HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-2-14 Reeeope. /~'<~ <7 . .. RESlaENTIAL" . ... COMBINATION _ICATION/PEP.MIT ,.- SPR1NGFIELO.JI 225 North 5th Stroet . .' i Springfield. Oregon 97477 . .' .~. BuiZding Divi8io~ ~ 726- J 75 J IIIIIIIIt..:.. . /~r?:=)~t:A/o\PL~;'::~-CA0\UU , ..rob Location: ASGBBDON' Map 11 Subdiul.tJ1.on: Gl.mar: jJ//V/!J M.h"CAUC.Ccr> Atidr..31 /Oh""/ c:> C ~ /71,,?7.c:. Plums: ? 2. 6 -6 3'90 City: < P/=t...D _/?./?; Zip: . 9"/ V?7 / am., n Additicn n RemodRL n .'!obill! Noma DlI8crib. Work: LoH'57/!VL7 /:::iy-;2.~ 1"~r /r 7}C'#'7i..;.Y:- . Lo7" Dat. of Appl.ication . 2 -g.~"7 / c.:ontl'acto'rs C.neraZ 6w~ PZwnbirrg EZ.e'''':eaZ r-?WP/ E7? Ul1~hm:ia::1 Suoervisina'Eiectrician vaZu.',,::?9.oB, ~ AddrQ83 LilJe. , ~~. . siqr.lld' ~~ ....~~--'='/ Oats: ;' '-:<~:?/ . Er:>1.l'CS Phone It is ~h8 ".Ofonoibi1.ity of CluJ permit holder to 86' that aU iMpaotions arB r.Jt1dG at :;116 proper tim~, tJ-.at lU:oh ..;ddrGDO is r.a.::a~~. from the .Cl'IIf1C, <md that .tlls pcrnrit card is l..:>cated at thG franc of elul property. .Sui!.di:1f1 Di.lJicwr. approued plan shalt remain on eM Building Sit~ at aU timss. PROCEDURe Fon INSPECTION RE..OUEST: CaU 726.;37119 Uoccord4.rl stats your City dBsignatsd job nwrbor" job address" typo of il13psc:icn raqut"Cdd ar.d "'.':8n you uiU b. roady for insp4l'otion" Contraotors ar a.m.:rs name and phoM number. .~OqtUst. roesiuod borers 7:00 a:1 I.,at ber rruder the samo dcy" r.quo8ta mado aft::r '/:00 ~ witt b. nruler the nut ;.)Orkin; day. \ ... YOW' City o..ignatod Job Numb.,. Is: ']/..,'1,:J:" :?Gf\()\l ~lt"ti r'l~""'rti",'Z"l" . 0: SITf: INSPEC':'ION: To bo m:ul. after BXCaV.:JC'L"n, but yMCr tc ..t up of . .fo_. . '0 UNDERSLAB PLUH8ING. EL8CTRrCAL & MeCHIll/IeAL: To b. mad. b.for6 any IolOrk ':s "o!JorN. m:;~TINC ~ FOUNDATION: . To b. nnd. aft~r trenchos arB 8%cavatsd and [onns are .reot.d" but prior to pouring cCl1Cre~.. o U.YDEl/GROUND PWHlJINC, S1:IIER. W.1TE,~.. DRAIIIAGe: To b. /00.1. prior eo fi.L- ~ ir.g trenchss. O UllDE.'?FWOR T'LUl.aJINC .. MECHANICAL: To be madB prior to inotaUat1.on of fl.oor in8uZatio~ or dfloking. O POST AND BEAll: To b. mad. prior co iU3CaZ,l..:ticn of flcol' insulation or d4ck1.11fi. R{~GL'CH PLlr.!8IIIC <1~~r~Ar.)1 l{ECH- ANICIIL: No :JOl'k ~c cOI.'ered . ur.tit these inspBc:ions havs baBn madG and approva.:!. . O rI.~EPLACe: . Prior 'co placir,g facing mat.riaz,s a11d b~/ol'B. framing inspoo- tior.. .' K7f ,C'RAl!INC: Mu.:;t bs rBquB:JtBd aft.l' ~ approv.:zt of ::,ugh pl~.bing, .dectM.- caZ I ...ehan=t. At. 1'00fl.>rg bracing ~ chimneys, ot". nr~8t bs comp L6 tod. flo wrk is to bs con- CGGtDd .'untit thio inspecticn has bun nud4 and appro..d. O INSULATION/VAPOR 8ARRITR I.'1SPECTION: To bo made after atl.inBul.ation a!1d roqu~,."d vapOl' ba.rri.rs are in place but bGforG any 14th, gypsum board or wU covering is appz.1.fld~ and bsfot'6 any. inou14tion is concealed. O DRYWALL II/SPECTrGN: Te b. mad. aft.,. aH drywaH is in plaCd, but prior to any taping. O //ASGNIIY: St.ot !coation, ",,;,,; . bflQ11lD~ grou~ing 01' v.sl'ticala i~ aacol'dancs t.ri.th U. B. C. Section 241S. O WOODSTOVF::. Aftsr installation is ccmpZet€d.. . O CURB & APPROACH AP.:ON: Afte~. forms . ars ereated but prt.or to pourt.ng .:on.:rst.. O SIDEWALK I DRIVEWAY: For aZZ een- crote paving Within streQt right- of-wey" to be mads after aU fI%ca.. vating ccrrrpwte II form wrk & ~ub- bass matsrial in pla::e. O rENCE: 1Ih.r. compz.te n Pro.id. gat;; or movabls sBctions through P.U,E. o DF:}KJi-ITIO:J OR .'~l;' 3UI~~-:;JGS =:J Sani~ SGUC!' ::c:ppec. ~t p:.op~:-t-:i :'ir.. =:J Sflpti..:J tank pump<l:d a.-oai fil.i.ild :.n:~h dN:J'" ] FinaL.. .IlIum aDoVO it:'":1s ara C"'..r.rplet4l'd . ar~ ~hcrn demc~itior. i. c~l.t~ or strouc- turs moved Q1;.:! ;>rm:us ::i.4lan6; up. Mobilo Hem,s ~ Btoeking and s.e-~p ~ Plwnbing connsctionB ..- SQJ6r end r.:a:"r ---, EI~otrical Ccnnflction . Btoekir4, sot-up ---.J and plumbing o:o7tr.flcticnB 1r.":3t ;s a?P1'01....d b.forc requesting el"J;r1.::ai. ir.Bpoc~io~ ~ ACCQ8Gol",i Bui:di~ ] F~l - I.lto:r .,?:Jrc.1:es, sk"':rt"':"f, tUcks, fltc. arB ccrrrp:..tca. o AU projeot conditions" such as tits installation of tI~.t trOllS, c~Z,Jtivn 011 :iur rsquind ~~cc:pi..r.g" Gte." muot be satisfiad beforofl tJ-oII BUILDII~'C Fr.iAL .:an ~o rlqufls~.3d. o FIliAL PWIfBINC' D. FINAL HECNANICAL ~ ~INAL ELECTRICAL tC:Y' ?INAL BUILDINC: The FinaL Bui1.dUtg Inspeotion must ba requeot4:i aft.r ~ ElBetzoical~ and Uechanical Inspsctiono kaUG be.n mado and app1'O!J~d. . :ile .C'i11:1L ?Lwr.bi"3 o IF";. ! of : 'ALL IIANHOLES AND CLEANcurs ,rUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE HADE 'AT NO COST TO Cr.Y , ~ I , IJab Nwnbar:~DJD0ql()ll L I ~01lC: (1) V OcCUOO1lClf Gl'OU. I_ ILot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE . I ~ .,1 lot C31Jeragc Intenor II of Storios COl"11sr Total Hsight Panhandls I Topog1'<Iphy CU l-ds-sac I ITEII SQ. FTG X Volus Iftl1in I GcPans I Cal"'oort IACCeS80l'1I I I 25?~ /L1. /0 TOTAL VALUE S,D.C. fOO'UC/ 1.5 z Building psrmit Stats Sul'chargs Total Chargss I ITEM NO. FEE I Fizturss -., . '.. .' .~. I Rssidsntial 11' ";'thi - :' Isanitarw Sewer I Writftr I . . Plwnbing Ps"". t Stato Surc}-,apge Total ChaJ'IQ08 I I I I ?'7~&6 I NIA1' I 3~.?<' I 1.'13.1 40.431' CHARGE PEE CHARGE' ITEM NO. I Res. So. rta, N..,/&tsnd Circui ts Temporary Ssrovioe I Ele::troical Pemt State Suraht:Jr(.1s Total CI1arr;ss iITSN I f'wtnace l!TU' S I E:t:haust Hood I Vent Fan I f/:xxls tove I NO. FSE P6rmit I3suanca M60ha"ic:zl. Pe'l'mit State surcharae Tnt'll CharnR8 I -- ENCROACHMENT -- IseC"..fritl/ DaDOsit I StOl'ags I UaintRrta1Wtt Permit Toto. I CharonCB I eurbcut ISidB>XIlk Ipen::e j EIsctrical Labsl '-Nobils H:;ms I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' Cl/ARCE 4f; :.0 Rofcrer.ce Numbers: ) L-COG N: ) V\./ [Y T~cs I I I I I P.L, "orth ~a8t .Sou th I"'sst Type/Cor.st: V, Bsdl'OOms: Enernu Sources S(Jtbacks Heat House Garaqe Access. I Water Heat",,, I Ra1l!le I I I Fire~lace I J-- Wood3 tove I Lot Facss - I ..- Fees -.. , Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the ezpress oondition that the said construotion' shall, in all respects, oonfo~ to the Ordinanoe adopted by tho City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construotion and UDe of buitdings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Iplan Chsck Fes: '2.?6?'7? Date Paid: "2-R- Y / I Rscdpt N: Ie.; -:?:< z- ISignsd: /'.-{~ , Plumbing Permit No person shall. construct, install, alter or changs any nmJ or existing plumbing or drainage system in'~hole or in part, unless such perBon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, ezcept that a porson may do plumbing !<<:Irk to property which is OtJn8d, leased or operated by the appli- 'ctant. I. Electrical Permi t i ., Where State LaIJ requires that the eleotrical L.IOrk bB done by an Electrical Contractor, ths eleotrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until ths labs I has bsen eignsd by ths EIsctri.cat Contractor. . 58P~ . -#/~C/!77cJY . Mechanical Permit . Pla/~e::&? /7'-Z- 2/1 3h I vat. / I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths camplsted application for pennit. and do horeby certify that all information hereon is tzous and correct, and I further certify that any and an L.IOrk performed shall be dons in accor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfiotd, and tho LmJs of tho' It State of Greg,')n pertaining to the oork described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be rode of any structura tJithout parnrisaion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly contractors and ~z"yees tJho are in compl~e tJith ORS 701.055 will be used on this projeot !)fAA,J ,C,-1f(tU~<<'~-H Signed ~V ,J. '1'/- 91 /lats