HomeMy WebLinkAboutAIS PLANNER 7/17/2006 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No.: Estimated Time: July 17, 2006 Regular se~Sion Public Works~ / Len Good . 726-3685 10 minutes DEDICATION OF PROPERTY AS PUBUC.ROAD ACTION REQUESTED:Conducta public hearing and approve or reject A RESOLUTION DEDICATING LAND OWNED BY THE CITY AS A PUBLIC STREET, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO EFFECT . SUCH DEDICATION ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: ~ Shall the City dedicate a portion of property owned in fee as a public road in exchange for consideration including cash. A.: Proposed Resolution, with Agreement annexed B.: Declaration of Dedication The developer of th~ proposed Westwind Estates subdivision has requested that the City permit public streets to be constructed crossing property, co=onlyknow as the Booth-Kelly Haul Road, acquired by the City from the Georgia-Padfic Company. City staff have met with the. developer and agreed upon terms to reco=end to the Council under which the developer would be allowed to construct such streets. Those terms include the commitment by the developer to construct a . public street running within the Booth-Kelly Haul Road and connecting the street crossings lie proposes, an agreement to dedicate . certain property which may be necessary to extend 48th Street south to a point near the development and an agreement to fmancially participate in the cost of constructing that portion of South 48th, in an amount noUo exceed $175,000. The City, in consideration of those agreements, would dedicate the requested right of way, grant the developer a right to cross the Weyerhaeuser Haul Road in the vicinity of 49th Street, in the event the City acquires the Weyerhaeuser Haul. Road, and grant the developer a right of. first refusal on certain property now owned by the City if such property is not required for the extension of South 48th Street. Those reco=ended terms have been reduced to writing in a letter agreement between counsel for the developer and Staff. Staff believes the consideration is fair and reasonable, and reco=end that Council approve the Agreement and the Declaration of Dedication. . RESOLUTION 06 - A RESOLUTION DEDICATING LAND OWNED BY THE CITY AS A PUBLIC STREET, AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO EFFECT SUCH DEDICATION WHEREAS, The City of Springfield (hereinafter "City"), is the owner, in fee simple absolute, of certain real property (the "Property") identified as Map No. 18-02-05-11, Lot 00300; and WHEREAS, in connection with the development of a proposed subdivision, to be known as Westwind Estates, representatives of the owner of certain abutting property '(the "Developer") have requested permission and authority to construct a public street on certain portions of the Property; and V.'REREAS, representatives of the City and the Developer have conferred and come to an agreement on the consideration that might be exchanged for the agreement of the City to dedicate certain portions of the Property as a pubiic street; and ' WHEREAS, that agreement has been reduced to a writing, a true copy of which is annexed hereto as Exhibit 1 (the "Agreement"), and by this reference incorporated herein; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has provided a report on the terms of the proposed ag<-<-=ent and has reco=ended that the consideration offered in exchange for the dedication is fair and reasonable, and has reco=ended that the Council approve and adopt the Agreement; and . WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared and submitted to the Council 'a proposed Declaration of Dedication (the "Dedication") in fi11 fillment of the City's obligations undertheterms of the Agreement; and WHEREAS, THE Council has considered the Agreement, the Dedication, and the facts and information submitted and does hereby determine that it is in the best interests of the City to approve and adopt the Agre=ent and to dedicate as a public street that portion of the Property described in the Dedication; , . ' NOW THEREFORE, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE THAT it is in the bests interests of the City to approve and adopt the A5'-<-<-=ent annexed hereto as Exhibit 1, and it is hereby approved and adopted; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth in the A5'- ",,=ent the City hereby dedicates as a public street that portion of the Property described in the Dedication and directs the City Manager to execute the Dedication, and Attachment A, Page 1 of 8 . .._ "'~~g~~t1d~1:::. A'rr'qi:klQ:~',A~; L~w ~~~:,~b,M'~~pw",,:~~." LA~ DfJ~cr".DR03t'-Ni-9,'Z!33S'~'3''' $'7 fgt'~~~~~:~f~~ ' '~=:T:t=;' jOfE::J:fa~'.b-RE:iiDt;l, li,' W~.!!~~I?'ii;:ihr;'aAAs' th~~~it::3~~~j~~~~~ friiib9;,2006 ' BYELMAIL l".ondwinraicLsoiill.neld.or:u~ Leonard Gooqwm C!1:yQ(sptlngtfeld 225. Fij.lh:'st' ' SptiDgfieiii~OR 97477 Rei Wes't\vilidEiitiftesSubdiv.isi\im jj:il~.'Np'; ~41.$'/Qljps Delircrw; Goodwin,o 'tm*1.'!mifW~~iH:li~ 4~Vj;1!.W~t oltli~ Wesrwilid :EStiiteSstibdivisioILMar~Hl!!11;Qq liSked,me towrire'tlil~lt;!i:e,'b:r;qp@:mi t!l~ ~pw;Qfl:hi:la.~I@jl(h~ ~a~ifetfwlth''YQ\l.'Qti p~f~~e~ .i5,zDi:i5~~ aute9d~dbYQ1:Ii'idIsi:!fSsi6tis'finajfedtoihy, J\l!l~!lt.'?QQ~i " , A'ttach~. (s 1IIp1lp.Qf{lre.pr~Pll$~$!lbd\miDJj:Witfi tb~i;I~rentJ'liJipertlesidenfified by l~m k.', , Sub'eefro a. ' roVlil."b"tlr€ih.",eoJmcll b'.' !'e' oiiitlon tbec;t.>,"wilf,dci:late,That .. ,0.,., PI'... ,...'"" ._~ '''''1' '.. y. L", ~_', po:ttitih'QftheBbotliKJiny'pairel~i~mm~:w~lY ~~9Jib; sU&di'v.isidii iDtiie.-ntofime;~..;..;.';-: wttliilie W'erliiteilser:IiaU1Road as ' .. ,.,.,.....'.... ' pQL .,.. _, I.'ll -- ".., '0/ jilibJi!i~t-~fway'~~the~1(e~rji;;:c;QJ;!!i!nlg!~twg ~i!e~ent$ i~rttifiM Witlj.,it capIW,A fut !;!teet' ~ngslQ'setvice JDe subdivision. 4PY mu1fbusepaibs_iAAlliIl~as Pllct.Qfth!s'$lil1dlVis,tjnmthiirps;,rtlGfi 6ft& B(iGth~lfpa~ dediCii.r.ediliideftliis paragraph will benwUl.~eqpytlf~, bOmeQwne!s 'as~;ii(l:i'Q!l T,IlIl~@4;~1ll1!ieY:areincotp~d.iIm!li{iUbfib sy$tem mailitiimed by an ;;;~':;;;;'-atepublii: agency. " $; As. p;tt!i~ <:?@iJf",.';:;.,...fQt~ 1:l~~o.n j)f"tb.e Bo.oth KeTIyparoel asset' forth aboyc, the developetwilldevilop'll tmbJic S~jjl! tll_e~,i~~J'jl;ij:~ !j}"'a;'to. Exhibit 1, Page 1 of 6 , Attachment A. Page 3 of 8 ~l"'ti"~~~, ~, H~"H~~ P,,1;"- fllill:92QM ...--.-....," .. ~i!g~~ tlie ,same:smrid:iM.;ias the streets inihe subdiViSWn,;'l'Da:t(SlrcetwiIl be; di:w~lbed l\t-'j:j'iff,'~AAle:.t.li:it~Ji~W~Q1&eJ;~~ts'ifithiWb~oii." ..,' ,.., '.,. .',., "., ,."p.. ',e" ~=:na;~~=ili~~,t~~=~:~~ilie cityfuiillizes iDe aJi'gnnl"l!-t f9:r:t'li!l ~!fl1~!I$fQ!H!f48m &M '~ ~J dI!n~~QJlSof1:l!e.~,!;t~ijiiijediii! ~ Will ,be detem1ined in the processor ~n"Ji",ii)g ~ @.h~~'!~Atfgt~e; 4.s!!i Sir~t~t.;ijSfQJl. .Pev~9p~ wiiia,o no Weclimdsi:iiitiBi$6n woiki' "iIfu 'thiS "C'. ,erty, Any wet1imdsmiti anon t~~'\\!iIf~~tll!!i:$J>).eli:::[j,mwQfth~ WJX:tlf'S~rih.@ejd. :.K. ' , r" Th' diW.eloBtY'redeci:ssor bas an a mentWitliWe erIllIeuserto uvidat, .Iio~l>St.Ii:JD!iJm1! ~lWe'(:ti.the We~-d~v'lsi6:.~d'4iflli'~aci:ri~ the. exlSnng Weyeihaeuset HalllRoatl.; l!:t ilI;~ ~~tl!~citr't:i]#lil!!J;'fij),e!t.! 'tb,el we~~ Haill RQad:: -rioi' lli dikcrossitcb'."delh'friltf:d, the ah;' " to .)'..,... ",.,., '. ..,..,..IL ,'., '. & euw., " '. .,a.g<= proVide apublie:1y.i,!i;qiCllteq,!jgl;it Qf-w.ay I!t'M <<i~till mll i1e:Vel'ppgf. tel ~ iliesilildiYiSfoO:: ' " E. T1iedeyel9~!l~!q:!!~the; city %S'~ 'Of'tiw~!i,-,,"f~t;p~ ti,t$11m;OOO.OQ tot die 4slbj{!relit.t,....;..,;;v>!,Wltli iliel de:velopet~-il poilion noffo exceed S 1 7S;IlOl!i Pa)'1l:leplwill.:!lg tll~~~l)4itn ~ ~ij~Il>fiI?lii\i$iDj1 ~iat~tifJrl~ F.Th~;Cl1y'wli1gf.itirtQ;tfufdeY.clopera rlg1itof,'/irsheftJ,sa,l, slll:is~y ~,,~ W@ ~fi!t~~~fu~~~;~'ProJleft1 iJlijO$~-dliSi"K;; if"tbi\'c~'electS Jijjtt6:seUt1ie?;;;'';'i'~~Y, orifilieCiiy ~not yetWl!dl; !I!l ~J~CIJ!.!)y:tbe'~ de, ',:I6 i'J[ sublIUts iIli ,.' ilIi:ati",','to{l:eveii'i. fu" ..toe"""fu1rrreaiiit"rtritlie,weif' ~,lL "..,., i!J>P ," .pI!d .' , .' ~ u!lp, ~.t~, "W" " ..~ llie ell'}< will gran~ af no chlll'ge;.1),!!l~4r~fAAtighf Qr~a>, ll!:'!'.t:!s~ "rto's~m:i,ji' th:~ ~~~~r;;~~~~;i~~~~:'i~i~~C~~t~:~~~":;~~69:V1~:et, ~, d~ca.ted.tilthr Qfway liWss~'F"lG'sen~ tliiidevelopnienlfo tliewest, " If this le~,~~!r J:efl~i,nhe~Ilieqf:ih~ )'-Ql! ~ag1:le-d;WffiiMl!.tkR:1iri';))]j.on tiiideIi1b~t i 3; .aI'ltine;n&eitoday;please sigil.:and,retum aOOpy ofihis I~fter, Upon appt'lJY;tl fly the City (J()l!I1ci\,.thi); \Yillc:Q~~llJjlnili"'g,~(:Pt tWi~d YQU wmtbeti grv.etfUs'fu tlie!.>lly illtpfiWY to dtiift';:;;;;;':";'~;are ~'fu carry, out the termsClf~ I,,#i:r, . J:(YAA haWl ~i:i!!$ ti]:'"",,-.::..:e,ri.~,ot If] Mve,ijot iii;jPiffiiieJytdiected yout ~ellt, pleasecaii to cHsdUSi Exhibit 1, Page 2 of 6 Attachment A, Page 4 of 8 $!~TT,,,,,ej(.&' H~I-iB. ,~-;:. Jtine9, 20n6 , ~ag~3' yey 1tlIIttQ~ , ~' k,,""",..:..," ,....,.,.", Q",.,.,.' '. ',,, ,. .' " " . . "- .' ,- ..... - ~ . " ,.., "'", ". -- .:: " . ',,,,',-- ," ...., AlidfeW D. IfiiliS ooAP;H:ibdw ee: ,r>erek Brown Tlie tefii:iSof this Iettetareapptovetl ~Y:" Nmne::~r;. Brown. title; Memll~ The. tetfuS, 9ftiDshitteiare.ac~pted. Cityoaf"Qtr~e.l ' ' .'. . :/ ' By;,. ," ,,~_'.'..'..'moo . N~/~",,4-L4 J W/d,H/R> ' T~ A.><f; ~J//"'~...MJ ~..?.a-d<" {/ , Exhibit 1, Page 3 of 6 L"\DIx:l:~~.~\W~EMc:.~~~:ilW Attachment A, Page 5 of 8 III } \."} , J- ~ .: ' v.lgr\4l~ fSl.frfS -!l 1--' \~, CC 7.:1 , ' '\)~,,() "', iJ!' i i-',\S~~:~ " --~- -------------l.'~ ( -~/"" i;.~' .,/ I ~,' . 0\1) I -~C:j ;~7 / i, !ll~," ~"&" " --"-~';,\\ .' I ic It (/ ~~ . \\ I< ,c' ~ \ \ LOR L, "i',.',:,:,~ ' "1. 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Nf45 ~"'Roo.) i:-.i 'flT'l\ wNullt#l ' ',' _ " Aa'f'-~!{ B'rr4SIC..J f. f-L{fl)/l.E -,oUJE5T.i.1J1ND EStATES, '- /' '1(' / ~/ -;; RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL City agrees not to sell, transfer, exchange, grant an option to purchase, lease, or otherwise dispose of the Property or any part of, or interest in, the Property without first offering the Property to on the terms and conditions set forth in this, letter. If City receives from a third party (the "Third-Party Offeror") a bona fide offer to purchase the Property, or a part of it, or an interest in it, City shall give written notice (the "Notice") of the price, terms, and conditions of the offer and deliver a copy of the executed contract evidencing the offer (the "Offer") to Grantee. When , receives the Notice and a copy of the Offer, shall have, the prior and preferential right to purchase the Property (or the part of or interest, in the Property covered by the Offer, as the case may be) at the same price and on the same terms and conditions as are contained in the Offer, Said sale shall be subject to a public hearing by and approval of the Common Council of the City of Springfield. shall have 15 days from the date receives the Notice and a copy of the Offer to notify City whether elects to purchase the Property pursuant to the terms of the Offer. If _ elects to exercise its right to purchase the Property, then, in addition to giving City written notice of its election within the 15-day period, also shall tender an amount equal to the earnest money deposit, if any, specifie~ in the Offer, which will be held and used in accordance with the terms of the Offer. , Said sale shall be subject to a public hearing by and approval of the Common Council 'of the City of Springfield. If fails to timely exercise its right to purchase the Property pursuant to the terms of this Agreement; then City shall be entitled to sell the Property according to the terms of the Offer to the Offeror, ' The right of first refusal created by this Agreement shall not apply to any sale or conveyance of the Property by City to any public entity. City and each agree to pay any commission or finder's fees that may be due on account of this transaction to any broker or finder employed by it and to indemnify the other against any claims for commissions or fees asserted by any broker Claiming by, through, or under the indemnifying party. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT MAY NOT BE WITHIN A FIRE _cf3'-~ 1 (;"3 2 Exhibit 1, Page 5 of 6 Attachment A, Page 7 of' 8 PROTECTION DISTRICT PROTECTING STRUCTURES, THE PROPERTY ISSUBJECT TO LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, WHICH THAT, IN FARM OR FOREST ZONES, MAY , NOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OR SITING OF A RESIDENCE AND WHICH THAT LIMIT LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS ,30,930 IN ALL ZONES. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)). ' BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND, THE EXISTENCE OF FIRE PROTECTION FOR STRUCTURES AND THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING,'PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER CHAPTER 1, OREGON LAWS 2005 (BALLOT MEASURE 37 (2004)), C:\DOC:UffiE!nt5 and Settings\good!33n5\L.o~1 Settings\Temporary Internet Rles\OLK3FC\Righl of First RefusaLwpd =cI3"8 2G3 2, Exhibit 1, Page 6 of 6 Attachment A, Page 8 of 8 " DECLARATION OF DEDICATION Tax Map & Lot Numbers 18-02-05-11-00300 (on the date of execution) KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon, acting by and through its City Manager authorized by its City Council, does hereby forever dedicate the following described parcel of land to the public as a PUBLIC ROAD: SEE EXHIBIT "A" A IT ACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE , NOW THEREFORE: the City of Springfield declares that the above described parcel shall be dedicated to' the public by the City of Springfield as a PUBUC ROAD. . APPROVED this ,day of ,200_ by the City Manager of: the City of Springfield being duly authorized by the City Council to represent the City of Springfield in the" above matter. GINO GRlMAl..p~fTY MANAGER STATE OF OREGON : COUNTY OF LANE 'OJ'' i- , } ss i [I :B~ IT REMEMBEREO that on this day of ,200~ber<>re me, the j I undersigned. a notarY' public in and for said Co\mty and State, personally appeared the within named ....g Gino Grimaldi whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who by me duly. ./1 - sworn, did say that he is the City Manager of the within named municipal corporation and does , I r'I acknowledge said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipal corporation, and that the seal ~.! affixed to said Instrument IS the Corporate seal of said municipal corporation, and that sard Instrument JJ was signed and sealed In behalf of said mUniCipal corporation by authority of its City Council IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affIXed my official saal the day and year last above written. NOTARY PUBLIC FOR OREGON My COMMISSION ExPIRES (BAR CODE STICKER) RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGRELD. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. - 225 FIFTH SlREET. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STA TEMENTTO: CITY OF SPRlNGFlELD ~ FlAANCE DEFT. .225 FIFTH STREET. sPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 V:IS'TREEmv. iDn-lJl'....Ul.Ilo-W~lloI: An.;:bmomB.hF1Dfl IUrVW!I):JtIIDI:l'J,2Dn5 ATTACHMENT B Page f OF 2