HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-11-12 .. RESUfNTlAL" APpgC.J.TION/PEF.MIT 225 Rorth 5th Street Sprir~fieZdJ Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-5755 () )AJ,JiJl {Y\ (qJJ~ L 10<5 d- ~f"/ Cyr"",e: 147-;).OOY- Zi;,: wood ~ (\J.lr+MCUl~ /I-/;).-%Q... Vatu. 51 '1.60 Job c.oc.::tion: 10'5 d- AS.:ieaCON .ttap ,IJ Suhd{,~8icn:: !:....'71er: Add....QSJ: City: n n n n 'leo.J Addi tic" RemodeL .'!OO{,!,;? .":{om{J ~a:e of AppLi~:icn :.;on:rc.c:OI'8 GeneraL Plumbing !lectM.cal .'.tfl~hm:ic::l ~ ),1 ) (J D ,F .J COl'UJtl"'..lcti01'l l.t:rtder SPRINGFIELD (S)~~A ) T"" [,at ., DescT"'~be flork: Addres:J . .=?CC8-:.~t ,;;. -")CJCj It? 4- . ()X)ocl ~ 40/0 /5.00 ~o --- IS-. GO Siqr.ed: Date: ~ /1-/;;), -gQ.....,.l l.iac.p. Er:;i1"cs Pr.on~ It. is thQ resFanaibili.:y of ths permit holdu to 866 t;ha~ at! im;pectians are ::-;ad. at the propel" :i.~~~ that ~h ~flS8 is re~:" from the street, and that: the pcrr:rit c:J:l'd is 1..xated at thfl freont of the property. .t3ui!.di....g Di:ri.=io:-. cxp;:rol:ed plan s;..cz.t. l'elMin on the BuiZdi7tfl S:..t:> at 2z.t times. P.'?OCg!)(jRE FOR I,'ISP~CTIOll .:?!OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr..:::ted ioe nto:':ber, iob aca.rcss, type of ir.::pec-;icn l'rzqucstcd a~.d !J.l:~m you :..:iLl. be :oeady tor ir.spcct:ion, Contractors or Ct..'ner-s r.cme cr.d Fhone number. Requests recsit:fld before 7: 00 c:1 :.'iZl. De rrade thE; same day, Z"squests maae afta 7:00 an lJiz.L be r.rJ.de the rn::=t :.>orkin.; day. .~eauir"d J"nsr:'''~tiC1'!R O C'.....t' ""5"'-/"""""'''''1". T' . _~~_ ':',f r:'."._'Jh. 0 oe maae e::cav.:::ti.;;n. .;u: pl"icr tc set farms. o aftotr up of U!/D!RSL;'3 ?L("','.SI.'lC, 2LEC":.9ICAL ~ ,~!ECh'AaIC:'i.: To be rr.ada be/(;~iI W01"',l,: is ~o".)cred. o POOT2j'C ~ FOl.HlDAT:C,'I: To ce .'Xlde after trenches aI'fJ exca"Jated ar.d f$rms are arec:.ec, .::ut Fl'"';Cr to pouring c::nc:-etc:. U:-!D::RC.o/JU.','I) ?~UM7?n'Co S!"..fFRo ;.1.1TE.1'. DRAL'.'AGE: :'0 be - ma..:.a prior :0 fi.~- lir.g :rer.cr.8~. o 0" UNDERPLOOR PLU.\'EIYC ~ XE'=HA.VICA,L: To be maCe prier :0 -::n3taLZa:~on of f1..ocr ";1"I8ula;:;ion or deci<.ing. ?'JST AND 3eAU: To.::e n:cde p'l"";or =0 in,n;a~l.::icn of ['loor insz,ol.:.l=icr. or decking, o D ROWJH ?!.lr.'F!!".lG.:,!.2C":'P!CA!.. 1 .'.fECH- AilICA~: ,Vo ~ork ~J =0 oe co~ered ur.:-::~ ~~es~ :r~=8c:~Or.8 ~J~ ~~er. made ~~ =?pr?ve~. fI.~~?[....CE: .Prior:o pi.ccir.g /~ci..r.g mct:aria~s ar.d bE;foNI lrar.rir.g in3pec- tior.. o o P.VYI.'It;: Must be ~e<;".{e::::ed af":er appro'.),;:l of rough ;lur..bing, aZect1"";- cal ~ mecr.ani.::a.l.. rl.~! ~o.r":'r.g braci..rg & chi.T.n~Ys, ae~. .~'{3t be . cCmrJle:cd. .'10 -..01',< is to b~ con- "ceal..d :,(r.:il thi3 ir.s::lec=icn has 'been made and app~~ed. Your City. Desiqr.ated Job Number I3: u lNSUr.AT!ON/VILPO.f? eARFaE'.">l IHSFE'C'!'IGU: To be :nade after a l7, inS"..t l.::tion WA recuired vewOl" barriers are in ~lace but before ~y lath, gypsum bCarc or wz.z covering is cpptied, c:r.d befol'(1 any in3ulation is concealed, 2S rl. d. L\ ~ '2\ I DEUOLITION OR ,..fav::; 3UILDIiiCS :=J Sani:cu-y Se".Jtlr ct:p?ed at ~::)?~r=-:i 7,ir:e ~ S6pti~ tank ~~~ed and fillad ~th ;r::~eZ I Pina~ - [-.'hen abeve ite:~s are cc:::~let~d ~ ar.d when dencli:ior. is c~Ze:a or st~..t~- ture ~oved ar~ ?r~;aes cle=n~ U?, cny D D.q~WAL[' I:'ISPE'CT!O:V: To be made after all GrdL;Q.Ll is in place, but prior to c:ny taping. I Mobile Ho:::es ~ Blocking and Sat-up ~ Pl~~ing connec:ions e_ s&Wer ar~ wa:ar ~ EZectrical Connection - Blocking, set-u? ---1 and plumbing conr.ections r.r...st !;s <I?p"!':!t:ad before request";ng e!ec~rical ins?ec:io~ -, .,~, ~ Acce$~c.~ Bu~~~r4 :J -' '''t . r"l.n.::z" - I,; ~r ;:Jrcr.IlS, et~. are c~lot;~d, skirting, dec;"..3, O .'ofASO;'Il?~: Steel bear.:3, grcu. ting ~Mcordance with 241E. ;';OODS'!'OVE:: Aftar installation ";8 cc.-:rpl.;!t;c:d. location, bond or verticals in U.B.C. Section D CURS d APPRCACP. _4?~N: Atta:"' forms aTe 2rected but prior to pcu.nng ~ncre te. SIDEWALK d DRI!-'EWA Y: For all ccn- C1"'et:e paving !Ji~hin street right- oj-way, to be mc..de a;'ter all ezcc- vatinQ' curroZete & foP-'il wrk & ::ub- base .;..::teM:al in place. o AZZ project cor.ditions, $ua~ as ~he ins=a!lat:ien of s:reet :rOles, :~~!a~~~n of :hc required Zandsccpir.g, etc., must be satiar"";cd before tr.a 3f.'I!.iJI,':C FI.':Al. ::"C1"I be rst:;u3s:Jd. 0, . FINAl.. Pl.UgSI:lC :=J. FINAl. NE~HA:1ICAL o ?I:'AL 2!.~C':'R!C:':' I;~ o PINAL BUIr-DINe: The Final Euildir.g !r.s?ect";on .-::ust otJ reque3ted -=t~6r ti:u .':'ir.:::.l 2lur.:bing Slectrical, end Necr~~iccl Inspectiona have been ~ade ar4 =?provec. D D .::'ENCE: When co::rpl.;-ci! -- ?rovide gates or movable. sections through P.U.E. .ALC .~fA:'lHC~2S AND C:ZANOUT5 NUS':' 3E .:'CCESSIBLE, ADJf,,'S':,'!2.'."!' TO BE :.~1DE !;T ;'/0 ::5':" TQ t;I':~ I ;J'"'~e of:2 D I JOB NO, I iZcr.e: Lot Sq, F~. ~ ~f lot Caverag~ # of 5tol"'i.s8 I Total H8igh~ I I Topography IIIE:'1 I.'kli" l~(!ca I ! Car=cot't I I A.ccesso!':.< SQ.FTG 'i'OTA.~ t'ALliS IS.D,C, I 1 UC!.UC) ),5 = auilding ?er:r."~t State SurcnJ!"ge Total ~r.a'Z"ge3 I lIEN I Fi--tures I Resid""tiaL (J bath) I Scr.it.:lr'../ Sewer I wc.t8-" I 1','0. Pl:.unbing Perci t State Surd".arge Tata! cr.crces III'Df I Res. Sa. fta. I N3lJIExtend CirC".li:8 I Terr.pcrc:ry Service i 'VO.I I I I I I I Electrical Permit State Surcharae Total C1UU'ces lITE," I ,';C. I ~"::CQ ETU' S i E:haust Hood Vf1J1t Fan ;/ooasto-.;e I Pemt 13SlU:TlC8 Mechanic:;l ?err.rit Statll SurcJu:rac '!'n t:::.! Cbzr~~!J E:1C;:~CACE".:E:!'!' Se~.l~;tu D8~03i~ Storaqe l"la.intl!rlCr.::e Parmi t Tota! C"nc.r"'1cs I C'ur:'e'.l; I Si.dtr.Vaz.~ I,.,,,,e I EZ.accrica i , I .'-Iobile Hame Lebel. I TOTAL AJ.!OU.'lT Due:-- SOLAR.CESS CCc:"J.:;a7l.C~ GrC'.l:l: l.OT TYPE Ir.terior Corner Pc:nhandZe C"..lZ-de-sac X VaLue FEE CIiAP.GE :;-1;' CHARGE :':'1:' CHARCE I I I I A-'OO I I I 1~.CK5 I ./,,0 I /~ (/](~. I I I I I I. I I I ! I ~~ / ~.lJ QJ P::.qa 2 . L-COC;j,< REQ,- T;'oa/Cor:st: 3edr"oms: I Lot Fa.ces - I Setbacks I P. [.'1 House I Carace lfIorth IEost I IS"" th I liVest II E'n21'au Soul'~es .7.'eat A,acess. i I I II .'coa,to"e I';;~e Water 'It!at.<!T' Range Pire'Oiace Fees -- Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the e::p1"ess ~ondition that the s,aid. "o/'l.st1"..Ic:::on shaZi~ in all respects, conf~~ to ;he Jrdinar.ce =dopted by the ;it~ of ~pr>ir.cf":.etd, :.nc!ud:.ng the Zonir.a Crd:ncnce, recr,).'ktir.a th~ ccr.s'C'r:,~;:.cr. ar.d :.t:;~ of buildir.gs, end m::y bew Juspenaed 01" r~voked ;t C'f'.:J :::,':t6 :.;:;r: vio- lation of :my ?1"~viaior..s oj' sa'i..d Ordir.ances. I Plan C'neck Fee: ICate Paid: IReoEipt #: ISig1"ed: Plumbing Permit No person shalL construct, ins~l!.. a~ter or change any r.sw C1" e:is;ir.g plumbing 01" drainage SY8t~~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is tr~ legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e:cept trAt a person ma~ do plur.:bing :.;ork to prope1"t":I which is OIJY'.ed, l~sed or apercted by the ,zppli- """t. I ,. I I I I I Electrica I Permi t Where State LcJJJ roequires thAt the eLectr-'~caL work be done by an ELectn.cal Contractor, the electrical por:ion of this permit shall r.at be valid un.tiZ the label has been si{;ned by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit Pi-an .:=cmr:er I.)a:;a I HAVE CAREfULLY !XANINeD t,:'.e cOlT:pi~ted ~plica:;ion foro perm"~t, end ~ hereby certify that aU ir:lo~at::on he1"son ::s t1"U.:J ar..d aC1"!'t:ct, c::r.d. I f..U'~h.er cert'i..j':i that any cr.::1 all :,:ork ;erlor::red shall be ao':1e in. ac~or- dance :.rith the Ol'dir..:::n.ces of the City ()f Springfield, and tnz i.c:..:s of :;h3 State of Orea~n 'Ozrt.:;:inina to th.e <..'01','< described hOl'ein, cr.c ;;u;.:; ;'/0 OCC!J- PJ.!lCl wilL b~ rrr:J.::.e of a:ny~ .3t:1"Uct:U1'a without ;'3mri.sawr: of the Euildir:g !r~- vision. I further -.:et'tif::" tr.::t o:1ly ccnt1'a.=tors ar.d e::rpl.;yees w;..o -=re in ~liance with ORS 701.055 wiZl be used en this pr()jzct ~~_ @..Z //-/j-.f~ Date