HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1982-12-29 .. RESID~TIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 Jorth 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD .lob Loc~tial1.: '160 n 0 U/VYIp-U- n~~'nU~ t'l\(A(Y) AsaesGor: gap .. Suhd-:.:n.s:.cl1.: T= !;at # "F f\ 0 ,0. y<,Jh '^ ./ . 'q,-SO 'O~['):tf' . ~l~jll1'~ I V ~"7ler: Add....es3: Cit':J: n n n n '1D".J Addi ::icn Pr.ane:'74) -[\//:::;6 Zi?: 97411 De8Cl"';be rl'Ol'k: . .,cce-:"o (.....6 L /) N' ~,~ J.i 0/6 ~ tJ={)1668 - KD V) /5,u /5/)[) "60 ,cPo ~,~\~~ ) jJ-)J'1-(<';.2. Remade ~ .'fob-:. t2 ?lama ~ate of AppLica:icl1. :.:.:mt::rac=o:,s GeneraL Plumbing eLectricd NflChar.ic::.L f',I,'mOfl .) ~ COl1stl""..lct.{OI1. [.;:'f1lier Va!uo:Y)t) ()() ,011 Addres3 ~ - J.!J -,{J't -X 2 Si(lr.ed: Dato: Lise.!! ExDircs Phone I:' is ths :-ffsponcibility of" the pernn.t holdsr eo see that aLZ incpecticns are .-::006 at the ;;rOp61' tim6:, t.~.at ~h .::id:rsss is rea.::a.;:e ./'rom the street, and that the pC1"l'l'J'i,t ca..-d is t.....-cated at the Irent of the ;;roperty. .3ui.!C.i.~.g .r;vi=io~ :=p;rot:ed p'!.an sr.cl.l. remain on t;..2 E",:::Zdir1f7 ~it;; at aU times. P.'?OCSDURE .::OOf? INSPE[;'!'IOf/ l?EOm:ST:CAU 7?f-3769 (reaorder) state yOUI' Ci.ty desigr..:1ted job n:o;;bel"~ J"ob ac.crcss~ typg of in3::Jeaticn requested a~.d when yeu :Jiz.z. be ready for t.r.spca~on~ Contractors or Ct.."ne:-s r.c:me c:r.d phone number. Requ€.s:s recsilJad b~fcrr,/ 7:00 (:':'l :.'ill. be r.:c.ds thc same dc.y~ requests mcd.e aftoo 7:00 a"n r.n:zt be .rode the nczt :.JOl"kin; day. ~e(]'Ui1'pd l"1'IS'!:,pcticnq O (,"--'t" ~'ISP-""""'''''I'' T' . ,.d.~_.!, :....._'.J ,. 0 ae maae e:cavation~ ~u: prier t~ sst forr.:s. o ar:2l" up of UNDSRsr..:..a ?[.:.JM3T.'1G. ,~.'ECr:';';liC;'[,: To be wor,i( is ~ot)cred. 2l.,2C7RIC.l!., d maae betozoid any o PCCTI:lC ~ ?'Ol/:','DA'!':C.'I: To be ,~e after :rencnes are e=ccrJated ar.d forms CU"'e erec:i]d~ ':'1.1':: prior to pou...-.ing ccnc:-et~. [] U,'!D~G.~U.',r!J p~l;g1Jn;G,.. DRAI:!AG2: :'0 oe rrr::::.s l.ir.g ::rer.cr.8z. SS;.!2.~. ;':,1 TSR, . .-. ;r-:.or ::0 r:., /.- o UNTJERFWCR !'!:U.'.!9I.'IG 1 M~,:.qA.VICA.L: To t:B mcc.:B pricr :0 inat'alt:.:J:tiOTl of {Zoor insuZc:;:wn or dflCi<ing. P1SI AND 3EI.,'.{: To bs tr.c.dc prior :0 instaLw:tcn of [Zoor ir.st.il.;z~ior. 01' decki"". o o .:?C~[G.~' ?!..[P.~ET_"!G. ?!..2C'T'.l?!C}'~ '. .',fEC:rl- A,HTC,J.[,,' :;0 :';01';-: ~.3 :0 be co:.:e1'eG ur.:~l ;r.esJ :r~~ec=~or.s ~-U9 ~~er. ,~e ar4 z??l'o,ed. Fn::'E?LACE: Prior to pl.c.cir.g f'c:.C"';nq mc.:-ariaZ-s ar..d bef"re frZtir.g in3pec- tior.. o o FR..~}~!:Ir;: Must t:e :oeq".l.e::::ed af'ter appl'ac~L of rough pLur.~ingl alec=~- cal. J mec;..ani.:aZ. .H! !"Ooj:.r.g bracir.g !J chi.-r.n;;ys~ Bt.;. ,':'1"'.l.S~ be . corrml.e::cd. :10 '..;.:n'.( i8 to :;9 con- . csa'Z<ld ur.:il :his insoec:icn r.as .b6~ ,T.aCJ end ~pproved. Jour City. Desigr.atcd Job /lwnber 10' 'X:J ( ~) () fJ u iNSULATION/VAPO.9. BARRIER INSP=CTIOr;: To oe made after aU inS'.l.lati.::m cr.d roq-olired capOl' bCll"l'i.ers are in pLace but before any lath~ gypswn bca.zoC or wU ~vering is cppliedl ar.d befo1'Q any in.'1uZat::ion is conceaLed. IDEUOl...ITION OR ;~:Ov::; 3lJlLDZjiGS :J Sani tary se"Jer ~apped ::t P'120P&:rt"".. Ur:a ~ Septi~ tank p~~~d and f:'~~6d with gr~~B~ ---, Final. - flhen cXve i;:e.~s are cc..:,:?Z8~~d ~ ar~ ~hen demcl.i:ior. is c~Zs:e or st~~~- ture ~oved ar~ pl'~3eS ~l~ar.ed up. 1.'.!coiLe HC,~2S o DR:!''';1.LL INSP=CT!O:Y: Tc be tr.ace after an drywaLl. is in pLace~ out prior to c;ny taping. ::J Bl.ocking and Sat-~p ::J PLumbing connec:ions .- S~Qr cr~ water ::J Elect~:cal. Ccnr.sc=~on - BLocking~ 8Qt-u~ and p~t/lnbing conr.ections m-.-at =s approl..'sc OS;01'C reque8t~ng eZec:rical ~nspec~io~ --, 'c-e~"'" .. ....~.'.:..n,.. --.J'" - ..".....:1 .."'..-...;;.. ";t ---, Final. - Aft;;r ;:;l'cr.ss~ 3kil't-:..ng~ dec;:3. ~ etc. arB cc.mpl.s:~d. o AZZ project concition3~ ~uc~ as the ~ns::aLl.ation of street :1'o39S, :~~!a:i"n of ::~ required l.andsccpi~.g~ etc. ~ .':'!Ust be sar;isficd ;';:;'01'6 the 3UI!.[)I;:G Fr::AL ~=n be 1'3'f.J.3S:.Jd. ~. FINAL P!..u;',$r:iG ;~. Fl:IA!. NE~HA:IICA[' r.zr ?I.'IAL E!'sC':'R!C:':' o ::'lNAL BUILDING: The FineL auitding Ir.s?t3ction ,7:USt bG requeotsd '=/:81' the ?i/'"~L ?Lu.r.:bing El.ectricaL~ and Nechar:.icel Inspectiona navQ been made ar.d app1'cvad. ,=:J o MASONRY: SteeL Zocatior.~ bond. beam3 ~ grou ting 01' UBrtica ls in acco~~s with U.B,C. Section 2415. I '.-e . .A.LL :'.,IANHC['~S AND CLEANc-U':'S .'!US':' BE AC!:ESSI3r.Z, ArJUS7.'!~::T TO 32 .~:"1jjE !!T ;','0 -::57' T? CI':Y o r./OODSTOVE: Aftar installation is ccmpl.,eted. o CURB & APPROACH _4.P.r:'JN: After' loms are ere::i;sa but pl""':'01' to pC".l.r"~ng concrete. SIDEWALL<. & DRTlF;W'A'!: For all ccn- crece ?CVing wi~h~n street right- ol-u;c,y~ to be made at:er a.l.! e=cc- :;atina ccmoZe-:e & fo~ ~rk & ::ub~ base ,;'.c:terf:al in pZa~s. o o :!l..'CE: Wher. co;,rol.~i;e -- ?rovide gates 01' movabl.e" aecr;icns through P.U.E. o of 2 I JOB , 1 ZC7'!a: N~/),~J/)::> SOLA.CESS CCC"'..I.::iGnc:; Gl'O".L:J: LCT T'!?! l!;at Sq. Ft:}. I ~ ~f ::e ~:nJBraq;: ;.!/. of ~...or-:.e8 I,., ... 7 u . . ..o..a.. ..e1.gl1t 1 I Topogra;:hy I,.cv I.'k:i" I S~. FTC ,1~~CJ I I Car:,.:?!,,: I. I .-1C~eS30l'"1 TOTAl. ~'ALl;S Is.D.c. I 1.5 = {VC,:.UC) EuiZ.ding Pe~;t State SW'cn:aoge ~o::aL Cr.a..-ge3 11':'::1'1 ,','0. I Fi...-tures !aesidentiaZ (1 bath)' lsanit.::zr'j Sewer I :let2!' PL:unlr;ng Pend. t; State Surcr.arge T~tal Chc.rces I :!'E:,~I I.l:?es. Sa. ft::!. IN~/Ertend Circuits I Temporary Service Ele::tri.cal Per:n"t St.:te Surcharae Total Ch.arces I "C'.I FUrr.aC6 ?TV'S E=haust Hood. I Vent F:::n I . I iI:x;dsto:;e Permit IS3UanC2 .'1echanic::.l ?ernr; t State surchcrac 1.,0'1 I I ....c. , I I I I ..J'1'l~t:!1.~';r;."!J 2:/CRCACH....':::!7' -- SeC".4r:tu Oa::io3i= StOl'~qe Naintenan.::e Pcrrrrit; Tetal. C"f1al''':os I CurbC'..l. t Side.;al~ :e~e I electrical i I.\facile Heme Label I TOTAL ANOU:lT out:.. InteriOr> Corner Panhandle c-",Z-de-sac X Value CiiARGE: ?=.qe 2 REQ.- . . L-COC;{l.o T:foe/Cor..s" : Bea?oms: I Lot; Faces - I I P.~. lllor~h lEast South IWest I 2nerau Sour~es i I I II II II l':J'::e Heat Setbaaks I House Caraoe I I ! Access. I I Water YM<;t'!I" Range F-:.reo~aae Waoci:Jt:o:;e Fees Building Value & Permit I I I I I. I I I ,- I I I I This p6~;t iG granted on the 6=press ~ondition that the sdid.aonst~~c~~on shall, in all respects, confQ~ to the Ordinance adopted ~y the :~tt of 5p!"'~r.qf~eZdJ ~~nc!:,u:Eng :he ::'oni.r.g C!'d:r.c,!ce, req-.tl.c.t:'l:g ::i:ra ccr.st:o:.at"':.:r. I arA UDe of buildings, and m~y ~c Juzpended or revoked at cr.~ t"':me ~;~r. vic- Zaticn cf ~y pr~visior.s of said CTdir~ces. ' I PLan Check I Date Paid: /Rec<ipt #: ISig.-:ed: Fee: Plumbing Permit No pereon ahalL construct, install, alter or change any r~W Cr e=-:.sting plumatng ~r drainage syst~~ in ~hole or in part, unless such ~er80n is the legaL possessor of a valid pLumber's License, ~cept tr~t a person ma~ do plur.:bing :;o1'k. to propert-:I which is OlJr.ed, liUlSed or opercted by the ~pli- cant. I I l~jJ:~() I Electrical Permi t I Where State LcJ.J requires tr~t the eLect"ricaL work be done by an ElectricaL Contractozo, the eLectricaL portion of this ?emit shaLL root b.; valid :.ntiL . I the ZabeL nas been signed by the Electrical ~ontI'actor. ~~~I.~O /,-,,\, () () I . 7,(")0 I )/='),/.,O I- :;".:;"1;" }- :;"':':;0 CliARes rJA !t~,l5{) Mechanical Permit Pian ~1..>!er ,,'a:;c I I I. I I HAVE CARSFULLY SUJ,f!:lcD th.e corr.plated cppZicar:ion for permit, end do hereby certify that all ir.io~a:~on hereon :$ true ar~ correct, ar~ I fur-;her cerdj'~' that any cr.d alL ',.:ork ?J3rlo~ed ahan be do:1e in ac::ar- dance ~th ..ha Ordin::nces of tho City of Spl"intJfid.d, and ::h.: k..;a ol tha Stat2 of Oreg:)n pzrt.:zi:n.ing to the work descr-~bcd. herein, c.r.d. tile::; ....0 acc!J- ?A!lCY will. be rrr:l~e of cny 3truct'ura /Jithout ;?t3rmi3si.on oj' tha 3u~!dir:f1 !){.. vision. I further ~ertiJ~ tr~t o~ly contractors ar.d ~L~yees who ~-6 in c~pZiance with ORS 701.05& wilL be used on this pr?jzct Sign:zd Data . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD--BUILDING DIVISION 346 MAIN ST. 726-3753 (BUSINESS) 726-3769 (INSPECTIONS) APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL LABEL(S) BY A BUILDING OWNER The Electrical Safety Law of the State of Oregon does not require a person to obtain a license as an electrician and/or electrical contractor to make an electrician in- stallation on property which is owned by himself or a member of his immediate family which is not intended for sale, lease, or rent. (PLEASE PRINT) APPLICANT'S NAME Ne..ct 'tYi KO,f" , ADDRESS 95() ()),/ffip/('J ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED WORK 9.t:::; () () I Y m P [ (' , BUILDING OWNER (IF OTHER THAN APPLICANT) PHONE 74 / - f5/6 6 ADDRESS PHONE I certify that all of the above information is true and correct, and that no portion of any wiring system requiring a label as applied for herein and intended to be con- cealed by any permanent portion of the building or structure shall be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of the system is complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made. Inspections are generally required for at least the following conditions and or stages of construction: 1. Temporary Service 2. Underground Service 3. Service 4. Rough Electric 5. Cable Heat 6. New Circuits or Extensions 7. Mobile Home Connections 8. Signs 9. Swimming Pools I further certify that I will notify the Building Division when any of the above ELEC- TRICAL INSPECTIONS are ready, that all work will be done in accordance with the Electri- cal Safety Law of the State of Oregon, and that if not the building owner, I am a member of his or her immediate family. ~~ ~~.:..-- Signature Date/:2 -2. 7- 92- INSPECTION REQUESTS SHOULD BE ~mDE ON THE LINE. THE INSPECTION NUMBER IS 726-3769. FOR 7 A.M. WILL BE MADE ON THE SAME DAY. BUILDING DIVISION'S 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTION INSPECTION REQUESTS WHICH ARE CALLED IN BE- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LABEL NUMBERS LABEL ISSUANCE FEE RECEIVED BY DATE