HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-5 .. RESIIliNTlAl" APPLICA~N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, 02'egon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Looatio,,: ~ II 6 L. 'r' (tA /,'J ( (' A8GesDOrO Map H \() 0 ~ ~ I) 4 ~ w~ T= Lot H () \()\4 SlJ>diviBio,,: /...0 r /0 YcoN65r~w~ SZo/f, CAmer: i'T A- ML AdareS3: "2-1 t t City: I!00&4~ (? (J....ItN JJo~, f3.t.- Y g f V r<-r\ (SZl.,PM Il .1dditicn n Remodel n .'-!obi-la Homa ~0s ~ -I 1- g'1' Address Lise. II BId rs Boa rd H:"". EXDirHS Phon,,' It is the peoponoibility of the permit ho~er to Bee that all invpeationa are made at the proper tims~ that each ~eB9 is readab:€ I from the street. and that the permit card is l~ated at the f~nt of the property. 4!3ui!dirI{J Divi::io!': ap;woved plan s1u:.Zl pemain on th~ Building $'it;;;; at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE.QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigYlated job nwr.bel'. job add:rcS8, type of i1l:Jpea::icll l'equcstcd a:-:d lJ.1:en you :.JiZZ be ready for inspection, Contr'actors or OtJne:rs r:cme and r::hone nwnbcr. Requests roecaived before 7: 00 c;; :..'ill be made the same dc.y. requests mc:.de aft;;r 7:00 am !Jill b:o: roode the next :.JOrking day. You~ City DeGigr.ated Job Numb"r Ie:' ~qOn~ Date of Application Contractors General ~NE? . ,Plumbing ~,..U\ r f'. y~ I t.lechallical \'\\(\ "S\(\()J).D I Ele<:cri<:a 1 ~ (')SJL, I Super" ising Elec t r.i c in n Rel1ld~e~d. r'1$nt>f!t':t:'t~ O SITE INSPECTION: To be roode alter excavation, but prior to set lip of forms. D UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,lL & NECH,!NICAL: To be made beJol'1] any work is ~ovcred. [Z1 FOOTING ~ FOUND~TIOIl: To be "",de after t:t'enchcs al'e excavated and forms are e:t'ectad, but pl'io:t' to pouring ccncret;. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING; SEWER. W,1TER) DRAINAGE: To be rrade priOl' to fii- li'l".g tl'enches. [ZJ [lJ UIlDERFWOR FLWBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insuZation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To bo made prior to installation of floor insl.l.ation or decki7l{j. pnUCH P[,U.l!B[!JG. EI,ECTRICAL ,';; MECH- ANICAL: No work i8 to be eJO!:el'ed until these inspeations hav~ beer. made and apPl'oved. FIREPLACE: Prior to plccir~ facing materials and before [,uming i,wfHW- tior.. FRA'~ING: Must be reque8t"cd after approval of rough plwr.bing, ~lectri- caZ & mechanical. AH POofing bracing & chimneys, et~. m'..J.st be completed. No tX>rk is to be con- . cec:.led until this inspection has . b6en made and apprOt:ad. [Xl [L] [Ll [l] P};CPle: ,6[?':? - &t'l '.J q 7 '(~/ Reoeipt " 1?/5Gr 11 Zip: Describe fl'ork: Value 5~ 75/.S-e> "z~lY~, ~Y.w -~Uu Sigr.!1 trfu S-- 'S'. ffi' Dato: .;.,..,'..01\.,,1.1",0;...4,'''111.. ,0" '"".~',. ,:. "" ~+, "I ..1 11/1 INSULATION/V/lPOR BARRIER INSP.r::CTION:. DEMOLITION OR !-JOVED BUIDDIi/aS X To be made aftel' aU in8ulation ar-.d . required vapor b(U'p~ers are in plaee . } ~ani~ar1! SelJer :JaPf'e~ at propo;rty Zir:.o but befope any lath, gypswn board or ---=.I - . LXlU .covel'i~g i~ applied, and befol'e :::J Septia tank p~ed and fiZZad with granl any 1.n8ulat1.0n 1.3 concealed. DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made aftm' aU drYLJaZl is in pZace, but prior to any taping. D MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. crJ D WOODSTOVE: ccmpleted. After installation is ] Final - flhen above items are completed ar.d when demolitior. is complete or 8tM.~~ ture moved and pp::mises cleaned up. - Nobi le Homes =:J Blocking and Sot-up =:J Plumbing connections B&Wer and water ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, sot-U? ~ and plumbing connections mr~Bt te appr~vad before requesting electrical inspBc;io~ ~ Ac,:,oSGol'b' Building ] Final - Aft::J' p:JJ'cr.os, skirUng, dcck8. etc. are completed. D All projeeJt cond-itiona. Guch as the ":".1tstaLZation of stl'(Mt tpBes, co::rplatiowof the required landsccpir.g, etc., must be satiaJied before the BUILDINC FINAL cml be ,..gqucDtsd. [1] FIliAL PLUMB[JJG o FINAL MECH~NICAT. [Z] ~INAL ELECTRICAL o o CURB & APPROAC!I APRON: Afto:- foms. a1'e erected but prior to pouring .:!O~re te. SIDSflALK & DRIt'EWAY~ Fop aU con..; crete paving within' street right- of-wcy~ to be made aftep aU exca- vating aomplete & form work & cub- base matep"ial in place. @ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must bo l'squeoted attap the 'final P!umbi,13 ElceJtpiaal. and Mechar.ical Inspectiona haua bean made and approuad. [2] D ~ENCE: Wher. c~~plote -- Provide gates or movable sectionD thl'OUgh P.U.E. .~[,[, /.IANI/OT-ES AND CLI~~NOUTS /lUST HE ~CCESSIBLF., ADJUST!fE/lT TO BE 'MDE ~T NO COST TO crn I Fa,'" oj' ~ rn -;)77fcET mtFC--S . I JOB NO. A~ SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- I Zona: L p;1? OCcuoonc" Grou".~ '? Lot Sq. Ftg. /-'.~~ I WT TYPE I Z '" Lot C,'JveI'ag~ --:.? t L Interior \,q of StOM.ea / Corner Tota L Height I 'f{'::t- PanhandLe I Topogl'aphy ~- ~h CUL-de-8ac -- Fees I [TEN ' SQ. FTG X VaLue Main II t:J 2- ~ "37.70 /'1./0 Gc1'aae Caroort tlcacDSOl'lI I I Is. D.C. TOTA& VAWE {vat.uc) I 1.5 x 5'3.'35'/.50 Buil.ding Permit State Surcharge TotaL Chargea lITEM I Fixtures I Re8identiaL c2?bathJ 2 I Sanit...'ll'Y Sewer / I~hr I I ~;1C7:l/1? z;,."p/NA.;E NO. FEE Plumbing Perrr.i t State Surcfo.apge TotaL Char-noB 11TEM , ' NO.. FEE Res. Sc. fto. 1/;11'2 Now/Extend Cirocuits / Temporary Service I I '2.;i1tf) -4 ~/L,"- ( Ele~tl'ical Permit State Surcha.r(Ie Total Cha1"qes ITEM I NO. FEE I Furn:zce .r!TU' S I Exhaua t Hood I I Vant Fan -;: J I I Woods tave I~';NL~ V'~ / Permit Iasuanca Mechanical Permit ./'!'l/~ State Sureharae Total Ch::zraeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~"ritM Depo3it Storago MaintmtaM6 Permit Total ChaNce Curbcu; /~7~/ r;~/ sidewaLk Fanca Electrical Label Mobile Home lk~7t#A i 1R~f//tEJ"Y ~. I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" if? 7119. 'J t:J 'J,b<P"Z./O , 155. '35'1. 5"0 I 1~.<?71. I -Zi'.~-t> I /t'7.;>~1 ~r. 7 ~ . ,. I .,7-5'~ I '?'~ ~ I /;5. -<> :::?O. .... CHARGE / t:? 7, ,50 5: '3& .//:2' .$81 * I "'3'7. S"O I I /5': -a I ?7-SC> I 9'?? ,pt> '7'-,,0 7'7". ~ I. I I I 1 ? -17 I I /..:;: d't!> I .7':> I /5- 7.>1. I I CHARGE CIIARGE ~SO h . -.:> /::J'.r:;z:> 2/. '25 .L 9/. 7.-S- /59i'~ 75"' . L-COG~ I r.ot I I P.&. Nortll 5"-6 Bedrooms: :::? r I Ener'1!1 SOio'ca3 I I ,!leat .r::"LE?T. AaCC8B. I I Water .Ilr>.atc1' fiLX:7 I I Rallr;e I' I / Fi rep lllcc I I Woodc to"q II TIme ~L:.,c;. T;;ve/Cor.st: Faaes - ,(/~;:R:rb Setbacks. Hou.se r:fll'aqe ~ %:~J.f' ~.Y' P.ast South IWest 7/ Building Value & Perm i t This pennit i8 grortted on the express condition tllO.t the said construction shall, in all l'CSpcctG, conform to the Ol'dinal;Ce adopted b"y the City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning CrdillQIWC, I'eguZatil1g the cCI13truaticn and UGe of buildings., and m,'1!J be BUlJpended 01" revoked at l:I:Y time upon vio- lation of any pI'Qvisior,8 of naid Ordir.aHcen. }/prE' )f4-L(JC 5#z,ruc.,t:> ,fj7pve l!!~"'r:':/ S"3! ~'S/..;;~ 1-'//7"# 7I~~q/~ p.~ fi'eV/~ ~~~ 1'1'/.?5"" 7?fl(.....~i.'&"" n~.:::- _Z' -?~'=l4.l'/~ ~~J-?7?1!""S,.,~....~ "'f;1YI-r?"J7- Y"" -,.,~ :arC:: 0;' ~.6 ~. ,,?/Oh'C' r-"4"'5 Ct:J'~ t:'-/':""'P I Plan Check Fee: loatc Paid: IRec<ipt H: ISi9"ed: Plumbing Pe r m it No perco" DhalL construct, instaUJ alter or chango G.ny new or e:::isting plwnbing or drainage system in :uhoZe or in part~ u.nless stich pel'r;on is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~ except tr~t a person may do plumbing work to property which is ow~edJ leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Perm it Where State Law requil'eB tr.at the electrical work be done by an Eleatl'ical Contractor~ the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the tabeZ has been signed by the Electrical :;ontractol'. Mechanical Permit a~-- ~~ Plan' ~iner t ~, l )- 3-89 Ute I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'4INED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that aU ir:fo't'TllG.tion hereon is true and corrcct, and I ful"th6l" c6rti[y that any ar.a all. work p6rtoY':'TIed shaU be M:16 in accor- dance :.nth the Ol.dina.nces of the City of SprinafieLd, and th& La-.JS of tho ... State of Oregon .p$rt.:zining to the lJOl'k described hcre~1tJ and tha; NO OCCU- PANCY wiLL be made of any structure ~ithout parmiG3io~ of the BuiLding Di- vision. I further certify that only cont}~ctorG a;;d empl~yee8 ~ho are in c~pliance with ORS 701.055 wiLL be used on this project Mvs~ c::Jign3d .)' --.s--Pi !Alte