HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-5 .. RESID.iNTlAL" APPUCA.N/PERMIT 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet SpI'ingfield, Oi'cgon 97477 Building Division 726-375,3 Job Loaation: 'if 0 5 /') L 'r'M fJ ( C- AaGeaao~G Nap N \1\()?l~'l4-~ In ;~~/ Taz Lot N O,l) \ 2J Subdivision: /.. (JT II 10UA.' to 5'7" tV ^' gLIB, Ct.mer: iT A-cl<. '2-1 66 b~ II I YSII) ~ Address: CittJ: I;. l!J6 erN (Z. ~Nm,' n Additicn n RemodeZ n ,'fobiZe llome Phone: {q")-boI3 (l) tr6/ Zip: De8cr"~be 1"01'1,: ~Uw G'~ "3 V~. 7"6 Value if J J 'd ':'-'b .?SO Dat. of Applicaticn If - /4 - <?9 Contractors Address General ~~ ,Plumbing \...t-a f'\r,..., \<~ I Hechanical ~1'\i\S,"'h\i'S, I El"etrLe"J ~~ Super'V5~il}g__~lectl..i{' j.ln j Rcae~pt .11 ~2~'S 13'11.01 siqr.e~Hi!XU Data: - f:>. s -p,-q Li sc. II , Bldrs Board Re~, p110np r7/1 INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPSCTTON: ~ To be made afte1' aZZ in8ul~tion a~~ required vapor' barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum boan:! or lXlU covering is applied, ani before any insulation is concealed. n DRyr,ALl, INSPECTTON: Tc be nnde LtJ after all drYlJall is in ..place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beamu, grou ting 01' veI'tica ls in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After installation is c..-cmpleteJ. []J IT] [KJ CURB & APPROACH APRON~ After- foPms are erected but p)'ior to pouroing \XJncrete. SIDElyllLK & DRIl'Efy<1Y: For all con- crete paving within strect right- of-wc.y, to bc made afteI' all exca- vating complete & foPm work & cub- ba~e material in.pla~e. gxoires It is the responsibility of tho pe~it ho~er to see that a~l inDpections are nade at the proper tim~, that eaoh ~e8B is readab:~ [room tho atl'eet. and that the PC}'mit card is located at the front of the property. ~Buitdi.~ Divi~io~ appl.oved plan sh~ll remain on tha Building Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RS.QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City desigl'Ulted job number, job address, typa of irlspec;icIl rosqucstcd ar.d when you will be ready for inspection, Contractor's 01' Owner's none and phon.e numbel'. Requests receil)ed befol's 7: 00 ,z:; :.,'ill be made the same dcy, requests mcde aft:;l' 7:00 an !JiLL bc made the next :.JOrki~ day. You~ CitoJ Desigr.ated Job l/umb"~ Ia: R~ rw..m1i 7:/,-/1 T'1{l'npf!f.i m-pl O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but p1'io1' to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRlCAL & MECHANICAL: To be made beJOl'B any W01'k is ~ovcred. [K] FOOTING 1 FOUND,1TION: To be !mae after trenches are excavated and fOrTnD are eroected, but prioI' to pouring ccncret~. UND8RG.WUND PLUMBINC; S.~f"ER. W.1TER, DHAINAGF.: To be made prio~' to [iL- Ur.g trenche::. Cd w UNDERFLOOR PLm.'8ING ,( MECHANICAL: To bo made prior to inatallation of floo1' inlJul.ation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of flooI' illsklation. 01' deckiTl{j. ROUGH PLW!BI!lC. ELECTRICAL ,~ MECH- ANICAL: No :J01'l:. is i:o bc cOI..'e}'ed until these inspections h~ve beer. made and approve~. FI.f:!EPLACE: Prior to pZacir.{J facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. FRA~!JNC: Must be requested afteI' appl'ov~l of rough plumbing, clectl'i- cal & mechallical. AlZ POoJ~ng bracing & chimneY."l. etc. nr.18t be aompletcd. No lJoI'k -in to be con- . cealed until thic inspection has . been made and approved. QJ ~ 10 [I] o !'ENCE: When compl;;te -- Provide gates 0'1' movable sections thI'ough P,U,F., ~ I m."f.lOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINCS :=J Sanitary Be-Jer ::appod ~t p~op{;rty lir.e :=J Septic tank p-~ed and fi7.1.~d LJith gra;;el :J Final - l{hen above ite~s are ccmpleted and ~hen demolition is complete or 8tru~M ture moved and premises ::leaned up. . Nobile Hemes :::J Blocking and Set-~p :::J Plwnbin--J connections -- S,CWaJ' and lJa tel' :::J Electrical Connection - Blockit~, setMup and plumbing connections nr~st ce approvz!. beforc requesting electrical inspect.io~ :::J Ac::oscol":i Building :J Final - AftDr p~rcr.e8, skirting, decks, eta. are completed. o All l;)'o,j,~ct condi:1:ons, :Jlwh a8 the ~..'18tallation of st}'cct trees, co.":rploti:m ot t;IC }'eq!dl'(!d lmu!:wr.pir.g, eta., must be satisfied bcfoI'e the BUIWINC FINAL can be l'3qucst.sd. [1] F Il/AL PI.UMBJlJG [2J FINAL NF.[;!/A:lICAf. [l] FINAL ELECTRICI.L o IZJ '5TT1'.R'T mC=E5 @ FINM. RUJlJ)TNC: The Pinal Building InDpectio1t must be requested atteI' thc Final r!.wnbi1IJ Elect.}'ical, aruI Mechar:ic:al Inspectionll have been made and approv.:Jd. ~11f,{. MANlIGl.ES AND CLEANOUTS IffJ8T BE ACCESSIBLF.. AD.lUST!/ENT TO BE f.l1VE AT NO C~ST TO CITY Il':l!~"~! or ~ JOB NO,~SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- II Zona: [ ~ Dc""""""" GrDU,.-"5 I Lot Sq, Fo/i, ..., "7? / WT TYPE , ,;.:;r Lot C:;ve}"~g:: ~77.e-. L Interior I' 1.# of Storiea / Corner I Total :lfoight' 1"8;;:'':' Panhandle Topography &'-:<'7'<::> CUI-de-saa L-COC-l',; Type/Cor.st: :;-.. 8e"1'00",s: -::;: - P~~,J/ 1'f Enel'(llI SOW1(!oG TI/[,e Setboaks I I Heat ~L;q:-7. r~ House r.m'Qt]o Access. I I Water Ynatf'.l' ~E~7 -- /% /~ I I R"'~;n N "g / I FircvlacG I I / Wood;~ tOlJe II 1 I I I I I I I I This pezirrr~t ia granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all l'espccts, conform to the Ol'dinal1Ce adopted Hy the City of Springfield, incZu.ding the Zoning Crdinallce, regulatillg the ccnatructicn and use of buildin.gll, and m:1.Y bC',GUDpmuied or revoked. at c':y time upon vio- Lation of any provisions of said.'ordinancea. I ~Te" YI9~P€ 5~~<..D ##Ve tf~ii9Y 5'"1,.::W;?YcO /;/h;w-/'f'e;:i.?'C 77 A=. ?UJ7Y /f€Y"~ kE ~ /.8?O!:i: 15~3'7'2.Y~~, -c7'2.=- .~ -' 1/'/ /- ~~_.-. ~._,_.,..... ~e,...-___ v,...... oc;.,~ ,."/ _ ;;;:.,r--,,,.. r-:;;;.~ ./"-r- 177~./f' "/Y1P4':= h//?-"'S Cp>&.(,-:-<-/""z> ?$'7. ~ /'1- ~S ~:;:? f'5" ' lITEM 'Ras, Sa. fta, III"') / I NQtJ/Extend Cil'cui ts \ Tempo~ary Service~ ~"W/J. '9e:::'3 st~ I~ A ~~~ II' '77-i::?C/ ?, '). ..-. '? ?s I 7$.75'1, IITEN Main l Gr..:rGaG SQ, FTG //15-'5" r9.Z::> ?"~,S Iov./c:> Carvot't ,lcC'cs801'1I I I TOTAL VALUI: IS,D,C, I ,vct.UCJ 1.5 x '5Z 3~~iYC> Building Permit State SW'charge Total Charg~a lITEM FixtUJ"BS I Residential NO. FEE ~ / ( ~~~~/hA'<,"~ (:l bath) Sani ta..,.!! SawCl' Water Plumbing Perr::i t State Surcr.arge TotaL Cha 68 NO. FEI: , , Electrical IPermit State Surchal"Qe Total Charges IT5M NO. FEE I FUrna.ce ETU' S I Exhau8 t Hood / Vent Fan ? 3r- 1!:WdJ. I Woodnto'/JB / 1~/A'.Nc" ~""' / Permit Issua11C2 Mechanical Pel"mi t State surcharoac Total Char~e(J -- ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~rit~ DsPOsit I Storage I Main tena~1'l I Permi t I I C'ur'bc..-ut I Sidew..1lk , Total CharcWB /~ ?~/ 7:1 / Fence Electrical Label Mobile Home x Value I 9'r2K~ 7.t?57.c:>$ CHARGE I I 5":<' -cJ"'" I '2~'-:> I /5:"-" I ;;ZO. -... / t?2 SO 5-3'& '/:7.&& CHARGE I -:? 7. S-C> CIlARCE ,6.- f/-5?? 6,. --c> /').' ==- 7'.- ?~.Sc> ";;"7"3 ?6;Z'3 A. CO 2t: -:?~ ~'?"/~6-?~ 1.B7gf> ?e/{/~ /i5:: I ;OTAL AMOUNT DUE:' 15z5-~ /5"" I Lot Faces I I P,L, INorth I""st South West /,,?-SO ;"p' Fees Building Value & Perm i t Iplan Check Fee: Date Paid: IRecdpt H: I Signed: .~ ~ ... Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, instalZ, aZter or change any neW cr existing pLumbing or drainage 8Y8t~~ in ~hole or in part, unLess such person is the legal, posoeslwr of a valid plumber's license, except that a pC:'DO't may do plumbing work to property which is ow~cd, leased or opcl'ated by the appli- cant. . , Electrical Permi t Where State &aw requires tr.at the electrical. work be done by an EZeatrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this pennit shall not be valid until the label has been dgned by the Electrical :::ontractor. Mechanical Permit , 4'kr-~~~ I>lph- Examt.nel' I/,I' ~'5-.$7. va.e I HAVE CAREFULLY eXAMINED t~lw completed application for pemit, and do hereby certify that all ir:for-mation hereon is true and correct, and I fol.l'ther certify that any ar.d all work performed sllal! be do:1e i:1 ac~or- dance :.lith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th:: [q..:s of tho " State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without parmis3ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify tha.t o:1ly contractors Q1;d e:npl.:Jye6s who are in compliance with eRS 701.05f3 wiU be used on this pl.ojact ,~ UJ~v. , ,~gn2d J-!:>-~8~ Dato