HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-4-5 .. RES-=NTlAloo APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ~~IJ. D. ml.o~ q8'7~' ~I /. () Jl...--, // cI. ML<\~ {I I () Job Location: Yo 7 () L"""fJ".,.: i 1-n3'1..(n Jt-f2- u ASG8SGOrS Map # Subdivision: CLmer: Addres3,' City: ~.v~., . n Addition n RemodeL n ,'.!obila 8qmo Date of Application L;-c;-x? G,'ontrac-::ors General Plumbing i Electrical I f.!Qchar.ical (:y'(\.u.D I Construction Lender J/. Tez Lot # ~ Phone: 7d& -fe//s Zip: C) 7 <,/ 77 DBScribe fl'ork: Value Address r/I ~I'J/}. !"<n, u-'\1'~-'----, -~ h 4-,l-,,/ . Rcce-:.pt .II S&'~37 iJ.;-o-c cJ~ OJ..uv f- lJ IS: ~O /./~ (po - - VJ II/{. C; "& Siqr.ed: Date: '/10 <;-,5 - 5<2- Lise. II E~ires PhonQ ~J((""~j, rt-I, ~ It. is t.hs responDibility of eJw permit holder f:a ses t.hat all. inlJpect1.o71S are r.zads at :M proper ti.m~# croat ~ch .::dtb-B83 is rea.::a.?Z~ from tM street, and that the pcrm..:t aazod is 'Located at ths f1"O?lt of th4 property. -Bui'!.di'!1{J /Jivi::ior: approved pz.an shalZ remain on the! Building Sit~ at aZl times. . PROCEDlJP.E FOR INSPECTION R=:.aUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City designated job nun:b6r} job atii:oC8S} type of in::pea-;icn raquestcd ar.d w.l:e71 you lJ'in be ready for ir.spcatio7tj C07ttractors or Owne:'s nc:me c::nd phone nur.:bcr. l?equests l'Bceit:sd eefel'6 7:00 C":' :..'izt be made the same dayj requests mads afta' 7:00 am wil.l b:1 nr:u:le t.'ZuJ next :Jerking day. Reaui'l"f'!d r'1!SDp.cticns O. SITE INSPECTION: To be mads after e:rcavationj but pnor to set up of forms. UNDERS[,AB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC-1L & ;\fECH..J.NICAL: To be made before any ~l'k is .::ovcred. o 10 FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be .mde after trenches are excavated and forms are 6rBctiJdj but prior to pouring ccncret,;. U.YD2RGROUND PLUMBING. S!'.lER. w'1TE.'=i, DRAINAGE: To be nr:z:i.s prior to fil.- l.i7'.g trtmcMS. D o UND8RPWOR PW'.fBnlG & /.f8C!1ANICAL: To be mads proioI' to in3ta l. Zation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAl.f: To be matk prior to instal.lation of floor inst.:Zation or dsCkint; . o O l!OOGH pup-mINe. ErECTR!CAL ,~ ,',fECR-. 'ANleA!,: No '..JOrk is to bc cOL'ered . w:tH ;hcse inspectior.s ha-.;e beer. made and ~pl'Ove.:i. ~ FI.~EPLACE: Pr-ior to ptc.cir.g feeing ~ ma:CIINal.s and before framing inspec- tio1':. o F~1ING: /1Ust be reque3ted after approvaL of r'ough pLwr.bing} aLec'tM.- caL & mechani.::aL. AU rooling bracing & chimncysj et~. m".l8t b8 . coMpl8tod. No work is to be con- "'" csaLQd untiL this inspection has . b6~ m:uie and approl,'ed. Your City Deaigr.ated Job Number Is: O INS[Ji.-A'nUNIVAPDR BARRIER INSPECTIOll: To be mads after aLL insukzti..-m a!".a .. required. vapor 'barrier's a2'e in place but cefore any lath, gyp8W1l board or !.XZlZ. covering is appZisd, and hetol's any insulation i3 oonceaZed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all. drywall. is in placej but prior to c.ny taping. O MASONRY: Stee L location, bond beam3j grouting or verticcLs in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. ~ WOODSTOVE: After instaLlation is ~ ccrrrplet.d. o o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aft~ forms a2'e erected bu t priOl" to pouring aon....--rste. SIDEWALK & DRJT/EWAY: For all con- crete paving within strect right- of-way, to be made aftel' aLZ e::ca- vat;-o;ng ccnrpLete & fo~ wrk & sub- base materiaL in place. '82027) DEMOLITION OR .~:OV'ED BUILDIilGS =:J Semi;ary 66'.Jer ~apped ::t ~op~rt:J. Hr." ~ Ssp tic tank pUJ?ed and fiz.z~d uith g-ra::el. :J .~inaL - rl'hen a.bcve ite:ns are ccmpLeted ar~ when d~litior. is campllltll or 8t~~- ture moved ani prer:ti:uJs :::lsansd up. Nobile Hcmes ~ Blocking and Sat-~p ~ Plumbi~ connections -- saJel" and wa-:sl' ---, ELectncal Connection - Blacking j set-up ---.J and plumbing connections 111'"..:.st ce appr01JBa before l'Squssting 9Zec~rical i1':8pec~io~ ~ Accessoz-,i Buir..:;~!1f: :J Fin.:zl - After ;'$l'cr.es} skirting, decks. etc. are ccmpl6~~d. o ALL project condi~iansj such as the instalLation of street tr8es. ~c.~Lotion of the required 7.andscc.pi,..g} etc.. must be satisfied bcfor6 tr.Q BUILDING FI.'!AL oan b8 rsquesead. D PIIIAL PWP.BIilG D PIIIAL MeCHANICAL D PINAL eL8CTRICAL 10 o PINAL BUILDING: The Final. Building Inspection must be l"flqu8Gted alter ehe Pinal PZwnbing ElectricaL. and Mechar.iccL InspectiomJ hava been made and apprOVed. O fENCE: Wher. compl~te -- Provide gate8 or movable sections through P.U.8. o ~ALL MANHCLES AND CLEAliOUTS nUST BE ACCESSIBLE} ADJUST/tElIT TO BE M.1DE I!T ;'.'0 C;JST TO CITY I Page of 2 I JOB NO. X 202.7 ( I Zone: Lot Sq. Ft;. S , f lot C"".rag< # of StoroiS8 TotaL Height Topography lITEM I,~lain f'.c:t'ace I SQ.FTG I C~ort I .. rAccessoru TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. (uc"ueJ 1.5= Building Permit State Surc:h.a:rge Total Cha.......ges lITEM I Fixtures I Re.identiaL (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer IWatoU" I I NO. : / I I I I I I I Plumbi1tf1 Perrr:i t State Surcr.arge Total Charaes lITEM I Res. Sa. fto. I NiiW/Ertend Cil'cu1.ts Terrrpurary Serv-tCB I NO'1 1 I I I I I Els::trica l Penrri t State Sur~harae Total Chaxoc:es lITEM I PurtlaC:Q ETU' S I E:hau.s t Hood I Vent Pan I WOodstoV8 I NG. I II I pernrit 138Ua7lC2 Me=hanic~! Permit State Su:t'chc:rae Tntn l Char"P.8 I -- ENCROACBME!.'T -- I Sec-..J.ritlJ Daoo3it I Storags I Maintmuzr..ce /Permit I Tota! Cha:l'oas I Curbcut I Sidt;,x;.!k I :'en::e I EZectrica! l.ahsl i Mobile Homs 'TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" WT TYPE I Lot Faoe. - Interior , SetbacKs P.L. I House I Carage I Access. Corner INorth I I PanhandLe lEast I I I Cut-de-sac South I IWe.t I I I Fees SOLAR AC.S Occu:r;;~ Gl'OU.,: X Va Iue FEE' CHARGE FEE I I I I I I I I I I (j'.od CHARGE FSE CHARCE 1.5. 0 I ' (, 0 115.& 0 I I I I Jt 1~' to 0 I I I I, I I I I 01 / J I I , ' Page 2 REQ.- L-cod~ T.~tle/Cor..3t : . Bedroor.:s: J I Ener'azJ Scr.aoces Heat I II II I: TU'06 Watezo Hp.r1tp.p Range Fil'eplac:e woodotove I I I J I I I ,. , I I I, Building Value & Permit This pel'm";t is granted on the erp1'6S8 condition that the sa"id. C'or1struation shaU, in all !'espeats, conform to the Ordinar.ce ::.dopeed !iy the City of Springfield. inc!uding the Zoning Ordinance. 'I'efT.A.U:.ting the constl"'...!cticn and UGe of buildings, ar.d m:;,y be suspended 01' !'evoked at cr.y ti:r:e upor: oic- lation of c::ny provisions of said Ordir.ances. I Plan Check Pee: I Date Paid: IRecc=ipt #: !Signod: Plumbing Permit No person DhalZ construct, ins taU, aLter or change any ro.ew "r e:::isting plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in part, unless such psrson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~8on may do plU11".bing work to propel't'~ which is OLJr/.8d, leased 01' oper>ated by the appti- oant. I I I ' Electrical Permit Where State LaLJ requires tr.at the electricaL work be done by an Electrical Contractor" the electrical portion of thi3 permit 3halL roOt be ualid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical ~ontraator. Mechanical Permit PLan Era;m..ner l..'are I' I I HAVE CAREFULLY !XA.J.UNED the completed application lor permit" and do hereby certify that aU info:mation hereon is true and corr-cct" cmd I t.uother certify that any ar.Li aZ'L wor-k per-fomred 3haZ'L be don.e in accor- dance :.rith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ [,a-..;s of tha State of Oreg~n p8rtaining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY wiLL be rrr::J.de of any struotura withou.t pernrtsswr: of the 3uilding Di- vision. I further certify that cmly contra=tors ar.d e:rrpz...,yees wr.,! are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project VT~ ~ Sign8d, I' ~ '---" (I y - s;--R;L Date