HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-1-6 .. RESIDtATlAL" APPLICAT IOYtPER!1IT 225 lIo1,th 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: 9'2_~~..:: ~.P.K"' AGaesaora Mop N J7.f13~<~. 412 Subdivision: :S7. Tcz Lot N tP "$3'd:1>.it:> C!.mer: l /~t?A MAhU:>NRT' Marcss: '9:4:)' t:!:)t:., 'rr-//,;l>/C, $r-. City: 4'~~~. / ?C'?f /?5 IY?J~ j)f.h?/fr:jcS- 7b ?l/1-.r:-Te,?5' #'" J1'c-~.sE2) Lt4#-r I-C,-g? Value h~. c:ooo'Z>o il I I I Nr>:,J Addi ticn Remo.:el .'10::':.!~ .9.0.-::~ Date of AP?Lic::ticn Phone: Zip: 9/Y/ 8 Descr"'~be f.'orlc: ..or,.:;r.::.:::::o:,s Aci"''''<:~ , -r ;cnerd .It; /--=-ril/v~'3..r-,,~';;.~E''''' .Sr. ~. .. /' :'l.tc:"..:n.r.g - ::ZectricaZ ,~:e=;..ar.ic::Z. C~nst~~ction Lender t=?CCC:':'lt -H'(;,7k, ";;j'~ . ~\ \-1/ (gO\ ' , ~ \,'1 Siar.ed: ~~ Date: //"/-Z2>-~ 1.':..3C. ,:; =:=:Jt.r~s rr.o~:: l ?o//-::>.c. =3a I .!..Ix _~") 6-$.i> > 7' -" / ree'e':. i ~t is t:hs responaibiZity of' tns permit holder to see ;hat all inDpections are r.:ade at the proper tim~.. tr.at c.=ch .=ddrBBS is -100m the street, and that the permit card is located at the [POnt of tr.e property. 'Eui!d:i~.g Di;)i=io~ approved Flan 3;'.:::.1.1, l'emain on thE BuiZding Sits at aU tim~s. '~?~=~DURE Fr.:? n"SP~::TIOt'! RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recol'derJ state uour Citu desian.ated JOG nur.:ber, JOO adiJ-ocss, typa of ir:3pec=icn I 'f.1quesr;ea. a:"".c w.::en you :.;iZZ. be ready for ir.spccr;ion, Contractors or OI.mers- ncme ;;nd pnor:e r.u::wcr. Reques-;s received cetera 7:0!J ::: I -;z.z os Trade tnt: scone dc.y~ requests mGLie cft;;r 7:00 am LJil.1. aa made the n.-:=t :JOrki7tJ dc.'/1'. Your City Desigi'.ated Job Numb€1' Is: ,,!.'TIJt:""pn T,.,~....t''!:':~:r.r.~ ] SITE' I,','E?2:::IO:.': To be made after rQ IllSULA'!'ION/VIlPOR BARRIER I.'!S?~CTIO,'I: e.::cav.:<:ti.?r:, but prior tc set up of &)lLJ To be made atter an insuZ.:<:ti,:m cr".d forms. . . rcqu-:.red vapor carriers are in place ] . UUDE:F?SL.:.3 PLW.SI.'lG. ELE::TRICAL & :~/~;~~~i~gy i:~P,~ z~~~~a~o~~ gECH..!.:.'ZC:"L: 7'0 be made before any -e- J' work is .:!ovcred. any insulation it) conceal-ed. ] FOOTING ~ FOUllDATION: To be m:zee after trer~nes are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior 'to pourir~ ccncret~. ] U!!D'ERG_f!OU.'.'!J P!.Ul..'7JIiiG. DRAIllAC2: To be m:::..:e .Ur.g t:rencitec. s~r,r:;.:?, f..'.1TER_ prior r;o fi"L- ] V.'.'DERF'LOOR ?LU,'..'EI,",'G & MECHANICAL: To Dc ~~e vrior :0 inatc~Zation of 11001' insuLation or decking. ] POST A:','!) 3El.g: To be ~adc prior to ir.staLi~-;~cn of floor inskZation or deckir." ~ L-l '). \ ROUCH f?[?'EI.',rc. El.Er::T.r?!CJl!. & '~H- A/ilCAL: i.'o :.Jork is to DC C01.,'crea ur.t:il tnese inspcctior.s ~ve beer. made ar.d approved. ] FIREPLl.CE: Prior to placir.g facing materiaLs ar~ before framing inspe~- tior:. FRA.'~nW Mu::t be requeated after approu.::.l of rO:ign plwr.bin.g, ;!"Lectri- caL & mccn.:mi.::aZ. AU rooji"-J bracir~ ~ chimr.~ys, et=. nr~st be . compLeted. ~o w~rk is to be con- .,;, cec'Zed ur.til this inspection has . bE:~n mad.: anc approved. :1{] ! (j 1\ ~ DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall is in place~ but prior to any taping. {2r-:::C/ '7/,/8 I DF:,'.:OLITIO,'.' OR ;~:otr::; E~'ILDI::GS ~ Sani tW"y 8e",Jer ::apped ::t p~op.:rt:y tir.e ~ Septi:) tank p-...."7b:d cr.uf f-:.ll2~ ui th ;r"::::Jll ~ ---, Final. - mIen ch::ve ite.":ls arc cc.':oler;cd ~ arod when de":loli:ior. is ca~Zetc or 8t~~:- ture moved ar.d pr~3es =l-eanci up. A'ooiZe Hemes ::J BZocking a1Ui Set-up ::J Plumbir~ connections sewer and water ::J Electrical. Conr.ection - Blockir4, sat-u= and pZumbing ccr.r.ections nr~st b~ C??r~~c~ before request~r.g electricaL ir.spectio~ ~ Acces:::oI"oi Buitding ---, FinaZ - A.fter p~rcr.es~ ~ etc. are comple;cd. skirting~ decks~ o MASOlmy: Steel location ~ bo1u1 01' vertica ls in U.B.C. Section D FIlJl..L PLU.'.f3I::C AlZ project condition3~ suc~ as the inntalZat:ion of S;l'eet traes, c~~Zction of the required la.nd:;ccpir:g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDIt,'C FI:.rAL can be r,zquestad. ] I] 'iJ ] FIl,'';L Nr~H:'::ICAL \!7j <g) FIUAL BUILDING: The FinaZ BuiZding Inspection must be l'equestcd ~ftcr the Final PZumbi~ EZcctricaZ~ and Mechar.ical- lnspectiorw have been tr'.ade ar.d approv,zd. -.>;,0. _. _..__ , FI",..L ;....:....-.IC,..L bear.:3 ~ grou ;ing accordance wi tit 241S. "A":r. N.1NHCU:S AND CLEANDUTS ![['ST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJL'S'::!2,'."!, TO EE r,~1VE: t.'!' 1.'0 C;:S':' TO CI'!'Y I P::.ge ! of 2 D WGODSTO'lE: Aftel' instaZZation is ccrr:pZet€d. D CURB & APPROACH AP_f!ON: Afte~ forms are crected but prior to pouring con.::l'ete. SIDEWALK!: DRIt'Er"AY: Fol' aU con- crete paving within street l'ight- of-wc.y~ to be made after aU exca- vatina compl-ete & fo~ work & sub- base material. in pZa::!e. , D D PENCE: "?zer. cO:l1plr;te -_ Provide gates or movable sections through P.U,E:. ' D JOB NO~691.s Zcmc: ~e Sq. F~. : ~f lat Cavcr~g~ .~ of Stories :"otaZ Heigh: Topogl'c;hy !':'E.'..' , SQ.F7'C ~:,-:in :ac!:,~ ;'arr.Cl"t -lcMssor:, kQHR TOTAL:. t'ALUE' S.D.C. t l)cI.:Ac) 1.5= Bui.Z.iir:p Permit St.::t,:;. S;L.Ylcn.xrpc Tot.:! Cr.:::zzogcs ::'::....' 1;:",.1 I I I I I :-~:-:...rcs ~esiCzr.ticl [1 bath) .:::r.it=r:'.J Se~'c:' ,.'etc!' , PZ:.c:b-:.r:g Pe~t Stc.~e S;a'cr..:ll'~e Tc-=='!. O.::.'!"ncs ..;-" I :,~'" i ~cs. Sa. f't=. :GW/E=ter~ ~i!"~~its ~~orary SC~Jicc Elc=t!'ical Pe~it St::te Surd...:z......oe Total Cr.n:!'ces -:2.'.: :a>r..;2ce ETU' S =r.aust Hoo.::. ent Fan :Jodsto;.JC Perrr::.t ISSU:mC2 Ha::r..::::r:ic::: I Pcr::-:i t Stcte SW"cncrac Ta~cl Cr..::!!'orc:: E/:Ci-.'::JACHl.:E.'.".[ -:C:-.lM. tu D~,:,:o~i. t ;oraaa ::"11 tencr~r ~~t Tete! C"r.cr.?c." t.""~C".lt :dC'..JaZk 'r.::r. .cctric::! Lc:;..Z 'bile H:;me ':-rit. AN:JU.':: o=::a~~"R G:~"' S5 LCT TY?E Ir.tcricl' Corner Panhandle CUI-tie-sac x ~'aluc I ~"3P. 00. I I /-:::J. CO_?- I 0<5"2 I I J"'3.S2 ,. l~~ cr:).F.C:: ,I ,I ,','C. I E,; c}f,J.RC=. 'I I 1"?Sz . 1 REQ,- L-COC->:r . II J I 1 I II 1 I II II 'T.::DeICor.:;t: r:;e~oo,-;;s : Lot Faces - :n2r!7:J So:~r":l":; /-iO::1: T:J:-c P,L, I"orth El7sr. /South I"c"' Sctnr.;'~:" I HO;,J[;;! Carace Wrot."'!' Hr.~::."''' II'.~cc:;::. I I I Han;,,,: Fircni.acf> WCO:;::;:;OIlC Fees Building Value & Permit This pc~t is granted on the express condition that the s~id.construction shall, in all l'c:;vccts. conform to the Ordinar.cc :::.dor;tcd by the City of Springfield, inc!Ud'i.ng the Zoning C'rdinancc, l'cgulc.ting the ccnst1"".J~ticn and use of buildings,.and m::J.Y be suspended or reuoked at cr.y time upor. vic- Lation of any pravisior.8 of said Ordir~nccs. " I Plan Check Fer:: Cate Paid: Rec~ipt #: ISi~cd: Plumbing Permit I I I I I. No per~on shall construct, instal!, a!;cr or char~e any new C~ c:ic;ir.g pl~Dir~ ~r citainage sys~cn in ~r~Ze or in part, ur.less sucn peraor. i~ tr.~ legal possessor of a vaZid plu~ber's license, exce?: tr~t a pe~son ~a~ co pl~bi~g uork to proper:y uhicn is o~~ed, leased or opcra~ed by the CF?~i- cant. Electrical Permit I I I I , . Where Stete ~ reouires tr~t the electrical work oe done bu an Elc::ric;: Contractcr, the elec=~~ccl por=ior. of =hi3 permit sr~ll r.ot~bc v;tid ur.:il 1;;;~;"J;;Z;/;;~E!?a;;:;r::Zb?7?~ #r/)"yo4--'# , 1 I I I I I I I I , . Mechani~al Permit ~..~ bY~ 'P'"t.XC11I1..nCl' I ,.. 1.-6-&'/ vate I I I. I I I I I I I i I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed app1.icatio11 for permit, and de hereby certify that aU i:-:fo:or.-.ation hereon is tMie ar.d correct, cr.:1 I further certify that any ar.d aU work perfor:ned sit.;;.Zl. be do:-tei:-: aC::Or- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield. and thc L~~3 of tho State of Oreg~rl pCl'tJ.ining to the work described hCY'ein, c:.r:d tr.::t NO OCC:;- PJ.ncy /Ji1.Z be made of any structure without permis~io~ of the 3uiZdir.g Di- vision. I fUl'tr.cY' ccrtif;., that O:11.y contractors a::d c::rpl.:;yecs ""'r.o are ir. c~pliance with CBS 701.05t wilZ be used on this project :Iii?