HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 12/18/2009 \'; AFTER RECORDING. RETURN TO: Andrew P. Parks P.O. Box. 17S8. Eugene, OR 97440 . . SEND ALL TAX STATEMENTS TO: LibertyBank Attn: Robin Oberg P.O. Box 10426 Eugene, OR 97440 /.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Division of Chief Deputy Clerk . 'Mn_n~nAAn lane County Deeds and Records 'UV~-UJ~~'U 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $72.00 11109j092J090~594400030034 10/21/2009 09:09:32 AM RPR-OEEO Cnl=1 Sln=15 CRSHIER 07 $15.00 $20.00 $11.00 $16.00 $10.00 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Anderson Development, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, hereinafter called "Grantor", for the consideration hereinafter stated, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto. LibertyBank, an Oregon chartered bank, hereinafter called "Grantee", and unto Grantee's h~irs, successors and assigns his interest in all of that certain real property with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, situated in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows, to wit: See Exhibit"N attached hereto TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the said Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. THIS DEED IS INTENDED TO TRANSFER ANY AND ALL INTEREST OF THE GRANTOR TO THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY AND ALL REDEMPTION RIGHTS. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO EFFECT A MERGER OF GRANTEE'S TRUST DEED ON THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY, AND THE OBLIGATION SECURED THEREBY 'SHALL REMAIN DUE AND OWING AS SET FORTH IN THAT CERTAIN STIPULATED LIMITED JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSUREOF REAL PROPERTY AND MONEY AWARD. . ' . The actual consideration consists of or includes other property or'value given or . promised which is the whole consideration. . , I. I " BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S'RIGHTS, IF ANY, 'UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND. 195.305-195.336, AND SECTIONS 5-11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF ~THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE ~D USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE T.Q THE d' Date F<ecelve . : DEe 1 8 2009 Origipal submittal .' PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITI-I THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 or ORS 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON l,AWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305-195.336, AND SECTIONS 5-11, CHAPTER 414, OREGON LAWS 2007. . In construing this Deed and where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor executed this instrument this I S~ay of O,-+Ob~"" ,2009: A~d~ Developm~l)!. ~ . . B... :.-'::7' ~ Print Name: L5'.r-t!'hT # ffit~,I-.5:t? YT STATE OF OREGON ) ) County of ULne.... ) Personally appeared before me this 15 day of Ov\-1)laer ,2009, the above named Brent Anderson as Member of Anderson Development, llC, and acknowledged that said instrument was signed as its voluntary act and deed. ~._~ Notary Publi9'1l1r Oregon MyCommis~ Expires~ - ;;;:()IL ~=~.'--~-~-~~":::-oFFiC';;'lSEAL .:- I . KRISTY SAMEK j '. ) NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON j "'.' COMM!SSION NO. 414531 j MYCOMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 19,2011 j -,~-= ,~=~~~ ~~ ~~-~~ Date Received: . DEC' I 8 2009 Origina; Submittal. ,\ ..... . '.," .; ." ~'" .,' c. . :"'- Parcel I; ..-.. E'~"" That part of the A..H. Hamrnit Oonation wnd Clailll No. JB in,~Sections 32 and )J, Township 17 South. Range 2 Nest of th~ W~lamette Heridi~. and the A.W. Ha~it Do'nation L4nd Claim No. 86 io Section 5, TOWODhip 18 South, Range West of the Wl11aRette ~ridian described as follows: Commencing at ~ point on the South . line of tbe HCKenxi~ Hi9h~.y ~9.sa4. chains South of the Northwest corner of said A.W. HiUMlit Donation J...and Claim No. )8, \ofb.ich point is' the Northwest corner of a tra.ct of land conveyed by H.R. Robertson .and wife 'to Heyerhil.eu~er Timber ComPany by a Deed dated February 28, 194'. recorded in Book )17, P~ge 171, ~ County Oregan Pee4 Records, and is ~ke4 by a co~rete monument destgnated aa Neyerhaeuser Timber C~any Monument No. IS; thence Baat. alon9. t.bc South line ot aud tdgh~y. 100_0 feet to the NQrtbe,iu;:tcorner of the tract oE land cQDVey~ to ~ C1t1 ot Springfield by Deed da.ted August 8, 1961, and re~ August 1~, '1~61, Reel. No. 177, Receptian No. +08S7,~ ~e County Oregon Deed R.e,cltnls, ilDd tb.e tn.I~ point of beg-Lmi1.ng; th~ce BaBt alODg the South . line pt ~aid'bi~way. 105.00 ~~etJ thence Sputh O. .,. Ba8t 1101.5 feet; thence on ~ AXe of a curve to .t4e left with a ~U8 of 766.20 feet through a central ~le of 0- 0]' e..n lU"C dist..a.alce of 655.93 feet; thence Sou~ 48. 15' East to the Narth lioe of the 70-foot strip of 1a.nd cooveyed to The. Booth-~lJ.y TUnber CQalp&ny. by Deed ~t-ed ~ruuy' 14, 1955; ~lmCA He'ste.dy alop,g said North line . to"it. i,ntersection 1(it.b the !feet line of sai<! -'.K. H&npl1t Donation Land. Claim ~o. 8~ (the centerline of said 70-foot strip intersects saId West line at a poin.t n.0.45 feet. ~outk of the lIorthwut oornllr of said A.W. Haltllllit Donation land Claid No. 18) J t.h.ence Korth along said 1f.est line to the Southweat corner of t.he tl."act of l~d cQl'1veyed t.o the City o~ Springfield by a Deed dated January 23. 1913, recor4ed ~ch 1. \'7], Reception No, 7J-Oe'I', Lane county Ore!lOD Otficiill Aecords: tbel)ce Ji:ast aloQ,g the. South line, of said City of Bprln~i~ld tra~t 100 feet; thence Harth along the E.st line of the two tracts conveyeq t.o tll~ City of ~ring.fi,eld by said l>eed,s dated. August 8. . U~>J. and January 23. 1'73, 250 feet to the t.ru~pD1Dt of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. EXCBPTDi'[J '1'RXllEFiCNll Uq,t portioJ;1 'of said la.od conveyed to the City of ~r1ngfleld by in8~~t ~corded March ~, 200', Rec~ption No. 200~-Ol6522, Offici~l Records of ~e County, Oregon_ (Legal Description continued) Percel II: A. tract of land in the A.N. HiIml'DiL oem.ation Land Claim No'. 8'. Sect.itma 4 aDd 5, Towah.i~ J.8 South. ~ge 2 .ffe~t ot the ''''1l1anaett.e Meridian, P~icularly 4escri~ "'"" tollaw.a: Begi~...~ a point '00 the South line ot the Mclle.azie . Bigilway which is un.St feet 119.584 clul.inll} South of the Northwest corner of the A... IIAlA:nit Donation.I..a.Dd Claim No. 38 in. TOWDlJh!p 11 South, Range 2 Heat of the Ifillalnette Meridi,an. whiCh point La marked by a concrete monWl'le.Dt designate.d a.lll Heyerhaeuser Timber eDlupaDy Mouume.nt No. ~5.; t.h.ence Bast aloog the Soutb line of' .aidh!gh~y for a dist~ce of ~3B7.]2 leet (21.02 chatas) to Il point liIhfcll i.s the UorthCa,8t corner at a'tract of land conveyed by .M.R. Robert.on &.Q.d wile t.o "eyerbaeuser T1Q1ber Cocupan.y by a Deed datl!!ld Fabruary 28, UU, r.ecorded _in BDO~ 317, ~ge' 171, Lane county 'Oregon Dee4 Recqrds. and which point i. IIl4rlcctd by a conerete tDODUllIBnt. desigi1a.ted lU Weye.rhaeuslC~ Timber COmpany Mc:mument No. 18; thenoe Boutb alOJlg' thl!1 Ita~l: line ot the tract of 1&Dd. ~ye.d. by l"laid Deed dated P'ebruouy 28, UU, for.. diBtance of 2215.3 teet to aD. iron pipe whic:b is the true point. ot be9'1.nning. of the tnc:t herein descrl.bed and which po.int mu-b the -SOlJthcaBt c;'rnc.r of the strip of land" described. AB PArcel 1 in a Warranty Deed diilted Pe.bna.uy !t, 1.955, to the BooU-XellY Lwaber CClGIpa..Dy; . thl!lJ)Cc a.l.QDg the South line of said Por.rcal ~ -.wi Pared 2 ll4 described in 114J.4 Dee4 dated Felm.ulry 11, U5S, as tollOws: South 17- 51' West '2.50 feet, tboa:tc.: a.1~ a ,- 30. as. eurve to t..bf! right fthe loog chord of Mhich bea.ra North 18. 31' 30. Heat ~IJ.3g featl for a diDtRbCe of 285.10 feet; thence ~orth 5.. 57' .eDt 2~7.4 teet, thence ~oog'a ~O~ 3)' ~. ~tc the left (the 10#9' c:bord ot vb.1ch bears North fiB- 2.2' 4.5. Wast) 155.02 feet.; Uenee South 18. 11' J.O. West 5.0 feet; thence along . 10. 38' -0'- curve to the left (the loag chozd oE whi~ baars NOrth- 85. 57' 4.5. "eat) a distance of 26"1.7S 'net, ~ce south 'S. 53' 1fes~ SU.8t feet to. point on the Mut line of aaid A.M. H-.ft DaDation I..and. Claim No. ". 338.2.00 feet SQUth of ~ Horthwest comer. of the A.... ~~~.Lcnd"Cl.a.im NQ. 38, thenCe South alon9-uid Meat 11.U 1.23.34, T~t:'-.~~lf:~~' to We~user T.1atbe.r Company Honume.nt No. u, situated .~.~'~~~~iOD ~C.. .aid West lioe and the Horth lh1e of Southern Pacific ~.. .i-bi!i~~~~,".yf Uence Southeasterly along said North li.ne to N~~. ~ ~Y'~ No. 17. which marks the Kaaterly b011nd.ary of the ~ ~ ~'Sai~~~ dated I'ebrllU")' 28, UU; thence North aloog l!lIaid. Ba.s~l}iDd "]l~:O.I.:.~et, .1DltZ-e .or less, to the true point of begirming, _u .1U'1..iJ"rl!!~ty\.~.<".... - - .- ";..r.. > fIEOW'-lOaMf' ~blCE YKOQI,MOlIO/'''''.11E bWOE;r M'iICHr.:' ~f.Cc';'nj IIf CJIDoI.f'fl"DOCll~"ie.~. ca..;'.;>._ :'jC-!("'lI:: ~rk.ltt' JD.&E....,w,~CObI.~ I I EXHIBIT PAGE A:..~. .' Ql3tm-f1eccetyed: DEe 1 8 2009 Original Submittal ..