HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5615 03/02/1992 ;.. " . ORDINANCE NO. 5615 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MID-SPRINGFIELD REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM, CHANGING PORTIONS OF TAX LOT 700, MAP 17-02-31, FROM HEAVY INDUSTRIAL TO LIGHT-MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL, MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL, AND PORTIONS OF TAX LOT 300, MAP 17-02-31, FROM LIGHT-MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL TO MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (JO. NO. 92-01-06). THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable criteria of the Metropolitan Area General Plan, the Springfield Development Code, the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan and applicable state statutes and Statewide Planning Goals. 2. The proposed amendment is necessary to maintain consistency between the designation of this site as it now appears on the Metropolitan Area General Plan diagram and as it appears on the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan diagram. 3. The Springfield Planning proposed amendments on adoption. Commission February 5, conducted a public hearing on the 1992, and unanimously recommended . 4. The Springfield City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed amendments on February 18, 1992. 5. Findings in support of adoption of the proposed amendments to the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan diagram are set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by reference. NOW, THEREFORE, BASED ON THE ABOVE FINDINGS, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The findings set forth above, and the findings contained in Exhibit A attached hereto are adopted, and incorporated by reference. Section 2, The diagram amendments are hereby approved, and the diagram is hereby amended as described in Exhibit B attached hereto. Section 3. If any section or provision of this ordinance is found to be invalid, improperly adopted or adopted without supporting evidence, such findings of invalidity shall not invalidate or otherwise affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. . \ .. ~, Ordinance No. 5615 fl-age 2 . . ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 2nd day of March ,1992, by a vote of ~ in favor and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 2nd day of March , , 1992. ATTEST: ;8,#~~~ Mayor ~w~ Ci ty Recorder li . REVIEWED & APPROVED AS T,\:,ORM - ""'- ~,~ ~ ~ ~ DATE: \~~ ~ Ca . \C\'t<. OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . . . . H E H 0 RAN D U H City of Springfield DATE: February 10, 1992 TO: Springfield Ci ty Council FROM: SUBJECT: The proposed Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan amendments, included in your packet as ordinances, are intended to complete the changes given to this property by the Joint Elected Officials as a Metropolitan Plan Amendment approval in the summer/fall of 1991 (Good Neighbor Care Center, Inc. Jo. No. 90-12-201). The Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) mediated the extent to vhich the Metro Plan Diagram vould be amended, but declined to make recommendations for text changes that ",'ouldlimit the residential development of the site exclusively to affordable housing. The MPC said this vas a matter for the City of Springfield to decide, not Eugene or Lane County. The City Council subsequently directed staff to prepare amendments to the Mid-Springfi~ld Refinement Plan Text to implement affordability policies. On February 5, 1992, the Springfield Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to accept testimony and forward to the City Council a recommendation on Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan amendments intended to implement the recently approved Metro Plan amendment and City Council directives. This hearing included a zone change component to maintain plan-zone consistency by rezoning each nev plan designation vith a corresponding zoning district (Light-Medium Industrial, Medium Density Residential and Community Commercial Districts). The Planning Commission heard testimony from two individuals in support of these amendments and zone changes, and voted unanimously to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council. The Council now must decide whether or not the proposed text amendments achieve the objectives the Council had in mind vhen the Metro Plan amendment was approved last August (Please refer to pages 4 and 5 of the Planning Commission staff report to review proposed policies limiting the residential development of the site to affordable units for elderly and adults). to Ordinance No. 5615 Page 3 Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-I AI TACHMEN'r B M E M 0 RAN DUM City ci Spri~6fie}o De.elopwe~t Serwices De?arlwe~t ."1':" .'.-. ..,. Ja;:uary 16, 1991 70: Sprir.gfield ?lan~ing Ccmmissic~ FROM: Gregory Hott, Pla;:ning Y.ar.ager SU3JECT: Amendments to the Y-id-Springfield ~efinernent Plan Diagram, rext and Concurrent Rezoning - Jourr:al Nu::ber 92-01-06 Issue 7ne amend~ent of the Metropolitan Plan (Good Neighbor Care Center, Inc., Jo. ~o. ?O-12-201) last September for property loca~ed north of ~ain Street, ~etveen :~orth 28th and North 32nd Streets, requires amen~ments to the Mid-Springfield ~efinement Plan in oreer for this document to maintain consiStency ~ith the Metro ?lan. The actions recommended in the attached staff report ~ill effect the ~ecessary changes. Discussion 7he attached staff report references several policies in the Y.etro Plan requiring Plan-refinement plan consistency. There is no question that an amendment to the Metro Plan that results in an inconsistent relationship ~ith an .,=>:isting refinement plan must be corrected by amendment to. that r. efinement plan. It is proposed in the attached application that these amendments include changes to the Refinement Plan diagram and text. The diagram vould be changed to depict identical changes approved for the Metro Plan ciiagrarn. Changes to the text vould include ne~ policies ensuring that the residential component of this site is ~eveloped vith affordable housing units, that these units be occupied by the elderly, and that non-perfor~ance or failure to conform ~ith these policies could ~esult in reversion back to an industrial ciesignation for this site. Findings supporting these amendments are included in the attached staff report and in t~e findings adopting the Y.etro Plan arr:encment for Good Neighbor Care Center, Inc. (A ttachrnent I), Soncurrent re,oning of this property also is required to complete the ?lan ~efinement plan awend~entprocess. The zoning for this property shall be Community Commercial for the south 5 acres! L~iht ~~~ium Industrial for t~e vest :9 acres and Medium Density ~esidential itr tht laSt 35 a~r.s. ~ezoning this ~roperty in accordance ~ith the Plan desi~na!i~ns pr~~ides plan-:one c~~sistency and allo~s development cf the property to pr~~.ed. Find!ngs in support of th€se :hanges in zoning are found in the attached !taff report. Conclusion and Recommendation :"-&I~' . , .' .e.. : eCOmwencs apprc""a_ :z the attached findings! :~r final action. ~f the proposed a~!~drn~nt! anc :cne chan~e!! acopt1on and for~ardi~g this ~Eco~~En~ation to the City Council . Ordinance No. 5615 Page 4 Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-2 Ordlnance No. 5615 Page 5 ' "!O-c:pRINGFIEt.D :.EFI~\L~EN1 PLL.JJ ;~ENDY.El~T, J.J~D . ZOl~t< CE;J~GE, :;; :.-.,,, ~ ~:.;-: ~ . ..... ~,,:' ';;~ c: ::3: J ",,:,,:: '";' "t,': . ;~.: i:~ "::~~: ~... .;~ it.co" ,. "00..' ;;':0, ,.,: . ~c;:'?a: S -:: ',~r3 r.30t1?.!~J.V !\'~MBt.R' 92",:91.-9~..." {:;,.."y," ''''~S..' t::,;:. ~~i.';. (; :;~2~~. :i.:~' ~~~ J :-:!;~: ,.;: i:? L :;.~~;/~!: ::~~~; E~; r.:::~~::,~:;;~ r~~; ~ ~;;; :;:~'.:..','. ~.':. ~,.=~'~.;;F!:.,~. '. Lppll.C......t,' ~~_. :;:';',t ?,;-;5~~ - . '.. \, ,.,.r:; :On' ' _ . - ..... ~{:. :n: ';;:,-;:::; ;..... . ;;, .,. 'H '-: :;::-:-;j;o<::z:'.: .(;,: ....... . " ~". -.- 1;-- City of Springfi eld .. r~.'.~; ; :':.' ::.. ." ~ r''': ;;.::; . .:..: ct-t> . .... '. -. .... .~.: r. ~ ~'r ~~! :"',' :'.' } .S ~ :: ...;.~ ~ I . . '_..... ~,i.. ,~ ~ '" .. -.i' _ _ . ~... . . ''''!. ':' J ::.:, :: -; " .. c : ...,.. . . . .'. ..' .' _~_ \. .~_ ~.: :~ ~~ ;..::' .) :..' '~';.lo., ~ .~,; S::~' 0:"'.:';:;. -. -, . _~ _ ".. . '-, .-;,. . .- .-:" .~. " :; :; 1:. : ,;.:: l,) .. '" ::. '. .< ,; :: . . . .. ~ '. :;;. :: ': ::": ::' : ~,c:i: f';': ~":::::':;"'.:';': -" _. .. co:" "~_:; .c:::)";~.'-,:..:,:: :~'''::.i_;:;'~' ' .. ,':,;:. i',,:"-';o . .:.. _..."_.,,__ ~ ,. d, ~ '. .,::'::~;":'3':. ;:. .' .' . ' '. ..;._ :.... ._.,_.".., "2 .. ,. ' , .....;'. ._ . A~end the. r.idc~p.!-i;'gfleld:'?eflile"ent" na? Dlair:~m~.nd ;'Te~i:toconform .:~1th'a:": ::ecent amendment.. .to. the Xetropoli tan)' Area G.e~Erar ...?la~ Diagram.'.;~for property; ;.;:: located on~'the~north side'of".~aincStreef'be't'''''een Nor:th::2S-ih' Street and'North;'32nd:'~::'-. Street - :';.ssesso.r:~s Jo:ap' .i7-02;.31> Tax"Lots.'~ 300_and.~:)60~ ::)he;~joint'elected"":" officials 'ot' Spri~gfi.eld, Euge:'le~'a:;d Lane' Cou:ntY,:.in acc?rA~.~e.c:-,i th~the' cri terfa~ '5 :";'; of Sec t i on,7 . 06~?< 2) (e:- 0) . 0 L t he ~ F = ing fi eld' Dev e lopm"n,i,,: <;od e '(:. P proved. Ii' ohange "..; of the Yoe'tro' Pl~~.cDiagram designaiion::of;'this'''prope'r"tYfro'm Heavy Indus"trial,'and..'.:":' !..ight Y.ed'iumlnaustrial to Communi ty Commercial, Light Medium Industrial an~ . :-:edium Densi ty Reside:;::al (,journal 90-12-20,1,..: G,9od,.. ~~eighb,ot;:i.Car~ -Center ~.: lric:; r:c< c' h:-:: ,; ?pli can t) ,.~; T~e: Refi~..ent' Plan 'Olagram"' must: be:,.changed~ t.~ a,be conSls i en t :vi t~:; z, '.~':':; Lie Metro..,.. "'~c.::'..a::c:r,Gwents,::: and the"property must"b~: ~'I:~zoned: to',) Communi ty' :' " "_... r:--:Ii:uercial', 'Li~h~ ~~'?dium'!:lc:h:st:-:al and;Medium Density'Re"sidenti'al'Oistricts.' "', ,::";, . . _. . - . " .... . , . . - . .. '.:-:': . ".J'c ) .:........... . ~ <_,":-,:,::. ';,:<:.:':, ".' c..;.... " ,.. In aadi tion. to,. the -diagram amen~':"~:5 and rezoning';' ne",: polidesmust be added to ~ ",.:':; .the text o~~the ~efi1?ement, plan tnat :;~dfy c~rta.in' development requiremen'ts for' ,,,., hat portion of the property desig~ated .~~C :~~ed for medium density residential ~se. These development requirements s~a2~<en~~:e tr.at .the pr~perty is developed: '~'i th afford~ble. housing, that.. the occupa.ncy'o~ the(:i:.,..;:.l:";,m~ntis;. by the. elderly;- " and that the.;residentialdesignationofthepropertY'st..i:l:-e re-evaluatedd1:~':" perl001C i~~iev if substantial progress to~ards developrnen~, ~~ =~_ the applicant during the Metro Plan amendment proses~~.has nOt~b~E::' " .' " .. . :::: ..:-...). . . . .'. .' . ,. : ~::. ....: .. '.;' Criteria f~'r~Ap~r~:val':::' Refin.eme.nt PlailAmendment : .,... -,. . .. _ . ~:". . -".: ... :< '" ':::. ..' :....,;. '.,. ..' ; '.::.: t'i:,', .. . ,'. '. Section a.03p(l"::1)of the ~Springfield Development'~<?de. (SOC);' in: order to 'app'r,ove refinement "plan., amendmentS,.. :b~q\.!ire~' ,adoption of findings. :'~'hich demonstrate conforn:ance ~o the follo"'irig;c~.~'~t~r.~a:":..; ",' ..._" ,..._ _.... '.' ... . ~ :.. ", :,. .- '. .....:-~::.: ~, '.. . f _ _ .;- --. ~ ~~ ,..,. ~. ~~ :;,; :. . _, :..J):" ..~. :.. (1) The HetroPlanp.: . ;:;":';~'~,::) _:; ri:\, : . "'__' Request j " :, '.. . _. ~..' (2) Applioable State .sta.tut.~.;, ... 0;.' r i:' i:: '.' .,., .: ,. ,co;, :<::~. .:. ,.,;:;': '; 'C' :-" ": C' ;',~: . 2 1 .:: .-:-- I, .,' ,!. -, _.. : _. ' ~ _ , ., ... ".; ., ~ f ,: ': ': :: .: s _' ~ " ,. " '" _ , (3) Ap'p'1i~able S'tate-,,;fde-' Plinnl1g Goari ~~d "A<imin'istra tiveRules. ~ . .' , . .....~-" "':''''~:'i::,:~;::.jt C. ::.!:..~:,~:.:~;,~ '.. RESPONSE to"" Cri t erfa? (1):;-:..: co~fC'r~ance: ~;i~'}r t'h~. ~l1et1:C;: 'p'i.~an;I J.",:~~,: >.:' ".:::: '-:, [' .- ";;';~.,:'::,! ;:.,:.' i:.c:){~,,,, :.<r ,,::: ',J i, . ..:.', .......~. . . . _ . :-he relationShip bet-.'een rdi::'€w€nt plans and., th~<.M~.troi, PlaIiis identHied on ;-abes' I-4 a;)d I~5:;of'Chapt~i';I"cfthe:.M~.tr.o rran/~ .ard,;.on :pages\:IV..;3through -IV-6 .- Chapter" IV of the Metro ?lan.';T~~'i~ii~~i~~ ~jt~tions from these pages apply 4Ifeclflcally to these proposed ..endmentsto the Xid-S;~l~~:::;,~,i~fi~e~~~~ ?lan, Pabe 1 }l,id-Sprlri~:iEld REfih~'~~~~: ~i~n Amendment Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-3 Ordinance No. 5615 Page 6 . . . - .. . ": ":";.-7.,.;;.j~;~_' '_: ~ ~~'~ <::'~ l:-../)'~ .~ 2 ~ c r.:~ .'~. .--_' .--,-;'~.-",_._-" r"-f': 7'~l:~:~_<':.,~:'~~,2_~:,.'~ "#..,--:.-~ --- "The' 'egree to \.;h~ch':the Cener'al'Plan provides s~fficient oetail to meet the . needs of each' j ~risdi c t ion "'i ll:l?a.\'~ S~o ;:J~~~_c~ t,ermirie'd b)' the respec t h'e 1urisdictions;'andvhere ionflic~j iiist among the General Plan, refinement ~lans and existing zoning, each jurisdiction viil haye to establish its c~n .~-~ J~;: schedule for bringing the zoning and refinement plans into conforI:ance \,'i th J.. '''''' ..~~ the General Plan." (D. Use of the Plan, pg 1-4) _ .'_ ~L~ll i~~'~:0 ~~};J "~here the Metropolitan Area General Plan is the basic guiding land use pQlicy document, it is no the only such document. . As indicated in the :Z~0~ Purpose section above (No.8), the General Plan is a frame"'o~k plan, ~n~:,~t_.,.: . ~..._ . is i...?oItant. that. it be siJpplel:eTlt.ed. by- more' ce.ta.i1ed: refinerrlent: plans, -~;.;~ ,,:r._ - _ .".~. . ?efi~e;r,en ts to:' 'the: ~e tr~p':6li tan' ~l~n:r~~ri- i~c) ude: . _~ ; 3): nei ghborhoo~ plani',or:~~ .,: ;:~:~ ~.: sped~l:. are~ studies'; tna~- idar'ess~~'those i,s'su~s:: _th~'t:. are._ uniq~e .to a: spedf~t-..... '~': .:;,'-,.'-:~ geographi~ab:'area. ~':ceIn ,'. ..all~as.es',:.' 'the !{.et_~_opoli ~an: ,Plan.. is ~~e guid'ing .'.-.;~'. ~::.~ document, L (.and.:- refinement i,"plans';:' and polides!:I:lust_. be consistent.: ;;,;,ith'~';, the ':" ;-: -, ',': ~etr'opoi.~tan ,~?lari; 2.' Shourd"inconsfStericre-s~> occur j :the". Me tropoli'tan) P:~:~n\ is:: c''': :~i:~::-. :': .... the .~ prevailing':: policy:" docum~~.t..n:": ':(i;.~ : P:~l~!i'C?r.~nip:: to' Other' ?la!is; 'rnd><:., r.:,;: 1.: .:; -._' - ,. . I -) "'l'" 1.... .\ >~ ,..;t.. '" .~ - '...... ~. ,'" . 1 } .' ~ _ . _'" :-0 'c~ec::" pg' -~ _ '('y:. ,-.."~,' __:c__ _"_-' - .'.~__'.:.~.,.. ,."'- .,....; -- :-,. - , .. ;~) S~! . (';::'J 1. .. 1. :.." .":,,, '; .... . t,'> - _::; _ ; ',~ :: ~ .: '.::' (:,; 2; ';':0: i?t: ,;,:l ~ ('.~.:~ Thisdolt~~~~~, )~~t :reciproca]r'r'ela'ti~ns'h'iI)~bet'~'een._th~,))1etro '.Plan':, and:: tefifi-elp~n~~ :': ~ J.:':'~-." plans gra~}~,staI)ding;to eds ti'ng.' 'a:n('proposed. re,finernent ;.plans pro"'ided.they':are;~ '.~ :':', , .... :'.'~ -. consistent,A..e~; eXisting'Yefiriernentplans',mus(be;.changed as.the'Metro Plan'is~.' ....c.. . arnended/up:"dated,:<andproposedrefinernent plans' must be consistent vi th the Metro. _ ;.,~, ?lan or, ,;here inconsistencies exist, in.clude,amendments to the'Metro,Plan as an"': ,,-. element' of their: adoption.~ - This e>:act proces'r 15' found in Chapter IV, page IV-3' ;' , and reads~;:~ :,~~,~l;~~,~::~ :.;, >,~ ~.::.~: ":;:.:'; -{:::: : _,~: . . '~ ,- .".' " _ . -.: _ ~... ,.':._ ::,: :. -.:, .~" : -'. ", .,.. II. . . ~, ~h~, _l1~Ct';~p'oli tan' Plan provi des for" the' follo;:;iiig pr~cess . to :-ensure: tha t: : '.'~. ," refineinent:.,: plans,;'i and. ." regula torlmeasures, are: consisten t :. vi th' the ;~.:: - - l'1etro?'oli tan: Plan:".'''- ,<;:., . . ,_ ,i'f'\ r . ; . ..' ~, . ~', .'- 1. A draft ~f the refinement'plan'.'or regula tory measure is for'l.'arded to the other jurisdictions by the ini dating , jurisdiction~ .' The ,'. plarmirig : . cirectors of the other jurisdictions-' shall revie", the plan. or measure '. for consistency 'Id th the Y.e tropolitan , Plan. : If one or. more of .: 'the' .,. . -, .- plan~}!'lg G~iir~ctors finas,the.draft':"Rlano'r m~asur'e to~beinconsist'ent ;,.'.,..-', .~.itp>.th~,.:.!''.etropoli tan Plan ~ he or: she'~'shalr.develop . findings 10 tha t : :~:'.' . effect and shall for;.'ard' comments to the pfanni-ng .commission of the ini tiating jurisdiction regarding necessary changes to ,n;akethe' t\'o'. - : documents COnsistent. 2. . - -~' . . . ,'~ .:~. . ~'. _! .'I~: ~ .... t.' ~... ~~.,:\... ".:.~ 'I r ~tq::';:::. ;.. ,;.} The planning commission of the initiating ~ur~~di~t~~~'shall consider .' the proposed measure at a pU,b~i,c ch~,a~,i,ng.._\ ,T),,::,p~a~rdng: cor.;lT:iHionsma)':~t-- (t) _~~::f:'!. ~t-..~l::D:Jc'~~:.ri1'... "'< ..L,~~..- .....!.~'";.~':~ .-.."" ..... ,'~ _ '.' .,,',." " ~, a. . RHomrnendto itsgoverring ,bod:.'. a.?,=.p~ipn.of.' t.h.e.. proposed~lile~~ure:,:;;;2 '~'i th findings that tt::is'. c'cih's'fst€n't '..;nh -the Metropoli tan Plan; or . . . " _ '-~, . ." v . :' '" :t ~:: .::' .:: ~ ".~ :: :-: :: ~' ; ~~ - .~. -~ .. :-,: .'. ~e~<?jjjl?l:n,d: t Q f. 1t 5', ':: gove'~n i rig:; brQ~:"_ ~ 'i~~ ~ c,t he~ l':e t ~ ~"oli t an: Plan 0: be ," ~,~ " . , . :-~',arn~nded.~to)~conforlil..;::.ro ;the)cpropose~ ';i;~~.'hir~';-or' . . r:"" :;-,. j, '.': :~'I~:..c':'; --' ' .' -" <0' ~.' '~':1::! r::,) , '.: ;.,;:~: ,k, ;:'~;) ;:~ ;~ >'-;~:} ';:~ ;' :;.> _ ;_'~ - ~ -,.J:;" \2," ~ r.:o. J ::::: ,f >.::.:. . ~;'::,_~~'~_ j;':_0-:~':.;'~',:: .. b[.;~t:~2.. - _ Page 2 ~id-Springfield Rejinem~nJ;?lan.A~endment~ " ~..---::.~<'~':':;'.1...:;. -, ~-:(~L":, }(;:2-::i,:;'..;. ~;. ..'"'" ;".. '.-- Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-4 . t'~ ~~ :~ ;. { }: \ '",' .,.: .".( :~ '"'1' ;; ~1 ' Ordinance No. 5615 Page 7 3. . . ""'7~,?",.~._,~~ .~.'r-.:;'., ::,~;::-:.r-.-.:.. ....- (~) tr1$3t:) ~..; 3:C.;.<l.:-S.:~::"r'~' c 0 Reco:tlLe~d to its so'''erning'~ boCdyZthif -n;e "proposed 'IT,eas~r.e :.e a:::enoed . _ :.:~qL~,-" . pr;or to acoption to Ir.ake rt,consi_s_tent,..;"::ithf..tl!e_t"eat'r9H~an"PJal."l.h\~t 2,~: .;,~; f~:,' ;;:;:;~; C.~~~~;":r~:~~':, ~ :~!.~:~ ;~~~; ~~~~i:~'~ !m:~~~;j~'=:~~~" ~~I; c;~f;:;f: d".~' 'Recomrnenl to;i ts~ g'oVernfng::o'o'di ;thif t.~e:-'pr:Qp,o~a.!3 b.~$~~nj~.9_~:'- :2~;- . ~.::;::. h:iT'~:;,: s.~ -.. s: : .., =..;: -:: -:'j ._] 1": ,,, : ~ 1 ~.,~",;..J ~: ~ ':' ,,:': ~,'-',~. _::: : .,; ~~:~,~. :9h~! !.:)!'1,~ r.): fr': ,~. .":,,: ',:; -;:;":';'~:: :-',i,;;j :: rne ; 'goveF;'ling'~ bod":?;!, shall" 'tqpX~d~r;: "the ~~~~~Q~'~d::;~~~s.u..r~.. a ~;r,~J p~bli.c .L~:':TJ 1::: '; hearing. The decision by 'tne' go\;eiriing body to adopt the proposed _",' ... measure _ sl1all be accoltpanied ,,-by, .~up~o+,~.i,ng"\,find.ingsu,f ~~.~J:;.addressing ::::,y~;:::-: the consis'tenc'y 'of;the propo'sid "measure '-.;CHli "the l1etropoli tan~nan .:,,; ~::,. :. --: :.:.:,~:':~;=: . :........ - :;ecause ~he ~~.tr,o, ~;an. ya~ a::.enceA .~.~ler r.'.i ~~e a~~?!!~!1:~f,:' ,t.~.e; :~:.c7'_S~:insf: e:d '. -::.'; :',". ~::~': :.efinement.. . Plan,"'ana..because the, Y.u.I:.Q _~la!l.ls, the "pre,'al hnR P.o):cY:: .cocument I,.:. '.._ ~:._ the refinement' -pla~:~~~~' ~e ,am'encf~d7 .J:o..,i'eflect try~:.~~al!g~J~: ~~.~,e; Y.~~ro;?1an.< J ...'.' .,;. ::;:~:;: '.::;'~::'... ':":'-. ..~~:, ",',':' .,:: '''.:.~:.~:,:_,,, ~( :;~L ;::-.,7"C: i::, :iC:~ C.;.~ C'."':':".;:)!:. "The ':':~~!r~p'~1.i t'an ~ ..?l~n .."is,'., :,~:; ;,~~~i~~~gf-~' pup~i~:;"P?_i{c~.~;,.. d~curnen.t " ~vhich: ',: ;-,;,;::::[". ~ . establishes "the' bread' ~ frame'';;ork ,upon~i c....hlCh:~Eugene, "Spl".l:ngfleld: and -; :Lan~: -:::.;. :::,,-.: -: Coun !y'"'ma_~~.~<'~()o~~ ~l!a ~ ~4 'la'~d~ ,'us.~: d~~i ~ ~6~~ ,:,1. :}~h ~ f<~11:7:;.me t x:.opoli t~, Plan' i ~.: ":".: .:. the -basic':'guidlng' .la:")d use;;;-P9.l17~ .,~~~u~~~t~'J:,l.tLl~""; n.ot;;.thelon~y.Lsucn ::.:.::'~:'-J document; it can be augmented and lmplemented by more detalled reflnement ., ' plans.;. and, ..~~g~+a~9ry ~ llieasur.~s'!70:.A~ls ;~~;!l.e!D~nt:~,., p~ans :.:al}d;>:regula,tory.-':. _ '. measures:~ must 'be',consistent.,.,\.'ith. .the l1etropolitan..:Planr._'-and: should-:". -'.':' inconsi~~encies "o'ccu'r,:' the. .l~etropoli ta!.l' 'P.1~n:., :is. .....the pre','ailingpolicy.' ..'.., docu~~~ t; ~;.:(~ ~< ~~an.Ref;nement ,:pg.., IY:,~) ,:: " ,'_.' _.: ~'_. ':- ""." ......:.--'" ..-.... .'- ...... ," -.-,'.- ,',. " ,:".:."",,!::;:c;::,~: _::'.:....'.::. ... . "8. <. Ref~neli:ei'lt< a'n( ~ furi~tional P~~l}s~', ~~.~Ji b~~.: co~sist~ent ::\'i th'. direction"- established' by the Y.etropoli tan Plan and include findings recognizing this. consistency." (30 Plan Refinement - Policies, pg IV-6) "'<;'''' . . I-;:~:'':f. .... ';...~~:.~_.,' ~",iJ... .... .~._ '. ' , "9. Refinement and functional' plans " shall be consistent ,,'i th goals, objectives, and, policies .of the.~etropolit,a~:"'plano}'.,(ibid~) ,. ,'.... . '. ::) ,:' .', . ", : ~ ',: .. . - :... :~-':. " c' ..::~ ""il':, ~;- '} .~.~. ;." '." ,.<; :.,.: ::: : .:",~ '"' . ,f.: .:.::, i: . "lei.' :' ~oca~;' imp~~m~nting.~ordiij~nc'~-~' ,S9~11:' provid~ a',process :,for _ zoning' lands. in 'confobnance,:vi,th.' th.e.: Me~i-opoli:tanJ "Plan, . using, clear: and:.:.6bj ec ti ve< s tan:d~~'.r :~~ ~ ;', ~ \~~~~Lr: :.-: ::, ;:;;_'~.';.. .;'. i.,' ,_c ~:'::;. -.>. ~:~. ':,:"~' ,.'~' ,: .... ,', ''-.:.': : '. : .,.' :.'. ......:..'i . ";.,'.' ,c:(: :)'; " :':,': .... ,~.;~: ".... ....:~. . . - ,r - --, - ~ -, - .- _ ___ -, ~. .y; _..-~ .~:. ~ u~' :';:, ~~.. _ ':. ... " ~ne up-sh~ot'~' or' :' aii ~.~ of :~ these.':' poi.i ci~'~~<c:~n~~rning .,' plan. ,"_.. refinemeri t' plan relationshipsc.~ is tha(anamendment"cto the,. Metro, Plan,.found: to: be:dn conforman'ce: ..:i th the :pl'an:1amendme'nt 'p'~ocedui.~~i~n~:Lci~ie_r.i:a,;.automatically;:confersc.an:)equa1l1 ., - ...,.' found amendment of the applicable refinement plan, regardless of the content or subject of the particular amendment and not",d thstanding e>:iStiiig..r~~(ijEmen~t:.:'piah'~ .:,~~~,</::~, . ;,olicies ,,'hich n:ay appear .0 be intended !r:-! ".;r:.r: tjiffe'rent' objectives. You ........, simply c,annot have a, Y.e.tro Plan,amenQment ,that' i~ .slJbs.;rvient2 to~or:)incoiisist'ent:.,r' 'd th a (efi'~~pep~( ~';;i~.~:ri:.~: ':rhe'),~!r;~'O?'t':.; :.,~('p~int: :,deterr.ifn€s".~i; "then co19l'"""of1 ." the:';! hou:.e and~, :~-; y.~.~t~' :rra1 ~~~Hc,a\~/.C:1E~!ldmen.t;J.~.: .the:las t' ',COe hof;; pain r; ~n:~ ~riE, .;>:.~ ~\ing ~ ~ _ :'eflneme?~t~ ,~~:~!l3':~~,,:, r:~:_:~ ',<r:';':,,-',i, (,;~~- ~~:o ~.~~.;':,: ;::::,~.: ,,:::::::.:::: .:'.:':)::';::~,~ i)'"''v''~':;'.''' '_' <,.~ ::1 add i q o'n.to 'the' 'f.cil:egcf:-:;'o: .'t he" .f ind ir.gs,ad"o,t.;1 'bo;. i the e le-c t ~di -- 'c'ff ~ ci 2,15 in;' .. ,-' ,.. ,-:;. -:!. .'"fl ,"~ '. .":- <:\'''')' . "'- ',-.. /_ -:'.< _) _ ~ " .. ..r ~.. _ , nea a~:~:o",~::.tp_:~P.P.~:,O\;) tl'i~: r~:Jroi; rfa,!l :.a.lii~noli.~nt :.of Goc.d Neighbo'r?":Care'>Ceiner,c" . :lC. ,ar,:'~:"~co:rppr.a,red, ::.In :t.~i s ~Ja.ff~ l~.eppr-~t; JAJtach:nent d) : as addS t i ona1' fi hdings' . emons t ra~ ~~lf~g: ~~on.~~Ol'~.a~ce: ;:.~i.t.h.t?i :s:,.~~f.in.~J1i~.nJ ,plan amendmernc: endth~ ~e fro: Plan.;" . . 't . ;'. -.' Page 3 Y.id-Sj.)I}:;gfieJ9~Refineli.ent Plan ',L.Ii:EnciJt:en't _ ~,~.~, Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-5 Ordinance No. 5615 Page 8 ?.ESPONSE to Cr iter i.a (2) - h?pli ca 1?l~e ~ S_ta t e. ~s.t ~ ty~~s_ _ ; ~., ,. - or,,' e. '{ ~: fJ,€, ::;:--';;' ~i ",:,<i _ ''<- .' ~:.:~~'7.~".'::r:=::'=:~:~ ~~~o~;~~::. ~~: ,:,~.:';j~(i~";~' ~:i:.:;',~;",~o):.,~' <i 0:' ';,)h'J ~ CRS 197 r~quHes-'an-acknc_'leoged'colT:prehenSl\'e plan. Ack.T'jo'..'l~og1!;ent cannot ~):lst ~ithoui plan policies thit address each applicable State-vide goal and.~itho~tan. a:nendtrlent process, that. a+lo-'s cha.ng~~ i,~ c.i~~u~~t}.,~~,~., ",.or. p.\J.blic poHcy_, JO be, -' j - ~ ..... - -,. -~. 1 ' ..", , :":< '" 1 :r. ", ' . .-, .. . ~., . . _ '. .. realized. The Hetto'": Pla.," amendment- '~'as fo"undtcf be' c'on'sisteri"t ;,'fth. the cri teria . :or amenGlllent, ."hich includes consistency ....'i ~,~ .S.t.a)e~'..'.id~e:~ g02,1s, ,and<the,.~estof,.. . .. _ ... _ _. - " -. - '.. "'""" .. ., . ~::), J- - r> _' " "'.... .. . _ . . ~. _.' -", ~...... ... ~.. . ~ "- internal consistency' \.'nh~ other-elements :.'of the'Plin'.~'J:"":~~~. ,-::., ~ : F'. >,~. 'J :',:2::-:~,:~ ').~,j >~,):::'3 0; \,,:,>:: :~.-:,:]':{:g. :?f;; ,Y: . i'~'~ >~~: .~ <'~""o.- ':;'~:,';,::",... RESPONSE; . to';~ C'dte<rr~: .: (3P::~::' iJt.pp~i.~.a~:~:e 2:.'~t_a'~'~~~~~i;de~: :~Pl:am1i'ni.:':-Go-al~:~.~, Yri'd.' .~drninistrati\'eRules'.:";'::l.':q('-:J~'-. ~,:,j ;:"~. :L',:,,~'">''' ;.j:e,~.-,.._'_~ "'.. ..- v'" ...-.... '-''' :.. . . - ,.. - .. - ,- '"".. '-- ,.., . ",' , '" _. _ - '_ - . _:. ~ .- _1 .; ... W' ~ ~ :Q, l', ~ ~ -. ,-' -. -.. .~: ... " ;,'. r:"., :- ":" .:. >:'. ,r. ;~: :' ';', ?: ~~ .S :. ~'~ : :indings :.. ....hi ch:>delTi'oh.s t'ra-te. :.: cornp~~ ?-nc.~ "'~:~ th, .~ Sti.te.-::....iq~;. ?~anr.ing :~Gc-al~ .:an~ ;',1.::: ~i ::, ;;. .;dministra th'e:-' Rules ':ajiplfcable: to. this': . amendment " (Hea\--y --and ''-Ught,:~ .Hedi urn ., "'~ ,'.' ~ndustrial to coinin\irifty~ Co'mmerdal ;":Ligih'- ~ediun; :In'c'ustI-fa.-l"and y.ediurn ~'Densi 1:Y"'" - '. ;esidential) .are found on pages l-ll.of Attac~m~n..t. f 1._ OJ....~ ~60, ....'~ichspeci~ies"o~<.i" procedures >- for ,post-' ackno~ledgmen't;. re~~ie....F,r~quiie's ari{eJ}dTlie.nt's' ::ind:.:olher' - cl'langes':'; .;. :0 comprehensive', praris:7~.:t'oO :-cbe consi~~ent:'vith?St:aiJe:.:X;~~e -gQals:and='to, pro\;ige:,,',.::: . ::otice and hea'r'ings .:: '.The' :findingsr con'tained:: in: Att'achrr/ent~I, and ~.tfie ;Affida'~'i't '. of'; ,':': _ Service include'di\.tith:.:tni'sl rep'ort addr~ss:-tnis ciiie'ria~~:,.:'.~:':" . i;"=:;~':' ....;,. -c';, : "':::: '. .~ c~, ::.. ;:< ! 3. ;';:, b :: '.~ :-, ;:' ~ : '" .;;,,;: 0' ~~ ;i'.: ::.:: :', ,. ~< ~.':.""'~: '~'. ' : " :"::,: '.' .' , :,:. t., e;.-' .;: ;ased on the'foregoirig..:Metro~ 'Plan';'d'ta dons andc the' fi'ndirig~ in' A t'tachment ',:C . the':.: redesignation of..Tax:;;Lo'ts300~' and: 709, '~~~se~so~:~~'Maf,~17:::02~~t, fiom.,.}ieavY ::,',' IndustriaL ,:and: Light. Medium : Industrial~ as" they: appear- oI:l the.' Y.id~Springfield,:, . ?efinement Plan Diagram, to Community Commerdalj::Light' Mediurr;Inoustrial' and" :-:edium Density Residential t is hereby. found.. t~~e ..' ,necessary to. .maintain:'; ::onSistency:: ....ith the Metropolitan' Area General ?lal'l ~ia:gram,design'ation for~ this., ':.' "'._ropertv.:.: -.... --..., ,.... .., ,.., ,.-' '" " .- . '," . ~ .!..mendments to the Mid-Springfield Refinement P.l~ Te:~.: ~: . . :.. ..... .:~: :.~ :~:~: ":::...:. _' ....i, ':, __ "_' _ , . .'. . 7ne amendment' to the' Mid";'Sprfngfield Refinement': Plan (Refinement Plan) iI)c1udes :he addi tion of neV1 policies intended to ens~re that the ,residen_ti,.al~ ,development c,r the Medium Densi ty -Residential (MDRr-; 'portion, of-: the, siteis'colls'isten'( ~tith.. . :he repre~enta t~ons' madel.. by the .' applicant''(Good:; :'i~eighboi: Car~' ~_~er1t~r~. . In'c..> : '.,' . curing the Mei'ro Plan amendment hearings. These policies addres's" 'the issues' "elf'" . affordabilitYt occupancy and re-evaluation of the residential designation during,_. ." ;:-eriodi c, revi e",:-.i:f .:~l substantial. progr'ess"','C'Cms'i s tera':: vi d{ :;'the firs't' 't",'o,issues.: .; .r., , ~ :dentifi,ed:;::in:this ,--,sentence,'has not be~en,::'inade: ?Spe'Cific:~1)Yt'_the..folli"'.i:ng-:' . ),c, policies, ~!!!~ p~oP9sed;:: for: i~Clusion in ,the .Refinein'e!'lJ::Plah-::):):\'~ . .:' ~ ~.: :,-." ~,.-:..." :: . ~ ~- ~ ~ . ,- a. ..~.,' ' .' . ,. ... ... -' .- ;~ l q j' ,~~::.-r F~ '~;- t~ ,r :~ :;j ~- .;?;~ Cl .....:'.._., ~'i','" ::,', "'~" ~-~ (:_'. .:.'...... .r..... ~....~' .-..... .1-.~.,;. '0...... _,: .~.'. ._.....,. ....:: '._". ~:. '. ;" '.'...:.' .~~.: .~, ...." ,~ -._ ;:.. 1'(:",]". ::;. :::: :;:-:; ?:'),;,.::. "';.'.:;"','" .,..',__ r,,-,. .,..... . _ _. _'. _ ___ ,". .- :'-LSIDENTIAL,DEVELOPMENT POLICIES ;;;..,.:.;:<>:~".,~.~ ~"}:,." ';':,::".; ",-;" r::d:,~'[ :;:"..::' /'1c':'" :'\Ci'/:~1':r.":,rt:-...~0 ';'n2::~~:.'~ ~~,"'. '.'~"'~" '~'-~":'. ~~':.." _ _',~'_.- .', ", -. '-.< _ :: ""r.--~.."''''''' 11. The~j~p~~ ~h;;".~~~~h: of; Y.ain t:: be~'..~~.en' .N_o~~t.h :2~'th~'i~,?~ NOlSh ~'3-~r:~:l.tr~Je:t~.,iBi~,i~:-" .:.. r-j:.;j,')';:' . be ,developed,"""l th:;.aIfordablehouSlng. 'un:HS. . ,The rent for tneseunl ts lS, not..... ""," ,:~- c'. to: 'e>:ceed.,jO: per~en.t'I:: of: the med i'an ." lo~''- rn'coine"'~ b n.mi'1'y' :fric'oir:~:?f'<;:rt h~e"':'arei.~ ," _, ~. ~:;.~.~~. as ("'d~t'er:min~d '''by the Secretar:: of B~\lSing and U~'ban De\'eloprr.eriY"! {n""':-'" accordance ",'i th the Afforcable :1ousing .~ctl)f. _ 19?(\~ '..:hich provides "that: ". .- ItThe~ 't el.m~, ,'10\.'- income:. fami 1 i ES"' ;.llieans" -1 o.,":-~i'ri;:'(.m~ '{'ami :fi es:' ..~.r;os'e: ~ih'comes~ '.'d"o -~ .. ',. .' -,' . not'". exceed:. 80) pe~~~~t::of the: median' income (fo'~.~ the' 'a'i.eaC.: ~s":d'il?e~'rrr;fne(CbY:-'" "C ",.: .>. .~.l._- ',""" '" 1-'- '.' . _ ~".., :::.:.._...~., ..._~_.: :,;'_~:' .<-:.......J~..'>..:,.; i..;,.'.l,;:';" the:...,~:sec.r~~ar. y.",Y~.th)adju.'s ~ Ii,en~s, for. ;~lt~l~~r:,~n? la}.~.e:r Ja,iT!i 1.A)e~: !',.',~.):c:'~P} :,} P!~~,,: :; r <"::,: ::. the, :.>,~e~re~~r)'ma)' ,establlsh:'lncome .cElbngs. hrgher"C'l" -lo'..er 't~an 80 percent ?a&e 4 ~i ~.: f-n i!')gf i e 1d':::d i nE::le'~ t<?l~a'n:' :':'~~!e;.,ci'rr:e':-lt .~, ... ~~ :'~ :'; :-: : Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-6 .. . ;;, JlA .~ ~.;. ,,' ,'j' J1; , Oroinance No. 5615 Page 9 . li. of the median for. the area. on the ba~i~., cf~ !h~. S.e_cr.etarYc',s_ ;in,~ing~,:~har~ ::::<::::1.:': .., ~uchv~ifa tiohs; ar"e"':. necei'~ir;?be~i\lse:) of prh;aHitlt re\~els: of:const ~\.1ct i c.n. ~:,.~."';_~,: ~ost 'owr, firF'lta~k'e?f'r~%tti~'or'~~-~~~u~}ir)0:-'::.9~~'.,hig~~fi~i1y~?~,~~~~~~~~; -. - ,~::; ~- ." ~.; $:;i} ,d~::'j:-::-: ,; 1 ;,~' ;}:t:-:{I.i,.4 ~5~~t?D .:::3~::'.,;. ,: ;; ~~<<:..; ... - '" -:; . '~:;....y~, -t<-- ..... -,,,....,l ..>:.1-._J j..~.." ''1 -... ..,. -. . '. _ n '.. . '". ,.~".1:~?-~:: '",=}..:.f/E~"~..'''::,,~ :t.;i:.>.~ Residential. uses on this ~D? si te ....i11 be further- - limi ted to housing.. qualifying' as housing for olGer perso::s unde_r..-;...th.~ .~~?~'_.f:IDend.rn:nr~:,-.t~ '.~he ,d:,o' ;.-:::, Federal Fair Housing Act, and insofar as authorued oy the 1988 :alt Eouslng . ... Amendments and other applicable l~~.,:}ur!h:.ro}i~~it,~d;;,:~~.o::.gc.~,~p~n'cy:;. .!?ys~duJ ts .;.' _'; To provide for,g.~~a~~.~ \c,omp~.tib.ili ty. . bet'..'een ne'~,re.si~~!1.tial:.':lses._.:.,-al"ld: .the:. :,:; e>:isting industrial'~ occ"J?a.~'C)' ' of !\esfe' Resins on North 28th Street ,:10 '.' residential unit shall b.e .located .,..d,thin,~_l;20 ",.feet of:~.any~ poi.n.t on the:. ~.~: ";. curre'nt'bounqary-:'of' t~e.'i~es~~e,?lan(,sife'...:' --~ '_,-",. ~;i' ,=,.,'<1':,.:: ;c, ;::,::,"~:_.,.;', :' ,: . , .'. .? :~" .: :' 1 J. (>~ .::0 .': .;;-.; ,. ,- .,~: ~ ~.' j ,'.' :: .,: : ~.~ - :. . -, '._ _ ;; , 'l',~;; ::. -", .; .. = :>'L ". .:, The 'MDR'''designa tion:'of :t'hfs:~':~site';,sh'all B'e. suOj,ect. ': io, re7,~~'~1_ua ti on during: .,'.~' ;J ..,' periodic:-fevie~ :'unless; the'~foUo""ingdrcu'listince~ 'are;~o~~.d. ~o:,exis.t:: .:: '. : .' :.,.::': a. .: ~~~~i ~n; i f ~~ :~ p~~i:;t s 'Jt~ .~~.~~.d e ;'o~;ih~ ; p ~g j ~ ~ ~ ~~dt" '~;;~ 9p~~j ~ t ;~~ i;, : j,:2 built' and operated conforms -"substiniially--'to--the"-'repr-es'enTatio.ns.. " concerning . affo;da~n.ity_c:ade by the ,..applic;~tLd:u.ring~:,t,he' Me.tro~ Pla,n::. :::~':;i. :~::-:- . amendmen't process; or ~ ,,: " . ;-- ..' . - - . -; ;:.:; .;: :.<:: ;' .: ;,' . ',::O;o.[;~.:.; : 13. it. . b. an affirmative determination can be:_ ma.~e;;^ :In.:;u:light;L of::all:- the' ~_ circumstances, including the Ci ty of Springfield's forthcoming Housing .. '. Plan, . that t~e property, should be. tuai.I'led f~~. af.f.ordable housing; and'" ' :~ ,,<.;'-,... '.; '-... '. .... '. '-".':- -. .:. ',' ,> :..,'::'>::: ':;'::: :.::iJ:' ~'~.., ". ',c c. e):amples of substantial progress shall include acquisition of bonds to' finance: cons.t:ruct~on, ,completion of publi.c :imprcrvements for: access,.,:, '''drcula tion, s\ormand "sani tary se-,'er, :or' sit~:: plan revie.... and start'of.'.: ':construction.'> .' ...._.:..:;>::.i.. .. In addition to the inclusion of the.. foregoing,~ev PQlicies~' tertain existing ?olicies contained in the ~efinement Plan must be exempted from their applicability to this particular site. This exclusion must'occur~.to- ~~intain', diagram consistency",ri th the Metro Plan, and maintain the' -force"a.nd"effec't' of' these policies elsevhere within the Refinement Plan boundaries.' The findings in2~1'. Attachment I, adopted vith the Hetro ?lan amendment, are the basis for the site specific. change to th,e.designation of this propeny.and,: by:.virtue~.of"the",: re~a tions.~ip,;c' b.e:~,~'e~n :.t,h.~~,}1~P:l?:.flan,:~,a~d: refi~emen~: plans' already ,i~en t i fied: in,':', thls report t' become" the. basls for the Rehnement Plan amendment. Rehnement Plan;'- polJcies vhich must be pre-empted by these findings for this site specific change include the follo.'d ng: ,.' r ,'.:. :' .: ~ c ;. ,'.'..: , ' '''. '. .. r.. r,,);(':) ::. : ;: :: >) ~ i' '--"" .:. (,~ :, ~~,~. r;; ::.~ tj.' "11 \? ;. i ~~ ,-~ ~ (:-'-" t. s ". 1; ~ , . ,~ :. '-.' -.. . :,;. ~ :; '.~ ~ :... ": .) _ :.': ~ :: .) ~~ j ;~ :': j: .L .: . \ ':'. >.,';. J: :T ~; :~ .<. :. ~. ;:: ~ ~~ .~ INDUSTRIAt' DEVELO'PHENT POLIch:s .:': LJ::';: s:>:: ~ r; t ,. '< :" ~ "; ;;: ,:';;' . Policies . .' ~,;i~ .~~~~~:,}~:~ 2, __}~.~~ 32':~ ;!~:~~~. ~ ~i.~ ~:)' :~~-:J ~ ~;.~ _~2,Y_ ":~~:~~;'~ 1. Resolve land use conflicts and prc~:c~ f~r certainty in the industriaF~~~: . development. process ..... ~s tablishbg $i te-sped fie .' industri al plan.~. designa.tions.,. ~,.. .":~'~~I:":.... r,.)[:::::.,..,:,i:... "'~:'::.l.;; ~~:;~ l~~~q01~'j2{ 1;~7':0.~'~ ~ "'. ,-. .' .~; - b j':',~~ r ;i~; ~ J .: (~-:."- ~ :: "-;:~: 't~::i';3:...:: ~ .: -"; ..'. ~'-<:;! ~~. ~ :~"~: ,~ ,:<. i. : - t~; :J ~ .'; Page 5 H5d-Spri~gfield Refi~e~ent Plan Amendment , ~ ~:<: . .- .' ,; -: ~~'c::" -,. _', .. ; ::... :: :: : : .;<: ~ :. ~ :~ ~ 1 ~~ ;-: : ..; '; ~' "') ;'~ . Ord. 5615~ Exhibit A-7 ,:.:., .... -f.-' Ordinance No. 5615 Page ilO 5. , - '.- ' -- .--", . '", ":,..- '~.,.--",~.._.: ..'~~ ...... ,.....- ", "-" ,"'~'~.'~'-~-..-;~. ..~(""'. -":~:. Recc'g" i z e';:-: the F i nchis -t i'i al l'Y'. -des i gna,a d" "pr6;;~r t :(,. r_e'ce~\~~ : fir s t .:.p'r.~o~:iiy~ JIi .~~:,!: ,:::, industrially':designa teiLi.'areas, '~vhlle., ensu'r;ng: tha t:'" re'sidendal" use's;'; are ,~'. . ~ ...is\.:all:,. screened':- and-/pro't'e', ted- fro:n ne;';'- ir)(3\;s t ria_l. de\:e1op'men t . th'rough~: t}:e .-. ", .,".-: site plan revie...., pro~ess. _ ,- :.:: .c';'" '.. i,. .._f!~:~';'(~<:';; ~. . < l .~. "." . Criteria for Designating.Industrial tan-d:= ,-. -<';-'" .. <, . .,. . .. ~ ~ .,.-... '"' ~,.- ~ . -. .- ~..... .' - . ,~. .. .> - ~ .::: Z..f~6.." ;. ,.,,;. '. '. . _ .c -- . . ~. ... ~ . ' . - - -' ~ ' .' . .:~ ,6 : -' ';'}': :-. :...:...,~, ":': - "-'~~'~I 2. Encourage: 1a'rge-. blockS' of Eeavy' 'f~'dustrialland:'c :;,; ;'J:' : ',- . , , . ~ ~ -. ,- '.:, -' -,... . -- ...... , ,-:. . . \' .,_ , . '. '.M _ . 5. ~ ,,,,;. , ~ .- .., ". ",. ~~'''''.' ~inilti ,e' areas "'here' Ind\lstrialand?esi.~ential: designation-s abut.. . ' ,: ~> " . ~ ;: ,~~ [ ] . "''-' ,_ . f', . -;hile i tcould be. :. argued 'that the' l'.e{ro'?lan~i:en'dment doeS<not neces~~ri-l;; ~.::- contraclctthese policies, in a sense even' llLplements'thes'e . poliCies, that' argument '~'ould have more validity if,~h.e ~etro Plan arnendmentand.th~.Refinement ?lan adoption ,"'ere occurring' sirnul taneously. The ~etro Plan amendment,. occur;;~ng~ four years after ~he~~ ~olicies-have been initiated, mustassum~ b6th' a higher order of i!:agni tude a.,d more timely findings tha,I} ;~hat o,f, the Refinement Plan, as they rela~e to this spec:ificsite at this spec:ificdme. .P...'. - ~. "....,. ",",..:... Refinement .. ?lan' 'polici'es ,,"'hicn are' or ....ill be implemented ,by' this', amendment include the following: Criteria for Designating Industrial Land 1. Y.etro . '?lan 'policies and the' ~etro ?lan Diagram shall be applied' in designating land for industrial use in ~id-Springfield. . 3. Recognize existing light-medium industrial uses " and Light-~edium : Industrial plan designation as a indus.rial and Residential plan designations. con~id~r applying the buffer bet....een ,Heavy !: . Minimize industrial development along Hain Stre~t.. COHYJffiCI~~ DEVELOPHEh~ POLICIES Poli c:i es 1. Provide'vacant 'and re-developable land to allow for the expansion of commercial uses, and~ to encourag~ new c6mmercialdev~lopmentalong Ha~~, _ . ::. t. . ".. Street~ ,. _..' ',. .;,. . ..' . '. ..: ... '"'.~": .. '. '" ::. ....., .' -. Appl~-site-specific Commercial clearly define the limits of controversies in the future. Dlan c.c~ignati~ns comm~rcial USES: , . , " ,."- al~ng Main "~'S-~r;eet C'to ,':. .. ' a~,d.': so - a~~~t~~__~~~~2~~g~-~~~",~~~>_,,,_:,, . . ' . ~. . RESIDEhlI~~ DE\~LOPMEJ'T POLICIES . , ._ _ :. .:': r .'_ \..1 ~ Poli c:i es '..,.. I;. '" ,","h_ ,. : :" :;. :: '_' .': J .: :2 . E1imi~~te .' th~ . i~~ursion resicler.tially-oesi&nated these uses. . - , . of industrial ard commercial development into neighborhoods by specifically designating land for .~ ~~ . ?a&e 6 ~id-Springfield ~efine~ent Plan A~endment Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-8 , . ,'0, Orijinance No. 5615 Page 11 3. . ~ini~ize conil cts betveen resident~2ll)-desi6nated industrial/commerc a1 ~ses thro~6h the site plan revie~ prcc~~~ "~, :.., -P Spri~gfield'Develop~ent Code). .. _ '_. ", . - , ." - .}'.- "..'~,' ..._~ --- r~ -.... "-'! r..--::. ..,;:.-~,.,.t"'.s ~:;i;:;;~~,~lr,;:> c:Z'!l~1:I'l::~:, Fro.doe, Zfor[b6fferifig'':?of' mul t i'ple: '; ~~i ~i: d~~~'e~op!rien (~ ~t~o~_,~ i~g,ll.e.i $ l",a.rt}).y c!?~.ifj'':(J:;: . developm~t i thr'6\lgh~ tne::'ii ie~praricr~vH""~ pr.~.c~~~ ~~'_"::':' ;~:: ~ ~~,.; ... e,j~. J 1M;;1:C( ~:;'::;~7'; d ~sa;H, ::.;!;;:~: .:;:- :i'{:7~;1~7;S:"<:;>:::r~':~~...~.::'~"~;""F:~'.o~',,;.~;':;;1.; :;')2} L.~nh:I:;r.: :~~. ':~:.: Criteria: for Designating Residential" Land'"'' --. <. -.' - .' . . land and (.1:.r,ticle. 31..;:;;::;-::,:,..;t;;--;;; ~ . ~ ;.;. .. :;:; 1._ J. ,~.'...;. ~..' ..... ._ ....".._L......,.. .......;:..___~>..._ 7. /' .... \ .:~ ~.~ 6.1 ~ ~)-' c ;. - 33f~CrE.::~<~~..:::: 1. Generally the meOlum Density Residential plan oesignation shan"be applied . ~nder the follo,dng drc~rnstances: .: ... ~"'-.~".~;~>:;<,';:.':J~; f::fl.j 2.j-::iHcc::; HU;i~J::~ -::> c":':;;;:'; :.~.'.:;,:.':'{.'t L::c:<: "":~'.',~~'~:; ,..... :- .,_:_ "'",.": 1r;'S;':'")C:9.~,;; ;:2I'i c~;;:'~. b. -.: to~: largeU -tindero'e','eloped: areas.~ i~!te:d.i~aJelY': adj a'-cen t"; 0: cc::r.er.qial~y. s; ; ; ."'.,;. :;:' '~'designatedJ la!~d" alopg Main Sr~e~t';:. c~'~~<'.:.:, ~ ~~~'" ':~.~' :~'::;'::;;h.f.ji",'f; [5!.:;::':~'':::::<. d. : '..here: '.: desi'gnated: e>:clusi vely:. t:.e~.i urn: Deri~~'ty .Res ideri ti a~~ ('-~c~1?i?q~~d !~:~,<_"! ~ :;,-:. . :.~'Mb:ed;Usetl) 'on.:ihe' Metro"Plan:'pi.agr.am'C:;::':- ~:. '~,:~;,,: :;"';;";;:;i.l.:- ~,;:[~\LI:r;c:. .. ; i- ~ C;:'.,:< ~:.: ':; ,: ./. ~ ,..~ ;~.:,:;. L.', ,. oF - . ~: ",'"", ::,: , ::.. :':::. ':. '';), . ;. ':;:i::::::';i .~;~ ~,cn .Lis': :r: -;->J Cri te.da for Approval - Zone Change . . . '. -, ~.' - - . ::.~ .~', '- ~:... ,:, n~":-1~,i,~~'(}~)~J~'1. . CIlIA :::'l~~; I. (.: ~;...~:) ~.~ :;: ::~ Section 12.030 of the SDC requires the Planning Commission', ....:;.'he.,i reaching a decision on zone ch..ange appl.icc,ti9ns ".. to~ ,adop,t f:ipd~.~~s. "'~~~~;;G 9~lfJI;lns.H:'c tenhat,: -'." . the fOll~~i,~~~;~ti~t,er~S~':h:av~;~bSe,n'}?,~reJ:s::edi~~~ ;.~;~+~:;S~.~,~~":" . . ::: ~:E.f:: t (,~~::!'I~~::,i;; ~'~ .,;'. ~ ~:::;_;:,:~::'~' (1) ConsistencY; ;",fih .the'He'tto "Pl~n'/.T~x't<; -.ind!:.:.D~i'gr~~,.'<,:.n(i\~i\h;"app~i~;bi~1.., .~. Refineni'ent: Plan Te>:t .'::..- .' -',:: :~ _ - .::;, . ',' 'o.:":.~ ~ _ .'... . ..' .:: ] ;,::,,-- !'-;",.';' :' :',1 .:~ ; . . . . (2) ~~~~; ~;m~~ii~m~~~dt~io~.~i ~~j;~~v:~~;~~~~; :~rii; iit ~Eovid;ii'~o. ;1~. ~~o;~~ iy; . t. . (3) Conflicts involving site specific natural resources and/or hazards as identified in the Metro Plan have been satisfactorily resolved. (4) Conflicts vith neighboring land uses have been satisfactorily resolved or can be resolved by using the Site Plan Revie~ process in accordance vith Article 31 of the Code. RESPONSE to Criteria (1) Findings in response to this criteria are fo~nd on pages 1-10 of Attachment I and on pages 2-7 of this report. RESPONSE to Cri teria (2) Ord~ 5615, Exhibit A-9 Ordinance No. 5615 Page 12 t; c-~ .: . :>:: 5. ;. : ? ~,-~.-~~'g j':;:2 P ,:- ~~.~: ~ i: -: ~ ~: [:;1 j'1tj:,,;j;.~ 2 ~:~:~ {~~.;~~: ::-. . - Sf":';' i:"l} f:~._~: .:. f;_:~ ~~' ':: ~~:3i; ~~i!:J:_9j~.7.; :a.-2 .3tj _.;..i~ f:..~.3:t:~~'?:~:~~r.~ k. ~ .;\:-:t~;;: ~ - ~ -( {~~ tl.~'~t1 ~~'~'.~.~--~~~~_sv:~~~:.t~t~l b ll~.;_!. ~i ~ : . , >,,' - '" . . .. - r ~ _ - '"'" ;: ..:. .:-- .;.... '-~"<;- ,. '" -~ '. ::\ '_ -..- "". ,._ > ".4 _,' .~. :::.. -~'_ ::-.~ RESPONSE 't'ci.Ciite'rfa"(3f~' d." " ,-, -- > . ~.. Port ions~of' the si t.e appei;I o..n ~:eJro. Plal) "C. inyentQries . as,regu~~ t~~l.~'~~lan.ds. ;::k;,:~,~;r' thorough ~'deYi'n'ea i'i'oW:irjd )ti:it5 g;d6n;pl~1<ur ~:~ !1a~d;:~;,€a~'1;~d.u~:Ho.~; ?~;.;~lo~a.~ ~on~~;:-:.~:: 5s proposed) must besubmi tted and' ajipro\'ed before development' of" these areas . ...-ill be permitted (see also pages 1-3 of Attachme!1I.:::!~fL~J.,;~f:~t.:?r :t,g;hf~o:.;::::" ';:~:J::,,>, RESPONSE to Cri teria . (") . . " ,_ '.. . . j J. _ ." ~ , " .~. ;..,~ ~ -i,;~ j. ,:~;.;;.s;;; () ,,<'l:~~6?: ":d~. ~:<:.:; ~:;)~. ;.' :::1: i.::; ::':3'~ ~ - L:: ,'.' r;:,) j ~:",{., ;~~, 'r ,.:; ;"."',' ,'. ~ ."'" ",.: ~ :~~~.~~ :::;. ""U J"it ;, <zfd'''2;).r. f. 0:r:. c"lJ'::: ?, ~;> Potential conflicts 'Id th neighboring land uses ha\'e"beenO>ident'iffed QUrlng the .. ~etro ?l~71 ,amend::;en t. h~a.~~ngs.: and,>_ :--""er.~,pediat,ed,,: b~3',~~~;!,,, ~.~troI'olital).~ Policy ..' Commi ttee'.~':' :".rhe<'piilT.ary tool'-"is' a 'setbc{(:lCn6( less~ than ':. ~20, feetr bet\'een;,. ne"J residential d"'ellings and. ~h~ e>;isting, ,chemical plan!,;. ~'e~'t: 'oJ~ th~.~{(e".:c~ E'o~'~y.er, additional ;sohifforis" are: a\;ailable includirig berms; ';fencing,~ landscaped: se,tOacks and building orientation. Each of these' mechibfsms'm'a>,'he"u'secfas 'development . approval req\.lirements for this si tee '{"':/'i'(1i\.'1':r;~~ ~ ;.". ~~,",) '.r';_~~~:.' CONCLUSION AND RECOHHEh~ATION _" ~;;',~l ~ ~.: :J -.~ .,- ':: ~... ~ :'~- .~ ", ~.:' C ! ~:' 2 '[ ,.~, :~: ':. ,j. ::~ .,. . hmendmentc Gof:;::1 the':"" Retineme~f ..' Plil{ b"{d'"~"t,~'~:t~ip~nd:~~:..~-Hh~:.:i; ,~~di~~tf.~~ :i~~i~~:~d,.<:T ,::I~: ....~; .' amendment of the Metro Plan is requ'ir~ed"by 'the'pr:o'vis'i6ns~'a'mf 'poffcfes of both'" . plans. Staff r~coDimends. changing ,.,the. ,Y-id-:Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram, ... adding nevcReffnemen t. Plan': policles',,'hi1'e e>:empt ing ~thesi te spec:i~i.c. app).ica tion:, . of . existing Refinement Plan policies, and rezoning this property consistent ,,'1th the ne'IJ plan designations. Findings in sllP?or.t of this recommend~~io.na,~efound ,. .- in Attachment>Land' theDodyof~this~rep~rf. . '. .....1) ~': " ,,'.. r .::::':',-; ')~ l-~~ ~~:! ',;"~' .""\'" ".': .. :~ ';~: rt. ~~ ':"." . . .> ." ~. ~ 'J ," ,- ~t ,; _:: "I. -, -', P',.: . .. .. ., ',~". ~~ ~, .,'. . ...<;.... ; ::";--:.., ',", .' ,.r::?-.:......, :. ..... ~r :0- .:";.,:~ '. ~: - ..... . '...- j :' ~;. ..; -.'-, '. ... ,- ,. ~ . . " ': {.". .: ('~ :.:' ':'. :>. ';.: {: :; :;.. ::~' . ..... '... :,~ "K~ ~,-;:'. :.:~ "'- ~: ,. ~ c . ,_ " .-~. ',' . '.., ~ <'r i.;~ t'~: ,;. {'.' ',' " ~. -~ '.. .,' !_-C :::: ~-', .:) <~. ::. ~;, ":i: r-~ -'.', .," ( ~~ 0. ':7'-.:~ :~:..~:-) :~ C} ~ ::: ,- '~" ~-. --. , "' '"' "... ~ _ .....:.".:- _ 1_ . ,.... ~ ;, '-,<. ~- .~ ':;'""'~., wI;.":-: . '. ':.;-}. 1. f: ~'.i::: ':~~ .-/ :: .s. ;_.~"~.~ ~~: .;~ ) ~~.~ (i'J ~ U; : ,;. '~.i -0: . 1 CJ>~~,_::: ;"\ ..: .~:}:: P.' ""'~ "".',. ..:}. ~.I ~ n.! [::')S.-: ",..*'~j t~L";:;~~::~,'.; :"~ ..; .f. I:.~ ~~ J i ~~ 2. L ~.~ q'T(:'~) 1 .:::.' ~ .'.~ 3 ~.:.-r ;: ::> .'..~ . .~ ~ -t ,t::r-3"::~{J' ;.:.:.J.[ :"~';':'< <:' \: ::S" ~]- ;.~. ~;~ (~ . '",,~ :::,.: '.:'" ;-; ';, t:,,~~: ~~: ::.~', - -~ " . n .~ "" ".' ~'. ~. . 1'.. ., .,..~ ~ _. b-!...~: L'.,l :?;') .t.:s:~~.'N ~' l ' ..: :; ::. ~~. t ?I"C :i"~ --;.,? ~.: .... -:: J " -.' .. ~ -l:: ::",~.) .:. ':: :'-~ , L .:. '. .... ~ ..... ,~ -, .... '. . ~:\ , f .' ..~; : _ ~ ~ . 1':~ ; ;: '.: . -..... . ,.~..f . ~ -'...: ,.' .... .. .-' "- ~ :!. -, - ~ 1 :~ :;.:;' :::<;! ~: I' "1-0 -:. .J' J. ~-<~:" C~!(~ S '.:i';:', .. :.:.;.:. . .:. . '.,' ~. ". '-,f-".' ".; 0":,. .'.--:; .,,) .': ~..:. .>:; ~ ~~';'.>~) :~'~:; '.;: ~~." . . ~",. ~~ :1 :.J (:~ ":,! :;." i': .:~ -;') ~:<- .t "1" -,.'. r 71 ~, .~: :, ~~. :. '.~:. t} ; -'. ~',,:: " .. ,. .' -- ~ '~-::.. .':. 'j Page 8 ~iid.~S?I:ingfieldlRefineff:Eiit' Frari' '..G:.endrnen(:' ,0., ,.: \ ::..... ;"~ . Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-10 Ordinance No. 5~15 Page 13 . ATTACHMENT 1 . '. . . J'. ...~...., ...... r '/,{ "{irH~c':~Fij1dii1'~S'j,fsf,ab~i1f Sf o~~f;~~~;~e ~o"-'5?SfS . Am('nding th~ ~1t'lro r!;ll.1jnlll;k~:!,nd!~~p..r:Jllg.\~ulld Silt.) .: 1':0 bf7!.:()~~ :-:::~;': ::":>,~ ~:;:1::'~? b;;:"k.l2:.L",,~",' i'..J ~-q'- " . .::.,......, ~ .J.~ '" ... .' ,,: ~. ~., (~ ~ ~ C~:';;.. i ~:S,;.' ~.;~ ~ ':' ~Z:l.: ~",~. ;,:':~.: :':',~'~ ;: ~'.' c;-~',~ ,~:'!.~:'::~~~:;~~i . ; ': c '.', -..." 1:' ~, :-fETR 0- PCA~ .A:-'I E.'\D~-It::-ITS ~ irsnl E CO:-;SISTE.'\T \\"ITH A PPLI CA B LE ~,'.;;i ,':;':~ " "';~'S'T' I.T' E"GO I LS::'< :;:-:::'-:;:c: r:::':::;;,',' ':',"':"':' .;;,.... . "'.' '-"'.-<.~ .~ ~ ,. ."'~''',~,r''''ro;.;., ::; -:-.:: <:;::-~. ,....::'.~.. " ~, .;: "(;':~':~i:' ::"; ,,'.: :;,:;,;"; ':~','C~:':','_"~.~-~,' u.",:" .. ;.<; c~:1 ,-, '".(1.\ cc. G~;; I 1 : (it j'.on I ",'oh.om 0 n l. Th i s g B;'fi<03'ire's \ hat p,pg;; '"s be i mpl e memed I i:a I ".;, i . . . I' . . ~', d' "I \. .. \. , . p:o\"Joe c.:l opponunJl)' Jor c!!1uns ':o~ L,~j;j~'o.vf in ~J,,;:Pti~$e~.oL:;:e ?;~nnmg process. " ,S?ring1l~ld ~T,d~ !:-;e~Oiher'l\I,;O MeiT~>; r~~' R.l.~.n~jng j~lrisdj<:t19.ns .h~\'e an cckno\~')edged chize:1 ' d .. . . involvecnenl progrim: and 2C kilo,,' leo g~dJir oc<d;,res,f or,~<c.u Ii n g. cit i.en in pu t on 211 propos< d . ... . '. .' pl2n an~ lOne. cna. "ges:;., Those p~9C~;, ,e.s ha"e;been foil o.wed \\; lh Ihi s amend ment. Th; s pl an . , · < ...... .",: ;2me1l4 men l; was',re f errea 10 2ffeci<dLjl~.il)ic,i g e~ciis, andj '9."ps:,and nOlice. of its comen:s was .. ... -:, _. . .; prov; d,ed'.lo;:a ff ected)e sidemS" a.nd .j<"openy, 9\\'n~is Jh rough, ",'ri :!en and p"b li shed notice as . ., . . , . . ... rel1ecled in. Jne. reco,d;' i Prioi 10. .final' idopli6n:pyb ljc, hean n g s: will ha \'e been held by Ihe ' ; ... ,J ,. 'planni n g com mhsi ons, Ihe elec1<d govern; n g bod ies of all Ih,ee. j u risciclions, and Ihe Metropolitan Policy Commitlee. '!'!'e<:i1Y 9fSpri,":g~elQ\\j!1. conduct :additional public hearings to adopt Refinement. Plan: Amendmen!~ !nlend,ed,lo H1.'lpl,;ment the Metro Plan Amendment. . ''''- ., . .' :~ ','. '::'::.' C)! Joe" ,.....,.. . " . ' "-'~. . " - , '- _ ." +.-,,, ,_H.'-; ", ...,~~,'./?-, -i(:; t;.,:" ::. . :~ !;; ~:~<:: :~~:'. Goal 2 ~. L,nd Use.Plannirig~' T~.is:goal. reqllires~e.st?o\:llisbmerit of a lc.r\duse. planning process :md policy. f n.mev.'ork' as'a : \>~s; s {oi lanf use .- clecjsio.n s.,. Sati sfaclion. of thi s god 'eq uires ' . adoPJion of a comprehensi\'e' planardj(s}cknowledgl)'lent bYJhe' Oregon Land Conservation and ~ Developm:ent CommisSion;' This Metfo Plin ainendmeni ;s being processed as a ciliun-iniliated amendment as provided for in Chapl~r IV of.the.a~k"n9wledged MetjQpoH~n Area General Pla;: , .. -, ',. and as implemeri'ted lhrmigh the a~krio\\lledged landuse codes of the' three jurisdictions. FunheJ '. .. , . '::.h' ,,[efinement of Ih is ain<ndinent \\'.nr ?~c.~r ~hlO~ gh.a~oplionof new: pol ici es in the M id- Springfie I d . ..:.. .:. "~ , : Refinement Pian and llirou gh . imp lern entalion o( Ihe. Cil y 's s; Ie. pla.". ieview sland"ds. .' :':.... '. .,-' '. :;~:"",.r;:';:':::; .~':: ". .. ~ ,:" .'f'-:';""":;~" i .:~: ;:~;C',: ..::i:.;.::C':;i;"':;::J;'~O~ , ,,; .." .': . Goals 3 &'4 ~ A gritu !lu r:J I~ n d f,~~iSl J.,midS. .' rhesegoal s. P'OIOCI firm and f o,est land. The ,.' sile, annexed 10 lh'ecitY'5nl.9.QO.)sir:q~e.geographjc center'of Spririgiield. Jt isackno~'ledged -.. ,: · ... urb<!lland;.. No jl,,'i of Ihe .sy b je~~ ~n" 9",n y abull;p g or net-bY"si Ie is planned , .oned , held, OT suiLab]e~for'agrlculturaJoTfoTest use. . - . <'. ~ .. ,-- . ~ -,.~ '. '. ", . .. - '\ .. f' >::- f: t '.: -:"'': t i":,:" H~~)--t ~ n i ('" ,"ts!([.. r.~(~:'~/l" . Goal. 5'": 0 peri. ~piites/Sc.en;e; .ii';ii:Ylisf orit, A ~e'si: a iid'N:iiu ral Resou rces. This Doal . " '" '~", ..., <..," c, I:, :, '-' oJ e'''';: ..... -, ... _ ". . to.. . , requires: the 'c9nSe!Y~1~on' and. pjc.>),~~!i9,n 9(;jnvemorjed arid"signi}icant open space, scenic and .. :,historic> .re2s;an.d' n~i~~lJ~s~~rc~sJ,llQl.eSS,conOict;ng useS Ii~;iheen identified and juslified . .. ,. ' Ihroug.h~ri'. ~ri..l );'i ~~ f 1 \~e ;<co'1,or>>.c;, see;,>.I" envi ron ~e nlal' iry~'.'ene:g y cons"'luences (ESEE ' " , : ana])'Sl S)., , . '.' . _ ." . __. ''''''-'';;",.f . . ." 'c. , '. ',:' .. .. :', ': .:~': i '" . ,. ...: ,. . - Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-II ~: ',.~ , ;. ';"ordi nance Page 14 . .- . ~;.:~~':::;~o p~n. ~.~ !~,T~ ~~J1 i;s: \~~h~~~ i~G]i~?g~j.~~n.(l.r;JloOCh~'2)'. . ;(-;1~:;:.-s; "": I . ~:':' ~.r':.:.J .--~(j:-,:,. f C) ; i:': i,; u: 'J d ' 1 it ~ tHi ) rr. 1-. Uft 2.'b'j.~, No\hf~1eneC:Vdtlehc~ngered species }-;a\'e been found on 1he sile. . Drainage ditches and wetland areas o:'l!he site "'ere icientified as rip~rian resource in Ihe . ........ E~'g~~~~~pJ:ingne~d~ M~tr9P'~1.i:fA'_ Q9~l: S:.~VildlifeHabi1it}!I\'enlory (Lev ] 990). Two ,,>~>u.tr': "-,' (j: T/"sectionS'oftheQ S1ieeidikh extending into..thepropen),.\l,ieie described, and values a,e . identified in the inventor)' as a wildlife travel corridor. She d.e~crip'~ions and maps from h . -,., h d . . -, ., . ,.. , , t e In\'emory are. ~l.aC ~., '.: .;~. ,Ii;':';:';! if'L r; xc::: " ,.' . ! .,,; ~., " . .. ~"-"2:':-~ );i;:.) c:;~i\.;'::~,~. t.:.:~. ,.:.,;:.' . ,'):<:: ,::::::::,~:~::: ~.~ :,":"__. . ..', ....(:] 990siud); 6f~h-~isi.t;.~'is-prep.~e9 ~or.the Cit)' ofSpringfiel~bY:the Mitchell Neho:l . ;."> (~:, ". Group ancfDa\'idJ. Ne~'\o~, Ass9cia~~s,:,entit1e~kAnalysis-of De,'elopment Cap2bility .' ': :' ",::,,;. (::".'~ if: and 'Inrrastl:u~iu~e}mp<t~,'eti1e_~t. ~~~cis. ro~.SeJec1ed Spririgfielirlndustrial Sites. 11 ',' '. ". :~:,:", ",:--;:r':;.~ ,',:; ~'as pjepired !~}19~~, ~ J~e~lc,~9::tPJi~ic 'DeYelopment"'A~~inisiration grant and is ,;:',;,:;';'1':' ": :,::;<:;c; b:referred. to:r~';.~~~~.efinc:iing~'~s lhe.;Ep.-\,:Study";::.The:E~~'studiconfirms and refines <,- ''-.~ '. 'c::: V:'etland, ri pa,"i an',' c:nd., ~vi)a1ife'salue~, em. the; site' as' seffonh: in'the attached excerpts .....: ':' ....:: H:'}/ frorift1;~ s~~9g~t~~'~~':,"'~'~':.::.:,.i~ . ;:::' r,,::,~:';2~~:'" " ,', - . . ',..', "; ,,'.~f~:: _.:::::. _ \.'.v, " . C', ;..- J:.-;~. ";::''''i,;:; J=-" '{~. .z,,: .\,:~'" . ,,:'.:~ ::, ~,',~' .. GoalS:. \l,'as' applied :'a.i~'lh~: ~.TDe. of ackno~'];.dgTflenr c.ndthe determination was made 10 allow " -..' " ,::>'urbail developrnentof ihesite but to limh such development by application of protective plan policies at the time of review of sp~ific development,applications where' Goal 5 resources had ...,' been ide~tified:~:~e:'c~,~~nt"a~en,d. rTlen~~9~S pO,t.,alt.er this ack~o\\'le.dged program t~ ac~i. ,the. goal: :'The progra~ Itselr~'1n :be app]~~~:;~! tl!eJ1me, a specIfic development apphcatlo . · '.; recei~~ed,' as a r~uired.'-elem~ryt, of}h,e.city.',s sit~p~~l1review process.):' . . . . ,,' ..'..... ::;: C' 2': !",:. :;', :.. ", .. " " .. ...... .'. :._ . --;- r 'P' . , .;. ~._, -': ..~:.:.;. .: " 1:'he En\'ironmental : Resources Elefnent o(the' h~e.tr9, Plan implements Goal 5 as to s~ch :.' '::: id~ntified resources~':: ObJecth;e ~. (p.JJ.l.~C-6) ,r~cf~l,~~sth~ integration of open space and naturd .J.'f~t~res~ into theideSigti'oCurban de\'eloprrlent. Policies J; '2, c.ndA (p~' Ill-C-7) require the .'.'" '. """'-"" consiqeJ~tion ofdo\);;nstteam impacts of de\'elopment,' prohibit development in the floodway, and .', .. ". '., require site-specific soils and geologi~al ~t~qi~s~w~.er~P9t~nli2.l.pioblems e'xist. Policies 18 a"d . . .' '-, -' ;I"'~ 19 restrictde\'elopmenfln \\;etlands'~i~~.~?()lky; 20 en.coutage.sJocal go'vernments to regulate '" : !(-,_:,~ ;.. .... development. in such a :manner as to ~etie.~.c9.nV91 dIcJ~~g~,..erosiont' storm runoff and to'reduce ~: .". :.,.,'.e C. - ',!'sireet.~rel~te~t ~'ater;; quality arid quantityp.~9pt~m~., ;',p'qlj~y, .7~, ~equires that, . -~.ni.:.:' ~ '" ,:P~~- '.' ~-" ...... '~ .:<~:L; ,1!.'~':;.:,,_::' l:..I ,~...q"_'''''''~ , "\\"hen planning for and regu,lating.d.e.ve1oPSJ:Iept;;locat governmenis shan each continue '-' ~;. ~-, (1' ,,, ". j .,','~' , .)J~~..,..... ' "_ . (E:', 1}~;,C701}$ide~';the need ,ft;Jr' ;prC?~ec!i?~' ~rpp;ryi!~J?~~~,s!..:iQ~J.udin:g,;those characterized by ,. .:", signifi~ant )~eget.atiorf arid. \\'ildlife. "1~1#n( 9f:p.r<;>tecti~g~ open.. space include but are not '. : -- :,",-, . " '-' ~ .. ,. " '.0 '" ~! . i .,,-, , .. "'.... 'I ",' ~ { '> . .....J. ~ '..'_ +_' . ." limi'ted" tooutri'~htQ 2cqulsiHo'ri/ 'conse'j\;ation easements, ..planned unit development "'1' " -~... ......0.1... -'~.... ,- .. , .. : ,.. ''': '''. '" ~.", .~~:... ~,{-' I ll). I'; (. ! "..-. '>_ ,_ . ~. , "ordinaflc,es..:streamside"pr6feciion'ordinf.fices, "open' space Lax deferrals, donations 10 the 'pubfic'~'<and performance loning." . " ' J . Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-12 ':H:" ""h' Ordjnance No. ~615 Page 15 .' . De\'eloprn~nt oJ Ih~.~;.:~j.~t.t prope[1y m~Y~~E~r .only ,~f~er _s:}e.re'":e',\' pt!rs~~m 10 S;Jrjngi')e~' .,,:~j;'?';:~;,":-':.'{XD;~i]op~~n~~r-Cg~e~::~ARC;:.:~Qi~}e ;:3],.: ~\,~~,('~ :: rtquires lh'i>",lr,e: CfS~&n; of lne propC'~ed .;,-:i", f ~ fjiii <;.~ ': d~\'elo~.:ne~t:j~s[ cori'4:,li95~d'::'.~ il)iji gElf:S .1~e,:)1}11e9 .n~~Gl.iyec i jjjp~cls,nd re~oh'es idemi~e.d j,nd .:-::;;~~~ ~ ~;' i~~:\:~/\:se?c6n.{liCis~.;fry~Jti"d.i'f:ijf,o-s(i'de~tjfied.hefe.~,' 3 J !060(3):>.'\,.: &dl siie p~i'n: re\'iew appliC,lio:l ;;:; '1,?~:' -:'': ,':!;~> rnitst 'iricfti~e:r\\~Ji.e~~ 'Q~~cripiio~ ?f lhe de'.~el.oprnem pmposal 'and a' sile in\;enloTY me? sho,,,,'ir.g ..:.-: ':;.'" . ;,:2.:" . '~'sfopfi~ ;r{2tuT2]'iei{ifre's~ ind "existing pu~.Hc. J.?cnities.-: The ck\'eJopm'em;pJ,n must snow now natui2.1 features win ~e rnodilied b\' construction c:cti\'iw, sho'v..ing building footprints and e)e"ationsas\l.'ella.s: p,rkin:! and, C'ir~ujc.tio.n.. public impro~'ements;; o rai riale . . and Jancscc.?ing. ~. ;::' .:~.:~:;;.~ 'Srte'ie\~.~~,~pp;~~:iC6Ca":"s?eC'ih~'.de\:el~p::.lentpro?os,1 on:i~is"siie\\'i11 require th,t the '.;;: ;-:;::: ;' -'~,;' :; '. . 2ppiicab~,~, r~so~rce'- p:01eCiio:1 policies,oflhe Metro' P]c.~r~ be::~dcressed~' and th2t approp:-:a~e .' ,,::: . ~ p:oiec~i:O.~ ~_e: affotded~' :A.cccir~i.~gly, tne siie' can onl)' be de\'eJoped afief- rr:;pJementation of t:-:e :: . p]a.~) ~c:kJjp\yledg~ ~rogram t.o~a~hieye the purposes of Go~ 5.'., :....:. ~ - .:~:';'- }.,1.~",,'" ".-._~ ~- , .<' ,_.: r:_ ":;.:...."" ~,.. ,,... i'~: (_..~..~"'.~',~ r-..': . . , ... _., .~_ .~ __ L - _-. " ~ ' " .... __' . ..' . ~~. =::: ...' c' In:adcfiiib~,:~li.~'etla~difa!'Hng u~der .the jurisdiction of the:'Di\'ision of Stite Lands andlor tr.e ~., '."...- '.' ':.~:Co~s'/o-iEnkirieers wm' 'be Droiected c.S reouired bY2p"p'lfc~ble:~s:ai{ind federal jaws and -r _ . .. re:ulations. The forested we!1and, drainaE!e ditch, ~.nd wet meadow area identified in the EDA St;9y.;as_,')l}e, most, sig~i,11can,t~\'etland r~source area": 'On. the'site:h~s:p~n identified on the ',' ;",..'>:< ~pp1ic:arii:~ C:9n.ceptuat.'p!~' (copy anached) as,.~tEnhanced, \\1eilind;' 'arid shall be fully protected .:.~' ';~':~"~.:'~ "\Jnger.any'de,'eloprn'entplan th~t-is appro\'ed;:::,'.' . .' : ':,1 ,::~: ,. ..~ , - .'~""""'- ....:........: .',:'::.:,~' ":. . :.:-~;'-'" :,....c.:~'.:.'....'z.....- ", ';" .. Goal :~6'~~ ,AiJ:', ~'...\\'at'er';2nd: Lnnd Resources" Qunlitf~ ,j'This:' goal "requires thet local ". '., co'rhpre~~n~i~'e:p1iri(an'd impleITienting measures be consisien{v.,'hh 'siile aryd federal regulations . . .... :,: go';e~i~g~ir;,\\:ate.ii and:land re~()l;lrces.qualit)'.' AnLRAPA'iri"alysis:of emissions from the ., nearby industrial area confirms that those industries are operating whhiTl existing safety standards and that exposur,es.on the site are we]) below those st2.ndards. . In addition, the application, as . [', . '. t. -; ." . '. .'. . modified; calls for an indcustrial.buf(erarea.east of the only existing heavy industrial facility near . the s~ie, the Ne$te resinj)Iant ..This area will be designat'ed for Light-Medium Industric.l use, exchiding.?J.l resjdenti~.ruses and.pe~mittingonly light manufacturing,' lsse.inbly,c.nd warehouse 'i)'p~ ui~~s~~im)vi~di~i--.b~ih ~.b.uffer and a logicaL transition. ..: Bised' upon the models which L~~?:~4., ~~~. de\'~lbpe.d,.tJle prop.os~d buffer will pro\'i~e'f2.r mo~e~ prolect~on to the :::s1dents of . ., '. Spryng~~.6od ,t~an is required by any appHcabJe- staili'te or regulatioli: It v.'il} pro\'ide r:-.c...y times " .the':p.rot.ec~ic)n afford.ed 'io plant,:.w.orkers:under federal law~: ,'.. And iC\\'ill ::provide substantially ',,: ~Iiloi~J~Patatjo:n~f~om Sp~ng~\'oo.d than is ,curremlyenJoS.ed by ,ieside~ts~Clf the trailer park ju;t ,~ .~:.. - ....~.~n.oTi.lf,.?(,l~.e.pla,nt.; Ih~ m~t_ri~e~. and: printouts':thaf'LRAPA-')'is:'ipi9\'~9ed project potential ~~ ,,'.';_CP!l,c~!l}~.~iO:ns.:()f:forI?ald_e~):d~, in:\h~~air'at \'aiiou{dist;.nc'es'"(Q :ihe ~sf'.bf the plant when the .. . '. ::;:., "'ind is blo\\'irig from the \~~e.s.t'.:Th~:matrix.specifies'~14:\\'iI1d~speeds'ind- 6 air stability levels. At any specific distance and direction, the projected concentration would exist only when the wind was bJowing in that direction <:t the specified speed under the specified air s~bjliiy conditions. ." ~ . 1:' .. _ i ~ ..i:. _ .. .,... ". Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-13 Ordinance No. 5615 Page 16 " , - -- - ... . ~ . ",. .t" '" ., t...~ '::'..- - - - ~'.~ -' .. ~ -!,' !:.~} jt7~'~7::'I')!::/i~~G . ;; :. - - -'.~ ~- _ ' ~', A~_ 9~sile c3r.qu,11i)' fest, b ~-~5~h ;:;eH:5:f,~:~jl1S \'.:~r~_-12l:~~ ~or: ,~~,~; ~~~\J~~ ",3.;...C2)' ~:;c:r ,.,;-5~l.,.' . ".< ,,~:" 2.."'ld-: uncontrolled '.\'eal~H1 c6:,d:~iorIS ,:.:) -f0l;T _ "ori~fcil1i\'e wtd;d:avs.. (Fric5:a\'. M,rc~ ], " ';- ""-'~.. .. ... ~-. - - '".. "'... ....-..vo... ""-'t. -,,:,,'~~~:~r;~' ,.....~-.t-;: _;."~):::..:. ,.'. _~t"( ..,;,.~_!. .~. , ! ~~on~~)': Wed~esc:ay'. M~di. ~~6)'; ;!~::'l)~,~'o.' ~l_~es,: on~ 9tle east of 1~~ ,Nes1; p~,r.t ,t ~:-,e eas:e::'l ~<:'.,!~:(<~'.edg~. 6f!the.pro?os'fd':bd~s1nr.l: bliirti;:.~~~?l:-;~."oltl'ef~iTi)re,r~s~~~,~~.r~r;iY~ just nor:~ of 1:-;e " - --;"(:i~~;:- "~.quffer;"aie2.'delecl~d':lo' rtIOte".l1":Gn~.OJl P?rn.'"ye.r~g~_~'xp~s~.tes. on ~n)'{o~y.using !~e j,",cst . ~-: .' -- .,";::~~,'. )~n~itb'e;testin'g meUlo~ofoi)i ~\'~i1~bje.,~!"::!:';~'.:~ " : .:~);-:~; '2;';~;.~~~::'. [~-~~'::;i~' J .. : '~::~::::,;i: ;:",;';:c:'';: ,'(~_~::.: -,c'(!':"::~.='-.:'::' '.:', ~.~ ."':.. .~..~ _ . :," ':'" ~'''_';. -; , '. ',T1)e::.hi"gryest-projecled co~centr~!i6!d:i L~.~.?A's mOGel' Occurs righi.nex't'lo l:Je p1~~.t O~ l~;e :.:,', :':,.: ,. ,:.':l;es~ern,side of lhe 100-:00\ ra:::-c?'o; :-jf.:-:1',C:'-' ':'(ay ,:.o,:er.'SOQ fe~t 'f{6~i'~n'),~ p01emi~1.:ts:ce:;::,1 . -' ; ~.':,l.:se;~ o:}Jy:u,:)detspeci~1c ',\'bd d:'fec~k.:1'~:'~~'~iid ,speed';c.l",da..ifsla.biHl);: condiiioos;. Th:s ~e\'el :5 .. <, OJ" :'ipP!9Xim~lely: one-])a}i l~le Je"el :0' \,'hi~h ',i; 6:i':~.s m'ay,be. e^pos~d"cpnlinuo.osly fer e:g~jt nol.::'S .." a Oc.)'. 300.cays'.a')'e.ar.i.:nder:Jhe.Fecer~1 OCCtlpalionc.l He21thln'd'SeJet)' Act (OSHA). TI,e' OSHA S!2.ndc.id is ].2 plns per mi1Hon, or 1 :500, microgrc.l1)~ per.. cubicm~lert compa:ed with '. ':. . the mea~ure4.~~O_Q~' ppr:l.' oT:.<:lmkrcg!-arhs!cubic 'ri1ete'r' actuaj}{i}leasuied in the morlitorin~ .,;'. ;: :;~: tesl~:d~~~c:iib~::~ q;~:e... ,: 2 ,,', ':' :0:: : ~ '. .". ;-.,~ ,: ~;:;: - '~ J1le?~:ig'h~~t Pr.oj~ted concentralion 'o:cl:rjir.g"outsi~e', th~~ Pi~po~~~~~uffer. c.rea. according to ' - (~p A t ~_ IT\~dels. ..~'6u1d be' only one' third of the eigh-t.hour. 300~day.per"")'e.c.r OSHA s:c.."'ldaid. '. Furthermore,these e>:posures 'I.'ould, according 10 the:model~ occur with fi.r less fr~uency the.., the dc.ily ~>:posure assumed by the OSHA standards. For example, th.e highest concentration on . th~~te, .which occurs at the west side oflhe Burkland prope!1yne):t to the"railroad right oi \\'a)' - '" > -, " .. ',' ju.'s( ~t. 9f. th.e l\:e~le, pl~jt. ~ccurs' on)i ~,.~out ~n~ percent 'of the tif!le, compare? to t:,e g.he . ,,' " ..:, :'. ".:, dai~y,: exposur~ .or. oouble lhc.t CO:icenirc.i1on permmedJor workers c.t the plant s1te. I ~ .,. ". -- '.-' >. . -~ ." '" ... ~ . . <. . ~ :~ . . -. -"'. --.' " ,. ".,"""-' ,',.' ,'"" , '~,," L~-\P.A.',s mqq~lassumesthat the windilo\\'s ge~erajlyfio'm\'~s"t'l~,east toward the Sp:ingwood '.. : site :about 2~ percent of .the time:: TIie-' iest' oripe timeth.e'wind ",.nr he blowing the plant'S ,. c,," - - ,e~i~~ipns jn:o.therdirections:"The rnos~ . c,o,m~.oh:_C:9rqitibn: 9n ',-th,~',~ite ~~1l be 3 z.ero " concentJf.~iqn. l?~ause the ~\'ind:,i,'il1 be b19;,\'ing:i;1' anoth~r' dir~tion..' '\\l'len the wind is from : the \\;eSl,,_ concen.t~~lions' at ~.n)' gh'en diSiance \\'ilY: often' be at' 'orne~r 'z.ero, c.nd ..:..m onl)' ".' . "'-..'c?~cas~on~])' ~l1d ,bri,elly approach the' :I:ghestcoric~n~ra'\(on,s: \\'hiC?-l~einse]\'es are well below .. ~. " ,','.J , the" OSHA stc.nd~rds. ':The. most fre6~ent 'combinationoL wesHO-e2.stdirection and any Eiven . ,.0 " . '," .. kiT' s~b]fity.co1?dhi,on'is about] 3 pej~eni, whicil is'to"say .1~~t .~1?OU(13 percent of the ti;e the .,' .'~y~'ipd~: v.~11l be '}Jov.ing ,generally': west. lo>'east'. un~~r', stability c~'nqiti6n D. The highest '. i:" :so.~c~n~~~iory~ pr6j~ted~ for - the. entire; si1e:'oc:C'~~: w]feh, ~~~~ \\:i I]~Q. i ~~ ~t.Ane' ,mile per hour under " ~i:"Ijh~se." c:~'nditi.on~i: or: about 8-.5 percenr'ofi-the:lime:t~irall othe'T ~c,oDdhioris are present. Eight .i~t:~i~ ~~[~F;:.~,~~'~.~~~~~~~)O:~~,~;t:'.iS~ ::,I~:::,f~:':: ,',:::?~'?';;~~j~.~r~~;';:; > " "~'.'^:'~> ~...;-.t ~'~";':<I"''-:.'" -"' ,.:.. ; , .. Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-14 Ordinance No. ~615 Page 17 . , , - , · Go,1 7 . Are,s SubjeCllo :-;~!!l!"'ll Dis.,st!!"S.,nd:B:ll,rds/;This i6;W;cci:es Ill2l io .:e<s .'T.. -li.'} '.' I? in I.: 9f "fi~r ,,!~hi~r,d~i }u~_~,. ~S ~ 'H\9.J',ifc~~i~, (1900S:, .dth"oph~r. i:~: i1~'{ ;~l#,x.n 1 e . P1"oP:;.: e .wtd Y,JJ!:;i f[,~:~Y;,o,srs:;:;; ;,: ,~~ ; :, ,,~, i :',(1 i' 0, i Ii lO '}""" U"" _ ~ s. ., ''c', ' - C~c', .:, L:. ';"'0 C' , !If el ro PI. n Pol i C)" C -;1.:, -lA>C:~1 gove rn menl ~s~all require - s(:1- speci ;ie soil sun'e) 'S .00 g cologi C SI udies ,,;here: j;61 7cnl i,1 prob Ie ms: ex i Sl; ~Wheh' pro~le m S .re Idemi li ed. 10:<1 governments shall Jequjre special design conside'r21ions -irid-' Cor.s1ruClio:l ITle.2Sl.:res ~~ l2.ken 10 off sel, I~f:s.oi!~nd g e61?~ie consl r>.i nt S pre SOn! ~ 10 i;Ql e<l li f e .od pr open)'. '" d 10 prOleet en\'lronmen~alh'_ SenSitIve ~re~s." 'P~~e JJJ~C- 7i;':':; >~.. :.~ .~~ ~ ,.' . '::~-: -<; ;i'::;;'\ ;2::;)~: T:'f sile is nol in a 110odpJ.io .6rI16(id,,:a)', 11 is level .nd not ,"bj<CI 10 slides, The geal CO~1 ' not ad dress ani lieial h~rd!. .sueh, .s. Ihose. from I "flie; I nd u SIr:., <ell ,;i ty: 'or ex ea \ 'ali on. 7:,e ' ,'".:: .ppliccnt: has .ddress~,f!he Pfilb!erii o (.,j 0.1 se. sa f el)'; oj r q iJ 01 flY'nd ~on;P.~iibili I y with ne<:b" - ..:, "'.7 indtislriaJ' acti\'itieHii pio;l9sing ~ lar i ~ 1;>uff er: 0(, rionresi den'iiallr-de sii;'2 led l.nd 10 Ihe east ... :-".. '. 'it: of ~ie::~i s:~ ,Vesi~l'ian!:,'J n: ~~?itIO,j .)h.e, a p~lie.n I: h.spropO~~d \~ie:,,~g aod Jam: sc. pe :he .:.,.J.i? </:,'; emlTec ~':SI~: Dound~ry ?[I)1e, ~r~pem'" cOnS) Slent'\\'it~ . ":~~l~~d.." .re g~~ \ ilion s. to Jlro"i t ~ e ., ,', -, ,:. bermed ~nd . fenced buff eUlleas!. ~O. f ee.t , ~eep; along: with a. S1 ml).,. but fer., t,; '1 l~st ooe . .. , :': c " . \;, hundied feel' deep ,'on i. ihe ~oith i\,eSlbou n d.. 1')' .., .Th e'~ b~ ifei,. s~:':ll Stf~o.h emem. ~I ,," S : :, pl2.umend ment.lei be.;'::;: t "'.'lied uPin - sl t e revi e,,;;;,' .,,:;: : ". y '.,-;~ . . '. . - . - . , ,... "', ,..., .'" .~'.., ,. ,>>. ". ,- '..,. '.. ;:';.;, '. . '.. c . . . '.''>: ';">,< :'.../{ I'.. .., " ., '-pc :....<..:., ....,. . ',,'~..';., ::. G 0.1 8.... Reere.t i 00.1 :-i..dsi' i This: i oil requires pl.n" h g : for re<rea lion. areas . fad! itie sand " ... oPport"ni ties inapproprhle proportions and i ". such '<lu.m i ry af.d J",,'I i0;1S0S is consistent "ith . ' ' .:: the a"ail. bility of :~sources..c The si,le is IOC'led' four. blocks' d tie. "'.sf of Tyson Puk (see - " ~ttach~:. >i~::::.::; V,;d.S~r:rigfield'Refil}ement Plan)~ weJfwi:H:; :he p2.Tk:s half-mile service .. . .,.. ndlosi "The. p.rk pl'O\.;des rlie ne; gh borhood wi Ih 0;>00 'p.ee, '0 f:::.ll, picnicking. baskel!:al] facilities. and 'op~n spc~. The Springfield area'5s v..en-ser:~(:d ,by Ihe;)ViJ]~ma)2.ne Parks and Rec;~:ion, District, with a complete, park system;: indoor, pool,S.., and alhl~,~ic facilities. The . .. ~ centr~ location 'of the.. site' wj)) make' efticient use of Ihese'Jacilities .in a,y.'ell-served pa:1 of . -" j. r: ,- . .,) . . . .' '.. _ ~ .. ' .';. : .. ., .- , .... : 10\\'n. '..',," ,. "., ,'.' .",', r . -. c. , , . '._ -... ' .."" .. '_' ..' I ~ - '-'. . , ," "'~ r':." ~':::. ': ,: .". .. c.., ..,.' .........' '.;.,': .. Goar 9';; 'ECono:ri,i'~ De\'e!opm'ent .:.' This goal cins. ro'r' di\:e'rsiiicati,onand;i"mprovement of the econ9my~;::-' :Am6ng'~qther. ~ ihings.:;eaCh'con)mU!litym~~fi6\leniory' i~.S~)r~10ck of buildabJe eomm&ciil'al\dillduslri.ll.nds..projeel fUlure,need fcir su~.h l~ryds~"B~ pl.n,and 20ne .dequate . '2creig(io irieeJ.lhe project~d. ne,ed s. b '-'," , '~, ',:. .' ",:. 'i ...:; '" ",' e ;': i\ cr" .', ~ L'j'/f; ,.'..'!;.. ".' ". ../ "'1,'; " ';'~;'" .;;'~' '/'_""';~":_" "', , ': ;~~ r:,:'i-,:':I. . ~:i:r:" cL',"'J.<:.,; ; 1-:':.: ...,: ~:: ,'; ::; c,":' b L,:) i .. _. 1 ~;: ; I( 1,/ , :"); ~~... . Sr15 Exnibit A-15 Ord: 0 , Ordinance No. 5615 Page 18.. _ _ ' . :. . --',' . .-" -'/ ~ j l ~.jJJ;:~ ?:':'}'; 1~. - '\ j .J , ..... '_~":'-'~:. Ch~erdl.: tne::E~g(:ne~Springiield._'i!e-a. :~ _{~Ci.&;P~:j~fi\vi;~:{~~,~1~;~}lPP.Uf:dt).\:i.1Tl.: in'cusuiGl h.nd.T. :::.~:~);'i-.[:~E[J?E~~~ ~1u~h,;; f~9}i:P.r.alrMeao?A.r'ea' fr,~m:nsr Lii-;cs 'S':~lCY prCl\'ioes ~tl;,'J"JJp,\,jng figu:ts,b~~ :::-:.c;i;;;~~~~~.fi;"':'."'tiDOr; a-detailed review of 2il indlls1r:~]iy.de~~~~~:~.: ~:;tS wi:hb ilie reg)omd grO\\'ln bNlnC,ry: . . . . _, 'g ^ . . $,hPll :le[m supply:' '" ':.~:.: ~ ~g~t ~c;i~ '(;~; ;~;; :': ~ i ;,; ~ ~ :~~ ~ : .;'^,"Co ~':-"'.. . Short term'demand"'::"',:" !.g to ~]O uies"-"_~~~"H_..!-!.. ' -.'. ".;.~',~:":'<.-~ };::~:4""" ~. . ..', .~': .....; ""':"~'J',:!5'::f: L"~'.."'- -...;; ." .G:.:;'[':.i"",~,:,>"'. Lon':,-term'demand.T~r~ '6"010 1 1/0 ~:res. (",; ;'-::;~: . ,.: ~< ; l' ",'d r9~S~~PRI y :;:,,', <:0' :' ',: ';;' ~: o"~9,'f.~,:~~ if ~. ,,;:;c:; ,: ~ . c Builoa'gle. .~Uppl)i: .. .... "..::.-, - ' .~.6..1~ i:":-es~_, . Constraint free: L6~~~qt~~:o, .....::-: r:,.: ~:: :,- ,.: :. '. , :. '" : "" ,.':"" ., -:", '"'>.:- ~ ". . '. . ~ - -' l.~ :.~ : ,- . <' .. "', ... ~~< ~ ~ ~ ~ . : ~.< ~:: 1 ~ ; ~ ..' _~_. ~, .. :. :{. ;: ..c~ '_: ':.: :'. ~':: ~ r~:: ", 2. ::.. _ ~ ... - .:t~: Ls.':,g ..~.: Ho~\'~\'e~': -a.:' much .more -'detailed' and in-de~~h',' S~lld~',o{ !~;e:-$~io~) absoluie and: relative pOlern:,l .f;~.;:':'L::'!.:: :;.for'!indusiriai.de~'~lopment.was ccinai!c!~d'~6nb~",Ch~;o(SP!!ngiie)d in 1990 is part of the EDA .' "~Ji~(h~'~:';'Thl~,~~u.di5oncludeslhat~,i~e ~S:l~; \~'ol~19:ft~~~'~,e,:I~aI9T; 9ff:-~i1ejmpro\'ements, at a cost ': ~'cl(S2,OOO,OOO,ra)smg:overall de\'elopm~~t.co~i~ ,!(\c?P~~Xll1!~ie1)"S_..,600;OOO; or over S1 00,000 ~:;_.p~'r,~~ie.(;~1J1e: pn~c!pal ~eed' is,fo~~'~.? ~.c~e~r;?G? \~ ,]N;rs~?,ie~ Con~ector. J;. ~ 05, access whkh .:'" 'Ja~ number of., othe~'lse: comparable s.1ies m t,tl~.reglon.: aJr;ao)'::: paye.' The" study notes that the :.;.-:C; ;.?:~~< ;~::'~::~ity:s~e:sourc~'s.for in!rastructur~'.i~e~'Hmit~(~~dre~Cli1):nend:thatit.concentr~te them on its one. ,:.-.~ ..... 'w.::"';:' . "nr t\\'O best sites, WhlCh do not mchl(~e lhe Burk1and Sl1e. .!:ven wHh such lmprovements, the study finds Ulc1. the prOperty is so configu.red: t~.at., i~ "'ould .best be developed in phases, . "" ..elimina~lng it~value as. a slngl~large site. Th~,siudy finds. that the neighboring Giustina site, /:-: :;:. :.:. ::<:-~ acros~:l\{2.in ~treett.o. the South~ is similarir(inan)'\i.c);S, is a l~rge site in single ownershi. .~.:.: ;::"::.,:..':r:u~ C:: thesarri'e)6cation~but that itca" be de,'eloped at far less cost in infrastructure impro\'eme_ 't." ;:':l,.:;. f:':":. . Th~st~dy.-recomITlends that the soiithen1e11do{1.~e" site be~.'de\'e]oped commercially, as is . ' <: ,.;"~ <c' proposed by the apPl1CZnt.... . -." "..,~ -. . ..~-~--~.. .J - . _ ,"_.' " (;. ..::.:!, ";,: ". The. draft Industrial.,Lands'Study also finds thit.the mos~' !ikely,projected long-term demand for :O;r':"industrl2.1)a~d,t~roughoutthe entire~\1etropoHtcri Urban Growth Area "is estimated to be 650 ~::; acres'.": ;Ai~ss-likely scenario projects a long-term demand of l,) 72 acres. Springfield has half of the 481 OO-percent constraint-free, short ierms.ilcsL, W~st . Eugene and' \Vest Springfield, . . which incluc:jes th~ Burkland site, h~.\'e'lhe best' supplies' of "corls1raint-free industrial sites that :"~~'ire< pte~?l1tJ)'. ~'i\hjn a chy.~nd [are) wel1~sef\'ed:\~.itr impro~:~me,n'ts.",. \VestSpringfield has 627 .' \: ~:! ind~st~.~ ~~!~'S~ ,~<'!l~ ~he tfewestpotentialco!1strai11isan~ tl!.~ ffi.9st' c()nstI:ai~t;-free sites (20) of r:<t:all regions and if is gene~lly well-served by:p~lb1icimpr6\'errieiits. "\Vest Springfield's current" short-term supply exceeds the "most m:ely" long-term de.mand for the entire Metropolitan Urban Growth Area. Proje~ted demand for heavy industrial land is not anticipated in the study. .. . Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-16 Ordinance No. 5615 Page 19 . .. . . ' . j ,'" . ~ - ',-; ,-,:~ J {); ::',;); '::' ,- '. .: . Labor Supp'" Mld.lpdu!'lrj~I..GJ'O"1h z: .,::.. '~,. .. ....:.:.." . :., ., 'k." ""~ ,,,,'" t,u'{Cf,,: ';:; 5' ~ ~:.':~; ~; ; :,~;.; ;, ~:;, c .;: ;,,":;:, ",' " ,0'" :":,' ;". : \: ; i::: :,~: c ,f.',;';: i,t>.:ci'4~SJ"'Thb N~ie'rii!ler: j 990. Dr< ill roc '''lri>.1 L:,nd:S S 1 ,'d)' j; nd s i h,d Ih" -Jon i:: e~';' del e ric,,< lioo vi:"1 .' . .,. ;::.0," : avera~e eamines per ;0; "'<I;,'e 10 1;,e ">le a"d n>.lion. wilLconlinlle 10' be 2 dj<'o,e"l" e '0 - - . . ... -. .", ':l~ ,t '. " _ . _. . . . labor. ml er21lon.lO. 4ne, COllm" >.nd .Ihe Ell e ene,S pri n Hie I d );1 mopo!: Ian' <re2." The S: uc \' . _. i";';,:";:;,,,,-;: ~;.::'" ,d"H" "'. .. -. " ., : :0::::::. .:,';;,..,.,~ . ' . ' ,i . ~. ,:~~\, c .er?J~I!: J~lf!i! sh~!1?m ~nd 2 slo'~'do":n 'n ~ mpIO);,~l!p l~r~~.1 h.."', /, le>.d i n g g "ide 10 i"d ~ s:::<] " . """'"-:". Jocauon observes th-t . .. "'. h. " ".., ._ '., . ..,.- <;)<~:;::~,~.:': ~.'.:;~..:',:;~:' ,';.. .,:" ~ ': ": ~.::::~ ;L~<', ;::/~: ',.. : ': "~" " ". ',".. ~ I i m~ ii n(\1 ?~ ;"c.,- i elched '0 s:" i( 10',1 Is ~or. is,i ~ e; i)i~Sl'[ lJ';>or:am si ~ g! e :kN 'T ,.",,". ..,. ,'''ml1uence p1ar,lloca:ion; (>.nd ;>!>.nl 'e1ocalion) decisions, . WithoUI 2 suppl)' oi competer.t wo;-i:ers no ~~?n1.cr.n (\~e:c!e .~fjicienl))' 2n.4-,~pmpe:i1:\'el)' in a ma.:J:el .. ". ,,~..' ", ., ec?n~my. :' FO!Jhis rea~on prooi"f Ih~ a\,ai]abiliti'9f. a .quali fied !cbor force Ih::t ' .. . . . ,. . . ., . Can be hired ,1 2 reason>.b Ie cosi is oilen required' b)' >.n j nd u SIr;>.! Ii nn be fore it . \\;1I locale I. >.n are2, , ," M or;>.'; I\'. In d list ,'i. /. LOCal ion. . nd.: Com m un ill' . . ,p'" De\'eJopme.nt (U~C Press ] SSQ)') S I: :c,: '..~ .:.,H,; ..' '..:. : . ;/~:::. ..'.: '. . . n n' '\,;,,~;:;'L'/::,' :':oc2 ,... . ...... .. ... .', "n: .' ; ~ ': "b", .;., ;-.e :.' . . " . .:' L:iJjo~.. Su ppl)' 'lJ!l A IT ordn b ie Ho:,;' ,. ,: . .<c:\:;.:.; L.I n k, 3 i ; r.'. ". r:: .'., n <r:.~c:.;'~' ;?::~':;E- ".~:;,,,"; """"':"" <-~ ,.,.,./ .:,..,....... :,r~.:.: .'.':,:,;.'.:" . . '. '.. .......,:.". ':......~.~.:-.1;1:,~: ,:. ".' ::.-:0.<;' ':-:':x......: "" ...' ., '. . '. , ." . .." .'.'." . . ..'A . decline in w< g os ,'-, :, 0., set In p>.n :)' 2 decline in sheller cost S, 1- "" !, ". "'" "ne- S!.'ri~ g field a:~ ; t: "en a slead y incm.s: 'n she 1: er. t cr:;. ,.suIti n gin an eve" Ii,,;,;:: s~,~,:~ ' .' 0;. 5;:'.': ~ "N;C~" :':;l'od \\ 'OTI:e.s: n. ~ '~::-;';'unil )'which oiiers Ihe besi Com bi nc.ti on of \\'>.ges .' I' :' e: C' ,,;,d sli~ IC!, COSIS wi!ll:o\'e 2 siron ~ ~ompa!<li\'e ad "2ntc.ge' in >. U':Cl ing .nd ret~i nin g Ihe lobor '.' "'.. .-, ;',~".Jorce~n~essary, to attract and Teta1J~. mdl!Slry.;. .' :..' ~; ,r::: "c: ;,':>." ......:.::.. : . ",...,... '. ., ".~' ,,;;:.'. ....;. . . ....; 2,:" ,,-, "". ' ,.. ~" '. '.<, ,'.<, ;';: . '.,. .. ; ..' . '.,.. "-.'.... "i.e." fa~k Fo;ce on Homelm::m >.nd Mfordab]e Housing iound In 2 1epoTl.lssued in November of 1989 that:: ,... .' . . ." ~ , . . <. .'. " ~.,. <i.-"; :.", '. ' : . .-. '..,. .. ..., . .. ." ',' > . '. ., · A serious and growing . if ord.bilit)' cri 51 sin Lane County; is evid enced in p>.n b)' "lhe .."" "'.., dncreasiri g proponi6n 'of I n.c~llieS'lh21 hOllsehol d s Ifui s(; pay for hoilsi ng. " . . ._....,i~d -;;;..~i. . '. ~"',:..;::.. ~," .. ,...:'.......... ~). '.' '.'::-". ';. ',:~" ::>." ,,' ." > Among Ihose mOSI aifeCled b)' Ihen.fiordable housing crisis c.re."lhe "'orking pOor," emp]o)'ed he2ds Of)OllS~l!Qlgs. caught b.~.l\\'een .ral.ling.' \!;'ages. a~d,.~j~ing shelter costs. . . ',..: .; ;";"'\ : ,~~:):11;;:: :~;:5(r, t:[<:;:,\.:,:.',.:,~;::~':-~.,,,-; i.'; ':::.:Yt~ :,( '<ii~,;,s!;~ .,i.:, '..:t.j . " .<:','::. ,,; :L"~.. :'i "J n' 1988;0\',,"20' peTreni. of alllo\\'- I nc?me rent ers in Lane C O~nt)' we re p>.)'lng more . '.':.:: :'..:..' . .cE ~'ll ,~~hri~nl ~~ !.e;~~21. ~(Jre:, "1,~~&,:e:.: ;;;;e;:s~;;~,;.~:; i~ . :;, "~~,;i';; "',;!,:'~ · ;,;0" 611&,\ 9.,~a I,) !! ;~1 H ousi ng. . Thi!, gd~!~~q V j !e~: ]B:'~ j ~ risd iCI i6ns: 16: ~i6~:I~efoJ}~e housi~ g needs, of .. .,' r,. _",,~S!!'. ~n~ of I~e Slale,: ond pro\1des Ihat 'Bu,1 d2b Ie land s for reSldenll >.1 use'sh.lI be m\'en loned ' . .:"". "~;',jj;ild pl211S sh.lI encou", g e lhe. aV2 i I>. bili,)' oi >.dequale n u m be rs of hou sl n g .u nil s >.1 price rang es .. ., . >.nd ren I J e\'el 5 whie h ore ,ommeps ur!-!e '''; lh the,l; nancia I. ci pa om I los 6(Q,. g on house hoJ d 5 ood 0' a,l,Jo'X ,(9r, OexibililY' of hOiiSil;{)CI~ai,ipn:jype;-2nd..density :~, 2:;(;;0:;(1; ~]:, :', ;::', ; .',"' :':;\ry.~:f;~:'.~~(~'~~~i~-' yno'),; i,,' ~'; .. ~,- ,: , ~ c,;;., . .... '. . .".- -< . , . " ~.\ ~ .' .. + ,~~" . O d 5615, Exhibit A-I? r . Ordinance No. 5615 Page 20 . . --;, ' '-. ~- _ :. ;. - _ i - '~ '-" ''';' '. i-~ "'"' ~..~> ,,,-:OJ: '. .~ccording 10 1he J:::1f'St , 9j 1 c:~f: s N.: :~e: ~~ tf~~o \:~r~a ~ S~'{Nd~fif~~~i'l'~.~'(Sl~ld)' and resice:l:. ~,nds study, medil!m df'r.~ilY. !t~i{kn::l'.i i~ii!d' G~i~Cc:1i(l~.s,,2re ~~.~~~}-:?~~): J~~~11. esped,ny when. , -. .' conti2s1edwith indllSirir.11~nd.r.J1.c'\~::;:0:'.s.:;: . '. L:::;~ '. /-'<~;. 1.~ :~." ::> '.' ::.,:,~,~t;;' .. .:. . '.:' j:,; :;;::: ."_"0'" .,. - .' - :;-, ,+;";;'':;:5-:{}~ ~::"~:?:~''';:~''. "_' .. . '. :,~~~:~: ,;,~.. ~.~(~ The"d~ft-Tesiide~1i~i'1~~'dS'-Sl~ldY~how~a" ~~'~jt"cje{f :,1idi{1I,,! d'e~~~j~i ~;1ide.~lt~ldemand of l3~O- -.. .' ..,.. - ..) . '.... .. , " - . . .. '.' . ,. '. ' , ~. -. . C'" .... .. .'. _ ., _ . . <.:;:~,. . '. .~;:~144(rbuifd'abl~'2sie~,'Q):-~r 1he )o.r;g-:cpnp1r.;,nirig: peri~~~~<~,n:e..Jong~1erJ11, unadjusted gross ";"-:i'< c;' 'i:l-~'~suP?l)'/o(la~d'deslg.riil~d ~il~('I' in 11:: pbn 01" on a 2c)Jling n1~'p: is 1,~.39 2cres, le~s th.an 1he .. . lower_ of the 1\\'0 projeci:e-d 1:~1::-es.. Jh~ u:~:~l ~\IP?lY(lf m~~l~f!l denslt)' land n01 s~bJectlo . , Dh\'sical constraints,' sllcn c;S. wet1Grlt..s~ ;~{'\C\(I ~!,:r!";s~".'lnd se\'er~ sloj)cs, ~s ~87, or leSS :b.n :;5 ~.., "7:'~<;,?e;Ce:iC6fthe:oesi~n~~,e'9)~rid...'~'..:_':'" ,'. <:A' l~~':: ~~;.:'::. '.. ,~ ~ '...: ,~.~, -"," '" '- ....'..'.. .:.'::".~'.~.'.~':'/t !,'" .,,' .' .~::.. ~:~'::'f ".;..:;,~:'~".'. ":'...'.,.....,.,.. ,.' _ .... _, .... . .~;'.:;':..:.A:funhet: .de~rrplion:pi' ;h:e.il~\.e.;1..lo;y :s ?:-o\'ided'b{'l::'l1d,;'f~e_'consu1tant Jim Saul, which d" tonfirms'1na(the 's'\lP?lYJ~_ ind~,~dye.y ,light; ':::?;;: .. :, "':'. .. _ -. ".",;. .~.:;~ '!:~: ;.. - ,". '. .-I~_~~r;:: J~s.. .:~:; ,.-:,'........;-. ..; .'~ ;: "<, ,.02; By contrast; the' oiift's:",;. on' ,];ii \'s: ;;:,) L>nd suppl yand aeinin.! sho,,:os that t~e shan. :errn supply exceeds both snoiHen:'\ t.:id 10:';g-iern'\ den"land_. .Sho.:He,~.n~sup~l)',~_s,) ,947 c:cres. ShoTt- term deT:'l~d j~ 2~e ~o .i 10 acres. Lo::g-l,eim demand lS 6::>0 10'1, 170 acres. The gross supply of industrial land is', 4,039 acres. The iO:it-term buildable supply is 3,6Q4 acres. Currently constraint-free land is 1,688 acres., _ .: '. " . . ,} _ . _ "; :__:.~ '". -. i ~.' ., '~ . ~ ' . . . ..~: '_:' , . ", . . :.' ; 'j:: ..,.:. . .'- .. - " - .' . '.; ..... . . .... . Ti.n~sS,h()r. 4-:fall}n the area.:s mU.hi-f~~jl1)' jr....\'en.toT)'. d~6es not help what has become a S;gnificl' p!o?lem:: affordable housmg.' D~r,l.ng lhe)O yearssmcelhe Metro Plan was acknowledged, lac,k()f affordable:holising has,gro\\:n s!eaqily worse,' both nationally and here in cen1T2l Lane ", c. ,d County_ Documentation ofthis'si1u'2iion nliiionally, is found in the National Housing Task Force report, Stale of the Nillion's H~I\I~jmL. ,: .~ _. '. . .;.,......' ..-.,. ", ::: ~ ". ,,'." Locally, a variety of siudies bave m(ooe ~imi1ar ]indings. Among them are these: :. :.,:;~':': lJ'le.l989une County Task Force.c.n Homele'ssnessandAffordable'Housing reponed that "~he -r ..... + ,., " " '. , _, ",' . 7 ". . ( '. ~ " < _ > ,only resiqential' housing cons!r\lctio:i 'ih~.t h,s Occurred since 1979 "has been planned and 'oesigned for the higher income seclor.~. ..... .:'" r ""'. :,:~:~) :'.,',"; .~:.~'~.:..:..:' ::':;:':'.'~,r..,:..:. ._.' ':.;: ,<:;.,'};{ u.'.,...~' . :Jh~:.rent~l }'acancy.::Ta1eiirFune~ toilnif haS-declined markedly since the mid-eighties, while 'fe'nt'S 'ha\'e steadily increased r.t .r?le~ Subsl.?nti2J)y, gr~~ler, than: a\;etage median incomes. '\J;::-.: '. nt;:~.j;(:.:~ ::.m~?~:~.:"','..:~; ;'~,;;:r:'.:';'r~':i'l!' :::.~)',:;\::;,:,;q) . Little new rental construction' h2:S OCCllT'rea since) 979, and "what there is ha.s been planned and . . . designed for the higherin~olT!e, ~,~~l~.r~-~;,.J,I1"hl}~,: 1,,989. (ori e);ample'~ ra;d~s~ription of recently ,),;...,, ""'" .,,' p'r9P?~.e..q'l_en!aL projects ~ in:' ~~~~pfpi~jfcl~(t.l.hflo\yest, rent. for a': t\\;o-bed,room apartment at '''' 'e'";;~?,!~~!:S, .",'l1'Qut~'i~: ;. :.: ,"Co ":,~. " '.; ,,; ;:~ i';: ;_;':' ; :; ";~'i~;.! , ::";,. . ..', ~ . . ";::';;2~~~qx~!i;I,a!elyr28.9~O{ta~..e:;.C,ci,~mIY,~.~1?\i.s~ho~d~? fre~.ons~der.ed ; lO\l,'-income,. .meaning those 'havlng Incomes of!esSlhan. hlf !her,1fd"on ($14,150) family Income for a famIly of f()ur.. " .-' ~ ,. .:' . - ~ >.: '.J. ~" ..- Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-IS Ordinance No. ~615 -. Pa~e 2I ..'-.. . . , . ---," _'N' The. r.alio:)&J,stG1e_~.ndj(\-:~11~C:r:c~ '(h:~~':;~~(f:;1);~le Tr.~}: pClrte' rt'f;)O:1 ~h::\'~ cn:s:ic~H)' ~:-:':-::td .~~~~\~i~~{~;~.~~{~~U}ii~fJh~'~~; u.ne COU~l)":!(:sid~;i;~ ~~~:i~~~:,~~d~'~~~~i~'.~~jl~~ij.~,~ N :~~';;;;i f>~c.~~~"~',.;';:n~d)ifk d:.; 5:f'r'., :,;:.:'::;i::i(':, 0: t..; ';,'/.; "::"'~"'_-'~-_':f,;.~~"-:; . ::.~~'~ ~.l..,.;~:_;~;~~~; ;,.:'''Usino :\he ftder?1:ofl1lihio:l '(I( i:ffNd::~~e ~~o'~~i!'l'g" i's-::.O perce";;t' of hOl.lseh(lld income for a':.;\ .........r..J_..4 t.t- li,..,. ,.""\'~". ;;. ~- . . . " . """" ,. ",.~t>:!l.'~~ ~ .'. ~~':~~/:.;.:~~>;;:../. ;:'d.1:!\m.t5~s". ~.'..'Jhere GTe \'er);: fe\\';j~~:r,~'-('Ir: :-cr~s:.'e \:pi1saff9rr..d~b)~ 10 CC\~mt)' residems: who .~ .,",,', ..j:,.,.._~".~ "'" . . .", Iff" -- .-i<'""1- ......;.~.: ;'.., "'~" ,0' .,::'.: ..... ",J~ . -." ';"er:~, rail mto,these mcome c,teconet...', ,_".., '..., .-. ,'Jd. .. . ::.-~~~ . ::.t~';:~~~~:,;~':.-;_,:~,: ;,,'.~~ """ .:~ ;;-i":>: ,::j :' ,~..7: ~>< [~;: S ~:;~ j 1 ::'. ~'':' :.. ~ :': ::: '~'.:" .~~ ..~~~o";~:.~:;<':~z~~(~~; 4~~-'iT~te~ded to'meet the need. for j;'ffcid~bif,i~-?u~.ing:~i;!;e])/l~~d desi~r.c.ted for mu::iple . :.:~-:.''.;'~ ~:, . . ~ fami.1)': use; h?s.pro\'en not to be r.ch::::l1fa:..d"~ie'a!iingf~lll)' ,\'aiJc.~.1.e for s~Kh housing. . " , -. .. ~ t- '_I ~:~"':,~ :;;~.:. ,;<~~:;:.'.\.....r:: i:;, , ....._..~. :;"'" . . - - .;~. '. - . >: ,~.~. :. '-. ,. .. . - ~"': ~. ".::., . :',;., c: i : .' '., ' , . .. .. .. .. . .., . .. . . ~._,... . 'O:'e' '~"'l'n .~::~"'n \"'.t c.t'h l.nc's' ...~ '''rll' ::"', ...';;t'.\":.'l".\-"A ~o' r ....~c~C..'h'A h^"C'lnO "'.s ~~e'" .~.t ' II ..n..::. l~":-~'," iiG _..~;.. ,1 . ('..~ .:" ..I .:a. .: G .('.-'.~ I 4:l...4:I.J.... ~'''_ ~. 114: "'~.I ...4: . affordible housing has been \Ir.(:~le 10 C'o::-,pe:e with o!lier uses' pf;mined (In such lands. . A principal competing use ~s higher-income lj~:lh;ple ~ami1Y"hOt:si:ig, which has driven the p:ice ."".of ]and,av~ilabl~ fOf: multlpie-farnily housir.fouio(reach,' is. e\'idenced by the increasing majkel · ,.- ~~;2.1~,~.s 'of ~u.chlands a~d by. thedean~ ciiMio!.c.f:,;)fe' njil~i.t~,fan)i1y housing construction in the~ast 'l~:)~n :)'e~rs.:' : ;::~ ',: ..,; ',!.~' ~.,':.::' .,"" .:':':::' f: ,:..i ~..'. '--O'.! '..~f~.,:' .~~.:.: ~:..~::~:-:.tr,1 ! j' ~",:,:{_;"::;.....,:'.: . '~::,'. '~<.: [ -:- .' . . . :! :: '. ,. - ' . .' .' - ~ ;:'r~7For' e~'er)"Sl ,000 of housing cost Tedilce'd~:!he pi"op6r;'i~ry::offami1ies who can afiord housing , dramatically increases due to the shr.pe of 1he inc'on,e distribution curve. II Bergman, De\'elopment Controls and Housing Costs: A Polk)'..q~I)~~ .10 Resenrch, in Volume III, ?\fanagement ~nd Control of Growth lULl J 975) 53]:-; d: ~ '. " . ., ~.- , '. . ' " - .-", ,"' :.' : '._ ,0", '. .'.' ~ :} ~.; . ". :_~: :. :.::.' . .,. . ',~ :'-:':. . ;. .; :::', ,-' ;'. ;' . . " . .,..'. '~: '. . . ''', '.. '. ..... . ': "Per unit differentials which are. due 'iO zoning~rndllcedii1jb?Jances of supply currently exacta 'premium or 'hidden tax' on smaller lot, 10\\'er cost housing.:' Bergman, DenJopment Controls and Housing Costs: A Policy Guide to Resc-~I'ch, in Volume 11J,!\1nnngement and Control . of Gr.o~\.th: (ULl-] 975) 531. .' . . , ,.' .; ._.' t.._ ;, " G ~al' 11: c p~ i,;i~ F .~i1itieS an d Sf i'rices. Thi~ god r eq;'j re~ 111~ pio~i sion of a ti meJ y. order! y .,. "."::;i:::y< anci eificientarrnngernent of public'faci1iti'es 'and ~eI:"ices. .~n'urban s~'r\'ices needed fOf the : ..< .<. ;,.,:,:':-- . proposed development are' a\'?.11ab}e in'lhi's'r~1h;-de\'elop'ed and: weU:sen;ed centrc.l urban c..re2, :,:;,: :.'~: ..'" : .i" including fire and poli'ce prolection"'pr.H;s~-:sr~n~!~.ry and siorin'sewer's, Ti!as~s transit, schools, and :';':';' t:_::;:...~rban arterial streets..; ., ~,' ". /:.:.:':. .L.';.'.;~:~". C" '. '. "~'.: H"-",,-,;,,-_' f/ ,::. <,,'J :".:.; ::'~"" ,.:~. ~ ," -,'. ..':', .;...i,:' ..,' .,' ....' ....'.:.;;. .... ...... r.r:i!~~,::c~c<^Sa'nitari Sb~;er:':'Th.~:.s~t(i~';~~r\'~~.))~.~.Wsien'ofgi-a.~,'~iy -pip-~s.. ranging in siz.e from .' ~, . ,,:i;,.i8:;; to 42~J i~"diameler: "See Figure'6':3F'in . the EDA Study. The existing 42" pipe -..:"': . '. . .' ::" , . ~arr)'ing ,00\\:s :\IF.s~ (r~I~;!,h~.,~(?~ry:~~~,:e~d or thc:, ~ite.h~.s ample'~c2.pacity to. h~dle the .~': LYi. gr,i..cs;; ,~')";'~' ::lp~o~osed ~?r~J~.~~';'~~<~,;~fie,app,)~s~,r:! P6~PO~'~~}'?i ue.~l1, ~.~Y~lopmeJ}t on the SHe mto that .:,: n~:r\~ plpeJ,There. a~e c2.pacnx pr~b}~f!1.s}\'nijJpes~w~r along, l'1.~m Stre.et upstream (easterly) . 'r:;;. fronnhe's6uth!:end'otl1'e~p.tbp,~'f.19,~'~{Tli~' Cit)"s. i 989 SanJtarYi Sewer J\1aster Plan calls ,d! . z~,;.),:' Jor repladngine:~27':' pipe, r.~~~~).lO'Dg)~1~in,froril32ndStreet.east with 36" pipe. The .~' :'2'iJ'~(y:q :, ; pfojeci'~f tJse:~f lh~'~~:". ~i~5.~J;t ~ht,.nc.r.l~.~li~ o( the prope.rty'\\'ould have no effect UpO=1 ."' ",;:, ",'", ;:'" q'i. ,,,.' ;., t hi s P~;~~i1 ~ ~'Ort~~~,rOp~st,d )01 ;;1 i~~::, '., ....... Z";" ," . . .-- Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-19 1_____ ___ .. - Ordinance No. 5615 Page 22 ".' .;:. L" _ .~." ;.,.' . L ~ . . - .' ("~'.~' ,':'., Stonn Sf:\\C-r:.Finl!e 6~:F)n Ine, ED:\':Sllid\, ~!-;ows'lhe:dEliri~"sj6fm dr2)~2~e S\'Sie. ,:: '" ,:Z:; ,;; "-"r,, , ... i ~",~~-,;~;'~d; ;r;~. ~j;~;:: Tl>e - (1Ifr<!1H y~ ltl1l in"cudes DOlh tic;s~d orb-ir cl?b c5nin;& c ;'..). Pipe shes range f:om 10" 10 66" in cic:li'letfr. The dilCn through the cemer of the .Burkla:ldsi:e'"c::n:ies.: \~'?-!eT cfro}:) alor;g ~1?jn. Sireet' !O,ihe Q~Sfreei :dhch,\\'hidl flOWS .~\:~S(lO east pc-st"the :nonhe.rry.border. of.lhe sile.. :Surf2Ce runoff fi~l1i''i~e residenlial area . ,. ..: ~:.:.:,.;: .: : ',.: :~;:':] 0: i6-th-e' easi is direcled inlo dilches thr.t i10w \\'est onlO 's\"'ales 'oiflhei Burk12nd site. The . . ~ . '. EDA SlUC)' s~:es l}:at the Bml:land ~ile could be served for industiialde\'elopment by : "00. " -., '. ;_J~pl.~c.ing. theope~ dil~h;\~..h~.:"a66 ":~ pipe lhrough ihe micicile 'o(~he'.'Burk1and site and ,q' . -', _.~ :.:~'-'-_:~' .~)lti15u.li6n"o~:~:;e..tX~.s.ling.sy~!e:i1:.wiir.~n lhe !\kKenzie Highwi)i,.::'~As lhe c;,plican1"s ,~:.~~" ,.}.~ .-'. 'erigirieeis hG\'e'Ceiermined.lhe s~me ~o!ulion would fully sei\'e the pr,oposed mixture of '. . ,.,_~es1demial ?-r:d 17~1:;':merdi:l: l.:S~S emD\\dicd in ihe applicah1"s ;proposal for the she. As ,':::. ':::'''h~,;:'.'';..~;,)h~X S~)':' ~'::,:,;, . .',.., .", 'r:, ..,..> '. ','" ~. .. ~ 4., ~ " ,.::' ~_ ::.>+ i ::: -:' . ~ . C.: .,': .,," ;":".,':if,~'pr~?o~~~.~.ey~1:opi1i~~1. \~"ould: ~ause less'impaCt6n"lhe.sform . _.. ...... ;: )e\\:erS)'s1e.rnJ~:;.~,~~'as origin~.1]y: a.nlicipated. for. h~\:y" ~.rJd:'lighl . 1 ,':c";:" ; '.' iriduslr.,l de\'elopmelil. Residelilial developments have' a"smaller percentGge of impermeable surface areas than industrial Sil~~ )hal ~. .', . : ..~ ~)'pical1)',ha\'e': r,equ,iiel}iems:: for'.' large, struchires and ,.' p~ved .' ': '.: '"' :.....,..5lJ 1 eC,i ~g ~ : . . ..;.. ?:< .' .' ::. . .' .; :,' .:-' :) ";,' - "F-~/r;::l:.':~: , .~." :;j';'~J. ""':":~,'-5':: ..... . :..,~ .: .j-.' . , _ .' '.' .P'". .. ModiTic2tions' to the existingd17.inage syslem shaH bejappro\'ed upon site review and Sh'.l.l. be s. u. ch as \.\ .m, on balance,... Pi.olect and enhance its amenity aryd resource Valu. m,.intainqr. slo,w iunoff rales, . and preserve. or enhance its carryin'g capacity, consisl whh'applicable<planpolicies c:.~d,\~'etlaI1ds regulations'.' .' ,'< :.;',.: .'< "',~ ':" . '. ..' .' ... . ,- ~ ': ..,- '. . " ... "..; ::..... '1:!: ..'::.,~~:~ i~ . '<::' t:.<~. ,- . ;~. " !- :~. .' . Goal e12 -'Tranip~11 ~t ion. This goal requires 'the provision -of a safe, con\'enient, and economic transportation syslem io move people and goods between geographic and jurisdictional areas. .. The.site plan prop()~~~ a nonh-south th.rougJ'l slreetlhat runs from Main Street on the south along the" \\'est side of the"' centerline .drainr.ee dilCh and will exit from: the" ncinli-east corner of the . .. '. .' - ,........ - '. . . . .. p'rop'eny, ju,~t,s()ui~.ofit:e..\\'eif?nd/\l~'O~~l~!'ld preser\'e,' onlO an' accessl~ding to 32nd Street. :'() ':. This\l.'ill pro\'!~~iy.;~ poinlS." of access to h1ail} Slre~t both for, residents of the new developments . and for' residen'lS' 6fthe existing residential area to the east, who have"expressed a desire for improved circulation and access. The roadway will also provide bus access to all pans. of .the' .' development. .A bus sloR and i~~.e1.ter..f~si1itY.-i\riH be designed; in"cooperalion with the Lane Trdlsii: I?,ist,n.ct lo.:2~16~~r~~i~.~~fs,~ccess.1o 'ryi,~s.str~flSit.withoUl: na\'ing to cross Main Street. .'>0:, "';:; l.,U:.~.,~l, .,,~'1.":>{"~"~':'-~:;"':'~~:J t.,,),;-; li'2' :....' ......~,,'. ' . . ~ C~!:Te~tt t~t~f5:o1!b~~e~ ,~~(~~~.irL~ti5~fti1.~rlt.he:.si,V;.are,~t. acc~ptapl~ levels, varying between j Level of Ser\'lce Band te\'el ,of Se~~I~e.,C.,.Th~se.levels of serVlce reflect urban traffic volumes y ~ .. ", ' .,... ..-.: - ~. '- ~ }" ~ ~ ".. \ . ~ \",1 ., r' .' _' .........0.... " , ~~;buealso:-!rer.eCt:; sm6olh;"ahd'.'unoDsliil'cied~1'0)\'S~0f-lraffic. at urban speeds. The Cit)'. .of ,>:, Spnrigfih}d~-s T~i~.sp~,rl,t:i~.O~' p~p~rii~1~-ljl'; I:~s,~dvr~e.di )hepr~jeclen-gineers ihat the Depanment . .. 'do':s not foresee problems~~'j!h'l.!~~'l~;:,f(i~_vol\1.mes as~qcialed \\:i1h the propos.ed project. If an ~ .' :.': ;:inl'pact' slG'd),."revea'ls 'a' 'nied Jp(a, \r~I'f1ic. .sig~a)... r~fug~ . lane . :,or Olher improvements. such improvemenls shall be prClvicled' fOr ?11hi tiii'le ofsi\e review. ~ - < ., .f...... .'.:' ",'1, :,::.i t:;~: :'.i ,: . Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-20 Ordinance No. ~615 pag'e 23 ~,.; ~. r ...,~;;,.:,,;. . ',.- f.-'-:".,:-- ~., ~ .:-~,.,.,,;;.::~._:', '.,: "'1~~,::I:'~[l:~ ':~l..:,\.:;;'~;iL':?:t.:.~!~ ~f:~~~'.a . "\." ...;,,",\ .' .~ ~,;':'t~~.: ~t7~:')C.:"Go,:I1 ~ ,"3 ;: E2_11~'~~'~ C:~~~~('! ,\ :I.:,~~~p.~;_~. ":~)'l.".;~, .;,'";.':.....\: ~ :.i..:,~?u, l~9J~~.~;,1.,;:.~if.'::..~ (~';. c;"\ .:...':.. .C', -.",:......t,-."'.,. '1'1' s'~('\f ~r" ..h.....~ "1' .."....1... t" \,".",,~ 1,\r'1"""l'Il.-\: Th.....",...,.'\,.."..., ",,,. '5 ""," ....1 ._.. ..! .t!~ .-. .J.:~::-"r " lorm en~ ~ "\ . t .'.:-.t U \ \, "....( 'l' ',1" ,L..\... r ,I.\. l r .~ _', -f . .._;' r" . ,._..\:,' .,..... ..._. i.. ..... .~:-::X~~ i:~-:~~~titfe~:sl.irigi \l~b~~ ~ fsh;~c!~(S~:-.i:~i !~t id.' ~:'~',~i~:1\ :~o., l:~:r~e -:.:-~~id.~;iti~i:.r~~~ '~~'h{~,~, ~re f~j1Jy S::-yt j , ..-. ..., "~d ...~.. :t ..-.....,:'1:~\. -i-1-_ .J~" ~s ""__1"'\".16 ..~nlr...~l,. i ~...~...: l\j~n ~"\' I'V'\..'-r o\' eXlsuno Sl.tf.S r.., I...;;~. ,..\.1""'__',,' .~.. ~ .... . :.t.!\".... \.~. .'~:' ~,;,l"'r..C'\J I... _.J ~'..... ',- . c.. '!'- ... :! r<.' ~.. r'o '1" ";d~- .', _.~~ .- d" r" ~ :;!.../~:..:.~~ :, \. ....~:.1 ~:.. :;';.-1".:' ~;f-.. '('1.dl~'i.;(-'.';j-.!'~'~~;,"".h~': "1.'; ';':S': ~c.' ;2' : ~., "\\']ie-e. \\.:. \.:.. ;~ .~ . -= " -. . \: ':' current \'~ es: ~n~'e .rl'l.. c. t.;;i~~ll,; ..;l.; . .. - ....1,; ","'~ _' .... Ii .~..., I. ..... . ..11 '. I i. .~. .. ~.j I . ;..J.. c!~: ,<~,,: ;:::~:' "-';: ~) ~lhe M ~tiopoji;r.n Area' \.~jS~~ dro.l;:, 3(,\1;lid~;h': : 'It ;s' 6:n ';cin:'e~ i~i irl.g'i;~~;n):ir.e TTr.nsit Dis';rki : ~r.,'-: :"~:-'~.i~...~tf: (, Bu{ Route'.: ;"'1\$: i'nlern~f m:~~t: 'i:-:d .~:cew::n? 1'~\'slel~'~ 'l('\'~'eihe-r:'\~'iih; :'le~;rb\'- T\'scl:1 Park. l~,e --", -- '..-~' .. . 1 ~ __:. r ...~ ~'.' ':,,":' .'" ":'. "'". ~~..- '.~.. !....: .. .'. .'~"'i"_ .~.~ I......,... .... . . . . .. . ~:,.~.:'->..~'. ':;:~'P!oposed cornm~rcl.r.ln('\r~fl !\~,~:.~ S:~t.'l. \~;:;1 c:~o.'.rresl~~,ryt~ lq.f.lie~~~}f;~:iY N :nelf c~11y r.tees ' ' . '. . . .' l' T' . . \ .. .1' . . '1' '"' ,. " . . . ., ~.. ,.'c_ ,'.,-::, 0., b\' '\\'r.lkln~' or ~lC\'C m:!. . ;'le H:"t;~~.'1or:':s\~. iN'll' ~\"S'e!~L\\'ll.. re~~l.i :n. :):--.;t-Sir:arl.ii:e:-.c;v : :: -.... < . :: r:~iohborh~od 's~:-~e!S: .: Tr.e . h,:o::',;: ~e\'e;s ':\\1' ~he'. popil"fCilion '.'Z,:(l)" ~re'su'li" in r.e lO\\"2\':~~~ ~ .,'"" -.. .::: -', ..', " ..'" .-' '..... .......~~:.:,.:- '. . . , : ..... _' .. .. _;...... ".~, .,.~ '.. Ii'_'" . " , ~ 'O..i"....'e O\'......-~'I..? .,-... ...~C'~ .-.... -".,_.....,,,.~ .-,.1 <'1'1 -1'I"Slllun'j',,,, - ','-.( ,.01 f. ~~!. 4; ,-",..,.~ ,....,..,~... ".'w ~.~.:_.... It I," :.~d_l..~.~;.\ ,1. .-.nu,.:. C \,'-1.. ,Ur, \..J. ~...r";:' . " : .... ,.- . - : .;- : ;1.. .:..~,. , .: :. . ~ .'W ... ,. .' _.oJ _ , ..... . . , . ";- - ' GO:ll 14 - Crb:\Ili7..1tion. Th:s' g~~;J req~::n:s Ihe:t urb~n gro\\'1n tlouncaries (CGS's) ~~ eS1abli shed 10 assure CO!~~'~cumd. ;ff!del"l1~;rhr.ll uowlh, wlthin .UG 3' s whne proiect1na r:.!:-li ',-. ~"-~"",'-; ''''"'''''~'''.,'I /"-'" ~,.t:' .~, ...,~. -_ /~.;......~.t......"....., ',_ ..~.... _ resource lancls outside-CG3's:'-' Cse e,i lhe 'si!b5~ct she for affoTdable~ !;'ledhm'l-densii)' lio~s~r.g . prOn;Oies, lh,is >?bj~c.t~:.~ in: 1:;~:~;~')~:1~s.~ i ~,C\l:':!e. {\J':whk}~,: !:a\'e,~,e:~i p~~,c,~i~~d . in :he d:scl:ssic:'l of ..! :::..:.the .ene.rgy, l)~(ms~oitatlon. ?~~~ ~l?-pll:~e.s, gOf.1~.llbove.: ;,,'/ (i :'1; " C:,)[I::S :::!.: . '._"'l' ,.: J.. eJ ': r~~~':::_-~~:"';''..':;-,., '.,~ ::::..1..1;; ,_,J. n-'...-....,.-._--.r_---:. ..... ......" ' , . ". .-- -.... ~ ." " ..'. _'. '''j ~. .-, f - ,. ~_; :<:": t i'? ;r~ :/ 0 ~ , In those: ins'tr.'nce{\\'i1e';e ari timder r:l1ocGtio:1"of needed' supply 'exisls, it is necessary 10 the:'l conven c.l}other !m'entory ~~~lrc,e or look tqwr.rds .an expansion in the ~oundary. Conversio:'l of 'surplus in"entory lsfc:.r more. p.tefer~b1e 11:,::1' ~\ boundar)' expaTlsiq~., "-,,, '-, '-'tt ", .,~ .;.:(.:~~~~~' ,- ;,.-,.." , -.. ~ e<.. ---.' ". . ~... " PI> _ ~ ,'., ~_ J"-."",,. " ,.! . _ . :F" -.... '. _.. ; ~..~. ',T " " . ..'" The discussionUJ1dei'the Econo'~ifi.hdHcil:sing C'oals, above, de.IJiOnsirc.tes that the Meiro Area :-:has been q\llte liberal in its'alloC2tion of industrial lands but q\J1te conservaii\!e in its allocatio:'l of land for medium densllY residemj(.1, and 1hr.t past residential development has not included affordable Jow-incorne hOtlsine.... The~e neecs must be met somewhere, and a Te.2sonable exercise .::.; i'sto ev~lu2.ie' the:'alt!"ib\.jIe~ 'o{siIes. \l.:~ich: r.re. included il}; ~ :~~IPllls inventory. The subject site ,cis such 'a\r2~t. ';"Th~ 'proposedJe,des~gnr.lion. \,.m a119w it.tobetailored for an optimuT:l use, as . buffer:: commerCial,'and resident;al llse." .. . . , ~ .' . ~ -;' ;., ._r : ..,;,. , '_" ., " "'~-'.", : IT. :i::, ~IETR6 :"PLA~ :A.\jE~ti'~1E:\TS ': ~IUS:T ':'~OT . ~"f:.\i<E7';.~;~E ~1ETRO PLA~ . INTERNALLY r.\CO:\SlSTE~T .,'. . f ,>' ... ~~, <... .... ,....._,.'\~~ ~I ''''''i~;':~: :.:t) !?: t:~:' 0-;-: .'7:t !-~~""" ,-:;rC! fig{J-:~::f:'fL.;:~. - ::.~ '::0. ;!~'The;p!rOp6<s-ed 'ph:ri'~2';11endli'ient"does" n-6t < re~9~nhe Metro Plan' interrially,inconsistent. Jt seeks to reallocate most of a single parcel of land from the J\1etro Area's industrial land base 10 the :. <,"+i1..,10;:1 ;Li',:unl~~,a:~!/?.~?i}~n\97!~S!1~ ~t<~,i;d~n~,i~,til?,~,d;,~~.s,e,':.AS__~he_dis~cl.lssio~r~~ th~ Economy and H~\:sin~' .' \.- .-::~."LC'( ':"'>Goal~ rn2~~es cJear,;.ll1e.reallocGlIon,dO~SliQ~:)mpr.lrthe area'sfJriduSlnalland base, nor ooes II .;.' .-~':( r~1;.')~~; ;d r~^',>';1~.,,-,):.,:; L~',....},:! ,i.'r ,<:~,!:'L: -'~ \......l ,..... ,..,.,.'-' .-' "'.' _ . . ~.-"-~ ,..'".C-:: , - c':," te4~ce,~1.1~J:f~r.J?,~g~I~.rll' ~.n\'$pi.ory :'~lOY,~ P!oJ~("'ed deI1'l,;md~-l:1t will tldd 35 acres 10 1he area~s . '- ,"::,1in~,m~d'D.?se oJ.r.!e~hIl11 qenS,ily,1(.!1d. i:l.';} ~i!eJh:~.t is ful1y;seryked :=.nd centrally localed. fr.:::;::.c:.,....;.;~ :, ,--.,oo,!"" ..'. " " ,.',.. ;" ':7.'.':'. t;..;,:;.::',...:.; :'!;-.-~.::.': -,~. ;'~'~:"tf ~>Y/i~.' ('Il;C,.~ ".., . """,'" ..~' c. i ~-.-, - I ::;';-~~~~(:~J"-~ .:.i":"'~:) ; ,-,,~ ,';-;- ,~~ ,- ";' .' , ,~. . .. ."'; > ~ . ~~ ,""'!" . ~ '._' f ~' ..... -. : . .. #--- , .; . .- Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-21 Ordinance No. 5615 Page 24 . .~tlhe ~me tin;e. the ~i;e tomi;jlll."s h) ':"Itcl :~'c rJfed for a l~nsilional 2one, prO\'iding a buffer ,'> . ; :' ~e~\\'e'e~-.:. e~i~li~i h~~\')' i,ndlls~ri:ll ~:~('s ::::-,j' ~0W G.enSi1)':; resjd~n1i~t ck\'elopmenl. This. : ';' \(\!1sH,ent "'!1h pl?:nn1~gpr2tlke.e)~e.\~ ::t';~ ~n .:~:~.~1tl!OP1:::n and Spr.mgDel~ ,~~finement Plans. .....". .' ' . . ::',: ~ ~-: :-:, . ~ :: . '" . -.; . .. '- '. - ~ "":.'" ~ ~ -, - . . ~'~ ' .~ . . ;""". " ::'This: am'eridn1ent presents no hSlle of in("(i:~~i';~e:i~~':.'wi1h'-the area' s refinement.' plan. The MelTo ~':::~' Plan :'c1e2rl)' provides" the:t relinement ph:r.s ~re lci,,~I. interpretative refinements of the Melro ".,':,,~?!in~':'Thedo:not ,2~mend the MelTo Pl,m h~e1i.~ bc?ses:of conflict. the Meno Plan controls. 'r:.: Th6:Plan: pio\'ides 'ft pt:~el.5 thai. ~ShOll}d incoiisistencies occur. the Me1To Plan; is the , . ~:-e\~amrig policy document.. . The P1:m de:.:-1y ~'('I:-;:em?la1eS both lhat the ?lc.n itself will be . ~r:'lende'd :and th~.dnc6nsistencits belwee:1. ~:'le P1i:n~md reline'mel"ltpl~.ns will OCCUT. \\'hen lhe . - '?J:an ~s amended, -those elemen~s of ~ ;~:!l:t::.;t:";t ;:l:~.:) 111sl are not consistent with the Plan as amended 2.Te ineffective 10 the eX1ent ('Ii the "Olij;kt: ,. - - ." ,'-~-'" "\ . III. THE:A~1E~D~1E~rfs ~OT A PLA=, l.:P.DATE AME~D~1E~T . . . '" ..,'.' '. . .,."..". ". In oeierminirig'the classlfica1ion of aPl2,n ~me'ndmelil. the'Dlrector of the home jurisdiction must take action within five days of~ccep1ance ofac'oniple1eapplicaiion.' On January 10, 1991,lhe following fin~ings for classification as a Major Plan :~mendment wer.e made: .". .- ..' . .. , , . A major plan amendment is de1inedas..."Achange to 1heMetropolitanPlan which(l) amends lhe text of the Plan; (2) is a substanti:1I di?g..am, an, lend, ment; (3) requir,es an ESEE anal)ts' under statewide planning Goal 5; (4) requires another concurrent Plan amendment to main , plan consistency; or (5) substantively affects 1r~e City of Eugene, the City of Springfield an , Lane County." . .;', A substantial diagram amendment is defined 2S... "A change iothe Metropolitan Plan diagram which is a chang'e toor from medium or high density residentiafor commercial designations for 'morelhan.15 acres of land or which is any o!nerchange affec1ing more than 30 acres of land." The proposed amendmen1 would chilrlge lhe Metro Plan diagram from Light-Medium and Heavy Industrial to Medium Density Residential for 52, acres .of land within the city limits of '. . Springfield. . .' ~ 02 : ~ Although this proposed amendment is subst~.n\i~~e,it does., nqt rise .tothe level of a plan update. . ~mendmeni which. is defined as: '.' , . .. ':,' - . , . . .-.....i ~. ("'. <, _ ' ~, ; .-d' ..", _.,_ :. ~. j . .~} : '.' ! : . '."" , 'Any:change to the Metropoli'ir.n 'Plan ',\:!~ic:h (l)~c~,~nge~ 111e' urban .:grow1h boundary or :::lhejurisdictional boundary of 1he Plan; (2) requires a goal excep1iqn 10 be taken under statewide planning, gO?.), 2; (:.). amends'a fundament(il 'principle,.'riietropolilan goal or policy: set. out in Chapler 11 (If the Pl::m;or (.4) requires a substantial diversion of budgeted planning resollrce-s from the C\ppro\'ed' work programs of affected city departments. ":..' . . Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-22 . . . Ordinance No. 5615 Page 25 ..' _ The subject p:(\~~y is w::hin 1~'~ \:ny limits r.nd dC'sigl1:iU:d. fr.r \!rl':~n l:~e .~r:rf(l:e :'h' adjustment to either bo:md::ry :s TI;qllir\.J nC\r :lr~ ther~ :my r~~Om('e pr~'1~171~\.'ll i~~ues wnkh requiiein excepli(l:l ?urs~nt 10 ~t:Hewid~ p!::nning. ~(\:~I~, This pWj:\Clsed ::mtr.h~r;-Il~.nt ~rcl:s n(l chan~e lQ 'plan polin. or .ext ~md. ~~c:lU~e lhis propoS:11 \\'~s pri":-:!cl\' il~ili:ned ,'(\Jisistenl \\'i:~ , -the' n~~-:amendmer.t .procedures. no di\'~r~i(\n (If budge!ed re~oum,:'s i~. rt'~uire-d iO.T pTC\rrSsing. ,'-. - ,. Ord. 5615, Exhibit A-23 . . . Ordinance No. 5615 Page 26 ..._ >_ Exhi bit B FcbnmrJ' 7, 1992 ,> ZONING IJBSCRIPTION FOR SPRING WOOD ~ (Commercial Zone) Beginning at a point on the Northerly Right-of-way of McKenzie HighwllY which is South 890 44~ East 270.00 feet from the Easterly right-or-way of tbe Dnweb Line ofclle Southern Pacific Railroad; run thence .North 0" 07' 40" We'sl 4.10.83 feet; thence South 89044' East 510.20 feet; thence SOl11h 002.9' 30" Wc.S't 430.82 fe~;t to a point on the Northerly right-of-way of said McKenzie J-lighway; t.hen,cc ~Jonp sa.id, right-of-way Nortll 890 44' lVesl ~505.54 feet to .llle Place of Bcg1J1TUnS, 111 Spnngfield. Lane County, Oregon. S8Id parcel conlmO$ 5.0 acres. IJJon: or Jess. (Light Industrial Zone) Beginning at a point il1llt is North 0007' 40" West 430.83 feel and SOl/t1J 89" 44' East 270.00 feet from the intersection of the NOrlberly right-of-way of McKen7.i~ Highway Ilnd the Easterly right-of-w'ay ofule Branch Line ofule Soul1lern Pacific Railroad; run thence South 0007' 40" East 30.83 feet; thence South 890 77' 30" West 270,00 feet co a point on said ra.ilroad right-of-way; t11ence along said riBht~of-way North 00 05~ East 2373.10 feet; thence lea ving sajd right-of~wJlY n,nd running along lile center of a drainage way Nortll 8l)'" 59' 30" hast 203.93 feet; thence NortlJ 77020'Ellst 61.23 feet; thence leaving said dra.il1age way South on 07" 40" East 1500.39 fect; tbenccNorth 89052' 20" East 310.91I'Oet; thence South 0" 33' 28" Wesl889.18 feet; thence Nort11 89044' }.Vest 300.28 ket to the Plac(..~ of Beginoing, in Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Said paT,;d contains 20.83 acres, Inore or less. (Medium Density Residential) Beginning at a point that is North 0029' 30" Eas1430.82 feet and .':iouth 89" 44' cast 775.54 feel from the intersection of the Northerly right-of:w"y of M'cKenzie lfighway mId tile Easterly right-of-way oftbe Brancb Lint" of So 11 ll1 ern Pacific Rai/ro<1d.: nm tilence Nortb 89044' West 209.92 feet; thence Nortb ()O 33' 28" E;J$r 889.18 feet; thence South 8.9052' 20" West 310.91 feet; thence North (JoO?' 40" "'cst 1500.39 feet tOillC center of a drainage way; tbence alonL.~ Sltid drainllgc WilY North 7r 20' East 41.47 feet; tllence South 72045' Enst 105.85 feet; thence SoutlJ 63" 50' East 108,90 fcel; tl,ence South 72030' East 92..16 f(~et; thence let/vinS said draina.ge W;lY North 0032' 10" EtM.t 355.31 ft.~d (0 II point on tbe SOlll1wrly fight-at-way of SOlltbern Pacific Railroad; tlumcc along said right-of- WltY South 82047' East 512.80 feet; thcllcC leaving said rigbt-or-.way South 0032' 30" lVest 1998.52 feel~' thence Nortb 89044' lVest 300.00 feet; tIwncc SoutlJ 0"29' 30" l.Vest 585.58 feet to t11e Place of Beginning, in 5/yrit1gtJeJd, Lalw COllnty, Oregon. S'uid panxl c:ontains 37.26 acres, more or /es,"I. The above descriptions were prepared from existing deed fwd survey records and may be subject to minor variations disclosed in a survey ortl1e above propenies. Ord. 5615, Exhibit B