveyed by W. R. Kobertson. and wife to Grantor herein by a deed dated February 28, 1946 and recorded in Book 317 at Page 171, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and is marked by a concrete monument designated as Weyerhaeuser Timber. Company Monument No. 1 5; thence. East along the South line of' said highway 100.0 feet; thence SOuth parallel with the West line of .said Hammit Claim 200.0 feet; thence '1lest parallel with the South line of said highway 100.0 feet to the west line of' said Hammit Claim; thence North 200.0 feet along said West line to the place of beginning. . ( - . , '..... I.' The Grantor hereby expressly saves and excepts and reserves out of the grant hereby made, uhto itself, its successors ana E',ssigns, forever, all ores and minerals of any nature whatsoever in or upon sE'.ia land,incluoing, but not limited to, coal, oil, an';; ge,', together' with the 'right to enter .upon saia lands for the purpose vi' ex~.lOrillg the. same ;')1' su.ch ores and miner.als. and for the pur- \. . . ,,0 se 0 f, .; r 111 tng, ope,ning, deve loping, and wo rki,ng mi nes a ncl we L', tr1e ['eon U1C~ teking out and t'emoving therefrom all such ores In(; :!\,inere:"~", Ene. ~o -8CCUPY and make use '~i' so much of the ::u:.'f'2c'e u(' :;~-:i~: la.n-,: 2.:; :1.,2.~\; De :-,ea:onably neces,sary for ~aiu 'purr,~:,:e~j PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 2 1 2009 , ,."",_,.~,-~~~~~~~.~~:;,;~~~~(':~.: _ .. - ~I~~'~ --'!,i. .'\11_- - F '" ,__r. ' ": '" ,,,,,i,C'. ''''''''<l'''''' "'~.,..~.- ". _.~.." ., ..J 1.11'- ~,.wmf.,," .... ., ()\l'~,~. t..t (,....! ;:,rovir;ed that the Grl'\ntee and the Grant..e' s suc.:cessors ali~ assigns . shall be ',' aid just and reasonable compensation (or any injury or damag,e i'O the surface'.:>l said l~, ~C:, to the crops J or to the im- provement's thereon caused by the exercise c.;' any right~ herein re~erved; provided; further, 'that the exercise of such rights t,j the Grantor shall not be postponed or dela}ed pending reasonable efforts to agree .upon or have detennined such Just and reasonable compensation. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the said Grantee, it.s succe~sors and' assigns, foreverj and the Grantor does covenant with the said Grantee, its successors and assigns,' that it is lawfully seized in fee simple of the above described and granted premises and has a valid right to convey the samej that the said real property is free ~rom all encumbrances, excepting the mineral reservatIon herein set forthj and that it will and its successors and 1'l.ssi;;ns will warrant ana cefend the same unto the said Grantee, 1 ts SUCC0 c. so rs and as signs, foreve r,. against the lawful ,claims 'and demands 'of all' persons whomsoever, except for said"mineral reser- vation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed August . ....' "'\\ ~ ' \ " ~,' SE f') II ...~.' - I~ r" \\ .., -' . I gy its duly authorized officers this dth dc:y of , 1961. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O \>ffiYERHAEUSE K COMPANY OCT 2)2009 Z rT'I . 0 en. n c::: -l o:r N s: .... ;;;::f r-v :3> = .-- = ::::0 <.D I'"M ("') 0 40H:)7 r/;:I;ji - j " .... -' f":" .:. , Lf. I IJr- ljd s....., of Oftl:Oa, C.oualy 01 ....-~ ss.. .. Olj:a .'I'OftIUIn, Counly Clerk....... ""- officio Re-<-ordri 01 Conveyance~ in and for said. County, do be.-eby certify that the within ia-.truDM:nl was rrttived for record at \, 1.,-, /4 ,2 ~j? HEEL ) - , '6; .'. / / Lane' County ..... ~c.../ RramIs.' -' .' OI.GA ntO:M~N. Coun\7 CkriL '\ . I 1 , I') ) - ; / . ." B 11.'-" -~.."j{.(( .----"1 )'./ _., .~-~ c... -1...)1" 04 " .1 ':~_r ~ , , , . " k- G) 1lO l!1 III ::I: ~ lID s::t ...-I. ~~ mG) ...-I ........ o lID s::t ~ s::t 0 ~-' ~ 1 1":'. .' -t. ,; ~ .~ j ... ...a ..a .... 0- -l \ lC: I = :!'1 !. , .-::\ ',I ., 1 -, r r ,1, . : I , ! i .1 I I , . ,,' 73 8919 BARGAIN AND SALE DEEQ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY, a I~ashington corpDration, Box C, Tacoma, consideration of the acceptance by the Washington .98401, GRANTOR, in CITY OF SPklNGFIELD, Oregon, GRANTEE, and the use or hDlding of said property. for present or future public use by Grantee', GrantDr hereby grants, bargains, sells, and I conveys unto the' said Grantee, its successors and assigns, all the f011ol<ing'real property, with the tenements, heredi taments and appurtenances, situated in the County of Lane and State of Oregon, bounded and' described as fOllDWS: The part of the A. W. Hammit; Donation Land Claim No. 38, in Sections 32 and 33, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, 'described as follows: " . Beginning at a point on the South line of the McKenzie Highway 19,584 chains South of the Northwest corner of said A. W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 38, which ,point is the Northwest corner of a tract of land con- ,veyed by W. R. Robertson and wife, to the Grantor herein 'bya Deed dated February 28, 1946, and recorded in Book ,:317, page 171, Lane County, Oregon Doed Records, in Lane ,County" Oregon and is marked by a concrete monument designated as Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Monument No. 15; , run thence South along the West line of said A. W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 38, 200.0 feet to the true point ,of bebinning of the following described tractj run thence East parallel with the South line of said lIighw:lY, 100.0 feet; . 'thence South parallel With the West line of said Hemmit .Claim, 50.0 feet; thence West parallel ,with the South line of said Highway, 100.0 feet to the West line of said Hammit Cla1m; thence North along said ,West line, 50.0 feet tD the true point of beginning. The true and actual consideration for this transfer is $600;00. The Grantor, for itself, its Successors and assigns, hereby expressly saves, excepts, and reserves all ores and minerals of any , i" f k ~ r' r r , PRE-SUBMITTAL RECb OCT 21 2009 natur~ whatsoever, inClUding, but not limited to, coal, oil, and gasj provided, however, that in the drilling, opening, and developing of mines and wells ,the surface of said land shall.not be disturbed. ; 1 ii .' .J j ... l ,'.. i:; " , " " 1 ~ ~ ~, i f, ~, l i I i I f I I 1 , I " j I I I ! , i , , " I ./ . . , .' 73 891.9 ~ , DATED this 23rd , 1973. January day of , .; . . , :' \:U~.El?" ",_ ,1'"........ '" '''(l , ~\-" '10'" '. ,- . 0..::..,c')~' ...tf...... :!/.' C. ,:-........ ' -,' ,'''. . t..: . t.".._. :'~: ("'i V-'f ...,..... :'" : "": , \'. ~, (' '. :.-: . " .::: ".. . "'.,^'\A",~ ::. . ~ . . '. . .f \~"'. f~...,:","":'l ,,',.:" I,. '.1';..... .....<;;. .'" ..~.\ ...,..... \\\\ ." , . (l F' l'Ii' <;>\ .... '. I,', ".r WBYBRHABUSBR COMPANY (J.J~- I . :J..w.;~r Vl.ce' i'reslllent i.'. '.\ ~/ , ~; .0/"" "ol n" 'V' ~ltjq ~ I/I~e>r- Asalitant'becretary 0' Attest: \, f. I I " STATB OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF KING . On this .:t.s~!' , 1973, bofore me and ) ) ss. ) ",", day of January Alan T. Smi th personally appeared Mary 8. Mosier Vice President. , to me known to be the Assistant Secretary and . respectively, of Weyerhaeuser Company. the corporation that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and. acknowledged the said instru- , ment to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said ,corporation. for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal , . affixed is, the cDrporate s,eal of said corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my ,official seal the day and year first above written. ~\,.".." '-""1;, " 'i' J . '" ,". \' ,'.'. '.1., '" ." ~ :....~.:. ',' \ . t" t',J ."i 0..1.01 ... .". '.' (j{-'~;~~~'~j<"j; , .... -;;J,,'.: .;. '" "\ ~.. <:oJ' ~~ ;.../r;"",:~;'" I, \ .i...f"~'" ...... i.,," Or'" :~;;;:~.,.... .~,... '. , . I) ~ ,', \ ~ .' ."'11..... ,. ;? . '") . ^~ 'I-- 'lnrd..J NotarY ~UbliC inland ror - e ~tate of . Washington, res~ding at ''''7.~ My Commil8ion eXPires!--~.:!iJ ",-17:' . " PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 2 1 2009 r , ~ 1>. M. PENFOLD. Director of 'I he ~. D,p'~'m.n'~~EI~ct;."".. , ~,BY_ u/ ~~...< 5$.' ~PUty :s:: ClS.'J8l_0S ~ .-- ;0 ", ('") o :';':,,".-.,~ o n --i '>:> .... N = CJ <.0 "'1jMl'~' " Ij,l II~,... ~ , t, , '-0._. ____ _.__.____ _ __. Sl~te 01 Oreaoa. County 01 Laoe --ao. J. D.M. - PPDfoJd. Dil"eckr of tho D~ .::Ltrtmellt of Recoreb and EhcUOII.8. J i-: ,lad for the nid COWlty. do he...by, CP") t :Iy tbat tbewj,t~ lIlatrum...t _.. r~( eived lor record AI DTJ I:IAR 1 flU 1 01 R.d C.z 7;-f L U',~ County OFFICIAL Rcc'ord.~ /J ll/ .. ~. :.'- :, .,. l '~ .1," '..-:'~ ~,1 BARGAIN AND SALE ~ ~~. , ..' '_~.~".,,,\",,, ~'r-.'!,,' c.' ,. KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that ~1"'Yj n J~9f!1.!JI.r{;m :1M MAf!"IArltll RRr{'O~ Grantortl, _In' consideration of lhe acceplance by ltle City 01 Springfield,Oregon, Gramoe, and lho usa or holding at said propertY for present or MurG pUblic use by grantee, grantor h9reDy grants, hargains;sells and conveys unto the said grantee,lts successors and aSsigns, aJllhe following real property, with lheler1&ments, hereditaments and apPUrtenaricell, situated in !he County 01 Lane and Slale of Oregon, bOundoo and described as follows: ~ SEE EXHIBIT A The same hereby and torevel' dedicated to !he public to be used as public road. TO HAVE AND HOLD, tlls above described and granted premises unto !he said grantee, Its successors and assigns forever. - The monetwy consideration ror lhis conveyance 1~..1!2!!!.-. IN WnN~SS WHEREOF, !he grantors aboVe named have herGunto l5iS1t 1helr hands and ~aals this / S- day of FUr 20~ . ,'. . /:!it:~~5L h-,&~.;oo~ State ot OrGgon . ,~L\".-'- . County ol~ u....ItDIU~~ . ' p..rnon"~ .pp.."'" IM.bow ,am"" $"" O. ~'Irom "," u~~w '" d ,,","owled,.. the foregoing ins1nJmenlto be thelrwluntary act and deed. Before me 200A. . , , . ~rl!1) ~'''')(''):J.Ii.l..- I -..,_0,""", U .j \A ...~"".... )l\'I'II].dOc5 I .' ~~ MyCom~s~nExpim:' ! ..~Elf'fES""'1.2lXI3 The conveyanco set forth in tIU iostIUment c:orrveying title or interest to tha City of SpringfIeld, a, Municlp/l;l Corporation ollhe Stale of Oregon. is hereby approved, and the title or interest conveyed lherelrl is hereby .ooapIod. CltyofSpringfleld by: . Don R. Rogers. City of Springfield SUrveyOr Date Dl...I.I-. .f Chi" o.out-v C:leril. -'11M 1\""" l.MM e.r.t.y ~ ..,.. t-_ wg"., W'-' nmll"Ulmmlmlnllll~lmlll $36.11 '- .~",', ",~~..."'" ,..._......~..''".''-) 13I11/2!I211:14:5I111 1tPR...oED cnt.-l 51.....7. CASHUR ea . uS.ee 111,81 11111." RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. - 225 AFTl-i STREET - SPRINGFl8.D, OREGON 974n _ Send Tax Statement To: CIty 01 Springfield. F"manco Depl-.22S Filltt SIr..', Sprlnglleld, OR. 97471 PRE-SUBMllTAL REC'O OCT 2'1 2009 ,'-.' "1',' ."'., ~ 'n, . 0 en n c:: -t CCI ~ s: .... ~ "" = .-- = ::=0 <.0 n, ("") d '.1' S IlS'3J':O)" E' C_ 1ol4.OS' 8' n~ ~ S z :3.87' N 89"37'03" W , ~ ,.. Daisy St~ Right of WaY' r. 0' ~ rulN'r RADIUS ARC U.NU,H 1 C\ 4JO.OO" 98.7"" I C2 _ /3J.E' , ~7' ~ 4io.oo' !'i.81 , rn=4 . 310.00' 84-,QR' C5 '- 370,00' , 7Q.45' CG W.4Cf6B,IlS' u:L- 430.00' ""iTI6' r-ca . 735.~~' 7:\..17" CHDtW t5iGl'H CHORD 13[,t,tlIt./G Q~' ~ .!I3'"~1'5' E 1!>.34-' S ';!3"43'04- ~ .0;-'1" N '....50.41- VI. 84-:-1lO' H aJ"Ol '''' .. nj.211' S 82"36'31" E \68.112' 521T18.~'t IlJ.5tr N 83"211'4-4-- " 75.34' N 23"4-3'04- W C5 C7 QI':LTA -'NGlE .1W',}S" ~l>3'W \~:::::: 1'2"11'1'09- Ofi'14'14- ,X211'j6' ~'18- 1 \ ~&:~,. 27.80' 0' 50' ~--- .1 100' .150' I ...'" ,"'.11 ( .:,~:'h'). ".,'" ~t .- 'J. ~! ."':'. ,.. " \ . EXHIBIT A A 60.00 foot wide strip of land. being a portion of that tract of l;;md conveyed and described by a deed from Weyerhaeuser'Company, a Washington Corporation. to Steve O. Bergstrom and Marguerite' . ,Bergstrom. Novemb'er 20. 2001 as Instrument No. 2001-077441, Lane County Deeds and Records. . Lane County. Oregon. being mare completely described as follows: , ' ';'j Commencing from a poilJt of interSection on the Westerly line of said tract, also being the Westerly line ,oI,lheA W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38wit11 the Northerly right of way of Daisy Slreet: in ~ 18 South. Ra_ng8 2 West of the Willamette Meridian. said point is 60.00 feet Southeriy of the Northeast Comer of Lot54 of the E. M. HINSHAW PLAT, as plated and reoorded in Book 12. Paga 20, Plat Records Of Lane County Oregon; thence North 0" 13' 00" East 2.00 feet along the Westeriy line of the above said Donation Land Claim No. 38 and the Westerly line of above said tract to the Point Of Beginning for this strip of land; thence leaving saki Claim Hne along the proposed Northerly right of way of Daisy Street the following three courses: 1) South 89" 37' 0'3"' East a distance of 4.05 feet to a point; 2) thence with a curve turning to the right with an arc length of 98;78 feet, with a radius of 430.00 feet, , with a chord bearing,of South 83" 02' 15" East. with a chord length 0(98.55 feet to a point, 3) thence South 76" 27' Zr"E a distance of 159.17 feet to a point of intersection with the Easterly line ot'cibove said tract; thence along the Easterly line of ,above Said tract; with a curve turning to the left with an arc lengtl1 of 75.37 feet, with a radius of 733.39 feet, witI1 a chord bearing of Sou1h 23" 43' 04" East, with a chord length of 75.34 feet to a point of intersection with the proposed Southerty right of way of Daisy Street, thence leaving the ,Easterty line oftlbove said tract and along the proposed Southerly right of way of Daisy street the following four courses:'.1} along the arc of a curve turning'to the. right with an arc lengtrl of 5.81 feet, with a radius of. 430.00 feel with a chord bearing of North 76" 50' 41"' West, with a chord length of 5.81 feel, 2) thence North 76. 7:1' 27" West a distance of 198.97 feet, 3) thence with a curve turning to the left with an'arc length of 84.96 feet, with a radius of 370.00 feet, with a chord bearin9 of North 83" 02' 15" West, with a chord length of 84,80 feet. 4) thence North 89~ 3T 03" West a distance of 3.87 feet to a point on ~e Easterly line of. above said tract, the Easterty Une being said Claim line; thence leaving the proposed Southerly line of Daisy Street and along the Easterly line of said tract being t:h.e above said Claim line, North 000 13' 00" East a distance of 60.00 feet; to the Point Of Beginning, having an area of16621 square feet. 0.382 acres more or less. The basis of bearing for this descriptio~ is the Easterty line of the E. M. HINSHAW Plat which is the East line of the A. W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38. ,.' . , PRE-SUBMITIAL REC'D OCT 2 lZ009 . ~'+-. ::~~ ":'{,,' . , ""~\fi"'''''''-~ ',' tjO"to'Y .C . 'WJ.RJU.IT! ~1fItW.., ..; W"I.*, 'i'\.""", " '-'''i:~ .-,"'. W'i}"'-~,3"'\i:,' --ir. .'. '. '. . . .... .... <:'X.':(';,.::;,':i:i~~l{I~V,J:. .,:( '.. ": ,.;; 'KNOW ALL MEN'BYTBESE'PRES,EN'l'3,''J:~t;~,li~u..c.nHAEUSER'''UIDAl:\ .. · , ' . , . ;-~" '. -: ''':'', .., -:'.'~;i::;, .,' :>'~".~'.)~-~> -.':'" ~~,':'.::. .;':'.:, :," '<,~.., ,'- ,,:;:'-~' ,..' :-.- .::' ",:, , >: .''" . . OOMPANY, a 1;1ashington' corporation, Grantor~ 1l1conslderatlon. of the . . . . sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other .valuable considerations to it . . . pai!i by' THE B,OOTH-KELLY ~UMBER COMPANY, an Oregon.corporation, Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and 'convey to said Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever, .. . the following described real property situated in Lane County, State :)f Oregon, to-wit:, Parcel r '.\ PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O . OCT 212009 An und1.vided one.-fourth interest in and to a part of the A. W, Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 86 in Sections 4 and 5, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of W. M., more particularly described as follows: ~ginn1ng ~t a point on the South line of the McKenzie Highway which is 1292.54 feet (19.584 chains) South of the. Northwest corner of the A. W. Hammit D.L.C. No. 38 in Township 17 South, Range 2 West of W.. M., which point is marked by a concrete monument designatedas'Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Monument No. l5;'thence East along the South line of said highway for a distance of 1387.32 feet {21.02; chains) to a point which is the Northeast co~ner of a tract of land conveyed by W. R. Robertson and wife to the Grantor herein by a deed dated February 28, 1946, recorded in Vo1uine317, at Page'171, Deed Records of Lane County, Oregon, and. .which"point is marked . by a concrete monument designated as Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Monument No. 18; thence South along the Eas t line of the trac.t . of land' conveyed by said deed dated February 28, 1946, for a distance of 2135.3 feet to an iron pipe which is the true point of beginning and WhiCh marks the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed 'by the Grantor herein to Jones Enterprises, lnc. by a deed dat~d April 8, 1952; thence South.870 54-' .WE!st for a distance of 02..50 feet to the beginning point of a 100 57' 27" curve to.the right; thence along said curve (the long chord of which bears North 700 10' West 391.23 feet) fora d13tance of 4-00.30 feet; thence North 480 14' West for a distance of 120.80 , feet; t~ence South 4-10 4-6' West for a distance of 50.00'feet to i apoint designated as Engineer's Station 178+88; thence continuin South 410 46' West for a distance of 30.00 feet; thence North 480 l4! West for a distance of 0.73 feet; thence South 180 111 30" T.r""... <,,,- " "."....,~"n ,,<' -O:U.P1 .+,,,,,+, ...-, " ",,'''+' ~""11'1'''''tc,,.; "" """1-"""1 paid by THE BOOTH-KELLY LUMBER COMPANY, an Oregon corporation, Grantee, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, doel3 hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey to said Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever; . '. the following described real property situated in Lane County,State of Oregon, to~wit: Parcel 1 An undivided one-fourth interest in and toa part of the A. W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 86 in Sections 4 and 5, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of W. M., more particularly des~ribed as follows: i. Beginning et a point on the South line of the McKenzie Highway which ,is 1292.54 feet (19.584 chains) South of the Northwest corner of theA. W. Hammit D.L.C. No~ 38 ~n Township 17 South, Range 2 West of W. M., which point is marked by a concrete monument designated as Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Monument No. 15; thence East along the South line of said highway for a distance of. 1387.32 feet (21.02~ chains) to a point which iathe Northeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by W. R. Robertson and wife to the Grantor herein by a deed dated February Za, 1946, recorded in' Volume 317, at Page 171~ Deed ,Records of Lane County, Oregon, andwhiclLPoint is .marked by a concrete monument designated as Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Monument No. 18; thence South along the East line of the tract of l~nd conveyed by said deed dated February 28, 1946, for a distance. of 2135.3 feet to an iron pipe which is the true point of beginnir~ and wh~ch marks the Southeast corner of a tract of land conveyed by 'c;he Grantor herein to Jones Enterprises, Inc .by a deed. da ted Ap:r11 8., 1952; thence South 87 0 54 ' West for a distance of 62..50 feet to the beginning point of a 100 57' 27" curve to the right; thence along said curve (the long chord of wnich bears North 700 10' West 391.23 feet) for a diatance of 400.30 feet; thence North 480 14' West for a distanc'e of 120.80 feet; thence South 410 46' West for a .distance of 50:00 feet to a point designated as Engineer's Sta.tion 178+88; thence continuin . South 41046' West for a distance of 30.00 feet; thence North 480 141 West for a distance of 0.73 feet; thence South 180 11' 30" West for a distance of 34.81 feet to a point designated as center line station'2+86 ofl'".lrnout Read; thence continuing South 180 11' 3011 West for a distance of 30.00 feet to. a point on a 100 33' 1211 curve, said curve at said point being tangent to a line beari~ South 710 48' 3011 East; thence along sa.1d curve to the right (the long chord of which'bears South 68"221 4511 East 65.02 fe~t) for a distance of 65~02 feet; thence South 640 57' ' PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 21 2009 .' . > ~ .,..~,\...';."'~"~';I.::';~., ~.lI"r."'~:~~,~1'~'"~~'~I.~~I.' \-:"':'"~t::''':-!':''' .'t<::Y":"~(;",:.~ {'''I" , .~". . ,.,.-.J':'\'.'::" .;.....,..,.,i'},....:~t,V1.,..'.~rt:.(. ~..,."....'.\. ". J" "'f'.~"" ,':,....~ :'::'-~pi-(:~ :{;.:..:: :-", ';,: r.,~'-;.~":. :.,-.':~ .::~.t;~~~{..L::~~.,...;:,~.;'J::~~;;.:,:;'f:,:J..:~::~K~: ~:r.', :':;~~.:~:~V ,~: '~t/r.: ". ,. ,,", .' ','..,..' "-:'~/> t",~,,~t\,i.J.l."". "-' -h.ri_~j.; ,I,:~'~';j, !~. .~~'.f I , ,".r;;: 5-(}S'.. 05 ." ,':;,;;;;;~:~}'b':".!,~:i;<f:!~;i','} :f;;,..;,;(:~i~;fj;~';; -~ .,... , , . ~st for ~ distance of 217.4 feet to the bella)"l'ns 'po1ht;ota . .9 301 06 . curve to. the Id't;. thenoe along .1&1d:durv.... e(the :long';c' . chord of which bears Sou~ 70. 31' 30. ftt' ae'.39 teet) tor a ' distance of 285.80 feel; thence .l"th 81511-1_t; 62.50.te8' .' to the East line of the trac;tot l~co~~:b7"a1d;".d.MRi," . da ted February 28, 1946: :,thence.Nor1i]it'8.1ong',iald. !aa't"l1n&:,';gO. 00 feet to the true point ofbeginn1ng~'{'~ '.::'.:~< ......" ..." . :- I .... . I Said tract of land contains 1.32 acres, more'or less, 0.36. . acre of which is in said Section 4 and 0.9S'acre. in said Section 5, and is shown in'yellow on a plat attached. hereto, made a part hereof and marked "Exhibit An. . Parcel 2 A strip.of land in the A. W. Hammit Donation Land Claim No. 86 in Section 5; Township 18 South, Range 2 West of W. M., more particularly described as follows, to-wit: . .. Beginning at'a point on the Westerly line ot the tract of land described an Parcel 1 herein arid which point is designated as center line station 2+86 of Turnout Road; thence North 180 . 11' 30" East along said Westerly line for a distance of 34.81 feet;. thence North 480 14' West fora distance of 0.46 feet to a point on a 90 25' 24" curve; .which curve at said point is tangent to a line which bears North 710 50' 45" West; thence along said curve to the left (the long chord of which bears North 850 581 53" West 297.30 feet) for a distance of 300.01 feet; thenceSouth'190 53' West for a distance of 531.35 feet ~ to a point on thp WeRt line of said D.L.C. No. 86, said point being 3304.89 feet South of the Northwest corner of the A.W. Hammit D.L.C. No. 38 in Section 32, Township 17 South, Range t. 2 West.of W. M., and which point is also 194.45 feet North of tbe Weyerbaeuser Timber Company Monument No. 16 situated at the intersec;tion of said West line with the' North line of the Southern Pacific Company's right of way; thence'South along said West line for a distance of 71.11 feet; thence North 790 53' East for a distance of 543.84 feet t6thebeginning , point ofa 100 38' 06" curve, to the right; thence along said. . curve (the lOng chord of which bears South 850 57'45" Easto . 263.48 feet) for a dis tance of 261.15 feet; thence North 18 .' .11' 30" East 35.00 feet to the true point of beginning. Said strip of land contains 1.39 acres, more or less, and is shown in red on said Exhibit A. Together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances ;0 belonging or in anywise appertaining . PRE.SUBMITTAL REC )1 OCT 2 1 2009 .' .' l<";:t;j'.~..~r;~~t:JX: . "..I.....'..lt~~C\'-j ',', ~~~~~:;::. -.'t;./;i;"'\'::';'~:~~':;:i i.>~... . ',." .;t~~~_: :'::~. L~~~~~~t.;., i;j;";.~;~_~ '~f~'; _-<''':~-'f'!'''I'.'jj:.'..~:. . ",-" .. "':'f"l"" " - t~.~; . ,:i: - ";~'r;~~.,~~'q::;'} . . .. J~ ," 50~ .~ And the Grantor, for !tH.U ~d 1ta 8ucce..orlS~ doel bere~Y'. .covenant and 8greetoaJid Wltht~~:Gr~t~.tbatt~eGranto~ 1. ,0-.,' ,', law,fully seized in fee simple of the aboudescrlbed and granted premises and has good and lawful right to convey the same; that the said real p~operty is free from all encumbrances except as above set forth,' taxes'a.ndas1gessments levied and assessed for the fiscal year 1951-52 and subsequent years' and,. with respect to parcel'l, any rights, liens or encumbrances crea~ed or perm1tted by any other persot other than. the Grantor since December 26, l~50and, ,with respect to Parcel 2, any rights, liens or encumbrances created or permitted by , any other person other than the G~antor .since February 2, 1951, and that the Grantor will and its 13uccessors and assigns shall warrant and defend.. the same to the Grantee,. its successors and assigns, foreve against the iawful claims and demands of all per&ans whomsoever. .1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Weyerhaeuser Timber Company has caused these presents' to be signed and its corporate seal to be this 14th day of ffebruary, 19~5. . ( _._........').......u~ /~\? 1I.\l8f~..." / ....,~ ..........U't1... " ... '-~1 , .....~ ....... '-.... ol? .... / ~..' ,"o .~ !:. ./.:;;'/ d~ORA'\AlY.. . ::: i <;)" . . ~ r '. v ~ . ~ i" . ~,. f', ~ ~ . . , 1. ... . ".,.. \. S E ^ L'.' i . i -'" .J~ ."., . ~ .', ' i "'-..;;;; i! .T ~.. . ./ A'" : . , j' ...., .... .' " ~" " ... c . 0 ,.............,11> ". . , w' (II .,I.' duly authorized PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O OCT 21 2009 WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY B1c::L,)/ Ll'" < "'lev .t'reSl.aent hereunto affixed by 1tsproper officers thereunto Attest:' A~.c~~~.... J "'.:It.,,..i'''''''.'.i''',':;".,l';.::;. ~'>i'~'~:~';:; :.: , : ;;'.;. .:?,,),";~:rr~~.,,~,.,. . ~ ~. ....~~~;:;<'~'..i~%;::;~W]ct" :..'~. ,") '.~:, ../ i j'O ':l~ ,- . " . 8 ~C<~"~"'~;':'Ii'." . ..~~;8~'J.~1~1~8i~ I . "'~f.,,~~,;,,~~~:~~~.~~!.,f.:;1~1~'~"~'j DLe. NO M:,i.~~~:;~cn~:I~ :.:.';':i.....j;,:'':::'w.,'>,;,g,*0\~I'ti~'.. ~71:"~t:,,,t~1:f~,tl ." .' .' .,:_;::~:...,.,.;-.':'?:'::.E;F'<.....TttJ..F':~?p'?y~:;~,;~t .....~:;t~:?i;...:... ...,:~~"Si..:~".,'1:.{~!~(;J~i;~~ .' ;:,;;kk~EWi{~~~~~?f:~~::.: ~:.:' ~~ "... ........ --- '-;" 'm".,>,;k'iFfif:t~~~~ M.~"'8 j' ">l::~;'.~,;ii ,. "',' .; \ A. W HAMMIT ~ ~. .. .... " I I '\ --\-"C~.<#--1.38n3' r.f ~~Jl.c .' "' . ,. M..,'" ~ fl~.. I 00 . ;.g ~~ ., ~~~;- Cl) -0 Q !\l <\J .I..i", (\, ~~ ~ -J I . Fe. 18.9,:.?S.~ tre.e. <14""0"" r ~2..'8 L C./~ / I I I <:) "'l h ~ I\l ./ .Jill"''' _ .:.- _ _ _ sJ"'4r . . . I 1 I . .b,/ L . ., I:" ,1/ 0 IO'R ~ (. 114J"'2' I~) T 2 30~' I~ . .ilo/" 4 e.7 I \1Z7 '" . AW HAMMIT .OLe NC PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'O OCT 21 :2009 r' .1 \ "'1~h6- ~.n1'3"'~JKgy--r~- . ....:7.... if s;:!O..o', I ,. . .( ...., I:> . . fl...... . . M.~ 18 . ~ '../. 00 ,. . ;.g ~~ Q;) ~ Q .!\II <II! I I -+- .Jill"'" . .i ~ '4 r-----:- ,," I . ~.Io/ I I'! ,1/ 0 'O'R 'C. ... (, A 4J"Z' I';) T2307' I~ . b 4 &.1" ~.h lco . ,1 " .L . "';q,A....... ~.., ~, ~O ~" ~. I I I C:l f') ~ tlj . ... III Ec. 189.. 7:5".5 I - . ._- _. B..cR .149'O~' T :12<;;' B f- G~4 I '- - / ~ ?-~. ..' ,'/ .. / 1/ /, . . ~~~~ /(,.\ t--. . 6'0 ~ I;i . , - ~ -~ . Ikl "- .... --t.. , . J~" .J...iw. r. .,'...._ O. YI ... . f ~J I~' 1 , ., I hi D IO'lll;o .. I'l ...... /'J. 35'10' 0 "IX 'Cl a: . ,: TIt'I./.... ~ ,;!LJ5t7~~ o~. , .. -:. Il: 0 .' ,,'" 't.. ~ : Of/) "L~.J.'i.(f~ "r .....~ 0 I V l' . ~' I Cl I ~ ll,J ^' \' ,:". , Ii I ,II ~ 00, Go I I ~'~I~~ . ... E><h/6/-t: A , :', .~. ':. . ,; :.;~~: ';"i"i~:";--''''':~~1~_:-'-''r:'-.:r..'';,4.(.~:-:(,':;,-~:,~,-_ : ,~;;-;.:~~~~~~ir~~~~",;::. <"':,::<1?~~1t~~~~ ' '-"-""'i,,",e'~,,~..,.,. ~.,t ."i'':}..J.J'<,:~~,~ ,,:\~%~~~:>:Yt_}t~:~'J~%;f~t~:f ' '::;:<;:-"-',';;;:;' ~."'~' .- . \ ~ . .- -~~- '. A W HAMMIT OLe NQ I J47'!J4 W JO/NT TRUCK ROAD MAl rHRU aLe. NO 86 IN SEe'S S & 4 T 18 S . - R 2 W SCALE' 1'= 400' AUG 1947 JW8 $."-"''1 $/4' '/4,/ k r: 3/!,2 I I I PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D T 212009 -, J ~KENZM-- 1.38r3~'~ ~. . I, .:;/!'''' '1'1...... M."I"18 t ~ . . \ Q 0 . . I ;. 8 . . . ~. -" '" ~~~;.- .3ill3"'r~---7 . SJ4 ,," I l'/ I I'! . L,1/ ~ ;~?~.':~ lV' .. &.7'" ,.iI 'll) .,71-< . ... " .r4r!J4~ ~It) 01, ~o \)" ~ (- L.- .' Ec. IB9~.?!>.? tJ..C,(?' .149.0'" . r a .:it;.' 8 . 1,.~ L. G.l4 'I ., .' ." . ~IJ J /(..\ t..... .06' 0 C~ ~ / / .~'. .? / , ~I "/1-0 " D lO'L II< .. i:> 35"'0' 0 ~(",. ~ Q: '. . .' T I "I.b.. w t,~. ,;~ L.lS!7<\, ~. 0 ,,' . .. . It 0 t .."" '(, 1'....1) ~(t... " " G." ~ 0 I . V :/:' /I#. .... ,j~' I 'Q I ~ 4J E ><h;k/-f A h. I I I .1; d i I ... <::I ~. CIQ i I I ~'''.17,' ~ '!;f.(> ,;; '. ..' .:. .;"~~."'~.. "'... r.J'~R "\:Ji'~,>',,~~' {~~t< .~"~~ \ :.~ :~~;>.:?;~:~~-' /l"'~""''''''''''''''~' ~.w '.' ~ .1. ...,.... .';\,~r':~f~:~r;l:;~~~\,:;~f;;~f:~~~~ :~~~,:~fi~'( : Y,:!',"" ~(r:::~;;?:' ~'~::,,;<,}{?~:':':: '.\~;.~:F<\;>~":' o . '" ". ..... . :. ,', ;.- '..... ~ I") 'n' ~ fIl '. .'t.. --~~- , , 1 A W HAMMIT OLe NQ 86' 'JOINrrRUCK . ROAf) MAP THRlJ DLe NO 86 IN SEe'S. S &" T 18 S -' R 2 W SCALE: 1'= 400" AUG /947 . JWB 5-"'4' $/4' '/4'1 Kr: ~/:i2 I I I PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'O OCT 212009 " . ~ ...,.,. ...1';",' . ..,~. '''''''~ f~; .-c.;' ,- " " ,':;:.,' :-::, ~ ,./-i:.-j--' ( -.:I: ..;~;~ ..,:~.;;" ; ..... ;...,; ~:' : '. '" .~ :t,:.':.' -.~"{ , ,- - 5~805 .....:j:,:-.. -..,....,.. -;.!:.' .'I;;.St -, 'f':;;;'~ .' . .~y_:,~ :.;;,.- ;...~.~..- - - . . ,-, . . ~........:.,....>..,. .:. ......' ..'.'. .'..'......, .:L,.:::.i .:....:. ._ .'_'.:~' .-'. .;..;'....,.~..,__..~-"..{..... ..:': ...,1....:.....,.._.~..-~. .:~-'..-'..._.'...,:...'...:..,'~ .'.:.' ,,- ' ~.. " '''-'J ...'~: ,:;.~i\.4f' ':" ~~.: .,_ '~i !:.:"::> "',_',' .__.,';_c...',;,... .&tiW3 ~:?~i!lf . ...'i':. 'j', ,~\.,~.:~~l-:._J:.{,'p ;:,;' ,i '.'. . ." . c.';" ','" . :'/1.-;'.' :c: ~::~.:~::?;~~.~I,~; . ''--, ..... ~: \. .. .d'.""'" ,.",' .. ,:':<d-?:.:. .: :.~ r;~' ~ ~.~.: :,:. .;:",-....:;.: -, .~~~j:-:,:j/j -.:~;;c.". : ~ ~:;,~ .,",,';; ".'J ..:.,' . .'::;' l'!tnte of Ore Connty of ~n. I. Harry ;;:--"S. ex-offlcio Re Chas" Co ~Dd for 58ld corder ';f l]:ty Clerk and f~~he wlth~~~~Y' do h:;;'jiance. In ~cord at rnment w y certify m .' as received . en c: Cl:J s::: '~ .-- ;::e. . m>'1- n ti t- .- o n -I t-:l .... N =. = = :..",11 ..."i\ ", '. II 29 , .. 'c.5tj- D '~5 E. ~un~ ~cor~. erk. ,_ I""...n.., Count k HARRY t--- By::h. - / ~W;-.~h'. "puty. -,,,. ."<~;';~~~W~a~~ ,- "\' , " , / v < \ p/O,j, .. . A',.i,,{:' " -, '";,. ~. , ~- " ...... '.- ~ .,;-:-,-" "__"","~"'.n'r-,,,""'~ 1 4'01,57 WA.RRANTY nERD GOG'KI KJlO~ AU. I<EJIlIY TlmSE ?lUlSltIttS that WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY. a ~a5hlngton corporatl~n of Tacoma, Washington, GRANTOR. 1n consideration of. the SUlD of Te,n Dollars ($10) and other valuable cooslder-atlon. receipt of which 1:. herebY ,\ \ ackno....ledged. doeS by these presents grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation of tne State of Oregon, GRANTEE., the following described real' property situate in the County of Lane, State, of Oregon, particularl:;, described a8 follow8: ,. That part of the A. W. ~lt DonatIon Land Claim No. 38 1n Se~-Thlrty-two {32} and Thirty-three (33), TownshiP Sever...' L..I ' ). South, Range T'IIi'_O ~ West of the lil1 Blllette ~erld~~scrlDe aa rollove: Beginning at a point on ,the South lino or the McKenzie Highway 19.584 chains South ot the Northwest corner of said A. W. Hammit Donation Land Cla1nl No. 38. which point 15 the NorthWest ~rner of a tract of, land conveyed b)' W. R. iiqDertson and wife to Grantor herein by a. deed dated February 28. 1946 and recorded 1n :eoek 317 at Page 171. Lane County Oregon .Deed Recorda. and is marked b:i a concrete .monuroent dea1.gnated as Weyerheeuser Timber Company Monument No. 1 5; ~herice East along the South.line of sald hlghMay , 100.0 feet; thence South parallel with the \Ilnt l1ne of said HaiMl1t Claim 200.0 feet; thence. . West parallel with the South line of 8810. highway 100.0 feet to the WeISt l1ne of said Ham.m1t Cla1m; thence North 200.0 feet .along said West line to the place of beginn1ng. r I q:;" . ..;. . / '-.. \.:. ~:/~7...~1I--;;''tV The Grantor hereby expressly savea and u.ceptl and I i \ ,L! v 7 ) \ '~"-' ~., ~_.:~~ t.:'~,4 ~~ "'.. ....- '~Q'~''':.'~. ~ r. \:. . t' .or!~"i- '~,v'" I .l.~~ 1,1.. ";,, 11~ -7 '-, ~. " I rese.-"": ,)1.-.'e of 'ehe grant hereby made. unto itself, its auecesllora and a~~16.ns, forever, all orea and minerals of any nature whataoner . in or upon 58id land. including. but not lim~ted to, coal, oil,an~ gas, together,w1th the right to enter upon said lands for the purpOse of exPloring the e8J1le for such ore,~ and minerals and tor the pur- po~e ot drilling, opening, developing,. and worlclng lll1nel! and welllS "' . thereon and taking out and rernqving therefrom all such ores 'and. mine"-l:.. and to occupy and makl!! use of so much of the llurfe.ce. j I \ 1, 0' of said land as ,may be reasonabl:i neceuar:t for said pUrpolSl!!a; , .'--- -..- -- -_.~- .-....'.';A. , PRE.SUBMITIALREC'D OCT 2 1 2009 ...... r 2- ., ... ...-. '".. ~ , . ' ~i:'~-;i:,:-~:i~'::~~~_-{:~'_:~ .i;' ;.<~:~~;:.,,;~;.;- '.., :.~:;:t';:."~'~"~' . -. ~,."',_. ... .~~ ~- ._-_.- ---...---.- --- 40837 provid~d that the Grantee .and the Grantee's 5ueeesso~ and afl~igna . shall be paid J~8t and reasonable compensation for any lnJut'")' or damage to the s'Jrface of 8s1d land, to the crape, ~r to the 1m- provement5 thereon .caused by the exerc1se of any rights herein reserved; provided, further, that the exercise of such rights by the Grantor shall not be postponed or delayed pending reasonable efforts to agre'e upon or have determined such, JUl5t and reasonable' '"'eompensatlon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the said Qrantee, its succes'sors and assigns, fo~ver; and the' Grantor does covenant' with" ~he .said Grantee, 1ts success9rs and assigns, that. it 1s lawfully seized in fee.simple of the above described and g~nted premises and has a valld right to convey the .same; that the saia real property is free from all encumbrances, excepting the m1neral reservation herein set forth; and that it will and its successors and assigns wi~i ."ar~nt and defend ,the same unto.' the said arantee, its 8ucces5o~ and assigns, to~ver; against the lawful c18~ aod clemands of all per~ons whomsoever, exc~pt for s~id mineral reser- vation. IN WI~NESS WHEREOF the Grantor has cau~ed this in5~rument to be exee~t.4 ~1 its ~uly Ausuot . .~::...........~....,\\' I 1961. --.. 'll\SE.R C \,\ _/~\~.,..:.~......O~111 . ,..f:j~"." : '. ....~'" :: /::..,.... ~Q\\PORJI]'t\~ ~ . .:: ........ :.; , , SE,.:t i .~, ~~'. .....: 11: ' ~."" . ...~; ': )0,.:-.. . ......~- I . ti..........~\' ..:, I", J:'::W"S'l'__..:" . . ,\,\,,,~......... authoriZed officers this 8th day of WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY By-J,lA.,lj1 "-- . . I ce,. rresiaem; Atte.t A /r t/.~ . ~S5istan't: !lecretary 1 . STATE OP iiASBIN~OHloo, COUNTY, OF pmRCE , . On' this 8th dsy of .August ,1561, b~fore me personally 8Ppured George H. \Il.eyer-haeuser and ROwland' C. Vincent, to me known to be the Vice President and .th~ A5!11s~ant sec'retary of the corporation 2 1 ". "':.~....'~.. ' :'.':',,_.',_,il.';"'~,.. .j,.,~ ~~." ...~ ~" .'. ,," PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D OCT 2'} 2009 . " i t 1 ; ! ! i ! j, 1 I 1 r' J ,', ( , 1 j - . "r '/"."t'~' ...'.; ,;,,". ...;;.~";..' . h'; '::>!i':;'!:.&'~':'~:";;.'"~,,,;:;,~";.,;,~.'t-,~:;,;,,:.:.:~:.i.~'. :~<:'" ,..- .. '!::l.~.-..:rZ'~"!~~"~r.:,~.jJ.L.l.~!!!'l"~tf~~~~*,"!.~")l~;,",..JtI!:f'rir...s~t1', 40837 titat executed the within and foregoing 1I15t~cnt" and acknOwledged '~ld instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed or said corparetlon tor c;he useS and puzopoaes there1n ment.1oned., and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute 881d ln5trument ana tnat the seal af'f1ltcd 1~ the cOt'PC!rate eeal of aaid corporation. IN 'WITNESS wHEREOP I have hereunto Bet my hand and afrixed .="1 official 'seal the day and }lear tint above written. i ..,."..,....."...",., ..' ".U.4.TJft--, "', [;~!::~;~~~;;:\ . :, .J'\".,.'UI\.\ :j: i \ ..:->~~~.!~.;:~~';:.{ ~ lit- ....:- .,.-.-' ~ ,;;~~!@f~l Washington, residing at Tacoma '" \ , Oi , j' 3 \ ,\ .:'~.~; :"l.'!~';" .;u "'" :~"..,' .,:! PRE-SUBMIITAL REC'O OCT 2'1 '2009 -, 6 V I ~ I J I I , , \, i, ~ I . ~ '. , ',-'. /. ..,...... ". " . .," :;":', ",,' ~._._...,.~- ." ,...'.... .:.- -.:,;, . . ';"." I.~-':~::r.~~...~;:..;.;~~:.~;:.;~_:r- ~.;."~i::;.b"';: ~J:k~i;,~i,;z.~..~~,,-;..-.; .~ ,c .r '~-';;;..4'~ /'':: , f,", ". L~ \. ;.~ ~ ; '" X ~\ :::j- " ., I r. ~ . .., L- -------.-. ----..,..,".- Of. ;l;.~~~~~~~~.;~~~:.-~ : 1DlI'1Hl "1" ..._-;....~.... .. ..~~',,;::,~,::"~;..~' ..... -- . - - . --' --- : ~: . I. " 3.50, 1Il.".l...L__".I." - Y IF. ao!uo vt_l-JiOl.:dS vroU2a'l.1ll B P IHO , . .:.J'IllIV)( ~ lO , OJ "' ~ 1 I so "'\ a ~ '~ ~ ~f:i. ,'~ ' '>i "" 1 t~ I -' :~ .. II el , . ,,~RE.SUBMl1TAL REC'O . '.. OCT2"I2009 ~ ..; \7 '_:"":,~'" ~.. ,:,,~I:-r.':, . . ,~ '"; ""? " 'U 11" t~i If! 'd d !i~J il "t!l \.to ;".... -., , / -:j- ,-' I .. ._~_. " ,,~., ~ ~$l--'~';~r.::;'. .~, f}~:_":.1'~-'l:#.7. _?'~,,: -< ..,,'.... 'OJ :! .~ ',"'-. --... <0 ~... . ~ :; ~ .,.> -_,.,'.'-'1.1.'-, ~..:~ :~~''':,~~":'':::'.- <.'f:;< . :~,' . . .. ",::1 J'?J' -., ,f. ff~1 /8 -02- ~o4- AP.J - . - ';;'- ~ OCT 021992 '\1<J"lRl .,- -~-- .~-_.;...... ~, <a/ , :mt.IlIIIOCAIClIlfIll\l... . J " fR' ~".'::' ,....' '" ..... CAaCAatI , nTUI ..... CT TITL& DO. irKROW' 1tO. 'fAX ACCf. 110. ltoU. I0't2-)1U 5'-i/51 - 9255690 wJWWm' ~UD - ftUV'IODr ~ GWEIfDOLTX L. LIY1ELT MUIt' 8. LIVGol' EllUl: a. Llva.I', O....M.., LlV1ILl' ... ~. c. . 21-!1OCT .02' t"..u.u.c.i.. !il!!IOCT .02" t"'llwu.-\IG 10.00 10:00 COD.". and "fI't:aftC8 W \ Jat:Il. LOU1'B, 8raaCee, t.ho follovln9 d..cdbrM roal pcoParty freO of OftC'\IGIIr.... aoopt. .. opoclflcally ..~ fo~b her.LAI au aUIDI'!' A WIlla U HADE A PAM' aaz:or Dr 1'B1I ,.:, ~ ",. .. I .,: ft!_ L..t:n.DOat. "'111" .ot. allow ... 01 tllo Prol"lrt.7 4oao.-iJNdla Ui.8 laa.'--' J.a 9101..~loA 01 appU,aa>>l. 1aad .... la.e a'" ~l..t.Lo... Befon.~ 0'- acc..,p'd.., ~:tll. lDnl'\UUat.~ t.llo por~o acqu1dq f.. UU. to ~. ." .r abo1i14 cbock wit.a. t.ta. approp..bt.. cU., or co_tor pl__1., ....n-.t: W ...orA." 1 ...0. -.j eovanant.. condltloDl aad r.atr1eciaae aad ......oC. of racord; 92/93 leal Pro,.~ b:ce~ t.he follovlnliJ onc:ua\branc..1 Toe. The true conoid. ration for t~l. conveyance i. DaUd thl. i , r day 0/ tJ U US5,OOO.Oo~ l' t; J-; 2!2t!lCT.Il2'92IIlI2AIoT FOO 3J.lXl .TAft or OUCOll, "COUnt)' of <7, .' /X GWiNDot.rN L. 'L~r. A # %~ t f :I <..& MJU(. c. 1.1VZJ.r J ~ <:f! ,D, "'7 KIM R~ LIVELY ~.. .c.~-," /;trrw..,' ~ I STeVEN C. LIWLr ~"-~ ,... ~'l It ,'/ ',. ...b. - .; )"~ ~~J. " (f)' .~ /y- , Th1.. Inat:r\U8IOnt wa. aeknowlod9od.bafore.. on ' c.r ~19'fJ., 'J by GWENDOLYN L. LrV'l.t.y, MII;1Ut C. LI<nLY., XU.X R~ LIV!:Lr -I~ ~ - .". ..'\~ . J{...../4.;...t:.... <.:J.(t't.'/l.(./ VI'"- ~ (J.~_ ., ~~_.... t- -.". ...., ~. OFFICIAl. 51''''- J . . ~ '"'f.;. MAJIY G. CAUANAA .. ..~ NOTARYPlJ8LIC.QflEGQII Ifotary I'\I.bUc tor Oregon I ~~ CO'-lMISS'OH NO. OlnZ34 II)' co.ai..Ion ..pIr.... Y .2.& It:; Y' InlDllaSSl:llDllOa..... cwnDOLYW L. Lfva.r ~~I"""'le1 ~~~ I ~'J....~I'l._C'i q'll!.l"? .. KAK& IUID ADD'" 'unCil a c!a&ftq. Le . "",.. aU tax .t.a~_U ebaU .. ..nc to tho fol1ov1D9 1iIlJdnn, ... &AX8 AI ~ ... JAa toUr. ~/. -tn,' .~..... LJ..r, ,_JC,f...c,-~';:.v-, ~- ~ !yp,- GJWIrt.I:. S NA.U AJlD ADD..... 1. { After ncordLDt roc1a.n to. CUCADa 'I'U'LI co. 1015 OAK .- lUAU, OR "tOl THIS D!EO IS BEING CIVEIf BY CVJrrOR DIUCTLT TO CItAJl'tt:E PUlStfAlfl' TO '!'BI 1'DXI 01 (a) T1lE UA.L PROPERTY EXCHAClf! AGItEOOKt BEniEEl'I CIWI'TEI AID CASC.U:lI .....,...&~ SnVICES. IHC. DATED OCTOBEll '1, 1992 AND (h) TIlE ASSIG!lIlEIIT AlID ASS1lKPTIlB BE1IIUlI CRABrOK. CIWlTEE AllIl CASCAI)E EXClIAIlCk SEKVICES. IHC, DAnD 0CT0IIIl 1. 1992. AS AR IHTECL\TED PAIT or TEll UCIIAllCB nAllSACrlo...,.._.l.\nD n _ ACI.., ..'.... PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D OCT 2 1 Z009 ... L....-..l. ~'I m .,r ,I;'" I I J 7~"'t" .' ....' .... . . '9255690. '" OCT 021992 1l'1'iRI , .I;:" .:-' LU t:; . 'Ii I' .... :"1' IUClUnl... 1-v1nnlft9 at a pal"' Oft toM IIIO"Ml'lJ' Uno 01. CQ'Int, RaM "L'" LU , 1n\.~Octlon ,,1th tho I..t 1Lfte of tho 'att1ak OO~ DonatLoa Land Cl~ .... 62, which .i.. 20.0 'oot. WO",h 0' a pa.Lnt .... .....t 0' lobo 110"11"'''' . GO.,..." oj tho John ~.lttl DonaUon lAnd ClaJ,a 110. 48, .............._-_IoIP.~.aaQt.bI' 1iiiD'~..:..~f ti'IO wlU...tto Kulclhn, .aLd po1nt of be91M1n9 "M'",-o. tbo I..t 11n. of the 'atrick Coedon DOnat1aa Land Cl.~. by eofoc.aco 41..4J,GbaLDD North of tho southo.ot comoI' of 1.14 ,atrLck GoedoD Donatloa LaAd Cl.~ ADd ninnLD9 thonc:o lRIrth aLont the -Iut 11M of .dd DORn1on Land 010.111, U.Ga chain. to tho 8O\Itho..t OGenor of . ua" ~. ,l to ...,orb&OVN" f1r>>ol' CaapanJ', ot al, bY Lnlt~nt rocord.d JYly 10, 1947, In lOOk 311, ..,. JOI, Lane COVntr OI'OlitOft o.od Recol'd., thence ....t dol'l9 the .outh Uno of .aW Voyorha...or troct, 28'1 '..t to tbe IoUtbweot, corner of 1.14 tl'.~1 tbooOe 1000th 1017. ,. f~t to tho conteI' Uno of a county Roadl ttwftC'O .,.,tb ". ... along tho cont_1' of .aldrood,. 1.1' cba.L.., thane. soutb 'S- ]O"I..~ alonv tho con~.~ of .aid road, 13..' chalno to thO 1.lt l~ 0' ..14~. w. ...-ltt DonaUOft Land chia, thence IIol'tb alDn9 thO laoe 11_ 0' ..i4 clew to dIoi ~I'tp lLH ~f oaid road, ttwtftce lo\I\he..t.d, &1009 tho JIORbOl'ly 1_ 01 0014 road t.o a poLnt on the IifOdb 11M 01, oaid road v..t of tM poiA' 0' bo9innllUJ' t.h~nC'a la.t to t.ho poiftt of bCt91nnlaq, 1ft LaM couaty, onpe. 11a:~11IO TKUlnc>>I t.hat pG.:otlon ly1n9 ws.u1Q t.bo bcNado of U. Ioutben .acUs.o cc.puay ~&:,ot, b ~ CDuatr,. onvo-' . . . . w. <'....~.~--"-,_ Wlft tohat portion of Mt. varnoa c:_tary aoM adjacrellt aad laaI'b9 thoroto ~ v.caUon peocoedLiM3. eecorded rabrvary 17, 1''', aec.pt1oo 110. '707542, ~n. Couftt., Ol'Lclal Recol'd., 1D ~ county. ~. "' ~ In ~, II. !'l 1;J diJl~ <5,; T. '<1/ . 'i ~ " 'Jl1 1;5 ~J.. "-I" , . ....' ::'.. .3 r.;. \:~~ ~\j' .' I . 0: 1 jj .~. IJ i, ~ JJ dl J jj j ., ..._-'...... .~ .~ .~ ~ f 'i,: ''ifi\'' < " ~. , -"--I'--~'- ," -I' ,'/ A~,~::.';'. PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'O OCT "21 '2009 ,__._,. _",,, .. u.", '1 . .I,LI..... i.1I I "' "",1113,1. .1,,11__. ..,_ 10 , -~ ~ ''';;. ~~ ~ ~ "--.. ~ ,., .'- ~ " ~,_. ~\ ' '. RETURN TO CASCADE TITLE CD, q2.~~~,+ ' E.\lQ\-2.ll.1>l q. li-oL'31.. "l\.'!QO\ , After recordina. send to: , Dllilslon of Chl.f Dop,,~v Clerk 2111ll 4",111 Lana Coun~y Deed, a~ Rocords UV -VI'" 1IIIIml ~ ~ IIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~I ~I $61.80 l8234e3620010077441eeae084 11/20/2M110:4U All IPR-DEED ent.l St"", CASHIER 1M , 'S4I.1lI $11.. 51".. , , Weyerhaeuser Company CH 1 F23 PO Box 2999 Tacoma WA 98477-2999 , Send Is" slatements to; , Steven O. & Marguerite Bergstrom 2990 South West 195'" Ave. ' Aloha, OR 97006 ~ ! WARRANTY DEED , 'iTHE GRANTOR, WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY; a'Washington corporation, for valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys and warrants to STEVEN ., ." O. BERGSTROM and MARGUERITE , BERGSTROM, husband and wife, GRANTEES, the real estate, situa1ed in Lime County; Oregon, described on the attached Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, and subject to the reservation by Grantor, the 'fencing obligation of Grantee and the encumbrances of title as set forth on said " Exhibit A. The true and actual consideration for this transfer is: None - Exchange of land of equal value. THIS iNSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF TfIE PROPERTY DESCRIBED' ' IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOlATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND 'REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE " I' - -. PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH , THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY . APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE Am LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN OAS 30.930, Dated the J.~ day of _At 15' jG,-r ,2001. ' , , , III~~ ~Y.~~5'?:"': .~:.USE. R COMPANY , tjh,?",'hI'Oc')..o,,~ .. ~ I :v"O~ '1.., l!.,0?;..... . , Itfj/v '(<'-.;0\" ' r . ' t3:; SEAL ;~~ , . S : :-<~ ~ , ; ~ .'h \;, ill - b1 " ... '''.. a.- : .' ".... .... I (,..--, ~... .... WeyerhaeuserlBer aln';:;;o~/,1 'Lane County OR -__ INu,;III G97 -1043, 08lO2I01 -"" Page 1 of, 2 ' PRE.SUBMITTAL REeD OCT 2 1 '2009 .. ,.. . . I I. . ~ ,II -.,",," .. ..,__~ ..~ .... . .. ,. ..._ ''-,,,"II. ._1 _.... . ...1. . ., L "I ~,. .111,,1 II, .. I. _.~:_i:1 ,," STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ) S5. COUNTY, OF KING ) . , Personally appeared before me, the undersigned authorlty'ln and for SaId ,county and state, on this ..i.J;t\-l. (jar of A\1'lSf., ,2001, WIthin my Jurisdiction, ' the within named, ,(j and (~. II 1 . ~\prl4- . , " who ~cknov.:led9,ed . thai they are' . ' ':>r-, \j{rp 'PrP4rf.A~and If:$l:2:faat StJ(''('1'frt r'!i ' .of WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY, a Washington corporation, and that for don. . behalf of the said corporation, and as its act and deoothey executed the above and , foregoing inStrument, after first having been duly authorized by said corporation so to do. Not~~ M .{/~::~ My appointment eXPires:~_/f)? .. ""U'''~", . ",., It Ell "I"",; ",,';l~'N"'~~".~. f-vr.~ ~\ ~ {~OTARY i : 1 ....~ .: ;,~VUBLlC '~i --" -:.. ."A~~..'"-" ~..:> .....-~. ......... ~ ,\ . ....,"" 0, ,,,_,,,,\\ ""'"u"" . . '""\.':.. .-.-: ._..~~~. WeyerhaeuserlBergstrom' at al Lane County OR G97.1043,08I02l01 Page 2 of 2 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 2 1 ,2009 1", ,.., -.-,-..,.., ,... ..... .0, ""'"..''' ."') I. L.. _....,. ." , .. , , IN LANE COUNTY. OREGON :~ TOWN$HIPS 17& 18 SOUTH. RANGE 2 WEST. W.M. '//), , ' " / I i, , ' , , , Parcel 1: : .. ' , " Gat pa"~ the A- W. Ha.:nmlt D.LC. #38 (in Section 32), ;ownShiP 17 South. Ra;;;;rW~stofW. M., and ' . at part of the A, W. Hammit D.L.C. #86 (in Section 5), Townshlo 18 South, Ranoe 2 West of W.. M., described as follows:. ,". Commencing ata point on the South line of the McKenzie Highway 19,584 chains South of the Northwest comer of said A. W. Hammit D:L,C. #38 (which point is the Northwest comer of a tract of land conveyed by W. R.Robertson and wife. to Weyerhaeuser Tmber Company by a Deed dated FE!bruary 28. 1946 and recorded in Book 317, at Page t71, Lane County De'ed Records, and is maiked by a concrete monument designated as Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Monument No, 15); , Thence East, along the South line of said Highway, 100.0 feet to the Northeast comer of the tract of land conveyed to the City of Springfield, by Deed dated August 8, 1961 and recorded August 19, 1961, Reel 177 '610, Cleik's Receiving No, 40857, Records of Lane County, Oregon, and the True Point of Beginning of the tract of land herein conveyed; Thence East, along the South Iin"e of said Highway, 105.00 feet to ttie westerly right of way bounl:lary of the WE!yerhaeuser Company private truck road; , Thence South O~ 49', East, along said right, of way boundary:1r~01.5 feet; Thence along said right of way boundary, on the arc of II curve to the left with a radius' of 766,20 feet through a central angle of, 490 03', an arc distance of 655.93 feet; Thence South 480 15' East along said right of way boundary to the North line of the 70-foot strip of la.nd conveyed to The Booth-Kelly Timber Company by Deed dated February 14.1955; , Thence Westerly, along said North line to its intersection with the West line of said A, W. Hammit O.l.C: #86 (the centerline of said 70-foot strip Intersects said West line at a point 3,340,45 feet South 'of the Northwest comer of said A, W, Hammn D,L.C, #38); WeyerhaeuserfBergstrom et al Lane County OR G97-1043,8I2I01 EXHIBIT A, Page 1 of 6 '/ .';:: i": ~: :"J PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 212009 ! - ........1 ,_. I .,. "~-,..... ..., .- ...~"."..._" ".... -,,,,'.,.... .. ,.,," , ......._....._.." ,.I._IIi. ..1 .~ ~ 1111 III _".Ii Il, Imd'.JII II ;:.. Ill... . _.1 III I .11 ,Ii Iii I . I .11.1 .. Thence North, along said West line to the Southwest comer of the tract of land conveyed to the City of Springfield by a Deed dated January 23, 1973; , Thence East, along the South line of said City of Springfield tract 100 feet; Thence North, along the East line of the two (2) traclS conveyed to the City of Springfield by said Deeds dated August B, 1961 and January 23. 1973, 250 feet to the True Point of Beginning' '\ /ParceI2: " ," ," ", . . . I ~art of.the A. W. Hammit D.I",C.'1I86 (Section '4 "and 5), TownshlD 18 , SDuth. Ranoe 2 West of W. M. described as follows: " ..' ' Beginning at a point on the South line of the McKenzie Highway which is 1,292,54 feet (19,584 chains) South of,the Northwest comer of the A, W. Hammit D,L.C. #38 in Township 17 South, Range2West of W, M., which point , is marked by a concrete monument designated as Weyerhaeuser, Timber Company Monument No. 15; The'nce East along the South line of said highway for a distance of 1,387.32 feet (21.02 chains) to a pDint which is the Northeast'comer of a tract 01 land conveyed by W, R. Robertson and wife, to'Weyerhaeuser Timber Company by a Deed ,dated February 28,1946, recorded in Volume 317, at Page 171, Deed of Records of Lane County, Oregon, and which point is marked by a concrete ,monument designated as Weyerhaeuser TII1lbe'r Company Monument No. 18; Thence South, alQng ttie East line of the tract of 'and conveyed by said Deed dated February 2B:t946, for a distance of 2,215.3 feet to an iron pipe which is the True Point of Beginning of the tract herein described and which point marks the' Southeast comer of the strip of land 'd~ribed as Parcel 1 in a Warranty' Deed dated February 14, 1955, to, The Booth-Kelly Lumber' Company; thence along the South line of said Parcel 1 BJ1d Parcel 2 as described in said Deed dated February 14, 1955, as follows: (1) South 87. 54' West a distance of 62.50 feel; (2) ',Thence along a 90 30' 06" curve to the right (the long chord of which bears NDrth 7B. 31' 30., West 283,39 feet) for a distance of 285.80 , feet; (3) Thence North 64. 5T West a distance of 217.4 feet; WeyerhaeusariBargstrom at at , Lane County OR G97.1043,8/2/01 EXHIBIT A; Page 2 of 6 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O OCT 2 1 ,Z009 ~ .., -' . ,. :J I; ~:; " . 0:.' '".10-'<. ~. 1.11.1111 -.1. :;;.1 I I" II il~. t.. .L. ..........," - I I,ll 110_ " (4) Thence along a 100 33' 12' CUlVe to the left (the long chorrj of which bears NDrth 68" 22' 45' West) 65.02 feet; (5) Thence South 180 11' 30. West a distance of 5.0 feet; (6) Thence along 'a 100 38' 06' CUM! to the lell (the long chord 01 which bears North 850 57' 45' West) a distance 01267.75 feet;' (7) 'Thence South 790 53' West a distance of 543.84 feet to a point on the West line of said A. W. HammR D.L.C. #86 3,382.00 feet South 01 the Northw9st comer of the,^- W. Hammit D.L.C. #38; Thence South, along said West line 123.34 feet, more or less, to Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Monument No. 16, situated at the intersection of said West line and the North line,of Southem Pacific Company's right of way; Thence Southeasterly, along said' North line to Weyerhaeuser Timber Company Monument No. 17:, which. marks the EasterfyboundarY of the tract conveyed by said Deed dated February 28, 1946; Thence North, along said East line, 831.04 feet, more or less, to the True Point 01 Beginning, It is the intent of the Grantor to convey all that'pOrtion of the tract of land acquired by said Deed dated Febl'llalY 28,'\.946, lying South' 01 the tWo, parcels of land, described In said Deed dated February 14, 1955, to The Booth-Kelly lumber , , ' Company. ~ , ' RESERVATION: Grantor hereby expressly saves, excepts and reserves out of the grant hereby made, unto itself, Its successors and"aSSigns, forever, all geothermal steam and heat and all metals, ores and minerals 01 any nature whatsoever In or upon said land including, but not limited to, coal, lignite, peat, oil and gas, including coal seam gas, together with the right to take out and remove therefrom all such geothennal resources, metals, ores and minerals, Provided that Grantor. its successors and assigns, will not occupy or use the surface of said land and will not do any development, excavation or mining within a vertical depth 01 500 feet. Grantor, its'successors and assigns, shall, hoWever, have the right to enter upon such land to conduct geophysical and ge:':~":-I surveys and other exploration. Grantee and Grantee's heirs, representatives, su"t'~~~rs and assigns, shall be paid just and reasonable comPensation for any iljury or damage to the surface of WayarhaauserlBergslrom at .1 . 'Lane County OR G97-1043,8/2/01 EXHIBIT A, Page 3 of 6 ~ CI PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 2,} ,2009 -~ 4-~ ~.I"""" ,Q.II'.', 1 , '. I' II .1 II ..III II !'. I I ~I II. I i ...;.ll.., .....IL.". .,1 I~. 1 I... I~".......,..I .., 0Il1 J. I .i I 1 II I , I I~ 1 I , said land, to the crops or to the improvements 'thereon caused by the exercise 01 any rights herein reserved; provlded further, that the exercise of such rights by , Grantor, its'successors and assigns, shall not be postponed or delayed so long as Grantor Is making reasonable efforts to agree upon or have determined such just and reasonable compensation. FENCING OBLIGATION OF GRANTEE: Grantee shall erect a fence along the edge 01 the adjoining Weyemaeuser ' Logging Truck Road prior to construction 01 houses on any parcels contiguous to . the Logging Truck Road; but after gracllng Is complete and streets are installed to serve those lots. Property deeds to lots, parcels or tracts, adjacent 10 the Logging Truck Road, crealedby Grantee shall Include a deed 'restriction notifying future , property owners ofWeyamaeuser's lillenl to continue to use said road for logging trucK traffic, SUBJECT TO: all easemen.ls and rights of way for public roads and utilities heretofore established and existing on said lands, and (1) Rights reserved In lederal patents or state deeds, mineral or fossil rights reservations, building oruse restrictions general to the area, existing easements not Inconsistent wilhGrEintee's intended use, and building or ' zoning regulations o[proY,i~ISms sha'lI not be deemed encumbrances or defects:' , Ancestral rights, if anllr,af,descendanls 01 aboriginal inhabitants to occupy, 'use and possess any'poriion 01 the premises, as reserved by treaties, understandings, practice, statutes, or judicial decisions; lor lood gatherfng, shelter, religious ceremonies, social and economic gatherings, battlefields and burial sites. (2) (3) All matters 01 public record, to any easement or right of way for any public , 'or orivate roacls, railroads or utilities heretofore existing on said lands, May be designated, lor iax purposes, as Forest Land. Compensating tax, if any is dUB, will be the responsibility 01 the Grantee upon change of use as forest land. ' (4) WeyemaeuserlBergstrom 81 aJ Lane County OR G97.1043,8I2I01 EXHIBIT A, Page 4 of 6 ,} PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 2 1 .2009 I '. ~ ~...;:..- " " -\ , (8) (5) AJI planning, zoning, heallh and other governmental regulations, if any. , affecting subject property. (6) Any prohibition of or limitation of use, occupancy or improvement Df the , land .resulting from the rig1ts of the public or riparian owners to use any portion which is now, or has fonneriy been covered by water, (7) Document: Easement for Irrigation Canal Dale: ' April 25, 1936 Grantor. Louis H. Linder et al Grantee: Eugene-Springfield Land & Water Company Recording #: Book 186. Page 175 Document: Highway Constructlon Permit Date: May 18, 1966 ' Grantor.. , WeyerhaeusorCompany Grantees: State of Oregon/City of Springfield Recording #: Reel NO,292D, Reception No.55629 . Document: Right of Way Easement 'oate: July 6, 1966 Grantor., Weyerhaeuser Company Grantee: City of Springlleld Recording #: Reel No.293-D, Reception NO.58164 , . (10) Document:' Right of Way Easement Date: _ August 4, 1966 Grantor. Weyerhaeuser Company Grantee: City of Springfield Recording #; Reel No,293, Reception No,58163 , (9) .. .. -,~. (11) , , Document: Utility Easement Dale: 'June 23, 1983 Grantor: W,eyerhaellS8l' Real Estate Company Grantee: City of Sp,~,.,z.~d Recording #: Reel No,1252, Reception No.B3-22991 WeyerhaeuserlBergslrom et al' lane County OR G97-1043,8I2/01 EXHIBIT A, Page 5 of 6 ,PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 2 1 2009 " , . ".................,,".....11111" ...., I . "." '. "i '- .' . " , . i. , . ~I.. ..,..., . ;O,I_~. I, I I "I ~L,I I. 1111 i , . -.. ~I C Ii. . . '. .1 I, ,I .I1~.L ". I III - .." .\ (12) Document: UtiliiyEasement Date: June 23, 1983 Grantor: Weyemaeuser Real Estate Company Grantee: City of Springfield Recording #: Reel No.12S2, Receptlon NO,83-22992 Document: Public Water Utility Easement Date: September 25,1983 Grantor: ' Weyemaeuser Company ,Grantee: City of Springfield Recording #: Reel No,12G2, Reception No.83-32317 . (13) " (14) Document: Road Use' Dedication. Construction and Maintenance Agreement Date: September9,19B5 Parties: Weyerhaeuser Company, Weyerha'euser Real Estate .. Company and City of Springfield Recording #: Reel No.13GB, Reception No.BS-33nG --- - - End 01 ExhlbItA-.... ., Weyerl1sl!IJSarlBargstrom at aI lane County OR G97., 043,6/2101 EXHIBIT A, Page 6 of 6 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 2 1 -2009 ~