HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 10/21/2009 i" '! I, -,..,...... k ff Eugene Professional Building, 132 East Broadway, Suite 538 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 684-4902 FAX (541) 684-4909 . ':;~"J1!:. :l"~ ="J M E.MO RAN DUM DATE: TO: CC: FROM: RE: June 27, 2006 Steve Barnes, City of Springfield Mark Hanson, Westwind LLC Matt Keenan, KPFF Type II Tentative Subdivision Review Case #SUB2005-00048 PROJECT NO.: 305809 . The following conditions from Type II Tentative Subdivision Review Staff Report and Decision dealing with public improvements have been addressed in the following manner: 1. 'Final design of the Union Terrace secondary access and associate:traffic control shall be determined as part of a public improvements project (PIP) 'plan review process. Union Terrace secondary access is designed as part ofthe PIP-review. The design included a gravel access road, 'bollards and a driveway apron (see sheet C2.1). These improvements were a result of the PIP review by City engin~ering and traffic. 2. Applicant shall be responsible for installing signs and/or pavement h.arkings as necessary to implement any parking restrictions that are required by as a condition of approval on this development. ' This item is complete and shown on public.improvement plans. Signs and pavment markings were design based on direction by City engineering and ttaffic. " 3. Execute and record an Irriprovement Agreement for paving, curblgutter, sidewalks, street lighting and street trees for a future street over the portion of Booth ikelly Road ROW that will not be improved with this subdivision. ' An agreement was executed during the tentative plan process, between the owner and the City I of Springfield, to address tris condition. . . 4. Prior to final plat approval, applicant shall obtain written approval by the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer for design of the curve adjacent~o Lots 47 - 49. 'I' PRE.SUBMITTAL RE~'D 1:lc\p1200513058091Docs1MEMO 060627 Type /I Sub Rvw Response to Cfty.doc OCT 2'1 2009 . Page 1 of 5 k' f f Eugene Professional Building, 132 East Broadway, Suite 538 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 684-4902 FAX (541) 684-4909 '.. ~ n~,. :1" ~ =" J .::.~, This item is complete and shown on public improvement plans. Approved by City engineering and traffic. This curve was modified from the original curve shown in the tentative plan to meet ihe City's requirements. 5. ' On the subdivision plat, name the proposed streets South 48th Stre~t, South 48th Place, Holly Street, Glacier Drive, South 49th Street and South 49th Place as shown on the attached plat map. Streets have been named per this request and shown in the public improvement plans. See signage and striping plans. 6. The applicant shall determine with SUB the necessary easements. :'Easements shall be dedicated with the Final Plat. . i, SUB has completed their review and the public improvement plans comply with their requirements. The easements will be dedicated with the Final Plat.i: ! 7. The Revegetation Plan shall show plantings under power lines that;;will be no taller than 20' at maturity. - II "'_ This item is complete and is shown on the plans. The landscape architeyt has reviewed all of the planting with SUB and all of the plants/trees now meet their requirements completely. SUB has given their approval on the planting. i! !! 8. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall dedicate, in acc'ordance with Section 32: 120 (5) (a) of the Springfield Development Code, a 14 foot public ~asement covering the proposed 8 inch sanitary sewer line serving lots 102-112 and located' in Tract G. The easement shall extend to the connection of the existing public system. ;1 " Lots 102-122 are not being developed at this time andare not included with the current PIP. !i 9. Prior to approval of the Public Improvement Plan, the applicant shall s~ow the flow line elevations of the existing pubic sanitary sewer systems at the proposed connection points with the new sewer systems. Invert elevations are shown in profile view for existing manholes at proposed connection points. 10. At the time of PIP review and prior to Final Plat, the applicant shall Emter into a maintenance agreement with the City of Spril)gfield, whereby the City will provide routine maintenance for functionality of the grassy sW<jle/detention pond serving the subdivision. , The owner agrees to this request and an agreement will be executed prior to the Final Plat. The owner requests this form from the City. The owner will sign this form upon receiving the agreement form. . PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D OCT 21',009 f:\clp\2005\305809IDocs\MEMO 060627 Type II Sub Rvw Response to City. doc Page 2 of 5 Eugene Professional Building, 132'East Broadway, Suite 538 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 684-4902 FAX (541) 684c4909 '.~ ~ n~, _ :1" ~ = n ~ 11. Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant shall dedicate a public drainage easement over Tract B, due to public water draining into' the pond and to ensure the City can perform routine functional maintenance of the pond. ' A public drainage easement over .Tract B will be dedicated prior to Final Plat in accordance with this condition. 12. Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant shali provide the flow line elevations of the proposed area drains associated with the 12 inch piped connections to the 48th Street Channel. Additionally, the applicant shall supply a standard detail drawing depicting the proposed connectiori to the 48th Street Channel, showing appropriate erosion control and velocity dissipations measures (i.e. riprap). , ' This condition is not applicable, because proposed development does not include the area referenced. This lower area shown is not being developed at this time. o 13. Prior to approval of the Final Plat, the applicant shall make provisions to ensure the existing wetland hydrology for the wetland located in Tract C Is not altered as a result of the proposed development. " The storm water discharge to the existing wetland in Tract C will been limited to the pre- developed rate. A flow control manhole and detention pond has been designed to meet this condition. The design contained in the PIP plans issuppofted by the calculations contained in the storm drainage report. ' 14. Prior to Final Plat approval, the applicant shall submit a proposed seed mix for the public grassy swaleldetention pond. The seed mix shall meet the requirements of the City's interim design standards as required in Section 3.02 of the EDSPM." The City of Portland stormwater management manual may be referenced for design. Seed mix, meeting the requirements of the City's interim design standard~ as required in Section 3.02 of the EOSPM, is noted on the PIP documents. The seed mix tailed out in the plans and is an approved City of Portland BES seed mix. 15. To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objecliyes of Springfield's MS4 permit, the Springfield D~velopment Code and the EDSPM, t~e grassy swale/detention pond shall be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to City acceptance of the Public Improvement Project. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant shall provide and maintain additional interim erosion controllwater quality measures acceptable to the Pubiic Works Department that will suffice until such. time as the swale'vegetation becomesfully established. , . This condition is covered in the PIP documents with planting plans that will fully vegetate the swale/detention pond. Temporary erosion control, until full vegetation is established, is covered in the approved LOAP. PRE.SUBMITTAt REC'O' OCT 21 2009 . 1:lclp\2005\305809IDOGsIMEMO 060627 Type If Sub Rvw Response to City doc Page 3 9f 5 . Eugene Professional Building, 132 East Broadway. Suite 538 Eugene: OR 97401 (541) 684-4902 FAX (541) 684-4909 '.,~n~,_ :1"01 =I'~ __., 16. Fire apparatus access roads shall support an 80,000 lb. imposed load per 2004 Springfield Fire Code 503.2.3 and SFC Appendix D1 02.1. The fire apparatus access road section is more than adequate to support an 80,000 Ib load. 17. No parking signage shall be posted on one side of 28 foot wide streets per SFC 503.3 and SFC Appendix D103.6. This condition has been met in the PIP plans. See striping and signageplans. 18. No parking signage shall be posted on both sides of 20 foot wide fire apparatus access roads per SFC 503.3 and SFC Appendix D103.6. This condition has been met in the PIP plans. See striping and signage plans. 19. A method shall be installed to identify the edges oHhe secondary fire apparatus access road on Tract F. ' This condition has been met in the PIP plans. 20. When submitted, the building plans shall meet the specific development standards for single-family dwellings in Cluster Subdivisions listed in SDC 16.1 OO(3)(g). This condition will be addressed with the'residential home development. 21. The conditions of approval of the Hillside Overlay District application DRC2005- 00063 are hereby incorporated as conditions of approval of :ithis subdivision, application. Those conditions are as follows' a. Erosion prevention and control measures are required a~ part of Public Improvement Plans and LDAP permits to prevent sediments from impacting natural drainages or leaving a site. . " This is complete. An approved LDAP has been issued. b. A geo"technical engineer is required to review and approve geo-technical aspects of the approved work, including site stability and ,large scale ,soil disturbances. The project geotechnical engineer (GeoPacific) has reviewed the public improvements concept and grading for site stability and large-scale soil disturbances and he has no issues with what is being proposed. c. Because there 'is existing development,located downslope froln areas that will be graded during street and utility construction, geo-technical designs and erosion control plans must specifically address potential impacts to off-site I 1:\clp\2005\305809IDocsIMEMO 060627 Type /I Sub Rvw Response to City. doc" PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'D .:~ Page 4 of 5 OCT 2 1 2009 . c' k 'f f Eugene Professional Building, 132 East Broadway, Suite 538 Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 684-4902 FAX (541) 684-4909 '..o:n~,. :l"~ =J1~ _... properties and are required with submittal of plans for public improvements. . Final designs. and reports from the submitting engineer and '!the project geo- tech are subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. This is complete. An approved LDAP has been issued. , ~. , d. Building envelopes for lots on the north side of 'B' Street (South 48th Place and GlacierDrive) and the east side South 49th Place shall be shown on the final plat and specified in Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions recorded with the subdivision plat.! ^ Building envelopes will be shown on the IFi~al Plat and specified in the homeown'er CC and R. Permits Required: c . All new sewer taps will require permits from the Public Works Department prior to connection. All proposed sewer taps are shown on the public improvement plans. , I . Sidewalks and driveway curb cuts and closures require permits from the Public Works Department. Sidewalks and driveway curb cuts are shown on the public improvement plans. . An LDAP permit is required for all grading, filling and excavating being done. The location and depth of fill placed on the lots must be documented. It is recommended by the Building Department that fill not be placed on building pads unless it is properly compacted and documented by an engineer or testing labo(atory: An approved LDAP has been issued. PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'O OCT 2 1 2009 ' ,I 1:\c\P\2005\305809IDocs\MEMO 060627 Type II Sub Rvw Response to City.doc Page 50f5 "